#11h ago
colorfulhottubcat · 6 months
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stewyhosseini-bf · 1 year
i hate to be this person and i mean nothing but good will but the person whos roman art you reblogged is a roycest enjoyer
oh alright, thank you for letting me know !
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harmoonix · 5 months
☘️ Zephyr ☘️
(Astrology Observations)
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☘️Do you recall, not long ago
We would walk on the sidewalk☘️
☘️Innocent, remember
All we did was care for each other☘️
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☘️ 11H placements especially Sun/Moon/Venus/Mercury make beautiful boundings with people, they're sending this peaceful energy to everyone
☘️ Some "Mini - Observations" if you have Moon aspecting Jupiter ☘️
You attract so much joy in your life
Easy manifestations
Spiritual People
Wise Soul
Powerful Intuition
Beautiful Smile
☘️ Mercury aspecting Moon natives are so good at telling stories, they have that type of humour combined with storytimes
☘️ If you have Saturn in your 1st/4th/10th or in Aries, Cancer or Capricorn your childhood years or the years til you become an adult can be the most roughest/difficult 🤍
☘️ Saturn/Chiron or Neptune in the 11H can sometimes izolate from others, if they feel like there is not their place they'll just leave for a better one
☘️ Sun/Saturn in the 12H can have disassociation issues, like they can disassociate/detach easily from people, is not their fault is just a protection mechanism
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☘️ Neptune/Sun/Saturn and Pluto in the 12H can cause trouble with sleeping, like you're always feeling tired or exhausted, you can have tired eyes
☘️ Gemini Mercuries/Moons have a very calming voice, that type of voice you can listen for hours!! Also the type of voice who gives you chills
☘️ Uranus sitting empty in a chart can indicate someone who is not aware of their gifts/talents and what you can do, you can change things into better even if you don't realize that
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But the night was warm
We were bold and young
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☘️ If you are an overthinker and you have Neptune or Chiron in the 7H don't enter in a relationship until you learn how to end these thoughts because it can create a lot of illusion towards your love relationships, try to work on your overthinking issues and things can get better
☘️ Sun aspecting Mercury is giving young soul/young kid vibes doesn't matter their age, their inner child is always active somehow! I love their cute vibes
☘️ Chiron aspecting your Midheaven can indicate collective healing, meeting people who have the same issues/problems/trauma as you? That's a sign
☘️ Lilith in the 5H or in leo degrees (5°, 17°, 29°) can feel like people come into your attention just to annoy/provoke you for no reason
☘️ Lilith in Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Libra (Cardinal Lilith) are generational breakers, you came here to end something toxic that your ancestors couldn't
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☘️ If someone has their Venus or Moon in the same signs as yours you can get along very good! Like from the first conversation
☘️ Sagittarius/Pisces Midheaven can have a spiritual path life because of Jupiter as their ruler, is not always about work is about combining spirituality with your everyday life
☘️ Pisces Jupiter/Jupiter in the 12H can have that type of spouse who will have an immediate connection with them, also a very spiritual or intuitive spouse
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All around, the wind blows
We would only hold on to let go
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☘️ Sagittarius Jupiter/Jupiter in the 9H is when Jupiter hits home, and feels the best, we can have a blessed/gifted relation with the spouse here, either a very beautiful spouse with an adventurous personality
☘️ Mars in the 3rd house/Mars in Aries/Aries in the 3rd house like to do things fast, they're like one minute here the next one there, always on speed
☘️ Jupiter in the 4th/Cancer can give that vibe of marrying someone from your childhood especially in your Vedic/D9 Chart!! I think is a very beautiful placement if you had lots of crushes in your childhood, you can end up marrying one of them later
☘️ Moon/Cancer/Taurus/Venus in your 6th can make you easily attached to animals, to nature, to your environment is always you attracting things out of the mother nature
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☘️ Some "Mini - Observations" if you have Juno asteroid aspecting Mercury
Good connection with the spouse
Eye to eye communication
You know what your partner is thinking about easily
Those long night stories/conversations with your spouse
The spouse can be younger than you
The spouse has a good eye for organizing and sleeping everything in order
☘️ When someone has their Mars sign opposite to yours, you can easily have that type of "harsh" relation between eachother
☘️ Lilith in Aquarius is when Lilith comes and says " I don't give a fuck about anything, I'll do my own thing", Their rebellious energy on top
☘️ In a relationship between a Virgo and a Scorpio, the Scorpio person will be dominant while the Virgo one can be more posesive
☘️ Capricorn Men are so cute like they just mind their business in like their own comfort, not disturbing anybody and just living their lives, is so peaceful
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Blow a kiss, fire a gun
We need someone to lean on
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☘️ If you have ever dated someone with Aries Placements what would you choose, riding for a rodeo or riding on their nerves because sometimes it feels like doing both
☘️ Leo Rising/Sun/Chiron heals when you finally started to accept yourself like "Bye to all of these useless things in my life and let the new things to arrive" and to love yourself more
☘️ I see so often Aquarius, Virgo and Gemini Risings being called as the "smart ass ones" because all these 3 signs rule over analytical intelligent skills
☘️ When you have Lilith aspecting Saturn in a way you don't get along that good with adults or with people who try to control you or to make you submissive to them
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☘️ Virgo Suns/Moons can put a lot of effort into all the things they do, they represent the "service" or "devotion" and they wanna make it to work
☘️ When you have Chiron in the 12H or in Pisces it can feel like people ignore your pain or they'll just go "over it", somehow it manifests like you just want tell someone how you feel and what it hurts you and just ignore it
☘️ Chiron on Aries or in Aries Degrees 1°, 13°, 25° can be afraid of trying new things, is like something stops them from doing that, you can always try make new things if you enjoy them
☘️ Pure Heart, Pure Love is someone what Venus - Moon aspects has, Venus makes them to be softly in love yet still very romantic
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What will we do when we get old
Will we walk down the same road
Will you be there by my side
Standin' strong as the waves roll
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☘️ Moon Dominant natives often have an oval face and sparkly/watery eyes, their eyes can be very sensbile though (to light) and they can often have problems with the vision
☘️ Earth Sign in your 2H suggest a love for finances/wealth/rich life, craving for luxury or for rare/expensive things
☘️ Sagittarius Placements are the epitome of "open minded people" they are accepting of everyone and everything. I just love their energy so much
☘️ A very prominent 6H can make you to be always in alert for your health, it can also show you get mentally exhausted fast and you can be lazy sometimes
☘️ North Node at 4°, 16°, 28° degrees can indicate having your own legacy from your family or ancestors is like a lesson they left, for you
☘️ North Node at 7° 19° indicates a life path where love finds its way in your life, it can be loving yourself or loving others
☘️ Capricorn/Aries/Taurus Moons/Risings are the roughest on the outside and very sensitive on the inside, they may act a bit too "rough" sometimes
☘️ 1st house ruler in the 9th > You need to TRAVEL/EXPLORE, visit as much as you can! Because thats how you can fullfil yourself/same if you have the North Node in the 9H
☘️ If you lack earth placements in your chart, you need more grounding/connecting with mother earth/walk barefoot in the nature/hug the trees/ lay on the grass/these are very good practices to embrace the earth
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When the nights are long ☘️
☘️Longing for you to come home
~ If my soul lived somewhere before my birth it would be 100% the pictures in this post ~ harmoonix
Blow a kiss, fire a gun
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astro-vogue · 3 months
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
• A while ago I made this poll asking if you guys would've liked me talking about real examples of synatry/composite charts of couples that worked out or didn't work out (romantically speaking), all coming from clients and friends of mine, hence most votes were positive here it is ♡
⟶ The chart below is from a client of mine (she/her) who faced a failed situationship with her ex partner (he/him)
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⟶ CONTEXT: these two people met online, he seemed like he had fell first and fell hard (almost obsessively) for her but she didn't like him from the start and only saw him as a dear friend and nothing more because she thought he was desperate. They dated for a month due to friends pressuring her to keep it going and even kissed once, she left him a week after confessing her true feelings for him and how toxic their connection actually was, in the end he only wanted to fuck her.
In my experience this is often a terrible aspect to have, the connection is incredibly karmic and oftentimes full of lessons and hard situations to work out, the connection is almost never flowing and serene, there's a level of restriction and friction that makes things seem cold all the time. At best may indicate a slow burning connection and a long term one, but with many sacrifices and hardships in between.
She broke his heart, she wounded him. Chiron represents wounds and the 5H is romantic connections, if we join the dots the result is this: Chiron person (she) wounded the 5H person (him).
Chiron in the 5H is another "complex" aspect to have, definitely not one to be joyous and cheerful about.
He idealised her to incredibly toxic levels (he thought she was the perfect one, an untouchable creature, someone almost god-like, a saviour for him) and Neptune rules over idealisation and the 10H represents pedestals, seeing others as "above you", so Neptune person (him) idealised the 10H person (her) tragically too much.
Unfortunately due to the overall chart, this placement indicated one sided love. He felt deeply for her but she didn't at all. His Venus was conjunct her Mercury in the 12H resulting in "I see you as a friend/brother". Mercury = siblings/friends.
Angular Uranus in synastry/composite is often about on & off connections, and this one is the perfect example for this. She saw him as a chain for her freedom, too clingy, also her 11H overlapped with the 7H = she saw him as a friend (11H) while he saw her as a perfect partner (7H)
Sun Conjunct Mars can be exciting and incredibly irritating at the same time, the Mars person (her) was often irritated by Sun and Saturn person behaviour (him) who was often very picky with her and overly annoying in the way of treating her in a very on and off way "I love you but I hate you".
This one explains the obsession he had for her. He was obsessed about her opinions about everything and wouldn't do anything if her approval wasn't there (Mercury), on a positive side they talked about very deep topics from the start and he trauma dumped her very quickly from the start (8H).
Yes, in the end she was right: he only wanted to fuck her. But he kept obsessing over her in a crazy way, all of his new girlfriends looked like her, kept sending her little "vengeful snaps" even when in a relationship with other girls and never forgot her.
Jupiter in this synastry acts like an "amplifier", the planet which makes things "bigger than they are", that's one of the indicators of the ASC person (him) idealising the Jupiter person (her) as his "perfect wife" or "perfect partner".
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
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astrosky33 · 11 months
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Aquarius/Pisces Sun
Sun in 10th/11th house
Uranus in the 1st/10th/11th house
Aquarius Midheaven
Aquarius stellium
Aquarius/Uranus dominant
Aquarius/Pisces Rising
Neptune in the 1st/10th/11th house
Sun/Midheaven - Uranus aspects
Sun/Midheaven - Neptune aspects
1° planets (especially Uranus)
Kim Kardashian - Neptune in 1H & Sun in 11H
Kim has started many trends. An example being contouring. She did not create it but she made it popular and made it a wide-spread trend a while ago
Emma Chamberlain - Uranus in 1H & Neptune in 1H
Emma has started so many trends but the biggest one in my opinion was the VSCO girl look. She was the OG VSCO girl back in 2018
Kai Cenat - Mercury at 1°
He has made several slang words popular on the internet such as rizz and gyat. Mercury rules over social media and 1° placements can show where we’re leaders and inventive
Uranus rules over inventions and standing out, Neptune rules over idealization and mirroring, and 1° rules over leaders and inventiveness
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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as the flowers bloom, my heart does too ⋆*·゚misa x putellas!femreader, social media au, (4/-)
when your relationship ends and all you want to do is hide and cry, flowers suddenly start to appear on your doorstep.
or; misa hating to see a pretty girl cry and suffer and going out of her way to cheer her up while staying anonymous
fic: see my masterlist 🤍
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marisabel_rguez: Back to basics 🤩 Liked by alexiaputellas, ireneparedes4, yourusername and 18,837 others
alexiaputellas 😇
ireneparedes4 She says while wearing an apple watch. ↳ mariona8co 😂 ↳ jennihermoso Don't forget the phone in her pocket that was going off every five minutes 🤣 ↳ marisabel_rguez What would we have done without maps? 🙆‍♀️ ↳ jennihermoso Walk around for familiar sites, but what would YOU have done without your lover texting you the entire time? ↳ mariona8co Probably turned into a whiny grump 😏 ↳ marisabel_rguez Not my lover. ↳ jennihermoso Booty call then? ↳ alexiaputellas Jajaja, go Misa! 😉
bff1 ohhh loving that lilac hoodie, think i've seen it somewhere before but in a green edition. can't remember where tho? ↳ yourusername on your wishlist, desperately waiting for the price to drop ↳ bff2 🤣 ↳ bff1 i deserved that 😂 ↳ username3 what are y'all doing here 👀
username1 misa or gandalf? ↳ username2 you shall not passss
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yourusername: getting back my spark 🙈 Liked by patri8guijarro, claudiaapina, marisabel_rguez and 1,349 others
marialeonn16 Still my favourite Putellas! liked by yourusername ↳ alexiaputellas I'll remember that 🤨
bff2 There’s our favourite happy gal again!!! liked by yourusername
bff1 look at my strong bad ass (hot) bestie liked by yourusername
alexiaputellas You never really lost it, you've always lit up our lives 😘 liked by yourusername
ingridengen Missed that smile of yours. liked by yourusername
bff3 So happy to see you so happy again ❣️ liked by yourusername
username1 omg with the barca gang <3
albaps9 ☺️ ↳ yourusername 😊
marisabel_rguez ❤️ liked by 94 others
marisabel_rguez Happiness is looking so good on you! Can you share your secret with me? liked by 83 others ↳ yourusername no, but i'll give you a hint: you're hot on the source's trail already. liked by 56 others ↳ marisabel_rguez How hot? liked by 36 others ↳ yourusername so so so unbearably hot. practically burning. liked by 46 others
username2 Misa! 😯 ↳ username3 it's happening!!!! everybody stay calm!!! ↳ username2 YN'S REPLY!!?? ↳ username4 the u-haul truck is waiting in the deposit centre, should i go pick it up? ↳ username5 umm, YES??! 😂 ↳ username4 vroom vroom ↳ username2 they should get a room with these comments atp ↳ username3 it's a good day for the queers <3
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↳ 42min ago: yourusername just added to their story
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↳ 35min ago: marisabel_rguez just added to their story
jennihermoso Girl, where are you going? Airport's the other way 😂 marisabel_rguez Jaja, my flight leaves from El Prat in Barcelona tomorrow, no layovers that way 😌 jennihermoso Where are you going? marisabel_rguez 🇮🇹! jennihermoso Ooooh nice, with who? The not-lover?🙃 marisabel_rguez No! jennihermoso Because she's no longer the not-lover but the yes-lover? Seen jennihermoso 😂 Delivered
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↳ 56min ago: yourusername added to their story
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marisabel_rguez: Good days ahead 🔜❤️☀️🌴🌊😎 Liked by yourusername, sofie.svava, ivanaandres5 and 16,323 others
sofie.svava And you better go and enjoy it to the fullest!
yourusername wepa! (and i love your hoodie!) ↳ marisabel_rguez adidas, all in or nothing ↳ yourusername what a good brand representative you are! ↳ marisabel_rguez 😌 ↳ marisabel_rguez I can give you a friends discount! ↳ yourusername ...ouch! but dw, i have the same one! ↳ marisabel_rguez Great taste! 😉
haleyraso vacay time!! 🌞
alexiaputellas Amigaaa! 🤩
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↳ 11h ago: marisabel_rguez added to their story
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↳ 7h ago: yourusername added to their story
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↳ 1h ago: yourusername added to their story
username1 okay, hear me out: yn was watching the men's national game against england on her story, a) when has she ever watched a game when ale or one of their friends weren't playing or it wasn't an important match? b) two cups on the table, c) the air forces on the carpet, which misa was wearing in her story this morning, d) they're BOTH hopping onto a plane on the SAME day??? username1 am i delusional or getting somewhere? 😭 username2 No you're not delusional, I screenshot Yn's comment on the tattoo post weeks ago right before she deleted it lmao username3 SHARE!! username1 i mean, the season's over so they are all on break and travelling somewhere username4 Yeah but they're usually going somewhere together. So if Misa's not on those pics with the others, we know where she's hiding, in putellas jr's arms 😂 username6 lmao I can't believe y'all did not see yn wearing the headphones in her latest story that was also in misa's story earlier today 🙃 username1 wait wait what lemme check- username3 gfs sharing things aka happy wife happy life username7 Okay sooo how popular is that brand exactly? You're all delulu. username4 Let us have this one 🤣😫
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yourusername: when the stars make you drool just like a pasta e fasule, that's amoreeee. 📍somewhere in italy. Liked by sakinakarchaoui, marisabel_rguez, victoriapelova and 2,489 others
marialeonn16 You and your pasta 😛 ↳ yourusername what can i say? i like saucy seasoned carbs
bff1 i see you picked up that hoodie after all ↳ yourusername thought it should go back to its original owner 😌
username1 how rude of you to not tag misa 😭 liked by yourusername
bff2 Girlieeee, yessss! Happy days are finally here 😘🌤 ↳ yourusername i love you!!
albaps9 when were you going to tell me you met a hot italian?? is this how i had to find out you got some action? now i know why you wanted another solo trip 👀 ↳ yourusername weren't you the one to tell me not to bother you with lovey-dovey stuff so long as you're single? so, SHUT UP. ↳ albaps9 omg ew, i don't like you sassing me, mini-me 😫 ↳ alexiaputellas What goes around...! ↳ yourusername I learned from the best tho!!! ↳ albaps9 🥹
bff3 Did you go to that gelato place I told you about? ↳ yourusername YES! THANK YOU.
sofiacantoree Hope Italy treated you well! 😊 liked by yourusername
juliagrosso7 Omg no way, I wish I had known 😢 ↳ yourusername rain check? i'm definitely coming back. ↳ juliagrosso7 Yes, please!
alexiaputellas I hope you didn't fall asleep while sunbathing again, tomato! ↳ yourusername ONCE! it happened only once ): ↳ alexiaputellas Besos from mama and stay safe 😘 ↳ yourusername tell her i love and miss her ↳ alexiaputellas She knows ❤️
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marisabel_rguez: Relax mode ON 😊☀️ Liked by leilaouahabi, alexiaputellas, bff1 and 17,843 others
alexiaputellas Enjoy 🤩
username2 🧐 ↳ username3 👀 ↳ username4 🕵️‍♀️ ↳ username2 yea this is not coincidental at all, they don't care anymore, or ever have 🤣 ↳ username2 soft launch? ↳ username3 at least now we know she's not with the other girlies on team vacay lol ↳ username4 Thought we were passed that stage already 🙂 ↳ username2 no real photos yet so no, we're not
mariona8co Who took the photosssss?????? ↳ jennihermoso Yeah, spill the beans MISA !! ↳ ireneparedes4 Her not-lover jajajaja ↳ mariona8co 🤣😭 ↳ jennihermoso Jajaja ↳ alexiaputellas She must be special if she ditched us for her! 😜
leilaouahabi Have fun 😉
sofie.svava aaaah have so much fun!! you two deserve this 👯‍♀️
Direct Messages
albaps9 hello maria isabel. albaps9 tell me, does my sister still hog all the bedsheets while she's sleeping? albaps9 and while i'm at it, tell her i'll kill her if she scratches my sunglasses albaps9 and you, if you hurt her in any way. accidental or not. vale? Seen
a/n have a lovely weekend everyone🌻
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coopers-hand · 1 year
your 6H and how you find comfort
TLDR: our 6H is responsible for our day to day lives, including our habits and routine. one thing about those is that through these repetitive actions people find the sense of familiarity, stability and comfort. the position of the ruler of this house will show you areas through which you may find this comfort❤️‍🩹 to gain more insight, look at the signs of both 6H and it’s ruler, as well as to your Moon and virgo-pisces axis! ٩(^‿^)۶
~ the position of your 6H ruler and how you find your sense of comfort
1H: pampering oneself, being pretty and comfy, and being well fed and having walked on their little walk, and their skin is moisturized and their nails are groomed — these people need to take care of themselves and their own body to feel comforted🍃
2H: those people may be the type of ppl that have their emotional support stuffed animal, or sweater, or coffee mug — anything, actually, that they can hold and touch and that has some physical weight to it. they may sleep with plushies and wear the same mittens their mom knitted for them centuries ago🧶☕️
3H: escaping to the books, movies, series, etc. — these ppl find the most comfort in stories and ways people share their thoughts with the world ✏️ so they may have their comfort piece of media that they keep coming back again and again
4H: sense of comfort is brought through the feeling of home and passed childhood. the perfume of their mother? that one sandwich they’ve been eating since they turned 5? that one pair of socks knitted by their grandma? you tell me 🥹 || I have my 6H ruler in here, and I find comfort in eating the same breakfast my mom was cooking for me when I was at school, so yeah…
5H: hobbies!! those people may be the ones that have been doing the same thing since childhood, like they’ve always been drawing with crayons, or collecting stickers, or crafting, or making little silly songs with their old electronic piano. they may find comfort in their old creative supplies, in their ancient watercolors they bought like in 7th grade, or in that one song that makes they soul dance itself out
6H: regime!! those people need to have their own familiar structure of life, even if this structure doesn’t make sense for everybody else. they need their morning walks, they need their sunday movie nights with that one person, they need to do this exact type of exercise bc it’s important for them and only they will get it.
7H: those people are about lifelong relationships, they may be one of the most devoted partners you can find. they find comfort in people they’ve been with since forever, they are feeling sure and good and comfy around their best friend that they’ve known for 20 years, that they’ve grown up with and that they share almost all of their life experiences with👭
8H: those people need their alone time. they need their sacred space, their little castle that nobody can invade and make them put on a human suit again. they find comfort in knowing that there’s completely no one around so that they can be so much and unapologetically alone and themselves.
9H: those people are the greatest optimists, that will not let the humanity destruct itself in the storm of hate and pessimism. those people always know that there’s hope, that the world is a good place to be in, that there’s joy and love and laughter and cool people and also little animals and big animals and flowers and so much more!! I love them so much omg sorry but those people literally save the world by finding their own sense of comfort😭
10H: another type of people that need the structure, but, on the contrary with 6H fellas, this is kind of an external structure. it may be a literal social institute that provides them with it (e.g. school, work, gym membership, language clubs??), or a kind of style of living that they accept to follow. those people may find comfort in knowing that they have their life together, in knowing what will happen tomorrow🏹
11H: those people crave the sense of belonging. they need to know that they are not alone in this world, that there’s at least another person on Earth that can say ‘hey! im here! I know how you feel’. the greatest sense of comfort for those people is knowing that they are understood.
12H: hello my lovely existentialists 🥰 for these people comfort may look like something unattainable, bc they are prone to existential dread every working day and holidays included. however, the sense of comfort is attained through daydreaming, sleeping and meditating — and also other 1000000 things that can be linked to sleep. I also have noticed that those people may need more sleep than others to stay healthy. so, remember — it’s not that the world hates you, maybe you just had very little sleep in the night💤
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90363462 · 10 months
11h ago
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cleopatre31 · 2 years
-That's insane how vedic astrology shows the letters in the name/ moon sign/appearance/character/job and when and where you will meet of your spouse!! I decided to put more details that i find in vedic in spouse reading (i noticed that there are more informations about the spouse in vedic than western). Be quick to buy cuz i will close the readings in a month!!
-Mercury in 11H= Being a gossiper/ the person who knows everything/ a professsional stalker. You guys have to be a FBI agent at this point.
-Neptune in 10H/ conjunct mc= Being seen as a very nice person/angel even if this is not the case by the public. I know someone who has this placement and people see always her as a very innocent and good person while she was a b*tch loll
-Chiron in 1H, i'm so sorry that people made you feel like you are a big shit/ a joke, that everything is wrong with you or you are not enough, but i swear you that there is nothing wrong with you and you are enough <33
-Saturn in 1H/ conjunct asc people, i swear that either they appear older than they are or it's the complete opposite. In any case, they age like wine.
-Venus in taurus/ leo/ virgo/libra stop forgive your gf/bf who litteraly cheated on you!!! You don't have to be loyal towards a j*rk a*s and i know that you seek excuses or don't believe that they cheated on you but i promise they did and there is no excuse
-Prominent capricorn placements woman= the rich and cool auntie
-In every family, there is a 40+ years old virgo sun auntie who is waiting to marry like for years, in mine she was a pisces but had prominent virgo placements (she was my mom's aunt and died 4 years ago)
-Gemini sun people are so easily noticed omg!!! Maybe bc i have two gemini siblings idk but i really notice quickly gemini sun people, like they all have the same vibe that's hard to explain.
-Inversely, sagittarius sun people (especially when they have a scropio stellium) are unnoticeable. I either think that they are a scorpio or a capricorn lmaooo
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erinptah · 7 months
cptdanversbiggestfan reblogged spudly0 1m ago
sowl Follow 14h ago
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#superhero tag #Moon Knights #screaming crying throwing things
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gnu-tony-stark Follow 13h ago
Someone from Jewish tumblr please translate for the rest of us??
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mishegascleo Follow 11h ago
So it's a TikTok (from the official Moon Girl account, don't think she and the Moon Knights are actually affiliated, but I guess they team up sometimes?) of a Moon Knight saying a long paragraph that basically boils down to "don't be a jerk on the internet."
The reason Jewish Tumblr is flipping out about it is, this 1-minute video is packed with bits of Yiddish and Hebrew. Some highlights:
mishegas = insanity, craziness, wackiness
geneivat da'at = lying or misrepresenting something, literally "stealing knowledge"
kvetching = complaining
mitzvah = a commandment, specifically a good deed that Jewish people are commanded to do
schmuck = a dick, in both the literal and figurative senses
lashon hara = callout culture (no seriously, it's when you spread bad news about people that's factually accurate, but you're not doing it to help anyone or improve a situation, you're just reveling in the drama)
mishpocheh = family, including chosen family
And he uses them all right! And he's talking so fast, but the pronunciation is spot-on. There's no acCENT on the wrong sylLABle. Even if someone else wrote it for him, he wouldn't be that casually fluid if this wasn't a mode he was already used to talking in.
ORTHODOX MOON KNIGHT IS JEWISH, Y'ALL. And not a new convert (this is not a dig at converts, you are loved and valid!), but someone who grew up in a community that talked like this. My heart.
#superhero stuff tag #Moon Knights #the others aren't in the video but he implies they're Jewish too #this is the least important thing about all this but-- #it is officially kosher to call them Orthodox and Reform now #see what I did there
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mishegascleo Follow 6h ago
Seeing a whole lot of schmucks in the replies going "no ACTUALLY he pronounced such-and-such wrong."
Well, I am here to tell you that Jewish people are found in all different regions and cultures! What you are hearing is a specific accent, not "pronouncing things wrong." Hope that helps!
#not gonna try to pin down the exact accent #that feels uncomfortably close to doxxing #let's just say I know a few people who pronounce stuff EXACTLY the same way #and leave it at that
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allthegoodthorfanblogsweretaken Follow 2h ago
Ok but if they ARE confirmed Jewish, doesn't that make it INCREDIBLY problematic for them to be working for an Egyptian god? Like is this really the representation we should be excited about??
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spudly0 Follow 46m ago
real people cannot be bad representation of their own identities you walnut
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colorfulhottubcat · 5 months
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The woman does not want a barking monkey or a ferocious beast, but a tiger to walk beside her.
A. J. Christian
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romancefranaticstay · 6 months
—(••÷[ 𝓢𝓮𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓰𝓪𝓲𝓷 ]÷••)—
Bangchan x fem!reader
Category: angst, fluff
A/N: made a one-shot from mine own sad experience's :(
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I am so happy i am first in line. I hope this Museum will be interesting, Titanic Expidition, very very interesting. My mom and dad are discussing something about taxe's and that stuff. My brother is listening to some weird music.
I am observing everyone, when suddenly someone come's standing in the other line. He had black hair and his lips are very big and plump. I am trying to observe him when he suddenly turns his head and stare's at me for a second. His eyes were shining and glinstering.
I am standing in the row from 11h and he in the row from 10h30. Guess i won't see him again, sadly. His row is going inside. He has some company with him, i guess it are his parents and his little sister. I am looking at the clock, its 10h40... so i need to wait for another 20 minutes.
<Time skip>
I am inside and i immediatly try to look for the boy. When i come inside i see him standing next to the replica from the Titanic. He was standing next to his mom. I am skipping some parts of the Museum just to get close to him. Also i am dragging mine father with me, because i am to scared to get lost.
<A little time skip>
We are making eye-contact the entire time, and he sometime's bumps into me. His arms touched mine back. I could litterly scream right now, but i won't, because we are in a museum. I observe him from afar. His eyes constantly locking with mine.
I am to scared to go up to him, but maybe i should, because the museum is almost over. We are at the last destination of the building.
<Some minutes later>
Mine parents are walking way to quickly through the museum, almost skipping everything. We are reaching the gift shop, but i am way to scared to go towards him, because he is standing next to his mom. And what if he doesn't like me back? Maybe i am delulu.
I am trying to go around the giftshop as slow as possible. Finally i see he is standing alone. So i think its mine time to give it a shot.
'Y/N, come, its time to go!' mine mom shouted
Oh no no no no, i don't want to go. My parents wanted to go eat, so they pleaded by mine ear to go. They dragged me outside the Museum.
I just wanted to look a last time in his eyes.
I am praying that this goodbye isn't forever.
You were now 24. Still single, as always. Never been into a relationships, since you promised yourself to only give your heart away to that mysterious boy.
Even tho it was ten years ago, you still thought about him. He was just special, you could call it love at first sight. You were thinking about him everyday. Just wondering where he could be now. Still hoping you could see him again, but not searching for it yourself.
Because if its true-love, you two shall meet again. Even tho after 10 years, you kind of stopped believing in it. You sometime's teared up of the fact you will never see him again.
You were sitting on a bench, scrolling through your phone. The trains were very loud and the people around you also. You decided to put on your headphone's, just to get a bit distracted.
Suddenly your eyes looked up to the right and you saw someone standing there, he was wearing headphone's. Suddenly your eyes met eachother. His eyes widen and you were frozen. You couldn't believe you found him again.
There were many people on the perron so you two lost sight of eachother, but this time you wouldn't let him slip away. You stood up and started to go towards him. It was very difficult because everyone was pushing eachother.
Also that mysterious boy, his name was Bangchan, started to look for you. The crowd tried to enter a train. You were still pushing people away when you felt someone's hand on your waist. That strong hand turned you around and you saw him.
It was night, so after that crowd entered the train, you two were left alone. He hugged you tightly.
<Never thought i would see you again.> he said, still hugging me.
You looked up to him, with your doll eyes. His gently grabbed your chin and brought it closer to his face. His face falling on your lips. He brought his lips towards yours and kissed you.
Your two tongues melting with eachother. Your arms embracing his neck to deepener the kiss. His hands exploring your body. His hands going to your back. You two stood there kissing for a while. Luckily there was nobody around.
<You aren't going to slip away from me this time, baby.>
<I won't, never leaving your side.>
He brought you again into a kiss, full with passion.
Some advice for all those girls who lost their prince/princess like mine.
If its true-love, you two will reconnect, have patient.
If faith doesn't reconnect you both again, it has a reason for it.
Your prince/princess is somewhere there outside, he/she will come by when the moment is right.
fourth of april 18:57-19:00
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soleius · 2 years
🏹 sun signs as i see them;
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happy valentine day my loves!
heres a lil something i’ve been working on for awhile as i’ve hit 100 followers (now 300+ >w<)
a feel good post w/ intentions to get ya to smile <3
i appreciate you all so much
lots of love, daisy
aries/1h sun: you’re the embodiment of ambition, that glorious spark of motivation. you’re the image of when dawn breaks, that fiery red hue. you’re who i look at during times of desperation, the light of perseverance in a room full of hopelessness. the feeling of full marks after sleepless nights of frustration, my most prized possession, a taste of satisfaction.
taurus/2h sun: you're the sight of freshly baked goods on display children beg their mothers for a taste. you're a warm cup of coffee enjoyed in the streets of paris, a garden of fresh flowers tended to for several hours. you're my stubborn moments in time where i know im wrong, but i'll still fight. you're the image of precious gifts i buy despite being shy, to express my love.
gemini/3h sun: you’re days of endless conversations, where there seems to be no end in the best possible ways. you’re moments of self realization, times when self discovery is at its best. you are what it feels to be learning new ideas from someone else, a fresh perspective when you’re so introspective. you’re my best friend in moments i needed someone the most.
cancer/4h sun: you’re the feeling of listening to my favourite music from several years ago. the remnants of innocence i still carry as child, a memory so distant it almost feels like a dream. the sounds of happy chatter amongst loud clatter. you're the comforting hug from a mother, that friend that says everythings all right. you're the reassurance in times of doubt.
leo/5h sun: you're my warm summer's day spent looking at art pieces on display. an appreciation card filled with love and adoration, crafted with much consideration. you’re the epitome of loyalty, a light of positivity. the true embodiment of confidence, a genuine compliment given at random. you’re the feel good moments in life when giant smiles are shared amongst us.
virgo/6h sun: you’re long conversations of areas i want to improve in life, where we share each others plans and feel that surge of motivation to be better when we’re with each other. you’re those moments in life people consider mundane, but i call it comfort. a cup of freshly brewed tea and a lingering scent of lavender laundry detergent.
libra/7h sun: you're my days of self care, and a genuine breath of fresh air. you’re what i imagine gentle smiles in a crowd full of people, a charming stranger one hopes to meet again but never will. you're what ideal relationships seem like, the genuine thought of falling in love. a star amongst the dozen, one that shines brightest although all so similar.
scorpio/8h sun: you’re the embodiment of deep conversations held between two lovers. a secret kept for eternity maintaining sweet serenity. you’re the deepest depths of my mind meant for no one, a sweet indulgence made for someone. you’re a puzzle to be uncovered, but only by those you allow to discover.
sagittarius/9h sun: you're my late night drives blasting music without a care. the feeling of an impending adventure, the type of conversations with friends people would have to censor. you're the embodiment of luck and an absurd memory of winning a green duck. fun is wherever you go and that’s something you’ve always known.
capricorn/10h sun: you’re moments in life where all eyes are on you, centre of attention without meaning to. you’re the embodiment of authority and chic elegance, an air of admiration others fawn over from afar. a moment of silent confidence and unwavering determination. you’re the taste of sweet satisfaction among bitter hearts.
aquarius/11h sun: you're my outta pocket conversations held between friends i'll treasure forever, sounds of undistinguishable cackles-borderline cries. you're my otherworldly discoveries in the deep depths of my mind, the feeling of insanity in a crowd full of none. a scientific discovery meant for humanity, a founder of innovation among your collections.
pisces/12h sun: you’re my iridescent hope in a room full of despair, my childish inner thoughts in a world full of adults. you’re impossible to grasp, an illusion i dream. you’re the image of the moon glimmering over an watery scene. you’re who sirens fail to imitate at night, because you’re just so one of a kind. a piscean child, neptune’s pride. a sweet daydream during my loneliest of nights.
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© soleius 2023 all rights reserved. do not copy, paste or repost my content anywhere. reblogs are fine :)!
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kcyars99 · 2 months
READ THIS!!!!! Stop arguing with bots. Report. Hide their replies. Block. Then get back to work. Amplify @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @BidenHQ Volunteer https://events.democrats.org Work the polls http://weall.vote/recruit Tell people about Project 2025 http://TrumpsProject2025.com
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Me at the media for not condemning trumps behaviors and actions but spread lies and was relentless about Bidens age and all the hews and rich white men who want him to drop out because they are ableist weak as fuck bedwetter and because they don’t want THE COUNTRY TO BE RUN BY A BLACK FEMALE
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Interlude 11h, Live Reactions
This is the one I've been really waiting for. So I'm going to go all out for this, because it's, you know, the Interlude. The only one from Arc 11 really worth reading. A key reason I'm even reading Worm in the first place, since if Amy hadn't done this and all that flows from it, Worm probably wouldn't have caught my interest enough back when I made that errant comment.
All the attendant 'this is a live reaction' stuff applies.
Amy sat on her bed, staring at the piece of paper in her hands.  The header at the top was stylized, a silhouette of a superhero with a cape flowing, with a script reading ‘The Guild’ extending to the right.
Given how Amy is going to be reasonably important for the next few arcs, and then show up significantly more in the back half of the work than she did Arcs 1-11, I kind of feel like...
This is too late to be getting our first Amy POV?
I mean, Amy's been sort of lurking at the end of the narrative for a while, and blind readers have presumably guessed all the teases about Amy are building up to something, and they are, but like...
A lot has to be fit into this Interlude, all at once, and maybe some of it could have, and indeed should have, been shown earlier, I'm gonna guess?
Like, any hypothetical worm TV show is absolutely going to have to show some of Amy's life much sooner than this. It's just not going to work if this is suddenly the first glimpse we get of Amy's perspective.
Mrs. Carol Dallon.  Brandish, Let me open by stating my condolences for the loss of your brother-in-law, nephew, and your husband’s injury.  I have heard New Wave is currently considering disbanding, and you have my best wishes, whatever route you end up taking.  We have too few heroes and heroines to lose them, and even fewer of the truly good heroes and heroines who set the standard for everyone else, parahuman and human alike.  If finances ever become a concern, know that all you need to do is ask, and we will find you employment among the Guild’s uncostumed staff. Knowing what you have been through as of late, it is with a heavy heart that I send you this message with further bad news.  Marquis, interred in the Baumann Parahuman Containment Center, confided to another inmate that he fears for his daughter’s life.  I have checked the facts to the best of my ability, and the details I have been able to dig up match with his story.  I must warn you that Allfather may have arranged for Amy Dallon to be murdered at some future date, in revenge for his own daughter’s death at Marquis’ hands.
WHY? Allfather is dead. Kaisar is dead. What made you think that this threat is at all likely to be borne out?!
She had to stop reading there.  The paper had been on Carol’s bedside table, and Amy had found it while collecting a change of clothes for Mark a week ago.  Carol had probably been reading it to him late the previous night, and maybe forgot to put it away due to a mixture of exhaustion and the distractions that came with waking up each morning to a disabled husband and a ten-year career in jeopardy.
This is Carol. Fuck her. She left it out on purpose.
(Okay, probably not, but remember This Is A Carol Dallon Hate Blog)
Marquis had been an aspiring crime lord in the bad old days of Brockton Bay.  It had been a time when the villains had been flocking to the city to profit off the booming tech and banking sectors, to recruit mooks and henchmen from the city’s unemployed dockworkers.  It had been an era when the heroes hadn’t been properly established, and the villains had been confident enough that some didn’t give a second thought to murdering any heroes who got in their way.  Marquis included. The bad old days were how Carol and Mark referred to that time.  There were more heroes now, and there was more balance between the good guys and the bad, but things were arguably worse now.  Everything was in shambles. Marquis had been an osteokinetic.  A manipulator of both his own bone and, provided some was exposed, the bones of his enemies.  He’d been notorious enough that she’d heard about him despite the fact that he’d been arrested more than a decade ago, that the city and the public had remembered him.  He’d lived in the outskirts of the city, residing in a large house in the woods, just beneath the mountains.
If Amy wasn't quite so neurotic, and hadn't been gifted by so many fucking issues by Carol, Marquis being her dad shouldn't have bothered her this much.
Because yes, villain. Yes, evil. But also - less evil than the Teeth. Less evil than E88. Less evil than Galvante. He was notorious. He did do a lot of bad things. But of all the options that were likely, he's... the best one? Unironically, any of the alternatives of that era would have been worse.
It's kind of hilarious, in an infuriating way, she melts down so much over the news that the best behaved of Brockton Bay's old class of villains is her dad. And it's because Carol gave her this stark, black and white 'Criminal is a state of being, not defined by choice' mindset.
So convinced that she's a monster already, between her power, her feelings for Vicky and Mommy dearest, this just feels like proof.
To all reports, the man had been heartless, callous.  Wasn’t she?  She couldn’t bring herself to care anymore when she went to the hospitals to heal the injured and sick.  It was a chore, something she made herself do because people wouldn’t understand if she stopped.  There were only so many people she could heal before she became desensitized to it.
Because you became inured to it, Amy! You did care once! Don't do this to yourself!
*shakes Amy by the shoulders* PLEASE!
Not hard to pull the pieces together.  She could remember how quickly Neil had dropped the subject when he realized she was listening.  He hadn’t outright said that they’d caught Marquis, but she could imagine that the weaknesses that Neil had been outlining had been what they’d used.  Send Lady Photon, Brandish and Fleur against the man.  Add the fact that Amy had been there, a toddler, and Marquis had been too concerned about collateral damage to go all out.
Toddler? Wait, I thought Amy was six?
Oh, right, #Wildbowsucksattime
But yeah. Let's attack the supervillain in his own home and let his daughter get caught in the crossfire! Oh, you didn't know about her? And if you'd killed her, that would have mattered not at all.
The slight hurt more than she’d expected.  It wasn’t like it was something new.  It had been going on for weeks.  And it was fully deserved.
No. It really isn't. Fuck you Victoria. Amy has very good, if probably misguided, reasons for not doing brains. Leaving aside the fact of her fears of her power and stuff, messing with brains is no simple prospect. Even if she could heal him, there's no guarantee it's Mark again. And if she did heal him and he came out not Mark, not the Mark they knew, who the fuck do you think gets the blame for that from Carol?
Sure as shit not you, Vicky!
Like, yes, Back in Interlude 2, we get a bit of foreshadowing, Vicky's belief that Amy does need to learn to do brains, needs to accept she may need to do them. And Vicky was right then. But she has no right to get angry at Amy, to act like what Amy is doing by refusing to break her rule, is doing something wrong. Yes, I wish Amy would do this. I wish Amy would be willing to break her rule, just a little, to help Mark.
But pressuring Amy like this, getting upset with her, guilting her - fuck you, Vicky. Fuck you.
Again, I feel like this is the sort of thing we needed to see sooner.
It was all falling apart.  This family had never fully accepted her.  Being in the midst of a family that all worked together, it was hard to preserve secrets.  Amy had learned a few years ago, overhearing a conversation between Carol and Aunt Sarah, that Carol had initially refused to take her in.  Her adoptive mother had only accepted in the end because she’d had a job and Aunt Sarah didn’t.  One kid to Aunt Sarah’s two.  When she’d taken Amy in, it hadn’t been out of love or caring, but grudging obligation and a sense of duty.
Hm. And maybe, just maybe, that's why Amy feels so obligated to burn herself out by constantly healing. Maybe, just maybe.
Jesus christ, I will be forever amazed that Wildbow created a character that is the fucking PLATONIC IDEAL of a Woobifiable character and then had the gall to be surprised people were woobifying her.
Man just never has understood how fandom works.
Victoria was appalled, seething with anger, brimming with resentment, because Amy couldn’t, wouldn’t, heal their father. They’d fought, and Amy hadn’t been able to defend her position, 
I find that very hard to believe. it's not hard to defend 'doing brains is a very bad idea'.
Then again, Amy is under insane stress and pressure and people aren't very good at reasoning through shit under pressure.
Again, I really feel like this needed to be spaced out better. Maybe 11h being the first Amy POV is fair, I can see why he'd do that, but these details about Mark, at least? That needed to come out sooner. It's just -
Too much is being packed in here. Too much.
The letter.  Carol wasn’t angry in the same way Victoria was.  What Amy felt from her ‘mother’ was a chill.  She knew that she was only justifying the darker suspicions Carol had harbored towards her since she was first brought into the family.  It was doubly crushing now, because Amy knew about Marquis.  Amy knew that Carol was thinking the same thing she was. Marquis was one of the organized killers.  He had his rules, he had his code, and so did Amy.  Amy wouldn’t use her power to affect people’s minds.  Like father, like daughter.
I mean, a lot of this is just Amy's own neuroses working against her, but seriously, people who act like Carol isn't the source of virtually every one of Amy's problems baffle me. People don't think like this without a reason. Carol's behavior gave her reasons to think like this.
A girl stood in the living room, five or so years younger than Amy.  Her blond hair had been curled into ringlets with painstaking care, but the rest of her was unkempt, filthy.  She stared at Mark, who was struggling and failing to stand from the couch.
Fucking Bonesaw.
Normally I like to call people by their names, rather than dignify them with their stupid cape names, though it depends, but no. Bonesaw doesn't get a name. Fuck her. I hate Bonesaw. Unfair? A little, yeah. She's a victim, a worse victim than nearly anyone else in Worm, arguably.
I just don't care.
Amy, kill her. Kill her right here. Right now.
“Yes!  I can’t even begin to tell you how hard it was.  I mean, I had to conduct the operation from a remote location, using robots, because I would lose my Tinker powers if I got too close to the big lug.  And I had to fit their bodies and nervous systems together so that they could use their powers without messing up the other.”
Oh, my heart bleeds for you, Bonebitch. Tell us all about how hard it was to make a monstrous freak of nature! As if you and your little brain parasite (shard) didn't love every psychopathic second of it.
Bonesaw smiled.  “I thought you’d appreciate this more than anyone.” “Appreciate this.” “You’re the only other person who works with meat.  I mean, we’re different in some ways, but we’re also really similar, aren’t we?  You manipulate people’s biology, and I��tinker with it.  The human body’s only a really intricate, wet machine, isn’t it?”
I can honestly only laugh at the level of delusion this horrible little girl possesses. Not funny laugh, just... what the fuck else is there to do laugh.
“That’s good!”  Bonesaw smiled at Amy, “I knew we’d make a good team!” “Team?”  What could she say or do to escape?  Failing that, was there anything she could use to kill herself, so Bonesaw couldn’t get her hands on them, turn them into something like those things?  In the worst case scenario, she could use her power on Mark before finishing herself off.
Alternate universe where Bonesaw never gets it into her head that Amy should be her buddy.
Alternate universe where Bonesaw gets killed in a freak accident involving a frozen turkey falling from a great height at high velocities and squashing her.
Alternate universe where Bonesaw dies messily and bloodily and her body burns in a fucking nuclear fire.
“Language!”  Bonesaw admonished, with surprising fierceness.
I...I can't take this seriously.
I hate Bonesaw, for what she does to Amy, for how her fucking delusions lead to Amy's life being destroyed, but again, she's not actually that compelling. She's just...
Sick and twisted and...
Fucking annoying.
'Language'. Right. She really cares that much about it. Because Jack Slash really cares that much.
“Jack’s taken me on as his protegé.  Teaching me the finer points of being an artist. 
Artist? Artist? Artist? Artist? ARTIST?
My GOD is Jack Slash pretentious.
Actually, dare I say it?
Jack Slash is Edgy.
(What. I need to find something to laugh at as I read this or I'll combust with how much I hate Bonesaw right now)
(I genuinely don't understand fics that want to imagine some Amy & Bonesaw friendship, or Amy and 'Riley' or whatever, in some universe where Bonesaw does what she does to Amy and then survives to be redeemed or something. Even if Amy went evil and joined S9, I can't imagine her gleefully embracing Bonesaw's delusions. an S9 Amy probably murders Bonesaw at the first opportunity.)
and they’re kind of family.  I want you in my family, Amy Dallon.”
And I want to enter this work of fiction, grab you, and string you up by your entrails.
But we can't always get what we want, Bonebitch.
Amy looked at her hand.  She’d just taken a life.  A mercy, most probably, but she’d killed.  Something she had promised herself she would never do. She shivered.  It had been so easy.  Was this what it was like for her father?  Had she just taken one more step toward being like him?
See, and now this is where the problem with rigid moral codes hits. When they don't have any flexibility, for situations like this, when you build this hard, solid edifice and expect it to hold up against everything...
It's strong, sure, but it's brittle. And when you, like Amy, pin your entire sense of yourself, your entire sense of being a good person, on a few rigid codes, you absolutely will shatter.
Amy absolutely shouldn't have built herself such an inflexible moral edifice. If the girl had had any sort of actual therapy, she might not have. If she'd had a mother that wasn't Carol, she might not have.
But she did.
And it shattered.
Again... I just don't understand Wildbow, and Ward. Slaughterhouse Nine, and the role they played in destroying Amy's psyche and sense of herself and sense of morality barely shows up in the text, because god forbid we allow context to get in the way of his weird attempt at a rape culture metaphor or whatever the fuck he was on.
“Ready to join?” Bonesaw asked, looking for all the world like a puppy when her master had the leash out, ready for a walk.  Eager, brimming with excitement.
And the funny part is that this useless waste of carbon atoms actually thinks that's all that's needed.
and then we could make one superperson out of a hundred capes, and all of the powers would be full strength because you helped and we could use it to stop one of the Endbringers,
Oh fuck off Bonesaw. You wouldn't dare do anything so interesting as use your creations to fight an Endbringer. and even if you were capable of mustering enough vision for that, Jacky McEdgelord would hardly let you do something so creative.
“No,” Amy said.  Then, just to make it clear, she added, “No, it’s not going to happen.  I won’t join you.” “You will!  You have to!” “No.” “I have to do like Jack said.  He said I won’t be a true genius until I’ve figured out how to get inside people’s heads.” “Maybe- Maybe you won’t be inside my head until you realize there’s no way I’m going to join the Slaughterhouse Nine.”
You know, I'm not really interested in 'Amy goes off the rails level evil' fics, but you know what? Let's have one of those. Bonesaw breaks Amy and then Amy kills her and the rest of Slaughterhouse Nine because why the fuck would she hang out with them? If Amy really stopped caring and wanted to go evil, there's still no reason for her to be so BORING as to join Uselesshouse Nine
“I’m doing you a favor, really!”  Bonesaw raised her voice to be heard over the screams.  “You’ll thank me!”
I mean, I hate Bonesaw, I hate her with the heat of a million suns. And I don't hate any of the other members of S9 because again, BORING.
So in that sense, Bonesaw is a compelling villain.
But she's also boring, because she's just...
Nothing interesting about what she's doing. Torture and hybrid monsters and plagues and murder just for the sake of it. She learns all this shit about powers and does nothing with it.
I hate her so much not because she's compelling in her own right, but because I'm so obsessively into Amy as a character, and so desperately want her to be happy.
Everything else in the world seemed to drop away.  She pressed her forehead to his.  Everything biological was shaped in some way by what it had grown from and what had come before.  Rebuilding the damaged parts was a matter of tracing everything backwards.  Some of the brain was impossible to restore to what it had once been, in the most damaged areas or places where it was the newest growths that were gone, but she could check everything in the surrounding area, use process of elimination and context to figure out what the damaged areas had tied to. She felt tears in her eyes.  She had told herself she would heal him and then leave the Dallon household.  Actually doing this, fixing him, taking that plunge, she knew she would probably never have found the courage if she hadn’t been pushed into it. It wasn’t that she was afraid to get something wrong.  No.  Even as complicated as the mind was, she’d always known she could manage it.  No, it was what came after that scared her more than anything.  Just like finding out about Marquis, it was the opening of a door she desperately wanted to keep shut.
Again. Platonic ideal of a woobifiable character.
I just
I just don't get so many people.
This this -
Who the fuck reacts to 'I'm saving my dad from a serial killer by healing his brain' with 'I need to run away from home as soon as I'm done?'
Someone who desperately doesn't want to do bad things. Who is terrified of themselves. Who has more baggage than an airport and more issues than a Hudson News.
Someone who is intensely fucked up, and knows it and doesn't know what to do about it.
Certainly not someone who has just been... what, we're supposed to believe she was just waiting for the opportunity to mess with Vicky's brain? The excuse? That what she does to Vicky was the real her the whole time?
If I somehow had enough money to convince Wildbow to sell all the legal rights to all of the Wormverse, nuking Ward from existence across the Internet would be step 0. Also nuking r/parahumans.
The tagline of the Wormverse may as well be 'creating compelling characters the author somehow doesn't understand since 2011. Now with bonus queerphobia and racism!'
Her face burned with shame.  She made her way to her room and began packing her things into a gym bag.  Clothes, toiletries, and other things, mementos.  A small scrapbook, a memory card filled with pictures of her, her cousins and her sister.  She found a pad of post-it notes and scribbled out a few words. I’m sorry it took me so long to help Mark. Good bye.  I love you all, Amy. She wouldn’t be coming back. Amy opened her bedroom window and climbed out, pulling the bag out behind her.
Amy Please, fucking hell just - no.
“We could get you a therapist.  I mean, Mom was setting aside money for Dad’s care, we could use that to give you someone to talk to.” “I… a therapist wouldn’t be able to help.”
Yes, yes it could.
But she's so convinced, so sure there's no coming back from it.
“Fuck that!  I’m not about to let you walk away!”  Victoria floated closer, reaching out. “Don’t touch me,” Amy warned her sister.
It's hard to say. We don't see them just... existing in normal circumstances. Not in Worm. We don't know what their life was like before it all collapses.
But it's really hard to not look at... everything Victoria says and does, from Interlude 2, and this, and the fact that she does end up touching Amy despite the 'don't touch' and...
I'm pretty sure Vicky has a long history of ignoring or pushing Amy's boundaries. Of touching her when Amy doesn't want to be touched. Dragging her on those double dates she manifestly doesn't want to go on. Pushing her to keep healing all those people she nearly kills to cover up her crimes. Constantly pushing Amy to heal Mark.
And Amy, because she was probably too afraid to have boundaries when she first moved into the Dallon household, and then too used to letting Vicky get away with it, and then Vicky was her only source of stability and affection so of course Amy lets her get away with it.
And then she falls in love with Vicky and the idea of saying no to her becomes a lot harder.
And Vicky, of course, just sees that Amy's boundaries aren't really boundaries. She just needs to push a little and her sister's totally cool with whatever. Amy loves her. She loves Amy. Boundaries are what now?
(I say this with love, I really do, but I'm pretty sure Vicky isn't the most respectful of boundaries in general. Not intentionally, just... you know, by accident, a lot).
Vicky does not deserve what happens to her next, or later. Again, shouldn't need to say it, but this fucking fandom.
But she absolutely should have listened when Amy said 'no!' Time and again.
No is always a complete fucking sentence.
“Idiot,” Victoria grabbed her sister by the shirt collar and pulled her into a painfully tight hug. “Don’t,” Amy moaned into her sister’s shoulder. “All of this?  We’ll work it out.  As a family.  And if your idea of family means it’s just you and me, then we’ll work it out together, just the two of us.”
A perfect storm of the worst possible fucking thing to say when you're already shattering her boundaries.
All it took was one moment of weakness, and she was weak.  At the end of her rope, desperately lonely, haunted by her father’s shadow, her shame at being unwilling and unable to help Mark until now, the idea that one of the Slaughterhouse Nine thought she belonged with them? She was losing everything so quickly.  Victoria was all she had, and it was the choice between abandoning that for everyone’s good and keeping Victoria close. She felt Victoria’s body more acutely than she felt her own.  Every heartbeat, every cell brimming with life. Like a flame at the end of a long fuse, leading to a stick of dynamite, her power traveled from the side of Victoria’s neck to her brain.  It was barely a conscious action on Amy’s part.
Again it's so weird that Wildbow can write this, and then... not get it? Powers work on thoughts. Powers work on errant impulses and yes, you can restrain your thoughts, prevent them to become action, but intrusive thoughts are a thing, and it really isn't always easy to hold them back, especially in the state she's in, the state he put her in, with the way powers work, the way he decided powers work...
The man builds this elaborate device made of dozens of checkov's guns and then insists, years later, he never fired a single one of them.
The plain fucking TEXT makes it clear, christ on a fucking bike.
The magnitude of what she’d just done hit her with a suddenness and pain she likened to a bullet to the chest.  “Oh god.  Please, let me undo it.” She reached out, but Victoria stepped back. “What the hell did you do?” Victoria asked, her eyes wide, “I felt something.  I feel something.  You’ve used your power on me before, but not like this.  I- You changed the way I think.  More than that.” Tears welled at the corners of Amy’s eyes.  “Please.  This is what I was afraid of.  Let me undo it.  Let me fix it and leave, and you can go back to Mark and Carol and you three can be a family, and-”
If we're supposed to believe this was a deliberate, willing, fully conscious choice by her (which is what Wildbow and his Church insist is what 'barely a conscious action' means here), then this makes no sense.
But of course, Why would Wildbow care about a coherent narrative? Why would his Church? They have Words of God! Those matter more than the fucking TEXT.
“You have to understand, for so long, you were all I had.  I was so desperately lonely, and that was at the same time I was starting to worry about my dad.  I got fucked up, my feelings got muddled somewhere along the line, and it’s like… maybe because you were safe, because you were always there.” “You have feelings for me,” Victoria answered.  She couldn’t keep the disgust out of her voice, she didn’t even try.  “That’s what Tattletale was using as leverage, wasn’t it?”
Let's circle back to something I said earlier -
This needed to be revealed sooner, to us, the reader. Or... something.
Revealing all this, all at once, all in one chapter?
There's just too much going on here.
Amy found out Marquis is her dad
we find out about Mark
we find out about Vicky pressuring Amy to heal Mark
Bonesaw and all her shit
Amy runs away
Vicky finds her
Vicky finds out about Marquis
Amy changes Vicky and the full story of Amy's feelings come out and it's just...
Worm suffers from too much happening in quick succession in general, but man this Interlude is the fucking textbook case.
“Please.  Let me fix it.  Then I’ll leave.  You’ll never have to see me again.” “What in the world makes you think I’d let you use your power on me again!?”  Victoria shouted, taking to the air, out of reach.  “Who knows what you’re going to do to me!?”
Okay, so like...
I do get this, I really do. You just had your entire sense of... everything shattered, with regards to how you see your Sister, and you're under a lot of stress too but -
You've known and trusted your sister for years. You just fucking said it. She's explicitly saying she didn't mean to, that this isn't something she wanted to do...
I mean, I imagine if not for... everything that's about to happen, Vicky might calm down in a few days and give Amy a chance to fix this. I'd like to believe that anyway.
I get it. I do. I don't... I don't blame Vicky for this, but...
Still. Wrong choice, Glory Girl.
Victoria shook her head slowly, then scoffed.  “Good job, Amy.  You just did an excellent job of taking every instance of me defending you, every instance of my giving you the benefit of a doubt, and proving me fucking wrong.  You were worried about being as fucked up as your dad?  Congratulations, I’m pretty goddamn sure you just surpassed the man.”
Jesus christ, Vicky.
Again. Heat of the moment. You're furious.
But like...
If she was surpassing him, she'd have changed your brain more. To make you like it. You're supposed to be smart. Be smart.
Interlude 11h. The only Interlude really worth reading for this Arc, and jesus fucking christ I'm emotionally exhausted. My own fault, but fucking fuckfuckfuckfuck.
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ooooshetriesss · 2 months
As much as I love astrology, I am not well-versed in transits… Although I’ll say this past weeks full moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn… made me feel things w/ such intensity ; I rlly had a hard time putting it into words & I’ve had my fair share of plutonic experiences.. Pluto is my 2nd dominant in my BC (actually it’s neck n neck w/Jupiter, Jupiter just is my chart ruler) but THIS?!?! This was such a level of intensity even for ME that, I had to disappear for a few days after.. I had levels of anger that I couldn’t put into words… like, all I wanted to do was cry but.. I couldn’t cause that was something I cut off from urs ago & it doesn’t come as easily anymore so… I just went to anger…like.. I wasn’t being heard & wanted to go to the only thing that gets me heard in some cases..
And that fking SUCKS! I don’t wanna be there… but yet… there’s ppl in my life I HAVE to deal with & that’s the ONLY WAY they even *hear* those boundaries/concerns.. let alone fkin listen!
I feel like there’s some RLLY heavy karmic stuff coming up specially at work & home..
Liek I said.. I’m use to heavy energy but… this even caught me off guard. I’ve been trying to find a reading but alotta ppl I know are booked. If someone can help just give me some clarity; any clarity on how this transit could be affecting me & how I can help resolve any of these karmic patterns if THATS what’s going on.. I would RLLY appreciate it 💗
(Looking back at this I’m wondering… was *all* of that rlly Lilith?!?
JEUSS that would make SO MUCH SENSE.. i’ve been doing a lot of shadow work, although I do find a lot of these situations repeating themselves but is there anything outside of that?? (I’m the inner wheel; transist for Sat are outer)
💗 so much love💗
Thanks to all of you who took the time to read💗
Even if u don’t have any insight but find urself struggling w/ Lilith , libra lilith, 11H lilith or Venus Pluto conjunct, 11H Pluto/venus scorp /cap:. I would love to hear from u/how y’all are doing 💗
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