#12th Doctor x you
cloudrunnerscinnamon · 4 months
A short, slightly angsty Twelfth Doctor one shot - but don't worry, it's cute in the end :) 
Imagine you are traveling with the Doctor and at some point, after another ludicrous adventure, there are emotions demanding to be felt. What’s going to happen?
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(picture not mine)
"Just Once"
„Do you trust me?“ the Doctor asked. His hands were firmly wrapped around your upper arms and he stared unblinkingly at you. 
„Yes, yes of course, yes of course I do,“ you stuttered, „ always!“
The Doctor heavily breathed out through his nose and cast his view down, head hanging for a second before it snapped back up. This irritated you. Why did he seem disappointed? Why did you get the feeling that the Time Lord actually wished to be rejected. Was it because of fear? Was he scared of the responsibility that came with the trust that others put in him? That you obviously put in him… But why did he ask then? You were puzzled which had to be showing on your face because the Doctor’s face grew a bit softer, a bit less pensive and he seemed to really look at you again. 
Then it dawned on you. He was asking for permission, which was also why he did hope you would deny him. Permission for what though? You had been running with this man for what felt like forever. Why did he need reassurance now? Now of all times? 
You both had just barely made it out of an underground city which had been flooded by an acidic river. Until the last second the Doctor and you had tried everything to reverse the polarity of the thick, clear liquid but to no avail. In the end you still had to flee, almost not making it. Both of your clothes were scorched from the acid. Your boots looked especially bad. The soles were almost completely gone. Shame really, you did love those minty Doc Martens. Now, thinking back you realized how close of a call this last adventure had been. Suddenly something „clicked“ and you understood. Naturally the Doctor would pick a time like this to inquire upon your faith. It weren’t just your emotions running high but the Time Lord’s too. You had almost lost each other. All over in a blink of an eye. Gone. Unceremoniously slurped up by some acid glibber-liquid-river-thing. Dissolved into nothingness. 
Panic rose in you, even more adrenalin rushing your system. Panic you should have felt minutes ago racing against a tide bellowing after you. But all that kicked in now.
„I could have died,“ you whispered to yourself eyes not really looking, your gaze going inward. 
„We could have died!“ You yelled and your voice rung in your own ears, harsh and loud. You slapped your hand over your mouth shocked by the enormity of your statement and a tremble went through your entire body. 
„Doctor,“ it sounded muffled against the palm of your hand. Tears sprang to your eyes, a familiar sting. Your throat felt very tight all of a sudden and then you couldn’t hold it back any longer. A heart-wrenching sob left your body. 
The Doctor’s own eyes didn’t hold tears but they still carried a heavy sadness. His hands moved a little, making a very small stroking motion up and down your arms and shoulders. Then he removed your hand from your face which was still covering your mouth. He kept holding onto it tightly. His long slim fingers folded themselves around yours and that pressure anchored you back down. Wordlessly the Doctor started to wipe away your tears. All the while he kept holding your gaze and you didn’t know if you could handle the intensity or the intimacy of his actions. When he finally spoke the Time Lord’s voice was rough with emotions. 
„But you didn’t. We didn’t.“ It almost sounded like he was only saying those words to make sure they were still holding up to reality.
The lump in your throat eased up a little. The Doctor’s hand on your face calmed you down and you leaned your head more into it. You let him take more of the weight that had been sitting heavy on you. Your eyes fell shut. His caress was blooming like a bright light in your mind and you relished all the attention he was giving you. How could those fingers be so soft and gentle when he hardly ever seeked out another one’s touch? How could he put so much comfort in one touch when he never let anyone be so kind with him? How could he be so gingerly when he would never allow himself to be treated the same? 
You feel is thumb running slowly over your cheekbone. Once, twice then you lose count, lost in the sensation. The Doctor’s hand that was still holding yours squeezed lightly, you could feel a tug. It pulled you out of your head, like a rope pulling you out from under the water. You broke the surface and your eyes flickered open again. There he was and his cross eyebrows – not so cross right now. „He is so close“, you thought. Had he been that close a minute ago? 
I am not a hugger. The Doctor’s voice echoed through your memories from a while back. Him uttering these words really had stung a lot. He had respectfully but also firmly peeled himself out off your embrace and gone back to fiddling about the Tardis’ console. Of course even back then you had known that the Doctor did not reciprocate your feelings for him. At least most definitely not the romantic ones. A friend, maybe even a best friend, something resembling family by choice – yes absolutely but not a lover, not that kind of love. So his comment about not being a hugger did not surprise you too much. Numerous times you had become firsthand witness to the Doctor and his awkward little dances to avoid physical contact with just about anyone. However it still shattered your fragile human heart. Secretly you had wished he would make an exception for you. Oh, how stupid of you to think that. Acid rivers wont kill me, you rebuked yourself,  but my naiveté and wishful thinking are going to be the death of me. 
No, the Time Lord really hadn’t been so close a moment ago and you were still certain that he wasn’t a hugger. So what was going on? His face was so close you could, for the first time, make out the little brown spots in the Doctor’s blueish-green eyes. It came with a bit of a surprise to you that you had never really thought about what color his eyes were. You just knew you always wanted to see them. Now that they had been unwaveringly on you for the last minutes you found yourself growing uneasy. The adrenalin, the panic, the close proximity to the Doctor and his strange behavior had you strung tight like a rubber-band about to snap. For a short time there was only breathing. It made you painfully self-aware, too loud, too heavy, too quick. Matching right up with the beating of your heart and you wondered if the Doctor’s two hearts were hammering away in his chest as well. You wanted to put your hand on his chest and feel, you needed to know. The craving was so strong you had to actively keep yourself from reaching out. There was no way you would invade his space like that even though he was practically pushing „his space“ onto yours by now. 
You were lost and so confused. For all you knew you too could have been holding a silent conversation judging by the staring contest but you had no clue what about. The Tardis translates pretty much any language in time and space, why doesn’t she speak grumpy, Scottish Time Lord and his many dialects just this once. A huffed laughter slips out between your lips and you loose eye contact with the Doctor for a second. This was getting ridiculous and frankly you were past waiting. 
„Doctor,“ with a swift movement you push his left hand off of your face and pull your hand free of his right.  
„What is going on, what do you want? What are we doing here, I don’t –“. And his hands snapped back in position this time both on your face, holding it lightly, effectively shutting you up. You were dumfounded, brain not braining. A sound, which could have been interpreted as something in the area of „Doctor?“ but that would have been reaching, left your mouth. The Time Lord looked at you, registering all your emotions. His lips were slightly parted and his eyes wandered all over your face like he was trying to create a blueprint for his memory. And then wondrously he stepped even closer. It could have been the dim lights in the Tardis’ hallway but you were sure the Doctor’s eyes darkened. His body was so close to yours that you felt the heat radiating off of him. You stayed perfectly still not sure what to think, feel or do. 
„I will do this once, because I just have to know.“ The Doctor whispered while bending down a little. His mouth was inches from yours and you could feel his hot breath on your lips. 
„I need,“ he pressed his eyes shut and your breath hitched in anticipation, was this really happening? 
„I need so see how it feels, I need to know if…“  He hesitated. The Time Lord opened his eyes again giving you a pleading look almost begging for help. You understood then that he was battling with himself. 
Almost losing you had made him realize how much you actually meant to him and he wanted to act on it. He wanted to show you but this would mean completely going against all his rules. He was the Doctor he couldn’t get too close, he needed to keep a safe distance – always. Otherwise the inevitable loss would tear him apart. But not knowing what it would feel like to just give in made him want to crawl out of his own skin. For once the Time Lord wanted to feel it all, the butterflies, the longing, the safety, the familiarity and all the sweet nullities because how could he deny his hearts when they were bound to feel the pain of parting eventually. 
You could see the ongoing struggle on the Doctor’s face.You wanted to help him badly but without taking the choice away from him. Knowing the Doctor meant to understand that he couldn’t be pushed. So you decided to simply repeat your statement from a few minutes ago. 
„Doctor,“ you mutter, “ I trust you, always.“
In an instant the Doctor’s mouth was on yours. His weight pushed you against the curved wall of the hallway. The cool metal, a harsh contrast to the warmth between you too. One of his hands brushed past your jawline, along your neck, up into your hair. The other fell down to your waist holding onto you. 
When you kissed it was a brush of soft lips. For all the need the Doctor had held right before kissing you, it was all but slow and tender now. Then the tip of his tongue nudged against your lips softly asking for more but it didn’t feel forward, it was rather sweet, almost shy. You opened your mouth and the Doctor deepened the kiss tentatively. 
Suddenly you could taste him. There was thunderstorm and starlight, vanilla ice cream mixed with the smoky bite of a good Scottish whisky and something else, something you couldn’t quite put your finger on. It was glorious and you just melted into the Time Lord. Your bodies slotted against each other like they had always been intended to do just that and still he pulled you closer. Never letting go. There was heavy breathing and tiny noises but from whom you couldn’t tell. 
Did you stop breathing and just kept on kissing? You had no idea. 
Did said kiss last for two seconds or two hours? Still you had no clue. 
All too soon the kissing stopped and pathetically a whimper slipped out of you when you felt the Doctor pull away just a bit. It was not for long though. He proceeded to place wispy kisses all over your face and your knees turned all wobbly. You always knew the Doctor was a kind and sweet soul but you never imagined him to be so smooth and caring when it came to physical contact. That realization made your heart want to burst out of your chest. Could you love this man even more? 
The next time he reached your mouth he melted against it with a sigh. That sound robbed you of any restraint you might have still held and this time you passionately deepened the kiss. 
When the two of you came up out of the haze for air, the Doctor looked slightly disheveled and you couldn’t help yourself but it was just adorable. Tousled hair, red cheeks, whiffled eyes. 
You were still in his arms, you both didn’t seem to want to move. The Time Lord had never looked so openly and lovingly at you before. It felt like he wanted to make sure you understood that he was ready to let someone in. To let you in.
You smiled at him. Gently you ran your thumb over the Doctor’s cheek. He closed his eyes and a small smile was playing on his lips. 
And then suddenly, you had figured it out. 
„Oh, I know now,“ you said softly steeling one more chased peck on the lips from the Doctor to confirm your guess. He looked at you curiously.
„You know what?“ His voice low and husky. 
„Oranges.“ you exclaimed and leaned forward a little. Speaking while your lips touched his. 
„You taste like a loud thunderstorm and bright starlight, like vanilla ice cream doused with smoky whisky and fresh oranges.“ 
The Doctor laughed, burying his face in your neck and layering it with kisses. 
„I aim to please,“ he said and you both had to laugh at that. 
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anteroom-of-death · 3 months
Teacher's Pet part 18
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Synopsis: The Doctor makes good on his thoughts. His fawn becomes trapped in them.
A/n: listen I know it's been fucking ages. Life's difficult. I'm back. Hopefully. Yall still want him? Warnings for blood and such.
You felt yourself muffle a yawn as you stumbled half-drunk with your boyfriend holding you upright. You settled on calling him your boyfriend. It felt, at least partially, correct. You didn’t really know how long that his species lived. He could have still been young by his standards. Well over two-thousand years young, but you mentally digressed.
The night air slapped you sober.
You didn’t realize how much you had drunk. Your mind was absolutely swimming. It felt like you couldn’t maintain a solid stream of thought. Moreover, it felt entirely different than your usual scatter-brained web of concepts that could be linked easily by you and you alone. Many found you off-topic or impertinent, but they didn’t get that you were being respectful and your mind was linking everything to the subject at hand that was even vaguely related.
The Doctor did, however. These thoughts soothed you. Thinking about him was becoming more important than air in your lungs. He seemed to always be exactly in your direction and understood what was going on.
You blinked as quickly as you could as you were slumped into the taxi by the Doctor. His brilliant smile beamed at you like the cat and that dammed canary. No one you had met before or since carried the gravity of his grins. His teeth always on display, even if it his mouth had been turned down and closed. Images of wolves suddenly floating in your head.
You really must have over estimated that last drink!
His fingers played with the tendrils of your hair. Smoothing it, fingering the last of your dead ends.
They felt good. You felt both emboldened by this tactile display of affection and a little embarrassed. The thoughts you always had towards him felt warranted. Always. He was always inviting them, even if he didn’t seem like it. That was something that stuck with him since the first time you walked into his classes.
Tactile and seemingly unaware that the entire way he carried on was like catnip. Or he was aware and didn’t care. You didn’t know or care.
All of time and space, countless lovers. Countless companions. Endless wanderlust…
And here he was. Some universal warrior deity. Yet, here he was settling down, taking cabs and being escorted around just because you frankly didn’t want to become a statistic. He apparently had the ability to pick up and go to whenever, wherever and not have to worry about traffic or delays.
But for you? He had tamed himself.
His universe had become small, just you, his very attractive ex-situationship in her hidden Vault, these military organizations, and that Nardole you’ve never seen.
From the complaints left by him over literally everything, (including your relationship with the Doctor!) You weren’t quite sure you wanted to meet him.
What a nerd and a narc!
Soon enough, you found yourself back in the room. All cozy and pliant. Eager to see him naked and act out all of those hidden thoughts that you couldn’t repress in the pub. Your wobbly legs betrayed you as you went to yank your shoes off and toss your purse down.
“Damn.” You giggled as you adjusted yourself and rub the bridge of your nose with the base of your palm. “Tell me to never drink that much again in public…” You shook your head.
He leaned down to your level and bit your lower lip as he pulled your top off and laying feverish new bites on where he bit you last night. Hard, sharp and definitely not helping that growing wet spot on your panties. One of those impressive, perfect hands grasped your jaw and covering virtually all of your face squeezed lightly.
You felt your mind suddenly grow very dim and yet ravenous. You needed this, you needed him.
He certainly had no troubles liberating you from your clothes. Or somehow getting his belt and pants around his knees.
“You’re really something strange, aren’t you?” He mused as he tore himself out of the flesh of your nipple. You could feel the blood start to fleck up.
Definitely would have to take even more time off work than you already were doing…
He slowly and deliberately pinned you to the ground as he managed to take both of your wrists in one of his long-fingers hands. His expression clouded by lust and one of those emotions you thought were clearly something that humans just didn’t have in them. It seemed imperious and predatory, yet all too adoring.
You were awash. Your cunt ached. Your mind felt itself retract- like you were actively getting stupid trying to make eye contact with him. You felt yourself muffle a groan as he slipped his cock in in a firm and savage thrust.
The hand at your jaw and face tightened. You could feel the corner of a nail cut into your face.
This seemed about you and also not. More about him.
All your training (for lack of a better word…) seemed to flee. Here he was, one of the last of his species, cradling your pinned body to the hull of the floor as he drilled your leaking pussy. It seemed like he was saying something in that horrific, almost song like language he used to visit Missy in her Vault.
It sent a bone-chilling shake through your system. Just like when you first heard it. Not that you could judge.
Not like you could at this moment. His grip on you increased as he fucked you harder. Each thrust came quicker and deeper. You found the pain both increasingly hard to ignore but more lovely with each savage groan he made. It was enjoyable. Too much so. Felt alien. Felt deranged.
The grip on your face tightened once more! Your tongue pinned by his thumb.
You felt yourself start to convulse as your mind went blank. Blissfully and inhumanely blank. Did you cum? Was this you cumming? You didn’t know.
You didn’t even register his teeth nearly ripping the soft area between your neck and clavicle to shreds.
How long did he go on? You could swear you heart a haunting song being sung in your mind. Time slipped further down…
Was it more of him speaking?
You finally got your mind back in pieces as he finished on your stomach. The sensation snapped you back to reality. Your heart began racing. You felt yourself start to cry.
You felt so great, yet more than a little violated. (Was this normal, you felt yourself wander in your mind, what was this?)
He seemingly realized something.
He shushed you as he collected your shaking form in his lap. You felt so tiny. Like a small dog on a rich lady’s lap. You felt your eyes try to focus on him.
“My sweet fawn. You did so well. You’re so perfect for me.” He resumed in English.
His hand wiped the tears and blood and your hair back.
Your eyes couldn’t focus completely yet.
“You are…all I need. All I want.” He reassured you as he rocked you back and forth. “Don’t worry. No one in any corner of the universe can lay a finger on you.”
This was the comfort that restored your vision entirely. You looked at him. You felt like you were some primitive human seeing a God! Scared, in full adoration, and more than a little servile. The tears began again. More shushing, more petting, more praise. You curled so deeply into his chest and wept harder. You swore you never cried so hard in your life. You felt so incredibly good, yet every part of you burned and ached.
You hiccupped and he stroked the back of your neck. It made you go slightly limp.
“Why don’t I wash you, hmm?” He offered as he pulled you up in his arms and carried you into the bathroom. He laid you down and grabbed your shower stuff.
He tested the water on him. It seemed to go on for a while.
He washed you and even did your skin care on your still limp form.
“Fawn?” He asked as you caught your body in mirror. You were pale and bruised. Scabs had started to form on you.
It was shocking.
“I…can’t work like this?” Was all you managed to choke out.
“I’ve got you. When were back in Bristol, yeah? I’ve gotten some alien technology in my TARDIS. You won’t even have a scar.” He offered, a smile creeped up his face. It seemed smug and self-serving.
You shook yourself.
You trusted him, fully without any hesitation. If he said so, he said so.
He slid your into your pajamas and slid next to you in bed. Still naked.
“Sleep.” He commanded as he wrapped his arms around you. “Tomorrow, I need your help.”
And as if by magic, you felt yourself slip into a deep sleep. You dreamed of swirling galaxies and more strange songs twisted into it.
When you woke, it was with such a fright. He wasn’t next to you, and it made you panic. He was already dressed. He was twirling some object in his hands.
“You’ve slept in. Not that I can blame you…” He snorted. “Don’t worry, I’ve taken the liberty of choosing clothes. I’ve even got breakfast!”
He offered you a cup of coffee and helped you out of bed.
It was simple, a black tank top and a pair of jeans. He offered you the sheer lace shrug you planned on using as layering if he took you out again for a night out on town.
“I’ve been meaning to give this to you.” He slid you a gold chain with a small, but heavy pendant on it. It had some small circular design on it. It swirled around itself and had some dots in places.
“I know how you enjoy jewelry.” He motioned to the tangled knot of necklaces you wore all day, every day, even in sleep.
You went to put it on. It rested as if fighting the small symbols of your faith for attention on your person. Or, perhaps, even your soul itself...
He parted them for you and made sure that his special necklace rested firmly under the hollow of your throat.
“I meant it last night. Not even the Cybermen could take you from me. The entire dark hoards of the Never Were’s and Always Was’s will not harm you so long as you’re by my side.” His tone shifted as he helped you help yourself to a bit of the porridge he had for you.
You still shook.
He let you apply your make up. You decided it was no use to try to waste all your concealer and foundation on the wounds on your neck.
He tousled your hair and smiled at you.
He helped you into your shoes and you both walked out of the door. You firmly found your nails grasping into his coats arm as you still were having trouble even standing, yet alone walking.
The lift ride down into a subterranean area, meeting all these people was quiet. Petronella and that Lethbridge-Stewart woman and more were waiting.
They all focused on you and you could feel their eyes bore into your neck and chest. You didn’t know what to feel.
You instinctively took all your cues from him.
All these soldiers and scientists did too. They all spoke of things that seemed beyond your recently tousled-haired comprehension.
When the Doctor spoke to you, and used your real name to get your opinion, you jumped. To hear your own name, especially from him now seemed foreign.
A fawn you shall be, you felt yourself say in your mind.
You made up some fake statistic about something. You had to. Your mind was flailing and you looked at your good Doctor as if that would help.
You mind felt never more silent. It felt odd.
You shook yourself once more.
You felt your mind flood back in. It was a sharp, tickling sensation. Loud, screaming and on high alert. As if it had been forced down and silenced on purpose.
You swept those thoughts aside. He needed you, and needed you to focus and help him.
Suddenly all the tawdry statistics about crime in metropolitan areas you studied for papers came rushing in. It was very good. Apparently, they were looking for what petty crimes could be aliens doing a bad job at integration and were pushing some prearranged boundaries on when they could emerge and the planet could feasibly support aliens and humans as willing co-sponsors of the planet.
They took your data and entered it in.
“She’s a whizz with those, yeah?” The Doctor pointed at hand at you and praised you openly. “Great stuff.”
It made your cheeks flush and your panties get a little wet spot on them. You felt nothing but a soothing warmth spread from your scalp to the soles of your feet.
Him and a few other scientists went to go prime something. You didn’t know what.
You went to the small area set up for self-service of tea and coffee. Petronella trailed after you. It was a hard journey, you wobbled a few times for such a short trip.
“Those are some marks?” She pried at you as she pointed towards where the Doctor had given you in the night. “Were you attacked last night when you were out?” The deep care and worry in her voice made you feel a vacant ache in your chest.
“No, no. No?” You stuttered. Your hand automatically went to the most egregious of them. Teeth marks fully imprinted as reddish-black stabbed divots.
“Then where’d you get them?” More concern in her tone.
Your eyes flashed over to the Doctor and then to the ground. You didn’t know how to respond.
She muttered a barely audible “Oh.” Her eyes gazed at you with understanding. “Did you have fun?” She asked for lack of a better way to press on. Her eyes looked back at the Doctor and back at the mess that was your neck and chest in a few quick takes. She seemed like her mind was trying to wrap itself around something.
Did you? You could hardly recall most of it.
You chalked it up to the alcohol in your system.
“Yeah.” You nodded your head. “We had fun.”
She didn’t seem to disagree. Although, a glint of something rested in the back corners of her eyes…
She trailed you back to your seat.
You let a long, shaky breath as you went to sip more coffee. You wished he was the one helping you drink. Your hands still were not exactly stable. Him doing that at breakfast was oddly fitting. Felt like it should be that way.
You gave more opinions and input. He lauded on the praise.
The wet spot was growing in size under your jeans. Your cunt was positively aching once again. Your heart raced.
It felt like he was winding you up.
Maybe he was…
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thinkdoctorriver · 1 month
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The Husbands of River Song // Silence in the Library
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ohhamlet-art · 6 months
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One last black bird without a place to be turns around, in hopes to find the place it last knew rest.
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nightmanatee · 1 year
"she cares so i don't have to" s8!twelve should really meet "do you think i care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference" s8!twelve but they both should also absolutely run from "i had a duty of care" hellbent!twelve.
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whynotjohnlock · 5 months
Doctor who incorrect quotes!
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AAaAaaAhHhhHhH! I'm trapped in a cycle where I need some comfort so I watch this man child do silly things for 45 minutes but every episode I end up in tears because some I'm attached to Dies, so I need more comfort from doctor who but then my hearts get ripped out again so I start watching more Doctor who and then-
Here's some dumb stuff to brighten your day!
(Y/N): Okay, can you do the dishes?
The Doctor: No!
The Doctor: Do not test me (Y/N)! I am the last timelord-
(Y/N): What about Ranni and the Master and literally like every 10 adventures where they just randomly appear? Not to mention all the other versions of yourself you seem to keep running into.
The Doctor: I've killed thousands of innocent beings and creatures and-
(Y/N): Haven't we all stepped on an ant pile or on grass before?
The Doctor: (Y/N), we are not the same I've lived for hundreds of years-
(Y/N): Isn't that a perfectly normal age for a Timelord? Hundreds of years only sounds impressive because I'm human.
The Doctor: You will wither and die and I will have to live on alone-
(Y/N): Do you not consider the TARDIS company? Isn't she literally sentient?
The Doctor: .......
The Doctor: *grumpily stomps in the TARDIS*
The Doctor: I need a dumber companion next time.
The Doctor: Bowties are cool!
Y/N: *confused* I never said there weren't...?
The Doctor: oh I know, I just like saying that.
Y/N: *Throwing they apples into space out the TARDIS doors* Bad Apples! Kill them with fire!
The Doctor: what did the apples ever do to you?
Y/N: Remember that one time I broke my leg and couldn't go adventureing with you?
The Doctor: what does that have to do with anything?
Y/N: I broke my leg because I tripped over an apple. I just realized the ancient earth prophecy is true. 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away' and I need to destroy them all now.
Child: What’s it like being tall?
Child: Is it nice?
Child: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards?
The Doctor: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb 3 chairs, 6 boxes, a small coffee table and 4 oddly placed stools to get what they want.
Y/N: It was one time!
Companion: *Calling Y/N* where is The Doctor, Y/N?
Y/N: sorry, the doctor has the zoomies right now, whatever it is, they can't help you.
Companion: The "Zoomies"?
The Doctor: *Spinning on chair quickly after chugging soy sauce while making incoherent dinosaur noises*
Missy: Hey, do you know where (Y/N) is?
The Doctor: Why, so you can kidnap them again? That's never going to happen-
Missy: No, I would never waste time kidnapping Y/N again, they are too much fun for that. I want to have a girl's trip out with them. Actually is (Y/N) a girl? I can never tell what humans think gender is defined as.
The Doctor: actually, I don't really know either.
Y/N: *points at the TARDIS covered entirely by rainbow glitter* you should know by now doctor that I Identify as a fucking menace.
The Doctor: Daleks are the most evil beings of pure hate and are not to be trifled with under any circumstances.
Y/N: *Bursts out in laughter*
Doctor: Y/N, that's not funny!
Y/N: *still laughing* It can't even get up the stairs. OH FeAr tHE MigHtY dAlEk EmPIrE, FeLleD bY a SLiGht iNcliNE!
The Doctor: I hate your existence and will make sure your parents never meet, Y/N. I will find your friends and make them hate you!
The Doctor: Don't you dare!
Y/N: Uno!
Y/N: Nock Nock.
Doctor: fine I know this is going to be bad but Who's there?
Y/N:*Trying not to laugh*Doctor.
Doctor: *Rolls his eyes*Doctor who?
Y/N: Exterminate! Exterminate!
Doctor: That joke was terrible, Y/N.
Y/N: How many time lords does it take to check if it's safe to go outside the TARDIS?
Doctor: I don't know.
Y/N: me neither because you've never fucking done it.
The Cybermen: *Starts trying to connect Y/N's thoughts to upgrade them*
Y/N: *Gives them a tuor of their mind*
Y/N: on your left you can see the mental fuckery that is my everyday thought process.
Y/N: in front of you is every single weird reference from all media I have consumed in no order whatsoever.
Y/N: Oh, on your left is a real life coherent thoght! That's impressive, I thought all of them had died with that time I ate half of a computer.
Y/N: Oh, I want you to meet my friends! That's anxiety, hiding just around the corner is depression. Oh, and here's my BFF self doubt!
Doctor: Y/N, how did you stall in your mind for so long? I thought I wouldn't be quick enough to save you! How... *Looks around*
Doctor: you need therapy.
Y/N: I need therapy.
Jack: Hey, Just wanted to check in on my favorite couple.
Y/N: We're not a couple!
Doctor: Yes we are Y/N! How could you honestly forget our night underneath the singing trees on €en§πß where I proposed to you?
Jack: Well congrats on-
Y/N: I was with Missy, who the FUCK did you propose too?
Doctor: wait, what were you doing with Missy?
Jack: *Munchies on popcorn*
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cupothi · 7 months
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a collection of old stuff i did while trying to experiment with my older style + some xfiles cause i started watching it recently
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heyimcelery · 20 days
Control freak (Clara) gets their grubby hands on a freak (the doctor) to control
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effervescentdragon · 2 months
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My audience is God, because who the hell else could understand me? Who else has been dead twice?
Or: In July, we turn sorrow to joy. Happy Birthday beloved @saecookie 🩷
sources, in more or less correct order:
poetry&prose quotes: Title from Margaret Atwood - Half-hanged Mary // Andrea Gibson -The Madness Vase // X // Richard Siken // Catherynne M. Valente - Deathless // sae's tags on an amyXrory post // Erin Hunter - The First Battle // Friedrich Nietzsche // Haruki Murakami - Dance Dance Dance // X // Rafael Alberti - Paradise Lost // Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back // Franz Wright - East Boston, 1996; Night Walk // Richard Siken // last quote unknown, i keep getting bible results
Doctor Who transcripts from episodes: 2x9 The Satan Pit // 1x13 The Parting of the Ways // 6x13 The Wedding of River Song // 4x9 Forest of the Dead // Christmas Special: The Husbands of River Song // 8x1 Deep Breath // 7x13 The Name of the Doctor // 50th Anniversary Special: The Day of the Doctor // 6x7 A Good Man Goes to War // 1x2 The End of the World // 11x1 The Woman Who Fell to Earth // 60th Anniversary Special: Wild Blue Yonder // 11x9 It Takes You Away // 60th Anniversary Special: The Giggle // Christmas Special: Twice Upon A Time // 50th Anniversary Special: The Time of the Doctor // 9x12 Hell Bent
all pictures taken from pinterest and from my screenshots.
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owen-writes · 9 months
First Kiss
12th Doctor x Male Reader
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The air on the TARDIS was thick with tension as you and the Doctor stumbled back into the control room. The aftermath of a daring escape from certain doom left both of you breathless. His eyes met yours, and in that moment, you could see a mixture of relief and something more profound.
"You, my dear, are quite the partner in crime," the Doctor said with a smirk, adjusting his sonic screwdriver.
"Well, you know what they say about good company," you replied, a playful glint in your eye. The Doctor chuckled, the sound echoing in the vast chamber.
As the adrenaline began to fade, a silence settled between you two. The Doctor stepped closer, a contemplative look on his face. "You know," he began, "I've been meaning to tell you something."
Your heart skipped a beat, anticipation hanging in the air. "Tell me," you urged, your voice barely above a whisper.
The Doctor took a deep breath, his eyes never leaving yours. "I've traveled through time and space, seen wonders beyond imagination, and faced countless dangers," he began, "but in all my adventures, I never expected to find someone as extraordinary as you."
A warm flush crept up your cheeks as the Doctor's words lingered in the air. "Doctor," you said, your voice filled with emotion, "I feel the same way."
A tender smile played on the Doctor's lips. "Good," he replied, reaching out to gently cup your face. "Because there's something I've been wanting to do for a while now."
Before you could respond, the Doctor closed the distance between you, pressing his lips to yours. The kiss was a revelation, a sweet and lingering exploration of shared moments and unspoken feelings. Time seemed to stand still as you melted into the embrace, savoring the taste of the Doctor's lips.
When the kiss finally broke, you found yourself breathless once more. The Doctor rested his forehead against yours, a quiet intimacy settling between you. "I may not always say it," the Doctor whispered, "but you're quite handsome, you know."
You couldn't help but smile, the weight of the recent danger lifting as a new understanding blossomed. "And you, Doctor, are rather extraordinary yourself."
The TARDIS hummed around you, a symphony of time and space, as you and the Doctor stood entwined. The universe stretched out before you, filled with endless possibilities, but in that moment, all that mattered was the connection you shared with the enigmatic Time Lord who had chosen you across time and galaxies.
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newbie-whovian · 7 months
Hi, Could you give the idea of reader x twelfth doctor who has Bill as a companion and who in a few words is a bit of a jealous doctor? either because they met someone great on a trip or because the reader is very much involved in his life on earth.
(yessssssssssssss I need to write more 12)
Rating: G
Pairing(s): 12th Doctor x Reader
Tags/TW: 12 is a jealous lad
You were used to trips not quite going the way you'd planned. It was almost a guarantee. But needless to say, rejecting the marriage proposal of a cyborg queen was... Definitely unexpected.
You, the Doctor, and Bill ran through the mechanical castle. "I don't see why it couldn't work out," Bill said, "I mean, she seemed nice enough-"
"Before she sent her guards after us, you mean?" you replied, just before the hallway began to shift. The three of you were trapped in a dead end that hadn't been there before.
The Doctor hadn't stopped fidgeting with his sonic screwdriver the entire chase, and it seemed that he'd finally found what he was looking for. He pointed it at the wall with a flourish, giving you and Bill a tiny grin before grabbing your hand.
The TARDIS was somewhere in the royal gardens, but with the hallways changing, you had no idea where you were supposed to be going. "Doctor, how are we getting out of here?" you asked, panting.
"I've tuned into the queen's frequency, I can reverse all of her changes," he said, and you frowned.
"So she controls the castle?"
"No. She is the castle. She's integrated it all into her upgrades. Quite foolish actually, once we escape, she won't be able to follow," the Doctor explained, tugging you around a corner.
Bill chimed in, "But the guards will! Right? I mean, they're not a part of the castle, they're just movin' on their own."
The Doctor paused before giving a shrug, saying, "If I'm right, the TARDIS is through that door, and we won't have to worry about it."
So the three of you bolted to the door, which thankfully led out into the gardens. The TARDIS waited patiently in the center of the queen's prized flower bed, and as the sound of mechanical guards closed in, you knew you couldn't risk a look back. The three of you piled into the TARDIS and slammed the door behind you.
Bill immediately tossed her jacket over one of the rails, saying, "Well that was... All kinds of fun but I'm beat, I'll be in the rec room. Let me know when we get back, alright?"
You gave her a smile and a wave while the Doctor gave a soft grunt, circling the console. Bill disappeared down a hallway, and you stepped towards the Doctor.
He yanked a lever and the TARDIS made a tremendous noise; he then quickly pulled the lever back to its original position, grumbling under his breath.
You rested an elbow on the railing. "Doctor?" you asked.
"What's wrong?"
"Wrong? Nothing's wrong, we're on our way, everything is fine!"
You crossed your arms. "Mhm."
He turned to face you, saying, "What? I answered your question."
You raised an eyebrow and said, "Barely. C'mon, what's wrong?" Taking a step closer, you added, "Can't have anything to do with the fact that I was proposed to today, can it?"
He rolled his eyes and waved a hand at you, turning back to the console. "What, that? Nonsense."
You smirked. "Didn't seem like nonsense when you rejected her for me."
He paused for a moment before flipping a row of switches, saying, "You were hesitating."
You held back a chuckle and said, "That's what you're upset about? The fact that I hesitated, upon hearing that the queen of some planet - that you dragged me to! - wanted to marry me?"
"Oh c'mon, I didn't drag you, you wanted to go on a trip."
"You're avoiding the question and you know it," you said, barely able to hold back a smile.
He halted what he was doing and turned to face you, saying, "And what if I am?"
You shrugged. "Look, if you don't want to talk about it, fine. But if it's bothering you, you can't just avoid it forever." You stepped a little closer and placed a hand on his shoulder, saying, "At the end of the day, I turned her down."
"You did."
"Mhm, 'cause why wouldn't I? I've got everything I want right here."
The Doctor betrayed a small smile.
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cloudrunnerscinnamon · 5 months
I guess I am back ...
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(gif not mine)
Took me a while but here I am again writing fanfiction and fuck me that feels good!
So since I haven't written anything in quite some time – please be gentle. :) It is not perfect but it is a start. Here it goes. Enjoy!
Short, little something about the 12th Doctor and his travel companion. It is very fluffy. What I would imagine to be an almost „normal“ day in the Tardis.
The usual banter
„Well then stop complaining and just read it to me.“ (Y/N) said while she was walking through the many hallways of the Tardis holding a book in her hands. She was on her way to a more comfortable place to rest. She had spent the last half an hour reading, sitting on one of the chairs in the Tardis main console room. However her back had started to ache and she really did want to snuggle in under a blanket now. 
„When you were sitting on the chair I could at least pretend that you were listening to me being all clever. If you go away I got no one to be clever for.“
The Doctor trotted grumpily behind his friend inclined to follower her until he eventually would persuade her to return back to the console room. 
„Oh you poor thing you,“ (Y/N) twirled around while still walking and gave the doctor a puppy dog lock. Her sarcasm wasn’t lost on him at all. 
„I know you just want my attention because you are incapable of enjoying some down time. But I am not - so please just let me read my book in peace and finde someone else to impress.“ Continuing on in her path, (Y/N) heard the Doctor huffing out a loud breath. She smiled to herself. This was them having a good time. Simple, friendly banter mixed with a bit of truth and a piece of spite. 
„What are you reading anyways?“ The Time Lord inquired even though he already knew what (Y/N) was reading. 
He had checked out the title the minute the woman had picked up the book. He had only kept up his monologue about quantum physics and why it should be taught in Kindergarden to make sure she did not realize he was actually just paying attention to her. His mouth had been on auto pilot doing its own thing. Flushing out knowledge which sounded reasonable enough to not make (Y/N) suspicious. The Doctor’s eyes though were roaming over his friend. They had drunk in every detail about her. She had been sitting a little hunched forward, cross-legged on a console room chair and the Doctor knew her neck would hurt later. 
How she delicately held the book, absently running her index finger over the spine. Every other minute one of her hands would pull back a stray strand of hair which had fallen into her vision for the what seemed like the hundredth time. He smiled softly angling his head down a little, turning to the side just a bit so he wouldn’t give himself away. (Y/N)’s expressions were what captured him the most. She could run through so many facial expressions in seconds while reading and she didn’t even know it. 
After The Doctor and (Y/N) had started to travel together he had soon learned that she was an adamant reader. Always carrying a book with her which in fact had come in more handy than he could have thought. Soon he had revealed to her the big library the Tardis had to offer and she had spent countless hours in there since then. 
So to be honest the Doctor adored how much (Y/N) loved reading and was utterly stunned how much happiness it invoked in her. It made him feel like he could also maybe finde simple things that made him happy. It gave him hope and comfort. Nevertheless he would never admit this out loud. The teasing, the raillery and how they would always end up sitting together reading, talking about it, shushing each other when they wanted to make a point. He loved it, he loved her - which was a secret and something he pushed deep down, well away, avoiding the whole subject. 
To answer his question (Y/N) just held the book up over her shoulder. 
„You have read this one at least 3 times!“ The thick Scottish accent of this Doctor’s incarnation couldn’t possibly be more prominent. When he continued (Y/N) had to close her eyes for a second. She would never be able to un-hear that low dark rumble of a voice and it gave her the shivers - the good ones. 
„How can you read that again, it’s not getting any better. Wasn’t really good to begin with and—“
„5 times, I read it 5 times and it’s my favorite so don’t mock it you old grump.“ She said with a twinkle. Another huff from behind her and then she had reached the door to her room. 
The door slide upwards with a silent, swift movement and (Y/N) entered her room. 
It was a while back, when on a whim the Doctor had decided that it was time to give (Y/N) her own room. She had been traveling with him for well over a year and even though the Tardis was good at providing the woman with everything she needed when ever she went looking for it, the Time Lord really wanted to extinguish the thought of her just being a guest. So in addition to a key for the Tardis (Y/N) also had gotten a room. 
It was in itself a relatively large space however a comfortable king-sized bed, a dark green corduroy couch, several shelves filled with books and other stuff, as well as an antique wooden desk and a well-worn armchair made it look very cozy. Somehow the Tardis had managed to build in a big round window which was laid in deep enough so one could sit on the sill and marvel at the stars. A wooden stool was placed under it for better reach and the nook was set up with different sized cushions and blankets. There was no harsh light source, the whole room was illuminated by tiny fairy lights and garlands (Y/N) had hung in different corners and on the ceiling. Over time some of her drawings, keepsakes and other things had made its way onto the walls. There was a small bouquet of flowers, dried now put still carefully placed into a vase upon a small table next to the arm chair. Flowers (Y/N) had collected during one of the many adventures with the Doctor. In a corner by the bed was an old chair, layers of cloth made it almost invisible. Some of them had slit down onto a fluffy large rug. Somehow all of this captured so much of (Y/N)’s character and the space truly had become hers. It filled the Doctor with joy every time he noticed. 
When (Y/N) had just started staying in her own room the Doctor made a point to not enter it. He didn’t want to seem intrusive or else overstepping boundaries so he simply avoided the space all together. But as time passed those boundaries got pushed around and eventually evaporated. It appeared to be that neither the Doctor nor (Y/N) really minded the other in their rooms. Which is why, without hesitation, the Time Lord followed his friend inside. 
(Y/N) went straight for the big couch and crawled onto the shorter side of the L shape. Here she could finally rest her back comfortably against the big cushions and cover herself with that large blanket she had been craving. A happy sigh slipped over her lips and the plain words of her book started to take colorful form in her head. It could have been perfect but a few seconds in and (Y/N) had to avert her gaze from those pages just to see a rather cross Time Lord standing in front of her. His head was tilted to the side and he wore a what you could call a question-mark-expression on his face. It did nothing for him combined with his constantly peeved eyebrows but (Y/N) still smiled and sat up a little more. 
„You are not, you are really not?“ Lost for words, the Doctor in his bewilderment gestured between the room and the door, his hands flying around. 
„You are really going to just sit here and read that book?“ The Doctor pointed at the book as if he was trying to stab it. (Y/N) knew that the Doctor in fact did have a hard time wrapping his head around the concept of just doing nothing or at least not achieving anything, albeit one could argue reading was a great achievement. So she understood, some of this was show, familiarity, daily life with each other but still there was a little truth hidden in the Doctor’s words. He needed her to keep out the loneliness, the dark thoughts and perhaps even memories. The Doctor’s mind was much easier to carry when it was occupied. And most days (Y/N) was happy to oblige. She loved being his companion. One adventure after another, long sleepless nights and so many stories he could tell but some days she simply needed to rest. Catch her breath in someway. „Hey did you just silently insult my book with your finger. Cos I saw that!“ (Y/N) chuckled and rolled her eyes in a fake annoyed manner. She defensively covered the book with her hands mocking him. The Doctor drew in a breath and put his hands on his sides revealing the red lining of his long coat. His signature move, (Y/N) thought and she had to laugh at that. He really was a child sometimes, stomping his feet. 
„Come on now Doc. You have three options here,“ her thumb went up to indicate the different alternatives. 
„Number one: you can either sit down and be quiet,“ second finger joined, „ number two: you can go away do what ever the hell you want or,“ third finger rose, „ number three: and this is my preferred option, you can sit down, snuggle in and read the book to me.“ (Y/N) wiggled her fingers at the Time Lord and shrugged. 
„Your pick.“
To the Doctor there really weren’t three options here, all he truly wanted was to be close to (Y/N). She calmed him, he had figured that out awhile back after they had been traveling together for only a few weeks. Everything around him usually carried some kind of intensity, pressure and he had a tough time ridding himself off that even in the comfort of his Tardis. (Y/N) took that away, she was like a constant that fixed something in him. At first he wasn’t able to accept that. It felt weird to the Doctor that somebody else had such an impact on him but after a while he recognized it as something special. With her around there was no need to go on and keep digging, to keep finding but he never told her that. Old habits die hard and he wasn’t ready to share that knowledge yet. After all he was the Doctor who kept running right? 
Nevertheless (Y/N) did notice that the way the Doctor treated her differed a little from how he carried himself with others. She put it off to all the countless hours they had spent together and them simply being comfortable around each other. Just friends. 
The Doctor grumbled something under his breath and kept lingering in the middle of the room. 
„What was that?“, she asked. Instead of an answer the Doctor took a few long strides towards the Couch. Before (Y/N) could do anything the book was snatched from her hands and with a thud the Doctor plopped down right next to her. He pushed his shoes off putting his feet up and under his companion’s blanket. His left arm came down around (Y/N)’s shoulders and he opened the book at the latest dog-ear. 
„You really have got to stop doing that.“ The Doctor nodded towards the book. „Dog-ears are just horrendous especially for the next reader.“ 
„If you wouldn’t interrupt me so often there’d hardly be any.“ (Y/N) tried to sound offended but she couldn’t hide the smile forming on her lips. She grabbed the Doctor’s hand that was resting on her left arm and squeezed it lightly. His fingers involuntarily interlaced with hers right away and his thumb caressed the back of her hand. This was sweet and surprising. They had been sitting close together before but as of late more often. However it normally didn’t go further than their bodies touching side by side. 
The atmosphere had suddenly changed. The moment came and went and still they were just sitting there quietly, waiting maybe. (Y/N) moved first. She scooted down a little so she could lean more into the Doctor and was able to rest the back of her head on his chest. (Y/N) could feel the rise and the fall of the Time Lord’s breath. Were those thumps his hearts? She couldn’t be sure because her own heart was beating wildly. The Doctor drew in a long breath, he wanted to start reading. As much as he was enjoying the close proximity to (Y/N) he was also scared to give away how much it actually moved him. Reading would at least draw some of his braincells in another direction. He closed his eyes for a second to compose himself, how could he be so nervous? He was The Doctor, the oncoming storm, bringer of darkness and –.  And in the face of feelings remotely in the vicinity of romance he still basically was just a school boy with a crush, tongue tide and clumsy hands. Sensing that the Doctor was hesitating for some reason, (Y/N) turned around a little and peeked up at the Doctor. The look she saw in his eyes startled her. She had seen that kindness and calm before all though hardly ever as unfiltered as it was right then. Yet (Y/N) got a scarce view of something else and it confused her immensely. What was that? (Y/N) let go of the Doctor’s hand and without thinking about it she very softly ran a finger along his face. She started at his hairline slowly tracing it down to his cheekbone, continuing on until she reached the corner of his mouth, drawing a half circle down upon his chin. And before she even realized what she had just done her hand dropped back down lying flat on the Doctor’s chest. 
„I,“ (Y/N)’s voice came out a little raspy and she had to swallow to clear her throat. 
„I thought, I thought I saw, there was something, I…“ She shook her head. 
„Sorry I didn’t mean to just –. How rude of me!“ (Y/N) gained her bearings back and was suddenly very aware of what she had just done. Her face grew red and she felt stupid.
If the Doctor hadn’t been holding his breath before he sure as hell was now. The way she had run her finger down his face and had looked at him while doing so made him speechless. Second time he was lost for words in mere minutes, that’s an accomplishment. All the carefully stored away feelings he harbored for his travel companion came rushing out trying to finally overwhelm him. Well and that was that. It was over, there was no denying it anymore. After all that time and all those rules he put upon himself something just snapped. Fine, here we go then, the Doctor thought. Wrapped up in this huge aha-experience of his, (Y/N) begun to wiggle her way out of there close sitting positions. She didn’t dare look at the Doctor and just wanted to get away. Shocked by the unexpected loss of contact the Doctor panicked a little and dropped the book on the couch He quickly took a hold of (Y/N)s hands. She halted in her movement. Without saying anything the Doctor tucked a little. What he really meant to say was ‚please don’t leave, everything is good. Stay here - with me.‘ but all he managed, owed to his utter lack of being able to say what he really feels, was: 
„Where are you going?“ His voice was soft, no trace of insistence. Silence. They looked at each other. The Doctor didn’t want this to go south, he wanted to save this situation make it go back to where they had been moments ago.Where was time traveling when one really needed it. When (Y/N) clearly wasn’t going to say anything, worse it looked like she still wanted to flee. The Doctor chose to go for chatter. Comfort lies in the known and chatting each others ears off – they knew. 
„So you touched my face, no big deal. Isn’t like you haven’t done that before is it?“ The Doctor tried to sound normal, relaxed even.
„I mean I get it, I am a sight to behold.“ He wiggled his eyebrows and made an upward motion with his hand, flipping long strands of hair around he clearly didn’t have. 
This was funny in itself because this particular regeneration of the Doctor really didn’t think himself handsome or good looking in any way. It had never bothered him too much. However since he felt more and more drawn to (Y/N) in a romantic manner he kind of wished he still was that young, springy, bow-tie version or even the sand-shoed one. 
Finally a small smile on (Y/N)’s lips. Her shoulders relaxed a little too. Just one more for good measure then, the Doctor thought, and we should be reading in no time. 
„Now I haven’t got all day. Do you want me to read this to you or would you rather prefer to map out more of my frowning lines?“ Almost back to her quick-witted self (Y/N) opened her mouth to respond but the Time Lord cut right in. 
„Oh and no I am not doing voices. The last time I did that I had slightly too much red wine and you had broken your fragile human wrist.“ He glared at her one more time smirking and picked the book back up. (Y/N) was moving back into the position she had just left so hasty and slapped the Doctor on his knee. 
„As long as I don’t have to hear anything about quantum physics for the next few weeks I take what I can get, you grouch.“ The Doctor scoffed, giving her a disbelieving look. „I have, you know, on good authority that some people would commit murder to her me lecture about –“ This time (Y/N) went right over the Doctor’s words. 
„Shhh, less talking more reading.“ With that (Y/N) fully leaned back and placed her head on the Doctor’s hearts once more. The Time Lord smiled to himself. When he started to read his thick Scottish accent filled the room, he knew she loved it. 
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anteroom-of-death · 6 months
Teacher's Pet part 17
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Synopsis: The Doctor muses on the nature of what he could do, the reader is a willing accomplice to her own life.
A/n: first off, I'd like to thank @queerconfusionthings on the slightly darker tone of this chapter and our long talks about 12, it changed this chapter. You get me in a way precious others do...and to all my readers, yall are best. To my mutuals, I'd die for you. Especially those who don't share my needs here. Love u.
It started to border on experimental. So many untapped valleys and choices he could make now that his pet fawn was solidly by his side, and now bound to leave him, no matter how dire the situation or how many red flags or fears the ghosts of his past could bequeath to her. (Y/N) was firmly in his grasp. Perhaps indefinitely.
There were certain thought experiments that were hypothetical that he was taught at the academy. How to not just bind a weaker species to your mind not just in mind, but in blood. The facets of addiction was the singular universal trait of all sentient life in the cosmos. He admitted that he was becoming as addicted to her as she was to him, and those nasty substances she would take.
He was of half a mind to remove their influence on her body and substitute them for him. As they walked through Kew Gardens, he mused on that. Take the urge that crippled her for drinks and cigarettes to the point of clouding her thoughts at times, bind those starved out brain cells to the idea of him. The swap from nicotine and ethyl alcohol to the Doctor would he fairly easy to do.
Ultimately, after she flashed him a smile and kissed him on the cheek before heading to the loo, he decided against it. For now.
She was getting beyond handsy…almost to the point of him being begged to fuck her in public. Maybe the switch was happening naturally. The addiction to the physical was clearly getting stronger…
Wouldn’t he be so lucky?
He’d have another full-scale rifle in her mind soon to assess the current situation!
Maybe he was more like the Rani than he’d previously assessed…
Wouldn’t that just choke the life from Missy? Her precious parallels dashed in the face if him ending up much more like their estranged friend turned mutual foe.
Whatever the case in this poorly-plotted and infinitely nailed-out love story he was crafting, the Doctor was sure of one thing. His reputation as the universe’s biggest savior, it’s self-inserted martyr needed to stay intact. Missy knew to some extent. Missy could feel and reveled in his own self-corruption at the hands of this mere human.
Missy would, even if she wanted to escape, keep this secret. Their rivalry and comrades and millennia-long bond, despite how fucked up it was, or how many times they’d kill or fight one another was iron-clad.
Honor among thieves or something…
The idea of some sort of vivisection briefly clouded his vision as he saw her exit the toilets. She was beaming. She held her jacket in her hand and her teeth caught in the light.
He decided against that idea.
There were opportunities endlessly flowing out.
“Hey, I’m absolutely starving!” She pulled him by the ties on his hoodie. “Do you want to go to a pub after this? There’s got to be a really good one that does a lovely roast dinner or something.”
Totally clueless, totally obvious to the danger she was in. So fine-tuned to weird shadows and knew when a human man on the street was up to no good. She didn’t know that the real predator was getting the aglets of his hoodie flicked around.
Poor her. Poor little fawn. Fully in the wolf’s maw and her neck was already snapped. Lost in the too-dark woods, separated from her herd. Only the guidance of that would come had made a meal of her. And was toying her corpse out further…
He felt his cock stiffen.
Maybe he would take her tonight. Just until bleeding. See how far her dependence on her would go. Maybe degrade her a bit.
If he could, he would. Wasn’t it his right?
He did own her, after all. Everyone from the team at UNIT to that last scrappy remnant of Torchwood saw her over-the-moon, fully-tethered ache for him…
They all picked up on something far more grasping than mere companion in their relationship. He wasn’t risking her life and breaking her spirit on planets far outside her home solar system. A dark, full-bodied compatriot. An equal lover. Perhaps they would arrive at the conclusion of his idea of settling down on Earth.
Not like their human opinions mattered in the end…
“Yes, of course.” He returned her eager, lavish smile with one of his own.
He slammed these thoughts back in the dark chest that was his mind. For now he’d just play with her hormones and her mind. Just put them at maximum. Continue this charade.
Keep everyone and everyone in the dark…
It was a great rest of the day, a butterfly landed on her arm. She delicately picked it up to rest on her finger and it stayed put as if she was her own form of magic. The little insect crawled around and she led it to rest on his jacket.
“He’s probably picking up the sugar scrub I used last night.” She rationalized.
“Or you’re just preternaturally sweet.” He let out the cheesy line as it flicked itself off his being and flew into the air. She shot him a bemused sideways glance. When she finally got it off her finger and it was firmly on his being she slightly shook her head and rolled her eyes.
Obviously, it didn’t take a liking to him.
It’s instincts were far better tuned.
He took her to the closest pub. It wasn’t doing a roast dinner that night. She was put out, but ordered chips with a gin and tonic and some little sandwich thing.
His Earth girls really loved their chips.
Maybe that was his type? Little, bold Earth girls with loud minds that could devour nothing but chips for all eternity and be perfectly happy doing so.
He could live with that…
She went out for a cigarette and he mentally made contact with Missy.
She ‘picked up’ the mental receiver.
‘How goes London, you filthy old man?’ The words shot into his mind like an icicle from a roof.
‘Fine, just curious, how much attention did you pay to Professor Hedflonhorzthenethar’s lessons on groove-making in lesser species?’
‘Rapt, Doccy. Why?’
‘Send me your memories, I’ll Amazon a tuba to my office.’
Another betrayal of the morals he started this regeneration with…
‘Let me see you do it. I’ll only do it if you do it now and let me look through your eyes!’ It was sharp, it felt like she was beside him shouting it.
He gave her permission to see through his eyes. He sighed and whipped out his phone, ordered a tuba and closed up the connect to his eyes.
The entirety of her memories regarding the lessons pinged into his brain like an email or perhaps a text notification…
His little fawn slid back onto the barstool next to him as Missy closed the line…
‘Don’t break her yet! I want to be her friend! I’m so lonely!’
He could still feel her teasing pout lingering in his brain. Perhaps she left it as a taste of his own medicine.
“The night’s getting cooler.” (Y/N) informed.
“Pity, you’ll need to cover up.”
Her mind was clearly projecting images of her taking him to the toilets and fucking him in the stall. Loudly.
Her mind was wandering, she kept admiring the line of his brow and the way his fingers crossed over as he held the glass of Fanta he was slowly sipping. She needed him in ways that would shock perhaps even Captain Jack Harkness or perhaps that smaller, dark shadow that used to follow him around, John Hart was his name?
A pathetic kicked dog that craved the Captain’s attention…
Just like him and Missy.
He shook his head at that particular parallel.
Probably the advantage of dating someone in her profession. She knew what was avant-garde in sex!
Or at least for a human of her time period that had never been off-planet…
The Doctor let his mind wander into hers. Despite her clear projection, he wanted to see exactly what the damage of the last night was. She was chattering on about a philosophy book she picked up for between clients and for downtime at work. She completed it and wanted to share her critiques of it and her ways she’d probably improve upon the messages. As well as what she liked from it- she wasn’t all kvetching, no appreciation, after all.
In all honesty, he loved the wild tangential spin she loved. He felt some remorse about how deeply he had rummaged in her brain. She still was, in a sense, her own. Just now permanently entangled in his web. Like a rat in a glue trap, but only she didn’t grasp how sticky the glue was…. She was fully mentally tethered. He’d have to be more careful, he didn’t want to lose her, or push these experiences too deep. Losing this spark of ingenuity and tired vivaciousness would be a sin worse than anything else.
He swallowed another sip of his Fanta.
It seemed a bit shaken, but he swept those away. Kept them as salacious afterthought. Bonded the memories from today that were pleasant to her already aching neurotransmitters. Amped up her hormones a tad bit.
Anyone around her, even a stupid human could probably hear her mind now. It was both very intrigued by the subject matter of the book but also so desperately needy for her Doctor. He could feel her aching cunt and body responding from here. Anybody with a pulse could probably get her drift.
He'd probably, if anyone was sensitive enough, have to start beating them off with a stick!
That could be fun, lure her further. Let her know that she was only safe with him…
He ran the possibilities and scanned the bar, seeing if he could play any games.
Sadly not.
He decided against that for the moment.
Especially since something told him that she’d have precious little trouble fighting for herself. Unless he purposefully put her mind in a state of freeze, he doubted that a pub brawl based on her appearance would faze her. She, like most human girls, had been numbed to that sort of violence.
She’d probably have to come in and save him, by the looks of a few of the other patrons here…
He dissolved that idea. He couldn’t risk breaking his promise to her and regenerating on the spot if she was frozen, meant to witness. His superior genetics and all that may come with was no match for a gone-to-seed ex-rugby player nor someone who clearly worked security. As he finished his assessment of the crowd in the pub.
His mind games would have to play out in other ways still…
Just adjust the plans that he had. And take in the information Missy had pinged him.
The illusion of free will still reflected true, right?
His old pal, Plato did some allegory with a cave…sadly he wasn’t paying attention when the man was speaking. Missed the point, invented a self-lubricating spatula for flapjacks.
He’d never say he was depriving her of that outright, no too controversial. Too salacious. Guidance, yes. A dual corruption arc? Definitely.
Daddy knows best, rung through his skull. An old line he told Kate about the poison to kill the Zygons…
Paternalistic? Yes.
How could he not be? A human is so young and weak compared to most species out there. Let alone him and his!
After all, he was her teacher. Her educator.
These thoughts, mixed with how strong she was fantasizing about fucking him, and her natural allure…he was shocked that he wasn’t bursting through his trousers, exposing himself to all to see.
He'd fuck her tonight. Not only did she clearly need it, but if he didn’t give in, he would probably act out.
He had fully surrendered himself to current path he was on. Yes.
He’d not destroy her entirely. Take away what enchanted him to her. That would be a sin graver than killing her outright. She had goals and dreams. They had discussed at such at length. He’d let her have those. So long as she’d never stray from his clingy side.
He half-wished he could summon a past version of himself, or perhaps a future without risking too much. Just to confer and pass back ideas.
All he had was Missy.
Or to sneak off and search for the Rani.
And they’d destroy him with zealous help.
No! He was alone in this path. Only solace was Missy and her enjoyment of his fawn and petty need to be good and please reform for her release. He walked his path utterly alone.
The evening wound itself up. The Doctor had to pounce. To claim what little of his fawn lay left unclaimed. Ruin her forever. Claim her indefinitely…
He paid their bill and ventured into the night.
A pep laid in his step, his cock still semi-stiff. He’d destroy her to rebuild her.
Teacher’s Pet.
He’d have his fun next term. Make her into a professor’s aide. Push her servile nature to him into a possibly public place. Show her off, perhaps even.
But for now? He was about ready to explode. His balls ached, and his hearts were full.
All in the name of love, right?
Or obsession…
Either way, still to have someone as alluring with such a firm form like (insert a description of your body, reader…) and a mind as hard in her ideals, but so easy to toy with?
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the-patrex · 2 years
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Still didnt clear out @rearranging-deck-chairs‘ deamon au out of my head Specially the scenario where 12 and Missy are extra comfy with touching each others deamons and Clara being “?? fuck you doing??”  but also 👀👀👀 about it
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ohhamlet-art · 6 months
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"If I'm frozen how can I ... how can I be walking about?" "It doesn't matter—" "Yes, it matters to me."
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shuichiakainx · 10 months
new images of the new doctor with his new partner, can't wait to watch it 🤩 tomorrow there will be the second part of Doctor Who ❤️ I know I will cry tomorrow 😭
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