#1700s rp
pasaime · 8 months
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⠀⠀© 𝒑asaime ... a roleplaying blog of louis manoir ― a briefly mentioned character from the 1818 novel frankenstein by mary w shelley. 1818/1823 edition strictly, may have musical elements. dni vicliza/vicreature. original collaborative frankenstein spin off written by three mad-women titled "forgotten man's symphony". run by charlotte (she/they/any | 18). most interactions will be set in the 1790s to early 1800s. manoir will only be shipped with three specific characters if needed, first two characters being unrequited love: victor frankenstein, henry clerval, and florian wiśniowski. established 13/01/24. 16+ only. any plotting will most likely happen with me and one other FMS writer, plotting as a three expected, but you will only be writing with me specifically. thank you for reading.
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trigger warnings & content warnings: grooming, age gap (non-romanticised), 1700s period-typical homophobia, suicide attempts & thoughts, physical abuse, toxic relationships/obsessive love, self-hatred, body image issues, cannon-typical deaths, cannon-typical incest (non-romanticised), pregnancy, child neglect. interact with caution.
1 ) carrd. 2 ) prompts. 3 ) spotify. 4 ) tracker.
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sketchitings · 8 months
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Wedding hc ft something I started when my tablet broke: The guest gets married in black. Apparently black wedding dresses used to be the norm in Spain and were another way of saying “till death do us part.” Or so Wikipedia tells me.
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elyrianinspo · 29 days
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Ouizzy wedding Looks 🥰 (from Pinterest)
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lady-lord-cornbury · 9 days
I would have you all know that "cancel culture" is hardly a new concept... Please think deeply about whom you are "canceling"! No one ever remembers my good deeds and acts... and I assure you there are plenty!
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lumenflowered · 10 months
Goldenrod City is... truly staggering in size. I thought that perhaps I would be more at home in a more urban area, forgetting that no city would be quite like Yharnam. Which is, in all honesty, for the best.
Still—there are bright lights and activity everywhere, and it is... quite overwhelming, if I am being honest. I have requested directions to the Gym from no less than three separate people. Not a single one of them gave useful directions.
The Goldenrod Gym must be close...
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grim-has-issues · 7 months
To stan Blind Simon, or not to stan Blind Simon; that is the question
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izzysarchivedblogs · 1 year
💋 Did Peter get kisses yesterday? yes. Is Peter here for more kisses from Clint? Also yes. Especially since Tumblr refuses to let you see Peter any other way.
everyone sending ‘💋’ in my inbox gets a kiss from my muse. -> still accepting
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The days that were technical wins; that at the end of the day, the end of this LONG FUCKING week that was coming on at the tail end of what had been a LONG FUCKING month of things happening behind the partition, in the works and building what felt like under no one's radar. ISN'T THAT THE SAME OLD STORY?
One that's been repeated in the history books, over and over again; as an unofficial Avengers historian himself; he's positive that he could count such a thing as happening at least on the count of ten fingers and an extra hand. WILL THEY EVER? WILL THEY EVER LISTEN? It's all questions of change that pop into his head on the flight home; the hum of the quinjet having been a comfort that he had needed.
Cities saved, people on Earth, in this universe and this timeline were saved, but there's that HAUNTING CHILL clinging onto him. Being upon one of the few of the this makeshift, call any Avenger new and old to see who could show up, team. That's not how teams should be formed or made, but none of them had been active members. All reserves, and one inactive, which he's sure he can hear about the end of that with the Avengers LATER.
He was an ex-chairman himself so the Active team could BITCH at him later about that; he had his argument made. He followed most of the by-laws; and THE WORLD WAS SAVED.
He was one of the few that had gazed into the MAW OF THE BEAST ; OF THE FUCKING WORLD EATER, LOOMING.
Where had any of the Alpha Flight, the Guardians of the Galaxy, any of the heroes who have been to space and like fucking space. NOW HE'S GOTTA GO TO THEM. All of them. Carol and Tony (his buddies from the exclusive club no one want to be in), any of the Thors; even Bucky fucking Barnes had been to space and seem to get something out of it.
HE DIDN'T EVEN GO TO SPACE. Yet to see the gaping jaws of something, just out there and waiting. SITTING IN JUDGEMENT, LIKE A COBRA TO STRIKE. He doesn't even know when; or perhaps it wasn't even REAL.
Seven of them; there had been seven of them and they had done it. Since he's the one that called for this; than he had to do a goddamn report. FUCK STEVE ROGERS AND HIS LOVE OF PAPERWORK.
This quinjet had been a comfort; that as well as Spiderman, who thank everything did not have to bore any witness to what Clint had seen, being there. THERE'S A SLUMP TO HIS SHOULDERS. Moments that Clint can recall that he had gone silent; when the webslinger gone quiet, focused on what he needed to be doing. IT'S BEEN A LONG, SERIOUS DAY AT THE END OF LONG, FUCKING TERRIFYING WEEK.
That second comfort coming as a squeeze to his shoulder, red webbed glove lingering there, as he had settled into the pilot seat. HE NEEDED TO BE IN THIS SEAT. Keep his head on straight, flying them home. CLEAR THE VISSION FROM HIS EYES. Let this makeshift one time only performance act take their bow, and seep into their seats.
Some chatter; mostly quiet on board. HATES BEING THE RESPONSIBLE ONE. Reminds everyone to write up a report; so they can log this whole week to the active team, given the first Captain America an erection for new files to read.
The foulness of a craving; growing in his mouth as he thinks about how hard of a night this had been. Month long, to week long, to the culmination and than he knows there's more to come. CLEAN UP. AFTERMATH.
The work never end.
HE COULD GO FOR A FUCKING DRINK. Minimum of ten beers or something hard, high in content that'll lead his throat burning. KNOCK HIM THE FUCK OUT. drink, drink, drink; it always helps with sleep. After today, this night would be a hard one to go to sleep with. POTENTIALLY REAL NIGHTMARE FUEL ⸺ OUT THERE WAITING. FOR HIM.
Months, a little over a year sober, from his first relapse. THE FIRST BEING A KEYWORD BOTHER HIM. Clint was not going to. That would still only be first time. Every fiber in him knew that, fighting it; pushed the quinjets top speeds because he knew that he was popping in somewhere, to thank fuck they lived in NYC where there was at least a million people awake at late, late nights; literal twenty-four seven available meetings to find.
They land, greeted by the actives, and everyone is itching; clamoring to get out here, out of the hangar, off of the Avengers site. GO HOME. Unwind and cope. ❝ Spiderman; hold on back for a moment. ❞ UNINTENTIONAL LEADER VOICE. A little strict sounding, gravelly tone.
He can probably hear the strain to this; imagines the face under that mask. TIRED, PROBABLY WORRIED NOW. One thought on Clint's mind besides the whisperings he ignored; the fucking ironic thought of wanting to drown them; considering what IT wanted to drown him with.
THANKFUL HE HAS ANOTHER THOUGHT. Lips. His lips; and they were probably chap, the feeling of his thumb on Peter's throat as he made sure his mouthy spider in place. BOYFRIEND. Too damn lucky; a good thing.
The literal Hawkeye eye's sweep the hangar bay, checking for any eyes or straggler. EVERYONE CLEARED OUT FAST. Clint didn't blame them; he wanted to do the same thing, and he will soon. ORDER OF BUSINESS, STANDING IN FRONT OF HIM.
Thrown for a loop, when he's hugged and comforted that he's thinking the same thing as him. HE COULD KISS THE MASK; HE DOES THAT PLENTY NOW. Clint always makes sure to lower his sunglasses, primary for Spiderman to see the way he rolls his eyes, but than noticed the way his scarred lips go crooked in a smile.
Clint won't risk the identity reveal; always kept Peter's airtight and knew what he'd do if he was tortured about it. THANK FUCK HIS BEST FRIENDS WERE SUPER SPY ASSASSINS. Natasha, Bucky, and even Bobbi, has taught him a trick or two about withholding information while being hot iron burned.
Yet he can't help himself to going for the zipper as his hands, run up from his arms to shoulders, loosens the zipper. DRAWS HIS FINGERS ALONG THE JAWLINE. Slips a finger under to lift the mask up. JUST ENOUGH. Just enough to pull up above his lips; but no higher than that.
NEEDED THOSE, AND THEY WERE CHAP. ❝ What do you do ⸻ eat your chapsticks instead use them? ❞ A smile, just for him, DRAINED, and a little humor for the moment. Lips barely apart NOR does that last long. LIPS TO LIPS HELD LONG; LINGERING THERE.
Convinces himself ⸺ and it would be true even if right now the pit in his stomach that only wished him rot and ruin; that his lips taste so much better than quitting his sobriety. ❝ TO THINK ⸺ I could have been tasting cherry chapstick. ❞ Both hands holding at Peter's jaw, cupped tight to hold down the mask and one hand is sliding to his neck; feeling his thumb over his throat, feeling the texture of the suit, the welts of the webbing that make up his iconic design.
❝ You feeling that you need to get to MJ'S ⸺ see Mayday, stay the night? ❞ BIG WORLD SAVING DAY. That takes a lot out of anyone; and Clint knows he'll never quite be a father (last chance never happened). YET HE COULD MAKE A GUESS. He could guess, something like that, and perhaps this would have been Clint, despite how drained he was, would want to go see his baby right away. HOLD THEM.
Knows that MJ and Peter were far more communicative, very amicably divorced; and certain that her couch would be available. Checking to see where he was going home tonight; if he'd be alone in bed. IT'D BE ALRIGHT. Trying to gauge where he's taking himself.
❝ 'M OKAY. ❞ That was and wasn't a lie. AFTER SEEING THAT? No way he was okay, but he means that in different terms. Let him explain here before his bullshit is called. ❝ OR ⸻ I want, need, to go to a meeting; so I WON'T BE TO BED RIGHT AWAY. ❞ He would be okay, or at least; he's giving Peter the trusted knowledge of what he was feeling.
❝ So okay, more or less ⸻ Just text me if I'm in your bed tonight. ❞ A LITTLE PLEADING. His pride could take that; after he's sat and listened, got through the night, perhaps talked but he doesn't know who the hell he could talk about what he was privy to. Talk about how hard it was to not drink when it became the number one sleep aid for over a decade and some of his life.
THE MEETING HELPS ⸺⸻ and the text message on his phone contributes to knowing he'll be alright (at least with this). DOESN'T EVEN BOTHER TEXTING BACK.
Perhaps that he should have gone to a doctor, because everything aches and it's more than the mid-forties pushing older kind of pains. HE'LL CORRAL HIMSELF AND PETER TOMORROW TO ONE OF THE NIGHT NURSES. Getting them checked out, Night Nurse because of Peter's secret identity, and those nurses have an oath about that.
❝ MMH⸺ ❞ is the first sound that he makes after keys in door, unlocked, than relocked and suit, clothes, discarded wherever in the dark trek from the front door to Peter's bed. ARMS GOING TO SLIP AROUND HIM, KISS AT HIS NECK, JAW LIPS.
Lips that tasted like chapstick ⸻ ❝ MJ 'n' Mayday okay? ❞ Based on the text, knowing that he had to have swung by, and cares himself to know that. ❝ Didnta hafta rush 'ere. ❞ BUT HE WON'T COMPLAIN. He's got someone to hold; he's exhausted and sleep won't be coming. Yet he got someone to hold, Peter there, and he can just feel him.
Hearing aids still in, because that need for vigilance. EYES DARTING TO THE WINDOW. Curtains drawn; trying not to imagine a serpent eye watching them. ❝ Didya hafta choose COCUNUT? ❞ Complaint, against Peter's lips again, because of course he puts on chapstick and choses that.
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worthy-worthingtons · 11 days
me making a whole parody school for roleplay purposes so i can dunk in my Worthington scrunglies into said school. gosh the lengths i go through for them....
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Yeah i cant believe i went out to make a whole uQuiz about the school too. and the discord servers. and-
around the 1600s the government exiled the witches to a secluded island between the mists. Making it an unreachable, lost 'prison' technically. The government used the witches/wizards for military purposes (especially scrying and divination)
Then in the late 1600s to 1700s, the military gave them control of their own community to manage, slowly turning the prison into a school for witch/witches only. the prison has more female resident in it, and at that time the female witches wanted to learn things too. They exchange information with the 'newcomers' (technically new prisonsers) and eventually the whole info exchange thing became a 'school'. and since theyre also mostly lead by well-behaved and well-informed women, the guards/government isn't opposed to the peaceful ways they are living,they became a self-sustaining society.
In 1890s, the school is now self-established and is open for public, while mostly only enrolling Humes with aptitudes of Mythos Magic. Mythaven RP's timeline is in the 2020s but the fashion and aesthetics stuck at 1890s (it became their trademark!)
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rosiebeetle · 1 month
Different beetlejuice headcannons I have depending on actor!!! Because this is my account and why not :3 (tw for mentions of hanging and homophobia a long with abuse. Iget very srs when it comes to my juice lore)
Justinjuice: adhd/hyper compulsive pan/non binary sowhere under the I don't give a fuck umbrella yk doesn't care what pronoun you use. He definitely was a human or "breather" before death but he died somewhere in the 1700s maybe 1600s (Pilgrim times you get the gist) he was sentenced to death by hanging because him and his lover got caught together once (kissing.. Get your mind out of the gutter) his past lover just so happened to look like Adam and have the same name. Past lover was able to escape while bj unfortunately did not. That is the reason he is so drawn to Adam but he doesn't know that because he doesn't remember anything from his past besides a few flash memories. (This hc based on me and my girlfriends au rp thing we have) Juno was absolute trash to him but still lied and said he was her son. Juno basically forced him into the human world to watch the maitlands since they were important and needed to die and go to the netherworld quick he also has BPD or bi polar because I say so and I like projecting
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Brightjuice: autistic mainly highly sensitive to touch and lights and stuff also very needs to move at all times or he will start exploding (his head tilts t Rex arms ect) greysexual/bi and genderfluid (mainly he/her) he was definitely a born dead, Juno in my opinion TRIED to be a good mother but grew tired of his autistic meltdowns fast and quickly became a bad one. The reason why I think he's more of a born dead is because of his actions and maneruisms (idk how to spell it sorry..) He's very unhuman like especially compared to all the other juices (very buggy twitchy, not very good at being among the living)
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Koberjuice: definitely a mix of audhd definitely on the spectrum there more sensory than hyper, hates fur like absolutely despises the feeling (very specific ik shush) but like the scratchy fur they put on those shitty stools at Burlington and the fur on short hair dogs (like pitbulls) but long softer furs like bunnys and cats is ok it just has to be soft. Very bi and doesn't really have a gender label he just likes he/she sometimes they and enjoys it when people asks what hes feeling today. Also a born dead but unlike brightjuice he never really spent much time with other dead people, Juno was a shit mother to begin with so to escape he hung around humans a lot putting on a humany look to avoid people hating him but in his early 20s Juno found out and cursed him (I unfortunately do not have a koberjuice gif.. So have this!)
Blumjuice (just what I've taken from the clips since I have watched a full boot so sorry if this is more out of character..): adhd like justinjuice very hyper likes to move and stuff and just very touchy he likes touchy touchy things yk the type of guy to go to a craft store or home Depot just to touch shit. Also bi but more he/they than she, it's very rare that he likes she to be used but there are times. Also was a human before dieing but he died more roaring 20s from getting involved with some bad people (hence the whole suit and style) stayed very connected with the world after becoming a demon though, not COMPLETELY dumb about technology but he does need help using it though (again.. No gif of hin.. Forgive me stolen from erynn COUGH)
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seekerofeden · 5 months
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What is a typical day like living in a Riddle's brothel? DAILY LIFE
MORNING 0800 Wake up call. 0830 Breakfast served in rooms. Medication administered to those who require it. 0900 - 0915 Clean up from staff. Bathroom breaks. 1000 - 1200 Reprieve in the Powder Room. ON ODD DAYS 0700 Wake up call. 0715 - 0800 Morning Physical Activity Exercises 0800 - 0830 Showers. 0900 Breakfast served in rooms. Medications administered to those who require it. 1000 - 1200 Reprieve in the Powder Room. In the event of the arrival of new girls: 0500 New girls are escorted to Dr. Presham for priority medical assessments. 0700 New girls are stripped of their person, given new vestments and essential items after a shower. They are then escorted back to their rooms.
Afternoon 1200 - 1300 Lunch served in Dining Room. 1300 Midday Reprieve/Supervised Activities/Patron Appointments
Activities include: relaxing in the Drawing Room, practicing skills in Music Room, reading in the Library, scheduled medical appointments with Dr. Presham. All girls remain on the same floor (except for medical appointments) for better supervision, but each group will have at least two grunts accompanying them. Those with patron appointments will abide by patron's request.
Evening 1600 - Girls escorted back to their rooms. 1700 - Dinner served in Dining Room. 1800 - 2000 Showers, Nightly Preparations 2000 - Velvet Salon. Light meals, drinks, and games are provided during interactions with patrons. 2300 Patrons leave, Girls are escorted back for showers and bedtime routine. 0000 Lights out.
Eden's Embrace
Interested? Ask how to join our RP!
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greatyme · 7 months
Okay. So. I had a whole 1700+ word essay written about my thoughts on too many bl fans assuming actors are straight but it was very uhhh rant formatted and got too heated so I’m gonna try again and be a little more chill and concise abt it…
Let me get straight to the point. I didn’t mention fanservice or shipping real people in that little post I made (I wasn’t expecting it to get any notes tbh lmao) but that’s very much related to what I’m talking about. In my experience, being vehemently against fanservice and rps goes hand in hand with assuming these actors are straight which is of course heteronormativity (homophobia!).
Fanservice & shipping are a vital part to the bl ecosystem, and they aren’t going away any time soon. And I don’t mean because it’s great for promoting a product or an upcoming series (which, yes, it can be, not denying that) but fanservice, in fact, queers our perception of “truth” and “reality” when it comes to these actors’ lives. When an actor is purposefully vague about their relationship or sexuality, they’re able to simultaneously not put themselves at risk by being “out” in a more traditional/upfront (perhaps western…) sense while also being capable of being perceived as queer to some degree by their audience. Infinite homosexuality glitch! Shippers are important because they play a role in believing their fav bl couple are together for real aka they are gay for real (also it’s just fun to do…). Yes, some people overstep boundaries but for the most part people are capable of being respectful.
I see a lot of people say bl actors are absolutely not dating each other and 99% of them are straight and probably even homophobic etc. constantly but like… who told you that? If anything, a job where you’re perceived as gay while still being not out enough (having such a hard time phrasing what I mean by this lol) to keep your safety would be way more appealing to literal queer people right? And surely most actors know what they’re getting into by partaking? Yes there can be issues with fanservice, rps, etc. but I can’t help but notice everyone seems to be focused on the issues and never the benefits. Assuming the majority of bl actors are straight is just plain homophobic, and I might argue it’s counterproductive to resist and say it’s “none of my business” when they’re purposefully going out of their way to make it our business (if you’re not into fanservice/shipping that’s fine whatever but what I’m saying is they are trying to make a point to be visibly queer on some level). Yeah, not everyone is gay, I know. But I have a good feeling there’s a lot more queer people in the industry than most people assume.
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gerryrigged · 9 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag, @vellaphoria! ♥
How many works do you have on AO3?
14 total, 4 on my gerryrigged account.
What’s your total A03 word count?
27,558. A good number of my pieces are quite short ficlets. I don't have a big portfolio of work - I've been in fandom for quite a while, but almost entirely as a lurker. For a handful of years, almost all of my writing output was in RP.
What fandoms do you write for?
Right now? Just DC, mostly Bats for the time being. Previously, hockey rpf, Star Wars, K, X-Men: First Class, and One Piece.
What are your top five fics by kudos?
hgjkldsf, most of these are on my other account, but:
[redacted] - ~10k, ~1700 kudos, hockey rpf [redacted] - ~3.5k, ~900 kudos, hockey rpf [redacted] - ~600 words, ~600 kudos, hockey rpf Hold It Up To The Mirror - 2.3k, 347 kudos, DC Comics [redacted] - ~300 words, ~300 kudos, One Piece
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I want to, because commenters are lovely and I appreciate them so much! And I try to, I just...don't always succeed >_>💧 or, looking at it from another perspective, I'm just very behind on them!
I adore people's comments and re-read them with fair frequency, and I do love interacting - but I also tend to get over-excited/anxious and then end up just turning the comments over and over in my little paws admiringly like sparkly gems instead of replying. Or, for another example, I got a bunch of lovely comments on my timeloop dicktim fic, but haven't been able to psyche myself up to reply because I still haven't been able to get out the promised follow-up fic, ha 🙃
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, probably Hold It Up To The Mirror. I left poor Dick and Tim in a really fucked up situation there, and it would absolutely have to get worse before it got any better. I do envision it getting better, though - despite where I end fic sometimes, I'm a sucker for eventual happy endings, especially for my OTPs. so I'm usually imagining a future path where things improve, even if it would be a (very) rough road to get there.
freefall (and the aftermath thereof) also left off on a pretty angsty note, but I give the edge to Hold It Up To The Mirror because of how bleak it is.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm not sure how to quantify this, lol, I would say most of my happy endings are pretty happy. For fluff factor, maybe my latest, let your heart be light, because that one just revels in the shmoop.
Do you get hate on your fic?
Not so far - fingers crossed it stays that way!
Do you write smut?
Yes, sort of? Like. I have written it, and I would certainly like to write more. But I consider myself very amateurish/unskilled at it, so I'm embarrassed of it and mostly it doesn't see the light of day. Guess I need to spend more time practicing! 😅
Do you write crossovers?
Nope, not a huge fan of writing crossovers or fusions myself, though I'll read them occasionally. When it comes to fandoms, I tend to only have one hyperfixation at a time, and mixing two different ones doesn't really appeal, at least in terms of what I myself am driven to write.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of - fingers also crossed it stays that way.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so? It's been requested before, but I never saw the results XD
Have you ever co-written a fic?
Not so far, though I'd like to! The closest I've gotten would be writing out closely collaborated scenes in RP, which can in some cases read like a fic.
What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
Oh no, if I was forced to consider all of my fandoms at once, I'd have no idea. For DC, it's definitely DickTim. (It was Tim/Kon before this most recent immersion in the DC fandom, when I started to dig into Bat comics more holistically and DickTim reared its head up and swallowed me whole.)
What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Hm, I don't know that there are any in particular that I would firmly put on the shelf. The ones that I more generally doubt are all the ambitious long-fic ideas >_> because I suck at those. But they still exist as goals of mine, so I won't jinx any of them here!
What are your writing strengths?
.......Humor, maybe? Oh, I've been told I'm good at conveying tone and character voice through prose, and at putting together memorable or hard-hitting turns of phrase. Possibly structuring emotional arcs? 🤔
What are your writing weaknesses?
Elaborate run-on sentences. Descriptions, especially of setting details such as locations, clothing, etc. (hence why these things are often missing in my fics, lmfao). Purple prose. Over-editing. Overuse of implication/ambiguity/metaphor to the detriment of clarity. Stringing multiple scenes together, scene transitions in general, over-arching storyline plotting and all the other difficult parts of writing longer more plotty pieces. The 'stage'-blocking of physical movement, and how much/little of it needs to be described to be effective. Research - I am way too prone to just handwaving and going ehhhh, something something fill in the blank here, you know what I mean >.>
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done this a couple times, but usually only short lines. Sometimes it's for effect - the POV character might not understand the language, so it's as impenetrable to them as to most readers. Or it's a line most English-speakers would be able to parse due to cognates/related languages, but it's just funnier or feels better in the other language. Or in like anime/manga fandoms, it might be a line in Japanese that most fans/readers would already be familiar with. Usually though I've just been Google translating, and have been kindly corrected on grammar etc. in the comments before, haha.
First fandom you wrote for?
well. that would be in like. middle school lol oh god. I think it was a Sailor Moon/Gundam Wing crossover hghkldjfskl. That or Dragonball Z. Thankfully my recollection of my FF.net account name has been lost to the sands of time.
Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
hm. I don't have strong feelings on this; I usually end up looking at my past fic with a critical eye. Maybe the little gen Dick & Tim ficlet I have on my other account? I wouldn't say it's my best, by any means, but that one kind of wrote itself in a fever state when I hadn't written anything in literal years, so I'm very fond of it for breaking through a creative block and being my first toe into writing for the DC fandom proper.
oh, and if you haven't been tagged yet and would care to play: @deepwithintheabyss, @annerp, and @the-alice-of-hearts?
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sketchitings · 5 months
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Y2K outfit for the guest in ep.1 and a sketchy Lass.
Still deciding which colors for the left one but I’m leaning towards coral, magenta, periwinkle, or some combination of all three that inexplicably works lol. I’m sticking with indigo for the other.
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elyrianinspo · 9 months
“i’m probably overreacting but i’m not sure what to do about that mid freak-out, okay?”
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nytehavyn-circle · 4 months
Some more info about Tolaas (I just got done telling this to an RP partner and figured I'd put it up):
Tolaas was raised in the ShadowLands (his mother and father were, and still are, unknown) to be a ShadowHunter, and he's basically the only one in existence. He also wasn't always the nicest guy. He wreaked hell on several villages across the countryside. Until one village retaliated. They left him bleeding to death and dying in the forest. Terran found him and spoke with him a but before turning him.
Terran tried to teach Tolaas about his new abilities, what it was like being a living vampire, etc. Of course, this made Tolaas a bit power hungry, and off he went storming the countryside again. Terran tried everything he could do to rein him in. Until several years later, when Terran had had enough of trying to get Tolaas under control. He was Terran's responsibility, after all.
By this time, the town of Rhys and the castle of NyteHavyn were already well underway, for several centuries. Terran captured Tolaas and brought him back to the castle and tossed him in the dungeon. No one quite knows exactly what happened during the few years that Tolaas was unseen.
Eventually, he was seen again, out roaming the countryside, and actually helping people in need, hunting the occasional ShadowDemon keeping the countryside safe, and eventually, occasionally, being hired to take care of a problem. He didn't ask a lot of questions back then.
Over the years, he brought more and more people and beings to Rhys and NyteHavyn. Many times, too many to count, he was hunted down and captured and tortured, or otherwise severely beaten. Some of the times, he managed to escape the position he was in, other times Terran had to come to the rescue.
Over the next few centuries, Tolaas continued to work on helping those in need and observed humanity. He saw the rise and fall of nations, the rise and fall of kings and queens, watched how humans began to prosper and change, and he was thankful to be a part of it.
Over the centuries he grew close enough to Terran to consider him a brother, even though he still calls him his best friend. He has an undying loyalty to the man who saved his life and taught him what he needed to know and helped change him over the years.
He wandered around the world, soaking in the culture, helping out the people, learning many, many languages, and learning many instruments. He learned many different crafts, too.
Then the late 1700s and the 1800s happened. Tolaas became fascinated and enthralled with cowboys and cowboy culture. He adopted the dress style, the accent (even if it was a little thick and exaggerated), and started taking up odd jobs. With the help of Terran, he purchased a ranch and threw himself into the role, and became a real cowboy, a persona which he's kept to this day. It fits who he is, and it truly is who he is now.
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lumenflowered · 8 months
Do you know of the man who speaks in hands?
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