tizniz · 1 month
Hi!! I love your Buck’s Boyfriend series on ao3!!! I have such a weakness for Buck/Eddie/Tommy and you write the three of them so well!!!
Still on vacay (well technically only started today shh) but wanted to pop in and say thank you for this!
It makes me so happy to see people enjoying the poly ship as much as I am.
I have more ideas for what I want to write and explore. So stay tuned post-vacay when I get back into writing!
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fandomfluffandfuck · 3 years
Ok I couldn’t find my ask and tbh idk if I actually sent you anything lmfaoo I think I may have thought about it but then didn’t?😂idk I loved the touch starved lil Drabble your wrote yesterday😭I was rereading @howdoyousleep3 suckling fic (if you haven’t read it omg check it out it’s so cute)and it made me think about alpha steve babying omega Bucky in front of the team? thinking what if like maybe Bucky crashes really hard after heats bc hydra suppressed his heats for so long and now that he is having them again he is really needy a few days after his heat😭and Steve has to carry him around everywhere, sits him on his lap, cuddles him, feeds him, and maybe he needs a bottle to drink water, and Bucky always suckling at Steve neck, his thumb, idk just real fluffy and the team is so surprised to see it but they help Steve out by helping him make food bc he only has one hand tryna carry Bucky and other cute stuff😭idk my mind went on down a spiral😭I just love the idea of Bucky being vulnerable and Steve just being the perfect protector/alpha/care giver🥺🥺🥺
Hi! Yes I fucking feel that haha, all of the time I think about doing shit and then just,, don’t? My brain is shit like that lol. Thank you for dropping by again <3
Thank you!! Yeah, that was a lot of fun to write too, I’m glad you enjoyed it too! I always worry with asks that people won’t like what I write for them lol 
My referenced drabble
@howdoyousleep3 ‘s referenced suckling drabble (or the one I thought you meant lol - either way it’s FANTASTIC)
Oh ho ho, I was just thinking about A/B/O today, yes. Alpha Steve and omega Bucky (or vice versa lol) will always have a place in my heart. 
Oh, yes! Good thought. Good thought. 
That’s definitely something I can see happening, Bucky crashing after heats. Especially in the beginning after he’s deprogrammed. In my mind I’m thinking it’s a bit like a sub-drop? Right? Like all those hormones are gone suddenly and he’s crawling out of his skin a little, sitting between wanting Steve to keep being all over him and cuddly but also sort of almost being touched-out y’know? Like he spent so long not being touched unless it meant violence and then he reentered the normal world and any touch was good touch, so it gets a little confusing. 
“Steve has to carry him around everywhere, sits him on his lap, cuddles him, feeds him, and maybe he needs a bottle to drink water, and Bucky always suckling at Steve neck, his thumb, idk just real fluffy and the team is so surprised to see it but they help Steve out by helping him make food bc he only has one hand tryna carry Bucky and other cute stuff😭idk my mind went on down a spiral😭I just love the idea of Bucky being vulnerable and Steve just being the perfect protector/alpha/care giver🥺🥺🥺” 
Ahhhhhhh yes, yes all of that happens!! I- I just. Yes. I love that with my entire heart. 
My mind instantly went to the morning after Bucky’s heat breaks and they have to go down to the communal floor in order to get food and water because they’ve used up what they had. Which, the communal floor is where all the rest of the team is on this particular morning (maybe they’re having breakfast together? Maybe they just got back from a mission where Steve and Bucky were exempt because they were on blackout protocol for their mating cycle? Who knows? Not me lol).
Anyway, they go down to get food and Bucky is just- clinging. to. Steve. 
He’s gone full-on koala bear, hugging him, his legs tight around his waist, face buried in his neck so he can constantly scent him, y’know? 
And the whole team is just kind of slack jawed because that’s the fucking Winter Soldier being carried around. Carried around by Captain America. 
It’s too early for this shit.
They all kind of freeze, not exactly knowing what to do because Steve doesn’t say anything about it. He doesn’t even acknowledge that they’re there even though he totally knows they are. His already serum heightened senses have to be heightened even more after spending a week with his omega in heat. Yet- he just walks silently to the kitchen, absently stroking a hand down Bucky’s back while he holds him up with his other, locked intimately to that area where thigh meets ass. 
They all watch as Steve fumbles his way through making them something to eat, holding Bucky up one handed. He ends up sending a couple of empty cups sprawling (which makes him have to stop what he’s doing because Bucky whimpers, half-startled by the loud noise) and dropping a bag of chips onto the floor. He bumps into a couple of things too.
It’s very endearing. Very reminiscent of his mile wide stubborn streak. Refusing to put Bucky down even for a second. 
Thor is the one to try and step forward but Sam stops him, worried that the huge, literal God of an alpha will set off Steve’s own alpha instincts of protection with Bucky so recently out of heat. 
So they all just sit back and watch. 
Steve starts whispering to Bucky. Bucky nods and Steve sets him down on the counter, keeping one hand on his thigh until he can’t possibly, getting too far away as he quickly gathers some things with both of his hands free. But he appears right back in front of him again in the blink of an eye. 
The blonde holds a bottle of water out for Bucky to grab but doesn’t give it to him, changing his mind at the last minute, because his hands are shaking. Instead the alpha unscrews the bottle himself and holds it to his lips for him. 
The team watches as Steve helps Bucky drink, cupping his jaw and rubbing his thumb over his cheekbone while his throat bobs, swallowing. When he needs a break to breath, Steve brushes his thumb tenderly over his mouth, wiping away the excess water and allowing Bucky to lap at the pad of his finger. He offers him more water and reluctantly Bucky lets his thumb go.
The process repeats with even more intensely intimate finger licking and sucking until the bottle is gone. 
The sense of rubber-necking through the team is strong. It’s like trying to look away from a car crash but the car crash is so unbearably sweet that it’s minutely sexual as well as rotting their teeth. 
Steve feeds his omega by hand too, gathering what he got earlier closer. Bucky takes whatever he gives him, docile as a kitten and purring like one too. The omega even pauses to nuzzle into his palm or kiss or suck at his fingers when he’s between bites of food. 
Steve’s not even blushing. Everyone else is though. Blushing and smiling, blinking while wondering if they should be watching or not. None of them have ever seen him not blush at literally anything that’s somewhat sexual or intimate. 
But he’s… he’s not now. He’s entirely focused on his mate. He doesn’t have time to blush apparently. 
When Bucky is done with eating, rather than taking what Steve holds up to his lips he thumps his head down in the center of his chest. Steve eats what he was holding in his palm instead, growling low and deep in his chest, enabling Bucky to feel the vibrations under his cheek. He strokes one hand through his hair and eats with his other. 
When he finishes Steve re-gathers Bucky in his arms. Steve looks at the food he has laid out. Obviously he wants to take it with them back up to their den, their floor, but he can’t hold all of it while also holding Bucky. He frowns at the small pile. 
But before he can do anything about it Natasha pads forward, literally treading lightly. She comes around his side carefully, weary of those alpha protector instincts 
(Side note: we know from the MCU that Natasha was sterilized as were all “black widows” and in the A/B/O ‘verse I, personally, HC that she would’ve forcibly had her scent glands surgically removed in a similar process. Making her unable to bond through bite marks too. It makes her smell essentially human, as in, she has even less of a scent than a beta. Which is why she doesn’t fuck with Steve’s alpha instincts. She’s not a threat in his hindbrain’s eyes) 
Silently gathering all of their things into her arms and walking back up to their quarters with them. Pretending to gag - while biting back a smile - when Steve affectionately rumbles at Bucky and Bucky purrs back, suckling at his collarbone and wrapping himself tighter around his alpha. 
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shieldedbythunder · 3 years
hiiiii this is for the headcanons post! Thunder shield!!! sfw 5,8,9.
Hey there, thanks for asking!
5. Night in headcanon.
I think they'd keep things simple with a movie and takeout, or playing some of Steve's old records. Just lounging on the sofa in sweatpants and enjoying some cuddles while they chat about this and that. They've tried doing the whole romantic home-cooked meal thing before, and after the week it took them to clear the smell of smoke from the kitchen from their last attempt, they agree that once was enough.
8. Sleeping headcanon.
Steve's a blanket hog, a holdover from when he'd have trouble keeping warm back before the serum, but Thor doesn't mind too much since he runs fairly hot and doesn't need blankets as much. After they start sharing a bed, Steve gradually starts ditching the blankets in favour of wrapping himself around Thor, who always gets a big sappy grin when he wakes up to Steve clinging to him like a koala.
9. How friends/family of the couple react.
Already answered here!
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leisurelypanda · 3 years
I am a SUCKER for Thor and Steve being vulnerable around each other and the team/public taking notice🥺like after a long mission that was really hard on thor, steve notices and they get back to the tower and Steve directs him to the couch and has them lay down where thor is on top of steve with his face buried in Steve’s neck and the team is kind of surprised bc they never see thor this vulnerable🥺or maybe the team has movie night and steve and Thor fall asleep by the time it’s over and tony wakes up Thor first and before they can wake up steve thor just scoops him up and steve doesn’t even wake up🥺or maybe during a battle steve falls off a building and thor catches him and the media eats it up and when thor learns later that the media loves it he makes a point of picking up steve bc he always blushes🥺🥺🥺AAAHHHHHH ok im sorry I just love it😂
Okay, but Steve and Thor being media darlings like this is just a wonderful thought. And the convenient fact that they can't not be touching whenever possible just adds to the cuteness/hilarity of it. There are a slew of pics and videos online featuring Steve and Thor's relationship and the ways Thor carried Steve off into the sunset (sometimes literally). It gets so prominent that Thor and Steve become gay icons and the mlm community.
There are also lots of pics of them holding hands, hugging in public, cuddling on a bench, kissing, and all sorts of forms of pda. Steve and Thor have no shame.
I love this idea so much, honestly.
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vipertooths · 3 years
I just read As Dark As You Make it and it was so good!
omg thank you so much 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
i meant for it to be a bit plottier and longer but i rly lost the motivation with how things went down in the show. im so glad i could still make something people enjoyed though. 🥺💗
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okmcintyre · 3 years
for the ship game I’m going to ask about Murphy👀👀
Big thanks to you @178owintersball for asking! 😃 Also to @heartbeatsandletters and @theworldisbeautifulandcruel who asked Murphy for this game. I love to talk about him & I'm super interested to know who you ship him with!
Top 5 ships for Murphy (in reverse order!)
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5. Murphy x Josephine: They'd be absolutely toxic together and super entertaining to watch 💥
4. Murphy x Raven: I was a big Murven shipper for a long time and still see the potential there. Also a big fan these days of memori x raven!
3. Murphy x Clarke: I've said it before: but this brotp/otp is a fave! In another version of canon, he and Clarke would be two *salty AF* BFF's who casually start sleeping together and realize that they are suddenly in a relationship.
2. Murphy x Bellamy: I wouldn't have been mad if they'd ended up together. They had chemistry that was OFF THE CHARTS! Enemies to friends to lovers Murphamy could've been epic!! 🔥
1. Murphy x Emori: No surprise that Memori tops his list, for me. He had heart eyes for Emori from pretty much the moment they met, and I think their love story was the most pleasing to watch over the show's run. They made each other better people, and had a healthy, fun to watch dynamic that I never tired of. They deserve every bit of fandom appreciation (and the happy ending that they got!) 💛💛
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tizniz · 1 month
Hi! I’ve been reading through all your work and I really enjoy all of it! I was wondering if you take prompts? Or if you’re opening to receiving them but not necessarily committing to writing them or if you have any boundaries? 💚
Oh hello! Welcome to my crazy lil nook :)
Thank you for reading and enjoying my stories. Most of them are little pieces of me and so they mean something special to me.
I’m absolutely up for taking prompts, but please do not expect it written right away (I promise, Nolan, that I am working on that one prompt!!! Was actually thinking about it earlier…). I write when inspiration strikes. And if I really don’t think it’s something I’ll be able to do, I’ll let you know :)
(Boundaries: I do not do anything non-con/r*pe. And I won’t write mpreg. Those are hard no’s for me. No shame if that’s what you write. It’s just not for me.)
Feel free to send in a prompt — I’m always down for inspiration.
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