#19 days chapter 394
in vita, in media morte sumus. Ch.1
WC: 2K
Note: New series popping out! I really have no idea the direction of this series or how many chapters will be included. Also, updates will likely be spread out since I am in the middle of the semester. Therefore, patience will be greatly appreciated with how quickly I can shell out chapters. Also, this is only the second extended work I've done, so once again, patience and kindness are very much appreciated.
Note: Also, Desdemona is 19-20 years old. The terms of her education at Nevermore will be explained in the upcoming chapters. HINT: Nevermore has blended into a high school/college atmosphere for Outcasts using alternating schedules.
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“I.D.? … Hmm, here for the Addams girl?”
“What gave it away? The black or the black?”
“Tish, play nice, my love.” 
“Ohh, a playful little barb never hurt anybody, dear. Now, where is our little dagger, hmm?”
“Right this way,” the guard grumbled with his head down. He pulled the radio to his mouth. “Open cell block 394.”
Their banter reached your ears before you reached the end of the hall. It made you want to claw your ears to bloody shreds and stuff them down the throat of the guard that would not stop picking at his fucking fingers—flicking dirt from underneath the dead nailbed with the toothpick. Swipe, dig, flick. Swipe, dig, flick! Nothing like family to incite you into a murder spree.
Morticia and Gomez turned a corner and met you at the halfway point between cell block 394 and cell block 394-C. “Aahh! Our little dagger! Look at you in your little red uniform,” said Gomez, clapping his hands as if to seal the finality of his joy.
Morticia smirked at you and murmured, “Only the best for an Adams.” She winked at you behind the bars separating the cell blocks, making your lip twitch. 
Despite your distaste for her overtly sweet manner, you did appreciate her respect for your reputation that has awarded you such an unmatched level of security—a uniquely colored uniform and private cell block, in fact—and fear that wafted off those you passed, including the guard who has yet to remove his eyes from your form. You suppose rightly so since you did have the propensity to pounce on those inside the prison with teeth slashing into their pliable flesh, even if your hands were permanently locked into a steel cage. 
You watched the guard pocket his dirty toothpick and slowly speak into his radio while eyes remained watchful of you, “Open the gate.” 
The security light overhead flashed green while the gate buzzed open from a remote control center, and you stepped through the threshold. You sighed and walked up to your mother and father. “Hello, parents. Did you get bored of trying to act like you could still procreate and decide to pay your eldest a visit finally?”
“Desdemona!” Morticia shrieked. 
Gomez chuckled and touched her back to quell her growing frustration. “Easy, Tish, she’s just warming up for the day. You didn’t mean it, did you, my little hellion?”
“Oh, I don’t know. How serious are you about breaking me out of here?” You narrowed your eyes at him while all four of you, including the guard, walked back to the entrance. As the four of you stepped outside the prisoner living quarters, Gomez turned and gestured toward the guard, who was hesitantly moving toward you with a set of keys jingling in his unsteady hands. You watched him fit the correct key into the lock of the steel cage and turn the little knobs inside, releasing the pressure from the cuffs and letting them bounce apart from your wrists before the box snapped open and thudded to the ground. Your brow raised while you rubbed at your sore wrists. Giving a cursory glance at the guard, you thought, ehh, there’s better prey than you, little piggy. 
You turned toward your father and mother as they said, “Dead serious, darling.” You smirked and followed them to the car. Lurch let you all in, moved into the driver's seat, and put the pedal on the floor, leaving dust and gravel flying in your wake with the prison and the shaking guard fading into little dark spots.
Turning back to your parents, you said, “So, who did you kill, poison, or bribe to get my indefinite sentence halted?” 
Morticia and Gomez stopped fawning over each other and whispering like teenagers about their little escapades in their youth that were similar to this one. They turned to you, and Morticia said with a familiar smirk, “A certain judge might have suddenly come to the belief that were you not immediately released, his bowels might begin imploding on him, causing massive internal bleeding that would quickly escalate to extreme bloodloss and sudden death.”
You raised your brow, thinking, gross, definitely not your style. Then again, yours and your parents’ signatures have never quite aligned. Have they? “And he agreed to that?”
“Well…a little give was admittedly needed on our part, little dagger. No justice system would simply allow a famed serial murderer to walk without some sort of agreed-upon rehabilitation plan. That is what our little friend informed us." Gomez said this with palms up and a placating smile, knowing you would add in that you could have done it without having to bend your will, albeit coming away with messier hands and the smell of blood on you. 
Scoffing, you looked out the window, knowing whatever they agreed to put you through would not be to your liking, which would most certainly make your parents smirk with satisfaction—Morticia, anyway. Your relationship with your parents has always been a complicated one. “So, what will this forced rehabilitation plan look like, hmm?”
You could practically feel Morticia buzzing with selfish glee as she slowly said it, letting her lips form each word wholly before dropping them before you to splatter into the carpeted floorboard under your feet. “You're going to attend school with your younger sister, Dezzy. Our old alma mater, Nevermore Academy.”
“WHAT?” You barely registered that she used that stupid, loathsome nickname because all you could hear was your blood ringing through your ears. Your heartbeat sped up, imagining you mingling with petty little tweens and other teenagers as they giggled, cursed, sweated, cried, and chatted with one another. Their germs and fluids mixing as bodies inevitably tangled, writhed, and pulled at one another while they threw away all of their intellectual capacities for brief moments of desire and ecstasy. You don’t know how Wednesday does it every day. God, I hope that place hasn’t changed her, you thought. 
“Oh, come now, Dezzy–
“I told you never to call me that! You know how I feel about that fucking nickname!” You screamed, images of you trapped and bashing your fists against the underside of the musty floorboards while tears streamed down your cheeks, listening to the girls chanting Dezzy! Dezzy! The scared little baby! above you flashed in your eyes. You blinked the memories away and looked at Morticia out of the corner of your eyes with betrayal and disappointment. She never fucking learns, you thought.
Morticia was always startled at your outbursts, the level of fury you could hurl at her in a second. Like the flip of a match, you exploded on her, which never fails to leave her speechless and hurt. She looked to Gomez for support but found him nudging his head towards you as a signal to apologize; Morticia, come on. She looked at you as you stared out the window, watching the foliage blur into greens and browns. Sighing, she thought, fucking stupid, you remember why she hates that name, hell you walked in on them doing it, Morticia! Leaning her head towards you, she tries to get your attention again and slowly says, “I’m sorry darling, I- I know, I shouldn’t have said that. It slipped out before I knew what I was saying, little dagger. Desdemona darling…” she waited for you to look at her, “forgive me?”
You studied her expression, saw the plea in her eyes, and remembered how she ripped out the floorboards, picked you up from that dark, spider-infested place, and held you in her arms. While you cried and clung to her, she held you and screamed how could you? What is wrong with you? You’re fucking monsters! to the group of blushing girls caught red-handed. You remember how she stormed into the headmaster’s office, demanding an explanation for why he didn’t protect you, why those girls were left unsupervised, why he let you go so long without a single friendship made at that damned school? Above all, you remember her vowing never to bring her daughter back to that hellhole and that he could say goodbye to his reputation and credentials as an educator. You recall as she carried you out of there, hearing her swearing on her mother’s grave that he and those girls would pay severely for making her baby scream and cry out in fear. Ohh, how you could hear her chanting something deadly in her spell room while Gomez talked with strange men about visiting the families of those unfortunate, monstrous people, and finally, you remember seeing four little dolls that looked so like the condemned from that school wind up on your mother’s desk in gruesome conditions with pins and burned bodies.
“Okay, fine, I forgive you—but only for the nickname, not for this nightmare you are about to put me through,” you grumbled and leaned your head on the back of the seat. 
Morticia smiled and forced herself not to reach out and clasp your hands because she knew how alike her daughters could be. Instead, she grasped Gomez’s arm and said, “Nevermore is a charming little gothic wonderland! We swear it is not like other schools; Nevermore is a place for freaks, ghouls, werewolves, vampires, and gothics alike. Tell her, Gomez.”
“Tish is right, my little dagger. Nevermore is unlike any school; it was founded by Faulkner himself, after all. The principal there is devoted to ensuring every student feels welcome…especially after what happened last year, the school has become more like a family of goths and freaks that protects its own.” 
“How touching,” you said, your voice dripping with sarcasm in response to their sickly sweet praises of the school. You looked out the window and saw the beginnings of a massive castle-like structure forming in the distance. Turning to your parents, you sighed, “Well, if I am to spend the rest of my sentence here, at least tell me more of this famous school and its esteemed principal that you’re so giddy to bore me over—quickly though, otherwise my ears might burst with anymore prolonged exposure to your insane joy.”
Morticia frowned at the word sentence and watched you smirk at her facial expression. Sighing, she thought, sometimes you and Wednesday are too alike before going into detail with Gomez about the academy’s history and the unfortunate events of last year. The tales of the raving monster they called the Hyde and its evil commander, how they ravaged the town, the school, and everyone that came unsuspectingly into their path—they were gruesome. Morticia and Gomez smirked at the unmistakable growing spark of curiosity and thrill in your eyes. An Adams through and through. They told you how Wednesday and her band of misfits were crucial to stopping the Hyde and its evil commander, Mrs. Thornhill, and how Wednesday’s known skill for potionmaking ended up saving the principal with one of her concocted antidotes. Indeed, what a tale of misery, murder, and mystery it was. Agatha Christie would be pleased, you thought. 
Staring up at the gothic architecture, in all its dark, sullen glory, you thought it impressive. At least your parents were not wrong about the appearance and atmosphere of the place. Nevermore is most certainly a school reserved for only the best of freaks and goths; you could see students roaming about under the gables, curved archways, gargoyles, and on the marbled and grassy surfaces of the quad and the lawn surrounding the gothic concrete creature. It looked more like an overdone mansion than a school. Students dressed in matching dark purple and blue uniforms, some with black glasses, others with mixed expressions of glee, curiosity, suspicion, or dread, and carrying books, backpacks, trinkets, or all three; it made them look like little characters from a story that were hiding powers and ambiguous morality. 
Making your way through the school entrance with your parents on your heels and gossiping about the glorious days of their youth—yuck!—you came face to face with the gold plaque of Principal Weems. You could hear her typing away on her laptop and talking on the phone about a banquet, or was it a dance? Her voice was distinctly sweet yet deep—how dark could it go?—and smoothly rich, the voice of someone who was not afraid to demand respect and authority she likely felt she was rightly due…and of someone who was used to receiving it promptly, with haste…someone who rarely found herself matched and challenged. Hmm, you might actually have some fun here, Des. With that thought, you knocked sharply on her door, hearing her voice come to a halt before she murmured a short apology and goodbye, followed by a short silence and then the rhythmic, steady click of her heels as she approached the other side of the wooden barrier. 
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cooledtured · 1 year
Flawless Victory: Mortal Kombat 1 Is Now Available
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Today, on September 19, 2023, fighting game fans rejoice as one of the most iconic franchises in the gaming world, Mortal Kombat, unveils its latest installment — Mortal Kombat 1.
Release Day and Availability
The day we’ve all been waiting for is here. Mortal Kombat 1 is now available for all of its eager fans. Mortal Kombat 1 is accessible across multiple platforms, including PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and PC through Steam and the Epic Games Store. While the game will not have Kross-play at launch, it has been confirmed that this feature will soon arrive.
A Fresh Approach to Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat 1 isn’t just another sequel; it’s a breath of fresh air for the franchise. The introduction of Kameo fighters has injected new life into the gameplay, offering a unique and strategic twist to every match. On top of this, the game marks the return of some classic fatalities, a key trademark of Mortal Kombat.
A Gripping Narrative Unfolds
The game’s storyline picks up where Mortal Kombat 11 Aftermath left off, with Liu Kang’s godly powers and mastery over time. This narrative reset promises to bring unexpected twists and turns to the Mortal Kombat universe.
Returning Champions and Fresh Faces
Mortal Kombat 1 features an extensive roster of fighters, combining timeless classics like Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Kitana, and Mileena with new Kameo characters. The game also features a DLC roster, including characters from other franchises such as Homelander and Peacemaker. The character interactions and captivating backstories ensure a diverse and immersive gaming experience.
Different Editions
For those eager to step into the arena, Mortal Kombat 1 offers various editions to cater to your preferences:
Standard Edition: Priced at $69.99, the Standard Edition provides the core Mortal Kombat 1 experience.
Premium Edition: At $109.99, the Premium Edition includes bonus characters, skins, and in-game currency.
Kollector’s Edition: For die-hard Mortal Kombat fans, the $249.99 Kollector’s Edition is a treasure trove. It includes a stunning 16.5-inch Liu Kang figurine, exclusive art prints, and a steel case. Additionally, it contains all the extra content from the premium edition.
Today, on September 19, 2023, Mortal Kombat 1 emerges as a new chapter in the series. With its completely new storyline, expansive character roster, and innovative gameplay features, it delivers an unforgettable fighting game experience. Gamers globally prepare for bloody battles, fatalities, and the opportunity to make their mark in a new Mortal Kombat entry.
818–394–0023 | cooledtured.com | [email protected]
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moosekateer13 · 2 years
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I posted 448 times in 2022
56 posts created (13%)
392 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 394 of my posts in 2022
Only 12% of my posts had no tags
#supernatural fanfiction - 334 posts
#moosekateer feedback. - 279 posts
#holy lulus world - 115 posts
#jensen ackles x reader - 90 posts
#negans-lucille-tblr - 74 posts
#dean winchester x reader - 72 posts
#luci in trenchcoats - 54 posts
#moosekateer 13 - 40 posts
#jared padalecki x reader - 38 posts
#writercole - 37 posts
Longest Tag: 62 characters
#jared padalecki x jensen ackles x jeffery dean morgan x reader
My Top Posts in 2022:
Better Man Masterlist
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For @supernatural-jackles tell me a story bingo
Squared Filled Enemies to Lovers
Warnings: Angst, Stalking, Smut, Enemies to Lovers, Fluff
Summary: Y/N used to be a fan of Jensen when he starred in her favourite tv series Supernatural. Then he started embodying too much of his character from The Boys in public. Y/N, a nurse one day, saves him after his plane crashes right near her house. Jensen becomes enamoured with her but she refuses to give him the time of day. Will he be able to win her over?
Loosely inspired by Taylor Swift's Better Man
I wish you were a better man. I wonder what we would've become.
If you were a better man. We might still be in love.
If you were a better man. You would've been the one.
If you were a better man.
Yeah, yeah.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2: Chapter 3 Chapter 4:
Chapter 5: Chapter 6: Chapter 7: Chapter 8
40 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
🎈Happy Birthday Jared Padalecki 🎂
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See the full post
40 notes - Posted July 19, 2022
Already Gone
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For @supernatural-jackles tell me a story bingo
Square filled: hugs
Platonic! Jody Mills x reader Former! Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: Mention of Break Up, Mention of Cheating, Angst, Fluff
Summary: Out of nowhere, Y/N's relationship with Dean crumbles.
He's told many lies, cheated, and in her darkest times, he's never there. Done with his behaviour. Y/N turns to Jody, who's been like a second mom to her.
Inspired by Kelly Clarkson's Already Gone
What you see's not what you get. With you, there's just no measurement No way to tell what's real from what isn't there
Your eyes they sparkle. That's all changed into lies that drop like acid rain. You washed away the best of me. You don't care
Dean Winchester, a name that once tasted so sweet on my lips, has turned bitter.
I didn't listen to the warnings from the rest of the hunter community. Saying he was not relationship material. Even his own brother warned me. I stare at my wedding rings, once filled with promise. Now just an empty lie.
I packed up stuff and headed to Jody's place in Sioux Falls.
Jody opens the door and wraps me in her arms. She knows by my tear-stained face that I finally left Dean.
She leads me to the living room. She goes to pull out the ice cream from the freezer. Jody also grabs a bottle of whiskey.
She pours me a nice, healthy glass.
" I know it's hard right now. You are better off Y/N. You'll find somebody who will love you, right." Jody reassured me.
I down the whiskey in one go.
" I know you are right. Just a lot to process. He wasn't a good husband. Between the cheating and countless lies. Whenever I needed someone, he was never there. It's a relief that I never had kids with him. Otherwise, I would have been saddled to him for life." I replied.
" Okay, enough sad talk let's watch some comedies. That always cheers you up." Jody said. I simply nod in agreement
We spent the night and early into the next morning watching them. I feel better already.
2 years later…
I pick up my little girl, Primrose, as if on cue. My husband walks into the room. He kisses my temple.
Prim reaches for him.
He immediately takes her from me.
I smile at Raiden. I love the way his bluish-grey eyes light up whenever he sees us.
Moving to Sioux Falls and divorcing Dean was the best thing I could have done for my mental health.
I retired from hunting and started a life with Raiden Irvine.
We met after local salt and burn. Once I got pregnant with Prim, we retired from hunting.
I still keep in contact with people from the hunting community, especially Jody. Prim considers her an aunt. I've even kept in contact with Sam. He didn't want to lose me as a friend. As for Dean, after Jody sent the divorce papers to him for me. I haven't seen him since.
See the full post
50 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
Tolerate It
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For @negans-lucille-tblr N-L-Threenager Blogiversary Writing Challenge
Prompt: My love should be celebrated, but you tolerate it.
Inspired by Taylor Swift's Tolerate it
Warnings: Bad Marriage, Lovers to Enemies, Angst, Alcohol, Smut, Unplanned Pregnancy, Fluff
Summary: A couple of two prominent families. The Morgans and Y/L/N seem to have an idealistic love story, but that couldn't be further from the truth.
Another damn high society party. I stock up on champagne before the party. I hate these types of things.
Jeff yanks for the glass from hand.
"That's enough, doll. You are going to embarrass me if you show up drunk." Jeff scolded.
A used to love that nickname he gave me. Now I hate it when it comes out of his mouth.
I storm off to get dressed.
To think we were so happy only a year ago.
1 year ago
4th-anniversary celebration at Morgan’s restaurant
“Another bite of pasta doll?” Jeff asked as held the fork up to my mouth.
“Yes, of course, dear,” I replied. He smiles at me as he put the creamy fusilli into my mouth.
He sets the fork down, then places a light kiss on my lips. I love the way he treats me. And I hope it’ll always be this good.
End of Flashback.
I rummage through my closet and pull on the latest black Gucci dress. I look in the mirror and hate the superficial person reflecting back me. At one time, Jeff and I used to be in love. Now we are just a show for the public. Some would blame the age gap between us. It couldn't be further from the truth. Eventually, he just got bored with me. Now I am just a mere trophy for him. I am the only heiress to the Y/L/N publishing company. There's not much substance to our lives between the parties, drinking or hate sex. Well, one-sided hate. My stupid heart refuses to let go of him.
Jeff, with a phony smile on his face, is waiting for me downstairs. Even though I know he’s an asshole, but damn, does he look good in that white suit.
He guides me to the limo and opens the door for me. I drum my fingers on my thigh, eagerly awaiting this night to be over.
Keeping up with his act, Jeff helps me out of the limo. Greeted by the usual sight of tuxes and ball gowns.
We go to greet the usual people in his circle before I make my way over to my friends.
“Y/N, you look so unhappy. Why don't you just leave him.?” Melody said.
Maya, Cole, Bee, and Jen all look at me the same way Melody does. Silently agreeing with her.
“You know I can't. It's frowned upon.” I replied dejectedly.
I could just see the headlines now if I left.
"Publishing heiress runs away from Movie Director husband."
I'd be on the blacklist from everything, not to mention my family's reputation would be in ruins.
Cole snags a glass of champagne from the waiter and hands it to me. She knows I need it at times like this. I savour the taste on my tongue.
See the full post
55 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Propositions Masterlist
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Jared Padalecki x reader 
For @supernatural-jackles bingo
Square filled: Enemies to lovers
@holylulusworld 15.555 Followers Celebration prompt: enemies to lovers
Warnings: Angst, Smut, Misconceptions,  Alcohol, Drunk Shenanigans, Unplanned Pregnancy, Enemies to lovers 
Summary: Y/N and Jared are two of the most prominent people in the movie/tv industry. Both started as child actors. They've been vying for the same roles since they were teens. Y/N is always determined to shatter barriers in the industry. One night out leads them to an interesting proposition.
 Inspired by Taylor Swift's Girl at Home.
And it would be a fine proposition If I was a stupid girl.
And, yeah, I might go with it. If I hadn't once been just like her.
Chapter 1: Chapter 2: Chapter 3: Chapter 4: Chapter 5:
Chapter 6: Chapter 7: Chapter 8: Epilogue
65 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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starsnphoenix · 1 month
Rewriting my WIP novel : Day 13 - 8/13/24
Writing Session #1 - 394 words
Writing Session #2 - 504 words
Writing Session #3 - 891 words total (Completed Chapter 19)
Writing Session #4 - 358 words (Finished The First Draft)
Today’s Total : 2147 words
TOTAL - 34175 WORDS!
Thank you for everyone who has been here for this journey! I am now going to be onto revisions and the second draft, where I will add + rewrite scenes if needed (I’m an underwriter, if you couldn’t tell lol)
Follow for more updates! 🌻
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miamaymarry · 2 years
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Lightspeed @linzi-yay X3 follow her guys!
Look at the little brat asking daddy to spank him lol
Fandom Discord: https://discord.gg/DvYVuYSj
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alexc1ting · 2 years
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old xian’s 19 days - chapter 398
previous 397 - 396 - 395 extra - 395b - 395a - ht+mo art - jy+zzx art - 394 - extra - qiu art - hecheng art - 393 - kids mo+ht - kids jy+zzx - 392 - JY+XXart - HT+MoArt - MoArt - 391 - 390b - 390a - 389 - MoGS art - special520 - 388 - 387 - 386 - 385 - 384b - 384a - he cheng art - 383 extra- 383- 382- 381 - valentine art - 380 - 379 - cny art - 378 - 377 - 376bis (special) - 376 - 375 - 374 - 373 - HT art - 372 - 371 - 370 - 369 - hc art - 368 - 367 - 366 - art -  365 - 364 - 363 - 362 -  361bis (special) - 361 - 360 - 359 - 358 - 357 - 356 - 355 - 354 - 353 - 352
cleaning typesetting and translation by me, @about19days (on insta) and @wtfit.i (insta)
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vixvaporub · 2 years
June 20th to June 26th Reads:
Current Reads:
Fruits basket - chapters 21 to 26
The apothecary diaries - chapters 36 to 47
Mushi-shi - chapters 9 to 15
PTSD radio - chapters 21 to 49
Whisper me a love song - chapters 21 to 26
19 days - chapters 393 & 394
Call of the night - chapters 122 to 124
Even if you slit my mouth - chapter 44
Shadows house - chapter 135
My dress up darling - chapter 77
Anemone is in heat - chapter 20
Skip and loafer - chapter 42
Blood on the tracks - chapter 124
Hiraeth - chapter 15
Caught Up / Completed:
Revolutionary girl Utena- chapters 11 to 27 (completed - also read after the revolution); a great rec from @meanlesbianrobin, can't wait to watch the anime!
Ano Lemon Kajitte. (oneshot) cute yuri read
Bombshells - an anthology of 8 oneshots; there was some good ones and some I was not a fan of
Bakemono recchan - (oneshot) - a story about a girl with a monster face, I really enjoyed it
Omoide No Tsuzuku-Saki (oneshot) - a story about childhood friends to lovers that have a Christmas tradition
The specific heat capacity of love (oneshot) - by the same artist for 19 Days, a sad oneshot about a seagull and shark
The solitary castel in the mirror - chapter 2 - wasn't feeling
Torimania - chapters 1 to 7 (caught up / dropped) - at first I thought it was interesting, esepcially with the bird people, but then I got bored of it, its by the same mangaka who made Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan
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rhetorical-ink · 4 years
Haikyuu!! Observations:  Chapter 372 and 395 Parallels
Have I established that Furudate is master class in terms of narrative? The parallels in Chapter 372 and 395 of Haikyuu!! are stunning, and need to be discussed.
First off, though, is the establishment of a timeline. Because this final arc has been a mess to make linear sense of...I have no clue how the anime will handle this, other than putting title cards in every single flashback to keep us on track!
For starters, the Ushijima flashback in Chapter 395 happens nearly TWO YEARS before the events of Chapter 372. We get this evidence because at the start of Chapter 395, we have this shot of Ushijima: 
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Not only does it establish he’s 19, but he’s not on the Schweiden Adlers, yet. He’s in his debut year, playing for the Japan national team. I wonder if he made the switch to play because Hoshiumi joined the Adlers, or Kageyama? And then, in Chapter 372, when we get his selfie reaction -- MORE ON THAT BELOW -- we see that he’s 21 and on the Adlers. So two years difference in those flashbacks in 395 vs. 372, and a total of FOUR years’ difference between the events of Chapter 395 and the present Haikyuu!! timeline. Simple to keep up, right?
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So, if the current timeline is November 2018, then it’s around 2014 when Chapter 395 happens. Hinata is considering doing Beach volleyball in his second year, as evidence below, and Oikawa has already joined the Argentinean League right out of high school, which will get brought up below, too.
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Okay, getting on track now that we’ve established the timeline -- the first major parallel is Iwaizumi meeting Ushijima,  similar to Oikawa and Hinata meeting in Chapter 372, only, of course their meeting is so nonchalant and chill, versus Hinata and Oikawa’s dramatic sand reunion: 
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BUT HERE, my friends, is where the parallels of Hinata/Oikawa/Iwaizumi/Ushijima create a magnificent Venn Diagram of Narrative Magnificence! You have parallels of:
Hinata went to the beach in Rio to train in beach volleyball to become a more well-rounded trainer. 
Ushijima went to California to get advice and practice training with his father’s foreign league team, much like Oikawa did with joining the Argentinean League...
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Oikawa establishes in Chapter 372 that he immediately went to Argentina after high school because he wanted to play under the guidance of Jose Blanco, the famous Argentinean setter that he idolized as a kid and still very much respected as a young adult and player. He ALSO, and this is important, establishes that he was going to break into the foreign leagues to get stronger anyway, and that his overall goal is to make it into an Olympics-playing team some day. Given that Hinata’s encounter with Oikawa happens in 2017, he’s been playing with Argentina about three years at this point. 
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But THEN, we also have Iwaizumi, who back in 2014, went to California after high school to go to college at USC-Irvine in California. His whole reasoning is that a famous Japanese trainer works with the volleyball team there and that Iwaizumi has been a huge fan of him and his published work. He also wants to major as in Sports Science, as we the audience are led to believe, to become a Physical Trainer and intern with the author, Takashi Utsui, once he graduates college. 
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And of COURSE, there’s the reveal then that Iwaizumi’s actual idol in real life is also the real-life father of his team’s long rival, Ushijima himself. It’s worth posting this reaction alone. Iwaizumi, you beautiful dork, you. If Oikawa ever saw that face, though...
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It’s also worth noting at this point that clearly Oikawa and Iwaizumi keep in contact, as evidence in his conversation with Ushijima. I have to say, this chapter showcasing Iwaizumi as the peace-keeper; able to be friends with both Oikawa and his hardest rival, Ushijima, is fantastic. It calls back to when Oikawa was making fun of Hinata outside the bathroom, and Iwaizumi chided him for it. Iwaizumi is just an honest, straightforward, nice guy. 
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Well....Nice to a point. Let’s all revel in the fact that it was IWAIZUMI, y’all, who started this selfie war. Keep in mind, this was 2014 when he and Ushijima supposedly sent the selfie to Oikawa of themselves. And then, three years later, Oikawa pays them all back: 
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The final parallel, interestingly enough, with Oikawa and Ushijima, who admits that he has hit a wall and has to move forward to get stronger. Revealing that just maybe, he’s not quite the “genius spiker” that Oikawa pegged him as. That maybe he really is just a normal guy that got “lucky” in terms of the father that helped protect his unique attribute of being a “south paw” and, like Kiyoomi in Chapter 394, was lucky to have those around him that he did to help foster his strength as a player. 
Basically, Furudate has given us so much to work with in showing how these characters, who seem so fundamentally different, have so much more in common that we realize at first glance. It’s so masterful to see these moments of set up and payoff happening with so much satisfaction for the reader. I love it.
OH, and of course, I wasn’t going to leave you all without this little set of notes from Chapter 395: 
* Tendou in this chapter wasn’t current time skip Tendou. It was 2014 Tendou. So technically, we have no clue what his hair looks like now -- though he’s fabulous either way!  So there’s that.
* It’s shown at the end of the chapter Ushijima’s father watching him play from California. We also see, since it’s 2:20 am there, that Iwaizumi is asleep, still in California, too. If it’s 2018 currently in the series, it means that Iwaizumi did graduate college, and has been interning for Utsui for likely a year, now (because it showed he was a sophomore in the flashback):
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@tatakunara-orerumade​ and @hopipp​ have already posted my headcanons ahead of me, but basically -- if the Olympics happen in 2020, a year and a half from now, that’s plenty of time for Iwaizumi to take his Bachelor’s in Sports Science, internship knowledge from working under his idol Utsui, and make it back to Japan to be a physical trainer for the same team as Ushijima, and more importantly for my shipping, fangirl heart, potentially Oikawa at the Olympics. It would be a beautiful payoff for all the set up these chapters have given us, and a beautiful wrap-up for the series. If we don’t actually get to see the Olympics happen in Haikyuu!! though, you better believe there’s going to be fanfiction about this. *runs off to write* 
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asfaltics · 4 years
as if, if. Pinks. dili rain.
  obliguo imping es as if if et noe o not till enhet I       1   , as if If we   make this Observation; they design’d to give some disturbance to       2   the Grass be Rotted, tangled or clung together. Also a Term or Gravelled, and to look after Sheep apply’d to Herbs, when they grow as if if the Weather prove Rainy, lest the they were Plaited together; as Matted Rot surprize them.   Pinks.       3   I was informed [ that this play having been once acted, this personage when he came upon the stage ] appeared double, as if if the real       4   may dili rain de novo; as if If distress die       5   —   supernatu umph, which [   ] as if if they knew the Hawkesburies       6   as if if therefore       7   was much the same as if If he were totally unacquainted with       8   the blood of the first purchaser; as if If a man hath issue       9   as much as if if       10   —   reduction of their issues, as may be made without producing public inconvenience. — as: “if - If       11   of as if ( if within twenty days ) to these       12   his own interest: as if, if it was entered into       13   added to the discompo dicated as much as if if you will sure of       14   the same as deeply as if if I contract with       15   —   nach as, as soon as, as if, if, however, till, untill, though, unless, when, while, ftatt des Verbi finiti gebraucht,       16   as if if any person within any       17   for ever, as if this were their rest and portion, and as if If any of our fallen race desire       18   “as if” if it shall be considered expedient       19
now without them; as if if they can that did it, for I neither can nor will.       20   —   clearness and transparency (as if If it be bloody, there is probably a degree filtered)       21   And yet, [   ] after a pause, “I feel as if — if I were a while [   ], and leaves rustling over       22   numb and as if ! if the heart was constricted. bound       23
                        as if if had gone to sleep. Illic-an.       24   As if were if break-ing As if if break-ing hearts [   ] As if if       25   —   the collocation of the words, the expression summarily, be the same in all respects as if “if any” refers to       26                                                   duties as if if       27                           As if if it was             As if if it was for anything but       28   as if “if” was the word?—Yes. [   ] If they treat it as meaning “if,” [   ], which is nonsense.       29   I feel as if if I hadn’t       30  
sources (through 1923); some (two) from 1923-39
1 OCR confusions at scan of mss, Logica maior Aristotelico-Thomistica (BSB Clm 27849 b; 1694) : 1178 Bavarian State Library copy, digitized July 17, 2014 2 OCR cross-column jump, ex The British Apollo, or, Curious amusements for the ingenious. To which are added the most material occurences foreign and domestick. (London, December 1st. to 3rd., 1708) : 46 wonderful index to this volume, which is discussed (with other advice columns and their forebears, Daniel Defoe’s Little Review among them) at wikipedia 3 OCR cross-column misread (entries for “Matted” and “May”) in Dictonarium Rusticum, Urbanicum & Botanicum. Or, a Dictionary of Husbandry, Gardening, Trade, Commerce, and all Sorts of Country-Affairs. Volume II. Illustrated with a great Number of Cutts. (Third edition, revised... London, 1726) : 65 by John Worlidge (1640-1700 *) and Nathan Bailey (d1742 *) 4 OCR misread (showthrough noise), ex Jean-Jacques Rousseau, “An Epistle to Mr. D’Alembert,” in The Works of J. J. Rousseau (Vol. 3, of five, London 1767) : 174 5 OCR cross-column misread (for “distrain”), &amp.c., at Thomas Leach. Modern Reports, Or, Select Cases Adjudged in the Courts of King’s Bench, Chancery, Common Pleas, and Exchquer, Volume the twelfth. Third edition, corrected. (London, 1796) : 646 6 OCR cross-column misread, at Cobbett’s Annual Register (December 18, 1802) : 795-96 7 OCR cross-column jump, at “Trial of Thomas Whitebread, and others, for High Treason” (1679) in Cobbett’s Complete Collection of State Trials... Vol. 7 (1810) : 319-20 8 ex “Debate in the Commons on Mr. Fox’s Motion for Leave to bring in his East India Bills. A. D. 1783,” in The Parliamentary History of England... vol 23 (tenth of May 1782, to the first of December 1783); (Hansard, London, 1814) : 1187-1213 (1195-96) aside — the State assuming debt of (and responsibilities of/for) the East India Company, and entanglements in / entrapment of the subcontinent... 9 OCR cross-column misread, at Thomas Walter Williams. A Compendious and Comprehensive Law Dictionary; elucidating the terms, and general principles of law and equity (London, 1816) : at Discent [sic] 10 ibid. (1816), similar misread at Bill of Exchange 11 OCR misread, show-through confusion, at “Second report on the expediency of the bank resuming cash payments” in The Pamphleteer 14 (London, 1819) : 24 12 Letter from L.S. re: Dr. Tomlinson’s Library, &c., in The Newcastle Magazine 4:1 (March 1821) : 393-396 (394) 13 ex Chapter 14, “Of a Lease,” in William Sheppard, The Touchstone of Common Assurances being a plain and familiar Treatise on Conveyancing. With copious notes, and a table of cases cited therein; to which is added, an appendix, and an extensive analytical index (by Edmond Gibson Atherley). 8th edn, Vol. 1 (London, 1826) : 270 14 ex “The Delights of a London Omnibus.” in The Bath and West of England Magazine (For March, 1836) : 88-90 15 OCR cross-column misread, at “Maxims of the Law. Law Tracts,” in The Works of Lord Bacon, with an introductory essay, and a portrait. Vol. 1 (of 2; London, 1837) : 544-570 (556) 16 ex notes to “My Fellow Clerk. A farce in one act,” by John Oxenford, in K.F.A.P. Thornhill, Englisches lesebuch, oder, Antleitung um auf die leichtfasslichste Weise das Englische schreiben und sprechen zu lernen... (Stuttgart, 1839) : 17 (similar at p44) 17 OCR cross-column misread, at definition of “Embezzlement,” in John Bouvier, A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States of America, and of the several states of the Amerian union; with references to the civil and other systems of foreign law. Vol. 2 (of 2; Philadelphia, 1839) : 358 on John Bouvier (1787-1851), consult wikipedia; in addition to being jurist and legal lexicographer, he was father of Hannah Mary Bouvier Peterson (1811-70 *), author of books on science, astronomy and cookery. 18 OCR cross-column misread, notes to James, chapter v, in Thomas Scott (1747-1821 *), The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments... with explanatory notes, practical observations, and copious marginal references. Vol. 6 (London, 1839) : 415 19 OCR cross-column jump, at “To the People of the State of North Carolina” (concerning handling and treatment of Black “servants”) in Volume of Speeches Delivered in Congress, 1840, Including Discussions of the Independent Treasury Bill, the Extension of the Cumberland Road, the Bankruptcy Bill, and Other Matters of National Finances (Stanford copy; 1840) : 6 20 OCR cross-column misread/jump, at Richard Baxter, “Gildas Salvianus. The Reformed Pastor; showing the nature of the pastoral work; especially in private instruction and catechizing: with an open confession of our too open sins. Prepared for a day of humilation kept at Worcester, December 4, 1655...” in The Practical Works of Richard Baxter : With a Preface, giving some account of the author, and of this edition of his practical works; and essay on his genius, works, and times; and a portrait. Vol. 4 (of 4; London, 1854) 353-484 (410) on Richard Baxter (1615-91) consult wikipedia 21 snippet view, evidently OCR cross-column misread at The Homoeopathic Echo : A Journal of Health and Disease (1855) : 200 22 snippet view, evidently OCR cross-column misread at Cassell’s Family Magazine (1875) : 163 the whole — And yet , “ Oh ! no , ” she answered , gravely , and for a little she continued after a pause , “ I feel as if — if I were a while both Amy and Winifred sat in silence , with the man I should choose some particular occupation , and leaves rustling over ... 23 OCR cross-column misread, at Lectures on Diseases of the Heart : With a Materia Medica of the New Heart Remedies. By Edwin M(oses). Hale., with A Repertory of Heart Symptoms by E. R. Snader. Third edition, greatly enlarged. (Philadelphia, 1889) : 338 something on Hale (1829-99) at sueyounghistories 24 OCR misread of “if” for “it,” ex entry “The Face. Sen / Sensation,” in William D(aniel). Gentry (1836-1922?), his The Concordance Repertory of the More Characteristic Symptoms of the Materia Medica. Vol. 1 (New York, 1890) : 800 25 OCR confusion over musical score, “The Swan and the Skylark, Cantata.” The words by Hemans, Keats, and Shelley; the music composed by Arthur Goring Thomas (posthumous work) (London and New York, 1894) : 49 score at IMSLP (International Music Score Library Project) on Arthur Goring Thomas (1850-92), see wikipedia 26 OCR cross-column misread, ex Justice of the Peace (London; April 23, 1898) : 272 27 OCR cross-column jump, ex “In re John Scott, Jun. (Deceased).” January 27, 1900. The Weekly Reporter 48 (1900) : 208 28 ex Horace Traubel, “I’m just talking all the time about love,” in The Conservator 21:5 (Philadelphia, July 1910) : 68-70 (69) some OCR cross-column confusion, involving these lines — As if if it was for anything but just love the whole and be deceived : business would not go to pieces : And so I am gagged and bound and put into As if if it was for anything but just love it could prison ... all tagged Horace Traubel (1858-1919) see also wikipedia 29 regarding “Clause 87” ? ex preview snippet (only), Sessional Papers (House of Lords), Volume 6 (1926) : 44 30 ex Fiction Parade and Golden Book Magazine (1936) full snippet preview — he stopped , of cool has come instead . It ’ s a sort of then went on haltingly , you said you calm feeling I have , like floating wouldn ’ t have thought badly of me through heaven on a cloud . I feel as if if I hadn ’ t . . . ” I were dead , as if everything ...
an aside (about method and motives) — as if, if it’s not been said before, an aside or error in some out-of-the-way obscurity, snatch of glanced breeze, there’s nothing, and so nothing to report.  
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ao3feed-spirk · 5 years
by IvanW
First of a series of 25 One-Shots for December 2019. This will be a mixed bag (AOS, TOS, and Pinto). These go on my blog first, daily, so posting here will not be done as per the daily calendar. There will be a few related to Hanukkah later in the month.
Words: 394, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 19 of Ivan's K/S Holiday Collection, Part 1 of IvanW's 25 Days of Christmas (2019)
Fandoms: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James T. Kirk, Spock
Relationships: James T. Kirk/Spock
Additional Tags: Advent series, One-Shots, December - Freeform, Romance, various - Freeform, 25 days, Holiday Titles, Comfort
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ao3feedrnm · 5 years
by lrs002
When Alex went off to war he knew what to do and what would happen, blood, death, and gunfire and explosions. What he didn’t expect is for his life to implode on him when he tries to restart his life after coming home.
Or: Michael asks for divorce.
Words: 394, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 19 of Lrs002’s writing of 2020
Fandoms: Roswell New Mexico (TV 2019)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Alex Manes, Michael Guerin
Relationships: Michael Guerin/Alex Manes
Additional Tags: Day Seven, Explosions, Married Couple, Divorce
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sraawrats · 6 years
🦇🎃Kana’s Halloween Hangover Rec List🎃🦇
Love Halloween? Not ready for it to be over? No worries! Old and new, these are some of my favorite spooky, suspenseful, and supernatural Kylux reads--perfect for drawing out your favorite month a little longer!
which is 100% why i’m posting this on november 1st, definitely not because i didnt manage to finish it before yesterday. nope, not at all
My Baby’s a Devil in the Bedroom | @callmelyss
- E - 4/5 chapters, 14 645 words - “Oh, obviously.” Kylo let out a shaky laugh and ran both hands through his hair. “Wait, no, you’re serious. You’re a fucking demon.”
“Well, yes, not to put too fine a point on it.” Hux smiled, clearly pleased with himself at the joke. “Or more accurately, I’m a succubus. A sex demon.”
Kylo has an unusual squatter. He's pretty fine with it. -
This fic is seriously amazing. It’s a super fun idea, the dialogue is hilarious, and it perfectly balances the sweetness and humor with angst/intrigue. Plus, I’m absolutely taken with snarky, smug, candy-tasting succubus Hux <3 <3
strange phenomenon | @brawlite, @kyluxtrashcompactor
- E - 8/8 chapters, 65 756 words - Kylo Ren is haunted by recent tragedy. He answers an ad posted by one Armitage Hux for a roommate, and he thinks a fresh start will help him begin to heal. He brings next to nothing with him from the past when he moves in.Or so he thinks. -
This fic is wonderfully suspenseful, and perfect if you’re looking for something to keep you on the edge of your seat. I also had a lot of Han feels when reading this one. Overall it’s just really nicely well-rounded with heartfelt and genuine characterizations, good spooks, and some searing sexual tension.
Something Wicked | @marlonbookcase
- G - 7/7 chapters, 22 514 words -  Kylo and Armitage have been friends since they were kids. Now in university, they run a semi-popular YouTube channel called "London Below" where they investigate all sorts of haunted and paranormal happenings in and around London and try to answer the question, are ghosts real? When they take on the mysterious and tragic case of the Pendle Witches, they come face to face with the spirit world in a way they never have before. Will they make it out of Pendle alive? Are ghosts real? And most importantly, does Armitage return Kylo's affections? -
I love Buzzfeed Unsolved. I love Kylux. I love this fic. A lot. As it says in the description, it’s not an exact Unsolved AU, but it really captured the format/feel of the “paranormal investigator” genre, so if you’re a fan of that, you’ll love this. Bonus points for some mutual pining and sugary fluff 👀👀
Second Spring, First Fall | @huxandthehound
- T - 5/? chapters, 7 018 words -  Nothing brings people together quite like the holidays. Well, maybe not Halloween... After a scare, Hux has to confront his neighbor. Lucky for him, Kylo might be a little sweeter than his tricks let on. -
A cute multi-chap made of Huxloween prompt fills! Lighthearted, but it’s still got that Halloween spirit. Plus I’ve got a soft spot for sweet modern AU Kylo :))
Some Strange and Unnerving Events | @longstoryshortikilledhim
- E - 10/10 chapters, 158 815 words -  As a boy in a dreary school on the moors, Kylo Ren had only one friend, a red-headed boy whose sharp tongue and wit drew Kylo to him. But that friend was taken from him. Now grown, Kylo goes into the service of the master of Stormfield Hall, the enigmatic Lord Arkanis, who is seeking a tutor for his charge. Kylo's past will come rushing back to him, both in his new employer and some unusual circumstances that bring to the fore powers that Kylo thought long-suppressed. -
This fic hit me like a ton of bricks. This fic hit me like TWO tons of bricks. Start this one when you’re ready to be feeling it for a few days afterwards. It’s an incredible historical AU with magic and a great murder mystery--it basically pushes, like, all of my buttons. And it’s /genuinely/ spooky, I had to start keeping a light on while I read it. Oh, and it features definitely my favorite Millicent ever. If you’ve got the time for something long, go for this one.
Reach Out in the Darkness | unicornsandbutane
- E - 2/2 chapters, 9 321 words - Having spent a decent amount of time researching the history and folklore of Arkanis, Cadet Hux strikes out one chilly evening in search of some legendary creature that's supposed to be extremely powerful. If the myths aren't true, all he's wasted is time. But, if they are based in some actual fact, then what a boon such an entity would be to his cause. He doesn't know what he will find, but he is prepared for any (absolutely ANY) eventuality. -
Tentacle monster Kylo. I am unapologetic. It’s really good.
Witchfeather | Whatever21ism
- E - 14/? chapters, 16 015 words - Armitage Hux is a new witch trying to establish himself in a new town. One day he goes out seeking a familiar, particularly a cat, somehow instead he ends up with a raven who is much more than they appear to be. -
A favorite of mine! Apothecary witch Hux & his crow familiar Kylo. There’s some really nice worldbuilding and crow Kylo is super cute. Possibly abandoned, but defs worth checking out what’s there & showing the author some love.
First Order Investigations | @mistresseast
- Unrated - series, 3 works, 58 094 words, incomplete - Hux and Phasma have been running First Order Investigations since high school, and Dr. Snoke's metaphysical research graduate program seemed like the perfect opportunity to pursue their interests under the protective umbrella of academia. Unfortunately, that meant allowing Snoke's personal project, a taciturn medium named Kylo Ren, to join their team. Hux and Kylo mix like oil and water, or, more accurately, like fire and gasoline, and Hux is convinced that working effectively with Kylo is absolutely impossible. They hate each other, and Hux is content to leave it that way.
But then, a case in the sweltering heat of South Carolina begins to change things between them, and Hux finds himself questioning not only Kylo's feelings, but his own as well. -
Paranormal Investigator AU of the highest quality. The detail and thought put into each investigation site is incredible. I love this fic to pieces, and if you like ghost stories, you will too.
Undead | @heyktula, @splinteredscript
- E - series, 2 works, 6 855 words, incomplete - They’ve been circling around each other for years. Kylo Ren, the most powerful vampire in Supreme Leader Snoke’s house, and Armitage Hux, the human liaison between the world of mortals and that of eternal darkness. Baiting, taunting, the cord between them growing ever tighter.Sooner or later, one of them is going to snap. -
A lovely and dark vampire AU~~ Gives off some real classic Kylux vibes, and is an absolute pleasure to read :D
Fixer Upper | @irisparry
- T - 5/7 chapters, 10 034 words - When Armitage Hux starts with First Order estate agents, he thinks the house on Alderaan Drive is an insult, a patronising set of training wheels for the new boy. He is ... not correct. -
Adorable haunted house AU! I love both of their characterizations in this one, especially shy, grumpy ghost Kylo~
Hair of the Dog That Bit You | @theweddingofthefoxes
- M - 9/9 chapters, 21 597 words -  Ren owns a popular tavern, and Armitage is a respected physician in town and the surrounding villages. Their years-long friendship will survive anything -- even the bite of a werewolf. Won't it? -
Full disclosure, I haven’t actually finished this one-- I have a tendency to get distracted unless I finish something in one sitting, rip. But I remember being SUPER stoked about starting it, and anything by weddingofthefoxes is guaranteed to be a treat, so I’m putting it on here anyway :D tbh now that I’m thinking about it again I’ll probably finish it tonight.
The Eldritch Effect | @generallyhuxurious
- E - 17/17 chapters, 67 899 words - For the last three years Major Donal A. Hux, formerly of the British Army's Parachute Regiment, and Kylo Ren, estranged son of US Defence Secretary Leia Organa, have been tooling around North America investigating "weirdness"- and they're plenty weird themselves. Their latest tip off is leading them towards a haunting in rural Alabama. But first they need to make a stop in Trinity, South Carolina... -
A real goofy Paranormal Investigators AU that I super love (but I also need to catch up on rip). It’s an American Gothic AU, but you don’t need to have any knowledge of the show to follow along (I don’t). It also comes with a series of oneshots set in the universe but outside the main plotline, so when you finish the fic and inevitably want more, you’re covered ;)
blackbird, fly | @acroamatica
- M - 19 265 words - One sunny afternoon in the mountains of Washington state, Ben Organa-Solo walked out into the woods.
He never came home.
Six years later, a journalist specialising in missing-persons cold cases decides to follow his footsteps and see where they might lead. -
This is a sad beautiful horror AU that is very close to my heart. The writing is just gorgeous and the suspense is beautifully done. Also, it about doubled the amount of emotions already attached to the song Blackbird for me (I still get a little heart-squeeze every time I hear it)
what’s real or isn’t | @brawlite
- E - 12/12 chapters, 57 398 words - Hux's new house is not haunted. It isn't. -
Super surreal haunted house AU. There’s also monster sex. This is definitely a staple of spooky Kylux fics :D
How to Kill a Living Thing | hedgerowhag
- E - 10/10 chapters, 25 394 words - It starts like any other horror movie: a young man moves into a strange old house full of relics of the past and becomes haunted by some strange entity. However, Ren doesn't find the monster that he expects. -
This one has got some of the most stunning, spooky visuals I’ve ever read. I could picture every scene and character so clearly. Plus, I love Hux’s characterization--he’s kind of a shit, and it’s beautiful.
Twenty-Six Weeks | @vmprsm
- E (eventually) - series, 4 works, 28 539 words, probably complete - Two mature adults need to do two things: live an a house with a stranger for six months, and keep their secrets to themselves. How hard could that be?
Apparently very. -
The author made a point of trying not to give too much away in the summary/tags, so I won’t either :D I’ll just say it’s one of my favorites, and definitely worth a read if you haven’t already~~
The Brief Wondrous Return of Vampire Boy | @hollyhark
- T - 21 190 words - Two days before Halloween, Hux hears a rumor that Ben Solo is back in town. While Hux does not believe the sensational version-- that his estranged childhood friend/enemy escaped from an asylum and is out for revenge --he is left on edge as to how to proceed. -
One of my favorite Halloween fics; it really encompasses the feel of fall/Halloween but also, like, good ol’ ~teenage bullshit~. There’s a lot of creepy Snoke stuff, some dealing with the fallout, and a nice hopeful ending :))
Ghost Encounters of the Hux Kind | carefulren
- T - 9/9 chapters, 25 610 words - Kylo purchases an old, abandoned house in order to get away from his family. He just wants the chance to be alone for a while, and he considers this house as the start of his new, isolated freedom.
Everything is going as smoothly as possible, until it's not.
Perhaps, Kylo isn't living alone after all.-
A sweet and soft ghost  story AU. I adore the ending <3 <3 
Spookylux Huxloween 2018 | @nofootprintsinsalt
- T - series, 31 works, 36 896 words, complete - Huxloween 2018 - 31 benarmie fics in 31 days -
A series of benarmie fluff/horror for the Huxloween prompts this year! These were so so fun to read throughout the month and I adore the little universe that develops as they go on :))
Of Our Time | @ezlebe
- E - 15 297 words - “Do you know how many people would think it’s weird you walk around in the day?”
Hux grits his teeth in vain against an uncanny sensation, his own words digging and clawing up his throat to leave behind the taste of blood and bitterness thick on his tongue. “I could care less. I was made this way before there were movies – before fucking Stroker. Call me a demon if it makes you feel better.” -
I only read this really recently, and I was BLOWN AWAY. Seriously, this packs so much into 15k--it’s got feels, it’s got lore, it’s got steamy smut. What more could one ask for?
Shiver The Whole Night Through | @theweddingofthefoxes
- T- 5/5 chapters, 7 977 words - Ren's always loved hunting, so when he's told his paid time off won't roll over into the next year, he decides to take a week, get his gun and rent a cabin in the woods. But it takes no time at all for the hunter to become the hunted. -
This one’s very accurately tagged “Mind Games,” which really made it stand out to me--I do love a good spooky woods story~~
The Ghost Under My Bed | @longstoryshortikilledhim
- E - 19 525 words - Amateur witch, aspiring actor and full-time family fuckup Ben Solo discovers that his house is being haunted. Best part? His very own poltergeist, Armitage Hux, is kinda cute. Worst part? Well. He's dead. -
THIS IS THE SWEETEST GHOST STORY. I love it so so much. The sweetness of their relationship set against the sad backdrop of both of their histories gives this one a really unique feel. And the ending is guaranteed to give you the warm fuzzies <3
aaaand that’s all, folks! Lord, this post turned into a behemoth lmao. I just. really love supernatural stuff. (on that note, if anyone has read/written anything even tangentially spooky/supernatural, feel free to send it my way. I will happily give it a read ;)))
Happy reading! ^_^
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wingsporkhalo · 5 years
The Winter Non-Vacations: A Digimon Fanfic- Part 28
Wow, it has been a minute. Anyway, I haven’t posted any more of this fic by @carochinha in ages, so... time to get back to it!! I’d also like to promote my Patreon, where you can hear me read a friend’s fantasy novel with several stupid voices. I am so poor, tumblr friends. Please help me.
Previous parts! Part 1 |Part 2 |Part 3|Part 4|Part 5|Part 6|Part 7|Part 8|Part 9|Part 10 Part 11|Part 12|Part 13|Part 14|Part 15|Part 16|Part 17|Part 18|Part 19|Part 20 Part 21|Part 22|Part 23|Part 24|Part 25|Part 26
 In this one, there are some extraordinarily uncomfortable memories! I mean it! They’re terrible!!!! Warning for poorly-described sexual content!!
Chapter 28: Memories [ALL ALONE IN THE MOOOOOONLIIIIIGHT~] In that night, the plan had been discussed. They were going to attack them, with all the strenght they could get. [If they can get this legendary “strenght”…] In that night, a little before the plan had been decided, they had received an e-mail from Gennai telling them bad news. The forces of evil were strong. [OH SHIT I’M SO GLAD WE HAVE THIS LIFE-ALTERING INFO THANKS OLD MAN] Strong enough that tomorrow was maybe the last day they would live... - Ken? - Hum? - I just wanted to say that... - ... - If we die tomorrow, I’ve always loved you... [“Except for when you were a small-creature-abusing dickparade.”] And I will always love you... [HAND IIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIII~”]
- Miyako... [” He wondered if he should tell her that he was incapable of loving a woman. “] Well, I’m not going to tell you to stop saying that we might die tomorrow, because it’s true... I’m going to tell you that, living or not, I’ll love you for all eternity. He envolved [sigh…] her in what could be their last hug and both feel asleep, [I feel asleep, too. Well, it’s more like dead inside, but…] conscious of their love... [so wait are they conscious or not?] - Penélope? - Yes? - I know we don’t know eachother for a long time, that we actually know for a little, but... - Yes Daisuke? - I love you... [Ugh. What is there to love, seriously. Answer me that.] - Oh, Daisuke... I... - Forget it, if you don’t fell the same [tree] forget it... - No, that’s not it... I love you to [fell those trees]... - Penélope... - And, since tomorrow we might as well [you might as well.] die... I... wanted to [go fell some trees with you] if... If... - Penélope? - If you wanted to spend this night with me... If you wanted to sleep with me... [You know, love =/=sex. They are actually two very different things. One just happens to lead to the other, IF you’re lucky and have compatible orientations/needs, EVENTUALLY.] - But Pen, [Who the fuck calls her that] I’m already sleeping with you... She looked him with a look slightly different [than her usual eerily expressionless, half-lidded gaze] and he undeerstood... [Why did he undo that standing deer?] And, bending over here, kissing her and took her in his arms. He wasn’t going to do what she asked him.. If they survived she might regret it... But in the same way he was going to make that night unforgetable for both of them... [Then why don’t you go fell some trees?] He felt her sliding down slowly, so that he’d be inside of her [small cage that she had made for him because he wouldn’t stop peeing on the carpet]... - Taichi... – she moaned quietly... [“why do you keep doing this?!”] - Sora... I... I... I love you... - [“That is irrelevant!] Oh, I know... I know Taichi, and I love you too! – she said not so quietly. [“But please stop marking your territory everywhere!”] She bent her forward and kissed her... A little while later they were both satisfied, and she curled up in him, [ew] feeling his heart beat next to hers... - Taichi... Tomorrow... - Don’t think about tomorrow... Now is now, and we are alive, and we together... - Taichi... [If you pee on the floor during the night, I will have you euthanized.”] She huddled closer to him, absorving his smell... This ways, even if they died, she’d die with the memory of his smell on her mind... She’d die happy... ----
She cried quietly, huddled against his chest. He hugged her, caressing her hair...[She tried to do the same with his hair, but it only came off in brown smudges on her hand. “Please don’t rub off my hair paint,” said Iori.] - Shhh... Everyone is going to be okay tomorrow... - How do you know? - Because, even if we die, we’ll die together... - Iori... - Besides, we’re together today... Right Susi? - Right! – she said, cleaning her tears. [When they had emerged from her hideous tear ducts, they were an evil and inky black.] - You know, I only noticed it now... - What? - With the tails, your hair is really huge... [Do you think you can give me some of it? I went bald at five years of age.”] - Iori! Leave my hair alone... - I didn’t say it looked bad... Come here... She threw himself against him again, [upon which he said “ouch,”] and he hugged her... - You’re right... Everything is going to be okay tomorrow... And so they feel asleep... - Mimi? - Hum? - Are you afraid? - Of tomorrow? No... - Why? - Because I have you here... And I know that if I have you, everything is going to be okay... And I know that, even if we don’t get married here in Earth, we shall do it in Heaven... [That’s nice I guess] - Mimi... - Don’t you agree? - Of course... But you know, I have the feeling we are getting married on Earth... She smiled and hugged him. He hugged her back, and waited for her to sleep before sleeping...
She cried a little on his should...[on his should? I dunno, maybe she should have cried on his shouldn’t.] - I can’t believe we’re really going to fight... I’m scared Yamato, I don’t want to die... - Me neither... But [get] out[; my] only hope is to attach [myself to Taichi] now... If we attack now we might die... If we wait we’ll certainly die... - Yamato... - Hum? - I love you... - I love [Taichi, so I’m afraid I cannot love] you too Inês... - Yamato? - Hum? - Can I ask you a favour? - Which? [There are three of me.] - I don’t... I don’t want... - ... - I don’t want to die a virgin... - Inês... He was perplexed for some seconds, but then he picked up the girl laying next to him and [put her next to a random Digimon, and watched while said Digimon] kissed her. - Yeah. Me neither. [Good thing I had those slumber parties with Taichi and Sora. Tentomon may or may not have been there too.] - We are going to fight. We might lose or not, but we won’t stop believing, [*faint echoes of Journey in the background*] we won’t stop having Hope... - Of course not... While the Light illuminates our hearts, we are going to win... [How are they capitalizing words in their speech like that] They both smiled. - Takeru? Sleep well... - Tomoroow [To-mor-oow?] will be a weird day... - But Hope will prevail... - So will Light... He hugged her. He had almost lost her too many times... She looked so down... He passed a hand trouth [trouth? That’s a new one] her back, trying to calm her. He circled her body with his hand and caressed her belly... [she kicked him in the gut reflexively, being very ticklish. After recovering from having the breath knocked out of him,] He started going up, trying not to go overboard... He got to her breasts, and while he caressed one with one hand, he did the same on the other with the other. [He quickly got bored of this and started playing Pokemon on his DSi.] Her back was against his chest, and his arms were around her... - Koushirou... – she whispered while [s]he caressed her [own] breasts... [He ignored her, as he was finally going up against the legendary Pokemon Dialga. He had thrown a Quick Ball and three Ultra Balls so far, but to no avail.] He tried a little bit more and used a little bit more of pressure [on the A button]... But then, accidentally, she thrust herself back, making him use too much strenght [and knocking the DSi from his grasp]... The problem is that, with the little bit of pain that caused, [as the DSi landed on her head,] she remembered... She remembered the only thing she’d rather not remember... He let go of her, knowing she’d hurt her[self if he left her alone long enough. Or near some stairs]. - Carol? Are you okau? [If okau means dead, I hope so.] - I... I remembered... - What? - That which I’d tried to forget... [Oh, thanks for clearing that up.] Oh My God Koushirou, I’m sorry! [You should be.] - Why? - I don’t deserve you... [You don’t deserve anyone.] - What? - You don’t know... You don’t know what I am... [Are you a soul-consuming she-demon? Because that’s my theory.] - What you are? - Yes... If you knew, you’d never want me... You’d be as all the others were... [Oh, lemme guess, a sparkly vampire, right? No?] - How? - You’d be disgusted with me... [Oh come on. Feasting on the blood of the innocent is just an unfortunate habit. We can totally fix it with enough therapy.] - That was not what I was asking, but... I’d never be disgusted with you... - Oh no? Well, maybe you should know what I really am, what I am since I’m thirteen... [Actually, I’m 394, but I still look 13 because vampire] - What you are? - Yes, Koushirou, what I am. - And what are you? - I am, and there’s no other word to describe it, a real slut. [A vamp, if you will.] - What do you mean? - What do I mean? Well, maybe I should tell you the whole story... In the Summer vacation when I was thirteen years old, I went to a private school in London for a week. [Holy fuck.] In that time I was... And I still am... a girl that no one liked, that was made fun of by everyone and that no boy liked... [Make it stop] So, when I went to London, a boy liked me... I was so happy that I did everything he asked me to... I undressed in front of him the first day I met him... [This is awkward as shit] We were always making out, and it was a close shot I didn’t lose my virginity there... [Like, really awkward shit] But the vacations were over and I went back to my life... But I’d learnt something I didn’t know before... [A shit you take in a really fancy baby-powder-scented bathroom and then are unable to flush for mysterious plumbing reasons] If I talked about sex, I’d have guys after me... I started to blowjob half the guys in my school... [I’m going to go drown myself] Some of them referred to me as “The whore that doesn’t take money”... I didn’t care... For some time, they made me feel special, and important... [Please no this is not what fanfiction is supposed to be for; this is for counselors] Of course some of them were a bit rough, but I didn’t care... I almost lost my virginity several times... Oh, who do I want to trick, [sweet baby CHRIST IN A MANGER WHY IS THIS SO LONG] I stopped being a virgin the moment I removed my shirt in front of that boy in London... For some months, I was mistreated, like an object by so many guys... I was late to class so many times because they’d came, they’d leave the garage or the stairs or wherever we were, but I had to stay behind getting dressed or cleaning myself... [I can’t even read this as part of a fanfiction; this is not okay to write down and share with everyone on the internet] And... All I ever wanted was... Someone to hug me and tell me they loved me... Someone who cared about me... They vacation came, and I realized... What I was... There was no way to stop being it... The marks it’d left on me, on my skin and my heart, were too visible... I would never have anyone hugging me with love... Then, in the beggining of the school year, I was attacked... Inês saved me by little, and Gennai thought it was a good idea to tell us the truth about ourselves... In Christmas vacation, we came here to be more protected... We were attacked and we lost our memories... And now, here we are... They don’t need my blood because it’s pure... They need my blood because it’s tainted... And... all I ever wanted... [I have to go cry in a corner and get some anger management training now] [Also why the hell were there so many ellipses???] She started to cry... But stopped when she felt Koushirou’s arms hugging her from behind... She turned around surprised, laying her head against his shoulder... - I love you... [You’re the only one who can monologue that long of a paragraph. You’re the only one for me, baby.] Hearing these words, her heart started to slowly recover, and she dropped [the bottle of man-]tears [she’d gathered from her former victims] again, these of joy... She huddled against him and thus fell asleep... She woke up a little while later, when everyone was already asleep... She felt weird... She started thinking about all those that she loved, now risking their lives for her... She had heard Inês, her best friend of all time, saying that she didn’t want to die... She had heard Jou and Mimi talking about their wedding... She had seen the tears Susi had shining in her eyes... And she understood what she had to do... If she gave herself up, if they killed her, everyone else wouldn’t have to die... They could have wedding, they could have kids... And Koushirou... He’d find someone better... [Nope because no one is as good as Author Insert and all others throw themselves from the cliffs of despair because their freckles will never be as stupidly adorable and they will never fall down the stairs as gracefully as she]
Next time: A really fucking short chapter to make up for this monster-sized one with all the uncomfortable shit!!!
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the-mundivagant · 7 years
Masterpost of Lise’s MCU fics on Tumblr [part 1]
Last updated August 10, 2020 (post 7 of p.114)
I had to split this post in two since it exceeded Tumblr’s link limit by a long way. [quick link to part 2]
General info
Links are taken from Lise's fic tag, #a wild fic appeared (chrono).
All the tags I link to are /chrono versions (posts listed in chronological order).
I included the page each fic is on so this post can be used as a directory of sorts to a web archive I made of the tag, but it’s not needed/optimal as long as the actual Tumblr is up and running.
As of August 2020, I’m still planning to keep this more or less updated...but I have absolutely no idea how often that’ll be. (It used to be approximately monthly in 2018. The most recent two updates were a year apart.)
Spoilers for the MCU (including Endgame) are unmarked.
Many thanks to Lise for answering my ridiculous number of questions, being very helpful and encouraging in general and also, of course, writing these incredible fics in the first place. :D
For reference, here’s a post listing some of the frequently-appearing prompts (”amuse me,” “break me,” etc.). The “first sentence” prompt meme is described here.
Main categories: Verses, Relationships, Other, and Tumblr Verses
Format: [page] [word count] title / “prompt” (notes)
(Fics crossposted to AO3 are in Predation)
[p.19] [306] “zip me” (nsfw)
[p.28] [642] “nurse me”
[p.28] [268] “break me” (nsfw)
[p.32] [1756] love me like the devil loves (nsfw)
[p.36] [183] “then there’s tongue”
[p.51] [869] “call me” (Tony & Loki, before the beginning of Privation?)
[p.53] [229] “dysfunctional Loki/Natasha”
[p.61] [121] “before the beginning” (pre Privation)
[p.67] [721] untitled (a morning after one of their sessions)
[p.71] [807] “things you didn’t say at all”
[p.98] [577] untitled (Natasha PoV of Purification) (nsfw)
Life In Reverse
[p.35] [561] "Coulson PoV of Loki’s arrival on Earth"
[p.37] [173] "Life in Reverse!Loki meets canon!Loki" (AU)
[p.60] [2008] "Natasha PoV of Loki’s capture by Doom and subsequent rescue"
[p.61] [1223] "Jane PoV of her diner conversation with Loki"
[p.62] [1332] "Natasha PoV of finding Loki after his meeting with Thanos"
[p.62] [1496] "Tony PoV of meeting with Loki after rescuing him from Doom"
[p.63] [1767] "Darcy PoV of Jane coming home after the diner conversation"
[p.74] [787] "Dr. Fisher PoV of her first meeting with Loki"
[p.85] [1332] "Jane PoV of going to see Loki while he’s being held by SHIELD"
[p.86] [645] "Natasha PoV of first meeting Loki"
[p.86] [605] "Natasha and Clint talking about Loki"
[p.87] [541] "Clint PoV after Loki’s rendezvous with Thanos"
[p.103] [1315] “Steve PoV on breaking Loki out of prison”
Now Three
[p.55] [325] untitled (planning for Sarah to bring a snack to class on movie day)
[p.56] [365] untitled ("uncle Thor being cute and loving")
[p.57] [385] “exhausted parents kiss”
[p.64] [1455] untitled ("talking to Sarah about being born a Jotun")
[p.71] [828] untitled ("Sarah’s first day of school")
Remember This Cold
(Fics crossposted to AO3 are in Every Little Earthquake, it’s what you make, and see you on the other side of the war)
(I also have a separate post here in which I attempted to collect all fics in this verse and list them in their in-universe chronological order; you can search for [T] to find all Tumblr-only fics)
[p.15] [290] “paint me” (takes place during Disarm)
[p.23] [1053] “telepathy”
[p.29] [238] “Loki vs. crab”
[p.39] [385] “yahoo me” (Tony & Loki, Steve’s birthday)
[p.40] [394] “paint me” (takes place during The sun no longer shines (on your side))
[p.46] [152] “enamor me” (Loki PoV of The sun no longer shines (on your side))
[p.47] [239] “secret meeting” (Steve & Natasha)
[p.48] [1921] untitled (AU) (Loki is controlled by the scepter/Thanos)
[p.50] [501] “join me” (Natasha & Loki, post only when you hit the ground)
[p.52] [228] “basorexia” (takes place before The sun no longer shines (on your side))
[p.56] [406] untitled ("Loki answers the door naked") (takes place between with an untrained voice and reflected in someone like me) (nsfw)
[p.56] [274] untitled ("Vali stalking Clint")
[p.58] [668] “jealous kiss”
[p.59] [3097] Unmade (AU) (Clint/Loki)
[p.60] [851] untitled (follow-up to The Tenth Floor)
[p.60] [821] untitled ("Steve has a nightmare about Hydra brainwashing Loki") (post Collapse the Light Into Earth)
[p.61] [1428] untitled (follow-up to “better together”) (nsfw)
[p.66] [522] "one falling asleep with their head in the other’s lap”
[p.69] [876] “things you said that made me feel like shit” (takes place between with an untrained voice and reflected in someone like me)
[p.69] [420] "things you said with no space between us”
[p.69] [506] “things you said when we were the happiest we ever were”
[p.70] [516] “things you said after it was over” (Loki & Bucky, post Collapse the Light Into Earth)
[p.71] [691] “patching up a wound”
[p.72] [1651] untitled (AU) (Thanos using Loki’s body as a way of “sightseeing”)
[p.72] [1342] untitled (AU) (follow-up to [p.72] [1651])
[p.74] [364] untitled (Steve PoV of (hang on) when the water is rising)
[p.79] [1063] untitled (nsfw)
[p.82] [1122] soldier on (post Collapse the Light Into Earth)
[p.88] [887] untitled (Bruce visits Loki)
[p.90] [1013] I’ll throw away my faith, just to keep you safe (Steve PoV, end of don’t care if heaven won’t take me back)
[p.92] [1554] how you gaze upon my bones (AU) (Doom succeeds in cloning Loki during The Vivisection Mambo)
[p.102] [1327] the world held fast (Sif PoV during This is My Kingdom Come)
Offshoots of the main timeline
[p.31] [1538] untitled (Frigga shows up on Earth)
[p.57] [2463] old friends
[p.62] [1633] untitled (Loki hurts himself doing magic in a fight assisting the Avengers)
[p.68] [1111] untitled (Steve PoV of [p.57] [2463] old friends)
[p.72] [689] untitled ("I thought you were going to die")
[p.93] [626] untitled (Loki & Wanda, "What do you think you’re doing?")
[p.96] [2239] Strange Magic
#the everything is awful au / like the restless sea (verse on AO3 here)
[p.101] [1877] and the deep river ran on
Sam and Loki are Roommates
(Fics crossposted to AO3 are in people wonder why we’re still together)
[p.8] [48] untitled (Thor comes to visit)
[p.9] [103] untitled (Thor & Dean have a conversation)
[p.10] [222] untitled (Sam & Loki clean up while hungover)
[p.11] [344] untitled (sick!Sam)
[p.14] [147] “drink me”
[p.14] [404] “call me”
[p.15] [284] “value me”
[p.16] [409] “yahoo me”
[p.16] [257] “tell me” (may not be canonical)
[p.16] [341] “invite me”
[p.16] [334] “zip me”
[p.17] [455] “paint me”
[p.22] [303] “accidental baby acquisition” (AU)
[p.27] [546] “mourn me” (AU)
[p.28] [509] untitled (sick!Loki)
[p.30] [533] untitled (Steve giving Loki a present)
[p.36] [160] untitled ("Loki believes Steve doesn’t like him back")
[p.44] [673] untitled (Loki PoV of Sam Winchester Is Not Your Therapist)
[p.49] [239] untitled (Loki and Sam acquire a dog)
[p.50] [977] “enamor me” ("Steve trying to woo Loki")
[p.59] [681] “'war’s end' kiss”
[p.73] [1360] Trouble Who’s A Friend of Mine
[p.74] [1871] “I just told you I liked you but now I’m shy and say ‘nevermind, forget it’” (Steve & Loki)
[p.80] [1556] Tides to Pull You Under
[p.81] [841] untitled ("Steve’s attitude to Loki’s gentleman-ness")
[p.84] [1809] untitled (Steve PoV of Into This Unknown Country)
we’re not friends, we’re strangers with memories
[p.30] [457] “I’m sick”
[p.30] [216] “before the beginning”
[p.44] [489] “kiss with a fist”
[p.50] [532] “quiet me”
[p.54] [863] “dysfunctional Clint/Loki” (AU) (nsfw)
[p.62] [696] untitled (Loki PoV, between chapters 7 and 8)
[p.66] [3747] the mistake was mine
[p.70] [588] “things you said that I wasn’t meant to hear”
Note: In AO3 terms, the relationships below should be listed as & or / since whether the relationship is platonic or not depends on the fic. I just went with & to make things simpler.
Clint & Loki
[p.4] [131] Pavlov’s Bell
[p.6] [119] untitled ("Clint wasn’t brainwashed")
[p.8] [172] “historical AU”
[p.12] [133] “Arda AU”
[p.14] [255] “kill me”
[p.17] [204] “offer me”
[p.22] [497] untitled (drunk!Loki)
[p.28] [712] “unbind me”
[p.31] [245] untitled (Loki PoV of The Walking Wounded)
[p.38] [163] “cooperation” (possibly from Strange Bedfellows)
[p.39] [183] “haunt me” (same verse as It Gazes Also?)
[p.40] [290] “get me” (possibly from Strange Bedfellows)
[p.43] [94] untitled ("successful helicarrier rescue")
[p.43] [217] untitled (Clint dreams about the Chitauri post Avengers)
[p.45] [380] “mourn me”
[p.45] [313] “remember me”
[p.50] [404] “unbind me”
[p.51] [663] “quiet me”
[p.53] [232] "dysfunctional Loki/Clint”
[p.57] [527] untitled ("Clint with a mistletoe arrow")
[p.58] [536] “kiss on the forehead”
[p.58] [833] “'I almost lost you' kiss”
[p.60] [2476] Clint Barton’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Day
[p.61] [1190] Let All Mortal Flesh (nsfw)
[p.61] [2770] A Temple to Be Destroyed (possible part of a follow-up to Monstrosity / Abyss) (nsfw)
[p.62] [373] “before the beginning” (pre Monstrosity)
[p.65] [461] “hallucination induced by lack of sleep”
[p.69] [285] “things you didn’t say at all”
[p.80] [1337] lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate
[p.83] [1739] untitled (Loki appears and heals a mortally-wounded Clint)
[p.85] [1386] In Another Life (Clint PoV of Ghosts That We Knew)
[p.94] [742] “Hands off!” (during Avengers)
[p.94] [839] “Duck, you idiot!” (post TDW)
[p.97] [781] untitled (Clint feels Loki’s - near? - death in Infinity War via lingering-mental-connection)
[p.110] [76] First sentence prompt: “He/she/they shouldn’t have been so delighted.”
[continued in part 2]
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I posted 3,625 times in 2021
651 posts created (18%)
2974 posts reblogged (82%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 4.6 posts.
I added 1,000 tags in 2021
#silv's back on her bs - 394 posts
#silv's back on her bs/good night - 191 posts
#silv’s back on her bs/good night - 97 posts
#silv’s back on her bs - 96 posts
#asks - 77 posts
#/lh - 37 posts
#tw swearing - 28 posts
#tw cursing - 28 posts
#long post - 27 posts
#like - 25 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#also my rb-ing answering tags and activity tab are all inaccessible on my phone rn so if you want to see content on this blog you’ll have to
My Top Posts in 2021
if your eyes are closing
maybe they’re supposed to be closed lmao
this post was brought to you by the: go to fucking sleep. go to sleep. you are tired it is probably past your bed time and you probably haven’t been sleeping well go to sleep, gang
131 notes • Posted 2021-05-01 06:26:24 GMT
there’s lots to learn
oh ho ho
oh ho ho ho ho
oh ho ho ho ho
oh HA
Ox like me
203 notes • Posted 2021-03-23 06:19:49 GMT
reading a fic and like, i am so happy that some writers are genuinely in love with their work- like, there’s this one fic that i’m reading and every author’s note they write about their thoughts on the fic and recently for the last five or so chapters they’ve just been really excited about it. talking about how it was the longest thing they’ve written in a while, or something that they’ve been wanting to write for the longest time and-
i would like to see more creators in love with what they create, please?
206 notes • Posted 2021-05-14 05:35:51 GMT
the fact that you are reading this post means something
you mean something
the space that you fill up in this universe can not be filled by anyone other than you
because you are, the only you that you are able to be at this time
and people love you for who you are right now
there are people who care about you
who wish that your day is as bright as you make others
because they care, I care, about you
and I hope you’re doing well
554 notes • Posted 2021-01-10 07:40:41 GMT
it’s okay to like things that your friends don’t
to have different interests
and even if they’re not in the same fanbase as you, i’m sure they’d love to hear you talk about it
I spent 30 minutes this morning talking to my friend about a book and then they spent half an hour talking to me about a character from a video game
neither of us had any clue what was going on, but seeing a friend that happy from something that they like, is!!! a good feeling!!!
1759 notes • Posted 2021-04-22 06:58:34 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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alexc1ting · 2 years
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old xian’s 19 days - chapter 397
previous 396 - 395 extra - 395b - 395a - ht+mo art - jy+zzx art - 394 - extra - qiu art - hecheng art - 393 - kids mo+ht - kids jy+zzx - 392 - JY+XXart - HT+MoArt - MoArt - 391 - 390b - 390a - 389 - MoGS art - special520 - 388 - 387 - 386 - 385 - 384b - 384a - he cheng art - 383 extra- 383- 382- 381 - valentine art - 380 - 379 - cny art - 378 - 377 - 376bis (special) - 376 - 375 - 374 - 373 - HT art - 372 - 371 - 370 - 369 - hc art - 368 - 367 - 366 - art -  365 - 364 - 363 - 362 -  361bis (special) - 361 - 360 - 359 - 358 - 357 - 356 - 355 - 354 - 353 - 352
cleaning typesetting and translation by me, @about19days (on insta) and @wtfit.i (insta)
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