#1992 good omens movie script
aziraphales-library · 7 months
hello ! i would like to ask if u know any fics about crossovers between the 1992 movie script & any other alternate good omens universe . any kind that somewhat has them interact w the characters there (like a body swap or an au meet up, anything of the sort)
thank you for the hard work, this blog was a godsend (haha) !!
Here are some fics which crossover with the 1992 movie script...
Crowleys Anonymous by IneffableAlien (T)
The boys meet 1992moviescript!Crowley.
A Cursed Case of Accidental Identity Theft by hellsteeth (G)
Sometimes, the universe likes to play tricks on us. Perhaps to teach us a lesson. Perhaps for its own amusement. Perhaps because nothing actually matters, and reasons are stories we tell ourselves to help us sleep at night. Regardless, this is a story about one of these tricks, in which an angel and a demon stare into the funhouse mirror of reality and catch a glimpse of their cursed counterparts. Welcome to the circus. Bring out the clowns. (Crowley and Aziraphale are exposed to the other's 1992 screenplay counterpart)
The Tadfield Secondary Players by attheborder, malicegeres (G)
Colin "Greasy" Johnson's aspirations as a prodigy playwright are put to the test by a panel of judges. After all, who better to evaluate a play about the apocalypse, than an angel and a demon who were really there? Even better: three pairs of angels and demons, each from a slightly different universe. Boundaries will be pushed. The limits of theatrical good taste will be tested. Narratives will be deconstructed. Vomit-inducing quippy one-liners will be dished out. From the mists of the multiverse, GOOD OMENS: A STAGEPLAY will arise. And nothing will ever be the same...
Limitless by SmokingMirrorChaos, Yvesriba (T)
Crowley has never known a world with Aziraphale. Where he's from, his counterpart was the angel Anathema. 6000 years of friendship eventually lead to them traveling between worlds until they discover one where there has never been a Crowley. But, there is an Aziraphale. They met and fall in love and with Aziraphale, Crowley finds the happiness he's always sought. A tale told in Crowley's stories to Aziraphale and flashbacks.
The Other Side by Fanlan (M)
Summary: She works in mysterious ways, keeping every timeline and every alternate version of each universe windingly like threads on the tip of her fingers. Maybe it was an accident, maybe it was to fix something or maybe it was just a test, but she twisted two of those threaded universes together, making a small change in each one: switching an Aziraphale for an Aziraphale. (A what if take if Show! Aziraphale and 1992 Script! Aziraphale swapped places)
- Mod D
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goponylover · 1 year
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My idea of what 1992 movie script Aziraphale and Crowley would look like.
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unproblematicme · 1 year
What if the Metatron tried ripping other versions of Aziraphale and Crowley away from each other?
A very short story I had to get out of my system. I am having a hard time imagining the other versions of our boys letting the Metatron come between them. So I wrote some short snippets about how this might have gone down.
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Sometimes I remember that in the 1992 script Aziraphale and Anathema were supposed to fall in love and I die a little inside
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roanofarc · 1 year
one thing that’s nice about all the neilman bootlickers deciding that joking about the clip is sacrilegious is that it means now all us Cool Good Omens Fans can clown without being bothered
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ineffable-ezra · 14 days
Things that have happened since late July last year in the Good Omens fandom
Good Omens 2 airs
People get upset over the ending
We worry it could get cancelled
It gets renewed! Yay!
The scripts get finished! Double yay!
It won't start filming until January :(
Neil Gaiman is accused of sexual assault (gosh darn it)
He doesn't deny it. There's a moral panic as we figure out what to do (Do we boycott the show? Get him fired?)
Michael and David say that the season 3 ending is good. Finally, some good news!
We regain access to the forbidden movie script of 1992!
Season 3 is put on production pause. We all have panic attacks
But at least the musical is potentially on track(?)
Gaiman offers to step down as showrunner. Amazon has not so far accepted or rejected it.
Best possible future?: The story getting handed over to the Pratchett estate and finished, and Neil Gaiman's victims getting justice
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 10 months
Hi, do you happen to know in which Good Omens movie Crowley was supposed to own a night club? I'm pretty sure it was in the 1991/1992 script where the movie company went bankrupt (that script would have been the one that was leaked a few weeks ago? The dreaded second draft Neil had to write accommodating what the studio asked for 😅) but my husband says it was the one in 2001 where Robin Williams would have played Aziraphale and J Depp would have played Crowley. I'm 99% certain I'm right but I need receipts. That man ows me a You Were Right Dance.
Hiya! :) I havent read the 1992 script but am pretty sure it was in it :).
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thealogie · 11 months
As someone who is incredibly new here but loves mess, what's this about a '92 movie where Aziraphale and Crowley are straight????? I'd love to hear about this
Well you see Neil and Terry really wanted to make good omens into a movie. So they got commissioned to write the script and the studio kept having them make changes to make it more like a Hollywood movie. The 1992 script eventually got leaked and resurfaces on Reddit every few years. I don’t have a copy but some horrors include: crowley owned a night club and flirted with girls. Aziraphale worked at a gallery because a bookshop is not sexy enough. Crowley was like genuinely mean to aziraphale and cheated at checkers every time and aziraphale had been letting him win for the thousands of years they’d been playing
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aziraphales-library · 7 months
Hi, thank you for your incredible work.
I was wondering if there were any “characters watching the show” types of fics you could recommend?
Hello. You'll want to check out our #metafiction tag for fics that blur the line in this kind of way. I could only find a couple that we haven't recommended before...
Air Conditioning meets Neil Straightman. What happens next is shocking! by SillySlvt (G)
When Aziraphale and Crowley were summoned to the heavens, they didn’t know what to expect. A sixty three year old man was not what they were expecting. Or: Aziraphale and Crowley meet their TRUE creator.
Playing Favourites by chasm_side (T)
God was, is, and will be watching Her favourite show. She doesn’t play favourites with Her creations, but some of the Main Characters are more interesting than others. She is very upset to have misplaced two of Her most compelling MCs.
In which God rewrites canon because Aziraphale and Crowley do it first.
Mystery Science Theater 6000: The 1992 Screenplay by Aethelflaed (G)
In the not-too-distant future, an angel and a demon sit down to watch a movie that probably shouldn't exist. While they start out happily mocking the out-of-character moments and strange plot twists, one character in particular may be more than they can handle... (Combination riff and analysis of the 1992 Good Omens Screenplay)
- Mod D
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goponylover · 1 year
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Remember When You Loved the World?
an illustration of a scene from: "Tastes Lost & Acquired' by Skullflower
Its a genuinely beautifully written redemption arc for shitscript!Crowley that I highly recommend checking out for yourself.
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endlessthedestiny · 1 year
okay I read the good omens screen play / shitscript and....... it was something. here are a good idea of what happens there, for those who dosent want to read it
if you don't know what the shitscript is, it's basically a script for a scrapped good omens movie written only by Neil in 1992. it's very different from (I think) any other media/adaptation we had of good omens. apparently neil HAD to make Crowley evil, but I don't know much about it...
tw: abusive crowley
Crowley owns a night club. (yes, Lucifer style)
Aziraphale works as a museum curator.
Also, Crowley cheats in every chess game and wins, making that Aziraphale never won (rather cruel if you ask me) and he hates earth. like really despises.
the plot starts with Satan (here he is more like his sandman/Lucifer2000 counterpart to be honest, even being called Lucifer MORNINGSTAR at some point) gives Crowley the antichrist (Adam).
Crowley is supposed to take care and raise Adam, but when he came back to the club, he put Adam in Madame Tracy's bag to talk to his employee.
Madame Tracy takes Adam home unknowingly. (yes, she will be the one raising him)
Crowley has a fucking panic attack seeing that he lost Adam (also he's fucking pathetic. why didn't he just chase the taxi. stupid).
He drinks alot to calm himself, and then Aziraphale comes into his club and asks what's wrong
Crowley explains (more like spilled) to him what's happening, and Aziraphale decides to help him find Adam. With the condition of being able to make Adam good.
Also theres Anathema. As a child she feels (?) that the antichrist was born.
11 long years of azira and crowley looking for Adam in every city offscreen later............
Anathema goes to tadville (the place where madame Tracy and Adam live) looking for something. she is convinced there is something weird happening.
Madame Tracy's the only one who accepts to rent her a room.
In this version, Madame Tracy's is the "crazy old lady who was hot when she was younger but now she's oooolddddd and craaazy" which is problematic (at my vision)
Adam basically takes care of everything around the house, the bills, breakfast.
Adam resembles more Warlock than Adam from the show... He sometimes is unnecessarily rude towards others, but I think that makes sense with the fact that he had to be so responsible all the time.
He dislikes Anathema at first. But they grow to be friends over time.
theeeen.... Satan calls Crowley again and they talk about the antichrist.
Crowley says that Adam is evil just like him and beautiful blablabla, and then Satan takes a look (using DemonicPowers™) at Adam's face and is very pleased.
Then Crowley comes back at his club and has another panic attack.
Aziraphale visits him again, and again asks what's wrong.
Crowley explains that he met with Satan again, and sarcastically says that he told the truth.
Aziraphale takes his sarcasm seriously and (I think) he was happy that Crowley at least was honest.
Crowley then simply says (and I quote directly) "you are so.... stupid.... you don't deserve to live. I didn't tell him anything. If I had, do you think I'd be here right now?" which is just... damn
azira gets sad and then Crowley basically says that he knows what Adam looks like and azira suggest that they should go to one more town. just one more.
Crowley gets ughhhh fine and they go to Tadville.
Then we get a scene of Adam taking Anathema to his hidden place and showing her his miniature replica of tadville. he says some creepy things about how that in mini tadville everyone does what he says, it's all his.
In the next day, Crowley and Aziraphale go to Tadville. they start looking for a room, but some lady heard Crowley calling Aziraphale "angel" and goes homophobic mode.
Everyone doesn't want to rent a room to them, except Madame Tracy.
Then Adam arrives with the groceries and Crowley immediately recognizes him. Him and Azira take a stroll on the beach, and Crowley says that he's very grateful for Aziraphale.
Aziraphale says he isn't going back to London and Crowley simply says "well, we found him, i don't need you anymore" and Azira reminds him of their agreement of making Adam good.
They invite Adam to go with them for a day in London, and Madame Tracy authorizes much to Adam's content.
They go to London, and in the museum, Azira shows Adam the beauty of humanity and all.
When Adam goes to the car, Crowley tells him that humanity is being above everyone, not caring for anyone (basically, that evil talk etc)
When they get back, Anathema discovers through looking into a crystal ball and seeing Adam's face that he is the antichrist.
Then, Adam goes to talk with her.
Anathema tries to stab him, but she psychologically can't. And she tells him he's the one who is going to end the world.
Adam gets scared for his life and runs away to his hidden place.
Satan transformed his place into a magical scenario full of games and fun and talks with him.
He basically convinces him to enter his side and Adam (who is very fragile because anathema just tried to kill him) agrees.
Basically, the town turns into a huge theater with everyone acting like puppets.
Satan thanks Crowley for raising Adam, and grant his wish of letting him go to Alpha centuri.
As Crowley is waiting for the next comet, Aziraphale goes to him and tries to convince him to help humanity and heaven.
Crowley basically says "hell nah im not helping you"
Aziraphale says "but we are friends."
And Crowley simply replies "Were." :)
Theeen, Aziraphale challenges him to one more checkers game.
They play, and Aziraphale finally wins. But only after cheating.
They find Anathema and she gives them the knife.
Aziraphale enters in full angel form (white clothing and all) and goes to talk with Adam.
Aziraphale basically does "reflect about it" talk to Adam, and Adam seems to not care.
Crowley then goes to Satan and says "I'm not going anymore" and Satan turns him into a snake.
Aziraphale interrupts and points the knife at him. Satan simply desintegrates the knife and hurts aziraphale.
Adam after seeing Madame Tracy's puppet form and reflecting about what Aziraphale said he decides to take a step back and fix things.
He goes to Satan, heals Aziraphale and transforms Crowley back and basically says "I'm not going." and turns everything back to normal
Satan is like ??? and Crowley simply says "wait you didn't rebel to your father too?"
Satan laughs and disappears.
everything ends well
theeee end :3
well, it's not the worst thing in existence but certainly not the best.
good omens but the aziracrow is the most toxic yaoi ever.
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Ok please correct me if I’m wrong but there’s so many different good omens adaptations !
The og book
The Unabridged Good Omens audiobook narrated by Martin Jarvis
The 1992 movie scrip (Neil just said to not share this script fyi)
The BBC radio drama
Everyone’s beloved TV show (dang you season 2)
The script book for the tv show (there’s the regular one and then the one that has the extra plot/things that they didn’t include in the show)
The audiobook with the full tv show cast
The musical that is currently being produced
The graphic novel
I just think that it’s really cool that there are so many ways to love the universe that Neil and Terry created!! I’m so thankful that we as fans get to have all these different ways of exploring this story
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resident-annus · 1 year
Umm... okay then
Just found out there was a 1992 script for a Good Omens movie...
uh, one problem tho
i can't find it.
it seems to have become some sort of meme in the fandom (One that i'm only now hearing of) but i don't know where people are reading it.
i would personally love to see this thing, so if anyone knows where i can find it please let me know!
or, if it can't be found, if someone knows where i can find a lot of information about it like screenshots or something
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vintage-bentley · 1 year
Where can I find that 1992 movie shit script? I want to be angry at Neil rn
Sadly I don’t know! I’ve been looking for it myself and I can’t seem to find it. It’s almost like it was completely erased from the internet after Neil said how sad he was about it being leaked. Because Neil fans are embarrassingly loyal.
But I’m also not a very good internet sleuth so it’s possible it’s right under my nose and I’m not seeing it. If anyone has it feel free to link it!
If you search up “good omens movie script” and go to images, you’ll find some bits and pieces. Including this famous unfortunate line
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alivehouse · 1 year
piecing together the 1992 shitty good omens movie script from shitty jpeg compressed tumblr screenshots that are like 20 pixels long like im trying to reconstruct some kind of apocryphal lost gospel from half rotted papyrus fragments
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anthonycrowley · 1 year
Legend says you have the good omens 1992 movie script
i can neither confirm nor deny on a public forum (dm me)
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