#1d fiction
beingmrsstyles · 10 years
Can anyone recommend me any good zayn fics on here or Wattpad. Preferably Au I've being really into zayn ones recently. Also just any 1D fics in general that are really good :) x
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tthirstyforstyles · 10 years
College Styles Chapter 5
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Note: 1st texting: Jason’s texts bold. Riley’s italic. 2nd text convo: Harry’s Bold. Riley’s italic. 
Staring at her he tried to get her to speak to him. “Riley.. please.” 
“What do you want from me?” Looking up at him, he winced when he noticed her eyes. Her eyes filled with tears. Lifting his hand up he tried to wipe them away but she only pushed away from him again. 
Sighing, he ran his fingers through this hair. “What do you mean?” 
“I mean what the fuck is this? Why are you always texting me and why are you always wanting to hang out with me?” Staring at him she waited for him to give her an answer. “Hmm? Tell me Harry!” Breathing heavily, she stared at him hard. She could feel her heart beating hard against her chest and her brain was yelling at her to stop. Knowing she was only making things worse. She was pushing him away before she knew anything. She was embarrassed with her outbursts and she mentally hitting herself for overreacting but she couldn’t help it. 
“What do you mean what is this? I don’t understand where this is coming from? Baby what are you talking about?” Trying to step closer to her, she continued to step back. Frustrated he groaned. 
“Don’t call me that.” Turning away from him, she wrapped her arms around her body. 
“Look Harry.. just go.” 
“Fuck Riley, what the fuck is going on?” Standing there he was completely confused. He didn’t understand what was going on or what even happened. Harry hated when people were upset or mad at him but the thought of Riley being mad or upset at him, made his stomach turn. He didn’t like it  one bit and he wanted it to be fixed instantly. He needed it to be. 
Turning to face him, she quickly wiped the tears from her face. “I want you to leave and I never want to see or hear from you again. You can find some other girl to use.” 
“Are you serious right now? Does this have to do with Julie? What the hell did she say to you?” Crossing his arms across his chest he stared at her hard waiting for her to answer him. His blood boiling inside of him, he really did not like her. 
“What do you mean what did Julie say to me? How would you know that Julie said something?” Raising her eyebrow she stood there glaring at him but on the inside she was screaming at herself to stop. Asking herself, what the hell are you doing?
“Well considering we were fine before you were hanging out with her, so I’m curious as to know what bull shit she is starting now.” 
“Look Harry just go. This.. whatever it is or was, is done. We’re done.” 
Laughing he shook his head. “This is just great.” Closing his eyes, he exhaled hard before turning and looking at her. Walking to her fast, he pulled her hard against his chest. 
Trying to push him away he wouldn’t budge. “Harry stop.” 
“I don’t know what lies you heard or what the hell is going on. But the one thing I do know for sure is that I like you... a lot. I care about you and I want to be with you. The only way that this can work Riley is if you stop caring what those people think and start trusting me. I would never intentionally hurt you. I want to get to know you better and I want you to get to know me. They think they know me but they don’t. I won’t be who they want me to be. So remember that next time someone decides to tell you false information.” Letting go of her he turned fast and walked out of her room. 
Leaving Riley standing there, feeling like an idiot. 
It had been three days since she last saw Harry. Riley completely avoided the coffee shop and any other areas where she might run into Harry or anyone else on the team. She was embarrassed and hurt. Embarrassed with how she acted and hurt with all the events going on around her. Why couldn’t her life just be simple? Why did there always have to be one problem after another. She felt sorry for herself and she knew she shouldn’t considering she shouldn’t of treated Harry that way. But she did. 
After Harry had left her place she went back to look at Jason’s texts. Groaning at the thought of having to deal with him once again. Looking back today at their text thread she re-read the texts over and over again. She was trying to decide if it was someone just trying to get information out of her or if it was truly him. Both outcomes completely mortified her. 
Babe, you might want to answer, considering I have something you might want.. a certain tape ;)
What the hell are you talking about? What tape?
Ha, don’t play dumb. You know what I am talking about babe
No I actually don’t? Also if this is some person pretending to be Jason, you are very funny. I’m laughing so hard. Nice try by the way. 
Babe, don’t be so paranoid. It’s me. Come on now
Stop calling me babe
You used to love it. When I called you babe or baby. Remember how you would get shivers all over your body, begging me to fuck you
Lol can you stop
Meet me for drinks at the pub on friday 8 pm. Otherwise that tape will fall into the hands of someone you don’t want it to.
Just screw off. 
Be there. I mean it Ri. 
Sighing she rubbed her hands over her face. Today was the day. All she could think about were the texts from Jason. She didn’t know if she could believe them or not. If she showed up and it wasn’t him then she would be humiliated in front of god knows how many people and she would be confirming this tape to them. Something she did not want to happen. 
When she was dating Jason everything seemed to be perfect. Perfect grades, perfect boyfriend. Tons of friends. Always the life of the party but she was also reckless with Jason. Doing things she never felt comfortable doing, taking things to far and always pushing the boundaries. He made her do things she didn’t want to do. She used to think she was strong back then but really she was weak. She had always been weak, especially when it came to Jason. She loved him. She thought he was it for her, it was what he made her believe. She believed whatever he wanted, it was sad. 
That tape was something she knew eventually would come back to haunt her. But when it didn’t after such a long time, she was surprised. That tape was something she was going to regret for the rest of her life and everyday she looked back and could think to herself about how stupid she was. How could she do something like that? She was ashamed and embarrassed and she prayed that no one would ever see it. 
Riley knew that if she wanted to make things right with Harry, she had to meet Jason. She needed to get that tape and then be honest with Harry. Tell him everything before someone else did, knowing fully that they would make everything seem much worse than it is. 
Getting ready, she tried to look amazing. Although she was over Jason, she didn’t want to look bad. She wanted to attempt to at least make him think, why the hell did he fuck this up? Groaning she continuously kept changing. Not happy with any of her outfits or how her make up or how her hair was turning out. Sitting on her bed she closed her eyes and exhaled. “Fuck this.” 
Groaning she threw on her favorite outfit to wear out and she just didn’t look at herself in the mirror in the end. She got dressed and left her hair in loose curls and her make up the way it was. Putting on her beige pumps she grabbed her things and made her way to the school pub. It was 7:50 pm and she was happy that the football team had a game tonight. They were currently playing and wouldn’t be done until around 9pm. She was hoping that they wouldn’t come to pub after the game and decide to go back to their place to celebrate. 
Arriving at the pub she tried to look through the windows to see if she could see Jason or anyone else that could be behind this. Getting paranoid, her breathing became heavy. Standing there she placed her hand on her chest and decided to just face whatever was to come. Convincing herself that she could do this. Opening the door she walked in and found a spot in the back corner. Sitting there waiting. 
When she felt a tap on her shoulder, she closed her eyes before she could turn around. She had a sick feeling in her stomach and she couldn’t shake it. She just wanted this to be over. Turning to look over her shoulder, she had a surprised look on her face when she saw who it was. “Jason...” 
“Sup babe.” Smirking, he leaned down and kissed her cheek before sitting across from her. Raising his eyebrow and having a smug look on his face. Happy about her reaction to seeing him. Wanting that smirk off of his face, Riley rolled her eyes and sat up straight. 
“So Jason.. whats up?”
Laughing he let out a snort. “Whats up? That’s what you want to say to me. After all this time?”
“Look I don’t want to be here long, just tell me what you want please.” 
“I want you to sit here and talk to me. Update me on your life. How are things? Got a boyfriend yet?” Winking at her, he sat there smirking at her. 
Rolling her eyes, she leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms over her chest. 
“Come on babe.” 
“Don’t call me that.” She responded harshly. 
“Well what would you want me to call you.” Winking at her, he laughed when he saw her face. 
“You know what, I’m gonna leave. I do not have the patiences to deal with this right now.” Standing up from her chair, she stopped when she saw his finger pointed to stop her. “What?”
“Sit down Riley. We have some things that need to be discussed otherwise I don’t think you will like the consequences that will come if you walk out that door.” 
“Oh so now your threatening me? That really makes me want to sit and talk to you.” Staring at him she shook her head, not even believing this conversation. 
“Just sit down Riley, my god. This would go faster if you would just sit and do as your told.” 
“I’m not a child Jason. You can’t tell me what to do. Not anymore thats for sure.” 
“Well congratulations, you finally got some balls. Now just sit please. Seriously.” Pointing to her chair, she looked at him and rolled her eyes before sitting down. “Thank you. You look good by the way. You look super hot.” Winking once again. 
Annoyed she looked away from him. “Anyways, moving on. What is it exactly that you want from me Jason.” 
“I just want to talk. After we talk then you can have your precious tape. Okay?” 
“I don’t understand why you want to sit here in talk. How does this benefit you?” 
“It just does now just talk to me.” 
Sighing she nodded, not really happy about this but willing to do anything to get that tape from him. 
“So how are things? Update me on your life. How’s the family? Oh and what would you like to drink and eat? I’m assuming we will be here for a while.” 
“Great.” She said sarcastically before ordering the strongest drink she could handle. 
She didn’t know how long she had been there talking to Jason for, but she wasn’t enjoying it at all. His constant questions and comments. She was annoyed, very annoyed. Staring down at her hands, her head shot up fast as soon as she heard a bunch of people come into the pub. Looking up she saw the football team and others come in, taking up majority of the booths. Her heart began to pound hard in her chest when she saw Harry. Immediately looking away, hoping he wouldn’t notice her. Shifting her eyes she stared back at him, looking away fast when they locked eyes. “Shit.” She muttered to herself. 
“What?” Distracted he started to check out the girls that had just walked in. “Oh Nice, my boys! Ouu damn, look at the legs on those girls.” 
“You’re disgusting.” 
“Eh, you used to love it babe.” Winking at her, he shook his head. “Man Riley you need to stop being so uptight. Live a little babe.” 
Hearing his voice she closed her eyes and she couldn’t think of anything worse other then this moment right now. Turning to her side she made eye contact with Harry. Taking a deep breath and exhaling first before she said anything. “Ugh.. hey Harry. How are you?” Biting her bottom lip nervously she didn’t know what to say. 
“Seriously?” Flickering his eyes back and forth between her and Jason, he glared at Riley wanting some answers. “What’s going on here?” 
“Is there a problem Riley?” Jason pointed at Harry. 
“No Jason. Just give us a second.” Standing up she grabbed Harry’s hand and walked to the back of the pub looking for an empty quiet room. Finding one she pulled him inside before shutting the door. Leaning her forehead against the door, she closed her eyes. Nervous to face him. Remembering the last time they were together and how bad things were. 
Turning to look at him she sighed. “Hii.” 
“Hi? Thats all you have to say to me? What the hell are you doing here with him?” Staring at her hard he waited for her to answer him. 
“Its a long story okay Harry. It’s not important.” 
“Of course its important! You won’t even speak to me someone who did nothing yet your here drinking and having dinner with an asshole who treated you like shit?” He spat out harshly. 
Wincing, his harsh tone hurt her. He had never been like this with her before and even though she deserved it, she wish he wouldn’t continue to act like this. 
“Look Harry I know you are upset with me and you have every right to be with how I treated you a couple days ago but-”
“You can’t even begin to understand how hurt and angry I am right now. Just.. Fuck. How could you? How can you be here with him after everything he has done to you. Hmm?”  
“I want to tell you but I can’t. I just can’t. I just have to do this. I need to be strong and do this for myself. Harry.. he has something over me and its the only thing he could ever hold over me and I am willing to do whatever I need to to get it back. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything, you have no idea.” 
“Is he threatening you? Because if he’s threatening you, that does not go well with me and I sure as hell don’t have a problem saying something to him.” Moving towards the door, she quickly grabbed his arm before he could go anywhere. Her back pressed against the door, with her hands clutching his arms. 
“Harry don’t its okay. Please don’t worry about it. I have this covered okay. Thank you though, really means a lot that you would defend me.” 
Both of them were breathing heavily and his eyes flickered down to her lips and then back up to her eyes. Panting hard they both just continued to stare at each other. Moving his hand up to her head, he gripped her hair hard and pressed his lips against hers. Pushing his body hard against hers as well while he moved his hands down her body and down to her legs lifting her up and wrapping them around his waist. 
Deepening the kiss, she cried out against his lips when he ground his hips hard against hers. Their kiss hard and fast. Riley’s hands moving all over his body while he continued to move against her. Having missed the feeling of her body near his and being able to kiss her. Even though it had been three days. It was three long days. 
Biting his bottom lip before she moved her lips down his neck and sucked on the skin leaving a mark right on the side of his neck. “Shit.. fuck. We need to stop.” He panted out before pressing his lips against hers once again. Not being able to stop kissing her or feeling all over her body. 
“Why. Fuck it, just kiss me.” 
“God, I want you so bad.” Pulling her shirt down, he moved his lips down her chest and moved her bra to the side before taking her nipple into mouth. Swirling his tongue around the nub and lightly biting it, until he left his own mark. 
“Yes.. Harry. Oh God.” She moaned, throwing her head back. 
Pulling back, he pushed his face into the crook of her neck. “Shit.” Both of them breathing heavily he put her down and took a step back. Trying to calm down. 
Grabbing his shirt, she pulled him back to him and their lips instantly attached once again. “I’m sorry. So sorry for everything.” She whispered against his lips. 
“Its okay babe.” 
“No its not. I was such a bitch.” Moving her fingers through his hair, they both stared at each other. 
“I understand Riley. I just need you to talk to me. I would never lie to you.” Grabbing her hand he placed it over his heart. “Do you feel that? That’s what you do to me. Whenever you talk to me, look at me. Even when I think about you. You do that Riley. My feelings for you are developing so fast but I can’t help. It’s just the way I feel.” 
Smiling she wrapped her arms around him and held him tight to her. “I’ll explain everything to you after tonight. I just need to finish this thing with Jason and then after that I’m all yours.” 
“That sounds perfect.” Cupping her face, he pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Text me okay? I want to know how its going and I want to know when you get home okay? I need to make sure you are gonna be okay.”
“Yes. Just don’t punch him when you walk past.” Smirking, she laughed. 
“I’ll try not to. I really don’t like him and if he tries something with you. Who knows what I’ll do. I don’t even like him near you.” 
“Are you jealous?” Looking at him weird, she smiled when she noticed that he had blushed. 
“Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe.. yes... I just don’t like the idea of him being near you. Not after everything. I don’t want him to hurt you. You deserve so much better.” Wrapping his arms around her waist he pushed his chest against hers. 
“You don’t have to worry about that. I could care less what he thinks. I only care about what you think. You matter, he doesn’t. I want this to work. I want to figure all of this out and take this day by day though.” 
“I know babe. We can. Now I’m guessing I should let you get back to douche bag out there.” Pouting out his lip, he tapped her ass after she leaned forward and bit it playfully. “That was not nice.” 
Winking at him she opened the door and gave him one last smile before leaving. Them both going back to their tables with a huge smile across their face. 
How’s everything going babe? I had to leave, stupid football stuff :(
Ugh I am hating life right now, save me pleaseeee
I wish. You should just leave right now and go back to my place and wait for me ;) 
Ya I should and I should be naked on top of the covers, ready for you.. ;)
Yes you should def do that
In your dreams baby ;) 
Yes you are. All the time ;)
Holy winky faces 
What can i say you can’t resist me ;)  You started it, such a cheeky girl
haha. I’m serious though, let me know if he tries something. Screw this meeting I would be there in a heart beat. 
I know you would, don’t worry <3 
I will worry until you get home. Can I see you after?
After I’m done having this dreadful conversation with Jason, yes if you want to :) 
I really do. Sleepover? Cuddleee timeeeee
I would love tooooo :)
Perfect. Come over right after okay?
What about the team? Will they be awake ?
Probably, but who cares. They know I like you
Okay. He’s finally done asking about my life. I think I’m almost done give me a sec. 
Of course x
Thirty minutes later;
Babe everything okay?
It’s been a while since you said you were almost done. Need me to meet you?
No Harry, I’m alright 
you sure?
Ya thanks 
okay, you still coming over? :)
Ya I’m almost there. 
Okay, I’m waiting outside for you x
Seeing her approach his house he instantly smiled. His eyes moving from her head to her feet. He forgot to tell her how amazing she looked.  When he first saw her, she took his breath away. She looked incredible and he just wanted to walk right up to her and kiss. She was so beautiful and he didn’t understand how anyone could ever say otherwise. “Hey baby. Everything alright?” 
“Ya, it’s all good.” Giving him a half fast smile, he frowned when he noticed her sad face. 
“Whats wrong? What happened?” Placing his hands on her hips, he pulled her closer to him. 
“I don’t want to talk about it. Please just kiss me. Make me forget everything. I just want to be with you. I want you. Please” Speaking fast, she was nervous but she needed this. She wanted this. 
Moving his hand up to her face he cupped her cheek and pulled her in and pressed a light kiss to her lips before kissing her head. “I’m here whenever you need me okay?” 
Nodding she tried to hold back her tears, only trying to enjoy the moment and forget about everything else. Picking her up she wrapped her legs around his waist. “Thank you so much Harry.” 
“Anything for you babe.” 
Carrying her upstairs to his room, he shut the door with his foot and laid her down on to the bed. Coming over her body, he pressed himself against her. Her hands moving under his shirt and lightly scratching up and down his back. Placing kisses all over her face and neck she couldn’t help but giggle. Smiling when he saw the smile on her face. Moving his hands down to her legs he wrapped them around his waist and pushed himself harder against her. 
“I want you so bad.” She whimpered. 
“I know I want you too. But we said slow right?” 
Pushing on his chest she flipped them over so she was straddling his waist. Unbuttoning his shirt quickly so her hands could move up and down his chest, she leaned down and bit his nipple. “Fuck taking it slow, I want you right now.” 
“Hello feisty Riley. Where have you been?” Smirking he ran his hands up and down her thighs. Sitting up he pressed his lips against hers. Both of them deepening the kiss right away. Rolling her hips against him, she could feel him stir underneath her. 
“Take me now Harry. I want you.” 
“This will be a night to remember baby, just you wait and see.” 
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twistofpayne · 11 years
Modest Encounters: Chapter Six
*This chapter was written by Brielle.
Table of Contents
smut warning
The trip from Boston to New York was short compared to our recent travels. We left the tour bus in a warehouse on the outskirts of the city, for many reasons; the city traffic and familiar 1D print on the bus were the main ones. A blacked-out SUV picked us up and we drove into the City. I rode with the boys and tried to contain my excitement. They were nonchalant about going to Manhattan, but I was squirming. I had never been to New York City and even seeing the outline of it made me excited.
I practically had my face pressed against the window as we passed Central Park, the Empire State Building and Rockefeller Center. The boys seemed unfazed by the city, probably having been here tons of times. But for me, this was breathtaking. Only a few months ago, I barely had enough money to buy groceries, let alone travel out of California. Now, I was riding in a car with the world’s biggest boy band in New York City.
"Wow," I whispered as we drove along the west side highway, the view of the Statue of Liberty shocking me.
"Never been, Liv?" Niall asked from the seat in front of me. I muttered a "no" and continued to look out at the city.
We arrived at the hotel and immediately went to the side entrance. The city was busy, people speedwalking through the streets, taxis filling the roads with impatient passengers. I clambered out of the car first and took in the air of the city. The boys quickly rushed into the building and I awkwardly scrambled behind them, unaware of their procedure.
I was happy to find out that we all got our own rooms. I was on the same floor as the boys, clearly for easy access to me. I had only packed a small bag with enough to last me the 4 days while we were here. While I moved my pants into a drawer, a knock came at my door. I placed my clothes down and went to open it.
"Hey," Niall grinned and I smiled and stepped back to let him in. "Oh no, I just wanted to take you out, you said you’d never been here and I wanted to show you around," he nodded and I smiled at how cute he was being.
"Sure, let me grab my bag," I said as I turned, only to stop by hearing someone yell my name.
"Olivia!" Liam shouted as he pushed past Niall and walked into my room.
"Something wrong?" I asked him, taking in his flustered state.
"I need you" he said softly as he glanced back at Niall. Niall coughed awkwardly, realizing what Liam needed.
"We’ll go in an hour, if that’s okay or enough tim-" 
"An hour is fine, thanks Niall" I smiled as I shut the door. Liam’s hands grasped my hips from behind and spun me around. His lips found mine and he kissed me, hard. His fingers gripped the hem of my dressed and bunched it up over my stomach. He slid down his shorts, revealing his length which sprang free. 
"What’s gotten into you?" I giggled as he lifted me, my legs wrapping around his waist. He pushed my underwear aside and slammed into me.
"Ah, shit," he groaned as he fucked me against the hotel door. He kissed me often, his tongue slipping into my mouth and exploring before he drew back. He face was tucked into the crook of my neck as he increased his pace, our skin slapping together rapidly.
"Fuck" he sighed as he came, filling me and triggering my own release. He placed me down, holding me while my body recovered from my climax. It was quick and I enjoyed it but I was still worried about why he needed me so badly, and wanted me so quickly. Then I realized: the last time he'd been here, it was probably with Danielle. Or if not physically with her, then emotionally. We would be in New York for a long time, and he wasn't used to a New York without her. And apparently, sex was how Liam dealt with the sudden emptiness. At least he was trying to get over her. I felt a stab of pity as I watched his eyelids flutter open again.
"Thank you," he breathed as he kissed me once more, and disappeared out of the door. I grabbed my underwear, slipping them back on and fixing my disheveled state before going to find Niall. 
Niall and I left the hotel around 7 pm, the city was just coming alive and the sky was darkening by the minute. We stopped in central park, thankfully going unnoticed as we left. We headed to the Observation Deck at Rockefeller Center, seeing the city from a different angle. We finally ended in Mickey’s, an Irish Pub that Lou said was traditional for Niall to visit while he was in the city. We sat and drank for hours, talking about Ireland, the X-factor and his family.The time slipped away as we stumbled out of the bar, hours later. Paul had sent for us to be picked up and we hurried into the car. We laughed and joked the whole ride. I could feel Niall’s hand on my inner thigh but I ignored it as we rode.
We got back to the hotel at 11:20 pm. I slipped into my room, only to have Niall follow me. He sat on the couch and sighed. I sat next to him, my brain spinning with the effects of the alcohol I consumed.
"Come here," he said, his accent thickened. 
I climbed over to him, straddling his legs before kissing him. His fingers knotted in my hair and I moaned against his lips. Our tongues slipped in each others mouths and I moved my hips against him. A loud knock at the door interrupted us and I kissed him again before swaying towards the door. 
I pulled it open to reveal Zayn. His eyes were wide as he looked at me then Niall. I smiled at him, feeling dizzy like I was going to fall over.
"Niall, Harry needs you," Zayn spat harshly, making me glance at him nervously.
"Eh, alright," Niall groaned as he slipped past Zayn towards Harry’s room.
"Neeeed something?" I asked in a slurred voice and he reached forward and grabbed my hand, pulling me over the threshold. He slammed my door shut and pulled me to his room.
"What’s wrong?" I asked but he ignored me as he pushed open his door and closed it quickly.
"Don’t you have any fucking sense of time?" he spat as he pulled harshly me to his bed.
"We had a fucking scheduled time to go out, Olivia, blowing me off was the wrong thing to do," he fumed as he pushed me against the bed. 
"I’ve been wanting to do this to you but I had no reason to, and now I do" he whispered as he grabbed a long piece of cloth and grabbed my wrists. He held them above my head and bound them together. 
The alcohol had made my head spin and my stomach turn. Zayn unzipped my dress from the front zipper and let it fall to my sides on the bed. He unbuckled his pants and ripped off his shirt, throwing them across the room.
"Don’t make a sound. It’ll teach you to break our plans," he spoke as he ripped my underwear and filled me. His fingers gripped my hips, pulling my body into his as he slammed into me, over and over again. I wanted to touch and hold on to him, but my hands were held up above me. He felt good, despite being tied up and drunk.
He came with a groan and collapsed against me, panting as he pulled out. This was punishment. I had blown off our plans and now I would suffer by not finishing.
"Please," I whimpered and he hovered over me as his hand cupped my sex. His fingers ran up and down my slit before they slid into me. I cried out and his lips found mine. This Zayn was different, he was angered about our plans but it felt different, he felt different. 
I came quietly and he pulled his fingers from me. He laid next to me, watching me as I caught my breath and tried to free my hands.
"Untie me, please," I begged and he laughed darkly, finally loosening my wrists.
The alcohol, the long day, and the orgasm caught up with me, and my eyelids closed. The last thing I heard before I drifted off to sleep was Zayn's low voice.
"You’ll know better now, Olivia, not to disobey me."
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strawnarrycheesecake · 11 years
Preference #10: Having Multiples
Niall: As soon as the doctor informed the two of you that he heard two heartbeats you, and Niall both, went into a state of utter shock. You guys weren’t mentally prepared for one baby, let alone two. “What do you mean there’s two?!" Niall said in an exasperated voice. “Yeah, I agree with him; we only ordered one baby!" The doctor just chuckled and left the room so you guys could talk. Then after about ten minutes, Niall looked at you and concluded that you guys could now dress up both babies in ‘crazy mofos’ attire.
Harry: You were in the doctor’s office for your first checkup since finding out that you were pregnant. When your doctor told you and Harry that she heard five heartbeats, Harry immediately asked if that meant that your baby had five hearts; which made the doctor shake her head, while you just laid on the table with your jaw to the floor. “No, Harry, five heartbeats means five babies… Oh my gosh… five babies, five people, and five billion diapers. I’m honestly going to be a bouncy house…" you trailed off. “How do they even fit in there?!" he urgently asks the doctor, motioning to your little belly. “The human body is a complex thing, Mr. Styles. Just think of it this way: now you have five babies to love and care for." she explains, with a smile. At this point you looked at him and said “We’re definitely not having any more children ‘Mr. Styles’.
Louis: Once you found out that you were pregnant with your baby girl, Madeline, the next nine months flew by in the blink of an eye. Now, you are in the finial steps of your labor, ready to push. You and Louis let out a breath of relief as you heard your baby’s cries, but your sudden relaxation came to a screeching halt when the doctor announced that it was a boy. “Umm, no, its not." you and Louis protested in unison. The doctor then went on to show Louis that you definitely game birth to a boy. “But, I was pregnant with a girl… named Madeline." you spoke very slowly, trying not to loose your cool. Then, as if on some type of cue, you felt that all too familiar, breathtaking pain in your stomach and your doctor informed you that you were about to give birth for a second time on that day. At this point, you didn’t even have any energy to protest, you just prepared yourself for what was to come and hoped for the best. And sure enough, little Madeline popped out kicking and screaming with the lungs of a singer. After everything settled down, you, naturally, still had a few questions. “I’m not quite sure I understand. How did I go nine months without knowing that I was pregnant with twins?" She told you that your little boy was probably hiding behind Madeline the whole time. Now, with your babies being healthy and happy, your only concern was what to name your beautiful baby boy. “I think we should name him Alexander." you suggested to Louis. “Sounds good to me, babe. You know, I’m glad you had twins because now I can make both of them into football superstars." he chuckled.
Liam: When you guys found out that you would be having triplets, Liam instantly concluded, in his exact words, "Its like a three in one!" To be completely honest, it was almost as if he was more excited for the babies than you were; and that was saying something special. He made sure to have the nursery set up and the hospital bags packed way before you were even five months; he wanted this to be very easy and non-stressful experience for you. Needless to say, you didn't have to worry about a thing throughout the course of your pregnancy.
Zayn: When you revealed to Zayn that you that you were pregnant with not one, but two babies, he reacted in a way that definitely wasn't expected. He wasn't angry or anything, but he definitely didn't seem happy. You immediately decided to confront him about it and you were surprised when he confessed to you that he was beyond nervous. "I've never been a dad before. What if I mess up? I won't just being ruining one life if I'm a bad parent, but I'll be ruining two. I'm scared, babe." he muttered, eyebrows furrowed. "You'll be great dad. I have complete faith in you. And don't worry, if we make a mistake, at least we'll make it together. I love you Zayn and once again, you'll be an amazing dad."
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damselell · 11 years
I wish there was a fanfiction department in the library.
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luciddrreaming · 12 years
If one of the one direction fanfictions was real i hope it is the larry one.
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tthirstyforstyles · 10 years
Just Friends Part 11
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Laying there in bed, Lauren couldn’t fall asleep. She could never sleep without the warmth of Harry’s body, his arms wrapped around her while their legs would be all tangled. Staring up at the ceiling she could feel the tears forming in her eyes once again. She didn’t know where Harry was or if he was going to come home tonight, she only prayed he did. Checking her phone once again and exhaling hard when she noticed he hadn’t texted her.      
Hey babe, I know you are upset but could you please just tell me that you are alright?
Sighing she threw her phone at the end of their bed, sitting their waiting with her eyes closed. Lauren and Harry had been best friends for a long time and even though they fought about stupid things, they’ve only ever had two big fights. The one before their relationship and a while back when Lauren was dating a guy named Jason and she had stopped talking to Harry for particular reasons. She didn’t want too but given her situation she didn’t want to be around anyone, it was a hard time and although it made it harder to not talk to Harry, it was what she needed to do. 
Deep down she always knew she was in love with Harry and so did everyone, especially her ex boyfriend Jason.  Because of that Jason hated Harry and never wanted Lauren to be around him. At the time she was stupid to listen to him and stupid to even think Jason was worth anything to her. She did things she was not proud of and put Jason first before anyone, including her family. Thinking back those times made Lauren even more sick to her stomach. A constant reminder of how good Harry was to her. He was always there for her no matter what, whether she deserved it or not. He never let her down, while she was always hurting him. 
Harry, baby please. Come home to me
Let me make this better. I know this brought up old feelings and our difficult past but let me explain. Please. 
Noticing that he read them once again but didn’t answer she curled up into a ball, snuggling closer to her pillow while the tears rolled down her face. 
Hearing the front door open and close, she could hear someone trying to make it up the stairs. Hearing his voice mutter out a swear word when he ran into the side table in the hallway. Lauren fully knew he would come home drunk, knowing that he went to meet up with friends trying to have to a good time and forget all the things going on around him. 
Sitting up she turned on the lamp that was on the side table, waiting for him to come in. Looking down at her nails, she started to pick off the nail polish, nervous to make eye contact with him. Hearing him finally make it to their door, she panicked and changed her mind. Quickly turning off the light, pretending she was asleep. 
Opening their bedroom door, Harry looked at her laying in their bed. The guilt and pain rushing through his body immediately. Completely mad at himself for leaving her, even though he was hurt he shouldn’t of left or ignored her. Fully knowing she was worried about him and wanted to make things right. At the time Harry didn’t want that, he wanted to sit and pout and be angry. He wanted her to know how much she had hurt him. Even though deep down he knew she already knew and he knew what he was doing was not the right thing to do. Not to her. Someone who was always there for him. She didn’t deserve that. She deserved better. 
Taking off his jeans and sweater along with his shirt, he crawled onto the bed beside her. Having her back to him, Lauren contemplated turning to face him but she wanted him to make the first move. She didn’t want to pressure him or make him uncomfortable. She wanted to give him space but she also wanted to pester him and get him to forgive her. She wanted his arms wrapped around her telling her that he forgave her and that he loved her. She just wanted him. 
Sighing, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close against him. Harry fully knowing she was awake. Having her back against his chest, he moved his nose along the back of her neck. Placing small kisses all over her neck and shoulder. Pushing back closer to him she inhaled his scent, pure alcohol. She only hoped that this wouldn’t change and they would end up fighting throughout the night. 
She knew she had to find a way to show and tell him how sorry she was. Show him how much she loves and cares for him. How he has always been the most important person in her life, back then and now. He was everything to her and she needed to start showing it better. Appreciating him and their life much more. 
Moving her hands to meet his she linked them with his and pushed herself closer to him. “I’m sorry.” she whispered lightly. Scared for his reply she closed her eyes and just felt his lips kiss along her back. 
“I know you are. I’m sorry too.” He whispered against her skin. 
Turning in his arms, she turned so they were face to face. His arms still wrapped around her, and hers wrapped around him. Having their faces so close, they instantly ran their noses against each other. “It kills me that I hurt you so badly.” She whispered against his lips. Their lips  so close he could feel her lips moving against his while she talked. He wanted nothing more than to have her lips pressed against his but he needed to tell her how he felt first. 
“I’m still mad and upset but I don’t want to talk about it right now. I just want to be with you right now. I want us baby. Lauren and Harry baby. Us.” 
“I want that too.” 
Pressing her lips hard against his, he could tell she was desperate. She just needed to know that they were going to be okay. That they could get through this. He could be mad, sad or anything just as long as she knew they would be okay in the end. Feeling his tongue slowly move along her bottom lip, she parted her lips letting him deepen this kiss. Moving his one hand to the back of her hair and holding her head tight. Their kiss becoming fast and harder. With every sweep of the tongue her heart would beat harder and harder in her chest. Feeling him all over her body, shivers running up her back. 
Feeling his body responding against hers, she used all her body strength and moved her body on top of his. Straddling his hips, he groaned as soon as she placed herself right on top of him. Getting as close as possible. Moving his hands up and down her thighs and around her ass, she began to roll her hips against his. Pushing harder and harder each time. Bringing her face back down, her hair surrounded their heads. Kissing him slowly, she felt his hands move from her thighs and move along her back underneath her shirt. Lightly brushing his fingertips along her skin, causing goosebumps to go all over her body. 
Flipping them back over, he hovered over her. His heart racing at the sight of her. Hair all sprawled out, panting while biting her bottom lip. Knowing fully what she wanted. Pulling her shirt down, he moved his lips across her collarbone loving the affect it was having on her. Biting and sucking hard on the skin, she could feel the small bruise start to form. Not caring at all, loving when he left his mark on her. She was his. Only his. 
Tilting her head back, he made his way up her neck. Leaving wet kisses all along it, gasping at the feeling of his tongue on her sweet spot. Harry paying extra attention, loving the sounds that were coming out. Running her hands through his hair, she lifted her hips up and pressed his against hers hard. Causing a groan and her name to escape his lips. Pushing his hips harder against hers, she whimpered. 
"Shit... baby." Gripping his hair first she then moved her hands down his arms, scratching her nails along them. Wanting and having to touch every part of his body. Just wanting to feel him. 
"I love you so much." He whispered against her skin. Her heart fluttered as soon as she heard him say it. Even though every time he said those words her stomach would fill with butterflies she could still hear the pain in his voice. He was really hurt but he didn't want her to never second guess his feelings. "I love you so much baby." He whispered once more. 
"I love you so much baby." Trying hard too not cry, her breathing began to quicken. 
Leaning back, he pulled her up with him so he could pull his shirt she was wearing off of her. Unclasping her bra quickly, they pressed there chests back together. Harry hovering over her with Lauren's arms wrapped around his neck. “Make love to me baby.” 
Staring hard at her, he finished pulling off the rest of her clothes. While she pushed down his boxers so he could kick them off. They were nothing but hot flesh pressed against each other. Kissing her once again he moved his hand down to run his fingers up her wet slit before pushing two of them inside of her. Both of them so deep they were past the knuckle. Moaning she pushed her hips up wanting his fingers deeper. “Fuck....”
Moving his lips down her neck, his tongue circled her nipple, making her back arch. Feeling him lightly close his teeth around it she could feel it all  the way down in her clit. His fingers pushing deeper and faster inside her. “You are always so ready for me baby. I love it.” Groaning at the feeling of her clenching around his fingers, feeling how tight she was for him. 
Feeling him against her thigh, they were both so ready for each other. Slipping his fingers from inside her he moved them to her swollen nub. Rubbing his fingers against her hard and fast. “Let me taste you baby.” She cried out, the feeling of his fingers against her and his tongue on her nipple to much. 
“Not tonight baby, I need to be inside you now.” Removing his fingers he positioned himself in between her legs, lining himself up. He couldn’t wait, he just needed to feel her. To feel them. Pushing himself in, she cried out his name. Him groaning while he felt her clench and pulse around him. Moving slowly he just wanted to feel her. 
“Shit.. Harry, ohh god.” She cried out, throwing her head back. 
Rolling them over, she placed her hands on his chest. While he moved his hands up and down her back. Leaning down she slowly kissed him, while she rolled her hips. Moaning when he started to thrust up into her, getting much deeper and hitting his spot. “Fuck baby you feel amazing.” 
Breaking the kiss she sat up and she started to roll her hips faster. Closing her eyes and feeling him everywhere. His hands his mouth all over her body. Sitting up he wrapped his arms around her tighter. Pressing his lips to her shoulder and looking up at her. “You’re so beautiful baby.” He whispered into her skin. 
“Oh fuck Harry.” Lauren gasped when he thrusted his hips faster, getting deeper each time. “Take me baby.” She whimpered. 
Moving her to her back, she gasped when he pulled her leg up against his hip. Pushing so deep she could feel him all over her body. Butterflies in her stomach, tingling in her toes. Their chests pressed hard against each other, while she had her hands on his ass pressing him closer to each time his hips would take. Throwing her head back, she cried out his name gasping for air. 
“Fuck Lo, Shit. I’m so close. You feel incredible.” All he could think about was being with there in that moment. Connected and so in love. The pain from everything slowly going away. None of that even mattering at that point. They only matter was that their love for each other was everything. Gripping his shoulders hard, he could tell she was close just like him. Feeling her clench and wrap her legs around him tighter, they both clung to each other and stared into each others eyes. 
                                 “Now, fuck Harry. Come with me.” Hearing him moan, as he pushed his hips faster and harder against her. His face pushed into the crook of her neck as she felt him warm and deep inside of her. Feeling her drip down him, as they pressed their lips together once again as he stayed inside of her just wanting to still feel her.                                   
Pushing his lips out he pressed a light kiss against her neck. “I love you.” 
Wrapping her arms around him tight, she kissed his shoulder. “I love you too. So much.”
“We are gonna be okay baby.” She wanted to cry at the sound of his words. Those five words was all she needed to hear and she had never believed something so much in her life. Yes they were going to be okay and they were going to get through this. Together. Just like every obstacle they have had to face and will have to. 
-college styles and daddy styles next. 
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damselell · 11 years
Our Story Chapter 47.
Chapter 47. I can´t believe I have just said it.
Harry took me to the park. The Christmas lightning on trees, this cold air, so it looks  like you were smoking, after every exhale, Harry´s holding my hand. We are walking slowly, just cherishing  every step forward. “I love it here.” Harry spoke up after deep inhale. “this is absolutely unbelievable, what night sky do to me. It´s like everything´s possible, that the new day is coming…I feel so happy right now.” I stopped walking and stood up in front of Harry. He was wearing blue beanie. One curly was sticking up. I slowly put my hand on his face, and stick that messy curly back inside. M: “Thank you for everything” He smiled after my touch and gently closed his eyes. Then he opened them and I could see lights reflections in his green, amazingly green eyes. “It´s funny how often you thank me. Marine, it´s me who is the most greatful. Please smile at me, so I could proved it to you.” He was so gentle and  his voice became tender. I smiled because, after all of this, it was the only thing I was capable of. “ There we go!” He laughed a little and then took me in his arms. I was buried in his leather jacket, breathing his scent in, playing with my fingertips with his curls, sticking up from his beanie. M:“ I just think that someone should invent new world for :I love you, cause I think it´s becoming  a little cheesy.”  He relaesed me a little and laughed “I love you too.” After this we continued walking back to my apartment. When we got back, Car was dressed up like she was going to some fashion week or something. “Ohoho, Where are you going like this, young lady ?” I immediately asked her. She raised her eyebrows, while she was putting on these really really expensive earrings. “ Zayn´s.” She replied with really mysterious look on her face. Harry supported me and played a role of very responsible father. “ Be home till 11.! “ She laughed and took her coat. “Well, daddy, mummy don’t wait up!” Then she shut the door. Harry looke on me and added: “ agh, kids these days, you gave them all of your…” I had to interrupted his speech., cause he was so adorable, that not giving him a kiss would be a sin. “What for?..” I smiled. “For being such a sexy daddy.Just because…” He laughed out loud.  We are all alone here. Finally! I went to shower for a moment, while Harry was looking for 500 days of summer dvd in that platic box under the tv. He told me he has never seen it before. When I made comfort in Harry´s arms, he pressed play. “I just don’t get it, why she´s doing this to him.” He spoke up in the middle of that movie. “She´s just stopped loving him.Things got a little confusing so she..” Harry furrowed his eyebrows and took a popcorn. “How you can stop loving somebody just like that? They were perfect together…” I cut him off. “Awww, you like this film!” I pinched him. He laughed. “ Of course,  I like, but, answer me. How it is possible stop having feelings for someone?” He was suddenly really pensive. “Things have changed, people have changed, so did they expectations.” I am realistic. “Still, I don’t get it, for instance you could hit on Louis and I would still love you.” I laughed. “Stop it Harry, of course you wouldn’t.  It´s not like I would change you for Louis, however I must admit he is on my list right under you.” I laughed but he cut me off. “Wait, wait, what list?” I started slowly. “God. I shouldn’t have starting wit this…” “Marine, what list?” I ran my hand through my hair and started: “It all began in highschool. Me and Caroline, were…. Pretty into you back than….I mean like real directioners. With shirts and everything.” H:” Marine, you don’t say you two were….” He started laughing.Then he stood up from sofa and added: “ Why didn’t you tell me that sooner?” “It was long time ago. When we got here, we totally moved on with our fantasies and became more realistic.” “Ok…and what about that list?” I was blushing. “Well, we were often argueing, who is on the top of  you all.” He was suddenly all serious. “ You mean, I was your top? God….” he was shooking his head. “…..So me, than Louis, and then..?” I stood up and put my hands on his face. My eyes were directly meeting his. “ I won´t say a world, nor do you. This is pretty embarrassing right now…., I know you found it funny, but I am pretty ashamed. You must think I had been stalking you and now you´re with me…and…” “Ohoh, Marine, stop right there, If I had any idea, you exist back then, you would be on the top of mine list too, I swear.” We both laughed, laid back on the sofa and watched that movie a while. Cause mine old memories have emerged and I just couldn’t help myself, that Harry Styles is really laying next to me. We kissed and….
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stuckinourwords-blog · 12 years
Taylor's Character Study #2!
Harry - Step One A look at the Harry raised by cats in Claire's mental health clinic!AU. Sorry if this is a bit off, everyone. It's late and I'm really sleepy, but I wanted to finish this before Claire got up in the morning. (She doesn't know that I was writing this today. ;D) Also, it is extremely difficult not to use big words.
Harry didn’t know much, it seemed. He didn’t like to talk and he didn’t like the people dressed in white. There was very little that he could do before they got loud and yelled or got too close, and he didn’t like when they did that to him. He only knew how he felt, and that was enough for him.
When his stomach felt funny and made strange noises, he ate. When his throat got scratchy and itchy, he drank. He used the loo when he needed to, and when he felt sleepy, he found somewhere nice and he slept. Things were supposed to be simple like that. There wasn’t supposed to be a woman who told him how he should act and there wasn’t supposed to be people scrubbing red off of the floor.
Harry didn’t know much, but he knew what blood looked like. He knew that it was Louis’ blood and he knew that Louis wasn’t there now because he had been hurt.
Harry hated when Louis went away. Sometimes he’d be gone for a couple minutes, and it wouldn’t be so bad. Other times, though, he might be gone for hours. Harry got really sad when that happened. The woman he had to see told him that it was called being “lonely”, and that he would get used to it eventually. She had said that Harry would eventually be able to go days at a time without seeing Louis, and it would be okay.
Harry had asked why he would ever go so long without Louis there. She had made a face and shook her head, and it had made Harry scared. Whenever Louis left, there was nothing that said when he would be back. He might not ever come back again. Harry had been left behind before, and he liked that even less than he liked Louis being gone in the first place. He wanted everyone to stay, because that was what they were supposed to do.
His friends back home, from before he lived here, would never have left him behind. There was always at least one of them around, watching over him and clawing at his fur. They thought it was funny-looking, that he should have fur all over and tails and ears like they did. They thought that he needed to be looked after, because he was so different from them and he needed to find a way around.
That time, it had been Harry who left them. It didn’t matter that he wanted to stay with them like he had been. The people in white had told him it wasn’t normal for him to be there and he had to come with them. He had to be fixed.
Harry didn’t want to be fixed.
Harry just wanted to go home.
Louis had told him that he couldn’t go. Louis had said that Harry would have to stay with him here, in these clean white rooms with the clean white people and the rules that he didn’t like or know very well. Louis told him that he had to sleep in the uncomfortable bed, even though he liked it better on the floor. Harry had listened, for the most part, because it was Louis and, of all the things Harry had found in this clean, white world, he liked Louis the best. (He still wouldn’t sleep in the bed.)
Zayn drew nice pictures for Harry to look at. Liam was really funny when Harry got into his room and put everything in the wrong place. Niall told great stories, and Harry didn’t really even have to know what he said to enjoy them. Louis, though, had always been there for Harry and had stood up against that woman and those people in their nice white clothes when they were mean. That was better, Harry had decided, than the watching and the waiting and the frowns of the other boys.
Louis had done something to help Harry. He didn’t always say to get off of the windowsill and he didn’t always get mad when Harry mewed and purred because he didn’t want to use his words. Louis was told to get mad at Harry when he did those things, but he didn’t always. Sometimes, he said he just didn’t have the energy.
Harry knew that Louis would be gone a long time this time, though. There was something tugging in his heart, something that hurt. It didn’t hurt like Harry did when the people in white grabbed at him, with fingers digging into his arms and clawing away at skin. This was a different hurt, almost like when he needed to eat, except he wasn’t hungry.
He thought he might be lonely again. The bad feeling in his heart told him the same thing it had when he’d been taken away from his home. It said to him that he might not see his friends again, because they were gone or maybe he was leaving. Someone wasn’t staying like they were supposed to. It said that maybe this was what the woman had been talking about when she said he could go so long without Louis.
He hoped his heart was wrong.
Harry didn’t want to leave his room if Louis wasn’t outside. He liked to hide in his pile of sheets and hide away. If he hid long enough, Louis would usually come back and tell him that it was time to get up. Sometimes, Louis would be tired. His eyes would be red, and his voice would sound funny. Harry made sure to say sorry, those times. Other times, Louis would be smiling and happy. It was a lot easier for Harry to pretend that nothing ever happened when Louis was happy.
It wasn’t Louis today, though. When the door opened, Harry lifted his head and hissed. He could see the eyes that were too blue and the fur that was too light and the jumper that didn’t look like Louis’. That lonely feeling in his chest was back, saying that Louis wouldn’t have been at the door because Louis had left Harry and he wouldn’t be back for a while because it was his blood on the floor in the loo and he had to get fixed before they would let him come back again.
The thought made Harry sad, too, right where the lonely feeling was. He wanted to be mad and he wanted to scare Niall away, but he couldn’t do that if Louis wouldn’t walk through the door later and say that everything was okay. He couldn’t be mean to Niall if Louis wouldn’t make everything better.
“Harry, it’s just me, come on. It’s okay. Louis is going to be fine.”
Niall said Louis’ name, and the sound of it was too much. That sadness wasn’t just in Harry’s heart now. It was in his head and his eyes and his lungs, too. His whole body felt it, tugging at him and bringing him to tears. He didn’t want Niall. He wanted Louis.
Harry just wanted his friend back.
Niall knew that. He was making his way toward Harry now, talking softly but not in the way that strangers did. He talked how Louis did and he walked how Louis did. He pet Harry’s head and comforted him like Louis did. Niall did everything he could to make Harry feel better, and Harry liked it.
Harry felt bad for liking it, though. He wasn’t supposed to like anyone else this much. He wasn’t supposed to fall asleep in someone else’s lap. Harry was only supposed to be this close with Louis. Niall wasn’t Louis. This wasn’t right. It didn’t make all of the bad feelings go away.
They both knew that Harry was going to lose that fight, though. It had been a long day and he was tired. He’d been crying for a very long time and his eyes were sore and his throat hurt. He had used all of the energy he would have had to fight off those white people out in the hallway when they had taken Louis away, and there was no way for him to scare Niall off. There was no way for him to get the company he really wanted to have just then.
So Harry gave up and closed his eyes. He forced even breaths through his teeth, like he’d been told he should. He tried to calm down and forget about Louis and Louis’ blood and Niall’s hands and the sound of his own screams. He tried to forget about people in white coming for him with long, thin fingers and sharp claws that hurt him. After a while, he did. Harry forgot about all of it and finally got himself to fall asleep.
Maybe Harry dreamed of Louis, but there was no way for him to really know. He didn’t know what dreams were, really, and he didn’t know what was fake and what was real. Harry didn’t know if he should believe what he saw when his eyes were closed.
Harry didn’t know much, it seemed.
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tthirstyforstyles · 11 years
Just Friends Part 9 Preview
Pushing him down Into the sand, Lauren climbed over top of him, straddling his waist. Immediately he placed his hands on her waist, rubbing his hands up and down her sides. Leaning down she started to slowly kiss along his jaw while she slowly pushed her hips down. Moving slowly she moved against him, while her lips moved down to his neck, sucking on his skin. Moving her lips to his ear she bit it playfully before whispering in his ear. "Take me on the beach baby. Make me scream so loud so that everyone can hear it. Hear how good you make me feel." "Jesus Lauren.." Flipping them over, he pushed her legs open, placing himself in between them. Pulling her right side of her bikini to the side, he brought his mouth down to her chest, sucking her nipple into his mouth. "Fuck baby.." Arching her back up to meet his face, he pushed his hips down into hers, causing a moan to escape her lips. Finally pressing his lips to hers, he grips her hair, and pulls her closer to him deepening the kiss. Pulling back, he kissed her jaw all the way down to her neck. Sucking on the skin, he bit lightly, trying to mark her. Running her fingers through his hair while he left a mark she could hear him whisper against her neck. "Mine. All fucking mine." "You sure about that?" Teasing him she could hear a growl come from him. "You wanna play games baby? Well ill just have to remind you who you belong to and remind everybody else won't I?" Smirking at her, she could feel herself getting turned on by the minute, knowing fully that he was going to make her feel amazing and she couldn't ask for anything better on her birthday, trying to actually forget the date itself. - Tmrw x
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l0ve--1direction-blog · 12 years
PART ONE; Opposites attract.
Part One.
“I swear I never meant to hurt you,” he insisted, sounding helpless  now. He dropped his forehead to rest on my knee, muttering a desperate ‘I love you’. I swallowed the lump in my throat. He looked up at me, a look of question on his face. He wanted me to speak now; if I could get out any words.
“I should never have trusted you” I spoke monotonous as I gazed at the wall behind him, my voice hardly there.
“What?” he said, his face scrunching up.
‘You heard me-’ my voice cracked, ‘you heard me the first time.’
He closed his eyes and sighed. He looked defeated but that’s how I felt. I felt sick, I felt drained of everything. He was sat cross-legged on the floor in front of me still and he was nervously fiddling with material on the sofa.
A sea of silence in the room was crashing around us. I kept choking on my words and I had no idea how to put this all to an end.
‘Harry?’ He flicked his eyes up to me, ‘Do I really mean that little to you?
We'd both stood up now and I was spitting my anger in his direction. I couldn't let him get off so simply. And as I much as I wanted to crash fall into his arms right now, I couldn't give in like that.
 'Sof, please! Please just listen, calm down and listen!'
 My knees were shaking, my arms were weak, my heart was pounding and my stomach was churning. I couldn't calm down, I couldn't be quite and listen, I couldn't let him but my body ached for him as he kissed me. I could feel our pulses speeding up and our hearts beating in time.
He kept so calm but he infuriated me so unbelievably. Everyone had always said we were opposites and that’s why we attract. I never really believed them up until this moment. 
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strawnarrycheesecake · 11 years
Home Alone (Daddy Niall)
Niall would so be that dad that just lets the kids do whatever they want when you're not home. After countless hours trying to convince you to just go out and have some fun, he finally has the kids all to himself. Well, not quite. Of course he has to listen to you tell him about how Amelia needs to be fed every three hours and how Brayden isn't allowed to stay up past eight. Then he has to listen to you go on and on about how you put the breast milk in the fridge in pre-made bottles and all you have to do to heat them up is set them in some warm water. Right as you're in the middle of telling him how to test the milk temperature, he cuts you off. He'll say something like 'I got this' or 'I've seen you do it a million times', which will only make you roll your eyes. Then once you finally get out of the house, he'll turn to your four year old and three month old kids and something to the effect of 'Are you guys ready for the best night of your lives?!'. Your son, naturally, will get really excited while your daughter will just giggle and slobber a little while sitting in her baby swing. Then Niall and Brayden will play around for a bit, a little too roughly for your liking, while Amelia just swings in her swing. He'll let Brayden eat ice cream until he gets sick and let him jump on the couch. Then Niall will realize that there is a football game on and he will say something like 'okay little man and baby princess, we will resume this party once the game goes off' and he'll tell them to stay put. At about half time he turns to ask Brayden if he would like to help him make his sisters bottle when he realizes that he is no longer there. He completely starts to panic and call Brayden's name throughout the house without an answer. Meanwhile, Amelia is giggling like crazy, clearly amused. Niall will turn to her and say 'If your mom finds out I lost your brother, then I will be in big trouble, princess'. Then, as if on cue, he hears a small laugh from the hallway closet. Niall will open it and say 'lets not tell mommy about this, okay?'. Right after that he'll hear keys jingling, signaling that you're home. He'll look at the clock and realize that its 1:30 in the morning and the house is a wreck and neither of your kids are sleeping. Niall will start to clean up but its no use. As soon as you walk through the door, you're greeted by a chocolate covered Brayden shouting "Daddy lost me not that long ago. He told me not to tell you but I want to." he'll say with an attempted wink.
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damselell · 11 years
Our Story Chapter 39.
Chapter 39. God, they are stoned!
When I am with Louis, it´s like we have known each other since childhood. He is so open-minded, his opinions on things are often same as mine and when he smiles the world stops. Literally. I am so glad for this friendship. When we left the Ivy like about 10 p.m., he said he wanted to see me off. “I am so happy for you and Harry,Marine.” He was smiling. “I am happy that you are happy for me and Harry.” We both laughed.  It´s like 4 minutes form Ivy´s to my apartment so we were already nearby my building. “Thank you for a great night, Marine!” He hugged me. “ You´re welcome Tomo!” Then we walked away, while he was playing with his phone. Tonight was great, we talked about Eleanore, about Christmas, about Harry, about their tour. God, I have to call Harry, I have totally forgotten.  I am standing outside while the cold wind is playing with my hair, so I have them all over my face. I took my phone, and dialed Harry´s number. He picked it up:” Hey love, so where are you now?” “Hi curly, well I am standing outside my house, are we still going to your place?” “Yep, honey I am on my way, I will pick you up in 10 minutes, love you.” Then he hung up. I have still time to go upstairs. When I opened the door I saw Zayn´s boots on the floor. Then I heard laugh, probably from Car´s room. When I came to kitchen, to drink some juice, I have noticed that their door were opened.  I peeped in there. They weren’t there, although one brief look on Car´s messy bed told me they spent there a lot of time. Then I realized, that noise is coming from balcony. Yes, they were there, Car was sitting in Zayn´s lap, they were both smoking. Car was surprised when she saw me: “Heeey Marine, I wasn’t expecting you, we are just…” Then Zayn spoke up:” we are just enjoying this starry night.” Car looked at him and nodded.”Yes, we are.” Then Zayn gently grabbed her face and kissed her. They are so cute right now. She was wearing Zayn´s jacket and his beanie also. When I thought about how happy they are, I realized Harry is already outside.. “ Okey guys, I am leaving you, Car don’t wait up.” Car laughed:” Honey don’t worry, have a nice time with Harry!” They both with Zayn laughed out loud. Now I have started to think they are stoned. God, sure, they were definitely smoking pot. On our balcony. God Caroline. I am laughing while I am running downstairs to see my incredible boyfriend. Oh. There he is. In his leather jacket, with his messy curls and that fucking sexy cheek dimples. When I sat to the Car, I could immediately smelled his scent there. He put his hands on my face instead of wheel. H:“Hello, stranger!” I smiled at him cause words have stucked in my throat. He noticed that, and laughed. “Let´s go then!” After couple of minutes, we were finally there. God, how I love this place. Harry took my hand and sat me on a sofa. “How was it with Ed?” I was really curious. He smiled at me. “ It was nice, Niall needed to leave early so it was just me and Ed then. You?” M:“Great, really ,Louis is… I adore him. It´s like everything he says makes me cry or laugh or both. “ Harry smiled at me and caressed my knee. “That´s great, I am glad you were having fun, even though it was without me.” He was getting closer to my face . “ But I am sure I know better way how to have fun…” Then he kissed me and laid both of us on a sofa. I was pretty passionate in this kind of fun. Then Harry stopped and looked at me with his big, unbelievably green eyes. “See? I am really funny too.” “The funniest…” I was prepared to continue in what we have started but harry spoke up: “ Let´s go to my room, just in case.” Then he took my hand and we both walked in there. I remember how I saw his room for a first time. I wasn’t sure it was his bedroom back then. Niall and Rosie were here when she fell asleep. Then I have noticed something: “Harry, honey, you know how much I love you and everything, but really?” Then I pointed my finger on his bed. It was like this was the place where the meteorite fell and killed all the dinosaurs.” He laughed. “ I am sorry love, wait a sec.” Then he grabbed all the things, from clothes, to hairdryer and put them on a leather sofa in corner. “Done!” He smiled and my knees got week.“ I am going to pretend like I didn’t see it. But only for this time, ´cause I cant resist your victorious smile.” He smiled and took a few steps closer. He put his hands on my face. “That was my purpose.” Then he kissed me and everything became a blur to me. 
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damselell · 11 years
Our Story Chapter 33.
Chapter 33. Green eyed little boy.
These days, I feel Harry´s absence more then ever. Maybe it´s like 3 weeks, we´ve known each other but it feels like an eternity to me. That feeling that you love someone, and he loves you back. And that’s incredible, because, you have never thought that that one will be the most amazing person on the planet. And that´s why I can´t stand London without him.  Maybe I am hypersensitive about this, but I can´t help myself. I think I´ll call him. I am lying in my warm bed, sipping hot chocholate and listening to Ed Sheeran. It is probably 11. p.m and girls are watching tv in livingroom. I needed to hide in here.  I dialed that well-known number. M:”I hope I didn’t wake you up...” H: “Marine, hi, no you didn’t  I am with Gemma right now, waait…..Ok, great I am in my room now, how is my love today?” Why is this boy making this even more harder? M:”My sock is hanging above the fireplace already!” Harry laughed:”I hope my sock is hanging next to yours, honey.” M:”Uhm, I think I forgot about your so…” He intervened. “Don’t tell me my sock isn’t there!” “I am sorry Mister Styles, your sock isn’t there.”  “ I wont be angry just because I love you.” I love our talks. M:” What was your day so far?” I covered myself with blanked and took a sip. H:” Well, I met my friends from school, then I helped mum with cleaning the house, and yes I was really helping, then I skyped with Louis, who has birthday today, and then I ….” M:”Oh no! I totally forgot. Louis, my darling and I do this. I need to call him or something.” H:”hey, that´s ok, it´s still 24th so you basically didn’t forget.” M:”Harry, honey, I´ll call him now, just to be sure.” “Ok love, tomorrow, Finally tomorrow is tomorrow, you and me- no excuses .I´ll call you in the morning. Love you.” M:”no excuses, love you Harry.” Then I dialed Louis. L:”hello!” M:”My dearest, Louis, happy birthday!” L:”Marine, you forgot, and now you are trying to fix it with this phone call, and lady you can be sure, that……” oh no. “…I love you still, thank you,really Marine.” M:” When you came to London, be sure that we will celebrate your 21 birtday as never. “  L:” I hope so, ok Marine, I wish you Merry Christmas, I am so tired from today I need to go to sleep, but be sure I am really happy you called.” M:”Merry Christmas too!I am sorry I call you this late, I really am. Well ok, then. Bye Louis!” Oh, look, It´s 25th already and I am sleepy as hell. Good night.
It´s  5 a.m. and I am putting presents under the Christmas tree. Girls put their gifts here when I was calling with Harry. Oh look this one is for… No Marine, don’t look on the name labels. I slowly put all my present there and quietly on tiptoes walked away. When I was in my room I quickly jumped to my warm bed and close my eyes. I was probably dreaming cause, I didn’t know this room. I was in a small, cosy, warm room with pictures on all walls, when I looked closer on one picture I recognized one face. Harry´s. He was holding this little boy with curly hair. Aaawww. While I was closely observing that picture, I heard a noise. Into this room walked that little boy from the picture. He pulled my sleeve. His big green eyes were the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen, they were Harry´s. This boy was clothed in a white shirt, black jeans with suspenders. So cute.He was just looking at me, with no word. Then he shouted: “Daddy, daddy!” After that Harry ran up to him. He was older, but still adorable. He was holding his hand and said to him: “ Don’t worry, mummy is going to be here in a minute.” Oh wait, I am his mummy? But if so, I am here, right in front of him. I paniced and touched Harry´s shoulder. He didn’t even notice. I was invisible.  Then I heard  heels, hitting the floor, she is coming, that mummy-bitch is coming. When  was I prepared to jumped at her, I woke up. Fuck, I want to know who´s little Harry´s mummy. I hate these dreams. Finally! I took a deep breath and went to living room. Girls were already there. In cute pyjamas, probably waiting for me. “ Marine, hurry, I am so impatient.” When it comes to presents Car is always impatient. I sat next to Rosie, on the floor, and Car gave me package. “I saw how you were looking at it in a window and I just couldn´t have resist so basically….” “No waay! Car, you are a sweetheart, that´s that vintage shirt….” I love you, thank you! C:”Wait there is a sweatshirt somewhere…” Then Car gave another package. It was this red sweatshirt, it looked alike Louis´s. “ Thank you, Caroline.” I smiled at her and she applauded a little. Then Rosie gave me one big paper back. “ That’s just a …” While she was talking I was trying to catch my breath. “Rosie, that’s a typewriter. Seriously? Rosie, That´s amazing, thank you! Really!” Rosie was smiling:” I knew that you wanted this, when you first came to London, and then I found this really old but still functionall. You´re welcome, sweetie!” I assume that Car and Rosie gave presents to each other while I was trying to knock that mummy bitch down. Car got a 2 tickets on Florence and Machine concert, and Rosie got these amazing stud flats and brown cardigan.  So it´s my turn now.  “Rosie, Caroline, here you are!” Then I gave them my gifts. The first ones were little boxes with rings in it. These rings have a little node on them. Car got a silver and Rosie gold one. “MARINEEE, beautiful thank you!” They both were putting these rings on. “Ladies, there something else…” Then I gave to each other paper bag. After that I heard a laugh. Constant laugh. Then Rosie put my gift on. It was One Direction hoodie with their photo on it. Car was still on the floor, catching breath. “ You did not!!” Then I joined and laugh with them.
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