#1x05 The Roundup
bronx-bomber87 · 1 year
Happy Friday Everyone! Lets dive into our next ep.
1x05 'The Round-up'
Tim being excited about the round-up is actually pretty cute. He’s like a kid in a candy store. There’s an excited spark there it’s adorable. This clearly means a great deal to him. Shock surprise Tim Bradford is competitive. Who would've thunk?
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Lucy is about to see the extent Tim is willing to go in order to win this competition. She's about to see a side to Tim she hasn't experienced yet. First would be his incredibly competitive side. She's about to see how serious he takes this. Second is a side that shocks her. Him being super nice and flirty with someone. Her reaction to seeing this is priceless. She has no idea who this person is with Nell but its not Tim LOL
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Tim is giving it his all to Nell. Laying it on super thick. Lucy’s face as Tim flirts with her. I’m dying. She’s like who are you? And what have you done with Tim Bradford? Melissa's facial expression is killing me 😂 She must feel like she is on another planet while Tim works his magic.
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Naturally she was quick to be on his ass about keeping it fair. Never misses a beat with him. Cracks me up. Always ready to speak her mind with him, this time she backtracks wasn't worth it to hang out in the drunk tank haha He's ready to do anything and everything to win this whether she's on board or not.
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Even though she’s not supposed to be his ‘Pollyanna’ that doesn't stop her from bringing up Nell. She knows what he’s doing is wrong. Using his charm and good looks to get what he wants from her. He clearly thinks it’s harmless... Where she knows what he’s doing isn’t ok. She's doing more than just a 'Favor' Timothy and you know it.
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He's always so defensive when's she’s calling him on his shit. Lucy has his number and he's still not used to it. So naturally he shuts down the convo before it can go any further. Goes right back into hard ass T.O. mode. Its a default for him when he's not wanting to deal with something with her. That tough love coming out in lieu of continuing with Lucy's line of questioning.
I couldn't find a gif set of the DUI call they get. But its a good scene for them. You see Lucy questioning Tim and his motives. Their suspect has been impaled and bleeding out. Tim reading his rights just until he about passes out. He demands to get a blood sample before he's loaded into the ambulance. Tim claims to get him in a jail cell and not to lose evidence.
She is wondering if he was trying to get their suspects blood because they should or because it was good for their score. When the man was bleeding out in front of them. It clearly shakes her when he tells her their suspect doesn't get a pass just because he got a boo-boo. Then tells her to put their score on the board once they get the blood. Which is conflicting her further. She’s not sure why he’s pushing so hard to win this thing.
They go to lunch after where Nolan only serves to piss her off LOL She’s clearly grumpy in the shop after her lunch talk with Nolan. So Tim tries to engage her and talk about the DUI they had. Reminding her that what they did was the right thing. That its their job pretty or not. It's all about ‘maintaining perspective.’ Right before they get their next call about a armored truck being stolen.
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Her throwing his words right back at him shortly after they get this call is primo. I’ll always love how Lucy calls him on his crap no hesitation whatsoever. He tries to deter her with 'tough love' and all it does is spurn her on. I love their dynamic so much. She refuses to be anything but herself with him. Speaking her mind even when he clearly doesn't know what to do with it.
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Naturally he replies defensively cause he’s not used to a worthy opponent like her. She returns fire with him no matter what. That part of their relationship is so key to them. Her challenging him. There was an article where Eric said ‘Lucy returns fire with care. ‘ 100% what she does. She's not afraid to fight this man who's clearly made other rookies tremble. He’s definitely never experienced this with any other rookie.
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I love Talia and Angela rigging the competition for him. Their secret way of showing him they care, and know what this means to him. It's obvious to Lucy there is an emotional component to this for him. She just doesn't understand why. It's why she jumps in on the conversation.
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Lucy of course thinking it might be better for his healing to lose. Not be so caught up in this. She’s always looking from the perspective of how to help Tim. How she can best protect his emotional stability. To her makes more sense to have him let it go.
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Angela shuts it down with her reply. Lucy realizes this is cathartic for him whether he knows it or not. Then concedes to Angela’s point. Tim is clearly still a hot mess still when it comes to Isabel. To let him have one thing that doesn’t send him completely off the edge about her is huge. That look of realization is written all over Lucy's face. So she lets it go after that.
We get to the end and yay Tim and Lucy have “won” the competition. Tim owes Nell a drink. We do see Tim does grow in this ep. (Because of Lucy of course). Not that he is realizing that at this point. But he does realize she’s right and he’s been leading Nell on. Owns up to the hot mess he currently is and lets her know he’s married and it’s complicated. Her reply is hilarious ‘I don’t do complicated’ baha
Not really a lot of non chenford side notes for me in this one.
Just getting past the cringey post breakup stuff with Lucy and Nolan. Lucy nailed it at the beginning of the ep. ‘You were on the rebound from 20 year marriage this was never gonna last.’ Sure wasn’t one of many reasons it wasn’t going to.
Thank you all once again for the comments, likes and reblogs they do my heart wonders. Feel free to comment should you choose 😊 Do my best to get another ep or two done this weekend.
Till we meet again in 1x06 :)
Gif credit to the amazing blogs below.
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chenfordsbby · 1 year
"The Roundup"
Season 1 Episode 5: “The Roundup”
“Nolan, the rookies and their training officers get involved in a competition that pits them against each other; officer Lucy Chen notices officer Tim Bradford is obsessed with winning at all costs”
Original Air Date: November 20th, 2018
Directed By: Nelson McCormick
Written By: Elizabeth Beall
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A new episode! Im ready to get right into it!! This was a fun episode to do!!!!
The episode starts with our favorite trio out in the field, at some type of fair/event and we are introduced to a new Lucy hairstyle, her iconic braided buns and it is one of my favorite ones.  There is visible tension between John and Lucy as they are freshly broken up, but that tension is oblivious to Jackson as he isn’t picking up on it, like at all.  The break-up is one that was for the better but seeing John being all mopey as he is literally a grown man is an ick. Like get it together man!  It doesn’t help with his longing pining as he overlooks Lucy talking to a firefighter, Antonio, who is by far better suited for her, mainly in the age range.
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The premise of this show is about an older than average guy joining the police academy so it is to be expected that this first season would primarily revolve around John.  I appreciate how he can be the hero and the comedic relief at the same time.  For all the times he isn’t our favorite, we have to give credit where credit is due.  John has some of the best one-liners and funny bits, that we have seen from everybody! I like that for him.  On the complete opposite spectrum, he also shows heroic acts.  I don’t know what made him wander into the side yard by those kids to quickly rush into the back yard, but thankful he did because he rescued the little boy who fell into the pool.  
We have the introduction of a new character, John’s friend, Ben, who is also the owner of the house that John has been staying in.  I mean, lets be real, did any of us think that  house actually belonged to John!
In the roll call room, spirits are high as everyone knows what day it is: Roundup Day!  I think this is the first time since episode 1, we’ve seen Tim excited and with a smile on his face. Angela and Jackson are just as excited and ready for this competition day.  The rules are explained and the game is on.  
We have not seen any previous Roundup days, but we know that Tim hasn’t lost in the past 5 years and he wants to continue his streak, so he makes sure that doesn’t happen.  Enter Nell, another new character we are introduced to this episode.  She is the precincts 9-1-1 dispatcher and Tim knows how to woo her to get what he wants: the first one she calls for any incoming calls and she does exactly that.
Angela and Jackson are returning to the precinct booking 2 felons before Tim and Lucy have even left the station…let the games begin.  
Jackson and Angela respond to a call for a wellness check for a hospital disappearance.  After checking in on the elderly gentleman, Mr. Walker, Jackson was too quick to dismiss the call and leaver after speaking to him where as Angela knows.  She tells Jackson there’s something up with Mr. Walker and wander around to the side of the house and they witness him with a bag full of stolen drugs.  Angela knows the signs and what to look for, that’s not say Jackson won’t, he will, he just needs to learn them through his training.
John is itching to get in on this game, so he makes the executive decision to enter into it himself but only after getting highly annoyed by firefighter Antonio who asks him about Lucy.  I mean, you can’t fault the guy, he is young and Lucy is pretty.
Side Note: My fellow One Tree Hill fans!!! Skills!!!!! I love seeing other favorite actors on different shows!
Back in the “7-Adam-19” shop, Lucy initiates, or at least tries too, a personal conversation with Tim about Nell.  He quickly shuts it down with his infamous, “I’m married, Officer Chen and this isn’t something you and I talk about”. (Again, I’m trying so hard to act as if I haven’t watched any other episodes/seasons but little does Tim know….) Stoic, emotionless Tim is activated as he tells her to keep her eyes out for the DUI suspect, much to Lucy’s dismay, as I think she’s just whole heartedly trying to get to know Tim, with no other ulterior motives, and he isn’t being receptive towards it.  They come up on the DUI suspect and Lucy is taken aback with Tim as he is reading him his Miranda rights as well as demanding a blood sample while basically bleeding out before the ambulance takes him away.  Lucy is associating the DUI suspect as a human who was severely injured and not as a drunk driver who possibly killed a child and committed a serious crime.  I think this is where we start to see her empathy start to show.  No matter TIm’s feelings or not towards this suspect, he’s being a police officer.  He needs to demand and obtain the blood sample before its too late for the drivers victim or else it will all be for nothing.  Lucy will eventually learn that.  
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In the shop again, Lucy is clearly annoyed with Tim after his behavior and actions with the DUI suspect. Tim picks up on it as well based on her attitude towards him that she isn’t happy, but he explains it needed to happen.  Her annoyance continues as she thinks he seems more interested in racking up points on the scoreboard than prioritizing the arrests of the bank robbers in front of them, which is not the case per Tim, because he can do both!  Tim is smarter than them, as he proves it when he pepper sprays them out of the money truck.  As good as Lucy is, her methods of policing still reflect naively.  Lucy would’ve just waited around for back up if it weren’t for Tims quick thinking methods and they both gain points making 2 more arrests.  Let us all just very much appreciate the bickering of Tim and Lucy literally bickering like an old married couple so early on, and it is only the beginning of this beautiful relationship!
It’s a nice sight to see Captain Anderson again!  
Getting closer to the end of the episode, is usually when all of the separate storylines wrap up and merge into one larger one, as we see visible when John, Talia, Tim and Lucy come together to take down these Mob bosses.  I don’t think Lucy meant to trip and fall, but it helped with all of the arrests, so Go Lucy!!  It seems to be a trend, but I like this way of ending episodes, with some, if not all of the characters working together to achieve the common goal!! A great way to include the entire ensemble!
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This is the first time we really see Lucy interact with Angela and again with Talia.  So far, we’ve only really seen her mainly with Jackson and John, personally and Tim, professionally.  Lucy overhears the girls trying to decide what to do with their own points and how to divvy them up and when she puts things together, she realizes that they are doing it all in the sake for Tim so he can win.  It’s brought full circle because of Isabel. Tim and Isabel used to excel as partners in the Roundup, so of course this would be a sensitive day for Tim.  Angela and Talia were witnesses to those years prior and know how different this year looks so they need to too this for him.  Lucy took note how much this competition means to Tim but Talia and Angela knew the importance and meaning all along. 
Angela announces Tim and Lucy as the winners, now 6 years for Tim and the first for Lucy and Tim is thrilled.  He remains the reigning champion, yes, it probably boosts his ego a little, but at the end of the day, he needed to win it for his own mental health.  A reminder of what was once good between the relationship that once was with him and Isabel. 
Jackson is still struggling with, I suppose, his self worth of being a cop.  He knows that he got to where he is at because of his dad, but Angela encourages him to prove where he can go in spite of his dad. I love that for them.  This friendship is quickly growing on me!
John and Lucy still seemingly pining for each other is becoming old quick.  It is clear as day that Lucy is so far out of Johns league.  She doesn’t need him and she really never did.  I think the relationship started out of convenience and maybe even boredom while in the academy.  At this point, just be done, and move on. 
The episode ends with John (of course) and his friend Ben, who may be the best thing that The Rookie introduced us to so far.  Ben and his wise words is what John needs to hear: maybe its time for him to be alone for a while and see where that gets him….only time and watching more episodes will tell!
Honorable Mention: Lucy’s Braids! I wish they kept this hairstyle longer!
Episode Peak:  Tim winning The Roundup. 
Episode Pit: There really wasn’t anything that bad in this episode, so none for this week!
Quote of the Episode: “We’re not robots, Officer Nolan.  We all have our bad days but our bad days pale in comparison to the people we meet” - Talia Bishop
Episode Rating: 8/10.  This episode was a quick and easy watch.  Nothing too major happening but not too slow either.  We got some solid baby Chenford crumbs in it as well! I liked it!
I decided to start adding pictures throughout the blog! I'm thinking it add a little extra spice to it!
Another one down! I definitely took a different approach to this recap, I don’t know why, it just felt way better to recap it in episode order, rather than by the parings and relationships.  I guess it will all depend on the episodes for my blog style, but I am not minding it!  They are also getting way easier and more fun to do! 5 down, 15 to go for season 1! My god I am flying through these!! This one also is probably my shortest review but that’s okay!! They all don’t have to be super long!!!
Until next time in “Get in the Shop”… ;)
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jesuis-assez · 3 months
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↠ Tim & Lucy ↳ Camera angles
🎥 The Roundup [1x05]
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chenfordspiral · 1 year
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Tim and Lucy in every episode of The Rookie 1x05 || The Roundup "Do you really think holding on to this is what he needs? Maybe it's better for him to lose."
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thesedarkcafedays · 2 years
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what has changed, Lucy?
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perfect-storms · 2 years
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The Rookie S01E05 - The Roundup
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savethecat-heroics · 3 years
John: "I just wanted to make sure you weren't still mad."
Lucy: "Do I look mad?"
John: "No."
Lucy: "Look, you're on the rebound from a 20-year marriage. This was never gonna be long-term. So let's just move on."
Kid: "Is that your girlfriend?"
John: "Hey, kids. Ever been tased?"
1x05 The Roundup
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televisionpromos · 6 years
The Rookie 1x05 "The Roundup" Promo - Nolan, the rookies and their training officers get involved in a competition that pits them against each other, while Officer Lucy Chen notices Officer Tim Bradford is obsessed with winning at all costs, on an all-new episode of “The Rookie,” Tuesday, November 20th on ABC, streaming and on demand.
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darkstorm1720 · 5 years
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I'm watching The Rookie 1x05 "The Roundup" @NathanFillion @MissAlyssaDiaz @richjonesactor @ntitussleo @Mel13Oneil @EricWinter1 @therealaftonw @mercedesmason@ShawnRAshmore
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1x05 The Roundup:
Watching Tim flirt with Nell is so cringe. At least he was honest with her at the end of the ep.
Aww, I forgot there was a Tim and Angela hug. Besties! 🥰
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bronx-bomber87 · 9 months
The Rookie Reviews Season's 1-5 Master List. Will be Pinned To Blog for Easy Access. S6 In Progress seperate link at bottom of list.
Top Eps Listed Season's-1-4 Made a ranking list my fave eps for an ask. Wanted to include in this list.
Started: 5/13/23
Last Updated : 09/20/24
Works: 106
Season 1
1x02-Crash Course
1x03-The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
1x04-The Switch
1x05-The Roundup
1x06-The Hawke
1x07-The Ride Along
1x08-Time Of Death
1x10-Flesh and Blood
1x13-Caught Stealing
1x14-Plain Clothes Day
1x17-The Shakeup
Season 2
2x02-The Night General
2x03-The Bet
2x04-Warriors and Guardians
2x05-Tough Love
2x08-Clean Cut
2x09-Breaking Point
2x10-The Dark Side
2x11-Day Of Death
2x12 Now and Then
2x13-Follow Up Day
2x15-Hand Off
2x16-The Overnight
2x18-Under The Gun
2x19-The Q Word
2x20-The Hunt
Season 3
3x07-True Crime
3x08-Bad Blood
3x10-Man Of Honor
3x11-New Blood
3x12-Brave Heart
3x13-Triple Duty
Season 4
4x01-Life and Death
4x02-Five Minutes
4x03-In the Line Of Fire
4x04-Red Hot
4x06-Poetic Justice
4x07-Fire Fight
4x08-Hit and Run
4x10-Heart Beat
4x11-End Game
4x12-The Knock
4x13-Fight or Flight
4x14-Long Shot
4x15-Hit List
4x16-Real Crime
4x21-Mother's Day
4x22-Day In The Hole
Season 5
5x01-Double Down
5x02-Labor Day
5x03-Dye Hard
5x04-The Choice
5x05-The Fugitive
5x06-The Reckoning
5x08-The Collar
5x09-Take Back
5x10-The List
5x11-The Naked and The Dead
5x12-Death Notice
5x13-Daddy Cop
5x14-Death Sentence
5x15-The Con
5x17-The Enemy Within
5x18-Double Trouble
5x19-A Hole in the World
5x21-Going Under
5x22-Under Siege
Season 6 Separate Post
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