#2€ for a coffee is already expensive to me wtf
celebrate getting out of tumblr jail by liveblogging hiadt chapter 2 like god intended
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“Same here. I’m out too,” Alec chimed in, taking another bite of his apple.
“Not allowed.”
Alec raised his head to find Magnus at the door.
im not aware alec's state of existence is your property pre pre divorce magnus
“And what if you wake up to your wife already married to someone else because you were gone for too long?” Aline inquired.
the fact i have this exact cursed thought alec wake up to magnus marrying etta- *SLAM WALL*
“Actually, he doesn’t,” Magnus interrupted.
as alec lawyer you're violating labor law mr bane
“Big time. Like fucking the prince of — “ Before Izzy could finish the sentence, Alec put a hand on her mouth and pinched her hair, making her yelp in response.
alec just looking to get a bag named after him cut him some slack
“Pffft. I don’t get jealous,” Magnus rolled his eyes but his finger dug deep on Alec’s hips.
now its violation of private property mr bane gimme the money already
I don't know. You look like the sun,” Magnus breathed. “It’s quite possibly the hardest thing not to kiss you when you look like that.”
it called the alexander effect, immediately cure depression i would know I study psychology
The Lightwood-Herondale-Fairchild-Bane-Lewis-Penhallow-Blackthorn circles runs deep across the Edom Hospitals. Even the ones who aren’t blood related, are interlinked through other bonds.
that just the tsc effect
There were bouquets and bouquets of flowers around the room and he groaned dramatically, even though all he wanted to do was giggle and jump at the sight.
better be tulips, magnolia and blue peony among them (idk how the poeny is blue magnus is rich make it happen!)
Alec smirked at him. “I don’t think he’s anywhere nearby. He’s too busy flirting with his employees these days.”
“You should report him to HR.”
“I should.”
buy your poor staff some coffee or high quality bubble milk tea before you force them to witness this toomfoolery
“What?” Dr. Adrian scoffs, “Haven’t you heard? Eat the rich.”
middle school coded
What did Magnus see in him?
yk sometimes u the talent is just unfortunately attached to a dickisiness
i cant even swoon over bamf alec im in distress right now this so much angast wtf
He’d put the decision of his life in Alec’s hands.
something about knife something about scarred hands from holding a different type of knife something something about marriage is giving the other your last defense
we are not talking about the last scene with this speed u gonna make me unmad hiadt magnus and I already conduct a list of nickname and cleverly movie reference tailored to the situation for roasting him you cant do this to me
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two chapters and you’re already unmad at HIADT Magnus??? i thought you were stronger than this Anh. I am disappointed ksjssksksksj but I get it—pre accident hiadt magnus is the biggest simp and it’s quite hard not to love him.
Edom staff gets paid to witness the tomfoolery and not for their service as doctors. It is what it is.
and apologies but they weren’t expensive flowers. It was asters, dahlias and lavender. Magnus Bane needs to step it up jajksskk.
Hiadt Magnus’s thoughts while in coma
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ablupen · 2 years
Thoughts about Arcana Twilight
So, I've had Arcana Twilight downloaded on my phone for about maybe a month now, and I finished the current floors about maybe four days ago, so I just want to share my progress and my thoughts ^^
Firstly, my cards:
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I spent a lot of coins on levelling and gems on buying amplifier stones for the last three chapters lol. The gems really carried me through everything XD
These my current affection levels:
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Funnily enough, my favorite characters are actually Vega and Alpheratz, but alas, it's expensive to level up and I got the Spica card before the Alphie one. Now that I'm finished with the current story though, I'll be grinding more on Twilight mode.
Speaking of the characters, these were my initial opinions on the game itself and the characters:
The game itself: I played this game after finding out about Obey Me. Funnily enough, the Play Store actually recommended me THIS game first, probably because I like fantasy stuff and AT happens to be kinda high fantasy. However, I saw some reviews about some bugs and I wasn't entirely sure about playing it yet, so I played Obey Me first after seeing someone talk about how it was "a mix between Obey Me and Mystic Messenger" (which, I'll also talk about at some point because they're really cool) and enjoyed that, so I finally downloaded this one.
Mmkay that was a lot of exposition but not a lot of thoughts. So, I didn't find those bugs the reviews were talking about, which made me happy. It was uncanny at first how similar the appearance and stuff were to Obey Me at first, but I got over it pretty quickly. I enjoyed it beginning to end :)
Arcky: bean. looks like sunshine, is sunshine.
Spica: Serious, but in a nice way. I like this dude. Kinda looks like Kartein from Eleceed on Webtoon ngl. He must need lots of coffee in this school lol.
Alphie: I like his voice tbh. He's pretty nice, I think. Lmao he kinda made me wanna know what other Tharavals are like if he's the opposite.
Poll: Omg he's like a Chihuahua. Also, heterochromia? Looks cool!
Sirius: Sus. Just one line and he's already suspicious. The two signs of suspicion: 1. Openly talkative or friendly 2. Not really around. I LEARNED THIS FROM BELPHIE YOU CAN'T FOOL ME. But since I forgive easily and I wanna make as much allies as possible, I'll tolerate it. Cool eyes.
Vega: W h o a buddy- you look really cool but put the sword down. Something's up with him tho for sure.
And then, these are my final thoughts:
the game: Really good! Love the aesthetic, everything works, and things can be earned back easily. Gacha is wack, but tolerable. Can't wait for the next floors and I'm starving for AT content qwq
Arcky: Still a bean!! He's so optimistic but he really needs to stop overworking himself twt. I wonder who made him forget us.
Spica: He can actually be pretty sweet sometimes. In terms of story choices, I do usually tend to go to "wtf is this?" And he usually agrees in more elegant terms XD.
Alphie: Let the man sleep lol. Also his relationship with Schedar is so funny lol. Also the fact he went to the meeting room just to intercept him lmao. And the fact he deleted us from Schedar's contact lmao. 2nd favorite character, I loved resting in a tree with him. I want him to be ok.
Poll: Bean no :( I feel so bad for him at the end when Alphie became unconscious. Also the fact he fired first :(
Sirius: Sirius, are you frocking serious?? I expected something but I- ugh. Fine. I'll help clean after this mess. That twist and foreshadowing better be good.
Vega: *inhale* awww! Dude he actually shows a lot of affection compared to other characters in the later floors 🥺. And the fact he used to be our childhood friend??? 🥺. He's such a sweetheart I love himmm 🥺. Favorite character, and there's a reason my AT OC has part of her hair dyed white. Dw Vega I'm not leaving you again
So... ending thoughts.
Tips for Ppl trying to complete?
Buy Four Season amplifier stones
Grind in Twilight levels
3 star everything in a floor for more gems. Go backwards if you need to
Try not to use your gems for scouting
Level up cards as much as you can and also complete as much of their Milky Way as possible
Quick clear boss levels a bunch to advance to the next floor. Also use gems to refill energy if you don't feel like waiting. You'll get a ton of material like this, especially coins.
... actually that all sounds really standard and I got kinda lucky with 2 SSR cards. Welp.
Thanks for reading all this if you read all the way! I'll probably talk some more about AT and OM bc they're fun ^^
Might also write fics and headcanons or whatnot
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violetwolfraven · 4 years
Elmer headcanons?
He’s canonly the youngest of 9 so like. Damn. I only have one sibling and I can’t imagine how much that would suck.
I imagine him having 4 brothers and 4 sisters so El was the tie breaker.
After him his parents go yeah we’re done.
As far as I know Elmer’s siblings don’t have canon names so it goes like this (in 1885) Elmer (0), Hope (1), Adam (3), Jarek (5), Ada (7), Hubert (8), Karina (9) Filip (10), and Irena (13).
Anyway Hope is only a year older so Elmer isn’t even of the baby of the family by that much.
So by the time he’s like 6 he doesn’t get much attention anymore. Everyone’s more interested in his oldest few siblings getting their first jobs and Irena and Filip getting their first partners.
When he was really young, Elmer always tried to play with Adam and Jarek, but they already had each other as playmates, so they excluded him a lot.
And of course Hope finds it annoying when he sticks to her (like glue haha) so she lashes out.
Hubert, Karina, Filip, and Irena are so much older that they just don’t have anything in common or any time for him.
So Elmer gets used to fading into the background because Ada is the only one who ever pays attention to him and even then she’s enough older that they can’t have much in common.
In modern AU he meets the others in about 6th grade.
In canon era he meets them when he’s 9 (3 years younger than Jack) after Irena gets married and the family needs to send another kid to work to make up for losing her factory income.
Either way Elmer is kinda just... baffled by all this attention and affection he’s getting suddenly.
Like his friends roughhouse and joke around and sometimes jokes are at his expense but it’s never in a meanspirited way.
They listen when he talks and actively choose to be around him and in general just notice he’s there and he’s... never had that before.
Elmer is super touch-starved and once his friends figure that out they’re all eager to give him all the hugs he wants.
In both eras, it’s Jack who first notices that he has dyslexia and assures him that he’s not stupid, it’s just that reading is harder for him than most people.
In modern era since there’s a word for it there he gets tested and diagnosed and all that but in canon era for the most part Jack or Race just read the headlines out loud every morning to help.
In canon era Jack, Race, Buttons, and later Davey are the only ones who know.
Speaking of Buttons...
In canon era, he shows up when he and Elmer are 10.
They hit it off immediately because they have something in common the other kids don’t; they both still have families and multiple siblings.
The two of them start staying at the Lodging House most nights to escape the craziness of their families at age 12.
Elmer is a little clumsy, so Buttons often ends up patching up torn clothes.
And sometimes more than clothes which is totally not because Elmer keeps standing up for those no one else will stand up for.
In all seriousness Elmer is 500% ready to throw hands for literally any random stranger who needs his help, and also horses, cats, dogs, and one time a cow.
Buttons is pretty sure he’s got a death wish because he’s had to figure out real fast how to patch up wounds from broken bottles, wooden boards, and crowbars, among other things.
He angrily lectures Elmer to be more careful more than once and basically cue Elmer all like hot damn.
Something about Buttons’s fierce brand of kindness... he gets stuck on that. He needs to be near him.
He doesn’t realize he’s falling is love until during the strike—when they’re 14–and they don’t get together until they’re 18 and they’re leaving for better jobs and Elmer asks Buttons to stay.
Not in the Manhattan Lodging House, but with him.
Anyway in modern era, Elmer is just as eager to throw down in defense of others but gets a lot less opportunities.
He and Buttons take longer to get close.
They kinda know each other cause they’re friends with the same people but then one day some bullies decide to pick on Buttons and Elmer is naturally all just oh okay time to throw down now.
Cue Buttons all like hot damn but definitely too shy to do anything about it.
They don’t talk much for a couple months after that despite how Elmer does think Buttons is cute too.
Anyway Elmer spends a lot of time at other people’s houses in this era (mostly the Larkin and Dasilva houses) just to get away from the crazy crowdedness of his own family.
Then one day Jarek forgets to pick him up from mathletes (because you can pry modern!Elmer being Cady Heron’s national-level math nemesis out of my cold dead hands) and it’s pouring down rain outside.
Still, instead of calling someone to come get him Elmer naturally thinks I can totally walk 2 miles to get home through that and puts his hoodie hood up and gets moving.
Not even half a mile later he’s freezing, soaking wet, and starving cause he hasn’t eaten since lunch.
He’s pretty sure he’s about to pass out, and he really doesn’t want to do that on the sidewalk so he starts thinking about friends who live closer to the school than he does.
The nearest house happens to be the Davenports’.
Needless to say Buttons is pretty shocked when his crush shows up on his doorstep soaking wet but still with a big smile, all just hi Buttons can I crash here for a bit?
Unfortunately Elmer meant crash quite literally, as he straight up faints right then and there and Buttons has to drag him inside.
It’s probably a good thing Buttons is home alone at the time.
When Elmer wakes up he’s pretty disoriented but warm and (relatively) dry under a blanket on Buttons’s couch.
He looks over to realize that Buttons is sitting in a chair nearby just watching the movie he put on quietly in the background and just. Oh shit I just passed out in front of a cute boy.
He kinda panics like I should go sorry for barging in but Buttons is like wtf no you literally passed out you’re either calling someone to come get you or staying the night. Now drink some fucking hot chocolate and get some self-preservation instincts you idiot.
And Elmer feels like he should call someone to come get him but he also doesn’t really want to cause hot damn.
In the end he does call Jack to pick him up and Jack chews him out for trying to walk home in a storm but he also notices the look he and Buttons share at the door.
Elmer ends up texting Buttons and asking if he wants to meet up for coffee as a thank you for not letting me freeze to death in the rain.
They end up spending a lot of time together and eventually get set up by Jack by their friends who are all tired of their shit like good god guys we all know you’re in love just kiss already.
If Elmer was confused by all the affection he was getting from having a good platonic friend group, he’s very confused by the affection he gets being in a romantic relationship.
Buttons kinda wants to throw hands with his boyfriend’s big siblings for that but that’s besides the point.
Anyway it takes him a while to get used to even just small gestures like holding hands but once he gets used to it Elmer is 100% the cuddliest boyfriend ever.
He’s still super touch-starved so he’s lucky he’s got a bf who also loves physical contact.
He’s so in love with that boy and he’s happy and seen and finally has a family that appreciates him.
^both eras.
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peachjungs · 4 years
“white night”: a soft jaehyun drabble 🍑✨💕
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pairings: jaehyun x female reader / mentions of johnny, taeyong, mark, and yuta
genre: fluff??? / ceo!jaehyun / girlfriend!female reader
word count: 1.3k+ (didn’t even know I wrote that much wtf 😳 also sorry if there are any typos 👉🏽👈🏽)
summary: you and your drunk CEO boyfriend jaehyun are coming home from a dinner and things go uwu ✨
A/N: hellooo, this is my first post??? im still getting used to the way tumblr is set up and such but yeah i hope you guys enjoy this soft drabble  -🍑
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“WAAAHHHH!!! get off meeee I’m okayyy....” Jaehyun wailed at the top of his lungs as you and Taeyong struggled to help the large man walk to your front door. “Dude shut up you’re gonna wake up the whole neighborhood!” Johnny said as he covered Jaehyuns mouth with his hand and looking into his eyes. “Seriously it’s like 2am. Do. Not.” Jaehyun rolled his eyes and Johnny uncovered his mouth and moved over to you. “Where are your keys?” He said going through your purse. “Left pocket.” You said before you felt Jaehyun let out a weak swing to Johnny before almost stumbling onto the pavement. “HEY! BACK OFF! THATS MY GIRL!” “Oh my god Jae please.....” you said attempting to hold him up again. “Dude relax, no one wants her” Johnny said finally taking the jingling noise in your bag. You side eyed Johnny and he shot his arms up in defense. “Sorry sorry I didn’t mean it like that I—“ “It’s fine I don’t care, just next time let’s not let him order so much wine. I know we were celebrating but still this guy is such a lightweight” you said as Taeyong helped you lead Jaehyun to the door. ☁︎︎ ☁︎︎ ☁︎︎ ☁︎︎ ☁︎︎ Tonight was the celebration dinner for Jung Inc. Jaehyun, the CEO of said company, had finally gotten his new brand finalized and approved by the board so you all went out. It was you, Jae, and his coworkers Johnny, Taeyong, Mark and Yuta. The dinner was nice, at was at one of the most expensive restaurants in Korea and the drinks were top notch. That was the problem. Jaehyun kept ordering bottle after bottle. Who could blame him though. He always puts his all into his brand. Spending countless days and nights up in his study working on one project after another, making phone calls, arranging meetings, etc. Sometimes you’d pop up inside once in awhile as you made my way back from the bathroom, not as much to interrupt him but just to check up. You’d walk up to his chair and gently rub his back or to give him a reassuring kiss that everything will work out. Lo and behold, it finally did. You weren’t surprised no one else got as drunk as him. Jae isn’t the type to party often, considering he cant hold down his liquor and he gets his Asian glow after 2 sip, but tonight was different. You could see a wave of relief over him as you all enjoyed the night. Once you guys were all done, Yuta insisted on taking Mark home afterwards, most likely to get some alone time with him, but everyone knew not to argue when it came to Mark so we let them go. That left you Johnny and Taeyong to get Mr. Tipsy home. You barely drank compared to everyone else so you drove everyone back to your house and here we are now. ☁︎︎ ☁︎︎ ☁︎︎ ☁︎︎ ☁︎︎ “Just open the door John, this dude is like 500 pounds” Taeyong blurted out. “heeyyyy thats not nice tyong-ahhh. I’m n-not a fat boyyy” Jae managed to slur out. Taeyong glared at him. “I have half a mind to drop you right now.” “Alright alright” Johnny said as he inserted the key and let you guys into the house. Johnny held the door for you two as you and Taeyong guided Jaehyun to the couch and sat him down. He plopped his body down and rested his head on the back of the couch. You and Taeyong caught your breaths with the reliving feeling of not having to carry 180 pounds. “Thanks Tyong-ah” you said as Johnny handed me my keys and put them and my purse on the coffee table. “I got it from here guys, don’t be surprised if he calls in tomorrow” you said. “Trust me we already know, good luck” you hugged and kissed both of them on the cheek and they headed out, closing the door behind them. You let out a deep sigh and turned back around to Jae, he turned his head to you giggling, his crescent eyes half open and asian glow in full swing. You couldn’t help but shake your head and laugh. “What am I gonna do with you?” You walked over to the door and took off your shoes and placed them in the shoe rack and then walked back to Jae. You sat next to him and rubbed his head as it still leaned on the back of the couch. “Baby come on, we have to get out these fancy clothes” He wore a sleek black suit with a white button up and a black tie. His fashion sense was pretty simple, he was never difficult when it came to clothes. You could catch him in a plain black tee and sweats almost every time he wasn’t at work. “Mmm....” He hummed as he shut his eyes for a bit and smiled. His dimples never took a break as they formed from his cheeks. You took a moment to admire him. His dark slicked back hair revealing his forehead, thick bushy eyebrows that shaped so naturally, perfectly plump lips, rosey red cheeks, and lastly, his puffy moon like eyes staring back at you. He seemed little more alert, but still buzzed. You started to feel so grateful to have someone like him in your life, someone who you knew would be there for you no matter what. You knew from the first time you kissed that he was the one. "You okay?" You asked him concerned. "Mhm.." he said as he attempted to stand up by himself, but almost wobbling over. You got up quick enough to catch him and his hands snaked around your waist as he rested his head on your shoulder. "Alexa, play White Night, volume 7" he said loud enough for the device to hear him and the music started playing. Your arms wrapped around his cologne stained neck and your head rested between his shoulder and his peck and he slowly rocked you side to side to the music. You feel the warmth from his body, his steady heartbeat against your eardrum, and the way his chest slowly rises and falls with his breathing. You two were silent as the room was filled with the smooth vocals. His hold on you made you feel at peace and safe. "I love you." Jaehyun hummed in your ear. "so much." "I-I love you too" You were shocked. Even though he always tells you that, something about this very moment felt different. He held you tighter as he continued to talk. "You've always been by my side no matter what.... whether it was watching me work all day or me having to stay at the office late...you're always there waiting for me even though I wouldn't be there for you...I didn't expect this project to take as long as it did... I felt like such a shitty boyfriend and I didn't want you to think I was neglecting you or anything--" He paused when he heard you sniffle and he pulled back little bit to look at your face. "Oh no...baby I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry" He reached his hands up to cup your cheeks and pulled you into a soft kiss. The taste of liquor still lingered on lips but you didn't mind. He kissed you passionately before pulling away and look back into your eyes as he wiped away your tears with his thumbs. "Don't you ever think you're a bad boyfriend Jae, you're everything I could ever ask for. You're everything I've ever wanted and more. I told you I'd be there for through anything. I'm just happy everything worked out in the end. And I don't want to hear your talk like that again, okay?" You flicked his forehead lightly and your voiced cracked a little bit as you pulled yourself together. He giggled and rubbed his head "oww...okay okay I won't". He pulled you into another hug as the song ended. "Jae can we please get changed and go to bed now it's literally like 2:30am" you said looking up at him pouting. He kissed your forehead and nodded and you two started walking to your shared room to get relaxed and drift off to sleep.
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seunqs · 3 years
[ a long get to know me tag ]
tagged by: losers @woosohn @yeonjuins
what day is your birthday?
27th june! it’ll be on a monday next year
what’s your favourite colour?
blue! a rather specific shade of light sky blue but i also like dark blue! might be misleading because everyone would think beige/black since that’s the aesthetic i like + almost everything i own is black...
what’s your lucky number?
i don’t have one i think but i tend to say 7 if i’m asked?
do you have any pets?
sadly no >:( will get one in the future idc idc
how tall are you?
158cm tiny i wna be abit taller
how many pairs of shoes do you own?
off my head i think 3 pairs...? just 2 black and 1 white that i rotate depending on the outfit i’m wearing
favorite song?
asdjekw i don’t think i have one specific one but recently i’ve been listening to maniac by nct doyoung & haechan!
other honourable mentions: a book of love by ha hyunsang, wide eyed blind by saint raymond, irreplaceable by nct dream, lmly by jackson wang. that’s all i have off my head
favorite movie?
surprisingly i’m not big on movies... but i’ll always answer parent trap when someone asks! why do i sound like i always have prepared answers in my head for various questions... okay that’s bc i do.
what would be your ideal partner?
@june look away i already know you’re gna say this sounds a lot like someone..
shy... is the main characteristics lmao idky it’s not even like i’m outgoing but i tend to find myself liking shy-er boys over the outgoing ones! aaa those with very obvious leadership qualities and quietly cares and looks out for those around them :’) tsundere! i think shy may appear cold sometimes but i’m rly :’) when the shy ones become very affectionate in private or when you get to know them better :’) or shy with strangers but very goofy and silly with their closer social circle heh those that are more cat-like than dog-like, only approaches you when they’re comfy. okay also shy but willing to speak up when necessary! doesn’t let themselves get bullied for being quiet and also pls speak up for me i hate ordering food pls do it for me HAHAHHA also if they’re passionate about something they like/are good at! good listeners too heh doesn’t need to always have the best advice, just if they would sit with me silently and listen to me and give me a hug afterwards :’’’’’) i think i’m on the touchier side too so if they don’t dislike that it’ll be nice! OH someone who’s good at cooking too bc i hate cooking and the kitchen in general.. i’ll do the dishes though HAHAHAH ok that is all there is a certain idol in my head that is the embodiment of my ideal type and i hate him >:(
do you want children?
no... not so much bc i don’t find them cute or i can’t handle them but i think it’s a commitment that scares me! bringing up the child well with the right character and values ajksdbwkje i don’t know if i’m up to that HAHAHAH
have you gotten in trouble with the law?
nope @woosohn @yeonjuins pls be proud of my direct no why are the two of you......... 
bath or shower?
shower! i don’t know if i’ve actually taken a bath before... probably when i was younger HAHAH i think i’ll get bored in the bath and i much rather be relaxing in bed than in the tub
what color socks are you wearing?
barefoot at the moment! the socks i own are mostly solid colour socks / simple cartoon or animal patterns but all ankle socks that can’t be seen with my shoes
favorite type of music?
i listen to pop, r&b and indie! that’s about all and favourite depends on the mood!
how many pillows do you sleep with?
just 1! and a bolster too
what position do you sleep in?
either on my back with hand over my head lmao or turned to either sides while hugging my bolster and face buried into the bolster
what you don’t like when you’re sleeping?
when it’s too hot! canNOT sleep if the weather is too hot. also if i get woken up rudely, by screaming or someone smacking me awake LMAO just tell me nicely to get up and i’ll be out of bed in 10mins pls give me awhile my brain is turning on HAHAHA
what do you have for breakfast?
recently i haven’t woken up early enough for bfast or my family is just about to go out to buy lunch by the time i’m up hahaha but on the days that i’m alive for bfast, iced coffee and any pastry sitting in the fridge! my family is big on pastries like croissants and cakes like banana and carrot cakes! so one of those but the iced coffee is a constant in my first meal of the day
have you ever tried archery?
nope and idt i’ll be good at it tbh....
favorite fruit?
strawberries, apples, peaches! there are some seasonal favs where i rly like them for a period of time and then suddenly not anymore but these 3 are the constants
favorite swear word?
hahahaha i dont think i have a favourite one..... but i say tf a lot and mf for kpop boys who make me more flustered than they should
do you have any scars?
i don’t think so! i have a few stretch marks around my waist and tummy tho 
are you a good liar?
yes... HAHAH i used to get scolded so much for lying as a kid lmfao
what’s your personality type?
isfj-t has probably only dipped to isfp-t once but if not constant isfj!
what’s your favorite type of girl?
HAHAHAH uh.... okay with all kinds i think? except people in general who try too hard
innie or outie?
innie. was this question necessary tho AHHAHAHA
left or right-handed?
favorite food?
ramen! but i like lots of food lmfao tiramisu, pork belly, lots of noodles, also lots of rice, beef, cakes, ice cream, i think i’m more salty > sweet!
favorite foreign food?
japanese ramen, korean cuisine!, lasagne
are you clean or messy?
most used phrase?
i think alot of keyboard smashes, lmao, wtf, HAHAHAHHAHA, sigh, i’m tired LOL
how long does it take for you to get ready?
depends! fastest i think i can get out of the house 20mins after i’ve woken up. longest probably an hour where outfit is taking a while and accessories needs to be chosen
do you talk to yourself?
in my head yes.
do you sing to yourself?
not often but i sing out loud for the family to hear LOL in my head very often a song is playing up there
are you a good singer?
nop. i don’t think i’m a BAD singer but wouldn’t classify as good either HAHHAHA
biggest fear?
wow so many things but i think biggest is complete darkness, i need to see and know what is going on around me. i sleep with a night light on heh 
are you a gossip?
with closer friends yes def HAHAH my school culture tends to have lots of tea that my friends and i don’t like to get too involved in but we do talk about the gossips that goes around hahaha have also been in the center of gossip way too often
do you like long or short hair?
long! can’t imagine myself with short hair.. used to have reallllyyy long hair that goes beyond my waist and cried when i cut it to slightly below shoulder length. that’s the shortest i’ll ever go
favourite school subject?
wow nothing i don’t like school lmfao but humanities and language are way more bearable than math and sciences
extrovert or introvert?
what makes you nervous?
unpredictable situations, being alone in public (contradictory because in private i would strongly prefer to be alone but i don’t enjoy being alone in public i feel judged HAHAHA), also currently waiting on a reply for something and that’s been keeping me anxious the past 2 days :’)
who was your first real crush?
when i was 13/14, tablemate in school that was kinda shy and had very limited social circle but talked to me endlessly in class lmfao he apparently liked me too but we never dated and went to different schools at 16 y/o. we’re still kinda in touch though! we talked quite a fair bit last month just catching up but he’s more of an acquaintance now
how many piercings do you have?
2! just one normal lobe piercing on either ears, don’t think i’ll get anymore
how fast can you run?
back in school i used to be one of the fastest girls in my class LMFAO i could clock 12.5 minutes for a 2.4km run. stamina came from dancing since i had to run laps before dance class 2 times a week. but that is long in the past and now i get tired from climbing more than 4 flights of stairs pls spare me
what color is your hair?
naturally black but dyed brown! my hair has grown quite abit since i dyed it though now its black at the top and brown from above my ears onwards
what color are your eyes?
a very dark brown lmfao almost black
what makes you angry?
irresponsible people. just pushing responsibility to others or avoiding their responsibilities. don’t need you to do a good job with your responsibilities, just don’t make your issues my issues. and if its a shared responsibility like group projects, then do your part to contribute and don’t expect others to cover you
selfish people, in many ways. just being self-centred, not caring about how others feel, doing things for personal gain at the expense of others
speaking in a passive-aggressive/sarcastic manner. i say this even though i’m afraid of confrontation but i much rather someone outright tells me they’re unhappy about something or wants to get a point across. i hate when they talk about it sarcastically or tries to sugar-coat their words to make themselves look less aggressive about their words. tell me straight as it is, if you’re already gonna talk about something bad don’t piss me off with your attitude at the same time
do you like your own name?
rae is nice! has a very nice ring to it and looks pretty!
do you want a boy or a girl as a child?
i don’t.. want one.. but both have their good and bad i can’t decide.. i want a puppy
what are your strengths?
is this an interview question i have had a few interviews over the past weeks i am well-prepared for this HAHAHA
i think i’m pretty resilient! i bounce back from bad times pretty quickly or i psycho myself to see the situation positively. but it is ofc coupled with a lot of complaining to the people around me first
although i hate unpredictable situations and having to quickly adapt to new settings, i think i adapt pretty quickly too. flexible? easy-going? idk what’s the right way to call it but yeah something along those lines. good at it but i still enjoy my stability and calm don’t want to have to quickly adapt to new situations.
what are your weaknesses?
very emotional HAHAH used to be much worse but i often let my emotions rule my head. i think i’ve improved A LOT though i used to be so bad but i think i’m now able to make rational decisions even if im bawling LMFAO
this sounds like a compliment but i’ve been told this too often as well. i tend to be way too nice to people who don’t deserve it. even if the person doesn’t deserve it or they’ve pushed all my buttons in the wrong way possible, i would still try to be as nice and polite as i can. really helps with me working in the f&b industry lmfao.
what’s the colour of your bedspread?
dark blue / grey! 
colour(s) of your room?
white & wood (throughout my house actually + green from the plants in the living room) @yeonjuins says i live in a muji showroom
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Season 3 episode 3 commentary with my sister:
How old are these actors? 
*informs her they are 1 and 2 yrs younger than her*
Okay cool, just checking..
*fake British accent* Even, Even, wherefore art thou Even?
Okay things I don’t need: that dude’s ass
Jokes aside...it hurts me to see how unhappy Robbe is every time he is with Noor
Oh shit..he has abs? That was unexpected
Take your shit and run!!
Oh that’s nice of him to text his-- or not..
Who is you??
Wait what...Robbe and I are equally confused..
Istg if this is just some dude, I’m gonna lose it
Booking.com?! LOOOOL
Woah what! He said ‘‘LOL at you, you gullible little boy..now come with me…’
Why is he so pretty? Why can he pull off bleached hair? 
There it is again..wtf is an alle??
Sander, you say?...love it, love you, nice to meet you, i have a lot of questions
Hahahaha what a whipped bitch already!! You took the title of Whipped-est Bitch Around from Senne…
Holy shit we are only 4 minutes into this episode? I’ve never felt more alive
Their first date is at a fucking grocery store...what a pair of legends
Wtf is this scanner thing? Nevermind I don’t have time for that
Wait, does he know Amber? 
Umm....I have so many inappropriate comments about that face he just made
RIP to Bowie, don’t know a single song but RIP
Yikes..please don’t tell Sander i just said that
I have to stop talking...his voice is very soothing (...good luck with that Kennedy)
What a fucking dork! I love him. Marry me. 
Robbe has smiled more in this one scene than he has all season
OMG why are they so cute?!
Also...who is paying for this shit?
Did he just tell him he is expensive?! 
Pause it!! I just need to appreciate the fact that Robbe was so happy...is it just me or does him finally meeting Sander feel different than when Isak met Even? ...okay you can play it
Noor you are looking rough, honey
Fucking Amber...get out of here with your bullshit lists
On the bright side..HE’S BACK!
Wtf is a croque?
Robbe...literally no one cares what Amber says
Okay he’s got jokes! I see you, Sander!
PAUSE IT! Go back! ...that boy really just looked him in the eye while on his knees?! Fucking amazing! Hahahaha
Disaster gay in the kitchen
Oh shit...the looks between these two!!
This dude’s reaction to Bowie..
No traditions? ...bummer
Oh shiiiiiit Robbe! (Robbe watching Sander lick the joint paper)
Idk who is more in love, Robbe, Sander or me
Did he just feed him?!?! This man…
WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!??!?!?!?! Pause that shit!
Please tell me that is not Britt...istg I am gonna throw myself off this fucking roof!! Remember when i said i couldn’t hate her more?...I lied. Someone buy this girl a ticket home, hell my broke ass will even pay for it! ...I guess you can play it...fucking hell..*face palms*
Same, Robbe, same…
Dumb jokes?? Stfu…
God damn it! We are back to sad Robbe..
Sander needs to get away from both Moyo and Britt
He’s not being social because he is depressed af...leave him be
That sounds like a terrible camp
He is indeed very cool...best thing you’ve ever said Noor
Ugh..back to them kissing
HE’S LOOKING!!! Sander’s eyes just murdered Noor
Paintball? Oh hell yes!
Let’s just shoot Moyo and Britt
LOOOOOOL Sander dude wtf
Britt you are making me hate you more and more…
You’re damn right you won! 
There goes Robbe smiling again..I wonder why
The irony of Robbe giving advice on girls
Luca and Aaron would have nice curly haired babies
Sigh…(Sander and Britt kissing)
*Jim Halpert voice* what. is. going. on? (start of the vlog)
Every time I see Sander with Britt, a puppy dies somewhere
Is this for a vlog or for like a satanic ritual?
Sander is so sweet, helping everyone get out the window
Party time!! *dances*
Sander is looking great in the lighting
OOP! They’re eyeing each other again!
For real though...Sander looks good
God damnit! I hate angry Robbe...everyone just leave him alone,..with Sander.
Wait why are they dressed up like that?
Robbe’s hair is on another level
A sexy corpse?? Amber, girl..no
Jana and Jens...interesting, moving on..
Hey you sir, get away from Zoe
R + N? Oh sweetie, no..
Oh shit, hell yes to this song!
Oh there goes Sander and Britt...a puppy just died
Robbe jealousy level 100
Holy fuuuuuck! This has a whole different energy then Evak..
Well hot damn...that just happened...everyone still breathing?
Ofc Amber is telling everyone what to do
Let the man have his coffee
Yes! Help him with the bottles!
Hahahah Sander is a whole ass mood when it comes to Amber
The relationship is going great...except you know, he’s gay
Sounds like it’s time to break up, Sander
Fuck Britt
Robbe eye fucks Sander for a hot minute while kissing other people, but Sander goes near him and he has gay panic x10
Oh sweet Robbe a pro/con list??
What? No! You will!
Ugh...he’s kinda standing in front of you
I’ll tell you where...right in front of you!
DO IT! Yes! 
Ugh..Luca, I love you but now is not the time
Why do these two have better chemistry than me and my bf of over a year??
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rainingspellforlove · 4 years
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Chanhee likes being alone. he likes to enjoy his me-time the most, even he had so many friends out there. sometimes he hangs out with his squad, but mostly he likes strolling the street alone while sips a coffee in the nearby cafe he found. he mostly spends his time alone or with his friends.  but everything changed when he met this guy. this very guy that he met in the club few months ago.
it’s the first time chanhee went to a club. it was because  his friends forcefully asked chanhee to come.  chanhee didn’t like crowds at all. he hates it so much. so he never to come to crowd place especially a club. that’s the first place that he didn’t want to go to so much. that day, chanhee (unwillingly) came with his friends. he just loved his friends and didn’t want breaking the friendship, so he decided to come. he just wears his usual shirt and jeans. while his friends totally went off like a fashion models. their friends basically are bunch of lovers. he had 4 friends and there’s 2 couple from it. first is younghoon and changmin and the second couple is kevin and jacob. that’s why he likes to go alone because he’s always left out when the 4 of them being such a lovey dovey. he’s really gonna puke if he stayed too long with them but their friends are so caring about chanhee. they would like to do anything for him to get a good catch. actually, that is the reason his friends bring chanhee to club. to get a hot guy. 
“i really hated this so much but i love you all sooo much, thats the reason i come today okay, dont get me wrong” chanhee said
“i promised you’ll get a hot snack today” kevin said enthusiastically
“hot my ass, lets just go there then back home quick”  
they arrived at the famous club in the center of the city where most of them wears expensive clothes and accessories. chanhee didn’t pay for this, younghoon paid it all. he’s extra rich so he’s willingly to pay for the five of them. changmin is the luckiest for sure. he got a hot and rich boy out there without even trying, because younghoon made a move first. 
chanhee felt he went to a wrong place moreover he wears just plain clothes. 
“wtf i just wear this... ugh bye i dont care, i just sit my ass of in the bar” 
 chanhee just went off leaving his friends who right now enjoying themselves out in the crowds. he looked at the menu but he’s like 
“the fuck i didn’t have that much money.. should i ask younghoon to pay or ugh but he already paid for this ughhhh” chanhee just blabbering himself with frustation until someone tall came approaching him in the bar
“what do you like? i buy it for you” he said it softly. 
chanhee seems a bit surprised by a approachment. he dressed casually with a black top shirt and black jeans also. this guy is tall, but not so tall as younghoon, maybe 2 cm lower. he had his raven black hair which it seems he styled it so good. he seems like an actor coming out from the tv. he had sharp-edged nose which made him looked even more like a celebrity. 
“o-oh no no it’s okay i didn’t feel like to drink tonight. i must go back sober because im sure my friends wont be sober at all later” chanhee got panicked a little by the coming of this real hot guy. so kevin is true? is it their plan afterall? 
“it’s okay, you can order some cocktails.”
“no it’s okay-”
then the tall guy ordered some cocktails for chanhee and for himself too. 
“it’s my treat because i need someone to talk to and you seem not interested, i guess?”
“uhm, thank you for the treat i guess.. i promise i’ll pay it soon-”
“no, there’s no need. it’s okay. it’s really okay”
“okay fine, thankyou anyway. and yes im not interested in this kind of amusement. it’s not amusing at all for me”
“so what kind of amusement you like to see mr? what should i call you?”
“chanhee. call me chanhee” chanhee finally looked at him. that tall guy sat beside him in the bar. chanhee can finally looked that guy’s feature even more clearly right now. 
“hi chanhee, im not weird person, so dont be scared okay, im just like you. bored with these kind of stuffs. im just dragged here along with my friends too.” he chuckled
“no i didnt think it that way, you seem like a good person. but i dont know it’s just my guts, hey you didn’t tell me your name yet”
“yes right, sorry. im juyeon. nice to meet you chanhee”
“of course nice to meet you too”
they talked for a while there while having their cocktails. somehow juyeon is fun to talk to even with his lame dad jokes. and juyeon is easily to be fooled. chanhee really likes to fool someone and laughing at them. they really having fun talking to each other like that. chanhee found they kinda had no ending convos between each other. juyeon just told him that he’s actually working as a new journalist, because he’s a fresh graduate and it stressed him out because there were so many tasks to do. and it turned out they are in the same age but juyeon graduated first because he entered the college one year early. after those fun and funny convos between each other, juyeon stated something.
“chanhee-ya, you looked so pretty today, i cant take my eyes off of you since you come today” he looked so serious and his eyes told him so. the way his black pearled eyes see chanhee thoroughly and softly. chanhee looked at him back. in his eyes. 
chanhee didn’t realize he’s been drowning into his eyes the whole time he had this long convo with juyeon. he rarely looked at someone’s eyes while having a not serious conversation, but today is different. juyeon’s eyes. the way his eyes looked at chanhee is a whole different. chanhee is captivated into them. he’s so lost into juyeon’s eyes. he admired those pretty and captivating eyes which made him forget that he’s right now in the least place he wants to go. but right now, he’s stuck here in someone’s eyes for some moments. he felt like there’s no one here in this shitty place, but he’s right here  with juyeon only. both of them alone. 
chanhee looked so flustered. and he started to blush withouth he even realized. 
“uhm- i- that’s so much blunt of you wow thank you i guess..”
“such a pretty boy doin here alone, im scared you’ll be get kidnapped or something while your friends out there,” then he moved closer to chanhee’s ear then he whispered
“there’s so many guys lookin at you lustfully if you didnt notice.. look at your surrounding”
chanhee didn’t realize it at all, there’s really some guys lookin at him with nasty look that he’s really gonna puke at them right now. 
“shit. i should go home i guess. that’s why this is the least place that i wanna come sigh, but wait how can i know youre not like them huh?”
“uhmm, you’ve been with me an hour, so i conclude youre comfortable with me”
“yes youre right...” then he looked at juyeon for a while, he really like a good boy with his fool-like smile but still handsome. and the eyes which can smile too. 
“lemme take you home can i?”
“ugh why? you have your friends right, and i got my friends too..”
“it feels like you didnt want to stay here longer right”
“how did you know though”
“it’s seen by your face you dummie cutie” he pinched chanhee’s left cheek softly. 
“uhm right.. we  just talked for 1 hour but why i feel like it’s already 2 hours... time really ticks longer here”
“go tell your friends then, i’ll take you home.” 
“how should i trust you, youre not like the nasty guys right there?”
“i promised i’ll drive you safe and sound without even do anything nasty to you. i promise please let me take you homee, im just wanna talk to you longer though. i kinda had so much fun talking to you and bonus you’re pretty”
“finee let me chat my friends first okay, then we can go”
he’s enthusiastically happy and he smiled like a puppy. chanhee for the countless times drown into his eyes again and he said this without even he realized.
“juyeon, did you know that you are so cute?” 
“ah- oops, it went off from my mind” chanhee said again
juyeon just smiled 
he moved closer to chanhee. he looked at chanhee’s eyes softly and took chanhee’s hand. he carressed it softly. then lookin at chanhee’s lil cross tattoo in his pinky and carressed it again. after that, juyeon just kissed chanhee’s knuckles one by one. 
“but you’re way more cuter.”
“i- i- o-okay.” 
chanhee flustered as hell and blushed like a tomato. he feels his ears hot like a pan. 
“lets go” juyeon dragged chanhee out from the club with his hand intertwining in chanhee’s.
juyeon brought his sport car with him today and chanhee will ride in there the expensive car. 
“oh my, it’s really your car? oh God you didnt look like a rich sugar daddy but you really are?”
“im not yet a sugar daddy, im still in my twenties, im just a hot man that you just met in the club” he teased
“okay whatever” 
then juyeon laughs and they both entered the car. 
“do you want to straight go home or?”
“i didnt feel asleep yet. do you want to go somewhere?”
“not really, but do you have a place to go in this hours?”
“uhm let me think, there’s a cafe near my house, it’s just a small cafe but it’s really cozy and-” chanhee didnt even finish but juyeon just smiled softly
“yes lets go there anywhere you want”
 juyeon always looked at chanhee everytime there’s a traffic light. 
“stop looking at me like that, you seems like wanna eat me alive or what”
“sorry you’re just so pretty”
“stop telling me!!”
“why? it’s true though, you’re really beautiful, did i make you uncomfortable?sorry-”
“no no it’s just, i cant take compliments, cant you look at my ears that flushed red like a tomato right now?”
juyeon laughs and seems enjoying it so much
“you’re really pretty. really.”
“i even just wear this pair of not so expensive clothes, you still call me pretty?”
“uhm” he nods and smiled like a puppy again
“geez whatever you say” 
they drived along and arrived at the place. 
“it’s a cute place so thats why you like to come here. so cute people tend to go here”
juyeon laughs again and they both entered the cafe
the barista knew chanhee and actually it’s his childhood friend too. his name is sunwoo. and sunwoo looked so surprised seeing him with a new guy
“HYUNG WHO IS TH-!” he almost shouts
“shut up sunwoo or i kill you” chanhee said while glaring at him
“oh you know him?”  juyeon asked
“yes he’s just my annoying childhood friend that eventually lived around here too.” 
“oh, he’s not gonna into your lane right?”
“so i will not have any rival to get into you”
“lee juyeon please stoppp” 
“okay i’ll stop for now idk later” juyeon just laughs
they sat in the side of the cafe while lookin at the street outside. 
“it’s my usual seat anyway if you dont mind we’ll sit here”
“anywhere you go princess” 
“geez stop it lee juyeon!” chanhee blushing again
juyeon enjoys chanhee being like this so much. 
they finally sit together in the side. they had their own world again, they talked so many things again even their TMIs. they had so much fun talkin to each other until they didnt realize their cups of coffee almost empty. 
“lee juyeon, i dont know you are just dumb or just being pure. it’s slightly the same!”
“it’s just good being pure, like it’s pure my thought that i pour in and it feels so genuine right? i like being pure, because it’s me, that’s my charm hahaha”
“i guess so, but don’t be so pure too much juyeon! you can be easily fooled!!”
“i will try hahaha”
they’re being quiet for a while to take a sip of their coffee. chanhee quietly looks at juyeon’s features again. his smile. his jawline. his sharp-edged nose. his eyes. then his lips. he almost imagined how it feels to place a chaste kiss to his lips. juyeon is beautiful. how can someone like juyeon being with him right now in here in his usual cafe. today is beautifully weird. but he loves it. it’s a whole new feeling. he never been feeling so light and joy like this before. even with his friends. it’s a new feeling. 
“i know youre staring chanhee”
“o-oh im-no- im not staring” he quickly looked aside to the window
“cute. i like how you’d been flustered.” he teased
chanhee felt his ears hot again. 
“dont tease me!”
“fine fine i’ll stop” juyeon chuckles
then chanhee quickly takes a sip again to his cup of caramel latte. chanhee suddenly said bluntly
“sunwoo had a boyfriend”
“hm oh? why suddenly-”
“there’s his boyfriend, the cashier boy. his name is haknyeon.”
“ah” he smiled so widely and chanhee knew he’s about to tease chanhee again
“stop saying anything okay, i just stated facts maybe you should know about this” chanhee didnt look at juyeon directly and just lookin at the window
“okay okay i know” juyeon just smiled again looking at the shy boy in front of him
“you know that im straightforward right?” juyeon suddenly said
“uhm yes so?”
“i’d really like to kiss you right now”
“uhm- s-sorry, w-what?”
“sorry i- it’s just my mind that slips out- i didnt mean to-”
“later okay, we can kiss but later” chanhee just smiled at juyeon and continue to sip his coffee while looking at his black pearled eyes who captivates him so deeply in the past hours they’ve been together. 
juyeon looked a bit flustered and suddenly he grabbed chanhee’s hand.
“lee juyeon- wait-”
chanhee cant finish his words and just followed juyeon along. chanhee got so confused and say goodbye to his friend sunwoo quickly. sunwoo mouthed 
“congrats hyung youre gonna get laid today!!” 
then chanhee just mouthed “fckk youu kim sunwoo!!” 
then chanhee really got dragged away from the cafe. 
“lee juyeon what’s wrong? why suddenly?”
“just get in” he seems serious but didnt express any emotions too. 
then they both got in the car. 
they were being quiet for a while. juyeon started the engines but he didnt press the pedal yet.
“lee juyeon are you mad or-?”
“im not chanhee..”
“so why?” juyeon being silenced and then looked chanhee closely. his black pearled eyes lookin more clearly while looking directly in chanhee’s eyes. chanhee feels like he’s drowning and drowning again into his eyes. his captivated gaze. chanhee really been lost in these beautiful eyes of juyeon for these past hours and he didnt deny it. he really wants to go deeper into his eyes.
“can i kiss you?”
so chanhee nods softly after that. 
juyeon  leaned in as well as chanhee who moves closer to juyeon. juyeon really placed chaste kiss into chanhee’s lips. juyeon puts his wide palm around chanhee’s soft jaw and softly carressed chanhee’s cheek with his thumb. chanhee grips his jeans tightly while feeling a soft kiss in his slim cherry lips. juyeon kissed chanhee slowly, from chanhee’s bottom lips then decided to kiss it even more deeper. chanhee’s lips just move along with juyeon soft kiss toward his lips. chanhee really melts into juyeon’s. chanhee feels like he’s already get into juyeon. when they already a lil out of breath, juyeon pulls away and moves to place a kiss to chanhee’s corner of the lips. then moves along to kiss chanhee’s chin softly, moves along again and kissed chanhee’s fluffy cheek. chanhee feels like so much butterfly flying over in his stomach. he almost died because of tachycardia. juyeon still place a soft chaste kiss in chanhee’s face. he moves to chanhee’s eyes then his nose. and lastly his forehead. 
juyeon finished his long lasting kiss towards chanhee and they still few inch apart.
“you’re really beautiful. i do really mean it. it’s just few hours but why i already really like you. admit it, you kinda had a spell on me huh?” while carressing chanhee’s soft cheek with his big thumb. chanhee still blushed red. 
“i cant say anything for now or my heart’s gonna explode”
“cute.” juyeon smiled while looking at chanhee’s eyes. 
“lee juyeon. let me state this. we just knew each other for just few hours why did you make me like this?”
juyeon just chuckled and keep carressing chanhee’s cheek softly. then chanhee brings his hand to grab juyeon’s hand. 
“uhm-” chanhee tried to say something
“can i-” he stutters then try to look into juyeon’s black pearled eyes. 
“can i kiss you again?” chanhee finally looked at juyeon’s beautiful captivating eyes clearly
“no need to ask” juyeon smiled softly and started to lean in again
chanhee circled his arms into juyeon’s neck and they melted into each other. juyeon can feel chanhee’s caramel latte into his bitter lips of americano. they kissed so deeply until juyeon pulls away. then juyeon lifts chanhee’s small waist 
“juyeon what are you doing?”
“sit on my lap”
“come” juyeon didnt let chanhee finish his words and just pulls chanhee into his lap softly. chanhee just moves along and he’s already in juyeon’s lap.
chanhee puts his both hands in juyeon’s shoulder.
“ssh, im not gonna steal your virginity for now. not now. and not here. “
“okay but-”
juyeon just pulls chanhee’s waist closer and pulls chanhee’s face into his. juyeon can feel chanhee’s hot lips after kissing him too long. juyeon just kissed him so deeply again while hugging his tiny waist. chanhee grips juyeon’s shoulders harder while feeling the kiss. juyeon’s lips dominate chanhee’s and chanhee didnt mind at all. he moves along and just follow juyeon’s moves. 
it lasted for awhile after suddenly chanhee’s phone buzzed. 
chanhee pulled away suddenly and there’s 5 messages already. from kim sunwoo. 
oops. chanhee just realized they both just been makin out in the parking lots in front of the cafe. 
“uhm- i think we should go- sunwoo just-”
“okay sweetie we can do it another time” juyeon said while carressing chanhee’s hair and kissed chanhee’s corner of the lips. 
“uhm right. uhm- do you mind if- uhm”
“uhm?” juyeon leaned in closer
chanhee still blushing red as hell. but he’s not himself right now he’s just gonna explode at anytime
“you can go to my house if you dont mind we can-”
“we can? what?” juyeon teased.
“uhm eish just drop me then in front of my house.” chanhee said frustatedly
then juyeon chuckled again and whispered to chanhee’s ear
“lets go home and continue our unfinished tasks” 
chanhee blushed red red so red. 
but then he just nods and go back to passenger seat quickly. 
juyeon finally press the gas pedal and started to drive. 
he began to drive to chanhee’s house to finish their uncomplete tasks ;)
- fin 
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seven-oomen · 4 years
I’m sorry you’re still feeling exhausted.  I hope work wasn’t too terrible today, and that the weekend lets you rest up a bit (if you get normal weekends.  working in retail I try not to assume.)  Also, this is likely to just be a short(-ish) collection of unconnected musings, but I felt like sharing them anyway, and really you should be used to that from me at this point.  XD  So, first off that tree painting is GORGEOUS.  I mean, I tend to be kinda partial to that whole tree silhouette type aesthetic, so I’m probably slightly biased.  But still.  (And the background shading… <3 )  Also, ngl, the backlit keyboard keeps making me think of that video of Henry Cavill assembling his new computer that’s making the rounds.  That is not meant as a complaint of any sort, mind you, merely an observation.
Speaking of hot scruffy dudes who are actually massive dorks, did you SEE Ian’s most recent Insta pic?!  (the non-cowboy hat one)  Omg, I don’t know why he keeps complaining about how it’s starting to look like TW Season One hair like it’s some sort of bad thing.  (The longer the hair, the better the grip you can get. […uh…wait, what?… ’>.> ])  That pic just screams OUAT sequel to me.  Out here looking all shaggy and windblown and peaceful and content.  Proud Alpha Dad Peter spending quality time with his family/pack.  How very dare he spring this on an unsuspecting public with no warning?  I was not prepared.  (Also, Sinqua and Holland commenting on it just ups the adorable factor that much more.)
Also, was looking at a few sites lately in consideration of ordering a few more masks for work, found this print on one of them and almost laughed myself absolutely stupid.  I don’t know why it was just so funny to me, but I hope it cheers you as much as it did me.  Btw, it’s available on an impressive variety of items, including two types of notebooks, t-shirts, mugs, blankets, pillows, beach towels, shower curtains, rugs, bath mats, several styles of bags, phone cases, and assorted types of wall art (sadly not on a mask, however.  I was deeply disappointed.)  I can see any number of items ending up in the Haleargentski household, bought by assorted non-wolf members for assorted wolf members, because they are a family of assholes.  (I feel like the first gift was a travel mug to Peter from his darling husbands, then a t-shirt [on black ofc] from Peter to Derek, and then it just all snowballed from there.)
Today’s literally-just-appeared-out-of-nowhere-wtf-brain thought is (much like the French maid thing) definitely of the nsfw variety, so consider yourself duly warned if you have a shift today.  Because I mean we talked about Chris and Noah using toys on each other, but why should Peter get left out of the fun?  There are plenty of ways for him to enjoy them, too.  Like, pretty much the initial spontaneous thought was “Peter getting pulled into someone’s lap and being pegged within an inch of his life until he comes screaming down the throat of whichever one is going down on him at the same time."  And I was just like "not sure what this has to do with this video of how to make a ukelele out of colored pencils, but continue."  But like, no really.  Peter being knotted in one of them while the other uses beads or a (vibrating) plug on him?  (Which one is the asshole who momentarily turns the vibration up high enough that they BOTH can feel it?)  Or using those, or some kind of prostate massager, while he’s tied up and watching them with each other?  Bonus points in that situation for anything remote controlled.  See just how good his control really is.  Equal opportunity toy usage is what I’m saying, basically.
Also had a thought inspired by a pregnant friend and her fiance raving about a local pizza place’s monthly special, which is a pickle pizza (no really).  I may or may not have asked her if she had it with ice cream (I totally did, but apparently she’s past that point.)  So I was wondering about any weird or specific cravings the boys have while pregnant.  I remember Chris having a thing about chocolate pudding in the flashbacks.  Was it only a certain type of pudding, or would any kind do?  Were there any others he had?  Did he have the same ones with Ben or different?  What about Noah?  What sort of cravings did he get, if any?  And did they vary between sets of twins?  Did anybody go the aforementioned pickles and ice cream route?  Anybody dipping fries in Nutella?  Onion straws in peanut butter?  Doritos in cottage cheese?  Anybody eat salsa straight out of the jar?  Did anybody get any sudden absolute need for a specific fast food at two in the morning?  Or suddenly want a type of snack food only carried at one truck stop halfway past the next town?  Anybody spend several days eating nothing but veggie trays, including ones they normally can’t stand?  Anybody develop a temporary aversion to certain things, like coffee (feels like it would be a terrible thing for either of them)?  Did Peter cater to their every whim in any and all of these situations?  (I already know that answer.)  Did either one ever get demanding about it, or did they go the more passively-wistful-won’t-stop-mentioning-it route?  Side note; did anyone (not family) ever catch the wrong end of hormones now backed by even more combat and/or magical ability?  (Debbie at the bake sale best step off or she gonna regret a number of her life choices.)
Uh…I think that was the last of the random swirling questions/musings/headcanons for now…  I hope you feel a bit better today, and that the time off (I think you mentioned some time off?) is helpful.  Enjoy your time with your friend (that was this weekend, right?).  If you’ve got ideas for writing stuff, but are having trouble getting them down, would making quick notes/reminders, or voice recordings, for later help?  Like, so you don’t worry about losing them, but aren’t forcing yourself to do something you don’t feel up for at the time?  Either way, congrats on keeping up with the journaling (and the pretty, pretty art), and I hope tracking everything proves helpful.  And remember, other people’s bullshit issues and hang-ups are in no way your fault (no matter what they try to tell you), and you deserve all the good things.  Take care!  *Hugs to both of you!* 
Yeah, honestly I think I hit that point in my life again where my battery is drained and I can’t restart it. Which is how I got my burn out at first and working towards another one. Heh but I also don’t want to give up now and just keep working for a little longer because my contract expires at the end of September and yeah.. 
Aww gosh thank you, yeah I really like how that one turned out! It was better than expected.
Btw if you’re into Zombie apocalypse stories (I am) you should definitely check out The girl with all the gifts. It’s so brutal but also interesting, I definitely enjoyed that. (And it was research for my own book)
Lol I love this keyboard and this laptop, really, it was the most expensive thing I ever bought but it’s so worth it. Still runs super smooth after 2 years. I don’t think I’ve seen that video of Henry though. 
And omg yes I did and it’s the best thing. he looks so SOFT omg. I def got  OUAT S2 vibes from that. And OUAT vibes. Also that pic of him with Colton, omg. Those were the best!
THAT PRINT!!!! I nearly snorted coffee out of my nose this morning but managed to swallow it down just in time. My work computer would have suffered caffeine damage otherwise XD.
But yeah, that becomes a running gag for sure!
Because I mean we talked about Chris and Noah using toys on each other, but why should Peter get left out of the fun?  There are plenty of ways for him to enjoy them, too.  Like, pretty much the initial spontaneous thought was “Peter getting pulled into someone’s lap and being pegged within an inch of his life until he comes screaming down the throat of whichever one is going down on him at the same time."
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*cheff’s kiss* 
Oh the images are so good. Remind me to write them out in detail tomorrow after the zoo trip.
Also parking the pregnancy cravings to answer tomorrow since it’s past midnight and I should catch some sleep before I need to be up again. But I will definitely type that HC out.
Side note; did anyone (not family) ever catch the wrong end of hormones now backed by even more combat and/or magical ability?  (Debbie at the bake sale best step off or she gonna regret a number of her life choices.)
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Ohhh Debbie’s toast. Because yes, Noah’s magic is that much stronger when it’s fueled by pregnancy hormones and Chris turns into a very protective hormonal fighting machine. Low center of gravity has advantages when you’re in a squabble with the Karens.
And yeah, I have four days off right now. Which means I don’t have to work until Thursday again. Which is awesome!
But yeah work wasn’t too bad, I had to do one bad news conversation which fucking sucked since there was nothing I could do and nobody I could get a hold off to fix the problem for that customer and it was just a waiting game. I hate those conversations. I honestly do.
Most of it was quiet though and I got to leave an hour earlier due to the quiet day. So that was good. And I watched a movie while being paid (The girl with all the gifts) so that was pretty fun too XD
I actually voice record a lot already. I find it really helps with clearing my mind and I write a lot of stuff down. But I appreciate the tip!
Lots of cuddles from me and Mo and I hope your day went by well. <3
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noona-clock · 6 years
I’ll Be Fine - Part 6
Genre: College!AU/Fluff
Pairing: Jae x You
By Admin B
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, The Great Cookie Bake-Off
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“What are you-- ?!” you whispered, lifting your head and watching as he quickly but silently made his way over to your bed.
“I thought it would just be easier if we could actually talk instead of typing everything out,” he explained, lifting up the covers on the unoccupied side of your bed and sliding in underneath.
“That --” Oh, god, Jae was now in your bed. 
You had been about to say ‘That doesn’t make sense because actual talking makes noise and typing doesn’t,’ but the fact Jae was now lying in your bed next to you kind of turned your brain into mush.
“What’s up?” he murmured, turning to face you. “Are you too anxious to sleep?”
You blinked at him for a few moments, trying to wrap your head around this whole situation... but then you settled back down, turning on your side to face him right back. Just like the mistletoe kiss at the party, it was happening so you might as well just go for it.
“I don’t know,” you admitted, frowning slightly. “I’ve been trying to go to sleep for over an hour, but I just can’t.”
“Well, you just must not be tired then. We can talk until you’re tired, and I won’t leave until you fall asleep. How’s that?”
Oh, my word. The sweet, tiny little smile on Jae’s lips was enough to melt your heart, and you couldn’t stop yourself from smiling right back at him.
“I mean, you’re already here. I don’t want to be rude.”
Jae chuckled softly before reaching up and taking off his glasses. Instead of turning around to put them on the side table behind him, though, he reached over to put them on the side table behind you.
His warmth and his scent invaded your senses for just a moment, but it was enough to spark a very vivid image in your mind. An image of cuddling with him. His arm holding you tightly, your face buried in his chest, your arms curled up in-between you.
Truthfully, you couldn’t remember a time when you’d wanted to cuddle someone more.
Oh, this was not good.
“Your family seems nice,” he whispered, successfully breaking your thoughts of a major snuggle session. “Nosy but nice.”
“Yeah,” you replied with a somewhat awkward chuckle. Thank god he couldn’t read your mind. “I feel like I built them up to be overbearing and rude, but... they’re really not that bad. I love them, I just... wish they weren’t so hung up on the idea that you have to be in a relationship to be happy, y’know?”
“Yeah, I get it. Some people are just like that,” he pointed out. “Not everyone is as smart you.”
“Shut up,” you laughed softly. 
“I’m serious!” he whispered passionately, a huge grin pulling at his lips.
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“Well, that’s a first. You’re hardly ever serious about anything,” you teased.
“Ha ha, very funny.” Jae reached under the covers to poke your side, and you swiftly swatted his hand away. “Really, though. Can I be honest about something?”
“Sure,” you replied albeit a bit hesitantly. You were a little nervous about the exact subject of this honesty...
“I’m really glad we did this. This whole fake dating thing.”
“...You are?”
“Yeah. Besides the whole Jamie thing and besides the whole family thing, I feel like... we’ve gotten closer as friends. I’ve gotten to know you better. And I’m really grateful for that.”
Were those butterflies in your stomach? Or maybe they were dragons. It was difficult to tell because your heart was beating so quickly you were having to focus on breathing normally.
“Me, too,” you whispered, somehow managing to sound like you weren’t all that affected by his words.
But, truly, you were grateful.
Before this, Jae had been the Meme Friend. The friend you could count on to go and eat with you any time of the day. The friend who played too many video games.
But now you knew you could trust him with your life. You could count on him for more than just company at meals. You felt comfortable around him (except for when he held your hand underneath dinner tables). You knew you could be yourself around him.
And you knew he would sneak into your room to talk to you if you were having trouble sleeping.
If that wasn’t a good friend, then what was?
Jae beamed over at you, and it almost seemed like he was about to reach up and touch your face. Or scoot over and pull you in for a cuddle-hug.
But, instead, he took a sharp breath in and said, “So, tell me about your favorite Christmas memory.”
Obviously, this was his attempt at tiring you out by talking, so you racked your brain for what you could classify as your favorite Christmas memory.
“Well, I guess it would be this one Christmas when I was in... second grade, I think,” you began.
You went on to detail the story of how you’d wanted a Barbie dreamhouse, but your parents kept telling you it was too expensive, too extravagant, your Barbies were content living in the cottage you’d built out of a cardboard box. You’d written to Santa for it anyway, but come Christmas morning, it wasn’t there. When you’d gone through your stocking, however, you’d pulled out a slip of paper which told you to go up into your playroom. Obviously, you’d raced upstairs and - lo and behold - there was your Barbie dreamhouse.
For years to come, you’d always used that story as an argument that Santa was real (because he is... duh), and you would be lying if you didn’t still believe in a little bit of Christmas magic.
Jae listened to your story intently, a goofy grin on his lips as you went on and on about how much you played with that dreamhouse. It was still the best Christmas present you’d ever received, and you were pretty sure you would remember that Christmas for the rest of your life.
You then asked Jae about his favorite Christmas memory, and it was your turn to listen to him with a goofy grin as he told you about the year he’d gotten a guitar.
“I had no idea you could play,” you said when he’d finished.
“I haven’t in a long time,” he admitted with a tiny shrug. “A few years, honestly.”
“Why did you stop?”
Jae scrunched up his nose as he thought, but then he just shrugged again. “I’m not really sure. I guess... To be honest, I stopped not too long after I started dating Jamie. It’s not like she wanted me to stop, I just... didn’t have time anymore, I guess. I don’t know.”
“You should start playing again. Bring your guitar back to school with you,” you urged.
“Yeah? You think I should?”
“I mean, if you want to. I would love to hear you play.”
“Maybe I will.”
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The two of you ended up talking until almost 1am. The last thing you remembered was Jae offering to scratch your back; your blinks had become quite a bit longer than normal, and when he’d asked if you’d like a back scratch, you’d sluggishly turned onto your stomach. The soft, soothing feel of his fingers had lulled you to sleep within minutes.
Your grumbling stomach woke you up the next morning, as it usually did when you slept past the time you normally ate breakfast at school. But the first thing you noticed after opening your eyes wasn’t the fact you were hungry.
It was the fact Jae was still in your bed.
Last night, he’d said he wouldn’t leave until you fell asleep.
Well, apparently, he’d fallen asleep himself before he’d had a chance to leave.
Oh, god, this was awkward.
Actually, it wasn’t that awkward because he was still asleep (looking like an angel, at that). So you got out of bed with painstaking slowness, not wanting to wake him up and actually make things awkward.
You managed to step into your slippers and open the door without rousing him, and when you made it downstairs, you found your dad was making pancakes.
“Morning, sunshine,” your mom greeted as she poured herself a mug of coffee. “Cutie pie is still sleeping?”
“Oh my god, mom,” you murmured, your cheeks warming considerably. You slid into a chair at the kitchen table and promptly broke into a rather large yawn.
Your mom carried her mug over to the table to sit with you, sipping at her beverage before beginning with the third degree. “So, are you two serious?”
“What? I don’t know, mom, it’s been less than a month.”
“Well... why did you bring him home if you’re not serious?”
Your brow immediately furrowed and you looked at your mom with an absolute ‘WTF’ expression. “Really? Do you not remember Thanksgiving?”
“Thanksgiving?” your mom repeated, utterly confused. “What on earth are you talking about?”
“You don’t remember how often you and everyone else in this family asked me if I had a boyfriend?”
“Wha --”
“It was the main thing I told all my friends after getting back to school. I barely enjoyed myself because I was too busy dodging questions about why I was still single!”
“Well, honey --” your mom stammered. “We just want you to be happy!”
“I am happy! I mean, I was happy back then, too. I was happy before I met Jae, and I’ll be happy after we break up.”
(Sidenote: Yikes. Why did mentioning your break up with Jae form a small pit in your stomach?)
“I don’t need to be in a relationship to be happy, mom,” you continued, hoping your voice wasn’t loud enough to wake your sleeping fake boyfriend.
“I know that, dear, but... I mean, you can’t deny that you are happy right now. I think you seem happier even. When the right person comes along, your life just changes. Your perspective changes.” She reached out and put a hand over yours, her eyes warm and shining with love. “More than just being happy, I want you to find someone who accepts you for who you are and loves you for who you are. Because that’s such a precious thing, and you deserve that.”
“I’m still so young, though,” you pointed out. “I have plenty of time to find that person.”
“...You haven’t found him already?” your dad piped up, stacking the pancakes he’d been flipping onto a serving plate.
You didn’t answer that for very obvious reasons.
And, thankfully, Jae entered the kitchen just in time. (Though you could hardly make eye contact with him because you were wondering what he’d thought about waking up in your bed...)
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After Jae had eaten about ten pancakes (much to your father’s delight since pancakes were his specialty), he announced he had to hit the road fairly soon. You both went upstairs to get ready, and Jae was all packed and set to leave within the hour.
Your parents thanked him for coming, your mom profusely so, giving him hugs and handshakes and inviting him back whenever he wanted to come.
“Y/N doesn’t even have to be here!” your mom chirped. “Just come on over if you’re ever in the area.”
“Mom, that is weird. Please don’t say that,” you pleaded as Jae bit back an amused chuckle.
Your mom simply rolled her eyes as you turned to open the front door and walk Jae out to his car.
“I know I already thanked you for coming,” you said after he threw his overnight bag into the passenger’s seat. “But, seriously. Thank you. Now I’ll only have to deal with questions about you instead of questions about being single.”
“I hope that’s at least a little more preferable,” Jae laughed, reaching up to scratch the back of his neck.
“Much, believe me,” you assured him with a grin. “So, my parents are most likely watching from one of the windows by the door... do you see them?”
You were currently facing away from your house, so Jae had a better view. You watched as his eyes scanned around, and it was very obvious when he spotted them.
“2 o’clock,” he murmured, giving away their position. So, they had almost a side-view of the two of you...
You hadn’t been planning on this, but you suddenly found yourself saying, “Kiss me.”
“Say what now?”
“A goodbye kiss! They don’t know we know they’re watching. If we don’t kiss, they’ll ask why when I get back inside.”
“Right, right, right,” Jae whispered. He stepped up to you, sliding his arms around your shoulders and first pulling you in for a hug.
You wrapped your own arms around his middle, squeezing him tightly and pressing your face into his neck. A soft sigh escaped your lips, though you hoped Jae didn’t really notice because your parents wouldn’t have been able to see or hear you sigh like that, so what excuse would you give if he asked about it?
After spending almost half a minute in this hug, you pulled your head away and moved to place a sweet, tender kiss on his lips.
Four days. It had been four days since you’d last kissed him, but it felt like four decades. It honestly felt like a whole other lifetime because that kiss had been in front of everyone and forced and rushed and awkward.
But this kiss was just the two of you. Kind of. Your parents were watching, yes, but they weren’t actually out here with you, so it felt like just the two of you. It was a kiss on your terms, not because of mistletoe. It was soft and slow and... natural. Even though it wasn’t.
“Safe drive home,” you whispered after your lips left his.
“Yeah,” Jae whispered back. “You, too. ...I mean -- not now. When you drive back to school --”
You let out a soft, whispering giggle before you stepped away from his embrace completely, giving him space to get in his car.
“Merry Christmas,” you called out just before he opened the door to the driver’s side.
“Merry Christmas, Y/N.” He grinned at you one last time before ducking into his car and driving off.
For some reason, you were unable to wipe an incredibly cheesy smile off your lips the whole way back to your front door. In fact, it stayed on there as you went inside, as you trekked up the stairs, as you arrived in your bedroom.
When you flopped onto your bed, it was like the jarring motion of your body hitting the mattress quite literally knocked some sense into you.
Because you realized something which was now so earth-shatteringly obvious but also entirely problematic: you had a crush on your fake boyfriend. A major one.
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Your Thanksgiving holiday had been ruined by your family, and now your Christmas holiday had been ruined by your boyfriend.
Your fake boyfriend.
Whom you had fallen for.
You couldn’t believe it.
Truly, you had definitely not planned on this happening.
But… apparently, it was happening. Of course. You wanted your fake relationship with Jae to turn into a real relationship with Jae, and it sucked. Because you couldn’t tell him!
Could you?
...No, of course, you couldn’t. When did confessions like that ever actually go well?
You let out a very long, deep, groaning sigh as you stared up at the ceiling of your dorm room, lying on your back on your bed. It seemed this was the position you were meant to be in after arriving back home from a holiday break.
You’d come back about a day earlier than most people, including your roommate, mainly because you’d wanted some time to yourself. Time to think. Time to try and unlike Jae.
The melodic sound of your ringtone cut through the air suddenly, and you jumped a little before reaching over to pick up your phone.
...Oh, great. It was him.
You answered it anyway, pressing your phone to your ear and hoping you would sound normal and not like you had a stupidly major crush on him.
Okay, good. That was pretty normal.
“Hey, you,” Jae replied.
Oh, geez. Why? Why the ‘you’?! Why ‘hey, you’ and not just ‘hey’?!
“What’s up?” you asked as you moved to sit up.
“Are you back yet?”
“Yeah, I just got here an hour ago.”
“Are you hungry?”
“Wait, are you back?”
“No, I just want to know if you’re hungry. Don’t I always call you every few hours to see if you’re hungry yet?”
You held back a smirk, rolling your eyes playfully to yourself. So he was back.
“Dining hall, then?”
“Nah, let’s go to The Grill,” he suggested, referring to one of the local diner hangouts not too far from campus. “I’m dying for a burger.”
Actually, now that he mentioned it, a burger sounded absolutely divine right now.
“Ooh, okay, I’m game,” you replied, standing up so you could step into your winter boots.
“I’ll wait outside and we can walk together, yeah?”
“Sure, see you in a couple.”
By the time you pushed open the front door to your dorm building, Jae was waiting with his hands shoved in his pockets, his nose already pink from the cold weather.
“How was your Christmas?” he asked almost as soon as you got close enough.
“It was good!” you replied, falling into step next to him and heading off toward The Grill. You decided not to mention the fact you’d realized you’d fallen for him right after he’d left your house. “What about yours?”
“Pretty good,” he answered with a nod. “You didn’t get another dreamhouse?”
“No,” you sighed mournfully. “I guess my parents think I’m too old or whatever. Oh! Did you bring your guitar?”
“I did, actually.”
“So you’re going to start playing again?” you asked hopefully.
“I’m gonna try,” Jae chuckled.
You continued on talking about your holidays all the rest of the way to the diner, your hand constantly itching to reach out and take his. But the campus was fairly empty, so there was really no point in acting like a couple right now.
But when the two of you sat at the counter after arriving at The Grill, Jae suggested taking a picture so he could post it to his story.
“I mean, it’s been over a week since we’ve seen each other,” he pointed out. “I have to show the world how much I missed my girlfriend!”
Wow, how you wanted that to be true.
Jae got his phone out before the waitress had a chance to come and take your drink orders, stretching his arm out and leaning in toward you. He placed his chin on your shoulder, and you reached up to place your hand on his cheek. The both of you smiled happily, and when you looked at the finished product, you actually couldn’t believe how adorably cute Jae’s expression was.
He leaned back, adding some emojis and ‘reunited and it feels so gooooood’ and a location tag for the diner before posting it to his story.
Honestly, you were glad he was distracted for a minute because you needed that minute to recover from being so close to him and touching him and seeing his fricking fracking delightful, charming, cute-as-heck face.
“What can I get you?” a waitress asked, suddenly appearing in front of you. (Though, it probably wasn’t actually sudden. You’d just been too distracted to notice earlier.)
“Coke, please,” you answered. “And a cheeseburger with fries.”
“Make that two,” Jae chimed in. He looked up from his phone, flashing a grin at the waitress and thanking her as she jotted your orders down.
When she walked away, you nudged his side, a smirk pulling at your lips. “You got a crush on our waitress?”
“What?” Jae asked with a confused chuckle. “What are you talking about?”
“You were just smiling at her!”
“I was not!”
“You were. Like this.” You imitated his smile, though you admittedly made it a little more lovesick than his had truly been.
“Oh my gosh,” he laughed. “I was smiling to be friendly. I do not have a crush on our waitress, believe me.”
“Well, I thought she was pretty,” you shrugged.
“I mean, yeah, but it takes more than a pretty face to catch my interest.”
“Oh, it does?”
...No. No, no, no, no. You should not have asked that. You were treading in dangerous waters asking about what it took to catch Jae’s romantic interest.
“Yeah, it does,” he replied a bit defensively. “Besides. I already have a girlfriend, remember?”
You were about to ask just who that girlfriend was and why did you not know about her?! But then he reached out and tapped your nose with his index finger.
...Oh, yeah. He was talking about you.
“You’re a big nose-booping fan, aren’t you?” you pointed out, reaching up to gently swat his arm away.
“It’s cute!”
“No, it’s annoying.”
The two of you continued to playfully tease each other until your waitress brought out your orders, and then your mouths were otherwise engaged.
Not even halfway through your meal, though, and you heard the jingle of the bell above the door signaling the entrance of a new customer.
Even though you weren’t expecting anybody you knew to come here, you still glanced up to see who it was. It was human instinct, I guess.
You were glad you did, though, because your gaze landed on...
“Ex alert,” you mumbled, quickly averting your eyes.
Jae froze for just a split second, but then he put down his burger and moved his arm, placing it across the back of your seat. He leaned in closer to you, and when your gaze flitted over at him, you saw he was looking at you with those eyes. Even behind his glasses, you could see the love in those eyes.
It was heart-warming and heart-breaking all at the same time.
“She probably saw your story,” you whispered, picking up a french fry off your plate and feeding it to him.
“Is she sitting down somewhere?”
You glanced over his shoulder, seeing Jamie sliding into a booth. But she looked far too anxious and annoyed.
“Yes, but I doubt she’ll actually stay,” you murmured. “She looks super annoyed.”
Jae rolled his eyes because Jamie couldn’t see his face at the moment, and you bit back a giggle.
You watched as a waitress approached Jamie’s table, but Jamie simply waved her off, her eyes narrowed and a frown tugging at her lips. It really wasn’t an attractive look.
You continued to be super lovey-dovey, feeding Jae a couple of your fries, reaching up to comb his hair away from his eyes, gazing and beaming over at him. All the while, Jae’s arm lay across the back of your chair, his thumb gently rubbing your shoulder and upper arm.
“I think she’s about to leave...” you whispered when you saw Jamie scooting out of the booth.
Jae leaned in, pressing his forehead to your temple to try and finalize her departure.
“Is she still looking?” he muttered before he pressed his lips to your temple.
“No,” you whispered through your teeth, feeling your cheeks get warm at his touch. “She’s leaving, actually.”
When the door closed behind her, Jae squeezed your shoulder before bringing his arm back around and resuming eating his food. Resuming chattering and laughing and living life as normal.
Oh, god. You couldn’t tell him about your feelings. You just couldn’t!
You two were having a good time - you always did. And if you confessed your feelings, all that would be gone.
But… still. You knew if you kept quiet…
You would regret it.
You didn’t want to ruin this thing you had going because it was definitely working. And you also didn’t want to ruin your friendship with him.
But you couldn’t keep playing along. If you let yourself keep pretending, your heart would get seriously torn apart by the time you two “broke up.” And that just wasn’t fair to either of you.
You hadn’t known you wanted to tell him when you walked in here - in fact, you’d thought quite the opposite, but seeing Jamie made you realize you not only wanted to (even though you were super scared) but you kind of had to.
“Hey, Jae…” you began, your eyes fixed on the plate of food in front of you as you swirled one of your french fries around in your pool of ketchup.
“Yeah,” he replied before taking the biggest bite of his burger imaginable.
You let out a breathy chuckle, shaking your head as you waited for him to chew and swallow.
“What?” Jae laughed, reaching to grab a napkin and gently wiping something from the corner of your lip.
See?! It was things like that! Things like him wiping your mouth when you weren’t even pretending to be a couple which had made you fall for him. Things like him helping you put your glove on when you were holding hands. Things like taking your plate and carrying it for you in the dining hall. Things like walking you back to your dorm at night after playing video games. Things like coming into your room and talking to you when you couldn’t sleep.
It all made you believe it could be real.
“I…” you began, your voice a bit shaky as your heart began to pound. “Listen, I have to tell you something, and I really don’t want to ruin anything, but I don’t think it’s fair to either of us anymore.”
“…What’s not fair?”
“This… thing we’re doing.”
“Why not?” he asked, brow furrowed deeply. He looked super confused and super adorable.
“Because I like you.”
Jae stared at you.
For a good… ten seconds.
Which doesn’t seem like a long time, but when you’ve just confessed feelings to someone, ten seconds seems more like ten years.
His eyes were darting all over your face, his perfect lips slightly agape in shock. It was making your heart race even faster than it just had been.
Yeah… You had just made a huge mistake.
And your first instinct was to… keep talking.
“I actually wasn’t sure if I should tell you because I don’t want things to get awkward between us, but I know I’ll end up getting kind of really hurt when we stop fake dating, and I just -- Listen, it’s – it’s totally okay if you don’t feel the same way. I understand. I expect it, actually. So you can just tell me, and I’ll be okay. I’ll be fine. I just had to tell you. And we can still – I mean, if you want to, we can still –”
And then Jae interrupted you.
And what he said…
Well, you hadn’t been expecting it.
“I like you, too.”
Now it was your turn to stare at him.
“...I-- I’m sorry, what did you say?”
Jae held back a smile as he lifted a hand into the air, signaling the waitress. “Can we get the check?” he asked politely when she arrived.
“Wait, Jae -- what are you --”
“Can we go talk somewhere?” he asked. He reached into his back pocket for his wallet, taking out some cash.
“Go... talk...”
Let’s take a second and make sure we’ve got this straight.
You confessed to Jae.
Jae, you were fairly certain, had replied with ‘I like you, too.’ (I mean -- unless you’d just completely imagined that.)
And he was now paying for your meal after having asked you to go somewhere to talk.
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Part 7
Master list //  RULES // Read About the Admins
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meleuki · 5 years
g2k me uncomfortably well
1. What is your middle name? 
It’s my grandmother’s first name. I’m not gonna say what it is tho. 
2. How old are you? 
I am an age. 
3. When is your birthday? 
31st of March, same day as Angus Young hell yeah. 
4. What is your zodiac sign? 
5. What is your favourite colour? 
Black, Purple & Red.
6. What’s your lucky number?
1,714 (long story). 
7. Do you have any pets?
I have one little dog, he’s cute asf. 
8. Where are you from? 
9. How tall are you?
5′4/5′5, I can’t tell most of the time. 
10. What shoe size are you? 
US 9 or 10
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 
um like 12, but I only wear about 5 of them regularly.
12. What was your last dream about? 
some dude turning into this cannibalistic animal type thing & me becoming friends with two ghost boys who murdered a bunch of people, and then got murdered and having to figure the rest of the case out for them. (supernatural has kinda been rubbing off on my dreams lmao.)
13. What talents do you have? 
I can play guitar and piano. I can cook pretty good?? I also have a talent for being a dumb ass. 
14. Are you psychic in any way? 
I don’t believe I am.
15. Favourite song? 
atm, Enter Sandman by Metallica
16. Favourite movie? 
IT (2017), or, Scream. 
17. Who would be your ideal partner? 
oh golly, I don’t know actually. I just think I need someone who has some confidence, a kind soul and an open mind, and is able to put a smile on my face even when i dont want it. So far, I haven’t met someone who has caught my eye, but i hope one day I do. 
18. Do you want children? 
Yes, YES.
19. Do you want a church wedding? 
no I don’t. I want one in a garden area type thingy. 
20. Are you religious? 
i’m not sure.
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? 
yeah like 4-5 times. 
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? 
nope, I don’t plan on it. 
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? 
I haven’t. 
24. Baths or showers?
25. What color socks are you wearing? 
I’m not wearing any. 
26. Have you ever been famous? 
pft, nope.
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? 
I would, but only for the reach of my music. 
28. What type of music do you like? 
Rock ‘n Roll, Blues, Jazz, Indie, Classical, Punk, etc. (pretty much anything)
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? 
I have never.
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 
four. two under my head, and two on the side of my bed. 
31. What position do you usually sleep in? 
i’m either on my right or my left side, one leg up so my knee is diagonal with my stomach and one stretched out, one hand at my chest and one arm resting over my side. 
32. How big is your house? 
one story, medium size ish. 
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? 
coffee... and maybe sometimes I’ll have a smoothie. 
34. Have you ever fired a gun? 
yeppp, I have. It was ages ago tho. 
35. Have you ever tried archery? 
I’ve only really ever done archery on summer camps or school camps. Although I was pretty good at it whenever I tried. 
36. Favourite clean word? 
37. Favorite swear word? 
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? 
Maybe a little over two days. 
39. Do you have any scars? 
I do. Some on my knees, a lot on my back and my hips. My fingers are pretty scratched up a lot too. 
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? 
‘scuse me what? no, never. 
41. Are you a good liar? 
Indeed I am. But I don’t like to lie. 
42. Are you a good judge of character? 
I’d like to think I’m good at reading people. 
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? 
I can do a pretty generic American accent and a stupid posh British one. 
44. Do you have a strong accent? 
I’d say I don’t, especially hearing me compared to some other Australians - my accent isn’t strong at all. You can definitely tell where I’m from though. 
45. What is your favourite accent? 
Russian, or German. 
46. What is your personality type? 
Chaotic dumb bitch, who rants about nature, peace and love. 
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? 
um, my macpac jacket, which was like $300. (It was also a birthday present from my mum, and she worked there at the time so it was cheap.)
48. Can you curl your tongue? 
I think I can??
49. Are you an innie or an outie? 
50. Left or right-handed? 
right-handed. A bitch can do jack shit with her left. 
51. Are you scared of spiders? 
I used to be, I kinda want a pet tarantula now tbh. 
52. Favourite food? 
Chicken noodle soup, fight me. 
53. Favourite foreign food?
54. Are you a clean or messy person? 
Usually, I’m pretty messy, I can’t work in an environment that is completely clean, but somedays I just like to clean shit up. 
55. Most used phrase? 
“Sorry, what?”
56. Most used word? 
definitely, “bro”.
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? 
if a shower is included, like an hour. But without a shower, like 20mins. 
58. Do you have much of an ego? 
No, I don’t. 
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? 
Suck them. (how tf you gon taste a lollipop if you bite it??)
60. Do you talk to yourself? 
All the fucking time. When I’m writing I talk myself through the story by mumbling the words to myself a lot. Other times I might be doing the dishes, getting dressed or doing something mundane and I’ll just begin to have a conversation with myself. 
61. Do you sing to yourself? 
bitch yes, all the fucking time. 
62. Are you a good singer? 
I like to think that I’m okay. 
63. Biggest Fear? 
Losing my ability to see. 
64. Are you a gossip? 
No, unless the person in question has done something shitty to me or a close friend, AND I will only talk about with a close friend. 
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? 
The Perks Of Being A Wallflower
66. Do you like long or short hair? 
I don’t mind either way, but long hair makes my knees weak.
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? 
bitch, HAHAH, nope. 
68. Favourite school subject? 
English, but really only when we’re doing creative writing. 
69. Extrovert or Introvert? 
Smack me right in the middle. 
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? 
nope, never ever, and I never plan on it. 
71. What makes you nervous? 
A lot of shit, not gonna lie. 
72. Are you scared of the dark? 
yES, the dark stems from my main fear, loss of my sight. I can’t be in control of the situations around me. 
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? 
depends what kind of mistakes we’re taking here.
74. Are you ticklish? 
yes, and I fucken hate it. 
75. Have you ever started a rumour? 
I don’t think I ever have. Maybe accidentally?
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? 
people call me a mum? So, I guess? 
77. Have you ever drank underage? 
wtf no, who do u think I am wtf???? JK, yes, all the time. Whenever I get the chance. 
78. Have you ever done drugs? 
ask @xx-kurt-cocaine--xx .
79. Who was your first real crush?
Some dude named Tyler, he turned out to be an ass tho. 
80. How many piercings do you have? 
Just my ears, but I want like four more. 
81. Can you roll your R’s?
a little, but only for like two seconds. 
82. How fast can you type? 
@livewiredroger tells me I’m an aggresive typer so, I guess I’m pretty fast at punching the fuck outta my keyboard. 
83. How fast can you run? 
ok, kinda hate running, it hurts my tits. But I’m a sprinter, long-distances kill me. 
84. What colour is your hair?
black, dark brown and honey brown. I dyed it black and it’s growing out, looks cool tho so I don’t mind. 
85. What color is your eyes? 
blue, green, grey. I don’t know which one, I’ve been told all of them too many times. 
86. What are you allergic to? 
nothing that I know of. Pretty sure I’ve got an intolerence to mushrooms tho, and dairy does weird things to my stomach. 
87. Do you keep a journal? 
I do, I haven’t written in it in a few weeks tho. Reading back through my depressive episodes isn’t a fun trip. 
88. What do your parents do? 
job-wise? They’re both teachers for primary school kids. 
89. Do you like your age? 
I guess? I dunno.
90. What makes you angry? 
A lot of things, but I’ve learnt to control it, mostly. 
91. Do you like your own name? 
I don’t hate it. 
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
I have. Boy names; East, Patrick, Samuel. Girls names; Piper, Lila, Milan. 
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
I would love a boy. If I had a girl I would love her all the same. But right now, a boy is what I have in mind. 
94. What are you strengths? 
kill em with kindness
95. What are your weaknesses?
I can be very forward, or very frustrated. 
96. How did you get your name? 
my mum just turned to my dad and was like, “hey what about this?” and my dad was like, “yup, sure thing.” 
97. Were your ancestors royalty? 
98. Do you have any scars?
 I answered this one already?
99. Colour of your bedspread? 
blue and beige. 
100. Colour of your room? 
One wall is aqua blue, the others are white. Mostly blue aesthetic I guess. 
I tag: @guns-n-crue @gretavanyeeeeet @solohqrry @punkslap @livewiredroger
@antheasnow @malibubarbievince
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disastrousbarnes · 5 years
Stolen Dance (Beckett Cain P.O.V)
This is highkey a response to Stolen Dance written by my dear friend @lovingrxgers
Pairing: Beckett Cain (OC) x Jasmine Rogers (OC, Steve Rogers daughter)
Summary: Beckett left for college 2 years ago. Breaking thing of with his girlfriend Jazz. He thought he was over her, but now that he is reminded of her existence, he isn’t sure. Will he reach back out? Will she respond? 
Authors Note: I just felt like responding with my gorgeous boi Beckett’s P.O.V FEEDBACK IS APPRECIATED.
Word count: 1153
Chapter title: Sunday’s are for pancakes with the boys.
The moment I opened my eyes I closed them again. The light was too bright.
I waited 2 minutes and opened them again, slower this time. Someone had opened the curtains. What kind of absolute idiot opens the curtains after a night of drinking. Or maybe I just forgotten to close them? No, that can’t be it, I always close the curtains before I leave the house when I go drinking. So I can avoid waking up to the sun burning my eyes.
Suddenly I remembered what had happened last night. Tate and Alex were here! Without a second thought I launched out of the bed, instant regret hit me as my headache kicked in. Great, I am definitely hungover.
I shouldn’t act surprised, I always have a hangover.
 It takes me another 20 minutes to finally get myself together enough to actually join my friends in the kitchen. Tate is sitting on the kitchen counter, Alex is standing in between his legs, both held a cup of tea in their hands.
“Hey guys,” I mumble, walking past them, to my trusty coffee machine. As my old roommate Ingmar used to say ‘No work before Coffee.” A statement I have been living by, ever since I started college.
Tate shifts slightly, so he can look at me. “Hey Beck, did the light wake you up? I told mister 5 A.M run not to open them, but you know Alex, he doesn’t listen.”
I can’t help but laugh, god I’ve missed those guys.
As is he was reading my mind Alex says “You know I have really missed you guys.”
Me and Tate hum in agreement. We’ve always been quick to agree with Alex, as he was usually right, but this wasn’t like that. We really did miss each other.
Alex moved to Amsterdam the second he got his diploma. This is actually the first time I have seen him since. We skyped and stuff, but it isn’t the same.
Luckily Tate has been able to snag a lot of modeling gigs in the area, so we have continued hanging out.
The rest of our group has kind of gone off and done their own thing. The app groups are nowhere near as busy as they used to be. We do still have a weekly skype call, but it isn’t the same. Which sucks, because those guys are family.
 After my mandatory cup of coffee I grab all the ingredients I need to make pancakes, “I assume you guys  haven’t had breakfast yet?”
Both shake their head. “I assumed the whole Beckett Cain makes me breakfast deal was still on.” Tate jokes, his head now hanging on Alex’s shoulder. “So Cain how has class been going?”
I shrug, “Fine, kind of regret not going the culinary road though.” Being a baker had been my dream since I was like 5 years old, yet when it came to making a choice I made the decision to study business. That way I could take over de supermarket from my dad when he wanted to retire or start something for myself. It would also offer more of a financial security, not that I really need that, but it’s a nice thought.
“I still don’t understand why you didn’t do it. You got in and everything.” Alex says, putting his cup down on the table. “Plus no one makes cupcakes like you do. The ones at work are just plain gross compared to yours.”
I smile, pulling open the fridge and throwing a homemade cupcake to Alex. “These are from yesterday’s batch. My version of apple-pie cupcakes.” I say, opening up a new pack of flour. “I made a choice Alex, I am going to finish this. Plus if I do end up wanting to start a bakery or something I will also have a good idea of the business side of things. We all know I can bake, with or without a degree.”
Alex nods understandingly, stuffing his mouth with the cupcake, as if, if he doesn’t finish it fast enough it’ll be taken away from him. Which obviously, it won’t.
“Are they starving you at S.H.I.E.L.D?” Tate asks, a fake worried look on his face.
“No the food is just crappy.” Alex responds, already finished with eating. He then walks away from Tate and puts his cup in the dishwasher. “So except for you not being totally happy with you career choice, how has school been?”
I finish whipping the batter and turn on the fire. “It’s been great, lived on campus first year, but that honestly made me feel really claustrophobic.”
“I so understand that.” Tate says, “I stayed at a placein New York once and like the entire apartment was the size of my bedroom.”
Alex gave him a look that screamed ‘dude WTF’. “First of all Tate, that’s completely different. Also both of you grew up in huge houses, with all the space in the world. So of course living in something that much smaller, like a college dorm feels constricting. Especially if you’re sharing said dorm.”
Ugh Alex, always pretending to be wise or something.
“Plus it didn’t have a kitchen.” I add, a kitchen is a must-have for me. The kitchen is the heart of a house. “My roommate, Ingmar, was awesome though.”
“Was he hot?”
“Jesus Alex, that’s not the most important thing about a person.” Tate, perhaps the most self-absorbed person I know, said. “Was he hot, though?”
I chuckle, pulling out my phone, careful not to get batter all over it. “Judge for yourself.” I say, handing Alex my phone.
“What a cutie.” Alex squeals, scrolling trough Ingmar’s Instagram.
“Yeah, adorable.” Tate agrees.
 After a big pancake breakfast, I decide to give the boys a campus tour, I only live a 5 minute walk away anyway.
We end up strolling around for about 30 minutes, realizing it way to cold to be out. Now we’re sitting in the coffee-/bookshop. Drinking some way to sweet, expensive coffee of some sorts. At least that’s what I am having, Tate is having tea and Alex is having a plain black coffee, because Alex is a weak, boring plain black coffee kind of gal.
“James and I broke up.” Alex suddenly announced, breaking the pleasant silence that had been roaming between us.
I look at Tate, who is apparently just as shocked by the news as I am.
“Why?” He asks.
 Alex must’ve responded, but it’s as if nothing actually reaches my ears. Suddenly the only thing I can think of is her. Jazz Rogers.
I thought I got over her a long time ago. We broke up on good terms. I was okay. I was moving across the country, she was going into senior year. Staying together wouldn’t have been fair on either of us.
I wonder if she ever got into Julliard?
Face claim:
Beckett Cain (fc: Ryan Potter)
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Alex Barnes (fc: Steven R Mcqueen, TVD s1-S6)
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Tate Harrison (fc: Lucky Blue Smith)
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changji · 5 years
5 SHOTS HOW ARE YOU LIVING. After I drank the quad I was like “there’s no way I’m sleeping” since I drank it at 11pm LOL but it literally made no difference?? And I already had iced coffee in the morning. My coffee addiction is so bad,, send help. Ur so lucky ur aunts paying for u, my parents never pay bc they don’t support my addiction 😔
I don’t have an espresso machine but I wish I did. I was working (kind of) and I just decided to drink some good quality coffee. They’re so expensive tho 🤧 yes queen live ur best life with this those Sephora gift cards. I only put out 2 gifsets today so you got all of them :))
Potlucks are always so good. Like free food? Sign me up. And yay!! Last day!! Woohooo. Can you believe it’s almost the end of July wtf I feel like I’m still in April or something. YOUR TAGS WKEJSOO no joke the phattest smile just spread on my face 🥰💞💖💕💗💝💓
5 shots is so expensive it fuels the rage i have 😡 i get coffee like at least once a day and my parents are like. ella WHY but they pay anyway so 😪 they try to stop me and say “u had coffee yesterday” and i always say today’s a new day but. the 91 cents on my card won’t help me so. this is why i look to my aunt and cousin and brother who support my addiction and are also addicted 🤪
oooh u work in a coffee shop? i wanna work at peet’s but u have to be 18 and. i’m far so i CANT i’m upsetti spaghetti 😡 guess who’s only gonna buy 2 things w those $75 🤪 and good i got all of them ☺️
i LIVE for potlucks, esp thankful for the ppl who bring real food bc i’m the person who brings $5 cookies 🤧 literally 2020 is 5 months away what happened to new year new me ugh ALSO I HAVE A LOT OF LOVE FOR A TINY HATRED FUELED PERSON SO U CAN HAVE IT ALL
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hiraethtae · 5 years
I purple you not- PT 5: I am Fine
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Previous Parts: Prologue, Pt1, Pt 2 (½), Pt 2 (2\2), Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5
Kim Taehyung runs an army twitter and is much active in the fandom. He’s known by all the fandom by his internet alias Teaberry and yet none of ARMY know his gender, name or have ever seen his face and is a mystery persona who is known mostly for spreading positivity. What happens when He decides to take drastic measures by buying 300 BTS world tour tickets and giving them away to ARMY, as a move against the resllers?
by doing so, Taehyung aquires the attention of the the world and the boys he stans, while changing the meaning of ARMY altogether.
PLEASE DO NOT REPOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
|_PT 5: I am Fine.
It's been several days since everything blew out of proportion and Taehyung was one hundred per cent done. Actually, he wasn't. He was more likely trying to convince himself to walk away before it got more out of hand then it is. Teaberry's account was flooded with messages and so were Taehyung's notifications. In the first time of his life, Taehyung put his phone on silent and started thinking maybe he bit off more than he could chew. He sat on the sofa in his black and white apartment and pressed his hands to each other. Breathing in deeply and then breathing out through his teeth, he raised his head and decided that he honestly could care less.
Or so he said. It’s not that Taehyung didn't care. It's just that he was feeling so much at once that he was overwhelmed and couldn't understand what he was feeling; only that he was on the verge of a panic attack.  Taehyung's work phone decided to distract him at the right moment. A blinking notification lit up the dark screen; 2 NEW MAIL.
Taehyung picked up the device with cold fingers and slid it open.  He had two letters he had not seen yet. One was from the Mama organizers who invited him each year to the yearly Mama awards, and the other from Holly. Taehyung decided that he could reply to the first mail later on. He never attended the Mama awards and Taehyung wasn’t planning on changing that habit. Holly's mail only had 2 words.
H a v e  f u n.
And beneath it a single document of several fansign tickets and one ticket to a BTS concert.
Taehyung threw his phone against the wall and couldn't breathe.
|_8th of June
On the day of the fansign Taehyung considered running away to live in New Zealand and changing his name, living out his days in a hobbit home, farming out the rest of his life… he had it all figure out. Instead, he reacted as any normal human being who was in a stressful situation would react: Taehyung locked himself in his room and moped while trying to control his harsh breathing. His coping mechanism wasn't doing so well for him. Staring at the wall blankly for hours could make a man go mad. Unfortunately for Taehyung, he also had a habit of overthinking and that usually made it worse.
This morning Holly dragged him out of his covers and forced him to shave and wash up. She helped him dye his hair too. Her eyes were rimmed with dark circles matching his yet the reasons for their exhaustion varied. She had been coming by each day, forcing him to get out and breathe some fresh air; to jog with her in the darker hours of the night when no one was around.
"You need to be alone right now but you also need to take care of yourself. So no people or crowd, er, except the fansign of course but a crowd of girls shouldn’t be a problem. But you have to get out of here." She worked at night when he slept, golden eyes rimmed with red.
It wasn't always this way. Taehyung was naturally cheerful. He found joy in the simplest things and the most ridiculous ideas. He used to love crowds, being in the centre of attention making everyone laugh and smile with him. He knew those parts of himself weren’t erased (considering his whole plan for fighting off the resellers) yet a part of him has withered away. It happened over the years. Taehyung lost his passion and instead, a faded polio photograph of him was left. The reason he was standing here was because of BTS. Vante and Teaberry exist because of BTS. It's time Taehyung brought them back he just wondered if he could do that.  
"I don't understand why you never went to see them," Holly said while rummaging around in his closet.
"See who?"
"BTS? The group who basically because of them I'm your best friend?" She didn't turn around to see him shrug.
"I was busy."
Holly snorted and gave him an amused look. Her eyes were sharp and her teeth were bared in a smile Taehyung found chilling. She threw a bundle at clothes into his lap. "Liar."
Taehyung clutched a fist into the fabric and moved his gaze away from her. Her eyes, on the other hand, bore holes into his side profile.
"I think you were scared of what would happen when you see them for real."
Taehyung started tapping his foot on the carpeted floor. Holly closed the closet door with a loud click. Taehyung swallowed and looked up. Her hair was a shade of dark brown then. "I think you were scared you would realize it was all for nothing."
Years have passed since that conversation. Four years to be exact and the flame truly did die out. It was odd how their interactions involving his inner psyche almost always involved Holly rummaging in his closet. Today, she found this whole situation as a learning experience. She was crouched in his shoe closet like a red-headed gremlin, picking up and examining different pairs of expensive soles Taehyung has gathered over the years. Holly turned around and looked at his outfit, frowned, then proceeded to rummage again with a loud clatter, “I think it's time for you to go and make sure that flame burns bright again."
Taehyung shuffled in place, bare feet pushing into the soft carpet on his floor. His toes peaked beneath his slightly oversized pants and wiggled. "Why did it die out in the first place?"
"Honestly Tae, who’s the one who studied psychology in their free time? You know the answer to this better than I.” She huffed and threw a pair next to his peaking toes. Holly leaned her chin into her palm with raised brows. Taehyung stubbornly kept his mouth shut and stared in absolute fake fascination at the fake plant on his desk. Holly let the silence drag on for another minute before sighing and got to her feet. Taehyung closed the apartment door after her as his phone began to ring. Holly’s name appeared on his screen next to a purple heart and he didn’t offer a greeting as she continued where she left off, uttering his dreaded thoughts.”-I think in your attempt to preserve your passion from a distance-" Holly's voice echoed from his phone on loudspeaker while Taehyung started to make coffee very loudly as well as the sound of cars and wind as she walked on the street to get to her day job didn’t affect her volume. "-pushed you away from the original feeling that made you go 'This is what I want to do. This is what I want to share with the world.' And as a result, your subconscious burned the flame out by itself."
"I always knew I was self-destructive," Taehyung said wryly and gagged on the bitter taste of his drink. He decided to make tea instead.
Holly laughed in a hollow way while a bus horn echoed in the empty apartment. Her voice crackling through the phone she said, "Aren't we all?"
Taehyung picked up his phone that had seen better days and wandered into the bathroom. His eyes weren't rimmed with red like before and his eye bags had mostly disappeared. His hair was dyed a dark black which grew out into a tiny mullet behind his ears. His cheeks looked fuller and healthier. He stopped biting his lips last weeks and they weren't bleeding any more. Taehyung looked healthier then he was for a while and it made him feel that on the inside he could be better too.
"See you later."
Holly hummed a reply while a woman screamed “Taxi!” in the background before the screen went dark. Taehyung looked at his reflection once more and tried to smile. It made him happy to see it was more genuine this time. He was dreading going to the fansign but also alighted. It made him feel what he lost all those years ago. It made him feel young, alive and burning.
When Taehyung arrived at the fansign he thought he must have gotten the wrong address. Yet, the gaggle of girls holding different Army bombs, wearing shirts with the names of the idols etched on them in different colours and the excited screams of hormonal teenagers seemed to prove him wrong.
Taehyung tucked his chin in his blue scarf and tried to breathe normally. He used to not mind crowds and revelled in them. Now he couldn’t help but shrink into himself. If his followers on Twitter could see the outgoing Teaberry now… The mere thought made him snort bitterly.
An incredibly short girl came running by, screeching like a bird and stepping on Taehyung’s shoes. He looked down at his soles and then at the girl who ran off still screeching and wearing a very unflattering Min Yoongi meme shirt. Taehyung blinked after her, a pout already forming under his face mask. It not often he got trampled by girls but his shoes were new and WHITE. A voice interrupted his moment of sulking. “Need a wet wipe?”
Taehyung blinked and turned away from the girl who was now flailed her arms around, smacking peoples things from their arms as she told something to a gaggle of her friends with an excited expression. A boy yelled at her when she made him drop his phone and the girl apologized with wide eyes.
In front of Taehyung stood an amused looking woman who appeared to be a year or so older then Taehyung. She had smile lines and a grin to match, hair raised in a casual bun. Hanging from her neck was a professional camera.
Taehyung looked down at his shoes again and smiled sheepishly, his mask hiding his expression. “I think I might. Thank you.”
The woman snickered and handed him a disposable wet wipe with Burger King logo. “First time at a fansign? You have to be careful of the small ones, they are just balls of energy.” Taehyung opened the plastic and breathed in deeply the lemony scent wafting from the wipe, it’s refreshing smell immediately calming his nerves from the stuffy area. Crowds made him anxious these days. Taehyung couldn’t remember how it felt not to be in a constant state of social anxiety. He crouched down to clean off the smudge and grunted when it refused to wipe off the white sneaker. A hand suddenly appeared in front of him. Taehyung looked up at the woman and her camera dangled dangerously close to his face when she leaned down, brown eyes glinting.
“My name is Soomin.”
“Taehyung.” He replied and took her hand, smudge forgotten.
Soomin introduced him to a few more girls, all carrying oversized cameras in their hands or around their necks. They were close to his age and were hobbyist fansites. They were inside of the hall at the beginning of the line and in the first row, Taehyung in the middle between 3 bickering woman.
“I can’t go to each concert or meeting they have, I have a life too.” Bok Jo snorted, her short black hair held back with a bright orange headband. “Their schedule has gotten so busy I don’t know how those full-time fansite masters do it.”
“Soomin, on the other hand, is a free-lance photographer for a living. She has more free time then all of us combined.” Mina said, inspecting her camera lens with her tongue between her teeth and furrowed brows.
Taehyung turned to the latter with raised brows. “Freelance? And you take idol pictures in between?”
Soomin grinned, unabashed. She was sitting in a laid back manner, her arms casually thrown over Mina’s chair. “Same idols pay me to take their pictures too. I work for Dispatch part-time.”
Bok Jo produced an offended noise. “How can you? They basically eat up scandals and whatever other bullshit.”
Mina piped up with raised brows, “BUT, their pictures are good.”
“Yeah, whatever still frigging snakes.”
Soomin shrugged. “I don’t do that kind of stuff.”
Bok Jo’s eyes narrowed behind her glasses. “You better. Or you won’t be any better than those saseaengs. All that invading privacy shit is crazy.” She turned toward Taehyung. “What about you new kid? You have a fansite?”
Taehyung blinked, surprised at being addressed. “Uh no, it’s my first time seeing them.” He spent the majority of the conversation listening or zoning out and the others have seldom addressed him. When they just walked in Taehyung tried to slip into the back but the three women noticed and dragged him next to them, laughing about “getting the best shots” and “come on boy you will be right in front of the stage.”
Bok Jo and Mina gaped at him with raised brows, “Really? With that kind of camera?” Bok Jo asked in surprise. “That baby isn’t cheap! Not a lot of pros use it either.”
“Yeah the only one I could think of that uses that camera all the time is Vante but he’s been on hiatus for almost over a year.” Mina mused and probed at Taehyung’s camera. Taehyung smiled sheepishly and pulled the device closer to his lap. He took it on a whim when he went out, thinking of taking a few pictures to commemorate his first fansign and maybe getting a few pictures of BTS’s members on the way.
The last time he used this camera was almost a year ago when he went to visit his grandma on her birthday. Vante’s last photo was of her strawberry fields and Taehyung hadn’t touched it since. Taking out of its box that was stuffed beneath his bed for over 6 months was progress. This was progress.
Taehyung shrugged and let his lips curve upwards slightly beneath his face mask. “I’ve had it for a while.”
The three women exchanged amused glances just as the venue turned dark. Girls scream assaulted Taehyung ears as his eyes shot forward to stare at the stage to witness the 6 members of BTS walk on stage with smiles and waving hands, mics in their hands. Taehyung gulped nervously as Flashes echoed around him. Soomin, Bok Jo and Mina already set off in taking pictures and Taehyung couldn’t help but gape in amazement. Big eyes wide and a wide boxy grin spread across his face as he raises his own camera and took his first picture of 6 smiling men that he has loved and looked up since their debut all those years ago.
The fans begin their fanchant and the boys laugh with bright smiles. Kim Namjoon hair is dark brown and slicked back softly as he greets the crowd, a big smile showing off his dimples. Taehyung can faintly hear faint buzzing in his ears as the crown and noise blend all together. He stares and stares and raises his camera once more, taking picture after picture. Jimin and Hoseok laugh at Seokjin’s joke and wander off to sit down at the table for all 6 members. Yoongi and Jimin shuffle after them with Jungkook in toe, poking the cotton haired elder with a cheeky smile. Picture after picture of grinning boys and bright eyes.
Soomin suddenly leans into Taehyung’s field of vision with glinting eyes. “You are natural.”
With a start he realized that most of the fansite masters have put their cameras down, waiting for the boys to be seated once more and for the event to begin. Taehyung capped his lens with an awkward laugh. “It’s been a while since I’ve taken so many photos.”
“Those are some high-quality ones too.” Bok Joe whistled and slapped him on the back. “Welcome to the family, kid!”
Mina smiled at him over her head with an approving nod and Taehyung felt a feeling he hadn’t felt for a long time bloom in his chest. At this moment he truly felt grateful for Holly sending him those tickets.
Jeon Jungkook was smiling at the fangirl sitting across from him. Her bright pink dyed hair is similar to Jimin’s hair currently suited her well as she gushed to him about her day. The fan signing began without any problems and Jungkook breezed through one signed album and another short conversation quickly enough. Female faces blurred together in a flurry of colours. A break appeared and he waved, smiled and posed for the fansites in the front row while Jimin poked and pulled at Jungkook’s hair, entertaining the crowd.
It was BTS’s first fansign promoting their new album “WINGS”, before their scheduled world tour. To say Jungkook wasn’t excited was an understatement. A week has passed since his mental breakdown in the dorm and to combat against it Jungkook threw himself into practice. His bandmates dragged him away from the dance studio to play games, watch movies, and even play board games once they noticed. All the attention eventually made him antsy so he declined Jimin’s offer to play a video game with him yesterday, instead choosing to bundle up in his bed and watch youtube videos. Namjoon took him aside this morning with a soft gaze. “Gguk, no overworking till you drop okay?”
Jungkook nodded and while all the members played and joked with the makeup artists running around, he drew in his sketchbook instead. Yoongi probed him with his leg when he was applying the finishing touch, “That looks great Jungkook-ah.”
The rappers hair was dark with blue streaks and his gaze was sleepy. Jungkook grinned at the other, “Thanks, hyung.”
He could handle being around the members but sometimes he needed his space. His social battery needed recharging, especially before a fansign.
Jungkook waved goodbye to the pink haired girl, briefly looking down to fix his shirt as the next person sat down in front of him.
“Hello.” A surprisingly deep voice said. Jungkook looked up in surprise. It wasn’t often they saw male fans, especially at a fansign. The boy seemed to be the same height as Jungkook, dark hair hidden in a hat and a face mask covering his lower half. The fan’s eyes, on the other hand, Jungkook could see clearly: One monolid and the other no, dark and big. He found them fascinating.
“Hello,” Jungkook said just as softly, a smile blooming across his face. The male stared at him and then shook his head with eyes crinkling at the sides. The boy was smiling and Jungkook was endeared. “Hi.”
Jungkook laughed at the second greeting, “What’s your name?”
“Taehyung.” The male replied, his voice breathy and low. Jungkook found it oddly appealing his voice. He had never heard such a timbre before.
“Hello Taehyung, I’m Jungkook.”
“I know.”
Jungkook’s lips twitched in a cheeky smile and he pulled the album Taehyung was holding in his hands closer to his side of the table, flipping through the pages and pen in hand. He noted that Taehyung had really nice hands and long fingers.
“First time at a fansign?” Jungkook continued, peaking to see Taehyung staring at the album. The male jerked upwards, eyes wide and nodded quickly.
“First time everything. I’ve never gone to any event or concert actually.” Taehyung murmured, voice soft but reaching Jungkook’s ears perfectly clear in the crowded hall. Taehyung smiled beneath the face mask again, eyes crinkling. “I’ve been BTS’s fan since debut.”
Jungkook grinned in response and leaned forward, chin in hand. “What’s your favourite song?”
Taehyung laughed. No, he giggled and Jungkook was captivated. “I can’t choose.”
“What do you listen most to then?”
Taehyung seemed to think for a moment while looking upwards at the ceiling with a hum. His gaze met Jungkook’s amused one. “Whalien 52 and Jump.”
“Damn those are old.”
Taehyung laughed once more, now a deep and genuine big guffaw. “No, they aren’t.”
Jungkook began to write in the album, taking his time and scribbling a drawing. His eyes glinted as he leaned even farther forward. “Bias?”
Taehyung leaned forward too. His eyes were a shade of deep caramel. “Shouldn’t I be asking the questions, Jungkook-ah?”
Jungkook felt a jolt of surprise at the drop of honorifics but accepted it. He didn’t know how old the other was but he seemed close to his age. He grinned in response. “You seemed kind of nervous.”
“Anyone one would be.” Taehyung mumbled, gaze dropping to stare at his lap. “I’ve been hearing your music for ages and I’ve followed you since debut…You guys mean a lot to me.” He looked up at the last statement, eyes honest and big and full of an emotion Jungkook didn’t know to describe. He often heard from fans how much BTS’s music meant to them. The idolt couldn’t help but appreciate their fans more each time he heard it. Seeing Taehyung’s eyes reflecting a look he saw each day in the mirror made him understand that their music was more than just songs to the fan.
Jungkook noticed one of the staff members out of the corner of his eyes motioning the line to move forward but he ignored them and kept his gaze on the other. Jungkook added another sentence to Taehyung’s album. “Taehyung-“
“Hyung.” The other interrupted with a cheeky raise of his brow. They were dark and bushy, fitting the males face nicely. His veiny hands were hidden under the table and Jungkook leaned forward again, motioning for the other to lean in as well before whispering in Taehyung’s ear.
“Tae-Hyung, can I see your face?”
Taehyung looked at Jungkook with surprised eyes. Their faces were close and Jungkook could hear Taehyung’s breath through the face mask. Maybe calling the other by a nickname was too much but Jungkook didn’t regret blurting it out. It sounded natural on his tongue, the others name. Suddenly one hand appeared and tugged down the black material, revealing a rectangular and slightly bashful smile.
Jungkook eyes widened and he breathed out a tiny, “Wow.”
Taehyung’s cheeks grew tinted and he laughed, standing up to move on. The male’s beauty caught the idol off guard and he couldn’t help his surprised reaction. Jungkook often met fans who were ashamed of their own appearance and hid their faces away from the members at fansigns. He always tried to make those fans as comfortable as he could and to not to be frightened to show their appearance to him. Often their shyness was for nothing: their fans were perfect as they were. But he had never seen a fan with the face of a model, or even an idol himself.
Jungkook grabbed the others hand and pushed the album into the male's grip. “Thank you, Tae-Hyung. I hope I see you again.” He squeezed the others hand, lacing their fingers. The male made him surprisingly comfortable and he spoke to him in ease. “Maybe next time without the face mask.”
Taehyung grinned with bright eyes and squeezed back before letting go and waving. Jungkook’s hand suddenly felt weird without Taehyung’s hand in his grip.
“No Jungkookie, Thank you.”
Jimin leaned into Jungkook’s side once Taehyung left with a curious gaze, “You’ve been talking to him more than 5 minutes. Everything ok?”
Jungkook could only stare at the retreating male figure and think that the “Thank you” Taehyung meant was more than just for the signing. He looked back at his older bandmate and grinned. “Never better.”
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fool-of-arts · 6 years
I was tagged by both @ra-fe and @medleyofswag
— what was your last…
1. drink: Coffeeeee 2. phone call: Mom, technically it wasn’t a phone call because it’s fucking expensive to call from Sweden to Australia  3. text message: A friend 4. song you listened to:  For Better of Worse - Uncharted 4 5. time you cried: Uuuhhh I can’t remember.. probably a few months ago.
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: Nah 7. kissed someone and regretted it: Nope 8. been cheated on:  No 9. lost someone special: Yes. 10. been depressed: Maybe? I’ve never looked it up so.. idk 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Once.. 0/10 would rather not do again
— fave colours
12. Purple 13. Black 14. Blue
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: Yusss 16. fallen out of love: I can’t fall out of love if I’m not in love so no. 17. laughed until you cried: Yeeee 18. found out someone was talking about you: Yeah apparently people talked about how they couldn’t pinpoint my accent at uni, apparently I sound very american so much they thought I was. 19. met someone who changed you: I guess? 20. found out who your friends are: Hopefully yeah 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: Nah
— general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: Most of them I think?  23. do you have any pets: Two cats.. back home so I miss them a lot. 24. do you want to change your name: In a way yeah, but idk to what in that case so 25. what did you do for your last birthday: I’m boring so I just spent my day at home drawing my favorite boi 26. what time did you wake up today: At first 10 am and then I fell back asleep again until like 2 pm, my sleep is a mess. 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: I was in bed I think 28. what is something you can’t wait for: My dream job I guess 30. what are you listening to right now:  The Story - Fivefold 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: I might have but in that case I can’t remember 32. something that’s getting on your nerves: people walking too slow infront of me and there’s no space to pass them, guaranteed to make me lose my mind. 33. most visited website: Tumblr 34. hair colour: Blonde-ish, my natural hair color  35. long or short hair: Undercut and semi long hair put up into a bun or whatever. 36. do you have a crush on someone: Do fictional characters count? no? okay then no. 37. what do you like about yourself: next question 38. want any piercings: Yeah, I want some in my ears etc. 39. blood type: I have no idea 40. nicknames: None sadly 41. relationship status: not interested rn 42. sign: Virgo/libra because I’m born on the exact day where it switches so i never fucking know. 43. pronouns: I’m honesty fine with either so I don’t care. 44. fave tv show: I don’t really watch TV shows at all 45. tattoos: I got some planned out, one of them is gonna be my own design 46. right or left handed: Right 47: ever had surgery: I damaged my spleen so I had to get that fixed, so I got a nice scar on my stomach.. it’s not that nice though 48. piercings: none but I do want. 49. sport: pfft 50. vacation: I am on a break already so. 51. trainers: Nah
— more general
52. eating: Had twiggy sticks a while ago 53. drinking: coffee 54. i’m about to watch: nothing for now. 55. waiting for: better times 56. want: a hug from Rafe lmao 57. get married: Eeeeeeeeh not really 58. career: Concept artist or illustrator hopefully
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses: hugs 60. lips or eyes: eyes 61. shorter or taller: taller 62. older or younger: slightly older but not too much either 63. nice arms or stomach: arms i think.. idk 64. hookup or relationships: relationship although I’m not likely to get either so it doesn’t matter 65. troublemaker or hesitant: idk.. that kinda depends.
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: nope 67. drank hard liquor: Yeah a little at some point 68. turned someone down: Yeah 69. sex on first date: Nope.. wtf are dates anyways 70: broken someone’s heart: Nah 71. had your heart broken: like once 72. been arrested: Nope 73. cried when someone died: Yes. 74. fallen for a friend: Yeah at some point but then I got over it, they never knew so.
— do you believe in
75. yourself: No this is my major issue in life, I need to work on this shit.. 76. miracles: Maybe.. it’s complicated 77. love at first sight: Yes and no.. I don’t feel like explaining this it’s too much 78. santa claus: mmmmmmmm no 79. angels: not as in literal angels
— misc
80. eye colour: green 81. best friend’s name: I don’t have a best friend. 82. favourite movie:LOTR probably 83. favourite actor:  I don’t have one because I don’t care enough lmao 84. favourite cartoon: I don’t know??? 85. favourite teacher’s name: idk
I tag @rafes-adler @p-rofl @dragonjedihobbit @jennyxbeans 
If you wanna.
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peutro · 7 years
wonhobi ofc, cckencall, line taeguk! - this is moose who cant remember the login to their mumu For now FAKSDJFL
gives nose/forehead kisses
wonho is the king of forehead kisses. when he’s saying goodbye on his way to work, or good morning when hoseok awakens, or a hello — the FOREHEAD KISSES emerge. hoseok gives out nose kisses when wonho is being cute and when they’re cuddling.
gets jealous the most
listen… we KNOW they’re both the jealous type, to the point it’s almost kinda bad JKFNGKDJ i’m still inclined to say wonho, just because he’d be more obvious with his jealousy ( with him getting moody ) but also because he’d try to hide it once they’re together, but he can’t help it !!!!! he trusts hoseok, so much, but he still thinks he deserves better and thinks one day hoseok’s gonna wake up and realize that and yea.
picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive
this works both ways too… but i gotta say wonho. once they get into a relationship esp, and because wonho literally owns a club, he’s grown responsible with his drinking and doesn’t work to get drunk like he used to earlier in his life
takes care of on sick days
wow a lot of these can apply to both of them, just because you already know they’re gross with each other… but okay, i will say wonho takes care of hoseok more so, just because wonho really … doesn’t get sick, it’s pretty rare for him, but that’s why when he does get sick, i’d imagine hoseok will worry and do whatever he can to make him feel better hmm.
drags the other person out into the water on beach day
hoseok drags out wonho, we been knew this.
gives unprompted massages
i… want to say hoseok…. 
drives/rides shotgun
wonho drives, hoseok rides shotgun — you know i’m right.
brings the other lunch at work
this also works both ways, but i’m gonna say wonho. he drops in and brings hoseok lunch when he’s on his own break and can slip away from work, but the same could be applied to hoseok, whenever he can come visit wonho @ headquarters.
has the better parental relationship
hmm, this is kinda tricky to be honest. wonho’s pretty wtf since he found out he’s adopted and even though he loves his parents, he can’t believe they kept it secret for that long… but also since his dad’s sick he’s been ignoring that and trying to not be so difficult …. but i think hoseok has a great relationship with his parents, even though i’m guessing he doesn’t talk to them as much since he moved to be with his aunt, right ?? but i am still inclined to say hoseok, u can fight me on this. 
tries to start role-playing in bed
hoseok. u know.
embarrassingly drunk dancer
hoseok. i know he’s super good actually, but wonho doesn’t drink to get drunk, thus … would never let himself go long enough to dance.
still cries watching titanic
firmly believes in couples costumes
HOSEOK !!!  wonho would never embarass himself like that.
breaks the expensive gift rule during christmas
wonho… this needs no explanation, he would spoil hoseok to no end.
makes the other eat breakfast
this might seem strange, but wonho. ever since his dad got sick, he’s been even more on top of keeping a healthy regimen, and i think we know hoseok’s not… the best at taking care of himself. wonho, knowing this, would make sure to remind hoseok to keep himself on top of things, and also make him breakfast ( and dinner when they’re home and want to eat in, or do something special )
remembers anniversaries
hoseok. although wonho’s not the worst at these, and he does have a planner ( and secretary at work ) to keep him on top of things, he still has those days when he’s overwhelmed with work !!!!! hoseok is just… really good at the romantic aspect of the relationship ( even though wonho was with sooyoung for so long, he’s just … really bad at putting others before work, no matter how much he wants to )
brings up having kids
hmm, i know we’d talked about this a lot, and i’m going to say … hoseok, just because wonho wants kids, he really does, but he’s not gonna be the most vocal about it, whilst hoseok would probably ( once they’re comfortable with each other and confident it won’t completely scare the other off ) drop it in a convo here and there until they discuss it and are ready.
gives nose/forehead kisses
kenta definitely, considering he’s much more out there than yongguk. yongguk’s not one for displays of affection ( although it’s also not so rare, he just struggles with it a lot )
gets jealous the most
hmm i think. kenta might show he’s jealous more so than yongguk ever would, but i think yongguk takes the lead for this. while he wants kenta to be happy in life and thinks he’s lucky to be … well, lucky, he also doesn’t want him to leave his side because kenta’s all he’s ever known, his other half, and he struggles with these two different mindsets — keeping kenta close, and letting him go.
picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive
do they even drink omg  ?? i’m gonna say yongguk just because he doesn’t really drink unless its in the comforts of his home, and even then he’s hesitant, because he’s too afraid to like… let go, you know, so he’s always feel to pick kenta up if asked.
takes care of on sick days
hands down, must say kenta. yongguk’s the one who gets sick all the time / hurt, so kenta would take care of him whenever possible / let him bask in his “lucky” presence.
drags the other person out into the water on beach day
kenta would drag yongguk out, the latter’s probably scared of the ocean.
gives unprompted massages
hmm, could go both ways, but i want to say yongguk because he knows kenta works hard and must be tired, but i don’t know if it’d be unprompted because he doesn’t want to just intrude. but also kenta because yongguk does get hurt / bruised a lot and is stressed about well, everything a lot.
drives/rides shotgun
kenta drives, yongguk rides shotgun … but it could work the other way too, idk kjnfndnjfg.
brings the other lunch at work
hmm, yongguk. he just has more time to do so.
has the better parental relationship
tries to start role-playing in bed
kenta. this needs no explanation.
embarrassingly drunk dancer
kenta. yongguk doesn’t dance, period !!!!!  but kenta’s a good dancer considering his day time job, so maybe it’s just more wild when he’s drunk.
still cries watching titanic
kenta. a very emotional card > yongguk who still doesn’t understand, but feels perhaps a small pang of sadness for the ending.
firmly believes in couples costumes
kenta !!! it’s not my fault my muses are emotionally constipated !!!
breaks the expensive gift rule during christmas
makes the other eat breakfast
kenta, because yongguk isn’t responsible for shit, but yongguk would probably try cooking whenever kenta’s around because he actually likes doing it … he just needs kenta to remind him to actually do it too.
remembers anniversaries
yongguk, he’s just really good with dates and stuff.
brings up having kids
HNGJDK is this even possible for cards …. 
gives nose/forehead kisses
i think taehyung would be the more affectionate one between the two, even though jeongguk loves him just as much, taehyung doesn’t feel the need to restrict a boundary between them. but even jeongguk is weak @ times and will do both too !!!
gets jealous the most
jeongguk, he’s secure in his relationship but he also can’t help….. how he feels… my muses are all the jealous type.
picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive
i’m gonna say taehyung because jeongguk probably goes out drinking with his coworkers a lot and would give taehyung a heads up and taehyung being taehyung would go pick him up … maybe surprise him sometimes afterwards.
takes care of on sick days
jeongguk takes care of taehyung, although this applies to both of them — jeongguk just ignores his sickness until its unavoidable / until he can’t hide it from taehyung anymore. however, he has a knack for know when taehyung gets sick and will force him to get back into bed right away.
drags the other person out into the water on beach day
jeongguk loves swimming and will bring taehyung down with him
gives unprompted massages
jeongguk 18452852% does this wanting 1. to help taehyung wind down after a long day but 2. also because that leads to shoulder kisses which usually leads to s e x.
drives/rides shotgun
jeongguk drives, taehyung rides shotgun usually.
brings the other lunch at work
taehyung brings jeongguk lunch, or they just end up surprising each other and take their breaks together.
has the better parental relationship
i think we established jeongguk has a messy relationship with his parents ?? so taehyung.
tries to start role-playing in bed
i wanna say taehyung … but i think jeongguk would go this far too, especially considering how they met LMAO.
embarrassingly drunk dancer
taehyung. jeongguk is good @ dancing, i’m typical.
still cries watching titanic
this… could apply to jeongguk, he’s sentimental, not that he’d admit it. easy tears up during sad movies but tries to hide it.
firmly believes in couples costumes
ok lowkey i’m gon say both by once again citing the origins of their first meeting. maybe just a tiny bit more taehyung to convince jeongguk of the idea and then he’s 100% in.
breaks the expensive gift rule during christmas
jeongguk. doesn’t understand the value of $$$, he wants to get his man the best.
makes the other eat breakfast
TRICKY…. they’re both bad @ breakfast imo because early risers ?? they stay in bed as late as they possibly can, and if they’re working early, they’ll try to leave the other undisturbed if possible. if it got more domestic, i think it’d be taehyung because jeongguk’s a grouch in the morning and not @ all an early riser … a cup of coffee is a must to get him out of bed.
remembers anniversaries
considering how sappy and invested they both are in the relationship, i’m inclined to say both !!
brings up having kids
i think … taehyung simply because jeongguk wouldn’t think about kids until taehyung brings it up because he’s just … never thought about having his own until he’s with taehyung and then it’d be some sappy shit like imagining raising someone with the love of his life and thinking how great he’d turn out under tae’s influence and yeah !!!!!! a sap
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elegantmoonchild · 7 years
I was tagged by @dawn-to-dusk-already! Thank you for letting me join in!!!
last (1-5) drink - diet coke
phone call - my mom
text msg - “Haha, he’s great for keeping you motivated! Though his frequent stops don’t help” -- referring to my dog, who bosses my neighbor around when she walks him
song you listened to - “So It Goes” by Taylor Swift
time you cried - a few nights ago? Shit, I can’t remember. Probably sometime recently because I cry quite frequently, especially when I’m frustrated.
ever..? (6-11) dated someone twice - yes
ever kissed someone and regretted it - yes
been cheated on - Kind of? Dating is weird, y’all
lost some1 special - yes
been depressed - yes
gotten drunk/thrown up - lol YES fav colors (12-14) Red!!! And I enjoy various shades of green as well and some blue
in the last yr have you.. (15-21) made new friends/ mutuals - yes!
fallen out of love - no
laughed until you cried - Probably!
found out some1 was talking about you - It’s not hard for me to figure out
met some1 who changed you - yes :)
kissed some1 on your FB friends’ list - nope
general (22-51) how many of your FB friends do you know irl - pretty much all of them. I don’t add anyone I’ve never met unless they’re distant cousins
you have any pets - yes!
do you want to change your name - nah, I’m pretty satisfied
what did you do for your prev. birthday - my traditional private karaoke room party and a little get together at my house
what time did you wake up today - 2:33 pm (I work night shift)
what were you doing @ midnight last night - probably helping someone to the restroom (I’m a nurse)
what is something you can’t wait for - transferring to my new unit!
what’re you listening to atm - the sound of this ancient keyboard clicking
have you ever talked to a person named Tom - yep! one of my best friends
something that’s getting on your nerves - short staffing 
most visited site - Currently? Tumblr. Or AO3
hair color - dirty blonde ;)
long/ short hair - long. I’ve got mermaid hair
do you have a crush on some1 - not really. Do celebrities count? (looking at you, Jordan Connor)
what do you like abt yourself - I mean what I say and when I care about somebody, I mean it
want any piercings - not really
blood type - shit, I ain’t tellin’ you!
nicknames - Sam or Sami-chan (an old nickname from a friend)
relationship status - single as they fucking come
zodiac - Cancer and proud
pronoun(s) - She
fav tv/ on-air shows - Oh, Riverdale
tattoos? - Yep! One on my wrist, more coming soon
rightie or leftie - Rightie tighty
ever had surgery - Yep
piercings - On my ears
sports - I’ve done soccer, softball, hockey, boxing, basketball, swimming, and the list continues
vacation - Let me go back to Ireland, please
trainers - As in my shoes? Black nursing shoes more general (52-58) eating - I had a big ol’ salad earlier... and a brownie... whoops
drinking - I wish I was drinking coffee
i’m about to watch - Futurama as I go to bed
waiting for - bedtime, my shift to be over
want - a partner, some sex, more money
get married - I’d like to
career - I have the career I want :)
which is better (59-65) hugs/kisses - Kisses
lips/eyes - Eyes
shorter/taller - I like ‘em tall, but I’m a shorty
older/younger - I prefer older
nice arms/ stomach - I really don’t give a shit, but firm arms are nice ;)
hookup/relationship - Oh, relationship totally
troublemaker/hesitant - Wtf does this mean? have you ever (66-75) kissed a stranger - yes
drank hard liquor - yes 
lost glasses - i lost my ex’s expensive Raybans
turned someone down - yes
sex on 1st date - yep
broken a heart - probably, and I feel like crude about it
had your heart broken - oh hell yes, loads of times
been arrested - nope
cried when some1 died - yes
fallen for a friend - oh yes...
do you believe in.. (76-81) yourself - ultimately, yes
miracles - yep, I see them all the time
love @ first sight - yes
santa clause - I believe in the spirit of Santa Claus and the spirit of giving
kiss on a 1st date - Yep
angels - Yes
other (82-85) best friend’s name - she’d kill me if I put it on here
eye color - green
fav movie - Forrest Gump, Bridget Jones’ Diary
fav actor - Tom Hanks
Imma tag @fangfogartys @sweetspea @ephemeral-existences @strix @dreamer757 @kristinadavidovna @mayberrry101 @bythesulfur-andthesea
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