#2.5 celebration event
flonkertainment · 25 days
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After 2.5 years of waiting and medical stuff, I was finally able to start Testosterone two days ago!! (I posted this on Twitter and completely forgot about Tumblr lol) My life completely turned around when I got an unexpected call from my doctor where she told me that I can finally start T now. Before that, I was told to not expect anything until october because of summer break, and due to long waiting times I thought I would have to hold on until next year...well, until the Trans Fairies decided to just say whoop whoop f3ck summer break time for Testo NOW
So why not celebrate the probably best event in my life with a quick drawing of me and the characters that helped me through these last long months of waiting the most!
To every Trans Person out there waiting for life-saving medical care, please keep going! No matter how rough the waiting might be, it certainly was rough for me, it is worth it! Stay strong and safe everyone, you're the coolest motherf3ckers to ever exist!!
Thank you so much to everyone who supported me so far, especially the folks who stuck around from the beginning of this account and the ones who keep interacting with my stuff and saying the kindest things about it! Love you all, and have a great day!
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fordtato · 1 year
The Gravity Falls Timeline
All of this is based on my video, but I assume not many people will want to sit through 2.5 hours of me working this out, so here's a condensed written version.
Some rules I set for myself: If the actual name of an IP, a person or an event is referenced in J3/the Show, I included it into my math for my timeline (ex: references to Ronald Reagan or The Eurythmics, or other REAL WORLD figures). If a REFERENCE is made without the actual name being referenced (ex: in the Journal, Ford mentions Phantom Bustifiers, a reference to Ghostbusters, a movie that didn’t come out in our world until 1984), I did not put that into this timeline (I know what year Ghostbusters came out, but not which year Phantom Bustifiers came out).
With that in mind, let’s begin:
The Stans are born June 15 1951.
Their Bar Mitzvah happened when they were 12 (not 13, as is typical) and their birthday is on June 15th. Because a Bar Mitzvah is dependent on one’s birthday on the Hebrew calendar and not the Gregorian calendar, this means that their 13th Hebrew birthday must land on a date that is BEFORE their 13th Gregorian birthday, something that is typically more rare (the Hebrew birthday is usually AFTER one’s typically celebrated birthday).
The only viable year where this applies is 1951, when their birthday lands on Sivan 11, resulting in a 13th Hebrew birthday in May of 1964, BEFORE their 13th birthday on June 15th
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The Stans find the Stan O War in spring of 1964 at age 12 (or 1961, if you think they were 10)
There are two viable dates for when they find the Stan o War, depending on if they’re 10 (the same age Stan was when he started writing Lil Stanley in the Lost Legends comics) or 12 (the same age as Dipper and Mabel). I think that the way the artist drew the young Stan twins in the Lil Stanley comic looks (age 10) looks slightly younger than how they look in the series (and they are designed a little differently than they look in the Jersey Devil comic, when we KNOW they have the Stan O War already), but there is evidence for both sides.
I lean toward them being 12 because they pull out a sharpie, which wasn’t invented until 64, but there is a reference to a Bruce Springsteen song in a magazine in Lost Legends, quoted by someone named “Brucey S, age 11” and Bruce Springsteen would have been 11 in 1961, so this might be 1961 (or the magazine Ford is reading from might be an old magazine.) I went with 1964, because I think 12 parallelled the ages of Dipper and Mabel better. 
Stan gets kicked out in spring of 1969 right before they turned 18. Ford starts at Backupsmore in the fall semester.
Stan makes a reference to Jackie O, which means Jackie Kennedy already remarried to be Jackie Onnassis, and is also still in the public eye, something that would be progressively less common after 1969 (she also happened to visit New Jersey in spring of 1969 and that would have made state headlines, something which is probably a coincidence, but nonetheless very interesting).
Furthermore, there is a portrait of Nixon in the principal’s office, and he would have been sworn in in early 1969. 
I think 1969 is more likely than 1970 because ‘69 gives more wiggle room for Shermie to be the baby (more on that later) and for Ford to get at least one PhD.
-Stan dates Carla “Hotpants” McCorkle,(reconnecting for another date after the one at the theater in their teenage years), probably in 1971 (if this “hallucinatey” date even happened at all; if you dont think it happened at all, disregard). 
We know this is a later date, when stan is an adult, because his design matches the designs on one of his fake IDs from his years on the run. It was likely 1971 because that is when the term “hotpants” was used to describe those short shorts.
The hippie aesthetic also started dying down after 1972 after the Manson attacks, so I picked 71 for the Juke Joint date.
Ford graduated from Backupsmore at the very earliest 1974, MAYBE early 1975.
In the journal it says he went to Gravity Falls in 1975, but we know he couldn’t have graduated earlier than 74, because we know that he played DDnMoreD in college, and he says in the journal that it was copyrighted in 1974. He also says Stanley always mocked him for playing it, which literally isn’t possible, so he’s either misremembering Stanley mocking him for an EARLIER TTRPG, or this copyright is for a later edition (though I think it must be the former, since DDnMD is a clear reference to DnD which WAS copyrighted in 1974. Still. Up to you.)
This means he completed his PhD in 6 years (or, three years ahead of schedule as described in the series). I believe many of his other PhDs were honorary degrees, and didn't bother working them into this timeline. He got them later.
Stan joins Rico’s gang in the late 70s
Sometime in the late 70s, Stan gets tangled up in what is implied to be the Colombian cartel, which would have been most active in the late 70s, between 75 and 79. Following his trajectory on the map in ATOTS showing his path across the country, he headed below the border toward the end of that trackline, so it was probably later on.
Ford started Journal 3 in 1981, shortly after meeting Bill in 1981. 
He says he discovered his muse in 1981 in J3. He also says he is starting J3 six years after he started investigating Gravity Falls (which he did in 75). He also says early on in J3 that he is in his 30s, and he would have turned 30 in June of 1981, three days before he started J3.
There is some fuckery here on how he’s known his muse for “two years” midway J3, and the way I explain that in the video is that the first part of J3 spans nearly 2 years, and there is ample evidence that he wrote many pages out of order. This might be a page from later on in 1982, early 83, instead of mid-81. 
We know that Reagan was already in office at this point.
 Fiddleford shows up in July of 1982. Fiddleford begins making the memory gun after the Gremloblin incident later that year. 
We know at least a year has passed because if you track the months, they go from June, to August, and then later on down to July again when Fiddleford is called. As for the Gremloblin incident, it happened relatively close to the bunker incident (which would have been closer to summer, since it was still hot outside) but it was followed closely by the carnival, where they had squash for sale, and squash are in season after September, typically. 
First Portal Test is on January 18, 1983
Fiddleford falls through the portal, his head poking through, on January 18 1983, the day after the confrontation he had with Ford in the diner. 
Late February, 1983 - The Portal Incident
There are three many reasons I chose this date. Firstly, we know it is 1983 not just because it follows the trajectory of earlier dates, but because we know that Ford has heard The Eurythmics’ chart topper “Sweet Dreams Are Made of This” because when he returns he says he is looking forward to their next one, and that came out in January of 83’, before he would have been sucked through.
Secondly, five weeks after January 18th, it would still be snowy in up-mountain Oregon where Ford is, but not that snowy in New Mexico where Stan is when he gets the post card.
Thirdly, we know at least 5-6 weeks have passed because Ford describes about this many weeks during his “paranoid era” in the journal (more than one instance of “a couple weeks, several weeks, a few weeks”, etc.). 
In the year 2000, Dipper and Mabel are born. 
I know most people think it’s 1999. And that is fine, but I have ample evidence that the show takes place in 2013, not 2012 (see below), so 2000 would have to work for their birthday.
But 2000 also gives a little bit of wiggle room to Shermie being the baby. (If you don’t think Shermie is the baby, disregard this section). If Shermie IS the baby, then if he was born in spring of 1969 (late 68 at the earliest), then you can barely fit two generations of Pines in the space between 1969 and 2000. It would mean that both Shermie and his kid would need to be 15 when they had a kid, which is … not great, but not impossible? I dunno man, take it up with Hirsch. (Or just assume the baby is Shermie’s kid. Follow your dreams).
In 2013, Dipper and Mabel visit their Grunkle Stan in Gravity Falls. 
The Northwest ghost died in what is described in the journal as “The Great Flood of 1863”. The Northwests are trying to keep this flood under wraps in J3, because they don’t want people finding out about the lumberjacks killed in the flood. The Northwest Ghost swore with his dying breath to come back 150 yrs after his death. 150 years later from 1863, is 2013.
The 1040 form that Stan is filling out his Tax Fraud note on in the truth-telling ep is a 2012 form. To file tax returns, you use w2s 1040s labeled under the PREVIOUS year
Sevral Timez shouts "2013"
1983 is 30 years before 2013. 
Note: This would mean that the Stans are 62 at the end of the summer, which might mean that they are "pushing 70" as Stan describes himself.
Anyways, here's the full video if you have 2.5 hours. Otherwise, enjoy this resource!
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Advocates for people struggling with addictions and homelessness celebrated the Manitoba NDP government's plan to open a supervised consumption site in Winnipeg by next year, saying it will save lives and help put people on the path to recovery.
The 2024 budget includes $2.5 million toward a supervised consumption site, which will provide sterile needles and other consumption equipment, with staff on hand to help in the event of an overdose and to connect users to support services.
The NDP promised to set up the province's first supervised consumption site in Winnipeg, making it part of Housing, Addictions and Homelessness Minister Bernadette Smith's mandate. 
But the government needs to take the next year to consult with community groups about where to put the site, and what supports and programming are needed, Premier Wab Kinew said on Tuesday. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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coimbrabertone · 3 months
Le Mans vs. Daytona, Two Sides of the Endurance Racing Coin.
A bit of a belated blog on the 2024 24 Hours of Le Mans, how it compares to the other major 24-hour race - the Rolex 24 at Daytona - and how IMSA and WEC differ.
First things first, sports car racing in general is at a peak right now.
The largest prototype fields in decades, interclass competition of sorts with LMDh/GTP cars on one end and Hypercars on the other, and equally diverse GT3 fields to go with it. It's not a competition between IMSA and WEC as far as I'm concerned, both series collaborated on these regulations and that has benefitted endurance racing as a whole.
That being said, I've noticed some differences between the two, and I've had some discussions with friends about it lately.
The crux is this: the Rolex 24 at Daytona is the curtain raiser for the racing season, where drivers from every discipline from Formula One to NASCAR to half the Indycar field, plus all the regular cast of characters from endurance racing come to play. It's all within the confines of a 2.5-mile oval with big grandstands and clear sightlines, and the lights are all over the track, meaning you can see all the action pretty well. It's also in Daytona Beach a few weeks ahead of the Daytona 500.
Daytona is a party, a celebration of motorsport to kick off the next season of racing.
Le Mans, meanwhile, is a beacon of history. The start-finish line is where it has always been, the Dunlop Bridge has outlasted Dunlop itself making racing tyres, and it's an old school reminder to when those types of circular bridges were all over racing. Then onto the Mulsanne, the long, dark highway, with bits of civilization interspersed with woods, a theme with continues in the back half of the track. Some corners are named after historic tracks, like Indianapolis, others are named after the marques which defined era of Le Mans history - Corvette, Porsche, and Ford in particular.
Corvette, which has dominated GT racing at Le Mans for decades now.
Porsche, which is the most successful brand at Le Mans, and
Ford, who went back-to-back-to-back-to-back in the late 60s with the GT40, and then returned with the GT1 and GTE models in more recent decades.
That dedication to history shows in the broadcast too, with the broadcast often cutting to Tom Kristensen for interviews or by harkening back to similar events in Le Mans' past. Obviously, that's something that comes up in all racing broadcasts, but it was very apparent at Le Mans this year.
For the record, I'm not saying that's bad, this blog is proof that I'm a massive nerd when it comes to racing history, and I love that, I'm just noting it's a difference.
The crowd burning a couch in celebration after the 12 Hours of Sebring? Fans celebrating the misadventures of the Sean Creech Motorsports American flag Ligier LMP2 with its many cautions at Daytona and now Watkins Glen? You don't really see that at Le Mans.
In fact, there was one very fun thing from the 2023 Le Mans that was missing this year: the Garage 56 NASCAR. Now, i understand that was a one-off thing, and I do get the impression that the hydrogen car they showed off before the race - which was numbered #24, just like the NASCAR had been - was supposed to be a G56 entry for this year but they couldn't quite get it working yet, so I know that it's a bit of an unfair criticism to levy against Le Mans.
Still, 2023 had the big Camaro memes, the V8 sound, all those Freebird on the Mulsanne edits, it made Le Mans more fun.
And of course, Le Mans is fun even without those things - ferris wheels, fireworks, and, you know, the whole twenty-four hours of motor racing thing - all make for appointment television for racing nerds like me, but it is something I've noticed coming out of the 2024 race.
So does Le Mans need to change? No, i don't think so.
I like seeing cars coming down the Mulsanne, I like seeing the Ferrari hypercar racing against Toyota in addition to all the cars that do both IMSA and WEC, I like the announcers getting increasingly delirious as it gets into the night stint, and I like the fact that Valentino Rossi is now a BMW GT3 driver who competed at Le Mans.
The Rolex 24 at Daytona is probably more fun that Le Mans and its position on the calendar probably lets it get a handful of one-off drivers that may not be able to do Le Mans, but Le Mans also attracts plenty of unique talent as well. Ferrari doesn't do IMSA, nor does Toyota, nor does Valentino Rossi.
Would I like them to? Absolutely.
Am I fine with just having two different, successful endurance racing series on either side of the Atlantic? Absolutely. It's like the modern version of CART vs. Formula One as far as I'm concerned, only this time, I'm in a position to enjoy it.
So yeah, there are some things I prefer about IMSA, but there's plenty I love about Le Mans as well.
Hell, the fact that after the sister Ferrari won last year, we got to see the #50 Ferrari of Nicklas Nielsen, Miguel Molina, and Antonio Fuoco win. Both cars have now won Le Mans, and this means that last year's Antonio Giovinazzi, and this year's Antonio Fuoco - two drivers I've followed since the mid-to-late 2010s when they were actively in the open wheel junior series - are both Le Mans winners.
That's cool. I love the fact that drivers can fulfill their dream of winning for Ferrari, not just in Formula One, but now at Le Mans too. It's a great time to see, and between this and Indycar, I'm developing a lot of hope for talented junior drivers without F1 prospects.
Hell, on that very note, Felipe Drugovich raced at Le Mans for Action Express Cadillac this year, which seems to be his first time back in a major racing series since his F2 title campaign. Glad to see him back behind the wheel, just wish it went better for him.
Anyway, this last weekend of racing was a bit of a dud for me and I find myself busy yet again, so I'll leave the blogpost here, but do let you know what you think!
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bloodoathclan · 3 months
Sunday, the Stellaron Hunters, and the 2.4 main event theory
Hi everyone, since the 2.3 update is just around the corner; I think it’s time to share a possible theory regarding the contents of the next 2 updates, and even when Sunday may get released. Be warned this post mentions leaks, so if you don’t want to see any leaks, please don’t read further (under cut for more protection)
So in the dreamflux reef area that was added in 2.2, players can find a readable item that, (when researched a little closer), is a letter from Elio to Sunday. In this letter, Elio acknowledges Sunday’s talents and invites him to join the Stellaron Hunters… many people believe this theory to be true, and a recent leak that was confirmed by a credible leaker, suggested that Sunday would get a redesign before his release. (The leak originally said that his outfit would change from white to black)
So with this new information, I feel the “Sunday joining the Stellaron Hunters” theory is going to be true. Moreover, we may see a cliffhanger cutscene at the end of the 2.3 trailblaze mission; a similar thing to how we saw Sampo breaking the forth wall (sprouting theories that he’s a masked fool that turned out to be true) at the end of the Belebog trailblaze mission, or how at the end of the Xianzhou Luofu trailblaze mission when it was revealed that Jingliu and Luocha were working together to bring down the Abundance. So we could see something similar where we witness Sunday getting indoctrinated into the Stellaron Hunters.
Now, what about the 2.4 main event? Well, in 2.4, we’re getting two more characters from two of the other Xianzhou ships, (Yunli is from the Xianzhou Zhuming and Jiaoqiu is from the Xianzhou Yaoqing) it could mean that we’ll be going back to the Xianzhou Luofu for the Wardance. (Perhaps we get invited to the event by Jing Yuan or Yanqing, perhaps March invites us)?
If Hoyoverse wanted to reveal Sunday in his new Stellaron Hunter - sona soon, they could show him off here. In some teasers for future Xianzhou characters that revealed while I've been writing this, they show someone called 'the legendary new swordmaster'; this has recently been confirmed to be March 7th, and she'll be the new 4* coming in 2.4. I feel they would want to show her new form off, showing it alongside a massive lorebomb like Sunday joining the Stellaron Hunters would be perfect.
If they do show Stellaron Hunter Sunday in 2.4, it could set everything into place for a 2.5, 2.6 or 2.7 release. (And if you’re a Sunday fan like me, you may have seen leaks that show Sunday’s character ID 1313 in placeholder assets, indicating his official playable status)
If he does come in 2.7 like speculations say, (more specifically 2nd phase), Sunday would release on Christmas day. Having a character that has angel vibes release on Christmas is quite ironic. (Plus he'd be our Christmas present from hoyo, if you celebrate it). In other words, hoyo NEEDS to release Sunday soon.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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thenamesblurrito · 6 months
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I'M LATE BUT HERE'S SOME CON HAUL PHOTOS! i tagged everyone i could over on instagram, go check out what came from where 1-2) stuff from the alley and the dealer room! that Predaking has a 21" wingspan!!! snagged an intact Blurr, a?? moldy??? Megatron?? and an Elita 1 from DJW's personal collection 😭 and while i absolutely adore all the art i got i am still over the moon about a sketch of my OC Buzzard by @/jeetdoh, tysm <<333 3-5) did a little zine challenge @/sisi_north was running and drew some of the day's events with the characters my friends and i were cosplaying! the drive to InNOut in @knighttimeart's car, the tiktok @/lyndaxyart did, the beeping and the bad wifi in the room, passing out on the floor for the night. AND I GOT IT SIGNED BY BLURR'S VA!!!! 6-9) oh man i really cannot identify every single artist or creator of all of these stickers sdfjgjfds but this is my progress on the tf section of my sticker book! it's not just from TFCLA24 to be fair but i DID add like 2.5 pages worth to it! 10) just for funzies, my tf battle jacket :3 featuring my own pins and patches as well! gotta get more patches, i'm sad not many ppl seem to make those smh anyways it was such a cool con and i adored getting to be around such amazing people all celebrating something we love dearly <<33 i hope to see you all again and again in upcoming years
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dvlboy · 7 months
swansong // 2.5y celebration event
hi all :]
i decided to make another event to celebrate my 30 months on this platform!! its been a wild ride and this is my way of saying thanks
im only opening seven slots since i would like to actually finish it this time, but if i don't get to your request i may do it outside of the event !!
im happy to write for most fandoms, but historically i have written mostly for jjk, obey me, genshin, hsr, and demon slayer. i can also do the following aus: yandere, royalty, mafia, hybrid, stepsiblings and fantasy ;]
i prefer darker kinks/content just as a way to challenge myself but anything is fine when requesting, reader will ALWAYS be top.
just send a message to my inbox with who, and which kinks or other necessary details.
thanks for 2.5 years :]
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greenbeetlestew · 10 months
i infodump about homestuck history and you pretend to listen
13th of april 2009 Andrew hussie releases the first few pages of the web comic Homestuck.People both commemorate it and celebrate it every year, commemoration of the day is typically ironic and satirical.
2010, After a whole year of viewers deciding the storyline of Homestuck, Andrew Hussie completely takes over, and the last reader request is taken.
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2010,The most important and most recognizable part of the comic (act 5)begins. This is also when the Homestuck fandom begins to be considered “that” annoying fandom. this annoying fandom trope is also where the phrase “LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT HOMESTUCK” originates from, this line was typically used to imitate Homestuck fans in a satirical mocking way, poking fun about their constant need to talk about Homestuck and the cult like following it had.
2011,Often referred to as a fandom legend, a still anonymous girl is mentioned in a Tumblr post to have ‘allegedly’ attempted to dye her skin grey for a Homestuck cosplay at anime expo, this was done in a hotel bathtub. She did this By ‘allegedly’ using a mixture of water, vodka, and sharpies, filling the bathtub with it and climbing in. This becomes a very important defining moment in fandom history, with many celebrating its anniversary every year.
Also taking place at the 2011 anime expo, Homestuck fandom members film the infamous YouTube video of people passing around a bucket and spitting in it (in the middle of a family restaurant). They do this with the intention of referencing a popular headcanon of troll reproduction.
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These two anime expo events solidify the horrible reputation Homestuck fans would hold to this day.
2012 the Kickstarter for a Homestuck adventure game is started, making 2.5 million dollars.
In 2013 Andrew Hussie momentarily stops updating Homestuck, this time is known as the gigapause
2014,dashcon takes place it becomes widely known as the worst convention in fandom history, as well as the closest thing to a homestuck convention to ever happen.Theres many pictures of homestuck cosplayers in the famous urine-soaked ball pit at dashcon
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Homestuck goes on its final pause in 2015, this pause doesn’t end until 2016 when the final pages of homestuck are released
2016,The worlds greatest literary mistake is almost over, homestuck is coming to a end.
Homestuck 2.0 is announced in 2016 and video games,a tv series books etc are promised None of these projects ever release, infact nothing EVER comes of ‘homestuck 2.0’.
2021,Andrew Hussie essentially abandons homestuck.
2023, homestuck is updated again in october.
non dated=>>>
snoop dog reposts homestuck fanart
Broadway karkat
violent attacks with buckets
grey facepaint, EVERYWHERE
the multiple homestuck websites and messaging platforms
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robo-milky · 1 year
300+ Followers Raffle Event
[Duration: Mar. 24 - Apr. 14]
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[Full Illust]
1st. Rendered thigh up of one or two characters
2nd. Cel Shaded half body of one or two characters
• Fictional Charcters/OCs/Ships
• I’m most familiar with TWST and JJBA, but I’m willing to do fanart for other series
• NSFW/irl people/celebrities/mechas/overly complex armoury (can be discussed if simplifying)
As the title suggests, the prompt will be “Secrets”!
1. Please be following me to enter
2. Reblog and share a ‘secret’ in the tags! Each Reblog = 1 token (More tokens mean a higher chance of being picked)
2.5. Doesn’t necessarily have to be a secret, but could be a simple fact or one thing you like, an opinion you have about a character, or even a secret of your OCs! (Please use one secret per reblog. A single reblog with multiple secrets will only be counted as one.)
3. Winners, please respond in three days after you’ve been selected or I will pick another ^^;
• The two winners will be different
• Each winner will be randomly selected
• Happy sharing <3 Thank you all so much!!
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mathsandwhiteroses · 5 months
Tiara Predictions: Denmark to Sweden
King Frederik and Queen Mary will visit Sweden on the 6th and 7th May 2024 for their first State Visit as King and Queen. The trip will focus on Swedish-Danish relations, technology, the armed forces, the arts and life sciences.
And now to the predictions…
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The tiara I want Mary to wear: Pearl Poire - Queen Margrethe’s signature tiara, this would be a lovely tiara for Mary to wear to show a passing of the baton from the former queen to the current. It was last worn in January by Queen Margrethe.
My Prediction: Ruby Parure - This tiara is more likely as Mary has recently worn the Emerald Parure Tiara for her first official portrait as Queen, which cannot be taken outside of Denmark, and I don’t think she’d wear another new tiara so soon. It was last worn in January by Queen Mary, then Crown Princess, for the New Year’s Reception.
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The tiara I want Silvia to wear: Braganza Tiara. As Silvia only wears this tiara to multi-royal events, it’s one of the only times that this tiara will get an outing so it’d be lovely if Silvia wore it tonight. It was last worn in September 2023 for the Golden Jubilee Celebrations for King Carl XVI Gustaf.
My Prediction: Leuchtenberg Sapphire Tiara. As the Danish don’t have any huge tiaras, I don’t believe that Silvia will go to the maximum, so the Leuchtenberg Sapphire Tiara is a safer bet. Silvia has worn 6 different tiaras to multi-royal events so this is a harder one to predict. It was last worn by Silvia in Dec 2023 for the King’s Dinner for Nobel Laureates.
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The tiara I want Victoria to wear: Aquamarine Kokoshnik Tiara. This tiara is my absolute favourite Swedish Tiara so it will appear in every prediction! It has been 2.5 years since Victoria wore this tiara so it’s overdue a wear. It was last worn by Princess Christina in January for the State Visit from France.
My Prediction: Baden Fringe. Similar to Silvia, Victoria has worn 4 different tiaras to multi-royal events in the past 7 years, so it’s a hard one to predict. It was last worn by Victoria in September 2023 for her father’s Jubilee celebrations.
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The tiara I want Sofia to wear: Cut Steel Bandeau - I really like this tiara and it doesn’t come out of the vault enough. It was last worn by Crown Princess Victoria in July 2017 for the wedding of Astrid Bernadotte.
My Prediction: Wedding tiara. The only tiara Sofia has worn in the last 7 years, this is probably the safest bet! It was worn last month by Sofia for the State Visit from Finland.
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The tiara I want Princess Christina to wear: Connaught. Another Swedish stunner! This tiara holds particular significance for the Haga Princesses as it was their mother’s favourite tiara so it’s always lovely when she wears it. The tiara was last worn last month by Christina for the State Visit from Finland.
My Prediction: 4 Button Tiara. The better Swedish button tiara, I am not the biggest fan of either. However, aside from Victoria’s birthday tiara and the Cut Steel Bandeau, this tiara has been in the vault for the longest so it’s due an appearance. It was last worn by Princess Christina in December 2022 for the King’s Dinner for Nobel Laureates.
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frevandrest · 11 months
In preparation for the big day tomorrow, let's remember that Hérault was the president of the Legislative Assembly once and the National Convention 2.5 times, and each of these coincidenced with important events:
(September 1792): He was the president during the September massacres.
(November 1792): He was the president during the king inviolability speeches, including Saint-Just's first speech at the Convention, on 13th November 1792.
(May 31st 1793): He was an impromptu president of the Convention when the armed members of the Commune arrived, demanding the arrest of the Girondins. The president, Mallarmé, gave the presidency to Hérault (or Hérault took it? Not sure how it went) and rushed outside to try to calm the situation down using his charm. It didn't work.
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That's Hérault in a brown coat in the centre.
(August 1793): He was the president during the celebration of the first anniversary of the August insurrection, on 10th August 1793. Also known as Libertitty/Libertéton event around here.
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You knew something big was in store when Marie-Jean presided is what I'm saying.
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densi-mber · 1 year
Who is up for Densi-mber 7?!
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Even though the show is over (😢), I think TV's best couple deserves at least one more big celebration! I can't believe this will be the SEVENTH one! Densi-mber December is almost here! 31 days of Densi, sounds like a great time to me!
If others are up for enjoying the event, and/or helping plan things and contributing to the event, I'm up for hosting it at least once more! (Not to say it won't continue past 2023, but at this point, I'm committing for this year!)
@ejzah has agreed to again write some of her awesome ficlets for the event, and I plan on gif-ing moments from throughout the entire series. Any suggestions will gladly be taken into consideration! Especially moments from more recent seasons!
That said, Densi-mber number 7 is just 2.5 months away! Please reach out if you'd like to help take part this year! As long as it's Densi-related (which this year will include their growing family), we want to see it! Gifs, stories, photo edits, art, whatever Densi things you want to share, we are up for it! (side note: Although the event takes place in December and we sometimes use that to have some holiday themes/prompts, that is not a requirement for the event! It's just in December for pun's sake (and also when their "all-in" anniversary is)
If you're not feeling as creative to make your own things, feel free to reach out with ideas you'd like to see from the rest of us! I'm also going to try to add in some fun questions and trivia that anyone can take part in!
As in years past, the event mostly takes place here on Tumblr, but we do have both an Instagram and a Twitter/X/whatever-it-is page too. They're both @densimber (no hyphen). I'd love to spread the Densi-mber love as far and as wide as possible! If anyone would like to volunteer to help with sharing the event on either of those accounts, I'd love the assistance! Feel free to send me a DM or an ask either here or @mashmaiden.
TL;DR: December 1st - 31st = Densimber number 7!! Please join us for the fun! =D
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kairunatic · 3 months
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Sooo Yes it's AE 2.5 Anniversary and Habbit just made a post on their current plans for it's celebration
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First is this one it seems Habbit is planning to create a "Weapon Gacha" Based system kinda like the AR Cards from Housamo that boost your units. But here I think it uses CG from the game itself
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Also Actual Official merchandise from the game itself a Bal plush and habbit is collaborating with Paw prints to make it(I think they are the company that made plush for several furry VN)
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And LMAO it's not only plush but Habbit is legit planning to create actual Sex toys too OMG lol
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And last it seems Habbit already teased about the upcoming event and we See Goh in the teaser
Sooooo yeah that's there plans lol
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sav-not-tav · 6 months
BG3 Backstory Bash by Kelandrin
Introducing Tavyra - a.k.a, Tav!
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Thank you to @darkurgetrash for this tag!! I'm late to it because I was undecided on which Tav I wanted to complete this for. I settled on my most recent Tav whom I'm in progress of writing a fic for :) I tend to write using nondescript characters for reader insert but this is how I played her! Left is her usual hairstyle for day-to-day, right is how I imagine her to look when *relaxing* around camp.
AN: I am writing a fic for her ATM but this should not have much in the way of spoilers. The fic will focus on her journey through the events of BG3 - and her romance - but in a *what if Tav wasn't the group leader* way.
Tavyra's parents were Lower City residents who were struggling to make ends meet when they had her. She knows nothing of her parents aside from their low social status, and only has one picture of them from when she was a toddler.
Due to her unconventional upbringing, Tavyra does not know anything about her firsts. She does know that her magic presented itself very early, around 2.5 years of age.
She did not have much in the way of traditional friends, as a kid. She was teased by kids in the orphanage for being abandoned by her living parents, and her magical mishaps only increased the teasing. Tav did not begin to make friends with other street kids and locals until she got a bit older.
She did not have siblings - there were plenty of other kids around, but she never formed a close enough bond to consider them found family.
Getting Into Trouble:
She rarely got into any trouble that did not involve her wild magic. On a few occasions, she was caught pickpocketing by the city guard, but was let off with a warning due to her young age (and her tears).
She does not know her true birthday, but has always celebrated on Summer Solstice. She enjoys the warmth of the summer sun on her skin and if she can spare the coin, treats herself to some ripe sunmelon and fresh pastries.
Tavyra grew up playing traditional games with the local kids. A lot of hopscotch, hide-and-seek, and one-a-cup.
After an unknown magical mishap at a very young age, Tavyra's parents realized more than before that they did not have the proper means to care for her. She was left at an orphanage before she turned 3, and was cast out from there after only a few years, left on the streets by age 6. These events left her without a secure sense of home or self.
Reckless behaviour:
Tavyra had to learn to manage her emotions and avoid magic use from a very early age. Numerous incidents left her out of a job, and many times she had to resort to theft to keep herself housed and fed. She became a good pickpocket during these years.
First Love:
As a teenager, she found herself hopelessly enamored with an Upper City boy who frequented the Elfsong Tavern for dinner during her shifts. She regularly tried to work up the courage to speak to him for more than a passing moment. On the day she had finally built the nerve to approach him, he came in for dinner with another girl. Tavyra's emotions went haywire when she saw this, causing her magic to surge - not only embarrassing herself in front of him, but also losing her job.
Taking responsibility:
Tavyra was forced into taking responsibility for her magic when it kept landing her in difficult situations. Shortly before she turned 6, she got into an argument with a boy at the orphanage, and her she cried so hard she cast 'Fireball' on her bed. Part of the orphanage went up in flames and she was kicked out for being a liability.
She also lost numerous jobs due to surges, so she practiced keeping herself calm and never used magic on purpose.
Their "first time":
Her first time was with a boy who had been living in the hostel for a few months. She did not enjoy the experience and actively avoided him afterward. His bed was unclaimed shortly after.
Serious relationships:
She has not found herself in any serious relationships. After her "first time", she had a few flings throughout her later teenage years, but never anything lengthy. Due to keeping her emotions tempered, she struggled to build a deep emotional connection with anyone.
Before BG3, she worked whatever jobs she could find in the Lower City. For a short time, she served and cleaned tables at various taverns or worked the counter at some of the local shops.
She became an adept pickpocket, but her moral compass limited her to only steal from those who could afford the loss. She refused to take from anyone who was not well off, no matter how desperate she became.
After the events of BG3, she travels with Halsin back to Reithwin Town to help care for the orphans and rebuild, until her heart draws her back to Baldur's Gate.
Finding her place:
Tavyra didn't quite feel that she fit in with her group of companions, no matter how much she liked them. Each party member held skills that made them useful while she seemed to keep getting in the way. She finds her place among the tiefling refugees when she is left to remain at camp outside the Emerald Grove, while her companions travel the area.
Her bonds with the refugees grow deeper as she spends time with them at Last Light Inn and during the events of Act 3.
Starting a family/Found family:
Tavyra grows very close to the tieflings, specifically Cal and Lia as well as all the orphaned children. After the events of the game, she travels with Halsin back to Reithwin Town to help establish a home for the orphans. After a few months, she finds her way back to Baldur's Gate to reconnect with the tiefling siblings, finding a home for herself.
Tavyra is a human and ages normally like one. In the events of BG3, she is approx. 22-23 years old (which is the age I headcanon Cal and Lia as)
That's Tav! I am super excited about the fic I am writing for her (if I ever get around to posting it) and finishing her playthrough (if I can ever get done with Act 3). <3
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kawaiichibiart · 4 months
We have more gachas to look forwards to in June.
They're returning, if you weren't able to pull on them, here's your chance to try again!!
First up, we're celebrating the JP 2.5 anniversary once again with 3 returning gachas:
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I was going to include this with the rest of the campaigns, but figured it'd be better suited here:
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The Graceful Marriage Gacha aka the ShizuAn Wedding Gacha is returning as well:
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It's his birthday month!!! If you're a Rui fan, you will be able to pull for his birthday card (both past one and present one):
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We're getting a new exclusive costume set as part of a Premium Gift Gacha (with 1 guaranteed 4 star):
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June will have two ColorFes Gachas going on, the first is the returning JP 2.5 as mentioned earlier in this post, our second will be held alongside the upcoming Cheerful Carnival Event:
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cybiirz · 1 year
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Gepard x Gn!Reader
Sypnosis : This celebration had been in the works for quite some time now. Everything was figured out until the very last detail, nothing would cause this event to go wrong. Well, a party isn’t fun without a party crasher right? Who would have guessed that both sides however, would come more than prepared. And when doing so, who would come out victorious?
WC : 3.1k (exactly)
WARNINGS (PLEASE READ) : Gepard is a little OOC in this. There will be a lot violence in this chapter and a fair bit of blood towards the end. I would also like to state that this is pretty much a filler fic. The only reason I have chosen to write this now is because I will be busy the next two days, and this idea has been on my mind for a while now. I wanted to show that I have chosen to go with a more independent reader and I believed a fight scene fic would be the best way. There is almost no actual interaction with Gepard and the reader, only for a very short time. This chapter will be optional to read but will be preferred if you do. I apologise for not adding more of his character, but I can guarantee that he will be the main event in the next! ALSO KIND OF BAD FIGHT SCENES WRITTEN UP AHEAD I THINK?
Read part 1 || part 2 || part 2.5 || part 3
Gepard’s little confession was certainly one that took you by surprise. Luckily, over the next few days, that thought had slowly dissipated from your mind as something else filled that hole instead. The night tomorrow was the viewing of some of Belobog’s most famous artefacts, thanks to the help of the History and Culture Museum. Pela had organised the majority of this event.
The only catch to this event was the fact that it was strictly only nobles, knights of high ranking and helpers specifically picked out by Cocolia who gained access to this event. There was one more thing that really made this little celebration stand out however. The dress code was surprisingly enough a masquerade ball, along with formal wear.
Why, you may ask? Because Cocolia was the one who would give the large speeches, and therefore be up on stage more. Mainly, heroic speeches, about the success of the guards who managed to push the fragmentum monsters back further, allowing the guards to progress more. It was actually quite a large step for the guards, so much so that many supplies had to be sent over in order to build entire new camps.
Now, masquerade, Silvermane guards, artefacts, how do they all link? Well, since this event was no doubtedly going to be in the newspaper for the next few days, Cocolia wanted to be the centre of attention, which is what caused everyone else to be wearing masks, whilst she would not. This would emphasise her more, that much was true. The formal wear would be a stark contrast to her as she had specifically requested that nobody else should wear the colour green, of any shade. And if anyone dared do so, they would immediately be banned from said event.
The artefacts however are linked towards the Silvermane Guards more than anything. The first helmet made, the first axe used to slay a fragmentum monster, so on and so on. But the one and only thing that stood out to you was the large chunk of geomarrow ore that would be displayed. Even just a small handful of that ore would provide enough money to feed an entire family for a week. Which is why you were dead set on carving part of the ore out for the Underworld.
There were about three problems, as expected, unfortunately. First off, your parents wanted you to attend the event, so you were officially put on the guest list, meaning you had to double cross this whole thing without anyone recognising you. The masks were convenient at least. Secondly, the place would be surrounded with guards, which only meant more planning on your part, and planning was one hell of a headache.
Last but certainly not least, Gepard was going to be there. It was assumed of course, but it only made it more difficult. Not only in having to sneak past terms, but also the fact that you had to do this pretty much right under his nose. Before never bothered you since he always came to the scene of the crime after you had taken everything, but now he was right there in the flesh. Not to mention he would be keeping a personal eye out for you as a friend.
All of those thoughts ran through your head as you stared at yourself in the mirror. Examining your outfit again, you tried to make sure the entire piece of clothing was in tip top shape. No wrinkles, creases, simply all prim and proper. You wore a short cape that reached your waist around your shoulders to hide the strap around your upper arm which contained a small revolver with spare ammo. The guards acted on instinct and all it took was a shot to the arm before they would back off. No one had to die tonight, that was never your plan.
After going over the full outfit, you grabbed the mask that sat on the wooden table top and placed it onto your face. Your eyes stared at the reflection as you considered yourself practically unrecognisable at this point. Eventually, you were brought out of your daze as you heard your mothers voice shouting for you. You rushed down the stairs as you began walking with your mother and father towards the Qlipoth Fort, as the event was going to be held there.
Before the three of you could go up the steps, you called towards your father to let him know that you had forgotten your family badge back at the house. He scolded you for a second before shooing you off to fetch it. Truth be told, you still hadn’t found the badge which you had seemingly lost, but it didn’t necessarily matter to you. After all, the old thing meant nothing to you, you couldn’t even be bothered to keep it in a good condition.
As you made your way home, you took a slight detour and went through an old alleyway which people mostly avoided at this late hour. There, you spotted a person who was your height and build as you greeted them. They handed you a bag as you moved behind a dumpster and got changed into the new set of clothes. After fixing your hair up into a different style, you handed your old clothes to the person. As you placed them into their hands you held them there as you spoke.
“Remember, you do not reveal your name under any circumstances unless you are with my mother and father. You needn’t worry about them, but if anyone asks you about how the family is doing, simply say that Cocolia is a good person and you wouldn’t be anywhere without her. Other than that, smile and wave, and be weary of the Silvermane Captain. His eyes and hair are recognisable, you know that. Avoid him at all costs, that’s all. Off you go,” You patted them on the shoulder as you texted Sampo a thank you and how you would also personally dismember him if this person was incompetent.
He simply sent one of his silly emoticons back with a little reassurance before you shut off the screen. After attaching the small gun back onto your arm strap, you made your way through the crowd and looked around for a way to get past the guards. You saw out of the corner of your eye a young chef who seemed to be wheeling a cake up the not too steep steps.
Pursing your lips together, you whistled for the oncoming chef. He quickly paused and looked to the right before you appeared on his left and pressed down hard onto his pressure point as he fell to the floor.
“I won’t ruin your cake bud, don’t worry,” You whispered down to the unconscious man. You quickly dragged him back to the alley way and threw on his ridiculously oversized coat and the toque as you left the mask on to conceal your identity.
After a surprisingly easy trip up the stairs, you nodded towards the guards as they nodded back and let you pass through. You brought the cake to the kitchen before sneaking off to the toilets. You threw off the old uniform and chucked it into a nearby bin before fixing yourself up and readjusting the mask.
Making your way out of the bathrooms, you stepped foot into the large ballroom. Everything here was neat and tidy, the decorations were simply so well done that they could’ve been straight out of a storybook. The food looked absolutely divine as did the people. Everyone had their own dresses, suits and the masks were to die for. And obviously the one face you could spot was Cocolia’s as she shook hands with a few of the guests.
Looking around, you spotted your temporary clone chatting away with a random person as you clapped for them internally. Suddenly, you spotted Gepard, he was hard to miss after all. He stood by the Supreme Guardian, keeping a watch out for any suspicious behaviour.
You pulled your eyes away from him as you slowly made your way over to the table which held all the food. You grabbed a glass and poured yourself a glass of Chardonnay. Walking away slowly, you made sure to keep your eyes on Cocolia and Gepard at all times. You saw the time and discreetly pulled your phone out and left one simple text.
Your impersonator had moved close to the coupe with the other which they were chatting with. You watched closely as another masked guest walked just behind them and quickly snagged a glass from the tower. The glasses of wine soon began to shake, which didn’t escape the Captain’s sharp eyes. Hearing him yell as he instantly pushed the clone out of the way along with their supposed date.
A smile creeped up onto your face as all eyes diverted towards the three. Still keeping a hold of the glass, you made your way through a side door as the guards rushed to check if there were any major injuries due to the outstanding acting of your other.
Making your way through the twisted hallways, you entered a dark room as the motion detector switched on the lights to brighten up the dark place. Looking around briefly at the artefacts, it was safe to say that they were not as impressive as you had hoped. Until your eyes finally landed on it.
There, placed conveniently in the middle, was the chunk of geomarrow ore, practically screaming at you to take it. You lifted your foot as you were about to take a step but quickly paused. “This seemed way too easy…” You thought to yourself as you quickly retracted your foot. Your hand reached for your gun as you held it by your side and began to walk towards the medium sized ore. Sure enough, there stood the Captain himself across from you, the only thing in between you two was the ore as he watched you, without his mask. He was accompanied by his giant weapon of a case.
“Ah! Captain, such a coincidence that we both wanted to take a look at these artefacts. Such deep meaning behind them, wouldn’t you say?” You asked with a smile as you placed the gun behind your back.
“It is over for you thief,” He stated boldly and straight. Soon enough, the rushing of footsteps could be heard as guards came running in through the doors holding axes, guns, spears, whatever you could think of, they had it. You raised your eyebrows as you looked around to see all of them in defensive positions.
“Wow guys, sure you brought enough soldiers?” You questioned no one in particular sarcastically.
“Like I said, it’s over, now do not make this hard for us and give up nice and slow,” His words were firm as a few officers began approaching you cautiously. You raised your hands by your head. This was just like the café, only more soldiers, more risk and certainly harder to escape from.
“Put down the weapon!” One of the soldiers screamed. Turns out in the midst of all the commotion, you had somehow forgotten of the very obvious gun in your hand. You let out a quick hum.
Six rounds, around 14-15 guards including Gepard. No reloads. You kissed your teeth after realising that you were going to have to be diligent with the bullets.
“Alright alright, I'll get on my knees…” You murmured as you slowly began to descend. The officers were pointing their guns to your head. Just as your knee was about to make contact with the floor, you swiftly pivoted on one foot as you shot each guard in their thigh as they cried out in pain.
You began to run whilst keeping your head low as multiple shots began firing at you. You swiftly ducked beneath a stand that protected you from the shots as you checked the gun.
4 more rounds.
Upon further observation, you spotted how there were only about 5-6 more soldiers with guns. The rest you could take head on. But you had to be careful. You were a thief, sure, but that didn’t mean you wanted to become a murderer for crying out loud.
You were quickly snapped out of your thoughts as you heard the grunt of a soldier who had snuck near you and was raising his axe. Your eyes widened as you swung your leg, swiping him off of his feet as he hit his head onto the floor, knocking himself out cold.
“You tryna kill me?!” You yelled at the remaining soldiers. Briefly, the sound of Gepard telling the officers to keep you alive filled your ears. Course he wants to, wants to lock me up for eternity.
You grabbed the barrel of the gun and sprung out of the case as you aimed towards another person, before a weapon fell and the officer held his shoulder crying.
3 rounds, a few more gunned guards.
You exhaled deeply as you peeked around the corner before hearing footsteps behind you. Out of reflex, you managed to roll to the side just in time as an axe came swinging down, slicing the wooden stand in half. Dramatic?
You raised yourself before delivering a kick to his abdomen, causing him to release his weapon and stumble back before you kicked him square in the head, sending him to dream to his heart’s content. Not permanently might I add.
Another shot was fired as you ducked down again. Still 3 rounds. But now, only about 9 guards, including Gepard. But it seems through this whole fight, he wasn’t dealing any blows. Good for you though, because if he did, this battle would’ve been over minutes ago.
You heard two of the soldiers closing in on both sides of you. One with a gun, one with an axe. Dashing towards the axed guard, he attempted to strike you before you turned to his other side. The other one pointed his weapon at you and was prepared to shoot.
Just as he pulled the trigger, you dragged the one next to you by the collar and guarded yourself with him. The bullet went straight into the soldier's arm as he wailed out like the others.
“No hard feelings!” You said nervously to the man on the floor before realising you still had another on your back. Raising the revolver, you shot at the officer. Unfortunately, it seems he chose to do the same. And due to the amount of precision in your shots, the bullets collided with one another.
The small bullets created an explosion of a miniature size, but it bought enough time for you. You ran towards the man and ripped the gun from his hands before knocking the barrel against his head.
Another guard ended up putting you in a chokehold from behind. You gripped onto his arm as you did your best to regain your breath before planting your feet. You grasped his arm as tightly as you could before flipping his body over and slamming him against the wall, his unconscious self sliding down to the floor.
You cracked your neck before turning around to spot another gunner charging towards you. Rolling your eyes, you shot him once again in the thigh. He fell just like the others. You checked the gun and spotted one more round left before someone aimed another shot towards you.
But it wasn’t one, rather two. Shit! You knelt down and remembered how there was one more guard than you had bullets. They were both standing next to each other which allowed you to go forth with this strategy.
You sprinted whilst keeping yourself low as you saw them hiding behind the stands. You leaped to the side and pointed the revolver towards them. Their heads turned towards you as they began to lift up their weapons. But you were faster.
You pulled the trigger as the bullets went through both of their sides as they held then whining out into the night time air. 3 guards left. All gunner guards down. Unfortunately now, you were also out of bullets. Now you had to rely on hand to hand combat.
Two of the guards began sprinting at you, pointing their axes at you. You kicked one of the weapons on the floor and caught it before blocking one of the officers' slashes. Lifting your leg up, you kicked the other in the side as he tumbled back. Whereas you had chosen to wrap your legs around the other's waist and flip him above you, slamming his head into the floor.
The kicked guard quickly stood up and saw his friend fade out of consciousness. Dashing towards you, he yelled about how he would end you as he reached his arm out. Tutting, you grabbed the reached out wrist and swerved him around as you placed his arm onto his back, as you held his free hand straight.
“You’re ambitious aren’t you?” You whispered into the man’s ear before twisting his arm. He shrieked and it almost pierced your eardrums before you let go and he held the injured body part. You stood up straight and gazed around for the final soldier.
In all honesty, you looked like absolute crap. Your clothes were slightly torn and the mask on your face was ajar. You adjusted it before he could recognise you. But the one thing that stood out, was that half of your face and your body had been dirtied with blood from the wounds of the soldiers. It was a whole murder scene, except it wasn’t. The officers crawled out one by one as they went to look for medical attention.
A slow clap could be heard from one of the doors before Gepard emerged from the shadowed doorway, holding his case.
“You certainly have talent, thief. It’s unfortunate you chose this path, even more unfortunate is how you look right now. But it matters not, as I will end this between us once and for all,” He stated as he raised his weapon, ready for combat.
Reaching up your hand, you wiped the excess blood off of the corner of your lips before retrieving one of the axes left on the ground. You slammed the end of the weapon down before pointing it towards him and you spoke in a low and serious tone for once.
“So be it Captain. If it is misery you have chosen, then allow me to bestow that upon you, Gepard…”
A/N : Whoohoo, third fic finished. I had so much inspiration to write this since I just rewatched suicide squad and birds of prey, so you can only guess who inspired me to create this. But I hope that the idea of a strong reader has come across well here and I apologise if this is not the type of reader you like. One day I will make a soft reader but I do not see many strong inserts being written so I decided to try and be one of em. Anyways, any critiques, feel free to leave and I will respond ASAP!
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