#2014 FIFA World Cup
reportwire · 2 years
World Cup organizers to ban alcoholic beer sales at stadiums
World Cup organizers to ban alcoholic beer sales at stadiums
DOHA, Qatar — World Cup organizers will ban the sale of all beer with alcohol at the eight stadiums used for the soccer tournament, a person with knowledge of the decision told The Associated Press. The decision comes only two days before games start in Qatar. Non-alcoholic beer will still be available for fans at the 64 matches, the person said. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because…
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FIFA World Cup 2014 Brazil "Fuleco"
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divingsave · 3 months
chris kramers wm 2014 10 jahre jubiläums post: „die erinnerung bleibt ein leben lang“
ich, und der top kommentar: welche erinnerung
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eztr3llxh0sh1mx · 4 months
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Sorry for I leaving abandoned to tumblr
Fuleco my husbando from my puberty :3 the world cup brazil is turn 10 years
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shakiradaily · 2 years
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Shakira: FIFA World Cup Waka Waka (This Time for Africa) x La La La (Brazil 2014)
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trashyswitch · 1 year
Co-Parenting Human Kids
Bonnie and Freddy co-parent two kids together. Freddy parents Gregory, and Bonnie parents Rose. Together they play hiding games, tickling games, and even soccer games! And Rose knows a thing or two about soccer...
Part 2 to The Two Glamrock Kids. Link
This fanfic is for @UndertaleSansLuv3 on AO3. I hope you enjoy the sequel!
Freddy and Bonnie were currently playing a game of hide and seek with the kids. The kids, Gregory and Rose, were supposed to be hiding somewhere while the seekers (Freddy and Bonnie) were looking for them. 
“Are they in your bowling alley, Bun?” Freddy asked, speaking to each other through their cell phone system. 
“Nope. The place is completely empty, Ted.” Bonnie replied as he left the bowling alley. 
Freddy headed to the Fazer blast maze next, but found that the maze was completely empty. None of the two kids were in there. He headed to the Fazbear Theater next, hoping to see if the kids were hiding in the darkness of the theater. But he couldn’t hear any shuffling or giggling coming from any children in the theater. So, he left that spot and looked around the area. “Fazer Blast and Fazbear theater are empty.” Freddy said. 
“Hey Ted, what about Gator Golf?” Bonnie asked. 
Freddy shook his head. “I didn’t check yet, Bun.” Freddy admitted. 
“Okay. Can you go check it for me?” Bonnie asked. “I’ll check the fazcade and ask DJ. Okay Ted?” Bonnie replied. 
“Okay, Bun.” Freddy replied as he ended the call. 
Freddy headed to the right, towards the Monty’s Gator Golf area. He walked up to the entrance and headed in. Walking around the green area, Freddy looked around at the putting levels as well as the concession stands and the tree-house. And to Freddy’s surprise, the kids were not in the tree-house! Looking around for a little longer, Freddy scanned the room with his x-ray vision before confirming that the kids were not in the Monty Golf area. 
“The kids are not in Gator Golf, Bun.” Freddy said into the speaker. 
“Hear you loud and clear, ted.” Bonnie joked. 
Freddy walked out of the Gator Golf, and over to the escalator. “I’ll check Floor 2, you check Floor 3, Bun.” Freddy told him. 
“Got it, Ted.” he replied. 
Freddy reached the top of the escalator and hopped off. He walked around a bit, and headed to the Roxy Raceway first. Knowing the place was under construction, Freddy knew he couldn’t go into Roxy’s Raceway. So, he checked the room with his x-ray vision. And…the kids were not in there. So, Freddy turned around. “Roxy Raceway is empty, Bun.” Freddy said. 
“Well, I’d hope so, Ted! It’s under construction!” Bonnie added. 
“Still…you  know the kids, Bon…they usually find a way to get in places they don’t belong.” Freddy told him. 
Bonnie chuckled into the speaker. “Yup…I do, Ted.” He replied. “What about the bakery? I hear stories of kids not being able to resist a cupcake or two.” Bonnie asked. 
“Hmmm…I’ll check.” Freddy said as he turned to look at the large Chica-themed bakery. He walked to the bakery with a smirk. His little audio speakers were already starting to hear the sound of little giggles coming from the bakery. Perhaps that’s them? 
Freddy walked into the bakery door, where he found the still and unresponsive cupcake machine. He found no cupcakes on the conveyor belt, or anything else around the machine for that matter. But still, he could hear the soft little giggles of a girl. He walked closer to the pole, and looked on the other side of it. 
No one…But he could still hear some of those giggles! He looked down, and- 
“There you are-” Freddy declared before gasping and freezing. “And Gregory too!?” Freddy reacted as he picked the two kids up under their arms. “Why are you both hiding together?!” Freddy asked. 
Rose laughed and kicked her feet. “Ihihi tohohold yohou ihit would be a bad idea!” She reacted. 
“Ihihi dohohohon’t wahanna hehehear it, Rohohose.” Gregory giggled back. 
“Wowzers! I haven’t even touched you two, and you’re already laughing!” Freddy let out a laugh. “You’re like a pair of tickle-me-Elmo’s!” Freddy teased. 
“AHAHAM NOHOT!” Gregory yelled. 
“Now now, inside voice.” He reminded them. “Hey Bun! I found the kids! Come to the cupcake shoppe!” Freddy said. 
“Aww man, I was certain they would be at El Chips.” Rose heard from her father, which came from Freddy’s speaker. “Well, you thought wrong, Bun.” Freddy teased. 
“On my way, Ted.” Bonnie replied. 
“Tehed?” Gregory asked. 
“Buhuhun?! Whahat are those?!” Rose asked. 
“Why, they’re code names! Freddy and Bonnie sounded too long for this type of game!” Freddy said. “So we had to make code names for each other.” He added. “Ted is short for teddy, and Bun is short for bunny.” Freddy explained. 
“Ted suhuhuits yohou!” Rose admitted. “Oh Rose…” Freddy started tickling Rose’s belly first. “Flattery will get you nowhere.” Freddy told her before tickling Gregory’s belly as well. “You two have been caught by the evil tickle monster! Feel my fury! RAAWRR!” Freddy teased, wiggling 4 fingers each on both Gregory and Rose’s bellies. 
Gregory squealed and started laughing right away, kicking his feet like an aggressive swimmer out of water. “BAHAHAhahaha! Wahahahait nohohohoho!” Gregory laughed. 
Freddy chuckled. “You’re ticklish little superstars, aren’t you?” Freddy asked with a smirk. Seeing Gregory all giddy and playful will always make him feel happy. Gosh, even just seeing Gregory’s dimples puff out his cheeks, gave Freddy an artificial warm feeling in his chest. 
“Do you need me to stop?” Freddy asked. 
“NOHOHO, BUHUHUT-” Rose replied.
“Then I will continue tickling, as per your request!” Freddy replied before he moved an index finger up to her little belly button. “And what about here? Are you ticklish here?” He asked before poking inside her belly button. Rose gasped as her smile grew almost abnormally wide. Gregory couldn’t help but glance over at Rose in time to see her smile. And it was HUGE! He almost began to worry that she could split her face open if her smile grew even a millimeter more! 
And just as fast as her lips grew into that toothy smile, her laughter leaped out of her mouth with pure glee and giddiness. Her wiggles started up right around the same time too, making her move around in a more blurry fashion. Eventually, she threw her head back and started cackling in a whimsical way. It almost felt like flashes of electricity were being moved through her as she tried to wiggle every squirmy feeling out of her body. It was exhilarating! 
Gregory seemed to be laughing quite a bit softer than Rose right now. It seemed like Freddy wasn’t tickling Gregory all that much due to focusing more on Rose than Gregory at this moment. And honestly, Gregory didn’t mind the break. Plus, Gregory rather enjoyed watching Rose throw herself around and laugh heartily in his father figure’s arms. It was amusing and honestly…kinda cute. Not that he would ever admit that, of course. He quickly began to ignore his thoughts and began hoping and praying that Freddy couldn’t read his mind. 
“Alright, break time for Rose.” Someone said to Freddy. Freddy looked up and smiled brightly when he saw who it was: It was Bonnie. “My turn to tickle the wiggle worm.” Bonnie told Freddy. 
Freddy put Rose down with a smile. “Of course!” He replied. Then, Freddy turned to his surrogate son. “And as for YOU, Gregory~” Freddy wiggled his now-free left hand at the wiggly victim within his right arm. Freddy made sure to smirk at Gregory from just above him, to both tease him and intimidate him all at once. And already, it looked like it was working on the boy. “Your doom is starting in 3…” 
Gregory gasped and quickly started to blush. No! NO! NOT THE COUNTING! PLEASE! 
Freddy brought his wiggling fingers closer to Gregory. “2…” 
Gregory squeaked and wiggled somewhat roughly as he watched the giant, orange fingers get closer and closer to his much-too-sensitive skin. Oh no…Here it comes!
Freddy moved his index nail closer to Gregory’s belly button. “1…” 
Gregory started letting out nervous, helpless giggles as he visibly noticed just how close Freddy had gotten to his poor, vulnerable belly button. And with how he was being held, Gregory couldn’t bring his whole arm down to cover it up! So he would have to take it like a man when the finger touches down! 
Freddy very lightly touched the skin surrounding the belly button, and swirled his little nail around it very teasily. “Aaaaand…” 
Gregory started letting out short spurts of giggles as he felt every little touch…every little scratch…every single poke of the animatronic’s nails around his belly button. 
Freddy touched down with all 4 of his fingers. “GO!” He declared, skittering rapidly. 
Gregory let out a sharp squeaky giggle before erupting into high-pitched, hysterical laughter. “HEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHAHAHAHA! FREHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Gregory couldn’t even speak, he was laughing so hard! And the boy could only occasionally breathe in full breathes when Freddy would let him. Though for some reason, the breathing thing was made bearable thanks to Freddy ability to know exactly when Gregory needed more oxygen. How in the world does Freddy know what he needs that well?! Does he read his body with his x-ray vision, or what?! It made no sense!
“Goodness! What a laugh!” Bonnie teased. 
“Is that an insult?” Freddy asked Bonnie with a smirk. 
“What?! No! That was a compliment. I love it.” Bonnie replied. “That was a compliment, right?” Bonnie asked Rose, who was currently being tickled on her open armpit by Bonnie. “YEHEHES! IHIHIT’S AHA COHOMPLIMEHEHEHENT!” Rose replied as best she could. 
“Okay, good. I was going to say…” Freddy added, looking at Rose and Bonnie. 
When Freddy stopped his fingers temporarily, Gregory managed to take in a large breath through his heavy laughter. “THIHIHIS… *huff, huff* Thihihis ihihihihis sohohOHOHO MEHEHEHEHEAN!” Gregory managed to get out right as Freddy’s fingers started up again. 
Freddy couldn’t help but laugh. “Ohoho, I know. But are you having fun?” Freddy asked as he read Gregory’s feelings with his eyes. 
[Anxiety level: 30%] 
[Happiness level: 70%] 
“YEHEHEHEHEAH, IHIHIHI AHAHAHAHAHAM.” Gregory replied as best he could considering the situation. 
“Wonderful! I knew you liked it!” Freddy declared, unintentionally teasing them. 
“Oh my gosh…” Rose muttered. “Are you seriously trying to lie to cover it up?!” Rose asked him. 
Rose gasped. “NO! No swearing!” She ordered. “Bad Gregory.” She added, poking his nose for extra effect. 
“Swearing?!” Freddy gasped. “You just earned yourself more tickles from the tickle monster~!” Freddy teased as he moved his fingers to the boy’s sides. 
Gregory squeaked as Freddy’s fingers moved down to his hips. Gregory threw his head back and guffawed, cackling almost right after. “BAAHAHAHAHA!” Gregory laughed. 
“Oooooh! Sweet spot?” Freddy asked. “Isn’t there an old retro song about hips?” Freddy asked Bonnie. 
“I think so…” Bonnie thought for a moment, having stopped tickling Rose a couple minutes earlier.
“Cahaha…Cahan’t you look it up?” Rose asked, looking at Bonnie. “I could, but that wouldn’t be as fun.” Bonnie replied. 
Freddy stopped tickling Gregory’s hips for a moment. “Yeah. It was by that singer and dancer from the 2010’s.” Freddy added. 
Rose hummed. “Starts with a S-h, I think. I think my Mom made me listen to them, because she made theme songs for the Fifa World Cup.” Rose explained. 
“Oh! I know, I know!” Gregory yelled. “Shania Twain!” Gregory guessed. 
Bonnie looked up the name, and played the first song that showed up on his audioplayer.  🎵Oh, oh, oh, go totally crazy, forget I'm a lady
Men's shirts, short skirts, Oh, oh, oh-🎵
“No…Not that one.” Rose replied. 
“Awww…” Gregory muttered. 
Bonnie stopped playing it and thought for a moment. 
Freddy widened his eyes and started to play the song on the audioplayer. 
🎵-'cause this is Africa
Tsamina mina, eh, eh
Waka waka, eh, eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa-🎵
Rose clapped her hands together. “That one!” Rose replied. “Who’s it by?” She asked. 
“Shakira.” Freddy replied. 
“SHAKIRA! Right!” Rose reacted. “That song was for the fifa world cup in 2010! It took place in Africa!” She added. “She also made that other song in 2014, which was good too.” Rose added. 
Freddy read the webpage. “It looks like the 2014 song was called “La La La”.” Freddy read. “But the official song was ‘We Are One (Ole Ola)’ by Pitbull.” Freddy said. 
“Right! Okay.” Rose replied. 
Gregory looked at Rose. “How did you know all that?” Gregory asked. 
Rose giggled. “My mom is a HUGE soccer fan.” She told him. “She always made sure I watched the old live streams of the world cup concerts with her, because ‘this was an important moment in history’.” She explained. “And it turns out…she wasn’t wrong.” Rose added with a smile. 
Gregory nodded his head as he listened. “What was your favorite team?” Gregory asked. Rose laughed. “What do you mean?” Rose asked, tilting her head. Gregory blinked. “Uhh…Soccer teams. For example, my favorite team is the Columbus Crew.” Gregory admitted. 
Rose laughed even harder. “Yohohou have no clue, do you?” Rose teased. 
Gregory tilted his head. “...What?” 
Rose looked at Gregory. “It’s the Fifa World Cup. That means the teams are put together to represent the countries.” Rose explained. “For example, there’s Team America, Team Canada, Team France, Team Brazil…” She further explained. 
“Oooooh…” Gregory muttered, shaking his head and slapping his own forehead with his palm. He felt really stupid. “Sorry…” He said. 
“It’s okay.” Rose replied. “You didn’t know.” 
Gregory bit his lip. “And who won?” Gregory asked. 
“Spain ended up winning in 2010.” Rose told him. 
“And Germany won in 2014.” Bonnie added. 
“Okay.” Gregory replied. 
Rose looked around the room. “I miss playing soccer sometimes…” Rose admitted. 
Gregory looked at Rose. “Really?”
Rose nodded her head. “Yeah.” She replied. 
Gregory thought for a moment, and looked around the pizzeria. He started to walk around the baking machinery. “Follow me.” Gregory told Rose, offering her his hand. 
Rose did as he told, and followed him out of the bakery. They walked around the pizzeria a bit before moving to an open area with tons of space. “Why don’t we play soccer?” Gregory asked. 
Rose tilted her head. “One on one? Or two on two?” She asked with a smirk. 
Gregory shrugged his shoulders as he pulled off his socks. “Depends if they can kick a sock ball around.” Gregory said as he rolled his socks into a ball. 
Rose smiled and took off her own shoes. “The shoes can be the net creases.” She said, lining her shoes up. 
Gregory nodded as he placed his own shoes on the other side of the playing ‘field’. Then, he walked up to Rose. “Put your socks on mine.” Gregory told her. 
Rose laughed and shook her head. “Eww! Gross!” She reacted. 
“If you put your socks on top of mine, then it’ll look bigger.” Gregory told her. 
Rose looked at the socks nervously. Does she ignore him and keep the soccer ball tiny? Or…does she risk her socks getting a little bit smelly so they can have a slightly bigger makeshift soccer ball? 
Rose finally smiled and removed her socks, before offering the boy her hand. “Sock-er ball, please.” Rose told him. 
Gregory laughed and handed the sock ball to her. With the sock ball in her hand, Rose wrapped her left sock around the ball and tucked it in. With that done, Rose wrapped her right sock around the ball next, making sure to cover the end hole of the left sock up with the toe-end of the right sock. With the sock hole open, she folded it in and wrapped a pony elastic around the ball. “And presto! A sock-er ball~” She declared. 
The sock-er ball was roughly the size of a white and red baseball now. And it was just big enough to be kicked around. “Ready to play?” Gregory asked. 
Rose nodded her head as she dropped it to the ground. “Play ball!” She declared, starting to kick it around. Gregory started trying to get it from her so he could kick it around too. But almost immediately,  Rose’s soccer skills became obvious. She was really good. But, Gregory was fast and strategic. So, he began to wonder if his soccer skills would be a good challenge for her. 
Only one way to find out! START!
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blixspaggeria · 9 months
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Finally i can draw him:')
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primdaisy · 2 years
waka waka is the best world cup song. thats it thats the post
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cruelangel94 · 2 years
That nostalgia.
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indigo47soul · 2 years
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World Cup 🏆 All Star Team’s
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shitdoodler · 2 years
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sorry for paint like the shit, i was bored (again)
(sorry for the mascotverse fans)
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shakira-fan-page · 2 years
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The official music video for ''La La La'' (Brasil 2014) (Spanish Version) has now surpassed 200 MILLION views on Youtube.
- This is Shakira's 29th video to achieve this on the platform.
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leonsliga · 2 years
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Okay so I figured this might be a good time to share my origin story of becoming a Lionel Messi fan!
(Even if it isn't, my unhinged a** is gonna do it anyway, so enjoy:))
2014 world cup era. My dad has always been obsessed with football in general, and Maradona in particular, so of course he was supporting Argentina out of hangover. My little cousin sister from America had come down to live in India for six months, and in that time we shared not only all our toys, but also headcanons regarding their world, their personalities and their future. As life would have it, we TOTALLY COINCIDENTALLY also happened to possess this clay toy horse named 'Messi', because he was messy. And when the WC started and my dad started yelling Messi Messi at a game, my sis and I obviously went to enquire why our horse had suddenly become so relevant. Then we got to know of Leo's (legendary, spectacular, beautiful, marvellous) existence, and began ROOTING for him throughout the tournament, just because his name matched with the name of our horse. We had absolutely no other context, but that didn't make our devotion superficial. In fact, we prayed every morning so that "Messi" and his team would qualify for the next stage, and we both fought our South-Asian household as kids to stay up till 1 or 2 in the night, I guess, to watch the finals, because time zones.
Needless to say, we were DEVASTATED by his loss. I don't remember if it by was my sis or me, or us both, but the clay horse Messi was smashed to the ground into a thousand pieces in the aftermath of our heartbreak.
That was pretty much my breakup with active participation in football worship. Though in the later years I occasionally got news from my father, I never felt the need to seek out what's going on in that world.
Cut to 2022, the WC starts and I vaguely hear about it. I feel almost nothing, and then Argentina loses against Saudi. I feel this one sharp pang in my chest, but this time it's familiar and long forgotten grief, so I get over it. And then the magic happens… one match after the other, the blue and white army of bbgs keep conquering, and everything in me *screams* "don't give me hope, I can't take this one more time."
I don't watch the finals… perhaps I should mention I have chronic anxiety 🙈. But I keep checking my phone every 5 minutes for stats. Won't waste time saying how excruciating it was, but they make it. Leo makes it, finally! And I imagine our beloved four legged Messi victoriously smiling from somewhere above.
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eztr3llxh0sh1mx · 2 years
💙💛 𝐅𝐮𝐧𝐞𝐤𝐨💛💙
redraw en 2018 hoy juega brasil vs corea del sur :3
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shakiradaily · 2 years
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SHAKIRA Queen of World Cup
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