#2016 Lollapalooza
muhidze · 1 year
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mortifiedandawesome · 5 months
Marina and The Diamonds - FROOT (Lollapalooza Brasil 2016)
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Of Monsters and Men - Thousand Eyes - Lollapalooza 2016
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mdemorita · 3 months
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Papa Emeritus III and his ghouls in the Lollapalooza in Chile, march 20, 2016
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[📸 - Julio Celis for Chileanskies]
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sam-reid · 2 years
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𝕿𝖔𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝖜𝖊'𝖗𝖊 𝖘𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖉 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖆 𝖉𝖎𝖛𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖚𝖘𝖊 . 𝕽𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖒𝖇𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊, 𝖓𝖔, 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖎𝖗 𝖋𝖚𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖘𝖘
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foundtherightwords · 10 months
Signal Fire - Chapter 1
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Summary: Two years after Corroded Coffin finally made it big, Eddie learns that Chrissy's mother has passed away. He returns to Hawkins in the hope of reuniting with her, but would Chrissy be able to overcome her fears and allow herself some happiness at last?
A/N: This is the final part of "Return to Hawkins". I highly recommend that you read the first two parts, especially "Headlights on Dark Roads", before reading this.
Also, since the first one, "Same Streets, New Memories" is in Eddie's POV, and the second one, "Headlights on Dark Roads", is in Chrissy's POV, I thought I'd have their alternating POVs here to balance things out.
Warnings: angst, brief mentions of abuse, homophobia, and drug use, some smut (in this chapter)
Chapter word count: 4.2k
Chapter 1
On tour, every band has its own post-show wind-down routine. Some retire to their hotel rooms with a drink or two and some mind-numbing TV. Some crash on their tour bus on their way to the next city, the next gig. Some meditate. Some talk to their therapist. Others, the really annoying ones, do yoga or hit the gym. Most party, and party hard, putting every substance known to man—and some unknown as well—down their throats, up their noses, and into every bodily orifice they can find.
The members of Corroded Coffin, like ET, phone home.
It had been over two years since they were signed with Metal Blade, two whirlwind years of constant recording, rehearsals, and gigs. Their third album—often mistaken by the new fans as their debut—had gone gold, then platinum. They had opened for Metallica, played at the recently resurrected Lollapalooza, and were about to embark on their first-ever European tour. For a band from a small town in Indiana who, until five years ago, was still struggling in obscurity, it was pretty well done.
Perhaps some of that success was owed to the band's exemplary behavior, both on- and offstage. Perhaps it was because they'd made almost every mistake one could make as a band already. When you've spent nearly 15 years doing everything wrong, the next thing you do is bound to be right. Their shows were always explosive, but there was no smashing of instruments, no biting heads off live animals. They were friendly with the other acts, but as soon as the backstage party descended into chaos and disorder, they excused themselves. When it came to parties, Corroded Coffin was much more likely to be found in the kind that went raiding and fighting evil wizards.
Though there was the occasional speculation about their personal lives, especially that of their charismatic frontman, they remained intensely private on that aspect. Tabloids soon got bored of them. They became known as the good boys of metal. Other critics, less charitable, called them a dad band, squares, or said that, like their name, they were already in the grave. They didn't care. All those years had taught them to manage their expectations. They knew they were never going to be huge, like Metallica-huge. But they seemed set on their way to being a moderately successful band, at least enough to earn a living doing what they love, and how many of us are that lucky?
That night, as they finished their penultimate US show in San Francisco, Jeff, Grant, and Gareth called their loved ones in LA as usual, although they were coming home the next day to prepare for Rock am Ring in Germany. Eddie checked his phone as well. Though it was now late in Hawkins, Uncle Wayne would still be awake, a leftover habit from his days of working nights at the plant, or, if not, he would leave Eddie a voice message—the old man never got the hang of texting, bless him—and Eddie would call him back in the morning.
Wayne had left a message. It only said, "Call me when you get this. Never mind the time."
Had something happened? Had there been an accident? With his heart in his throat, Eddie fumbled with the buttons to dial Wayne's number.
"I'm fine, everything's fine," Wayne said the moment he heard Eddie's voice, and Eddie relaxed slightly. "Except—ah, Mrs. Cunningham just passed away. Couple of days ago."
Eddie's first reaction was to laugh out loud at the sheer anti-climactic feel of it all. Through the curtain of his bunk, he could hear the murmur of Gareth's voice asking his wife to give their daughter a goodnight kiss.
"How'd you know?" Eddie asked. "Did she tell you or—"
Wayne knew who he meant. "No. I still see her in town from time to time, but—no, I saw the funeral notice."
So Chrissy's mom had died. Eddie sat down, not quite sure how he should take the news. He supposed he should feel bad for the woman, at least a little, but all he could feel was relief. Ding dong, the witch is dead. He'd only met Mrs. Cunningham once, shortly before he went back to LA, but it was enough, and he could never forgive her for the damage she'd done to Chrissy. She was the reason Chrissy had decided to stay in Hawkins, the reason Chrissy had given up on them. Now that she was gone... but he was getting ahead of himself. What bothered him was that Chrissy hadn't told him the news herself. She still had his number, he believed. Why hadn't she called? Did she think he would not care? Did she even want him there?
"When's the funeral?" Eddie heard himself asking.
"Day after tomorrow."
"Do you—do you think I should be there?"
Eddie knew Wayne would understand. Wayne knew Eddie would want to talk it out with someone, which was why he'd waited to tell Eddie directly instead of just leaving a message. Eddie was grateful to his uncle for that.
"Look, I don't want to pry into what happened between you and Chrissy," Wayne said. "But she's lonely, I can tell. For a year after you left, she didn't come around, didn't call, nothing. Then one day, I ran into her at the store, and the girl just... broke down. I told her if she needed someone to talk to, I'd be there for her. Now she brings me food sometimes, and we'd have a beer and talk about you."
"Wait, how come this is the first time I ever heard about you and Chrissy hanging out?"
"Chrissy asks me not to mention it to you. She's still..." Eddie was dying for his uncle to finish the sentence, but Wayne only cleared his throat. "But what does an old man like me know anyway? If you can make it, go—even if it's just for old time's sake."
After he said goodbye to Wayne and hung up, Eddie lay back in his bunk. Two years. Two years he had not heard from Chrissy. When he left, she'd asked him not to say goodbye, and so in his mind, things between them had never ended at all. Once the band was settled in LA, he'd called and called and called and sent messages after messages, telling her that he would wait until she was ready to talk, so they could figure things out. She never answered, and after a while, he stopped.
It was fortunate that he had been so busy the past two years, or he might have gone crazy from missing her. The mornings were the worst. At night, he could fall into bed, exhausted after a gig or a recording session, without thinking much of her, but in the morning, there was always a drowsy moment when he expected to feel her feather-light kisses on his ear, and he would strain so hard to actually catch the kiss that he woke himself up.
He'd missed her when he and the guys had gone to see The Return of the King (opening night, Grauman's Chinese Theater), although she had always fallen asleep watching any of the Lord of the Rings films. He missed seeing her curled up on his shitty couch in his shitty apartment in Hawkins. Not that he would trade what they had now for his old life. But it would've been nice if he could've shared it with her. 
And here was his chance.
The funeral was on Thursday. They were leaving for Germany next week. That would give him three days in Hawkins for the funeral and to work out whatever needed to be worked out between him and Chrissy, before rejoining the band in LA.
Two years was a long time. A lot could've changed. But if Wayne was correct, if Chrissy was really lonely and still... still what? Thinking of him? In love with him? Eddie didn't know, but he couldn't let this chance pass without finding out.
Eddie rented a car in Indianapolis and drove straight to the funeral from the airport. The closer he got to Hawkins, to seeing Chrissy, the faster his heartbeats got, until he felt like his heart had been switched with one of Gareth's snares. What would she be like? Would she be the same, or had she changed? Would she be happy to see him?
His flight was a bit late, and the car rental had taken longer than he'd expected, so by the time he pulled into the church, the service was already underway. He slipped in, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, but several heads from the back rows still turned toward him, first with curiosity, and then disapproval. He'd take care to wear black, but now that he thought about it, perhaps black jeans, a black t-shirt, and a black leather jacket were not the most appropriate attire in this situation. He could only imagine what he looked like to this church-going crowd—less like someone attending a funeral and more like someone going to a Black Sabbath concert, which, to be fair, is what he looked like most of the time. Even the photo of Mrs. Cunningham set by the lectern, surrounded by white chrysanthemums, seemed to be glaring at him.
Ignoring those looks of consternation, Eddie found a pew at the very back and gingerly sat down, while still scanning the front for Chrissy. He knew the back of her head and her neck so well that he was certain he could pick her out even from behind. But there was no sign of her blond head. Perhaps she had decided to skip the funeral altogether. Given the relationship between her and her mother, Eddie couldn't exactly blame Chrissy. That didn't stop him from feeling a sense of anticlimax though. Where would she be?
Eddie noticed that no family member stepped up to give a speech. Of course, Chrissy's brother, who had been kicked out by her parents at eighteen for being gay, wouldn't be there either. At the lectern, the pastor was droning on about what a kind and generous soul Mrs. Cunningham was and how bravely she had endured tragedy and hardship in the last few years of her life, and Eddie had to fight the urge to snort. Yes, such a kind and generous woman that neither of her children was present at her funeral.
Finally, the service was over, and people started filing out and headed to the cemetery. There was a bit of a traffic jam at the door as they stopped to shake hands with the family. Eddie hung back a little to see if Chrissy was there, but he only saw a woman whose resemblance to Mrs. Cunningham suggested she was a sister or at least a cousin, and standing next to her was the last person he'd expected to see.
Jason Carver.
Despite looking a little thicker around the middle and with a bit of a receding hairline, Jason didn't seem to have changed much since high school. The smug look on his face and the instant loathing Eddie felt upon seeing it were exactly the same as well. What the fuck was Jason Carver doing here? Last Eddie heard, he was married and living in Bloomington. Unless... unless... a terrible possibility formed in Eddie's mind. Two years was a long time. A lot could have changed.
Eddie hesitated, half wanting to slip away so he wouldn't have to interact with Jason, half wanting to interrogate Jason on what he was doing here and where the hell Chrissy was. Just as he was wavering at the exit, he felt a prod at his back, and a woman behind him hissed, "Move along!" He stumbled forward and found himself face-to-face with Jason.
"Eddie Munson?" Jason's mouth dropped. "What on Earth are you doing here?"
"Carver." Eddie nodded with what he hoped was a nonchalant air and deliberately ignored Jason's question. "Didn't know you were in town."
"We just happened to be visiting my parents when I heard the news from Chris—Chrissy. I thought she could use some help."
"So where is she?"
Jason's eyes narrowed as if he thought Eddie wasn't allowed to ask after Chrissy, but he answered anyway, "She wasn't feeling well and decided to stay home. This is very hard on her, you know. First her dad, now her mom. They were close."
Eddie stared at Jason, astonished that despite being with Chrissy for less than ten months, he'd known more about her than this fool ever did after having dated her throughout high school. His fear of Chrissy getting back with Jason seemed ridiculous now. He turned away, got into his rental car, and drove to the Cunningham's house.
Eddie drove down Poplar Tree Road, past the horrible cookie-cutter McMansions with their tiny lawns and huge garages that had sprung up all over this side of town in the nineties, until he came to Chrissy's house at the older end of the street. It still looked the same as he remembered from Thanksgiving two years ago, even from the time he'd driven her home after that night they'd spent in his trailer, all the way back in high school, with its unfriendly faux-stone façade that reminded him of Mrs. Cunningham's perpetual thin-lipped, disapproving look.
There was no car in the driveway. He rang the doorbell, then knocked. For a bewildering moment, he wondered if Jason had lied and Chrissy wasn't home after all. Just as he reached for the handle to see if the door was locked, it opened, and there she was.
Eddie's heart skipped a beat. He had been so focused on seeing her at the funeral and so worried when she didn't show up, that he hadn't prepared himself for seeing her like this, in such a normal setting, like no time had passed at all. Relief and joy and agony fought inside him, weakening his limbs.
At first glance, she, too, seemed unchanged. Her hair was longer now, pulled back into a low bun, almost like the ponytail she'd sported in high school, and for a second, Eddie was transported back to '86, back to the woods behind Hawkins High, when Chrissy had looked up at him with those blue, blue eyes. Even the expression in her eyes was the same. It tugged at his heart and made him want to scoop her up into his arms and tell her everything was going to be okay, because he was here.
But that vulnerable look was only there for an instant. It quickly disappeared, replaced first by surprise and then by an unnatural, blank calmness, and Eddie felt his heart falter.
"Eddie?" she said, and if he hadn't been watching her so closely, if he hadn't dreamed of seeing her again every night for the past two years, he would've missed the slight quiver in her voice. "What are you doing here?"
"Wayne called and let me know. Why didn't you tell me?"
She took a moment to answer. "I thought you were on tour."
"We just finished our last US show." So she knew they were on tour. She still cared.
"Did you come here all the way from LA?"
"Yeah. I'm going back on Sunday."
Chrissy let out a small "Oh" before they lapsed into an awkward silence.
"I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't have come—" he began.
"No, it's fine. I appreciate it," she said stiffly. Then, realizing they were still standing at the door, she stepped back. "Come in."
Eddie followed her into the living room. He noticed that Chrissy was wearing a black dress, but the matching jacket was thrown haphazardly on the couch, and there was a rather sad-looking bouquet of white lilies on the table.
"Why weren't you at the funeral?" he asked.
She turned to him, that haunted, frightened look back in her eyes. "I was getting ready to go," she said, picking up the lilies and trying to rearrange them, her fingers twitching restlessly. "But my dress—the fit isn't right—and these lilies I bought to put in the casket—they wilted—she wouldn't like that—she always wanted everything to be perfect—and I just couldn't—I couldn't—" The flowers dropped from her hands, her face crumpled, and she burst into choking, wrenching sobs.
Eddie was beside her in a flash. He took her hands in his, and when that wasn't enough, he pulled her into his arms, cradling her head on his chest. "Shh, it's OK," he murmured. "It's OK. It's OK."
Chrissy clung to him, her hot tears soaking through his shirt, and slowly, her trembling subsided, and her sobs quieted. He lifted her chin. "She's gone. It doesn't matter what she thought anymore," he said. "And for what it's worth, I think you're perfect, Chrissy Cunningham."
She looked at him, and he could see something else was unchanged too—the trust and love in her eyes, eyes that had lit up his world and guided him through all those long, disheartening years, even before they had gotten together, before he knew what she would come to mean to him. His fears and doubts vanished, and, leaning down, he kissed her. 
As soon as their lips met, all the grief and the longing of the past two years melted away, disappeared into the blaze that erupted between them with all the suddenness and intensity of a wildfire. Their hands were all over each other, his cupping her face, hers curled into his lapels, as they drank each other in like two people dying of thirst. No matter how hard he crushed her to him, she would press back harder, until she stumbled backward and landed on the couch, pulling him down on top of her. Her skirt rode up. Eddie pushed it further up and twisted his fingers into the elastic band at her hips, yanking it down. The feel of her hips writhing under his hands drove him to distraction, so much so that he couldn't even undo his belt, not wanting to move away from her. Luckily, Chrissy noticed his fumbling and lent a helping hand.
But the couch was too small. Her left leg and his right arm were squeezed against the back, and if they tried to make room for each other, they were in danger of falling off. With a growl of frustration, Eddie sat up and swung Chrissy into his lap so she was straddling him. Much better. Only her dress was in the way. He tugged impatiently at it, heedless of the ripping sound, until it was off her shoulder, and he buried his face between her breasts while she braced her palms against the back of the couch and rolled her hips toward him. He lifted himself to meet her.
When their bodies finally connected, Chrissy let out a choked cry, and Eddie almost cried out in relief as well. He'd missed her, but he hadn't known how much until now.
It had never felt like this between them. Even their last night together, over two years ago, had been slow and dreamy, tinged with the bittersweet note of heartbreak, not this savage, desperate clawing at each other's clothes, not this panting, gasping need to get closer and closer until they were one. He no longer knew where or who he was. All he knew was her—her skin silken and scorching in his palms, her lips quivering in his mouth, her arms and legs wrapping tightly around him, her hips moving so in sync with his that he couldn't tell where she ended and he began.
When the release came, it was messy and clumsy and wrong, and it felt so, so right.
Eddie didn't know how long they remained on the couch afterward, with his arms around her and her head on his chest, while their matching breaths and heartbeats slowed and became their own again. After what felt like either an eternity or no time at all, Chrissy spoke. "Eddie," she said, and he almost cried again at the sound of his name in her voice, the whisper of her breath against his skin. "That was—"
"—amazing," he said, placing a gentle kiss on her lips that soon became not so gentle anymore.
When they drew apart again, he brushed some strands of sweat-damp hair away from her forehead and thought, even with her tear-stained cheeks, swollen lips, and half-torn dress, or perhaps precisely because of those things, she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.
"Yes, it was, but..." As soon as the word "but" was out of her mouth, his heart went cold. "But it doesn't mean—"
"Please don't say that it doesn't mean anything," he said, tightening his grip around her.
"No." She placed her hand on his chest and looked at him with such tenderness that his heart turned over. "But it doesn't mean what you want it to mean either."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
She didn't answer right away. She moved off his lap, pulled her dress up, and smoothed her hair back without looking at him. He adjusted his clothes as well, feeling strangely chilled and lonely. That all-consuming fire between them was gone.
"You should go," Chrissy said. "My aunt may come back here from the cemetery to check on me." So the woman he'd seen at the funeral was Mrs. Cunningham's sister. "And Jason too," Chrissy added.
Hearing her say Jason's name so casually stirred up some unaccustomed emotions inside Eddie. Anger? Jealousy? At the church, he had been sure Chrissy couldn't have gotten back with Jason. He was not so sure now.
"Are you—you and him—" He knew he had no right to ask. He and Chrissy had broken up; whatever she did or whoever she chose to see was her own business. He hated himself for even asking, yet he couldn't stop the question.
"Don't be ridiculous. He's married, remember? He and his wife are in Hawkins visiting his folks, and he's been kind enough to help me with the funeral arrangements, that's all."
So you trust him enough to tell him about your mother's death, but not me, Eddie thought, but what he said was, "You got all your exes lined up pretty conveniently, don't you?"
"What do you mean?" Chrissy asked, her face wary.
"Well, there's Jason helping with the funeral, and here's me for—what? A quickie on your couch?" He didn't know where the vitriol was coming from. Perhaps he was hurt that Chrissy had not turned to him in her hour of need. Perhaps he was hurt that she could push him away so coldly and matter-of-factly, after what they'd just had.
Chrissy's eyes were like two blue crystals. "Don't try to be nasty, Eddie," she said, expressionless. "It doesn't suit you."
Eddie looked away. Hot shame rose within him. He'd come back to comfort Chrissy, yet the moment she didn't swoon at his feet, he threw a tantrum like an overgrown toddler.
"What do you want from me?" Chrissy continued, when he remained silent. "My mom just died. Did you expect me to throw my arms up in the air to celebrate and then ride off into the sunset with you?"
"No!" Eddie shouted, though that was exactly what he had expected. "I just wanted to—to comfort you!"
"I don't need your comfort," she said, her jaws set.
Her words lashed at him like a whip. He was reminded all too vividly of her words when she broke up with him, when she'd chosen to stay in Hawkins instead of going with him to LA. I can't keep letting you fight for me. They still smarted, after these two years.
"But you need Jason's help, is that it?"
She flinched. "That was different."
"He doesn't—I don't—" She picked up her jacket, then threw it back down again, unable to find the right words.
Eddie jumped up from the couch and seized her arms. "You don't have to be strong all the time, you know. Why can't you just let me take care of you? I want to! I want—" And because he didn't know what else to do, how else to show her, because he still wanted her, all of her, so much he could hardly bear it, he kissed her again. For a moment, her mouth opened and her body melted into his, and all the hurt was forgotten once more—
"Chris?" Jason's voice rang out across the foyer.
Chrissy pushed Eddie away just as Jason stepped into the living room. "You OK? The front door's open—" He paused upon seeing the two of them, their faces crimson like two teenagers caught by a parent. Jason's handsome features hardened as his eyes bore into Eddie. "Munson? What are you doing here?"
"Leaving," Eddie muttered and staggered to the door without a look back. He didn't want to see Jason succeed where he had failed—in comforting Chrissy.
Coming back was a mistake. There was nothing left for him here.
Chapter 2
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dollyswan · 5 months
What are your favorite Lana live performances???🩷🩰
God and aphrodite bless you for this sweet question 🩰🐇
♡lana del rey live at lollapalooza 2019
♡on sale 2012
♡at iTunes festival 2012
♡at absolu concert a moscou 2016
♡ at Berlin 2024
♡ at Oslo speakturn 2013
♡ the l.a to the moon and endless summer
♡ at Olympia France 2013
♡ at Olympia France 2023
♡coachella 2014 /2024
I love lana and I'm proud of her,God bless her soul 🦢🧁🩰
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love4hobi · 8 months
Hi!! I really like your blog and it’s great to find an active Hobi blog. I just got into BTS this past month and was wondering if you had recommendations or favorite Jhope (and overall BTS) content/videos to check out for a complete beginner! Even though I’ve casually listened to BTS since 2015/2016, I didn’t follow them or even know all their names/faces well... until recently I watched a couple of Jhope’s stages and was like damnnn, I need to know him and the whole group more!! Iconic stages, funny videos, interesting interviews, whatever you enjoy :) Thank you!
thank u so much thats very sweet 🥹<33 im very honored that youve chosen to ask me this because this is a biiig question n i shall do my best🫡 ok well firstly, i think it would be insane to not start off with hobipalooza
his lollapalooza set can be watched in full here, which u might have already seen, but for an added bonus u can listen to his albums hope world + jack in the box, THEN watch his lolla set to really get a feel for how he brings his songs to life while performing them. his music is great but for me his true stardom lies in his performance and stage presence and hobipalooza will tell u everything u need to know about jhope as a performer 🥹🤩
just some of his many iconic solo performances:
more + arson at the 2022 mnet asian music awards (+ future)
the only live performance hes done of on the street 🥲
also the dynamite + butter performance from that same day just cus u can see the pure joy in his face and the love he has for performing 🫂 despite them both being songs that he originally had less than like 10 seconds of lines in each
his performance and interview on iu's palette my beloved
all of his just dance performances are amazing and consistent but heres a good fancam
as for bts group performances i think its best to look at their older songs as he has not had many lines in their recent releases :/ some that i really love:
mic drop is kind of known as his song, heres their snl performance, most recent performance of it, and another favorite of mine hehe
outro: tear specifically his verse at the end (around the 4 minute mark)
chicken noodle soup at the 2021 muster, its jhopes song but they performed it all together
boy meets evil + blood sweat & tears at 2016 mama
idk im drawing a blank but honestly any of their old concerts or fanmeets/musters are really great. you can find a lot of them here
some dance focused videos since hes the main dancer 🫶
any of his old hope on the street videos that i miss so dearly. theyre just videos of him freestyling for a while and he does it so effortlessly and its rly satisfying to watch. 2020, 2021, with jimin, with jungkook
the iconic no more dream dance break 🙇
this random dance performance 3j did i use to watch this on a monthly basis
another 3j dance video of the megan thee stallion butter remix
i feel like its kinda obvious but i also want to recommend his music videos since theyre all rly amazing but some of my favs are more, daydream, chicken noodle soup, and on the street
ok im gonna stop cus this is getting long and i dont want to overwhelm u but im also definitely forgetting stuff,, everyone else feel free to add stuff in the replies!! anyway i hope this helps!
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thekingofgear · 1 year
Official Color of Jonny's No1 Tele Plus
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Jonny picking through the intro of 2+2=5 Lollapalooza Berlin on September 11, 2016 (radiohead.com). The reddish outer ring is unusually prominent in this photo.
For a while now, we've referred to the finish on Jonny's No1 Telecaster Plus V1 as "Tobacco Burst." While Jonny’s Tele is often called a “sunburst”, on closer inspection the finish is little different. A traditional sunburst has three sections: a semi-transparent yellow center, a red ring around that center, and black edges. In contrast, the finish on a 1990s Tele Plus lacks a clear red ring (though it does turn reddish near the edges), and the central yellow section is darker than on a traditional sunburst. So the darker “Tobacco” version of a burst seemed accurate. It doesn’t help that the guitar is often seen in low-quality footage and under stage-lighting, both of which can mask the details of a guitar’s finish.
In fact, Fender’s official name for the finish on the 1990s Telecaster Plus V1 is “Antique Burst.” Thank you to Ben for pointing us to uploads of some official Fender price lists from the early-90s (click the download links on that page to view spec/price lists for all Fender guitars, not just Strats). Checking those price lists, we can see that Fender used the “Antique” finish for their modern, higher-end instruments. The finish is offered for the “Signature”, “Designer”, “Set-Neck”, “Ultra” and “Plus” series instruments. In contrast, the 1992 “American Standard Telecaster” was offered in a traditional “Sunburst”, while the 1992 Mexican-made “Standard Telecaster” wasn’t even available in any burst colors. Vintage reissues had their own set of bursts in 1992: “2-Color Sunburst” for the ’52 reissue and “3-Color Sunburst” for the ’62 reissue.
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Jonny playing his No1 Tele during My Iron Lung at the Chicago Metro on April 6, 1996. Jonny had only recently acquired the guitar after his original No1 Tele Plus was stolen in Denver, hence the lack of stickers. Some combination of lighting and digitization has totally masked the details of the finish, giving it a "2-tone" appearance. But it's still recognizable as the same guitar, note the wear to the finish on the edge of the lower bout.
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A closeup of Jonny's Telecaster from Radiohead's show at Victoria Park on June 25, 2008 (photo by Neil Lupin).
On many sunburst Fender guitar from the 1950s, the red ring would fade with exposure to sunlight, sometimes fading entirely and leaving behind a 2-tone burst. Some good examples can be seen in this TDPRI forum thread, along with some 3-tone burst guitars from the 1960s (after Fender found a way to prevent the red from fading). Presumably, the “Antique Burst” is so-named because it resembles the faded finish on a 1950s guitar.
Jonny's "No1" Tele Plus shouldn't be confused with his "No2" backup Tele. The backup is originally an American Standard Telecaster, but Plank converted the guitar to Plus specs (though by necessity it has a full bridge plate, rather than a humbucker ring like an original Tele Plus). The American Standard wasn't available in "Antique Burst", but was instead offered in the more common "Sunburst" finish.
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Jonny playing his No2 Tele during Ful Stop at the Glastonbury festival on June 23, 2017 (photo by Sara-Lou Bowrey). This guitar has the more common "Sunburst" finish, if you look closely around the Kaoss Pad and all the stickers!
For some further confusion, check Fender’s official “instrument finish chart.” The online chart includes both “Tobacco Burst” and “Antique Burst”. However, the picture for “Antique Burst” is distinctly reddish, more closely resembling the “Crimson Frost” on an early-1990s Tele Plus (and not to be confused with the mid-1990s “Crimson Burst” finish, which lacks the black edges). The online chart doesn’t include “Crimson Frost” or “Crimson Burst”, and instead lists a “Crimson Red Transparent” color that isn’t on any price list from the 1990s. So it appears Fender may have switched some names around to more accurately describe the colors (for example, the 90s “Crimson Burst” is really more transparent than burst).
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mortifiedandawesome · 11 months
Marina and The Diamonds - FROOT (Lollapalooza Brasil 2016)
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anti-herosympathizer · 2 months
Flashback to Lollapalooza 2016 when a 20 year old me was screaming “Ashley!” so loud that it ended up in Halsey’s Lollapalooza live stream
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uaeb · 5 months
hi! do you have a link to this performance? https://www.tumblr.com/uaeb/180705454515?source=share <3 i don't remember if i watched this one but i'd love to haha
hi baby!! it was brazil lollapalooza 2016, if you want the specific moment its about 4:50! ily! enjoy!
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catb-fics · 1 year
I still think those 2014-17 festival videos of the boys are like the ultimate catb days like when I see them I just wish I could go back to that time and be at all the things I didn’t go to and just go back to the time when they were so active 😭😭😭
YES! It kills me to think of all these iconic gigs we missed. Think we need to commission a time machine and go back en masse to some of these festivals! The shows looked immense and the lads all looked to be loving it and on top of their game.
Which 3 would you go back to in this timeframe given the chance?
For me it would be Glastonbury 2015, T in the Park 2016 and Lollapalooza Brazil 2017!
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pressure-machine · 2 years
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BRANDON FLOWERS interviewed for Clarín TV ahead of Lollapalooza Argentina, March 2016
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redecoratetrees · 2 years
A’ight, help a baby clikkie out.
what are like. The top 5 essential tøp live performances/things I should see. (can be more than five idc)
combing through YouTube myself is hard, assume I’ve seen nothing but Icy. Gimme homework vids 💛 ERS intro blew my mind yesterday.
ok so this has taken me a while bc im trying to put together something comprehensive but not excessive. there this playlist that someone made that collects a ton of vessel (and a little rab) bts stuff so like tour diaries, interviews, etc. RAB the webseries is on there and RAB the webseries is rly fun if u like cute behind the scenes stuff. It's also the source of the sampled vocal on the hype, where u can hear tyler say "we're gonna rely pretty heavily on technology and energy to cover up for the fact that we're only two people." which i find cool
theres also a few tour recaps from BF era but my personal favorite is sleepers. they also did some for bandito tour.
Admittedly i dont watch a ton of interviews but the halloween one is very popular and gets referenced a lot. i also just rly like old interviews (second one is pre-josh and also has a live performance that i find rly charming)
and of course my whole thing is "guy with the excessively curated live playlists" so heres just a rundown of my favorite shows of theirs on youtube, why i like, why u shd watch (it got long, i italicized the ones i think are the most "important"):
Twenty One Pilots - Friend, Please Live @ The Battle Of The Bands 10-11-09 - as far as i know the only time theyve played it, this is the oldest video of them on youtube. this guys channel is a treasure trove for old videos.
Twenty one pilots- ode to sleep - that time they played in an apple store. total classic, i just chose ode to sleep bc its my favorite
Twenty One Pilots - Ode To Sleep Live @ The Newport Music Hall 5-27-11 - earliest show i have ever found with josh in the band! from that weird period after the og drummer left but the bassist was still there.
DRUM BATTLE: Twenty One Pilots - Groove Street Fest 2011 - 9.24.2011 - honestly i just have a personal fondness for this video. the idea that wd become the drum island, the guy in orange going ham, tyler drumming, them doing their own gear, its all very small band charming.
UG Studios session "Addict With A Pen" by Twenty One Pilots - in a word: iconic. a ridiculously emotional performance
Skeleton Bones Remain (Gunshot Intro) - twenty | one | pilots - literally just a 20 second intro but it is absolutely legendary. the british voice is named nigel he used to show up more, rip nigel (actually found a video of the intro going into OTS)
twenty one pilots: Heathens & Stressed Out (Live AMA Awards Performance 2016) - when they came out in those full face masks? iconic. twitter was blowing up, it was awesome.
twenty one pilots - Firefly Music Festival 2017 (Full Show) 1080p HD - this particular set is nothing special but its a festival set so its an hq multicam recording of a full set from blurryface era. it's got drumline josh, its got the crowdstand, its got the hamster ball, im pretty sure it has josh vs josh drum battle, all ur rly missing is the iconic (and dearly missed) old song medley, with the coolest B-stage design theyve ever had (yes cooler than bandito fight meeee)
Twenty One Pilots: Live at Lollapalooza Chicago 2019 (Full Show) - festival set for the hits but its trench now! bandito tour b-stage is also an essential tho. first leg they had the skybridge after that they walked thru the crowd.
My favorite shows that dont exist in one video are: vessel release show at basement. they played the whole record, secret show, very cool. and all of tour de columbus, which was when after BF they did a takeover tour style thing but just in columbus. I saw 2 of those and its my biggest flex to this day.
besides shows I wd also check out the MUTEMATH sessions (which i was blessed enough to see some of live! so badass!), this session where he did alt versions of some trench tunes (fought for my life to win tix. i did not win), also the video for the hype berlin is rly cute.
this got kinda lengthy with all the shows, i just love so many of them. I'd also seek out their snl performances if u feel like it, iirc they did ride, stressed out, and heathens, tyler did just the |-/ instead of the full paint on his hands it was sweet.
and to anyone else seeing this PLEASE add if theres anything u think i missed, any random events u remember that were cool, etc. most of what i remember is annoying twitter drama bc i was a teenager for BF
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kimtaegis · 7 months
Okay, since it's Valentine's day, what's your favorite moment with members where they say words of love to e\o or encourage e\o... Letter moments, maybe some awards ceremonies (when they give awards to e\o) or something else! I'd love to read about their sweet moments😁💖
oh dasha you’re so adorable 🥺❤️ hmmm moments that come immediately to my mind are
- my sweet jihope during and after lollapalooza; hobi calling jimin his light :(((( these two are just so full of love and when they’re together, there seems to be only good in the world
- every time yoongi praises his members I melt into a puddle of love. one fond memory is probably him messaging taekook ‘I love you’ and then saying it to jimin as well during festa ‘18 🥺 they’re his babies
- when they hug for comfort and it just means So Much; jimin does it the most, but I can’t stop thinking about namgi hugging backstage at mama 2016, crying their eyes out. those two went through so much together and you could see everything they mean to each other in that hug
- when they say I love you but don’t actually say it: jin’s “then he flings it”, tae’s poem in that one run bts episode, yoongi preparing snacks for the others, the way jungkook looks at his hyungs with so much adoration, especially hobi always being there during solo schedules, all of them starting to cry when namjoon starts tearing up, them getting little (matching) items during trips….. each of them has their own little love language, and they’re all beautiful ❤️‍🩹
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