#2020 demo reel
toa-archive · 15 days
Because tumblr doesn't let you add videos to reblog, having to make a brand new post about this which is a mite annoying. The original post is here.
Gabriela Carolina's website had the 2020 demo reel added again. This specifically contains a few seconds from the sequence she did for the 3Below episode Moonlight Run which was uploaded in full way back when. Due to have animal death/gore either side I've done the video equivalent of cropping so people can enjoy it. The weird frame at the end is caused by the next half second jumping straight back to blood again, this was the best compromise could manage.
The music is from the demo reel which does not have audio otherwise.
Source is here. Bear in mind the animal death/gore if you scroll down to the demo reel.
Thankfully these few seconds do have the iconic Krel :|
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iloveschiaparelli · 4 months
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes: My Love Letter Part 1
Okay okay okay SO Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes longpost time just my whole opinion/analysis/love letter for the whole film beginning with my Wes Ball backstory so skip to the Ruin screencap if you want to skim past all that.
I haven't talked about it on tumblr yet but I'm actually like a huge fat fan of the Maze Runner cinematic series directed by Wes Ball. Really I'm just a fan of Wes Ball. It not only singlehandedly got me through my first year of high school but also became the reason I ended up entering the film industry. I've watched all 3 movies at least 4-5 times each. Probably like 20-30 for Scorch Trials at this point because it's my favorite. I can quote probably at least half of it from memory. I've watched all of the BTS content that was on the DVDs + the bloopers on youtube like i was obsessed ok.
2019 was like the second worst year of my life so imagine my distress in january 2019 when I found out about Wes Ball's next movie, Mouse Guard, got Super Hyped Up for the multimillion dollar mice-with-swords movie (I eventually read some of the comics btw it's insanely good) And then within the same week found out Disney pulled the plug on the project after acquiring 20th Century Fox. TWO weeks before production was scheduled to begin. I was livid. I'm still bitter about it. Wes Ball then released the demo reel for the film to the public which iirc also had temp music.
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So anyway yeah that was awful but then! I think it was later in 2020 that it was announced that Wes Ball was going to be directing the 4th POTA movie. This kicked off me seeing the original 1968 film and then the trilogy and wow did doing so increase my excitement. In my opinion Rupert Wyatt/Matt Reeves' directing styles and Wes Ball's were/are very compatible. I also took the time to get caught up on as much of Wes Ball's old projects as I could get my hands on at the time, including his animated short Ruin (screencap below). Which is fantastic BTW and apparently was purchased by Fox for a feature film that was never made (???) I swear, filmmakers have their past works splattered all over the internet like body parts after a landmine explosion: Good luck finding everything.
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Now, Finally Finally FINALLY!!!!!!!! Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is out. I meant to see it on the premier night but my boyfriend broke up with me 2 days before so I forgot. I saw it tonight instead! So now with the backstory out of the way I can finally talk about the actual movie.
First of all, the beginning of the film absolutely WOWed me!!!! It honestly feels like a callback to Ruin, the way that the buildings are overgrown and the post-apocalyptic setting is super evident and feels so delightfully reclaimed by nature. It's also really neat to see how far VFX has come since Ruin was released if you compare the opening shots of the movie with the wide shots in Ruin. Wes Ball himself is also a VFX artist, so it's really neat to see how that affects his work especially since Planet of the Apes is by nature a very vfx-heavy franchise. This movie absoutely popped off in that area but we'll get to that.
Secondly, I forgot how much I missed Ball's directing! Oh my goodness, the performances he gets out of the actors are always so authentic. I still have yet to see a performance by Dylan O'Brien that was as raw and believable as in the Maze Runner movies, and I'm like halfway through Teen Wolf already. In the action scenes especially, I love how characters in Ball's movies, you can really feel their pain. Since pain and physical discomfort aren't communicated directly through film, we often forget just how hard it is to get back up again after getting kicked down, but with Wes Ball you never forget. Ugh, when Noa was getting beat up on top of the bunker at the end of the movie, I caught myself catching my own breath when he coughed up blood. Like, yeowch!
Additionally, everything this man makes is just, like, a masterpiece? On a technical level at least. That's really the mark of a good director, whose job is not only to evoke a performance from the actors, but also to tie together the whole crew. And KOTPOTA really showed off how well the team worked together. Just the establishing shots alone in a lot of these scenes! Oh. My. Word. You can clearly see the fruits of labor of not only the concept artists, but also the VFX artists and production designers, and how they worked with the DP and actors to get the shot. Here are some examples of what I'm talking about:
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There are more that I'm thinking of, but unfortunately without a digital release available yet there's a limit to the screencaps that I'm able to obtain. The shot where Noa is walking up the escalator following Raka and you see the plane in the background indicating that Raka lives in an airport is one of them. There's also one or two establishing shots in nature that just show off the setting. The opening shots, of course. And then the shot where it pans up and you see Eagle Village for the first time. There's also an aerial of Proximus Caesar's camp, but I'm unable to find that one as well. The main one I want to look at is the telescope.
Just, like, Hello???? It looks like an art piece. This screencap is a little closer in than I'd like, but in the full frame you can see the absolute mastery of composition that it is, you can totally imagine it as a painting. Which in my experiences usually means there's a painting behind it somewhere in the process, lol. Let's go concept artists!!! But then you see how the colors are just, perfectly balanced, the plant growth is realistic and accentuating the set, and so on and so forth. It was just absolutely breathtaking to see for the first time. I'm pretty sure I audibly gasped. I did a lot of stimming during this movie just to stay quiet and not start babbling about the film pipeline to my father in theater auditorium.
Even more magic happens when Noa steps onto the set, and starts messing with the telescope. Suddenly it's real, it's tangible, it's touchable. Transforming what was likely a matte painting at one point into a set that the actors can interact with, and then into a shot where almost everything is overlaid with VFX, and having it look so real like that is truly magic.
The ship also had me dumbstruck, but slightly less so because we saw a similar setting in The Maze Runner: The Death Cure in 2018. Although it was slightly different for sure. What had me going even more in this movie was how much the characters interacted with the ship, moving in and around it, and trading glances with one another from on the ground and up inside. In TMR:DTC, you really only see the decrepit ships in the background, and one is referenced as a plot point but the characters never actually physically interact with any of them. So it's much easier for our brains to categorize the ships as gimmicks to help us believe the scene.
It's when props like these are woven into the scene as tangible objects that our brains start to shut up about the CGI and really start to believe what's happening onscreen! and KOTPOTA did an amazing job at this. Please bear in mind like, I literally have zero specialization in VFX, it's not my field and although I draw, I've never done concept art for film. I honestly believe that I'm simply in an appropriate level of awe for what this film accomplished.
The other thing that amazed me was how stylized the setting was. The greenery was so green, the ocean felt like a painting, the ship was red, the telescope shot is very, very blue. Several of the shapes used in the ape's costume design are simplified. And yet, despite the stylization, it never feels cartoony or polygonal, it still feels completely grounded in reality, and I could really believe I'd see it in real life. I think this owes partly to the fact that we rarely inspect any of these simplified items at a close distance, aside from Raka's necklace which appears to be made of either bone or whittled wood. It also owes to absolute geniuses in color grading that kept the stylized colors realistic enough for our brains to believe. Overall I'd take the visual style of the film to be Impressionist. I love impressionism.
My main interest in filmmaking is writing/directing. However, most of my experience lies in costume design (Student films rarely need costume "design" so its usually coordination) and production design. As a result I spent a good deal of my time watching KOTPOTA zeroed in on the production design.
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I love post-apocalyptic science-fiction/fantasy worlds like this partly precisely because of how much you can learn from the production design alone. When Mae enters Trevathan's room for the first time I swear I was eating it up. Every single prop in this movie was carefully thought out by the PD, which is why his room absolutely stood out from the rest of the setting that we had seen up to that point. It was distinctly "human-centric" as opposed to the rest of the movie. I remember seeing it in the theater earlier today, laying eyes first on the bed by the door, thinking that it must be something they set up for Mae, but then wondering why or how the apes would know or want to set up a human-style bed for Mae when we're so many generations removed from human-dominated society.
Next it was on many miscellaneous table objects, thinking to myself "That looks like how a human would treat a space. Apes are generally too big to decorate at that scale." and then my eyes roved on to the furniture, seeing a human-sized table, human-sized chair, human-sized junk everywhere! Slowly, by observing the room, I gained a stronger and stronger sense of "there is another human here," which upon observing the rows and rows of books became "a smart human like Mae, who unlike her can read" (Remember at this point we still believed that Mae and her mother were the only smart humans that Mae had known growing up, and that she had been pursuing the opportunity to meet other smart humans and join them).
It was only upon the instant of realizing that this was a smart human that Trevathan spoke and appeared on the stairs. It was absolutely perfect timing. THIS, guys, is exceptional production design. It was honestly my absolute favorite piece of production design in the entire film, especially because of how much it contrasted what we've become used to seeing in the series as humans have diminished in population and apes and nature have taken over the space instead.
That exact sense of change or "otherness", that noticeability of contrast upon seeing what is honestly a pretty "normal" human space if you look at it in the context of our existing society, is only present because of how well PD treats the rest of the movie. In order to make a completely normal space feel strange, you have to change literally every other space to something alien but consistent with itself. And KOTPOTA does just that. The job was begun in the original trilogy, with the decline of humanity depicted across decades, nature taking over the gas station and the dam and even the city. But this movie had the biggest challenge because of simply how many years had passed before the story even began. Society as we know it today is completely and totally obliviated in KOTPOTA's setting. In every set that the characters interacted with in any way, PD had to fabricate a space where humans had been but the virus, decades of decay and post-apocalyptic living, and ape encroachment had transformed it.
This also brings me into the subject of the rich culture we see emerging in the world of the apes through this movie. The original trilogy, especially the first and second film, was all about the ape's identity. In the first film Caesar wonders whether he is human or ape, and whether apes are pets or equals to humans. He eventually comes to the realization that humans are never going to look out for apes the way that apes will and decides to become that person. In the second film, Caesar and the other characters involved have to figure out what being an ape means. Does it mean strength is power? That humans are always an enemy to defeated? Or a similar species to live alongside? It's about establishing what the ape race's relationship is to the human race. The third film I didn't get to rewatch before seeing KOTPOTA, but iirc it was about whether humans and apes could ever coexist, which is a theme we see continued in this movie, albeit in a slightly different way. Either that or more likely it was about whether apes will repeat the same mistakes as humans.
Anyway, I digress. In the script we already see a rich culture emerging in hints, right from the start of the movie. It's in the hunt for the eagle eggs at the beginning with mentions of some kind of coming-of-age ceremony, followed by Noa reminding Anaya and Soona that they must "leave one egg always. It is the law." Already in the first five minutes we've established that this particular ape civilization not only has cultural traditions surrounding youth and coming-of-age, but also rituals and laws surrounding their relationship with and the conservation of nature. And through dialogue we extrapolate that these apes have bonded animals (eagles). It honestly felt like a crossover between Native American Indian hunting practices and How To Train Your Dragon, which is wild I know. (Also can we talk about how the eagles in this movie actually made eagle sounds???? And not falcon sounds! Finally we're breaking the bad habit of making up animal noises to sound cooler when the original already sounded super cool by itself.)
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So in just a few minutes guys!! We already have so much. Then the trio heads back to the village and has their first encounter with the Echoes (Ekos? If anyone could get spelling on that for me that would be fantastic) but are too afraid (or law-bound) to get too close to or cross through the tunnel "into the valley below". So through these we establish that there is a taboo around not just humans but also around leaving the village. The clan has taken an isolationist approach wherein they not only forbid their young clan members from leaving but also withhold information about the outsiders from them until they've come of age. Guys the cultural system arising here is absolutely wild. Like sorry not sorry but I eat this stuff up. (Screenwriters-- this is prime example material of "show don't tell")
There's also all of the ape social communication rules that we've already gotten used to, mainly a variation of the palm-up/palm-down gesture as a means of showing respect (submission) and asking for permission/approval.
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In this movie however the hands are mostly closed and the palms are down for the sub as well as the ape they're seeking approval from, as opposed to the trilogy in which the submitting ape always had their palm up. At first I chalked this up to cultural differences among clans since we learned that this clan is not the clan descended from Caesar's apes in the trilogy, but then Caesar's descendants were doing it this way too? So I don't really know what to make of it but I'm going to decide that it's just global cultural evolution (at least, as global as the real-world evolution of Old English into modern English).
Through the production design of the beginning sequence in Eagle Village, we see that the eagles catch fish and then the vast quantities of fish and the smokehouse indicate that fish caught by the eagles are the main source of food for the Eagle Clan. We also see feathers as a motif throughout, worn especially by the parents and the elders as a sign of social status (we know it's social status bc Sylva rips it off of one of the elders as an intimidation tactic and everyone audibly gasps, indicating it worked). That last bit is honestly more costume design, they popped off too but one thing at a time or I'm going to become incomprehensible. I will repeat myself. It is inevitable.
Then throughout the film we learn that not only do they adhere strictly to the "law", but that that law is set by the elders alone. We also learn that they primarily relate to their eagles by singing to them which!!! is just!!!! so!!! metal!!! I love it. The way it plays into the end scene with Proximus just AGHRGHJHRHGR GROWL BARK BARK FERAL NOISES>
Also we see them building nests at home for their eagles and they've figured out falconry tools for the aerie and everything on their own like??
Then in contrast we see what's left of Caesar's clan, it's descendants. Proximus Caesar, we learn later from Trevathan, has gone completely fangirl over the ancient roman empire and decided to emulate it because "he likes it" and it makes him "feel good" (yeah he's probably the most textbook tyrant I've ever seen in media), choosing to morph Caesar's teachings into his own new worldview rather than adhering to them properly.
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So the culture of Caesar's clan is very heavily roman-influenced, often copying practices outright such as the insitution of slavery, a lot of the fashion choices and even the way that banners are put up around the camp and the way that Proximus dines at a low-set table filled with an overabundance of food. And he has a throne and crown, and there are roman numerals inscribed on both his and Sylva's necklaces. But we still see influences of Caesar's original society, most noticeably the persistence of the window symbol and the architecture of the dam. The architecture wouldn't be significant at all, instead being noted as a stylistic choice for the whole series, if it weren't for the fact that it's different from Eagle Clan's architecture.
If Eagle Village resembles those spaghetti bridges that engineers build for class, with thatched roofs, then the dam at Caesar Clan's camp is much more brutalist by comparison. Eagle Clan was very spindly and focused on height and lightness of building materials: many of the logs were thinner and longer, more spaced out, and sometimes rounded at the ends. By contrast, Caesar Clan's dam is built with stumpier logs, closer together, and spiked at the top. The dam is also shored up with soil and other materials. Which yeah, is typical of beaver dams but is also typical of the structures in the original Caesar's village in the trilogy.
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Unfortunately, there's only one image currently available of Eagle Village and it's after it was burned down. But you can still see how it differs from Caesar's village, instead of being chaotic it's more organized, allowing for a more lightweight structure.
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This (below) is the closest I could get to having a picture of the dam's architecture, but you can still tell how it's more similar to OG Caesar's architecture than it is to Eagle Clan's, even though it's using a completely different building material (scrap metal instead of hewn trees).
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Eagle Clan's architecture is also a further effect of how their society revolves around making a life bond with eagles, which are flying creatures. So of course they would be inclined to taller structures, especially ones that are more lightweight and have structural patterns, imitating the way that birds are built (see above).
I'll continue in part 2 as a reblog because it's 1 am and I'm running out of steam but YALL I need you to understand: It's been 6 years since the last time I had a Wes Ball film to overanalyze and rave about. I have SO MUCH to say about this film.
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jaquin · 7 months
how did you apply to sva? did you show them a sketchbook of your drawings, or did you e-mail them a demo reel?
i had to submit 15-20 images of my art and drawings from direct observation which is a requirement. i tried going for different mediums for the first time.
This is what I submitted in my application in 2020:
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anotherghoul666 · 2 years
Under Our Black Cult tour primer
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@battiestbelfry as promised my dear! Now, I don’t have info on Gaerea yet because I don’t know them yet, Imma deep dive in the next few days. But the other 3 bands on the bill I know well, so here we go!
Under the read more: primers and my personal opinions on the bands Uada, Carach Angren and Rotting Christ. Song and album recommendations to start off. And the mask kink thing, with pics. 3/4 of the bands on this bill are or can be confidered masked bands, you know I gotta touch on the mask kink in there!
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Uada, which means “haunted”, are a melodic black metal band from the United States. They are based in Portland, Oregon and have been active since 2014. They are currently signed to Eisenwald records, an independent music label from Germany. In this house we love and support independent labels! They are specialized in black metal and have a very fun roster.
Uada have 3 releases out so far, all full length albums. They don’t do singles, they don’t do demos, they don’t do splits, they don’t do EPs. They make full albums and drop them on a roughly 2 years cycle, though with the pandemic we are at 3 years since the last record, so these mysterious hooded figures are ripe for new material! Their debut album Devoid of Light in 2016 was well received by the metal world as a promising debut, albeit very classic black metal that didn’t surprise much. 2018’s Cult of a Dying Sun seems to be their album with the most acclaim. The sound quality difference between these two is astounding. The tracks tend to be longer, which helps some songs and doesn’t help others. 2020’s Djinn is their latest release and the reception’s been this: Djinn is way more niche, as in, you have to be down for 14 minutes atmospheric black metal songs to like it, but if that’s your vibe? It’s fucking good. Quality up, marketability down. They still don’t do anything super different, but it’s good black metal. It feels like European black metal despite being American, which is what I love, because I’m intensely biased towards the EU scene. US bands have to be either 1)extremely fucking special or 2) European-sounding to get in my good graces XD
The guys are “masked”, in the sense that they play with hoods over their faces with the aim of not being seen, for atmospheric purposes:
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They also do “the hand thing” when taking pictures.
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But they’re ok being approached in public by fans, as long as you don't pressure them to take a pic with their faces showing. They are not anonymous, their names are out there if you wanna know.
As far as recs go, I would rec all of the albums honestly cause it’s less than 3 hours of music and there’s nothing truly bad in there. My favorite album personally is Djinn but that’s because I fucking love atmospheric albums that make me lose track of time. I’m aware that’s not everyone’s cup of tea xD So, to my previous recs of Devoid of Light, Black Autumn White Spring and Cult of a Dying Sun, I’d add all of Djinn, but specifically the title track and In The Absence of Matter as a first contact.
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Carach Angren are a symphonic black metal band from the Limburg province of the Netherlands. They’ve been active since 2003 and they’re currently signed to French label Seasons of Mist, one of the few major metal labels I feel positively about! The Seasons of Mist roster is INSANE. They specialize in the darker genres of metal, black, death, gothic, doom and some prog. Many of my favorite bands have been on them through the years.
So. Listen. Carach are one of my absolute darlings in the black metal world. When I began my exploration into black metal in the early 2010s, their first three records have been instrumental in making this genre my favorite. I would not be where I am today without them. I will forever have a very special in my heart for these guys. I hung out with them several times, I’m attached, ok? But. And there’s a huge But. Dear fucking god did these guys fall off. I’m still reeling from how perfect their music used to be, and how fucking atrocious the output has been since 2015. In my opinion. These primers are only my personal opinions and ramblings ok XD They’re doing fine, their latest albums did get decent reviews which I? Don’t understand? But you do you, boo? XD They’re one of the big names in black metal right now, they’re headlining tours, they’re doing good on the new material ok. But I can’t fucking stand it hahaha.
The main problem for me was the vibe shift. Carach Angren’s themes are horror stories. They recount fantastic tales of horror, fright and gore, psychological horror, body horror, historical horror, the like. The storytelling in their first three albums is stunning. There was always a sense of realism there, of horror being grounded in reality. It’s classy, it’s tasteful, it’s striking and horrifying but it’s never cheap and nothing is played for shock. 2008’s Lammendam is about “true stories” in a 1700s an 1800s backdrop, a historical version of our “I heard from a friend of a friend that…”, tales from the crypt and all that. Ghost stories that we’ve heard before, la Dame Blanche for example, but set to music. 2010’s Death Came Through a Phantom Ship is about nautical horror. Historical stories of phantom ships, captain-less ships, mutinies and their disastrous bloody consequences. It’s so grounded. Their masterpiece, 2012’s Where the Corpses Sink Forever, is about the horrors of war. We follow soldiers in trenches, feel their desperation, their fear of death yet longing for it. The heart-wrenching beauty to be found on battlefields because they are so human, yet the absolute bone-chilling reality of it. It’s so fucking real. This album, no joke, is one of the best albums I have ever heard in my life. It’s a 10/10 record for me, and I do not give out 10/10 easily. I’m rather critical. I have less than 20 albums that I’ve ever rated as perfect in my life, and this album is unanimously recognized as the pillar of this band, and one of the pillars of symphonic black metal altogether. This is one of the albums that made black metal click for me. It changed everything.
And then, there was a tonal shift. I suspect, coming off from such a resounding success, the band didn’t know how the fuck they could live up to it, and they crumbled under the pressure. 2015’s This is no Fairytale is, as the title suggests, bases in the Grimm fairytales. It’s a weird modern retelling of Hansel and Gretel and like. Yeah. It started to get cheap. The language used in the lyrics shifted. There’s a ton of unnecessary cursing all over this album, graphic depictions of SA, p*dophilia, incest, drugs abuse and overdose, and like, yes, Hansel and Gretel is a tale about child abuse, of course, but there’s a way to approach those topics you know? With feeling, with emotion, with realness, and here it just feels cheap. Ghastly “twists” are constantly played out for shock value, it’s surface, it’s plastic-y. The stage show changed from refined hustorical costumes and atmospheres to, like, female-bodied mannequins being dragged around and getting their throats cut on stage with copious amounts of fake blood, and for what? It’s just, tasteless now. The band lost its delicacy. That’s where it started to feel cheap, and it only went downhill from there. 2017’s Dance and Laugh Amongst the Rotten is a joke. Legit, this album sounds like a joke. The songs are boring, uninspired, structure-less. The lyrics are so cheap. It’s like we went from a museum quality horror painting that moves and inspires, to a cheap clown trying to be scary at a kid’s birthday party. 2020’s Franckensteina Strataemontanus was very “meh” to me. Less offensive than the previous two, and the story is inspired by classic horror literature like Mary Shelley and the strange scientists that inspired her Frankenstein. There’s potential, but the magic is dead for me. Bad taste in my mouth. I can’t do it anymore, but maybe a fresh pair of ear that doesn’t have the baggage I have with this band will like it? You let me know.
In this context, you’ll understand why my recommendations will only be from the first three albums. If you want to go for it, just listen to all three. There are no duds in any of them. But for specific songs, from Lammendam: Haunting Echoes from the Seventeenth Century, The Carriage Wheel Murder, Heretic Poltergeist Phenomena and my absolute favorite La Malédiction de la Dame Blanche. From Phantom Ship: The Sighting Is a Portent of Doom and Bloodstains on the Captain's Log. From Corpses? Listen to the whole thing man. For real. It’s a concept album, so grab the whole thing, sit down, close the lights, get the lyrics out, and follow along. Prepare to be sobbing by the end. I could recommend every single song, but they hit so much more powerfully within the context of the story.
In terms of aesthetic, there guys are “masked” in the way that they have a very unique look of corpse paint (the face paint typical to black metal).
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They coined this look, not corpse paint as a whole, but their style of it. It’s been copied a million times since (like by Cradle of Filth notably, though they'll argue to the ends of the world it wasn't copied. It looks the exact same, it's a bit ridiculous), but it was Carach who did it like this first. The band members have character names, though they are not anonymous. Their real names are out there, but on stage, they’re not themselves, they are Seregor and Ardek (Namtar used to be their drummer. He quit in 2020. I have no clue how the band will record anything else in the future without him because he was the CORE of the band for me. Absolute drummer crush. I digress.) Seregor is a hobbyist mask maker and he makes masks for his different characters from his stories, like these:
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Imo they still hit on the mask kink somewhat. The guys on and off stage feel like they are radically different people, and to have met them masked at the end of a show and unmasked at more proper events, there’s a world of difference in the vibe. I love it.
Oh also they have spawn a good few big metal memes like this one XD :
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Which they found funny enough they turned it into a shirt XD :
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(and yes of course I have one hahaha)
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Rotting Christ are a seminal band in black metal’s history. They have been at it for 36 years under the Rotting Christ banner, 39 years if we count the first iteration of the band under a different name. Dare I say it? I’ll say it. They’re the black metal daddies. I’m so sorry, I said it, it’s out there now XD They are daddy and I don’t make the rules. Anyway! They’ve been active since 1987, as I said, and they are signed to, yep, Seasons of Mist. I wasn’t kidding when I said this label’s roster is nuts. They are from Athens, Greece and they’re more towards the melodic / gothic side of black metal. They influen ced black meal heavily because this early in the 80s (black metal as a genre really kicked off in the 90s), there were no other bands who did what they did, and especially not in Greek. Rotting Christ have a lot of songs in Greek, in Latin, later in their career they made songs based on Hindu mysticism, their lack of fear when it comes to singing in everything but English at the time was genre defining. They made many songs in English since, but man the ones in Greek just hit different you know? They changed the game before the black metal game was even a thing.
Currently there are only two original members left in the band, brothers Sakis and Themis Tolis, vocals/guitar and drums respectively. Everyone else right now are tour musicians or session studio musicians. As their band name suggests, their themes are of anti-christianity, satanism, occultism of many different cultures, mysticism, it’s all good shit. One more band we traumatized christian kids can heal our religious trauma through, weeeee!! They have 13 full length records out, their latest one being The Heretics from 2019 (we are starving from new material, please feed us) though they haven’t paused during the pandemic, re-recording older material and releasing compilations instead. There was a new single in 2022 called Holy Mountain, and I hope and pray that means new album soon. Sakis Tolis also released a solo project in 2022, Amongst the Fires of Hell, which was fucking DELICIOUS my dude. More laid back, but so fucking crunchy. Highly recommend if you feel their sound.
In terms of recommendations, you’re in luck because they released a massive best of for their 30th anniversary called Their Greatest Spells: 30 Years of Rotting Christ. That’s the must-listen. If you want into this band, start here. You’ll get a taste of the sound of every single full lenght that came befoee. It’s 2 albums, 33 songs: find your favorites, check which album they're from, and go from there! Non Serviam, Grandis Spiritus Diavolos, In Yumen-Xibalba, Kata Ton Daimona Eaytoy, everything’s on here, besides my personal favorite song of theirs, Apage Satanas. It’s a weird chanty, trance-y song but it’s the one that made me fall in love with the band. It scratches at something deep inside my brain idk.
Rotting Christ are not masked, nor is there an aesthetic to latch onto, really. They’re just cool dude doing cool things and doing their part spreading the message. They’re honest and raw. No frills. What you see is what you get. They’re the OG.
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And that's the bill! Lemme know if you listen to anything and if the bands catch your interest :D
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taylorhawkins · 1 year
All of Taylor Hawkins’ musical projects: a comprehensive list since Wikipedia is incomplete with links!
* I might be missing a few things but I’m still working on it!! (as of 10/2023)
- The Sylvia Sessions (recorded 1993, released 2022)
- Live in New York Ninety-Four (1994)
- Jagged Little Pill, Live (1997)
- There Is Nothing Left to Lose (1999)
- One by One (2002)
- In Your Honor (2005)
- Skin & Bones, Live (2006) [w/ video]
- Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace (2007)
- Wasting Light (2011)
- Medium Rare (2011)
- Sonic Highways (2014)
- Saint Cecilia (2015)
- Concrete and Gold (2017)
- Dee Gees (2021)
- Medicine at Midnight (2021)
- Taylor Hawkins & the Coattail Riders (2006)
- Red Light Fever (2010)
- Get the Money (2019)
- Good Apollo, I’m Burning Star IV Vol. II: No World for Tomorrow (2007)
• THE BIRDS [Chevy Metal’s original music]
- Self-titled (2014)
- Kota (2016)
• NIGHTTIME BOOGIE ASSOCIATION [project with Matt Cameron]
- Long in the Tooth/The Path We’re On (2020)
• NHC [project with Dave Navarro + Chris Chaney]
- Feed the Cruel/Better Move On (2021)
- Devil That You Know/Lazy Eyes (2021)
- Intakes and Outtakes EP (2021)
- Somewhere Anywhere Everywhere - Globe Surf DVD (2007 I think) [video]
- Help Wanted - Eric Avery [tracks 1, 3, 6-8] (2008)
- Wicked In Rock - Kerry Ellis (and Brian May) [“Defying Gravity”, “I’m Not That Girl” & “No One But You”] (2010)
- Crucify the Dead - Slash & Ozzy Osbourne (2010) [Taylor credited with backing vocals]
- Tie Your Mother Down - Queen ft. Taylor Hawkins and Dave Grohl [Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Compilation] (2011)
- Sound City: Real to Reel - Dave Grohl (2013)
- Rush 2112: 40th Anniversary (2016) (“Overture” with Dave Grohl & Nick Raskulinez)
- I Refuse - Timothy B. Schmidt (2016)
- Butt Call - Derek Smalls [ft. Taylor and Phil X] (2018)
- Holy Man - Dennis Wilson demo, completed alongside Brian May and Roger Taylor (2019) [Taylor sings]
- Too Much For My Own Good - Phil X & The Drills (2019)
- We Could Have It All - P!nk (2019)
- Night Crawling - Miley Cyrus (2020)
- E-Ticket - Elton John (2021) [+ Eddie Vedder!]
- Turn Over the World - Perry Farrell (2021)
- Mend - Perry Farrell (Kind Heaven Orchestra) (2021)
- Party at the Angel Ballroom - Nancy Wilson (2021) [ft. Taylor + Duff McKagan]
- Patient Number 9 - Ozzy Osbourne (2022) [“Parasite”, “Mr. Darkness”, “God Only Knows”]
- Shame On You - Richard Marx (2022)
- Guess I’ll Go Away - Edgar Winter (2022) [Taylor sings and absolutely blows doors]
- Every Loser - Iggy Pop (2023) [Taylor credited with drums and piano on “Comments” + “The Regency”]
- Ian Hunter - Defiance Part I (2023) [Taylor is on “Angel,” “Kiss N’ Make Up,” and “This Is What I’m Here For”]
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matt0044 · 1 year
Corneil and Bernie Season 2;BennettTheSage;Samurai: Hunt For The Sword Is Terrible Cringe (ANIME ABANDON);SodorBrony;Narrow Gauge;Two Faced Tart Productions;Sudrian Adventures;Sudrian Adventures: Duke’s Waiting Room;Aleczandxr;CinemaWins;TheStoryteller;Oceaniz;Yhara zayd;Nerdbot;Crimson Vision Studios;Unworthy Productions;TheJamTram;Sodor’s Little Railways - Fairytale of Mid-Sodor;Demon of Nowhere;ilovetrain323;Animator Dormitory Channel;Tears In Rain;EpicLafiteau;Innuendo Studios;Toon Ruins;What You DON’T Know;RiffTrax;NWR1991;10LEIGH10;Halfbaked8;Percy Does The Thing 2 - A TIFF Thing;Pokemon Kids TV;POKÉTOON: The Warming Slugma House;POKÉTOON:A Blizzardly Summer Vacation;Hello Future Me;Just Write;TallSwordLady;Older Sibling Trope: in Defense of Yang Xiao Long;Thomasfan261;Veridis Joe;Gigguk;The Disney Brain;Traindude 456;Socratic Cinema;TeamFourStar;Magic Time Wizards;HFIL;O Captain! My Captain! | HFIL Episode 4;Fist Master;DragonShortZ;Replay Value;TheNPRRE2;TheBallastMan;The Take;SodorBrony;Thomas & Friends: Fantasy Forever;AsterAsh;Demo Reel;MattCMG;Noralities;Enterprisingengine93;Pokémon Legends: A Battle in the Woods;Cartoon Hangover;Life Fiber;TheStoryteller;MrConductorFan1406;The Magic Halloween Parody | Thomas & Friends (SHORT FILM);Mother’s Basement;shadow759;Heroes;Olympics;Hard Truths DoctorWho;Drawpinion Dump;Percy And The Beast Productions;“Sodor Dark Realm: Reloaded” | OFFICIAL | TVS | April 15th & 16th, 1982 | Episodes #1, 2, 3.;James Somerton;ContraPoints;The MegaNintenBro;You All Write;Five by Five Takes;The Roundtable;Nunmanji;Trope Anatomy;Andrea Ritsu;CinemaWins;Curmudgeon Media;KevinLsAccount;Nick TF89;MistareFusion;Quinn Curio;TheUziGunner;Skip Intro;Found Footage Frankenstein Night - Late Night Double Feature;META RUNNER;The Sun’s Tear;Sarah Moon;The Pedantic Romantic;Sketchy (the) Changeling;Zeria;Thomas The Model Adventures;Mathwiz;Garrick Schultz;RWBY: Fairy Tales;Red Vs. Blue: Family Shatters;Overly Sarcastic Productions;Trope Talk: Fridging;BREADSWORD;Lost In Tokusatsu;Super Mario Bros. Z;L.E.S Photography Productions;The Unlucky Tug;MrA thehedgehog;The Schmuck Squad;Manga Writer;Trainz4Days;SOVEREIGN_MIND;Parallax.;Ian Campbell Gonzalez;FilmSpeak;Super Eyepatch Wolf;Taillamp Studios;Thunderbird Studios;Bad Bitch (2020);Michael Jackson’s Thriller;BYTE Abridged;Uncle Al;Barret the J-50;“Thomas` Cousin” | Full Movie;Lost In Tokusatsu;IsraeliGovernment;Misty Chronexia;Mozilla Fennekin;Kaosi;HobbitNerd Entertainment;Art of Paya;FruitPunchMan15;The Isle of Rangoon;Dominic Noble;ThisIsChannel101;Jason Sheerin;Spongebob on Sodor;Bradleythethomasfan1;TB7 Productions;Victor Tanzig;The MilanToon Channel;Crumbling Cube;Jess the Dragoon;Second Thought;Sparkshot;charusharu;Translating Japan;ProfessorViral;Craftsdwarf;Is Kill la Kill a Magical Girl Series? (Not Really, But We’ll Entertain the Thought);Something Witty Entertainment;Oliver Duck;The Western Spirit;KaiserBeamz;Pokémon Special Anime;Pokémon SPECIAL Episode 1: VS The Glow;Yui-senpai TV;Ygg Studio;We Have Forgotten Love;PhenomSage;blunova;GODs’ School : The Olympian gods;Otaku-Vs;Nyxian Thoughts;A Very Tall Problem;Explanation Point;Lazybones, Inc.;TwistedDanns;TheGeekTCM;Invader ZIM: Mopiness of Doom;Veridis Joe;WildNorWester;Horror Short Film “Locksmiths” | ALTER;MOSAIC STREET - Proof of Concept Scene;Kimchi;EN2;France Five;The Underground Media Group;Terrier55Stepney;Porter Robinson & Madeon - Shelter (Official Video) (Short Film with A-1 Pictures & Crunchyroll);Mr. Ryan;The Raccoons Abridged;TUGS Abridged Ep 1: A Brand New Show;Infinite Snow Productions;The Legend of Genji;Xiao Long Media;Auralnauts;Monsterful Media;PhenomSage;Lowart;SMARTARTSMEDIA;bobvids;The Official Pokémon YouTube channel;MasterOfTheLemons;It’s Rebecca Rose;Tomoki Misato;Rocket Jump;EMARA;The Cartoon Cipher;Phoenix 24;Pop Culture Detective;Ikea Heights;TurfNation;TFL Creative Media;coldcrashpictures;Red Vs. Blue: Grifball;Gilbert Gaz Grogan;Slack Shack;LWP;Agent Mystery Meat;LEGEND - A DRAGON BALL TALE (FULL FILM) - 2022 STUDIO STRAY DOG;Cosmic Wonders;Errant Signal;HatsOffMedia;History of the Other Railway;KyleKallgrenBHH;KUNG FURY;YaBoiRay;Renegade Cut;Lost Pilot;Inacio’s Fifth Studio;Trainboy9705;Welltank Records;StarEevee;Diregentleman;LBSCS Productions;WHISPERS OF THE OTHER RAILWAY - PART 1 ‘TERROR ON THE TAY’;There’s Something About Amy;[thebogieboy];JamRum;The Royal Ocean Film Society;Christopher O'Shea;Sonic the Mobian Saiyan;PeterSam 04;RobloxFan70;Victor Tanzig;James Tullos;TazerLad;FlyingPringle;Implicitly Pretentious;The Wingfeather Saga Pilot;TheFamousEight;Yitexity;The Animation Coven;The FREAK Trains;Joseph Michael Long;LEGO TITANIC [Stop Motion 1997 Sinking Remake];SAO Video Essays;Wildlife (2012);MasakoX;Hypeathon;KnightZilla;Flying Walrus;Here's the Plan - Animated Short Film;Calebtrain;GLITCH;Gerry Anderson;Emezie Okorafor;Doctor Who Velocity;Fernanda Frick;JoMotion Studios;ZenithFilms Media;Kirby Ferguson;James Woodall;Savage Books;Kevin deLaplante;Study of Swords;Billy & Bubba;The Blue Snowplow;Power Rangers Dino Fury - History of Power Rangers;J's Reviews;Fionapollo;Idle Scree;Deadjosey;Robotech Visions;Lackadaisy;Trampy;Allan Ungar;(not)Hero - Compilation;Epithet Erased;mashed;EvilChicken25;Balena Productions;Daylight 3;Xounzy;Asha Phaedra;Alex Henderson Animation;Browntable;Andrea Baglio;DAT2T ANIMATION;Edward Baillargeon;The Great Wolf Pack;TheRealJims;Films For Freedom;Camp Camp;4D Jungle Adventure
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iduckfilms · 2 years
The Complete Official Pibby Timeline (So Far)
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Hey guys, this is iDuckFilms. If you're in the Pibby fandom, you may know me from Twitter, but I decided to explore some backup options in case Twitter really does crash and burn like people are fearing. Plus I've been toying around with the idea of experimenting with other types of posts for a while. So I might as well start by creating a master list of everything that's canon to Pibby so far. There are a lot of things that are commonly mistaken for canon but aren't, but I figured it would be easier to list what is canon to make it easier to keep track.
October 30th 2021 - Come and Learn with Pibby Trailer/Pilot
The one that started it all. This was dropped onto Adult Swim's YouTube channel purposefully without any sort of promotion, though creator Dodge Greenley promoted it on his Instagram as "the trailer for [his] show", indicating that he intended it to be the trailer/pilot for a series. It immediately gets viral attention, first from the cartoon community and then snowballing out into the mainstream.
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October 30th 2021 (actual date circa 2020) - The Casting Call
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Soon, an anonymous 4chan user would leak several pages of a casting call for Pibby, revealing additional information about the characters. The user revealed that they auditioned for a role in the pilot, and that they left out several pages to make it harder for Cartoon Network and Adult Swim to track the leaker down.
October 30th 2021 (actual date circa 2020) - The Demo Reel
Soon, fans uncovered a demo reel originally posted on Soundcloud in 2020 by an actor who read for Bun Bun and Beta Kid. It used the same artwork as the leaked casting call, revealing the lines for Bun Bun and Beta Kid in the casting call and confirming both leaks to be real.
(To this date, no records of Pibby or Melira's lines from the casting call have surfaced)
November 5, 2021 - The Official Credits
Dodge Greenley would soon reveal the official credits of the Pibby pilot on his Instagram. This would confirm Melira's name, therefore confirming both leaks once again, but also reveal that Beta Kid's name had been changed to Alloy Boy during production.
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April 1, 2022 - The April Fools Broadcast
After 6 months of no news, Adult Swim surprised fans with a two hour long broadcast consisting of episodes of other Adult Swim shows with Pibby, Bun Bun, and various glitches edited into them. Almost all the animation of them created for this broadcast was new, and it featured slight redesigns of the characters and the Darkness, including different palettes and a more Atari-like glitch. This was accompanied by a "Lost Bunny" poster of Bun Bun and several billboards in Los Angeles and Atlanta featuring Pibby and Bun Bun.
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After this, there would be no major Pibby news. However, there is still one surprisingly major thing left to cover
November 15, 2022 - Pibby wins a CLIO Award
This is the latest official Pibby update. For those who don't know, the CLIO Awards are a prestigious award ceremony dedicated to celebrating the best ad campaigns. Shockingly, Pibby won several of these awards, including a Grand Prize. As their submission for the CLIO Awards, Adult Swim created a video going over the history of Pibby so far and, surprisingly, featuring many posts from Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, and r/Pibby, including posts from my Twitter account and for some reason various Elsagate videos created by the infamous YouTube Kids channel Among Us Stop Motion. This shows that Adult Swim has been keeping tabs on the Pibby fandom, and that support from Pibby fans matters in getting the show greenlit. The video also ends with acknowledgement that Pibby fans want more content, and the cryptic line "The legend of Pibby continues". Only time will tell if this means anything.
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davidjosephkatz · 1 year
heyyyy sorry if you said already but where did you find empyrean!!!!
hey!! that one scene i giffed was from cody's 2020 demo reel. i couldn't find the full movie either, not even with a vpn :( i really hope it will be back on amazon prime eventually
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arthurzdrinc · 1 year
Demo Reel 2020 from Timothy Moore on Vimeo.
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aftereffectsprojects · 3 months
Black and White Slideshow Motion Design from Antony Parker on Vimeo.
✔️ Download here: templatesbravo.com/vh/item/black-and-white-slideshow/52916396
BLACK N WHITE STOMP OPENER Make dynamic and energetic typographic intro or opener with stomp rhythm and original motion design style for you product or event a few minutes!!! Suitable for trendy opener in quick style, fast slideshow or claps reel. If you need to produce organic sport event presentation, music dynamic promotion or smart portfolio for TV blog, vblog or youtube channel – use Black N White Stomp Opener template!
You wanna create professional quick fashion opener, action promo or stylish smart greetings that project will help you! Also you can generate some stomp video or rhythmic story, energy teaser, handsome demo or aggressive product promo.
Premiere Pro and After Effects CC 2020 or higher software. FullHD(1920×1080) r
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shoblisva · 4 months
About Me!
Hello, I’m Lisa from the Philippines! A good bunch of people call me Lis or Lissy. Feel free to go with whichever you prefer! Thanks for checking out my Tumblr page. It feels great to start my first blog where I can express myself freely~ This blog is all about showcasing my voice (VA/VO, fandub, unreleased and random covers) I sing and and voice act, mostly in English and Japanese. I’ve worked on a few VA/VO projects including volunteer opportunities and community collaborations.
Voice Range: Mezzo Soprano (A3-A5) Specialization: Cheerful, bright, sweet, cute, friendly female characters. Medium to High (adult to young)
Availability: Open for VA commissions
It all began when I discovered Vocaloid songs on YouTube back in 2013. I got hooked on voice acting, fandubs, games, and all the fun stuff in the Youtaite community. I even joined a Japanese online voice acting group as a hobby. They'd give us scripts to record, and if they liked it, they'd upload it to YouTube. Back then, I recorded everything on my phone.
In 2015, my dad bought me my first-ever condenser microphone (second-hand.) I’m super happy! Thanks, dad! I regularly posted song covers and voice acting clips to my own YouTube channel. I also gained experience and explored audio mixing. I'm grateful for my parents' support even if people didn't know I was singing on YT. I remember hitting around 4k subs, and it was such a huge joy for me. I also uploaded dance covers on my channel, as it was originally a dance channel so I was thinking about whether to separate my content and create a new account.
Fast forward to around 2017, sadly, I decided to delete my first channel (mental health reasons). I wiped out my entire social media presence and lost interest in my hobbies. My mind wasn't in the best place at the time and did the unthinkable, but we all have those moments, right?
Don't worry! After a year, I wanted to get back into it. So, I started fresh with a new account in 2018, mainly for song covers – and kept it anonymous. I still use my old second-hand mic I had before. It's still in good condition, and I may have developed a sentimental connection to the mic. :') But sometimes, I still use my phone for recording too. xD I gained a few supporters who liked my voice, but I wasn't confident enough to show them my dancing side even though dancing's my absolute favorite hobby! Can you believe it? Shy ol' me, feeling like a whole new person with each interest.
So, I decided to separate my content and made a dance cover channel in 2020 and occasionally do VAs there too. I won't disclose it here, haha! at least for now..? but if you're curious and happen to find it, consider it a surprise! You're a great detective. jkjk lol
This blog centers around me using my voice, so it's mostly a mix of random short covers I've recorded, along with little acting snippets and other projects. I’ll also be uploading unreleased covers and versions on this blog. Stay tuned! ^^ Right now, I'm eager to become more active again and continue singing. I'm grateful for the support I've received along the way! Thanks for dropping by and reading my ramblings~
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syedpractice2 · 5 months
Research for Animation
Last semester, I did a walk cycle, which was my first time animating a character. For my next project, I did some research. I wanted to research some exercises I can keep doing to improve my animation at a beginner level and improve my already skills. I found a good advice by “RobynO” was that I should practice with brick and a flour sack. This will give me a good insight on how different weighted bodies fall or drop.
After that I watched some demo reels made by different people over YouTube. I also watched the ones made by students at our university last year.
RobynO (2020). 5 Best Animation Exercises for Beginners | Animation Basics. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kobTNuoPs5c&t=417s  [Accessed 23 April 2024].
Tyagi, F. (2022). 3D Animation Portfolio 2022 | Animation showreel | Faizan Tyagi Animation. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSHRkgcyJjM  [Accessed 23 April 2024]. siykey. (2021). 2D ANIM DEMO REEL ((University of Hertfordshire : semester A)). [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fae6zOkqsOY [Accessed 23 April 2024].
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all2collectmore · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Sealed new PJ Harvey - 4-Track Demos [New Vinyl LP].
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hawk-ecommerce · 8 months
Best Video Marketing Strategies
The journey of creating videos and using them as a part of a marketing strategy started in 2005 with the launch of the world's most popular video-sharing platform, YouTube. And when Google bought the popular video-sharing site, it led to them running ads on the site, therefore encouraging more creators to leverage the use of videos as a promotional tactic.
With the rise of multiple social media channels such as Facebook and Instagram, the ability to share videos on other platforms saw a meteoric rise. As the technology to create instant videos became more accessible and easier, the introduction of 'reels' on Instagram & Facebook is another example of how social media platforms are leveraging video marketing to promote relevant businesses. Even Snapchat introduced their 'Spotlight' feature in 2020 where users can watch short-form videos for entertainment. Another great example of why using videos should be a part of your marketing strategy is TikTok. The video-sharing app saw an immense boost in the way users consume short-form videos, leading to brands adding it as a part of their video marketing strategies.
Let's learn more about the best video marketing strategies you can incorporate.
Best Video Marketing Strategies
No doubt that our smartphones have made consuming video content easier, faster, and one of the most dominant forms of consuming entertainment. Here's why you might be missing out if you aren't leveraging video marketing strategies.
But first, let's learn how you can create a video marketing strategy or have a video marketing agency do it for you.
Be clear about who you are targeting and why
Do a little research about your target audience and where they spend most of their time online
Connect with a known Video Marketing Agency , such as hawk-ecommerce
Set a budget and timeline for your video requirements
Develop specific strategies and messaging you wish to convey via your videos
Choose the platform(s) where you'll post & share the videos on
Decide if you will boost the video or not. Boosting is highly recommended as you can set your target audience easily and quickly
Set up trackable metrics to keep a tab on the performance
Types Of Videos
Here are some common types of videos that brands use to popularise their online presence-
Demo videos
Brand-based videos
How to type videos
Animated videos
Reviews & consumer testimonials
360° videos 
Live videos
AI videos
Now let's talk about the best video marketing strategies.
Set your goals: What do you wish to convey with your video? Do you wish to educate the audience, talk about USPs, or some new features of a product, highlight some services, or simply generate more leads? Once your goal is clear, then strategize accordingly.
Find a video content company: If you want to create a professional video, then get in touch with a video content agency that can help bring your vision to life. They will have the proper equipment such as talented videographers, proper cameras, lenses, lighting equipment, mics, audio cables, and even a studio to shoot the videos professionally.
Not only that, the marketing agency will also edit the video for you, ensuring that your video looks top-notch and can be promoted on multiple platforms.
Optimise: When your video is in its final stage, make sure you optimise it well. As a part of the video marketing services, ask the agency to use relevant hooks to make it more appealing; trending audio, content, etc.
Get, set, promote: Now that you have a finished video in hand, it's time to promote it on various platforms; 
Social Media: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, YouTube, and X (formerly known as Twitter)
Third-Party Collaterals: Vimeo, Vistia, SandSpark, and even on apps
Track and measure: Once the video is shared on relevant platforms, keep an eye on it to see how it is performing; are people interacting with it? Are they sharing it? Are they clicking the ads? Are they visiting the website? 
Make sure you track the analytics regularly to see the performance of your videos.
If you are looking for an agency that can leverage video marketing strategies to promote your business to another level, then contact hawk-ecommerce.
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capturemoment123 · 11 months
The Exponential Growth of Video Marketing on Instagram
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, social media platforms are continually innovating to capture and maintain the attention of their users. Instagram, one of the most popular social media platforms, has witnessed a remarkable surge in video marketing over the past few years. With its dynamic features and a rapidly growing user base, Instagram has become a powerhouse for businesses and marketers to reach their target audience through engaging video content. This article explores the factors contributing to the growth of video marketing on Instagram and its significance in the digital marketing realm.
The Rise of Instagram Stories
Instagram Stories, introduced in 2016, was a game-changer for video marketing on the platform. These short-lived, immersive videos captured the attention of users and encouraged businesses to create engaging content that disappeared after 24 hours. With over 500 million daily active users, Instagram Stories have become a vital channel for marketers to reach a massive audience quickly.
IGTV: A Platform for Long-Form Video Content
In 2018, Instagram launched IGTV, a dedicated platform for long-form video content. This feature allows brands and creators to share videos up to 60 minutes in length. While IGTV initially faced some challenges, Instagram's continuous updates and improvements have made it a significant player in the video marketing arena, providing an opportunity for businesses to tell compelling stories and engage their audience in a more in-depth manner.
Instagram Reels: Competing with TikTok
Instagram introduced Reels in August 2020, directly competing with the popular video-sharing platform TikTok. Reels allows users to create and share short, entertaining videos set to music or soundtracks. Marketers quickly recognized the potential of Reels as a means to showcase their products and services in a fun and creative way, expanding their reach to a younger demographic.
Enhanced Analytics and Advertising Options
Instagram has also improved its analytics and advertising tools for businesses, enabling them to measure the effectiveness of their video marketing campaigns. The platform offers valuable insights, such as reach, engagement, and audience demographics, allowing marketers to refine their strategies and create content that resonates with their target audience.
Influencer Collaborations
The collaboration between brands and Instagram influencers has been a catalyst for the growth of video marketing. Influencers with a significant following have become trusted voices for their followers. By partnering with influencers, brands can leverage their credibility to promote products or services through engaging video content, reaching a highly targeted and engaged audience.
The Visual Appeal of Instagram
Instagram's emphasis on visual content makes it a natural fit for video marketing. Users are drawn to the platform for its aesthetically pleasing and engaging content. Businesses that can create visually appealing videos can effectively capture the attention of their audience and convey their message more effectively.
Diverse Content Formats
Instagram offers a wide range of content formats, including product demos, tutorials, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and live streams. This diversity allows businesses to experiment with different video types and engage their audience in various ways, keeping their content fresh and appealing.
The growth of video marketing on Instagram has been nothing short of spectacular. With the continuous introduction of new features and the platform's massive user base, Instagram has become a go-to destination for marketers to promote their products and services through compelling video content. As the digital marketing landscape evolves, it is clear that Instagram will remain a significant player, providing businesses with the tools and opportunities they need to stay ahead in this visually-driven era of marketing. To harness the full potential of Instagram's video marketing capabilities, businesses should adapt to the changing trends and stay creative in their content production, ensuring they connect with their audience in meaningful ways.
The world of digital marketing is constantly evolving, with video marketing on Instagram emerging as a powerful tool for businesses to engage their audience. Instagram's rapid growth as a video marketing platform has created new opportunities and challenges for marketers. In this article, we'll explore the factors driving this growth and how digital marketing courses can equip professionals with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in this dynamic environment.
The Growth of Video Marketing on Instagram
Instagram Stories: A Game-Changer
The introduction of Instagram Stories in 2016 revolutionized the way businesses connect with their audience. These ephemeral, immersive videos, with over 500 million daily active users, have made it a vital channel for marketers to quickly reach a massive audience. Digital marketing courses provide insights into crafting effective Stories that engage viewers within a limited timeframe.
IGTV for Long-Form Content
IGTV, launched in 2018, offers a dedicated platform for longer video content, allowing brands to tell more in-depth stories. However, creating compelling long-form videos requires specialized skills and knowledge that digital marketing courses can impart.
Instagram Reels and TikTok Competition
Instagram's launch of Reels in 2020 directly competed with TikTok's success. Understanding the nuances of creating short, engaging videos on Reels and competing in this space is a skill that digital marketing courses can help professionals acquire.
Analytics and Advertising Tools
Instagram has enhanced its analytics and advertising tools to help businesses measure the effectiveness of their video marketing campaigns. Digital marketing courses teach students how to utilize these tools effectively, enabling businesses to refine their strategies based on data-driven insights.
Influencer Collaborations
Collaborations with Instagram influencers have played a significant role in the platform's video marketing growth. Digital marketing courses teach the art of influencer marketing, helping professionals leverage influencers' credibility to promote their products or services through engaging video content.
Visual Appeal and Diverse Content Formats
Instagram's visual-centric approach makes it an ideal platform for video marketing. Digital marketing courses provide training on creating visually appealing videos and leveraging diverse content formats, allowing businesses to engage their audience in creative and effective ways.
How Digital Marketing Courses Can Help
Strategy and Planning
Digital marketing courses provide a structured approach to developing video marketing strategies. Professionals can learn to identify target audiences, set objectives, create content calendars, and optimize their video marketing efforts for Instagram.
Content Creation
Courses often cover video production techniques, storytelling, and the use of visual elements to create engaging content. Professionals can learn the art of capturing and retaining viewer attention through compelling videos.
Data Analysis
Understanding analytics and interpreting data is crucial for optimizing video marketing campaigns. Digital marketing courses teach professionals how to analyze metrics, track KPIs, and make data-driven decisions.
Platform-Specific Expertise
Courses offer insights into the unique features and algorithms of social media platforms like Instagram, helping professionals tailor their video content to maximize reach and engagement.
Staying Updated
In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, staying updated is crucial. Digital marketing courses ensure professionals are aware of the latest trends, algorithm changes, and best practices.
The growth of video marketing on Instagram presents both exciting opportunities and challenges for businesses. Digital marketing courses are invaluable in equipping professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate this dynamic landscape successfully. Whether you're new to digital marketing or seeking to enhance your existing skills, these courses can provide the expertise required to harness the full potential of Instagram's video marketing capabilities and stay ahead in the ever-evolving digital marketing realm.
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salgood · 1 year
Martin Villeneuve – Demo Reel 2023 from Martin Villeneuve on Vimeo.
Cirque du Soleil alumnus and TED speaker Martin Villeneuve is a Montreal-based screenwriter, director, actor and producer. With a strong background in advertising, he has directed numerous commercials for Cirque du Soleil, in addition to music videos, short films and series. His feature film debut, the pioneering sci-fi romance “Mars & April,” starring Caroline Dhavernas (“Hannibal”) and internationally renowned stage director Robert Lepage, cost only a stunning $2.3 million CAD to produce. The film received 10 nominations including one for “Best Adapted Screenplay” at the Canadian Screen Awards, and toured in 20 festivals worldwide, starting with a World Premiere in Karlovy Vary. “Mars & April” has been described by io9 as “one of the most beautiful, and immersive, sci-fi worlds ever put on film.” Also, it brought Martin to TED where he became the first (and so far, the only) speaker to come out of Quebec, and the third filmmaker to give a TED Talk after James Cameron and J.J. Abrams. His talk has been subtitled in 33 languages and viewed more than a million times. In 2014, he won an award for his performance in his short film “Imelda”, for which he shot two sequels released in 2020. His second feature film, “The 12 Tasks of Imelda” – starring Robert Lepage, Ginette Reno, Michel Barrette, Lynda Beaulieu, Antoine Bertrand, Marc-François Blondin, Anne-Marie Cadieux and Yves Jacques – had its world premiere at the QCFF, and hit theaters across Quebec on October 28th, 2022. Among other projects, he is currently writing and directing the “Red Ketchup” animated series, to be aired on Adult Swim in 2023.
Watch Martin Villeneuve’s TED Talk: ted.com/talks/martin_villeneuve_how_i_made_an_impossible_film
• Item 7 – “Aquarica” Animated fantasy feature film, currently in development, in collaboration with European comic book masters François Schuiten & Benoît Sokal.
• Prends ça court ! – “Imelda 2: the notary” & “Imelda 3: Simone” In these two sequels, Martin Villeneuve reprises the role of his grandmother, alongside co-stars Robert Lepage & Ginette Reno (2020).
• Prends ça court ! – “Imelda” Award-winning comedy short film starring Martin Villeneuve as his own grandmother (2014).
• TED Talks – “How I made an Impossible Film” Martin Villeneuve’s TED Talk about “Mars & April,” the sci-fi spectacular he made with virtually no money over a seven-year stretch (2013).
• Moment Factory – “AC Dreamin’” Mapping show projected on Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City (2013).
• Mars et Avril Inc. & Alliance Vivafilm – “Mars & April” Quebec’s first true science fiction feature film starring Robert Lepage, Caroline Dhavernas, Paul Ahmarani, Jacques Languirand, Jean Asselin, Stéphane Demers, Jean Marchand, Kathleen Fortin, Marcel Sabourin, André Montmorency and Gabriel Gascon (2012).
• Sid Lee & Cirque du Soleil – “Zumanity,” “KÀ,” “Corteo” Advertising (2003-2013).
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