#20s and 40s just feels weird looking back on it tho
oscill4te · 8 months
these attachment issues are so sexy (sarcasm)
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royallygray · 2 months
Scar HC S10E12
actually welcome to Scar Says Sus Stuff
this was supposed to be me talking about my favorite parts or parts I want to share but it's just the sus parts and several things that I specifically liked
like. a rly in depth AO3 comment except with a YouTube video.
spoilers for his video
(I haven't watched most of scar's episodes so far)
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1:01 "grant me access to the hole" scar. scar please. your wording. fix it. but also never change we love you but oh my god SCAR
it is actually triggering me that he's just casually on three hearts. my man PLEASE EAT
3:53 "I'm gonna wait for [Grian] inside of his mouth"
5:38 "well now Skizz and my bits are all mixed together"
6:06 "I fall for it EVERY time, by the way" -Skizz. I love Scar and Skizz, the two gullible-est people bonding over how they're gullible. It's genuinely somehow wholesome.
6:20 "something of substance was gonna come from this"
6:51 There was PASSION in this. Scar go off on them YEAH
7:33 how did I know he was gonna be one block off. rip scar you tried o7
7:40 "he didn't get inside my hole at all" SCAR.
8:17 "we could get six horns" the word horns sounds like hoards. and also kind of the other word.
8:39 (for one frame) the inside of scars face is cursed
but also. scar. why do you have a tnt minecart as decoration. scar I don't have high hopes for this room. scar you come from the Life series. scar. it's gonna die. someone's gonna shoot it with a flame bow I guarantee it
10:46 LMAO the way he tried to say cartographer sounds so. like. idk endearing or smth idk. Like he tried to breathe in and talk at the same time.
11:05 "I've just realized I kind of look like a composter" that is the entire clip by the way. all you out of context makers, I need that in there. idk if it'll be as funny as it is in here, because seriously, the delivery of having literally no other context other than it just being a random thought that popped into Scar's head is so funny to me
11:41 scar at the goat horn shop what will he do. I'm not mad scar. I think you're an adult who is making decisions with their fictional money. and you deserve it. you deserve that goat horn.
11:52 I lied put it back
in seventh grade we did an essay on whether zoos are good or bad and while I do love scars character in this I literally cannot stop thinking about it :(
wait oh my god it's a sink?? the water and lava?? oh my god??
14:55 damn Gem and Grian's spike has grown
15:35 scar I don't think you remember where your stuff is in the first place. at least like this it'll look cool. although the underground weird chest monster has character and I actually kinda like it in the same way that I like when my floor is a mess because it just feels inhabited and has personality
15:58 oh my god scar you transition god
16:33 scar why are you there
16:35 Etho I appreciate you LMAO
17:19 Etho have you seen Skizz's storage. it's. bad. like. it is worse than Scar's. Genuinely. It gives me pain.
17:25 THE PEARL DOORS. THE BOATEM PEARL DOORRSSSS also scar going through the middle even tho Etho literally opened the other door for him LMAO
17:32 ah yes dig when there is an entrance yes yes
17:43 honey roofs. I see you're obsessed with Joel's gift mr. slab.
this scene is actually amazing. I've never seen Etho and scar interact 1 on 1 (I don't watch a lot of Scar, and I have watched Etho a total of approximately once. his videos are rly long) and also just. Etho's system is so cool.
also Etho's storage system is adorable :D
I like both storage systems. Etho's is significantly more functional (and less likely to explode, scar that minecart is making me wary) but I really enjoy the aesthetic of Scar's.
thank you for coming to Royal says stuff, go watch scar's video, it's great.
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Dear diary,
I've been considering getting hair cut short. One of those bob styles cause hate how the heat makes my medium length hair feel so icky~
Read a few articles on styles and on hair. Did you know you're hair grows the fastest between ages 15 to 20 or 25 depending on article? Apparently guys after 30, may experience thinning and hair loss because hair doesn't grow as quickly after 30 and for girls it's like after 40 to 50 that hair doesn't grow as quickly according to various beauty articles.~
So I don't know, mean could cut hair short but what if it took forever and a week to grow back out? I don't even think short hair would look good on me, less variety for styling but at the same time I just dont think am pretty atm either~
I think def want to try blunt or curtain bangs tho, they look cute and are kinda childish and tbh I want the adorable factor tho maybe I am just not that cute?~
Also like never ever foam hot cocoa pple, I ordered a small hot cocoa and the barista made it like it was a latte and the taste, sooo awful but didn't want to waste the purchase. I mean if I were a more less caring or wasn't worried about being confrontational in public I would have said something~
Pillows, I need a good pillow, am sure if I had one it might help improve sleep but I've yet to find a good one. Itd have to be fluffy like a cloud and cool like a winter breeze. I saw the most adorable pillow ever but problem is it's 270 with tax. Like if it were 80, I'd consider it sure expense but might be worth it if it's as good quality as claimed by advertising.~
Unfortunately I am just not sure, I mean I'd have to save for like at least a few months to get it and do I really need it? Its childish cause shaped like a dashound in a hot dog costume... but like where would I find such an adorable pillow again, it's unique~
I need to decide Halloween costume too, I mean if do go ahead and get gothic outfit from poll could pair it with some bat wings or angel ones and have costume. But that's like putting a bulleyes on yourself, dressing like an angelic being or succubus/bat demon girl would make people stare~
Plus the demon/succubus aspect is kinda ironically hilarious cause I can't even flirt with guys or girls for that matter, little miss shy and awkward~
I was brave and contacted customer service over missing package and about refund. I was ping ponged back and forth between company and shipping provider until finally got confirmation they'd issue refund as package was lost and couldn't determine where it got lost at etc~
I didn't actually talk, it was online communication through service line but still~
I took some pictures of sky because the clouds were particularly picturesque and fluffy~ I felt so self conscious though like do I just look weird or something? Haven't you ever seen someone look up at sky with camera before?~
I am tempted to just avoid public all together until October but realistically I'll get lured out in July for cotton candy vendors, fresh squeezed fair lemonade and prize contests to try to win cute plushies <4th of july>. Do I think fireworks are beautiful? Yes but am one of those people that would want to wear noise cancelling headphones and look like a dork cause of it~ the loud noise though just unsettles me, it's like really loud thunder or lighting makes me jump scare myself sometimes~
I found a Harry Potter themed bar crawl event and golf event that I kinda want to go too. Not so much the bar as mini golf the thing is I know it'll be crowded and am not the best at mini golf soooooo do I really want to torture myself mentally by weaving through crowds, long lines and ultimately failing to win prizes by missing the getting the golf ball into the hole?~
Plus I'd want to wear a harry potter themed costume and have nothing to wear for that~
Including pictures of clouds because I can~
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transhawks · 1 year
1) How long until Dabi almost kills Endeavor and AFO starts calling Hawks "the New No.1" and that it seems to be a curse for the No.1 to fall one after the other in a big way to their own sins? 2) How long until AFO coughs up more HPSC comments besides calling Hawks "Mr. Replacement." (Which is super creepy, did he always know about the HPSC or was he listening in on when Hawks called himself that and this was meant to be a quote and not a fact? He seems to buy into the lie the HPSC told about Nagant killing a hero, but when she explodes it's like he knew what she really was, "a tool." And to this day I can't tell if "heroes employed under the HPSC" is a common known fact. Deku recognizes her as such, but he could've heard from Hawks, who for all that he keeps his backstory hidden away, saying "this lady is trained by the HPSC and also my Senpai" is super telling, but just like at his mom's house where he says "I'm free of my shackles because those guys are gone" everyone is too disturbingly chill about one of their co-workers feeling imprisoned by the guys that sign their paychecks.
(Somewhere in the 40s, I think Ch 47 that says their hero work is based on commission and how much pay they get is based on reports they write on how helpful they were, so I'm pretty sure the HPSC reads that to pay em.) And the HPSC building is a direct copy-cat of the "National Public Safety Commission" drawn the same as the irl one in any of Hawks' flashbacks to them. But not every single one matches, I imagine they have several branches that handle different work and buildings. In 191 what we thought was him standing outside the hospital actually matched the HPSC building drawn in Heroes Rising, maybe the real reason Hawks looked so worn down and like he was crying was because they chewed him out over "how come Dabi tricked you like this, you're all out of feathers, did you lie about the attack to us, does he suspect you, are you compromised, didn't we tell you it's okay to allow civilian casualties, you could've risked the whole mission, no wonder Dabi doesn't trust you, don't mess up the next task he gives you, etc."
(Read: Literally DEMANDED casualties, "you can and you will." Lmao if he went public with this, y'all be getting some heat.) Also with Hawks being a canon workaholic, no way the HPSC was all "sure you fucked up your chance to get Dabi's trust and now you're a grounded bird so you can relax the next 3 days" he might've told that to Endeavor about taking it easy but he was 100% still working. I bet it's a common misconception in hero society that Hawks' quirk is a free ticket to getting days off, but in reality he both never does and doesn't have a place to relax if he doesn't feel safe trying to get to his secret home if the HPSC is stalking him more when he's wingless. I also hope that place has stairs tho in case he does wanna go back but if it's only flight-accessible, rip. Actually now that I think about it, when he's wingless is probs when he uses the place HPSC gave him so they feel secure about where he is. 3) How long into AFO rewinds himself into a child so Hawks can punt him into the sun? Or maybe he magically stops rewinding in his 20s so we can write meet-cutes or "the demon lord is my age and now I have to supervise him as my roommate" fics? Alternatively, I'm still willing to accept AFO seeing the way he raised Shigaraki in how the HPSC raised Hawks and pointing that out to him.
1) Dabi will attempt to kill Enji when the asshole finally hugs him. Nothing like realizing the most precious thing on the battlefield that you want to destroy to hurt your dad is actually you. I mean he's already suicidal, I'm sure the realization Daddy loves him but sucked too much at being a dad to tell him, causing all this fuckery, is just a "okay I've had enough of this fucking family" moment.
2) I don't know how much AFO knows. It's weird, as you said. I can't imagine he doesn't know what the government is doing. And this is one of the most annoying things about lore. We know the HPSC regulates the heroes, decides their pay. But whatever Nagant and Hawks are under is a different thing. And in some ways, people are aware that Nagant was a HPSC hero? I wonder if it's just a thing of like her debuting as being sponsored by the HPSC itself. Like all the other heroes tend to get a leg up from their schools but Nagant's debut was seen as a thing of, "We want to introduce a hero we have scouted on our own and who will represent the ideal HPSC hero".
Actually the idea that he was upset because the commission chewed him out is likely. I think if there is a difference between Nagant and Hawks is that the killing of civilians, at least, was not something Hawks had to do. Being told to go against all his instincts in saving people (and desires. Remember at his core he wants to save people)....
I do think Hawks going public wouldn't do much good. The HPSC is in shambles. Mera might deny any knowledge, because he probably didn't know. If Hawks did it before the fight, it might have collapsed society further but bringing up all the shit he's done post-war will be seen as making trouble. The reaction might be like the one to Dabi, where a lot of people just wish the victim kept that shit to themselves.
But yeah, I think Hawks never like.....has a vacation. Even if his wings are down, he can use very small feathers to hear things so I think his "downtime" is when he's the most effective for more information -gathering missions.
3) AFO pointing out Hawks is a grooming victim would be amazing in the way he was insulting Enji for fucking up his kids. Look in the mirror, man.
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onlyjaeyun · 8 months
I sent you an ask about the Jay smau, idk if you got it, since tumblr just hasn't been sending some of my ask, I know you said you were gonna not answer one since it gave you ideas, which I know the one I sent started with something about us all sharing braincells and talked about the bff could sabotage y/n, and how Jay might respond and all once him and y/n are together. If you didn't get it, you could let me know and I'll try to resend it.
Also to reply to the other ask I sent you, I feel like NCTzens are either amazing to writers or so toxic. Like I once did an MTL that was an ask and it was who would like a thicc s/o and I put Taeyong like in the middle, and I got so much hate, someone spammed my inbox with like 40 messages saying Taeyong would never want a fatty, and they made like 10 fake accounts to comment on all of my NCT mtls to share their opinion, and I just had to delete most of my NCT MTLs and block like 20 accounts. They were so mad that I said Taeyong would probably want a an s/o that eats well, they felt the need to attack me so badly, I quit writing MTLS for NCT after that. Then I would have people in my asks complaining about me not doing them anymore, and it's just like I wonder why; you ask my opinion and then when I say Johnny would love a girl with a fat ass you attack me since it's not want you wanted me to say. I've been in a lot of fandoms, and I'm lucky most I've been don't go out of their way to attack you for a varying opinion or disliking something, but NCTzens it's just like where do you get the audacity.
I feel like they would probably think I'm some weird and be all ew p*d0 or something, but I'm just such a mom friend it's just like if you are younger than I and we are interacting, I now view you as my child nothing else; but it's just easier to avoid talking to them, since people always immediately assume the worst, which I don't blame them since there are so many weirdos on here. tbh it is, like I see no age anywhere or like even an age range, like just put 18+ or 21+, just let me know you are legal, otherwise I run the other way and hit that block button with such speed, it could rival Usain Bolt; since I just immediately assume minor that doesn't want you to know they are a minor. The same is for people who write smut about minors, when they themselves are not, even if they didn't know the age of the idol. Like I saw someone the other day that wrote Niki smut and someone messaged them saying 'he's a minor', they full on said "omg I had no idea, he looks like he's 20" and like this is why we can't have nice things, at least they deleted their stuff, but still immediate block.
the czennie fandom part: YES. i feel like czennies on here just overdo everything like calm tf down and if you dont like certain type of content just..dont read it? its honestly so sad bc they used to be my ults but i also had such bad experiences in that fandom it's heartbreaking. ive been so much more cautious and careful with what i post ever since and i feel like a lot of fellow former nct writers feel that way. its just so difficult to deal with it all bc you do it as a hobby and to kinda escape the real world and boom, hate and negativity everwhere. i'd never go back to writing for nct for that sole reason only. im so sorry you had to go through that baby, i know exactly how disheartening and demotivating that can be 💔
about the whole age thing: FULLHEARTEADLY AGREED. i think with a fandom this young its super difficult to find a good balance but im honestly glad most of us older engenes think that way and so far most younger ones have been super respectful (tho i did have to block a few minors bc they interacted with my nsfw content) i still feel a lot more comfortable than i did in other fandoms. the thing is, atp if a 05/06 liner happens to write smut about an idol the same age i just close both eyes and block them bc who am i to tell them what to do yk? yet not knowing an idols age you write for is kinda ???? nah, dont fw but deffo get your other points. also i lit felt the mom friend part so hard bc same (more like older sister friend) but im genuinely afraid creeping out younger engenes bc i dont wanna seem like im being a weirdo 😭
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chevvy-yates · 2 years
Have you done other cosplay other than CP77?
Ive always been interested in cosplaying but never found a way to explain to my parents about it... they think it's weird and I never got into it. As an adult in my mid/late 20s now, I feel like it's too late for me to start
Sure. I started to cosplay around 2005. I haven't done that many, tho because sewing/crafting process took me longer and longer the newer the costumes got with me having less and less time (first still in school, then lots of time during my studies and almost none when I started working). Btw my mum found it weird as well but in the end she was proud of what I did. She's still showing people my last/newest ones and just asked me yesterday when I do sth again. Also it is never too late to cosplay. I'm in my 30s now and I really want to pick it up again. I still have a small list of what I wanna do. So feel free to start any time! :) Also it doesn't matter if you buy the costume or you sew it yourself (the latter is more win for you when you finally finish it and can be proud of it that you did all that).
Well where to start?
I've started with J-Rock/Visual Kei cosplay. The scene was pretty big back then in my country (Germany) until 2012 when it got nearly extinct bc people started talking mean behind backs (also K-Pop taking over …) and it got lots of drama (kindergarten behavior). I continued on but then I got back into playing video games and thought, alright I'm gonna do some games cosplay, too!
I've done only three and they cost me over 600 bucks to make each: Arno Dorian from Assassin's Creed Unity, My oc Inqusitor Lavellan from Dragon Age Inquisition and Triss Merigold from The Witcher III. I've got no good photo from the last tho, and I felt somewhat awkard bc it was my first female cosplay ever — done only male characters before, felt weird, idk. Still want to wear it one day again to get some good shots that all the hard work was worth it.
My Visual Kei cosplays were mostly Kuina from Royz and Kyotaro from √eight and I did one of my beloved Hizumi (not my cp77 oc) from D'espairsRay. I did a few others but they are not worth mentioning.
chronologically order: left is me, right the original, I'll link videos if a music video is available for the jrock stuff.
KYOTRARO (Vocalist of √eight) (every) Taro cosplay (I'll only show this one bc the others are not worth it) was mirrored from the hair (and contacts), tho. I loved this one, I was very very close to the original I think. Kyotaro-san still has a special place in my heart. <3
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YOSHIATSU (Vocalist of CrazyShampo (later DADAROMA)) when I wanted to be a cute anime boy or sth like that.
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KUINA (Guitarist of Royz) — Haru no Yoru no Yume FYI: V-Kei bands often had an outfit for a single they did a video for and during that time they changed their hairstyles like once a week, therefore there's always a slight difference in the hair colors/styles/contacts/makeup. Also back then it was super annoying to get high res photos. V-Kei cosplayers mostly made their costumes from scartch using tiny pixel pics the band members uploaded to their ameba blogs back then.
Version 1
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Version 2
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KUINA (Guitarist of Royz) — AREA Still one of my favorites, ahhh.
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KUINA (Guitarist of Royz) — Starry Heaven was a whole pain to find fitting patterns and to sew as well.
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Arno Dorian – Assassins Creed Unity (Elise Reveal Trailer Version) Arno is my baby. Idk how many times I watched the trailer trying to analize the friggin' seams on his coat. the coat alone has over 40 single pieces to sew together.
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Hizumi (ex-Vocalist of D'espairsRay, now in NUL.) – FINAL CALL There's two versions, the official from shoots and the live version – I did the last where Hizu had this fluffy hair <3 (klick the link). Didn't look like it was much of work, but I ordered fabric to be printed for this … expensive stuff, ugh. everything except the pants and bracelets is selfmade (yes even the belt).
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Inquisitor Lavellan – Dragon Age Inquisition I just realized I have no real screenshot of my cutie elf wearing this outfit how I sewed mine together. It's kind of a mix of the outfit my human oc had along with my elf oc lol – I'm sorry.
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Triss Merigold – The WItcher III Sadly only a selfie, ugh. Definitely doesn't do the costume justice – blood, swaet and tears were put into this costumes thrice as much as I already did with Arno and Lavellan. I punched the pattern into leather myself what you can see on the vest. everything leather was also dyed all by myself.
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I mean:
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Triss' outfit is my true maserpiece, so far. proud af
Wow compared to all my former cosplays my CP77 cosplay is nothing against that bc I didn't sew a thing for it, I just combined stuff together. But it is so satisfying when you don't have to prepare half of a year with a deadline to go to a convention being totally exhausted from a sewing marathon that lasted 3 months straight, each evening after work and all day on the weekends (therefore I stopped some day).
Okay done :,D
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hikari-ni-naritai · 1 year
Mutliples of 4 uwu
4. already answered this!
8. how many water bottles are in your room right now?
two! one is my reusable one and the other is garbage from when i was driving to philadelphia but i forgot to bring my reusable bottle so i bought a big bottle of fiji from the gas station and threw it away when i finished it at home. i missed the trash can tho and its now on my floor.
12. what kind of day is it?
a kind of sleepytired day. my eyes hurt in a familiar kinda way.
16. can you drive?
yes! im sooo good at driving. i was basically made in a factory to drive cute girls around in my passenger seat but i fucked it up by getting really into progressive metal.
20. do you say soda or pop?
i usually avoid this difficult conflict by just saying the name of the drink im having. if i have to choose, it changes every time. i dont know whats more natural to me anymore.
24. if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
probably the same as the last person who asked this one. vibing. i would look at the stars probably.
28. do you wear a mask?
is this like covid masks or metaphorical masks? if im going to like a doctor's office or something yes. i tend not to go most other places. metaphorically dont we all? my mask is a facsimile of myself though.
32. do you have a favorite towel?
mm technically? i bought 2 of the lowest quality white towels i could find and those are my favorite. i dont like towels that are too plush. they feel like they arent drying me enough. also i dont like. use any other towels, so its debatable if these can be considered my 'favorites'
36. answered this!
40. answered this also!
44. you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it?
yknow would looooove to kill hephaistos ffxiv. such a fucking pain to try and find reclear parties that know what theyre doing.
48. when did you first try an alcohol beverage?
god when was it. probably when i was like....... 25 or 26? ish? idk i got a cup of sprite/apple whiskey from my brother. it was fine. theres a weird heartburn-adjacent warmth that comes from alcohol that im not fond of. its like the way my eyes hurt now but in my throat. makes me feel.... like if 'tired' was localized somewhere else. its hard to explain. anyway i tend not to drink these days. i used to have something if i was going to be in a voice call with someone new, back when i was still rebuilding my shattered social life, but i dont need that anymore. the sprite/apple whiskey would be my go-to though if i was going to have a drink. its nice.
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irregulardiaryposts · 3 months
20:40 07/03/2024
okay wow well its been well over two years since i updated this 'diary' blog lol
so weird seeing all those old posts about being a teenager with existential thoughts lol i dont really think like that anymore, at least not so much. i guess an update is in order then lmao okay so im in my 3rd year of uni now and im doing my year abroad! doing it in a small city in spain and i really quite like my job, ive only got 14hrs, i have a 3 day weekend, the city is small so i can walk everywhere and this job really gives me a sense of purpose that ive been missing in my life. makes me really realise that university is NOT for me lmfao i was so depressed during my second year i probs went to like 20% of my classes loool. im pretty sure i mightve almost failed aswell but since the professors were doing a marking boycott they released grades without marking the final exam and so since i was already doing well enough in all my classes i passed! quite lucky i think cos i wouldve been so entirely embarrassed and ashamed if i had to repeat a year cos of mental health. i think things are better here tho my issues havent disappeard completely like eg i have these evening classes 6-7.40pm tuesdays and thursdays and for the past like month i havent attended :/ at first it was cos i was sick (i think it was covid lol either from glasgow or on the plane back idk) and then i just didnt go back to class. i think my main excuse is that that is dinner time for me and i dont wanna move dinner time lol. but also i think the class itself is just not for me i dont feel like i learn a whoooole lot while im there and learning on apps is easier for me? but i always felt better for going to the classes cos i was like ha! im not depressed would a depressed person do this!? but of course depression doesnt work like that and i think i need medicated ! but that seems too scary to say. but at least i found someone to do a language exchange with! ive only had one hour with her in spanish, which was yesterday, but i already feel like ive improved lmaooo like i literally dreamt last night in a mix of spanish and english ahahahah cos when i think about it i literally have not ever regularly spoken spanish, ive only really spoken for activies in class or speaking exams so no wonder i have 0000 confidence in my speaking abilities but im hopeful that this will really improve my speaking :) about my job i guess- i work in a high school and i really enjoy interacting with the kids they really do make every day different and more interesting so i am grateful for them but sometimes damnnn sometimes i wanna jump out the window especially with this third year class they are the class KNOWN for being a bitof a pain lol and sometimes i have to lead the class by myself lmaooo mid u ik im 20 but i dont look it and they certainly dont treat me like an adult or a teacher and ngl they are a bit disrespectful at times but also what are u gonna do they are 14 and i have no proper teaching experience to help them by myself i can only hope that im actuallt helping them learn english lol. it is quite difficult tho with my scottish accent to try and sound as clear as possible because i pronounce almost 100% of the vowel sounds differently than rp english which is what i think they are used to so i have to realllyyyy annunciate all my words and man is it tiring lol.
what else. im going to madrid this weekend with bestie and im really looking forward to having a relaxing and fun time but i still havent packed my bags looooooool i alwyas do this tho and its fine not a big deal at all but i def need to do it tonight cos im leaving tomorrow immediately after work so ill have to have an actual breakfast and take snacks with me. im really enjoying my time in spain or at least im trying to but i feel like i have pushed myself enough out my comfort zone to be able to look back on this and say yeah i really took advantage of that. like i think i need to be more personable (is that a word yes it is i used it right) in teaching and be more interactive with them and stuff also i feel like i shoulve arranged a language exchange sooner cos i think this will really help, and i need to interact more with the other assistant but the thing is is im just not a sociable personnnnnnn aghgh. any way cutting this short cos i need to pack my bags for my trupppppp
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my very short diary on my very long flight yesterday
I didn’t know flight attendants were so judgey. Like I was ordering a Diet Coke and he said “we also have Coke Zero if you’d like” and I know nothing about coke (I only ordered it because I’d been copying the orders of the lady next to me and didn’t want her to get weirded out) so I was like “sure, Coke Zero” and this guy, the same one that had offered the drink to me, look slightly disgusted and went “to each there own taste I suppose” before handing me the can. Do they taste that different? Idk it was fine to me but really TT
Because I didn’t want to turn on my own movie (I don't have headphones) I ended up watching stuff over other people’s shoulders and half the time it was Rick and Mordy but I started wanting something with subtitles so I actually knew what was going on. I don’t know what it was about but I think it was a Chinese movie about these two girls who were dancers and they practiced together and their coach kept having to push them together cause they were two far apart. It’s like super pretty with a lot of white and blue tones. I don’t know what it was call but I remember besides that scene there was one where girl A showed girl B a clock and girl B was like there’s no second hand and then girl A closed her eyes and girl a just like stared at her and then in another scene it was one of the girl’s birthday’s and they were playing with sparklers. Also it was definitely gay because later they were laying in a bed together and girl A was like there’s no one in the world like you. Anyway girl A’s name started with Wang I think but I didn’t catch the rest because of my crappy eyesight. Maybe I’ll fine it and watch it one day… 
OMG YES ITS GAY THEY JUST KISSED HOLY SHIT aww and they’re holding hands under their desk this is so cute (definitely angsty too, I can tell) I have to find this!
Ok so I got this picture but it’s too far TT
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Omg the row right next to me keeps opening their window and it’s like bruh stop it’s lights out time peps are trying to sleep
Another turbulence TT there’s already been like five
I finally finished the 93K fic I’ve been reading for the past like six hours because omg that shit was long
Oh it’s that’s scene in lala land with the yellow dress on the bench literally all I can think of tho is twice’s what is love TT
Apparently my sister is best friends with the German kids that are sitting next to her cuz they gave her their ice cream (that they didn’t want) which she then gave to me (cuz she didn’t want it either)
I just woke up and istg my back and neck are going to hate me because so can just feel that I somehow slept the wrong way. I hate sleeping on planes. Also my music keeps pausing. I actually hate this.
This guy just complemented my hair when I was getting off the plane! He said it was cool!
In line for customs a five year old just asked me if I was a boy or a girl and after 10 hours of flight attendants calling me “miss” I have to say this made me feel like a god
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baby-bear10 · 3 years
Fun things from my Haikyuu 2020 Lockdown fic "Destination Permanent Vacation" that just make sense: (warning, spoilers ahead)
1) Oikawa and Hinata gossiping about Iwaizumi and Kageyama in Spanish incase someone overhears them (Hinata learnt Spanish and Portuguese)
2) That one scene where Sakuatsu shower together for convenience but then it happens again once they start dating and Sakusa doesn't try and stand on the opposite side of the shower because the whole point of a shower is to clean so he doesn't have to worry about germs and Atsumu loves it because Sakusa helps him with his lotions and covers his eyes for him when he gets the shampoo out and basically it's like one of the few occasions that Sakusa actually shows affection for his boyfriend.
3) The star patterned canopy over Iwaoi's four poster bed to calm Oikawa down so he doesn't get nightmares (there's leds in it as well so it twinkles)
4) Suga and Yaku dad-dancing in the kitchen to 80s music
5) Them also acting like ott European mum stereotypes. "food! he needs food!" "do you need money?" "go outside! get sunlight!" "i baked this just for you!" "come, help me bake!" "how are you, my child!" "my mother's recipe!" (i have a European mum btw) *walks around the house eating tomatoes with salt* "do you want prunes?" "my mum used to make-"
6) Oikawa and Kenma becoming besties because Oikawa's jet lagged and Kenma's nocturnal and their platonic love language is roasting the shit out of each other and calling each other out on cap
7) All of the pro players practise together and Iwaizumi is brutal with training but afterwards he pampers the heck out of Oikawa and lets him stop for a break as soon as his knee starts hurting
8) Daisuga are cringey domestic parents I do not take criticism
9) Suga does online zoom lessons so Daichi builds him a work zone in their room
10) The entire pretty setter squad refer to Iwaizumi's exgirlfriend as a puta
11) When Iwaizumi dumps her for being toxic, Makki and Mattsun get out a Bluetooth speaker and a phone and play Toxic by Britney Spears and it's so funny that Iwa aint even mad tho
12) Iwa follows it up by calling the ex a puta
13) Iwa trauma-proofed the room that he shares with Kawa.
14) Iwa kisses the homies Oikawa goodnight
15) Terushima feels lonely because people only ever want to date him for his looks
16) Kyoutani struggles with social cues
17) Yaku calls Oikawa 'Mr Whinypants' until chapter 12 when he finds out about Oikawa's past and feels bad for him and starts being nicer
18) Because of Oikawa's past, he's selectively mute and really struggles to talk after an attack. Being mute really annoys him so he usually cuddles up to someone he deems safe until he feels better.
19) Because of how long Oikawa spent in Argentina, he struggles more with Japanese than Spanish when he gets his ability to speak back.
20) Iwaizumi makes Little Mermaid references to cheer Oikawa up when he's struggling with his mutism
21) Suga catches on and sings under the sea but it sounds like... well we've seen the internet.
23) Lev calls Yaku lyubimyy which is a Russian term of endearment that means turtledove and it annoys Yaku to no end until they clear up what happened in Moscow
24) All of the bilingual people call Kenma kitten because they don't think he'll know but he catches on and claims he hates it but actually he loves it
25) Kenma's afab genderfluid
26) Kenma has an iron deficiency and the team parents baby the heck out of him over it
arts27) Kuroo and Kenma have the biggest room so they can both have computer set-ups in there.
28) Sometimes, if Kenma's sleeping during the day, Kuroo will work on his laptop instead of a computer so he can stay next to him because Kenma likes holding Kuroo's hand in his sleep.
29) Hinata and Kageyama sleep with a pillow wall but they always manage to wake up curled together anyway
30) Tsukishima and Yamaguchi do their working from home sitting up on their bed side by side and they take it in turns to get snack and drink refills.
31) Osamu gets annoyed at the fact that the team mums seem to be doing all of the cooking so he sets a stupidly early alarm so he can go down to the kitchen and cook and Suna helps him so Suga and Daichi just walk into the kitchen one morning and omg why is the oven on- Oh hi. Suga just laughs at the confusion and tells Osamu about the "staff kitchen" that have because it's such a big house so Osamu gets his own kitchen and ends up setting up an Onigiri Miya home base and the driveway is constantly filled with delivery drivers doing deliveroos and uber eats.
32) After chapter 12, Tendou opens up to Oikawa about their similar experiences in private but Ushiwaka overhears and he approaches Tendou afterwards and offers to help him with it like Iwaizumi does for Oikawa.
33) Makki dyes Kyoutani's hair bright pink to force him into talking to Terushima
34) Kenma refuses to call him Mad Dog
35) Kuroo realised years ago that Kenma likes it when he babies them so he constantly calls them cute nicknames like Prince and Princess and talks to them like a child and Kenma secretly loves it
36) Daichi and Sugawara jokingly act like a 50's married couple from an old film and some people think it's weird and toxic but it's not actually serious and both of them enjoy it so where's the harm?
37) Kenma can't get changed in front of other people (not even Kuroo)
38) Kuroo gives Kenma "platonic" forehead kisses when they're panicky or struggling with their anxiety.
39) Iwaizumi knows a little bit of Spanish. He knows the basics (introductions, greetings, colours, numbers, days of the week) and how to flirt with Oikawa. He calls him princesa and mi amor and it drives Oikawa crazy.
40) The team moms also know how much Kenma likes childish things and they take it in turns to sit with them and watch Disney films.
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blxetsi · 3 years
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modern eren jaeger dating headcanons
lowercase intended !
college!eren jaeger x gn!reader
warnings: mentions of p*rnhub
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- firstly, this man is CONVINCED it was love at first sight (he ALWAYS tells you this too)
- "babe when i met you i just KNEW you were gonna be mine" "no you didnt" "yes i did- hey dont stop holding me 😣"
- you guys met because you were tutoring him. (he was failing history 😔💔)
- after weeks of shy touches and shared giggles he FINALLY brought his grade up and didnt need you anymore
- that didnt mean he didnt want you tho ;)
- asked you out on a date (and by that i mean to a party smh 🙄)
- and the rest is history 😌✨
- hes the kind of guy that flirts with you even though youre together
- "so uh,, you come here often 😏"
- "eren youre in my apartment 😐"
- he tries to invite you everywhere that he goes with his friends
- like,,, EVERYWHERE
- jean and reiner wanna organize a boys night ? hes pulling out his phone getting ready to text you and saying "oh is it okay if y/n comes ? i didnt get to see them much this week i miss them 🥺" like mf this is for The Boyz 😡😤🥶🥵🔥‼️
- youre weirdly close with sasha, shes just really cool
- eren will call you at the most inconvenient times for the stupidest reasons
- one time he called you while you were doing an INTERVIEW for work and you wanna know what he called you for ? to tell you he bought a bunch of silly string to use on jean.
- bitch im trying to get PAID. rn . trying to make a LIVING. so i dont end up below the POVERTY LINE. tell me about ur silly string after i secure the bag 🙄‼️
- is very touchy. like very touchy.
- but also respects bounderies
- hes NEVER mad when you have something to say about him or your relationship together
- you dont feel comfortable with the pda ?? He Wont do it Again
- you think you two could work on communicating better with each other ?? hes already googling ways to do that
- he cares and cherishes you and the bond you two have created together, hes not gonna try and ruin that
- is a fucking lightweight. dont go with him to parties.
- but if you asked him to hold his drink he will NOT forget about it.
- a couple times he broke the plastic cup he was gripping it so hard 🤩
- is also the type of guy to just protect others ?? like for no reason
- he sees a guy trying to get close to a girl who had made it abundantly clear that she didnt want that ?? hes going over there and playing bf to protect that stranger
- he can thank first year drama class for his superb acting skills 😌✨
- will literally help anyone he sees in a bind
- also his brother is weirdly cool ??
- his parents live far away but his brother only lives like,, 40 minutes away from the university
- hes like an older brother to everyone 🤩
- if you like reading classic literature zeke is your guy to talk to. has so many ideas and opinions on those stories and stuff, and will NOT hesitate to lend you a book of his
- eren has led lights in his room. he ALWAYS has them on the colour red
- he doesnt understand why ppl think hes horny bc of the red lights ?? his eyes just adjust better to the red lights compared to the blue 😔
- he has stretch marks all over his body 🤩 like on his biceps, tummy, back, thighs, etc. etc. doesnt really think about them anymore but he used to be SO self conscious of them in highschool. he saw berty (bertholdt) with his shirt off once during his freshman year and saw how he had stretch marks too, and immediately thought they were cool
- he likes to play with your hair and scratch your scalp, but he likes it when you braid his hair because he thinks it makes him look pretty
- will get you weird things because they remind him of you
- one time he came to pick you up for your date and before you could even KISS HIM hes pushing you away and pulling out a tiny ceramic frog 😐
- "no you dont understand zeke took me to a thrift store today and i found this and it reminded me of you-" "i look like a frog to you ? is that what youre saying ?" "NO ! its just so cute, and youre so cute so i had to get it. do you like it 😊"
- doesnt like most meats, his only exceptions are chicken,
- thats it 😐
- you guys were having a picnic and you made sandwichs (with the sliced turkey meat) and he took one bite out of it, looked you in your face, and spit it back into the baggy without breaking eye contact
- likes just laying in bed with you. has a playlist of songs like arctic monkeys and shit like that, just sitting in the dark with a song on low volume, whispering whatever he wants into your ear is like,, the DEFINITION of love in his book
- also can and will recite lines from shakespeare plays to you ?? will be at the most randomest times. you could be sweeping and he'd just wrap his arms around you before whispering "two households, both alike in dignity. in fair verona where we lay our scene. from ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean."
- okay mf this isnt english class 😐‼️ but thank you 😁👍
- will always try and do new tiktok trends and make funny videos so he can "blow up"
- he gets on average like 20 views 🤩
- he likes seeing you and his friends get along, it just makes him so happy that you love mikasa and armin just as much as he does, and hes so thankful that youre all friends
- likes to help you reach whatever you cant, and if youre taller (even by an inch) hes making you grab things for him
- he doesnt have a major yet, and he doesnt really know what he wants to do with his life, but being a hairstylist sounds cool
- whenever youre having a bad day mentally, he'll just give you your space unless you say otherwise
- he doesnt know if its the best idea, but he knows when he gets into a bad headspace he wants to be alone
- if you do say you want him with you, he'll lie right beside you in bed and spoon you, and if you want he'll put on the arctic monkeys playlist and whisper about the project he worked on for his business class
- he doesnt like sharing, BUT will steal your shit all the time 🙄
- "oh hey heres that thing i borrowed from you" "oh my fucking god eren i thought i lost that months ago"
- may not understand everything he learns in class, but he always tries bc this is his education !! his parents saved up a lot of money for him to be able to go to university !! hes gonna try his best to make the most of this
- i feel like he would play baseball at university. he asks that u wear his jersey to every game so "everyone knows that the most beautiful person attending this educational establishment is MINE" like,, k ill wear the jersey 🙄🤚
- has a list of the best websites to use to illegally stream movies, anime etc.
NSFW ! -------
- also hates pornhub. knows about all the controversies and shit about the website and doesnt use it. supports smaller porn companies that respect their workers 😁👍
- his parents love you. Im Serious
- carla asks about you all the time (hey mommy 😏) and his dad wonders about you too even though hes more lowkey about it
- always has to open the door for you or pull out your chair for you. no matter what setting youre in he Has to do it bc hes a gentleman
- bohemian rhapsody is his comfort film
- i think eren thinks that Youre the One for him, and this idea is solidified when you two graduate together 😍
- he takes you back to the library where he first met you, gives you a promise ring and just asks you to move in with him, hes not ready for an engagement and he knows you arent either, but he knows that youre it for him, and he just wants to be with you for as long as youll allow it
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GAH this felt all over the place and very mediocre but i hope you enjoyed !!! remember asks are open so feel free to request something 🤩
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number-one-jew · 3 years
Journey to Babel
I watched Jurney to Bable for the first time in 2 years. I decided to document my thoughts.
1. Bones has sensory issues
2. Why am I shocked that Spock is wearing the same dress uniform as everyone else?
3. These people are just talking in the hallway? Is there no place for them to go?
4. Why do they need so much security? It's just a grumpy old man.
5. Ohhh It's because it's fancy.
6. If I was greeted like that I would be so uncomfortable.
7. You had time to practice Bones this is a little last minute.
8. How does the Vulkan salute hurt, Bones?
9. Damn kirk didn't even try to do it.
10. It's happening.
11. Sarek: why are you introducing my son to me? I already know him (wish I didn't tho).
12. Omg not even a hello? This man can hold one hell of a grudge.
13. Bones noticed it
14. Oh but he says hi to Bones? 🤨
15. Sarek, you cant introduce people who are 8 feet away from you that’s ridiculous
I had a lot of thoughts so more under the cut!
16. How is Amanda not hugging Spock against his will? She hasn’t seen him in 4 years.
17. Yall make those kisses sound like the equivalent of a hand job and I think yall need to get layed.
18. Everyone: this bitch is human?
19. So petty!
20. Aren't their arms tired?
21. [Everyone disliked that]
22. Spock looks so sad!
23. It's happening!
24. The Vulkan aides in the background like: ???
25. Amanda looking at her son putting the pieces together immediately
26. I love how that just elevates the conflict so much. Like
"oh weird that the ambassador doesn't seem to like Spock…”
"ohhhhh that's so much worse".
27. Opera
28. Ambassadors first
29. Yall got sectors? Since when?
30. How big is this ship?
31. Sit down bitch
32. You could have thought him to smile
33. Yasss get that guilt
34. My father? Like she doesn't know him. Just say, dad.
35. Don't let him tell you what to do Amanda!
36. Kirk: tensions are already high for the delegates on the ship... let's make it worse.
37. Kirk: I'm going to make your dad interact with you whether you like it or not
38. Dun dun dun
39. Saerek: This is my villain origin story... and I’m smarter than him.
40. Spock: caption I need to go for reasons that arent crying In my room.
41. Kirk: I did not mean to offend (translation: fuck you).
42. If it's a human emotion then why are you feeling it 🤔
43. Like Father like son
44. this lady can't even pronounced her own last name
45. That doesn't sound logical but go off I guess
46. Don't lie
47. Amanda: You're not wrong
48. A couple of DMs having an argument
49. The food is so colorful
50. Open bar
51. That correction wasn’t needed Sarek, but ok.
52. Why do their eyes look like that?
53. Damn no need to insult people. what kind of ambassador are you/
54. Proud wife
55. Mrs. Seeraak
56. Betrayal
57. This is the best moment of bones' life
58. Spock: I see where your loyalties lie mother
59. At least Sarek is good for something
60.Spock: It was a vicious beast- I was never a kid- Shut up!
61. Chekov!
62. Disney spinny Light thing
63. Already did it bitch
64. A mother is 100% allowed to embarrassed her son! But it's nice that he cares.
65. He's like: please don't insult me, dear.
67. damn, I will say that kiss looked pretty intimate.
68. That ship is going to crash into them like a space bullet
70. Dun dun dun
71. UFO
72. Pigman
73. The Vulcan has a name
74. This man is a terrible choice for a delicate
75. Sarek kinda looks like my grandma. So does Larry king. (did he’s apparently dead)
76. It's the nose
77. Silence
78. Bro he barely touched you How did you fall back at all let alone get slammed into the fucking wall
79. Oh his nails are painted
80. If Vulcans were really all about logic they would be much lazier for the sake of efficiency. They’d say yall and I’ll die on this hill.
81. Kirk's just happy to yell at Sarek a bit
82. What does that even mean
83. Oh my fuckin' God he fuckin' dead
84. Close up
85. Bitch just ratted on his whole planet
86. Why do they still know it???
87. "Interesting"
88. Spock: I’m not saying my dad did the murder but if he did, it would be for a good reason.
89. We are here to arrest your husband
90. Sarek: He's dead!? ...weird
91. Sarek: Yeah I probably did it
92. Damn he fuckin' dead
93. That can't be good for Spocks back
94. Someone gets him a standing desk for Chanukah
95. Kirk: I'm sorry about your father 😔. Spock: I'm not.
96. See #42
97. He finally sat down
98. ♬♩Prolonged eye contact♫♪
99. Worf
100. Goddess
101. The threat is inside the ship!
102. Why are you asking Spock? That's not his job.
103. Spock: It is alien 👽
104. Que sad music
105. That dress does not match the atmosphere, Amanda
106. Spock would also fail to mention to his spouse that he had 3 heart attack
107. Ok, that's illogical! her knowing could be helpful my dude.
108. I'm sorry these all happened in the past 3 days?! My dude what?
109. I couldn't have killed this man I was in the middle of a heart attack... allegedlys
110. That was the first time he talked to him this whole episode
111. Amanda: how about you don't estimate anything
112. Great minds think alike
113. Mom if you don't let me sacrifice myself then you killed dad.
114. Fight! Fight! Fight!
115. Blood
116. He fuckin' dead
117. Are you stupid?! There are other people on the ship my dude you don't have to do anything!
118. The Andorian ambassador: Yeah I'm not shocked that he attacked someone that's just what we do.
119. I love this guy. He’s wise. Wish we saw him more.
120. That's what I'm saying, Amanda!
121. Be careful. I heard a little emotion in your voice Spock
122. If humans know one thing it's emotional manipulation. You go, Amanda.
123. Damn even I felt that slap
124. You could tho
125. A trick!
126. He's suspicious 🤔
127. God, she's so pretty
128. Bones! You should know whether that's good or bad! That's like basic shit!
129. You could have like taken a message instead of knocking him unconscious
130. Omg fake ear
131. Little bullet boy
132. Does no one sit in that chair?
133. The Ambassadors: what's happening?! Kirk: guess bitch 🙄
134. Imagine doing a risky experimental operation on a moving ship experiencing turbulence for murder related reasons
135. BOOM!
136. Damn these bitches got no aim 😒
137. Spocks awake
138. Smirk
139. Head of Security: here's the plan. We bring the murderer to the most important room on the ship with the most important personal and let him stand next to the caption who he tried to kill just hours ago. Random Ensign: should we leave him unrestrained as well? Head of Security: ...your a fucking genius
140. the fake Andorian looks kinda remorseful
141. I wouldn't call that speculation but ok
142. Why are we whispering?
143. The Andorian: what's happening? Kirk: speculate bitch 🙄
144. Chekov! You can't cheer when you kill people!
145. Surrender? That ship was in pieces! He's dead!
146. He's definitely dead now damn
147. Damn another person for bones to save
148. …nvm
149. Kirk: is my husband and his dad ok? Bones: Can't tell you gotta kvetch first.
150. Luck?
151. Kirk: Shut up Spock I did it already 😤
152. How is Kirk all better now?
153. Spock: Why didn't I figure that out earlier? Kirk: maybe it's because your dad was dying? Spock: lmao God no
154. I love that they have all these useless traditions but they draw the line at saying thank you
155. Spock: Dad, why did you marry her? Sarek: I thought it was a good idea at the time 😔.
157. nvm, Kirk is not ok.
158. Good for you Bones 👏
159. It's what he deserves.
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yo-im-a-bisexual · 3 years
This is my first time writing and i'm definitely no writer. English isn't even my first language. It is kinda long but I swear it's going somewhere. I just really love them and this will only work untill we get a new kieutou clip so whatever. Hope you enjoy. And I'm sorry if it sucks. constructive criticism is always okay but I will probably not take it into account because I am already depressed. Enjoy!!
Basically what I wish happened today for kieu my.
'but we'll definitely see each other when you come back?' 14:31
Kieu my stared at fatou's text notification on her phone, not knowing what to answer.
She still didn't know how to feel about their interaction on Tuesday, it all happened so fast and the last thing she wanted was to fight with her girlfriend.
At the time, leaving seemed like the best solution and Kieu my had every right to feel conflicted about what fatou said.
"you're the only thing distracting me from everything else at the moment"
The words resonate in her head. It hurt. Kieu my couldn't hide that those words are the ones that kept her up that night. And obviously, also the crazy situation they were in right now.
"Kieu my?" The words broke her out of her trance and she looked up from her phone to see Zoe looking at her with a worried look on her face.
"Are you okay? You've been checking your phone every five minutes since we got here" Zoe added getting closer to her
"yeah, I'm fine. I'm just... Forget it." She answered her best friend. "We're gonna lose the guys if we don't keep up" she said looking straight ahead.
Zoe didn't push her and just agreed. Kieu my put her phone back in her pocket. They jogged a little to catch up with their friends and they just kept walking.
She looked at the small group and laughed dryly to herself, which earned her a weird look from Constantin. Somehow her tall dumb friend got himself all the way to fricking Brandenburg and couldn't remember how. When Ismail told her about a 'Consti-emergency' she figured they would have to go get him from a ditch somewhere, she just would have never guessed it was from the countryside, one (1) and a half hour away from Berlin.
On the way there Ismail had told them that Constantin had called them completely trashed asking for help.
Kieu my really hasn't been keeping up with what's been happening in her friends lives. She felt bad. But at the same time, how could she? She's had so much to deal with between her parents and the shop and school and... Fatou. There she goes again. Even when she tries to be mad at her she just can't keep the skater out of her head. She reaches for her phone in her pocket when she hears a commotion ahead.
When she looks up she sees Contantin throwing up in a bush. She looks away not wanting to throw up herself.
"You guys go and head back i'll take care of... This" she hears Ismail say and when she turns back around she sees them patting the blonde's back
"are you sure?" Finn asks them and when they only nod their head 'yes' he looks at Zoe.
"yeah... okay let's go then" Zoe finally says after a minute of staring at the ground. "Text us if you need anything and when he... Calms down." She adds with a tight lipped smile. Zoe grabs her boyfriend's hand and her Best friend's arm and they start walking away.
"well that was... Unexpected?" Kieu my says after a few minutes of silence.
"yeah/yeah" both Finn and Zoe answer at the same time. "I'll text my brother and tell him we're coming back" Finn adds.
They got lucky this time around. Last time, they had to drive an hour to go get Constantin and drive back to Berlin in the middle of the night. But luckily Finn's brother somehow lived in Brandenburg so they didn't have to drive all the way back. When they got there and found the passed out boy they decided they all needed a break.
After about a twenty (20) minute walk and a small bus ride they finally got to the small house. It was cozy. Kieu my really couldn't complain. She got to share a room with her best friend while the boys would have to try and fit on the couch in the living room. Although she's pretty sure she's gonna sleep alone because Finn somehow managed to find another bed in what seemed to be the attic and with some good arguments managed to convince Zoe to sleep with him in there. But she's also pretty sure she won't be able to sleep anyway.
Like every winter day, night falls pretty fast. It's past 8 p.m and they already ate. Constantin is passed out on the couch and the others are talking about all sorts of things in the kitchen. Kieu my takes it as her queue to go to her room.
"I'm gonna get some rest. I need my beauty sleep" she tells them. They all say goodnight and she's left walking to her room alone.
It's only ten (10) minutes later when someone knocks at her door. "Can I come in kieu?" It's Zoe.
"yes, please"
"so are you ready to tell me what happened with Fatou or not?" Zoe asks nonchalantly.
"how did you even-" she gets cut off
"Come on Kieu, you're my best friend... and I saw the dozen texts she left on your phone" Zoe drags out
Kieu my falls on her bed and zoe sits next to her playing with her best friend's hair.
"I feel like I messed up... Like somehow I did something wrong and now she's pulling away from me" she starts and even before Zoe can say anything she continues. "But I just wanted to help her and she..."
"she what?"
"she said I was a distraction. And that I should leave her alone and she just got angry at me and I didn't want to fight with her so I... Left. Oh my god, I shouldn't have left right? Now she's gonna think I was there only for school stuff. She probably needed me and I left... Am I a terrible person Zoe?" She let out in barely one breath.
"See now you're spiraling. Take a breath, okay? No you are not a bad person. You were just upset and Fatou probably was too but those kinda things happen in a relationship. Me and Finn argue all the time and most of the time it's because one of us misunderstood something the other did or said" Zoe reassured her
Kieu my took a few deep breaths and sat up in the bed. She started playing With her fingers like she always does when she's feeling things.
"I guess I'm just scared that right now she's into me because I'm a good enough distraction but the moment she doesn't need me anymore... She'll just move on to someone more experienced or more interesting." The words leave her mouth with shaky breaths. Kieu my's eyes start shining but she blinks a couple time to keep the tears away.
"oh Kieu, you are such an idiot sometimes" the blonde laughs while kieu my looks at her dumbfounded. "Fatou is not like that. Nora once told me that one time, when the girls had a sleepover Fatou couldn't stop talking about you for the entire afternoon, so much so that when she fell asleep she was still saying your name" she continues. Kieu my blushes at the statement, thankful that the light is dim enough for her friend not to notice. Before Kieu my can say anything her very talkative friend continues. "She's smitten, Kieu. Maybe she just as some stuff going on. I mean don't we all" she adds wich earns a small laugh from her friend
Before they can continue their conversation someone knocks at the door and comes in without waiting for an answer. It's Finn, with a big smile on his face.
"hey girls!" He says way too excitedly. "I was wondering if Zoe.." he says looking at his girlfriend. "..Would like to come join me in our fine chambers?"
Zoe looks at her friend who is smiling at her. "Duty calls. Sorry. But if you wanna keep talking-" Kieu my cuts her off.
"Go, don't worry I'm fine. Thanks for the talk"
Zoe smiles one last time before running out of the room hand in hand with Finn.
Kieu my lays back down and closes her eyes. She can't help but think about Fatou. How does she manage to always be on her mind, it's unrealistic. She thinks about their date at the museum. Their date. She smiles to herself and covers her face with her arm to hide it. She thinks about how she nerded out to her and she just answered with something as nerdy. About how at that moment she kissed. About how well their lips fit together. About how happy she was that day. Maybe Zoe was right maybe she was spiraling.
Her phone rang and snapped her out of her thoughts. She looked at it for the first time since they got back. She gasps
It's Fatou. Of course it's Fatou, she probably thinks she ghosted her again. The moment she picks it up it stops ringing. Kieu my hesitates but puts it back down. She gets a text and as fast as she put it down she picks it back up. It's a text from Fatou. She also notices she's got some texts from her mom and a missed call from Ismail.
'hey, I just saw on your Insta you're doing a 'social media cleanse', sorry for calling you it's probably against that whole thing' -21:37
Right, Kieu my thinks, the social media cleanse.. that was Zoe's idea honestly. Another text.
'you looked really good in those pictures tho, real 'twilight' vibes🧛 -21:38
Kieu my smiles at her phone and starts to write an answer when she remembers that they haven't actually resolved their issue. And yes Fatou apologized but Kieu my expects something better than a text. On another hand she did tell her girlfriend to call her when she calmed down.
'can I call you again' -21:40 'please?' -21:40
Her phone rang again but this time she picked it up and answered. She waits a few seconds.
"hey.." she hears her girlfriend's tired voice from the other end
"hi." She says back, trying to keep her composure even behind the phone.
"how are you? I saw your posts and got worried"
"I'm.. fine, it was all pretty last minute" she answers
"Oh okay, It's good to hear your voice"
There's a silence, it's not awkward, somehow it's sad.
"are you..." She begins but can't find the strength to finish.
"i'm not" she hears more than sees the sad smile. "I got fired"
"what- Why? When?" Kieu my asks
"Saturday. I messed up a bunch of times. Was late even. I don't know..." Fatou sounds so defeated
"I'm sorry. Why didn't you tell me?"
"I don't know.. it's not your fault"
"Fatou. I just want you to know that I didn't come to your place just for school stuff. I wanted- I want to help you and I just feel so helpless because you can see right through me and I can't seem to understand any of your problems. I'm sorry." Kieu my starts rambling but gets cut off by Fatou laughing dryly.
"Are you serious? I was the asshole and you feel bad. I'm the one that should be sorry and I am. I am sorry. I don't have an excuse I shouldn't have snapped at you like that" Fatou says and Kieu my thinks that they don't have the same definition of snapped.
"Look, I don't like this, you being mad at me and us not talking so if you just give me a chance to really explain myself I would really like it if you would come and meet me when you get back" the skater girl continues
"yeah, I would also like that" she says with a small smile
"oh okay.. great.. well would you be up for a date at a ping-pong table bar then?"
"great, okay then I guess I'll just leave you to your cleansing"
Kieu my laughs
"goodnight Kieu my"
A pause
"goodnight Fatou"
She hangs up.
Kieu my knows that their conversation isn't over but for now she'll take it. For now it's good.
"was that Fatou?" A voice startles her from the doorway. It's Ismail.
"Shit- you scared me." She paused "Yes it was Fatou"
"Great cause I couldn't handle your sad moping face anymore. What'd you guys talk about?" They ask
She ignores his question. "I do not have a moping face." She says with a hurt look across her face. They look at her.
"Was it that obvious?" She asks with a frown
"Yes! Babe come on even Consti could have noticed if he wasn't puking his soul in the bushes" Ismail says dramatically. "Now come on give me the details. I need to know everything that is happening between my bestie and the mother of my tortoise" they sit next to Kieu my.
"you're so dramatic" she laughs. "Relax, we had a... Quarrel on Tuesday and she apologized and asked if we could meet up to talk about it" she tell them
"a quarrel? Okay m'lady... About?"
"some stupid school stuff" she lied.
"well you're a terrible liar because I overheard that entire phone call so what's up inside that little head of yours"
"Ismail, boundaries, please"
"oh please I've seen you at your lowest miss vu. There's literally nothing you can hide from me now."
She hesitates but starts talking anyway. "You know how I told you about me officially 'meeting' her friends last week" they nodded. "Well when she got there she was visibly upset and I didn't know why and then she got a text and got even more upset and now she just told me she got fired." She takes a breath. "And I just feel bad because those are all things I'm supposed to know about my girlfriend you know? Except she doesn't talk to me about that stuff and I don't know how to get her to open up.." she finishes breathless.
"you poor disaster" Ismail smiles and shakes their head. "You ask her" she's about to cut him off but they put their finger in front of her. "You find the right way to ask her. Love language Kieu my... Love language." They stand up and put their hand up like a shakespearean poet and goes on. "Give her time to open up, this is Fatou Jallow we're talking about. And remember communication is key." They finish, winking and walking backwards to the door and closing it behind them.
Kieu my was about to laugh at her friend's theatrics when the door opens up again and Ismail walks back in.
"no, but I just wanted to ask if I could sleep here cause Constantin has taken the whole couch and he smells like a dead body so...?"
The both of them laugh and Ismail slides next to Kieu my in the bed. "I'm gonna take that as a yes" they say.
"sleep well, ice queen" they mumble already falling asleep
"shut up" she smiles.
That night she dreamt about her girlfriend. She remembers all those weeks ago when her friend sleeping next to her asked her how the dreamy skater girl made her feel. At the time she hadn't known how to put her feelings into words. At that time her girlfriend was just a silly crush. Except Kieu my vu never got silly crushes. But she had instantly known Fatou was different. She was different then and she's different now. And with that thought she drifted into a peaceful sleep. Her insecurities forgotten for the night. She should have never worried about any of this in the first place. Soon she's gonna see the girl she loves again and everything will be alr-
*record scratch*
She woke up with a gasp.
"I love her"
She panted
"congrats, you're the last one to know" she heard Ismail mumble in their pillow.
She smiled to herself, feeling dumb for realising this just now. Looking at her phone she saw 5 a.m. deciding she deserved a little bit more sleep she closed her eyes and with a content sigh drifted back to sleep.
"when I get back we'll definitely see each other" she thought
Okay so I'm too lazy to read this and check for any mistakes so if there are any point them out and i'll fix it. Hope you enjoyed and if you took the time to actually read all this thank you I appreciate. Should I make a part 2? Or Fatou's pov maybe?
Update: the response as been amazing. Like I'm actually shocked by how nice some people can be. Thank you so much.
Re-update: I had my exams this week and am really fucking exhausted and i'm just gonna wait and see what happens tonight. If it's a sad clip i'm probably gonna write the version I would've wanted to happen but i guess we'll see. Sorryyy
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ushiwakaout · 3 years
Omg i read the series of the things you thinks the hq boys will say and is so cuteee may i request it with Hinata??(im not sure if you already write it tho)
HINATA 😭 MY BABY! MY SUNSHINE [thank you btw, very sweet of you, i’m glad you like the series]
mmm mmm mmm, timeskip Shoyo got me feeling all hot and heavy 😩
warnings: Timeskip haikyuu
“Hey honey... Yeah it’s time to get up.” (6:00 am)
“We have early practice today, do you wanna watch?”
“You can just lay on the sand if you want, maybe take a small nap under the nap?”
you: “Five more minutes Sho.”
*will come back in five minutes exactly and dive into your bed*
“Five minutes are up sunshine... get up!”
*he really do be slaming his toned body on yours and starts laughing*
“Come on, get up before I throw you over my shoulder.”
“It’s a little chilly so bring a jacket too.”
“I mean I can just bring mine, and you know i always end up take if off before practice.”
“Hurry up in the shower too.”
“You look so cute.”
“Come on, lets go- Hold my hand.” (6:30 am)
*holding hands to the beach because you’re his only piece of home*
*okay but Oikawa really did end up contacting you because he could tell how homesick Hinata was getting and you surprised him by moving in his him*
*he definetly cried because he missed you and home*
“Here, *wraps his sweater around you shoulders* so you don’t get chilly” (7:00 am)
*watching him play volleyball is such an experience because no matter what it is, practice, scrimage match or a real game, he always plays at 110%*
“Did you bring my sun *hands him his sun glasses* you are A SAVIOUR!”
*cups your face to give you a kissing frenzy.... which just means he kisses your face eveywhere*
“You wanna go wander around and get some breakfast? Just so you don’t get bored, yeah?”
“You know i’ll be fine, you’re here with me in spirit and that’s enough for me!”  (7:30)
*you might have gone overboard and gotten everyone food*
teammate: “Você é um homem de sorte, shoyo! (you’re a lucky man)”
*shoyo smiles as youre handing out his team food and how oikawa pampers you for bringing them food*
“I am, aren’t I?” (8:00 am)
“Y/n come here!!!~”
*Will jump on you so you better catch him so he can hug you*
“You wanna stay at the beach? Have a beach day? We haven’t had one of those in a while.”
“I’m gonna run home and freshen up, you okay staying here while they clean up?”
*shoyo leaves you alone for no more than 10 minutes because your place is someone close to the beach but he came back with his bike and someone was trying to hard to flirt with you*
*Oikawa eyes shoyo when he comes back and they are looking at each other as if they have a plan*
*Oikawa is running in front of the guy and nods at hinata*
*Sho 100% will spike the guys head*
“Oh shoot! Sorry, you where in the way...” (8:20 am)
*casually sits down where he was standing and kisses your temple*
“Is there something I can help you with?”
*believe it or not shoyo is very possesive, especially in brazil*
“Have you eaten yet?”
“Did you wait for me? *sniffle* You’re too good for me.”
*has a tendancy to sway side to side and bumb into your shoulder*
“I think i’m gonna take a nap, wake me up so I can switch sides.”
*stand up and strips off his shirt with one hand and your just like- blushing*
“Oh no, did you burn your face? You’re really red, put on some sunblock”
*he finally learned the diference between sunblock and sunscreen while in brazil*
“Oh? You’re blushin because of me?”
*hes so dumb so he gab s your hand so you can run it down his chest and toned stomatch*
“It’s just skin, what’s so- YOU’RE NOSE IS BLEEDING! I’M SORRY I JUST WANTED TO HELP!” (9:00 am)
*mother fucker doesnt realize how sexy hes gotten since highscool like STOP IT*
“Mmm *waking him up from his nap* Has it been an hour yet? Do you mind putting some sunblock on my back.” (10:00 am)
“Thank you baby, give me a kith.”
*yes he says kith, not kiss.... hes baby*
*will quickly fall asleep because while you put on sunlock on his back, you give him a good rub and hes just drools while falling asleep*
“Has it been an hour yet?” (11:10 am)
*startles you bc you didn’t realize he was awake*
“hehe, sorry... I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“You’re so cute, gimme a kith.”
“You’re gonna go for a swim? I’ll catch up in a second.”
*100% oggles at you when youre zipping of his jacket before heading to the water*
*hes slapping his face bc he feels like a perv*
*yes he did legit just scream it- people are looking at him weird- yes you do start bushing*
“I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you!!!”
*hugs you to the point where you tumble and fall on your ass with him ontop of you*
*shoyo is really emberassing but i don’t think you’d have it any other way*
“Come on, lets get out of the water and get food. All this swiming has made me hungry.” (12:40 pm)
“What do you wanna eat?”
“I’m in the mood for tacos... fish tacos sound good... I want fish tacos.”
“Do you not want fish tacos? We can make another stop, don’t worry!”
*you hold his bicep because hes rolling his bike beside him*
*does that little flex, to try and impress you but-*
“Ow! Ow! Arm cramp!”
you: “I told you don’t need to flex anymore”
*lets out a little Hmph noise and his cheeks are full of air*
“I just wanna impress you baby.”
“No I don’t want your kisses...”
“Because you’re making fun of me.”
“I want you to apologize.”
“W-with a kiss....” *hes making that little uwu face iudfidfviebfvkjfhedi*
“No you don’t get a kiss back. Hurry up I want my tacos!”
*you make him order since he knows more portuguese*
“ give me a kith or you don’t get your food” (2:00 pm)
*you obviously give him a kiss and hes all happy now*
“Do you wanna eat this at home?”
“You carry this then, I gotta push my bike”
“Ah the apartment is so nice and cold!”
“I’m gonna shower first... Join me?” (2:30 pm)
*you cant tell me this man wouldn’t pick you up in the shower and fuck you so so so so good. hes so sweet with you too because he’s always been naturally thick so he stetches you out a lot especially without prep- and shower sex with Shoyo does NOT come with prep but he does fuck you nice and slow*
*the shower was a big waste of time because he turns off the water and walks you to the bed while he’s still in you and fuck you at the edge of the bed because he loves spreading your legs for him and watching you cum while hes thursting deep*
“Still hungry?” (4:00 pm)
*he really is laughing at how you only nod because wtf... he really does leave you breathless*
*makes you rinse youself off while he re-heats the food*
*you’re legs a wobbling by the time you’re making it to the kitchen and hes just watching you struggle as you sit down*
“Is that my shirt?’
“No, no! D- don’t take it off... It looks good on you.” (4:30 pm)
“That was really yummy, did you enjoy it?” (5:30 pm)
“Wanna watch a movie?”
*makes you watch frozen and frozen 2 because they are his favorites*
“did you hear the theory about Elsa is actually dead in the second one?”
“You want some popcorn?”
“We don’t have any? I’ll go down the street real fast... Just pause it.”
*really does start dashin home from the store bc he thinks youll start it without him*
“Why am I out of breath? No reason...” (7:40 pm)
“Here, I got you a drink too.”
“Look see! There she looks like she’s transparent.”
“Oh and there! She send the letters through the wind because she can’t physically do it.”
“I’M NOT CRYING!” (9:00 pm)
*will start to restle you... does it become something more because you grinded on him.... yes it did*
*He’s caressing your head as youre laying on his chest, kissing the crow of your head before whispering sweet nothings into your ear.*
“Goodnight baby...” (10:40 pm)
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acid-drenched · 2 years
old ask meme from my old blog lmao
1:What would you name your future daughter?
not sure i want kids, but like. a pet?? i dont have one picked out
2:Do you miss anyone?
3:What if I told you that you were pretty?
oh true?
4:Ever been told “it’s not you, it’s me”?
yea, but usually its worked through
5:What are you looking forward to in the next week?
nothin really
6:Did you go out or stay in last night?
stayed in
7:How late did you stay up last night?
my sleep schedule is fucked my bitch
8:Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past 3 months?
yeah, nothin weird tho. just happens
9:What were you doing at 12:30 this afternoon?
uhhhhhhhhhhh i think i was asleep yesterday and rn it’s 8:31 AM
10:Have you ever told somebody you loved them and not actually meant it?
11:Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?
yeah of course
12:Have you pretended to like someone?
used to, not anymore. that resulted in a lot of drama and i have trauma now, but all’s good again
13:Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?
yeah of course (2)
14:Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
yeah :)
15:Is it hard for you to get over someone?
HAHAHAHAHA. yeah. miss my friends :(
16:Think back five months ago, were you single?
nah today’s my 23 month anniversary baby
17:Have you ever cried from being so mad?
yeah shit sucks
18:Hold hands with anyone this week?
y e s
19:Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed?
nah, but i could change that rn
20:Who did you last see in person?
my boyfriend
21:What is the last thing you said out lot?
i forgot sorry edit: i think i said i had to shit
22:Have you kissed three or more people in one night?
23:Have you ever been to Paris?
no, haven’t left the country, and haven’t left the state in over a decade
24:Are you good at hiding your feelings?
25:Do you use chap stick?
nah we die like warriors
26:Who did you last share a bed with?
my boyfriend
27:Are you listening to music right now?
y u h
28:What is something you currently want right now?
uhhhhhh some plush ig. maybe new glasses. see an old friend. tortilla soup. chinese food
29:Were your last three kisses from the same person?
30:How is your heart lately?
like physically? it’s fine. emotionally? we’re dealing
31:Do you wear the hood on your hoodie?
every once in a while
32:When was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you?
33:What do people call you?
phantom, my irl name, maybe something else??
34:Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but didn’t?
35:Are there any stressful situations in your life?
many. all. the. fucking. time.
36:What are you listening to right now?
Mindless Self Indulgence. Seven Minutes in Heaven in particular
37:What is wrong with you right now?
MENTO ILLNESS. i haven’t had any medication for my schizophrenia, psychosis, adhd, and depression since november lol. also a lot of body issues?? and just generally not vibing dude
38:Love really is a beautiful thing huh?
39:Do you make wishes at 11:11?
40:What is on your wrists right now?
long distance relationship bracelet on my left wrist. i don’t really take it off unless the situation calls for it
41:Are you single/taken/heartbroken/confused/waiting for the unexpected?
taken c:
42:Where did you get the shirt/sweatshirt you’re wearing?
hot topic lol it’s a linkin park shirt
43:Have you ever regretted kissing someone?
44:Have you hugged someone within the last week?
y e s
45:Have you kissed anyone in the last five days?
earlier :>
46:What were you doing at midnight last night?
dont remember but probably vibing
47:Do you miss the way things were six months ago?
uhhhhh when was that. september?? not really but also i miss my cat
48:Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone?
depends, but i’ve enjoyed the company
49:Have you ever been to New York?
nah but i want to someday
50:Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it?
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom 14-20 thoughts!! I finished up s1 :D these last few eps were actually really really good!!!
-did. did tucker really just say esperanto was a dead language only spoken as a secret code between geeks. google says around 100,000 people actively speak it. oh my god...it being an auxiliary language doesn't mean its 'just for geeks to speak in code' ...it helps bridge gaps between people who don't have a language in common...
-danny really isn't pulling punches when it comes to fighting the ghost-cop possessed people huh. like he SLAMMED KWAN INTO THE CONCRETE SO HARD. HE THREW PAULINA INTO A BILLBOARD. will that...I mean it WOULD carry over to their bodies non-possessed, right? like if the ghost piloting their bodies gets hurt?? itd be so upsetting to be possessed, lose time, then wake up covered in bruises (and possibly, broken bones??) real horror movie stuff im sure wont be addressed in any way
-tuckers parents seem nice! I like them :)
-WULF IS CUTE AND I FEEL BAD. im so glad the gang realized he was only causing trouble bc of the shock collar walker put on him and helped. also, him wearing that big hoodie with the hood on, and thinking its subtle. we can tell youre still a giant wolfie :) THEN GETTING SUCKED INTO THE PORTAL AAAAH :( anxiously waiting to see Him Again....
-DANNY BLASTING HIS PARENTS THINKING THEY WERE OVERSHADOWED LMFAO GET THEIR ASSES. maddie marking how many ghosts she gets with lipstick tallies on the side of her portal gun? kindaaa iconic tho. (ALSO, SHE WAS LIKE, 2 FT AWAY FROM HIM RIGHT AFTER SHE TRIED TO SHOOT HIM. HOW DO YOU NOT RECONINZE YOUR OWN SON??? like sure, he might have diff hair/eye colors. but like, if one of my family members dyed their hair, and was wearing contacts, its not like id be like 'wHO IS THIS STRANGER!!!' ...he still has all his facial features!! same everything!!! I hate it here)
-paulina being #1 girl realizing danny's a friendly ghost immediately. smart queen. lancer and kwan ran away right after he made this sweet baby face at them:
Tumblr media
which is hilarious.
-ok. im not saying his bullying is JUSTIFIED, but. dash looked so pleased with the (cute!) poster he just painted, and danny comes thru the wall and spills paint on his nice letterman jacket. his anger is justified maybe 65% of the time so far...(not the way he handles it, but STILL.) at least lancer is stepping in!! and them making a silly little bet was...cute?? until dash pulled out his GROSS UNDERWEAR AND SAID DANNY WOULD HAVE TO EAT THEM???? WHAT THE FUCK MAN. TUCKER WAS SO RIGHT ITS FUCKING WEIRD TO CARRY THOSE AROUND EWWW. THIS KID IS UNWELL. lancer was right, his animatronic setup was SUPER IMPRESSIVE?? hes actually pretty creative. danny meanwhile is stealing the fright knight's design...I hope dash is taking art classes or smth with his sports
-fright knight is the most bestest ghost so far i LOVE THAT DESIGN. I am biased towards knights, and characters with swords, but he fucks so severely. and should sue danny for copyright infringement for stealing his design for his haunted house. if some 14 yr old broke into MY house and stole MY sword, id also be pissed. his evil winged unicorn rules too with its FANGS. and he just CAN SHOVE THE PORTAL OPEN WITH HIS HANDS??? is he the strongest ghost weve seen so far? idk but hes my fav. SOUL SHREDDER IS SUCH A COOL SWORD NAME TOO. ANY NAMED SWORD ALSO FUCKS. 'flaming bedsheets of DEATH' funny king. ALSO he was polite to dash and tucker when just asking for directions and telling tucker 'oh maybe, just a suggestion, maybe be nicer to me and be more respectful :)' I LOOOVE HIM.
-I noticed this in the Ember ep, but jazz has an electric guitar in her room!! talent musical queen!! its cool to see hobbies just in the bg.
-fright knight's murder castle reminds me of the booby trapped murder castle in zexal!! another supposedly 'for kids' show with murder/trap castles! we love that. if you are a dp fan reading this, give yugioh zexal a try. its also got 13-14 year old protags and involves (alien) ghosts. the cardgame is just a vessel for the plot, which is really good. (I just want more people to watch my fav yugioh, man)
-danny. with a SWORD.
-danny doesnt NEED TO WIN this contest, dash didnt STEAL HIS DESIGNS AND STEAL A SWORD. he also got excited to hear lancer got sent to a dimension with his worst fears too just so he could win the contest? DANNY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!! BRO MAYBE YOURE 14 AND HAVENT FULLY DEVOLPED YOUR WHOLE BRAIN YET, BUT...THATS FUCKED. this kid casually says the most deranged things, I do worry for my spooky son. once again, therapy needed. that judo toss was great tho. I wonder if he actually did pick up some martial arts stuff from his mom?
-danny can fly 112 mph!!! thats so fast! I love the lil montage of him and his friends testing his abilities and stuff, very cute and a good way to showcase what he can do by now and how much more proficient he's gotten from ep 1!!! I'm sure he's going to get more abilities :)
-im glad...maddie's at least TRYING this ep. I do feel for her because her husband is a man baby. but the fact it took 16 episodes to get a kinda semblance of any kind of real concern or attempts at bonding. hmm. jack's 'BACK OFF SHES A MINOR' @ the ghost trying to attack jazz. also was very funny. and him wanting to make an action figure of her? are the parents redeeming themselves to me? slightly. they gotta Work Harder
-fenton machete. but she doesnt carry a PHONE??? ???
-I mean I expected vlad when you namedrop him earlier in the ep, and also the title card picture, and dalv corp being fucking vlad backwards. but seeing him just pull up on a golf cart made me bust out laughing. WITH the gift baskets prepared. why wouldnt you at least be suspicious. also, if he wants danny to be his lil sonboy, why is he so fucking malicious?? dude you are going about this in such a bad way. stop it. get some help.
-maddie not even hesitating to drag danny out. fucking good. danny is so right, go on the internet to date. get a cat. how do you spend...how many years?? has it been since college?? at least 20, right, since the parents/vlad are in their 40s? hung up on ONE girl. my god, man. incel drama queen. her kung fu IS impressive, but dude. 'we both know hes a creep' SO right. it sucks but they do need a phone and shit being in the middle of NOWHERE. also, just stealing his helicopter was great. <3
-'you must be exhausted carrying the weight of that mistake you made years ago' 'well we all make mistakes. maybe I'll make one now!' WHY DID THIS EXHCHANGE SEND ME. AND VLAD WITH THE BREATH SPRAY EWWW BITCH. 'OLD BAIT BREATH' SOO RIGHT. both danny and his mom playing him HAHAH hes so dumb. or rather, I think he thinks with his emotions too too much and is...actually pretty gullible? lmao he believed danny was ready to give in SO fast. (which is sad hes that hopeful, like you have SO MUCH MONEY YOU COULD EASILY GET ANOTHER GIRL WHO HAS A KID. AND WOULD WANT TO BE WITH YOU AND BE SUPPORTED. GET OVER THIS (1) WOMAN ALREADY IM GETTING SECONDHAND EMBARRASSMENT AAAAH)
-GHOST BEAR GHOST BEAR GHOST BEAR. it was also in the title card, but I still got very excited. we love bears here
-SAM'S BAT SWIMSUIT COVERUP!!! her outfits are simply iconic.
-'i'd tell you to go to the mens room, but I don't think you qualify' top paulina transphobic moments. :( and him wearing a tanktop to the swim park? hmmm! (actually I think she was overshadowed by then, so, KITTY top 10 transphobic moments??)
-kitty just piloting paulina around makes me feel SO bad tho, paulina's gonna wake up and be like 'wtf do you mean I was dating this rando' like youre leading danny on to make johnny jealous, and also just POSSESSING POOR PAULINA. dude take your relationship problems ELSEWHERE. last time we saw them, they seemed like such a cute couple!! wtf johnny!! I mean, she sucks for trying to make him jealous, he sucks for looking at other girls...maybe they need a break, but Not Like This. or, you know, just. better communication...
-and the A-listers having a full packet and a stamp system. who organizes this. kwan fucking owning being the new danny though, this is hysterical. THE TUCKER/KWAN FLOWER FIELD TWIRL. UNIRONICALLY ADORABLE. and him giving it his all for the poetry slam. bless his HEARTTTT.
-Star owns. actually, all of the extra characters are shining this ep and I love it.
-johnny and danny bein friends and staging a fake fight (which danny takes too seriously, once again this child has aggression he NEEDS TO WORK OUT) I hope these three stay friends, I said it before but danny needs more friendly ghosts to hang with.
-at this point, Danny's ghost enemies are a lot like, I dunno, batman's rouge gallery is the first thing that comes to mind. they all have their own gimmick and unique designs, but most of them are easy to beat after learning the Moral Lesson. I still get excited when any of them show up again, though. 18 is another valerie episode!!!! :D skulker really said you two will get along if I have to handcuff you together <3 and the gym teacher really said, youre married now, have a flour baby! ngl, I'm not really watching this show for the shipping stuff (which I am very scared to look at the fandom for after I finish this watch through- I feel like there's probably discourse/arguing about ships...) but. I'm gonna put my opinion out there. valerie/danny > sam/danny. maybe I just really love the enemies to lovers trope. And the secret identity stuff adds Extra Flavor.
-SKULKER JUST HAVING THE BOX GHOST AND DANGLING HIM BY A STRING. HILARIOUS. and him watching them with binoculars and making his silly little commentary. AND MAKING THE SACK BABY CRY. LMAO. THIS DUDE IS A BABY KIDNAPPER. skulker is super fun
-danny, you just...collapsed the water tower. and then attacked the nasty burger machine...mascot thingy...out of anger..I KEEP SAYING HE'S GOT ANGER ISSUES BUT. HE REALLY NEEDS A LESSON IN MANAGING COLLATERAL DAMAGE!!! So does valerie!! They're both pretty focused on each other. I mean it's good of Danny to say he's trying to make sure PEOPLE don't get hurt, but... (I mean I guess it's not something 14 year olds WOULD worry about, but as an adult im like, who's going to fix that? how much money will that take??)
-TUCKER MAKING BANK. and sam and tucker being super emotionally attached to their flour baby and being pretty good parents. that's cute...also him just straight kissing her and being like. WAIT. O_O JDSKAFHD. his mom baking them into cookies was the funniest possible result. tbh I dont feel like this is on tucker, if anything the other kid's shouldve been more responsible! He was just taking an opportunity to get that $$ which I respect
-Danny being more understanding of Valerie's situation in the end (helping her at her job, too, and trying to keep that a secret for her!!!) And seeing them work together this ep, and also her letting phantom get her out of the ghost zone...was very sweet. LOVE that. more valerie eps pls
-me when I realize vlad's big stupid house exploded because of his own carelessness with changing the ghost portal ectofiltrator or whatever: *pointing and laughing*
-me when I realize it means he's gonna go make danny's life hell for it somehow: >:(
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-SCOOBY PARODY!!! I feel like there's gotta be some scooby doo/danny phantom crossover stuff, right? also, 'guys in white' men in black wishes
-'oh, that's right! dad married the love of your life! you're bitter and alone!' DANNNNNYY GET HIS ASS ONCE AGAIN WE ARE POINTING AND LAUGHING AT VLAD
-'jack, you captured the ghost boy!!' UMM. he did nothing <3 'we have a weapon's vault??' YOU HAVE A WEAPONS VAULT??? and jack didnt put a handle on the inside. of fucking course he didnt! why would you leave that to your son!! or expect him to clean YOUR LAB when its where you work with probably dangerous chemicals and weapons and hes 14!! give him normal chores, like, I dunno, vacuuming, laundry, dishes...CMON. I hate it here. But I'm glad Jack is more chill about danny while he's a ghost, and willing to work with him for this ep. AND. I DID ENJOY JACK PUNCHING VLAD IN THE FACE. AND GENERALLY JUST OWNING HIM. the ghost punchy fists are actually amazing. like yeah, just punch a ghost in the face. that rules.
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-ep 20 opens with the coolest fucking ghost lady design. her tattoos can come off and fight. MA'AM. I like ur nose ring and your cape maam hello 👉👈😳
-sam's grandma is hilarious and the most valid member of her family and I love her. thats my grandma now. and tucker covering for sam by dressing as her. thats true friendship <3 also skipping school to go to a goth circus. just bestie things! sam's parents are haters but for all the wrong reasons.
-'my family has controlled ghosts with this for generations!' WAIT. WAIT FREAKSHOW /ISNT/ A GHOST? I didn't expect that...he's just a fucked up guy controlling ghosts? anyway watching danny shoot at police cars and rob banks while mind controlled. its like, the most stereotypical 'bad' things lmao. (tbh an evil ghost circus troupe is a sick concept)
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this gives off big deviantart emo edit vibes
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(I'm going to assume evil circus reaper danny has a lot of fan content. people love an edgy au, except this one is canon (even tho its via mind control...having the protag go evil otherwise might be hard, I guess?) but au where he stays with the troupe...that has to exist, right?)
ANYWAY. excited to start s2!! lowkey surprised by how many notes some of these posts have gotten. I've gone back and tagged them all with 'dp thoughts' so they're easier to find on my blog! ^^ and I will probably possibly do (more) fanart on my art blog after I finish the watch of the whole show, so like. @sanchoyodraws follow my art blog :)
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