#22 jul 22
chloeandelly · 2 years
First look at Elly's return!
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mikeywayarchive · 11 months
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michaeldubin: A few days at SDCC
[Jul 22, 2023]
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lsd-l · 11 months
النهاردة قاعدة أنا ورحمة نستعيد ذكريات طفولتنا اللي قبل ما أنا أتغرب وأسافر مع ماما وبابا وهي تفضل هنا في مصر مع خالتو وتكبر وأكبر ويعدي 12 سنة من غير مانشوف بعض ولا نعرف حاجة عن بعض ولا حتى في تواصل بيننا ويشاء القدر أنزل مصر عشان الدراسة وأعيش معاها ٣ سنين بس في بيت تاني غير الشقة اللي إحنا عملنا الذكريات فيها، قعدنا نضحك ونهزر ونتتريق على سذاجتنا وإحنا أطفال ..
لحظة صمت وتبادل نظرات ..
يلا ..
لبسنا ونزلنا قولنالهم هنتمشى وأخدنا عربية تودينا المنطقة اللي إحنا كبرنا فيها، ماكانتش بعيد هي ربع ساعة أو تلت بالكتير، نزلنا أخدناها من أولها لآخرها مشي لحد العمارة اللي كنا عايشين فيها ..
حسينا كل حاجة زي ما هي بس إحنا كبرنا شوية، عم أحمد بتاع التموين، عم مينا بتاع الفراخ، أم محمد بتاعت العيش البتّاو واللبن، كل دول زي ماهما بس ولادهم كبروا وواخدين مكانهم أو واقفين معاهم،
وصلنا تحت العمارة بصينالها كدة ولاقيناها شبه مبقاش ساكنها حد، ناس المنطقة بيبصولنا بإستغراب،
طلعنا فوق، كنا عايزين نطلع السطح عشان كنا دافنين فيه أرنب أنا وهي زمان 🤦🏻‍♀️ طلعنا لحد سابع دور لاقيناهم حاطين باب حديد ثدام السطح وممنوع الدخول، كانت ضلمة أوي وروحها مش زي زمان مهجورة كدة وطبعا مانسيناش نبص على فيلة الشنّاوي اللي قدام العمارة اللي البواب بتاعها لسة مماتش بس أصحابهامش موجودين من زمان وكان فيها كل الحكايات المرعبة، سمعنا صوت حد بيتنحنح ورنة تليفون، إترعبنا لأن الله أعلم الراجل ده مين ولا بيعمل إيه، ولو شافنا بنتين وحدنا ممكن يعمل حوار،
صوت خطوات ..
نزلنا جري قبل مايلمحنا ونزل ورانا ولحد ماوصلنا تحت وبعدنا عن العمارة ماكانش هو نزل ولا شاف شكلنا، طبعاً في واحد حسّنا ناس مريبة بس الحمدلله شكلنا البرئ ساعدنا ان محدش يكلمنا ولا يشك فينا،
قعدنا نضحك، كنا مبسوطين أوي ولفينا في السوق ودخلنا محلات قديمة أووووي، شوفنا المسجد اللي كنا بنستنى بابا وعمو فيه وإحنا صغيرين يوم الجمعة ونقعد نعد جزم الناس اللي بتصلّي، حسينا الزمن رجع بينا لورا ووقف ..
الإحساس حقيقي كان جميل وأنا ممتنة للجنان بتاعنا وممتنة لكل الذكريات اللي إستعدناها وممتنة لليوم كله من قلبي 🖤.
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abybweisse · 11 months
Hey, I've gone through your blog and as a modern day Thelemite I'd like to thank you for the research you did into the history of the use of "do what thou wilt" in occultism, as the philosophy of Thelema doesn't in any way condone what happened to the twins. One of the reasons I admire your Kuro theories is because of the amount of research you do and it really shows. My knowledge of the phrase was only its' Thelemic context so I was worried when I read that scene that it would be misinterpreted
Do what thou wilt... within guidelines
Yeah, Crowley and his pals never would have condoned what happens to the twins in Kuroshitsuji, and I definitely made sure to point that out in one or more of my early posts about it. I'm glad you noticed that. 😊 Thelemic rituals often include sexual activities, but it requires that all participants be willing and adult.
According to Crowley, the best sacrifice -- theoretically -- for summoning would be a young and highly intelligent male virgin who offers himself up for the ritual. He also said that people who self-sacrifice (even if it's just blood-letting, not actually offing themselves) are more likely to get desired results. The cultists in the manga completely turn this on its head by choosing 1. unwilling 2. children 3. of random intelligence... 4. that they defile. 😡 They don't care about their chosen victims... and they definitely don't care about following the rules of Thelema. Crowley would despise people who abuse children. Anyone selected for sacrifice should never be made to even feel like a victim. Of course, most of this was theoretical; Crowley says he was too cowardly to use himself (spill his own blood) for summoning rituals, and that he never made a human sacrifice.
Anyway, as mentioned in one or two more recent posts, Crowley got the idea of Thelema -- and borrowed that phrase -- from a series of books by Rabelais, Gargantua and Pantagruel. I have yet to read them, but it sounds like there's a higher level of hedonism in there.... A pseudo-precursor to Thelema seems to also be based on the story, and they also used that phrase, but it was more like a dinner club... sort of -- the Monks of Medmenham. As I say in my addition to that post, they hired prostitutes and wined and dined with them before doing whatever else they wanted. They also made various (small, symbolic) offerings... but to statues of Pagan gods. Again, this wasn't about defiling and/or killing unwilling participants, particularly not children. In that post, I might not have made it clear, but I will here: though the cultists in the manga seem to be a cross between these two things -- Monks of Medmenham and Thelema -- they are clearly not following the rules of either one. The manga's cultists don't care about child welfare or consent or anything. The Monks of Medmenham and Thelemites, like yourself, would be appalled.
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easygoing8888 · 2 years
Mikey x reader fluff
Some kissing, misunderstanding, panic, angst, fluff,
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You and some of your family were in the living room watching a scary movie at around 1 or 2 am, when someone knocked on the door,
You immediately looked at your parents as they looked at you, knowing you would have told them if one of your friends or boyfriend would be coming over. and you knew nobody was coming over, so, standing up a little freaked out you go to look through the peephole on the door,
You can't really make out the features of the person, just a shadow and slight silhouette, but then they turn a little and take a step back, the street light now showing your boyfriend is on your porch,
You turn back to your parents "it's mikey, can i see what he wants?" they said yes but to stay on the parch because it's late, you open the door and close it behind you leaving it unlocked,
Mikey looks up at you with tired and apologetic eyes without saying anything, intently gazing at your face in silence, and you notice he's got bandages on his left forearm which isn't surprising,
but what did shock you a little was that he is in his pajamas, oversized gray shirt, (a little damp from the soft rain that just started) sweat pants and no shoes just socks, you look back up at him like he's crazy,
But he still hasn't said anything, which in it's self is really weird for him so this must be serious, and he's just silently scanning your face,
You take a step closer to him and grab his hand in yours, his skin is warm and cozy, to your surprise, and his palm is rough, his fingers are gentle as they lace with yours in return, the sprinkling turning into pouring rain in a matter of a few minutes,
You whisper out "are you ok?" your almost not heard over the rain, but your concerned voice seems to have snapped out of his daze,
he looks off to the side for a moment, taking his eyes off your face for the first time since you've come outside. your hand still in his, then looks back up lips sealed in a line and eyes darting around like he's trying to find something to say,
he then takes a step towards you closing the gap between you, leaning in giving you a quick kiss on the corner of your mouth,
pulling away his eyes looked into yours and almost whispered "I'm sorry. I just wanted to see you, know that i love you baby, goodnight." he says in a soft voice and hesitantly turned around letting go of your hand and going down your stairs, and to anyone else and whatever neighbors who saw this would think it was sweet,
but to you, your world just shattered. your eyes are watering your breathing gets heavy and your chest hurts. with the life he lives, in your mind he just said "good bye" to you and your never going to see your sweet, silly boyfriend and best friend again, because wherever he's about to go, if he feels like he's going to die, then most likely he's right.
you forget about what your parents said as breathing gets a lot harder and tear's start rolling down your cheeks, you make quick work of the stairs as you see mikey's almost to his bike that's in the street,
you don't care about the heavy rain as you run to him, almost slipping, he must have heard you because he stopped a foot away from his bike and turned around just in time for you to hug him squeezing him close to you,
your borderline hyperventilating as you embrace him. almost having to yell over the pouring rain so he can hear you, "please don't go!, I couldn't take it if i lost you!" you look up at him crying, not letting go of him,
and he looks down at you with worried eyes were you are bent over slightly hugging your head to your his chest,
he reaches up to put his hand on your head to soothe you but you squeeze your eyes shut because you know that there's nothing you can do if he's already made up his mind and will probably say something like (it's gonna be ok, don't worry)
you look back up to him before your mind can fully wonder to what's gonna happen to him when he leaves, and he smiles at you and giggles "what are you talking about baby? we're would I go?"
you let go of him and just look at him "why did you come here Mikey?" he looks down slight smile on his face "I fell asleep early, and i had a nightmare, so I wanted to come kiss you and make sure you were ok, so I did"
He looks up at you and smirks "so what's this about how you can't live without me?"
you roll your eyes and turn around and start walking back to your house, the cold and your annoying boyfriend starting to get to you "I didn't say that."
he laughed and grabbed you from behind hugging you close to him "oh really? what was all that about?" he says leaning his head on your shoulder closing his eyes,
you sigh "I thought you were saying goodbye to me." his eyes open and he sighs too "no. but I'm sorry I scared you, baby,"
you turn around in his arms and run one of your hands though his wet strawberry blonde hair and hold him close with your other arm, you give him a deep kiss, long and slow (the rain staring to let up)
when you pull back you smile at his dumbfounded and blushing face and lean in to give him a soft peck on his lips and his forehead and whisper,
"goodnight and i love you too sweetheart" you go to pull away and yet again your stopped, by his hand on your side he pulls you close, he just holds you for a minute, his head resting against yours, looking into your eyes "ya know I never want to say goodbye to you"
"I know, and I love you but i gotta go back inside and get to bed, you need to go to bed too, you can tell me about your dream tomorrow if you want to ok,"
"Ok" he says backing away from you holding your hand until he gets on his motorcycle, then he waits until your back on your porch before he starts his bike and as he disappears down the street he looks back and smiles at you,
your parents were mad, not only because you were out there for so long but your soaking wet, and as you change your clothes you think about how that boy is going to be the death of you.
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Look at him~
A/n I was really tired when I first wrote and posted this and today I felt like cleaning it up :P
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vocalsynthbdays · 11 months
happy birthday haiyi(utau) !!!!!!!!! [jul 22]
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Haiyi is a chinese synth developed by Beijing Photek S&T Development Co., Ltd.. she was initially created as a private utau, for which the vb was finished on 2 feb 2018, and the character as a whole plus her first demo were on 12 feb 2018. on 6 sep 2019 haiyi was released for synthv, and on 10 jul 202 for synthv studio. her character birthday is 22 jul though. shes voiced by Huazheng Anly, and illustrated by ATDan. haiyi is 15yo and 155cm tall. she is aprt of Medium⁵. Cangqiong, Chiyu, and Xingchen are her older sisters, and Shian is her younger sister. haiyi originates from ZERO as well. Quadimension is "A Chinese music label mainly featuring Vocaloid and SynthV. Commercially attached to Beijing Photek S&T Development Co., Ltd. They collaborated with Shanghai HENIAN Information Technology Co. Ltd. to create a voicebank for their mascot and first Chinese VOCALOID, Xingchen (Stardust). MEDIUM5 is one of their projects."(from Quadimension's vocadb page)
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synth v
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synth v studio
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2023 birthday art by Leiq Lei
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akasanata · 11 months
All well.
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hey-color-palettes · 2 years
Could you please make a palette for the word “Harbinger”?
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5255a0 || #b4b6ce || #f0e5ce || #943535 || #312e69
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lilolilyr · 2 years
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Milippa and the Stars
James Webb telescope | Milippa manips | made for @discoveryfemslashfortnight aesthetics
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immortalllongings · 2 years
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chrissy wake uppp… i don’t like thissss…
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mikeywayarchive · 11 months
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Instagram story by king_contraryman
[Jul 19, 2023]
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lsd-l · 11 months
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abybweisse · 11 months
When you were in full Undertaker cosplay, have you ever been hit on/flirted with by other women or girls?
Do women/girls flirt with me when I'm in Undertaker cosplay?
In some particularly mild sort of way, perhaps. An occasional giggle, maybe a wink? But I haven't gotten into any major cosplay acting with anyone, and that's when that sort of thing typically happens, right?
Anyway, my small amount of experience, in full UT cosplay, has been treated with respect. No one has grabbed me or really tried to hit on me. No major flirtation. Not by girls, not by guys, and not by anyone in between.
The closest thing to that happening... is maybe some girls walking by, giggling and covering their mouths while saying something to each other, like "Undertaker is so hot!", but I assume they mean the character... and not necessarily me in cosplay! 😆
When I go to conventions, there are typically signs reminding everyone that "cosplay is not consent", so people do try to show respect by not being too forward. They usually ask before even touching outfits, wigs, props, etc.
Next time I go to a convention in UT cosplay, I'll let you know if anyone tries to flirt with me. 😂
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joniksj · 2 years
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writer-ann-artist · 2 years
Free for use, drawn by me, (any ideas for new ones just ask, will be adding more as i go)
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lilolilyrae · 2 years
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I am in awe of my new phone camera
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