#24 hour animation challenge 2022
danidrawsstuff · 2 years
The winners for the contest were announced today so that means I can officially share this now! A week ago I participated in the 24 Hour Animation Challenge with a couple of my friends from the program and while our film didn’t win, it was still a great learning experience and I’m pretty damn proud that we finished a film in only 24 hours!!
The theme for this year was “Predicting the Future”. I was the storyboard lead and I also did one of the background layouts and keyframed the ending sequence! There were plenty of scenes that didn’t make the final cut and things that we agreed we could change or do better on, things we’ll definitely address and explore if we decide to go ahead and re-do this film as a fun summer collab project!
My team was awesome and if any of you are reading this, y’all did great work and there’s nobody I would have rather slowly descended into madness as we hit the 10hr mark without sleep than you all <3 If 3rd year doesn’t kill us, we should go crazy and do this again :  D
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sekaitransparents · 7 months
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~ sekai-transparents ~
submissions: open ┃ queue/submissions we need
kofi ┃ main blog ┃ genshin transparents
layout by us/@gladiolus-cat
welcome! this blog is made to create and share transparents/pngs for project sekai/hatsune miku: colorful stage! for anyone who doesn't know, the newest cards in prosekai now do not have official transparent versions. which sucks for editors who tended to rely on those. so, we have to make our own. all of these transparents are made by hand, and subsequently can take time. we'll be trying to get all the cards done within each week of a new event. for transparents from the sanrio collab backwards, check out @/prosekaipng! they inspired this blog, and since they are on hiatus, we wanted to continue their work for them. we won't repost any of the transparents they've posted.
submissions, suggestions, kind asks, etc, are all welcome here! credit is appreciated, but not required. feel free to tag us if you use any of these, we'd love to see your edits! we don't currently accept requests, but we may still do the occasional request if you ask us nicely. we are often busy with other things, and we have wrist problems we're trying not to exacerbate more than necessary. our only rule is that if you use any of our transparents for something problematic/harmful, do not tag us or tie it back to us. thank you!
a masterlist of all our transparents can be found under the cut!
all official transparents from previous events can be found on this blog
play the shadow
invitation to the city of flowers
sanrio collab
close contact! 24 hour animal police!
memory of melody
enchanting flowers in full bloom for the new year
here comes challenger
punk night tokyo
photogenic valentine
eyes aiming high
paint the sky! rainbow magic
what awaits at the end of war
crown of suit
roots in the snow
play with dogs
3900's colourful festival
drawing blooms
not overlap sounds
eternal bout
only the very best for you!
virtual singer:
hatsune miku
kagamine len
kagamine rin
megurine luka
ichika hoshino
saki tenma
honami mochizuki
shiho hinomori
more more jump:
minori hanasato
haruka kiritani
airi momoi
shizuku hinomori
vivid bad squad:
kohane azusawa
an shiraishi
akito shinonome
toya aoyagi
wonderland x showtime:
tsukasa tenma
emu otori
nene kusanagi
rui kamishiro
nightcord at 25:00:
kanade yoisaki
mafuyu asahina
ena shinonome
mizuki akiyama
1 stars
2 stars
3 stars
4 stars
79 notes · View notes
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It’s not easy to swim 175 km (109 mi.) when you’re starving to death. It’s not easy either to try to survive when you’re shedding body weight at a rate of 1 kg (2.2 lbs.) a day.
And it might be hardest — or at least most tragic — of all if you’re a nursing mom and your calorie intake has dropped so low that you can no longer produce the milk you need to care for your young.
As a new paper in Nature Communications reveals, all of those challenges and more are facing the world’s polar bears, thanks to vanishing sea ice in our warming world, denying the animals a platform that they need to hunt for seals.
If the trend isn’t reversed soon, the estimated 26,000 polar bears in the wild could start to lose their hold on survival before the middle of this century.
The researchers were less interested in establishing the fact of the bears’ food plight; scientists are already aware of that problem.
What they were more focused on learning was both how gravely the nutritional loss is affecting the animals’ health and the alternative food sources they’re scrounging for on land.
To do their work, the scientists followed 20 different polar bears in Manitoba, Canada, from 2019 to 2022, fitting them with GPS trackers and video collars and periodically tranquilizing them and analyzing their blood, body mass, daily energy expenditure — basically a measure of calories coming in versus calories going out — and more.
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“The polar bears in Hudson Bay [Canada] are probably at the edge of the range at which they can survive right now,” says Anthony Pagano, a research biologist with the U.S. Geological Survey and the lead author of the paper.
“Most of the modeling work suggests that around 2050, they are going to be on land and away from their primary habitat [on the ice].”
The contraction in range of the Hudson Bay community is likely to be reflected in the ranges of the 18 other polar bear subpopulations scattered throughout the Arctic as well.
Across the arc of the study, the data Pagano and his colleagues gathered was troubling.
Weight loss varied from bear to bear, with the daily loss of 1 kg representing just an average.
Some of the subject animals dropped up to 1.7 kg (3.75 lbs) every 24 hours.
That may not seem like much when an adult male polar bear can tip the scales at 550 kg (1,200 lbs) and a female at 320 kg (700 lbs), but it can add up fast.
And with less available to eat, the hungry bears have to travel farther and farther distances to find their next meal.
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The individual that swam 175 km — a young female — set the record among the bears studied, but another, older female also covered 120 km (75 mi).
The endurance swims in search of food are energy-intensive and often fruitless for the bears.
They are efficient hunters when they’ve got the purchase of ice beneath them, Pagano and his colleagues explain, but they are clumsy when they are going after seals and trying to swim at the same time.
That leaves them scavenging on land for foods they would not ordinarily eat — and getting little payoff for their efforts.
“Polar bears are feeding on ducks and geese — catching them when they’re flightless and molting — as well as on their eggs,” Pagano says.
Other foods on the desperate bears’ menus included berries and other vegetation, bones, antlers and, in one case, a beluga whale carcass.
None of that fare is as calorie-rich as a steady diet of live, blubber-packed seals.
Some of the bears vigorously sought out these alternative sources of nutrition; others opted for a different strategy: resting and conserving the energy contained in their body mass.
The latter approach costs stored calories, but so does the former, as all of the plodding and searching burns through energy too.
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“The amount of body tissue they were burning to try and find those terrestrial foods was basically the same as what they’d get from eating those terrestrial foods,” Pagano says. “So there’s no actual benefit.”
The researchers were surprised to find that the bears were going through not just fat stores to compensate for the poor rations but lean muscle tissue too.
Pagano is not certain why their metabolisms would adopt that strategy, but he has some ideas.
“There's some thought that burning lean body mass might be more energetically efficient in some respects relative to burning body fats,” he says.
“Also, conserving their body fat might provide them better thermal regulation once the winter and the ice return.”
That seasonal freeze-over is shorter than it used to be — though not by a lot.
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In the 1980s, polar bears were on land for about 110 days out of the year, with no need to eat terrestrial foods since the fat deposits they’d accumulate thanks to wintertime seal-hunting was enough to carry them the rest of the year.
Now they're off the ice for 130 days on average.
It’s a measure of the nutritional knife’s-edge on which the bears operate that just 20 days can make the difference between whether they live and thrive or starve and die.
The individuals most likely to perish when food supplies are poor are young adults — due to their less-developed hunting skills — and cubs, whose principal source of nutrition, their mother’s milk, can vanish in lean times.
“If females are fasting for extended periods, they will actually stop lactating,” says Pagano.
Full-grown bears are by no means immune to danger, however.
The authors cite earlier research predicting that the adult male population could decrease by 24% if the ice-free summer season increases to 180 days.
This is especially so given the enormous energy intake — about 22,500 calories per day — that the big males need to maintain their body weight.
Polar bears aren’t the only species menaced by these findings. Humans are in harm’s way too.
The more time bears spend off the ice and on land, the greater the likelihood they will wander into cities and towns in search of something to eat — and residents could easily be hurt or attacked if they get in the way of the hungry animals.
People might also even be seen as sources of prey.
“When polar bears are on land, they act like other bears and become omnivores,” says Pagano. “It does raise the potential for human-bear interactions.”
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we love supporting small streamers ;) so here’s a highlight of katy’s stream with nick as a guest! 
nick might cosplay as re4r leon, he’s too busy right now
he loves doing emotional scenes
nick got to write a lot of his lines in re4r (this kind of tracks that some of the lines may have been different from what was originally written in the script, but he implies that the lines he was allowed to write were more of the one liners)
two of his favourite lines were (that he wrote), “you wanna get ugly, let’s get ugly,” and “tell someone who gives a shit.”
he was in japan recently for 8 days (just for fun)
he does a lot of travelling for fixers tv (to help with villages or towns, there are 30 episodes or so)
he(Nick) was not approached to reprise the role of Leon for Death Island (he thinks it makes sense to get Matt Mercer for Death Island since it’s a sequel to Vendetta and Matt played the role then)
he’s into metal
he is trying to get into a convention in ireland (but it is not confirmed)
he is trying to get into conventions, they (the cast) are not getting invited as much as he thought they would. he thinks that he will be in more cons in 2024 as most of the guests for 2023 were asked back in 2022.
he has a con in a sacramento and maryland coming soon (most cons that are inviting him are anime related so far)
he loves doing motion capture and he gets to see a version of leon when he’s working
nick likes oreos and will eat an oreo whenever he or the person playing dies lol (44 minutes in ish)
he did the hot ones challenge (it was for charity) it took him about a day to recover (he almost went to the hospital that night)
he googled “can you burn a hole into your stomach with hot sauce” “can i die from hot sauce”
he does not want to do another hot wings challenge
he gifts some subs at 51 mins
ronnie shows up and asks a question at around 58 min (the cosplayer) to ask about fine arts
1hr02 while they’re having a nice speech about being true to yourself
nick is not a dancer
nick thinks if leon was a gamer, he would be good at survival horror games lol (he said maybe he would play fortnite but he’s not into it)
(yes they save the dog)
he has slowed down with his art and hasn’t felt inspired in a while. he’s not sure if he would do an art stream because he feels like he draws so slowly
he does struggle with streaming and talking to chat, so that’s why he also has mods and other guests to keep the stream more lively
he might be interested in doing streams with wood work
he likes peanut butter and mint oreos right now
1hr14 he talks about durian lol he says it tastes like a creamy garlic spread
(he really sounds like a foodie which is nice, yes he will try almost everything with food)
nick is a big coffee drinker and he likes dirty martinis and negronis (slightly bitter)
he lives with two cats and he pets them, he would call himself a dog person though
he says for his one year on twitch he will maybe do a 24 hour stream
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onewhoturns · 10 months
A-Z Challenge GAME 2
It was close, but looks like Afterparty won the vote for the A game, so I'll be returning to hell for the first time since 2020. 😈 That may take a few sessions this week, but while I'm working on that: let's figure out B time! I'll actually have a week long poll this time instead of rushing it into 24 hours.
This round features a few games I haven't tried yet, one I'm about halfway through that will take several hours to go, and one I beat on gog but haven't gone achievement hunting on steam. Descriptions of the options (ft trailers and tags) below the cut. (you may notice I love aesthetically interesting games lmao) (I also love detective games, and it's amazing I only put one that's kinda-like-that in this poll; there's three so far in the C picks)
"welcome to BAD END THEATER! select your protagonist and explore a variety of terrible fates! the decisions you make in one story will affect the others. you can toggle these behaviors to open up new paths! unfortunately, every path leads to a bad ending… can you find a way to save this unlucky cast?" Steam tags: multiple endings, visual novel, story rich, LGBTQ+, choices matter, choose your own adventure, cute
2. Beckett (2018) (tw insects in trailer)
"A dark and unsettling narrative adventure that will shake you to your core. Take control of a reluctant investigator, trapped in a depraved and despondent world. BAFTA-winning and selected by the V&A for its pioneering narrative design, this disturbingly powerful story is unlike anything you've played." Steam tags: indie, adventure, nudity, gore, point & click, atmospheric, story rich, surreal, visual novel
3. Before Your Eyes (2021)
"Embark on an emotional first-person narrative adventure where you control the story—and affect its outcomes—with your real-life blinks. With this innovative technique you will fully immerse yourself in a world of memories, both joyous and heartbreaking, as your whole life flashes before your eyes." Steam tags: emotional, narrative, story rich, indie, first-person, walking simulator, interactive fiction, adventure
4. Bear and Breakfast (2022) (I have 24/43 achievements after 16hrs of play, hltb estimates an average 35hrs completionist)
"Bear and Breakfast is a laid-back management adventure game where you play as a well-meaning bear trying to run a B+B in the woods. Hank and his friends find an abandoned shack and, equipped with their teenage ingenuity, turn it into a money-making bed and breakfast scheme for unsuspecting tourists." Steam tags: economy, life sim, relaxing, rpg, casual, story rich, cute, simulation
5. Broken Age (2014) (I completed it on gog but only have 3/45 achievements from 45min of play on steam, hltb estimates an average 14hrs completionist)
"A family friendly, hand-animated, puzzle-filled adventure game with an all-star cast, Broken Age is a timeless coming-of-age story. Vella Tartine and Shay Volta are two teenagers in strangely similar situations, but radically different worlds. The player can freely switch between their stories, helping them take control of their own lives, and dealing with the unexpected adventures that follow." Steam tags: point & click, adventure, story rich, comedy, indie, funny, casual
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I posted 368 times in 2022
That's 16 more posts than 2021!
64 posts created (17%)
304 posts reblogged (83%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 151 of my posts in 2022
#007 fest 2022 - 123 posts
#team q-branch - 90 posts
#dassandre - 71 posts
#qb-v4 - 61 posts
#qb-q10 - 57 posts
#mi6cafe - 53 posts
#boffin1710 - 42 posts
#teamqbranch - 31 posts
#00qfic - 26 posts
#no time to die fix-it - 26 posts
Longest Tag: 72 characters
#bruh i literally had to stop drafting my plate just to gif that new clip
My Top Posts in 2022:
00Q00 - Polyamory Day
Each year, James Bond, Alec Trevelyan, and The Quartermaster are posed questions about their polyamorous relationship that they respond to (albeit reluctantly at times) to help celebrate 007 Fest -- they’re big fans of the month, after all. This year the questions start out with “What is one of your best memories with your partner?” Below is James response to that question about Q and Alec, but be sure to check out the blogs of @boffin1710 and @notwhatyouthoughtiwas to get Q’s and Alec’s answers to that question, too.
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See the full post
24 notes - Posted July 19, 2022
Scavenger Hunt Item #65
Draw a Bond character as an anime character.
Seeing as how I cannot draw my way out of a wet paper bag with a machete and a guide, I had to rely on an anime generator to do this, but I did choose the photo!
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Just look at those lips and those ‘come hither, 007’ eyes!  Is it any wonder that our ‘ship set sail that day?
Though I know only one counts for points, I did this one, too.  Rather liked how it turned out.
See the full post
31 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
Bond Movie Crossword
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This is a 007 Fest Scavenger Hunt Item::  Create a Bond-Themed Crossword.  It’s not terribly challenging, but enjoy!
31 notes - Posted July 5, 2022
Ready to Fest - 2022
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35 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Q Head Canon
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James Bond isn’t the only casualty of war in No Time to Die, but whilst 007’s death in a hail of missiles leaves little opportunity for him to suffer, the same cannot be said of our dear Quartermaster, for his living death is slow and lingering and has left him a shadow of his former self.  Though he’s as brilliant and inventive as he ever was, his youthful energy and pointed snark have been eaten away by the dark cancer of bureaucracy. 
In Skyfall and Spectre Q gives as good as he gets and meets James’ sass with equal, if not robust, measure with lines like: “Put your back into it,” “Welcome to rush hour on the tube.  Not something you’d know much about,” “So much for my promising career in espionage,” “Now you may feel a small … prick,” “It tells the time.  Might help with your punctuality issues,” and “I believe I said, ‘Bring it back in one piece,’ not, ‘Bring back one piece.’” 
He doesn’t back down with Bond at the Hoffler Klinik, starting their chat with “Well, not to worry, 007. It was only a £3,000,000 prototype,” and ending with, “I really, really hate you right now,” to say nothing about the conversation that started at all in front of The Fighting Temeraire.  After all, Q set a whole ‘ship afloat with the bold retort, “Well, I'll hazard I can do more damage on my laptop sitting in my pyjamas before my first cup of Earl Grey than you can do in a year in the field.”
But by the time Bond returns to London five years after he walked away from everything on Westminster Bridge, Q’s cheeky banter is dead.  Q’s best line in the whole of No Time to Die is his first one with the fittingly ironic,  “So you’re not dead?”  Bond insults Q’s cats and ruins his dinner plans, yet the best retorts he can devise are, “Well, it’s never 9:00 to 5:00, is it?” and “Can I just have one nice evening, please, before the world explodes?”  Even when Q’s supposedly seeing his colleague for the first time in years in M’s office, he fumbles, “Oh, Bond. My God, I haven’t seen you in, in, uh… How is your retirement?”  When have we ever seen Q stumble over his words in a surprising situation?  Never.  Even Mallory doesn’t buy it.
Q’s decline started with the long, tedious dismantling of Nine Eyes and has continued over the years under the pressure of Mallory’s slide into autocratic insanity where an abomination like Herakles was allowed to be conceived and flourish.
James Bond may have foolishly sacrificed himself on the altar of unrequited love, but his death is quick and painless.  Q’s death is slow, debilitating, and, unless he leaves MI6, it will be never-ending.  He will become a modern Prometheus whose liver is devoured daily by the eagle of MI6 bureaucracy.  
52 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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du04 · 1 month
Intro / 2023 Wrap-Up
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Hello Readers! Welcome to the Very First post on this blog. I’m thrilled to find you here :)
My name on here is Marxell and I run this blog, DU4. I’m in my early 20s and I love the web, culture & art, animals & nature, and comfy oversized t-shirts. Nice to meet you!
This blog is… I don’t fully know. But what I do know is that I want this space to feature Personal Cultural Wrap-Ups. Essentially, an opportunity for me to share my thoughts on what I’ve been reading, watching, and listening to (among other things) each month.
Even though this blog springs out of a need for a personal outlet, I hope that if you stumble upon it, you find something interesting to leave it with.
Since this is the burgeoning of this blog, I thought it would be nice and timely to start with a condensed review of the year 2023. Hopefully, it gives you a global idea of what to expect in terms of content.
As there is a lot to unpack, I haven’t explained in great detail the content of each medium or what I thought of it, but I have hyperlinked them to other sources if you want to find out more (which I highly encourage you to do, naturally).
Now, before we jump into the fun stuff, I’d like to tell you: Feel free to share your thoughts, recommendations, and own experiences in the comments. I would love to read them.
Starting off with the reading section.
This year 2023 I read 28 books (including 4 audiobooks) across 6751 pages and 39.18 hours, which exceeded my set goal of 24 books by 4 books :p
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I find this graph rather funny… Up and Down, rather representative of my mood swings.
My top 3 most-read genres were: 1. Fantasy 2. Mystery 3. Literary. In my mind, I would actually have reversed that order, fantasy here is out of the blue as I didn’t read any in 2022 and barely any before!
My average read’s length was 265 pages, and it took me around 17 days to finish each book. My average rating was 3.1 stars.
The longest book I read was In Ascension by Martin MacInnes with 512 pages. It was also my favourite due to its emotional impact and how I connected with its core philosophy and ideas about science, evolution, and the cycle of life on a macro and micro level.
Other highlights of the year for me were: The Vintner’s Luck by Elizabeth Knox, a beautifully written novel that tells the story of a vintner who forms a relationship with an angel; Pizza Girl by Jean Kyoung Frazier, which follows a pregnant teenage Loser as she grapples with her unhealthy crush on an older woman; and Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher, a fun and imaginative dark fairy tale.
Compared to 2022, I read 33% more books and 14% more pages.
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Reading experience pie chart & Pace of the books I read
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I’m not a fan of science fiction at all, but I loved In Ascension so much, and it was my only SF read of the year, so it skewed the data.
And finally, here are all of my 2023 reads at a glance:
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I also joined an open-ended challenge in November, to read a book taking place in every European country: A Literary Map of Europe, that I will most certainly do some progress on in 2024.
I’ve watched a lot fewer movies this year than in the previous years, which is sort of sad, but also means that I’ve prioritised other things. In a way, I’ve also had this latent feeling that I’ve watched every film that I possibly could love, ever, which definitely contributed to this unintentional hiatus.
It’s one of my New Year’s resolutions to get ‘back to my roots’ in terms of film watching, and thanks to this blog I will most certainly keep up with it.
Out of the 24 movies I watched, the first one I’ve seen this year, and my favourite was The Fabelmans (4.5 stars). Others I’ve enjoyed were Whiplash (4.5) and Pig (4.0).
This year was rather ordinary in terms of series, I watched a usual amount of them.
Highlights: Succession’s final season 😩!!! (billionaire corporate family drama), The Durrells (wholesome vintage comedy), Good Omens Season 2 (fantasy comedy adventure), Evil (fantasy comedy mystery) and Gilmore Girls (quirky wholesome comedy).
Others: The Last Of Us (post-apocalyptic action-adventure drama); WeCrashed (corporate drama based on WeWork); Mare of Easttown (small-town mystery-crime drama). They were all enjoyable.
I also started All Creatures Great & Small end of December (another wholesome vintage comedy) and found the first 4 episodes enjoyable.
10 Things Succession’s Jeremy Strong Can’t Live Without by GQ. You've probably already seen this type of video before, and understandably think this one would be just another typical “talk about myself some more and think I’m an interesting person” one. It's not, or not really. Jeremy Strong is genuinely such an interesting person, and he elaborates on each item with such profound emotional depth and intellectual insight, that I was in awe. Loved learning about his life and mind. This video converted me! Mr Strong, please write a book. https://youtu.be/AYCAT5jpXKU
How Bisexuality Changed Video Games. An enlightening video on the ‘bisexual mechanic’ which explores what actual bisexuality in video-games is. A new favourite channel. https://youtu.be/iZGkxUTbDqw
I didn’t watch as many movies as I usually do this year, but I made up for it by indulging in a lot of gaming! Thanks to finally having an external monitor.
My top games of the year were Disco Elysium, a dark and gritty text-heavy detective RPG with a deeply interesting world and mystery; Death Stranding, a walking and delivery ‘simulator’ with stunning graphics and an engaging storyline, and The Forgotten City, a mystery detective game with a unique mechanic set in an ancient Rome setting.
When I wasn’t playing these more intense games, I found Powerwash Simulator to be a great alternative to House Flipper while I listened to podcasts.
With friends, I played Civ 6, Valheim, and a lot of Monopoly :)
This year I listened to a lot of Radiohead, Alex G, Elliott Smith, Fleetwood Mac, and Elton John.
New artists I discovered this year that I loved were Nicholas Brittell (thanks to Succession ending), Panchiko, Emile Mosseri, and Black Country, New Road (I learned about them from a co-worker, who I still haven’t told I listened to and enjoyed them lol.)
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Obligatory Spotify Wrapped.
Regarding this Wrapped it seems I have strayed from my usual “vibes”, which makes me want to revisit my older playlists. Also, in my opinion, Elliott Smith should have been ranked fifth instead of Max Richter.
I would also like to mention “I’m your man” by Mitski as being an incredible song that came out of this year.
My top podcast of the year was Heavyweight. After listening to all the episodes of Dear Sugars, and having fallen head over heels for it, I craved something in the same vein and Heavyweight was one of the top recommendations. It is an amazing podcast, emotional, heartfelt, funny, and brilliantly led by Jonathan Goldstein. It has easily become one of my favourite podcasts and I hope that the ‘final’ season that’s to come, isn’t really the end (which I have a feeling it probably won’t be).
This is the section that is not so culturally relevant, where I blabber about a couple of random, mundane things I enjoyed.
This year, I wasted some money, but this isn’t what this is about (we don’t talk about this). On the contrary, this section is to make me feel better about having bought nice things that I love, and are definitely worth it to buy with my limited capital 🙂
The Sony Wh-720, a headset that I am very happy about. I bought it as it was described as being very comfortable, and I wanted to be able to have headphones on for a long period of time without my ears hurting. It definitely lives up to that, and as a plus, I can listen to Thom Yorke moan in my ears in HD. 👍 Highly recommand.
An acoustic guitar, my very first, a Harley Benton D-120CE BK. I’m the farthest thing from being a pro, but IMO it’s a lovely quality 😌.
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and with a beautiful strap.
Storygraph Plus: Mainly bought as I love this website and wish for it to keep existing, but the couple of extra features (stats & recs) are a nice touch.
Lego orchid to decorate my office desk: I had no idea Legos were actually fun, shame they’re so expensive and to my usage, single-use/one-time build.
A digital camera, a Canon Powershot 710HS. I’ve been wanting better quality pictures, and I enjoy the use of a dedicated object that liberates me from having to use my phone.
4 posters that I love very much:
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And onto the final section of this post. We’re getting personal here, and I’m getting short of inappropriately open.
In 2023, I left the country I had been previously living in, to go live in a completely new one (not so willingly), to start my very first indefinite (on paper), full-time job. Crazy! I have left the academic prison to join the shackles of the workforce!
But, really, it was one of the best years in years for me, I stopped being sad all the time, and a couple of bad habits; I developed better relationships, I got more involved and consistent in my hobbies, and apart from a noisy boiler that ruined the mood of the first half of the year and life altering moments and questions in the second half, it was, indeed, a good year.
I apprehend 2024 a bit, as I know little will change for most of the year. I have dreams of travelling and moving far, far away but know that, realistically, this won’t happen before 2025.
So, 2024 will be a ‘transition year’. I still hope that I can make something nice out of it. Running this blog already feels like a good step.
And here are a couple pictures I took this year (and feel comfortable sharing).
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A few resolutions for the year to come
Watch more films
Play guitar weekly
Laugh more
Days away from the digital world
Opening the windows to let in fresh air even if it’s cold out
Speaking with intent
Not letting the past weigh me down in my way forward
Daily movement
And finally, write for this blog.
If you’ve read this far, I hope you enjoyed this humble first post, and noted down a few things you found interesting and would like to experience yourself! If you did, once again, please feel free to let me know in the comments <3
I’ll see you in the next one, whatever it is.
0 notes
equestrianempire · 3 months
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Half is Nice! The$ 215, 000 Horseware Ireland Grand Prix CSI 4* is won by McLain Ward and Contagious.
Wellington, Florida, USA &nbsp, – March 17, 2024– U. Ș. Olympic team gold medalist Mclain Ward won his second feature of the week in the$ 215, 000 Horseware Ireland Grand Prix CSI 4* during the Winter Equestrian Festival‘s ( WEF ) ‘ Saturday Night Lights’ at Wellington International. Contagious, a 15-year-old Rhinelander horse owned by Beechwood Stables, Ied the victory speed aboard Ward, who also won crew gold at the Tokyo Olympics and ȿtaff gold at the Pan Aɱerican Games in Chile last summer. &nbsp,
McLain Ward ( USA ) &amp, Contagious
Ward was elated with the seasoned gelding’s performance, noting, Contagious ( Contagio x For Keeps ) has been a great partner and I’m very grateful to Beachwood and Lise Revers for having the horse be with me for his whole career. He’s getting older now αnd it’s a little more work, but he’s got a big heart. &nbsp,
He’s had a bit of four- fault- itis around in Florida, two great grands prix with one down, but I felt that he’d jump well now. ” We continued Ward, who jumped final in both sessions,” “it was a very hot day and a quick return for us. ” Because I did n’t want to let him bottom out, I only jumped three jumps in the classroom. We were fortunate to come in last thanks to him digging in serious.
Nicola Philippaerts ( BEL ) &amp, Derby de Riverland
Only three horses jumped clear over Oscar Soberon’s ( USA ) challenging track. Lμcy Davis, a silver medalist for the U. Ș. Olympic team, led the charge with new mount Ben 431 before Belgium’s Nicola Philippaerts ( BEL ) joined Derby de Riverland and Ward from final draw. Ward’s bounce- off occasion of 43. 24 hours handed him the win over Philippaerts in 44. 19 hours. Davis made a second decision after pulling a road in the little couɾse. &nbsp,
Of the difficult track, Ward recalled”, When I walked, I thought the jumps were placed so you could n’t get quite straight and were always coming in at a bit of an angle. Ironically enough, you had two really suffered horses go clear. Nicola’s horse is a younger horse but extremely talented and ⱨe’s a very good horse. I thought there’d be a few more clear, but it proved to be challenging and the time]allowed ] was just enough to force mistakes.
McLain Ward ( USA ) &amp, Contagious
” You can have a small brush, have four faults and be very disappointed, or if that same road stays up, you win the grand prix and you’re a hero”, said Ward of his struggle for top ends at the season’s nearby. It’s a good line, but I’m appreciative of the horses and the ability to retain pounding mind with these users.
Ward is coming off a solid start ƫo thȩ season as he prepares for Olympic qualification this spring and rides a brilliant line of horses. ” Our emphasis is on Paris. Callas is undoubtedly on the radar because she still has a lot to prove, but I believe Contagious is a little longer in the makings for another final. We have an interesting new animal, Ilex, that we thiȵk can do amazing things. We have a dozen alternatives, and we hαve a strategy for each of them that will help us geƫ to Paris in the best possible way. We hope ƫo win another medal and join the team.
Nicola Philippaerts ( BEL ) &amp, Derby de Riverland
Jumping off just before Ward, Philippaerts left everything he had in the ring and was thrilled with Derby de Riverland, an 11- season- old Selle Français horse ( Kannan x L’Arc de Triomphe ) owned by Team Philippaerts and Pierre Cimolai.
” He is a fantastic horse”, said Philippaerts, who tooƙ oⱱer the reins halfway through 2023 after the mountain was piloted by his younger brother. At thȩ 2022 Western Championships for Young Riders in Oliva, Spain, Thibault Philippaerts produced the horse and climbed the divisions.
Nicola Philippaerts ( BEL ) &amp, Derby de Riverland
” He’s really careful and I think he improved a lot this year here in Wellington”, continued Nicola. It aided in his growth, and it shows that he is prepared for higher ranking now. You often try to win, of course, but Mclain is quite diffiçult to defeat. I tried it out, and he did excellent jumping, but I believe the best horse-rider combo prevailed today.
Lucy Davis ( USA ) &amp, Ben 431
Ben 431 was acquired by Davis in December, aȵd the wintertime trip to Florida has ǥiven him a focus on his Olympic certification targets. Ben 431, a 13- time Westphalian horse ( Sylvian x Quincy Jones ) is owned by Old Oak Group and has collected plaudits from around the world with Germany’s Gerrit Nieberg, including a gain in the 2022 Rolex Grand Prix of Aachen.
Lucy Davis ( USA ) &amp, Ben 431
After a split from foreign competition over the past few months, Ɗavis was back in the spirit oƒ Wellington’s” Saturday Night Lights” and soaking up the spotlight. ” I’m really happy to be back in it”, she said. ” It’s day by day with a new horse, and it started out well at a lower amount. You can learn, craft, and adjust while making faults, in my opinion. Even though sometimes the results in some rounds are n’t always what you want, there is still something you can do to improve, and tonight we finally felt like one. I’m excited for the future with this horses”.
Ward even received the Martha Jolicoeur Major International Rider Award, presented together with Michael and Wendy Smith, in the Adequan® WEF problem Cup tournament on Thursday on First Lady.
Virginie Casterman accepting the$ 500 Grooms Award, presented by Double H Farm. Photo: © Sportfot
To cap the evening, Ward’s groom and Contagious ‘ caregiver, Virginie Casterman, was presented with the$ 500 Grooms Award by Double H Farm. &nbsp,
McLain Ward ( USA ) aboard Contagious, accepted the Martha Jolicoeur Leading International Rider Award, presented together with Michael and Wendy Smith. Photo: © Sportfot
Last Benefits –$ 215, 000 Horseware Ireland Grand Prix CSI 4*
1 ) McLain Ward ( USA ) &amp, Contagious – 0 / 0 – 43. 24
2 ) Nicola Philippaerts ( BEL ) &amp, Derby de Riverland – 0/ 0 – 44. 19
3 ) Lucy Davis ( USA ) &amp, Ben 431 – 0 / 0 – 45. 50
Origin: Press Release from Wellington International
Photos: © Wellington International / Cassidy Klein / Sportfot
Categories: CSI 5*, English, Jumper News USA, Wellington International
Identified as: Ben 431, Contagious, CSI 4*, Derby de Riverland, Equestrian, Horses, Jumper News, Jumper News USA, Lucy Davis, McLain Ward, Nicola Philippaerts, Results, Rhinelander, Showjumping, United States Equestrian Federation, US Equestrian, USEF, WEF, Wellington International, Winter Equestrian Festival
0 notes
brookston · 6 months
Holidays 12.26
Alexandria Day
Annabel Nostra’s National Cozy Day
Awful Tie Day
Boxing Day [26th unless Sunday, then 27th, but generally ignored] (a.k.a. ... 
Boxing Day (UK, Commonwealth) 
Day of Goodwill (South Africa, Namibia)
Family Day (Namibia, Vanuatu)
J’Ouvert (Saint Kitts and Nevis)
Le Lendemain de Noël (Quebec, Canada)
Thanksgiving (Solomon Islands)
Dissolution of the Soviet Union Day
Father’s Day (Bulgaria)
Holiday Magic Days begin (Mystic Seaport, Connecticut) [thru 1.1]
Junkanoo (Bahamas)
Lava Day (French Republic)
Lunes Siguiente a Navidad (Spain)
Mauro Hamza Day (Houston, Texas)
Mummer's Day (Cornwall, UK)
National Homeowners Day
National Ranboo Day
National Safety Day (South Africa)
National Thank You Note Day
National Whiner's Day
Proclamation Day (South Australia)
Recyclable Packaging Day
Sakewa (Sikkim, India)
Second Day of Christmas (Baltic states, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechia, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden)
Shenandoah National Park Day
Sports Day (Falkland Islands)
Stairway to Heaven Day
Utamanduni Day (Kenya)
Wren Day (a.k.a. Day of the Wren; Ireland, Isle of Man, Wales)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Blessing of the Wine (Luxembourg)
Candy Cane Day
Coffee Percolator Day
Irish Pub Day
Kitty Dukakis Day (Challenge to Drink 750ml in 24 Hours)
National Leftovers Day (Australia)
Unbottling Day
4th & Last Tuesday in December
Charity Giving Day [4th Tuesday]
National Co-op Day [4th Tuesday]
Independence Days
Essexia (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Independence and Unity Day (Slovenia)
Istria (Declared; 1935) [unrecognized]
Marienbourg (Declared; 1935) [unrecognized]
Monmark (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
West Sayville (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Abadiu of Antinoe (Coptic Church)
Day of Horus (Pagan)
Day of Theotokos (Byzantium)
Dionysius, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Fools, Day 1 (St. Stephen's Day)
Full Moon [12th of the Year] (a.k.a. ... 
Bitter Moon (China)
Christmas Moon (Colonial)
Cold Moon (Amer. Indian, Celtic, North America, Traditional)
Fruit Moon (South Africa)
Hoar Frost Moon (Traditional)
Long Night’s Moon (Alternate, Amer. Indian, Neo-Pagan)
Moon of the Popping Trees (Traditional)
Oak Moon (England, Wicca)
Peach Moon (Choctaw)
Snow Moon (Cherokee)
Southern Hemisphere: Honey, Rose, Strawberry
Unduwap Full Moon Poya Day (Sri Lanka)
Winter Maker Moon (Traditional)
Iarlath (Christian; Saint)
James the Just (Eastern Orthodox Church)
John Calvin Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Kwanzaa, Day 1: Umoja (Unity)
Linnæus (Positivist; Saint)
Maurice Utrillo (Artology)
Proclamation Day (Australia)
Saka Sirhind Martyrdom Day (India)
Scudge (Muppetism)
2nd Day of Noodlemas (Pastafarian)
Stephen (Western Church)
Synaxis of the Mother of God (Greek Orthodox Church)
Synaxis of the Theotokos (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Twelve Holy Days #1 (Aries, the head; Esoteric Christianity)
Twelvetide, Day #2; St. Stephens Day (a.k.a. the Twelve Days of Christmas or Christmastide) [until 1.5]
Veer Bal Dias (India)
Zartosht No-Diso (Zoroastrianism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
The ABC Murders (BBC TV Mini-Series; 2018)
The Art of Self Defense (Disney Cartoon; 1941)
Brighton Beach Memoirs (Film; 1986)
The Exorcist (Film; 1973)
Fast & Furious Spy Racers (Animated TV Series; 2019) [F&F]
The Glass Menagerie (Play; 1944)
Happy, by Matthew West (Album; 2003)
I Want To Hold Your Hand, by The Beatles (US Song; 1963)
King Lear, by William Shakespeare (Play; 1606)
The Last Edition or Five-Scar Final (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 138; 1961)
Magical Mystery Tour (BBC TV Special; 1967)
Marvin the Martian in the Third Dimension (WB LT Cartoon; 1997)
Mati Hari (Film; 1931)
Measure for Measure, by William Shakespeare (Play; 1604)
Monterey Pop (Music Documentary; 1968)
Pluto’s Blue Note (Disney Cartoon; 1947)
The Private Afternoons of Pamela Mann (Adult Film; 1974)
Purple Haze, lyrics written by Jimi Hendrix (Song; 1966)
Queen Christina (Film; 1933)
Rashomon (Film; 1951)
Red-Headed Baby (WB MM Cartoon; 1931)
Rickety Gin (Disney Cartoon; 1927)
The Ritz (Film; 1976)
Road to Andalay (WB MM Cartoon; 1964)
Spice World (Film; 1997)
Subway Finish or An Underground Round (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 137; 1961)
Tequila, by The Champs (Song; 1957)
We Bought a Zoo (Film; 2011)
Wool: The Unraveling, by Hugh Howey (Novel; 2011)
Today’s Name Days
Stephan, Stephanie (Austria)
Iosif, Yosif (Bulgaria)
Kruno, Krunoslav, Stjepan (Croatia)
Štěpán (Czech Republic)
Stefan (Denmark)
Sten, Taban, Tahvo, Teho, Tehvan, Tehvo (Estonia)
Tahvo, Tapani, Teppo (Finland)
Étienne (France)
Stephan, Stephanie (Germany)
Constantios, Emmanouela, Emmanouil, Emmanuel, Manolis, Panagiotis (Greece)
István (Hungary)
Santo (Italy)
Dainuvite, Gija, Saulvedis (Latvia)
Gaudilas, Gindvilė, Steponas (Lithuania)
Stefan, Steffen (Norway)
Dionizy, Szczepan, Wróciwoj (Poland)
Štefan (Slovakia)
Esteban (Spain)
Staffan, Stefan (Sweden)
Joseph, Josephine (Ukraine)
Esteban, Estefania, Estefany, Estevan, Stefan, Stefanie, Stephan, Stephanie, Stephany, Stephen, Steve, Steven, Stevie (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 360 of 2024; 5 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 52 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 1 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Jia-Zi), Day 14 (Wu-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 14 Teveth 5784
Islamic: 13 Jumada II 1445
J Cal: 30 Zima; Nineday [30 of 30]
Julian: 13 December 2023
Moon: 100%: Full Moon
Positivist: 24 Bichat (13th Month) [Linnæus]
Runic Half Month: Eihwaz or Eoh (Yew Tree) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 6 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 5 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Beth (Birch) [Celtic Tree Calendar; Month 13 of 13]
Eihwaz or Eoh (Yew Tree) [Half-Month 1 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 1.12)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Holidays 12.26
Alexandria Day
Annabel Nostra’s National Cozy Day
Awful Tie Day
Boxing Day [26th unless Sunday, then 27th, but generally ignored] (a.k.a. ... 
Boxing Day (UK, Commonwealth) 
Day of Goodwill (South Africa, Namibia)
Family Day (Namibia, Vanuatu)
J’Ouvert (Saint Kitts and Nevis)
Le Lendemain de Noël (Quebec, Canada)
Thanksgiving (Solomon Islands)
Dissolution of the Soviet Union Day
Father’s Day (Bulgaria)
Holiday Magic Days begin (Mystic Seaport, Connecticut) [thru 1.1]
Junkanoo (Bahamas)
Lava Day (French Republic)
Lunes Siguiente a Navidad (Spain)
Mauro Hamza Day (Houston, Texas)
Mummer's Day (Cornwall, UK)
National Homeowners Day
National Ranboo Day
National Safety Day (South Africa)
National Thank You Note Day
National Whiner's Day
Proclamation Day (South Australia)
Recyclable Packaging Day
Sakewa (Sikkim, India)
Second Day of Christmas (Baltic states, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechia, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden)
Shenandoah National Park Day
Sports Day (Falkland Islands)
Stairway to Heaven Day
Utamanduni Day (Kenya)
Wren Day (a.k.a. Day of the Wren; Ireland, Isle of Man, Wales)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Blessing of the Wine (Luxembourg)
Candy Cane Day
Coffee Percolator Day
Irish Pub Day
Kitty Dukakis Day (Challenge to Drink 750ml in 24 Hours)
National Leftovers Day (Australia)
Unbottling Day
4th & Last Tuesday in December
Charity Giving Day [4th Tuesday]
National Co-op Day [4th Tuesday]
Independence Days
Essexia (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Independence and Unity Day (Slovenia)
Istria (Declared; 1935) [unrecognized]
Marienbourg (Declared; 1935) [unrecognized]
Monmark (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
West Sayville (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Abadiu of Antinoe (Coptic Church)
Day of Horus (Pagan)
Day of Theotokos (Byzantium)
Dionysius, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Fools, Day 1 (St. Stephen's Day)
Full Moon [12th of the Year] (a.k.a. ... 
Bitter Moon (China)
Christmas Moon (Colonial)
Cold Moon (Amer. Indian, Celtic, North America, Traditional)
Fruit Moon (South Africa)
Hoar Frost Moon (Traditional)
Long Night’s Moon (Alternate, Amer. Indian, Neo-Pagan)
Moon of the Popping Trees (Traditional)
Oak Moon (England, Wicca)
Peach Moon (Choctaw)
Snow Moon (Cherokee)
Southern Hemisphere: Honey, Rose, Strawberry
Unduwap Full Moon Poya Day (Sri Lanka)
Winter Maker Moon (Traditional)
Iarlath (Christian; Saint)
James the Just (Eastern Orthodox Church)
John Calvin Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Kwanzaa, Day 1: Umoja (Unity)
Linnæus (Positivist; Saint)
Maurice Utrillo (Artology)
Proclamation Day (Australia)
Saka Sirhind Martyrdom Day (India)
Scudge (Muppetism)
2nd Day of Noodlemas (Pastafarian)
Stephen (Western Church)
Synaxis of the Mother of God (Greek Orthodox Church)
Synaxis of the Theotokos (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Twelve Holy Days #1 (Aries, the head; Esoteric Christianity)
Twelvetide, Day #2; St. Stephens Day (a.k.a. the Twelve Days of Christmas or Christmastide) [until 1.5]
Veer Bal Dias (India)
Zartosht No-Diso (Zoroastrianism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
The ABC Murders (BBC TV Mini-Series; 2018)
The Art of Self Defense (Disney Cartoon; 1941)
Brighton Beach Memoirs (Film; 1986)
The Exorcist (Film; 1973)
Fast & Furious Spy Racers (Animated TV Series; 2019) [F&F]
The Glass Menagerie (Play; 1944)
Happy, by Matthew West (Album; 2003)
I Want To Hold Your Hand, by The Beatles (US Song; 1963)
King Lear, by William Shakespeare (Play; 1606)
The Last Edition or Five-Scar Final (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 138; 1961)
Magical Mystery Tour (BBC TV Special; 1967)
Marvin the Martian in the Third Dimension (WB LT Cartoon; 1997)
Mati Hari (Film; 1931)
Measure for Measure, by William Shakespeare (Play; 1604)
Monterey Pop (Music Documentary; 1968)
Pluto’s Blue Note (Disney Cartoon; 1947)
The Private Afternoons of Pamela Mann (Adult Film; 1974)
Purple Haze, lyrics written by Jimi Hendrix (Song; 1966)
Queen Christina (Film; 1933)
Rashomon (Film; 1951)
Red-Headed Baby (WB MM Cartoon; 1931)
Rickety Gin (Disney Cartoon; 1927)
The Ritz (Film; 1976)
Road to Andalay (WB MM Cartoon; 1964)
Spice World (Film; 1997)
Subway Finish or An Underground Round (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 137; 1961)
Tequila, by The Champs (Song; 1957)
We Bought a Zoo (Film; 2011)
Wool: The Unraveling, by Hugh Howey (Novel; 2011)
Today’s Name Days
Stephan, Stephanie (Austria)
Iosif, Yosif (Bulgaria)
Kruno, Krunoslav, Stjepan (Croatia)
Štěpán (Czech Republic)
Stefan (Denmark)
Sten, Taban, Tahvo, Teho, Tehvan, Tehvo (Estonia)
Tahvo, Tapani, Teppo (Finland)
Étienne (France)
Stephan, Stephanie (Germany)
Constantios, Emmanouela, Emmanouil, Emmanuel, Manolis, Panagiotis (Greece)
István (Hungary)
Santo (Italy)
Dainuvite, Gija, Saulvedis (Latvia)
Gaudilas, Gindvilė, Steponas (Lithuania)
Stefan, Steffen (Norway)
Dionizy, Szczepan, Wróciwoj (Poland)
Štefan (Slovakia)
Esteban (Spain)
Staffan, Stefan (Sweden)
Joseph, Josephine (Ukraine)
Esteban, Estefania, Estefany, Estevan, Stefan, Stefanie, Stephan, Stephanie, Stephany, Stephen, Steve, Steven, Stevie (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 360 of 2024; 5 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 52 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 1 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Jia-Zi), Day 14 (Wu-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 14 Teveth 5784
Islamic: 13 Jumada II 1445
J Cal: 30 Zima; Nineday [30 of 30]
Julian: 13 December 2023
Moon: 100%: Full Moon
Positivist: 24 Bichat (13th Month) [Linnæus]
Runic Half Month: Eihwaz or Eoh (Yew Tree) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 6 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 5 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Beth (Birch) [Celtic Tree Calendar; Month 13 of 13]
Eihwaz or Eoh (Yew Tree) [Half-Month 1 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 1.12)
0 notes
steele-soulmate · 7 months
Tattooed Wings, Kinktober 2022 and 2023 challenge MASTERLIST
Tattooed Wings, Peter Steele & OFC, Soulmate AU
SUMMARY: Mary Claire Bradley meets her soulmate- literally- the famous Peter Steele of metal group Type O Negative. But will obstacles including trauma, stalkers, and toxic family members get in the way of their life?
WARNING: mentions of child rape (nothing graphic) PTSD, milk kink, soft smut, grinding, assault, fingering, hand jobs, blow jobs, 69, P in V sex, blood, noncon rape, blood, violence, death, vandalism, graffiti, attempted kidnapping, break-ins, wild animal attacks, terrorist attack (sabotage)
Tumblr media
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 01, Bareback
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 02, Squirt
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 03, Popcorn
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 04, Black Kitty Costume
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 05, Pegging
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 06, Vampire
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 07, Forgiveness
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 08, Chocolate
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 09, Groupie Girl
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 10, Little Red Riding Hood
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 11, FFFM
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 12, Bear Rug
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 13, Sex Tape
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 14, BDSM (Peter’s POV)
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 15, Cheerleader
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 16, Lactation
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 17, BDSM (Isabelle’s POV)
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 18, Camming
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 19, Hour
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 20, Period Sex
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 21, Anal
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 22, Public
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 23, BDSM (Mary Claire’s POV)
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 24, Shower
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 25, Daddy
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 26, Outdoors
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 27, Bondage
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 28, Safe Word
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 29, Cockwarming
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 30, Russian
Tattooed Wings Kinktober 2023 31, Pregnant sex
If you liked this, then please consider buying me a coffee HERE It only costs $3!!!
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authorangelita · 2 years
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I posted 400 times in 2022
That's 298 more posts than 2021!
138 posts created (35%)
262 posts reblogged (66%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 370 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
#macgyver 2016 - 105 posts
#ask ang things - 39 posts
#rosies june macgyver flashfic writealong - 24 posts
#wip wednesday - 17 posts
#cold open challenge - 12 posts
#foster mac au - 10 posts
#febuwhump2022 - 9 posts
#rosieblogstuff asks things - 8 posts
#white collar - 7 posts
#drabble challenge - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#also i learned a lot time ago that i have more of a chance to remember what the fic is about if i title it something like hand+table+knife
My Top Posts in 2022:
Random poll that in no way has any bearing on a possible WIP idea:
If Mac were to have a twin brother, would he be:
A: a blind man who works with animals
B: a professional athlete
C: a therapist who was paralyzed in the same car accident that killed their mother
D: a secret agent for a different agency who is wildly reckless and doesn't have a Jack to watch out for him
E: none of the above
17 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
Happy Saturday! I had this scene pop into my head a couple of days ago, and I don't quite know what to do with it, so I'm posting it here for now. This is in the Reunited verse where Jack was captive for 5 years because Kovacs and Mac and Riley have a son named Jay.
Jack let himself into Mac and Riley's house and quietly closed the door.  He'd heard from Matty that Mac took the day off because Jay was sick, and Riley was out on an op with one of the other teams, so he'd high-tailed over to the house. 
Rounding the corner into the living room gave him his first glimpse of the situation.  The TV was quietly playing an episode of Spongebob – a show he'd become familiar with recently while looking after Jay – and the couch was occupied by a MacGyver men blob. 
Mac was lying on his side with his back pressed against the back of the couch, and Jay was curled up in front of him with his back to Mac's chest.  They were still in their PJs and sharing a blanket.  Jay was clutching the plush horse that Jack had gifted him, but he barely looked over at Jack when he sat in the chair by the couch. 
"Mornin'," Jack said softly.  He eyed the bucket he'd just noticed was set in easy reach by the couch, but it was empty when he craned his neck to peek inside.  "Rough night?"
Mac looked over at him with bleary eyes and nodded slowly.  "Jay caught a stomach virus, but I think he's getting better.  He's kept down some meds and Pedialyte this morning."
Jack spotted the half-empty Pedialyte bottle and a sippy cup on the table and nodded.  "And you?"
"I'm not sick, just tired."
Jack raised an eyebrow, but Mac met his gaze calmly, if a little sleepily.  He seemed to be telling the truth.  "Do you guys need anything?"
"Coffee?" Mac asked hopefully. 
Grinning, Jack stood and headed into the kitchen, where he started a pot of coffee.  He made it strong, and Mac usually hated that, but if he'd been up all night with Jay, he needed the caffeine boost.  He also dropped a couple slices of bread into the toaster and poked around in the fridge to see if there were omelet ingredients. 
He was debating how much sugar to add to Mac's mug when Mac walked into the room, yawning and stretching his arms over his head.  He grabbed the cup and downed it black, which was very unlike him.
"How long have you been up, bud?"
Mac glanced at the clock and grimaced.  "Twelve hours, give or take."
"I can stay with him if you want to go and get some actual sleep in a bed."
Mac looked over his shoulder to where Jay was sleeping on the couch.  "I might take you up on that for an hour or so.  If he feels worse or his fever spikes, just wake me up.  There's a thermometer on the coffee table."
"One that you haven't taken apart?"
Mac rolled his eyes but replied, "Riley says the child thermometer is off limits.  Always off limits."
Jack narrowed his eyes and stared Mac down for a moment.  "And how many have you replaced?"
"About five, but don't tell her."
"Secret's safe with me.  And don't worry.  Jay and I will be out here, watching TV and drinking our breakfast beverages of choice.  Do you want me to try and get some food in him?"  Jack grabbed a piece of toast that had just popped up.
"If he asks for something, you can give him some banana or applesauce.  He doesn't like plain toast."  Mac grabbed the toast from Jack's hand and took a bite as he headed toward the master bedroom.  "Thanks, man."
Jack took a minute to fix himself a cup of coffee before heading into the living room to sit back in the chair beside the couch.  Jay, now awake, looked over at him and waved with the hand that didn't have a death grip on the plush horse. 
"Hey, cowboy.  Are you feeling a little better?"
Jay nodded.
"Good.  That's real good.  You want some more of this?" He leaned forward to grab the sippy cup next to the Pedialyte bottle.  It was about half-full, which Jack decided was good enough for now. 
Jay nodded again.  This time he moved, sliding off the couch, walking to Jack, and climbing into his lap.
Setting his coffee on the side table, Jack helped Jay get settled in the crook of his arm.  He could feel the heat of the little boy's fever and worriedly pressed the back of his hand to Jay's forehead.  He was warm but not as bad as Jack first thought he was.  He handed Jay the sippy cup and picked his coffee back up.
Jack stared at the TV, not really paying attention to it, while he thought about how good Mac was with his son.  Jay adored Mac, and Mac cherished every moment with Jay. 
See the full post
18 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
WIP Wednesday 9/21
Thanks for the tag @rosieblogstuff :)
A little more FosterMac here. I know where this first story is going to end, so I have a goal! :)
Jack glanced in the rearview mirror and saw Mac staring out the window.  He was fiddling with something in his hands, but Jack couldn't see it from his angle.  "What you got there?"
Mac held up a paperclip that had been twisted into the outline of a car.
"That's impressive, bud.  What other shapes can you do?"
Riley looked over and rolled her eyes.  "He does that all the time."
Mac glared at her. "It helps me stay focused.  The paperclips."  He slipped the car sculpture into his backpack and pulled out a new paperclip, which he quickly started to bend.
"Gives you something to do with your hands," Jack said with a knowing nod.  "I knew some guys in the Army who twirled pens or made origami animals.  Helped them think and kept them sitting still."
Mac dropped his paperclip and looked up at Jack in surprise like he'd never known anyone who understood it when he explained it. 
Jack smiled and pulled into his parking spot in front of the Dalton-Davis house.  Diane's car was in the driveway, and Jack was glad she was home.  The three made a mad dash for the front door through the increasingly worse rainstorm.
If you have not been tagged yet and have a wip snip to share, please do!
18 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
I was rewatching Scissors (S01E11) tonight. Can we talk about how Mac got Jack a Snuggie for Christmas? Is Jack cold a lot during movie nights at Mac's? Or did Mac want to give him something that was soft and comfortable? Because Jack is so often jumping in front of whoever is after Mac and getting banged up, so he's sore and surly unless he has a nice soft blanket. Or was it a joke gift because Mac didn't know what to get Jack? There are so many possibilities!
25 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Meta: Mac's Army Service Uniform
I've been meaning to post this for a while, and I was finally able to finish up the last bit of research. I did a deep dive into Mac's Army Service Uniform because I was super curious what it would say about his Army service. These observations are based on screenshots from S05E05 Jack + Kinematics + Safe Cracker + MgKNO3 + GTO.
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The flash is blue with white stars, which represents the Department of the Army. Source
The distinctive unit insignia on his beret is for the 1st Armored Division.  The 1st Armored Division is an active unit of the US Army located in Fort Bliss, Texas. Known as the “Old Ironsides” and consists of over 17,000 soldiers. Source  More info
See the full post
31 notes - Posted July 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hybridraita · 2 years
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19 November 2021  - 24 January 2022 Part 35
I will may first upload GIF after I caught lots screenshots for fun, thanks solution used cutscreen from record video actually before locate legendary pokemon be done then became animation once to using photoshop timeline, i was learned years ago.
It this time, Let’s do catch all Legendary Pokemon in Ramanas Park first: Trio Regis, Only Bellossom can do it himself, because he’s have drain punch and sleep powder can be useful well, i choose be wanted for my favorite, for challenge myself.
After caught Trio Regis I’ll continue find mysterious shards in Grand Undergrounds
My Eyes... My Playtime 3+ Hours... My game unable moving, it’s because My Bellossom turns Pinkscreen after out grand underground for rest- Nooooo... ( Q A Q” )
Well it seems problem like Female Players looks like bot in online gaming going grinding, i don’t know if this true, this actual locate central map
I’m was finish made ball capsule for Bellossom, it’s perfect add yellow flower and few leaf sticker more.
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recentanimenews · 2 years
April Fools' Day Roundup: Every Trick, Twist and Takeover (Part 2)
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  Welcome to Part 2 of our April Fools' Day roundup, because just one article wasn't enough to contain all the fun the industry had this year! Don't miss Part 1 here.
  NOTE: Due to the sheer number of Twitter embeds, some sections may take a little while to load.
    My Isekai Life
  Upcoming fantasy anime My Isekai Life: I Gained a Second Class and Became the Strongest Sage in the World! announced a Yuji ~Quiet Strong Man~ film for 20XX.
  ???????????????????????????????????? 『ユージ ~静かなる強者~』 20XX年 全国ロードショー ???????????????????????????????????? これぞ無自覚無双ッ!!! 圧倒的スケールで贈る、ノンストップアクション???? この衝撃を刮目せよ――https://t.co/aGcPHkYPnz pic.twitter.com/BFHXRtSoIY
— 「転生賢者の異世界ライフ ~第二の職業を得て、世界最強になりました~」公式 (@tenseikenja_PR) March 31, 2022
  Oishinbo challenged fans to endure Kaibara's yelling for 24 hours by looping a famous scene from the classic gourmet anime.
  / 24時間耐久 「この刺身を作ったのは誰だあっ!!」 配信決定!???? \ 海原雄山の果てしない怒鳴り込みに あなたは耐えられるか!? 皆さんのご要望にお応えして、あの名シーンをループでお届けします。(※美味しんぼ上級者向けの動画となっております。ご注意ください。)#エイプリルフール pic.twitter.com/dnELiKSTOa
— 美味しんぼ【公式】| YouTube配信中! (@oishinbo_ch) April 1, 2022
    One Piece
  April Fools' Day is also many anime characters' birthdays, such as Gen from Dr. STONE, Kimihiro from xxxHOLiC and Usopp from One Piece, the latter of which released a celebratory voice message…or did he?
  4月1日はウソップの誕生日 お祝いしてくださる皆さんに向けてウソップをからコメントが届きました。#ウソップ誕生祭2022#ONEPIECE pic.twitter.com/LsIHVfRFhZ
— ONE PIECE.com(ワンピース) (@OPcom_info) March 31, 2022
    Princess Connect! Re:Dive
  In perhaps the most high-effort April Fools' Day prank of 2022, Princess Connect! Re:Dive released a brand-new auto chess-style game called PriConne! Grandmasters that will only be playable for seven days.
  「プリコネ!グランドマスターズ」配信開始! 「プリンセスコネクト!Re:Dive」の人気キャラクターたちが3Dになって登場し、盤上でバトルを繰り広げる完全無料のオンラインゲームが登場! ■配信期間 2022/04/01(金) 12:00 ~ 2022/04/08(金) 16:59https://t.co/zLy2fGKVd6#プリコネR #プリグラ pic.twitter.com/PMQuVmdAI6
— プリンセスコネクト!Re:Dive公式 (@priconne_redive) April 1, 2022
    RPG Real Estate
  Yuko from The Demon Girl Next Door and Kotone from RPG Real Estate swapped outfits and teamed up to find a house.
  ????⚠️重大告知⚠️???? せいいき桜ヶ丘の新米まぞくさんから大至急のご依頼で、「RPG不動産」がお部屋探しのお手伝いをさせていただく特別番組の放送が決定! 「RPG不動産 〜まぞく、2丁目で家を探す〜」 \4月31日放送/ 放送記念ビジュアルを公開いたしました!https://t.co/1ngFeqQ938#RPGまぞく pic.twitter.com/5NqNRreVI8
— TVアニメ『RPG不動産』公式@2022年4月6日放送開始! (@rpgrs_anime) March 31, 2022
    Sabikui Bisco
  The official Sabikui Bisco Twitter account was taken over by Tirol, whose day and thoughts were documented in a series of hilarious Tweets.
  魅惑のくらげ商店へようこそ! メカニックでもあったこのあたし、大茶釜チロル。 ツイッターの乗っ取りなんてお手の物なんだから。 さあさあ、老いも若きも寄っておいで~~ଳ ଳ ଳhttps://t.co/WTSXHv7eop#錆喰いビスコ pic.twitter.com/f8qxzgpa29
— TVアニメ『錆喰いビスコ』公式 (@SABIKUI_BISCO) March 31, 2022
    Sakamoto Days
  Speaking of takeovers, fellow assassin Nagumo briefly hijacked the Sakamoto Days official Twitter account before it was eventually restored, paired with an illustration of the incident.
  【アカウント復旧のお知らせ】 4/1㊎0時頃から当アカウントが“とある殺し屋”に乗っ取られていましたが、只今復旧しました。 鈴木先生より、今回の事件に関して描き下ろしイラストをいただきましたので公開いたします。#SAKAMOTODAYS #サカモトデイズ#NAGUMODAYS #ナグモデイズ #エイプリルフール pic.twitter.com/Ct3ZVi8BUH
— 坂本商店【SAKAMOTO DAYS公式】 (@SAKAMOTO_STORE) April 1, 2022
    Sword Art Online: Integral Factor (SAOIF)
  The Sword Art Online: Integral Factor mobile game added four "heroine" costumes for Eugeo.
  ■「青薔薇繚乱オーダー」開催 4種類の衣装を着こなすユージオの新スキルレコードが登場! ★4【純情ラブレター】ユージオ(覚醒) ★4【青瞳の淑女】ユージオ(MOD) ★4【フェイク・オーダー】ユージオ ★4【人為の貴婦人】ユージオ(コネクト) STEP3で★4スキルレコードが1枚《確定》!#SAOIF pic.twitter.com/MN27bGYP95
— 【公式】ソードアート・オンライン インテグラル・ファクター(SAOIF) (@saoif_gameinfo) April 1, 2022
  The opening sequence of a live-action SHADOWS HOUSE film but with puppets was released, which leaves us with one burning question: where and when can we buy these?
      Sonic Frontiers
  Sonic's next video game adventure, Sonic Frontiers is due to release on an unknown date this year, but you can already preorder the game's special edition, which includes a luxury bath tub, a Mega Drive and a Game Gear for the bath, a towel and a rubber duck.
  『ソニック風呂ンティア』の中身をご紹介???? 高級風呂桶???? メガドライブ(お風呂用)???? ゲームギア(実機)???? 手ぬぐい(シルク)???? アヒルさん???? ♨️商品紹介ページはこちら♨️https://t.co/anhV4Wc9jJ #ソニック #ソニックフロンティア#エイプリルフール#AprilFoolsDay pic.twitter.com/xnyscf8uug
— ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグ【公式】 (@SonicOfficialJP) March 31, 2022
    Teasing Master Takagi-san
  Test your mystery-solving skills with Nishikata Quest Online, a special minigame from Teasing Master Takagi-san — if you solve all the puzzles, you enter the draw for special prizes.
  【西片クエストオンライン!????】 最終話で西片が高木さんに仕掛けた謎解きゲーム 「#西片クエスト」をWEBで体験! 全ての謎を解いて結果をシェアすると ????ムビチケカード券<3名様> ????第3期番宣ポスター<10名様> を抽選でプレゼント✨ プレイはこちらから????https://t.co/2H5IaO2iVW#高木さんめ pic.twitter.com/HPC5RONXYu
— アニメ『からかい上手の高木さん』公式 (@takagi3_anime) March 31, 2022
    Technoroid: Overmind
Upcoming music anime Technoroid: Overmind also switched up its genre, unveiling a spooky visual with a clever new title that changes ノロイ ("noroi") to 呪い ("noroi"), meaning "curse."
  / ????緊急告知❗ \ 戦慄のホラー映画『テク 呪イ ド』が、2022年7月から放送が決定しているTVアニメと同時公開決定???? ポスタービジュアルを初解禁! この度、公式HPが呪われました。 アンドロイドのkokoroの闇が…?https://t.co/lqnRDLmNhM#テクノロイド #テクマイ #テクユニ #テク呪イド pic.twitter.com/5uFy0kknNr
— テクノロイド (@TECHNOROID_info) March 31, 2022
    The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten
It's all about hellish corruption in this part of the roundup, as The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten became The Devil Next Door Made Me a Useless Human in a newly announced TV anime.
  ????????┈┈┈┈  『お隣の小悪魔様にいつの間にか   駄目人間にされていた件』    ❤︎ TVアニメ化決定!?❤︎             ┈┈┈┈???????? これは、 苦くて焦ったい恋の物語ーー#お隣の天使様#お隣の小悪魔様#エイプリルフール pic.twitter.com/EMUu4Jrfrl
— TVアニメ『お隣の小悪魔様にいつの間にか駄目人間にされていた件』【公式】 (@tenshisama_PR) March 31, 2022
    The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross
  Hawk sets out on a kingdom-crossing journey in search of leftovers in a newly announced TV anime in The Seven Deadly Sins franchise.
  【アニメ化決定!!】 「七つの大罪」完全オリジナルストーリー ????ホークの逆鱗????のアニメ化が決定! ブリタニア全土の残飯を求め、ついにホークが動き出す――。 続報を待て!#七つの大罪 #グラクロ pic.twitter.com/GNJMCcek82
— 【公式】 七つの大罪 ~ 光と闇の交戦(ひかりとやみのグランドクロス)~ (@7taizai_GrandX) March 31, 2022
    The Vampire Dies in No Time
  While we wait for The Vampire Dies in No Time Season 2 to roll around, we can watch the "Maru-senpai and Tsujiko-san" film that was released today.
  忘れないで。思い出して。 追いかけて。 世界の果てまで。 映画「丸先輩と辻子さん。」 2022年4月1日、全国のUSODESU映画館にて上映開始!! 公式サイト:https://t.co/TNEwe2YLUR#吸血鬼すぐ死ぬ pic.twitter.com/YdO06XVhue
— 「丸先輩と辻子さん。」 (@johnwakawaii) March 31, 2022
    Tomodachi Game
  Remember that creepy visual for Tomodachi Game that was released the other week? Well, it's at least four times as creepy now with even more Manabu-kun, but in a physical form.
  TVアニメ「#トモダチゲーム」 放送開始まであと4️⃣日! 迫力満載のキービジュアルは もうチェックしてくれた? すっごくかっこいいよね♡ 来週4/5(火)の放送が楽しみだね〜!https://t.co/vaK0K48IYr#エイプリルフール #マナブくん pic.twitter.com/OvI5hoI2B3
— TVアニメ「トモダチゲーム」公式 (@tomodachi_anime) March 31, 2022
    Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs
  The world of otome games is tough for mobs, since a new game with handsome characters has been announced to steal the spotlight from Leon, right before he makes his big debut in the anime that's airing this season.
  【エイプリルフール企画】 剣と魔法のファンタジーラブADV「アルトリーベ」 ????テーマソング「シュプリーム LOVE STAR」 ????PV第1弾 公開中✨ ユリウス・ラファ・ホルファート CV:鈴村健一 「ずっと夢だけみていられたらいいのにな。」https://t.co/KfB94gJqLT⁰#モブせか pic.twitter.com/BLIJHCFeBY
— TVアニメ「乙女ゲー世界はモブに厳しい世界です」公式 (@mobseka_anime) April 1, 2022
    Umamusume: Pretty Derby
  Dear reader,
  You are cordially invited to a small party at the Mejiro household, courtesy of Umamusume: Pretty Derby.
の季節を迎えた今日この頃、トレーナー様はいかがお過ごしでしょうか。 このたび日頃の感謝を込めて、本日13時より拙宅にてささやかなパーティーを開くことになりました。 トレーナー様のご来宅心よりお待ち申しております。 メジロ家一同#ウマ娘 #メジロ家 #ウマ娘_エイプリルフール pic.twitter.com/fn01BZA62G
— ウマ娘プロジェクト公式アカウント (@uma_musu) March 31, 2022
    Uncle from Another World
  The official website for Uncle from Another World was remodeled to an old-internet aesthetic, complete with a tiled background, clashing colors and animated GIFs.
  \おじさん、ドット世界へ転生!?/https://t.co/WRGHPCPrZp#新しいプロフィール画像 pic.twitter.com/Q5dll721pG
— 『異世界おじさん』公式《7月TVアニメ放送スタート!》 (@Isekai_Ojisan) March 31, 2022
    Uta no Prince Sama
  Uta no Prince Sama released a fighting game versus screen maker, after a dispute broke out between its cast over melon bread.
  老いも若きも夢中になる至高の味―「さおとメロンパン」。 宇宙にその名を轟かす伝説のメロンパンの販売権を巡り、抗争が勃発! 光り輝く力を持ったヒーローたちの戦いが、今始まる!https://t.co/x2JwwxLUXr pic.twitter.com/ef2GMpLnJV
— うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ (@utapri_official) March 31, 2022
    Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!
  Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! got the whole family together for an April Fools' Day outing, unveiling a pair of visuals with mother Tsuki and sister Yanagi.
  かわいかろ#宇崎ちゃん pic.twitter.com/JDpKUzDfn1
— 丈(たけ)■8巻発売中 (@syokumutaiman) March 31, 2022
    WATATEN!: an Angel Flew Down to Me
  Oh, did you think we were done with the corruption trick? I'm sorry to say that the upcoming WATATEN!: an Angel Flew Down to Me now has to compete with WATAKO!: a Little Devil Flew Down to Me, which is set to release in early fall 2022.
  / ????「小悪魔」だからよふかししちゃうぞ‼ \ 超絶カワイイ小悪魔と仲良くなりたい系スケッチコメディーが開幕????⁉ 『私に小悪魔が舞い降りた!』 2022年《初秋》劇場公開決定~~~⁉https://t.co/H07fK6D6RA#wataten#エイプリルフール pic.twitter.com/qynv78vI5y
— TVアニメ「私に小悪魔が舞い降りた!」公式????2022年初秋劇場公開決定⁉ (@watatentv) March 31, 2022
    World Trigger
  And last but not least, the World Trigger manga is now available as a child-friendly picture book.
  【絵本化決定✨】 なんと『ワールドトリガー』が、お子さまにもやさしい絵本になって登場! 主役はまさかの……あの男!? ワートリファンの皆様はもちろん、間もなく新学期を迎えるお子さまへの入学祝い・進級祝いにもぴったりな、この春オススメの1冊です????#ワールドトリガー#エイプリルフール pic.twitter.com/b2N584XNOy
— ワールドトリガー公式 (@W_Trigger_off) April 1, 2022
    Which April Fools' joke was your favorite this year? Let us know in the comments below!
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    Der shy man behind @Shymander, Liam is a timezone-fluid Aussie with a distinct fondness for anime, Eurovision and creating odd stats projects despite hating math.
By: Liam Dempsey
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ts3storylines · 5 years
TS3 Freedom’s call Gen. I: Chapter II
Heya you! Welcome to this tumblr of mine (or should I call it simblr?). If you haven’t read the chap no 1 here it is! By the way, how ya all doing? The weather is horrible here, north wind and rain ugh. But anyways, it’s 3:33 and here is another chap of this super sexy challenge!
Chapter 1 // Chapter 3
Chapter II:
Cain haven’t slept at all. The thoughts of her new life have frightened her, have sent cold shivers down her spine. She couldn’t sleep nor eat. By the time the sun has shown its greyish rays she would be sitting in the same position on the same chair with the same dog called the same horrid name.
The hope from yesterday was long gone.
Bipolar disorder behaves that way doesn’t it?
The knock was very real. She stood up to open the old wooden door.
“Hello, Miss.” A vamp in an NWO officer suit.
She’s been informed about everyting that was to happen. Like Arthur Trin, like Genevieve Desttra, like all of ‘em, she will obbey. They said it’s only a matter of time.
They have tried.
And now they weren’t even sad. They thought themselves lucky.
“We lucky we alive!” was their idea. The idea that kept them going. “You don’t give up!”
The officer lifted a hand with a small scanner. “Could I?” What a strict face he had.
“What. Why.”
“I have to add you into partnership database. Just hold your hand this high.” She did and the machine beeped slightly. “That’s it. Thank you.”
The NWO has put a chip inside of her. Now that’s just awesome.
A quarter of an hour later they were standing in front of not so devastated house made of some kind of shiny gray stone. A green steam escaped the air condition boxes on the roof. There was a balcony with a yellow plant growing up from the concrete floor and a police car stood tall under it.
“Welcome home.” The officer said. He gave her a house key card and took one of the boxes from her hands. “Can I ask you a question?”
The dog barked.
“What do you want?” Cain frowned at the small being.
It barked and barked and then ran somewhere behind the house. The sound of water splashing echoed through the small street.
She followed the officer into the house. “Of course you can ask me a question. Or are we forbidden to do that now too?” The house was, well, nice. All black and gray and white. But unlike Abel’s it was full of furniture.
He put the box on a kitchen sink, then walked towards her. After a while of silent looks his voice vibrated near to her. “Can you remember your name?”
“Oh, have I not introduced myself.” She bit her nails. Nervousness and irony splashed her in the face. 
What the fuck is this world all about. A junkyard of supernaturals. No will, no self. Yes obedience, becouse if not, you’re dead. And that does not want anyone. “Cain.. Rodgers.” 
A land of drugged zombies. There must be something in the air or why would everyone resign that soon. A happy place.? Glad to be alive.?
But hell, she didn’t want to die yet.
Maybe sometimes.
Not now.
“Thank you for the box officer.”
“You are welcome.”
As he walked past her to the door, she stopped him for the final time. “Sorry, but noone really told me what to do. Could you maybe-”
“Tommorow is your 1st work day, don’t be late. Till then I advice you not to leave the house.” His eyes traced a monitor hanging above the door. “Don’t say or do anything you’ll regret. The punishment is not worth it.” Then he left.
She looked around. The house was kind of beautiful. Cold, but heart-warming. It’s hard to describe the feeling. There was a man’s shirt thrown over the kitchen table. A voice from the radio babbled something about the new nature-cleaning program. Smooth cracking of fire, an open bottle of should-be-wine-but-no-alcohol-alowed and an opened newspaper on the counter. It felt like home.
Not hers of course. But someone lives here, it seems, for a long time now.
The only odd thing was that there was nothing inside the fridge. Strange but what the hell.
For a bitter second the memories of her family hit her under the ribs.
Another splash from outside. This one she could actually see. She glanced through the glass kitchen door onto the veranda. The dog was swimming breathlessly in what seemed like green-watered pool.
Never gonna swim in that, ever.
She checked every room. There was noone int the whole house. Maybe the guy has gone to work or something. And unfortunately walking up the stairs she found a nursery. She has been told that she is supposed to give a birth to a baby. But now it seems more real than yesterday in that shop.
Abel has been here for more then 6 months and is still in that cabin, still alone. Arthur has been here for several weeks before he was given a partner. The same goes for almost everybody whom she had spoken with yesterday.
It’s because she’s a Gin, isn’t it.
The experiments.
Cain went straight for the bathroom and after a five minute try of looking for pills she threw up.
Would they experiment on a baby?
It was past 5pm when Cain heard the door open. She was laying on the most comfortable mattress she has ever touched. Her nerves were having a party in her stomac.
There was no I’m home honey.
She carefuly walked down the stairs but stopped midway through.
There he was. Sitting on a silver bar chair next to a counter, reading newspapers, perhaps also listening to the radio guy, and drinking a canned juice. Still wearing the NWO officer outfit. Still a vamp.
You must be kidding.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 1 // Chapter 3
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steveslab · 2 years
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