#29 canon/fanon au
galaxina-the-pyro · 2 years
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What if Ferb was Isabella’s stepbrother instead of Phineas’s?
(AKA: the AU I talk the least about but still hold dear to my heart. 🥰)
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mamaporcupine · 14 days
i have a question. so you have ur actual story for Liam and all of that, thats the canon obviously. But there is also the larger fanon of him that is like, the most prevalent of his presence in the fandom, which is Cody. Ive seen in ur server so far that theres.......not a lot of love for AUs and fan remakes of characters, so when it comes to Cody, do u care if ppl are still using their designs for him from the fanon version, as long as they are not trying to place onto Liam specifically? Cuz ive seen a few ppl who use their fan designs of him still and i was just genuinely curious about ur stance on this and i havent seen any discussion of it in depth on here so far, apologies if uve answered this kind of question before, im semi-new.
It's a pretty long question and it's fine! I'll try to answer it the same way.
My server is pretty new, it's been a long time since I was open with people on a public server, it's been 4 years since I was on a public server. Basically a lot of people question a lot of things like "why didn't you do this?" "why didn't you talk before", honestly I lived my life without knowing that my character was building a pretty big community, I only received questions about the character three or four times a year since I created Xvirus, everything exploded when it went viral during the pandemic. (I hadn't realized this fact until a few days ago haha) at that time I didn't know what was happening, it was a shower of people in my DM's from all my accounts, especially Twitter and DeviantArt. When I finally realized what was happening, even when looking for fanarts I didn't expect all that support for the character.
Honestly Fanon or Canon, I only saw not only as a creator but as a "father" of my creation, my character being loved, that never happened to me before and until now I don't realize this much because it's difficult for me to understand the displays of affection, it just makes me cry. It's the most honest thing I can answer. I know perfectly well that many people will not agree with the remake or are disappointed to find out that xvirus is not Toby's brother, that they hate the redesign or that he has long hair. Both designs are canon only in different times of Xvirus's history, one at 17 and the other at 29.
I am aware that I will never please those who have a formed vision of the character, but it doesn't bother me either because in the end it's a fandom and there are always new versions and new ways of seeing him. I'm having a lot of fun drawing and thinking about this right now, but it's also an internal war I've been fighting for years. Being able to visualize it makes me feel like it's worth it to keep trying.
To all this I can only say thank you doesn't matter if you hate it or love it… I know that if you don't like it it's because you love him and care. That makes me happy I can only say that I am having the happiest moment after so much struggle, thanks to everyone <3
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dickjayweek · 1 year
🎆🎊💞DickJay Week 2024💞🎊🎆 Prompt Reveals!
🌟✨DickJay WEEK✨🌟 is JayDick-centric Bottom Jason event week that will run from March 17th – March 23rd in 2024, with a catch-up (free) week of March 24th – March 30th for works that are late and ones that don’t fit into the main week’s prompts. This is the time to polish up old works and post them!
No need to sign up, and any form of fanwork is welcome! Simply make sure to use warnings properly when posting on AO3 and post to the collection when event dates come.
Rules and FAQs 
This event includes NSFW themes, and the prompt list will show a combination of NSFW and dark subjects. Click KEEP READING at your own discretion!
💕March 17 💕 Young Justice Cartoon Verse | Canon fix-it | Praise Kink | Dick calls adult Jason "Robin"
💕 March 18 💕 "Casual/Public sex is normal" AU | Kemonomimi/Animal Shifters/Hybrids/Wingfic | Bondage | Bratty Jason
💕 March 19 💕 Sci-Fi AU | Hypnos Tech/Mental Manipulation | Somnophilia (Consensual or Otherwise) | Caught on Camera
💕 March 20 💕 Dark Knights Of Steel/Medieval Fantasy | Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics | Robin Panties | "Brothers kiss each other all the time!"
💕 March 21 💕 DC vs. Vampires | Belligerent Sexual Tension | body worship/thighs/pecs | Jason Todd Cries During Sex
💕 March 22 💕 Officer Grayson | Subverted Fanon/Trope | Spanking | Slutty Jason
💕 March 23 💕 Robin Jason | Hurt & Comfort | Scent Kink | Dick's Fingerstripes
Catchup week - This year, we also populate the days with old prompts from previous years, with a bonus prompt that didn't make it during our unofficial discord voting. Feel free to use the assigned theme if you want a taste of past events that you might have missed, or completely ignore them if you have something completely new you’ve been working on!
🌟Catch-up week (optional) prompts🌟
💕 March 24 💕 - Cockwarming
💕 March 25 💕 - Arranged marriage/Promised to Dick
💕 March 26 💕 - Intersex Jason/Jason with a pussy
💕 March 27 💕 - "So I'm your dirty little secret?"
💕 March 28 💕 - Virgin Sacrifice Jason
💕 March 29 💕 - Dick Grayson was a good older brother for all the Robins... except for Jason
💕 March 30 💕 - Wayne Family Adventures
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Hoping to see you there!🥳
Rules and FAQs are still the same from past years, just with the dates changed to March 17-23 (main week)/ 24-30 (catch up week), 2024, and the new tag being #DJW2024. This is a bottom Jason-centric event, but platonic works are also welcome, as do works in non-English language and Poly ships where Dick and Jason are both involved.
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alongthewayfanzine · 2 months
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Below the cut is a detailed FAQ for the zine. Please read before sending questions!
General Information
What is this zine about?
Along the Way is a charity zine celebrating the Linked Universe as a comic, a fandom, and a community.  The overall theme will focus on the found family aspects of the chain and the friendships forged on their journey. Each of the 9 Linked Universe Links will have a section dedicated to them, which will include 1 short story and 3 pages of art.
Is the zine digital or physical?
Both! The zine will be produced as a digital PDF and as a physical book.
Will there be extra merch?
Yes! There will be a keychain, a bookmark, and 3 sticker designs available in addition to the zine.
What's the content rating for the zine?
The zine will be limited to a maximum content rating of Teen, or PG-13. The tone of the zine will be optimistic, so we won't be including any intense content.
Will the zine feature AUs or ships?
No, this zine will not feature any specific AUs or ships. Along the Way is focused on the friendships between the Links.
Regarding headcanons, we will be sticking as close to canon as we can. Widely-accepted fanon (i.e. Time and Warriors knowing each other from the War of Eras) can be acceptable, but is discouraged.
If you have a specific question about what is and isn't alright to include, ask the mods.
What's the production schedule?
You can find the full timeline, including contributor deadlines, here.
Finances and Charity Information
How much will the zine cost?
Right now, we are planning on making four bundles available--digital only ($0), physical zine only, merch only (3 stickers, 1 bookmark, 1 keychain), and full (physical zine + merch). Prices are still being figured out, but the current estimate is around $30-35 USD + S&H (calculated separately and varies based on location). The price will change depending on how many people order, and we aim to keep prices as low as possible!
After contributor sign-ups close, we plan on holding another interest check to more accurately gauge how many people are planning to order before pre-orders open. With that we should be able to make a more accurate price estimate.
What are the shipping costs?
Shipping within the US is estimated to be around $15 (though this is subject to change depending on weight and size).
The zine is based out of the United States, so the unfortunate reality is that shipping costs will increase with distance.  We have plans to coordinate shipping to Europe and Australia, and potentially South America and Asia if there is enough demand. Details will be determined later on in the process.
How is the money being used?
Along the Way is a nonprofit charity zine. Money will first be used to cover the cost of creating and shipping the zine and associated merch, after which all additional proceeds will be donated to the AbleGamers Foundation.
What's the AbleGamers Foundation?
A charity focusing on "creating opportunities that enable play in order to combat social isolation, foster inclusive communities, and improve the quality of life for people with disabilities". They have won several awards for working with disabilities and give their own awards to games with accessible features. You can learn more about them on their website here!
Contributor Information
Who can contribute?
Writers and artists will comprise the majority of the zine, but cosplay and crafts are also welcome.
Contributors must be aged 18+.
How many contributors are there?
Each Link has been assigned one writer and two artists, for a total of 9 writers and 18 artists. We also have 5 merch artists (with a few of them doing page art as well!)
Will contributors be paid?
Since this is a nonprofit charity zine, contributors will not be paid. Depending on our budget, we may be able to offer free copies of the zine, or free merchandise. Details will be determined later.
Where do I apply?
As of 8/29, applications are now closed!
Communication with contributors will be handled using both a private Discord server and direct email.
Discord will be used for announcements and deadline reminders for contributors.
Official communications will be through our email, [email protected].
How can I contact the mods?
For the general public, feel free to send an ask to this blog. For contributors, Discord is the best option for general questions (Discord handles are listed below). For urgent needs, email us!
Can I send questions through Tumblr?
Yes, Tumblr asks are open! I (mod G3) will do my best to answer as quickly as possible, though please note that Tumblr is not the most direct method of communication with the mods.
If you are a contributor, we would prefer you use either Discord or email for communication.
I don't have Discord. Can I still be a contributor?
Yes! All official communications will be through email, so it's okay if you can't join the Discord.
Who are the mods?
We have four mods on our team!
Mina - Project Manager
Pronouns: she/her
Tumblr: @zarvasace
Discord: zarvasace
G3 - Social Media Manager
Pronouns: they/them
Tumblr: @that-g3-artist
Discord: that_g3_obsessive
Kahl - People Manager
Pronouns: she/her, fae/faer
Tumblr: @vagueandominousvibes
Discord: chrestomanchi
Zola - Human Spackling Paste
Pronouns: they/them
Tumblr: @zolanort
Discord: zolanort
Official mod intros are under #meet the mods!
This FAQ will be updated as more details are figured out. Follow this blog for updates on the zine's progress!
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✏️Hetalia Fanfics Writers Ask Game✏️
1. Do you write solely for Hetalia or do you write for other fandoms
2. Favourite character to write
3. What characters is the most challenging to write
4. What character do you want to write but haven't
5. What do you keep in mind when writing a particular character
6. What ships have you written for?
7. Best comment or Feedback on a fic?
8. What is your process when writing
9. Strange things you've had to research for Hetalia fanfiction
10. Do you write canon verse or AU
11. Do you write historical Hetalia
12. What's a time period or historical event you have either written or want to write
13. What character took the most research
14. Any fic writers that inspire you or you look up to?
15. How many fics have you written
16. What fic is your favourite? Which one do you want to disown?
17. Do you write rarepairs
18. Where do you find inspiration?
19. Longest fic
20. Shortest fic
21. What fic has the most kudos why do you think that is
22. What fic of yours deserves more love
23. Any fic that was received differently than you first expected
24. What frustrates you about writing for the fandom
25. Have you written anything you would have never thought you would write in a million years
26. Any Hetalia AUs that live rent free in your head
27. What headcanons are essential in your writing?
28. Do you write series of fics or are your fics standalone works?
29. What is your strength when writing
30. What is the biggest challenge when writing
31. Do you write for any of the top ten ships on AO3?
32. Most tagged additional tag?
33. Which character have you statistically written the most?
34. Have you written Nyotalia, Gakuen Hetalia, 2p etc?
35. What makes your characterisation different than others
36. Do you have playlists or character boards for inspiration
37. Do you use images as inspiration
38. How do you feel about using accents in fics
39. How do you feel about using foreign language in fics
40. Have you received fanart for your fics or have drawn for your fics?
41. Country names, human names, both or depends?
42. What appeals to you about the characters you write
43. What appeals to you about the ships you like
44. Longest time you've worked on a fic
45. Fastest you've written and published a fic
46. Are you a fast writer or slow
47. Where do you write?
48. What do you write in ? Paper, Docs, Scrivener, etc?
49. Do you get your fics beta read?
50. What is the best writing advice you've received
51. Best writing advice you can give
52. What is the biggest obstacle you find you have to overcome when writing
53. If you use human names do you go off canon/fanon or use your own? For characters that don't have a widely used fanon name and don't have a canon human name what do you use?
54. Do you take inspiration from cultural experiences in your own culture or from experiences in other cultures
55. Any obscure historical or cultural references you put in fics
56. When did you start writing
57. How would you define your writing style
58. What genres do you write and what do you prefer?
59. Is your style similar to canon or different
60. Any Nation OCS?
61. Other OCS?
62. Have you written your home country?
63. Have you received criticism or hate for your work?
64. Do you show people parts of unfinished pieces of wips
65. Do you discuss fics and ideas with other people while writing?
66. What medium would you want to see an adaptation of your fic in?
67. Favourite line in a fic?
68. Show us a bit of a wip
69. Have you written anything on the more spicy side or do you stick to more family friendly stuff
70. Fluff, angst, both, neither?
71. Favourite group to write i.e. FACE, BTT, Allied trio, etc
72. what do you want your readers who don't write to understand about writing?
73. Do you write humorous works? How would you describe your style of humour
74. What draws you to Hetalia?
75. Ask anything
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casurlaub · 3 months
Currently on mental health break
(Look after yourselves!)
I feel the need to make one of those intro posts because recently a few blogs started following me that seem to be more into the fanon interpretation of things, and I don't want anybody to get the wrong ideas about what to expect from this blog.
About me... I'm 29, she/her, pan/bi (I don't care which label), and demi (my, it took me so long to figure that out).. I used to be a judge but dropped out because of a myriad of reasons but mainly because of... well, depression. I cannot, for the life of me, remember how many letters there are in the alphabet, I love carrots but they make me nauseous, and my socks always have holes.
So... let's move to the important stuff.. JK sucks, and parts of the canon suck too - like the house elf stuff and her naming "skills" which are very telling, her fat shaming, and the anti-trans shit that is even written into the original source material. But for the most part, the characterization isn't one of them. So on this blog, I will defend the canon version of characters, flaws and all.
To make myself clear: hc characters as trans and writing characters as gay etc is great and I fully support that. What I mind, however, is the heteronormative, mysoginistic cliches we keep seeing under the guise of 'progressive' queer ships. If you not only change their gender or their height but also their personalities so that they fit heteronormative stereotypes that's problematic. Same goes for the casual racism going on in this fandom. Portraying non-white people as huge, buff guys with anger-issues is - you guessed it - problematic!
What to expect from this blog:
Me applauding the many great people out there. Do you even know how great you are???
Me geeking out, especially about the characters and ships I love most (and sometimes writing/sharing anti-posts about my own favs when I'm too fed up with the fanon version of them).
Me writing long-ass metas at two in the morning because that one post was the final straw.
Me brain-vomiting stuff into the void of the internet that really no one asked for and no one cares about.
Me ranting and contradicting myself.
Nuance - or at least, I try. But I'm just a person with biases, and I read the books through the lens of my own experiences, so yeah. And of course there's always a range, even when sticking to canon.
(I say I care about nuance, but you'll find me swaying to full-force apologetism the next second - get used to it, I'm a hypocrite).
Some writing. I shared some microfics/one-shots already (soulmate microfic, over 30 microfic, fix it one-shot, wolfstar raising Harry one-shot (sort of), drabble collection), but I'm working on a long wolfstar fic starting in 1971 and carrying all the way through to 1998. It's solely from Remus' s POV and I'm trying to pay attention to everything (!) in canon so that it makes sense with all the scenes we see in the books - although I wouldn't call wolfstar canon. I think itl'l be around 900k-1 million words in the end. Right now I'm at 950k but I need to add stuff, cut stuff and just generally work through it. I plan on starting to post it before I turn 30 (which will be in mid-December).
Remus/Sirius will always be my OTP, and I've made a post about why I think they make sense even from a canon perspective and with their canon personalities (not saying they are canon, but don't tell me I haven't read the books). But I do feel the need to point out that I disagree with most of the depictions I see nowadays in this fandom as the characters I fell in love with are barely recognoizable. I prefer post-PoA wolfstar (or AUs), but I think Hogwarts wolfstar can work. It's just indefinitely more difficult to make it work with their canon personalities. Btw, me loving wolfstar doesn't mean I negate the co-dependency James and Sirius have going on - which is obviously canon. I also love James and Sirius so much.
As for other ships... I love Scorbus, Jily, Hinny, Romione and Grindelore. And I love a whole bunch of characters regardless of any ships, including but not limited to Ron, Dumbledore, Ginny, Fleur, Luna, McGonagall, Hermione and Scorpius. And I'm not anti Tonks - I'm just anti Remadora because I think they both deserve better. But it is what it is, jk wrote that and for what it's worth I do think Remus loved her in some way.
I can get very passionate about fictional characters, but I'm an adult, and I know they're fictional. And I believe I can take criticism, so if there's anything on your mind...
It's always my personal opinion I'm talking about; I don't think I'm some kind of hp authority, but that goes without saying.
What not to expect from this blog:
Art (I reblog, of course, but you don't want me to draw, believe me).
Dumbledore hate / Remus hate (don't confuse with criticism, I'm all for criticism). No ATYD hate either. I have my issues with it, but it's not the author's fault it has become the fandom's new rulebook.
Me dumbing down James and Sirius, etc.
Me abandoning James and Peter. But, sorry not sorry (and wolfstar aside), I will keep pushing my "Remus and Sirius were close friends at Hogwarts" agenda (but as were Remus and James, obviously, and Remus and Peter, and so on, with James and Sirius being inseparable).
Jegulus/Slytherin skittles stuff. If that's your thing, that's fine, but it isn't mine.
Me keeping it short.
I'm always happy to discuss stuff! :)
Most important information for last, right? If I speak ill about Remus, it is always with the most love possible. I keep saying Sirius is my favorite character, but he has a lot of fans out there, and avoidant, self-loathing, passive-aggressive, manipulative, ruthless, but also smart, brave, kind, loyal, empathetic, thoughtful and selfless (yes, you read that correctly) Remus holds a special place in my heart.
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enri-ch · 1 year
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(last update 04/09/24)
u can call me Enrico/Enri/En/Enca/Enri'ch/Ench/Rico/N/Cocha/'cha-cha/etc., whatever you want!:33
¡Bright Warning!
pls remember, most of my works have very bright shadows, so before you watch them, lower the brightness (I'm so sorry if I burned out your eyes:(...)
I don't take
Art Requests
4.09. 24
[Close now]
01. 08. 24
-allowed: your Ocs/Fandom character
-not allowed: ships (i can explain in dm, if you want to know, but so far, I can't draw it in request arts for personal reasons)/nsfw/gore/other bad messages.
-you can request my art 2 times
-the request can include up to 2 persons maximum
-i can decline request if it is immoral
about questions:
dont be shy and ask questions as much as you want or say something
If you want to do art trade/collab with me, then write to me in DM :D
Please don't repost my artwork without credits if want to use or repost it
A some info about me:
My bday 29/01 (January).
I loves every rose/pink colours >:3
i have 23 phobias that throw me into hysterics sometimes💀- (The strongest of course is atelophobia and sociaphobia lol). Yes, I have a rather weak psyche... (or fears??? idk, it still makes me shake from many things🥲...)
I madly adore cappuccino:33
i dont know Spanish
Im aro/ace
What to say next?....
Things I post:
sometimes submissions for DTIYS
rarely redraws
Sometimes I can disappear for a while because of my studies-
(This year I'm going to be beaten up with exams, so... :_)
Have fun! I'm happy to share my joy with everyone through my artwork, draw or cheer up, if I can:)
✨Other Social Networks:✨
°My pinterest° page:
@/En's doodles :3
°Мy insta°:
You can go to them if you want to see more of my ut fanarts/doodles and my other works.
other my blogs on tumblr:
@dumbestart (old doodles acc.)
@gsfan (idk why, but i can note it and I don't get a notification from it:_( its current doodle acc.)
if you want to chat with my ocs use c. ai and share my page: @/CochaCocha.
remember that bots can say non-canon things and they is headcanon/fanon/aus vers.
¡(please DNI if you are)!: proshipper, don't mock someone because of nationality (all those who insult Ukrainians, Russians or other nations, please leave this blog). russophobe, other phobe, pedos, groomer, fetishist, racist, NSFW fan, transphobe, sexist, immoral persons, lovers of controversial topics and etc. (all basic creterias*). i will block these blogs.
✨my sona's ref:✨
(it's an ordinary person in a mask and an oversized hoodie)
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To be honest, I'm very bad at English grammar, so I use a translator.
Im creator of ⛰️MountainsTale⛰️ (unfinished now)
I'm still working on my au, but I'll be honest, I'm not able to write anything except fanfic yet (I'll probably never be happy with the plot I wrote myself) and I have a lot of unsuccessful designs for most of the characters, including Rudy (aka Gaster in this au). My inner tedious-self will never let me write a non-logical plot without explaining any details, unfortunately:>
I have the plot and less characters written there, such as: Rudy (Gaster), Sans, Chara, Papyrus, Frisk and the concepts of the rest.
Rudy, by the way, has a human name for a reason. And I'll be honest, I was partially inspired by Glichtail, but there is not and will not be a soul/trait of fear.
I'm also working on a fanon of monster/humans/magic now (it's a very long T_T).
I btw.... when I gave my sona a name/nicname, I didn't know how her name was translated (I mean "Enrich" ). I actually didn't even know that the name Enri existed (I was 12 when I created she) and honestly just took and combined my real name with the name of my past gacha club sona. My English is still bad enough, but when I first started my blog here it was even worse :D (I didn't even know what mutuals, dnis and all that were, lol). I don't even understand how those with whom I communicated tolerated my stupidity:_)
i know that its male name, but auuuuuuuugh, i got used to this name, my sona has already been wearing it for 3 years (and not the first one)
I also sometimes don't control my anxiety when communicating with anyone, so I'm sorry for that (I just get eaten up by my a sociaphobia sometimes-).
im introvert irl.
yes, I know I'm chatty and I'm always talking, but hey, why do I need a reason to hang out with someone here? I'm happy to chat with anyone if you also want to talk to me and don't fall under one of the criteria of DNI (written above)
I do not know if you need it, but my fav Sans(-es) are Asher(EstelTale) [by Colorzartz], Ink (Inktale/____tale) [by Comyet] and Passive Nightmare (Dreamtale) [by Jokublog].👀
My fav character is Gaster too👉👈 (my headcanon/fanon ver. etc.)
I'm not against criticism, on the contrary, I'm even for it, I'll be glad to read it to understand my mistakes^^
Please don't hard hit me, I'm not an artist =). I just draw arts in my spare time to relax from the stress of the day. I've been drawing for about 3-4 years. I tried to go to an art class (I studied there for 6.5 years), but I was expelled because I can't draw anything except "cartoons" (idk how they determined this:/ So, I very hate this school because it deprived me of self-esteem, bullied me and pretty gave me a burnout). This is probably not surprising, considering that I took a 5-month break from art class due to terrible emotional burnout ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (I came to this school and couldn't even pick up a pencil). In any case, I really like to draw, and I sincerely love all my artwork (except maybe super old- ), no matter how bad and anatomically incorrect they may be. They were right when said :"You never become to an artist, its not correctly, etc.", but aaaaaaaa, I love draw, cuz It lets my imagination run wild and allows me to relieve the stress and pain that people in my school cause me, so even if I'm not an artist, no one will stop me from drawing all sorts of garbage, I love it!
(p. s. I don't know how to draw traditional arrrrrrtttssssss-)
To be honest, if I hadn't started a blog where I share my art to day, I probably would have given up drawing and wouldn't have improved it if I hadn't been inspired by the people I subscribe to here. I used to be very afraid to publish my work anywhere at a younger age (mostly because of the very aggressive ru community in which I was a member for some time). I really thought that I would face a barrage of criticism (non-constructive ofc) there, but here are very kind people here, really no kidding, most of you are such cool and pleasant guys💗!
oh- i reblog very rarely cuz I forget this very often :_)
eh. my memory is short
Have a great day to everyone who has visited my blog or read this post! :D ... And.. I want to hug u🫂, srry if I embarrassed u with this (*´▽`*)
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polutrope · 1 year
Oh boy, anything?? Free reign??
All right, you know what, I'm gonna talk about my silly modern AU that I'll probably never continue because I lost interest (but I could easily be persuaded to write more in that universe) but I still think it's pretty fun and was more fun to write than anything else I've written.
What Happens at Camp Eglarest, Stays at Camp Eglarest came about because @shores-of-esgalduin posted some awesome meta about Daeron and Maglor's differing approaches to music and put some cracky thoughts in the tags, namely:
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… and I began to write the fic, in which Daeron’s new roommate (... and they were roommates! Yes. That’s the trope.) comes on his annual camping trip with his sister Lúthien. But this year, Lúthien’s annoying fiance Beren is there and Maglor’s way more annoying brother Celegorm has invited himself and his dog along. 
I had a lot of fun coming up with a canon-inspired universe for these characters. Maglor’s father Fëanor Finvesen is a greedy real estate developer whose rivalry with Hithlum Holdings is behind the rapid gentrification of the town of Beleria, much to the frustration of Daeron’s father, Mayor Elu Singh-Goel.
Daeron, a multi-talented 29-year-old nervous wreck, is a city archivist (*cough*nepotism) for the hour a day it takes him to do his ‘full-time’ desk job, and a successful local singer-songwriter with a popular history vlog the rest of the time. He’s also an environmental activist who has Strong Opinions on Beren’s former career in the oilsands and the hypocrisy of his off-grid ambitions and performative (in Daeron’s opinion) veganism.
34-year-old Maglor is an overworked and underpaid Associate Artistic Director of a children’s theatre troupe — but it’s fine because his dad subsidises his artistic career with the money he extorts from poor renters. Maglor is also a nervous wreck.
Luthien (36), the only person with her head on straight, is Director of Neldoreth Dance Company. Her fiance Beren (25) might have his head on straight but it sure doesn’t look like it to others. Celegorm (32) is an asshole biker dude with a useless BA in Philosophy (now paying his own way through veterinary college by working at Curufin’s microbrewery) and a broken heart. 
Basically the fic is a bunch of canonical and fanonical stories and characterisations and tropes that I tossed in a blender with my millennial angst and whacky sense of humour and threw Jackson Pollock-style against a background of a Pacific Northwest camping trip. I ran out of steam because I ran out of canon/fanon and social issues to poke fun at in this particular setting.
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burritowitch · 2 years
Fanon Tim Drake tropes that have no canon basis:
- Dick tried to send Tim to Arkham:
This one is based in Red Robin Issue #4. 
In this issue, what Dick actually does is recommend a Metropolis therapist he knows. Tim then proceeds to fight him because how dare Dick recommend he get help.
 I do find this fanon trope great for the angst potential so yeah. 
 - Jason Todd’s attack on Titans Tower: This one has a lot of different points soooooo lets get into it
Okay, so this one is based in Teen Titans (2003) Issue #29. 
In most fics it has Jason as Red Hood the entire fight, but actually, he’s only in Red Hood gear for like five seconds before ripping it off to reveal the dumbest version of the Robin costume ever. (Yellow pants, it had fucking yellow pants under the green speedo from the original, it was so stupid)
In a lot of fics, no matter the genre or topic, Jason calls Tim ‘Replacement’ and in Titans Tower fics have Jason usually avoid calling Tim by his name. Not once does Jason call Tim replacement in canon and actually calls Tim only by his name, not using Robin to refer to him. 
- Tim Drake grew up alone in Drake Manor:
Okay so this ones pretty general so I’m not going to cite any particular issues for this
He actually grew up in a city town house, only moving into Drake Manor a while after becoming Robin
Didn’t last long though, he moved into a different townhouse following his mother’s death and father waking up because bankrupcy 
- Tim went out regularly to take pictures of Batman and Robin:
Okay so this one is based in A Lonely Place Of Dying, Tim’s introduction.
In the first issue of this i think? Tim is shown to be taking pictures of Bruce as evidence for the fact that Batman is going too far
There is no evidence that he did this regularly, and definitely didn’t do it for fun. He had a job to do and he got it done.
Another fanon one that i love but must admit has no canon basis 
- Tim as Catwoman’s sidekick:
This has absolutely no basis in canon
Its still great though
- Tim Drake was the ‘good’ Robin:
No. no he was not. Actually? None of them were the good robin. They were all horrible at their jobs. 
He regularly lied to Batman and bragged about it
Thats just a fact
He was always sneaking off and not listening to Bruce
Okay so I love most of these tropes and I am not saying that you shouldn’t write them, I’m just saying they aren’t canon. Write what you want, I have literally no authority and even if I did I don’t care and AUs are my lifeblood
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ct-hardcase · 6 months
11, 26, 29, 37 >:)
thank you for the (very opinion-based al;gjakgjaskdgj) asks :)
11. Three tropes that are fine but overrated:
a. Never really got the mafia AU appeal? Nothing against it, but I won't seek fics out with that one.
b. If this is a safe space, found family is great but it's getting a bit oversaturated in both canon and fanon spaces for me recently. I enjoy it if a character's dynamics don't get sanded down for the sake of camaraderie (canon ghost crew, bargerean jade crew, etc.), but it feels cheap to me if characters just get reduced to "mom", "dad", or (almost worse) infantlized because they got put into the "kid" slot, even as a grown adult. Goes with the himbo bastardization tbh.
c. Enemies to lovers can be fun, but too often I find that the trope can cannibalize characters' personalities (especially when a piece of media becomes a popular fandom), and there's some types of enemies where the transition to lovers just makes me deeply uncomfortable no matter what.
26. What would you describe as OOC?: Depends on the fic. I've seen a lot of posts here lately that emphasize that it's less if a character does something OOC than if an author can justify them doing that and make it believable.
I think that works for more character-focused fic, but no matter what, I tend to look for synchronicity with a character's canon tone of voice and speech patterns (something I struggle with lmao), as well as consistency with how emotionally vulnerable/expressive they'd be in a given situation. If neither of those boxes are ticked, there's a fair chance I might find it OOC.
29. What's the hardest thing about writing?: Descriptions, hands down. Trying to get the feel of a setting and certain mannerisms is something I have to consciously work in every time. Other than that, pacing, probably.
37. Do you research before writing or while you write? Is it fun or boring for you?: Again, depends on the writing. I have a few one-shots I wrote and published with almost none.
For anything that has at least a bit of proofreading, I'll try to make sure certain details are as close to right as I can get them without a canon deep-dive (I went down a rabbit hole for the Fox and Windu fic to see if light switches existed in star wars, for example; or in an upcoming fic, what ship would a First Order platoon would use to touch down on a planet), and try to get a handle on character voices by watching source material, but I don't do a ton of external research into writing technique or super nitpicky canon if I can feasibly tapdance around it.
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sylphidine · 2 years
for the author thing, 17, 12, 29
Oooh, some good ones!
Your favorite character to write this year?
Always hard to pick one, so it's kind of a tie between two.
I've found myself very fond of the stories and chapters I've written this year for North from RISE OF THE GUARDIANS, whether as the ROTG-canon Guardian of Wonder or as the human professor of Arts and Music at NDU.
And I have really enjoyed writing for Tasque Manager from Deltarune, whether canon-fanon welding her into Castle Town via the Spamsician AU created by @penbwl, or her human!AU version Tabitha Montgomery Tanner in CALL SIGNS.
How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
Nine definites, with three more possible as sequels to extant works.
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Hehehe, you ask all the tough ones. Hmmm.
Gotta be this texting exchange between T.M. and Swatch. Especially the "Captain Backup Bride" bit. Their friendship cracks me up, even as the author.
Wednesday: 22:47
hey you wanna have a movie party on friday and can i bring aster over i dont think hes seen spiderverse yet
Wednesday: 22:48
Yes, we can have a movie party on Friday. No he can’t come. I swear to gods he’s “Why We Can’t Have Nice Things” given physical form. From: MOGGY Wednesday: 22:49
huffy swatchy
Wednesday: 22:50
You know I'm right.
Wednesday: 22:55
At this point I will cuddle anything to prevent from dying alone
Wednesday: 22:56
Don't say that, dear. You know I'm your backup bride for when we turn 50.
Wednesday: 23:01
love you
Wednesday: 23:02
Love you too. See you tomorrow for Turkey Day.  Bring my DVD.
Wednesday: 23:03
love you good night
Thank you for the ask!
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lu-inlondon · 2 years
Late to the party, aber fürs ask game - 11, 18, 29 💜
Oh, aber gerne doch!
11. What work took you the longest to write?
Gefühlt? Die sind schwul, Harald. Die Idee auszuformulieren hat irgendwie nicht so geklappt wie ich es mir dachte.
Realistisch wird es aber eine meiner Multichapter Stories gewesen sein: Auf der Flucht vor Allem außer Dir (04.04. - 22.05.) hat knapp sieben Wochen gedauert, aber da war ich auch von irgendwas besessen. Sand zwischen den Zehen, deine Finger zwischen meinen (18.07. - 21.09.) hat etwas mehr als neun Wochen gebraucht, da hab ich zwischendrin aber auch pausiert.
Es sind noch ein paar Stories ohne Update, aber die zähle ich jetzt einfach mal nicht :D
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
Wir haben einfach so wenig Infos über sie im Canon und auch Fanon ist man sich nicht so wirklich einig wie's um sie steht. Die beiden Geschichten (x, x) aus ihrer POV zu schreiben hat Spaß gemacht, aber irgendwie hab ich immer noch keine Ahnung ob ich sie gut getroffen habe.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Danke, dass du mich sie nochmal bringen lässt, weil ich damit wirklich sehr glücklich bin:
Vor über fünfzehn Jahren hatte er sich verliebt: unschuldig, unerbittlich, unwiderruflich. x
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de-vespertiliones · 1 year
When I say that they write him as abusive towards Tim, I mean in an abuse apologist sort of way. They write Jason doing incredibly horrific and abusive things to Tim (which didn’t happen in canon) and then have the horrific behavior excused by saying it was the pit that was influencing him to do those things and it wasn’t his fault actually, they then have Tim instantly forgive Jason as if nothing happened. It feels incredibly offensive to me because it assassinates both Jason’s and Tim’s character. Jason’s bad decisions were entirely his own, and he never did anything as horrific as torture Tim. It makes me mad as someone who has experienced actual abuse to see the same thing I experienced in real life marketed as “comfort” and “fluff”. Pit madness is often used in an incredibly ableist way and a lot of the fanon surrounding Jason really sours my opinion of him sometimes. It’s why I enjoy your fics so much, because they are more accurate to their characters. Sorry for the rant I get passionate about it ❤️
Sorry for the late reply. I'm glad what I'm trying to do rings true. I get the frustration with exacerbating canon to be worse whilst simultaneously jumping to comfort and fluff, which is honestly, as a victim of abuse myself, how I feel about a lot of Jason & Bruce reconciliation stories. I also think Jason's violence towards Tim is plenty bad on its own (though I'm also frustrated the way Hush, Teen Titans #29, and BftC get smashed together into one big Tim Whump event when they were all very different events with very different versions of Jason & Tim). I take the tack of not a lot of it phasing Tim personally (while Tim not being particularly eager to welcome Jason as anything but the most tentative ally post hoc), but I think if you (general) want to write an exploration of it negatively impacting Tim you don't really need to dial it up to torture.
I also think it's sort of weird that we hyperfocus on what Jason does to Tim when his actions towards Dick in Brothers in Blood and Damian in BftC are arguably worse.* Pre-crisis Jason is, to me, deeply sympathetic, deeply hurt, and also deeply harmful which is very much My Type of character. I call Jason's character type in this regard a "problematic victim" because I'm particularly interested in how people who are victimized lash out and hurt others when pushed to extremes. (I would identify characters like Fenris from Dragon Age or Goro Akechi from Persona 5 or Catra from She-Ra within this general positionality). I think it's reasonable to grant these kinds of characters a degree of grace but also my interest lies in the fact that these characters can and do damage themselves and others. This doesn't negate their victimhood but it does present room to explore issues of healing, forgiveness, regret (or not), &c.
"The Foreigner" is obviously an AU that explores a more emotionally vulnerable version of Jason and is concerned with the locus of Jason's post-revival trauma and the genesis of Jason's ethics. I'm hoping not to woobify, and the Jason that hurts and can hurt is still there, and he's someone that will move forward with intentionality and autonomy. The "Change Your Mind" (hopefully) series is something else entirely, and hopefully will coalesce into a clear exploration of identity that does justice to both Tim & Jason & the people around them.
Apologies. I've rewritten this response several times hoping I'm being respectful of the feelings you've disclosed as well as honest about my own opinions and feelings. I definitely get that navigating Jason content can be a minefield, especially if you have personal triggers as well. I hope I continue to present a version of Jason that works for you.
* I have complicated feelings about how much apology/redemption is actually mandatory here, or how to rank the ethical implications of any of it. I also think it's hard when canon events are selectively engaged with in fic and I personally go back and forth on how much I want to engage with any of the pre-crisis, post-UTRH canon.
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jankwritten · 2 years
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I posted 9,419 times in 2022
That's 9,419 more posts than 2021!
246 posts created (3%)
9,173 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,098 of my posts in 2022
#pjo - 460 posts
#jason grace - 431 posts
#hoo - 369 posts
#nico di angelo - 277 posts
#percy jackson - 178 posts
#leo valdez - 134 posts
#jasico - 105 posts
#annabeth chase - 90 posts
#omgcp - 75 posts
#piper mclean - 72 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#in the meantime. love y’all. anyone who reads this and anyone who doesn’t. y’all are important no matter who you are. you deserve to hear it
My Top Posts in 2022:
Jason and Nico being able to unmask around one another for pretty much the first time ever is one of my favorite things about them. Like no matter if their relationship is romantic or platonic or if they're even just acquaintances, I feel like there's always this prevailing sense that the two of them get each other better than most people get them. They also both suffer the same "curse" of identity - they want people to see them for who they are, but people tend to only see them for who their parent is. They hear Jason Grace and think son of Jupiter before they think anything else. They hear Nico di Angelo and they think child of Hades before any other thought comes to mind. These two are the only people for each other (that they know of so far, anyways) who hear their names and think friend, or dork, or nerd about temples first.
Sure, I understand that they didn't always start out that way. Jason in canon had a LOT of issues to work through when he was on the Argo - he had his memories wiped, he was in a relationship with a girl he wasn't sure he really remembered, he was being told to be a leader even though Percy also wanted to be a leader, and so he treated Nico the way he did because it was what everyone else expected of him. But then he saw Nico open up, or more he saw Nico be forced to open up, and he realized that he didn't have to obey what everyone else thought anymore. He saw this guy who was struggling, who was hurt and hated and he saw himself in that guy, and he wanted to help.
I just think Jason and Nico's relationship is so fucking awesome. The one that they tend to have in fanon, anyways, I haven't reread HoO recently enough to form an opinion about their canon relationship. I think it's fucking awesome that we have these two characters that, to us, bond so well.
238 notes - Posted April 29, 2022
currently writing an AU where Chiron convinces Sally to take Nico home after the summer camp session is done because despite all they've tried, Nico isn't getting better mentally and it's clear that the atmosphere around camp is inhibiting him (kids still treating him like shit, his own feelings of inadequacy regarding his parentage, the way it reminds him of waiting for Bianca and Percy to come back only to learn Bianca would never come back, etc.)
So Sally Jackson takes Nico home with her and Percy, and Percy is PISSED. Like beyond angry, will not talk to Nico and is a total dick to him most of the time because he's a 17 year old boy who's finally going to see his mama again and NOW HE'S GOT THIS SHITTY LITTLE FUCKING SIDEKICK who he's still not TOTALLY convinced isn't in love with his girlfriend despite Nico literally coming out to him. In this AU Percy is definitely still dealing with a lot of his own trauma and none of it in a super healthy manner - hence, he hates Nico.
At least, that's how it was supposed to go. Now Percy and Nico have bonded into essentially being brothers. They wrestle in the backyard so often Sally has taken to spraying them with the garden hose when they're being too rowdy. They bicker and fight over whose turn it is to walk Mrs. O'Leary. They end up having to go to the same school (Nico kept getting kicked out of the other ones) and Percy defends Nico from people being dicks while simultaneously being a dick to him (but lovingly).
I love it when AUs get totally out of hand from what I originally wanted them to be and I elect to make this Jason Grace's fault for becoming Nico's boyfriend when I wasn't paying attention. Jason put Percy and Nico into a get-along shirt.
also Nico and Annabeth become good friends because she's around a lot and she finds him an invaluable resource on the topics that she can never wrap her head around, things that are too old to even really be in any online databases - things that Nico can access by speaking to the dead. They start off being very iffy about one another but by the end they are also Practically Siblings.
309 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
I think that Jason has a stuffed animal that one of his guardians in New Rome have to him when he was a baby. A wolf or a fox or some other dog/cat-like creature - maybe even a stuffed hellhound or something, something that he rediscovers on accident while in the 5th Cohort’s barracks, something that makes him sit down on the floor holding it in his hands and cry, for some reason, something he can’t even remember but he knows was important to him once upon a time.
460 notes - Posted October 9, 2022
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Okay so the last time I read HoO was in middle school, like JUST before blood of olympus came out, so ofc i have a very bad memory for the details of certain scenes but like this 100% happened, I thought that maybe i didn't remember it right or something but. I mean it's right there so.
1,190 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
See now I think it would be really funny if IN CANON Hermes was Lin Manuel Miranda. Like in the show he is still the exact same as he is IRL. Hermes wrote Hamilton. He got bored of listening to Apollo prattling on about Broadway so he went out in disguise as a mortal and Did That.
That’s the only way I will accept him as Hermes, is if THAT is the reason.
4,711 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
(Tumblr telling me how to use tags makes me want to throttle somebody KAMDKCKMSNF BUT THIS WAS FUN TO SEE)
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lack-of-connections · 2 years
Story line notes
Prologue takes place 18 years after Nightmare’s transformation 
Prologue takes place 2 years before main storyline 
 Star sanses rebuild Dreamtale 
 The tree of feelings slowly regrows
 Nightmare and dream are at war but nightmare does not attack dreamtale
 Frisk appears as a baby in main story timeline 
 Chara can only be seen be certain people and is NOT interested in genocide she is like a sister to frisk and helps her.
 Passive is still in side of Nightmare and follows him like Chara and Frisk 
 All monsters have symbols on there bodies that show your base Directive Quality
Ink is a mix of canon and fanon  (manipulative asshole)
Blue is a new member of the Star sanses
Side notes
Directive Quality is the term used to describe where the the souls base placement on the E.S.S Emotional Soul Scale that is a unchanging factor.
Almost every Au has a different S.R.T  (Speed of Relevant Time) the normal speed of time would by based on the original timeline 
If you were to travel through different AUs and stay in each one for over a week you can age your soul but not your body, Example you are 25 years old and you go to 17 different AUs your body is still 25 but your can be anywhere from 29 to 56 it all depends on the AUs 
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ofstarsandskies · 1 year
7, 17, 29?
send a number for me to talk about one of the following topics! || @unborderedreflection
7 -- DNIs in Rules || 17 -- Fanon Interpretations || 29 -- Blocking
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Hoo boi, this turned into a big word/semi-rant sandwich. I'll do the more positive one outside the Read More, but the Kika Soap Box ones, I'll do under Read More.
17: Fanon Interpretations
Fanon interpretations are something I think should stay an open season list that should be respected (but not adopted) on both ends, especially in the roleplay community.
Do you think this character reads as someone with a certain mental condition? Go ahead! I do that with Ludger, who I read as somewhat socially anxious on account of him being a semi-silent protagonist. Or perhaps you think an ending could continue one way or the other? Awesome, share that! Make it an AU! Expanding on canon, even if it's just off the rails, is something that should be widespread welcome.
That said, you have to be ready to accept that not everyone reads something as you do. While I read Ludger as socially anxious, if someone disagrees, it's not my place to force them to change their mind. Discussing why you interpret canon a certain way can be fun and maybe along the way someone can support that interpretation. But if someone doesn't agree, then that's fine. How I read Ludger isn't more "correct" than yours.
HOWEVER, HERE'S THE BIG BUT FOR RPs: in the RP sphere, here's where you have roll with another's interpretation. RPs are all about exploring canon in a way someone finds fun; if you follow/start a thread, you've made a silent agreement to accept their version. Do you have to believe it's the "right" way? Not at all! But when interacting with X/Y/Z, it's to be treated as the rule.
7: DNIs in rules
I think the concept of DNIs isn't bad; if there's a fandom you just don't want to get into, better you say that than let a potential partner see your blog and you're just not interested from the get-go. Or if you're not into NSFW-centric blogs, by all means let people know! HOWEVER, some of the DNIs I've seen now don't feel more like a performance piece/shout box than their intended purpose.
I'd say the worst offender of this type is "Basic DNI rules apply." I'm sorry mate, but that is a nothing sandwich. What exactly do you consider the "Basics"? Where do you personally draw the line? Would, say, the joke thread I did where Ludger said he had a wet dream with Julius because he thought "Wet Dream" meant a dream about pools be too far? Or is it fine because it's a misunderstanding? Blanket words/labels that require your partner to try and do the math is grounds to just not bother.
In short, I think DNIs are a good idea on paper! But how some folks use them... they're not very helpful to and/or actively hinder a potential partner.
29: Blocking
Kika soap box time: for those who believe blocking is a sign of admitting defeat, allow me to say that's exactly how bullies get you to suffer.
Here's the thing: blocking is supposed to be the "I don't see us interacting well" button. Can it be used maliciously? Indeed, just like all things can be. But if someone tries to convince you that "Blocking me means I'm right!", do not give in; if you feel you should block, do it.
The reframing of blocking = admitting defeat is a way for bullies to still "win" after they get ignored. After all, bullying's all about hurting the target; if the targets ignores it, well damn, there goes the proof they hurt them. So how do they still win? Easy, convince themselves that blocking is the coward's way out. So then, they always "win"-- if you don't block, they can still hurt you; if you block, "SEE, I KNEW THEY WERE A WIMP".
So how do you, the target, win? Simple: you still block them. They might take it as a victory, but what matters is making your space on the interwebs one you're comfortable in.
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