#2b talks
old-web-stims · 10 months
you ever come across any of anarcho-stims gifs? iirc it was projectmayhem-stims old blog and i think scopostims rbed some of xer stuff?
I'll keep an eye out! I do wish Tumblr's search function was more functional, or I could tell you definitively.
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rainbowdonkee · 7 months
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Thank you Granblue Fantasy and YOKO TARO FOR MAKING THIS HAPPEN
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cerise-on-top · 8 months
Hank, Sanford and Deimos with a Reader who does Handcrafts
Gonna post my old MadCom stuff since people seem interested in it! I didn't write too much back then, but I'll post it anyway and hope for some MadCom requests as well! What the title says! Reader knits, crochets and embroiders in this! The format is different from how I usually write, but that's because I wrote this months ago, if not in 2022! I don't remember when, but it's been a while since I wrote this!
If you get his attention while doing one of your crafts, expect him to just stare at you for a while. He knows what knitting is, since you can use those needles to stab someone with enough force, but he never really cared much for any of it. So, seeing you do those small, but precise movements has him somewhat curious. If you beckon him closer to check out what you’re doing, he will approach you, taking your piece from your hands and gently examining it, before returning it to you.
While he won’t join you that often due to his occupation, Hank will lie down next to you from time to time, watching you work until he falls asleep eventually. Doing so next to you, especially when you’re knitting or doing embroidery, takes a lot of trust on his behalf, so it’s a rather rare occurrence, but it might happen. Still, sometimes even Nevada’s most wanted can’t resist getting some sleep in.
If you give him a scarf or anything of the likes it might seem like he doesn’t like it at first. As he only grunts in acknowledgement and doesn’t wear it, it might seem disheartening at first glance. But rest assured, he’s well aware that him wearing it would only get it covered in blood, and he wouldn’t want your creation, that you put so much love into, to get sullied like that. Hank does keep it somewhere hidden where only he can find it so that it won’t get stolen as well, he truly does treasure anything you give him.
He has helped his mother crocheting every once in a while when he was young by holding her wool for her. Sanford always thought it to be really cool how you can make something so beautiful out of something as simple as wool and yarn. Much like he did when he was younger, he’ll hold your yarn for you, making it more comfortable to knit or crochet for you. Unlike Hank and Deimos, he will try to learn it as well. It seems relaxing, so why not? But by no means is he a master. Due to his strength, he will likely rip the yarn and wool apart from time to time and come to you for help.
In order to relax and unwind a bit, he’ll likely come to you and ask if you would like to practise your craft for and with him. Having you around in and of itself already makes Sanford happy, but just getting to spend time with you without having to worry about being killed by the enemy makes it all the better. If you let him, he will hold you close, lean into you, put you on his lap, anything you’re comfortable with.
Please give him a sweater. Because he’s never wearing a shirt he gets cold fairly easily. He’ll cherish it dearly and wear it whenever he can, and whenever he knows it won’t get ripped. Another thing he’d be very happy with would be a piece of embroidery. It reminds him of better times and gives him hope, especially when your piece of art is something pleasant and sweet to look at. Because of that, he will put it up somewhere in his room where he can always see it. Even if Deimos makes fun of him for it, he will simply lightly jab at the smoker, all the while smiling at it.
He’ll lovingly call you a grandma for having hobbies like these. Even while doing embroidery, where you stab things thousands of times, he will snicker at you whenever he catches you doing any of these things. Though, he doesn’t mind that sort of thing at all since that means you’ll be sitting still for a while, meaning you’ll give him a chance to unwind with him. Deimos will wrap his arms around you, leaning onto you or just cuddle into you in general. No fighting, no getting hurt, just watching you do the same movements over and over again.
Despite possibly calling you boring, he does have great respect for your craft, since he can’t do any of it. It’s too tedious and he can’t sit around for long enough doing something like this. It’s simply not exciting enough. But the moment you give him his first sweater, he will think it’s the most awesome thing to ever exist. Proud as a peacock, he will flaunt and taunt his new piece of clothing, especially to Sanford and Hank, declaring just what a great lover he has.
Present him with a plushie and his mind will be blown. He always thought knitting and crocheting are just for woolly hats and sweaters and scarves and all. If he sees you made him a tiny grunt, he will simply lose it, run around the Status Quo base and show everyone what you’re capable of. It doesn’t even matter to him whether or not it looks good. Your hands are magical to him and absolutely everyone has to know just how cool and epic you are.
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quadrantadvisor · 2 years
The Owl House takes place on a corpse. That's clear from the beginning. The people we meet, the fantastical things we see, every part of it is life that comes from death, and it's beautiful. Luz says that, the first time she's far enough away to see the bones. It's beautiful. The Titan was so full of life and magic that what he left behind could be passed on and made anew, and the people who sprung from that, who rely on it, understand that and are grateful. Everything they have is built on the bones of a god.
But what grows from the bones of children? Nothing. Nothing at all.
The Titan hunters killed children. They said they were monsters, but they were children. Children who played games and laughed and from their first conscious moments wanted to be loved and belong. And they hunted them to extinction, and kept their pristine skulls as trophies. An entire room full of them, of tiny skulls that could've become something wonderful and terrible and life-giving but never had the chance. They wear them, as a badge of honor. Look what I've done, look what I destroyed.
Philip Wittebane had been making grimwalkers for hundreds of years, sure, but even knowing that, there's so many of them. How many could've reached 20? There's piles of them, of bones and identical masks, scattered at the bottom of a pit, and god, were they dead, when he threw them down there? It's clear that he doesn't care, that the only thing that matters is disposing of them once they wear out their usefulness, moving on to the new model. Children tossed aside, left to rot and decay, and when we see them the bones are all clean.
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yokai-girlie · 3 months
went to a cosplay convention today and i think the highlight of it was austin tindle (the voice actor for neito monoma) saying that Monoma was a Swiftie and his favorite album would probably be 1989
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anthurak · 5 months
9S is the final boss though? Like his whole arc after 2B dies is him going insane until you get to the final fight with A2 with her being the obviously better choice.
Alright, ‘cracks knuckles’ guess I’m finally talking about those Nier takes I’ve never gotten around to.
Yes, you are correct. Which is why I call 9S a ‘blemish’ and not something that outright ruined the game for me.
It’s still annoying when you get into later parts of Route B when 9S starts stumbling onto all the big lore and backstory reveals with even Commander White dropping into emphasize how important what he’s finding is. As if the story is saying ‘aren’t you a smart and special little boy, 9S, for discovering all these important things’. Which combined with 2B dying at the start of Route C, makes it feel like, as I said, 9S is getting the ‘he was the REAL main character all along!’ treatment. Particularly when we consider that 9S gets to be the PC of both Route B and half of Route C, whereas 2B only gets Route A and A2 only gets half of Route C, effectively meaning that 9S technically gets the most screen time, story-wise.
Add on the fact that, as I said in the original repost, 9S reads and acts like literally every generic, cardboard-cutout self-insert anime protag-guy, to the point where some of his dialogue with 2B that I think the game wants us to interpret as ‘flirting’ feels like it’s out of a goddamn visual novel, and you can see why I consider him pretty insufferable.
It also doesn’t help that every time I’ve revisited Nier: Automata, I’m always finding 2B more and more interesting and compelling as a character. Just as an example, has anyone noticed that despite being seemingly the most ‘professional’ and loyal to the YoRHA cause on the surface of the three PCs, 2B is actually the most merciful of the three to the machine lifeforms? Like how when you first encounter non-hostile machines, 2B doesn’t want to attack them, stating that there is no reason to attack those that aren’t attacking them. Or how 2B is actually the MOST open of the three to talking and working with Pascal, whereas A2 is at first extremely distrustful and 9S just wanted to attack him on sight.
And yes, I really like A2 as well. Unfortunately the way her route is constructed means that she feels just as much like a replacement for 2B as she does a separate character in her own right. Which combined with the shorter length of Route C, makes her character feel a bit truncated.
And yes, 9S rapidly revealing himself to be a crazed, murderous incel simping for 2B the moment she dies IS in and of itself a great, twisted and interesting character turn, and I wholly agree that A2 having to Old-Yeller him is absolutely the better choice for the final battle. Unfortunately, it doesn’t really change everything else I’ve been saying up to now. Or the fact that 2B absolutely got fridged to make it happen.
Personally, for a long time now I’ve felt a better way to do the post-‘everything’s gone to shit’ reveal that we see in Route C would have 2B not actually dying but instead taken by A2 and eventually purged of the logic virus, though with 9S still wholly BELIEVING that 2B is dead at A2’s hands. Say, A2 still stabs 2B, but it turns out to be non-fatal.
From there, Route C follows A2 and a weakened/regaining-her-strength 2B working together. Likely with some fun gameplay twists were-in you’re switching control between the two. All the while, 9S is deteriorating even further than what we saw originally, to the point where even when he learns that 2B is alive and sees her again, he just goes into an even more crazed ‘you abandoned me!’ and ‘you left me for her!’ mode.
Which actually ends up leading to 9S mirroring Eve’s own crazed obsession with Adam and the rampage he went on after the latter’s death. Which in turn at first leads 2B to believe that 9S has some lingering virus infection from Adam and Eve from when they were holding him captive and that is the source of his madness, meaning that 9S could still be saved.
Of course, in a tragic twist, it is revealed that it ISN’T something lingering from Eve, but rather that 9S is deliberately re-infecting himself with the virus. That the true source of 9S’s madness is simply his own twisted obsession with 2B.
Which in turn leads to a final boss fight of 2B and A2 fighting a now-monstrous 9S. A fight which culminates in 2B and A2, with the help of Pods 042 and 153, hacking 9S in an extended trippy hacking sequence.
A sequence which culminates in 2B/the player having to hack into 9S’s menu and actually forcibly uninstall his OS-chip in order to put him down for good. Complete with you/2B effectively having to fight the ‘Are you sure?’ confirmation box which becomes progressively more crazed and unhinged, until Pod 042 mentions that you can force-uninstall the chip through some seemingly simply method like holding the button. Or perhaps something equally zany like switching control to A2 to uninstall the chip while the confirmation box is ‘occupied’ with 2B.
Thus, we still get a tragic/bittersweet ending of 2B being forced to kill 9S, but this time for good with the sense that now she can finally move on. Also this version would absolutely have 2B and A2 becoming a couple.
So yeah, that's a... few of my takes on Nier. Heck, I didn't even go into the AU I've had percolating for a few years now wherein 9S is expunged from the story entirely, 2B is partnered with 60 and is a bit of a yuri-harem-protag and there is frankly WAY more world-building than is necessary.
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keeterz · 9 months
"Nier is in Granblue Versus"
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Weird mirror match, but okay
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
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[ID: a series of digital doodles and sketches based on the owl house, featuring either Willow or Hunter. The first image is a coloured sketch of Willow in her flyer derby uniform flying casually through the sky on her staff. Hunter can be seen in the background, and is labeled "lover boy" with a thought bubble indicating he's thinking about willows arms. The sketch is coloured and shaded and the palette is a mix of a sunset and the pansexual flag.
The next image is a doodle of Willow in I Was A Teenage Abomination next to Willow in Any Sport in a Storm. The younger willow is shorter and stands shyly while the older Willow is taller and more confident, winking at her younger self. Orange hearts are drawn around them. The doodle is coloured and shaded.
The next image is a simple black and white doodle of Willow, Hunter, Amity and Luz in their designs from thanks to them, based on the three weed smoking girlfriends meme. In the foreground willow says "my three (sort of) (ex) girlfriends. And yes, they smoke weed" while in the background, Luz coughs smoking a blunt, hunter looks on stoned while holding a bong, and amity looks uncomfortable holding a blunt.
The final doodle is a drawing of Hunter in hunting palismen next to Hunter in for the future. Both are in profile facing towards each other with the younger Hunter on the left and current Hunter on the right. Younger Hunter has slightly greyer skin, deeper eye bags and an unhappy expression, while current Hunter has brighter skin and a sad, fond expression. The doodle is coloured and labeled "HE WANTS TO BE NICE SO BAD!!!" Multiple times across the canvas. End ID]
Monthly doodle dump lmao. Yes I'm still gonna post the FTF reqs, it probably won't be until after exams are done, whoopsy. The theme of this doodle dump is "I love willow park and her boygirlfriend so fucking much"
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moregraceful · 26 days
I had something to say about Kevin Gausman...observe
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sorry for the Giants photo, I yearn for a past I cannot return to. also it was the first image that popped up on DuckDuckGo that supported my theory. Anyway do we think with appropriate treatment, he could have proper ringlets. I think he could, easily. It would take some recovery but I think he could have wonderful ringlets. I need him to consider this carefully bc I think it would have ramifications for both Canada and the USA and also his career and also my heart.
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antipathy-arsonist · 3 months
i know i put this in the tags of ur post but i gotta say again hank could NOT reasonably make a romantic advance all on her own. she would get scared and kill the person and then immediately feel bad. please someone give this guy a wingman please
I KNOW RIGHT!? like sorry certain madcom fans (cough, cough, people on Pinterest alot of the time) but that guy doesn't have a charismatic bone in their body. their combination of self loathing and obvious. physical difficulties make them extremely likely to fumble the fucking bag. so likely that they wont even try.
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grahamcarmen · 1 month
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old-web-stims · 1 year
A non exhaustive list of lost stim blogs to archive content
What can you do with this list? This is a list of blogs I have yet to search in the internet archive. This post is a reference for me as well as for others as of June 28th 2023 as to what I'll be digging for in the future. You yourself can also contribute by sending any posts you've reblogged from these creators to me in DM or tag me in them so they can be archived and reuploaded here.
List is under the cut
horror-stim (scour completed)
shininglight (scour completed)
sensoryscene (scour completed)
judestims (scour completed)
stimmykid (scour completed)
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abimee · 3 days
i like 9s i really do but his behavior in the anime does make me feel like when youre in a friend group that you like but that one guy suddenly starts saying shit that makes you feel like you need to escape through a bathroom window or something and never contact this friend group again until that guy isnt present because you were chummy and friendly with them all before but now you dont think you can look that guy in the eye. and he has your home address
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sexybritishllama · 4 months
i miss going to mcm but alas it's such a bitch to get down to london these days. also the guests always kind of suck. but i love seeing everyone's cosplays and things it's always so much fun
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sir-adamus · 1 year
2B has too soft a heart to be the murderer she was made to be
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feather-and-roses · 1 month
I always feel weird telling people my favourite video game in NeiR: Automata. Everyone always assumes I just say that because I find 2B hot. NO
NeiR: Automata is a fucking masterpiece. I love the stories, the themes, it made me cry at least 3 times, and the music is beautiful. I also love the character design, not because she's hot but because I want that FUCKING DRESS.
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