xfancyfranart · 9 months
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As promised, here's the art post for my second @deancas-stabfest collab 😍 @lazarus-rose's prompt had me immediately hooked since it was music to my horror loving heart (with a spin on murder husbands I hadn't even considered yet) and takes the name "Stabfest" beautifully literal:
Summary: Everyone has their hobbies—Dean’s just happens to involve a lot more blood and screaming than most people’s. And sure, maybe murder isn’t the nicest way to blow off steam, but Dean’s always thought that being nice is overrated anyway. His latest victim, a pretty guy with startling blue eyes, should be nothing special, just another nameless body on Dean’s list. But then, after Dean kills and buries him, he turns back up at Dean’s house again the next day. What’s a guy to do when they’ve accidentally gotten an immortal witch convinced that they’ve got some kind of profound bond?
... can you blame me for claiming it? 😂 Read it NOW!! 🩸
Laz, I had an amazing time with you, your story and our collective brain rot. It's been so nice to meet and work with you and I hope it wasn't our last collab. Thank you for the A+ inspiration 🔪🖤
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deancas-stabfest · 1 year
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the second year of stabfest, aka 2STAB2FEST, will be just as awesome as the original, with MOAR and NEW. observe:
there is a mini-theme of saint sebastian, tumblr's favorite martyred twink. if your entry evokes stabby sebby imagery, then you can elect to post on his feast day, december 18th. also there's a sticker. of course.
FEMSLASH. look. we love destiel. they're compelling. they're fraught. twelve year slow burn. no one does it like them, etc. but also? we like women. so now all entries must contain EITHER dean and cas OR two or more female characters participating in Stabbing. (or both, if you're an overacheiver.)
do you want to participate, but you have mad heavy decision fatigue? are you listless and confused? do you want to put your fate into the hands of the whimsical universe? well LUCKY FOR YOU stabfest now has a JUST FUCK ME UP option for sign ups and claims! you will be assigned one or more roles at random--writer pitcher, writer catcher, artist pitcher, artist catcher. live más
WE HAVE A DREAMWIDTH AND A DISCORD. the dreamwidth is a little bare, but accessible. the discord will be up in about a week
Twitter | Dreamwidth | FAQ | Schedule
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neversleepuntilfive · 9 months
My secound art post for this years @deancas-stabfest!! It was so much fun and make sure to check out @melancholictearz 's awesome fic Frightland!! Summary: WHEN BLUE EYES ARE PIERCING LIKE A PROP-KNIFE…
Hired as a theme park tester for the Halloween season, Dean is left to his own devices in the middle of Frightland Screampark. He isn’t the kind to be afraid— hell, he and his reviews are the ones everyone else should be afraid of. Yet, he pays a visit to the oh so famous haunted house; the place is nothing scary enough to trigger a fight or flight situation but a secret third option appears when Castiel, dressed as Leatherface, rushes at him— flirting.
Behind the bruise makeup, blue-eyes pierce right into his soul like the broken knife-prop that stabs his chest, and Dean doesn’t know how to deal with the pain in his heart and panic throbbing in his blood— he calls Castiel a pretty boy and finds something to actually look forward to by the end of the night...
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🔪 Revenge for Dummies 💋
jomeg fic - 10k - rating: T - high school AU - 2stab2fest - read on ao3
“You said it yourself that being lesbian has novelty value! So it is a popularity move!” Meg shrieks. With blood smeared across her face and eyes wild with the power of standing on a table in two inch heels, she looks demonic. She looks incredible, Jo thinks. She looks like royalty. “We are being QUEERBAITED."
Jo is the queen bee of Midwest High, all until Meg steals the throne by claiming Jo is queerbaiting the school. What follows is the epic tale of Jo’s homoerotic revenge mission. It’s about girlhood and popularity and lesbianism and being a batshit insane 16 year old—with a knife!
written for the brilliantly run 2stab2fest and accompanied by gorgeous art from @keikakudom !!
chapter 1 of 5 below cut!
High School 101
Though it might’ve come as a shock to her 10 year old self, at 16, Jo Harvelle’s life is one long chick-flick moment. We’re talking resident queen bee of Midwest High with a side-dish of blonde bombshell best served hot. She rules alongside her best friend and loyal confidant Claire Novak, and their passionate alliance is founded on the fact they met in the opening weeks of middle school, when Claire found Jo reading Beginner’s Book to Blade Wielding in the quietest corner of the library and asked if she could read it with her.
It therefore may come as a surprise to some that Jo and Claire have ascended the ranks of social status with such ease and grace. Stabby lesbians with dearly departed daddys don’t often tend to work the runways of high school popularity, after all, but the facts of the matter fall like this: Jo has always been an outcast, but now she gets to be distant in the way royalty is and not in the way lepers are. Like, untouchable, but make it chic. 
The lesbian thing turns out to be pretty helpful too. Jo and Claire are known for their Biker Barbie lesbian swag, which, at Midwest High, provides the perfect intersection of gender. The boys are into their leather jackets, but Jo and Claire don’t want them back, and the girls crave their nonchalantly fashionable attitude, so Jo and Claire can bask in their heterosexually-awed stares. It’s a perfectly measured concoction of being the most beautiful girls in the whole school but not doing it for the guys. Jo and Claire simply aren’t like other girls, and so all the other girls want to be like them. 
So animal skin, pop-punk listening habits, and blonde hair. Paired with the incomprehensible fact they are two sapphic best friends who aren’t in love with each other, the whole school is pliant under their sweet and unbothered thumbs. Claire even had the incredible idea to glue Biker Barbie in pink rhinestones to the backs of their matching leather jackets. They are an inseparable gang of two and they rule the school, stomping past lockers and lesser students in matching black leather jackets, ripped jeans, and gleaming Doc Martens.
And it’s a fucking difficult life.
That’s Jo, right there, the protagonist of our Riverdalian love story. 
Yeah, hi, it’s me. And let me tell you, the pressures of being the lesbian leader of hundreds of high school aged monstrosities are pretty near infinite. Firstly, I’m 16. I’ve never even kissed a girl, and somehow being one of the first kids in my grade to come out means I’m some dykey messiah. It’s a pretty impressionable age to be seen as a sexuality first and a person second. 
Secondly, everyone in this place is like, stinking rich. Yachts and lawyers and mansions abound and so nobody can ever know me and mom scrape by living above a literal bar. All the rich kids have aloof, only vaguely invested parents, so they can do what they want, but I’m cursed with a mom who loves me and so is ridiculously interested (read: controlling) in my life. It’s just a shame my dad makes up for this by not being interested enough, in that he is dead.
Finally, amid the other infinite reasons why maintaining my monarchal image is hellishly hard, I’m not obliviously iconic like Cher from Clueless. I’m not just some dumb box bleach blonde—I’m the girl who’s making ‘freak with the knife collection’ work for her. That’s a hard line to walk. It’s a fucking tightrope. And I’ve been walking it for years. 
On the topic of walking, another of our story’s featured cast is now strutting into view. We’re alongside Jo and Claire in the cafeteria at lunch, gazing down on the masses of normies from the heights of the exclusive Royal Banqueting Table. Popularity is performance, and so the Royal Banqueting Table is the only one in the cafeteria on a raised bit of floor. It’s a stage, essentially; it’s like sitting in the royal box or the back of the bus. 
And through the maze of tables, past the nerds and the basketball team and the theater kids—this is a high school, after all—Meg Masters and The Rubies are winding their way towards Jo and Claire. Jo’s hackles raise at the sight of them, and she points them out to Claire with a nudge and a roll of her eyes. 
Meg Masters is just like the other girls. She wears tight dresses and little tops and buys all-natural avocado shampoo which has the word ‘organic’ on the bottle but which her daddy flies in from Hawaii. She is rich rich, with the kind of house so big her parents keep their sailing boat in the front garden. But with the hordes of hell hounds baying for blood at the grand entrance of the passcode protected gates, it’s not like anyone at Midwest High has ever gotten the chance to really see it. 
Well, anyone at Midwest High apart from Jo. 
Because Jo and Meg had been best friends once upon a time, back in kindergarten and elementary school, in that squishy age where time isn’t real but friends are. They had been everything to each other, vowing solemnly at sleepovers never to lose the friendship which was blossoming so pure between them. 
It wasn’t pure, Meg dropped me the second she got the chance to. The instant we reached high school, the ties were cut. 
Jo doesn’t remember exactly how their friendship ended, she just knows it hurt her more than anything else ever has.
Shut up, I remember it. Meg was a bitch. I guess some girls are just built different: she went out shopping with her flaky new rich friends, and me and Claire built a small empire.
It is perhaps pertinent to mention here that while Jo is a very self-aware lesbian, she hasn’t quite mastered the art of feminism yet. She is only 16, after all. 
Meg has equipped herself with new friends since the disintegration of her friendship with Jo, and these new friends take the form of The Rubies. If Meg keeps hell hounds at home, The Rubies are the demonic little chihuahuas who cling to her heels at school. Ruby 1 and Ruby 2 are essentially indifferentiable apart from the fact that Ruby 1 is blonde, with mean little bangs, and Ruby 2 is a pissy brunette. Underneath the skin they are both the same: shallow, devilish girls who delight in igniting chaos and looking good while doing it. So while the words Meg and The Rubies sound like a spunky indie girl band, the reality is that they are beautiful, invulnerably rich teens who love nothing better than making everyone else’s life hell. 
“Meg and The Rubies at 12 o’clock,” Claire announces to the table.
The royal court of Bela Talbot, Rowena MacLeod, and Billie (nobody knows their last name, in the same way nobody knows Adele’s or Madonna’s—you simply don’t need to) chorus a sympathetic sigh. They are staples of the Royal Banquet Table, being more loyal to the power of The Table than to the current monarchy itself, and so Jo and Claire tolerate them. Rowena’s basically a witch, and Bela’s English, and Jo is pretty sure Billie could strangle her with their bare hands and she’d say thank you, so. It’s not like they’re unattractive company.
Besides, there’s another member of the table Jo is more concerned with.
Dean Winchester leans over to Jo, and in a rarely captured example of sensible advice, says, “ignore them, Jo, they’re not worth your time.”
Dean Winchester is different to Bela, Rowena, and Billie. He makes Jo’s very lesbian brain come to an unwilling and baffling stop. She looks into his dewy green eyes and she hears white noise. He’s a senior, and he exclusively wears his dad’s too-big leather jacket because he thinks it makes him look cool (it kinda does) and Jo would die before admitting that sometimes it feels like no one else’s opinion of her in the whole world matters apart from his. 
Hey, fuck off! My feelings about Dean Winchester are perfectly normal.
“Yeah, you too,” Jo replies to Dean. And conversation is a subjective artform, but that is not the correct response to Dean’s previous statement. 
Dean smiles at Jo anyway, like she’s somehow fun to be around, and she’s glad that if being the Teen Queen of the school gets her anything, it’s this. Dean hangs out with them some days, when he feels like it. Mostly he hangs out in the school’s garage working on cars, and more recently he’s been spending time in the gardens with the new transfer student Clarence. 
My gaydar senses something is up there, by the way.
Jo is at least right about that. 
But as much as Jo tries to take Dean’s surprisingly sensible advice to ignore Meg and The Rubies, this is proves a lot more difficult than expected when Meg stalks over to the Royal Banqueting Table, steps up on the bench and onto the table itself, and lands the heels of her two inch stilettos right into the bread of Jo’s sandwich.
Jo peers up past the ankle—plump and solid—up the shin—shaved smooth and speckled strawberry—to the thigh—soft and fleshy—and then almost but not quite up her teeny tiny silky skirt.
“The fuck are you doing? Get your weirdly impractical shoes out of my sandwich stat, Masters,” Jo growls. 
“Sorry, Josephine, no can do,” Meg says, her dainty lips curling maliciously around her words.
“You know that’s not my name.”
“Oh, is it not? That fact must have walked out of my brain the day you walked out of my life.”
Jo scoffs. “The day I walked out on you?”
“Okay, Meg, get off the table and stop making a scene,” Dean cuts in, trying to stench the flow of petty words before the drama dam bursts. He is unsuccessful.
Meg smiles. “Sorry, Deano. I have an announcement to make, and this table is my stage.” Her voice is rich as honey but dangerous as dart frog venom.
It is then that Jo sees the Gucci megaphone clutched in Meg’s perfectly manicured hands. 
This is so not groovy. 
“Hear ye, hear ye,” she begins before Claire can swipe the megaphone out of her hands and Dean can try and defuse the situation further. The Rubies are now standing either side of the Royal Banqueting Table like femme-fatale bouncers, effectively immobilizing the royal court. 
The whole cafeteria falls obediently silent. Somewhere among the fringe groups, a phone buzzes, and is quickly stifled.
“I know we’re all obsessed with Jo and Claire, our Biker Barbies. They’re the reigning queens of our little high school, right? And what do we love them for? Their cutesy little rhinestone jackets, their perfectly blonde hair? Their lesbian swag?” 
Jo and Claire exchange perturbed looks. Around the cafeteria, students are nodding affirmatively; if this is Meg trying to start a Les Mis style anti-monarchy rebellion, she’s gonna have to go a little more opera.
“But what if I told you that having matching Hobby-Lobby jackets isn’t the flex you think it is? What if I told you that they bleach their hair to make it that color?” 
An uneasy muttering sweeps across the hall, and Jo suddenly realizes: Meg is working up to something. 
What if she tells them about how I live above a creepy bar? What if she tells them about the dusty-ass van mom drives me halfway to school in? What if she tells them about how invested my mother is in my life and wellbeing and how weird it is that there’s only a twenty year age gap between us and that sometimes I feel more like I’m living in a documentary about troubled young women rather than a chick-flick movie?
“What if I told you that little Joey here isn’t a real lesbian?”
Jo almost spits out her water, the laugh comes out of her so hard. “What? Come on, jello-head, I’ve been averting my eyes from lingerie stores since I came out the womb.”
“Is that so, Harvelle?” Meg sings, and her eyes flash obsidian. “Because I have it on good authority that you, self-proclaimed cowgirl and lover of posse, have a crush on Dean Winchester.”
Suddenly everything about the situation is a lot less funny. The room erupts riotously, screeches of jeers and laughter echoing across the hall. Jo feels the blood rush to her face hard and fast, much like how she imagines an erection might feel if it was brought on by intense shame. Next to her, Dean’s minty eyes are wide and staring. She flinches away from him like his touch might corrupt her all-important lesbianism. 
“No, I don’t!” Jo cries. Her voice goes unheard over the chaos of the hall.
“Awh,” Meg sighs, pouting down patronizingly at where Jo is now shaking with rage in her seat,  “that’s exactly what someone with a massive crush on Dean Winchester would say.”
“You can’t just say she’s not a lesbian, only she can say that!” Claire screams indignantly. She scrambles up beside Meg before The Rubies can pull her down and wrestles the megaphone from her hands, giving her a solid elbow to the nose as she does so. Meg’s head ricochets back and her nose bursts, bloody in her hands. 
“Shut up!” Claire bellows into the megaphone. Her cry rebounds across the far wall of the cafeteria at such a volume several kids covered their ears, and the hall falls sheepishly silent a second time. A few whispers snake across the air, though, and Jo feels her kingdom slip a little further from her grasp. “Use your brains, boneheads. As if Jo would lie about being a lesbian. Where’s the fun in that? This butt-crazy bitch just wants what we have and you can’t let her lap it up.”
“You can’t call me a bitch, that’s misogynistic!” 
“You can’t call Jo straight, that’s homophobic!”
“You said it yourself that being lesbian has novelty value! So it is a popularity move!” Meg shrieks. With blood smeared across her face and eyes wild with the power of standing on a table in two inch heels, she looks demonic. She looks incredible, Jo thinks. She looks like royalty. “We are being QUEERBAITED.”
Oh, fuck. As much as I like to channel Taylor Swift, I don’t think I can come back from the Q word like she can.
And so that is the day that Jo and Claire lose the Teen Queen crown; that is the day the Biker Barbies’ heads feel the cold sharp cut of the guillotine. Meg and The Rubies are the new reigning monarchs of Midwest High. 
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xfancyfranart · 9 months
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This Blade for Hire
Taking part in the @deancas-stabfest was a fantastic last minute decision! These mods do an amazing (and hilarious) job, and I've had so much fun collabing with @friendofcarlotta again.
Go and read "This Blade for Hire" HERE!
Dean still thinks that angels are dicks until he doesn't, Cas proudly wears not only flannel, but also his dom brow and a demon blade, and the girls finally get to stab each other too. Enjoy~
(My second Stabfest collab posts on Monday, so stay tuned <3)
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deancas-stabfest · 11 months
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Stabfest is a BANG and a REVERSE BANG at the same time!
Sign ups are still open, as long as you can get a 50% complete rough draft of art OR fic submitted by the deadline, October 30th. Claims will happen on November 5th.
Requirements have been expanded from our inaugural year to now include FEMSLASH in addition to DeanCas as well as a Special Posting Day for SAINT SEBASTIAN themed works.
We have nearly 2 dozen authors signed up for the bang and the reverse bang--so artists, you'll have plenty to choose from or be chosen by!
check out @deancas-stabfest for more info
FAQ | Schedule
seriously artists please sign up. the mods are so sad
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neversleepuntilfive · 9 months
My art post for this year's @deancas-stabfest !! I had so much fun! Check out @penguinsstealingsanity's amazing fic ''Silver knives and blood stains'' Summary: Dean and Cas find themselves in St Louis, investigating a series of attacks. As they dig deeper, the duo soon find themselves dealing with conflicting witnesses and evidence. Realizing they're hunting a shapeshifter, the pair have no choice but to descend into the sewers. Regaining consciousness after being attacked, Dean finds himself trying to track down Cas. Surely a shapeshifter is no match for an angel.
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deancas-stabfest · 2 years
Hello, Stabbers! So the time has come to display all your hard work to the innernets.
You are responsible for two things:
1) Post your work on your scheduled posting date. Not before the date, not after the date; ON your posting date, any time within those 24 hours preceding 11:59PM ET. You will receive an email advising of your posting date on December 10th. Posting runs from Dec 15th to 22nd.
Fic should be posted to AO3 and included in the StabFest 3: Return of the Stab collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/stabfest3_RotS. AO3 posts can be drafted ahead of time, but you will need to manually press the "Post Work" button on your posting date.
The AO3 post may embed the art within the body of the text; discuss with your artist to see if they're okay with that. Embedding audio or video files may be more complicated.
Visual art can be posted to whichever site the artist chooses; we recommend Tumblr, as the StabFest has its primary presence on that platform. For the raw file hosting, you might want to use a different service, as Tumblr can be flaky with image URLs. (If that sounds Greek to you, don't sweat it. Post where you're comfy.) Tumblr posts can be scheduled in advance to post at a specific date and time.
All pitch posts must contain a link to the catch post, and vice versa. All posts should indicate the fanwork was created as part of StabFest.
Visual art embedded on AO3 and art hosted on Tumblr and Twitter MUST have Alt ID. This is an accessibility issue for screenreaders and people on crappy wifi. We've all been there. Please see below for resources on how to do this.
Other types of media such as audio and video can also be hosted and displayed on whichever site the stabber prefers. We just need a link that can be included in the promo post and masterlist for people to follow to witness the glory of your creation. You must provide accessibility descriptions of visual and audio elements, such as transcripts of podcasts.
If your work has multiple segments, such as chapters or separate images, you have the option to spread out posting. You must post at least the first segment on your posting day, and have posted all segments by the end of posting at midnight.
2) Complete the Posting Form. You will receive an email the day before your posting date with a link to the airtable form. In the form, you will provide the links to posts of both pitch and catch, and advise Title, Summary, Tags, what stickers you're eligible for, etc. This information will be used to create a promotion post on the official StabFest Tumblr.
This is also where you will provide a promotional banner, if your team has one; this is optional, but it's nice to mix it up from the default. See below for information on banner requirements. You will need to proved a text alt ID for the banner as well.
Submit the posting form AFTER YOUR LINKS ARE LIVE. The mods will post the promo shortly after the form is received. (The posting form is also used to collect information for STABFEST WRAPPED. Answering those questions is optional, but very helpful to the mods. Please.)
Banners are a fun but optional piece of promo art for your team. If you provide a banner when filling out the posting form, the mods will use that image instead of the default image heading for the official promo post.
Banners must include:
Pitcher name
Catcher name
Title or titles of works
Name of fest OR an official logo. (Or both!)
There are a few options for the fest name, including but not limited to: StabFest3, StabFest 3: Return of the Stab, StabFest Episode III, StabFest2024, DeanCas StabFest, DeanCas* StabFest.
Official logos are transparent .pngs located on Google Drive, here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/178mOu07xk82paymZ2ikkADz8XQnxhP7L?usp=sharing
If you have trouble accessing the folder, shoot us a quick email and we'll send them out to you. (Mass emails with lots of attachments get punted into spam a LOT; otherwise we'd email them from the jump.)
AO3 has a posting tutorial here: https://archiveofourown.org/faq/tutorial-posting-a-work-on-ao3
Information about embedding images in a work here: https://archiveofourown.org/faq/posting-and-editing#embedimage
Information about formatting content with html here: https://archiveofourown.org/faq/formatting-content-on-ao3-with-html
For quick reference, here is the HTML code for embedding an image with an alt id and resizing: <img src="https://preview.ibb.co/dnat2G/image1_2.jpg" width="200" alt="photo of an origami bow" /> Width can also be expressed as a percentage instead of pixels. width="50%" for example.
For guidance on how to write an alt ID, here: https://veroniiiica.com/how-to-write-alt-text-for-amateur-art/ That page also has a link to platform-specific instructions for posting the alt ID.
If you have further questions or need help, feel free to reach out to the mods by email [ deancasstabfest at gmail.com ] or in the Tumblr askbox !
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deancas-stabfest · 1 year
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Claire's tough. From recess to group homes to hunting grounds, she's been scraped and smashed and tossed around. She's taken bruises that lasted for weeks and driven cross-country with scabs that crack and ooze and stick to her clothes when they dry then crack open again. She's felt pain big and small, quick and lingering. Claire can handle a little tattoo. The buzz is obnoxious and the needle is persistent, pain mounting, sweat prickling and muscles bunching up, tight and slow, like an overwound mantle clock. "Breathe, Claire," Kaia murmurs. "Try to focus on something else." Something else, like the press of Kaia's fingertips, bone beneath nitrile. Like her elbow wedged into the curve of Claire's waist like it belongs there. Something like the wisp of air against bare belly and the quiver of florescent reflections on the gun and how Kaia's biting her lip, hard square teeth sinking into soft--curved-- "Sorry it's taking so long," Kaia says. "I could do this all day," Claire answers, and covers her shaky exhale with a laugh.
Jive with this? Wanna make some art or write some fic about the SPN ladies stABBInG each other? Then join:
it's a bang and a reverse bang at the same time!
1,500 words / 1 art minimum
rough drafts due Oct 30th / Claims Nov 5th
check out @deancas-stabfest for more info
FAQ | Schedule | Discord | Twitter | Dreamwidth
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deancas-stabfest · 1 year
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Just like last year, DeanCas StabFest is a fest for fanworks in which DEAN STABS CAS
or cas stabs dean! or any supernatural girlie stabs another supernatural girlie!*
* this means female characters from the show. pls do not submit fic or fanart of tumblrina on tumblrina violence. i mean. unless you also have canon characters stabbing each other. then you can include some stabby mutuals as a bonus i guess.
well as the song goes, any way you want it, that's the way you need it!
2STAB2FEST is a bang and a reverse bang at the same time. that means there are multiple ways to participate. we even have a nifty "just fuck me up!" sign up option if you don't want to make the decision yourself.
1,500 WORD COUNT / 1 ART PIECE MINIMUM (it's still fun-sized!)
Claims happen November 5th
Posting starts December 15th
or copy and paste the URL into your browser: https://airtable.com/appHlGD4UVqcem4En/shruoFZs7eNIuI6i4
peep the new banner and icon folks. we're ~evolving
ALSO this year we are also rolling out a SHINY NEW DISCORD:
come play
it's fun
the stabbing is fictional so you don't even need to worry about medical bills :)
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deancas-stabfest · 1 year
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DO YOU have a vision of highly stylized violence, awash in color? DO YOU have a vision of the minimalist essentials of STAb, where a few stark lines can inspire generations? DO YOU want to baffle, torment, and inspire this fandom's ficcers, who are frankly kind of into that?
DeanCas Stabfest returns after a phenomenal debut year with YET MORE STABBING.
DeanCas Stabfest is a bang and a reverse bang at the same time.
Requirements are that the reverse bang art piece must contain STAB and either dean and cas OR any two or more canonically female SPN characters. Same goes for fic--1,500 word count minimum.
Rough drafts due Oct. 30th / Claims Nov. 5th / Posting starts December 15th
FAQ | Schedule | Discord | Twitter | Dreamwidth
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deancas-stabfest · 11 months
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Wanted to remind y'all that CLAIMS ARE SOON APPROACHING. The rough drafts for 2023's 2STAB2FEST have been submitted and the galleries are up for review. We have 18 fic and 5 fanart pitches ready and waiting.
SIGN UPS ARE STILL OPEN FOR CATCHERS. If you sign up prior to November 5th, then you will be eligible to participate in the first round of claims. You will be sent a link to the preview gallery or galleries as soon as a mod verifies your sign up info. The mods do, unfortunately, have meatspace responsibilities, so that may not happen immediately.
Already signed up as a catcher? Already submitted a pitch, and want to accurately schedule your freak out? Then peep the ~Official countdown clock:
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deancas-stabfest · 11 months
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Claims is nearly upon us!
If you have previously signed up for 2STAB2FEST (A BANG AND A REVERSE BANG AT THE SAME TIME) and you have a 50% completed draft of either fic or fanart then puh-leeeeeeeeease submit your drafts via the link provided by email before 11:59 PM ET on MONDAY, OCTOBER 30TH, 2023.
If you are not yet signed up but you think you can get a draft completed by the deadline--and we have full faith that you can; final word count minimum for fic is only 1,500, and final art count is just one (1) image--then
You will be sent an email containing the draft submission link as soon as a mod sees your sign up info (please be patient, as the mods, unfortunately, have meatspace responsibilities and might be afk.)
If you don't think you can finish a draft by next Monday, but you'd like to collaborate with someone else, then SIGN UP AS A CATCHER! (Especially if you're an artist. please please please.) Claims will happen on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5TH, 2023. You know you're gonna be on Tumblr that day anyway.
Why should you sign up?
What's the fest about?
Each work must contain a STAB exchanged between EITHER Dean Winchester and Castiel OR any two or more female characters from SPN. That's right! ANY TWO OR MORE FEMALE CHARACTERS FROM SPN. Or Dean and Cas. Because "Lazarus Rising" altered your brain chemistry and "The Prisoner" made it worse.
Check links below for further information, and reblog this post to spread the word!
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deancas-stabfest · 1 year
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fun facts:
it's a bang and a reverse bang at the same time. pick your poison. drink multiple poisons? go wild.
it's for fic and fanart about stabbing. that's it. that's the theme. so simple, yet with such potential!!! brainstorm on it a little! take a gander at last year's entries!
minimum entry size is 1,500 words and 1 art. so leetle. baby. fun-sized. no worries.
deancas* stabfest isn't just for dean and cas anymore! * ANY SAPPHIC PAIRINGS ARE ALSO ACCEPTABLE. * dean stabs cas. mary stabs anna. ruby stabs donna??? the random cop and crowley's swinger meatsuit from 11x01 stab each other??? THERE'S FIFTEEN SEASONS. YOU CAN THINK OF SOMETHING
THIS YEAR we also have a saint sebastian post day!! if your entry is st. sebby themed, you can post with your fellow martyr fans on December 18th.
Sign ups open September 1st, claims happen on November 5th, and posting runs from December 15th to December 22nd.
Need further convincing? Check out the promo posts from last year. There's some doozies in there.
and oh yeah--
FOLLOW @deancas-stabfest
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deancas-stabfest · 1 year
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Castiel knew this was a dream; just another aspect of his newfound mortality, which would soon be over. Still, he wished that Dean had been more forthcoming about the differences between types of drilling.
doo yOOUUUUUU have a hope and a dream and a copy of MS Paint? dooo yooUUYUUU want to draw a little STAB and force some unsuspecting author to grapple with logistics and narrative structure in order to translate your IMPECCABLE VIBES into text?
check out @deancas-stabfest for more info
(Pitcher sign ups have been extended to the rough draft deadline, which is October 30th! If you can submit a 50% draft of fic OR art on time, you can sign up! Catcher sign ups close when all pitches have been claimed. First round of Claims is November 5th.)
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deancas-stabfest · 2 years
Do you have a discord for the challenge?
Stabfest does not have a dedicated discord right now. It seemed just a skotch too much for this time around, but if there is enough demand, we might create one for the technically-still-hypothetical DeanCas StabFest 2023 (2Stab2Fest.)
In the meantime, you can contact the mods on Discord in DM, Mortea#2718 and KaylieMalinza#1678. And as always, Tumblr asks are open, or you can contact us on Twitter.
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