gho2ty · 4 months
ii know thii2 ii2 more2o a matter of my beiing a reclu2e and e2peciially neurodiivergent wiith iit, but doe2 anyone el2e need the remiinder two your2elf that ju2t becau2e you know fact2 about topiic2, tho2e 2ame fact2 are fre2hly learned for other2? liike, for 2ome people they encounter completely new thiing2 for the fiir2t tiime even iif iit2 2omethiing you learned 2weep2 ago, or 2omethiing you feel liike you encounter a lot already. old new2 two you ii2 2tiill new new2 two 2omebody.
iit2 obviiou2 a2 hell but iit2 a liittle 2urprii2iing every tiime ii realiize 2omethiing ii thought wa2 "common knowledge" ii2 iin fact not 2omethiing other2 have ever really thought about before.
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invertedromance2 · 9 months
i will be hone2t my a22 could not handle a ki2me2i2 i would get too angry and kill them i think
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jvstcallmespade · 5 months
hey.. you guy2 2hould a2k me abt my mem2
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twotiime2 · 8 months
avoca-doin-it-in-the-butt ;3
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2ollux-and-company · 8 months
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[TA]: here are my headcanon look2 for the beta kiid2
[TA]: iindiiviidual2 + other headcanon2 under the cut
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[TA]: john ii2 a boyflux bii2exual and goe2 by he/iit
[TA]: he2 got adhd and 2ome other 2tuff that he2 not two 2ure of
[TA]: he’2 legally bliind wiithout hii2 gla22e2 and al2o ha2 audiitory proce22iing trouble
[TA]: john ii2 al2o iirii2h-iitaliian
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[TA]: ro2e ii2 a tran2fem nonbiinary le2biian who mo2tly goe2 by 2he/he but ii2 experiimentiing wiith noun2elf pronoun2
[TA]: 2he’2 autii2tiic, bpd, and o2dd
[TA]: 2he’2 hard of heariing and u2e2 2iign language a lot
[TA]: he’2 jamaiican and ha2 a biit of latiine iin hiim from her dad (but 2he mo2tly take2 after hii2 mom)
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[TA]: dave ii2 a cii2 gay man and goe2 by he/caw/2nap (and ii2 alway2 lookiing for more pronoun2)
[TA]: he ha2 biipolar and 2ea2onal depre22iion
[TA]: caw ha2 BAD chroniic paiin and u2e2 a cane
[TA]: he’2 latiino (panama) and mexiican
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[TA]: jade ii2 cii2 giirlflux aroace and goe2 by 2he/her
[TA]: 2he ha2 dii22ociiatiive tendenciie2 and ii2 adhd
[TA]: 2he al2o ha2 chroniic fatiigue
[TA]: and 2he’2 pale2tiiniian
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2ollux-ii2m2 · 10 months
blergh temp piinned or w/e
3mo-2ollux → 2ollux-ii2m2
like 5 sollux alters in a trenchcoat with a blog. sometimes theres a tagging system sometimes not
tq users and also the cringe scene emos everyone warned u abt etc etc
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2eem2 liike iive been the buzz of the blog2.
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pen2iive · 2 years
ii cant thiink of a rea2on for KK and ii two hop iin a 2pace2hiip and end up all the way the fuck on a diifferent planet two 2ave my liife. diid we mean two land here or wa2 thii2 ju2t the clo2e2t thiing two cra2h land on? wa2 there anybody el2e wiith u2? where diid we even come from?
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 8 months
DIRK: Let's test something. Describe your gender in a way that'll baffle cis people, but other trans and enby people will get. I'll start.
DIRK: I prefer not to be perceived by others.
ROXY: ooohhh a void w thigh high socks and a beanie
KANAYA: I Drank Too Much Gender Juice
SOLLUX: ii wii2h ii wa2 an ab2tract concept.
JADE: oobleck!!!! my gender is oobleck
ROSE: I am a grand, old piano. I am painted black, shining and somewhat glossy. Covered in vines holding beautiful, golden flowers, I sit in the middle of a forest; forgotten, yet not lost. A cat sits atop me, staring into the distance with a glare in its tiny, marble eyes. The sun lays itself on top of my base in streaks, like looking through swaying, almost open blinds. I am a grand, old piano.
DAVEPETA: B33 < seven goblins in a trench coat, each with a diffurent hypurrfixation
HAL: David Bowie, as played by Tilda Swinton.
NEPETA: :33 < none gender with left boygirl X33
FEFERI: A s)(apes)(ifting tentacle monster t)(at takes t)(e form of your gay aunt's wife!! 38)
CALLIOPE: if gender is a performance, then mine is the cUrtains which are drawn in to block stagehands switching props and the backdrop.
JANE: I'm a girl in a man way...
DAVE: i dont know what im doing leave me alone
ERIDAN: im all the genders but also none of the genders and evverything i wwear is drag and evvery crush i havve is gay
EQUIUS: D --> If Gerard Way was a sport bike
VRISKA: I'm genderfluid 8ut not in a "sometimes a girl, sometimes a 8oy" way. Sometimes my gender is Wesley from Princess 8ride, a sexy cow8oy, pir8 temptress, greasy gamer entity.
GAMZEE: An OlD vEnDiNg MaChInE tHaT oNlY gIvEs YoU nIcKeLoDeOn SlImE aNd GrApE sOdA :o)
JAKE: I want to be able to see my gender in the forest after weeks of camping and get scared away. Then the next night wander into the forest searching for it again but disappear without a trace. Like those horror movies you watch sometimes you know?
JOHN: i'm a person?
ERISOL: ii think of gender a2 iicky 2tuff that ii dont wwant on me, attached twwo me. that2 another wway of 2ayiin i dont wwant gendered terms twwo define me. iim agender
JASPROSE: No matter who you are, if you have sex with me, it's gay!!
ARADIA: i d0 n0t exist 0u0
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xxvampensteinxx · 1 year
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2ome head2pace accurate 2tuff, iig. -2ollux
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erisol, how did becoming a sprite feel at first? was it weird to become one person?
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ERISOL: iit wwa2 defiiniitely wweiird at fiir2t. ERISOL: iit 2tiill ii2, actually. iimagiine, you're ju2t chiilliin, a2 a gho2t an 2tuff, then all a 2udden you get shovved iin2iide a 2ome guy you don't liike at all. ERISOL: you can hear your owwn vvoiice iin your head, but al2o hii2. an hii2 vvoiice ii2 techniically al2o your2? an you can hear both thought proce22e2 goiin on at once, an you can 2ee all a theiir memoriie2, an there ii2 no 2en2e a priivvacy cu2 there wwiill alwway2 be twwo people. ERISOL: ...an iit'2 all ju2t kiinda confu2iin. you hate your2elf. you hate eachother. but for 2ome rea2on? you're 2tiill here. you wwon't 2priite2plode. ERISOL: ii gue22 you 2tart twwo wwonder iif you really hated eachother at all. an you fiind iit hard twwo hate your2elf wwhen you 2ee evverythiin you'vve been through. ERISOL: but you can't lovve your2elf, eiither, cu2 neiither a you knoww howw. 2o you ju2t... exii2t. agaiin2t evveryone2 wwiill2. not knowwiin howw twwo deal wwiith iit. ERISOL: *mumbling* wwhy do you talk 2o much? they probably ju2t wwanted a 2iimple answwer. me? you wwere the one gettiin all feel2y. no ii wwa2n't. you totally wwere. 2hut up. thii2 ii2 embarra22iin. howw do you thiink ii feel?
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gho2ty · 2 years
2omethiing about me ii2 ii love two delete thiing2 iive 2aiid. liike dont even worry about iit.
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invertedromance2 · 9 months
2houtout to au2pi2tice2 fr gotta be the wor2t quadrant to be in by far but you guy2 2omehow put up with it
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jvstcallmespade · 6 months
ii thiink iim goiing to get off tumblr for a few hour2 now
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galacticcosmologist · 10 months
TA: "omg how do you come up wiith thii2 2tuff" ea2y. ii've been plagued by vii2iion2 2iince ii wa2 a wriiggler GC: OP TH4T'S C4LL3D H4V1NG 3Y3S TA: my name ii2nt op iit2 2ollux and ii bet the voiice2 of the iimmiinently decea2ed havent 2poken to you even once
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thedoghousecollective · 2 months
EEK!! rory2 ma got polygel 2tuff and 2he2 gonna do rory nd her naiil2 and rory2 gonna get hii2 liike claw2 !!!!
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