#3 people have either written or are writing a fic based on my silly posts about punkflower so
pepsicandle · 1 year
I am kinda a prompt machine rn I sent something similar in as an anon ask but might as well post ..
hobie really wanting to marry miles and being very embarrassed about it .. because it like , doesnt suit his entire persona but he literally can hear the wedding bells
imagine like an established relationship 5 + 1 times type of fic like 5 times he admitted to it and 1 time he did something about it . and the 5 times is him admitting it to various people in miles' life last one being his parents and they tell him he has their blessing and the 1 time is him proposing 😭
(let's pretend marriage between people in different dimensions is totally possible)
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askblueandviolet · 10 months
Hello! Welcome to the Blue and Violet Ask Blog!
As you might have guessed, this is an ask blog where you can ask the Mayor (Blue) and Macaque (Violet) from LMK questions! However, before anything else, there are a few things that you need to know.
General Things:
First things first, if you are not aware already, this blog is not based 'completely' on LMK canon! Instead, it is directly based and linked to the Blue and Violet Fanfiction series on AO3. Written by yours truly, me (haha!). Link to the fic series is in the bio/under the header. If you want to ask questions, please make sure you are up to date with all the chapters in ALL the fics in the series. (Also by the way YES THIS IS SHADOWPUPPET >:DDDD. If you don't like it and have a desire to assert your opinion regarding that? Then please, I kindly ask that you do not interact with this blog for your sake, my sake, and for the sake of everyone else who might want to enjoy this. Thank you :))).)
What this means is that the only things that Macaque and Mayor have experienced is within the context of this fanfiction series (which contains lots of establishment of how they know each other and their perspectives during seasons 1-3). Therefore, you definitely cannot ask these two about season four related things, because it hasn't happened to them yet!
Due to this, this blog will follow the timeline and events of what happens in the newest instalment of the series, 'Winter Mornings, Summer Nights' (previously, it was 'Colours'). After every chapter is posted, you will be able to ask Macaque and Mayor questions relating to what had happened to them in that chapter or any events prior in the fic series.
IMPORTANT: Whatever happens in this ask blog is NOT canon to the fic series. However, what happens in the fic series directly affects this blog. This means that nothing you ask or say on this blog will affect the Blue and Violet storyline.
Rules (or just... things to remember?) Regarding Asks:
I think I will be able to answer every question that you all submit. However, if I find a question too offensive, too uncomfortable, too strange (meaning I just don't understand it :'D) or something that will potentially spoil the future events of the fic series, then I will have to unfortunately ignore the ask. Either that, or I simply answer the ask with a silly picture of some sorts. On that note, please don't ask any character or me what will happen next! They probably don't know either! You'll all just have to wait and see ;D.
You can ask both Macaque and Mayor any questions you desire. However, I would highly recommend with each chapter posted, we stick to asking questions to whomever the new chapter's POV is in!
Also, if you wanted, you could also ask side characters any questions you wanted! Like Baihe, or any one of my OC's for Mayor's side of the story. But, keep in mind that this is technically a Shadowpuppet ask blog XDDD thus, they should be the main focus.
Not only can you ask the characters questions, but you can also just ask me questions about the series in general? Or just... Say something I guess? I've had people do that on my main blog, and it always makes me happy to see that people like what I am writing!
I will be honest, I am not expecting many asks to come to this blog. But, on the off chance I am overloaded with asks, please know that I can only work so fast! If it really does get too much I will temporarily shut the ask box, but I will make sure that every ask is answered to the best of my ability (Update: I look back on this statement and I realise oh how so very naive I had been)!
IMPORTANT: As of right now, it seems I should be able to answer one-two questions per day (although it could be less frequent due to potential circumstances in the future) so keep that in mind!
After experimenting with the ask box I have decided that the box will be open for 24 hours whenever it opens! This is just so that people from different time zones can like, have an equal chance to get something in if they want, haha. No cap limit on the box for now, just go wild!
Master List of Asks :D (WIP)
💙- Mayor
💜 - Macaque
🩷 - Baihe (because of how many times she appears, she deserves her own key, haha :DDD)
Chapter One Asks 💜🩷
Chapter Two Asks 💙
Chapter Three Asks 💜🩷
Chapter Four Asks 💙
Chapter Five Asks 💜(🩷)
Chapter Six Asks 💙💜🩷
Chapter Seven Asks 💙💜🩷
Chapter Eight Asks 💙
Chapter Nine Asks 💜🩷
Chapter Ten Asks 💙
Chapter Eleven Asks 💙
Chapter Twelve Asks 💜
Chapter Thirteen Asks 💙
Chapter Fourteen Asks 💙💜
Winter Mornings, Summer Nights (Announcement Post)
Chapter One Asks 💜
Chapter Two Asks 💙💜
Chapter Three Asks 💙
Chapter Four Asks 💙💜
Chapter Five Asks 💜(💙)
Chapter Six Asks 💙💜
Chapter 'Seven' (now Eight) Asks 💙💜
Chapter 'Eight' (now Seven)💙💜🩷
Chapter Nine 💜(💙)
Chapter Ten 💙💜
Chapter Eleven 💜🩷
Chapter Twelve 💙💜
Chapter Thirteen 💙💜
Chapter Fourteen 💙💜
Chapter Fifteen 💙💜
AND THAT'S IT! I... think? This post will update as time goes on the more and more I learn how to help this blog function to the best of its ability. So please check this pinned post every time before you ask a question :DDD.
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for-a-longlongtime · 1 year
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Wow. Y'all. I truly never expected so many awesome responses on the post I wrote last night about Dieter, Goya and Pedro on Talk Art. It is the first 'fun' thing I've written in so many years - after having felt blocked/paralyzed re: creative pursuits since 2020 (shit happened) -, without stressing about how I wrote it, and it means the world to me that so many people liked it and shared it.
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I don't want to clutter up all the feeds by individually sharing and responding to the reblogs etc, so I'm throwing it together in one post here - because I want y'all to know I appreciate it so much. And it honestly made me even more excited that some of my favorite PP fic authors did so, because I've been enjoying YOUR work so much!
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@chaoticgeminate Sending those hugs right back, and your fic was absolutely not a silly little piece! I truly love(d) it, and I'm glad it sent me down this little rabbithole. And yes, while writing that piece I also became more convinced that Pedro himself was a really big part in shaping Dieter and his background story. It's so damn intelligent and very much his style.
One thing I didn't mention yesterday (and I'm sure this is something a lot of people already spotted since the first day that the movie was online) is that I also came to realize how much Pedro has based Dieter's outfits and some mannerisms on Jeff Bridges' character The Dude from 'The Big Lebowski'. Never really saw that movie but I put it on today for a bit, and it was striking -- I'd even dare to say that the "'Bola, hold my hair!" moment on the toilet is a nod to how The Dude (who has longer hair) gets his face shoved into a toilet. Also, at one point when Bridges' character is addressed with "Mr Lebowski", he dismisses that and tells the guy to call him Dude, or even 'Duder' which, yeah, that's just a small step from 'Dieter Bravo'.
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amycben on Reddit said the same thing about Bridges, and shared these Dieter pics, which definitely made it clear how our Feral Raccoon Boy's style is inspired by 'The Dude' <3 I don't care much for the Lebowski movie, but I love a good reference, especially since it's a Coen brothers movie - and we all know that Pedro now has a small role in Ethan Coen's upcoming movie 'Driveaway Dolls'. Anyway, I honestly hope that at some point Pedro will be asked about the work he did in shaping Dieter, because I'd love to hear more about this. There's no chance in hell that'll happen, because which journalist would ask him this? But I'm cool though if the universe wants to manifest one of us getting to interview him some time in the future, haha.
Anyway, again @chaoticgeminate - thank YOU really. I needed that deep dive more than I knew thanks to your writing!
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@nicolethered thank you too for being responsible for my deep dive, haha, it were your screenshots that made me recognize the other Goya paintings! <3 (and I love your gifs btw!
@mysterious-moonstruck-musings well hearing from you that you loved MY writing is just such a super awesome thing after how much I've been enjoying your Dieter story! <3 <3
@julesonrecord I'M TOTALLY IN hahaha, I saw your comment right before I went to bed last night and it made me smile so much!
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@imaswellkid I'm def not an Apatow person either, and I'll be honest - the first time I watched the Bubble I couldn't get past the first half, haha. But I later began to realize that you should indeed watch it through a critical lens and as a reflection about the craziness that was going on, rather than 'oh this is a movie about the pandemic'. The Mando bud is great btw! But even better is the Baby Yoda bud - I have no clue how growers/dispenseries (I'm in the midwest) get away with naming their product after Disney stuff, but I'm sure glad it got me to try that hahaha.
@lunapascal IKR artist Dieter is so damn underrated, and I'm so glad that at least a whole lot of fic authors are giving him more of what he deserves! OK and I totally want to write some too now, hahaha. Especially because there's a lack of Dieter x OMC/m!reader fics, which tbh needs to be fixed.
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@survivingandenduring @sp00kymulderr @thesimulationswarm @pedrit0-pascalit0 @gemmahale @sin-djarin @perotovar @ladamedusoif @gracie7209 thank you so much for your kind words, they honestly mean so much to me! @angelofsmalldeathandthecodeine WOW, that Dali piece is fuckin incredible! And @basicoccult woahhh maybe y'all did!? See now I feel like I need to inquire about whether y'all take new initiates! <3
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@chronically-ghosted God don't get me started, it's so tempting - next thing you know I'll have suckered myself into writing Dieter fic (while I'm only just getting started now on two other WIPs), haha. But yes I'm so curious about what the unspoken canon is there -- and most probably Pedro is the one with answers to that since it seems so much like he created Dee. I ended up googling some Apatow interviews this morning and saw that he set out to make the Bubble as a sort of Christopher Guest movie (the mockumentary style), and other articles said that there was a lot of improv involved - so obviously Pedro must've contributed a lot. Particularly because I've read at least interviews with four directors (Zeke who did Prospect, Craig Mazin from TLOU, I wanna say Patty Jenkins, and I'm currently blanking on the other name) who spoke about how involved Pedro was, down to specific dialogue and character's motivations etc in shaping the movie (I think Zeke said that Pedro worked with them to tone down Ezra's Shakespearian manner of speech a little, which I can totally see happening since Pedro has done/read so much Shakespeare and it's easy to picture that he wants to fine tune it so it's accessible enough for audiences). Ugh, it's probably gonna take a long while until there'll be any long form interviews with him again, and sadly interviewers are probably not gonna ask about any of this.
Re: painting or acting, yesterday I read @blueeyesatnight 's That's Not Your Name-Dieter fic (LOVED it, can def recommend it!) and one of the coolest things about Dee's character development there is that it indeed delves into 'okay how did he pick acting versus art' and more background story, plus how in the current day events of the story he is even making his own oil paint. That has become my headcanon now <3
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@tessa-quayle I'm so glad you liked my post!! I really really wish that Russell and Robert would do another episode with Pedro. I love Russell in particular (sorta followed his work since Being Human was released, which holy crap was already 15 yrs ago?), but the way they attempted to interview Pedro back then was kind of a hot mess - and I say that lovingly hahaha. They were so enthusiastic that they talked over him so/too many times, so I'd love a tad calmer conversation where P has the opportunity to go more indepth.
@tvversionperson IKR there is SO much plot and character development to be explored with Dieter in that movie, which of course it doesn't have room to delve into but shit I wish they would/could. Or at least to just hear Pedro talk about what his thoughts are on it, because you know he most definitely had Dee's entire back story fleshed out in his head when he shot this movie.
Super long post, but again, I just wanted to thank y'all for the love. This is the first time I've done anything writing wise re: the PP cinematic universe, and all your responses have been so heartwarming and really encouraged me to do more stuff in one way or another with the Pedro boys, be it rabbit hole analysis or fic.
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campbyler · 1 year
ok. a genuine question. how do u guys write 20-30k *chapters* bc i will outline fics minutely or i will just let myself start writing based off a vibe & either way i will get 600 words out of maybe. two hours of work. on a good day with no distractions/interruptions, & i very much do not have an uninterrupted two hours to write very often, so you can imagine how slowly things get written T_T so i’m interested if there’s any aspect of any of your writing processes that really enables u guys to write so much or if it’s not really something you think about? anyways i really like ur guys’s work, & thank you for deciding to write for byler bc i know me and a lot of people enjoy it a lot. thanks!!
hello !! this is a super valid question and i’ll try my best to answer it for you 😗✌️
andi infamously writes a lot faster than thea and i do (she finished draft 1 of chapter 3 in like. two days. which was so scary. i’m in awe of her fr) but she has also spent a lot of time editing ch3 so it’s definitely not like these chapters are publish-ready in a short amount of time by any means! it took thea a couple of months total to fully write + edit ch1 and it took me about 3.5 weeks to write ch2 and another two weeks to edit it which is part of the reason we’ve spaced out our posting schedule like we have — we put a lot of effort and care into these updates and we want to give ourselves as much time as possible to get ahead before all 3 of us inevitably get so super busy with work and/or school in the fall!! so while we do write a lot, please don’t think we are so insanely speedy about it because unless we are having Really Good Writing Days, that’s definitely not the case. sometimes we do have days where we are really in the zone and write more than usual, but at least for me, this is so so so rare. whatever i write in this time gets heavily edited because so much of it was nonsensical brain vomit LOL
as far as writing process goes, i think one of the things that motivates us a lot is that we genuinely do just talk about this au constantlyyyyy like we’re always coming up with silly little hcs or drawing for it or adding to the Lore ™️so we’re always getting inspired to write! all three of us are definitely people who use writing as a way to relax or even reward ourselves after a long day; we would probably die if we had to go too long unable to :/ messages like “i can’t wait to get home and write after work today” or “i’m going to write a little bit of ___ before bed because i deserve it” are very commonly found in our gc because we really just look forward to it so much! as for our scary word counts, i feel like there is a lot of worldbuilding in this universe specifically, and pacing is really important to us — we want to make sure introductions and set-up to a scene and character interactions are meaningful and flow naturally, and building tension (which is a hallmark of this fic hehe) does take some time, which can definitely add up word count-wise.
for the most part, none of us usually have a solid few hours to sit and write either (unless it’s on our days off or after work if we’re not too tired) and we get a lot of writing done in chunks! we hold each other accountable for short check-ins (“ask me for a snip in 30 minutes”) which is super helpful when you’re stuck, because it kind of forces you to get Something down without worrying if it’s super polished and edited and perfect. if you’re writing on your own, something i’ve started doing lately is setting a 15 minute timer and just seeing how much i can get done in that time, and then setting another and doing it again (up until however much time you have to write that day). i’ve found that the artificial deadline helps break the monotony of sitting in front of your computer for Hours on end with nothing to show for it bc TRUST we’ve all been there and it sucks so bad 😔✊
this got super long so i apologize but i hope at least a little bit of it was helpful! it definitely helps that we are constantly feeding into each other (i.e: having brainrot) and offering inspiration and advice, which does wonders for creative flow tbh. we’re definitely not cranking these chapters out as quickly as people might seem to think — thea started chapter four, which won’t be posted for about a month, maybe a week or two ago. i just started chapter 5 — about 6 weeks away — yesterday lol so we do take our time! don’t be scared by the giant chapters, we just had a lot of content we wanted to include in each one and are in too deep to take anything out 🥳🥳 thank you for the question! good luck with your writing we believe in you 🫡
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2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26 (My question is just say something about them you want to say)
For whichever character/characters your want
woweee this is gonna be a looooong post
2-Favourite thing about this character
Doing this for Dante. The Dr Faust cutscene, or to be more broad I love his silly attitude and his stupid jokes. Made this series iconic and funny and gives him a personality.
3-Least favourite thing about this character
For Dante this would probably be the ‘if you were 18 i would date you’ joke from the first episode of the anime. This really rubbed me the wrong way and its kinda weird to say that to a kid you just met???and ooc for him???
7-Whats something the fandom does when it comes to this character you like?
Actually give the girl characters time to shine instead of just making them sexy eye candy. And the silly family dynamics between the Sparda boys.
8-Whats something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
the fucking Vergil dodges child support and is a ‘sigma based alpha male’ homophobe. i hate it so muchhh even though the meme is dead it still annoys me so much when i see people still think its funny.
9-Could you be roommates with this character?
I probably could be roomies with people like Dante and Nero and Kyrie. Id probably get a little annoyed at Dante for constantly being in debt and gambling but we could survive. Do not think I could be roommates with Vergil. that man does not know how the oven works.
10-Would you date this character?
fuck yeah I would date Dante.
12-What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Nico is the kind of person who drenches everything in ranch. She buys the ranch ice cream a lot and it makes Nero loose his shit every single time. She drowns her chips in ranch and Nero looks at her from across the table like shes murdered someone
14-Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
Hrngh fuck im not a fashion person. Do kinda see Trish getting into gothic fashion tho.
20-Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Nero and Nico are the perfect best friends duo. Always got each others backs, always making fun of each other lightheartedly. I want more of them sooo badly you have no idea.
21-If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
its been decades since I have last written anything in general. But I do remember Dante’s dialogue being fun to write for me and I dont like everything else because im constantly worrying if something is ooc
22-If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
Its been decades since ive read any dmc fic either (get caught up in other things) but as mentioned earlier do love those family dynamics and the attempts to fix everything. Dont like when Vergil os portrayed as ice cold after dmc5.
23-Favorite picture of this character?
FUCK THIS IS SO HARD. I do love the capcom cafe art with dante and his tits out. the teppen card art is also pretty cool.
24- What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
So considering the only other fandom I am in is about depressed teenagers trying to overcome their trauma its safe to say none. I guess Kel somewhat for Dante? Only cause theyre silly and have older brothers who like blue.
25-What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
When I first saw V back when I knew absolutely nothing about dmc, I thought he was edgy and didnt really like him (the video used the ‘what evil lurks I must destroy’ clip out of context). But now that I have played and beaten the series I must say V my poor guy hes an absolute menace.
no idea what this means!!!!!so im just gonna make up a question!!!!
26-Would you work for this character?
ABSOLUTELY NOT DANTE HAS NO BREAD!!!! and the job is like. insanely dangerous and im just an internet guy.
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chiropteracupola · 10 months
tagged in '20 questions for fic writers' by the esteemed @verecunda — thank you very much!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
at the moment, I think Sharpe, Flight of the Heron, and Kidnapped are getting most of my attention? altho' there are of course quite a few others.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
you'd be my best friend, you'd be my lady (Hornblower)
sleep in it slowly (if you can) (Hornblower)
illuminating all, in time (Hornblower TV)
here in your arms is cured (Kidnapped)
as in a mirror dimly (The Mummy 1999)
...huh. that is not what I thought the top five were going to be. but then again, I think a lot of the work that I myself like better is both newer and more niche, so I guess that does make sense.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I typically respond to comments on fics I posted after April 2022, which is when I started replying to comments. not sure why that's my routine but either way it's what it is.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hm, a lot of breaking left to do, perhaps, being as it's just solidly Horatio Hornblower Is Sorrowful right from one end to the other. I'd lean toward this one rather than any of what I've written on the theme of being lost in undeath, even though there are quite a few more of those (and better written ones to boot!), since I tend to end those with something calm and a little restful even in decay.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think that's probably got to go to Shaking Off Our Shadows, which is basically two thousand words to the effect of 'what if these two fellows from a very grim book full of disease and death and ruin and general misery had a really nice beach epilogue wherein Everything Was Fine.'
8. Do you get hate on fics?
eh, I've gotten a few weird comments on one, mostly people voicing their hatred for one of the characters it's about. I personally think it's all very silly to come to the doorstep of a fellow who likes to write about romantic dissection and say that a kiss exchanged with mutual interest but without previous discussion is 'fucked'. methinks the problem lies not with me.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
...on occasion. not a great deal of it has actually made it into finished fic at present, mostly because I'm not very confident with specificity in those matters, and so it's more likely to be heavily metaphoricized (see above about the romantic dissection...)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
most of them are things that I'll draw about or merely ponder rather than writing, but a particularly silly one that I've actually gotten some words in on is Hornblower and Animorphs — look, if the Animorphs team is canonically at Trafalgar, I don't think I have a choice but to crack open a space to play with in the Age of Sail!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
as far as I know, no.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
a few of my RLS-based ones have been translated into Russian!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
sort of! when it comes to actually both writing in the same document, no, but the larger expanse of Flintlock Fortress is done in close collaboration with @dxppercxdxver, and we're discussing a great deal even if we're actually writing on separate parts of the story.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
I think when it comes to sheer years-long staying power, that badge has to go to Livesey/Trelawney.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I really would like to finish some of my earlier Treasure Island and Hornblower attempts, like the selkie au and the tattoo-sorcery story. I was definitely biting off more than I could chew plot-wise at the time and I'm more confident writing at length now, but I really don't have a ton of enthusiasm for the almost complete rewrites those stories would need to feel right to me, and so probably not.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I really do pride myself on my ability to Describe poetically and to spin an interesting sentence. enough of my fics are extended versions of things that I couldn't make work as a single drawing that that's become quite an important thing for me.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
plots, and overall forming a story to have a solid structure and not just be a vaguely interesting selection of scenes... and I'm definitely not very good at imitating authorial voice, even when I'm trying very hard to do so.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
like most everything, it's good when done with intention — I really wish I'd gotten quite good enough at Latin to do what I'd been intending and write some Hornblower fic entirely in Latin.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I'd guess Stand Still Stay Silent, altho' I never ended up finishing any of the stories I began, and that was long before I had such a thing as an ao3 account (or even my current file-keeping system,) so where that all ended up I've got no clue at all.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
well, I think it's got to be the wormsfic... I'm just beyond proud of it even in its currently unfinished state and I think it's excellent proof of the fact that I've actually grown as a writer over the last few years.
and I shall tag... @dxppercxdxver, @cedarboots, @baronetcoins, @kigiom, @bishakespeares, and @lacomandante, if you're interested?
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frankenjoly · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @cursedvibes thanks!!! i love these things
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
68 but for Reasons (a fanweek i'm very hyped for), it's gonna be 69 next week.
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
287,330 (and counting ofc)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
mostly bsd, jjk & a bit of genshin, but i throw in ficlets and/or one-shots of other stuff to let Thoughts out.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Connecting the dots. silly pre-canon fluff and humor won people over after arcane's s1 finale.
Between the pages: part 2. mix of bsd ficlets/drabbles, bcs i love doing small thingies (i'm already finishing part 4 laksdjflk).
Misread. aka jealuc from barbara's pov, aka humor that stemmed from a teensy lil angst.
Remnants. more of me letting thoughts out after arcane's s1 ending, this time timebomb with pining Jinx.
Por el amor de estepresidente... the bsd crack fic (or my first one, at least), in which Mori and Fukuchi sort of ally to crash fukuzawa's date with any 3rd person but are also competing against each other.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i do, bcs i either have the need to thank ppl or ramble about the fic they're commenting on (or both).
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
probably Remnants, though i intended to go with the "it's not/won't be unrequited" vibe.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i'm a pussy and a slut for happy/hopeful endings, so i have those by the ton aldkjfl.
8. Do you get hate on fic?
not hate per se, but i've had complaints about tagging all ships from the start in my genshin ficlet compilation... when i was gonna throw them all into ao3 in one sitting.
also that one person who came to one of my Utahime Week fics, who was tagged as both gojohime and shokohime, to tell me "nooo shokohime are just friends yadda yadda" while praising gojohime as canon (i love it too, but it isn't). it was odd.
9. Do you write smut?
i have this thing when it comes to nsfw in general and smut in particular, aka up to certain point it makes me uncomfy but below that idgaf and even go like "nice, my ship having sex"... so.
most i can offer is barely-explicit stuff, and for fic specifically i see "depictions of character bein horny" and "pre- and post-sex" rather than actual smut.
10. Do you write crossovers?
not a lot, but the bsd+jjk thingie that came from rp and also birthed the dnd-ish au got me by the throat.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
as far as i know, nope.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
as far as i know, nope (x2). though i do translate some rp solos to turn them into one-shots adding up stuff as well (i could just post them in spanish, but).
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i guess rp is like schroedinger's yes here? but when it comes to literal fic... not yet, but i know what and with who.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
i can't choose, sorry laskdjf.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
not really a wip, but i had one Uraume-centric fic that i'm not sure if it'll see the light for... some reasons. long story short, it's based on another fic that's a roleswap and has modern socerers (and students) Uraume and Sukuna.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i apparently never run out of insp and will to write, so i can go fast as fuck. and my writing is one of the things i'm most confident about like fr.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i still feel like english nerf me, at least when it comes to narrating, bcs i cannot be as descriptive or poetic as i am in spanish.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
as someone who's first language isn't english but writes fic in english, you go ppl. and also, native english speakers can be kiiinda entitled lol.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
both for rp and my first fic ever, abc's once upon a time (that was also my first fandom being online).
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
another instance of me sucking at making choices alsdkf, sorry.
no pressure tag: @ildi-dragonheart @bungoustraypups @monday-headache @noirewaves @rhymbic @minluce @bunniezai @neonganymede @fyodorkitkat
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poolsidepanic · 2 years
poolsidepanic masterpost
I’ve pretty much sorted out my tag system for this blog so here, find what calls to you:
squid’s stuff
#thoughts 🌸✨
these are my small little ideas that don’t make much on their own
#snippets 🌸✨
these are short little scene snippets that give an idea of what i think cunningway’s life or dynamic could be like
#fics 🌸✨
these are my fanfics for cunningway. i more-or-less count anything 300+ words in this category
#edits 🌸✨
my edits. both videos ive posted here as well as my tiktok, and silly little image edits
#art 🌸✨
any pieces of art i have done for them
others’ brilliance
#others’ thoughts 💕☁️
short little ideas other people have had
#others’ writing 💕☁️
things other people have written for them. this includes both short snippets and fanfics
#others’ art 💕☁️
art that other people have made of chrissy and heather
#others’ edits 💕☁️
i use this tag as an umbrella tag for edits, moodboards and other such things that don’t have their own tag
#aesthetics 💕☁️
any aesthetics that made me think of them
who for?
#just chrissy 🫧
posts that include chrissy but not heather
#just heather 🍒
posts that include heather but not chrissy
#poly ships 💅
any posts with poly ships that both girls are part of
#resurrected girlies 🖤💋
demon!cunningway stuff because i cannot stop thinking about it
#trio of besties 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♂️
cunningway + billy friendship
#witches 🔮🌱
an au where the girls are rival witches
#mermaids 🧜‍♀️💦
where either or both the girlies are mermaids
#pottery studio 🎨
pottery studio owner heather holloway
other stuff
#pinterest references 📌
art i drew based on a picture i found on pinterest
this ones a little self explanatory :)
my responses to any asks received
this is your reminder that i am happy to receive asks about me, the blog, chrissy, heather, cunningway, etc.. <3
#not the girlies 🤍
my thoughts more about the act of shipping them, the blog, or other not-quite-chrissy-or-heather nonsense
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actuallyitsstar · 6 months
🫓 What is your most popular fic?
🥘 What category do most of your fics fall under?
🍛 Have any comments, tags or reactions to one of your fics every made you laugh or cry or both?
🍢 Have you ever gotten hate on a fic?
🍣 What helps you focus or get in the mood to write?
🍥 What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
✨ send me an emoji and ask me about my fanfic! ✨
🫓 : what is your most popular fic?
this is most certainly time takes no prisoners (you'll see). very much hands down, very much no contest lol 😅
🥘: what category do most of your fics fall under?
found family lol. what can i say. something about it does in fact hit different for me. i always want more and the brainrot is never ending and it's arguably not the most popular fic genre, so when i run out of content in the fandom of choice atm, i start making my own lol
🍛: have any comments, tags or reactions to one of your fics every made you laugh or cry or both?
well, yes, for starters, several of yours!! 💗 like when someone leaves a nice/heartfelt and/or detailed comment on my silly little fics i am quite LITERALLY screaming crying (and only metaphorically throwing up) about it. that shit does in fact mean the most to me and i wouldn't push myself to actually try and do things i don't feel very good at if people did not seem to want me to do it, so when people feel Some Type of Way after reading something i wrote that is the ultimate goal. i wouldn't write stuff if i didn't want whoever's reading it to connect with and remember it, so i connect just as much back when they do!
🍢 : have you ever gotten hate on a fic?
thankfully i actually haven't yet!
🍣 : what helps you focus or get in the mood to write?
oof tbh i think me being ~in the mood to write~ is controlled by the whims of deities interested only in toying with me 😭😭 ive learned that even if i am not exactly in the mood i have to just Do it. and eventually i will either stop bc im like wow everything i am writing right now absolutely sucks! or i will get into it and figure out a whole bunch of shit and write 5k words. there is basically no in between lmao
🍥 : what’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
this is also gonna have to be time takes no prisoners. it is kind of a big first fic for me- longest, first top gun fic, first fic to rly get comments or kudos, most chapters, fic i am the most proud of, first series based work, etc etc- and the story (though obviously not my own, as it IS just a retelling of largely canonical events i can't take any credit for) means the absolute world to me. it's probably going to wind up being my fanfic magnum opus lol. it is always gonna hold a special place in my heart. i just adore this fandom and these characters and i just akdhdjhfjfhf love everything about the whole mav-is-bradleys-dad shit and the by extension found-family-w-people-mav-knows shit. it is just major *chefs kiss* for me <3
if i needed to give a more creative answer in the pre ttnp timeline (bc that is how it feels sometimes lol. there is pre and post ttnp/top gun brainrot and nothing in between), i'd have probably said all this effort to make it look effortless, which was the first writing of any kind i had done since like 2018 or something idk. i wrote and posted it last year, not too long before i began to write ttnp (it was actually right before i saw tgm at all), and it's for the world's most obscure fandom and it's very very self indulgent and i rly did just write it for myself, there's like under 50 fics in that fandom and mine has less hits than that lol. but i was and am very proud of it! (tho w the hindsight of rereading i hate the formatting so much god learn to use paragraph breaks what is wrong with you aaaaaaa).
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[ID: Traditional pencil doodles of Smile For Me fan oc Ruth Reznik. Ruth is a large bodied woman with light brown skin and long brown wavy hair. Her left side of her face is covered with her long hair to hide burn scars she has.
First image shows two drawings of Ruth, one in casual attire with a orange button up shirt and maroon trousers with a shy expression and pose. And another drawing of her inspecting a chalaf whilst in her work attire.
Second image shows a close up of Ruth’s face, her burn scars on her left side being more apparent, she has a shy but smiling expression.
Third image is a simplistic doodle of Ruth looking comically shocked. ID ends.]
Another Smile For Me oc and for my Uncle AU fics, say hi to Ruth Reznik!
Ruth is a Russian Jewish trans woman who works as a shochet, though she lives in a separate neighbourhood to Grigory, the two of them are close friends who often visit each other. She is a silly and fun loving lady, but can be very worrisome due to like... being a Jewish trans woman in 1950s Soviet Russia.
The art above shows her in her 20s during the 1950s, by the time Smile For Me takes place she is in her 60s, I will post some designs of her in her 60s soon.
Some more tidbits under the cut that I’ve came up for her, warning for themes of WWII, antis*mitism and Operation Barbarossa. Also as an FYI, whilst I’ve done my best to research for Ruth, I am a gentile, so if you are Jewish and want to give me feedback then please do so.
-Ruth is Ashkenazi and follows Conservative Judaism.
-She's a trans woman and is Aro/Ace. She and Grigory have a queerplatonic relationship.
-Ruth was born in 1930s Soviet Russia, and she has been through and survived WWII and Operation Barbarossa, and they’ve left her with burn scars on her face.
-Whilst the Jewish community she’s apart of and those close to her are supportive of Ruth, she had a difficult life living in the Soviet Union both for being disabled, trans, and Jewish, and especially faced a lot of antisemitism.  
-In her 20s, she was very self conscious about her scars and would often hide her facial scars with her hair. In her 60s however, she is much more at peace with them and doesn’t hide her facial scars almost at all.
-She is 6′3, and she also dealt with dysphoria regarding her size and being larger, though it mellows out as she ages.
-Both she and Grigory first met in refuges they were staying at during WWII and befriended each other, they went their separate ways after the war, but reunited when Grigory left his family,
-She has Usher syndrome Type 3, and as she ages she loses her vision and hearing and is hard of hearing during her 20s and legally deafblind by the time she's in her 60s. She can still hear and see to an extent and isn’t mute, but she prefers to speak in tactile sign languages.
-She worked as a shochet for many years, but when she lost a lot of her vision, she stepped down, and she now works as a instructor teaching Halakha to other disabled Jewish people.
-She is a family friend to Grigory's side of the Habit family and was a bit of a aunt-like figure to the Twins growing up, she adored young Boris when he also came into the picture, but always felt worry for him due to his father...
-She is very warm and friendly though also can be a fidgety and nervous. She's also got a bit of a sillier and mischievous side, and likes to play practical jokes on others.
-When speaking verbally she has the habit of adding Yiddish into a lot of her sentences, she affectionately calls the Twins 'the little shmucks' fdjdfkkjfd.
-One of her hobbies is stitching little puppets, mostly based on animals due to her love for them. She actually inspired and helped Boris in making Pabit.
Again I want to clarify that I am gentile, if anyone Jewish wants to give me feedback on her and the stuff I’ve written for her so far then please do so. 
In fact, whilst I’m still currently in the stage of trying to flesh out the lore I’ve come up with and am mostly focusing on Grigory for the stories I want to write in the Uncle AU, due to most of the setting take place in post-WWII Soviet Russia, I think I’d rather either do Ruth’s segments and stories under the guide of a Jewish sensitivity reader or collaborate with a Jewish author, so, if anyone’s interested in that feel free to DM me.
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scummy-writes · 4 years
5k Followers Celebration!
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I feel like a lot of folks are probably confused as to the amount of followers, but I’m going to dump that all under a read more! Right now I just want to focus on saying thanks, and! The best I can think of is a ‘thank you’ fic! (With a blabbery/rambling thank you under a read more).
A while ago I mentioned that once I hit my next milestone I would let you guys choose the next suitor to get pegged, so I made a handy little poll to do just that! It’s not set to gather any info outside of voting/written in suggestions (if you want) with the other (not required) qs.
Obviously, since there are a lot of suitors I can’t really write well at all, there’s only a few to pick from here, but I hope at least one suitor is someone you’ve been wanting to see get pegged! But, regardless, here is the poll: click me!
(Please do not try to write in other suitors)
I believe in the past I also mentioned doing a poll where it’s voting for a non-pegging fic, and while I want to do that as well, I am going to wait a few months before I do that. Just to see how this one goes, and to give myself a break in between writing for others vs writing for myself. I’m sorry if that’s a bit disappointing.
When it comes to the poll itself, I’m probably going to keep it open for three days, unless it seems like its getting a lot of votes still, then I might extend it to last a full week instead! Wanna give folks a good chance to vote qq
And now, time for Scum to attempt a coherent ‘thank you’!
I’m always pretty bad at these types of posts because in all honesty I don’t really like looking at numbers often, since it usually adds onto my anxiety and, admittedly, stresses me out. It’s hard to figure out things I want to say because of this, because I do want to thank folks, but I also want to clarify some viewpoints I have so I (hopefully) don’t give off bad mindsets to have with these things. Because I’ve seen that people often like shoving number counts as a way to ‘one up’ others or something really weird like that, and thankfully I have Not seen it in the ikevamp fandom much. (Or, I may be lucky and haven’t ran into people like that.) While it probably comes off as hypocritical to say, I greatly dislike the idea of numbers = worth. I hate it in the sense of how I’ve seen it rip friends apart or have been used as an excuse towards bullying others. Because of that, I don’t think I’m going to be making any posts about the amount of followers I have for a long, long, time, if at all, and it’s partly why I’ve avoided answering any anons or those fun tag meme things that ask to list a follower count. It’s obvious (I hope) that no, I do not have 5k followers that are purely from the ikevamp fandom. This is a mixture from the past fandoms I’ve been in (well, I was only in one for half a moment so maybe just Two fandoms), and surprisingly a lot of you have stuck around through the fandom changes. Admittedly, I wanted to figure out how many I had before writing for ikevamp, but I couldn’t find a way to find out old follower counts based off of dates. And then it opened up the can of worms of not having ‘picture proof’ if anyone asked for it, and instead able to only offer just a set ‘in all’ total.
This probably doesn’t sound coherent, but I hope it makes at least some sense: while I hate looking at my follower count or witnessing weird (negative) fixations* on others follower counts, I absolutely do not hate seeing all of the familiar names that pop up in my notifications. I don’t have any negative feelings towards any followers, and I get,,,,,,,cheesily,,,,,, overwhelmed,,,, when I see someone that followed me like 2 or 3 years ago interacting with posts I’ve made recently.
Knowing folks have stuck around with me for so long and are offering support in ways of just hanging around still means a lot, even when its often clear I don’t write for the fandoms they initially followed me for, and it always makes me happy (and sappy) to see urls that I remember. Even if they’re just liking a random text post I made ;;; It’s probably weird to do so, but, that’s what makes me the happiest. 
That isn’t to say that I don’t remember newer faces! A lot of you interact with me a lot and are always extremely kind to remind me it’s okay for me to take breaks, it’s okay for me not to get out a new fic asap or for me to just chill out and breathe. You guys are also quick to give me encouragement when I need it, even if I’m not even directly asking for it, and there’s a lot of replies/anons/asks I go back and read that help me out when I’m feeling a bit low ;;
It always makes me scoff at myself when I say “I don’t know how to word this” or “I’m bad at words”, but I really hope that it’s clear that I do appreciate the people who support me, whether old or new. You guys have helped me a lot, encouraged me to keep writing when I’ve been close to given up way more often than I’d like to admit, and being able to talk to you guys makes me ;;; very happy and thankful, especially given current world events…
Thank you guys for talking to me and taking the time out of your day to read what I write, whether it’s a silly text post or a fic I worked on. Thank you guys for supporting me, whether it’s been ‘quietly’ or ‘loudly’. Thank you guys for ;;; treating me like a person, and acknowledging there’s someone behind the blog, because I have not been so lucky in the past, and I know others haven’t been either. Like. God. I am not exaggerating when I say this fandom has been the nicest I’ve been in so far. In past fandoms, I’ve been sent gore for liking a character, I’ve been stalked and harrassed for a year over liking another character. Having people who have stuck around through all of that means a lot, and having newer faces that are so kind to me means ;;;; a lot too. I’m very thankful for the kindness I receive every day.
    This was very….Long winded… And probably confusing. But thank you for reading through this very rambly post. I’m sorry if my way of saying thanks is odd ;;; 
*Do want to clarify that no matter how many followers someone has, I think it’s absolutely fine to celebrate getting so many followers. I think it’d be insanely hypocritical to say it wasn’t HAHA. In past fandoms people just used follower counts in so many hateful ways so it’s hard for me to talk about numbers given some unhealthy viewpoints I witnessed from others and had pushed on me back when I was starting this blog.
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inked-out-trees · 3 years
(last one i promise) 9, 18, 24! ❤❤❤
you are incredible and beautiful and everything good in this world.
9. Do you write linearly or skip around?
it is SO funny to me that you ask this actually because I have always written linearly (I don't even know why, it's just something that happened) up until about 2 days ago when I gave up on this war between myself and my brain and started Bean's Beans. I am writing Bean's Beans fabulously out of order. Mostly because one scene was absolutely plaguing me and I needed to get it down before I imploded.
(I have just realized that I also wrote the Keep Going Song out of order, but seeing as TKGS was technically a series of drabbles... does it count? Jury's out on that one.)
18. What's your favourite word to slip into stories if you can?
You know, I don't know if I've ever intentionally slipped in particular words because I love them, but here are some things that inadvertently tend to show up and/or I love writing: - precipice - metaphors of vocal quality, particularly zeph and her laugh - collecting limbs (that sounds SO weird. it's just like. pulling yourself back together. literally and/or figuratively depending on the AU) - "pouring" a person somewhere when they're too tired or jelly to move - really any verb you wouldn't expect to be used in a certain context but has that perfect vivid effect
to name a few.
24. What makes you decide to write fic for a story?
To be honest, I think what happens is that I get ideas, and then apply them to whatever I'm currently into. I have a whole host of works that could be considered fanfiction (that I'm never posting) for things I've had a 3-day whirlwind obsession with, et cetera - the things that make it out are for the fandoms I'm either invested in for more than 3 days or have friends in (and people to be accountable to.) Plus, the longer I think about something, the more chance my ideas have to be multi-chapter. I do love a good multi-chapter.
Otherwise, it's completely idea-based, and I get to have a lot of fun taking silly bits (bean's beans was a JOKE and now it's a THING) and turning them into worlds to share. It's like cooking for friends! The sharing is the best part. :)
Thank you for the ask spam!!! I love you ❤🐥🐠
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puppy-phum · 4 years
fic tag game
thank you so much for tagging me @i-am-just-a-kiddo ♥ i love rambling about my fics and my writing even if it always also brings up all the doubts and insecurities i have but. these are my children so i will show them some love :’) and it is always just wonderful to share this all with you my dear ♥
placing under cut bc i do ramble, as yall know to expect by now!
Name: VishCount i’ve already explained the origin of that name a couple of times so am sparing you from that but gotta just say that i never expected to get so fond of this username and the nicknames that followed ♥
Fandoms: wow ok so buckle up, this is gonna be a ride first i gotta mention the finnish fandom for this youtuber group called LaeppaVika. i adored them as a teenager and i still watch the videos sometimes :’) couple of the members still stream stuff even if the group has pretty much fallen apart by now and am just very fond every time. they feel like home in a way. those fics were my first ones and am still kinda proud of some of those?
then there’s this one random finnish utapri fic i once wrote... tbh i’m not sure why my anime fandoms never made me write anything? maybe it was the inexperience and the fear of using a second language lol 
after i got over that and got into BTS, i’ve written a ton for them. most of those are oneshots that vary from 1k words to 10k or something. a couple of longer ones have sprouted too and one is still in the making and i have sooooo many ideas. mostly just random aus. i adore to write those. 
lately MDZS has been my favored fandom and it has gotten some oneshots too as well as my gigantic xicheng fic that hangs somewhere well above 100k now. i wish to finish the last part for that soon but who knows, maybe it will take longer than expected sigh. and now DMBJ has pushed in as something that yells at me to write tho i’ve only posted a short oneshot for it for now. and oh, last year i also posted a couple of silly oneshots for 2moons! that was... weird tbh but am glad i did that. 
i wish i had more fandoms tbh bc there is so much interesting stuff there and i have so many ideas and inspirations but i’m very slow at writing. things don’t always just come out and some fandoms don’t grasp me for long enough that i would be able to tap into any projects. but i have no hurry, right?
Tropes: hmm do i have any? am not sure. i thought that maybe soulmate aus or some abo stuff was my thing but i’ve slowly drifted away from those. then it comes to just... idk. hurt/comfort? found families? i also adore slow burn these days and i feel like i’ve gotten a bit better at writing that but it’s still a struggle. also just, as already noted, all these different aus? mostly fantasy based ones. those are always so cool and somehow very whimsical? and lately i’ve also just fallen into this hole where i love to write some bittersweet tragedies or at least stuff that feels like a tragedy in some sense (and i blame my dear kiddo for that bc they’ve written the sweetest of tragedies and i want that too ok)
Fic I spent most time on: how do you count this? do wips count? bc if they do, then I feel like my xicheng fic called you’re the sunset and i’m the last purple left behind is it. it just keeps on going and i feel like i’ve given it all of my waking hours and heart and soul.  then it could also be my BTS abo fic My Lungs for You to Breathe that is slowly reaching its second year? am not sure. but it has been going for ages bc sometimes it comes and sometimes it goes and currently i’ve spent over six months without updating it and. yeah.  (it would be nice to mention some fic here that i’ve made some research for but tbh i never do any research. am horrible like that but i’ve never just. had the energy? tho i have hopes that i could go on this wild research spree for this one guardian idea i have but let’s see...) 
Favorite fic(s) you’ve written: (making a list bc am unable to choose, fight me)
and you remain - my pingxie oneshot that just helped me to get all of the feelings i had after tlt2 pour out. am very fond of it destiny tied us together - some introspection of lwj and jc’s relationship and how it changes throughout the years as they both mature, learn things about themselves, fall in love and realize that they share the same ppl in their hearts (and maybe develop a tentative friendship bc they’re so similar in so many ways). i had so much fun with this and it just felt like my brightest moment haha painting your skin with all of me - the xicheng soulmate oneshot i wrote at some point and still adore. it just seemed to work and in the middle of my xicheng struggles writing them so briefly and gently just felt right pouring love (growing flowers) - the ot7 oneshot i wrote bc of this one amazing twt prompt/moodboard. it was the last part of my mono series. i love it so much. joon was so nice to write throughout the whole thing ;;  lilies bloomed under your carpet - my god au for taejoon. it poured out of me so wonderfully and it was so amazing. still one of my favorite creations, this whole au.  Stories Untold / chapter 3 - this was a collection of taejoon oneshots that i was trying to make but am not sure if i will ever finish them all. but this one, where tae is a forest god and joon a human able to see supernatural things, is very dear to me bc it just feels complete
Fic I spent least time on: gosh i think it must be either my first wangxian oneshot we had it almost or my touch-starved joon oneshot show me my skin and touch my heart with very soft and lovely taejoon. both created themselves in a couple of hours?
Longest fic: currently my xicheng monster but i somehow expect my bts abo fic to get even longer if i ever manage to finish it
Shortest fic: it’s apparently my namseok fic for joon’s tokyo called missing you (i’m homesick). it created itself out of my own experiences of living in a long distance relationship and is one of my faves in that series.  
Most hits/kudos/comments/bookmarks: most hits and comments go for my bts abo fic which doesn’t really surprise me when it’s a multichapter fic :’D most kudos go for the already mentioned xicheng oneshot and most bookmarks go for the bts ot7 fic!
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: hmm if i could rewrite something, it would probably be my first bts fic and my second long fic called Even the Universe Makes Mistakes. that soulmate au now feels a bit outdated and there are many parts i would like to change and things i would love to think again.  then if i was allowed to expand some world, i would love to write more for the xicheng soulmate au bc there are many other pairings i would love to explore there too or just to see lxc’s take on the events perhaps. other thing would be my namgi oneshot it passes (for us both) bc i adore namgi and the love they create in that brief moment. 
Share a bit of a WIP: it hasn’t been long since i shared snippets of several wips but let’s go with my pingxie which i’ve been working on and am just so damn excited about (especially now that i can use the bazaar photoshoot imagery as inspiration):
“He moves, pulled in by the darkness of the lake, mirroring the softly blue sky with its gray, heavy clouds. The snow lands on his nose, into his lashes, clings to his coat and his shoes. He doesn’t feel cold, doesn’t hear anything beyond the softness of the snowfall. Nothing exists and everything does, real and fake at the same time, comforting but still making him feel afraid.
He could lose himself here, could be lost from everything. He could stay and be forgotten, could join those people that tried to make him remain, could take the easier way. He could rest, just like he was supposed to do so many times before.
Maybe he does belong, after all. Maybe he is part of this place, so awfully familiar with it, so willing to even stop his own heart to get here. And maybe he is not, this place only hungry for those who don’t yet remain, refuse to give into this dream-like space.”
thank you once more for tagging me my dear! this was fun even if looking back to my old fics and all the lack of updating and posting these days makes me feel kinda bad... i’ve just been in a slump lately and am slowly trying to get out of it even if i almost fall back in all the time. it’s funny when last spring i felt like i was at my peak sigh. but well, as i’ve already said, i have time right?
i dunno so many writers over here but i’m tagging @cross-d-a and @kholran bc i’m curious about your work. also tagging @inkblue-black and @jockvillagersonly if you want to blabber about something or if you just want to see this. and oh also tagging @wangxianbunnydoodles bc am always open for new ppl and i know that you write ^^ 
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postalninja · 3 years
Fic Writer Meme
I saw @cicaklah post this and wanted to try :) 1) How many works do you have on AO3? 
17 currently - 14 fics, 2 pieces of fanart, and 1 how-to guide thingie. I’ve been writing/posting for less than a year and a half, though, so there’s much more to come!
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
196 767.
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
6 for fics, 7 if you count fanart. They are mostly for video games, ‘cuz that’s how I roll:
- Octopath Traveler
- Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- Legend of Zelda
- Persona 5
- Chrono Trigger (fanart)
And two non-game fandoms:
- Violet Evergarden
- Drawfee RPF
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1- Adrift in the Ocean of her Eyes by a large margin. My first and only fic to surpass 100 kudos as of yet! I almost didn’t finish it after I kind of stalled on it and was unsure whether it would be redundant in the fandom, but I’m so glad I did because people seem to love it.
2- A World of Knowledge Awaits, which as a crossover appealing to two fandoms, doesn’t come as too much of a surprise.
3- Sins of the Father, which I put a ton of work into, and I’m so glad it resonated with people.
4- Someone Strong, my very first baby fic! My initial foray into fanfic writing, spurred on entirely by the fact that my OTP was exceedingly underrepresented, if not entirely absent, from the Octopath Traveler fandom. I am a one-person H’annberic cheerleading squad, and I will *never* put these pompoms down! (FYI, I typoed ‘squard’ instead of ‘squad’ at first and almost left it that way. Squaaard!!)
5- A Cleric’s Quandary, based on a completely silly idea, so it was really fun to write!
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do, indeed! I love getting comments, and I always want to at least acknowledge them even if I don’t have anything profound to say in return. But if someone replies back to my reply, then I may not always add more if the conversation feels complete, ya know?
6) What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Ooooh, definitely What the Heart Wants. (Spoilers ahead) The reader is left unsure about whether or not the protagonist survives.
7) What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
Probably Someone Strong, because it was my chance to write the story of H’aanit and Olberic’s relationship, and I wanted to give them the whole happy ending of a wedding and a baby on the way. Of course, it wasn’t the *ending* of their story, per se, given that I have a whole series of fics about them, and I’m not done yet!
8) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you've written?
Only one so far, so it is by definition the craziest. Persona 5/Octopath Traveler, which isn’t even that crazy considering that it’s canon in Persona 5 that characters can enter an alternate universe using an app on their phone, so....
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I am lucky not to have received any hate, which I am very grateful for, but then again, I haven’t been at this for all that long, and I don’t get huge views either. So I am quite happy in my little corner being ignored by the haters.
10) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Why yes, I do! Why else would I write about the characters I love, if not to make them bone? lol.
I’ve only written M/F smut, since that’s what I’m most comfortable writing, and it’s rarely *super duper* explicit - I’ll use a fair few euphemisms a lot of the time. The more smut I write, though, the more I worry that it’s all the same... might need to start taking more risks! 
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, but that would suck.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Again, not to my knowledge, but that would be awesome!
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Kiiiiind of? Years ago, my D&D party started an email RPing campaign that was sort of like writing a fic together, but it stalled at some point and is long since lost to time.
My partner and I also wrote the beginnings of an original story together (also started as an attempted RPing campaign) and some day I might want to work on that one some more, because I liked what we came up with.
14) What's your all time favourite ship?
Olberic Eisenberg, the Unbending Blade of Hornburg, and H’aanit, huntress of the Dark Wood. I have never been so enamored of a fictional pairing, and this is literally what has thrust me into getting involved in fandom instead of just quietly enjoying content by myself. LET ME YELL AT YOU ABOUT HOW MUCH I LOVE THEM! If I had to pick a runner-up, I’d say the Evil Queen/Robin Hood from Once Upon a Time. I will read anything @somewhereapart writes about those two for as long as she keeps writing.
Another, more recent favorite, is definitely Agent 47/Diana Burnwood from Hitman! I only discovered the Hitman games this year, but I love that pairing to bits.
15) What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I do intend to finish all of my current WIPs, of which I have... 4? 5 if you count the one that’s currently being beta-read. I guess the one I’m struggling with the most is an Octopath H’aanberic family-fic with the working title of Journey to Cobbleston. Olberic and H’aanit are taking their daughter B’renit to Cobbleston for the first time, and it doesn’t really have much more plot than that, so I’m finding it challenging. It’s just a cute story partially from the point of view of a four-year-old traveling for the first time, and it feels like not enough “interesting” stuff is going to happen. I struggle with pure fluff, y’all.
16) What are your writing strengths?
Grammar! And writing emotions - I’ve gotten enough comments from people telling me that they could feel my characters’ emotions in my writing for me to gather that I must have a knack for it.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
Pacing and plot/worldbuilding, ie. bigger picture stuff. And using too many clichés, probably.
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?  
I’ve only written in English so far, but it’s not my first language, so I would definitely not shy away from writing dialogue in French if it was called for. Otherwise, since I am a *huge* language nerd, I would likely give other languages a try if the story called for it, and get a native speaker beta to look over it for me before I posted.
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for? 
Octopath Traveler, as previously stated. It’s still my main fandom.
20) What's your favourite fic you've written?
I have a soft spot for The Measure of a Man. I just really liked what I was able to accomplish with it as a character study for Olberic, and I enjoyed incorporating a lot of the other canon characters into his story, too. Feel free to join in with your own answers, friends! :)
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the-unsleeping-bi · 4 years
Attention anyone who enjoys fanfiction of Warhammer 40K novels! Over the past few months, I devoured the whole Ciaphas Cain series and wrote a series of short fics as I went. Since they're all pretty much stand-alone and only very loosely connected, I thought I'd make this post listing them all with a bit of summary and detail, to help people pick and choose which ones they might be interested in reading!
A lot of them don't require much specific knowledge of the source material, since I wrote most of them when I wasn't finished reading it all myself either, and focused a lot more on the characters and their relationships than on specific plot events. Also, many of them are way more about sex than anything else (and I'm shipping Cain with absolutely everyone at once, because why not), but with varying levels of explicitness and seriousness about it, plus there's also one of them in there that's just funny and not sexual at all. So I think there's something for everyone! If that sounds good to you, check out the list below, and enjoy!
For each one of these I'll give a brief description/reflection, and list the main ship in it, whether you need much knowledge of canon to get it, and the level of smuttiness.
Note from the Inquisitorial Archives #1: In retrospect, this one kind of feels like it was a warm-up to the rest of the series. It's entirely from Amberley's perspective, which kind of sets it apart because I soon switched to mostly writing from Cain's perspective for the rest of the series, and really not much happens in it. But it's the origin of some cute ideas that have stuck with me and it's okay! Enjoy it maybe! Main Ship: Cain/Amberley Required Canon Knowledge: minimal Smut Level: mild
Note #2: This one was heavily influenced by some of the other great Cain fanfiction I found on Ao3 after posting my first one! I was really happy to see a few other people exploring the same characters, and it inspired me to keep going too. Anyway this one is pretty cute I think. Main Ship: Cain/Jurgen Required Canon Knowledge: best if you've read book 3 or at least don't mind it getting spoiled by way of references to major events Smut Level: medium
Note #3: I feel like this is where my writing of this series really hit its stride! This one is about a threesome and it's great, highly recommend reading it. Main Ship: Cain/Amberley/Jurgen Required Canon Knowledge: minimal Smut Level: high
Note #4: Another one I'm especially proud of, which I wrote with a burst of inspiration in just one day. Amberley introduces Cain to some light bondage, and it's very cute. Main Ship: Cain/Amberley Required Canon Knowledge: best if you've at least read book 1 and have some general understanding of Cain's character and the pressures of his career Smut Level: high
Note #5: A longer one! This one has three chapters, one of which is from Amberley's perspective instead of Cain's, which all sets up for them having a threesome with Felicia Tayber. It comes especially highly recommended from my friend @sybilius​, whose support has generally helped a lot with my writing. Thanks! Main Ship: Cain/Amberley/Felicia Required Canon Knowledge: best if you've read book 4 so you know who Felicia is Smut Level: medium
Note #6: A rare entry which is actually not about sex at all, it's just funny! I hope so anyway. Involves Cain getting really drunk and Jurgen putting up with a series of silly antics. Main Ship: Cain/Amberley is like, an element of the plot, but it's less about that than it is about Cain drunkenly stumbling around a starship Required Canon Knowledge: best if you've read the short story "The Traitor's Gambit" (the one in between books 5 and 6 in the omnibus), since it basically functions as an epilogue to it, but it doesn't rely on it so much that you wouldn't be able to appreciate it without that Smut Level: Zero! What a concept.
Note #7: This one is just about Cain and Amberley being into BDSM. Involves her slapping him in the face, like, in a hot way. Main Ship: Cain/Amberley Required Canon Knowledge: minimal Smut Level: Depends on your definition of smut I guess, since it doesn't really describe anything directly sexual, but you know what I'd still say high
Note #8: It was high time to add yet another character to my growing list of people I ship Cain with. Involves some creative and probably extremely not canon interpretation of space marine lore. Main Ship: Cain/Drumon Required Canon Knowledge: best if you've read book 7 Smut Level: medium
Note #9: Okay this is another one I'm extra proud of, I think it's very funny. The concept is that it's a passage written by Sulla, describing a time she allegedly slept with Cain, but Amberley has a lot of comments to make about stuff she thinks is inaccurate. Main Ship: Cain/Sulla Required Canon Knowledge: best if you're familiar with some of the bits where Amberley comments on Sulla's writing (also it's set during book 8 but doesn't rely on much specific knowledge of that) Smut Level: high-ish but not at all in a way that's meant to be taken seriously
Note #10: My most recent and also most explicit one! I did a little bit of actual research on what kind of video-call-type technology exists in 40K just so that I could write about Cain and Amberley making creative use of it. This one is hopefully very relatable to people in long-distance relationships. Main Ship: Cain/Amberley Required Canon Knowledge: minimal Smut Level: high
Also, separately from this series, I wrote another pretty cute Cain/Amberley one called Divine Providence. It's specifically based on another fic, Attalander's A Sinner And A Saint, so check that one out first if you're interested! I've also written a couple fics for other 40K novels too: my very first 40K fic about Bannick from Baneblade and Shadowsword fucking a chaos marine, and a very short one about Sebastian Yarrick and Dominic Seroff that takes place near the beginning of Imperial Creed. Maybe you'll like those too!
If you read that whole list, thanks, and I hope you find something to enjoy! I'll probably write more soon, so follow me here or on Ao3 if you want to see it. And feel free to comment or message me if you want to talk about Ciaphas Cain! Have a good day!
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grayintogreen · 3 years
I was not technically tagged, but at least two people on my dash were like DO WHAT YOU WANT NO ONE IS YOUR GOD, and you know what? They’re right and valid. 
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
96! And 90% of them are from just this year. Can’t wait to find out what the big 100 is gonna be. Any one of my WIPS could be Disney’s next 100th fic.
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
455,024 (also mostly from this year...)
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
In my entire life??? Since I was twelve??? I don’t even know, man. I wrote a lot of ooc crackfic and fic for cartoons when I was on FF.net, and then I was on LJ and wrote for a TON of different fandoms, but on AO3, I have written for Critical Role (so much CR), Yashahime/Inuyasha, Guardians of the Galaxy, His Dark Materials (TV), Steven Universe, Bleach, Alias, Supernatural, Dollhouse, Pushing Daisies (the last four were all transferred here from LJ, though)
4) What are your top five fics by kudos?
- turning wine back into water (Critical Role, de-aging fic with plot, 30457 words)
I STILL CANNOT BELIEVE HOW POPULAR THIS FIC IS. It beat out two of my super popular GotG fics that have been up since 2017 BY A LOT. Apparently, there was a market for the Mighty Nein being adorable cocktail brats and saving the world. Thanks, Liam’s Quest!
It is probably one of the most wholesome fics I will ever write too. I love it.
- Sunshine Came Softly (Guardians of the Galaxy, Rocket and Mantis friendship, 3188 words)
THIS FIC STILL GETS HITS EVEN TODAY. It was written right after I saw the movie so it hit hard and fast on the hype train. 
- Mine Is Just a Slower Sacrifice (Guardians of the Galaxy, Rocket-centric, 2248 words)
Anyway, this was written probably IMMEDIATELY after I saw the movie and had to process Rocket’s emotions during the last moments, because of who I am as a person. For what’s mostly a character study, it got some mileage on it.
- they drink dreamers up like brandy (Critical Role, 1625 words)
Back to Critical Role! I wrote this one when I was in a fucking blind post-finale haze and producing massive amounts of Kingsley content and I wanted to write a silly fic about Caleb being tiefling catnip. 
- if adversity breeds character (we’ve character enough for two) (Critical Role, Beau and Molly-centric, 1824 words)
I feel like most of my most kudos-ed CR fics are Beau-related, which is funny because I never really wrote her EVER. I guess I need to write her more often. ANYWAY, this one got jossed immediately after 141, but I needed to write Beau and Molly bantering and I couldn’t get her flipping him off after revealing her card is Rumor out of my head.
(Incidentally my sixth most kudos-ed fic is my Fjorester next gen fic, WHICH I WAS NOT EXPECTING AT ALL. IT’S A FIC BASED ON MY OC FANCHILDREN!! I’M VERY EMOTIONAL ABOUT THAT!!)
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Usually!! There are times when I forget and then it’s been so long that I never go back, but I like responding to comments. They make me so happy and I want to make sure the people who take the time to comment know that I see them and appreciate them. Especially if they give me long comments. You long commenters know who you are and I value you and also flail incoherently in your direction.
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
God, probably this church takes no conversions simply because, like, the whole ending scenes are MISERABLE AND FULL OF ANGST and then it has the hopeful ending that is actually a bullshit lie.
But second place probably goes to what couldn’t i offer, what couldn’t i give, which is just misery porn in disguise as a character study. Sorry, Cree.
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Okay, so back in the day when I was a tineh fanbrat I wrote a lot of self-indulgent crossovers featuring my friends and I in true Mary Sue format being ~saviors of the world~ alongside our favorite fictional characters and after I grew out of that, I very rarely did it again, because as someone who can only write AUs if they’re high concept and can only write crossovers if the canon welding is pristine, it’s difficult.
I have ideas for some! I just haven’t written them yet. Or they’re sitting in Google Docs partially written.
8) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not to my recollection, which is insane, because I’ve written some things in my youth that deserved it, but also I was a kid, so maybe I definitely did not deserve it. Don’t send hate to kids!!
9) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
The first smut I ever posted on AO3 involved some fucking American Gods flesh horror shit, so that answers your second question.
Basically, yes, but I write smut to facilitate character development in a way that regular story beats can’t, mainly with characters who are in some way deeply fucked up and have unbalanced dynamics. 
So basically chances of me writing smut that isn’t Creecien or Lucigast? Very low. (I haven’t written Lucigast smut yet but I will. Inevitably.)
10) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that anyone’s told me, but one time when I was a teenager someone ripped off an entire group messageboard RP I was in and tried to pass it off as a fic they wrote.
11) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that anyone’s told me!
12) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I tried and it did not work out, because of (non-wanky) reasons, but it’s just not something I’d be very good at. I was the kid who wanted to work alone on group projects. I’m bad at group work.
13) What’s your all time favourite ship?
That I’ve WRITTEN??? Because that at least narrows it down significantly. Sesshoumaru/Rin hands down. It’s a good dynamic and they’re fun and sad at the same time. 
My self-indulgent ass does also enjoy writing Creecien though. I’m putting it out there because I want it.
14) What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
GOD POOR SUPERNOVAS OF ALL SOUND AND LIGHT. THAT FIC COULD’VE BEEN A CONTENDER, but I unfortunately posted it RIGHT BEFORE the White Diamond episodes aired and it became so jossed by canon so fast that I gave up on life with chapter two half finished. I need to delete it but I can’t bring myself to bury my shame.
15) What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and meta-narrative and character-specific stuff. I go into every story with CHARACTER FIRST mentality, which is how I end up writing so many damn character studies or why my word counts explode. I’m just out here naval gazing because I love character stuff SO MUCH.
I’ve been told I’m good at fight/action scenes too, which... Shocks me, but I think watching and playing a lot of D&D stuff has really improved how I write fighting and action sequences.
16) What are your writing weaknesses?
[whispers] too much naval gaze. dial it back, bitch. 
I get really caught up in character stuff and forget to do important things like ADVANCE THE SCENE OR DESCRIBE THE SCENE OR LITERALLY ANYTHING. I also don’t think my prose is all that great, but I’m pretty sure every writer feels that imposter syndrome bullshit, so /waves hands. All I’m saying is I have seen some writers on AO3 who are writing some fucking vivid imagery and stringing flawless sentences together and weaving introspection and description together like beautiful baskets and they are stronger than any US Marine and I salute them and wish to be them.
17) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Iiii try not to. There’s times where I want to throw in, like, a little Zemnian for Caleb flair, but I try to stick to things that are either untranslatable (like German compound words), common phrases (like please or come here), or insults/curses/ pet names. Things that I don’t think Google will fucking lie to me about.
18) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I think it was a Sailor Moon crackfic about Haruka being forced to enter a beauty pageant which was just a blatant rip-off of Ms Congeniality and oh my god was it awful. I don’t even wanna talk about it.
19) What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
this church takes no conversions, probably BECAUSE it’s my little red-headed stepchild of a fic involving so many things that are just never going to make it popular (backstory fic, fic that is almost 85% headcanon, doesn’t involve popular characters, etc.), but godDAMMIT I love that fic so much. It was fun and I use every bit of that headcanon in almost everything like it’s my job.
shattered stage is a close second, because it was such a crazy concept for a fic that I PULLED OFF SOMEHOW and is this wonderful mix of crazy plot and character and lore and my three favorite tieflings having to work together. And also Jayne Merriweather as the main villain. 
A lot of love went into both of those fics and they are my babies. this time next year we’ll see if I add Creedemption and shoot at fate to this list- probably. All of my epic long fics resolve to be my babies because I spent so much time on them, and I have to love them and cherish them because I raised them into gigantic wordy attempts to write a doorstopper.
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