#30 day tmnt challenge
untitled-tmnt-blog · 10 months
Rise August Art Challenge
Day 21/30: Invention + Turtle Tots
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Days 21 + 30 of @sariphantom's Rise August Art Challenge!
Did anyone else throw random things together to make "inventions" as a kid? And obviously it didn't do anything, but you and your siblings just pretended it did? I imagine that's something little Leo and Mikey would have done. Donnie doesn't really get it, but they seem excited, so he plays along as best he can.
(The kid has probably built his first computer by now... but one look at Mikey's face, and of course he'll try to act impressed that they tied a battery to a fork!)
Rise August 2023 Masterpost
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lupindraco · 5 months
27. Mushrooms.
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jumpybox · 1 year
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Eh, kinda yeah ngl lol but I decided to try and revive a sort of AU I was trying to rp with my bro @silverfrostheart (after a year, I still miss you so much q-q)
More info down below if ya wanna know a bit
it was basically how this one Outcode Gaster decided to make Sanctuary for abandoned/neglected/in danger babybones/kiddos/teens from all kinds of pairings from not one multiverse but many more, with a Core!Frisk he befriended that brings the kiddies to him and with the help of others adults , he raises them
some times there are some from other multiverses that will come to the Sanctuary to adopt a kiddie (but they tend to be rare cases) so there is that too
In the picture above ya can see Canis, a Nightmare x Outer!Sans child just enjoying his breakfast and all the chaos around him, next to him is a babybones named ‘Sparks’ or Sparky(a Papcest fanchild) who is trying to steal the salt shaker lol for what purposes? Who knows
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tmntstorycomp · 2 months
Second Chance Bracket and Wheel of Doom Results!!
Second Chance Results:
Our winners of the Second Chance Bracket are:
Reminiscing that Old Time by @misshowdoyoudo
TMNT: Broken Trifecta by @genderfluid-envy / @ask-broken-trifecta-turtles
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They will get a full week to attack each other and determine who truly gets to re-enter the brackets!
The Second Chance Bracket will be posted at 11:30 EDT!
The Wheel of Doom results:
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Manhatten: TMNT FARGO AU by @jxstacey and Universal Mayhem by @trixanimations: Massy’s Favorite - Massy has decided who his favorite is through very sophisticated means and definitely not a small game of chance!
The winner of the game: Manhattan: TMNT FARGO AU
Twin-Sync (More Than You Think) by @little-banjo-frog and Dimension Hopper Leo AU by @nights-flying-fox: A Challenger Approaches - An old friend comes back to halt your fun and try to take back their place!
Who is your old friend? :)
Everything Stays by @oddpocalypse!!!
It's a Complicated Equation by @leilanising-vault-of-knowledge and Good Genes by @lordshroom: Sudden Death - Oh no! Looks like we have to do a redo! Both of you will redo your poll but with a fun twist! Your week decreases to a day!
A Challenger Approaches and Sudden Death polls will be posted 10 am EDT, May 9th!
The Ultimate Midround Hightime Hell Tournament polls will be posted after that!
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hermit-searching · 23 days
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@tmaynt Days 29-31. I did it. I finished the challenge.
day 29: the trenchcoat is a classic
day 30: Hun is built like a Dorito. I love the Yo Mama scene
Day 31: I love the animation in Rise. I started drawing this Mikey a while ago but got distracted. He's my boi
I think after this I need a break from drawing turtles, and TMNT content in general for a while lol. This was fun, don't get me wrong. But I'm tired lol. I yearn to draw humans. Especially my girl Kohammy and the Zooker.
To my followers, new and otherwise Turtles will be back eventually.
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orangepawn39 · 3 months
Little Mikey Future Masterpost
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Cap 1: part 1/ part 2/part 3/part 4/part 5/part6/part7
Crossovers: Missa
Hello rottmnt fans remember this idea that i tell you. Well i start to draw and this is the result I hope you like it :D
A little change
#Rottmnt Maria
María Hamato (OC)
Masterpost HERE!!!
Other comics:
Little subjects AU little story (an idea that i just have but the real comic is from allyheart707)
Rise Virus AU MASTERPOST (@lacydraws /Michelangelo hamato (amino account)):
(Rottmnt oc au)
Tmnt fandom family reunion
Leo the cesw
Nice to meet you!!!
I pass... Maria?
Free sandwiches
Misa plush
Campfire (donnie)
Some drawings:
Profiles, Profiles2, Random1, leo..., first post Orange Knigth random 2, old doodles kid leo DTIYS Tmnt stumble guys Rottmnt oc random3 random4
Something Happy birthday Maria Happy birthday!!!! swagreecrow
Rise April 2024 challenge:
Day: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
TMayNT challenge:
Day: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
The clothes dont make the turtles figures:
Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4
Random1, Random2 Random3 Random4 Random5
Random posts:
Clay figures
Dancing turtles
Wild eevee
Spinning turtles
Random thing
Sonic posts:
Crystal the cat
Cream the rabbit
Tmaynt and the next thing i have on mind.
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plothooksinc · 6 months
26 and 30 for the fic writer asks!!
26. If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year?
I could say "actually, I was just so happy I started writing again AT ALL" because that would be correct. It'd been a long time since I'd managed and I had begun to think wearily that maybe I'd never return to all my unfinished fics. Then Rise hit me over the head with a two by four and I think typed like. Nine out of every ten days or so, wow.
That part was very important and I'm still relieved and find it hilarious that people are prompting me and apparently I cannot shut up so muse alive and well, I guess! But in terms of writing itself: a few chapters ahead of Ch. 14 in NRFTW, I said "hey what if I did *this* to Donnie" to my beta and she screamed. Me: I have no idea how to approach this and have never written this kind of body horror/existential scattered-mind shit before in my life Me: Me: I'LL WING IT I HAVE FAITH
So I got to that chapter and wrote the great spaghettification of Donatello (or as someone on Discord kept saying, I can't believe you peeled Donnie!) and the full scattered nature of his dissociation/derealisation and accompanying spaghetti gore just worked, I was on such a roll with that chapter, I don't think I've written anything so challenging in my life, but hey. It got a lot of reviews of "Gross! Horrifying! MORE PLS" so I think it worked. This teaches me that I should live by the maxim fuck it, we ball more often. :D
(Also the hilarious art and jokes it spawned have kept me entertained for the rest of the year, so)
30. What’s something that you want to write in 2024?
I want to update all my outstanding fics at least once. (At least. The Rise muse still has me but I have all these other RK/TMNT/FFVII fics going "what about us?" in the background so they deserve work. Wouldn't it be great if I could at least finish Snowblind?)
I am most likely to do the majority of my work still in Rise atm, so I have a follow on from NRFTW brewing away in the back of my head. I'm getting plot points together and it's shifting from vibes to coherency as I type. I pledge to let Leo actually not be bedridden for this one, so it'll be set at least after the final scene of the movie. But I have two villains in mind and a bunch of Hidden City lore to work in and will lean more towards shenanigans than the outright pressure cooker rollercoaster into hell that was NRFTW /o/ But I also have a couple oneshots in mind! I'm also still taking prompts, though I'm working on the last one I currently have, so they'll be scattered in there if I get any more <3
In short, I found my inspiration and I'm going to ride it for all its worth, while still taking sensible breaks so I don't get burnt out. (One page a day, that's me.)
Thanks for the questions!
Writing meme here.
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waterstar2016 · 1 year
This is for @tmnt-tychou Valentine’s Day prompt.
Immogene and Raphael
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1. In which TMNT universe does your pairing exist?
Bayverse, but years later. The turtles are now a Spec Ops unit of the NYPD. They are in they early 40’s and late 30’s. Mutants are more common but tend to keep a very low profile.
2. Introduce us to your OTP.
Immogene (pronounced Imogen) or Gen Waters - She is 42 years old (in this universe), although her age varies depending on the RP or story I have her in. 5’11” and curvy (Ashley Graham is who I use for her body type). Long wavy curly red mahogany hair, tattoos that cover more than half of the left hand side of her body disguise the scarring she has. Her eyes are emerald green and she has fair skin. Within her genes is the blood of an ancient race, known as the Amazons.
Immogene is known for her wit and sometimes sharp tongue. Her skill with a bow and arrow is unparalleled. She is an artist and likes to work on her motorcycle. Kind and softhearted, though she guards her heart fiercely, Immogene has few that are close. Her personality is a mix of class and sass. Some nick names that she’s earned over the years (from various Raphael’s) are: Firecracker, Tiger, Princess (Raphael is the only one to call her that), Iron Butterfly and Candy Apple Vixen. She can be fierce when pushed or when needed. She’s not necessarily empathetic but she picks up on feelings easily. Immogene is often referred to as a badass, feisty and a sweetheart.
*Side Note - I have been often asked if I created an OC that would match Raphael. This question, rather than irritate me, makes me smile. Immogene is me, with very few differences. I choose to have her as an OC to keep my fantasies separate from my reality. In truth, when I first wrote my story, I was attracted to both Leo’s and Raph’s personalities. But, the more I played with them, the more I started leaning towards Raphael. I’ve RP’d with many ‘Raph’s’ over the years and I honestly feel the greatest connection with the Brute. So, rather than me ‘creating’ someone for him, he is actually…the perfect match for me (I’d like to add I support all ships). When this question pops up…I honestly take it as the highest compliment.
Raphael Hamato - He is 40 years old. 6’9, extremely muscular and large with it. His left arm is covered in a sleeve which depicts traditional Japanese imagery. Although he still has his famous temper, he’s learned to use it and fine tuned himself. Raphael is the rogue of the four. He occasionally takes missions with his brothers, but often seeks the ones that no one else wants to do. His brothers never know when he’ll show up for family dinners. He was the last of his brothers to take a mate.
3. How did they meet?
Oruko Saki in this universe is a billionaire tycoon. His alter ego (The Shredder), reigns in terror over the citizens of NYC. He is a collector of fine arts and priceless artifacts.
Seeing the art of Immogene Waters, he decided he had to have it…and the artist herself. Saki arranged to be an anonymous benefactor of her art to get her to NYC.
On the night of the attempted kidnapping Raphael happened to be in the neighbourhood and rescued her. At the time he had been impressed with the fight the woman had put up against the fiend. Although, she hadn’t left the scene unscathed.
Raphael made the decision to bring her back to the ‘lair’, which was now an entire apartment building complex where all the brothers lived. His decision had surprised everyone, including himself. There was something about those green eyes of hers.
Of course, the first time she saw him she startled, but reasoning took over and she realized this behemoth had rescued her.
Through happenstance and an unusual like for each others company, they got to know each other. Raphael discovered she somehow had a calming influence on him. All she had to do was walk into the room and his shoulders would visibly relax. She also had a tendency to challenge him with that tongue of hers. There was also the no end to his amusement with how she stood up to him.
Immogene found someone who accepted her. Who naturally understood her. His actions speaking louder than words. Underneath this brutish figure was a large heart. She, bit by bit softened towards him, letting him past the protection she had around her heart.
4. How is the relationship now?
Immogene and Raphael have an unbreakable bond. They banter together and get so much enjoyment out of it. She’s soft where he’s hard. They have similar dispositions but in ways that balance each other. Nothing soothes him like the way she says his name or when she caresses his jaw.
She’s never felt as safe as she does in his arms. A look from across the room between them speaks volumes. Raphael has always teetered on the edge of going one step too far. It’s what makes him so effective. Immogene keeps him on the side of good. With him, she has found her home. He his her home for a piece of her heart lives within his and vice versa for him. It’s the reason why I chose the image I did. Water and fire. When they meet it’s a blending of the two elements, unless it’s in the bedroom. Then the reaction more…explosive.
6. Do they get married or have any kids?
For the first part of the question, yes, they do eventually get married. It’s a private ceremony between the two of them. For the second part, I will say no, but will not reveal the reason why. There is the chance that this answer could come out in an RP I have, and I’m saving it for that.
7. What is your favorite thing about this pairing? Gush as much as you want!!!
Oh boy. Gushing. Here it comes. I love every single damn thing about this pairing. The way they fit together, the love they have for each other. How they crave each others touch. The way each says the others name. The passion they share. Good grief. *fans self*
The way they tease each other *grins*. They both get so much enjoyment out of it. In a way…it’s a subtle, or not so subtle (depending on who else is in the room), of flirting or even foreplay.
The both of them are unabashedly themselves, with each other they’ve found that one that gets and accepts them exactly the way they are. To this day, it still surprises Raphael that no matter what level of rage he’s in, a look, a touch or her even just softly saying his name can remove that red haze.
Raphael removed the shadows from her eyes. And the thing was, he did without really trying. He was being himself. It just happened to be everything she needed, Brute and all.
Raphael and Immogene. Two souls collided and did not become one, but a blend of the two. Although they are separate…it can be seen that they are intertwined so thoroughly, it would be impossible to untangle them.
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truths33k3r4 · 8 months
Whumptober 2023
BEHOLDDDDDDD the rest of my art for Whumptober 2023!!
( Days 24- 31 )
Day 24- Failure to Escape
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Day 25- Nightmares
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Day 26- Injury
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Day 27- Locked Away
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Day 28- Sweating
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Day 29- Forced to Choose
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Day 30- Mind Control
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Day 31- Crying
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That's all folks!.... wait.
YES. All the things above are canon in my au of TMNT. There's a whole story I'm writing right now that will explain nearly all these panels, and if you're curious, feel free to send me asks or message me. :)
Doing Whumptober was such a fun challenge for me to really test my skills as an artist. Also it probably helps that I am, indeed, a fan of angst. ;) I can't wait to show you all more of the story I'm creating of these characters. :) I have probably 30 pages worth of chapters ready to go, I just gotta post em. :)
Have a great night, everyone!
To God be the glory!!
~ Melissa
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nataliedanovelist · 1 year
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I posted 921 times in 2022
68 posts created (7%)
853 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 84 of my posts in 2022
#gravity falls - 35 posts
#gf - 26 posts
#fanfiction - 22 posts
#my art - 17 posts
#rise of tmnt - 15 posts
#stan pines - 15 posts
#screenshot redraw - 15 posts
#color palate challenge - 14 posts
#rottmnt - 13 posts
#gf10yearslaterzine - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 104 characters
#so many fics have already covered similar topics that i decided to leave this one open to interpretation
My Top Posts in 2022:
I am in a Desperate Situation
Hey guys. As some of you may know, I lost one of my two jobs in January due to the business shutting down. My other job has been only working me one day a week, sometimes two if I beg, and I’ve been looking for a second job. I’m currently in the works to be a substitute teacher, but the process is long and I desperately need money to pay bills, get groceries, and put gas in my car. It’s getting to a point where I will make any excuse not to drive somewhere because I don’t know if I’ll have enough money for gas. This has put me in an incredibly disheartening situation where I want to work, I’m capable of working and have been known to be a good worker, but it’s just not happening for me right now. Good times are coming, but I need help until I get there.
That’s where my big announcement comes in…
$20 = 1,000-1,500 word fanfic (ex: Sweatertown, and Tiger Stripes)
$30 = 2,500-3,000 word fanfic (ex: Braid Braid, Boxing, and Dr. Mystery)
$50 = 2,500-4,000 word NSFW fanfic (ex: Time to Relax, and You’re F*cking Beautiful)
Payments will be made via PayPal. I will be happy to communicate via Tumblr, email, or Discord. Whichever makes you most happy.
WILL do OCs and AUs
WILL do self-insert / second-person view
WILL do third-person view
WON’T do first-person view
WON’T do any type of hate fic
WON’T write a fic featuring an OC without the permission of the creator of said-OC
WON’T write an NSFW fic for anyone under the age of 18
Thank you all so much for all of your love and support! Even if you can’t afford a fanfic, I completely understand, and just know that a reblog would also help me tremendously. I wish you all nothing but happiness!
FULL DISCLOSURE: I’m as virgin as they come and a proud asexual 🖤🤍💜, but I do know some sexual activities and have read some fics. However, there are some things I either do not have enough knowledge on to write well for it, or simply feel uncomfortable writing it. With that being said, I am happy to talk about whatever you wish to read and I am willing to push my boundaries and learn. I am willing to read sample pieces or other fics to get an idea of what you want, but straight-up porn is a no for me.
129 notes - Posted February 26, 2022
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@gf10yearslaterzine Day 6. Funniest joke.
“My ex wife still misses me… BUT HER AIM IS GETTING BETTER!”
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136 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
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Art belongs to @stephreynaart
974 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
Happy 10 Years, Gravity Falls!
And here’s to many more happy memories to come...
1,706 notes - Posted June 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
5,050 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tyger-lyli · 3 days
Art MasterList
(yeah, it's only TMNT stuff so far... not sorry)
#Tyger Lyli draws | #Tyger Lyli sketches
2024 Fanart nothing to see here huh... 2023 Fanart nothing to see here huh... DTIYS Entries Aimike17/Sol's Milkman Leo | (don't remember whose' but Donnie looks great in a purple suit) | Maladraws' | Lallelol's Sari's Rise August 2023 Challenge (with a few other months' prompts) Day 1 - Day 2 - Days 3 + 4 - Days 9 + 10 + 14 + 15 - Day 19 - Day 21 (+Sept #1) - Day 30 -
Sketches Days 5, 6, 7, 9, 23+29, 24, 27 - Sketches Days 20 + 22 - More Sketches (basically the rest of the prompts...)
Mutant Mayhem
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scotisfr · 7 months
30 days of intentionality (30doi)
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25 / 11 (slow day to recuperate, so I'm posting one day late) Day 17 of 30doi
My goal for this whole challenge : • Continue working on stabilizing my mental health • Doing one thing daily for myself that spark joy, outside of my routine • Learn to romanticize my life
My intention(s) for today : • Taking note of what I needed yesterday in adjustment if I was working in this situation and what I need today to recuperate my mind and body so it's easier to tell to my work psychologist. • Chocolate with milk for breakfast and a good lazy day • Incense are good to have a nice setting to be lazy
How it has gone : I really needed the opportunity to just exist and do nothing. I could not concentrate enough to read, so I've played a lot of sudoku. I liked that a lot. And we had our weekly film session with my best friend and husband, the new TMNT is really good.
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rin-the-shadow · 4 years
30 Day TMNT Challenge: Day 29
Day 29: Your TMNT pet peeve
“You just don’t understand shipping, do you?” Eh, more or less, I kid. 
Instead, I have decided to use the post to talk about Leatherhead, because I am mildly disappointed the prompts didn’t have a “favorite non-turtle mutant” category and I am just realizing this now.
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I mean, gosh, I went through a massive flippin’ crocodile phase right before seeing this show for the first time. Of course Leatherhead was going to be one of my favorites!
In some ways, he gives me vibes like Beast from X-Men, in the sense that he’s an absolutely massive hulking guy who could probably have taken on Hun even back in season one, and maybe could have even traded blows with the Shredder, but he’s also a very kind and polite scientist, and is absolutely brilliant especially seeing as he studied under the Utroms. But at the same time, he also has elements of Logan due to his torture at the hands of Bishop and desire for vengeance against the Shredder for his crimes against the Utroms among other life forms.
He really doesn’t appear in enough episodes, and I’m a little surprised I haven’t hunted down an action figure for him yet.
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novelmachine · 7 years
Day 23: Your Favorite Battle
So much is happening here. Everyone’s weapons are used both for and against them. Different objects are used in the environment offensively and defensively. The characters are in their element and at the top of their game. Because everyone is so skilled, nobody has the upper hand for very long. 
30 Day TMNT Challenge by @litafan4ever
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kibblesfitz · 5 years
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Day 3: favourite mutant!
i have two for this one :P the biggest sweetheart of the show and my guy repo mantis
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disneysooner · 4 years
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Day #21 - A Pairing You Like and No One Else Understands Why?
I haven’t run into many fans of this pairing, but I love T.M.N.T. 2013’s Apriltello! Yes, it is a human/mutant pairing, and that may seem weird to some, but it’s truly a cute pairing. I think most people hesitate pairing them together because April is known to be paired well with Casey (which I also like to some degree). The thing about Apriltello is that their dynamic is hilarious and cute in that they’re both geniuses that can joke around and have fun. Both will fight for the things they care about, and will protect it no matter what. The amount of character development these two went through to get to where they are at the end of the series is the kind of thing I live for. I’m so glad these two got a for-real kiss at the end of the Ice Cream Kitty music video! It was the moment I had been cheering for since day one!
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gif by @yokozanka
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