#300 Ft
dedibelyegei · 1 year
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BIG biznisz here! Az ötödik rész két, akkoriban igen nagy értéket hozott és ez meg is látszik azon, hogy mivel nem annyira sok készült belőlük, szépen tartják értéküket, a kettőt együtt így pecsétes állapotban is 2-3.000 forintokért kínálgatják, postatiszta párost 3.500-ért.
Ezek is még '96-ban jöttek ki, és ahogy látható a 300-as a híres - és az első sorban már a 19 forintoson elsütött - kalocsai hímzést kapta, de legalább egy kicsit variáltak rajta az előzőhez, képest, a középső fenti minta maradt lényegében, de oldalt egy másfajta, apróbb motívumos hímzés került fel.
Az 500-as viszont újdonsült minta, Szolnok megyei, de méginkább jászsági hímzésként emlegetett. A XIX. században virágzik (szószerint...), nagyon színes, nagyon gazdagon hímzett, előszeretettel játszik egymás mellett a különböző árnyalatokkal, és jellemzően főként különböző virág és növénymintákat használ, helyieket is. A XIX. század végétől a polgári fejlődés hatására, a sokszínű hímzés egyre inkább átalakul egyszínű, vagy árnyalatos zölddé, végül majdnem teljesen eltűnik, de szerencsére pár lelkes helyi egyesületet alapít, és a '70-es évektől fokozatosan, régi megmaradt darabok alapján úrjaéleszti a tradicionális színes hímzést.
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lethalhoopla · 1 year
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the couple that takes down red templars while exploring old ruins together stays together yearns dramatically forevermore together (...in dreams)
(Solas x nonbinary!Lavellan - they/them)
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soldier-poet-king · 3 months
Well. Signed the lease. So. It's done. I can try to calm down and in a few days start thinking abt the fun stuff (decorating, furniture, flea markets, etc) I want to see how many weird fun pieces I can get secondhand before going to the Swedish Store since rn I only have bedroom furniture and a small coffee table lmao
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hijinxinprogress · 11 months
I like the Tim drake loves coffee thing but you’re telling me this unhinged maniac is drinking the same amount of caffeine as regular civilian college students?? I’ve made some weird shit with an espresso machine but Tim??? I don’t know what’s in that man’s cup but it’s not coffee are you seriously gonna tell me this kid was chasing after Batman at 3am when he was in elementary school after a couple cups of coffee?? I mean I’d believe you if you told me he was hopping rooftops after mixing energy drinks (my guy got sad, made an underground mad scientist lab, and then tried to recreate his dead friends a couple hundred times with a homemade cloning machine) and an entire coffee pot is too tame of a choice for the maniac who’s favorite pizza toppings include artichoke hearts so I promise you if that mf has a cup it’s not coffee, it’s a zesti and at least six different energy drinks because he’s a fucking weirdo like he probably carries a 76 oz travel mug full of that shit and one time Bart drank out of it and everyone else on young justice refuses to let Tim hand Bart any sort of beverage and he claims he doesn’t have a problem bc he drinks tea and it’s herbal tea that’s surprisingly not overly sweet bc he and Alfred are both tea snobs so there’s no tea that costs less than $3000 in either of their cabinets
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ssruis · 25 days
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???? What’s wrong with them. “Thank you for helping me with this I owe you my life” “of course I’ll help you study tsukasa-kun 😊 I also want you to advance with me” -> (cheerful music stops) “I should implant a device in your brain” “hey. 😑” mental sickness. that’s what this is (source)
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cpunkbubby · 3 months
"ppl who r attracted 2 godzilla r just outing themselves as zoophiles" what is tik tok even talking about anymore .
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prettyboywarrior · 5 months
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"I can outrun him."
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setaflow · 3 months
Finished The Hike by Drew Magary.
No final paragraph of a book has ever floored me quite like that one just did.
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thatbitch151 · 6 months
Zeref simp hours
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1989tv · 7 months
some of these rep tv easter egg videos are so…..are people ok
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murderless-crows · 1 year
A most anticlimactic death for Thumblina lol
Down at the start of the battle, got revived, about to revivify Rosamund in a cool moment, suddenly got pierced and absorbed by briars in a horrific way (by the one she was about to save)
Rosamund was NOT having a good time
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Hello fella. I'm curious to know how his devil fruit works? I mean to know more about his ability and weakness (other than water and kairoseki obviously)
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"Don't mess with me."
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millesbianforce · 1 year
Cedar Point should have like the 9/11 lights but it's just one for space spiral
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darkblessed · 1 year
with regards to darkvision, enebish's darkvision is so intense that his eyes actually reflect any light shined into them in the dark so his eye shine is REALLY BRIGHT AND CLEAR
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sureihsan · 1 year
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i. “doing the right thing” - daughter // ii. “we die from it” - brenda xu // iii. bojack horseman (2014-2020) // iv. “doing the right thing” - daughter
“all alone or in twos, the ones who really love you walk up and down outside the wall. some hand-in-hand, some gathered together in bands - the bleeding hearts and the artists make their stand. and when they’ve given you their all, some stagger and fall - after all, it’s not easy, banging your heart against some mad buggers wall. (isn’t this where-)”
“(-we came in?) so you thought you might like to go to the show? to feel the warm thrill of confusion, that space cadet glow?” @alarakaplan​
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cfsullivans · 2 years
Sulley had gotten into the routine of running early every morning. He wasn’t a great sleeper anyway so it gave him something to expel all the extra energy he had. Five in the morning in Elias was usually uneventful and it was just Sulley jogging to his music without a care in the world which is why he was caught off-guard by Adam in the park. He was almost home when he spotted the other. He wasn’t his biggest fan but he was concerned nonetheless. “Hey there, your highness. You good?”
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