#38? hours? i took like some 1 hour naps somewhere in there I didn’t keep track
newdayslinguine · 2 years
Im going to finish watching twenty five twenty one tomorrow and I don’t think im ready to do that
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apictureofspace · 6 years
Hold Me Closer, Tiny Angel
@noplacelikeacadiaroad2 asked for: Aziraphale & Crowley + 38
It had all happened so quickly.
The evening had started out normally enough, if your definition of normal includes an angel and a demon frequenting their second concert of the week in December of 1975. Crowley had insisted upon seeing Queen on Thursday, having been adamant that Aziraphale would “love them”, and Aziraphale had agreed - contingent upon Crowley agreeing to go and see Elton John with him on Saturday. 
Unbeknownst to Crowley, ‘Zira and Elton were quite good friends; good enough that Aziraphale called him “Elton” and Elton called him “Zira”. They were such good friends, in fact, that they got to watch the show from backstage, where there was an impressive array of nibbles. Crowley enjoyed the nibbles, but he did not enjoy Elton - the show nor just how chummy he seemed to be with Aziraphale. 
While the two of them spoke animatedly and Aziraphale complimented him on his latest stage costume (which made sense, Crowley supposed, since they were both walking fashion faux pas), Crowley found himself feeling something... gnawingly familiar. It took him a few minutes and several mini quiche to figure it out, but he eventually got there.
This was Oscar Wilde all over again. Honestly, you take one century-long nap and suddenly your best fri- your adversary has a new best fri- ...acquaintance. Although, Aziraphale and Wilde had certainly been more than just “acquaintances”. Were he and Elton more-than-acquaintances, too? It wouldn’t have surprised Crowley. Musicians rarely gave back-stage passes to just anyone.
Gritting his teeth, his serpentine tongue threatening to flick out with irritation, Crowley began to realize that he was jealous. He was jealous of how easily this flash-bastard-in-sunglasses was able to coax a smile from Aziraphale and make him laugh. He was supposed to be the only flash-bastard-in-sunglasses who got to do that. Really, that’s probably the best explanation for why Crowley did what he did next.
He fainted. He full on passed-the-fuck-out, and he made a grand show of it, too. He’d been clutching a flute of fizzing pink champagne which just-so-happened to splatter all over Elton’s elaborate, sparkling white costume when he pitched forward, the glass shattering on the floor as it fell from his grip. He also landed square in Aziraphale’s arms. 
Elton had thrown a fit over his ruined costume, as he was known to do over the slightest inconvenience back then, but Aziraphale had been too stunned to even splutter out an apology before the diva stormed off. He and Crowley weren’t human; they didn’t faint. Not unless something was seriously wrong with their corporation. 
(Did crippling jealousy which induced a splitting headache and a pounding heart count as “seriously wrong”? If so, then yes, something was seriously wrong with Crowley’s corporation.)
When Crowley finally came to, he realized three things: 1) that he was most definitely in the backseat of the Bentley, if the roof he was staring at was any indication; 2) his sunglasses had been pushed up into his hair, which explained why the pale moonlight was making his slit-like pupils dilate; and 3) he was sprawled out over said backseat with his head in Aziraphale’s lap, the angel’s fingers gently combing through his hair. Okay, Crowley realized four things when he finally came to, the fourth being that Aziraphale doing that to his hair felt bloody marvelous. 
“What in H- Heav- ugh. What in Somewhere’s name happened?”
“Ah, you’re finally awake,” Aziraphale mused when he realized that Crowley had rejoined the land of the living, but he didn’t stop toying with his hair. After dragging Crowley’s unconscious corporation out to the Bentley, he’d sat like this with him for a good hour-and-a-half while he waited for him to wake up. In that time, he’d come to the realization that the demon had exceptionally soft hair. 
Realizing that the aforementioned demon was waiting on an answer, Aziraphale cleared his throat before explaining, “You fainted... straight into my arms.”
“I what?” Crowley squeaked, his yellow eyes widening, and Aziraphale exhaled a rather breathless chuckle. Truth be told, even now that Crowley was awake, he was still worried. This was hardly normal behaviour. 
“You fainted, my dear. I was in the middle of telling Elton how frequently I’ve listened to ‘Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me’ since his latest record came out, and the next thing I knew your nose was smashing into my chest and I was the only thing keeping you from hitting the ground.” 
Cracking the smallest of smiles, Aziraphale teased, “You know, if you wanted my attention, dear boy, you didn’t have to go to such extremes. We’ll certainly never get back-stage passes again after your little performance.”
Aziraphale had no idea how closely he came to hitting the nail on the head regarding Crowley fainting “to get [his] attention”, and the demon clamped his jaw shut to keep from doing something stupid, like saying so aloud. Aziraphale’s smile slipped as quickly as it appeared, though, and he quietly added, “You gave me quite a fright.”
“Sorry,” Crowley mumbled, not putting much inflection into the sentiment, and he felt his eyes flutter shut of their own volition as Aziraphale’s fingers began combing through his hair again. Despite his best efforts, a tiny noise of enjoyment escaped him. 
“Are you feeling quite alright? I’ve never seen you faint before. If there’s something wrong with your corporation... Well, perhaps you should contact your superiors-”
Scoffing at the notion, Crowley shook his head, finally forcing himself to sit up, righting his sunglasses as he did so. Once they were safely back on his nose, obscuring his eyes from view, Crowley stated, “It’s nothing. ‘M fine, angel, really. Just haven’t slept in a few days; y’know, what with the concerts. This body’s used to sleeping. I guess I sort of... crashed.”
“Well, come here, then.”
Blinking behind the thick lenses of his sunglasses, Crowley furrowed his brow as he looked over at the angel sitting beside him. They were parked a few metres away from a street lamp, and Crowley found himself noticing for the first time since regaining consciousness that Aziraphale was basked in a sort of... glow, both from the street lamp and the moonlight shining down from high above. If you looked at him just right, his halo was almost visible; it was always more palpable at night, when the sunlight wasn’t there to obstruct it.
“What?” Crowley finally asked, the response rather delayed, and he gave his head a shake when Aziraphale opened his arms and beckoned him forward. “Nuh. Don’t be ridiculous. I’ll drive you back and then go home - unless you want to stay?” 
He refrained from making a snide remark about Elton, but oh, how he wanted to.
“You are the one who’s being ridiculous, my dear. If you ‘crash’ while you’re driving, then we crash, quite literally. I don’t know about you, but I rather like this body. I think I’d like to keep it a while longer.”
“It’sssssss a nice body,” Crowley agreed, awkwardly clearing his throat to clarify, “Y’know... by human standards. Blond isssssss... pretty.”
To Crowley’s surprise, the angel didn’t snort at the compliment(s); rather, he looked to be... quite chuffed by them.
“Oh, come here, you silly goose,” Aziraphale sighed, smiling as he took Crowley’s hand and gave it a tug - with an unrelenting amount of Angelic Force. Instantly, he found himself with his face pressed once again to his Adversary’s chest, which was remarkably comfortable despite the hideous tartan sweater currently covering it. As soon as the angel’s arms wound around him, he forgot himself, melting into the embrace like a snake unraveling from being tightly coiled.
“There, now,” Aziraphale hummed, giving Crowley a small squeeze. “Get some proper rest. I’ll wake you when the sun comes up and I want to go home.”
Crowley didn’t need to be told twice. Being wrapped up in Aziraphale’s arms, and subsequently in his Angelic Grace, wasn’t unpleasant (like it should have been) but rather felt like being swaddled in a warm blanket (which it definitely shouldn’t have been). He was asleep within seconds, breathing softly against the angel’s chest.
To tell you the truth, Aziraphale didn’t really mind all that much that his conversation with Elton was cut short. An evening spent with Crowley, no matter what they did, was always an evening well spent. 
Submit a prompt?
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b-bing · 6 years
🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻Now say the fuck as much as you want now lol 😂
You Bet Your Ass I’m going to say exactly 72 things about myself. Yes, I counted. Although I’m bad at math so I might be wrong.
Just a bunch of bullshit under the cut I guess? (I don't have 72 stories to conjure up lmao)
1. I get angry when people make me do things when I could be taking a nap2. Apparently I'm scary when this happens3. Y'know when Jyushi does those noodle arms? I can Do That4. That's part of the reason why I got the nickname "Noodles" in elementary school5. But do not be fooled, these long skinny arms can do 100 push-ups6. The simple ones at the knee, not the feet7. Speaking of athletic stuff, I was known for being pretty good at basketball in high school8. Probably because for the three years prior to high school my dad and I would shoot hoops for about an hour every day9. Well, he would shoot hoops for an hour. I would shoot for 30 minutes. Dude had stamina10. He even taught me trick shots! At one point I got to be pretty good at shooting while spinning mid-jump11. Despite this, I've only ever played one actual game of basketball in my life12. It wasn't even a real game, it was like a fundraiser-type deal where the seniors had to do audience requests while we were playing13. At least it was better than what the seniors my sophomore year did. Donkey basketball. Poop Everywhere.14. One year my dad participated in the school's alumni basketball game15. I don't think the other guys on his team took him seriously because he was way older than the rest of them16. He sure showed them B)17. Because of this, my history teacher told me he was scared of my dad. "Did you see your dad's calves during that basketball game?! They were huge!"18. Anyway, I'm talking way too much about my dad and basketball (but to be fair, they are both very good)19. Even though I used to like reading a lot as a kid, I pretty much dislike it now20. I always find myself re-reading sentences over and over again21. Barely even reading a chapter makes me sleepy22. And sometimes it can be just so... boring.23. I don't even read that much fanfiction, so chances are if I read someone's stuff, I Really Really Like It24. However, the Artemis Fowl series is the greatest piece of literature literally ever and is always worth a re-read, my dislike of reading be damned25. The first fandom I drew anything for was InvaderZIM26. But the first fandom I actively participated in was The Lorax fandom... Or I guess, the Onceler fandom.27. It was also my first tumblr fandom, so all that stuff is still on this blog28. Deep, deep, deep on this blog29. At that point in time my URL was turtlescience--because I like turtles a lot!30. I have approximately 2 shrines in my room made out of stuffed turtles and turtle statues that friends and family have bought for me over the years31. And keep buying for me32. Seriously, I don't need any more, how do I tell them to stop33. I always bring my stuffed turtle named Tortellino wherever I'm going to sleep, though34. He's the perfect size and shape for hugging! I wish I could have him with me all the time35. Before Tortellino, I had a smaller turtle named Teewee, short for Turtly-Wurtly36. Not as great a hugger, but it had more sentimental value because I stole it got it from my mom (she didn't even realize that it used to be hers)37. Sometimes I wish I could just, like. Buy a bunch of toys from the toy aisle38. Oh shit, wait39. Where the FUCK did I put my nerf sword??40. Shit.41. I also have a huge box full of nerf guns somewhere at home42. I got all of them at Goodwill on my birthday a few years ago43. I need to find those too, shit44. I think my dad actually gave one of the biggest ones to one of my second cousins like Right In Front Of My Eyes45. That's kind of fucked up, right? Like, sure, I haven't played with them in like 3 years, but I didn't say I was done with them46. Although if I said anything about it, I would have looked like a spoiled child, and that's probably bad47. On the topic of toys, the basement of my parents' house is absolutely filled to the brim with toy cars48. My dad is a collector and used to sell them on summer weekends49. When I was little, I was forced to go with him and my mom to toy shows and car shows50. It was Boring. And. Hot. As. Hell.51. My sister used to go with us too but then grew old enough to stay home by herself52. But apparently not old enough to take care of me. Hecker.53. Real talk tho? My sister is the baes knaes54. You know the hijab emoji? She made the initial design for the pitch for that, and she ended up in a lot of news articles!! So cool!!55. Making emojis is part of her job kinda, so she made quite a few of the designs you see on your phone56. And she also makes book covers for short stories! She even got an award for one of them57. She's pretty much the reason that I changed my second major from Film to Graphic Design. She Opened My Eyes58. And THANK GOD I changed my major from Film. I've only taken one class and it is literally the most stressful thing ever59. I only thought I could do Film because I took a video editing class once and it was really fun matching the video to the music60. Coming up with an idea to execute is STRESSFUL, finding actors is STRESSFUL, and using the camera is STRESSFUL61. Actually in that video editing class, I did end up breaking the only camera we had, so I guess that was kind of foreshadowing in hindsight62. Back to my sister, she's actually my best friend and also the yin to my yang63. She's the tsukkomi and I'm the boke. Together we are the perfect comedy duo64. However, despite being on the same wavelength a majority of the time and also both of us being artists/writers, for some reason we can never collaborate on anything65. We've come up with a lot of really cool story ideas, but for some reason we never execute them66. We can't even collaborate on one picture lmao67. Wanna hear one of the best ideas we've had? Four words. Murder Mystery Dating Sim. Shit, dude.68. I'm a little worried about people stealing our idea, but I doubt anyone would read this far so I think it's fine69. (Hehe) My sister also introduced me to our Hella Rad Buddy, Chavez. Probably the most bullied person on the planet. A true Karamatsu.70. Before I even met Chavez, my sister would tell me stories about her and talk about how we're so similar71. And yeah, we're pretty much the same person, the only difference being that she is like, SUPER thirsty for Will Graham72. Anyway, she brings an element to our group (not sure what. victim?) that makes us the perfect comedy trio known as Reservematsu The Stankhouse, and we’re gonna take the world by storm
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claryvoyantfray · 7 years
Do all of them u coward
WHO ARE YOU CALLING A COWARD, FARMER???1: Is there a boy/girl in your life?Yes there is2: Think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them?I mean, I forgive people very easily so I guess. I havent seen that person in over a year since going to college, but I don't hate them3: What do you think of when you hear the word “meow?”Firstly I think of a cat, and then I think of that one song/video where the only word is meow4: What’s something you really want right now?Chinese food and pickles just because I feel like it's been so long since I've had either5: Are you afraid of falling in love?Kinda, just because I get attached easily6: Do you like the beach?I love the beach! Last time I went was with family on vacation (and the time before was senior skip day)7: Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?I have. The las time it was for my friend's birthday. Me and this one girl fell asleep on the couch together and in the morning I felt like my legs were cut off8: What’s the background on your cell?Lockscreen is a series of 10 pictures. My home screen is from my brother's Christmas concert. He's in the middle being hugged by our friend Bean and my boyfriend9: Name the last four beds you were sat on?Mine at college, mine at home, my boyfriend's, and my friend's10: Answered11: Who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?This girl who I met at winter conference. Her name was Bekah12: Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?Emotional pain by far. With physical those things go away (and you might have some cool stories to tell) but with emotional, that stick with you for a long time13: Answered14: Are you tired?I always am lately. I took a 4 hour nap today. But since it's a little after 1 (1:02 to be exact) I'm a little tired15: How long have you known your 1st phone contact?Like first alphebetically? That would be Abby and I've known her for 2 years. If it's first ever, that would be my mom or dad 😂16: Would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?Ha... that's funny. Considering that my last ex is a terrible person who cheats on his girlfriends and the one before is gay (and my best friend), I'm going with a strong no. Although me and my best friend keep saying we'll get married at like 40 if we don't have anyone17: If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?No I would not, especially since I'm a stressed out college student. I would wanna wait til I graduate to do something like that18: How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?A total of zero19: Is there a certain quote you live by?None that come to mind, but I do love a lot of quotes20: What’s on your mind?Just stuff for the future and what living with 3 of my friends will be like next year21: Do you have any tattoos?NO BUT I WANT SOME22: Next time you will kiss someone on the lips?March 10 (the day I come home for spring break)23: Who are you texting?Nobody really right now, but I did just send a text to my friend Colin24: Have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?Alwayssssssss25: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?That would be Colin26: Do you think anyone has feelings for you?Well I would hope so27: Answered28: Were you single on Valentines Day?You bet I was, but I gave my friends super cute gifts29: Has anyone upset you in the last week?I don't think so30: Have you ever cried over a text?Yeah, but only like once or twice31: Where’s your last bruise located?I get a lot of random bruises everywhere, but there's one on my thigh currently32: Last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?Probably in the middle of last semester. I just wanted to go back home33: Who was the last person you were on the phone with?My dad. I was asking him what I could use as a bottle opener if I didn't have one34: Do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day?No because every day is a bad hair day for me. I just own it35: Answered36: Do you make supper for your family?No I don't. Me and my brother did a couple times, but not recently. I like baking more than cooking37: Does your bedroom have a door?Yes, but no lock (it's an old house so it's like those skeleton keys, my door could lock if I knew how to work the key)38: Does anything on your body hurt?My shoulders. I need to get a massage39: Are goodbyes hard for you?Depending how me/them are gone40: How is your hair?Long and messy with purple tips41: Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?I kinda wish I was home, but I'm alright42: Answered43: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?Probably wondering if any of my friends snore (I had 3 of them over last night)44: Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?Yes. I always try way too hard45: How old will you be in 5 months?19 and a half46: Where is your Mum right now?Probably in bed sleeping, unless she worked overnight, then she's at work47: Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?Sadly I haven't48: How many people have you liked in the past three months?I think 3 on varying degrees49: Has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?Not my underwear, but last night my friends saw me in my bra50: Will you talk to the person you like tonight?Already did51: If your BF/GF was into drugs would you care?If it was weed, no (because everyone I know does it). But if it was the hard stuff I would be concerned depending on what it was. So yeah I would care52: Who was your last received call from?A blocked random number53: Have you ever trusted someone too much?I trust everyone I talk to way more than I should (but it's fine. It's only been bad twice)54: Do you get along with girls?Oh God I would hope so. But yeah I do55: Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?Yeahhhh. I'm supposed to tell my mom something that I refuse to talk about (just because she'll be mad)56: Answered
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sugatsby · 7 years
Tumblr media
Group: BTS Pairing: Min Yoongi X Reader Rating: Fluff Prompt: It’s late and you’re trying to get your rapper boyfriend out of his studio and into your bed. Word count: 1 767
A/N: This is my first ever fanfic. I’m still trying to find my own style of writing, so please bear with me and be nice if you can! I hope you enjoy! :)
“Yes, mom. I’ll talk to you soon. Yes. Love you too. Bye, mom.” You press the ‘end call’ button after saying goodbye to your mother. It’s been a while since the two of you spoke, leaving you to catch up with each other’s lives as best as possible with a long-distance phone call. “She’s unbelievable!” you sigh as you let yourself fall back onto the couch.
Your mom has always had the tendency to keep talking and talking, even if one of you had something to do or somewhere to go. Even though today, you didn’t really mind, you were tired, struggling to hold back your yawns while speaking to her on the phone. With a rough day at work, with a co-worker falling ill and a manager demanding you’d finish a file before going home for the weekend, you were ready to let yourself fall, face forward, onto your pleasantly soft matrass without even making the effort of getting yourself out of your restricting outfit. But, you felt dirty, ready to jump… Well, not jump. That would take too much effort.
You were ready to calmly step underneath a scorching hot shower, to try and wash away the stress that had been building up in your body. After showering and having put on some of your comfiest sweats, you decided to wind down with some bad TV show and a nice warm mug of green tea, waiting for your boyfriend to come home. With your mug empty and the sounds of the TV in the background, your eye lids started to become heavy. With the sudden sound of your phone ringing, you woke up from your little nap, having to answer the call from your mom, who did not bother the check the time difference once again.
You sigh once again, switching off the TV. You press the button on your phone, checking for messages. That’s when you see the time: 02:38 am. No wonder you feel exhausted! And also, where the hell is Yoongi? He should have been at your place by now. At least that’s what he messaged you earlier today. Of course he could have forgotten that and could have gone to his dorm instead. Or the idiot could have forgotten everything around him all together and still be working on one of his songs in the studio. Having known Yoongi for a while, your guess is the latter, but it won’t hurt to check with one of his members, because if he is indeed absorbed in his work, he won’t notice you calling him anyway.
You tap on Seokjin’s name in your messages. Jin is Yoongi’s roommate and a late sleeper, playing games until the early hours of the morning. You’re sure he’s still awake when you send your message. Both your assumptions get confirmed a minute later when Jin replies that Yoongi hasn’t come to the dorm and is probably still at the studio, working. Tonight being the third night in a row that he’s pulling an all-nighter, you start to get worried. Sending Jin a quick ‘thank you’, you put on a pair of trainers, grab your jacket and keys, and walk out the door of your apartment to go and try to convince your boyfriend to get out of that cramped space and sleep in a bed for once, food being one of the best motivators.
The night is quiet. Peaceful. There aren’t a lot of cars driving around here at this time of night. You wish you’d worn a thicker jacket, the midnight breeze going straight through the denim, leaving goose bumps in its wake. You put up your collar, trying to block some of the cold. You start walking a bit faster, warming yourself up with your first destination in sight. Your first stop is a barbecue place where Yoongi took you once, saying they made the best bulgogi in the whole city. After buying that and some galbi for the two of you, you make your way to your next stop, about five minutes away.
When you approach the building you notice most of the windows show darkness, just a few lit up by a warm light. You know that Yoongi is still in one of those rooms, working diligently on the lyrics or melody of a song, sitting in front of his computer screen, clicking and rearranging, an emptied americano next to him, and bags underneath his eyes. You’re making your way to the entrance of the building, now minutes away from forcing your boyfriend to take a break.
Walking into the building, you notice it’s quiet. Only the soft buzzing of the lights hanging off the ceiling can be heard. You make your way up to the 7th floor, where you know most of the studios are located. Big Hit gave Yoongi his own studio on this floor, giving him the space and freedom to produce whenever he wants to. Even if it’s 3 o’clock at night, apparently. After walking through the maze of hallways and rooms, you make your way to the door your boyfriend has been hiding behind. You knock, but there’s no answer. There’s light coming from underneath the door however, indicating someone is behind it.
You quietly open the door, swinging it open softly, only to reveal your boyfriend sitting at his desk, wildly clicking with his mouse, too focused on the screen in front of him to have heard you enter, his headphones not really helping either. You make your way over to him, after putting down the food on the small coffee table near the leather sofa. You softly place your arms over his shoulders, embracing him from behind. You feel him jump slightly, his muscles spasming underneath your touch. He turns his head to look at you with a little bit of annoyance, but you quickly feel his muscles relax when he realizes it’s you that surprised him. “God, Y/N! You scared me,” he says, still surprised. “What are you doing here?”
“I am here to feed you,” you tell him, nuzzling your face into his neck. “And after that I’ll kidnap you.”
Yoongi looks at the corner of his computer screen. “Oh.” He turns around to look at you with an apologetic look on his face. “I’m sorry, babe. I just really need to finish this.”
“That’s fine,” you sigh. “But you can at least take a break. I brought some food, because I knew you haven’t eaten yet.” You sit yourself down onto his lap, your right arm draped over his shoulders, pulling him closer. “Please,” you beg, turning your head to look him straight in the eye.
“Okay, but I’m still planning on finishing this thing tonight.”
“Sure. But first: food!” You jump up from his lap, excited to finally eat dinner. With your exhaustion of today, you fell asleep without eating dinner, which you have been regretting since you woke up from your nap on your couch. You move towards the sofa in the back of the studio, dragging your boyfriend out of his chair.
After your very late dinner, Yoongi moves towards his desk once more, promising he will be finished working soon. “Do you mind waiting a little longer?” he asks, looking at you with a semi-guilty look in his eyes for keeping you from your precious bed a little longer too. You raise your eyebrow at him. “That depends. How long is a little longer?”
Your question makes Yoongi spin his chair around, checking his progress and the time once again. “I think about twenty minutes,” he says twisting his head around to face your figure on the sofa. “I guess I can handle that much,” you answer with a tired smile. He chuckles at your exhausted face and turns to his computer screen while you lean back on the sofa. You pull out you phone from your jacket’s pocket to pass the time while waiting for your boyfriend to finish his work. After a couple of minutes you begin to fall into a light slumber.
You wake up feeling something pressing against you. You notice an arm placed around your waist. After successfully twisting around on the narrow sofa, your boyfriend’s sleeping face comes into view. His breaths are steady, fanning over your forehead, escaping his slightly parted lips. God, he looks so breathtakingly beautiful when sleeping. You smile, noticing a warmth enveloping the lower half of your body. Yoongi must have draped a blanket over you before laying down next to you. Though he won’t admit, Yoongi’s always very thoughtful. You just wish he would think of himself a little more sometimes, getting his well-deserved rest and eat dinner. You always find yourself telling him this, but the stubborn idiot that he is, just shrugs, telling you he’s fine.
You know he’s lying, but you don’t want to confront him in that way. You know he works so hard to keep being able to juggle it all, so you just try to support him the best you can. Just like today. You don’t get mad at him for this anymore, because you know he has got a lot more on his plate. And that’s probably why you two work so well together.
You don’t know what time it is, but you know that the day has already begun, hearing muffled footsteps and voices coming from the hallway. You guess Yoongi has also heard the small noises from outside, because you notice his breathing starts to go a little faster, a deep sigh escaping his nostrils before his eyes flutter open, meeting yours. He doesn’t say anything, just giving you a small smile. He nuzzles his nose into your hair, his embrace around your waist getting tighter, trying to find his slumber once again. And you let him, not caring about the fact that he might have somewhere to be.
You put your arm around his shoulder, your hand finding comfort in his hair, softly running your fingers through his freshly dyed strands. You always find this comforting. As does he, letting you pet him at your heart’s content. Yoongi’s breathing soon finds his steady rhythm again. You close your eyes as well, mimicking your boyfriend, until the sounds in the background fade. Falling into a peaceful slumber in your boyfriend’s arms, you cannot help feeling safe and content. You know that any minute now, there could be someone knocking on the outside of the studio door, looking for him, but until then, you take advantage of this moment with Yoongi, both of you having a well-deserved nap.
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littledonkeyburrito · 7 years
Some lint
1. Have you ever punched someone and broke their nose? Haven’t broken their nose but I’ve certainly hit a few in the face bc karate
2. What is the longest time you have gone without sleep? Forty-something hours without even a nap
3. Have you ever been someplace tropical? Several places
4. You see an ant on the ground, do you squish it? If it’s in my house, yes.
5. Have you ever baked a pie? I don’t think so.
6. What is your favorite social networking site? Instagram probably
7. Has anyone in your family fought in any of the wars? Dad’s dad was in WW2. Dad fought in Belfast in the 70s I think
8. Would you make any changes to your current bedroom? Yeah, I would like $100,000 to magically appear under my mattress.
9. Has a stray dog ever tried to bite you? Playfully. I stop playing with strays when they get boisterous bc rabies
10. When riding a bus, do you prefer to sit up front, down back or the middle? Middle-back generally
11. Have you ever been on a cross-country train ride? Yes, in a few places. I freaking love sleeper trains, I think they’re so fun with a group. On one of the sleeper trains I went on in China we accidentally taught the guy with the food/drink trolley the english word for beer because we bought more every time he went past.
12. Is there currently any caffeine in your system? No
13. Look around, are things organized? Yes, I keep my apartment very tidy.
14. Is there any TV show that ended that you wish hadn’t? Don’t Trust the Bitch in Apartment 23
15. Know what you’re planning to do after this? Attempt to kill time for a couple of hours until I can go to bed
16. How often do you update your Facebook status? I don’t really do statuses, just post photos from my instagram.
17. Do you even wear any jeans other than skinny anymore? All my jeans are of varying levels of skininess. From slim-fit to practically painted on.
18. Are you sensitive to caffeine? Yes. I would have a rum and coke right now but 1) I don’t have any coke, and 2) if I drank any it would take me a long time to get to sleep.
19. How do you usually get around? Walking or metro
20. Which languages do you wish you could speak fluently in? It would be nice to be fluent in spanish but if it happened magically overnight it wouldn’t be fun because I like the challenge. It would be cool to magically become fluent in arabic and/or mandarin.
21. Have you ever been accused of being too clingy? No
22. Can you speak any French? No.
23. Have you ever stayed in a hotel? Dozens. I travel a lot.
24. What is in your pocket? Some lint.
25. Is there a secret you’ve never told your parents? There are certainly some details of my life that I have omitted. Such as some experiences with sex, drugs and alcohol.  
26. Who was the last person to smoke a cigarette in your presence? People from that office I briefly worked at. Or probably more recently just random people on the street.
27. Have you ever lived with a friend? Yeah, a few.
28. What are a few of your favorite tv shows? iZombie, Brooklyn 99, Jane The Virgin, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Club De Cuervos, Parks and Rec 29. What kind of socks do you like to wear? Brightly coloured ones with wild patterns 30. Do you have your own house key, and how often do you actually use it? Whenever I need to get into my apartment. (This question must have been written by a teenager)
31. How often do you eat chocolate? Not actually that often. I don’t have as much of a sweet tooth as I did when I was younger. 32. How often do you wash dishes at your house? Every 1-3 days depending on how lazy I am.
33. How much sleep did you get last night? ~7 hours 34. When was the last time you went to a cemetery and why were you there? Last year on halloween myself and a few other drunk people from the party I was at decided to go wander around the nearby cemetery. 35. What were you doing when you heard about the attack on the twin towers? I don’t remember specifically hearing about it. I was only 7 so I wouldn’t really have cared anyway. Mostly what I remember is that they took cartoons off tv to play non-stop news for at least a week. 36. Doesn’t John Mayer suck? I have no opinions on him. 37. When was the last time you saw the sun rise? When I was in Colombia. One night in Cartagena I stayed up with a swedish and a colombian guy chatting in spanish while we watched the sun rise over the river. Then the cops came over and told us to leave.
38. What was the last picture you took? It was of my DS because I started playing pokemon in spanish and I was sending the picture to a couple of friends to say that the pokemon names are still the same in this language.
39. Are there many traffic incidents in your area? I don’t drive anymore so I don’t pay attention. 40. Have you ever been for a ride in the back of a truck? Probably at some point during travels. I’ve done a lot of weird shit 41. Are you currently downloading anything? No. 42. Does your father have any facial hair? No
43. Have you ever played golf? My mum attempted to get me into golf when I was a kid (maybe young teen?) and I absolutely hated it. It was the most infuriating game I’ve ever played.
44. What was the last tv show you watched an episode of? The Defenders 45. Do you like beer? If so, what’s your favorite brand? Beer is fine. I’m pretty used to Moritz and Estrella Damm because they are common local brands. The fucking worst beer is Balboa in Panama. God it was so awful. Also not a fan of San Miguel which is common across all of spain. 46. Do you feel bad when you throw food out? Yes 47. When was the last time you waxed anything on your body, if ever? I’ve never waxed. I just shave. 48. What’s your favorite fast food place? I don’t have one. I don’t really eat takeout here. 49. When was the last time you went out for a meal? A few weeks ago. 50. Have you ever been in a car accident? A few minor ones but not while I’ve been driving. 51. What colour shirt are you wearing right now? Navy blue
52. Have you ever had a bonfire on the beach? Y’know I actually don’t think I have... I should get on that.
53. Are you skilled when it comes to working in the kitchen? I don’t burn anything. That’s a skill, right?
54. When was the last time you went to a campground? That would have been back in April, camping in the Sahara Desert.
55. Do you listen to music while driving? Yes, and I sing along Very Loudly.
56. When was the last time you hung out with people younger than you? I have absolutely no idea. 
57. What is the closest blue object to you? Box of tissues on the coffee table.
58. How much did you spend on your last shopping trip? Probably about 25 euros at the grocery store
59. Have you ever gone over your cell phone plan by accident? I used to go over my data limit pretty regularly at my old job.
60. Can you honestly say you’ve been drunk before? Very, and many times. (this question must have been written by a teen)
61. Where did you get your last bruise from? Probably that mystery bruise I got in my armpit in central america. I’m pretty sure I got roofied that night so I don’t remember anything at all but I am still sooooo curious how I got that bruise. Nobody I was with knew how it happened either but then again they were all pretty trashed anyway so even if they saw they might not remember.
62. Are you a person that likes to take chances? Depends. Sometimes I take calculated risks.
63. Would you consider your life to be great right now? Right now it’s pretty mediocre but a month ago it was freaking awesome.
64. Do you remember the dream you had last night? Not exactly but I think it involved me getting tattoos on my arm
65. Do you get emotional easily? I don’t really have emotions tbh
66. Do you get obnoxious when you’re drunk? Nah, I get fun when I’m drunk
67. Who was the first person to ever give you flowers? I’m not sure anybody has ever given me flowers.
68. What was the last thing you heated up in your microwave? Chicken and veggies to go with my baked potato the other day
69. Were you born somewhere other than a hospital? No.
70. What was the last flavor of ice cream you had? Mango. It was homemade by a woman in Comuna 13 in Colombia 71. When you go out drinking, what do you prefer to drink? Beer or rum and coke 72. Is there a trash can near you? Yeah
73. When and where was the last time you took a picture of yourself? I think I took a selfie in my kitchen a few days ago 74. When was the last time you stayed up throughout the entire night? Cartagena, Colombia. ~8 weeks ago. But I stayed up until 2 or 3am a few times after that.
75. Have you ever considered a foreign-exchange program? No, I just fucked off overseas on my own accord.
76. Are sex and sexual activities something you enjoy? Yep 77. What’s an interesting fact about the state in which you were born? I know literally nothing about the region I was born in.
78. What’s one aspect of your life that did not turn out as you expected? Well I definitely didn’t expect to learn spanish 79. Is there a subject about which you know a great deal? Probably, but nothing immediately comes to mind 80. What was the last thing that you put off doing? I should probably vacuum and mop my apartment 81. What did you do instead of that activity? Anything else.
Before and after: 3 years ago, today
82. What size is the last bed you kissed on?  - Double.  - A single bed in a twin room in a hotel. Tbh I probably could have swapped to a double room but at that point I didn’t realise he’d be staying with me
83. When was the last time you were sick? - I got the flu pretty bad in 2013. Probably should have gone to hospital but instead I only took 2 days off work. - I had a mild cold when I got home from my last trip. 84. Do you have any summer plans yet? - I ditched summer in favour of going skiing in Japan - Summer just ended. I don’t know whether my next summer will be here next June/July, or back in Aus in January. Will depend on whether I find a job 85. When was the last time you shaved your legs? - Probably within 2 weeks - Earlier today 86. Is there someone you wish you were closer with? - I think I had just started developing a crush on a guy that I later dated briefly and then he cheated on me, lied about it and broke up with me by facebook message while I was on holiday overseas. So, not the best idea really. - I’m all g. 87. Do you tend to waste a lot of money? - I made 1 or 2 poor decisions with money but I was earning enough to cover my ass. - It’s not a waste when it’s something I actively want to spend the money on. 88. What did you last drink? - Probably pepsi - Orange juice 89. Have you ever received an injury from a hook up? - Uhhh no? - Not unless that’s how I got that mystery bruise in my armpit. 90. Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex? - Yes - Yes, the same ones 91. When was the last time you had a crowd at your house? - Probably around this time 3 years ago was my housewarming - I have never had more than 2 people visit this apartment at a time. Last time I had a crowd would have been my moving out party (from the place I just moved into 3 years ago) which was a bit over a year ago.
92. How many cell phones have you had? - 5 - 7, if you include the work phone I had 93. Where do you get all your clothes? - JayJays - H&M, C&A, Mango etc 94. Have you ever regretted kissing someone? - Nah - Nah 95. Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? - No. - I got one just under 3 years ago 96. Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone? - Alone - Depends. Sometimes I wouldn’t mind having someone here 97. Do you think age matters in relationships? - To an extent - Not really 98. Have you ever lived with a girlfriend/boyfriend? - No. - No 99. When will your next kiss be? - Probably the next party I went to. I made out with a lot of people that year - No idea 100. Add up all the digits of your cell phone number. What do you get? - 40 - 50 101. When you lost your virginity, do you honestly feel like you were ready? - I didn’t regret it but I probably wasn’t emotionally ready for it. - Same as above I guess. You only lose it once.
102. Was the person you lost your virginity to younger or older than you? - Older. - ^^
103. Were you sexually experienced whatsoever when you lost your virginity? - Not at all - ^^
104. Have you had sex with more than one person? - Yes - Yes by a larger amount
105. Have you ever had sex with the lights on? - Yes. - Yes
106. Have you ever had sex on a floor? - No - Yes
107. When is the last time you had sex? - Probably like at least 6 months before - About a month ago (can’t believe my trip ended so long ago)
108. Do you care for that person? - Eh - I guess
109. Is this your boyfriend or girlfriend? - No - No
110. The first time you got drunk, how old were you? - 16 - ^^
111. Where were you located the first time you got drunk? - The afterparty of my highschool formal. It was in the backyard of a girl in my grade - ^^
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kookienomster3 · 7 years
I Want The Headline (Pt. 12)
Written By: suga-of-daegu BTS Fanfiction Angst WARNING: MATURE CONTENT Mafia/Gang
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Jungkook was asleep.
Jungkook was asleep and you couldn’t stop crying.
He must’ve been a heavy sleeper because you hadn’t tried to mask your tears in the slightest. Sadness washed over you in waves, weighing you down until you were a crumpled mess at Jungkook’s feet. He slept calmly, face pressed into the pillow and hand resting lightly atop his head. Dark bags resting under his eyes and he snored softly; he was exhausted. And it was undeniable; he had suffered through something excruciating. You should’ve been more concerned with him, or Jin who had been left on a cot to rest back at Yoongi’s warehouse with a promise that Yoongi would be back to finish his business with him.
But Yoongi wasn’t going back.
You wiped your eyes, blinking rapidly to force the images of him in that chair from your mind. Yoongi was never going to go back to that warehouse and you weren’t sure if you were either. Would Jungkook or Namjoon even allow something like that? So you did the only thing you could’ve done, you cried.
Jungkook would shift occasionally, leg brushing against you. Each time you thought it was him waking up and you’d scramble to wipe at your face until you heard him sigh softly, burying his face deeper into the pillow. At first, you didn’t understand how Jungkook could look dead at Yoongi’s lifeless body and straight at Jimin and Hoseok’s sob racked form and then come to his room for a nap. Despite the whole ordeal he had been through, and how he revealed he was afraid of dying alone, he hadn’t batted an eyelash at Yoongi. But just by watching Jungkook and seeing the light scars crisscrossing across his hands and forearms, you knew..
Death and sadness weren’t new to Jungkook.
Your thoughts drifted back to Jimin and Hoseok..they were in the same boat as Jungkook, but they cried over Yoongi. They had broken down. Maybe is was because he was the leader? Or because he had taken the blame for their disobedience? Possibly it was because, although he showed it in odd ways, Yoongi cared for them. Your hands knotted into Jungkook’s light gray bed sheets.
And in some skewed way, Yoongi cared for you.
Why else would he have done that? All he had to do was say yes, and not even that, Namjoon would’ve accepted a nod. But he said no; he screamed it until you couldn’t hear his voice anymore.
Until his hands stopped jerking at the restraints.
Until Namjoon stepped away with a smile.
Bile rose in your throat, the burning sensation making you want to gag. You slipped from the bed, stumbling out of the door and down the hall. There had to be a bathroom somewhere.
Carefully, you opened several doors that lined the hall that was either empty bedrooms or storage closets. It was odd that all the bedroom appeared to be empty when it was already late in the night. Did these people sleep? Where was everyone? As you neared the end of the hall, you could hear cheering drifting in from the metal double doors at the end of the hall.
You pressed your ear against it, flinching at the shock of the cold metal on your skin. Muffled, but still recognizable, Namjoon’s voice was announcing something that a crowd was responding too. Cautiously, you glanced behind yourself to make sure no one had snuck up on you or Jungkook had drifted out of his room in search of you.
Seeing nothing you turned the rusted knob, teeth clenching at the sound of corroded metal scraping together. The noise of the crowd drowned out any sound. You peeked in, seeing what you assumed to be the other members of the organization circled around something. Stepping further in you caught a glimpse of what they were cheering for.
And you ran towards the crowd.
You squeezed through the crowded men, colliding into the doubled over man in the center and throwing your arms around him. The men who had ganged up on him, beating him with whatever they could drew back in surprise. Were they to continue with you wrapped around him? Their eyes lifted to their leader who thoughtfully watched the encounter.
Face pressed into your shoulder, he whined softly, the fabric of your clothes scratching against his raw skin. His fingers curled tightly into your skin, relieved to feel some sort of comforting touch. He’d been there for hours, being swung at from left and right mercilessly. He was about ready to give, but then you came to him. Which was a good thing and a bad thing. He hoped Namjoon wouldn’t order that you been attacked as well. He held you closer, he couldn’t protect himself, how was he supposed to protect you?
Namjoon raised a brow at you, “Where’s Jungkook?” He looked over to the slightly parted double doors, “Why isn’t he with you?” He stepped closer, grabbing a fistful of the other man’s hair, lightly tugging him back from you. Your arms remained around him, refusing to let go. “Why are you clinging to him?” He didn’t understand. First, he had been holding onto you and now you were holding onto him… Was there something he was missing?
“Jimin..” You breathed, dabbing at his bloodied lip with your sleeve to stem the blood, “You’re okay…Where’s Hoseok?” He wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Were they taking turns beating them?
“He…I covered for him; he got away.” Jimin’s eyes lowered, his hands slipping away from you. The crowd quieted substantially, parting for a new addition. Namjoon observed the angered look in the newcomer’s eyes and grinned, glancing back to your unsuspecting form. This should be interesting.
You flinched at the hostile tone, nervously turning to meet the cold gaze of Jungkook. He was still mussed with sleep, eyes puffy and hair tousled. He apathetically flickered his gaze to Jimin, his jaw tightening. After all, he had done to you, you were clinging to him like that? “Y/N, come here,“Jungkook ordered sternly. You sat there for a moment, at a loss. It was most likely that going with Jungkook would entail going back to the room and leaving Jimin with these savages. You had sat still while Yoongi was murdered, you weren’t about to turn a blind eye to Jimin as well. Jungkook took a purposeful step forward when, instead of going to him like he asked, you just tightened your grip on Jimin’s shirt.
Jungkook fisted the back of your shirt, yanking you up, but you still held onto Jimin. He ended up pulling on the both of you, his face contorting in anger,"Get off him!” he pried your hands off and Jimin fell back, too tired to try and catch his fall. Jungkook forced you to face him when you tried to turn back to Jimin. He angrily held your jaw, leaving you no choice but to meet his gaze, “Stop it, Y/N.” He hissed, “After what he almost did to you, you’re throwing yourself between him and a beating? What the hell’s wrong with you?! Is this about Yoongi?"He saw your face crumple and drew back. So it was about Yoongi? You didn’t owe Yoongi anything, why were you so suddenly wrapped up in him? Because you saw him die? That happens all the time, people die. Jungkook sighed, pushing you back in the direction of the metal doors,"Go back to our room and don’t you fucking leave again! You hear me, Y/N?”
He watched you pass through the doors before turning back to Namjoon, “Kill him.” The crowd hissed their approval, chanting that they wanted to continue their original idea of beating Jimin to death. Namjoon thought for a moment, scrutinizing Jungkook,
“You want to kill him because Y/N risked her safety for him or because of what he did to your mother.” He clarified. Jungkook glared,
“Obviously my mother.” His jaw ticked in anger at Namjoon’s hesitance,“Just do what you were doing before. he’ll be dead by midnight.” Namjoon grinned slyly,
“This isn’t a death sentence, this is an initiation.” He informed lightly, “Jimin is joining us.”
“For what!? We don’t need him, kill him!” Jimin was one of the last people their group needed. Jungkook wasn’t going to put his life in the hands of that wavering fool. He had considered betraying Yoongi before until Jungkook stepped in, who was to say he wouldn’t betray them?
Namjoon patted Jungkooks broad shoulder,“You’ve been a little too wrapped up in Y/N’s safety to focus properly, how do you think you got snatched up at the docks? Jimin’s here to keep an eye on Y/N to ease your worried heart~”
So that was the catch. Jimin is initiated only to keep an eye on you when Jungkook wasn’t around. Jungkook scoffed as if he trusted Jimin that much. “She doesn’t need a damn bodyguard, I can keep her safe myself.”
“I’ve already decided and he’s already joined..this,” He motioned to Jimin’s bruised body,“..was just for fun,” He dropped his hand from Jungkook’s shoulder, “So why don’t you bring Jimin over to Y/N for treatment and let her know, I’m sure she’ll be happy to know he’s not going to die tonight.” Boiling with anger, Jungkook grabbed the collar of Jimin’s shirt, yanking him forward and proceeding to drag him back to his room.
You flinched when Jungkook shoved the door open, knob slamming against the wall. Jimin was thrown at your feet, groaning in pain. Jungkook stomped over to you, pulling you up on your feet. His shaking hands, gripped your head, pulling your ear closer to his mouth,
“The next time you pull some stupid shit like that, you’re going to regret it. Whatever regrets you have about Yoongi has nothing to do with Jimin.” He growled lowly,“ The only men you should be concerned about is your brother and me.” He glared down at Jimin,“Bandage him up; don’t fucking talk to him.”
You nodded, trying to stem your relief for the sake of his angered expression. “Thank you, Jeon.” He rolled his eyes, inclining you closer for a prodding kiss. His jaw was too tight, head pressing against yours to the point where you were stumbling back, gripping onto him for balance. Jungkook sighed angrily into the kiss, body on edge. He pulled away first this time, studying you intently.
“Here I was thinking something bad happened to you and I find out you’re throwing yourself at him.” he hissed,“ You picked me; act like it..” His pensive gaze shifted into a glare and suddenly he was turning away from you and out the door, slamming it shut behind him.
It was just you and Jimin.
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brightlynested · 6 years
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At 41 weeks + 3 days and 4 membrane sweeps later…
I woke up Saturday morning, August 11th with mild contractions that were 20 minutes apart. They weren’t painful but I was pretty sure they were contractions because they were 20 mins on the dot for a few hours. So that morning Chris made breakfast for Kinley & I and then we headed to the grocery store to get a couple things we needed.
Towards the end of my pregnancy my midwife said we should have sex two times a day until the baby came to continue to ripen my cervix, so at 11:00 AM we put Kinley down for a nap and decided to “do it” (sorry if you’re reading this Mom & Dad! Lol!). We knew that if this was the real thing, it would kick start/speed up labor. Plus we figured, “doctor’s orders!” Haha
That immediately threw me into labor. Right off the bat, contractions were 3 mins apart. I was in shock. Could this really (and finally) be the real thing?! After an hour of contractions 3 mins apart, I called my midwife to talk it over with her. She had said sometimes sex can bring on contractions like that and then slow down a few hours later. She said I could come in if I wanted to, or stay home to labor as long as I felt comfortable doing so. Even though they were 3 minutes apart, I still felt like I had time on my side and felt comfortable staying home. The contractions eventually slowed to 5-6 mins apart, but they were definitely getting more intense. This was definitely the real thing!
Around 1:00 PM I called my bestie to come over to help us with Kinley while I continued to labor at home. I walked, and walked, and walked around my house ALL DAY. It was a hot summer day so instead of going on a walk outside we opted to stay in in the air conditioning. I wanted to stay as active as possible to keep things moving and also bring the baby down with gravity. When my legs got tired I sat on my birth ball and bounced and rolled my hips. The contractions were completely manageable all afternoon.
Around 7:00 PM (8 hours into labor) I knew it was time to head to the birth center. I started to get the “shaky labor legs” and the contractions were intensifying so I knew it was time to go. We still had a 45 minute drive ahead of us so I figured we needed to hit the road before things got too much more intense. When we arrived, my midwife checked me. I was 4 cm dilated, fully effaced, with a bulging bag of water. I was happy I was at least that far along.
For the next hour and a half I walked around the room continuously as I breathed through contractions. When I needed a break from walking, I would sit on the birth ball to bounce and roll around as much as I could. I would usually walk for 5 minutes and then sit on the ball for 5 minutes. I knew staying active would help move things along and I had prayed specifically for a fast labor. At 10 PM my contractions were 2 minutes apart and my midwife checked me again. I was only 4.5 cms dilated. She asked if I wanted her to break my water and I immediately said, “YES!” After she broke my water I got into the birthing tub to continue laboring.
Things picked up QUICK! Within about 30-45 minutes of laboring in the tub I asked my husband & midwife to grab the trashcan because I needed to throw up. I knew I was entering into transition which was 7 cm. Feeling nauseous and throwing up is usually a sign that you’re entering into transition. 
I couldn’t believe that I was already 7 cms in such a short amount of time, but I could also feel the contractions intensifying. Up until that point the pain was totally manageable. I had told my husband right after I threw up, “Wow, I’m surprised because the contractions only really hurt for about 15-20 seconds (at its peak) and the rest of the contraction is totally manageable.” But it seemed like it was only 1 minute later that I was grueling in pain for 2 minutes straight through each contraction. I knew I had passed 7 cm and was now somewhere between 8-10 cms. 
Each contraction hit me like a massive wave and I was doing my best to stay relaxed and breathe through them. Staying relaxed is one of the most important things you can do in labor. If you are tense, your cervix can also tense up and it can stall or even stop labor, so I was trying my best to hold on and stay calm. 
Before I knew it, I heard myself REALLY vocalizing through each contraction. I had to because it was the only way to keep from screaming although eventually there was some screaming— and that was okay! I knew not to resist the sounds my body was making because as I screeched trough the pain I knew my body was doing everything it needed to do.
I finally reached the point where I felt like I couldn’t take the pain. Panic set in for a moment as I wondered how much longer I had to hold on. But in that moment I remembered reading several birth stories where other women got to this same point and the very next moment the baby was born. This gave me hope she was about to be born.
My midwife began reassuring me that I was SO CLOSE. I wanted to believe her, but I was wondering if she was just telling me that to comfort me or if she was serious. The date was August 11th and my sister’s birthday is August 12th. My sister was praying hard that Harlie would be born on her birthday. I remember glancing at the clock at 11:30 PM as my midwife said, “Your baby girl doesn’t want to share birthdays with your sister, she’s going to be born before before midnight.” “Really?! I thought. Was she being serious?! I pray to Jesus she is being serious!” 
Immediately after I remember thinking, “the pain of these contractions are so intense, I can’t IMAGINE pushing during a contraction to get her out!”  
But then suddenly, I pooped.
You might be wondering why I included this, but it’s actually a fascinating part of the story! When your baby is about to be born, the baby descends deep into your pelvis and your colon literally gets flattened, therefore you poop! No need to feel embarrassed, it’s 100% normal and something that just happens in childbirth.  The cool thing was, my husband said the moment after I pooped, he saw my big, huge belly all of a sudden drop and almost flatten. The baby dropped deep into the birth canal and she was ready to make her debut. 
The next moment I screamed, “HERE SHE COMES!!!” 
I knew it was time to push, no one had to tell me. I very much wanted and prayed for this feeling. I told my midwife prior to birth that I did not want to be managed in the pushing phase and that I wanted a physiological birth, meaning I would follow my body’s lead on what to do because it knows exactly what to do on its own.
I began pushing and it was completely instinctual. I never told my midwife I was going to push and she didn’t say a word other than “GREAT JOB! GREAT PUSH!!” After 4 minutes of pushing, she was born! I was in complete shock!
Within 1 hour and 45 minutes of my midwife breaking my water, I progressed from 4.5 cm dilated to my sweet baby girl being born! 
She weighed 9 lbs 6 oz and was 22” long! 
Prior to birth, I prayed specifically for a few things: no tearing, no hemorrhoids, and a fast labor. Low and behold with a 9 lb 6 oz baby, I didn’t tear, I had no hemorrhoids, and my birth could not have been any faster. My mind was blown, and still is, how God answered each and every one of my prayers specifically and intentionally!
Delivering the Placenta
Did you know that after you deliver your baby, you have to deliver your placenta too?
After Harlie’s birth, I had to then deliver the placenta about 20 minutes later. After a few pushes it was out. After I delivered it, my midwife brought it over to show me how fascinating it was. 
Previously I thought placentas were gross, but she really opened my eyes and showed me how amazing they are! (Seriously google how amazing placentas are, its fascinating!!) 
As she was explaining how amazing placentas are to me, she told me she was particularly amazed by mine for several reasons. She took it over to the scale to weighed it and said that it was two times the size of a normal placenta. The average placenta size is around 1 lb and mine was over 2 lbs! She also could not get over the “health” of my placenta and said, “this does not look like a 41 week placenta! This looks like a 37-38 week, thriving placenta!” She said typically a 41-42 week placenta tends to not be as healthy because its losing its ability to nourish, but that was not the case for mine! She then went on to say that the health of my placenta is why my gestational age is past 41 weeks, and I should expect to go that long every pregnancy! I thought that was a really awesome fact and is a good reminder to eat healthy during pregnancy because you are nourishing your baby and your own body!
Funny side story:
About an hour or two after the baby was born, the nurse walked me to the bathroom (attached to the birthing room) to go pee and take a shower. After I went pee, the nurse stood me up to help me get into the shower. All of a sudden I got really dizzy and my arms and legs began to shake so I told her I needed to sit back down on the toilet to rest for a minute. Next thing I knew the strong scent of ammonia was hovering under my nose and I woke up to my midwife saying, “Welcome back!!” with a huge smile on her face.
“What? Did I pass out!?” “Yep you did, so we are going to postpone that shower until later!” We all had a good chuckle as the nurse helped me back to the bed. They said that my body did such a tremendous amount of work that I was just very depleted of nutrients. They told me I needed protein, carbs, and water - so good thing my bestie packed me a bagel, protein bar, and smart water in my labor bag just before we left the house. Mama straight HOUSED that food as soon as I laid down on the bed :) 
Anyway! I hope you enjoyed the read! Harlie’s birth is sooo special to me and I pray I have another one just like it! Yes, labor is painful but it’s the best type of pain— the pain of bringing a child into the world! Birth doesn’t have to be a horror story, it can actually be a dream come true.
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