3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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thydungeongal · 2 months
When you talk about games like Odnd 'not balancing encounters' - could you elaborate more on what you mean by balancing? I've seen you mention that not all encounters were meant to be won by the players but to me that doesn't preclude balance. For example even if the players might not win a fight, choosing to not give a room enemies that can trap and insta kill players is still 'balancing'. You're just balancing for 'they may very well need to just run from the fight' rather than strictly 'they will win this fight and expend somewhere in the range of X and Y% of their resources'
I mean old D&D very rarely balanced for either to be fair. Played as written it was entirely possible to run into a room full of instant death bees that theoretically could one-shot a player character.
But what I mean generally speaking when I talk about this difference between older and newer editions is that older editions of D&D don't take party level or party size into account when generating content. Whether you've got a party of four level 1 characters or a party of twelve characters of levels 5-10 your characters might still end up running into 40-400 goblins in the wilderness.
Meanwhile D&Ds 3e to 5e all ask you to take character level and party size into account when generating content for the game. This isn't inherently bad in my opinion, but it represents a shift in playstyle.
Of course in practice what the old D&D approach often means is that starter level characters stick to starter level dungeons until they can take on higher level threats, but even those starter level dungeons are less concerned with the idea of presenting a fair and balanced challenge for the characters that players can expect them to be able to overcome and more just. Random generative bullshit. And players can't ever go in expecting to have a fighting chance against everything. Those instant death bees appear 1d6 at a time in dungeons, 5d6 in their lair.
But yeah the game is kind of balanced with regard to the idea that characters don't ever really need to engage unless they choose to or unless they get unlucky. Whereas modern D&D often builds a bunch of safety nets into combat (not dying immediately at 0 hp, more hit points per character, ready access to healing, etc.) older editions build that balance through having procedures for detecting encounters beforehand, and even if that fails combat isn't always necessary (catching monsters by surprise means automatically being able to evade them, running away is always an option, sometimes the monsters simply don't react with hostility). I guess it's a certain kind of balance, but it's a very different kind of balance from what I mean when I say "balanced encounters," which I broadly use to refer to encounters that are custom built to take into account party size and level with the assumption that under normal circumstances the party should emerge victorious.
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Item ID: 3E-2406 Item Name: Wiretrap Chainsword Category: A-4/B-6 Origin Point: Kha’xai’tian Sector, Malltaran Owner: Ockterr Delti Nyx (C), Arebisius Vahlen’de Nyx (O) Description: Approximately 75 cm in length, with a 10 cm handle and an attached vacu-container. Flexible tubes are used to transfer collected material into a processing unit, which rapidly breaks down and reuses inorganic material to create wire constructs. These can be deployed as either a tripmine, a net, or multiple can be used as a bola. Any organic material that gets caught is filtered into a separate section for safe disposal. The blade itself functions identically to a long chainsaw. Although the item is primarily intended for construction/demolition, the potential usage as a weapon resulted in its confiscation. It will be held in storage until the intended recipient fills out the required paperwork. WARNING: THIS ITEM HAS A THUMBPRINT LOCK, IF UNINTENTIONALLY ACTIVATED IT WILL ENGAGE SECURITY FEATURES. HANDLE WITH CAUTION. Cataloger’s Notes: Really wish somebody had warned me about those security features, instead of leaving me to figure it out on my own. At least I was able to add a custom warning to the file… Hopefully nobody else will have to deal with that little booby-trap.
Less than ideal. That’s how Cynthia would describe the unfortunate position she’s found herself in today. Somebody had neglected to inform her of a potential hazard, which had been left out of the initial confiscation report, and now she’s stuck dealing with the fallout. More specifically, she’s entangled in wires made of recycled metal. Stuck in her spinny chair, her phone just beyond her reach, with her coworkers currently out at lunch. She had almost gone with them.
Instead she had lost track of time while trying to figure this oddity. Personally, she couldn’t figure out the original purpose of it, or at least she has difficulty aligning it with her own experiences. It’s not until this forced break shifts her frame of mind that she recalls some trivia about the item’s homeworld, Malltaran. Apparently, the planet is famous for mineral growths, which the locals use extensively in their construction. Giant spires of crystal get cut down to be sculpted into new forms. Something like this item, a recycling chainsword (that doesn’t accept organic material) probably makes more sense there.
Maybe. Oh well, she was going to have at least another fifteen minutes to mull over the possibilities before anyone would come rescue her. Then she’d get to give somebody an earful about neglecting safety protocols… after she gets her lunch break, at least.
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fumiko-matsubara · 1 year
Notice how the times the 3E kids have been endangered is ALWAYS due to government interference?
Ever since I recently remembered that the only reason why the government gave no flying shit about the safety of these 28 children was due to the Class E system - That it's been ingrained to everyone's minds that these kids have no future, hold no value in society, and probably even have shitty relationships with their families. Therefore, no one will miss them if they were to die in the process - it never left my mind.
Not to mention that the whole Class E assassination mission even happened for so long was so they could bait Koro to stay in the same location until they were done with building the anti-sensei laser beam.
Hell, they probably only agreed with the mission in the first place for that reason alone. I don't think they were even meaning to hand over the reward money likely because they had little to no faith on these kids.
Good lord I don't even want to think about how these poor children were treated througout the final arc.
(I'm 100% convinced the anime changed the whole thing because the barbaric shit Craig Houjou did possibly violates child protection laws and they don't want to televise that).
Gakuho Asano, you really have created such a cruel environment where a whole class of literal children can be endangered to possible death without facing consequences.
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figurehater · 1 year
3E? - I'm back on my 'Mark Heathcliff should be sad again, actually' soapbox lmao
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"Brutal, scarring fear that made one lose all sense of control and safety. A kind that one could never recover from. Not truly."
-Its Name Was Cesar Torres, Ch. 6
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dez78 · 11 months
Eldanamir (The White Knight)
The history of my Skyrim character Eldanamir.
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Fandom: Skyrim
Warnings: 18 (Adult!), mentions of half sibling incest, abusive father, death of mother, death of spouse, and mentions of stillborn child.
Additional Tags: Angst, hurt, tragic character upbringing, eventual romance, and happy ending.
Note: If any of the warnings bother you, please don't read it. I don't want to make any one uncomfortable with this character.
Note 2: This is a tragic character with a character arc and tragic backstory.
Note 3: This is only the backstory of this oc, I haven't written an entire story on him yet. I wanted a fleshed-out backstory before investing into a story. I made him years ago and only now made a full backstory, there will be plot holes and mistakes that I will fix in the future.
Character backstory:
Eldan was born in Shimmering, Summerset on the 15th of Midyear, 3E, 115 to Tahneila a commoner and Venador a noble. He grew up in Shimmering. Raised by his single mother, they lived in the poorest district and barely got by most days. Venador left Tahneila when she got pregnant because it would have been bad for his reputation as a noble and pure-bred mer.
The young Altmer raised her son on her own as the best she could, leading by example and praising him on things a many. From a young age, Tahneila could tell her son was different. He preferred to be well dressed in jewels and often played with the Altmer girls. Even going as far as to asking for a doll for the holiday season, Saturlia.
She worried for his safety as an Altmer. The council often frowned upon different children. Especially ones that weren't straight. Tahneila kept her son's affairs quiet and told him to keep secrets too. He was oblivious to his likes, until he met an older Altmer boy and he fell hard.
Tahneila played it off as child play and not a crush, as to not draw attention to her son. He was only five, surely this would pass in time. Though over time, it didn't ease, he had crushes on boys all the time.
By the time the War of Red Diamond came, Eldan's mother had signed up for the war. She wanted to be a good example to her son, plus soldiers were paid good coin. She saw it as an opportunity to give her son a better life, unfortunately, what she got was quite the opposite. She lost her life in the battle instead, leaving her an elfling an orphan. He was only seven at the time of her death.
When the news finally came to Shimmering, Eldan was devastated. That same week, the council put a price on the house and Eldan was forced to live on the streets. He had nothing, but a straw doll and his mother's pendant.
About two months had gone by before Eldan ran away from the intense bullying. He ran for days until he ended up in Sunhold. He lived on the streets for another two months before being caught stealing an apple from a troubadour's cart. Troubadours who eventually became his adopted parents.
Talia and Anaedor took Eldan in without hesitation, they were nurturing, loving, and so gentle. Talia reminded Eldan of his own mother and he bonded with her immediately as for Anaedor, Eldan had never had a father, so getting used to another male in the family was difficult at first, but then he warmed up to his father figure and they bonded just as quickly.
Eldan was raised by the couple for seventeen years before being taken away by his biological father, Venador. After he caught wind of him in Sunhold, Eldan was forced to Alinor to marry his half-sister. An almost perfect Altmer in his father's eyes. Venador found out about Eldan's immense knowledge of magic and wanted his infant grandchild to bear magical power. His daughter lacked good magical skill so two of his children could make the perfect child. Or so he thought.
Eldan wanted no part in this scheme, but he had no choice whatsoever. Eldan and Eliana married the second they got back to Alinor. Their father often checked on them, asking if they had conceived yet. Eriendal, Eldan's stepmother was sick. She hated every part of this idea, but her husband didn't care and said she had no choice anyway.
It was hard for Eldan to perform; equal parts being sickened by the fact that this was his half-sister and the other fact being he wasn't into women sexually or romantically for that matter.
When Eldan turned twenty, he finally managed to get Eliana pregnant with her help. She hired a male consort behind Venador's back and was able to help Eldan perform.
Nine months later, disaster struck. Eliana birthed a stillborn girl and ended up dying from internal bleeding. Eriendal was crushed and Venador was infuriated, he cursed his son for being useless to him and killing his beautiful daughter and perfect grandchild. Eldan did blame himself, if he wasn't cursed, he could have had a better outcome. Venador committed an atrocious act and left his grieving wife behind. She was heartbroken, but never blamed Eldan. In the few years she knew him, she loved him as a son.
In her final moments, she rewrote the family will and gave the inheritance to Eldan. She passed a few days later from a broken heart. Eldan alone again, gathered his belongings and the write of the will and headed out. He joined the Mage's Guild and focused on his magic. He didn't want to think of his life tragedy and he certainly couldn't return to Talia and Anaedor with the shame in his heart. He never told them, maybe they knew and loved him anyway or maybe they would have been disgusted and kicked him out. He may never know.
He decided to cut all contact with them and vowed from that day, to never grow close to someone because he would only end up losing them anyway.
Eldan studied magic for many decades, gaining all kinds of knowledge. Then he ran with pirates for many years. Before fighting in the Oblivion Crisis in the Second Aldmeri Dominion saving Summerset from the daedra as he was led to believe. He was dubbed a hero like the rest of the Thalmor. He had risen in the ranks quickly and became a general within a year of joining. For the years to come, Eldan was a general in the Aldmeri Dominion. Then by the fourth era, he noticed changes in the army, changes he wasn't fond of. He was a stone-cold bastard, but even he knew corruption when he saw it. Politics became more involved and eventually, The Thalmor fully took over. A corrupted group of know it all's.
Then the war Night of Green Fire broke out in 4E, 42. Eldan broke off from the army, when he was questioned why, his choice of words being, "I'm loyal to the Dominion, not the Thalmor."
He helped as many refugees as he could during that time and a lot of casualties played out. Many Altmer died by the hands of the Thalmor. At the end of the war, Eldan was imprisoned and eventually was exiled from Summerset for his extremist views.
He moved to Skingrad, Cryodiil and resided there for many years. Before moving to Bruma, Cryodiil and remaining there until the year of The Great War.
Eldan fought in both the Great War and Battle of the Red Ring against the Thalmor, formally known as the Aldmeri Dominion. He fought with the Empire, and they saw victory. Eldan had years of magic skill and melee skills by that point and the Thalmor stood no chance against him. He wielded a bound battle axe and wore his silver armor that he used in the Oblivion Crisis years before.
In the year 4E, 175, Eldan leaves the Empire after the signing of the White Gold Concordat and returns to Bruma to live, until 4E 201 where he travels to Skyrim and his true destiny is revealed.
He met Rumarin on the 14th of Hearthfire, 4E 201. Little did Eldan know; he had met the young mer years before when he was only a child. Later did Eldan learn, Rumarin was the biological child of Talia and Anaedor. He only found this out after falling deeply in love with him. Eldan vowed to never get close, but Rumarin was persistent. Eldan eventually gave into his feelings, and they got married.
Get to know Eldanamir (The White Knight) The Dragonborn:
Eldan is 518 years old during the time of Skyrim and stands at 7'3" in height. He's seen many battles, lived many wars, and is magically inclined by anyone else in Tamriel except Neloth.
He uses bound weapons as his choice of weapons. He uses them exceptionally well, he's proficient in every tree of magic and melee. He's a powerhouse and knows it.
He's quiet, standoffish, cold blooded, stubborn, and insecure.
He doesn't feel pain much anymore because of everything he's been through, so pain is just a tickle to him now.
Eldan's greatest fear, he says it's commitment, but it's really abandonment.
He's a stickler, everything annoys him, and he gets angry easily. He starts unnecessary brawls at taverns all the time.
When he meets Rumarin, he grows softer eventually and his cold shell cracks bit by bit.
By the Skyrim end game, Eldan is a fresher version of himself and non-recognizable. He's married to Rumarin, living in Lakeview manor with their adopted elfings and is actually happy again. Something he hasn't felt since his childhood when his mother still lived.
By end game he's compassionate, kind-hearted, patient, and charming.
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Freaks & Facades: The Introduction
Welcome one and all, to the beginning of Freaks & Facades, a 3e/3.5 Ravenloft campaign written recap series!  I am your humble avatar of the Dark Powers, @aboleth-eye!  
My amazing players are my d&d and ttrpg friends from my main blog’s discord, brought together across time zones (and even national borders) every two weeks to face the challenges I am compelled to set before them.
**Warning: this is a d&d horror setting campaign recap, there will be dark subjects touched upon.  Currently we do not wish to delve into any truly adult topics, the horror is expected to be Rated T for Teens as of writing this.  
**Multiple ttrpg safety net tools have been made available to our players, but as we are sharing this to the public we will do our best to tag our content to warn against possible triggers.  
**Please do not hesitate to request additional tags and warnings, this project is run by one person with some friends so we will do our best to keep things updated and safe for a general audience.**
Below the cut, meet the Host, the Player Cast and the Premise!
The Host
A humble worldbuilder and sculptor of adventure, Aboleth Eye has been hosting games of the beloved tabletop roleplaying Dungeons & Dragons for over 10 years.  They started sharing their thoughts and love of fantasy and tabletop roleplaying games through tumblr in 2015.  Ever since, Aboleth-Eye has continued to evolve their ways of sharing their hyperfixations and inspirations.  They are a stalwart believer in crediting artists, writers and all creators for their original work!  They are also obsessed with tagging every post to high heaven, mostly to help creative minds find things they love. :-)
Classic Ravenloft (Sword & Sorcery) is their absolute favorite setting for Dungeons & Dragons.  They are only a mostly-eternal Dungeon Master between multiple overlapping groups of players, and they love to create content for new D&D 3e/3.5 races, classes, etc. to share.  They are extremely privileged to have gathered together fantastic and creative people to be a part of this project.  
Inspired by several S&S Ravenloft modules and sourcebooks (as well as a re-listen to The Magnus Archives), Aboleth-Eye has gathered friends new and old alike to survive the gothic fantasy.  They host the game every two weeks, recaps written by them with the aid of the players.   
Dungeon Master  - @aboleth-eye / @aboleth-workshop; AbolethEye on twitter
The Player Cast
In alphabetical character name order below, from whence their characters started the campaign:
Channa Devir - human duskblade - @aureliagaming 
Fenri Sunwillow - halfling cleric - Redbrown (not on socials, recently a guest on Random Encounter Productions PvP tourneys)
Ludwig Hossler “Schrödinger” - human boneblade - @atlysium
Pryrrish Norfaer - star elf warlock - @moonstruck-vixen
Solange Therese Charron - banshee caliban gravedigger - @owldork1998 (owldork1 on Twitter)
The Premise
In the year 752 BC on the Core of Ravenloft, on an especially misty night, five strangers arrive at a mysterious tavern by unorthodox means.  Each of these strangers, some plucked from realms far beyond the Domains of Dread, experienced great horror before their arrival.  They pursued, fled from and sacrificed themselves to their fears and have all come together for purposes unknown.  All strangers and outsiders in their own right, wearing masks of incompetence, delusion and apathy to hide their innermost selves.  
What do the cards have in store for these strangers?
What to the Dark Powers have in store for these five Freaks?  
Why did they arrive in the mysterious tavern?  How will their adventures, starting in the elegantly bilious realm of Dementlieu, bring them together?  Or will they be torn apart by the pull of the Dark Powers in the land of mad opulence?  
Stay tuned.  We welcome our audience to watch these adventures unfold!  
**thunder crash, lightning flash!**
Love, Aboleth Eye
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insportsday · 1 month
Shop On: Mavic Air 2
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【Up Your Game】: The Mavic Air 2 Camera Drone Takes Power And Portability To The Next Level. It Combines A Powerful Camera With Intelligent Shooting Modes For Stunning Results. Push Your Imagination To Its Limits Because Aerial Photography Has Never Been This Easy.
【Next-Level Content】: Capture Impressive 48mp Photos With A 1/2-Inch Cmos Sensor While The 3-Axis Gimbal Provides 4k/60fps Video. The Secret To Incredible Hdr Video Is A High-Performance Quad Bayer Image Sensor. Ocusync 2.0 Has A Video Transmission Distance Of Up To 6.2mi / 10 Km And Can Also Deliver 1080p Fhd Resolution Livestream Directly From The Drone’s Camera.
【Improved Flight】: An Impressive Flight Time Of Up To 34 Minutes Allows You To Pull Off Epic, Fast-Paced Shots. Obstacle Sensing In Three Directions Makes It Extra Convenient For Beginners And Improves Safety For Your Mavic Air 2.
【Intelligent Tracking】: Mavic Air 2 Features Intuitive Shooting Functions That Make Aerial Photography Easier Than Ever. Spotlight 2.0 Keeps The Camera Locked On A Subject While You Fly Freely. Activetrack 3.0 Keeps Subjects Centered. Poi 3.0 Tracks Moving Subjects Like People And Vehicles.
【App Compatibility】: The Dji Fly App Requires Ios V10.0, Android V6.0, Or Above.
Compatible Devices Include: Iphone (11 Pro Max, 11 Pro, 11, Xs Max, Xs, Xr, X, 8 Plus, 8, 7 Plus, 7, 6s Plus, 6s, 6 Plus, 6), Ipad Pro (9.7’’), Ipad Air 2 (9.7’’), Ipad Mini 4 (8’’), Ipad Pro (10.5’’), Ipad Pro 2018 11’’, Ipad Pro 12.9’’, Samsung Galaxy (S20, S10+, S10, S9+, S9, S8+, S8, S7 Edge, S7, S6, Note10+, Note9, Note8), Huawei (P30 Pro, P30, P20, P10, Mate 30 Pro, Mate 20 Pro, Mate 10, Nova 5, Nova 4, Nova 3e, Nova 2, Honor 8x, 10, 9, 20 Pro, Magic 2, Mi 8, Mix 2s, Mix 2, Redmi Note 5, Oppo Find X, R15, Vivo Nex, X27, X21, X20a, Oneplus 7, 6t, 5, Pixel 3 Xl, 2 Xl, 2, Lg V20, Lg G6, Sony Xpeial 1.
【What You Get】: Mavic Air 2 Aircraft, Remote Controller, Intelligent Flight Battery, 3x Low-Noise Propellers (Pair), Rc Cables (Usb Type-C, Lightning, Standard Micro-Usb), Control Stick, Gimbal Protector, Battery Charger, Manuals, Ac Power Cable, Type-C Cable.
【Video Capture Resolution】: 4k Hd. Operating Temperature Range–10° To 40°C (14° To 104°F)
34-Min Max Flight Time Stay in the air long enough to get that perfect capture with extended flight time
10km 1080p Video Transmission * Capture amazing landscapes with stable 10km 1080p transmission
Get Inspired With Excellent Image Quality With a 1/2-inch CMOS sensor, DJI Mavic Air 2 is your powerful tool to master detailed aerial shots with smooth 4K/60fps video and 48MP photos.
FocusTrack FocusTrack combines three intelligent modes to make tracking your subjects effortless.
8K Hyperlapse [1] Warp time and space for stunning 8K footage without complex post-processing.
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timbertrailsltd · 3 months
Timber Trails Ltd
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Address: 93a George Street, Outdoor Equipment Suite, Edinburgh, Scotland EH2 3ES
Phone: 01316390257
Website URL:
About Us:
Timber Trails Ltd is a leading provider of timber trim trail playground equipment, specialising in crafting high-quality, durable, and eco-friendly play structures. Their product range includes balance beams, climbing frames, agility trails, and activity circuits, designed to promote physical fitness and outdoor play for children. Using sustainably sourced timber, Timber Trails Ltd ensures environmental responsibility while meeting safety standards like BS EN 1176. Their bespoke designs cater to schools, parks, and community spaces, enhancing outdoor learning and play experiences. With a commitment to quality craftsmanship and innovative design, Timber Trails Ltd is a trusted name in the playground equipment industry.
Playground Equipment
Realated Searches:
Outdoor adventure trails, timber play structures, nature walk design, eco-friendly trail construction, recreational pathway installations
Additional Detail
Working Hours:
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
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garagedoor70 · 6 months
Sullivan Garage Door Repair Service Address: 3e Taggart Dr Nashua, NH 03060 USA
Phone: (603) 730-6397
Hours: 7am-9pm
Description: At Sullivan Garage Door Repair Service, we understand the importance of a fully functional garage door for the safety and security of your home or business in Nashua, NH, and surrounding areas. Conveniently located at 3e Taggart Dr, Nashua, NH 03060, USA, our team is dedicated to providing top-notch garage door repair, installation, and maintenance services tailored to your needs.
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respite-hrh · 7 months
Principle 1: Equitable Use
The design is useful and marketable to people with diverse abilities.
Principle 1 Guidelines
The following guidelines underpin Principle 1:
1a. Provide the same means of use for all users: identical whenever possible; equivalent when not.
1b. Avoid segregating or stigmatizing any users.
1c. Provisions for privacy, security, and safety should be equally available to all users.
1d. Make the design appealing to all users.
Principle 2: Flexibility in Use
The design accommodates a wide range of individual preferences and abilities.
Principle 2 Guidelines
The following guidelines underpin Principle 2:
2a. Provide choice in methods of use.
2b. Accommodate right- or left-handed access and use.
2c. Facilitate the user's accuracy and precision.
2d. Provide adaptability to the user's pace.
Principle 3: Simple and Intuitive Use
Use of the design is easy to understand, regardless of the user's experience, knowledge, language skills, or current concentration level.
Principle 3 Guidelines
The following guidelines underpin Principle 3:
3a. Eliminate unnecessary complexity.
3b. Be consistent with user expectations and intuition.
3c. Accommodate a wide range of literacy and language skills.
3d. Arrange information consistent with its importance.
3e. Provide effective prompting and feedback during and after task completion.
Principle 4: Perceptible Information
The design communicates necessary information effectively to the user, regardless of ambient conditions or the user's sensory abilities.
Principle 4 Guidelines
The following guidelines underpin Principle 4:
4a. Use different modes (pictorial, verbal, tactile) for redundant presentation of essential information.
4b. Provide adequate contrast between essential information and its surroundings.
4c. Maximize "legibility" of essential information.
4d. Differentiate elements in ways that can be described (i.e., make it easy to give instructions or directions).
4e. Provide compatibility with a variety of techniques or devices used by people with sensory limitations.
Principle 5: Tolerance for Error
The design minimizes hazards and the adverse consequences of accidental or unintended actions.
Principle 5 Guidelines
The following guidelines underpin Principle 5:
5a. Arrange elements to minimize hazards and errors: most used elements, most accessible; hazardous elements eliminated, isolated, or shielded.
5b. Provide warnings of hazards and errors.
5c. Provide fail safe features.
5d. Discourage unconscious action in tasks that require vigilance.
Principle 6: Low Physical Effort
The design can be used efficiently and comfortably and with a minimum of fatigue.
Principle 6 Guidelines
The following guidelines underpin Principle 6:
6a. Allow user to maintain a neutral body position.
6b. Use reasonable operating forces.
6c. Minimize repetitive actions.
6d. Minimize sustained physical effort.
Principle 7: Size and Space for Approach and Use
Appropriate size and space is provided for approach, reach, manipulation, and use regardless of user's body size, posture, or mobility.
Principle 7 Guidelines
The following guidelines underpin Principle 7:
7a. Provide a clear line of sight to important elements for any seated or standing user.
7b. Make reach to all components comfortable for any seated or standing user.
7c. Accommodate variations in hand and grip size.
7d. Provide adequate space for the use of assistive devices or personal assistance.
--from the Centre for Excellence in Universal Design
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3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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omcmedicalblog · 8 months
Regulation (EU) 2017/746 (IVDR): MDR IVDR Amendment Jan. 2023 
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Recent amendments to Regulation (EU) 2017/745, also known as the Medical Devices Regulation (MDR), have introduced significant changes to the timelines and conditions for placing certain medical devices on the market or putting them into service. This comprehensive analysis explores the key points of these amendments, focusing on the intricate timeline considerations. 
Paragraph 3 Amendments
Paragraph 3 has undergone crucial revisions, introducing new provisions (3a to 3g) that outline conditions and timelines for the placement of medical devices on the market or into service.
Let’s delve into the details of these Regulation (EU) 2017/746 amendments: 
3a. Derogation and Conditions
By derogation from Article 5, devices falling under paragraphs 3b and 3c may be placed on the market or put into service, subject to the fulfilment of conditions specified in paragraph 3d. 
3b. Placing Devices with Certificates
Devices with certificates issued under Directive 90/385/EEC or Directive 93/42/EEC, valid by virtue of paragraph 2, can be placed on the market until specific dates: 
– Until 31 December 2027 for class III devices and class IIb implantable devices (excluding specific items). 
– Until 31 December 2028 for class IIb devices (excluding those covered by the previous point), class IIa devices, and class I devices in sterile condition or with a measuring function. 
3c. Conformity Assessment Procedure
Devices with conformity assessment procedures under Directive 93/42/EEC, not involving a notified body, may be placed on the market or put into service until 31 December 2028, provided certain conditions are met. 
3d. Conditions for Placement
Devices can be placed on the market until the specified dates (3b and 3c) if the following conditions are met by 26 May 2024: 
– Continued compliance with relevant directives. 
– No significant changes in design and intended purpose. 
– No unacceptable risk to health or safety. 
– Implementation of a quality management system by the manufacturer. 
– Lodgement of a formal application for conformity assessment by 26 May 2024 and a written agreement signed with a notified body by 26 September 2024. 
3e. Application of MDR Requirements
In derogation from paragraph 3a, devices in paragraphs 3b and 3c are subject to MDR requirements for post-market surveillance, market surveillance, vigilance, and registration of economic operators and devices. 
3f. Responsibilities of Notified Bodies
The notified body issuing the certificate in paragraph 3b remains responsible for surveillance unless agreed otherwise. A transition of surveillance responsibilities is outlined in agreements between manufacturers and notified bodies. 
3g. Derogation for Class III Custom-made Implantable Devices
Class III custom-made implantable devices can be placed on the market until 26 May 2026 without a certificate, provided a formal application is lodged by 26 May 2024, and a written agreement with a notified body is signed by 26 September 2024. 
Paragraph 4 Replacement
Paragraph 4 stipulates that device lawfully placed on the market before 26 May 2021, and those placed afterward under paragraphs 3a, 3b, 3c, and 3g, may continue to be made available or put into service. 
Article 122 Amendments
Article 122 outlines amendments related to the repeal of Directives 90/385/EEC and 93/42/EEC, effective from 26 May 2021. Noteworthy points include the continuation of Directives’ application for devices in specific paragraphs of Article 120(3a) to (3f) and (4).
Article 123 Amendments
In Article 123(3), point (d), the amendment includes a reference to Article 120(3e), further emphasizing the continued application of certain requirements from the repealed Directives. 
Regulation (EU) 2017/746 Amendments
The amendments to Regulation (EU) 2017/746, also known as the In Vitro Diagnostic Devices Regulation (IVDR), focus on Articles 110 and 112. 
Article 110 Amendment
Devices lawfully placed on the market under Directive 98/79/EC before 26 May 2022, and those placed afterward under paragraph 3 of this Article, may continue to be made available or put into service. 
Article 112 Amendment
For devices referred to in Article 110(3) and (4) of the IVDR, Directive 98/79/EC shall continue to apply to the extent necessary for the application of those paragraphs. 
The recent amendments to MDR and IVDR introduce a complex framework of conditions and timelines for the placement of medical devices on the market. Stakeholders, including manufacturers and notified bodies, must carefully navigate these provisions to ensure compliance and a smooth transition to the new regulatory landscape. 
Originally Published at: https://omcmedical.com/regulation-eu-mdr-ivdr-amendment/
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charliesinfern0 · 8 months
🌱 and 🎉 for the sleepover ask game!
~ @carrotscorner
F/O Ask Game
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🌱 Who was your first F/O?
well, technically the first fictional character I’ve ever had a crush on was Wirt from Over the Garden Wall! (I don’t feel that way about him anymore of course, now I just think he’s neat and painfully relatable -_-;;)
but the first fictional character I’ve like self shipped with knowing what self shipping was I think would be Ryoma Hoshi from DRV3 ^_^
🎉 Tell us some fun facts about your newest selfship!
YAAYYYY OMG um okay so…. I really like Korosensei from Assassination Classroom hehehe ^_^ I think he’s very cute and silly, and I’m coming up with an oc!!! Her name is Usagi Miyajima and she’s Class 3E’s health and safety teacher, nurse and guidance counselor. they are very cute together and they like eating lunch together and teaching together and encouraging each other and yeah >\\\< Korosensei has a big crush on her and she makes him all flustered………. and yeah I just think they are cute together ( ´ ▽ ` )
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arunarura · 1 year
The Kitchen Magician: Exploring the Wonders of the Wonderchef Crimson Edge Electric Kettle
The Wonderchef Crimson Edge Electric Kettle is a stylish and efficient kitchen appliance designed to make your life easier and more convenient. With a sleek crimson-red exterior, this kettle not only adds a pop of color to your kitchen but also delivers outstanding performance.
One of the standout features of the Crimson Edge Electric Kettle is its rapid boiling capability. With a powerful heating element, it can bring water to a boil in a matter of minutes, saving you valuable time during busy mornings or when you're in a hurry. The 1.2-liter capacity ensures you have enough hot water for brewing tea, coffee, instant noodles, or even preparing oatmeal for the family.
Safety is a top priority with this kettle. It comes equipped with multiple safety features, including automatic shut-off and boil-dry protection, which ensures that the kettle turns off when the water reaches boiling point or when there's insufficient water inside. This not only prevents accidents but also conserves energy.
The ergonomically designed handle and a 360-degree swivel base make it easy to handle and pour from any angle, and the removable filter ensures you get clean and debris-free water every time. Maintenance is a breeze, thanks to the removable and washable scale filter.
In conclusion, the Wonderchef Crimson Edge Electric Kettle combines style, speed, and safety into one attractive package. Whether you're a tea enthusiast, a coffee lover, or just need hot water for various kitchen tasks, this kettle is a must-have appliance that will quickly become an indispensable part of your daily routine.
Buy Edge Electric Kettle Online at Best Prices in Poorvika!Click here: https://www.poorvika.com/s?categories=categories.lvl1%3A%3D%5B%60Kitchen+Appliances+%3E+Electric+Kettles%60%5D
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open-hearth-rpg · 1 year
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#superheroRPGs2019  Mutants & Masterminds Deluxe Gamemaster's Guide
The first M&M GM’s Guide, released in 2011, had been a solid, reliable addition to the M&M 3e line. While it didn’t break any new ground, it provided a solid set of the basics for any supers GM. It had a nice mix of mechanics (origins, challenges) and thematic material (genre eras, archetypes). It’s a sold toolkit covering a wide range (as opposed to a more focused toolkit like Villainy Amok). 
In 2019 Green Ronin returned to the GM guide to add new material and deepen the presentation, this time with the excellent input of Crystal Frasier who continues to do amazing work across the line. The publisher pitch for this edition talks about 70 pages of new content. 
That includes expanded material in the archetypes chapter, new templates, and significantly more material on dealing with adventures, including two sample adventures. Importantly– and I’m always pleased to see things like this, there have been changes made to terminology based on sensitivity readings. I hope maybe a future edition might include a discussion of safety, but that may belong in another product in the line. 
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