#3E-Tolerance. / TRAITS
3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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evanhunerberg · 1 year
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About Assassination Classroom Characters - Kurahashi Hinano
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As I like to refer to her, The Sunshine Child. 
Due to Kurahashi’s warm and sunny personality, she’s hard to dislike, and finds it easy to get along with almost anybody. 
With her, even the less talkative members of 3E find themselves easily wrapped into conversation without having to think too much about it, which is refreshing for their social needs. 
Though, I do think this could be a little draining at times. 
The character book specifically mentions Hayami as an example, who apparently has no problem talking to her. She’s also seen talking to Chiba in the manga, who is another ‘notoriously quiet’ character. 
She’s described to have a very soft and almost fluffy personality. 
To mirror this, her personal style also includes a lot of girly, fluffy clothes. 
From the way I interpret her, Kurahashi is definitely one of the more ‘childlike’ members of 3E. That’s definitely not a bad thing, though, and she’s totally apt to deal with the grittier part of assassination too.
She is one of Irina’s favourite students, however, which in itself proves she can turn on a bit of manipulative charm every now and then. Her general demeanour seems pretty genuine to me, though. 
Although she’s very typically feminine, she has no issue when it comes to animals and bugs. It might be her most obvious character trait, but her fascination with them is kind of cool, honestly. It seems to me like she could talk about bugs to her classmates, and they’d end up enjoying the conversation even if they’re not so interested in that kind of thing. 
More of a nymph kind of type, than prim and proper. 
She notably has no problems when it comes to boys and their sleazy talk. Matusi actually made a mistake here, but I’m going to go with the idea that it’s due to her having brothers, and getting used to that kind of thing. 
I think her tolerance, without getting hot headed over it, is why she was paired with Okajima by Korosensei. The character book states that there’s no romantic attraction there, though. Perhaps due to her being a little more childlike, where Okajima is more into maturity. 
Along with this, it specifically says she can get along with Takebayashi without treating him as an otaku. I guess knowing her own special interest is kind of specific, she doesn’t really judge others. 
It seems clear to me that Kurahashi, Kataoka, Okano, and Yada are somewhat of a ‘girl group’. They hang out together quite frequently, but Kurahashi would choose Yada as the one she spends time with the most.
They might not have the most in common on the hobbies level, but they are both the top of Irina’s class. As such, they spend a lot of time talking about negotiation techniques and such. 
With Kataoka specifically, it seems they have a kind of ‘good cop bad cop’ thing going on. 
She’s also really good friends with Kayano due to a mutual love for sweets, and they race off to go hunting for them when out shopping with the others. 
Honestly, out of everyone so far, Kurahashi is definitely the ‘friends with everyone’ type, even if it’s Yada she’s probably closest with. I can picture her spending a little bit of time with other friend groups every now and then. 
She does have somewhat of a bond with Nakamura. That makes sense to me, since Nakamura wants to be a diplomat, and thus she could join in with her and Yada’s negotiation talks. They both bejewelled their knife sheaths together, so even if they’re not really seen together that often in canon, I do think they’d consider each other friends. 
Japanese note: her way of addressing pretty much everyone is hyper casual and cutesy. First name - chan for girls. That’s not... uncommon for a teenager, but from my perspective it’s quite noticeable with her. Perhaps some may find it a little over familiar, but it’s easy to accept with her personality. 
One other thing is that she had a schoolgirl crush on Karasuma. Not that I blame her, but she’s the only girl this really seems to be a point for. Apparently she was actually pretty upset about him and Irina, where Yada had to comfort her. It does seem to me, though, that Karasuma might be more of an ideal ‘type’, than someone she has super genuine feelings for.
However she has no problem talking to Irina about it, listening to her gossip, so she can also be supportive no matter her own feelings. 
In summary... honestly there’s not that much to say about Kurahashi. She’s a super nice and friendly girl, with a slightly out there hobby she has no problem expressing her interest for. There’s not a lot to develop here, though I do find the idea of someone hurting her in some way kind of interesting.
Not to be a downer, but not everyone in the world is as kind as she is. Though she’s used to guys being kind of pervy, and the normal main campus bullying, I don’t think anyone’s really broken her trust (aside from like, Irina, but I struggle to count that as it was kind of brushed over in canon). Perhaps if she could still come out of a situation like that, perhaps a friend being kind of mean to her etc., and be genuinely cheerful, I think that would add a lot of depth to her as a character. 
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Goliaths are large, rugged humanoids that inhabit the tallest, most inhospitable mountain ranges, higher than even most dwarves find tolerable. These daring nomads follow herds of wild sheep and other game up and down the mountain slopes, fearlessly braving cliffs and ledges to survive.
Standing 7 to 8 feet tall, goliaths are large, muscular people with pale gray skin covered in darker patterns and dotted with bony growths called lithoderms. Goliath women typically have long black hair, while male goliaths are usually hairless. Goliaths take pride in their body markings, and prefer light clothing that shows off as much skin as possible. Although they are a spartan people, many goliaths wear jewelry such as ear, nose, or brow rings.
Goliaths push themselves to the point of foolhardiness, competing against their clanmates and their own past achievements. Competition is the heart of goliath culture, ranging from friendly games like races and tug-of-war to deadly serious attempts to prove themselves best at combat. Just as important is the concept of a level playing ground, and goliaths look down on other races' kings and lords who hoard wealth without having earned it. Goliaths who cannot or will not push themselves this way are seen as lazy and useless and face exile. A few such exiles become adventurers; most die in the wild. Few goliaths reach old age.
Goliaths can be found in mountain ranges throughout Golarion's northern hemisphere, from Varisia to Casmaron to Tian Xia, but their homeland is thought to be the Rimethirst Mountains between Avistan and the Crown of the World. This forbidding range is home to the only known goliath city in the world: Thella-Lu, in the Plain of Standing Stones. This sprawling tent city's population fluctuates constantly as nomadic goliath clans come and go, trading dwarven or giantcraft goods and engaging in every conceivable sport and game.
GOLIATH CR: 1/2 XP: 200 Goliath barbarian 1 N Medium humanoid (goliath) Init: +1; Perception +1 __________________________________ AC: 15, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 Dex) hp: 16 (1 HD) Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +1 Defensive Abilities: Stone's endurance (1d12+3) __________________________________ Speed: 30 ft. (40 ft. base) Melee: Greataxe +4 (1d12+4/19-20) Ranged: Longbow +2 (1d8/x3) Special Attacks: Rage (7 rounds/day) __________________________________ Str 17, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8 Base Atk: +1; CMB: +4; CMD: 15 Feats: Power Attack Skills: Acrobatics +2, Climb +4, Sense Motive +4, Survival +5; Racial Modifiers: +2 Sense Motive Languages: Common, Gol-Kaa SQ: Fast movement, mountaineer, powerful build __________________________________ Environment: Cold mountains Organization: Solitary, pair, gang (2-4), clan (11-20 plus 2 sergeants of 3rd level and 1 leader of 3rd-6th-level), or tribe (30-100 plus 150% noncombatants plus 1 sergeant of 3rd level per 10 adults, 1 lieutenant of 5th level per 20 adults, and 1 leader of 7th level per 30 adults) Treasure: NPC gear (greatsword, longbow, 20 arrows, hide armor, other treasure) __________________________________ Mountaineer (Ex): Goliaths are skilled at climbing and navigating narrow ledges. Goliaths are immune to altitude sickness and do not lose their Dexterity bonus to AC when making Climb or Acrobatics checks to cross narrow or slippery surfaces. Powerful Build (Ex): Goliaths count as one size larger when determining their carrying capacity and the weight they can push, drag, or lift. The benefts of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category. Stone's Endurance (Ex): Goliaths can focus themselves to occasionally shrug off injury. Once per day as an immediate action, when a goliath takes damage, he can roll 1d12 + his Constitution modifier, and reduce the damage by that total.
GOLIATH CHARACTERS (9 RP) +2 Strength, +2 Constitution (2 RP) Medium: Goliaths are Medium creatures. Normal Speed: Goliaths have a base speed of 30 feet. Athletic (1 RP): Acrobatics and Climb are always class skills for goliaths. Insightful (2 RP): Goliaths receive a +2 racial bonus on Sense Motive checks. Mountaineer (1 RP): See above. Powerful Build (1 RP): See above. Stone's Endurance (2 RP): See above. Languages: Goliaths begin play speaking Common and Gol-Kaa. Goliaths with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Aklo, Dwarven, Giant, Orc, Sylvan, and Terran.
I've been meaning to get around to the goliath for years, almost since I began this blog. Debuting in Races of Stone, one of my favorite D&D 3E sourcebooks, goliaths have maintained a minor but enduring presence in the World's Oldest Roleplaying Game ever since. You'll note my Pathfinder version is based most heavily on the 5E goliath, even stealing racial traits word-for-word, because the 3E version was far too powerful for essentially an add-on core race in my opinion. The race point cost for powerful build and stone's endurance are extremely tentative; I am open to suggestions for adjustment.
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rotttnapple · 5 years
     CLASSIFIED DOCUMENT CLEARANCE LEVEL 5-A                                                WEREWOLVES
Werewolves and Lycans are two unique subsets of the shapeshifter class of abilities, infections, and enchantments. Wild populations of both species are being monitored on all major continents. Removal of these animals is not recommended except for in cases of rampages, multiple sightings, poor assessment, or acceptable request for study subjects. Additional documentation noted. All documentation classified. See Document C-LR-H1882 for Lycan brief. The werewolf is a quadruped that depending on species and type may often be passed off as a large northern-type dog, or even a wolf hybrid in legal areas. These animals are variable in temperament, but often exhibit some instincts of the natural wolf species. Most seem to gravitate to areas already populated with others of this species even in situations where they do not interact with their peers and remain singular.
CHANGE 1a The ‘shift’ of a werewolf is reportedly painful and causes a drain on the body’s natural resources. Studies have shown that repeated changes without a high protein caloric intake of 5,000> will cause high levels of aggression, deterioration, and eventual heart failure and death. A werewolf’s voracious appetite must be maintained in order to keep the animal from entering starvation and awakening survival instincts. Reports have indicated that newly infected without the support of an experienced werewolf are more likely to ‘fight’ the associated hunger. These specimens are also most likely to consume non-infected family members, neighbors, and pets. See attached briefing S-16 for strategies concerning such events. TYPE 1b Historical documents transcribe much more specific differences in regional werewolf species. The ease of modern travel has caused a rapid muddling of the species. Agents have observed signs of crossbreeding in the field, such as heavier winter coats on desert type specimens. See document C-W-22RA for the risk assessment report on the isolated ‘purity packs’. However, the Agency still still recognizes the four main types and requires all agents include species type in all reports. See document C-W-03S for more detail. 
ARCTIC - The largest of the types. Agency Historians have concluded Arctic Werewolves are the likely cause of the ‘direwolf’ legend. Best captured when in a human state to large size and muscular statures. Arctic’s have an excellent sense of smell and excel in cold weather conditions to -40C.  DESERT - Small to medium in size, Desert types are easily distinguished by their larger, pointed ears and ‘silky’ coats. This is a slimmer species noted for their agility and speed coupled with an exceptional heat tolerance. There has been some consideration given to crossbreeding Arctic to Desert for a dual-purpose Ranger, but nothing has moved to trials at the writing of this report.  FOREST - The most varied of any type given the range of climates in which they are found. Common factors include a double coat, exceptional night vision, and stamina. Theories that the Forest Type is founded from a crossbreeding of Arctic and Desert types has not yet been proven. Capture method may vary per individual subject. TROPIC - Extinct. Very little is known about this type. Most historical documentation from pirates is badly damaged. Expeditions sent to prove a theory that a small, isolated pack still lives on a remote tropical island in the Pacific have not returned.
URBAN 2a Contrary to previous reports, urban environments have not shown to cause an increase in abnormal behavior in werewolves. Urban werewolves may still attempt to hunt and chase small animals in even in populated areas. This is considered a non-issue, as the infection cannot be transferred to non-humanoid species and primary focus has not been observed shifting towards humans with an abundance of small game such as squirrel.  While all types have been shown to instinctively seek out the familial pack bond that has been observed in wild natural wolf populations, werewolves in urban environments find partners at a faster rate than their rural counterparts. Studies have concluded that since the majority of urban werewolves settle in large cities, the anonymity and abundance of night life allows for the pack-instinct to flourish with greater opportunity for intercourse and bonding. RURAL 2b Rural werewolves have the highest percentage of established family packs. Current studies are underway on the theory that a large percentage of rural werewolf offspring migrates to larger cities after maturity, as rural werewolf populations also have the highest percentage of lone individuals in any category in both males and females. Reports from field agents have all concluded that while the risk of outbreak is higher in a lone wolf, tracking and observation until the subject in question has settled into a pack-bond situation is most effective for efficient capture of live specimens. Chronically solitary werewolves are often anti-social males, recommendation for such specimens is live capture or neutralization.  INSTINCT 2c Werewolves of all types share instinctual similarities with natural wolves. A large pack will include grandparents, parents, and their offspring. Power is shared between the adults, the ‘Alpha Hierarchy’ is rarely seen in werewolf packs. See  Document C-LR-H1882 for more information on Alpha Hierarchy. Occasionally, multiple werewolf families will congregate or settle in close proximity to one another and co-exist peacefully for multiple generations. Hunting instinct varies per individual subject, but most display a natural aptitude in tracking making them highly effective in pursuit and discovery. Chasing and subduing game and other supernaturals almost always requires training and technique refinement, but steps are being taken towards inborn skills. Marking varies depending on the individual. Most will partake in rolling but some young males may partake in marking in outdoor environments. Recommendation is standard training procedures to discourage marking behaviors. HUMAN TRAITS 2d Research has proven that the base human traits of the individual are amplified after successful infection and survival of first change (see subsection 3c). In-house Agency psychological testing is mandatory for all subjects considered for infection and assigned Class Type. Psychopaths are immediately referred to the Hunter Class regardless of scoring in other areas during testing.
TRANSMISSION 3a Transmission of the werewolf virus is most commonly though a saliva-blood contact during an attack. Successful transmissions from attacks are high due to the stress on the immune system from multiple wounds and bleeding. This allows the virus to take a firm hold within the immune system itself, initiating a rapid healing response and drastically increased appetite. Blood-Blood transmission is far more rare in cases of spontaneous infection, but have been recorded in historical documents. Consuming any part of the animal raw carries a small risk of infection, however the possibility is increased by the presence of wounds in or around the mouth or ulcers of the stomach. Thorough cooking renders meat safe to consume, however the brain should never be eaten. VIRAL LOAD 3b The viral load of the werewolf is critical for successful transmission of the virus. Loads are lowest directly after a full moon phase of any kind. During this period transmission rate is <1%, normalizing after a week for an transmission rate of <3%. During a standard full moon viral load uptakes moderately. Transmission rates in mauling situations are as high as 84%. However, in standard research settings with average healthy subjects yielded successful transmission rates of 46% with saliva-blood transmission and 66% with blood-blood transmissions. During key lunar cycles viral loads uptake severely. Transmission rates in mauling situations are 100%. Research settings yielded 92% transmission in saliva-blood and 98% in blood-blood. Blue moon cycles, blood moons, and harvest moons have all been proven to cause this viral load reaction. SYMPTOMS 3c Rapid healing is the first sign of a successful transmission. A small test cut should be made on the subject 15 minutes prior to transmission and monitored for 30 minutes post. If the wound does not close in this period, the transmission was unsuccessful. Research has shown that it takes approximately twenty-eight days for the virus to take full hold in the new host’s body, regardless of key lunar cycles during that time. While the virus is establishing itself, the subject will experience several more symptoms: Increased appetite, cravings for raw meat, fever, nausea, vomiting, sneezing, runny nose, itchiness, mood swings, allergies. SURVIVAL 3d Survival rates of first-change werewolves turned in spontaneous situations is as low as 8%. The leading cause of death is heart failure due to insufficient protein and calorie intake during the incubation period. Second cause is death by family member, neighbor, or police. Third is hit-and-run vehicle accidents. In controlled settings, survival of first-change werewolves is guaranteed with use of safe rooms, restraints, and calming medications. ALLERGIES 3e Werewolves are contain a minor genetic flaw that causes allergies in all types. All Handlers are required to complete a course detailing allergens their animal may encounter. A. napellus (Wolfsbane/Monkshood) - Consumption of a small amount causes severe gastrointestinal distress in human-phased werewolves, Larger amounts can cause hallucinations, aggression, uncontrolled shifts, seizures, and death. Consumption of a small amount by a werewolf in animal status will cause drooling, pacing, and listlessness. It will be unable to return to human status for a week or longer depending on amount ingested. Larger amounts consumed during animal status will result in permanent animal status. A. napellus is a controlled substance only for use as ordered by the Director. Handlers found in possession of any part of the plant or extract of one will be sentenced to death. Silver - Pure silver causes severe burns in both human and animal status werewolves. Wounds containing silver will not heal and fester if left unattended. Lower content silver causes a stinging or burning sensation, the severity of which depending on the silver content. Silver is only permitted for use during training and by Handlers with Hunters. Coffee, Chocolate - Small to moderate amounts by human or animal status werewolves can cause hyperactivity, chewing, chasing of small animals, and howling. Larger amounts can cause the above symptoms with the inclusion of vomiting.
CROSSTYPES 4a Tracking and research has yielded promising results towards increasing efficiency in breeding for military applications. Werewolf females are only fertile for a short period between January and April, however the offspring has been shown superior to infected subjects in Training and Behavioral Control. See Document C-W-72B for details. Werewolves crossed with Humans yields a twenty-five percent (25%) chance of a Lycanthrope (bipedal), twenty-five percent (25%) chance of a human carrier, and a fifty percent (50%) chance of a non-carrier human offspring. Werewolves crossed with Human Carriers will yield either Lycanthrope or carrier offspring. Werewolves crossed with Werewolves will almost always produce Werewolf offspring, with the small chance for a Human Carrier offspring to occur. Werewolf/Lycan crossings are banned. 
CLASS TYPES 4b SEEKER  Class: Light (1) Enviro: Urban Size: Small to Large-Medium Behav. Level: Green. Low Threat.  Combat: Lvl 1 Basic Training: Tracking Handlers: 1 Handler per 1 Seeker Seekers are small to large-medium Desert or Forest type suited for urban environments. Seekers are adapted to city-specific climates and able to track at least twenty of the known urban species over a variety of terrain. Temperament should be friendly and well behaved. Level One Combat, forbidden from engagement. Single Handler and Seeker assignments found to be most efficient.   RANGERS  Class: Working (3) Enviro: Urban, Rural Size: Medium to Large Behav. Level: Green. Low Threat.  Combat: Lvl 3 Training: Tracking, Hunting, Search and Rescue, Pack Handlers: 1 Handler per 2-4 Rangers,  Rangers are medium to large Forest and Arctic type suited to urban and rural environments. Rangers are adapted to multiple climates if necessary and able to track most species over varied terrains. Rangers are capable of hunting small to medium game providing additional protein for units. Additional Search and Rescue training is required for all Rangers. Temperament should be courageous and work-driven. Multiple Handlers and Rangers in a unit-pack arrangement is effective. Level Three Combat, authorized to engage up to moderate level species.  HUNTERS  Class: Combat (6) Enviro: Multi Size: Large to Giant Behav. Level: Yellow/Red. High Threat.  Combat: Lvl 6 Training: Classified Handlers: 1-2 Handlers per 1 Hunter Hunters are large to giant sized Forest and Arctic type only suited for classified operations involving Class Types 6-9. All other information is Classified at the discretion of the current acting Agency Director. 
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3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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