#3E-Social Media Industry
3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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evanhunerberg · 1 year
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actuma · 2 years
Nederland terug in top 3 EU-ranglijst digitale economie
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Nederland is na 3 jaar teruggekeerd in de top 3 van de jaarlijkse, toonaangevende Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) van de EU. Bedrijven en het kabinet investeren, via bijvoorbeeld het Nationaal Groeifonds, extra in de digitalisering van de (maak)industrie, in onderzoek en het toepassen van technologieën als kunstmatige intelligentie (AI), micro-elektronica zoals fotonica en chips, quantum en cloudtoepassingen. Het Nederlandse vast en mobiel internet blijft daarnaast van wereldniveau. Op de ranglijst staat Nederland 3e achter de nieuwe koploper Finland en Denemarken. Minister Micky Adriaansens (Economische Zaken en Klimaat): 'Digitalisering is samen met verduurzaming 1 van de 2 grote veranderingen van deze tijd. Hierin privaat en publiek investeren is nodig voor het stimuleren van innovatie – en daarmee banen en inkomsten - en het verminderen van afhankelijkheid van (half)producten van buiten de EU. Goed om te zien dat onze gezamenlijke inspanningen de Nederlandse positie al hebben verbeterd. Maar deze uitdagingen blijven vragen om een actieve inzet van bedrijven en overheid: als het gaat om scholing, cyberveiligheid, digitale infrastructuur en een beter werkende digitale markt.' Nederlandse vaste en mobiele netwerkinfrastructuur kwalitatief uitstekend De DESI rangschikt Europese landen als het gaat om de kwaliteit van de digitale infrastructuur, de mate en wijze waarop het bedrijfsleven digitaal onderneemt, gebruik van digitale toepassingen door en vaardigheden van de inwoners en de digitale dienstverlening door de overheid zelf. De Nederlandse digitale infrastructuur via vaste en mobiele netwerken blijft de tweede plaats in de EU innemen. 91% van de Nederlandse aansluitingen heeft nu al toegang tot snel vast breedbandinternet (≥1 Gigabit per seconde) via kabel of glasvezel, terwijl de doelstelling voor de gehele EU is om dit in 2030 overal te hebben gerealiseerd. De beschikbaarheid van 5G mobiel internet loopt ook ver voor op het Europese gemiddelde. In mei concludeerde een adviescommissie dat Nederland in 2023 ook de zogenoemde 3,5 Gigahertz (GHz) frequentieband hiervoor landelijk kan gaan gebruiken. Bedrijfsleven maakt meer gebruik van technologie en online verkoop Nederlandse ondernemers maken de laatste jaren steeds meer gebruik van digitale technologieën in hun (productie)processen en benutten in toenemende mate de kansen van online verkoop. Met programma’s als Mijn Digitale Zaak wordt dit ook actief gestimuleerd. Inmiddels komt in het Nederlandse mkb gemiddeld 15% van de totale omzet uit online activiteiten. Met gebruik van sociale media, cloudtoepassingen en het benutten van data loopt het bedrijfsleven ten opzichte van de EU zelfs voorop. Daardoor stijgt Nederland naar positie nummer vier in de EU. De Europese Commissie constateert in haar rapport dat (extra) Nederlandse investeringen in bijvoorbeeld kunstmatige intelligentie (AI), quantum en micro-elektronica cruciaal zijn voor het behoud van de Nederlandse economische positie en om daarmee de totale groei van Europa te versterken. Ten opzichte van andere EU-landen blijven Nederlanders ver bovengemiddeld digitaal vaardig. Datzelfde geldt voor het aanbod en de kwaliteit van de digitale overheidsdiensten. Het aantal beschikbare ICT-specialisten blijft gestaag groeien, maar voldoet nog niet aan de marktvraag. Als het gaat om het aantal afgestudeerden in een ICT-richting, scoort Nederland iets beneden gemiddeld in de EU. Bron: Rijksoverheid Read the full article
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utk-hlp · 4 years
Blockchain game evaluationThe virtual world on Ethereum Cryptovoxels - the expense logic behind 30 periods the property speculation
Cryptovoxels is a very noteworthy NFT concept blockchain video game. DappReview has always wished to spend some pencil and ink to dig into the gameplay. This article comes from Andrew Steinwold's 6,000-phrase long content. Andrew continues to be advocating this video game since June this past year, and has arranged a good example by investing in a lot of property. Now the price has enhanced by 30 periods, and his status is deeply hidden. In this article, Andrew analyzed and examined Cryptovoxels' success factors, future potential clients and their own investment logic from multiple dimensions.
Cryptovoxels is a rising star, and something day it'll be built into the most influential virtual world on Ethereum. Its developers are embarrassed and create it in a low-cost way, allowing the overall game to grow organically. This cautious and conservative development method isn't uncommon for industries which are in the early stages of development, like the current NFT industry. What is gratifying is that Cryptovoxels has found a spot of convergence between its items and the marketplace in the encrypted artwork community. The future "money scene" from the encrypted artwork community is difficult to imagine, and it is likely to business lead a new era in artwork history. If Cryptovoxels will keep its mission at heart and action on Decentraland (DCL), it will not be a wish to desire to the virtual world with the best valuation on Ethereum! In June 2019, I wrote a blog to speak about why I am optimistic about Cryptovoxels. There's a short paragraph in which I specifically analyzed whether Cryptovoxels is a potential investment possibility. In those days, I had fashioned compared the property in Cryptovoxel with Binance's BNB token. As you know, BNB has risen by 30,000%. So, now I am not scared to slap my encounter and say, I've long been bullish within the property inside Cryptovoxel, and I am still bullish now! Next, I'd like to talk more deeply together with you around a few of my applying for grants Cryptovoxels. Prolonged reading: Blockchain virtual world evaluation | We spent a day strolling inside Decentraland, admiring art, wool, pole dancing... Further reading: FundamentThe world's initial compliant property STO Cooperating with property giants, directing to Europe's 210 billion possible assets What is Cryptovoxels? Cryptovoxels (hereinafter known as Curriculum vitae) hopes to build a virtual world based on blockchain. Simply put, it is a totally open free sandbox video game. Players don't have any objective tasks and will do whatever they need in the overall game. For more video game information, you can browse: At the start of its founding, the founder of Cryptovoxels was Ben Nolan. He do have two brushes running a business projects. You know, it is not easy to create a virtual open world on Ethereum. Before Curriculum vitae went live, Decentraland (DCL) was the only real homogeneous project available on the market. In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that CV was born from DCL. Because Ben Nolan worked in DCL for a period of time, I thought, this individual will need to have personally learned all about the advantages and drawbacks of DCL and applied each one of these lessons towards the development of CV. Until the release of CV, Ben did not quit his job, he has been using his free time to develop tasks. He knows perfectly that this is a completely new and challenging project that will not need a lot of expenditures, just go to the battle lightly. Many economic fathers waved banknotes at him, but he refused. To become able to create freely, he refused the problem of money. The benefit of this grassroots entrepreneurial approach is that he can maintain control of the entire project, and all key decisions are on his own. There is absolutely no huge team expenses, you don't need to pay office rent, Ben has worked out Cryptovoxels in his garage (known as Cryptovoxels garage) right after working. His fundraising design is quite smart, and the quantity of fundraising grows using the development of the system. In CV, there is an top limit on the number of plots (a total of 3026 in the original city), and he'll sell many of them every few weeks. At first it sold really slowly and the price was very cheap. Newly released land is frequently not sold. As increasingly more gamers join the overall game, every brand-new land is sold out each time it is put on the market. The amount of users has increased, and the demand for land has continued to increase. Ben increased the price of the land in a timely manner, which also produced his wallet increasingly more bulging. Knocking within the blackboard, because Ben only escalates the price based on user increments, in order to avoid the ridiculously high property price and prevent users from the marketplace. Judging from the existing sales situation, it is enough to help keep the project functioning for a lot more than two years. Further reading: US Securities Regulatory Commission | The former senator was accused from the SEC of illegally issuing "golden tokens" and purchasing sports cars with investors' money Extended reading: Driving in the blockchain world! Combining Defi, foreign media recognized the most fun Dapp race game "CryptoFast" Ethereum Dapp video game Cryptovoxels" data-medium-file="%E4%BB%A5%E5%A4%AA%E5%9D%8ADapp%E9%81%8A%E6%88%B2Cryptovoxels-300x126.png" data- large-file="%E4%BB%A5%E5%A4%AA%E5%9D%8ADapp%E9%81%8A%E6%88%B2Cryptovoxels-1024x431.png" launching="lazy" course="dimension- complete wp-image-51178 lazy" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=``%20viewBox='0%200%201999%20841'%3E%3C/svg%3E" data-src ="%E4%BB%A5%E5%A4%AA%E5%9D%8ADapp%E9%81%8A%E6%88%B2Cryptovoxels.png" alt="Ethereum Dapp Game Cryptovoxels" width="1999" height ="841" data-pagespeed-url-hash="1473193984" onload="pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkImageForCriticality(this);"/>One calendar year following the Ethereum Dapp video game CryptovoxelsCV went on the internet, Ben lastly resigned and all in to the development work Come. In the next half of 2019, Ben cleaned up an area as an office in his home in Auckland, New Zealand. He still has an attitude of splitting a penny into two. It wasn't until The month of january this year that Ben hired his first full-time employee, Marcus. Before that, the polished commander would just ask friends to help out at home when he was too busy. It's hard to believe that product development can still operate in this way. The general procedure ought to be to bring a white papers or PPT to attract a pie for investors, and then use the money came back from alms to lease an office, and then stuff a few employees into the house. However, the most amazing thing is that even today, Ben still hasn't lost his waistline for five buckets of grain. There were countless checks in front of Ben. Some of these external funds originated from personal funds, plus some belonged to venture capital institutions. As a result, none of them fell into Ben's eyes. He is committed to self-financing in order to maintain creative freedom and grow and income in the way he likes. For example, venture capital will encourage Ben to make some money on CV, allowing users to pay month to month fees for your platform. Fortunately, Ben insisted on this slow and steady growth method, also it paid off really early. Further reading: Bridgewater, the world's largest hedge fund | Dario: Economic recession is approaching, investors should choose gold "not Bitcoin" Prolonged reading: Legends | From the wandering journey of BitMEX exchange, go through the changes inside the worldwide "cryptocurrency supervision" policy Below, why don't we delve into many factors of Cryptovexels' success:
* Product-market fit * Defacto place for NFT artists (Defacto place for NFT artists) * Social space * Ease-of-use * Ease-to-build * Monetization product and market in good shape (Product-market Suit) This is of Product-market Suit is a product that can meet specific and large-scale needs on the market. Using the rapid development of the encryption/NFT marketplace, increasingly more users are starting to hold NFTs. They also urgently require a platform to make their NFTs arrive. Cryptovoxels has developed products that meet the needs of the marketplace and users. The desire to gather is etched in human being DNA, and folks developed the following known reasons for it:
* Self-display (Status signaling) *Enjoyment * Practicality (Tool) * Investment (Investment) Players display the collected NFT in the virtual world. Doesn't it fit the above factors? consider it:
* If you wish to display yourself, you can use the endless Curriculum vitae plot to envy others; * If you are a NFT collector, you can show your city house treasure NFT inside CV; * If you are a pragmatist, you can use your own property at will and create whatever you want on it; * If you are here simply for investment, additionally it is very good to place an order for others to buy your small items house. On this basis, a CV system can serve the entire NFT ecosystem. Additional reading: Trivial thingsNFT series <2> What is NFT? - The key towards the integration of blockchain and virtual reality is everything could be currency? The stage of NFT artists In fact, in the NFT community, the crypto art community is the one that embraces CV most enthusiastically. Every crypto performer expectations that his function can get the best opportunity to display. The buildings in CV have become intuitive. Customers can create a simple pavilion in a hour and place their very own NFT artworks inside it. This is furthermore a simple artwork exchange where various other users can buy you directly s work. The network aftereffect of encrypted art is within the verge. As increasingly more artists enter CV, increasingly more buyers will undoubtedly be brought in, and brand-new fluidity will continue steadily to emerge. These cryptographic artists are such as viral machines. They can always create wonderful pavilions in video games and post them on social media marketing. Once fans view it, they will come to join Curriculum vitae. As more users join, social contacts will happen, and some new dynamics will undoubtedly be born. The social space CV is also a social space: if you'd like, it's rather a 3D version of Facebook, where everyone no longer owns a personal homepage, but a bit of land. It is possible to put anything on it. People can also meet in this online world. For example, Gangam Artwork Clut, structured by user Conlan, is a collecting where people all around the globe who like encrypted artwork can participate. Gathering is a very magical make use of case, it could be extended to numerous vertical areas, and now there have been a lot of discussions about actually online exhibitions. As the number of users continues to increase, I could foresee that users of varied NFT projects will come together to discuss their collections: Axie users can gather in the Axie community, and Cryptokitty players can gather in the Cryptokitty community... Believe me, CV like a Public tools, users will always find new ways to play inside it. Further reading: Nike gets a US patent! Tokenize shoes within the Ethereum blockchain, and CryptoKicks realizes nonhomogeneous token NFT Ease of use Cryptovoxels is cross-platform. In the past, video gaming were restricted to a single platform. ONCE I was youthful, I couldn't play Call of Responsibility with my buddies because his video game console was PS3 and my house was Xbox 360 360. Lately, these games have only begun to become released on as many platforms as possible: PC, Xbox, PS, smart phones, etc.; cross-platform nature has permitted the explosive growth of game users. Those games with vast sums of users, such as for example "Fortress Night", "Minecraft", "Rocket League", etc., furthermore depend on cross-platform assistance to have success. CV could be logged inside via webpages, VR devices or even smartphones. Cross-platform login is of great advantage to projects which are just getting started. The net and smartphones on your own have opened the entranceway to most individuals on the planet. The user just needs to open the webpage, click "Enter the planet" using the mouse, and it is there. It's very easy to build issues online. In Dec 2017, the monthly active users of Minecraft arrived at 74 million. This is due to many factors, but multi-platform application and simple building things are the main reasons. Like Minecraft, CV is also available to everyone. Creating incredible works like the pursuing requires superb abilities, but most users can quickly build simple structures. Devil, Performer: Virtual Entire world Architect" data-medium-file="%E8%97%9D%E8%A1%93%E5%AE%B6%E8%99%9B%E6%93%AC%E4%B8 %96%E7%95%8C%E5%BB%BA%E7%AF%89%E5%B8%AB-300x193.png" data-large-file="%E8%97%9D%E8%A1%93 %E5%AE%B6%E8%99%9B%E6%93%AC%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E5%BB%BA%E7%AF%89%E5%B8%AB-1024x660 .png" launching="lazy" course="size-full wp-image-51191 lazy" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%201456%20939 '%3E%3C/svg%3E" data-src="%E8%97%9D%E8%A1%93%E5%AE%B6%E8%99%9B%E6%93%AC%E4%B8% 96%E7%95%8C%E5%BB%BA%E7%AF%89%E5%B8%AB.png" alt="Devil, Performer: Virtual Entire world Architect" width="1456" height="939" data-pagespeed-url-hash="2448424482" onload="pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkImageForCriticality(this);"/>Devil, Performer: Virtual Entire world Architect Alotta Money, Artist: Virtual Entire world Architect" data-medium-file= "%E8%97%9D%E8%A1%93%E5%AE%B6%E8%99%9B%E6%93%AC%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E5%BB%BA% E7%AF%89%E5%B8%AB-300x215.png" data-large-file="%E8%97%9D%E8%A1%93%E5%AE%B6%E8%99%9B%E6% 93%AC%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E5%BB%BA%E7%AF%89%E5%B8%AB-1024x734.png" launching="lazy" course="size-full wp -image-51192 lazy" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=``%20viewBox='0%200%201456%201044'%3E%3C/svg%3E" data-src="%E8%97 %9D%E8%A1%93%E5%AE%B6%E8%99%9B%E6%93%AC%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E5%BB%BA%E7%AF%89 %E5%B8%AB.png" alt="Alotta Money, Performer: Virtual Entire world Architect" width="1456" height="1044" data-pagespeed-url-hash="3384842422" onload="pagespeed.CriticalImages. checkImageForCriticality(this);"/>Alotta Money, Artist: Virtual Entire world Architect allows beginner users to rapidly start building items is a massive advantage, some platforms have surprisingly higher barriers to build, plus they don't need 3D modeling or encoding skills. Can take a detour. Probably the most sticky platforms/games for monetization often allow users to make profit some form. "Minecraft" allows users to have their very own servers, as server owners, they can sell digital items or members. Roblox goes a single action further, allowing one to create a complete video game on their system and make money according to their very own desires. Fortunately, because the style of Cryptovoxels is very open and connected to the worldwide financial system of Ethereum, it allows users to make money through in-game possessions. I have currently said that crypto artists can sell their NFT works directly online, but there are other ways to make money. The first sustainable profitable design developed by the Curriculum vitae team is the skin of the type. Cryptovoxels user MJMoonbow" data-medium-file="%E7%94%A8%E6%88%B6MJMoonbow-201x300.png" data-large-file="%E7%94%A8%E6%88%B6MJMoonbow.png" launching="lazy" course="size-full wp-image-51193 lazy" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%20502%20751'%3E %3C/svg%3E" data-src="%E7%94%A8%E6%88%B6MJMoonbow.png" alt="Cryptovoxels user MJMoonbow" width="502" height="751" data-pagespeed-url- hash="3101853363" onload="pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkImageForCriticality(this);"/>Cryptovoxels user MJMoonbow could make character skins and sell them within the open market. We furthermore see that users can rent property from other gamers . CV user Conlan developed a fascinating model to get several adjacent plots and use them to develop a core theme, just like a real estate designer. He added a row of plots inside Gangnam to create interesting themes that made the area very popular, and property prices rose accordingly. Following the popularity of Jiangnan Region became well-known, some users started to lease property in this area, which progressed into another method of making money. It is still too early to realize profitability within the Cryptovoxels system, but as it develops, we shall continue to discover different profitability experiments. Among the fascinating methods is the built-in video game on the Curriculum vitae system. Further reading: Which are the Defi coins well worth investing in? Analysis from the traditional financial "PE Proportion": SNX 3 times MKR 80 periods... Prolonged reading: Industry Unique VII "Evaluate and Prospect of Blockchain Games"-Lootex. Justine Lu2020 Taiwan Blockchain Illustration Games in the upcoming video game I believe that in the next phase of CV development, mini games will undoubtedly be embedded in the building. Once users may play a lot of video games on the planet, the features of Cryptovoxels will increase by many orders of magnitude. These video games will be simple initially, but as time goes by and the number of video games raises, the game's playability and complexness will increase. . There were discussions concerning the wish to develop a shooting game that allows users to shoot blocks and create a simple casino. If Decentraland is a guide on what could be built, then the video game of Bence Varga (a designer of the small video game in Decentraland) shows exactly what will come. The game in the Cryptovoxels game is coming soon" data-medium-file="%E9%81%8A%E6%88%B2%E4%B8%AD%E7%9A%84%E9%81%8A%E6%88% B2%E5%8D%B3%E5%B0%87%E4%BE%86%E8%87%A8-300x254.png" data-large-file="%E9%81%8A%E6%88%B2% E4%B8%AD%E7%9A%84%E9%81%8A%E6%88%B2%E5%8D%B3%E5%B0%87%E4%BE%86%E8%87%A8-1024x868. png" launching="lazy" course="size-full wp-image-51194 lazy" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%201204%201020' %3E%3C/svg%3E" data-src="%E9%81%8A%E6%88%B2%E4%B8%AD%E7%9A%84%E9%81%8A%E6%88%B2 %E5%8D%B3%E5%B0%87%E4%BE%86%E8%87%A8.png" alt="Cryptovoxels video game in the overall game is coming soon" width="1204" height="1020" data- pagespeed-url-hash="2393568131" onload="pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkImageForCriticality(this);"/>The video game in the Cryptovoxels video game is coming. To further illustrate, this general seemingly large video game is within the virtual world of Decentraland. On the LAND group. If my understanding is correct, Bence Varga has created a game engine that allows users to move their perspective in a perceptually wide world, but the actual "physical" area of the overall game is very small. Take note: The property sources of DCL have become expensive, and the reduced amount of physical area is of excellent significance towards the establishment of video games in DCL If this technologies is transplanted to Cryptovoxels, then the establishment of the game will undoubtedly be almost unlimited. What will the future of Cryptovoxels appear to be in the future? As the saying goes, "software is eating the planet", which also includes our physical world. It appears that each day more folks live, function and play inside a totally virtual environment. Many people can easily complete their work at home with only a computer, plus they can get daily entertainment, such as for example streaming media, by using only networked gadgets. Show, pay attention to the radio or play video games. These broader macro trends, like the rise of remote work and social acceptance of video games, are perfectly positioning platforms such as for example CV in order to obtain great value in the coming years. In my opinion, these platforms represent the first iteration from the virtual world. Virtual Entire world (Metaverse) 1.0 I believe how the missing ingredient in the real virtual world is the blockchain. Blockchains such as for example Ethereum can understand electronic scarcity and genuine digital asset (digital asset) ownership. The true ownership of assets makes people confident to get more time, money and energy within their interaction using the virtual economy and environment. Most importantly, in addition, it allows developers and users to instantly enter the Ethereum pre-established global financial system; because of these benefits, users and developers will invest more time and money to make a larger and more strong virtual economy body. This is actually the dawn of the real virtual world edition 1.0. I do not agree with the idea that the real virtual world could be in line with the existence of non-blockchain possessions, but that is another matter. Now that I've carefully explained all of the reasons why I am optimistic about Cryptovoxels, I'll further explain that I purchase specific Cryptovoxels. The lands for the plot. Private investment position is obviously, I am optimistic about Cryptovoxels for a long period. In the past year, I've slowly occupied advantageous terrain within the Cryptovoxels map. I have by no means sold a bit of property, and I worth the long-term worth of NFT and virtual world more than the tiny profit in front of me, and Cryptovoxels seems to be in a respected position in both markets. Andrew's investment position on Cryptovoxels" data-medium-file="%E5%9C%A8Cryptovoxels%E4%B8%8A%E7%9A%84%E6%8A%95%E8%B3%87%E5%80% 89%E4%BD%8D-300x235.png" data-large-file="%E5%9C%A8Cryptovoxels%E4%B8%8A%E7%9A%84%E6%8A%95%E8%B3%87% E5%80%89%E4%BD%8D-1024x803.png" launching="lazy" course="size-full wp-image-51196 lazy" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns= ''%20viewBox='0%200%201456%201142'%3E%3C/svg%3E" data-src="%E5%9C%A8Cryptovoxels%E4%B8%8A%E7%9A%84%E6%8A %95%E8%B3%87%E5%80%89%E4%BD%8D.png" alt="Andrew's expense position on Cryptovoxels" width="1456" height="1142" data-pagespeed-url- hash="3902129925" onload="pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkImageForCriticality(this);"/>Andrew's expense position on Cryptovoxels. Recalling my first investment in Curriculum vitae, I firmly thought that height was one of the game land Important parameters. For this reason, I started some adjacent plots near Frankfurt (the in-game area), because that has been the block with the best roof height in the overall game. In those days, no one will be so stupid to spend more than one ETH from Ben (the top developer). Company) Investing in a parcel, except me. My arrogant bidding for property at that time caused quite a few commotion at that time, but I've always believed in my own opinions. Now it is really good to check back on the entry price of 1ETH! You know, the price of land in Frankfurt has increased to between 30ETH and 200ETH (data from January/February 2020).
* Both the property on Simply no. 10 and No. 8 of Top notch Throughway were sold for 30 ETH * The property on Cash Road No. 2 is area of the Playa package well worth 500 ETH, but the solitary price of 200 ETH ought to be the most valuable in Cryptovoxels. Why can you say that? Initial, it contains the biggest number of adjacent plots; 2nd, additionally it is the plot bag with the best average height. On the list of 12 adjacent plots, 9 of them are more than 18! Although the other land packs have higher land areas, they're not next to each other and so are owned by different players. I also found that since all new gamers enter the overall game from the biggest market of the planet (the guts, marked using a red underline in the figure below), the property round the "middle" should be a lot of money. The biggest market of the planet on Cryptovoxels The Center" data-medium-file="%E4%B8%8A%E7%9A%84%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E4%B8%AD%E5%BF% 83-The-Center-300x214.png" data-large-file="%E4%B8%8A%E7%9A%84%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E4%B8%AD%E5% BF%83-The-Center-1024x730.png" launching="lazy" course="size-full wp-image-51197 lazy" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox ='0%200%201456%201038'%3E%3C/svg%3E" data-src="%E4%B8%8A%E7%9A%84%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E4 %B8%AD%E5%BF%83-The-Center.png" alt="The biggest market of the World on Cryptovoxels" width="1456" height="1038" data-pagespeed-url-hash="3175013551" onload ="pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkImageForCriticality(this);"/>The Middle of the planet on Cryptovoxels It isn't easy to choose the land round the middle of the planet. Since many of them have been sold to other gamers, I have to The secondary marketplace seeks to take over opportunities. In those days, I had fashioned four adjacent plots, three of which happened to be on the way to the delivery of new gamers. I am convinced that the popularity of these locations will increase. I invested 1-2.5 ETH on these 4 plots. Fortunately, recently, the price of land round the center of the planet has reached the amount of 29.5 ETH to 35 ETH.
* Recently sold Buffer Crossing 2 and 4 property for 29.5 ETH *Score Fork Simply no. 1 land was recently sold for 35 ETH. After several months of getting these "real fragrance" property, I made a decision to create a comparative analysis of the property valuation. It proved that my intuition was incredibly correct. The property with the bigger upper restrict of height mentioned above, and the property around the world middle, have the best value. Further reading: Could Bitcoin become a "safe-haven asset"? From the historical exploration of the American "abandonment of yellow metal" in the 1970s Extended reading: Long story | If economic crocodile Soros really wants to destroy "Bitcoin", exactly what will he do? Personal Investment Program To be able to realize the fantastic vision from the virtual world (Metaverse), We decided to open a new business and experience within the land. My goal is to successfully generate income in the virtual world in the next three years. I have to clarify that whenever I discuss virtual worlds, it could be any blockchain-based virtual world, including CV, Decentraland, Sandbox, Somnium Space, etc. The ultimate goal is a virtual world, so it doesn't matter what platform we use to achieve this goal. I have a solid feeling that these platforms will ultimately merge together, similar to the early internal systems slowly connected to form the web that connects the planet; I also want to say that whenever I discuss the virtual world When "revenue generating" business, I mean any video game or activity that generates profit a sustainable way. If a business can earn $100 per month, I believe this is a huge victory, because it means that a native and stable business design can operate well in a totally virtual economy. The trading marketplace activities are as of the publication of the article (February 2020). Using the increase in investing volume, the marketplace has broken out. The month to month trading volume in early 2020 has reached an astonishing USD 378k. Cryptovoxels monthly sales background, recorded on nonfungible.com on February 14, 2020" data-medium-file="%E6%9C%88%E5%BA%A6%E9%8A%B7%E5%94%AE%E6 %Advertisement%B7%E5%8F%B2%EF%BC%8C2020%E5%B9%B42%E6%9C%8814%E6%97%A5%E8%A8%98%E9%8C%84%E6%96 %BCnonfungible.com_-300x58.png" data-large-file="%E6%9C%88%E5%BA%A6%E9%8A%B7%E5%94%AE%E6%AD%B7%E5%8F %B2%EF%BC%8C2020%E5%B9%B42%E6%9C%8814%E6%97%A5%E8%A8%98%E9%8C%84%E6%96%BCnonfungible.com_-1024x198.png "launching="lazy" course="size-full wp-image-51201 lazy" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%201456%20281'% 3E%3C/svg%3E" data-src="%E6%9C%88%E5%BA%A6%E9%8A%B7%E5%94%AE%E6%Advertisement%B7%E5%8F%B2% EF%BC%8C2020%E5%B9%B42%E6%9C%8814%E6%97%A5%E8%A8%98%E9%8C%84%E6%96%BCnonfungible.com_.png" alt="Cryptovoxels Month to month sales background, recorded on nonfungible.com on February 14, 2020" width="1456" height="281" data-pagespeed-url-hash="1395090730" onload="pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkImageForCriticality(this);" />Cryptovoxels regular monthly sales history, recorded on nonfungible.com on February 14, 2020. There are many high-volume land dealings. At the start of the year, quite a few notable deals include:
* 29.5ETH (worth USD 5,500 at the time of transaction) * 29.5ETH (worth USD 5,500 at the time of transaction) * 30ETH (worthy of USD 6,400 at the time of transaction) * 30ETH (worthy of USD 6,400 at the time of transaction) * 35ETH (worthy of USD 7,500 at the time of transaction) * 50ETH (worthy of USD 10,000 at the time of transaction) * 52ETH (worthy of USD 8,500 at the time of transaction) * 119ETH (worthy of USD 25,000 at the time of transaction) * 500ETH (worthy of USD 110,000 at the time of the deal) what else must be done? To make the future come true, you will find too many things to be done within an orderly manner. The CV team must also grow using the NFT marketplace and continue steadily to develop. The amount of users must be greatly enhanced from the existing 460. I am hoping that new users will never be frightened off from the property price, and that more property in original metropolitan areas can be created unexpectedly. CV must continue being a gathering place for NFT collectors and players. Different video games, users with various collections need to have space to meet up, gather and display their assets. If you can keep a Gods Unchained tournament in Curriculum vitae, or you can companion with Axies users and play against each other in real time, it'll be a pleasant surprise. CV especially must maintain the top position of NFT artwork. NFT artwork will certainly grow right into a massive industry, so that it can even match the traditional artwork market in the future, so it is necessary to continue steadily to encourage artists to create in CV. If each one of these things happen, CV will have a good possiblity to be a part of the vigorous development of the virtual world in the future. Nevertheless, we should bear in mind that we have been not even the first NFT players in the virtual world. Decentraland already has 3,500 users, while Curriculum vitae has only 460. We are still in an exceedingly early phase and there are still many things to do, but now it appears that both technologies and timing are the best time to form a genuine virtual world. DappReview: To be able to develop a blockchain version of "Second Life", "Minecraft", or the fantastic virtual world shown in "NUMBER 1 Player", several blockchain + video game practitioners are searching along, such as for example Decentraland, Cryptovoxels, etc. The project has continued in the past two years, and I believe that even more teams will sign up for this rank in the future. Ideals are beautiful, and reality is really skinny. According to the present completion and development progress of all products, it is not even close to a game with complete experience and rich playability, let alone those fantastic and distant tales. Practitioners need to think carefully about how to connect the street between reality and ideal. The writer of this content, Andrew, is undoubtedly an optimist. Of course, his ass may decide his mind. Can something that makes you make 30 times much less popular? From the perspective of DappReview, in line with the current situation from the Cryptovoxels development team and community, the overall game may end up in a hard-core and niche state. After all, for most gamers who do not create structures, What we perform is to go into the video game to visit a variety of artworks and structures. As for whether it's possible to make the video game increasingly more rich using the raise of UGC articles, we are conventional. Some readers who have finished scanning this article can also be struggling to help but want to buy some property and earn 30 periods because the author did. Please be sure to control your hands. First open the overall game web site, go set for a group, go to the Discord neighborhood to watch, and then make your financial commitment is not as well late. In the event that you enjoy it, you can buy everything. In the event that you just want to make money, make sure you understand what you are buying and become responsible for your own decisions. Further reading: Dapp ecology data PK inside January, Ethereum has a significant increase in the marketplace share of Defi and games, 83% of TRON are gambling and high-risk users
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akashs123 · 4 years
Covid-19 Impact on EHS Market 2020 - Scope, Analysis, Trends, Growth, Regional Forecast 2023
Market Highlights
Organizations are continuously under the pressure of reducing the pollution causing unfavorable impact on the environment owing to their production processes and services. Enterprises look forward to protecting their brand value and image and constantly plan to demonstrate their business practices in a socially responsible and acceptable manner. There are a few departments in organizations working towards reducing and preventing accidents and ensure better health and safety for their employees. Hence, organizations and clubbing with EHS providers to support various functions in their organization. For instance, Gensuite, a company providing support of EHS solutions, partnered with Duracell, an innovator of renewable energy, to launch EHS solutions across its organization to ensure user satisfaction coupled with crisis management, maintenance support, and sustainability.
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EHS Market is expected to rise at a CAGR of 11.50% over the 2018-2023 forecast period, reaching a value of USD 8.09 billion.
Key Players:
The prominent players in the Covid-19 Impact on EHS Market are – SAP (Germany), EtQ (US), Gensuite (US), Enablon (US), Intelex (Canada), Enviance (US), Verisk 3E (US), Sphera Solutions (US), Cority (Canada), and VelocityEHS (US).
Optial (UK), and SiteHawk (US) are among the other players in this market.
The EHS Market is segmented on the basis of component, vertical, and region. These segments are further sub-segmented into the following:
By component, the EHS market is bifurcated into solution and service.
By service, this market is further segmented into project deployment & implementation services, audit, assessment, regulatory compliance services, data analytics services, business consulting & advisory services, training & support services, and certification services
By vertical, the EHS market is segmented into energy & utilities, healthcare, food & beverage, chemicals & materials, construction & engineering, government & defense, and others (telecom and IT automotive, and retail)
By region, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific are the global segments.
Regional Analysis:
The global environment, health, and safety market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), and Rest of the world.
Of these, North America is the leading regional market for environment, health, and safety technologies and measures and is likely to remain in the dominant position over the coming years. North American countries such as the U.S. and Canada have been the pioneers in developing new technology in EHS management, leading to their dominant role in the global environment, health, and safety market. The widespread industrialization and steady technological advancement in industrial processes in North American countries is also likely to drive the environment, health, and safety market in the region.
APAC is also likely to be a major player in the global environment, health, and safety market in the forecast period, as the development of new technologies has picked up steam in countries such as China and India, while rapid industrialization in countries such as China, India, Thailand, Japan, Korea, Australia, Indonesia, and Malaysia has also increased the scope for the environment, health, and safety market in the region.
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List of Tables
Table 1 Global Environment, Health, And Safety Market, By Region, 2018–2023
Table 2 North America: Environment, Health, And Safety Market, By Country, 2018–2023
Table 3 Europe: Environment, Health, And Safety Market, By Country, 2018–2023
Table 4 Asia-Pacific: Environment, Health, And Safety Market, By Country, 2018–2023
Table 5 Middle East & Africa: Environment, Health, And Safety Market, By Country, 2018–2023
Table 6 Latin America: Environment, Health, And Safety Market, By Country, 2018–2023
Table 7 Global Environment, Health, And Safety Component Market, By Region, 2018–2023
Table 8 North America: Environment, Health, And Safety Component Market, By Country, 2018–2023
Table 9 Europe: Environment, Health, And Safety Component Market, By Country, 2018–2023
Table10 Asia-Pacific: Environment, Health, And Safety Component Market, By Country, 2018–2023
Table11 Middle East & Africa: Environment, Health, And Safety Component Market, By Country, 2018–2023
Table12 Latin America: Environment, Health, And Safety Component Market, By Country, 2018–2023
Table13 Global Environment, Health, And Safety Vertical Market, By Region, 2018–2023
Table14 North America: Environment, Health, And Safety Vertical Market, By Country, 2018–2023
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At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.
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neptunecreek · 5 years
EFF Urges Congress Not to Dismantle Section 230
The Keys to a Healthy Internet Are User Empowerment and Competition, Not Censorship
The House Energy and Commerce Committee held a legislative hearing today over what to do with one of the most important Internet laws, Section 230. Members of Congress and the testifying panelists discussed many of the critical issues facing online activity like how Internet companies moderate their users’ speech, how Internet companies and law enforcement agencies are addressing online criminal activity, and how the law impacts competition. 
EFF Legal Director Corynne McSherry testified at the hearing, offering a strong defense of the law that’s helped create the Internet we all rely on today. In her opening statement, McSherry urged Congress not to take Section 230’s role in building the modern Internet lightly:
We all want an Internet where we are free to meet, create, organize, share, debate, and learn. We want to have control over our online experience and to feel empowered by the tools we use. We want our elections free from manipulation and for women and marginalized communities to be able to speak openly about their experiences.
Chipping away at the legal foundations of the Internet in order to pressure platforms to play the role of Internet police is not the way to accomplish those goals. 
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Recognizing the gravity of the challenges presented, Ranking Member Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) aptly stated: “I want to be very clear: I’m not for gutting Section 230. It’s essential for consumers and entities in the Internet ecosystem. Misguided and hasty attempts to amend or even repeal Section 230 for bias or other reasons could have unintended consequences for free speech and the ability for small businesses to provide new and innovative services.” 
We agree. Any change to Section 230 risks upsetting the balance Congress struck decades ago that created the Internet as it exists today. It protects users and Internet companies big and small, and leaves open the door to future innovation. As Congress continues to debate Section 230, here are some suggestions and concerns we have for lawmakers willing to grapple with the complexities and get this right.
Facing Illegal Activity Online: Focus on the Perpetrators
Much of the hearing focused on illegal speech and activity online. Representatives and panelists mentioned examples like illegal drug sales, wildlife sales, and fraud. But there’s an important distinction to make between holding Internet intermediaries, such as social media companies and classified ads sites, liable for what their users say or do online, and holding users themselves accountable for their behavior.
Section 230 has always had a federal criminal law carve out. This means that truly culpable online platforms can already be prosecuted in federal court, alongside their users, for illegal speech and activity. For example, a federal judge in the Silk Road case correctly ruled that Section 230 did not provide immunity against federal prosecution to the operator of a website that hosted other people’s ads for illegal drugs.
But EFF does not believe prosecuting Internet intermediaries is the best answer to the problems we find online. Rather, both federal and state government entities should allocate sufficient resources to target the direct perpetrators of illegal online behavior; that is, the users themselves who take advantage of open platforms to violate the law. Section 230 does not provide an impediment to going after these bad actors. McSherry pointed this out in her written testimony: “In the infamous Grindr case... the abuser was arrested two years ago under criminal charges of stalking, criminal impersonation, making a false police report, and disobeying a court order.”
Weakening Section 230 protections in order to expand the liability of online platforms for what their users say or do would incentivize companies to over-censor user speech in an effort to limit the companies’ legal exposure. Not only would this be harmful for legitimate user speech, it would also detract from law enforcement efforts to target the direct perpetrators of illegal behavior. As McSherry noted regarding the Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act (FOSTA):
At this committee’s hearing on November 30, 2017, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation special agent Russ Winkler explained that online platforms were the most important tool in his arsenal for catching sex traffickers. One year later, there is anecdotal evidence that FOSTA has made it harder for law enforcement to find traffickers. Indeed, several law enforcement agencies report that without these platforms, their work finding and arresting traffickers has hit a wall.
Speech Moderation: User Choice and Empowerment
In her testimony, McSherry stressed that the Internet is a better place for online community when numerous platforms are available with a multitude of moderation philosophies. Section 230 has contributed to this environment by giving platforms the freedom to moderate speech the way they see fit.
The  freedom  that Section 230 afforded to Internet startups to choose their own moderation strategies has led to a multiplicity of options  for users—some more restrictive and sanitized, some more laissez-faire.  That  mix of  moderation philosophies contributes to a healthy environment for free expression and association online.
Reddit’s Steve Huffman echoed McSherry’s defense of Section 230 (PDF), noting that its protections have enabled the company to improve on its moderation practices over the years. He explained that the company’s speech moderation philosophy is one that prioritizes users making decisions about how they’d like to govern themselves:
The way Reddit handles content moderation today is unique in the industry. We use a governance model akin to our own democracy—where everyone follows a set of rules, has the ability to vote and self-organize, and ultimately shares some responsibility for how the platform works.
In an environment where platforms have their own approaches to content moderation, users have the ultimate power to decide which ones to use. McSherry noted in her testimony that while Grindr was not held liable for the actions of one user, that doesn’t mean that Grindr didn’t suffer. Grindr lost users, as they moved to other dating platforms. One reason why it’s essential that Congress protect Section 230 is to preserve the multitude of platform options.
“As a litigator, [a reasonableness standard] is terrifying. That means a lot of litigation risk, as courts try to figure out what counts as reasonable.”
Later in the hearing, Rep. Darren Soto (D-FL) asked each of the panelists who should be “the cop on the beat” in patrolling online speech. McSherry reiterated that users themselves should be empowered to decide what material they see online: “A cardinal principle for us at EFF is that at the end of the day, users should be able to control their Internet experience, and we need to have many more tools to make that possible.”
If some critics of Section 230 get their way, users won’t have that power. Prof. Danielle Citron offered a proposal (PDF) that Congress implement a “duty of care” regimen, where platforms would be required to show that they’re meeting a legal “reasonableness” standard in their moderation practices in order to keep their Section 230 protection. She proposes that courts look at what platforms are doing generally to moderate content and whether their policies are reasonable, rather than what a company did with respect to a particular piece of user content.
But inviting courts to determine what moderation practices are best would effectively do away with Section 230’s protections, disempowering users in the process. In McSherry’s words, “As a litigator, [a reasonableness standard] is terrifying. That means a lot of litigation risk, as courts try to figure out what counts as reasonable.”
Robots Won’t Fix It
There was plenty of agreement that current moderation was flawed, but much disagreement about why it was flawed. Subject-matter experts on the panel frequently described areas of moderation that were not in their purview as working perfectly fine, and questioning why those techniques could not be applied to other areas.
The deeper you look at current moderation—and listen carefully to those directly silenced by algorithmic solutions—the more you understand that robots won’t fix it.
In one disorienting moment, Gretchen Peters of the Alliance to Counter Crime Online asked the congressional committee when they’d last seen a “dick pic” on Facebook, and took their silence as an indication that Facebook had solved the dick pic problem. She then suggested Facebook could move on to scanning for other criminality. Professor Hany Farid, an expert in at-scale, resilient hashing of child exploitative imagery, wondered why the tech companies could not create digital fingerprinting solutions for opioid sales.
Many cited Big Tech’s work to automatically remove what they believe to be copyright-infringing material as a potential model for other areas—perhaps unaware that the continuing failure of copyright bots is one of the few areas where EFF and the entertainment industry agree (though we think they take down too much entirely lawful material, and Hollywood thinks they’re not draconian enough.)
The truth is that the deeper you look at current moderation—and listen carefully to those directly silenced by algorithmic solutions—the more you understand that robots won’t fix it. Robots are still terrible at understanding context, which has resulted in everything from Tumblr flagging pictures of bowls of fruit as “adult content” to YouTube removing possible evidence of war crimes because it categorized the videos as “terrorist content.” Representative Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-DE) pointed out the consequences of having algorithms police speech, “Groups already facing prejudice and discrimination will be further marginalized and censored.” A lot of the demand for Big Tech to do more moderation is predicated on the idea that they’re good at it, with their magical tech tools. As our own testimony and long experience points out—they’re really not, with bots or without.
Could they do better? Perhaps, but as Reddit’s Huffman noted, doing so means that the tech companies need to be able to innovate without having those attempts result in a hail of lawsuits. That is, he said, “exactly the sort of ability that 230 gives us.”
Reforming 230 with Big Tech as the Focus Would Harm Small Internet Companies
Critics of 230 often fail to acknowledge that many of the solutions they seek are not within reach of startups and smaller companies. Techniques like preemptive blocking of content, persistent policing of user posts, and mechanisms that analyze speech in real time to see what needs to be censored are extremely expensive.
That means that controlling what users do, at scale, will only be doable by Big Tech. It’s not only cost prohibitive, it will carry a high cost of liability if they get it wrong. For example, Google’s ContentID is often used in the copyright context is held up as one means of enforcement, but it required a $100 million investment by Google to develop and deploy—and it still does a bad job.
Google’s Katherine Oyama testified that Google already employs around 10,000 people that work on content moderation—a bar that no startup could meet—but even that appears insufficient to some critics. By comparison, a website like Wikipedia, which is the largest repository of information in human history, employs just about 350 staff for its entire operation, and is heavily reliant on volunteers.
A set of rules that would require a Google-sized company to expend even more resources means that only the most well-funded firms could maintain global platforms. A minimally-staffed nonprofit like Wikipedia could not continue to operate as it does today. The Internet would become more concentrated, and further removed from the promise of a network that empowers everyone.
As Congress continues to examine the problems facing the Internet today, we hope lawmakers remember the role that Section 230 plays in defending the Internet’s status as a place for free speech and community online. We fear that undermining Section 230 would harden today’s largest tech companies from future competition. Most importantly, we hope lawmakers listen to the voices of the people they risk pushing offline.
Read McSherry’s full written testimony.
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brobers4 · 8 years
Cosplay Story
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mcbitchtits · 8 years
So, your TV doesn’t affect Nielsen Ratings...
even if you aren’t a Nielsen family (counts towards ratings), within the past two years or so Nielsen has rolled out other tracking technologies. Those numbers are still going somewhere (right now possibly only localized data?--although some of these like social/streaming media are part of Nielsen’s new counting across platforms):
if you are watching online (in particular, Facebook has partnered with Nielsen to track their videos)
if you have a cable box (these numbers are definitely going back to the cable company.)
if you have a smart TV (new ones can even track your eye movements, not shitting you. that’s a terrifying new piece of information I didn’t know yesterday)
what you are talking about/posting on social media (including specifically Twitter and Facebook)
Take that into consideration if you have those available to you.
This is coming from a friend in the cable industry, and what I’ve been able to glean from wikipedia/Nielsen’s site (which I find difficult to parse and probably specifically void of technical data). If anyone has a better grasp on Nielsen’s new tech and more specific sources, please let me know!
some alternative online streams to watch and discuss on social media so as not to contibute to the inauguration:
Stand Up For Love Telethon (12e/9p)
Concert for America (3e/12p)
Please feel free to share this and provide any other info! I would love to find some particularly insightful sources but a lot of them seem to like to keep ratings sort of a magician’s secret.
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3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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