daenystheedreamer · 1 year
‘lgbtabcd alphabet community too many letters har har har’ you’d fucking die fucking brain explosion DIE if you read asoiaf. asoiaf got hotd grrm d&d agot acok asos affc adwd twow ados f&b twoiaf awoiaf tsoiaf r+l=j n+a=j d+d=t bwb 3EC COTF rw wot5k KOTLT toj ptwp ymbq tdotd kitn LF YG NK BF BR CH LS KL KG WF NW. both use gnc though gender non-conforming 🤝 grand northern conspiracy
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iceywolf24 · 6 months
Just thinking about how Bran truly is an outsider.
Already, his disability makes him excluded in ways, whether being looked down upon by other lords or ignored in games with other kids and sets him apart from his family.
After leaving winterfell, he has no home, and he simply has to keep travelling eventually to beyond the wall, where everyone is either fleeing or dying.
Then, he reaches the 3EC's cave isolated from the rest of westeros, which is occupied by the COTF and Bloodraven, who are also outsiders.
He's also a greenseer who are especially seen as monsters, making him be able to see the world in a different way no one else really understands besides bloodraven which is why Brynden is able to manipulate him.
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Also, Bran's journey to the cave kind of reminds me of frodo's journey to Mount doom.
Also, on another note, Bran expected the 3EC to be a nice wizard like Gandalf, but he instead gets Bloodraven.
Bran’s journey is quite reminiscent of Frodo’s, yes. As well as the shared theme of both gaining power that they cannot successfully control and becoming darker in the process. The ring eats away at Frodo the longer he has it and Bran, not having a competent magic teacher, does abuse his newfound magic power. But now I’m beginning to wonder what role Jojen and Meera could play for Bran’s retreat from the cave. Sam helped Frodo when he needed him most, so who will help Bran and when? And
he instead gets Bloodraven
fren I can’t tell if this is a dig towards Bloodraven or not 😭
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mneiai · 1 year
(I'll be doing a crack theory poll after this one)
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dragon-queensguard · 1 year
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vivecandelaria · 2 months
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Distintivo Recicla: Claro Perú reconoce a empresas e instituciones comprometidas con el reciclaje de RAEE
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venusspokenenglish1 · 8 months
Seminars Day Celebration | Best Speaker Of The Day - Mr. Surya | Anchors...
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txjetranger · 2 years
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Working on the wrong side of the clock. 737-823 ship 3EC to Las Vegas. (at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChEH-HPLrw2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cupidenigma · 2 years
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Blue Pyrope OC: 3EC
Her full name is “Pyrope Facet-8D5C Cut 3EC” or 3EC (Three-cee) for short. She’s one of the main antagonist of 8one of the stories) of my fanfic having rebelled against this new “Democratic Homeworld” nonsense, she and a like-minded Emerald set off to make a new gem empire with them at the head of the New Diamonds, by creating their own “Hybrids”
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shieldofrohan · 4 years
Since you're my fount of hope in these dark days, I would love to hear your speculation on Bran. Will he lose himself to become the 3ER? Or will he still be Bran? How would he be perceived by the Westerosi? Are they in awe of him? Or will they be suspicious of his abilities? Will Bran want to be king? Or just agrees to serve the people? Why would he choose Tyrion as hand? Or was that just fan service? You don't need to answer all of those, I'd just love any of your thoughts on his endgame!
Hello again @esther-dot .Thanks for your ask. I’m glad that you found some hope in my ramblings. When it comes to the fiction, I turn out to be an optimist I guess. And tbh I refuse to believe that the ending of Asioaf will be nihilistic so I’m trying to make sense with everything we got. 
To be fair... I’m not the best person to talk about Bran or his journey and arc. I love that sweet boy but I’m definitely not a Bran expert. But I’ll share my thoughts anyway.. :)
- Will he lose himself to become the 3EC? Or will he still be Bran? 
Maybe at first, a little. I always consider the journeys of Stark kids as parallels. Because even GRRM makes a point about those kids:
“The kids [Sansa, Arya, and Bran] are a huge part of the story, in many ways the central part of the story.’’ -GRRM
Sansa loses herself to be Alayne in Vale, Arya becomes No One slowly. But these are their masks that they have to put on to survive. These masks are their lessons and in the future these lessons will help them. But in the end we know that Sansa and Arya will return to their own selves. That’s why I believe that Bran will be Bran in the end. But this doesn’t mean that those masks will leave them for good. No. These masks will become parts of them but not entirely them. So I’m expecting a less robotic Bran with 3EC’s powers. But we still don’t know the basics of his powers very well. Maybe they will be less effective when he’ll end up in the South. 
- How would he be perceived by the Westerosi? Are they in awe of him? Or will they be suspicious of his abilities?
Asoiaf is a poitical fantasy series. Westeros is a political place. So I can’t imagine the people/lords of Westeros rooting for a leader with such abilities. Which lord would want a king who can see what’s happening in his castle? This is 1984 Westeros Edition, if you ask me... 
Yes we -as readers- might know that Bran is a good kid and he would never use his powers for evil etc. But why would the lords of Westeros put their faith in him? My only guess is that Bran will save Westeros from a great deal and people/lords of Westeros will cheer for him. But still Frodo saved Middle-Earth but they didn’t choose him as a King. Give Bran some medal and be done with it. 
The show made him a great candidate for a King because he can’t have kids so when he dies they will choose a new King. This is absurd. This will only cause more games between kingdoms, therefore more wars. Westeros suffered enough from these games and wars and what they need now is “stability”. They need to know who will come after Bran so they can sleep in peace at nights. 
So why Bran? 
- Will Bran want to be king? Or just agrees to serve the people? 
Bran is a little boy and he is a Stark. I can’t imagine him being thrilled with becoming a southern King. He will definitely agree to this to serve Westeros. I tried to explain why King Bran doesn’t make sense politically. The boy has no claim after all. Why him and not Podrick? My guess is: they will need Bran’s abilities. But a KING with such abilities sounds dystopic. Because Kings have powers over the states/kingdoms etc. BUT having a SYMBOLIC LEADER with such powers might not be bad. 
My head canon is: Bran will be a higher authority like United Nations. 
These kind of authorities can only exist as long as the countries show their consent and agreement. UN’s main purpose is keeping the peace between countries. This is how I imagine Bran’s reign will be. Bran will be a figure to keep the peace in Westeros after all those wars. Westeros won’t see him as another King but they will seek his guidance to keep the relations between kingdoms smooth. They will bring their disputes to him and he will serve them justice and solutions because he will know all the facts... But Bran himself will have no agenda. He will serve the 6 Kingdoms not the other way around. (Btw I kind of believe that there will no 6Kingdoms and with Bran’s guidance they will declare their own independence one by one, so Bran will guide them during this time of separation. Oh la la... let’s go back to the Westeros before the Targaryens :) ) 
I realize that my HC has flaws but still it is better than having a BIG BROTHER  WHO IS WATCHING YOU. 
My other HC for having Bran as a King instead of Jon Snow -who has at least a little claim over Iron Throne (I believe that Targaryens have no longer claim but still without a Baratheon at least Jon has some claim)- is inspired by this meta: https://butterflies-dragons.tumblr.com/post/151643925209/were-all-just-songs-in-the-end-if-we-are-lucky .
@butterflies-dragons wrote a lovely Jonsa meta about Jenny and Duncan. Duncan refuses the crown to be with his love. We can be sure of that Sansa will never want to come back to King’s Landing or leaving Winterfell again. So I’m imagining a Jon who refuses the crown and leaves it to his brother/cousin so he can be with her in the North. Also look at this:
Aemon chose to go to the Wall and join the Night's Watch for fear that he might be used in a plot to usurp his brother, King Aegon V Targaryen. The king provided Aemon with an "honor guard" (emptying the dungeons) to take the vows of the Watch with him. Among them were Brynden Rivers, who later went on to become Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, and many of the Raven's Teeth. Aegon's friend, Ser Duncan the Tall, accompanied the new recruits aboard the Golden Dragon on the way to Eastwatch-by-the-Sea.[18][19]
The names are very interesting. (Aemon/Jon, Duncan/Jon, Brynden aka 3EC/Bran) There were some theories about Jon’s Targaryen name being Aemon too btw. But just not that. Jon’s own story is very similar to Aemon too. So in my HC Jon is Aemon and Duncan for the sake of Bran and Sansa. 
I’m not going to talk about Jonsa anymore in this HC because your ask was not about them. :) 
So I tried to come up with a way to make King Bran more logical. But still I’m not very satisfied and we desperately need the books for the Bran’s ending. 
- Why would he choose Tyrion as hand? Or was that just fan service? 
Hand Tyrion makes zeros sense and I’m going to lose my f*cking mind. I mean what makes Tyrion so special? Is he the only one who can manage to be Hand?? My only guess is that Tyrion will be very helpful against the Dragons and Dany. That’s it. 
I talked about my The Final Battle in Trident headcanon before. Maybe after the fall of King’s Landing Tyrion will offer his help to North in this final battle and he will be very helpful therefore he will be pardoned. He won’t be executed or exiled but he will be forgotten in time. His name will have no place in the history. And this will be his punishment. 
Tyrion is a main character and Grrm said that main characters’ ending won’t be very different. So I can’t call his ending fan service. But still the plot in the books will be very different. And Grrm loves that f*cker so I’m ready for that kind of a ending for Tyrion. I HATE EVERYTHING! 
Well... That’s all I can say about your questions. Like I said I’m still not sure about Bran and Tyrion’s arcs and endings. I’m totally not a Bran or Tyrion expert. So I hope my answer was not very stupid or disappointing. 
Thanks again for your ask. Let me know your thoughts. :) 
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harricislife · 5 years
"Bran's arc doesn't move towards kingship, it's the arc of the Seven Kingdoms that moves toward Bran, the Broken."
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sanrixian · 6 years
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Blood Raven, enthroned.
Digital painting.
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arcadianambivalence · 5 years
Does anyone else get the feeling the weirwood faces change?
Tell me it’s just a very bord Bran peeking out through the trees like this:
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mibowhsiang · 7 years
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  3EC x STYLENANDA 異業結盟的粉紅色,剛好在明洞經過一下 整棟建築物都是粉紅色的,弄得跟飯店一樣,讓我一直想到布達佩斯大飯店 懸掛的床挺特別的!!
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         1.2F 都是在3EC的彩妝,不過2F這滿滿花的浴缸超多人拍照打卡
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  3F 是STYLENANDA的服飾,早期都是網路銷售! 曾經也想買,怕無法退貨就 ... 4F 裝潢的像laundry,也是STYLENANDA的服飾,主要是牛仔服飾 5F 才是這篇的重點 Pink Pool Cafe
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    位子很少,戶外露天白天很美!! 晚上-9度,打死我都不想出去拍 ... 大家都是為了彩色棉花糖來拍照打卡,menu沒有紙本! 語言不通沒關係,直接看 ipad 上的照片選 跟風點了一個棉花糖 ... 來浪費錢的
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  不用害怕甜死,旁邊有水可以喝!! 可是是冰水 ... 子宮都要感冒了 小姐比較害怕杯子沒洗乾淨 ...
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  小姐抱著想活下去的精神,速速拍完速速離去!! 回到街上找正常的食物,這烤幾蛋糕超好吃
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  年糕狂熱者無法抗拒的食物!! 但沒有想像中好吃其實 ... 年糕和粉很厚的炸雞 觀光客超多到底是要邊走邊吃,還是要站在路邊吃 !? 誰可以告訴我啊 ...
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  老實說在韓國 【 分享按讚抽好禮 】超難找禮物的 小姐真是費盡千辛萬苦,終於找到符合預算又還可以的禮物
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  心得 ► 如果你喜歡3EC彩妝可以來買一下!! 貨超齊,有很多特惠聯名組合 STYLENANDA的衣服款式很多,但是摸一下材質 ... 默默放下 至於 PINK POOL CAFE 除了拍照,我真的不知道可以幹嘛 看到隔壁桌的杯盤狼藉,大概就是那個樣子吧 報告一下明洞換錢的經驗,其實可以走來走去,換錢所門口都會寫匯率 本來第一間看到1:36,晃了第二間也是1:36 走到很邊緣的第三間竟然1:36.9 !!! 難怪門口擠滿人,應該是當天明洞匯率最好的 但小姐在1:36就先換了3000台幣 ==" 就是100%的傻子無誤 安慰自己反正也沒有東西可��買,好多東西台灣都有 結論是,換小錢差一點點沒關係!! 換大錢還是多走幾間比較一下 貨比三家不吃虧啊!! 同場加映【 2017 零下首爾 】 ◆ 三清洞 MMCA。味覺的美感 x 國立現代美術館 ◆ 晨靜樹木園 x 五色星光庭園展 Lighting Festival ◆ Leeum 三星美術館。奧拉維爾・埃利亞松 : 世間所有的可能性 ◆ Bear Magazine。韓屋 x 咖啡 x 雜誌書籍 ◆ 濕漉漉的提拉米蘇。Hackney x 绿沙坪本店 ◆ DDP 東大門設計廣場。弗納塞提特別展:實際的瘋狂 ◆ 옹느세자매。Seoul 梨泰院 x 好擠的澡堂咖啡 ◆ 플로르떼 好多花兒。弘益大學 x Florté Flower Cafe ◆ 명동고양이 喵喵喵。明洞 x 療癒系貓咪咖啡 ◆ Seoul 弘大 x 미어캣프랜즈 狐濛咖啡。會咬人的少年pi ◆ 보니타디카페 浣熊咖啡。活潑的要命 x 超失控 ◆ 三清洞好美味。北莫谷牛排骨 x 百年紅豆粥 p.s 更多寫真 STYLENANDA PINK HOTEL & PINK POOL CAFE     ►►► Web: http://tw.stylenanda.com/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/cn.stylenanda/ Add: 首爾特別市中區忠武路二街66-2 서울특별시 중구 충무로2가 66-2 Tel: 02-752-4546 Hours: 11:00 - 23:00
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hollowwhisperings · 3 years
~ DEFINITELY spoilers, both book & That Dragon Show, and some diving into other theories in the ASOIAF theory iceberg ~
2. Jaime "Golden Hand"
- for Jaime's sins, he is "rewarded" with what he has always dreaded but has already demonstrated relative competence at: responsibility.
- We Don't Talk About The Dragon Show but its ending for Tyrion actually steals much from what has been foreshadowed for Jaime: Jaime, who has never wanted nor sought out any power save his sword arm, WOULD feel punished by a sentence of lifelong service to The Realm. His most heroic act made him reviled: his kingslaying was the beginnings of his blatantly undermining the stability of Westeros by cuckolding its king, causing a lasting succession crisis, and unwittingly stirring the winds of war in his recklessness & ignorance.
- furthermore, Jaime serving as BRAN STARK'S Hand? tbh, "King Bran" punishing Jaime by installing him as his Hand not only fits all the foreshadowing in their respective character arcs, it ALSO follows logically from their POV of their interactions' ripple effects unto Westeros. Jaime as Hand to King Bran is the ONLY setup of "Bran becomes king" that makes sense to me outside of "Dystopian Weirwood-Police State" Horror Endings or Jojen's filling the role (i don't subscribe to "Jojen Paste": its memetic status baffles me and, like, the 3EC is LITERALLY BECOMING A TREE? and House Blackwood canonically buries its dead beneath its dead weirwood tree, and WEIRWOODS ARE ALREADY PEOPLE: JOJEN'S ABSENCES ARE ALWAYS MEERA'S ABSENCES ANYWAY- *several more allcaps paragraphs*).
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tatticstudio55 · 3 years
Onto the idea that dragons “aren’t the solution”
This is a take I’ve seen so, so many times. And here are some reasons (but not all of them) why i disagree with it.
In the released chapter called The Forsaken, we get these words from Euron:
“The bleeding star bespoke the end,” he said to Aeron. “These are the last days, when the world shall be broken and remade. A new god shall be born from the graves and charnel pits.”
Unreliable as Euron is, Martin is probably using him to announce where he plans to take his story next. He’s about to write a redo-myth where what happened at the *beginning* of Westeros will happen again. The story is falling back in time (metaphorically, of course), until it reaches the “dawn” age of gods and monsters. In traditional mythology - not asoiaf, but actual myths -, that’s where and when these creatures lived. Not during the time of man, before.
And in many of these myths, the first civilizations of humans are built on the remains of a slain dragon. That’s because dragons are a symbol of the chaos from which a new world is built. In other creations myths, giants were the first creature to live on the earth. They then grew smaller and smaller as their kinship with the gods diminished. The asoiaf books have been bringing back “mythical” creatures since early AGOT, when Jon and Robb found the direwolves pups. Likewise, summers and winters are lasting longer and longer, almost as if time was slowing down. Time already “froze” on the other side of the Wall, where the lands of always winter are, where creatures with a very long lifespan are the most “abundant” (the 3EC, the children of the forest, the weirwoods) and where people can “live” indefinitely (as wights). (Moreover, although these “phenomenon” are mostly seen in the North, they’re gradually making their way down South as well.) In “mythical” beginnings, time moves a lot slower: days (and nights too, I assume) last longer and people can live for hundreds of years. And before these beginnings, time is nonexistent. Time slows down in Westeros because it’s making a full circle, back at the beginning (or Beginning). And when time stops, someone blows the Horn of Winter and brings down the Wall.
What does the legend say about the Horn of Joramun? Joramun blew the horn and woke giants from the earth.
Re-quoting myself here: “In other creations myths, giants were the first creature to live on the earth.”
So that’s basically what Euron is predicting to Aeron in The Forsaken.
This is hardly human business. Dragons have been used by Targaryen for political reasons in the past, as we know, and if Martin must drill in the point that dragons + human politics = bad with Dany accidentally blowing up King’s Landing, well so be it. The conflicts in King’s Landing were created and perpetuated solely by human. It is nothing but a human business.
What Euron is talking about is a war of mythical scale where dragons might represent one – but only one – of many magical creatures involved in a massive, chaotic do-over: giants, children of the forest, unicorns, white walkers, wights, direwolves, wargs, dragons, etc, etc.
For example, if two Starklings must end up with crowns like in the show (and assuming that Westeros doesn’t fragment itself into 7 separate kingdoms again), I’m certain – I’d bet money on it – that the children of the forest will bring another “Hammer of Water” upon the Neck, breaking Westeros in half for good. Obviously, if CotF do that, it won’t be to settle some political dispute over who gets to rule what, even if the result turns out conveniently for the Starks in the end.
Whoever blows the Horn of Winter doesn’t *only* bring down the Wall. He’s also waking giants and, oh, who else currently sleeping under the earth? Children of the forest, right. Whose help was supposedly indispensable to end the first Long Night.
Whoever bring down the Wall also ensures that dragons will be able to cross on the other side. The part in Fire and Blood where Alysanne tries and fail to get Silverwing to fly across the Wall serves two purposes: 1) it tells us that no dragon has ever been North of the Wall before, and 2) it pretty much guarantees that dragons in present asoiaf time will make it back at the Wall, either to learn the same thing Alysanne learned, or to succeed where she couldn’t since the Wall won’t be there anymore.
Are dragons the secret magical solution, the one missing element needed to defeat the Others for good? I doubt it. It sounds too simple.
But you’re shoving your head in the sand if you don’t think that they’ll be useful. Even in the eventuality that they couldn’t do much against the WW themselves, 1) they’ll do wonders at burning wights, and 2) more importantly, they’ll brings the heroes to where they need to be in order to defeat the Great Other, likely in the Heart of Winter. How else are they supposed to reach that place?
Now, I have my own little theory over what will happen once they’re there, and no, it does not directly involve dragons. To put it plainly, Dany (and maybe Jon; unsure about the third person with them, if there’s a third person) gets inside the Heart of Winter, whatever it is, and burn it down from within. That’s where the “flaming heart” Melisandre swears by comes from (or points to), that’s what was foreshadowed in the HotU when Dany was almost “absorbed” into the rotting blue heart before being saved by Drogon’s fire, that’s probably even where Nissa Nissa’s legend comes from (heart + sacrifice + fire). That will be Dany’s third fire, the one to love (what’s the connection to love? Because she’s inside a heart? I have no clue.) It roughly aligns with all the Samson subtext/foreshadowing. Don’t ask me if they survive it. My first answer would be “probably not”. Maybe they’re meant to be the slain “dragons” that new worlds are built upon. But then again if anyone could survive something like this, it’s Dany.
Of course, none of this will be possible if they can’t reach the Heart of Winter in the first place.
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