#4 = Eastern Hognose Snake
shadowkira · 7 months
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When in doubt... I like animals and the woods more than I like people.
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uncharismatic-fauna · 4 months
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Eastern Hognose (Heterodon platirhinos)
Habitat & Distribution
Prefers evergreen forests, fields, and seldom-used farmland
Common throughout the United states, from the central plains to the East Coast
Physical Description
Weight: 0.9-1.8 kg (2-4 lbs)
Length: 71 cm (28 in) on average
The body is somewhat thick, and is covered in large, raised scales
Coloration can be red, green, orange, brown, gray to black, typically patterned to resemble leaf litter
The nose is upturned like a shovel
Eastern hognose snakes dig burrows underground, in which they hibernate during the winter
Feeds exclusively on amphibians, particularly toads and frogs
Predators include other snakes, crows, birds of prey, raccoons, Virginia opossums, and foxes
Key Advantages
When threatened, eastern hognose snakes flatten their necks to make themselves appear larger
They have a mild, amphibian-specific venom; they are also immune to the toxins produced by toads
Photo by Brad Moon
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lesboylycan · 2 months
Asks are turned off on your nonhuman focused account so I'm sending the ask game numbers here, hope thats ok! Feel free to answer them on the other account tho!
2, 3, 4, and 29!
- from @autisticcoyote
2. What's your favorite animal?
If we're going species only, leopard seals and grey wolves are tied for first with red wolves coming in at a veeery close second. If we're allowing for subspecies, then Vancouver island sea/coastal wolves (subspecies of grey wolf) take the cake. We're also a big fan of ross seals, crabeater sseals, weddel seals, baikal seals, eastern hognose snakes, and Mexican black king snakes collectively. (Twitch being tigerkin is partial to tigers, and Snail being... A Snail. likes snails (and various bugs) a lot lmao)
3. Favorite biome/habitat?
Ouhhh... favorite biome that I could survive in for longer than 5 minutes? Forested coasts and temperate rainforests. Allowing for all biomes/habitats? Antarctic sea ice 100%, and also the Antarctic sea.
4. Favorite time of day
That time of day during late spring/throughout summer that happens some mornings and most nights where everything is covered in a golden light. Our house is oriented in just the right way that all of the windows on the front of the house will catch it at an angle, so occasionally in the mornings we get to wake up to a completely golden room, and we've taken a couple photos of what it looks like in the evening.
29. [Is your] Gender influenced by your [...] 'type[?]
Heavily, yes. Even if some of our genders are human-adjacent, it's always influenced by our wolfishness and our beastliness. And then there's a whole sector of our gender sphere that's basically just "the genders a wolf might experience [based around mostly things commonly in wolves' lives, eg forests and weather phenomena and time of day]". There's also a gender in the mix off to the leftmost backmost "corner" of our gender sphere that's all icy and cold and wet and fishy from our leopard seal theriotype. (How does a sphere have a corner? No clue)
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oshawottarchive · 1 year
Snake showdown round 1 / part 4
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truedarkhunter · 1 year
A look at Snake's snakes
I noticed there were more up-close looks at some of Snake's ophidian friends. So I took a few moments to stare at them and try to determine the species. Some are very likely, others are best guesses, but it's still a fun exercise. I started with the notes online with the kuro fan-site then expanded them.
Johnathan is a rattlesnake (called the “Old Man” by the others.) Likely a Western diamondback given the ridge over the eye.
Emily:  Kingsnake (false coral snake)  She has the red touching black, so false-attack.  The bands are wider than on Milk Snakes. Bronte:  Looks to be about 2 feet long and has a pale body and dark spots.  Belly is pale.  Guesses:  Could be a hognose snake, a night snake, or a variety of brown snake.
Donne:  Very small snake.  Can subtly reside at the top of Snake’s ear when travelling (Guess:  Common Krait aka “Karait”– the small, but deadly brown snake from Rikki Tikki Tavi.)
Goethe:  Orange snake, white spots, round eyes.  Childish and friendly (My guess:  Leukistic boa or python)
Keats:  Depicted both with a pattern on his back and as an non-patterned snake.  Often used as a guide.  (Sheds often?)              (Guess:  Ball Python or other python based on uneven loops of the pattern drawn and the thickness of the tail tip.)
Oscar:  Shiny two-toned green snake with a dark back, lighter stomach.  Tip of his tail is dull grey.  Tongue is blue.  Oscar has a rough temperament and speaks like a young man.  (Guess:  Red-tailed green rat snake. It has both the blue tongue and sometimes has gray tails.)
Webster:  Zig-zagged, cross-banded pattern, 4-5 markings atop head, slit pupiled eye.  From Queimada Island (Snake Island, home of the Golden Lancet/Golden Lancehead Pit Viper.)  His poison can kill a human within 30 seconds.  (Guess:  Golden Lancet. It’s the only place they live.  Webster is just a strongly patterned one.)
Wilde:  Black-and-brown spotted python, largest of Snake’s snakes.  Widest part of his body measures between 4.72” (12cm) and 5.12”(13cm) and his head is relatively small in relation to his body.  (Guess:  Boa Constrictor based on loose loopy pattern.) Head small in relation to body only the size of a small fist. 
Wordsworth:  Dark brown snake with lighter brown and black crossbands.  Has straight belly bands.  Speaks like an old man and is quite knowledgeable.  (Guess:  Eastern Copperhead.  This snake is not that dark on the body, the markings are a strongly open diamond shape and the head is strongly colored.  However, there is a clear band over the nose and past the eye that isn’t present on the copperhead.  Tail is thick.  Could be another constrictor.) Unnamed:  Black Mamba killed by Patrick Phelps in Book of Murder.  It’s highly venomous, from Southern Africa. 
                     Victims die within an hour of being bitten.  Black mambas are the fastest land snakes in the world and                      excellent tree climbers.
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proxylynn · 11 months
[I've been planning on getting a new pet (my dog passed away a few years ago)
And we're planning on getting another one.]
Ann: Seeing Rat, a snake sounds interesting too, but I have absolutely no idea how to take care of one. (Besides, my parents don't exactly like reptiles too much)
Ann: Is it true you have to give Rat food that's still alive?! (⁠ʘ⁠ᗩ⁠ʘ)
Lynn: Let me look this up because with reptiles as pets, you can do live mice or dead ones. *googling*
Although Hognoses eat mainly amphibians in the wild, they eat a rodent-based diet in captivity. Your snake should be transitioned to a rodent diet before you bring them home. Frozen thawed mice are the safest option for feeding. Young hognose snakes will eat pink mice every 3-4 days and size up as they grow. Juveniles: food every 4-5 days and Adults: food 1x/week.
While young mice can be used to feed your hognose snakes, these calorie-dense feeders aren’t the best for your pet’s health, and should be used as part of rotation at most. Hognose snakes fed primarily rodents are more likely to suffer from obesity and related health problems than those fed a more natural diet.
Here are some non-rodent ideas for feeding your hognose:
African clawed frogs
Cane toads
Cuban tree frogs
Redback salamanders
Gray treefrogs
Quail eggs
Frozen/thawed anoles
Dropped gecko tails
Hognose snakes rely on their sense of smell in order to help them find prey, not a heat signature. (“Strong response to anuran chemical cues by an extreme dietary specialist, the eastern hog-nosed snake (Heterodon platirhinos)” by William Cooper and Stephen Secor, 2007). However, it has been observed that hognoses seem to respond better to warm prey items, so it’s possible that the warmth disperses the scent better.
If you are using frozen-thawed prey (recommended), thaw it out in the fridge the night before feeding day. This allows it to thaw slowly in a cold environment, which discourages bacterial growth, the same as how you’re supposed to thaw frozen meat. Then about 15-30 minutes before feeding, stick the prey in a BPA-free plastic bag like a Ziploc and submerge in warm, almost hot, water. The body temperature of a mouse is similar to a human’s, so you’ll want the prey to be about 98-100°F before offering it to your snake.
Hognose snakes are more visually dependent than some other snakes, so you may need to simulate “lifelike movement” (just wiggling it around will do) before the snake strikes.
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lalnamagic · 2 years
top 5 breeds of an animal of your choosing (cats, dogs, etc)
We doin snakeys let's go!
1. Either western Diamond back or Mojave rattler
2. Vine snake (they look so funky!)
3. The ones that play dead and stink when they get frightened.. Eastern Hognose!
4. Any kind of boa.
5. Corn or milk snake
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bunjywunjy · 2 years
ever seen a hognose snake, bunjy? (any of the 3 [4?] genera)
I've spotted wild eastern hognose snakes a couple of times, their range overlaps heavily with mine :)
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I'm curious... people normally post pictures of younger hogs, but how big do they actually get? Im not being specific because I'm really curious about all the various types of hognoses and how big they get, honestly I don't think I've ever even seen a picture of a fully grown Madagascar giant hognose??? (Iirc that's what they're called, its been like 8 months since I did heavy research so please do correct me) if you could explain or show pictures that would be awesome!
Great question! When we talk about hognose snakes, we're actually talking about three distinct genera of snakes.
What most people think about when we refer to hognose snakes are those in the genus Heterodon, from North America. There are four recognized subspecies, but the western and eastern hognoses are most well-known.
Western (Heterodon nasicus) and Mexican (H. kennerlyi) hognoses are very similar in size. They average 1.5-2 feet long, with females being much larger than males, sometimes reaching as much as 3 feet long. Southern (H. simus) hognoses are similar in size but lean smaller on average.
Here's a typical female western hognose:
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And your typical male:
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Eastern hognoses (H. platirhinos) can get significantly bigger, with most females being close to three feet and males being closer to the average size of a female western.
Here's a few typical eastern hognoses:
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Next we have the snakes in Lystrophis, the tri-colored hognoses. These snakes average 2 feet long, with females only slightly larger than males.
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Finally, Leioheterodon, the giant Madagascar hognoses! These snakes aren't even in the same family as the other hognoses (which are colubrids), and are members of the lamprophiid family. There are three subspecies. Leioheterodon geayi and Leioheterodon modestus, the blond and speckled hognoses, both average around 3-4 feet long.
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Leioheterodon madagascariensis is the longest, averaging 4-5 feet long with 6 foot lengths being not unheard of!
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Enough snakes exist, assign your mutual snakes like a sorting hat
*cracks knuckles* all of my mutuals off the top of my head (the first ten bc I am, so tired it's 4 in the morning) that was a lie I did 7 of them, I have so many mutuals and I'm about to pass out so uh I'll say to be continued if I feel like it tomorrow, feel free to send asks still just know they probably won't be answered until I wake up
Cap: Milk Snake, a mimic of the King Snake, nonpoisonous and nonvenomous, but known to eat rattlesnakes, part of a family of snakes literally called "snake eaters", can be remembered from the little saying "red on black, friendly jack, red on yellow deadly fellow" or a very similar saying, shaped like a friend
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Dragon: Eastern Hognose, also known as a puff adder, mildly venomous, can only kill something the size of a toad, called the puff adder because it's also a mimic in a way, it puffs, making it look like an adder to scare predators, this is specifically the Georgia morph but it's the edgiest one so
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Scream: Garter Snake, Candian Brand, Blue flavor, nonvenomous or poisonous, often referred to as a garden snake, literally just vibes and hangs out, hibernate in big piles, this one reminded me of baja blast
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Spartan: Horned Viper, venomous, females often have a more copper or dusty palette, while males are closer to black and white, don't know which the fuck this one is but it does look like some weird dessert
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Corner: Copperhead, venomous, semiaquatic, often mistaken for cottonmouths, a pit viper, which means they have pits on their faces they use to tell exactly what temperature everything is
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Rimi: Ahaetulla nasuta or long nosed whip/vine snake, mildly venomous, opens its mouth to warn off predators, built like a shoelace, is the snake equivalent of "I'm just a little guy you wouldn't hurt me it's my birthday"
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Rem: yellow lipped sea krait, venomous, this snea snake has a paddle like tail to help it swim better, also known as simply the banded snea snake, hangs out in coral reefs, stripey
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Color!(Fell) Sans Lamia
Name: Spotted Hognose
Species: Eastern hognose snake and Spotted python
Size: 8 - 12 feet total, 3 - 4 feet standing(fullsize)  20 - 30 inches total, 5 - 10 inches standing(mini) 20 - 30 feet total, 6 - 9 feet tall(bara)
Venom: Yes
Personality: Hot headed, jokester, stubborn,
Likes: Jokes, puns, naps, soft things, learning things, lazing around, having a place to themselves,
Dislikes: Chores, constant/sudden load noises, people/bitties that don’t like his jokes, being seen as weak or lesser,
Compatibility: They can be hotheads sometimes, but they are pretty chill most of the time and don’t take long to calm down,
They can be a little stand offish at first and may seem distant, but they want to make sure they can trust you first,
They like to have a separate and more secluded place to nest, though when they know and trust everyone they will nest in the open and may even nap there too,
They like to tell jokes and puns, though they often have a darker sense of humor so be warned! They will tone it down if asked though,
They hate being seen as weak or lesser to other bitties/people, just because being half blind is a common thing in their bitty type does not mean they are weaker,
They can be very stubborn and take a long time to warm up to others, though it can be easy to get them to do what you want with just being nice and reasonable,
Feeding habits: They are not picky but like to have easy access to snacks,
Additional info: They have a naturally accruing hole/e in their skull(size, number and place varies, and the sides/edges my be sharp, blunt, or even look melted) where their flames come out, and when they get cracks/chips flames may seep out of those as well,
Their flames will change color with their emotions, though they have slight variations so its best to figure out what color mean what, but your Spotted Hognose can help for the most part,
Their flames can not burn things and the temperature of the flames range from cool to a little hot, and may even change with their emotions,
Being half blind is common as their holes may be leave them with one eye, they normally don’t have many issues with it but may be easier to spook on that side,
Zone: N/A, Inside
In Universe: They are seen as a strange type but also an easier ‘bad sans’ type to manage,
Difficulty: Basic
Main colors: Red, purple, black, blue, yellow,
Secondary colors: Black, red, yellow, purple, blue,
Extra: Colors very a lot,
Additional info: Has large spots or a splotchy pattern,
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spacecat08-blog · 5 years
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Breakfast with the kids 🥰🥰 These angels (4 gopher tortoises and a Eastern hognose) are on loan from @nature_org to help work a summer workshop training at USMs gulf coast research lab today! I love sharing my passion for conservation and endangered species with others and it's all the more special for getting to do so while also playing with critters. #blessed #conservation #ifuckinglovescience #ilovemyjob #tortoise #tortoises #snake #snakes #HERper #herpetology #outreach #education #breakfast #cute #paleo #funny #awesomedayahead #fieldwork #science #conservationbiology #biology #nature (at Gulf Coast Research Laboratory) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzxuoXVA0go/?igshid=obm5narw287d
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bucketlisthiker · 4 years
This summer my brother and I planned a 3 night backpacking trip through Pigeon River Country State Forest in Vanderbilt, MI. Not everything went as planned but when does it, right? It was a beautiful week to be up north in the fingers of Michigan and to my delight the wildlife were more than happy to be photographed.
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Creek running through a cyprus swamp
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Both of these butterflies posed beautifully. I have a few guesses as to the identification but I'm not positive.
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A fat eastern hognose snake! We came across it sunning itself in exactly this spot and were able to circumnavigate and leave it undisturbed.
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Mr. Toad is such a nice neighbor.
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My hammock and rainfly set up at the campground. I eventually got the ridgeline tight.
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Section 4 Lake and the marshy northern end of Grass Lake. You can't tell in the picture but Grass Lake continues around the curve and opens up into a good sized fishing lake.
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So many great insects and forest friends came to say hello on this trip! I wish I could stay out there forever.
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‘Zombie snakes’ in North Carolina are a lot less scary than they sound
Sorry, horror fans. Zombies still aren’t a thing — even in snake form.
The North Carolina Division of State Parks and Recreation posted a Facebook item about a “zombie snake,” sending some people into a frenzy. But that sounds a lot more threatening than the creatures really are.
They’re actually called the eastern hognose snake. And as the parks division said, these nonvenomous snakes are harmless.
They do, however, exhibit some strange behavior. When threatened, eastern hognose snakes often play dead by rolling onto their backs and opening their mouths.
“It will flip on its back and convulse for a short period and may defecate and regurgitate its food,” the Florida Museum of Natural History says.
“It will then remain motionless with its belly up, mouth open, and tongue hanging out. It may play dead for several minutes before cautiously turning over, looking around to see if it is safe before crawling away.”
The snakes are usually about 20 to 33 inches long and have a slightly upturned, pointed snout, according to the Florida Museum. Their coloration varies between yellow, tan, olive, brown, gray, orange or reddish brown with dark blotches.
Legend says the eastern hognose can mix venom with its breath and kill a human from 25 feet away. But the Florida Museum points out the snake’s breath is harmless.
So, if you stumble across one of these “zombie snakes,” feel free to enjoy the show without fearing for your life.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2019/06/11/zombie-snakes-in-north-carolina-are-a-lot-less-scary-than-they-sound/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2019/06/11/zombie-snakes-in-north-carolina-are-a-lot-less-scary-than-they-sound/
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oshawottarchive · 1 year
Hello hello! Welcome to the snake showdown!
I will be running a series of polls where you can vote for different species of snakes
May the best noodle win!
Round 1
1. Corn snake vs Milk snake Corn snake
2. Rough green snake vs Coachwhip Rough green snake
3. DeKay’s brown snake vs Sidewinder Sidewinder
4. Eastern hognose vs Western hognose Western hognose
5. Blue beauty rat snake vs Eastern indigo Blue beauty rat snake
6. Arabian sand boa vs King cobra Arabian sand boa
7. Copperhead vs Ball python Ball python
8. Green tree python vs Emerald tree boa Green tree python
Round 2
Corn snake vs Green tree python Green tree python
Rough green snake vs Ball python Rough green snake
Sidewinder vs Arabian sand boa Arabian sand boa
Blue beauty rat snake vs Western hognose Blue beauty rat snake
Round 3
Green tree python vs Blue beauty rat snake
Rough green snake vs Arabian sand boa
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My definently not at all bias suggestion is an Alix x Kagami one shot, and fuel my small corner of the fandom
Or, if you're not into that, create a chart on what type of snake each character would have as a pet.
Interested in talking about the snakes
Not a chart bc I can't stand anymore charts today but I do believe that only maybe three of the like classmates would consider having a pet snake so
Luka: a given, but I believe he would probably get like a simple snake, maybe a corn snake, if he's owned snakes in the past maybe a ball python, the little guys, would probably name it after like a band or jagged stone or smth
Alix: Alix snake kid canon and real trust me I was the desk plant in the writing room, that said I think she'd have a snake that's non dangerous to people but is still really cool so I'm saying the eastern hognose (also known as the puff adder) would probably name it after an anime character ngl
Okay you'll have to hear me out on this one but Nino has snake kid energy, I do think he'd be crazy/brave enough to have a boa constrictor but (as a good snake owner SHOULD but especially if you keep dangerous snakes) checks the enclosure like 4 times a day to make sure the snake is still in there bc it scares him a little, would name it like Fluffy or Snowball or just one of those cutesy names just for the funsies
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