leomacgivena · 11 months
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dreepy-draws · 6 months
got some eugavus + Liberta and Lucilla headcanons in my drafts :P . kinda fitting bc I was just able to 40960 my Eugene lmao
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eccentric-nucleus · 2 years
i posted this thing and was gonna write a followup post but it was gonna be one of those long ones that take x dumb shortform posts to write a single paragraph so, tumblr it is
so ever since i learned about it i've been really enchanted by how final fantasy tactics handles its stat growth. it's not a particularly complicated technique i just think it's very fun.
so in fft characters have pretty minimal stats: hp, mp, physical attack, magic attack, speed, brave, faith, zodiac, move, jump. armor just gives the character more hp.
from the fft wiki they say the main values (hp, mp, speed, phys. atk, mag. atk) are stored in some weird format and then sent through a formula to get the final values displayed in the game:
HP = [(RawHP * ClassHPMultiplier) / 1638400] MP = [(RawMP * ClassMPMultiplier) / 1638400] Sp = [(RawSp * ClassSpMultiplier) / 1638400] PA = [(RawPA * ClassPAMultiplier) / 1638400] MA = [(RawMA * ClassMAMultiplier) / 1683400]
(it's worth mentioning that the class multipliers are all percentage-based, generally ranging from 50 to 200 with most being around 100.)
they also have some tables for starting stats for random recruits:
Gender Raw Sp Raw PA Raw MA Initial RHP Initial RMP Male 98,304 81,920 65,536 491,520 - 524,287 229,376 - 245,759 Female 98,304 65,536 81,920 458,752 - 491,519 245,760 - 262,143 Monster 81,920 81,920 - 98,303 81,920 - 98,303 573,440 - 622,591 8,304 - 147,455
(monster is its own gender. fft is very progressive.) and, like, sure, those are a bunch of big numbers. what's the point here.
well, 16384 is a factor of two. 2^14. and with the knowledge that the class multiplers are gonna be adding a multiplication by around 100, that equation above makes sense: take (raw value * multiplier) / (16384 * 100). so the multiplier is in units of 100, since 100 is, no change, 100% of original value, and the stats are in units of 16384. this is a fixed-point representation! 16384 means '1', and 1 means '1/16384th'. so with that knowledge we can decode that table a little:
Gender Raw Sp Raw PA Raw MA Initial RHP Initial RMP Male 6 5 4 [30,32) [14,15) Female 6 4 5 [28,30) [15,16) Monster 5 [5,6) [5,6) [35,38) [0.5* - 9)
* roughly. it's 0.5068359375. i don't know why this one value is the only one that's not a neat integer value while also having such a huge range. if they wanted exactly 1/2 they could've said 8192, so it's 112/16384ths or 7/1024ths larger than half. mysterious. i actually kind of suspect this might be a data entry issue, but since this is just some random wiki page it would be moderately tedious to find out who actually got these values and how.
(that's mathematical intervals: including 5, excluding 6. the high numbers there, like 98,303, are literally '5 and 16383/16384ths'. so as close to 6 as you can get without actually including it.)
when a character levels up, their stats increase by a simple formula:
bonus = R / (C + Lv)
R is the current stat value, C is a stat constant based on their class, and Lv is their current (pre-level up) level. this formula has a property that might not be totally clear just by seeing it:
starting with a level 1 squire (C HP value of 11) with 491,520 (aka exactly 30) HP, level ups would look like this:
to level 2: 491,520 / (11 + 1) = bonus of 40960; new HP of 532,480
to level 3: 532,480 / (11 + 2) = bonus of 40960; new HP of 573,440
to level 4: 573,440 / (11 + 3) = bonus of 40960; new HP of 614,400
it's constant! since the stat value increases at the same rate the divisor increases, leveling up in the same class will always give the same unit the exact same increment.
(there's actually a fun nuance here, in that if a character levels down (only possible via a 'level down' trap iirc) the formula for reducing the stats is
decrement = R / (C + Lv)
where Lv is the level they're leveling down to, so, their post level-down level. this means it's not symmetrical! that level 4 squire, leveling down to 3, would do
down to level 3: 614,400 / (11 + 3) = decrement of 43885; new HP of 570,515
back up to 4: 570,515 / (11 + 3) = bonus of 40751; new HP of 611,266
so they've permanently lost ~0.19 HP not just for that level, but also for every level after that, since the fixed level-up value is now reduced forever. this makes level up / level down tricks to arbitrage stat gain much harder to pull off (i.e., level up in a class with good stat growth and then level down in a class with bad stat growth). it's entirely possible the entire point of the level up/level down formula asymmetry is to make that technique less viable.)
also fun fact: the big boss monsters, the zodiac beasts, have a different HP/MP constant. they're divided by 163840 instead of 1638400, so they have 10x the hp and mp their 'real stats' would otherwise imply. forget everything i said about fixed-point math let's just treat this number like a number and pick a different constant just to get more HP/MP in this one case.
anyway this is all totally pointless but i thought that was a fun way of doing things? like this is literally the entirety of the level-up stat mechanics; it's just those two formula applied to the unit's stats plus a big table of constants for each class. now you know as much about FFT levels as it's possible to know.
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cetrusfs · 7 months
Explore the world of financial planning with Centrus Financial Services. Our comprehensive financial planning category offers expert insights, strategies, and guidance to help you navigate your financial journey. Discover tailored solutions for investments, retirement, and wealth management. Secure your financial future with Centrus - your trusted partner in financial planning. For getting more information about Financial Planning you visit:-https://centrusfs.com/category/financial-planning/
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karin-woywod · 3 years
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5374 pixels - 2021 09 02 - 40960 Venice International Film Festival by Vittorio Zunino Celotto
VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 02: Kirsten Dunst and Benedict Cumberbatch attend the photocall of "The Power Of The Dog" during the 78th Venice International Film Festival on September 02, 2021 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto)
X from here
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startrekvsfaceapp · 4 years
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@boi-urthebird reading your Skyrim posts got me thinking about mods. The sarcastic Khajiit mod was always one I wanted to try https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40960/
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mia-decorative · 3 years
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Young-Quinlan Co. box, Armand-Albert Rateau, c. 1926 (design), Minneapolis Institute of Art: Decorative Arts, Textiles and Sculpture
Black box with handle; seated white figure in black chair on lower front; vertical black and white stripes on sides of lid Size: 11 15/16 x 6 5/16 x 4 1/4 in. (30.3 x 16 x 10.8 cm) Medium: Cardboard
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skeletorsims · 4 years
After my little strop with my game because it corrupted my extracted sims I think I’m going to play for the first time in like a month ahah.  Maybe I will get enough enthusiasm to Fix that issue. I would really like to extract the sims in St. Need so I can have them for townies or requests as well as extracting some challenge sims I made but my game says ‘NO!!!’ and idk how to fix that :/
I do have the body shop crash log if anyone would be willing to take a look at it. I have no idea how to read it or what is and isn’t important so I’ll post it under the cut
Exception time: 06/11/2020, at 19:30:58. Exception code: 0xC0000005 (-1073741819) ACCESS_VIOLATION. Current thread ID: 128120 (0x0001f478). Version information: Application/module path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Fun with Pets\SP9\CSBin\TS2BodyShop.exe Application/module version name: The Sims 2 Body Shop Application/module version: System version: Windows NT 6.2 System memory: 2048 Megabytes total, 624 Megabytes free. Application/module configuration: ReleaseSRT
Exception module:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Fun with Pets\SP9\CSBin\TS2BodyShop.exe. Exception address: 0x005c2029. Section:Offset: 0x01:0x001c1029.
Registers   EAX: 00000008   EBX: 00bbbb08   ECX: 7dc21ff8   EDX: 00000008   ESI: 7dbc4dc8   EDI: 0005d241   CS:EIP: 0023:005c2029   SS:ESP: 002b:0019e330  EBP:0019e360   DS:002b  ES:002b  FS:0053  GS:002b   Flags: 00210202
Loaded Modules   Address          Size Module             Path   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   0x00400000    8253440 TS2BodyShop.exe    C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Fun with Pets\SP9\CSBin\TS2BodyShop.exe   0x77110000    1679360 ntdll.dll          C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll   0x749d0000     917504 KERNEL32.DLL       C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL   0x74c20000    2088960 KERNELBASE.dll     C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll   0x77080000     495616 ADVAPI32.dll       C:\Windows\System32\ADVAPI32.dll   0x74b50000     782336 msvcrt.dll         C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll   0x76590000     483328 sechost.dll        C:\Windows\System32\sechost.dll   0x74f80000     765952 RPCRT4.dll         C:\Windows\System32\RPCRT4.dll   0x748e0000     131072 SspiCli.dll        C:\Windows\System32\SspiCli.dll   0x748d0000      40960 CRYPTBASE.dll      C:\Windows\System32\CRYPTBASE.dll   0x75e30000     389120 bcryptPrimitives.d C:\Windows\System32\bcryptPrimitives.dll   0x75150000    1667072 USER32.dll         C:\Windows\System32\USER32.dll   0x74970000      94208 win32u.dll         C:\Windows\System32\win32u.dll   0x76e70000     135168 GDI32.dll          C:\Windows\System32\GDI32.dll   0x767c0000    1417216 gdi32full.dll      C:\Windows\System32\gdi32full.dll   0x74ab0000     507904 msvcp_win.dll      C:\Windows\System32\msvcp_win.dll   0x76d50000    1175552 ucrtbase.dll       C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll   0x74e80000    1011712 ole32.dll          C:\Windows\System32\ole32.dll   0x76ac0000    2576384 combase.dll        C:\Windows\System32\combase.dll   0x74940000     151552 IMM32.dll          C:\Windows\System32\IMM32.dll   0x75740000    5726208 SHELL32.dll        C:\Windows\System32\SHELL32.dll   0x74900000     241664 cfgmgr32.dll       C:\Windows\System32\cfgmgr32.dll   0x76670000     540672 shcore.dll         C:\Windows\System32\shcore.dll   0x72f10000      32768 VERSION.dll        C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VERSION.dll   0x75e90000    6049792 windows.storage.dl C:\Windows\System32\windows.storage.dll   0x76460000     110592 profapi.dll        C:\Windows\System32\profapi.dll   0x76700000     274432 powrprof.dll       C:\Windows\System32\powrprof.dll   0x76d40000      53248 UMPDC.dll          C:\Windows\System32\UMPDC.dll   0x5d320000    1630208 d3d9.dll           C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\d3d9.dll   0x74e20000     278528 shlwapi.dll        C:\Windows\System32\shlwapi.dll   0x74e70000      61440 kernel.appcore.dll C:\Windows\System32\kernel.appcore.dll   0x6c010000      32768 WSOCK32.dll        C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WSOCK32.dll   0x749b0000      77824 cryptsp.dll        C:\Windows\System32\cryptsp.dll   0x76920000     598016 OLEAUT32.dll       C:\Windows\System32\OLEAUT32.dll   0x76610000     385024 WS2_32.dll         C:\Windows\System32\WS2_32.dll   0x733f0000     151552 dwmapi.dll         C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dwmapi.dll   0x642a0000     102400 dxcore.dll         C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dxcore.dll   0x69de0000    1634304 DbgHelp.dll        C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DbgHelp.dll   0x6d100000     147456 dbgcore.DLL        C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dbgcore.DLL   0x767b0000      24576 psapi.dll          C:\Windows\System32\psapi.dll   0x73420000     499712 uxtheme.dll        C:\Windows\system32\uxtheme.dll   0x6cd60000     827392 A-Volute.SonicStud C:\ProgramData\A-Volute\A-Volute.SonicStudio3\Modules\ScheduledModules\A-Volute.SonicStudio3DevProps2.dll   0x5cdd0000     897024 rasapi32.dll       C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\rasapi32.dll   0x6aff0000     176128 rasman.dll         C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\rasman.dll   0x76ec0000    1060864 MSCTF.dll          C:\Windows\System32\MSCTF.dll   0x5cae0000    1646592 igdumdim32.dll     C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\iigd_dch.inf_amd64_8dc03618ea16fa9b\igdumdim32.dll   0x5a350000     991232 igdgmm32.dll       C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\iigd_dch.inf_amd64_8dc03618ea16fa9b\igdgmm32.dll   0x78f00000   61132800 igd9dxva32.dll     C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\iigd_dch.inf_amd64_8dc03618ea16fa9b\igd9dxva32.dll   0x75040000     524288 clbcatq.dll        C:\Windows\System32\clbcatq.dll   0x5ca60000     471040 dxdiagn.dll        C:\Windows\System32\dxdiagn.dll   0x752f0000    4493312 SETUPAPI.dll       C:\Windows\System32\SETUPAPI.dll   0x74830000     147456 WINMM.dll          C:\Windows\System32\WINMM.dll   0x74990000     102400 bcrypt.dll         C:\Windows\System32\bcrypt.dll   0x76fd0000     286720 WINTRUST.dll       C:\Windows\System32\WINTRUST.dll   0x74b40000      57344 MSASN1.dll         C:\Windows\System32\MSASN1.dll   0x769c0000    1028096 CRYPT32.dll        C:\Windows\System32\CRYPT32.dll   0x73c70000     143360 WINMMBASE.dll      C:\Windows\System32\WINMMBASE.dll   0x63bc0000     790528 dxgi.dll           C:\Windows\System32\dxgi.dll   0x63e00000    1957888 d3d11.dll          C:\Windows\System32\d3d11.dll   0x5c8e0000    1560576 d3d12.dll         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0x5c770000    1007616 drvstore.dll       C:\Windows\System32\drvstore.dll   0x70c80000     192512 rsaenh.dll         C:\Windows\system32\rsaenh.dll   0x6fdf0000     122880 gpapi.dll          C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\gpapi.dll   0x583b0000   33116160 igc32.dll          C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\iigd_dch.inf_amd64_8dc03618ea16fa9b\igc32.dll   0x5c8c0000     131072 D3DSCache.dll      C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\D3DSCache.dll   0x671d0000    1986560 twinapi.appcore.dl C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\twinapi.appcore.dll   0x671b0000     126976 RMCLIENT.dll       C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\RMCLIENT.dll   0x76ea0000     110592 imagehlp.dll       C:\Windows\System32\imagehlp.dll   0x53f40000    2183168 nvspcap.dll        C:\Windows\system32\nvspcap.dll   0x6e950000     167936 ntmarta.dll        C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntmarta.dll   0x5b210000     114688 igdinfo32.dll      C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\iigd_dch.inf_amd64_8dc03618ea16fa9b\igdinfo32.dll   0x6c970000     540672 TextInputFramework C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\TextInputFramework.dll   0x6b280000    2482176 CoreUIComponents.d C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CoreUIComponents.dll   0x6c8e0000     561152 CoreMessaging.dll  C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CoreMessaging.dll   0x6c370000     892928 wintypes.dll       C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\wintypes.dll   0x6a400000    2265088 iertutil.dll       C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\iertutil.dll
Call stack: 0x0001:0x001c1029 C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Fun with Pets\SP9\CSBin\TS2BodyShop.exe __export__GetMemoryReport() + 107934 0x0001:0x001c16f5 C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Fun with Pets\SP9\CSBin\TS2BodyShop.exe __export__GetMemoryReport() + 109674 0x0001:0x001c1b61 C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Fun with Pets\SP9\CSBin\TS2BodyShop.exe __export__GetMemoryReport() + 110806 0x0001:0x00195b50 C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Fun with Pets\SP9\CSBin\TS2BodyShop.exe. 0x0001:0x001ed56b C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Fun with Pets\SP9\CSBin\TS2BodyShop.exe __export__GetMemoryReport() + 289504 0x0001:0x001e12f3 C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Fun with Pets\SP9\CSBin\TS2BodyShop.exe __export__GetMemoryReport() + 239720 0x0001:0x00241bc2 C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Fun with Pets\SP9\CSBin\TS2BodyShop.exe __export__GetMemoryReport() + 635191 0x0001:0x002d5b56 C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Fun with Pets\SP9\CSBin\TS2BodyShop.exe __export__GetMemoryReport() + 1241291 0x0001:0x002e0256 C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Fun with Pets\SP9\CSBin\TS2BodyShop.exe __export__GetMemoryReport() + 1284043
Stack data: (ESP is 0x0019e330) 0x0019e1b0   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x0019e1d0   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x0019e1f0   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x0019e210   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x0019e230   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x0019e250   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x0019e270   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x0019e290   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x0019e2b0   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x0019e2d0   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x0019e2f0   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0c201877 dfefd274 ffffffff 0x0019e310   20e31900 24e31900 00400000 c84dbc7d 0020c27d 00106000 60e31900 08000000 0x0019e330   9d255c00 c84dbc7d 00000000 30d26500 c84dbc7d 08bbbb00 08209000 f8bfbb00 0x0019e350   00006000 00008000 0000927d 00006000 78e31900 f5265c00 00000100 30543128 0x0019e370   08bbbb00 01000000 8ce31900 612b5c00 28b21500 d04dbc7d f8bfbb00 01000000 0x0019e390   506b5900 d04dbc7d 6be55e00 d04dbc7d f8652b17 b80d3828 9069ac00 01000000 0x0019e3b0   10e41900 0b000000 b6dc0101 30c05e00 04000000 50bf5e00 01000000 00205000 0x0019e3d0   00020000 01000000 01000000 44585431 0b000000 d04d0c7e 00040000 00020000 0x0019e3f0   00000000 80cebb00 00001000 d04dbc7d d06d0c7e d06d0c7e c8d1bb00 08d2bb00 0x0019e410   382fb100 01000000 00000000 d8d6bb00 00000000 00000000 01000000 01000000 0x0019e430   382fb100 01000000 00000000 04000000 b05da77d 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x0019e450   00000000 80e41900 c8f8a400 ffffffff f3225e00 b80d3828 b80d3828 01000000 0x0019e470   a8398e2b 00000000 b80d3828 f0b8a600 bce41900 4ef4a400 ffffffff c22b6400 0x0019e490   b80d3828 d033bc00 a8398e2b 00000000 d033bc00 b80d3828 ace51900 00040000
Instruction data: (EIP is 0x005c2029) 0x005c1fa9   74 16 80 7c 24 08 00 74 0f 8b 48 0c 89 42 08 89 4a 0c 89 50 0c 89 51 08 c2 08 00 8b 4c 24 08 8b 0x005c1fc9   44 24 04 8b d1 83 ca 01 89 40 0c 89 40 08 89 50 04 89 0c 08 c2 08 00 8b 4c 24 08 8b 44 24 04 03 0x005c1fe9   c1 89 08 6a 08 59 89 48 04 03 c1 89 08 c7 40 04 09 00 00 00 c3 8b 54 24 04 8b 4a 04 8b c1 83 e0 0x005c2009   f8 83 e8 09 83 e0 f8 83 e1 07 0b c8 89 4a 04 8d 0c 10 8b 54 24 08 89 01 6a 08 58 0b d0 89 51 04 0x005c2029   89 41 08 c7 41 0c 09 00 00 00 c3 8b 44 24 08 0b 44 24 0c 56 8b 74 24 08 83 26 00 6a 00 56 89 46 0x005c2049   04 e8 af ff ff ff 59 59 8b c6 5e c3 ff 74 24 04 ff 15 08 32 a7 00 c3 8b 44 24 04 8b 4c 24 08 89 0x005c2069   48 1c 8b 51 18 89 50 18 89 41 18 8b 48 18 89 41 1c c2 08 00 8b 44 24 04 8b 48 18 8b 50 1c 89 51 0x005c2089   1c 8b 48 1c 8b 40 18 89 41 18 c2 04 00 8b 81 60 04 00 00 81 c1 48 04 00 00 eb 14 39 44 24 04 72
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persianflaw · 4 years
skyrim mod recs
for HENRY, whom i LOVE and whomst messaged me on steam LITERALLY AS I WAS ABOUT TO POST THIS
somehow all of these hyperlinks aren’t actually linking so you’ll have to copy and paste like some kind of animal
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11163 (survival-type mod)
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311 (adds more hairstyles)
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10753 (automatically unequips arrows when you unequip your bow)
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55555 (children overhaul, makes kids look cuter and less Like That)
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36510 (retextures vanilla game hair)
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/5941 (makes khajit look better)
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35841 (helgen reborn custom quest; idk if this one still works)
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35399 (custom hd covers for every book in skyrim)
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9385 (adds quest markers to stones of barenziah)
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/28170 (makes message boxes easier to control with keypad)
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36849 (college of winterhold overhaul)
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50121 (marriage enhancement mod)
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71054 / https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40038 / https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63473 (redesigns for some female npcs; if you install this with Nexus Mod Manager you can pick and choose who you want to change)
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74568/ (dialogue overhaul - uses original voice lines to add new dialogue for various characters)
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3863 (ui overhaul - may be required for some mods, a lot of people find it easier to navigate)
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19733 (lots of new armor options)
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/8429/ (interesting npcs: adds a fuckton of new, custom-voiced npcs to the game. they can be hit or miss, but some of them are really cool)
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3621 (animal retextures)
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40960 (custom voiced khajit follower)
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29249 (multiple kid adoption)
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41076 (better water)
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/7059 (gives whiterun some color; same guy has mods for the other major holds as well)
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13641 (saw this in a video once and it looked cool)
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9557 (alternate start: lets you skip helgen and start off in a different area)
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25404 (random alt start: same idea, but randomized based on a starting kit you select)
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6fears7-blog · 5 years
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Computer hardware for beginners - Wikibooks, collection of free textbooks, non-fiction and specialist books One of the most powerful processors of the "fifth generation" is the "Core i7-5960X Extreme Edition" from Intel, an eight-core processor with 2.6 billion transistors. It has an L1 cache of 32 kB data + 32 kB instructions per core and an L2 cache of 256 kB. The 20 MB L3 cache is shared by all cores. ("K" is the abbreviation of KByte). can currently be overclocked the most, and assigns the most important (time-critical) task to this core. The third fastest computer is the Chinese "Sunway TaihuLight" with almost eleven million cores (40960 CPUs with 260 processor cores each) and 1.3 petabytes (million gigabytes) of RAM. Accordingly, the cache remembers eight adjacent bytes as a "cache line", ie "kesch-lain". If the CPU requests an adjacent byte, it can be served from the cache. A PC that is supposed to handle the latest games needs above all an excellent graphics card and a good processor. Hard drive performance is a little less important. A process to calculate the sound with the CPU in order to be able to do without a sound card. It is no different with the cooling of graphics cards, especially with the expensive ones. Considerable amounts of dirt also accumulate in the power supply. on the last Pentiums that were produced before the development of dual-core technology (the current dual-core CPUs do not get very warm, their temperature is only three to five ° C higher than the temperature of the motherboard when idle). According to the specification of the power supplies, for example, the 12 volt voltage may fluctuate by 5%, i.e. from 11.4 to 12.6 volts. For car racing, for example, there are input devices in the form of a steering wheel with foot pedals. Wireless optical mice without batteries need new batteries every few months; this causes regular, albeit low, costs and occasionally annoyance when there are no batteries at hand. Logitech and several other manufacturers offer mice with a built-in battery. Flash memories (USB stick and SSD hard drives) have no moving parts, but are added to the external memories due to their capacity and speed. An operating system is searched for on the mass storage devices.
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The CD / DVD / BD blank became unusable with earlier burners. Modern burners can tolerate short interruptions. The oldest environmental logo in the world has featured ecologically beneficial products since 1978. It is composed of a jury made up of representatives from the Federal Environment Agency, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, consumer associations, trade unions, science, the media and the like The EMAGIC AMT / Unitors should have 15 to 20 years on the Din jacks. The advantage of the ESI M8Uex is its easy installation and the 3 USB 3.0 ports. I for myself, create a M8Uex for the mio10 and then dust cleaning mud review I connect enough synths. When I turned on the laptop again and accidentally hit the capslock key, the keyboard stopped working. If Capslock is not activated, it works perfectly. Other ROMs can also be “updated” to improve their performance. Not only Google's servers have a lot of data to store. Many hard disks are connected in parallel in servers, which can deliver huge data streams. The reliability of the hardware exceeds that of a PC by orders of magnitude. Unix and Linux systems are preferably used as the operating system. The importance of workstations has decreased over the past decade because very well-equipped PCs are approaching workstation performance.
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profeminist · 6 years
“This is the 26th year of the GAZE international LGBT film festival in Ireland. Every summer, the festival curates a selection of the most important queer films of the past year, showing a range of award-winning pieces from other festivals like Berlinale, as well as some exclusive Irish premieres. “When GAZE Film Festival (then the Dublin Gay and Lesbian Film Festival) was first established, homosexuality was still criminalised in Ireland”, the festival’s programmer Roisin Geraghty tells Dazed. “From these rather radical roots, GAZE has become a significant international player on the LGBT film festival circuit, promoting greater visibility of queer artistic voices on screen and celebrating the power of LGBT stories.”
This year’s festival put a specific spotlight on Australian queer film, honouring the parallels between Ireland and Australia’s recent marriage equality battles. Ireland in the past five years has been a place of constant, progressive, political upheaval, and now as the dust settles, it’s the perfect setting in which to get a snapshot of queer identity in 2018. What are our anxieties, our fears, our hopes for the future? Here are five of the best from the festival.
Read the list and watch the trailers here
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atheistmediablog · 2 years
Debatte um Staatsleistungen: Schick weist auf Arbeit der Kirche hin
Debatte um Staatsleistungen: Schick weist auf Arbeit der Kirche hin
Seit Jahrzehnten stehen die Staatsleistungen an die Kirchen in der Kritik. Die aktuelle Bundesregierung will eine Ablösemöglichkeit schaffen. Erzbischof Ludwig Schick verweist daher auf die Leistungen, die die Kirche der Gesellschaft anbietet. weiterlesen: [https://www.katholisch.de/artikel/40960-debatte-um-staatsleistungen-schick-weist-auf-arbeit-der-kirche-hin
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wienerneustadt · 2 years
Wiener Neustadt: Speed-Dating für die Karriere
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FHWN-Immobilienmanagement lud zum Rotation Dinner Beim ersten so genannten „Rotation Dinner“ konnten sich FHWN-Studierende des Master-Studiengangs Immobilienmanagement sowie der gleichnamigen Spezialisierung im Studiengang Wirtschaftsberatung in angenehmer Atmosphäre mit sechs renommierten Unternehmen austauschen, wertvolle Kontakte knüpfen und potenzielle Arbeitgeber finden. Sechs kulinarische Gänge, sechs Unternehmen und 20 Studierende – das ist die Kurzbeschreibung des ersten „Rotation Dinners“ im Fachbereich Immobilienmanagement der … weiterlesen auf „Wiener Neustadt: Speed-Dating für die Karriere“
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