#40k homebrew
dnmcnt · 7 months
I'm thinking about doing a Homebrew 2nd or 11th Primarch (yes I know it's over done but I'm kind of new to 40k and it seems like fun to do)
Any suggestions?? Or what to avoid??
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The Pallid Owls
In the grim darkness of the 41st millennium, the Pallid Owls stand as a clandestine and enigmatic Space Marine Chapter. Descended from the traitorous Night Lords Legion, they have embraced a path of redemption, seeking to expunge the sins of their forebears. Formed during the 11th founding, the Pallid Owls have since carved their own legacy in the shadows of the Imperium.
Led by their enigmatic Chapter Master, Otwin the Dusk Reaver, the Pallid Owls operate with precision and stealth. They’ve honed their skills as masters of covert warfare and assassination, employing their dark heritage to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies. Though born from darkness, the Pallid Owls walk a fine line between the light and the shadows, utilizing their grim tactics for the defense of humanity.
Clad in pale, ghostly armor adorned with owl iconography, the Pallid Owls strike from the darkness, swiftly eliminating high-value targets and disrupting enemy operations. Their arsenal includes specialized weaponry tailored for silent kills and swift, precise strikes. They are adept at infiltrating enemy lines, silently neutralizing threats, and disappearing without a trace.
However, the Pallid Owls' methods and dark reputation have earned them the scrutiny of their fellow Space Marine Chapters and Imperial authorities. Though they remain loyal to the Emperor and the Imperium, their mysterious and ruthless nature often leaves others wary of their motives. Nevertheless, the Pallid Owls remain steadfast in their pursuit of redemption, seeking to restore honor to their name and prove their unwavering loyalty to the cause of humanity.
As they traverse the treacherous path of atonement, the Pallid Owls walk with both a sense of duty and the weight of their dark history. Theirs is a constant struggle to balance the shadows that birthed them with the light they now serve. Only time will tell if their deeds will be enough to cleanse the stain of their traitorous origins and secure their place among the honored defenders of the Imperium.
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maddyaddy · 11 months
Xenos of the Mavor Sub-Sector
Excerpted from the Sage Bede's "The Mavor Sub-Sector". Of note, the Aeldari Wild Riders of Saim-Hann oft assault the Emperor’s flock in Mavor. Despite the attempts of the Fennian Fianna, and later, the august Greymanes to dissuade them of this foolish course of action, they continue it incessantly. Such raids are joined by the Black Riders, a highly mobile band of Eldar Corsairs. Of the latter, some whisper that certain sub-sector governors – including those of Avidya and Tir Ablach – have made use of them as mercenaries. Such a thing is treason most foul, but has never been proven.
The Ork, as with seemingly everywhere in our great Imperium, also has a presence here. For the Greenskins, the Sappas warband, led by the Warboss Skoolkrakka, are the paramount force. In the Sappas, virtually every Mob is mechanized, and Wagons both looted and Ork-made abound. 
In their mad, endless pursuit of wealth and raw materials, some of the Kin abhuman-xenos have recently settled in Mavor. They are the Kindred of the Rymr Alliance, a staggeringly large Prospect based on the Kin World of Rymr. From exactly whence the Alliance came and why, this author cannot really discern. Perhaps they are refugees, set adrift by the Great Rift or the ‘Bane’ of the Tyranids. 
The Kindred of the Alliance’s Kinhost is highly divergent from the norm, with the Hearthkyn equipped and organized more along the lines of an Imperial Guard regiment. This speaks, perhaps, to previous service as mercenaries. Imperial vehicles, whose provenance I have no means of ascertaining, are also present. These include the supposedly extinct Autoch-pattern Predator, a specialized tank destroyer which trades the Syrtis-pattern autocannon for a ion cannon or twinned heavy magna-rail cannons. 
For the Leagues of Votann as a people-group, leaving the Core, indeed ‘sailing for Far-Space’ is a Truth-axiom denoting madness, so their presence here is extremely unusual. As for the masters of New Albia’s reaction to their recent arrival, it is shockingly muted for Astartes. If I were to speculate based on my own experiences, Cyning Bullroarer likely sees the settlement of the Alliance in Mavor as a bulwark against the other Xenos threats present. To quote that ancient sage, Ishirou Serizawa: “let them fight”.
Finally, the T’au xenos-brood and its expanding empire(s) are a matter of ever-present concern in Mavor. Of all the various aliens threatening the human race’s righteous dominion over the sub-sector, the T’au are perhaps the most insidious and confrontational. Surprisingly skilled in the waging and artifice of war for a race so young, they are also skilled diplomats and many outlying worlds have fallen to them without a shot being fired. Names such as the Six Blades Cadre, the Farstriders Cadre – infamous ones. I shudder at them.
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johnneal99 · 1 year
If I started posting ab my 40K homebrew stuff would anyone be interested in that? 
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sigmaart39 · 17 days
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Sister Concepción, from the Order of Our Lady of Guadalupe
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valhallasoutlaw · 4 months
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I loved this scene, so I sketched it with 40kRenegade
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suzanna-polixena · 4 months
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Emotional support Blood Angel to the rescue!
Hair red like aged wine, eyes dark like buckwheat honey, lips that taste of cherry and iron...
I shall now spend an eternity picking a name for him..
One I will learn my ways around their power armor gorgets and the frikking wings on the chest plate 😤
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zhjake · 11 months
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some WH40K work, love to draw many Large Sons
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hansoape · 8 months
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WIP chapter master and his wee babby
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squishyowl · 18 days
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Sequel to this piece
3 posts in a row? World's ending apparently
Nokkentus has occasional bouts of lucidity, regretting what he's become before quickly lapsing back into his usual behavior. He's punished quite severely for these solemn moments
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astralmight · 11 days
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Big and ugly, but humble
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A stained glass style painting for the Red Hunters Codex, featuring the memory modifying Rite of Consolamentum. 
Check out the supplement here.
Commission work
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soonielo · 4 months
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One more the little guys. this dude vibing hard. -
The dance enthralled by The Clown. Movement wild as a lover's heart, grace of the cradling sea. The price? A mind entombed in ancient ice.
So dance heartfelt and silly. You young thing have too much celebrate.
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foolscr0w · 1 month
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my homebrew scion regiment, the 26th strigian reapers :)
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sigmaart39 · 7 months
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*Homebrew* Primaris Moon Maiden
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valhallasoutlaw · 5 months
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"Witness": Part 1 - Body Worship, an Oath of Moment, Ceremonial Breaking of the Jaw, Regret Regret Regret Regret Regret Regret Regret Regret Please He Didn't Know
Everyone in the party got a wish from the Triad Lamplighter, but not everyone was there to watch the moments between making the wish and the wish coming true. Part two to come!
EDIT: AI images happily stolen from the most obnoxious dudebros I could find, also they fill me with extra horror
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