#430 rambles
door430 · 10 months
AvA 6 Theories/Thoughts
It's been a hot minute since part 2 of AvA 6 came out, but the physics video prompted a cascade of thoughts and theories that I could not get out of my head, so here we go. This is gonna be a long one.
Theory 1: The mercenaries are victims of TCO and TDL
This theory has been circulating for a bit, but there are a couple points of evidence that I want to bring up.
1 - The mercenaries look very different from any sticks we've met before, and very different from each other, so it's likely they come from different places very far away from each other. This would line up with this theory if they were forced to evacuate. Their fighting skills also explain how they were able to survive Dark and Chosen's attacks.
2 - All the mercenaries, but Agent Smith especially, seem almost like they're toying with Chosen while chasing them down. It's even brought up by DJ in the AvG Reacts video that Smith could've paused TCO at pretty much any time, as if he was just messing around. Even if the pause button only works at short range, Smith seems competent enough to be able to use it if he wanted to. He chooses to use regular attacks instead of just using pause, or even the lasso or select tools, and that seems to point towards some sort of grudge.
Theory 2: TSC and victim parallel each other
In the physics video, I'm sure everyone saw the yoyo and thought of victim with the lasso. But I'm taking it a step further and saying that they're going to be parallels of each other in AvA 6.
1 - Victim very clearly parallels the Alan we see in the first AvA. He uses the same animator tools, particularly the lasso, and he uses the same tactic of keeping his victim trapped so they can't escape. Additionally, the way he easily creates clones and lets them die seems very similar to Alan's original thoughts about stick figures - not seeing them as living things.
2 - Second also parallels Alan from AvA 1, though he seems kinder than Alan was to victim. He uses the pencil to create life just as we see Alan do with the sticks, and like Alan originally was, he seems unaware/in denial that his creations are alive. However, we see that after the workers erase the eel he created, he looks at the pencil as if contemplating the morality of creating life just to kill it.
3 - Victim and Second are often used as foils to each other in fandom works, and for good reason! Second is everything that victim couldn't have, and victim is everything Second doesn't want to be. Victim was deprived of a good life, friends, family, and powers, all of which are things Second has in spades. Of course victim would despise Second for that! On the other hand, Second is shown to be very heroic, striving to do the right thing, and in part 2, he reflects upon his actions, not just with the eel, but with his powers, too, when he discovers he has them. Victim is not heroic, kind, or self-reflective at all, setting them up as obvious foils.
Theory 3: Victim won't be redeemed
This is more of a hypothesis than a theory, but hear me out.
1 - Second is very clearly set up to be the protagonist and hero of AvA 6. If he goes through an arc of realizing the thing's he's done wrong, just like Alan did, I doubt victim's story will end the same way. Victim actively chooses to be oblivious to the consequences of his actions, and he very clearly does not want to become a better person.
2 - Victim's name is more than just a name; he sees himself as the victim in his story. In victim's eyes, Alan hurt him, therefore he has the right to hurt Alan back. He chooses not to see the horrible things he's doing because that would ruin his picture-perfect narrative where he's just a victim of his own circumstances who isn't responsible for any of the hurt he causes because Alan hurt him first. He believes every lie he tells himself.
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itz-rae · 2 months
Anyone else notice how similar Shoji and Stain's hair is now?
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This is such a little detail, but I think it's so important, especially with what Spinner told him
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Knowing how Stain was a symbol for people who felt rejected by society for their quirks and or appearance, this was definitely intentional on his part to try to also become a symbol of acceptance but in a less violent way (which he's doing great at)
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edwardslostalchemy · 2 months
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aromanticannibal · 2 months
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kiisaes · 2 months
feeling very toxic deku stan lately
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swordsandarrows · 2 months
I'm trying so hard not to hold my breath for 430 because I reeeaaaalllllyyyyy don't wanna end up disappointing myself (again). But at the same time I'm so hopeful all the foreshadowing, imagery, and crytpic language through the entire series culminates to something profound & satisfying. Not just for bkdk but the story itself.
At the end of the day though, MHA has become an incredibly important part of my life and I'm grateful I got involved with it when I did. No matter what happens in the final chapter, my appreciation and love for it won't change ♡
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a-sadmilky · 1 month
Lets start at the beginning, just to clear the air. A lot of fans (including myself at one point) thought mha was a story on how midoriya was going to become the number one hero. Which is incorrect
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He says ‘This will be my story, the journey to become the best of all heroes’. Now to clear the air again. At this time Midoryia was 14. The Midoryia that is narrating had graduated from UA, I'm sure there has been a time where he (Midoryia at 14)  said he wanted to become number one, but in that time that's all he knew. Him, Bakugou and all aspiring heroes at a young age assume to become the greatest is to become number one, When thats not the case at all. 
When we first get introduced to this idea of true heroism is when we meet stain. We come to understand that iida’s motives to become a hero stems from his brother. Iida’s brother was left paralyzed via stain and unable to become a hero, this fueled iida’s passion to become a hero and to defeat the “hero killer”. 
What stain says really changed the course of MHA
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(for context, before stains tries to finish iida off, he calls him and his brother weak. Iida, upset, yells at stain for calling his brother weak and defends his honor. Iida states ‘ill kill you’ to which stain replies, “Save him first”. Stain continues, telling iida that what he is doing is the furthest thing from becoming a hero.) Stain then recognizes Midoriya as a true hero. And iida starts to find his sense of heroism
Eventually class 1-A finds their sense of heroism one by one. Leading to Momo, Kirishima, Midoryia, and Iida all go against authorities and rescue Bakugou after the attack on the forest training camp arc. 
The forest training arc had to be the most confusing for fans. This is because is Tsuyu Asui
A lot of fans (me included) wondered why Tsu compares the group to villains and discourages them from saving Bakugou. Well, this is the same reason why Mirio Toogata stopped Midoryia from saving Eri. 
These characters both found heroism in a similar way. Both are taught to follow the hero code, wait until the authorities either handle the situation, or until they are called in for help. 
THAT DOES NOT MAKE THEM BAD CHARACTERS!! Anyone that knows me KNOWS i love the big three. But this does make the story a little more interesting, you cant teach heroism. 
Both Mirio and Tsu are left feeling guilty in the aftermath
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Though they both felt distraught, we start to see Mirio and Tsu started to carve their path for heroism. Im not saying that Tsu and Mirio didnt have heroic traits since both are in the hero course to save others. But Midoryia demonstrated to them that to become a true hero is to act.
Lets talk about Dynamight 
Bakugo has been with Midoryia since childhood, and has seen midoryia want to become a hero. Even when he is quirkless. It (in my opinion) is not an easy thing to grasp for Bakugou. 
Imagine living in a world fulled with strong powers and amazing heroes. Where quirks that are “useless” dont get to become heroes, instead they have normal jobs. Crime is arising and heroes are fighting tooth and nail to save the world while losing loved ones in the process. You are now 4, and your quirk is explosion, you are praised by everyone since showing the classroom your new power. You can see it now, you becoming just as great as your idol. Imagine your face when you find out your best friend became unlucky, and became quirkless. Imagine your face when they still want to be a hero. Sounds like a death wish, right? 
I feel like bakgou cares about midoryia. Does he have a wrong way of showing it in childhood, yes. 
Baukgou states that he feels like hes always behind. Bakugou feels completely side wiped at the idea that his quirkless classmate actually had a very powerful quirk. This also makes him feel as though Midorya is the one looking down at him
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Bakugou has shown the MOST character development i have seen in MHA. (my opinion of course). I think its very refreshing to see them both learn from each other. Dynamight learns to become a true hero and Deku learns courage.
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[There are more examples of deku imitating bakugou.. I can not find them :( ]
I always see the same argument within the fandom, “Why does Mineta get to be in the hero course and not Shinsou”. Mineta has a strong physical quirk that allowed him to pass the entrance exam. (and not to mention he placed 9/20 in the end of the term test).
((To clear the air. i am NOT a Minteta fan. But the fans constantly fails to understand how he is in the hero course. it was never about 'How cool is your quirk?' it was 'Can you defeat a robot?'))
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I think what the fandom means to say is that quirks like Shinsou are often slept on.. But why?
In the society of MHA, there is a common conception that a strong quirk is the gateway to becoming a hero, especially number one. This is extremely emphasized when we are introduced to the entrance exam for Yuuei. This is completely rigged for characters with non physical quirks like; Aizawa, Shinsou, Monoma, and more.
Obviously this is not true. Even though he is not in the top 3, Aizawa has a powerful quirk that he had to learn how to strengthen and control on his own. He walked so that Shinsou can run. 
The reason why i mention Monoma is because him and Shinou are very similar. They’re quirks depends on someone else. They can activate it all they want but if the recipient is not interacted with they are both ‘useless’. 
I’m unsure if this is true, but I'm glad Monoma gets a statue. It opens up a window for those who don't have physical quirks. It shows that even they can become heroes. 
In my opinion, Midoryia having a statute instead would not have been as impactful. It would have pushed the same narrative. Strong physical quirk = success. ((Also! did everyone just forget that Monoma literally carried the war along with Aizawa by keeping Shigaraki’s quirk erased and was able to copy Kurogiri’s quirk and teleport the heroes to the field?? That kid deserves a metal. ))
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The only sad feeling i have about the ending is Midoryia losing the embers. Seeing him grown up and releasing the gifted power as if saying “thank you” still brings me to tears. To see him hon the powers and get stronger then to release them will always stab me in the heart. BUT THIS ENDING MAKES PERFECT SENSE. 
Why, would Midoryia, knowing the trouble it carries, the pain it can do to the human body, would give that quirk to another? Its a good ending to finally have that power rest. Imagine that quirk got passed on again. Whoever has it next would have become number one easily, society would have learned nothing. 
Midoryia becoming a teacher at Yuuei, and trying to open his own hero agency is the perfect ending for my hero academia. Teaching and aspiring others with different quirks. And we all know how he loves learning about other quirks and mutations. This is perfect for him!
‘So.. it was all for nothing?’ you might ask. If you do believe everything Midoryia did was for nothing then im sorry, you did not watch My Hero Academia. 
Midoryia did not become number 1. But he most definitely became the greatest hero. 
If you think being the greatest means to be number one then you have completely lost the plot of My hero. Being number 1 is not about heroism, its statistics. When you start bringing numbers into this, it starts to become a job. When you start to want to become a hero only for money you are not a true hero. Uraraka joined because she needed money, but her point of view changed. Sure now she gets money but that's not her main focus anymore. She wants to save, she wants to help others like Toga. When you want to become a hero for fame like Denki, you are not a true hero. Denki’s focus has changed. This is exactly what Stain was talking about in the beginning, society creating fake heroes.
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Those are my thoughts. I love this anime so much please feel free to comment your thoughts and feelings
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dreamsailor · 2 months
ive watched like four different shows in the wake of mha ending and none of them have filled the hole in my mha shaped heart
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thatwoosh · 2 months
Read the Ending. Love it.
CH. 430 Spoilers Below! -----
So we have now a society that's gone a long way since Chapter 1.
Kids are encouraged to go into other fields besides heroics (i.e. being a hero is no longer seen as the only way to be a "hero"), heroing institutions are being reworked (e.g. hero rankings don't carry the same weight it used to hold), and quirk counselling (presumably a space where people can freely discuss their quirk) is being more emphasized as a whole.
In the present era, society's taking greater strides in creating a greater place.
But not only that...
"The data obtained from the battle between me and All for One eight year ago...
"...apparently opened up all sorts of exciting possibilities, so they tell me!"
Izuku gets a super suit from All Might and is tasked with "giving [them] more data."
What kind of data? It's not outright said. But there's a potential implication here that I hope I'm not deluding myself to be making.
"Just as quirks themselves grow and deepen...
"...So too does technology."
So we have quirks that continue to advance, technology that continues to advance. Data is collected...and then what?
Perhaps a more accessible future?
"It's because one's mind and body are unlike anyone else's...
"...that we're drawn to others...
"...in the search for common ground."
A future where, one day, other people without quirks (as well as those with quirk "defects") will be able to become a hero just like Deku.
Since they've already created a suit that allows Izuku in his quirkless state to fight alongside the others, then what's stopping them (All Might & Co.) from creating more?
Affordable, mass-produced suits, I mean---accessible suits which can be used by those without quirks. Even general technology that can provides for those with no/limited quirks a more level playing field to work on.
If read through this lens, then it's not just about Izuku being able to fight again. It's about Izuku being the forerunner to a world where anyone, regardless of their quirk, can follow their dreams of being a "hero," whatever that may be.
"Anyone can be a hero," can thus be a message which rings true.
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paintsplash1712 · 2 months
I can't believe this series is over.
10 year! After 10 years it's over!
My childhood, My Hero Academia, is finally over!
I watched MHA when there was only 5 episodes and now I've finished the whole manga.
Izuku got to be a hero, quirkless or not. His dream came true! I’m so happy for him! Even if it took longer then he thought and there were obstacles along the way, he and his friends are saving the world together!
My mind can't possess this series is over.
Sure is it a perfect series? No. I'm still annoyed by certain story choices but I don't care!
This was my favourite series for a time, I still have my Izuku and Shouto figurines chilling in my room. I love this series and I'm happy it ended on a high note instead of getting cancelled or going on too long.
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You go be a hero, Deku! Be the best hero!
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razorblade180 · 2 months
My condolences for people experiencing a similar feeling towards MHA last chapter that I felt whenever I finished Kingdom Hearts 3 for the first time. I wish you a speedy recovery.
As for me, I don’t particularly like it but the final panels stopped me from ending up like some of you and I gotta admit, I’m really thankful for that. Me post KH3 was pure despair and I refuse to go back to that hole.
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tumblasha · 2 months
kudoichi crumbs in mha ch430? pls hori pls pls
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edwardslostalchemy · 2 months
So no long-haired Shouto?
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aromanticannibal · 2 months
omg last chapter warning but I just realized. bakugou and monoma blew up the stage 2gether. r they friends now. did I get bakumono friendship
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tcuya · 2 months
the fact that hori couldn’t even give us a lov panel in the final chapter kills me sooooo bad. no mention of touya or toga, 2 and a half panels for tomura compress and spinners book. after everything how can you do your main villains so baddd like they’re literally half of your manga, you dedicated a whole arc for them wdym they get nothing in the end
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sunfoxfic · 1 month
I'll never get over the fact that post-war Keigo apparently just carries around a katana on the reg. He may not be a hero anymore but he WILL not let his political opponents forget that he IS a state-of-the-art killer.
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