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the côte de what now
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littlechillis · 2 years
today i survived walking in a snow storm, tomorrow who knows
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nootseirre · 1 month
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Hey chat I am [nationally] Cooked™
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miaeons · 4 months
another 10km rllrbldn dwn...🛼🛼 the best was a lil tiny tiny kid screamin abt the rollerbladers omg he was so happy to see us 🤣
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defietssite · 9 months
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spoonietimelordy · 1 year
I'm the weirdo who falls asleep to the sound of strong wind. Side effect of having sleeped in a tent every summer until I was 18, I guess ^^'.
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zsuzso fonoke elment szabira, ugyhogy o is ugy volt, hogy fuck this shit, menjunk el legalabb egy ejszakara mi is a varosbol. ki is neztuk Pennsylvania grand canyonjat uticelnak ami ugyan kisebbnek bizonyult az eredetinel, de azert igy is nagyon szep volt.
mivel a kanyonban van egy 100 km-es bringaut, ugy voltunk hogy akkor mar bringazzunknis egyet, megha az egeszet eselytelen egy nap alatt megcsinalni, de menjunk amit tudunk. gyorsan szervaltunk egy csomagtartora szerelheto bringatartot a marketplace-rol 15 dodoert (tenyleg gyorsan, az otlettol szamolva 1 oran belul kezben volt a cucc) talaltunk olcson klassz szallast, igy semmi nem allt mar az utunkba.
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a kanyon, eredeti neven pine creek gorge, legkozelebbi vege 3 orara van otthontol, de a szallast kb a kozepenel talaltuk es amugy is szeretunk autopalya helyett kisebb forgalmu utakon, varosokon, falvakon keresztul autozni igy egy kicsit tovabb tartott. amugy az appalachia hegyseg nagyon szep, nem olyan gigantikus mint a rockies, de nagyon kis kedves, kb olyan volt keresztul autozni mintha a matran vagtunk volna keresztul, csak ez esetben a matra miskolctol gyorig huzodik.
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mielott bringazni kezdtunk volna megegneztunk egy kilatopontot a patak nyugati oldalan ahonnan szep kilatas nyilt az egesz kanyonra.
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nagyon tetszett, hogy magara a trailre nem igazan lehetett ramenni autoval, az egyik fele a bringasoknak volt fenntartva, a masik a gyalogosoknak es lovasoknak. ugyan nem aszfalt volt hanem ledongolt fold amitol kicsit feltem a varosi bringammal, de nem volt semmi gond mivel az autok nem tettek tonkre, a lovak sem szartak ossze, gond nelkul lehetett keskeny gumival is gurulni. maga a patak es a kanyon nagyon szep a foletornyosulo ormokkal es erdokkel, par kilometerenkent voltak pihenok padokkal es bringatarokkal, de lattunk szerelopontot is es par helyet ahol satorozni is lehetett kiepitett tuzrakohelyekkel es kemping asztalokkal, ezekhez el lehetett jutni autoval de nem a bringauton keresztul.
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vegul oda-vissza 45km lett a tura, el is faradtunk mindketten rendesen, azert regebben ennel jobban birtuk, de teny hogy miota amerikaban vagyunk mar egyikunk se bringazik naponta, iowaban nem volt hova, pittsburghben meg a hegyek es a forgalom miatt altalaban csak hetvegenkent teszunk egy-egy kort.
meg gyorsan megneztuk a kanyont a keleti oldalrol is, onnan is nagyon szep, foleg az ott vitorlazo pulykakeselyukkel (turkey vulture).
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gyorsan a szallas fele vettuk az iranyt mert mar rankfert egy zuhany vacsi elott, kb haromezer bogarka volt rankragadva. a szoba amit kivettunk nagyon szep helyen van, kicsit feljebb a patak mellett, tobb kisebb nagyobb ronkhazat adnak ki van aminel az egesz hazat ki lehet venni hot tubbal, de szerencsere volt egy nagy haz kisebb szobakkal is, de azokhoz is van terasz, hintaszekkel es kakas formaju legycsapoval.
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aznapra mar csak a vacsora volt hatra, szerencsere talaltunk egy nagyon klassz helyet, clam chowder-el lenyugtattuk a korgo gyomrunkat amig vartunk a mahi-mahi burgerre chow-meinnel es egy negyed fontos angus burgerre rantott savanyu uborkaval. a hazi chips es a szinten hazi buzasoruk csak hab volt a tortan, megelegedetten terhettunk nyugovora.
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ugy voltunk vele, ha mar eljovunk idaig, itt van kozel (2 es fel ora) bufallo es a niagara. ugyan ez utobbit mar lattuk mikor zsuzso osztondijon volt torontoban, de csak a kanadai oldalrol, ugyhogy ugy voltunk vele, hogy miert ne.
mielott indultunk volna meg betertunk egy helyi reggelizobe, ahol zsuzso egy tojasos-baconos-sajtos fahejas bagelt evett, en pedig egy tojasos-kolbaszos-sajtos szendvicset ami kenyer helyett szirupos palacsintaban volt (nem tudom van-e ott a mekiben mcgriddle szendvics, ha van, ez olyan volt csak kb 10x jobb). amellett hogy borzaszto jo volt minden, magalapitottuk, hogy amiota elhagytuk pittsburghot csak es kizarolag kedves es segitokesz emberekkel talalkoztunk, ugyhogy majd meg visszaterunk.
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a kiados reggeli utan, irany a niagara ahol vegre a masik oldalrol is megcsodalhattuk a vilag egyik leghiresebb vizeseset. azt kell mondjuk igazuk van azoknak aki azt mondjak a kanadai oldarol szebb a kilatas, de igy is megerte, foleg hogy nalunk voltak a bringak, amikkel korbe tudtuk tekerni az egesz szigetet es csinaltunk csillio kepet a vizesesekrol kb az osszes lehetseges szogbol.
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indulas elott meg talaltunk egy olasz pekseget ahol nagyon klassz dolgok voltak, egy szelet pizza es egy sfogliatelle mellett dontottunk, mindketto igen kivalo volt, kar hogy ilyen nincs pittsburghben.
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nem maradt mas mint faradtan hazafele indulni, jo sokaig a lake erie mellett vitt az utunk amin szinten nagyon szep videk, el is hataroztuk hogy oda is visszaterunk meg.
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Ukrainian forces have seized the Russian town of Plekhovo, Kursk Oblast, further expanding their area of control along the Russian border.
Seen here, a group of Ukrainian infantry stand in front of the captured Plekhovo House of Culture.
Reports are also filtering in that Russia is digging defensive trenches some 45km into the country, well far behind the frontline.
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ywpd-translations · 1 year
Ride 747: Sugimoto's back
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Pag 1
1: His spirit trained them, and now his back sees them off
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Pag 2
1: Those who won just look forward.....
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Pag 3
1: Danchiku has won this race!!
2: Since they arrived at the same time on the second day, three of their races ended in a draw
3: And the fourth, the last lap with the ban on surpassing....
5: Showing an astounding tenacity, he held Sugimoto down and got the better of the final sprint before the finish line...
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Pag 4
1: The second year Danchiku Ryuuhou obtained the jersey of the Inter High members!!
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Pag 5
1: Ruaaaa!!
2: Yes!!
3: Let's go to the Inter High together!!
Hahaha, Danchiku!!
4: Danchiku-kun....
5: Ah!
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Pag 7
4: Sugimoto!!
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Pag 8
1: Nii-chan!!
Sugimoto fell!!
2: What was the crash just now.... huh!?
3: Sugimoto-san!?
He swayed.... and fell down as if he completely lost his tsrength!!
Is he conscious!?
Is he alright!? Sugimoto-kun
With that fall...
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Pag 9
1: Sugimoto!!
6: Are you okay? Do you need ice water? Do you want a towel?
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Pag 10
1: Imaizumi-kun....
2: Did you give everything you had?
4: It....
5: It.... sure... seems like it
6: ….. everything
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Pag 11
1: When I saw.... Danchiku from behind.... and I saw him raising his hand.... I don't know why but....suddenly... all my strength.... left me
5: It was a run that made us shake, an all-out sprint that captivated those who were watching you
6: You were cool
7: Could you.... pour some ice water on me
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Pag 12
2: It made me shake too....!!
I felt the strength of Sugimoto-kun's wishes!!
It was the best run ever!!
3: So cold... it feels...so nice
4: Imaizumi
5: Yeah
6: Teru
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Pag 13
2: Huh!? No... that's... that's
3: Teru?
4: Imaizumi... maybe, if on the fourth day... I go all out
5: If I get to go to the Inter High....
6: Could you call me “Teru”?
Ah? Why- ah, Teru as in... Terufumi?
7: No, no, well, it's just an idea!! I'll ask you again on the fourth day, yes!!
8: It doens't matter how I call you
You- you're right, it doesn't matter
9: But I'll ask you! Imaizumi
Please call me Teru from now on!!
Let's fight together in our last Inter High!
If I win...
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Pag 14
2: That was supposed to happen if I had won...
It doesn't matter...
4: Thank you
5: Imaizumi....
6: Imaizumi
7: Please
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Pag 15
2: Ride with my feeling of three years too
4: To the Inter High
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Pag 16
1: Go there, Imaizumi!!
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Pag 17
1: Got it, Teru!!
3: Sugimoto-kun.... you pushed Imaizumi-kun's!!!
4: Back!!
5: Danchiku!!
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Pag 18
3: You too!!
Be resolved!!
4: Yessir!!
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Pag 19
1: Thank you much for this all-out race!!
Thank you!!
2: Nii-chan!! On
Ah... Sadatoki...
3: I'm sorry, I wanted to show you something cool, but
4: I los....
5: Um... well, how do I say... if I put it into words, then that's it...
I los...
6: Imaizumi, could you give me the towel
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Pag 20
1: Uaaaaa, I lost
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Pag 21
1: I lost, I lost!
2: Uaaaaa
3: You fought by yourself, and you never gave up, over and over
Sugimoto, today you were the strongest
4: Dammit, I'm so frustrated too
Can't you do something about it, Onoda!?
5: Sugimoto did his best! And without doing anything wrong, too!!
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Pag 22
1: On the fourth day of training camp, at 19:10 of the last day, the third year Sugimoto Terufumi.... with 45km out of 1000km left, retired
2: “Retirement race”....
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Pag 23
1: Imaizumi, Naruko, and Onoda cleared the laps they had left
2: At 19:50, with plenty of time left, they cleared the whole 1000km
3: The two second years, Danchiku and Kaburagi, cooperated and cleared the whole 1000km, too
The other first and second years decided to retire early and ran errands
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Pag 24
1: On the course
2: Remained two people, the first year Kinaka Tsugunao and Rokudai Renta
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cator99 · 3 months
Went on a 45km bike ride on wednesday. Came here to brag.
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girlschasinggirls · 1 year
do you not realize that jews are indigenous to israel? there is both genetic and archaeological evidence. additionally the reason most jews who lived in europe simply can’t return (where they are not indigenous to anyways) is because their neighbors literally were robbing and raping and killing and turning them into the nazis and other armies that were trying to kill them. it wasn’t just the nazis killing them. and do you know the state of antisemitism in america? jews make up the majority of victims of hate crimes, more than any other minority group in the united states. the fbi releases statistics every year. israel is the only country where they are not subject to outright discrimination on the basis of ethnicity and religion. this is because jews are not white. they are from the levant. if palestinians are not white, and many are actually originally from even further north than israel/palestine (many common last names translate to “the (name of non-arab group formerly colonized by the arabs)), then neither are jews.
yes palestinians are also victims of colonization, by the arabs and british and turks, NOT by israel; who aside from india is the only successful state to have fully decolonized. this does not mean palestinians are treated entirely fairly, but part of this is due to the fact that palestine has an entirely separate government, and israel has fully withdrawn from gaza aside from continuing to provide water and electricity, something they are not required to do as a separate country. egypt does not provide these resources despite also having a blockade set up.
palestine was not peaceful for jews before the establishment of israel. look up any given city or town and the word “pogrom” and you will be met with the story of a systemic killing of jews in that municipality
I’m going to have to use a few examples to explain this.
Romani people are ethnically indigenous to northern India and are currently mostly dispersed thoughout Europe, they were also victims in the holocaust and they are also heavily discriminated against in all parts of the world they live especially in Europe. If, leading up to and after the holocaust a Romani person created a Zionist-like ideology of a Romani ethnostate. If after WWII, with the help of the British they mass immigrated back to northern India as refugees and were welcomed by the indigenous Indians already living there. Would it have been okay for them to then commit their own nakba and colonise a portion of northern India and rename it Romaniland or whatever the fuck?? Start expelling and murdering the Indians that had been living there for generations who also have an ethnic claim to the land? Packing 2 million of them in a 45km squared strip of land and do to them what Israelis are doing to Gazans? Having the fucking audacity to say it’s okay because “they were here first” 1000 years ago? While also somehow simultaneously claiming that there were no people there? “a people without land and a land without people” ??
Did you know that before Zionists settled on Palestine, they also considered Uganda and Argentina for their Zionist state?? The Zionist ideology is inherent to the existence of modern Israel and is the reason it was created, the racism, colonialism, apartheid and genocide is not the fault of a bad government but the foundation of the country itself. The Zionist ideology and genocidal intentions were already in place before they step foot in Palestine and could also be happening right now in Uganda or Argentina instead so don’t try to bullshit that “they were here first” because they would be doing this regardless of the location.
Palestinians are victims of Israeli colonisation as we can see with our own eyes right this moment and literally how dare you even say that. Also you know who else is killed and discriminated against everywhere in the world they go? Women, gay people, disabled people, Romani people, this wouldn’t justify any of these groups creating their own apartheid state anywhere in the world and start doing what Israelis are currently doing.
I want to make it clear that in the process of the Israeli state returning the land to Palestine and ceasing to exist, not one single person needs to be harmed or killed, a lot of them won’t even have to leave the country and can just live in Palestine, amongst Palestinian people of all religions including Jewish, as they did when they first arrived after WWII. If Romani people also wanted to move back to northern India without colonising it and creating an apartheid state this would also be completely okay fucking obviously. Modern Israel is not the Israel from the bible. Every piece of land on earth is already belonging to an existing country and you cannot create a new one without occupying another. Sucks but that’s the reality. Have a terrible day.
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mango-pup · 8 days
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How to make Rhu into a perfect cafe dog? Walk 45km over two days first!
He's not that bad a cafe dog normally, he just doesn't get much practice so would rarely relax and certainly wouldn't do so for 45 minutes.
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jow99 · 18 days
Argelès-Gazost day 2
Well it pretty much rained all day today. There was a flurry of grocery shopping this morning and Doug put on what turned out to be a delicious chilli con carné for dinner this evening. Doug and Di bought a buckwheat baguette that I have been enjoying today (dangerous for my weight eating bread and doing next to nothing).
Back at home we kept checking to see if any of yesterday’s washing was dry, read, did puzzles and then it was lunchtime.
After lunch the dishwasher was packed and put on, a bit more reading, etc and then we went out for a walk. The walk was to get us out of the house and do something as well as pick up more bread and some things from the bike shop and of course a coffee and cake stop.
Naturally it was raining again by the time we were heading home. Back at home we watched the last 45km of La Vuelta and then it was time for nibbles and then Doug’s chilli. By 8pm we were done and back to reading etc.
It’s actually not been too bad a day, but thankfully the next two days look rideable or I think we would start to go a bit stir crazy.
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bignosebaby · 1 year
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The yellow baboon is only about the size of a five year old child, but they are capable of running at speeds up to 45km per hour. They have many vocalizations they use to communicate, including screeching, barking, and "yakking", and have cheek pouches they can store food in.
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samantha-dan564 · 1 month
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bikepack · 2 months
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A rainy night but I had a nice sleep in which my body needed. There was a break in the rain so I packed up the tent and headed to the aquatic centre for a shower. It was closed so I went back to the rec centre to try my luck. With no questions asked and the sweet price of zero dollars the receptionist showed me where the showers were. One long hot shower later I headed to the supermarket and then out of town at mid day.
65 km to Rankins Springs was the goal. The scenery had finally changed to a lush valley and even some hills to climb. At the end of a 45km long straight road was this junction which someone had teared right through. Maybe it’s just me but I ‘laughed out loud’ when I saw how perfectly they’d split the sign in half.
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I made it to the small one shop stop junction of Rankins Springs trouble free and set my tent up a mere 100m from the pub, heading in to get out of the drizzle. I got a zero alcohol beer as I was doing a sober streak thing and hadn’t had a drink since leaving Melbourne. Whilst I still plan on not drinking for a bit it would of been an insult to decline a couple of free beverages from a man named Luke, whom was impressed by my travels and nicknamed me Lance Armstrong. Legend
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