#4d miner
acrossdimension · 9 months
If you're looking for a new mincraft experience and love defying the laws of physics, you can check out 4D Miner (by Mashpoe)
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sallys-little-ask-box · 7 months
What is one of your favorite things to do when you messing around with your powers?
"Oooh, that's a tough one! There are just so many things i like to do! Mainly shapeshifting, of course~ Buuut i also love freaking people out by sneaking into the 4th dimension and suddenly phasing in front of them from thin air! Kind of like this gif i found!"
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invertedshroom · 12 days
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five is a 4d pyramid btw (also called a 5-cell or pentachoron), i've been really intrigued by the 4th dimension lately and although it is incredibly hard to comprehend its soo coooll so i wanted to make a 4d flatland oc :D 4d miner is a really cool game about the 4th dimension btw highly recommend im obsessed with it right now
also some paper doodles under the cut (sory for bad quality)
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visenyaism · 2 years
what are your thoughts on hero of the people Evrart Claire? (he is helping me find my gun)
i have to be a ride or die union guy in disco elysium lest the ghosts of my steelworker and coal miner ancestors beat my ass but Evrart Claire is genuinely such an interesting character. Harry DuBois is like the LEAST qualified person to understand what’s going on but the mystery of whether Evrart (and Edgar, if he exists) is in it for himself or genuinely cares about the community is so compelling and i’m glad it never gets definitively solved. Like he’s obviously corrupt, but Martinaise is a place where playing by the rules just gets you beaten down by organizations like the RCM and the coalition and Wild Pines who don’t care about the rules. It’s clear that Evrart cares deeply about his vision for his community, and sees a lot of people (especially you, a cop) as chess pieces to achieve that goal. And he DOES! Starting the standoff-war with Wild Pines was a brilliant move, one that he also happens to benefit from immensely. Whether he is just a super corrupt union boss in it for himself or a communist playing 4d chess to start the revolution, we know one thing for sure: mr evrart is helping me find my gun.
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donaardaardendrian · 6 months
OK, I've got to get it out of my system.
Yesterday night, I experienced an emotion/sentiment/sensation (somewhere between the 3) that I never lived before.
(Slight sexual mention ahead)
My head was telling me it was sexual arousal, my heart was agreeing with it, beating with a deafening force, my hands were grasping at my shoulders, my breathing was hard, I was gaping for air and yet... It was all from my upper body. Not a single signal from below. It wasn't sexual arousal.
It was something more than amazement, but it wasn't awe. I've been at awe before a painting or a movie... It wasn't that.
But there wasn't a single hint of sadness. Not longing either.
And the feeling was in the present, not something like excitement.
Just... Something
And the part of it all that caught me off guard : the origin
I've been playing with 4D for a while, in my mind, on paper, eventually with 4D Miner ; so when 4D Golf came out, I was excited.
I watched a let's play, and the YouTuber was totally lost, while I was just seeing the mistake he was making and all.
But then, they revealed a twist for the last world.
(Spoiler warning if you want to play the game, it's awesome)
There was a 5th dimension! And that's it, that simple fact put me in some sort of extatic trance out of nowhere, and I just...
I'm lost.
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hermeticphoenix · 7 months
The True Nature of Third Density (3D) Existence
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Is the physical realm/third density (3D) evil?
In many spiritual communities, the physical realm, or the 3D realm (third density), is often viewed as a negative place of existence. This belief has led people to seek solace in what they call a 5D existence. Some even claim that the astral plane is equivalent to hell, inhabited by countless demonic beings ranging from fallen angels to so-called negative reptilians. While these beliefs may hold some truth from an occult perspective, they are incomplete. Unfortunately, those who believe and spread such information are often not practitioners of the occult.
First and foremost, the physical plane, or the third density plane, is not inherently evil, as many people believe. The third density, at its core vibration, is about the development of identity and self-awareness. This is distinct from the first and second densities, which resonate with the mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms. As we progress to higher densities, we become more enlightened and gain a greater understanding of the grander truths. The third density experience allows human beings to cultivate self-awareness and identity, to perceive themselves as separate entities, to recognize others as part of themselves, and most importantly, to learn the ways of love.
Therefore, the physical plane, or the third density existence is not inherently bad. However, it is illusory in the sense that it is not an absolute or eternal existence. This illusion of separation is crucial in our spiritual journey, as it helps us remember, relearn, and develop compassion and humility. Since the third density allows us to express ourselves positively or negatively, it grants us the freedom to choose our path and learn directly from our experiences. Making mistakes is common and normal in the third density, as they are part of our spiritual development. These mistakes can range from small ones in our everyday lives to significant ones that may threaten the planet.
When a person lives in the third density, they experience feelings of identity, ego, and self-awareness. However, human beings must continue learning until they have absorbed all the lessons that the third density or physical plane has to offer. If a person becomes fixated on their ego and overly attached to their identity, they may struggle to express selfless love. The earliest forms of spirituality were nature-based and deeply connected to feminine principles, as human beings sought alignment with nature and embraced both the physical and spiritual realms. Unfortunately, some people in today's world view physical existence as useless or evil. The spiritual journey requires an understanding of opposites—the physical and spiritual realms, positive and negative forces, and masculine and feminine principles. These aspects are not enemies, but rather two sides of the same coin that constitute the fabric of creation.
Secondly, the fourth density (4D) or the astral plane, is not equivalent to hell. The fourth density encompasses infinite dimensions, including both lighter or positive energies and darker or negative energies. The astral plane is of great significance, as it is where our astral bodies and souls reside. Without it, our souls would simply cease to exist. However, take note that the astral plane, no matter how beautiful or terrifying, is not an eternal existence. Countless beings inhabit Earth's astral plane, most of which are native to the planet, while a few come from other planetary spheres. In due course, the fourth density vibration will be completed and inhabited by fourth density human beings. This is often referred to as the ascension process in many spiritual communities, as planet Earth's vibration aligns with the positive fourth density. While the positive 4D existence can be likened to a paradise, it is not the same as 5D (fifth density) or 6D (sixth density). Contrary to popular belief, 4D existence, also known as 5D Earth or New Earth, still exhibits polarity, albeit to a large extent. Positive entities are grouped together and separated from negative beings.
As we continue to learn lessons and cultivate wisdom, we will eventually unveil greater truths and uncover the hidden mysteries of life and the universe. Rather than feeling disheartened by our third density life, we should learn to appreciate it. To truly embrace the light, we must also comprehend the darkness rather than shy away from it. Even the ancient spiritual masters on Earth faced their inner darkness to radiate their pure light.
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omegasmileyface · 2 years
Of All the People - ch. 7
yippee!! you know the drill. written by @attackradish and @ectolemonades and myself for invisobang, chapter 1 art by @/toasty-ghosti <3
whole fic summary: After a stupid dare puts Dash Baxter in the lab at Fentonworks during the middle of a ghost fight, he finds himself a little more spectral than usual. Apparently Danny Fenton’s gone through the same thing (someone has got to call OSHA on these guys eventually), and who could better help Dash than his hero? His lame, stubborn hero?
warnings: minor body horror descriptions. in other chapters, existential crises, and Spectra.
words: 1296
AO3 link
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Tucker’s house was a different kind of quiet than Fenton Works. While Fenton Works felt like a tomb— arguably was one— Tucker’s house was like… a house. And sure, the lights being on helped, but the dark rooms past the hallway didn’t seem to want to eat him. 
“Alright, you guys stay put. I’m going to get the first aid kit. Sam, take lookout just in case my parents come back early.” Tucker disappeared up a staircase, and Dash felt himself pinned to one spot on the floor. What furniture was he allowed to sit on here? 
Danny had no problem sinking into a faux leather couch, but it wasn’t like Dash could just sit next to him. The rest of the furniture was fabric, threatening to bloom massive Christmas-colored stains if he even thought about touching them. And that wasn’t even taking into account that he was Dash fucking Baxter in the home of his biggest target’s best friend. 
“Dash, what are you doing over there? Sit on the couch so we can get you both treated at the same time.” Jazz called, snapping Dash out of his 4D social chess trance. He hurried over to the couch, and wedged himself as close to the armrest as he could manage. Jazz looked at him funny. 
God… When did he get this awkward? Old Dash would have ruled this living room. Everyone else would be wondering where they were allowed to sit. He huffed, spread out a little, and remembered the guy he’d idolized since freshman year was sitting next to him. 
You’re not regretting your choices right now, you’re confident and casual.
 “So.” He cleared his throat. “What’s the plan for Tucker’s parents coming back early?” In control of the situation, asking pertinent questions for coordination purposes. 
“Usually I just turn invisible. Just make sure to stand up, they’re pretty observant and almost called my parents once ‘cause they saw the dent I made sitting on his bed.” 
“I shoulda got extra PE credits for the hoops I had to jump through to convince them not to,” said Tucker from the stairs. He set the first aid kit on the coffee table and turned to Dash. 
“So, what do we have here?” he asked, and Dash offered him his arm. “Mm. That’s pretty nasty. We’ll have to wash it off in the sink so I can get a better look. The kitchen’s right over there, I’ll show you the—”
“Nah, it’s ok. I can handle it. You can help Danny while I take care of this.” 
“Ok. Just offering. Yell if you need help.” Tucker turned away, and Dash retreated to the kitchen. A little time alone to get his thoughts in order before he did anything stupid.
Between the moonlight and the light from the living room, finding the sink was a breeze. He opened the faucets slowly, stopping right when the trickle became a gentle flow. He wanted to wet his arm, not powerwash it. Easy now. Stinging pinpricks lit up where his wounds didn’t appreciate the water, more of an irritation than anything. With as little pressure as he could manage, he started wiping the dirt and dried blood off with his finger. The crusty beginning of a scab was stained with ectoplasm. It looked uncannily like one of the mineral samples his Earth Science teacher had, peridotite or something. He hated how inhuman it made him look.
Get it together, Baxter. You’re supposed to be calming down. Danny didn’t seem too mad anymore, he could probably just keep doing that casual thing, and as long as he kept his head clear he could get through tonight without screwing anything else up. Alright. In the bag. Snagging a dish towel from an oven handle, he patted his hand dry, careful not to get anything but water on it. It’s just overthinking, that’s all. He walked back to the living room as Jazz silently took his place at the sink with Danny's bloody t-shirt. 
Ah, and there was Danny, shirtless. Dash almost blushed seeing the slight muscle he usually hid, but his blood left his face at the sight of the bloody gouges. He looked away.
Dash nearly fell onto the couch before offering Tucker his arm for inspection again. 
“Well, it could be worse. It looks like your ghost healing is already working hard right here,” Tucker pointed at one of his cuts. Dash flinched from the proximity. “I think we can get away without stitches tonight. Just a little disinfection and some bandages, and you’ll be set.” He picked up a cotton ball and wetted it from a small bottle that smelled like alcohol. Dash reluctantly let Tucker bring it up towards the cut, and he felt its cold before it touched his arm.
It stung like shit. 
“Gah—! On second thought, do we really have to do this? You said I had ghost healing, won’t that take care of all— this?” 
“Danny, should I let him?”
“Let me what?”
Danny huffed softly. “Make the same mistake I did that one time.”
“He decided ‘hey, why do we even bother with all this patching up stuff when it’ll be healed in the morning anyways? Just keep me from bleeding on everything and I’ll be fine,’ and I thought to myself ‘he’s right, why do we bother?’ So I just bandaged him up and sent him home. Sure enough, it was completely healed in the morning.”
“Ok, and? That sounds like the opposite of a problem.”
“That’s what he thought too,” said Sam in a foreboding voice. “He unwrapped his bandages, ran his fingers across where there should have been a scar, and felt a series of mysterious bumps.”
“It didn’t take him long to realize it was some tiny pieces of gravel that had gotten stuck after he ate shit in the parking lot.”
“Ok you’re making this up. There’s no way you didn’t notice the gravel. It’s gravel.”
Jazz, holding the soaking shirt, let out a single dark chuckle. “Have you met Danny? There’s a way.”
“I mean, I noticed most of it. There were just a couple pieces left over, not much larger than BB pellets.”
“You’re kidding.”
“Can you taste emotions yet, Dash? Do you detect even a modicum of dishonesty in this room?” 
He couldn’t really do either, but something about the vibes in the room made him agree they might be telling the truth. 
“…Are they still there?” He asked tentatively. 
“Nah, I took ‘em out with intangibility after I showed Sam and Tucker.”
“It was so gross. He made me touch it, and…” Tucker gave an exaggerated shudder. “Not good. At all.”
“I asked Danny to keep it just because it bothered Tucker so much.” 
“Which I would have, except—" he gestured to Dash, "I was worried you’d grab my arm for some bullying-related reason and ask about it, and then I’d have to make up something about getting a body mod or whatever and then there’d be rumors and Jazz would hear about it, and she didn’t know about the ghost thing yet so I couldn’t tell her the truth, and she’d get me in so much trouble with Mom and Dad.” 
Dash couldn’t help but flinch when Danny mentioned the bullying so casually. Thankfully, the conversation continued and no one seemed to notice.
“I would have,” Jazz said, prompting chuckles. “Sneaking out to get body mods at 14, and the place actually letting you? What kind of place is that? You could have gotten an infection or something.”
“Speaking of, you can also get an infection if I don’t take care of this. You’re still half human, and germs love that part of you with all their tiny nonexistent hearts. Now hold still."
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professorlizzard · 2 years
Week #9
57. Desolation Coaster: A decent wooden rollercoaster in the theme of the two dragon species whose moons are waging a cold war on the moons of Desolation. The riders get in snake oil miner mining carts, and go through various barbarian and bureacracy themed tunnels. The owner oil snakes peppered it with historical documents for the educational value, although the carts go too fast to read.
58. Forests Radio: This building house a radio, named after the original name of Planet Octavianus, Forests. The most popular show is a gameshow, in which a famous speightder, Daddio-shortlegs challenges the contestants to a rap off. Everyone is really amused about how badly the contestants try to outrap each other, but they don't mind, as they get a shirt with Daddio's face on it.
59. Test Our Strength Spice Stall: A delicatessen, full of piles of powerful spices from planet Flow. This is actually just an spice newt outlet for a great spice company that takes online orders. However here, if you can taste a certain amount of spices without your face contorting, you win a free can of choice!
60. Yargling Yargles: A small restaurant operated by the hirsuite, tiny, and semi feral yarglings. They are doing their best, entertaining the guests with their signature "yargle" singing. They also have a ball pit full of ice cubes.  
61. Ancient Cauldron Of The Future: A pristine 4D movie theater. With the power granted by being an Oracular Besimulants, the owner creates a magical field that will surely enhance any and all movies played here. You can also buy notostracan ancient fish goulash as a snack, if you really, really want.
62. Inconvenient Ice: It looks like a tiny ice cream shop from the outside. However, its actually an entrance to a museum about climate change and how to fight it. The Glacees are going through a natural interglacial period, but they are still knowledgable a lot about man-made climate change.
63. Beautiful Tie Emporium: A quite large and gaudy store full of rather ugly ties, sitting in rows as far as the eye can see. On Vier, people wear extremely gaudy clothing to stand out from the grey gloom, but these ties are so particularly terribly saturated, that they stand out anywhere. Their main clientele, the gelorians of Planet Geltopia of Hexaspace are extremely gaudy creatures, and yet, the ties outshine them.
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infinitiresearch · 7 months
North America Seismic Survey Market| Analysis, Growth and Forecast, 2024 – 2028
Originally published on Technavio: North America Seismic Survey Market by Type and End-user - Forecast and Analysis 2024-2028
**North America Seismic Survey Market Analysis 2024-2028**
The North America seismic survey market is anticipated to witness steady growth over the forecast period from 2024 to 2028. This analysis explores the market trends and dynamics concerning seismic surveys in North America, focusing on various types and end-users of seismic survey services.
**Market Trends and Dynamics:**
The North America seismic survey market is driven by several factors, including increasing exploration activities in the oil and gas industry, technological advancements in seismic surveying techniques, and growing investments in infrastructure development projects. Seismic surveys play a crucial role in identifying subsurface geological structures and assessing the potential for hydrocarbon reserves, making them indispensable for energy exploration and production companies operating in the region.
**Types of Seismic Surveys:**
The North America seismic survey market encompasses various types of surveys, including 2D seismic surveys, 3D seismic surveys, and 4D seismic surveys. 2D seismic surveys are widely used for regional reconnaissance and preliminary exploration, providing a broad overview of subsurface geological features. On the other hand, 3D seismic surveys offer higher resolution imaging of subsurface structures, enabling more accurate reservoir characterization and hydrocarbon resource estimation. Additionally, 4D seismic surveys involve repeated 3D surveys conducted over time to monitor reservoir changes and optimize production strategies.
**End-users of Seismic Survey Services:**
The North America seismic survey market caters to a diverse range of end-users, including oil and gas companies, mining companies, government agencies, and environmental consulting firms. Oil and gas companies are the primary end-users of seismic survey services, utilizing seismic data to identify potential drilling locations, optimize well placement, and enhance reservoir management practices. Mining companies also rely on seismic surveys for mineral exploration and resource estimation, while government agencies utilize seismic data for geological mapping, natural hazard assessment, and environmental monitoring purposes.
To Learn deeper into this report , View Sample PDF
**Market Outlook:**
The North America seismic survey market is expected to witness sustained growth in the coming years, driven by ongoing exploration and production activities in the oil and gas sector, increasing demand for energy resources, and rising investments in infrastructure development projects. Technological advancements in seismic surveying techniques, such as advanced imaging algorithms, enhanced data processing capabilities, and the integration of machine learning and artificial intelligence, are also expected to fuel market growth by enabling more efficient and accurate subsurface imaging.
In conclusion, the North America seismic survey market is poised for steady expansion over the forecast period, driven by robust demand from the oil and gas industry, advancements in seismic surveying technology, and increasing investments in infrastructure development projects. Market players and stakeholders are expected to capitalize on these trends by offering innovative seismic survey solutions tailored to the specific needs of end-users across various industries.
For more information please contact.
Technavio Research
Jesse Maida
Media & Marketing Executive
US: +1 844 364 1100
UK: +44 203 893 3200
Website: www.technavio.com/
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thewolfcatcher · 7 months
4 One example. In London there are two sorts of bakers, the ―full priced, who sell bread at its full value, and the ―undersellers, who sell it under its value. The latter class comprises more than threefourths of the total number of bakers. (p. xxxii in the Report of H. S. Tremenheere, commissioner to examine into ―the grievances complained of by the journeymen bakers,&c., Lond. 1862.) The undersellers, almost without exception, sell bread adulterated with alum, soap, pearl ashes, chalk, Derbyshire stone-dust, and such like agreeable nourishing and wholesome ingredients. (See the above cited Blue book, as also the report of ―the committee of 1855 on the adulteration of bread, and Dr. Hassall‘s ―Adulterations Detected, 2nd Ed. Lond. 1861.) Sir John Gordon stated before the committee of 1855, that ―in consequence of these adulterations, the poor man, who lives on two pounds of bread a day, does not now get one fourth part of nourishing matter, let alone the deleterious effects on his health. Tremenheere states (l.c., p. xlviii), as the reason, why a very large part of the working-class, although well aware of this adulteration, nevertheless accept the alum, stone-dust, &c., as part of their purchase: that it is for them ―a matter of necessity to take from their baker or from the chandler‘s shop, such bread as they choose to supply. As they are not paid their wages before the end of the week, they in their turn are unable to pay for the bread consumed by their families, during the week, before the end of the week, and Tremenheere adds on the evidence of witnesses, ―it is notorious that bread composed of those mixtures, is made expressly for sale in this manner. In many English and still more Scotch agricultural districts, wages are paid fortnightly and even monthly; with such long intervals between the payments, the agricultural labourer is obliged to buy on credit.... He must pay higher prices, and is in fact tied to the shop which gives him credit. Thus at Horningham in Wilts, for example, where the wages are monthly, the same flour that he could buy elsewhere at ls 10d per stone, costs him 2s 4d per stone. (―Sixth Report‖ on ―Public Health by ―The Medical Officer of the Privy Council, &c., 1864,‖ p.264.) ―The block printers of Paisley and Kilmarnock enforced, by a strike, fortnightly, instead of monthly payment of wages.(―Reports of the Inspectors of Factories for 31st Oct., 1853,‖ p. 34.) As a further pretty result of the credit given by the workmen to the capitalist, we may refer to the method current in many English coal mines, where the labourer is not paid till the end of the month, and in the meantime, receives sums on account from the capitalist, often in goods for which the miner is obliged to pay more than the market price (Truck-system). ―It is a common practice with the coal masters to pay once a month, and advance cash to their workmen at the end of each intermediate week. The cash is given in the shop (i.e., the Tommy shop which belongs to the master); ―the men take it on one side and lay it out on the other.‖ (―Children‘s Employment Commission, III. Report,‖ Lond. 1864, p. 38, n. 192.) Marx, Capital, notes to 6th chapter
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nmevahealth · 8 months
Opening The Advantages Of Cutting Edge Indicative Innovation For Ladies' Wellbeing
The scene of ladies' wellbeing has gone through a striking change in ongoing many years. Gone are the times of restricted choices and deferred analyze. Today, on account of progressive headways in symptomatic innovation, ladies can comprehend and defend their prosperity.
At NM Eva, we have faith in saddling the force of state of the art devices to engage ladies with information and significant bits of knowledge about their wellbeing. From full disease checks to 3D and 4D ultrasounds for pregnant women, our exhaustive set-up of symptomatic administrations reveals insight into stowed away issues, making ready for early mediation.
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We should dive into a portion of the key headways changing ladies' wellbeing analyze:
1. Early Discovery of Malignant growths:
The battle against malignant growth turns out to be altogether more powerful when we get it early. NM Eva furnishes you with state of the art advances like digital mammograms, complete cancer screening test, cervical disease tests, and  breast cancer tests. Computerized mammograms offer predominant lucidity and diminished radiation openness contrasted with conventional mammograms. This, alongside other  comprehensive cancer screening tests, assumes an essential part in recognizing irregularities at their earliest stages, when treatment choices are generally encouraging. Bosom X-rays are utilized alongside mammograms to screen ladies who are at high gamble of getting bosom malignant growth.
2. Uncovering Bone Wellbeing with DEXA Outputs:
Osteoporosis frequently goes undetected until a crack happens. At NM Eva, we assist you with remaining in front of the osteoporosis bend with Dexa filters. Dexa scans are exact bone thickness appraisals that precisely measure bone mineral substance, permitting us to successfully identify and oversee osteoporosis. Early finding and preventive estimates like osteoporosis treatment and Dexa sweeps can essentially decrease the gamble of crippling cracks.
3. Supporting a Solid Pregnancy with Cutting edge 3D and 4D Ultrasounds:
The wonder of pregnancy merits the most ideal consideration. NM Eva goes past essential outputs by offering progressed 3D and 4D ultrasounds. Both 3D and 4D ultrasounds for pregnant ladies give incredibly nitty gritty pictures of your creating child, empowering us to intently screen their development, development, and prosperity. Early identification of any potential anomalies gives you the significant time expected to settle on informed choices.
4. A range of the best medical care screenings and symptomatic testing administrations in Mumbai
Our obligation to your wellbeing reaches out a long ways past these models. At NM Eva, you can profit from a scope of other high level symptomatic tests, including:
Prenatal genetic screening tests: Distinguish expected hereditary circumstances in your unborn youngster from the get-go.
X-rays: Gain top to bottom experiences into inside organs and tissues for exact finding of different wellbeing concerns.
Premarital screening tests: Guarantee a sound beginning to your wedded life by distinguishing any expected issues.
Postmenopausal screening tests: Remain informed about your wellbeing after menopause and oversee potential age-related conditions successfully.
By embracing the force of cutting edge symptomatic innovation like total disease screenings or Dexa filters, you assume command over your wellbeing and prosperity. At NM Eva, we do everything within our power to furnish you with the most dependable and opportune data, engaging you to come to informed conclusions about your wellbeing process. Plan your arrangements today and open an eventual fate of sure, proactive medical care.
Keep in mind, early recognition is your most grounded partner in the battle for a sound you. Focus on normal screenings and embrace the advantages of state of the art diagnostics. Your future self will much obliged.
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starshipsys · 8 months
🛰️4d miner needs to get a thousand times more popular RIGHT NOW
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krizpydream · 8 months
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โบกมือลาริ้วรอยและปัญหาแต่งหน้าไม่ติด หรือติดไม่ทน ด้วย
OTAWA Hydrovance Mineral Essence Spray
(โอตะวา ไฮโดรวานซ์ มิเนรอล เอสเซ้นต์ สเปรย์)
น้ำแร่ไฮย่า 4D ฉีดแล้วตึง ไฮยานวัตกรรมใหม่ซึ่งมีลักษณะเฉพาะที่ช่วยเติมร่องลึกและอุ้มน้ำให้อยู่กับผิว
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Nourish Your Baby with The Best Fruits During Your Pregnancy!
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Maintaining a nutritious and well-balanced diet is crucial for the developing baby's health as well as the mother's throughout pregnancy. Fruits are an excellent source of fiber, important minerals, and vitamins.
It's crucial to remember that to make sure they are getting the nourishment they need, expectant mothers should also speak with their doctor at the Fetal Well-Being Scan Clinic of Aylesbury or a qualified dietitian. By the way, fruits also help in preventing infections and food-borne diseases.
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Given below are the names of the fruits, as suggested by the Growth Scan Clinic of Aylesbury that are best for your baby:
Bananas: Rich in potassium, bananas support the maintenance of electrolyte and fluid balance. This necessary mineral aids in blood pressure regulation, which is crucial during pregnancy.
Oranges: They are rich in vitamin C, which boosts the immune system and facilitates the absorption of iron.
Berries: They are rich in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants (strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries).
Avocado: It is a wonderful source of folate, which is necessary for embryonic growth, and healthy fats. The growth of the baby's brain and nervous system depends on these lipids.
Papaya: It is packed with vitamins A and C, but be cautious when consuming large amounts of unripe papaya since it contains latex, which can cause contractions.
Mangoes: They are rich in fiber, vitamins A and C, and both.
Kiwi: It is rich in potassium, fiber, and vitamin C. Kiwi also has a high folate content, which helps the developing neural tube in the fetus.
Apples: These are rich in several vitamins and fibers. Apples, being high in fiber, aid in regular bowel movements and the prevention of constipation.
Pears: They are another excellent source of vitamin C and fiber.
Grapes: Rich in vitamins and antioxidants, they also help you stay hydrated. It is advised to eat them in moderation.
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In conclusion, fruits that provide a wide variety of nutrients essential for the health of the mother and the unborn child are the best options for pregnant women. Your daily diet will provide you with a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are essential for a successful and healthy pregnancy if you include a variety of fruits. As usual, you must talk with the medical experts at the Private Ultrasound Scan Clinic Of Aylesbury so that you can better understand your dietary needs.
Also Read: The best time to have a Private 4D ultrasound Scan in Aylesbury.
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sirompp · 11 months
i was trying to tell my mom about 4d miner and it turns out she. doesnt know what the fourth dimension is. or the first. who doesnt know that??? she only knew about the 3rd and 2nd dimensions??????
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leticia-helena · 1 year
How can two extremely opposite twin flames, one materialistic and the other a spiritual person, come together in a reunion?
Well, it depends on what environment these two persons are in — because there are two matrices: the artificial matrix (often called the Matrix, generated by conditionings and distortions) and the divine matrix (= natural state aligned with the Earth energies).
Put another way, there is a 3D world (artificial matrix based on illusion and fear) and a 5D world (spiritual matrix based on being (=life) and truth). Between lies the 4D, a transitional stage, which induces a necessary metamorphosis.
So, the problem here is not being inwardly materialistic or spiritual, because both twins in their essence are spiritual — one holds the celestial energy (above/sky/yang/positive charge), the other the telluric energy (below/earth/yin/negative charge).
The ‘reunion’ must be seen as a magnetic process like the Earth’s magnetic field (earth/macrocosm=human body/microcosm). But first, this ‘reunion’ or ‘centering’ must happen in our own body, before hoping for the reunion with the other.
So the problem here is to identify WHERE they currently are :
* If they are in the artificial matrix (and that’s the common case, in the beginning), they inevitably attract but also reject each other. Their mental conditionings (fear, illusion, rationality, vainglory…) are the main obstacles. Their environment is also designed so that their interaction is made difficult or impossible. The work here is arduous because it is like trying to get out of a spider’s web. It takes a lot of courage to tear oneself out of the artificial matrix. The illusion here is about money/success/social status, created by economic ideologies, and guilt/shame/incapacity created by religious dogmas : this has nothing to do with spirituality and humanness. In this artificial matrix, ‘reunion’ is almost impossible because the magnetic forces are deviated.
* If they are in the divine matrix (the purpose of such a connection), then they attract each other like a magnet, they are crossed by electromagnetic forces and nothing can prevent this natural and strong attraction. Reunion gives them a powerful magnetic field, a radiance from the heart (=center of their being). They become ‘free spirits’ and they are not nourrishing anymore the artificial matrix. They can then deliver other people from the spider’s web. As they are now free spirits, aligned with the cosmic consciousness, they become a threat for the artificial matrix and their life may become difficult or marginalized, depending on the environment in which they are.
* If one is in the artificial matrix (3D) and the other more in the divine matrix (4D/5D), then the one who came out of the false matrix energetically helps the other to get out of the spider’s web. But I tend to think (if it’s a real cosmic consciousness bond) that both have spiritual knowledge, as well as work to do on their illusions and conditionings. In this case, there is not one that is more advanced than the other. Each of them has something specific to overcome and to share.
Be careful: there is also a ‘false spirituality’ in the artificial matrix, and this is a test for us to use our discernment and follow our inner guidance. The best way to disconnect from the artificial matrix is to go into natural and vast spaces, to reconnect our body through natural forces, vegetal/mineral elements (trees/mountains/ocean), i.e Earth energies (where the vital principle is, aka the kundalini). Then, you will probably see beyond illusions, manipulation and lies (which are at their peak now).
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