#5 is new this time
adaginy · 5 months
Guide to interacting with media re: your protest
I have worked in newspapers on and off for like 15 years. I don’t make any decisions about coverage, but I see the decisions and I help carry them out. 1) If your shirt/sign/banner has profanity on it, it won’t get printed (probably not put online either). Which is great if you don’t want your picture in the paper, but bad if you’re right in the front of a crowd shot that could show how big a protest is. Plan accordingly. (For what it’s worth, in the past ACAB has been allowed, and “hell” is fine.) This is something we have to watch out for much more with certain topics, which is probably a whole psychology paper.
2) Broooadly speaking, newspapers do trend “left”. I’ve encountered exceptions, by region/parent company, but that’s what happens when your job is to get a deep understanding of how issues affect humans. TV news stations, on the other hand, trend right because of Sinclair (and because their job is much more about getting the news out fast instead of deep).
3) If you tell a reporter that you can’t have your name/last name used, they’re supposed to respect that. (I’m not going to say it’s never been messed up, but I can’t think of any incidents.) If you won’t give the reporter your name at all, they might not use your quote, because then it looks like the reporter is making someone up [I have not seen this one personally but its national news when it happens] OR maybe they find out later that actually you're a professional provocateur [I have seen this one]. 3.b) If you don’t want your picture taken, say so. But if you’re in a crowd shot or a group of people, that’s harder. Photographers aren’t going to hide what they’re doing, so you can avoid them, but if it’s really really important, wear a mask or take advantage of ^1.
4) If you have a sports connection, leverage it. Newspapers like local content and it’s hard to fill a sports section with local content, so if the whole HS softball team is at a protest or the university’s star quarterback is taking a knee, that’s likely to draw attention.
5) If you're cool with being quoted, try to think about adversarial questions you might be asked (when do you think life begins, doesn't a cop have a right to due process, why set up tents after the university specifically said no tents) and plan out answers. Because if you can put together a coherent sentence like "Everyone claims to be concerned about that but the real issue is [whether the state can force you to let another person use your body, the lack of due process for the unarmed person who is now dead, an ongoing genocide]" as opposed to "well, what about x, it's like, shouldn't y'all care about that more", you are more likely to get quoted and more likely to have your quote emphasized. 5.b) On the other hand, if you tend to run your mouth, start arguments, exaggerate or "just call it like I see it", etc, consider whether what you say will actually be helpful to the cause you claim to support, especially when fact-checked.
Happy to try to answer questions.
And as a friend said: Stay safe, stay angry, stay in solidarity, and most of all, stay looking for those who may need your support and kindness right now – no one should fall behind.
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rika-mortis · 24 days
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livvy-art · 3 months
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i wish i could caption this with "and now for something completely siffrint" but the last thing i posted was. also siffrin.
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angrycheesegirl · 4 months
I think the biggest thing we lost when Fallout went 3D was the ability to target the groin in V.A.T.S. I cannot overstate the importance of being able to shoot someone in the dick in Fallout 1. There is nothing more personal, more gratifying, than landing a 95% to the groin. "We don't need that option anymore, we're not so juvenile" well I am. Give me the "Shoot Dick" option.
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 261
“So is no one going to talk about the eldritch space child or…” 
“I mean, do you want to get between a child and Batman? I think the only one who could even get close right now is Superman…” 
“No you’re right, I think- oh my god the eldritch space child is playing with batman’s bat-ears and he’s not doing anything about it what the fuck I thought only Robins could get away with that-” 
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asterwild · 5 months
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greetings from Earth 🌍 there's no place like home!!
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bittwitchy · 6 months
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some new sad girl guy spring dialogue for sebby!
also bonus bc its summer 13 now and i already gave him a bouquet
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fxa · 2 years
polls reveal just how many people use tumblr without interacting with posts. these polls with 100k votes but 10k reblogs, if that... it's been obvious for a few years just how many people have come from other websites and refuse to learn how to use tumblr based on the reblog to like ratio skyrocketing in likes' favor (when reblogs used to be higher than likes on popular posts) but seeing these actual numbers revealed by polls (since few can resist voting on a poll) is crazy
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humans-are-tasty · 9 months
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novodontia · 4 months
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lil pootis save me.... lil pootis.... save me lil pootis.....
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cathamburger · 9 months
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and the universe said i love you because you are love
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sualne · 2 years
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found back this thing from 2021
putting the addition directly onto the og post since nobody reblogs the full version:
'about this i feel a few people have misunderstood what i drew it for, my tags didnt help at all for sure and it is just one doodle, but i didnt made it as 'i'm questioning my sexuality and need to know what specific labels i am'. i've been well aware of what my whole deal is for years.
this was a silly doodle i drew as a recreation of all the thoughts and questions i had that went 'what is attraction? what is romance and sexual and platonic and friendship and something else entirely? how and why do we need to define feelings and relationships so much? why do people act the way they do, date the way they do, marry the way they do, live the way they do? how much does your own culture and time influence the way you do those things, the way you think you should act and feel? how much does amatonormativity influence and impact all of us? and why are some people so resistant against the idea of questioning and living out of these norms?' among many others things.
again, i drew years ago. i didnt want to post it because it felt unnecessarily personal and because people are insufferable about queerness.
EDIT: pls for the love of my sanity reblog the full post instead.'
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chrisrin · 5 months
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dasnercaret · 2 months
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woah wings! now with siffrin !
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lucdoodle · 2 years
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I maybe put a little too much effort into this one
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