sudokumaze · 10 months
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Do you… hear it..?
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doiyi-yt · 8 months
EH day 9: Hunt/ Haunt + day 17: Blood/ Flesh
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Playing around with the lighting and blur was fun.
But I’m never using that brush to line again.
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mikeywayarchive · 7 months
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Instagram story by kristincolby
[Nov 17, 2023]
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star-scrambled · 1 year
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It’s been two years since their bestieship was introduced to my brain (via this post with THE MOST HILARIOUS TAGS 😭), everyone say Happy Anniversary Kwazini 🐱🤝🐵!!!!!!!!
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jokeanddaggerdept · 4 months
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bugmistake · 7 days
sometimes its so crazy to realize that there's actually a lot of things i like. that i thought i didn't like because i was a depressed teenager. i love being outside! i love swimming! i love talking to people! even strangers sometimes! i love getting dressed in fun outfits and doing makeup! i love reading and going to art museums! i just thought i was doomed forever to a life of complete and total apathy and void! and now look at me! still a little shaky but i'm doing it!!!!!
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ducktollers · 1 month
got a sortof interview for a research assistant job tomorrow and sooooooooo scareds :D
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#delete later#sortof bc its basically already mine since my mom works there and said the current assistant sucks so bad theyll take Anyone with a degree#and theyre desperate#and its super casual and low intensity but still stressed tf out#bc i havent done anything non routine since december and my anxiety has gotten soooo bad and im soooo bad at talking to people#and ik the antidote is doing things again which is why am i doing this but. scary#and time is moving too fast and im so lost and i hate my stupid fuckass grocery store job and idk what to dew w my life rn#cannot stop reminiscing abt the life unlived and the time lost and while i do that i am not living anf losing time#😃😃😃😃😃😃#cannot stop thinking abt how my school life is simply over and i missed it i wasted it its Over 😀 no more chances#didnt make ONE friend in 5 years of university didnt join anything didnt do anything except mentally deteriorate#uni is supposed to be the source of so much life and experience. and yooo i missed it 😂yooooo omg its too late for me 😂😂😂#i rememebr before crossing the stage at high school graduation i was like. rn im in the part of my life before graduation#and in a minute suddenly im gonna be in the after#and then i realized recently. im in The After of university. the moment passed and i missed it#there is no more chances theres no more ‘next semester ill make friends’ theres no more Anything it is Over#time keeps going so fast and yallll i cant go back lol 😂😂😂 brooo wtf nobody told me u can never go back 😂#dawg i havent felt alive even once since leaving high school 😂 yo i peaked at age 17 😂 yo jm about to turn 23 and my last memory is being 19#yooooo whered the time go 😂😂😂😂 brooo where does it keep going lol come back wait up im runnin out of time 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂#x
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kits-ships · 1 year
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hi im kit/victoria/angel! im 24 and use they/she/ze pronouns! i don't want pros/hippers, maps, zoos, terfs, or anyone gross like that following me! i despise you and do not want you interacting with me! (sometimes i just block off of vibes alone btw!)
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my main f/os atm are the doctor (all incarnations), aziraphale + crowley, campbell bain, and alec hardy! (i love sharing- please talk to me if we share f/os and youre ok with that!!!) my carrd has my full f/o list w/ tags!
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important tags to know byf:- i try to tag every tw and cw i can think of! i use the format '#tw [trigger]' - if you need anything else tagged, feel free to lmk! - #ramblerambleramble is my general chatter tag, #kitscrushes is for crushes, ofc, #chooqueuetrain is my queue tag, and #my art is my art!! - i do not go out of my way to post outright nsft, but if something has suggestive text, i use the tags '#nsft' and '#minors dni'! if something is just a light joke, i use '#suggestive! - i tag posts using '#weed mention' and '#high posting' accordingly. please block both if that makes you uncomfortable! - all of my f/os and self inserts have tags! you can find my f/os tags on my carrd!
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crownconstellation · 3 months
so with this year’s April Fool’s event, which is themed after the Chinese Zodiac, A3! has given almost every character confirmed official birth years depending on what zodiac clan they were assigned to! these are as follows:
?????? - Guy, Azuma (they were assigned the cat, which is an unofficial / excluded zodiac sign. clever move, Liber.)
1987 (Rabbit) - Sakyo
1991 (Ram) - Homare
1992 (Monkey) - Chikage, Hisoka
1993 (Rooster) - Tsumugi
1994 (Dog) - Tasuku, Itaru
1995 (Pig) - Citron
1997 (Ox) - Omi
1998 (Tiger) - Misumi, Kazunari
1999 (Rabbit) - Tsuzuru
2000 (Dragon) - Banri, Juza
2001 (Snake) - Sakuya, Tenma, Taichi
2002 (Horse) - Masumi, Kumon
2003 (Ram) - Yuki, Muku
2004 (Monkey) - Azami
(Izumi got assigned Rat, which would be 1996, but based on canon statements about her age (her knowing Sakyo as a kid + her being the same general age as TaTsm), she’s presumably a 1992-1993 baby & she got put in Rat solely bc no one else filled that slot.)
#a3#a3! act addict actors#listing all this has made me realise the way a3 labels ages is…. interesting.#bc of how it does things people who may be only a few months apart in age will be listed as an entire year apart#because based on these birthdays it lists everyone as the age they’re turning within that act (going april to march)#so say… tasuku who’s only a few months older than itaru is listed as a year older than him bc he turned 23 right before act 1. whereas itar#turns 23 at the start of it. and then tasuku turns 24 in february. and then for acts 2 on the ages just tick up one#so even tho for most of the year they’re the same age tasuku will be listed as older#this is the same for masumi & kumon and sakuya & taiten#this makes a lot of age assignments for the students Interesting also bc they seem younger than they should be?#maybe i got too used to how enstars does the age stuff but 15-16 for 1st years 16-17 for second years 17-18 for third years…#but a3 has the third years turn 17 During their third year & etc. sakuya turns 17 at the very end of the school year#and it can’t be the march birthdays being the start of the year loop bc then sakuya would be a 2000 baby and masumi 2001#i think i’m overthinking this LOL. well anyways!#i also saw someone point out homare is three days too early to be a goat so LOL i don’t think they thought this through past general year#on that note is it goat or is it ram. i see people use them interchangeably. well anyways#bri.txt#omi literally only five (5) days younger than me…#also i just realised. tsuzuru being assigned rabbit LOLLLLLLLLLLL he is never getting past the white rabbit
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achelousaurus horneri - centrosaurine - late cretaceous discovered by the lovely jack horner, this intimidating ceratopsid lady has Quite the eyebrows. she was part of a study relating to the debate of thermoregulation in dinosaurs- whether they could generate heat or not, like current avian dinosaurs and mammals. by analyzing oxygen isotopes in the fossils of dinosaurs found in the two medicine formation, paleontologists could pinpoint seasonal variations in body temperature! they found the variations pointed to achelousaurus and other dinosaurs in the formation being homeothermic endotherms- the same as our avian dinosaurs today!
higher resolution version and a link to the paper under the cut!
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apologies the above article is locked by paywall D: i could rant for hours how much i hate research being locked like this But I Am Normal And Would Not Subject You To That :]
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snaillamp · 1 year
Jod - day 17 - Promise
Uni is starting again soon, but I don’t have much to do this semester so that is nice. I’m hoping I get to do placement soon, it’ll be awesome to actually be out in the field treating stuff, all that learning will pay off. Anyway, here’s my day 17. You guys seem to like the stories like this so why shouldn’t I provide eh?
Day 17: “Don’t lie to me” | Accident | Doubt | Gaslighting |
Leader bit back a wince as they stood up from their desk. They reached out their hand to shake that of their boss. He was a large man in a fitted suit, quite differently dressed to Leader’s loose shirt and baggy pants. “We are proud of you and your team Leader. You have done a great service to the people of this nation, without looking for any credit and with major risk to you and your team’s health. I admire you, Leader. I admire you all.” 

Leader smiled gratefully, pressing their fingers into the surface of their desk as their head began to feel a little fuzzy. It helped ground them a little. “Thank you. I will forward that to the team.” Boss squinted at them a little, “Are you alright, Leader? You look a little pale.” Leader shook their head, “Just a little tired, the mission really took a lot out of all of us. We are healed physically, but we are still recovering.” Boss nodded, satisfied with the answer. He stood and walked to the door, turning before he left. “Thank you again, Leader.”
As the door clicked shut, Leader collapsed back down into their chair with a huff. Their head spun as they leaned back, shutting their eyes. Bright lights danced in front of their vision making them open them again. Grunting, they lifted a hand to their right side, just under their ribs. It felt warm under the dressing.
They sighed, leaning forward and grabbing their pen with a slightly shaking hand. It was nice and cold between their fingers. 

They worked for a few more hours on paperwork. It had piled up during their time in hospital. After finally scribbling their signature on the bottom of the final document, they pushed themself up from the desk, only to have their legs drop out from under them. They caught themself on the edge of the desk with their right arm, hissing in pain as their wound was pulled apart even more by sudden stretching of the skin.
They would go and see their team and then get it sorted, they decided. Their mind drifted as they thought about the cut they had received on the mission, but the doctors had cleaned it all out. Leader could manage it, it was just a cut after all, not even that deep. The doctors had better things to do with their time than treat a cut anyway. A large cut… that might be infected… They pushed the thought from their mind.
Days later, Leader was sitting in their room gently peeling the old dressing from their wound. It was hot and sticky. Strings of goo came off it as they pulled the dressing away and a light scent filled their nose. Their skin was red, swollen and sore.
They lifted a cotton ball to the wound after dipping it in saline, wiping it as clean as they could while their head spun. Gritting their teeth, they put a new dressing on.
Leader finished and pulled their shirt back over their body, but as they stood they swayed, the room tilting. They fell to their knees, burying their face in their bed sheets, groaning as they tried to stop the world spinning, gripping the sheets as their body shook. After a minute, the world began to stabilise and Leader grabbed the wrappers and rubbish, standing slowly to throw them in their bin under their desk.
They shuddered as they leaned down to throw the rubbish away, a chill going down their spine. Rubbing their wound stood, they took in a sharp breath. “Leader?” They turned to see Second in Command standing in the doorway, looking concerned.
“Second! What are you doing?” Leader asked, trying to cover the slight shake in their voice. “I just came by to see how you were. You’ve been distant the past couple days. Are you feeling okay?” Leader nodded, sitting down in their chair by their desk. “Just… bogged down by paperwork, ya know. It piled up recently. Anyway, what’s up with you?”
Second raised their eyebrow, “Leader. I’ve known you since we were Cadets. I’ve been your Second for years. I know when you’re trying to change the subject on me. You can lie under pressure, but you can’t fool me.” They smirked playfully, entering the room. 

Leader shook their head. “I’m fine. Just busy.”
Second raised their chin, unable to mask the face that said: ‘That’s bullshit but I know you’re not going to give me more than that’ and held out their arm to help Leader up. “Bored. Let’s do a spar later, you and me.” Leader tried to lean back casually against their desk, but their side screamed in pain as they did. “Cool, cool. Uh, well I have to get back to it, so maybe we should all get together and train as a group.” Leader flashed their best: ‘I’m fine, fuck off’ smile and went to leave the room.
Second in Command sighed, clearing their throat, “You know, if something is wrong you can tell me. No one else has to know.” Leader tensed, stopping in their tracks, their voice lowering. It can out a little more aggressively than they had intended. “I’m fine.” They walked wordlessly from the room, leaving a worried Second, who followed them, angry. “Leader. Don’t lie to me!” Leader whirled around. “Second! I’m fine. Just drop it.” They growled, before turning an walking away.

Leader sat at their desk, scribbling away at paperwork, feeling the wound getting warmer and warmer. They looked up at the sound of their door opening, but quickly returned to writing. “Leader.” The stern voice caused them to look up. “‘M busy.” They replied, ignoring the medic standing in front of them. “Leader, we need to talk.”
Leader leaned back in their chair, sighing in annoyance. They folded their hands over their stomach. “Yeah? Fine.” Medic raised their eyebrow. “I know you’ve been busy with work and I understand you’re stretched thin, but you skipped your annual checkup appointment, why?” Leader shook their head nonchalantly. “Oh, I must have forgotten… Did you want to reschedule?”
Medic sighed, putting their index fingers between their eyebrows. “Leader, I wasn’t born yesterday. I know you’ve been avoiding me.” Leader’s eyes were cold, staring straight into Medic’s soul and they saw why Leader could be intimidating. Leader was usually quite friendly to them, but this side of them sent a shiver down Medic’s spine. They suddenly understood why Leader was so good at doing interrogations. “I haven’t been avoiding you.” Leader’s voice was level and low as their eyes pierced Medic’s.
Medic wanted to avert their eyes from Leader’s stare, but they knew this game, and they wouldn’t lose to Leader. “Leader. We have to check you, come by my office tonight, 7pm, I’ll stay late especially for you.” Leader looked down for a second, losing the eye contact with Medic. “Cool, see you at 7.” They trailed off, reaching for their pen returning to their scribbling, ignoring their eyes beginning to blur.
‘That was too easy.’ Medic thought, “I’m not asking, Leader. I will take this further if I have to.” Leader shot them a look, but nodded.
Youngest wandered down the hallway, stopping as they saw Leader. The usually stoic and strong team member looked like death. “Hey, Leader. Medic was looking for you, they said you didn’t turn up for the appointment they organised.” Leader turned with unfocused eyes, “Well, I was on my way there now, actually.” Youngest frowned, “Leader, it’s 8:30, your appointment was at 7.”

Leader ran their hand through their hair, groaning frustratedly. “I’d better get going.” They mumbled, “The hospital wing is that way though?” Youngest pointed in the opposite direction, suspicious. “I have to do other things too. I’m going there after I drop off something off.” They tried to answer with a neutral, level voice, but it was quiet, wavering slightly. 

Second in Command noticed the two people up ahead as they left the hallway leading to the Medic’s office. “Youngest!” They cried out, happy to see their friend cornering Leader. The team had decided to track them down when Medic had come to them, concerned that Leader hadn’t shown up for their appointment.
“Second!” Youngest called out, a glint appearing in their eye. Leader mentally let out a another frustrated groan. ‘Great, more company.’
Second rushed up to Youngest, “Leader?” they looked concerned at the state of their friend. Leader managed a weak smile. “I really have to get going. Catch up later?” They said, turning away from Second’s quickly growing scowl, their eyes boring into their back.
“Leader.” They barked, their ‘leadership’ voice coming out now. “I know you didn’t see Medic today. You look like shit. Go, now.” 

Leader turned and stared back, voice dropping with venom. “So I’ve been informed. Well, I’m fine.” They let out a tiny grunt as their wound randomly panged. “Right. Just like how you were fine when you had the flu, or dislocated your elbow, or when you broke your wrist. Leader, look at yourself, you can barely stand.” Second pointed out, exasperated. “I’m just tired. It’s fine.” Leader countered.
Youngest tried to reason with their stubborn Leader. “Leader, just go and see Medic. You look awful. Second is right, I’m surprised you’re still waking around.” Leader shook their head, trying to clear the weird dizziness washing over them. “I don’t have anything wrong with me.” Leader mumbled, the world going a little blurry.
“Don’t. Lie. To. Me.” Second’s firm voice cut through the buzz in Leader’s head, but there was something hidden behind it, like they were trying not to cry. “It’s fine, I’m managing it…” Their words were slightly slurring together, “So you are sick?” “No, it’s just fin…” Leader felt their body drop as they world seemed to collapse in on itself.
Leader swayed as they suddenly dropped to the floor, landing on their right side. Second in Command rushed forward to roll them over, when they felt the heat against Leader’s side. Lifting up Leader’s shirt, they immediately saw the wet, puss stained bandage and the angry red skin surrounding it. “Holy shit.” They murmured. “Youngest, find Medic!”
Medic had heard feet running down the corridor before saw Youngest hurtling down it. “Med…ic… Come quick… Leader…” They panted, resting their hands on their knees as they tried to catch their breath. “Show me.” Medic replied, as Youngest grabbed their hand and lead them back the way they had come from.
Rounding a corner, the medic saw Leader collapsed on the floor, Second kneeling over them. They practically leapt across the hallway, sinking down beside the pale Leader and spotting the wound. Looking up at Second, unable to hide the worry on their face, they murmured, “My office, now.” The group picked up their friend, who was burning up, this was bad.
The group dragged the wounded Leader down the hallway, ending up in a small room with a bed and some basic supplies. Medic raced to put on gloves as Second and Youngest wrestled the shirt off of Leader, revealing the true extent of the wound. The medic gripped the dressing ripping it away and gasping in horror at what was underneath. “This is bad.”
The wound was rancid, dripping with goo. Second gagged, turning away, whilst Youngest stared in shock. You didn’t need to know medicine to know that that was a bad infection.
Leader woke a day later, to to sound of a machine losing it’s shit. A nurse came rushing in and pressed some buttons. “Oh, you’re awake, sleepy head. I’ll go get Medic. You’re on a lot of meds, so you’ll probably feel a little weird right now.” He remarked, noticing Leader’s eye’s moving sluggishly around the room. Seconds later, Youngest and Second, followed by the two other members of the team piled into the room, and finally Medic, squeezing in behind the four anxious teammates.
After a long lecture about the dangers of septic shock and that this could have been a lot worse, the medic’s facade seemed to break. “I’m just so fucking glad you’re okay, Leader. You were in and out all night, I didn’t know if you could do it. Your infection is really bad, the worst I’ve ever seen.” Leader raised a slow hand to the site of the wound. It felt a little better, but maybe that was meds.
“We should have it under control now, but I’ve ordered you to have mandatory bedrest until it clears.” Medic sternly informed them. Leader sank into the pillows, defeated. 

“Why, Leader?” A teammate asked. “I didn’t want to make a scene…” Leader replied weakly, watching as Youngest leaned forward. Before they realised what was happening, their team was piled on top of them, hugging them gently. “Ow, guys.” Leader croaked, causing them all to jump back. “Sorry.” Second replied, they looked embarrassed. “It’s fine.” Leader smiled.
The team sat with their leader, assuring them that they wouldn’t have caused a scene, and that they shouldn’t force themself to suffer. Leader nodded, which made their head hurt. “You’re right. I… I’m sorry.”
Youngest wiped a tear from their eye, “Just. Never, ever do that again.” They poked Leader between the ribs, “Ow!” Leader flinched. “That’s for collapsing in the hall.” Another jab, “And that’s for lying to us.” “Okay, okay, you’ve made your point.” Leader shielded themself from anymore oncoming fingers.
“Rest up. We need a Leader.” Second reached out, squeezing Leader’s hand.
Leader nodded, making a silent promise to themself never to hide something like this again.
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disneynerdpumpkin · 7 months
~ Scriptures about forgiveness ~
Matthew 6:15 "But if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."
Ephesians 4:32 "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."
Colossians 3:13 "Bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive."
Daniel 9:9 "To the Lord our God belong mercy and forgiveness, for we have rebelled against him."
Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
Proverbs 10:12 "Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses."
Micah 7:18 "Who is a God like you, pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance? He does not retain his anger forever, because he delights in steadfast love."
Mark 11:25 "And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses."
Luke 17:3-4 "Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him."
Luke 6:37 "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:"
Matthew 6:14 "For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:"
1 John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
Isaiah 1:8 "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool."
James 5:16 "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."
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jackalspine · 1 year
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Sleep Swap Sketch trade with @snowed-leopard !! They drew the sketch and I asked if I could finish it
Qjendjjdnd there’s several iterations on the bottom that I didn’t like after sending so that’s why there’s three of m lol
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mikeywayarchive · 1 year
Instagram story by mikeyway
[May 17, 2023]
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klaudia2646 · 7 months
David came down and let the dogs out. When coming back in asked me if I could “manage” to let them in again. So, I guess that’s progress? He didn’t really want to acknowledge me but had to. I didn’t loose time letting them in because god forbids he comes back down and they’re still outside. Then I’ll get blamed that I didn’t let them in.
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walkswithmyfather · 1 year
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“12 Promises of God to Lean On” By Instaencouragements.com:
“Leaning on the promises of God means relying on the assurances that He has given us through His Word, the Bible.
God's promises are trustworthy and provide comfort, guidance, and hope to believers.
When we lean on these promises and trust in God's faithfulness, we find peace. Peace that passes all human understanding. Peace that sustains us in the midst of difficult circumstances. Peace that assures us that God is in control.
It's important that we read and meditate on God's Word regularly. When we do, we will be reminded of His promises and to deepen our trust in Him.
​Today, let's look at 12 of His promises and meditate on the Scripture where they are found.
12 promises of God we can confidently lean on today:
1. God will fight for you: “The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” —Exodus 14:14
2. God will go before you: “It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” —Deuteronomy 31:8
3. God will be with you: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” —Joshua 1:9
4. God will renew you: “But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” —Isaiah 40:31
5. God will strengthen you: “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” —Isaiah 41:10
6. God will be your Shepherd: “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.” —Psalm 23:1
7. God will deliver you: “When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.” —Psalm 34:17
8. God will counsel you: “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you.” —Psalm 32:8
9. God loves you: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” —John 3:16
10. God will make all things work for your good: “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.” —Romans 8:28
11. God will never leave you: “Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for He has said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.” —Hebrews 13:5
12. God will guard you: “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” —Philippians 4:7
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