#500 subscriber special
carnivorousyandeere · 5 months
When the 500 follower mark is hit, Yun and I will release a two-part fic featuring our OCs and their Darling~
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growingstories · 7 months
Jonathan Beck, a renowned fitness influencer with a massive social media following, had established himself as a fitness expert. With his app and monthly fitness columns, he was making a comfortable living. His expertise and popularity caught the attention of Men's Health magazine, who offered him a monthly column on fitness nutrition. Jonathan's first column focused on the carnivore diet, which he thoroughly enjoyed, especially the restaurant located right below his apartment. This restaurant happened to be one of the best meat joints in town, and the owner, Berney, greatly appreciated Jonathan's positive impact on his business. The owner extended an open invitation to Jonathan to eat at his restaurant anytime.
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To escape the monotony of working from home, Jonathan began writing his columns from the restaurant. Berney, being a generous host, would always bring him a substantial serving of entrecote. As weeks went by, Jonathan found himself visiting the restaurant regularly - both for his columns and to craft fitness programs for his followers. It became a gathering spot for Jonathan's followers, who would often drop by to discuss food fitness and.
The success of Jonathan's monthly column led to an extension of his collaboration with Men's Health magazine. He even landed a cover shoot and an interview. Additionally, he was given the responsibility of creating monthly meal plans for the's magazine subscribers. But, a few weeks before his photoshoot, Jonathan noticed that his abs were slightly obscured by a layer of fat.
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In a desperate attempt to prepare for the shoot, he resorted to a crash diet, a practice he never endorsed on his platform due to his belief in body positivity. Miraculously, the crash diet worked, and within three weeks, his abs were once again prominently visible in the photos.
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With the increasing workload, Jonathan realized that he needed assistance with his own fitness program and social media. He hired a young fitness enthusiast, Mark, to help him manage his tasks. They decided to have weekly meetings at Berney's restaurant, which meant that Jonathan's visits became more elaborate. He would start with a healthy breakfast of avocado, eggs, and steak, conduct his meetings, and then indulge in a lavish lunch, often accompanied by Berney's special cake.
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Oblivious to the consequences, Jonathan's abs were once again hidden beneath a layer of fat. However, his growing popularity continued to attract more followers, and the decided magazine to offer him a prominent position as their creative director. This meant that Jonathan had to spend a few days a week in meetings with the team, while the rest of his work was carried out from Berney's restaurant. Unfortunately, amidst his newfound success, Jonathan neglected his own fitness. His belly began protruding, and Berney would jokingly poke fun at his weight during his visits. Berney graciously allowed Jonathan to sample all his new dishes, which Jonathan would eagerly devour. Meanwhile, Mark, who remained strict with his own diet, took over the task of filming workout videos.
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Weeks turned into months, and Jonathan found himself completely out of shape. He casually dismissed his ex-jock physique, claiming that he was merely bulking up. One day, Jonathan crossed paths with the publishing director, Peter Stanford, who barely recognized him due to his weight gain. Peter, aware of Jonathan's love for food, offered him an enticing opportunity. He proposed a new venture called "The Big 500," a book reviewing the top 500 restaurants in the US, to be published every five years. Peter wanted Jonathan to undertake the task, which would require him to visit and review all 500 restaurants. Lured by the prospect, Jonathan accepted the offer, fully aware that it would take an immense amount of time and dedication. He shared the news with Mark, who now had additional responsibilities. To compensate, Mark received a pay raise and shares in the company. Berney, proud of their achievements, offered them a large piece of cake and champagne to celebrate.
Jonathan meticulously planned his schedule, intending to visit three restaurants each week. He would conduct his meetings remotely during the day and visit the restaurants at night. After three days in city each, he would return to Berney's to write his reviews. Berney, known for his kindness, would provide snacks to help Jonathan stay focused, and Jonathan happily indulged. The next day, Jonathan would catch up with Mark and discuss business matters. On the remaining office days, he would dedicate his time to the publishing company. Unbeknownst to him, his clothes began straining against his expanding waistline.
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Recognizing the need for speed, Jonathan decided to review six restaurants per week, thereby saving time for lunch reservations. This meant that every day he visited two restaurants, enjoyed Berney's snacks, consumed airline food, and indulged in office donuts. The consequences were dire. His weight started ballooning, and rumors began circulating about his physical transformation. Determined not to give up publically, Jonathan resumed working out at the gym, utilizing his own fitness program. However, he soon realized that he had become incredibly out of shape. The strain on his clothes reminded him of his former fit self, and he resolved to get back in shape. With determination, Jonathan hit the gym every morning for a month, striving to reclaim his previous physique. He pushed himself, even though he struggled to perform basic exercises.
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One day, while in the office, he stumbled upon a box of supplement bars and decided to forego his usual snacking habits. Oblivious to the fact that they were weight gainers, he enjoyed a few and took some home. He requested more bars from the office, assuming they were a healthier alternative to airline food. The office promptly ordered a large supply. Jonathan continued devouring the bars during his travels, unaware of their purpose. Weeks passed, and his clothes grew tighter once again. He struggled even to tie his shoes due to his expanding belly. His arms had also grown significantly, which he attributed to his intense workouts. It was only when Mark noticed him eating another bar that he questioned Jonathan's choice. Mark, having read an article about the bars, informed Jonathan that they were indeed weight gainers.
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Jonathan halted his consumption of the bars, but his calorie intake remained high. Unwilling to abandon his goal of completing the book, he continued on his path, accepting the progressive weight gain as a cost of his ambition. Months flew by, and after two years of relentless work, Jonathan had successfully met his deadline. His book was ready for release. Despite the challenges of his weight, he felt a sense of accomplishment. Peter, satisfied with Jonathan's performance, made him the creative director of the entire publishing company and offered to buy his fitness platform.
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Jonathan weighed his options and eventually accepted the offer, understanding that this transition would provide a more structured and manageable pace. After dedicating himself wholeheartedly for two years, he had achieved his goals and set himself up for a successful future.
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dervampireprince · 7 months
10k subscribers on Youtube!! I- What?!
At the start of this year I made goals and I never shared them because I was embarrassed that they were too high reaching and what if I shared them and didn't reach them and then I looked like a fool in front of everyone. But I guess I could have shared them after all because this is what my start of year 2023 goals look like now:
Twitch 536/500
Patreon 276/200
Youtube 10k/10k
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Thank you all so much, I can never thank you enough. Your support across these and more platforms allows to not only make content I enjoy but be able to make a living off doing it. You're allowing me to have a life and the ability to save up to move out into a better living situation. I wanted to make voice acted comfort content as fictional characters because when I was a mental ill teenager with no support system I found a Tumblr blog called @tomhiddlestonsoundalike. This creator was doing an incredible impression of Loki from the Marvel films and would record audios that were comforting, holding you while you cry, talking you down from a panic attack, etc. And as someone who'd found parts of myself in Loki and loved him, I would listen to these audios curled up in my room and imagine that Loki was comforting me as sadly I had no one else that would. That's why I wanted to start making audios because I hoped I could give to others what that creator gave me, but to also aim at least some of my content at trans listeners as I myself am trans and wished I had found content like mine when I was younger.
With another 1k subscribers please let me know who you'd like me to make a 1 hour sleep aid of. And for 10k there's be another special audio happening that's been a long time coming, a special something with my original characters Ambrose and Arden that people have been requesting for a long time. I hope you're all ready.
I wouldn't be able to keep making this content without you all, whether you support on Patreon, have commissioned me, or just watch ads on my Youtube.
A reminder that on Friday I'll be having a celebration stream and subathon on Twitch with giveaways and more. Though I suppose I need to update the title of that now.
Special thank you to my wonderful partner @julia-b00 . She's also an ASMR voice actor here on Youtube, an artist with an Etsy shop and streams on Twitch. And I have a feeling that you guys are into that sort of thing, so please check her out and give her a follow.
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jurassicateer · 1 year
Camp Cretaceous: Coming Soon
After months of secrecy and rumor, we can officially announce our latest attraction, Camp Cretaceous, is nearing completion!
What Is Camp Cretaceous?
An adventure camp located deep in the Jurassic jungle, exclusively for children and teenagers, where campers will learn all the ins and outs of dinosaur care in Jurassic World, while enjoying all the traditional thrills of summer camp: bonfires, exploration, and all-around adventure! Not only that, but campers will actually work directly with our dinosaur care teams, and even receive special guided tours of some of our most important facilities.
The camp is highly secure, dominated by a sprawling complex of comfortable treehouse-style accommodations, with room for up to 500 campers, all under the careful eye of our highly trained camp counselors.
But before Camp Cretaceous can open, we want to make sure it's perfect; spare no expense, as John Hammond would say. Which is why we're allowing eight lucky campers to be the first to experience Camp Cretaceous before anyone else.
Meet the Campers
Darius Bowman: Lifelong dinosaur enthusiast and the first to beat the early release of our Escape Site B video game.
Kenji Kon: Jurassic World VIP and heir to the Mantah Corporation.
Brooklynn: Social media superstar who will document our campers' adventure.
Ben Pincus: Soft-spoken scholar and son of Masrani's head of Public Relations.
Yasmina Fadoula: Track star and all-around athlete.
Sammy Gutierrez: Fiercely friendly heir to Gutierrez Farms, Jurassic World's top supplier of meat.
Zach Mitchell: Oldest nephew of Claire Dearing, head of Park Operations.
Gray Mitchell: Zach's younger brother, with dinosaur knowledge to rival Darius.
Subscribe to Brooklynn's channel and prepare to follow our campers on the adventure of a lifetime...and be sure to book your bunk for Camp Cretaceous today!
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(CNN) — Ever since her 2020 birth, Fu Bao has been one of South Korea’s biggest celebrities, with fans eagerly following every milestone of her life at Everland Resort’s Panda World, a theme park in Yongin city.
But the country’s most famous and beloved giant panda is set to bid South Korea a final farewell in April, with preparations now underway for her journey to her new home in China.
During the last week of Fu Bao’s public viewing earlier this month, visitors reportedly endured wait times of 5-6 hours just to catch a glimpse of the celebrity bear for a mere five minutes, as the park restricted viewing times to manage the influx of visitors, according to park officials.
On Fu Bao’s last day of public viewing on March 3, she received farewell gifts, including a panda family doll crafted from bamboo, a bouquet of flowers and heart-shaped pieces of bread from her dedicated keepers at Everland.
Fu Bao fandom
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Born to parents Ai Bao and Le Bao in July 2020 as part of China’s “panda diplomacy” program, Fu Bao is South Korea’s first naturally-bred panda.
In the days following her birth, Everland’s social media channels offered fans a steady diet of Fu Bao videos, with its YouTube channel pulling in more than 1.2 million subscribers and, as of February, surpassing 500 million cumulative views, according to the park.
A two-hour video chronicling Fu Bao’s journey from birth to childhood added to the Everland YouTube channel eight months ago has garnered 1.6 million views.
The most recent videos on the channel are now filled with warm and heartfelt messages from viewers, including the beloved cub’s self-proclaimed “online aunties.”
“Fu Bao, you’re a happy treasure that came to us like a miracle during the difficult Covid pandemic,” reads one Youtube comment.
“Your aunties have been so happy to have known you and you made me smile so much. You’re a clever one so I’m so sure you’ll do well in a new environment!”
Another commented that they “can’t believe how time passes so quickly and that we have to let Fu Bao go. I’m so sad to let her go … I support our Fu and love you. Every moment knowing you has been a great joy with laughter. Thank you.”
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Thanks to Fu Bao’s widespread popularity, her dedicated zookeeper has also found himself in the spotlight, becoming a bit of a social media star himself.
Often referred to as her grandpa, Kang Chul-won offered his own farewell message for Fu Bao, noting that the Korean people’s special love for her all began with social media videos shared during the Covid pandemic when the zoo was closed.
“She brought help and happiness to a society in many ways that was having a difficult time due to the coronavirus,” Kang said in a video posted to YouTube.
During remarks to the press earlier this month, he said people visited the social media sites every day, so it felt like he was “raising her together with them.”
“Of course there are aspects of her cuteness and playfulness, but they cared so much for her and they shared the same emotions of raising a cub together during such difficult times,” Kang said.
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Kang Chul-won and Fu Bao
Though one could argue it’s impossible to identify a single social media moment that catapulted Fu Bao to stardom, there are a couple of standout videos that have been particularly popular with viewers.
In one video, Fu Bao clings tightly to Kang’s leg, unwilling to let go, as he spins gently around the room.
After many attempts to uncoil her strong arms, he finally separates himself from her.
The other short video shows Fu Bao clinging to Kang’s arm while relaxing on a wooden bench.
As the zookeeper gently pushes her arm so he can take his phone out of his pocket, the panda links her arms tightly around his left arm.
After he motions to show something on the phone to her, she rolls onto her back.
In an announcement from Everland, the company says Fu Bao will be transferred to the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda in Sichuan Province in early April.
Everland said that it will keep her in a separate space at Everland Panda World for a month to prepare her to adjust to her new environment before her overseas transfer, which will be carried out in accordance with international regulations.
According to the agreement between Samsung C&T, the parent company of Everland, and the China Wildlife Conservation Association, mature pandas must be returned to China before they turn four years old.
Once Fu Bao departs for China, there will be four giant pandas left at Everland – Fu Bao’s mother Ai Bao, father Le Bao, and their twin babies Rui Bao and Hui Bao, who were born in July 2023.
Source: CNN Travel
Baby panda 'FuBao' glued to the zookeeper dragging her around | Everland Panda World
16 December 2020
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Help me grow my new onlyfans account. I'm still trying to figure out how to post so please bear with me hehe.
My goal:
First (1st) 500 Followers will recieve a special post dedicated to them in a extremely sexy outfit hehe.
First (1st) 150 Subscribers will recieve a special video of myself.
Link to my onlyfans below:
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averageludwig · 8 months
Hello!!! I just wanted to say that I am DELIGHTED with your style and the way you draw Demoman...You...You get it in a special way, very gently, smoothly softly... fabulous. Your drawings cheer me up every time I see them. Thank you for what you're doing aaaannnddd I hope everything will be fine with you, continue in the same spirit! (also congratulations on 500 subscribers! I hope there soon will be more of them! eheheh✿)
Augh .. ...awuhh. my god thats so sweet you dont know how much that means 😭😭😭thank you sosomuch, my art is so closely attached to my self worth and these asks make my whole week </33 I hope you continue to enjoy my art man :3 TYSM
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cosmicpines · 2 years
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Over the Garden Wall collection update! I've gotten some fun new additions recently :)
Comics showcase:
The Art of Over the Garden Wall (2017)
Hollow Town Trade Paperback (2019)
Soulful Symphonies Trade Paperback (2020)
Distillatoria (2018)
Circus Friends (2019)
The Benevolent Sisters of Charity (2020)
Special (2014)
Mini Series, 1-4 (2015)
Ongoing, 1-20, assorted variants (2016-2018)
Special (2017)
Over the Garden Wall and into the Unknown (Halloween ComicFest sampler for Distillatoria) (2018)
Rock Facts! Cover A (SDCC 2017 exclusive) (337/500)
For Sara Tape (original pressing)
Vinyl Soundtrack (Harvest Yellow)
Read and Listen booklet and record (Press kit)
3 Shirts (Hot Topic)
Cartoon Network Collective screenprint (93/150)
What's next? I'm not sure! The Read and Listen book was the piece I most wanted. My next "holy grail" would probably be the hardcover Tome of the Unknown from SDCC 2016, but a more realistic goal would be the plush keychains or the regular/subscription variants of all the comics.
Known merch I don't have under the cut!
The Art of Over the Garden Wall (Limited Edition)
LOTS of comic variants! Each issue has at least 1 other variant (retail/subscriber), with the first issues having more.
Comic versions of Hollow Town and Soulful Symphonies, with all their assorted variants
Trade paperback versions of the first special + 1-4 series and the ongoing series
SDCC hardcover Tome of the Unknown (first special + 1-4)
Rock Facts! Cover B
For Sara (Backup Master)
Vinyl Soundtrack (Jason Funderberker Green, Retail Black, SDCC Beast colored)
DVD Screener (came in the press kit, episodes 1-2)
Titans Figures (Wirt, Greg, Beatrice, Wirt/Greg NYCC 2017 (snowbound), Greg Hot Topic exclusive (beast), Greg chase (vines))
Titans Mystery Mini Figures (Wirt, Greg, Beatrice)
Domez Mystery Box (Wirt, Greg, Beatrice, Woodsman, Greg w/ Frog, Auntie Whispers, Wirt w/ Beatrice, the Beast)
Plush Clips (Wirt, Wirt w/ Beatrice, Greg, Greg w/ Frog, Beatrice, the Beast)
MONDO enamel pins (tape, frog, pumpkin, scissors, beast)
Gallery Nucleus pins (Wirt, Greg, Beatrice, frog)
Various Hot Topic merch (Shirts, dresses, sweatshirts, hair bows, keychain (which I actually used to have but it fell apart), Wirt cape, Greg jumper, necklace)
Various CN Store merch (Shirts, phone cases, mug)
Other items from the Cartoon Network collective (phone case, t shirt, etc)
The Mystery Shack merch (handmade figures, tarot deck, pins, scissors, button, greeting card, Lorna coin)
And probably more!
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carnivorousyandeere · 7 months
Ik it’s my own fault for picking a spicier script for a 500 subscriber special on YouTube but I am dying a little recording this 😭
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hellsw0rth · 2 months
1000 Youtube subscriber special!
As Murray Gold's 'A Dark and Endless Dalek Night' was my 500 subscriber special, and people asked for this, I've done a Cybermen retro remix using Murray Gold's spectacular score, drawing on dandalf's incredible sheet music on MuseScore.
This is mostly a track with an 80's feel, as I found myself wondering how it would sound with Earthshock. But it has elements of all of classic Doctor Who music. It has the metallic sound of Malcolm Clarke's Cybermen music from Earthshock and Attack of the Cybermen, and the eerie melody and big drums of the 60's Cybermen theme, with the organ and heavy woodwind sounds of the 70's.
I really enjoyed making this one, and I hope you enjoy it too.
The 70's take on The Majestic Tale is taking a bit longer than I had hoped so I'm not sure if that'll be the next release or if I get sidetracked with another idea in the meantime.
Either way, stay tuned. And thank you so much for your support over the past several months!
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denizenhardwick · 4 months
oh shit oh my god i'm almost at 500 subscribers? should i do something special for that? what might people want?
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hyperfixationsstation · 2 months
"special guest" lol
watch it happen like this:
Fans: "Oh, it must be CP! Cool!" *500 people subscribe and RSVP today*
*The watch attempts to start, but stream is eff'd or glitching because its crashing due to so many people logged in at once.*
*buffering finally ends, the watch begins*
"Yooooo, it's Harry & Harry!"
*300 people log off instantly*
LOL. I kid, I kid.
haha people will stay for toasty
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dailymtgflavortext · 5 months
Are you ready for some Chaotix??? As a special "thank you" to my 300+ subscribers, I'm playing something weird that nobody asked for! Join me today for the forbidden Sonic game: Knuckles Chaotix! And if you aren't subscribed, there's an easy fix for that! Help me reach 500 subscribers, I've got big plans for that milestone!
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dervampireprince · 8 months
9k subscribers on Youtube!
Well I really need to start posting the +1k subscribers celebration audios sooner than I go because it's a little embarassing that this is the second time in a row now we've reached the next goal before I've posted the last one's celebration video. But could have never predicated this would start happening, that I'd be gaining subscribers so quickly, it's wild and amazing and I'm so grateful. And it really makes what I thought was a very unlikely goal of 10k subs by the end of the year look... very possible if not... likely. Which feels ridiculous?!? Thank you!!
I also just 500 followers on Twitch and will be doing a celebration over there where I'll be doing a karaoke stream where you guys get to request songs (I'm very nervous) and a subathon where there will be rewards for subscribing and gifting subs on Twitch like me doing certain activities and challenges on stream, drawing requests and a giveaway or two!
As always with every 1k subscribers we gain here on Youtube I make a 1 hour long sleep aid of a character of your choice! So comment below to get your votes in and whoever gets the most votes will be the character who gets the audio! However characters who I haven't done for a 1k sleep aid audio before or characters who haven't had one in a long while will be prioritised.
Whenever we do reach 10k I'll have to think of something extra special to do. I'm not sure what that will be. Either some some of speical stream, perhaps one on Youtube, a Q&A, perhaps a video that is more complex to make like an Ambrose and Arden video. I don't know. Feel free to give suggestions.
Thank you all so much!
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captainbrookeworm · 2 years
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This was my 500 subscriber special. One of my other most popular videos was magisterium, so it only felt fitting to go back to my roots!
Speedpaint + Commentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhjyRxPEm6I
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hoursofreading · 1 year
Mosses are the simplest of all plants. They are small because they don’t have any support system to hold them up; a moss more than a few centimeters tall would fall over. Large mosses occur only in lakes and streams, where the water can hold up their weight. The climate right next to the ground is different from the climate six feet above. You can see this yourself by lying down on a windy day: you’ll see that the air is more still and warmer. Obstacles create friction, which makes the air move more slowly. At the “boundary layer”, right next to the ground, the air is nearly motionless. The motionless air insulates the boundary layer, so it’s warm. The boundary layer traps water vapor and carbon dioxide. In fact, because decomposers like fungi and bacteria generally emit their carbon dioxide into the boundary layer, the boundary layer has up to ten times as much carbon dioxide as the general atmosphere. Wet, warm, rich in carbon dioxide: the boundary layer is the ideal environment for photosynthesis. But the boundary later is also small—perhaps a millimeter high on a cliff face, maybe ten centimeters high in a moist forest. Mosses, which can’t grow large anyway, have specialized in taking advantage of it. Although small, mosses have their own ecosystems. One gram of moss contains about 150,000 protozoa, 132,000 tardigrades, 3,000 springtails, 800 rotifers, 500 nematodes, 400 mites, and 200 fly larvae. The moss ecosystem has its own epiphytes (plants which live on other plants) and predators. Early insect evolution occurred in moss mats, which provided a safe intermediate space between the water and the land.
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