#51st century? check
gen-is-gone · 4 months
I mean I don't wanna just be like 'finally, episode I actually liked' about the moffat episode but. like.
finally, an episode I actually liked!
No seriously, holy shit my man pulled exactly zero punches that was fucking excellent
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msue0027 · 6 months
the life expectancy is getting longer and longer. dw is a sci-fi. both in reality and fiction we wish for a long life in good health, quality and dignity. just checked, average life expectancy in the uk is over 80 years, and 1. it's been rising for years; 2. we need to remember that it's 'average'. (yep, that demographic would lead to working longer but it's a topic for a different time.) there are and will be even more advanced technology and medicine. yes, we cannot cure some things right now but who knows what remedies we will have in 20, 50, 100, 250 years?
and jack harkness comes from 3000 years into the future. am i that mistaken to assume that life expectancy could be much longer in the 51st century? for example, idk, 200 years? (and even if i am, it's sci-fi and my headcanon.) (not that this man would ever live to that age, not with his life-style.) what i'm saying is, maybe being 180 isn't that weird for people from that time period, weird is not aging a day. oh, and not-dying over 1000 times. that for sure.
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thetorchwoodarchive · 2 years
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Welcome to the Torchwood Archive’s Second Annual Halloween Rec Fest! Below are spooky, scary, or otherwise Halloween themed Torchwood fics as recommended by our followers! While you're here also feel free to check out last year's Halloween Rec List for double the treats!
Our Fics That Haunt You list will be up later tonight!
Halfway Back by Sholio (Team Torchwood | complete | 13953 | T)
Team Torchwood run a sanctuary for magical creatures, and this time they've got a basilisk on their hands.
Caledfwlch by BricklingGhost (TeamGwenee) (JackIanto, GwenRhys, LisaIanto, OwenTosh, OwenKatie | complete | 48456 | Not Rated)
Jack has a lifetime ban from the afterlife for stealing, Owen's fiance is a right hag, Toshiko is playing children's games, Ianto has a vampire in the garden, and Gwen has a prophetic dog of death following her around for pets.
The Bad Neighbor by Firesnap (Gen | complete | 30576 | T)
Rhys Williams knows there's something wrong with his neighbor. It's a shame no one seems to be listening to him.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep by someawkwardprose (GwenSuzie, Gwen&Ianto, JackIanto | WIP | 6639 | T)
There's a witch in Roundstone Woods, and Gwen is going to make a deal with her.
When Did Your Heart Go Missing by Jackdaw816 (Gwen&John, JackJohnIanto | complete | 1488 | T)
Gwen Cooper has discovered the identity of the Excalibur killer (or has she?)
Binding and Chaining Me Tight by Jackdaw816 (JackJohn | complete | 588 | T)
John survived Canary Wharf, but is he really living?
Chirality by Beleriandings (JackIanto | complete | 2494 | T)
Ianto looks in a mirror.
Rebound by cupidsbow (JackIanto | complete | 1938 | T)
The first time Ianto feels it -- a creeping sense of not-quite déjà vu, making his nape prickle -- is when Jack asks him out on a date.
The Moon, The Laughs, and the Whispers by moonlightrhosyn (LisaIanto | complete | 9229 | T)
“Wow,” Gray breathed, a reverent look on his face, “It’s beautiful.” “Yes,” Agnes said, “it is. Now -” “So intricate, and it looks like it was handmade, too. The time this must have taken to complete… this is incredible!” He beamed. “This - this is really spectacular. Thank you,” he said softly, turning to look at her. “Early 51st century - right around the turn of the century. We’ll probably want to include late 50th in the Archive scan, but I’m confident that it's from the 51st century.”
When Gray is asked to help on a project identifying an object from the 51st century, he's thrilled. He's significantly less thrilled when all the files he brought up to help identify it start showing information about the Boeshane Peninsula; after all, if Yvonne finds out that one of her employees is secretly from the future, what's going happen to him?
sit in and watch the sunlight fade by violetmessages (Gwen&Owen&Tosh&Ianto, JackIanto | complete | 3049 | T)
Jack's gone, but the team still find themselves needing him, especially when a door appears that wasn't there the day before.
Without a Shadow of a Doubt by Beleriandings (JackIanto | complete | 2354 | T)
(AU: Just this once) After a bit of time apart, Jack misses Ianto, so he goes looking for a gift for him. He decides to start looking in as good a place as any: a library. But it's too quiet between the stacks, and Jack finds more than he bargained for.
when does a monster become one by princessoftheworlds (JackIanto, LisaIanto, Team | complete | 1991 | T)
Silver plates click and flex around the vague approximation of a chest. The blue light of a power source glows unblinkingly, steady. Servos whirr smoothly in their incessant movement. Behind the round eyes, with slits beneath to suggest crying tears, in a hollow cavern with gears and wires weaving a complex nest, is one small mass of pink — the lingering neurons that contain the consciousness of Jack Harkness.
when does a monster become one
Werewolf of Cardiff by Jackdaw816 (JackIanto | complete | 575 | T)
Ianto's a wolf in the bedroom. Literally
Let's Raise the Woof by princessoftheworlds (JackIanto | complete | 898 | T)
Jack takes his boyfriend to the park.
Don't Fear the Reaper by blipintiime (JackIanto, GwenRhys | complete | 4873 | G)
“Nothing good will come from this, Jack. The spirit here is angry and violent, he was a murderer once and I don’t think he wants his story out there for the world to know. I can feel him, Jack, and it’s like I want to hurt you. It scares me,” she warns, her voice low and eyes reflecting viridescent in the torch light as she looks from team member to team member, “it should scare you too.”
A silence follows that cannot be described, and Ianto wonders if Jack feels the same chill that raises his own flesh as he senses their fearless leader shift his weight beside him.
What if instead of aliens, the Torchwood team investigated hauntings? Ghosts aren't that different from aliens, and a lot less dangerous - right?
Phantom of the Millennium Centre by Paycheckgurl (JackIanto | complete | 6047 | T)
There’s been a murder at the Welsh National Opera, right on Torchwood’s doorstep. The set up is a bit too familiar for the team’s liking.
Quicksilver in His Veins by Jackdaw816 (JackIanto | complete | 3771 | T)
John's back, but his smile is a little sharper this time around (and Ianto has to suffer the consequences)
The Faintest Restless Rustling Ran All Through by NancyBrown (Gen | complete | 5504 | T)
The haunting of the Hub.
Absent Friends by Beleriandings (JackIanto, Ten&Jack, Ten&Ianto | complete | 16121 | T)
“On a dark and stormy night in Cardiff, the city is in danger, and the Doctor’s put himself in charge of Torchwood in order to save it. In a sealed recording studio, the voices of the dead have been playing for 17 years. Was it the project of a madman, or is this the site of something terrible? Torchwood has been hunting for the Doctor since 1879. And now they’ve found him. They may regret it.”
Or: Absent Friends (my version)
house that eats and pleads and kills. by violetmessages (Gwen&Ianto, GwenRhys, JackIanto | complete | 4196 | T)
When investigating a reportedly "haunted" house, Gwen's past comes back to haunt her.
Trick Or Treat or Alien Defeat by BricklingGhost (TeamGwenee) (Gwen&Anwen, Owen&Anwen, Ianto&Anwen, Team | complete | G)
Anwen Williams goes Trick or Treating with an armed and dangerous Honour Guard.
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blogkarisman · 11 months
Celebrating Christmas Day with full inspiration through the 51st Muslim Denny Ja boy poetry
Christmas has arrived, and the atmosphere full of happiness and longing for peace begins to be felt in the air. Every year, we celebrate Christmas in a variety of different ways. However, this year, there is one event that attracted the attention of many people, namely the 51st celebration of Muslim Poetry Denny JA on Christmas Eve.    The poetry of Muslim boys Denny JA has become an inseparable part of the Christmas celebration for more than half a century. Poetry written by Denny JA, a 10 -year -old talented girl, is an expression of beauty and Christmas peace inspired by Islamic values.    On this Christmas Eve, thousands of people gathered at the Youth Building to witness the Muslim boys Denny Ja read his latest poetry. They came from various backgrounds and religions, but all united in respect and appreciation of the beauty of Denny Ja’s poetry which described the spirit of Christmas.    Denny Ja’s poet not only tells the story of the birth of Jesus Christ, but also reflects universal values such as love, affection, peace, and understanding between people. Through his beautiful words, Denny Ja invites all of us to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas, which is to love and serve fellow humans.    One of the poems that will be read by Denny Ja tonight is “Christmas Light”. This poem illustrates the importance of the Christmas light in bringing hope and peace in the world that is sometimes dark. With a gentle voice, Denny Ja reads every verse of poetry with full appreciation, washed away his listener into a magical Christmas nuance.    In addition to Denny Ja’s poetry, this celebration also features dance and music performances combined with the Christmas theme. The local dance group carries a traditional dance depicting the beauty of nature and the miracle of the birth of Jesus. Meanwhile, local musicians bring Christmas songs that are full of excitement and enthusiasm.    This event also provides an opportunity for children to participate in coloring and drawing competitions. They were given a picture of Christmas to be colored with their own imagination. Their work is displayed around the stage, creating an atmosphere full of joy and craft.    Muslim boy Denny Ja himself is a clear example of how diversity can unite us. Although Denny Ja comes from a different religious background, he managed to express the beauty of Christmas in a unique and inspiring way. His poetry is able to touch the hearts of people from various religions and provide true Christmas enthusiasm.    The 51st celebration of the poetry of Muslim children Denny Ja is a valuable moment for all of us to celebrate the diversity and peace of Christmas. In the midst of our differences, we can unite in shared desires to create a better world. Let’s share love, affection, and understanding, as reflected in Denny Ja’s poetry.    On this Christmas Eve, let’s celebrate the beauty of Christmas with full inspiration through the Poetry of Muslimah Denny Ja.
Check more: Celebrate Christmas Day with full inspiration through the 51st Muslim Denny Ja boy poetry
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96thdayofrage · 3 years
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Unlike Black Americans across the country after slavery, Williams’ ancestors and thousands of other Black members of slave-owning Native American nations freed after the war “had land,” says Williams, a Tulsa community activist. “They had opportunity to build a house on that land, farm that land, and they were wealthy with their crops.”
“And that was huge — a great opportunity and you’re thinking this is going to last for generations to come. I can leave my children this land, and they can leave their children this land,” recounts Williams, whose ancestor went from enslaved laborer to judge of the Muscogee Creek tribal Supreme Court after slavery.
In fact, Alaina E. Roberts, an assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh, writes in her book “I’ve Been Here All the While: Black Freedom on Native Land,” the freed slaves of five Native American nations “became the only people of African descent in the world to receive what might be viewed as reparations for their enslavement on a large scale.”
Why that happened in the territory that became Oklahoma, and not the rest of the slaveholding South: The U.S. government enforced stricter terms for reconstruction on the slave-owning American Indian nations that had fully or partially allied with the Confederacy than it had on Southern states.
While U.S. officials quickly broke Gen. William T. Sherman’s famous Special Field Order No. 15 providing 40 acres for each formerly enslaved family after the Civil War, U.S. treaties compelled five slave-owning tribes — the Choctaws, Chickasaws, Cherokees, Muscogee Creek and Seminoles — to share tribal land and other resources and rights with freed Black people who had been enslaved.
By 1860, about 14% of the total population of that tribal territory of the future state of Oklahoma were Black people enslaved by tribal members. After the Civil War, the Black tribal Freedmen held millions of acres in common with other tribal members and later in large individual allotments.
The difference that made is “incalculable,” Roberts said in an interview. “Allotments really gave them an upward mobility that other Black people did not have in most of the United States.”
The financial stability allowed Black Native American Freedmen to start businesses, farms and ranches, and helped give rise to Black Wall Street and thriving Black communities in the future state of Oklahoma. The prosperity of those communities — many long since vanished —“attracted Black African Americans from the South, built them up as a Black mecca,” Roberts says. Black Wall Street alone had roughly 200 businesses.
Meeting the Black tribal Freedmen in the thriving Black city of Boley in 1905, Booker T. Washington wrote admiringly of a community “which shall demonstrate the right of the negro, not merely as an individual, but as a race, to have a worthy and permanent place in the civilization that the American people are creating.”
And while some tribes reputedly gave their Black members some of the worst, rockiest, unfarmable land, that was often just where drillers struck oil starting in the first years of the 20th century, before statehood changed Indian Territory to Oklahoma in 1907. For a time it made the area around Tulsa the world’s biggest oil producer.
For Eli Grayson, another descendant of Muscogee Creek Black Freedmen, any history that tries to tell the story of Black Wall Street without telling the story of the Black Indian Freedmen and their land is a flop.
“They’re missing the point of what caused the wealth, the foundation of the wealth,” Grayson says.
The oil wealth, besides helping put the bustle and boom in Tulsa’s Black-owned Greenwood business district, gave rise to fortunes for a few Freedpeople that made headlines around the United States. That included 11-year-old Sarah Rector, a Muscogee Creek girl hailed as “the richest colored girl in the world” by newspapers of the time. Her oil fortune drew attention from Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Dubois, who intervened to check that Rector’s white guardian wasn’t pillaging her money.
The wealth from the tribal allotment also gave rise to Williams’ family story of great-aunt Janie, “who learned to drive by going behind the trolley lines” in Tulsa, with her parents in the car, Williams’ uncle, 67-year-old Samuel Morgan, recounted, laughing.
“It was real fashionable, because it was one of the cars that had four windows that rolled all the way up,” Morgan said.
Little of that Black wealth remains today.
In May 1921, 100 years ago this month, Aunt Janie, then a teenager, had to flee Greenwood’s Dreamland movie theater as the white mob burned Black Wall Street to the ground, killing scores or hundreds — no one knows — and leaving Greenwood an empty ruin populated by charred corpses.
Black Freedmen and many other American Indian citizens rapidly lost land and money to unscrupulous or careless white guardians that were imposed upon them, to property taxes, white scams, accidents, racist policies and laws, business mistakes or bad luck. For Aunt Janie, all the family knows today is a vague tale of the oil wells on her land catching fire.
Williams, Grayson and other Black Indian Freedmen descendants today drive past the spots in Tulsa that family history says used to belong to them: 51st Street. The grounds of Oral Roberts University. Mingo Park.
That’s yet another lesson Tulsa’s Greenwood has for the rest of the United States, says William A. Darity Jr., a leading scholar and writer on reparations at Duke University.
If freed Black people had gotten reparations after the Civil War, Darity said, assaults like the Tulsa Race Massacre show they would have needed years of U.S. troop deployments to protect them — given the angry resentment of white people at seeing money in Black hands.
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Category List: Sick & Injured Jamie
Well folks, here it is! Another category list. We all know how often Claire is either sick or injured in some of our favorite duo’s adventures, but we wanted to explore a list where the tables were turned. In this category list you will find stories where Jamie is the one who is either sick or injured. These stories are a mix of canon compliant and alternative universe! 
This category has the potential to be simply massive, knowing how accident-and-chaos-prone our lad is. We’ve tried our best to include as many as we can, but as always, please let us know if we should be adding any to our list.
XX, The Librarians
American Pie  by @jesuisprest747
A continuation of Blood Sugar, American Pie covers the ups and downs of the two years following Jamie and Claire's wedding.
An Endless Night  &  Vergangenheit by @phoenixflames12​
Captain James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser, late of the 51st Highland Division and prisioner in Oflag VII Cprison Camp, Salzburg writes home to his wife Claire in a desperate attempt to remember his homeland.
Be sure to check out the accompanying fics and ficlets right here.
An Outlander Affair to Remember  by  AbbyDebeaupre
Jamie and Claire’s lives change course when fate brings them together.   Blindsided, in more ways than one, will they find the courage to let go of their past fears and illusions and learn once again to trust what their hearts tell them is true?
Atonement by @smashing-teacups
Jamie Fraser suffers a horrific car accident and wakes up in the hospital to find his life forever changed. His sole comfort comes in the companionship he finds with Claire Beauchamp, a nurse who understands his suffering more than he knows.
Appetency by @lallybrochloser
appetency- (n.) intense desire or a strong, natural craving; chemical attraction
While Claire Beauchamp thrives as an A&E doctor at Raigmore Hospital in Inverness, she knows something is missing in her life. Something simple, yet crucial. Her life outside the hospital is sparse, save for the few fellow workers she calls friends. That changes when she finds herself staring into the ocean blue eyes of the Scottish Ambulance Service’s newest paramedic.
Bean sídhe by @kalendraashtar
Claire is the Bean sídhe, a legend in the Scottish Highlands. Loved by some and feared by many, she leads a mysterious life. But when her path crosses Jamie's, both their lives and the clans are forever changed.
Closing Time @abreathofsnowandwaffles
Claire Beauchamp is a second year medical student. Due to many late nights with her clinicals, and studying for her pharmacology class, she’s at wits end. One Friday night she decides not to join Joe Abernathy and her other friends out at Church, their local hangout spot, but instead winds up in a dive bar close to her flat with a very nice whisky selection. In fact, one of the best one she’s ever seen. When the bartender calls her ‘Sassenach’ and pours her a double, Claire gets a feeling in her chest she’s never felt before.
Colder Weather by @abreathofsnowandwaffles
3 years he had been gone - and oh, had things changed.
Come Back To Me by Jade2010
An Outlander modern AU set in 2020  where Jamie and Claire are a married couple. And and Jamie is comatose after an accident.
Dr. B Medicine Woman by @crossinginstyle
Claire Beauchamp is trying to make her way as a woman doctor in the 19th century. After the death of her uncle and only supporter, she decides to risk everything to travel to a small frontier town in Colorado in need of a doctor. There, she meets Mac, a mysterious, quiet man who lives among the Cheyenne, and becomes a sudden mother to three orphaned children.
First Time Here? by @crossinginstyle
Inspired by that one tweet I saw posted on Tumblr, the one that says;
"Shoutout to my bartender. I've been here on dates with 4 different dudes in the last 6 months and he hits me with "Ma'am, is this your first time here? every time. #GoodLookinOutMyMan"
Or, the one where Jamie is a bartender and Claire is a long-time customer who keeps bringing in disappointing dates in the months after dumping Frank.
For Every Season by  duskwatcher
Can a Great Love ever truly end? When Claire's worst fears are realized, can she face the sunset of their lives with grace? "Though lovers be lost, love shall not; And death shall have no dominion."
For the Last Time by @jesuisprest747
A continuation of the unfinished fic For Every Season in which Claire diagnoses Jamie with a terminal illness.
let us not talk falsely now by @gotham-ruaidh
Imagine if Jamie was a wounded soldier and Claire a combat nurse who met in a field hospital during the Vietnam War.
Love In The Time Of Quarantine by @holdhertightandsayhername​
Jamie and Claire both live in Edinburgh. Unfortunately, they only went out once before the Covid-19 lockdown was enforced. This is a sneak-peek of their text messages...
Punishment by @lenny9987​
What if Jamie decided not to intervene on Laoghaire’s behalf? He does not take a beating for her? Would Geillis keep Claire from intervening? What if Claire did intervene?
Red Jamie and the White Lady by @diversemediums and @takemeawaytocamelot
Claire Beauchamp is dragged by her best friend and flatmate, Geillis Duncan, to go visit a powerful psychic to prove once and for all that true love exists. Claire is a practical woman and finds the idea of true love pointless. Jamie Fraser is a powerful psychic who can glimpse the future. When he meets Claire, something changes. Like they were destined to find each other.
Safe by  @sbstevenson2
Six years after her husband's death, Claire Fraser and her daughters are on vacation when they're met with the surprise of their lives.
Safe With Me by  luvofmylonglife
Claire Beauchamp finds most of her sexual fulfillment with the porn videos of a hot Scot called Mac Dubh, despite 10 years of marriage to Professor Randall. But then one day she comes face to face with her fantasy man who is now an EMT at her hospital, and Claire struggles to find her footing when everything she thinks she knows about love starts to change.
The Long Way Back by @holdhertightandsayhername
In the summer of 1917, Claire Fraser finds a way back to her husband Jamie, haunted by his memories of the Great War in France.
The Midwife by @magnoliasinbloom
Following in her mother’s footsteps, Claire’s skills as a midwife take her to France and Scotland. When her journey leads her to James Fraser, she will have to decide if she will follow her calling or her heart.
the one thing older than war by @iihappydaysii
While on a bison hunt with Lord John Grey, Jamie Fraser gets bit by a venomous snake. With death just around the corner, Jamie makes a long-held confession. (A rewrite of 5x09.)
Once again, we tried our best with this one, but we are sure that there’s fics that have fallen through the cracks or ones that we forgot. Let us know if you know of any that fit this category that we missed!
xx The Librarians
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torchwoodfanfests · 3 years
Step-by-step guide on how to participate in the Bingo Fest: a manual for the uninitiated
As there may be people who have never participated in a fandom event like this before, we thought we’d provide you all with a step-by-step guide you can refer to throughout the fest in case you have difficulty figuring any of it out.  
This post will walk you through how to sign up and participate in our current fest, but if you have any further doubts don’t hesitate to ask us :)
Step 1: sign up
The first thing you need to do to participate is to go to this google form to sign up. Signups will be open from June 25th to July 31st. All that we require is a way to contact you (like an email or your tumblr url) so we can send you your bingo card. Once you’ve done that, you’ll receive your card shortly and can start creating!
Step 2: the bingo card
Here is an example of what the bingo card will look like:
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As you can see, the cards will be 5x5 with a total of 25 prompts. After you read all the prompts, consider which one(s) you’d like to use as inspiration. Some people start with whichever prompt inspires them, some try to find which line of prompts they like the best (remember you get bingo by completing a straight line of 5 prompts, horizontally, vertically or diagonally). Some even attempt to complete the entire bingo card!
Once you decide which prompt(s) you’ll use, get started on your writing and/or art! You can combine different prompts for one piece or make one fanwork for each. For example, you can use the prompts ‘family’ and ‘prequel’ in one work. Remember that for this fest we set a minimum word count of 500 words per prompt for written fanworks, so if you choose to combine prompts into one fic, the minimum word count adds up (if you choose to combine ‘prequel’ and ‘family’, that’s 2 prompts, so that fic should have at least 1000 words; if you choose to combine ‘prequel’, ‘family’ and ‘torchwood one’ into one fic, the word count should be at least 1500 words, and so on). There is no maximum word count.
Artists can combine as many prompts into one piece as they want, but the total number of individual art pieces we require for bingo is three fanworks (can be a mix of different types of art). Participants can also combine writing and art as their submissions to get bingo.
For fanvideos and video edits you need a minimum of 30 seconds per square to fill the prompt. Prompts can be combined, and there is no maximum length. For playlists and tracklists, you need at least 3 tracks per prompt, plus a few lines of text to tell the story you’re putting together. This explanation can be written however you want, it can read like a summary of the story, like not!fic, like a short drabble, or you can just say why you picked the songs (e.g. “I picked this song because this lyric fits how this character was feeling when X happened”, or “this song illustrates this character’s opinion about Y”). As usual, prompts can be combined, and there is no maximum length.
Let’s use the sample bingo card to give you some examples of what completing a line might look like.
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Note: for the prompt squares that have more than one option separated by slashes (like “plants/vegetables”) you need to use only one of them, the slash stands for “or” in this case.
Example 1: vertical line bingo (writing)
Fic #1: bed sharing, 650 words
Fic #2: rarepair + meet the family, 1000 words
Fic #3: torchwood one, 1400 words
Fic #4: the hub goes on lockdown, 520 words
In this case, each fic reaches the minimum word count of 500 words per prompt, as you can see. This could also look like one fic of at least 2500 words which hits all the prompts. More on posting after a few more examples.
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Example 2: diagonal line bingo (art)
Art piece #1: bed sharing, moodboard
Art piece #2: crossover+undercover, digital painting
Art piece #3: family, edit
Art piece #4: plants/vegetables, digital painting
This example has one piece that combines two prompts, and three pieces for single prompts. With a total of four pieces, this counts as bingo (minimum for art submissions is a total of three if all your fanworks are art).
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Example 3: horizontal line (writing+art)
Fic #1: torchwood one+prequel, 1200 words
Fic #2: family, 2000 words
Art #1: dancing, traditional drawing
Art #2: andy davidson, 30-second video
This example combines different types of fanworks and clears all the requirements (at least 500 word count per prompt and more than three pieces total).
Sidenote: if you’re having trouble thinking of what to do with a prompt, a good way to come up with ideas is to crowdsource the brainstorming process! Post about it on your blog asking for suggestions, ask a friend, discuss it in groupchats with other fans, or send us an ask for some suggestions.
Remember, you don’t have to go with the most obvious interpretation of a prompt, trope subversion and creative interpretations are welcome here! You got ‘mpreg’ but don’t want to get into an mpreg story? Write about Jack mentioning how there’s a humanoid alien race where men are the ones who get pregnant! Or have him make a comment about a male friend of his from the 51st century who carried a child. Or have any male character have a dream about being pregnant, whether that’s possible for them or not (and this is Torchwood, so nothing is quite impossible). Take the prompt and twist it into something you like!
Step 3: posting your works!
Once you start completing some fanworks, you can post them at any point for the duration of the fest (June 25th to August 25th). While you do not have to post them as you make them and could wait until the last day, we do not recommend that as we foresee there will be more people finishing some works at the last minute and so it’ll be easier for your fanworks to get attention if you post them early.
The posting process is simple: you need to post your work on your own tumblr first. This post needs to have: 1) the fanwork or a link to the fanwork, and 2) any relevant content warnings (check our list of mandatory content warnings here). Please note that anything that requires a content warning (including sexually explicit content) should be under a cut.
For fic, we recommend that you share some information in order to give potential readers an idea of what it’s about (title, summary, rating, prompt, and you can add an author’s note or more details if you want), and if you post to ao3, you should add it to our ao3 collection! You can do this when you first post it (or go back to edit later) under ‘Associations> Post to Collections / Challenges’, where you simply have to type torchwoodbingo2021 and select our collection. Art and fanvids can also be posted to ao3 and added to the collection!
Step 4: submitting your work for us to reblog
After you post your fanwork to your tumblr, you need to copy the link of the post and submit it to this google form so we can reblog it. We will not reblog posts that don’t have the appropriate content warnings so please be sure to warn as needed.
Step 5: creating your masterpost (optional)
Once you’re done with the fest, whether you’ve managed to get bingo or not (or, if you’re very ambitious, if you’ve cleared the entire card), we would recommend that you make a masterpost with all the works you’ve made for this fest. This is not required, but it’s very satisfying and it’s a good way to look back on what you’ve accomplished and to promote your fanworks again :)
Like the examples above, the typical masterpost would have your bingo card (with the prompts you’ve used marked in some way) and a list of your fanworks with links to each of them and which prompt they fill.
You can submit this masterpost to the same google form as above and we will reblog it as well :)
And that’s it!
If you have any further questions, you can send them here and we will try to answer them as soon as possible.
We hope this post helps clear some doubts about how the fest works and that we get as many people involved as possible ^_^
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doctorthasmin · 4 years
“So a bro night in the 51st century, sounds fun.” Yaz twinkles as Jack adjusts Graham’s collar for the fifth time.
Jack arches an eyebrow at her before nodding up to the stairs of the Tardis where the Doctor and Ryan are busy trying to headlock each other in their matching polo and jeans outfits. Yaz feels her heart swell a little at the sight, the Doctor loved them all she knew, but there was a brotherly affection between her and Ryan that just shone through her.
“She’ll have fun for five minutes and then mope if you don’t come you know.” Jack whispers to Yaz as she bites her lip, she doesn’t want to intrude on their night but she’s heard stories about the Doctor and her moping when she’s not around.
“He’s right, Ryan won’t mind sweetheart.” Graham agrees, sipping on his final cuppa of the night before they head out.
In the end it’s Ryan caught in the Doctor’s headlock that asks her to come along, the Doctor let’s him go in surprise and grins a mile wide when Yaz agrees running off to get changed. She opts to choose a maroon dress, slinky but modest, paired with some black pumps and some light make up. The Doctor has her jaw closed for her by Jack when Yaz enters the Console Room. Chivalrous as ever Graham offers his hand out to Yaz as she takes the final few steps down the stairs, blushing to the tips of her ears.
“You look wonderful sweetheart, let’s go have some fun eh.” Graham whispers and Yaz beams back at him silently thanking him with her eyes.
An hour later...
“How many of these have I had?” Jack yells over the thumping music as he watches Ryan grinding on some beautiful woman in the centre of the dancefloor. Graham checks the glass with a sniff before his eyes water a little.
“8 of those.” Graham yells back as Jack grins dopely at the Doctor. She’s busy watching Yaz dance with a nice enough looking fellow, her hands clasped tightly round her fourth hyper vodka.
“You need to catch up Doc I’m four ahead.” Jack yells at her, distracted she frowns at her glass before rolling her eyes at the sweaty Time agent, for once in his life he’s not been pressed between two beautiful people in a club, but cling to Graham’s hip the whole time.
“Only Graham gets to call me Doc!” The Doctor yells, feeling her hearing start to deafen at bit at the blaring music and strobing lights. That’s when she smells a whiff of Yaz’s perfume and suddenly the dewy girl is in her arms taking her drink from her hand having a small sip. Yaz didn’t drink, but when the Doctor had explained there wasn’t any ethanol in drinks in this century she made an exception.
“I’m having such a good time, come dance with me.” Yaz whispers loudly into her ear and the Doctor smiles softly before nodding gently. She hands her glass over to Graham who gives her a thumbs up as it joins his. Jack whistles, loud enough to be heard over the roaring music and the Doctor blushes, her hand sweaty in the palm of Yaz’s hand.
Yaz can feel the bass of the music in the centre of her soul as she wraps her arms around the Doctor’s neck, her fingertips sliding underneath her polo collar. There’s a purring rumble in the Doctor’s chest as she encircles her arms around Yaz’s waist and pulls her closer, they’re not really dancing to the beat of the music, but that doesn’t matter, they march to the beat of their own drum anyway.
An hour later...
“Tell you what Ryan might be on a promise you know.” Jack slurs nodding over to Ryan and the beautiful girl, pressed up against some speaker kissing. Graham rolls his eyes at Jack before turning to the Doctor who’s busy feeding exotic fruit to Yaz with her hands.
“Sorry Doc, erm bit embrassing to ask for him but can uh Ryan get that girl in trouble? Don’t want him being careless you know.” Graham whispered into her ear, the Doctor pulls back flashing him an understanding smile before leaning back to whisper to him.
“Ryan asked earlier, I gave him a 51st century male contraceptive pill, he’s a smart lad Graham.” The Doctor promised, grinning as Graham beamed with pride and relaxed back into his seat.
Jack stands to get another round in before he sways a little on the spot, he clicks his fingers into finger guns and shakes his head, marching off to the bar. It’s not until he wanders back a few minutes later minus any drinks that he declares he’s getting too old for this scene.
Later that night on the Tardis...
“Ryan it’s second on the left buddy.” The Doctor yells down the corridor as Ryan stumbles down the corridor looking for his room.
Yaz is pressed up against her side, her shoes in her hands as she snuggles into the Doctor’s neck thanking her for tonight. In response the Doctor sweeps her legs and carries her bridal style over the threshold of their bedroom soaking up Yaz’s laughter and squeal of surprise when she flops on the bed.
So in this one shot Ryan and Sonya aren’t a thing obvs 🙌
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sugar-and-pearls · 3 years
How did you & Angelo met? ~ rebeccaselfships
Thank you @rebeccaselfships !!!! Like most things that involve time travel - it was River’s fault. I was helping her with a relic from the 51st century, an old Vortex manipulator. The damned thing short circuited and sent me back to 1928 before frizzing out and breaking apart. Luckily Alucard (the bastard) knew that this was going to happen so give me a credit card from there on my last visit to see him. 
With this I went off to try and find myself a hotel or something to stay at and a candy shop to lighten my mood. While looking I found a toyshop as as I stood there, looking in wonder at the porcelain dolls and toy elephants, I felt a hand moving in my pocket. Now, with both of my hands being clasped together I knew the hand there wasn’t my own. So I quickly grabbed it, turned around and sucker punched the guy who would dare rob me of the money for my sweets!
And as he sat on the ground, rubbing at the check I punched I was about to leave when I saw his eyes.
You see, when you travel though time for long enough you start to get a sensitivity for it, sense of destiny if you will. Its a tingly feeling at the back of your head for when your near a fixed points in time or when someone is important in the grand scheme of thing. This can also happen when you meet someone who will impact your own destiny too, though you can never be certain as to the how or why of it. As soon as I looked into those tiger eye stone colour eyes I felt that prickling feeling (like warming up after being in the cold for too long) and I knew he was going to be someone important to me.
I just didn’t know how much at the time
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saiilorstars · 4 years
Falling in Temptation
Previous chapters • Sequel to Stars Dance •  Fairy Tale Memoirs (Companion story)
Ch. 30: A Whole New World
Fandom: Doctor Who // Pairing: 11th Doctor x OFC
Chapter summary: More years have passed for the Ponds without the Doctor but this time Avalon has tried to build a life outside of him. She's got a right to know who she is, after all, now that the world knows who she is.
Taglist: @ocfairygodmother​ @anotherunreadblog​ @maaaaarveeeeel​​ @stareyedplanet​ @perfectlystiles​
[If you’d like to be added to this specific OC’s stories/edits, send me a message!]
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Traditional Christmas music played lightly in the background of a very busy coffee shop. It was larger than most coffee shops but it had a homey style to it. It had brick walls lined with portraits of unconventional art. A lot of them came from small-time artists looking for publicity. High circular tables filled the middle of the room. Each table bore a small Christmas tree in the middle. The counter was set to the left where only one man was working it for the night. The shelves behind him were stocked with coffee grounds and the required alcoholic beverages for the customers. It was perfect for customers wanting to stay up all night to study and for those partiers. One long Christmas garland with twinkling lights and pine-cones hung from one side of the counter to the other. The same garland covered bits of the walls and, most importantly, the small stage at the end.
There was only one waitress working the entire place; she was the only one willing to work the shop on Christmas Eve. She maneuvered through the tables with ease, jotting down orders and delivering others. She stopped by the counter where the owner was busy filling the orders.
The short man with bright blue skin turned around to place down another tray. He eyed the waitress as she finished ripping off the next order from her pad. "You sure you got things, Avalon?"
Avalon looked up from the pad with a big grin on her face. "Yeah! You just keep 'em coming, Mr. Golais. The customers don't care if I'm a little slow. It's Christmas Eve, after all," she shrugged. "They're in the spirits."
"Well I should think so considering how you decorated the place again. Why didn't you come sooner to me, hm?"
Avalon chuckled. "I was a bit busy saving the world...and messing it up. An endless cycle, really."
Mr. Golais looked at her like he always would when she brought up her adventures from the past. To know that the young lady was responsible for saving their world multiple times was baffling and yet, knowing who her parents were, it made complete sense. Melody Pond and Oliver Reynolds had been in the shop so many times in the past that he lost count. Oliver Reynolds had once been his star in the place. Mr. Golais allowed Oliver to play shows nearly every night when he was at school. Now he had Oliver's daughter, and while she didn't play or sing every night, the times she did she had all of the customers praising her.
He hoped Avalon would lend her voice to welcome Christmas tonight too.
"Karaoke's about to begin," Avalon reminded after checking her watch, the watch she never stopped wearing. "Do you want to open it or should I?"
Mr. Golais was checking the new order to get started when he noticed three familiar heads walking into the shop. "Ah, I think I better do it. You have company."
Avalon followed his nod towards the entrance and saw Amy, Rory and River coming towards them. She beamed and set her things down on the counter. She rushed over to hug them hello. "You came!"
"Well since you declined our offer to come to Earth for Christmas, what choice did we have?" Amy grumbled even though everyone knew she wanted to be far away from Christmas carolers. Last year she and Avalon had set up a competition to see who could spray more water carolers.
"Oh, c'mon, you know you love this place. You know I do," Avalon gestured to the lively shop. They popped in every now and then to see how she was doing living in the 51st century. She preferred to live alone ever since the Doctor had left them. Living alone had done her good to organize all her thoughts and feelings. She was trying to continue living her life and it seemed that for now she'd found the perfect place to do so. She always said she wanted to visit the spot where her father spent most of his time when he was alive and so that's what she did.
"It's pretty packed," Rory noticed after hugging her next. "Are you the only one working tonight?"
"Yeah but it's fine. It's Christmas Eve!"
"And you're looking wonderful," River opened her arms for her hug. "Where are we, by the way?"
"I'm 3 years after the pyramid," Avalon informed her and pulled away. "And you're very right, I do look good." She was dressed for Christmas Eve! Why wouldn't she look good? She wore a sleeveless red turtleneck shirt tucked under a black skirt. She had black tights with small black heart prints running up and down. She'd paired it with ankle-length heeled shoes. Her lips were bright red and her makeup all natural. She didn't want to shine too much under the stage lights when she had to go up.
"Love the hair," River reached for one of Avalon's wavy strands.
Avalon had also straightened her hair to leave it decently wavy. She would forgo the outstanding curls for tonight. "Thanks! Where are you at?"
"Just finished climbing out of the Byzantium. You were so young. Had no idea who I was."
Avalon nodded, smiling lightly. It seemed like she'd been meeting older versions of River ever since the pyramid. Every now and then she would bump into the younger versions but she was still waiting to meet the very first version of River after being incarcerated. She assumed it either hadn't happened to her or she just couldn't remember it happening when she was a younger version herself. Time travel, it was far too difficult.
River still made the effort to keep working on earning Avalon's affections as her Mother despite not being the younger version of herself who'd made that promise to Avalon. Avalon had invited her several times to come see her sing in the coffee shop—he really did have a beautiful voice, Oliver would've been proud—and sometimes they went off and had adventures together. Avalon had been very confused in the beginning but the one thing that she was sure of was that she liked spending time with River. They had already been friends before and now that she knew she was her daughter, Avalon had expected River to kick it up and act like a full Mother but that didn't happen. River continued to look out for her like always. She wouldn't touch Avalon if she didn't have to and each time she did touch her, she would be cautious of Avalon's reaction. Being on her own meant that Avalon would spend a lot of time without seeing her family, including River. While it had only been two years since the Doctor first left them in Leadworth, three years had passed by for Avalon. Avalon had a lot of time to truly think about whether or not she would want to call River 'Mum' at some point and while she decided that she did want to, the moment hadn't happened yet. But she did like her relationship with River. Things were almost good.
"No Reynolds this year?" Amy asked after scanning the shop. She was also searching for an empty table.
"Uh, no," Avalon shook her head. "But they sent their love and they want you guys to visit them."
"Well it's a bit hard to do so when they live on New Earth, you know, in the future!" Rory thought that was a very good reason for lack of visits. "They can buy us a vortex manipulator if they're that upset."
"Father, with your luck, you would teleport yourself to the prehistoric era," River patted Rory's arm and went in search of a table. Rory gawked at her, stammering while he followed her saying that he most certainly would not. Behind him, Amy assured Avalon that it would happen.
Avalon smiled after them. She returned to the counter to continue delivering orders. Every now and then she would stop by the Ponds' table to keep the conversation going. These were the moments where she would catch up on what happened in Leadworth during her absences.
"My Dad's just moved back to Leadworth," Rory said after Avalon stopped by to hand them all their cinnamon rolls, a new product she'd convinced Mr. Golais would be a hit. "Said the city was too much. That's as far as he's going in terms of 'traveling'."
"I like your Dad," Avalon chuckled and reached for Amy's coffee. "He's so...goofy, in an adorable kind of way. You could have inherited that, you know."
Rory frowned at her. "I'm going to submit a complaint about you."
"Good luck, I'm Mr. Golais' favorite!" Avalon smirked.
"So where's the Sapling this year?" Amy asked, looking around to see if she would catch sight of her tree great-grandson.
"This year, he decided not to visit his Mum for Christmas," Avalon said with a huff. "Something about an adventure he just couldn't pass up. But he said he'd be around for New Years." She went off to attend to the others customers.
A while later she returned after delivering two sets of shots to a couple of young men. She might have directed the competition, who knew. She might also have encouraged Amy and Rory to try out that karaoke machine. She and River had the time of their life laughing at them trying to sing along to My Heart Will Go On.
"You know you're next, right?" River nudged her side. "What are you singing for Christmas this year?"
"Dunno," Avalon shrugged. Each year for Christmas Eve she would sing a traditional Christmas song from Earth. It was bemusing how much the people would love it. "Still thinking about it. Why don't you go up and sing something?"
"Oh no, I don't do karaoke. I never do karaoke," River shook her head and reached for her vodka.
Avalon laughed and headed off to keep working. She would later ask Mr. Golais for the security feed to get proof of Amy's and Rory's grand debut as singers.
"Orders are finally laying off," she told Mr. Golais when she was able to take a short break of coming back and forth with orders. She checked her watch. "It's nearly midnight, actually. Do you have the muffins?"
"Avalon Reynolds, do you think I would not have the muffins ready for Christmas?" Mr. Golais shot her a mock offended look. She had introduced him to the concept of 'the Grinch' from Earth and he had loved it. Now, every year for Christmas, the shop would offer Grinch muffins that were actually green and red sprinkles on top. Each customer would get one free muffin.
Avalon went around the counter with a laugh. "Sorry. So then, shall I go up on the stage and do my thing?"
"Please," Mr. Golais gestured for her to take the stage. "I know these people are my customers but some of them need to stop trying to sing. Just because they're drunk doesn't mean our ears don't work."
"They're having fun, Mr. Golais. Don't be a Grinch!" Avalon said as she moved on for the stage.
At the Ponds' table, River had received a mysterious call. Rory eyed the cellphone in her hand with confusion. "Since when do you carry a cellphone?"
She moved the phone away from her mouth to answer him. "Since my daughter gave it to me, now hush."
"Who are you talking to?" Rory asked when she promised the caller that they were 'here'. "Don't tell them where we are! What if it's a trap!?"
"What's going on?" Amy asked as she returned from the restroom. "And why are you panicking?"
Rory pointed an accusing finger towards their daughter. "She's telling mysterious people where we are!"
River rolled her eyes and patted his arm. "Calm down, Father. I was just talking to someone."
"Since when do you have a cellphone?" Amy asked when she spotted the phone on the table.
"Since Avalon gave it to me ages ago!"
"She hasn't," Amy frowned.
"But she will one day!"
Amy wasn't even going to try to figure out their complicated time traveling business. She just took her seat and looked around. "So, what's happening?"
"Nearly Christmas now," Rory told her. He reached for his espresso to take a sip. "And Avalon's by the stage waiting for the last karaokers to finish."
"Thank God," River said with a scowl that matched the one on Amy's. "When I'm drunk, I have the decency not to sing."
Avalon patiently waited by the stage for the last singers to finish. Normally she'd be impatient but she had things to do to pass the time. The wall next to the stage was covered with picture frames of musicians who'd been the favorites of the shop. Oliver Reynolds was one of them. Every time Avalon walked by that wall, she always stopped to gaze at her father's picture. Mr. Golais said that he had taken the picture when Oliver had sung his first original song. Oliver was on stage, sitting on a stool, with his favorite red guitar in hand. He was in the middle of playing when the picture was taken. He looked handsome as ever having the time of his life doing what he loved most.
"Merry Christmas, Daddy," Avalon gingerly brushed her fingers over the frame. She would make sure to bring flowers to his gravestone later in the week.
"Avalon," Mr. Golais suddenly appeared behind her. "You have a visitor."
"What?" Avalon checked the Ponds' table and saw the same people from before. "Who? Lena?"
"No, no, some man. He's at the front."
"What makes him so special that he expects me to walk all the way over there?" Avalon said with a face that made Mr. Golais laugh. "I mean it."
"Here, have a muffin and hurry back." Mr. Golais handed her a green muffin. "You still got a Christmas song to sing."
"Right," she shrugged and headed off. "Sit down!" She told a few of the more loose customers. She liked her audience to either be still or sitting down and that group wasn't either right now.
She searched for the mysterious customer around the entrance but no one was looking at her like they expected her. She thought to peek outside and was already on the other side when she realized how terrible an idea that was.
"Listen you," she started to call out, "If you have any smart ideas, just know that I was recently gifted a new blaster courtesy of my…" She scrunched her face each time she thought of how to best describe River at the moment, "...almost Mum, and I am not afraid to use it." Of course it would be more of a threat if she was actually carrying the new blaster but he or she didn't know. "Okay seriously, I'm getting cold." She groaned. Clearly, they had just taken her and Mr. Golais on a stupid joke and here she was like an idiot playing through it. She turned back for the doors; she had a stage to take after all.
"Could I have a muffin, Miss?"
Avalon froze in her spot, her free hand stopping midway towards the door handle.
"I would've ordered as soon as you came out but I was taken by your beauty."
Avalon tilted her head to the side, her lips curling into a smile that nearly turned into a laugh. "...you are so cheesy." She'd heard many cheesy lines during her tenure as a waitress in the shop but none of them made her laugh with a jolting heart like his did. In fact, everyone else's cheesy lines irritated her. She yelled at many of them.
The Doctor had walked up to her side but for some reason she wasn't looking at him. He didn't mind. He was still taking her in and he could do it for so many more hours.
"You came back," she said quietly. The ground was so interesting right now.
"Yes, I had to. I told you I would."
"But why now?"
"I couldn't take it anymore." That was an understatement. He'd survived a couple more years without her but little by little he was losing his will to keep travelling. Everything seemed boring no matter where he went. Each time he saw a couple, his mind went to Avalon and all their little moments together. He saw a family and he thought of the Ponds. Every redhead was Avalon. Every book was her, every story was her.
It all sat inside until his most recent 'adventure' led him to a nice woman - a mother and widow - named Madge who had two children and who was having the saddest Christmas ever. Since she'd helped him out at one point, he thought he could return the favor and maybe even quench his growing agitation with himself. He tried making Christmas the best day for Madge and her children but she couldn't be grateful because she had to tell her children that their father was dead. One thing led to another and suddenly he found himself in the middle of another dangerous adventure. At the end of the day, Madge discovered her husband wasn't dead. She had saved him.
Avalon had saved him too so many times.
Before he knew it, Madge was asking him about his family. Family. Pain crossed through his hearts when he explained that he did have a family - even a wife - but they were all so far away. He hadn't seen them in many years...and it was killing him. Madge urged him to seek them out and spend Christmas with them. No one should spend the holidays alone. The Doctor had spent so much time on his own because of the Silence's threat but he started to realize that the Silence had taken far more than just his 'life'. He'd left Avalon for God knows how many years from her perspective. The Silence had done so many things to them, when would it stop if he didn't make it stop? He had a family, he had a wife, and he deserved to be with them.
"I can't stay away anymore," he said to Avalon who'd silently waited for him to continue. "The Silence is still out there but you and I...we deserve happiness, don't we? It's been a very long time for me."
"So are you here to stay now?"
"Actually, I was hoping that maybe I could finally get a, uh, second passenger aboard?"
Avalon finally lifted her eyes off the ground to meet his gaze. "Really?" Her lips were cautiously waiting for his answer before forming a smile.
"Yes. Can I take my wife home tonight?"
There was the smile she was fighting off. "Home?"
The Doctor nodded at her. "The TARDIS. It's our home...if you want it to be, I mean." Avalon pretended to think about it but she actually had the poor Doctor wondering if she'd changed her mind about them. What if she no longer wanted to be his wife!? Maybe in her time alone she'd found someone better!
Avalon could practically see the turmoil he was in. She laughed at him. "My Fairy Tale Man, still clueless as ever." That might've been an insult but the Doctor still loved hearing it. "My shift ends in 2 hours."
"I am due back though. I do a Christmas song each year."
"Okay," he agreed. He could do 2 more hours before stealing her away.
Avalon offered him her muffin, making him laugh. "It's the Grinch," she explained. "You know, 'his heart grew 4 times the size'?"
"Yes, I am familiar with the story."
"...is he real?" Avalon suddenly asked when he took the muffin from her. "Last time you proved that Santa Claus was real. So is, like, the Grinch also real? No, wait, that's not the right question. Can I meet him!?"
The Doctor laughed as he chewed the muffin. It was actually really good. "I haven't had the pleasure of meeting him but...maybe he's real? Don't know." He swallowed down. "I guess maybe we can take a look when we're back in the TARDIS. We've got the whole world ahead of us, really…" A new, bigger, smile had spread across Avalon's face when he started talking about their future. "I was thinking maybe we could finally go to Akhetan now. After that, there's this beautiful planet that's literally made out of crystals. I think its neighbor to that planet the Sapling wanted to take you. We could go there and then maybe pop back into the 1920s to see Zelda again - hey!"
Avalon had tossed the muffin out of his hand and dove towards him for a long kiss. He dropped all annoyance to fiercely kiss her back. It was there and then that he made a promise to himself to never leave her again. How could he live without her anyways?
"I...have a song...to play…" Avalon said in-between their kisses. "Come inside. Amy, Rory and River are there."
"I know, River told me," he said, making her stop kissing altogether.
She arched an eyebrow at him. "You've been talking to River?"
"No, well...no! I just called to know where you are."
"Since when does she have a cellphone?"
"Since you gave her one!"
"What? No, I haven't!"
"You will!" He bopped her nose and pulled her into the shop.
Soon as Avalon was back inside - and gave another muffin to the Doctor - she went right for the stage. Mr. Golais was still waiting for her.
"It's nearly Christmas now!" He said, slightly irritated, she was cutting it very close to midnight.
"Sorry, Mr. Golais, I was talking to my husband!" She planted a kiss on his bald head, ignoring his stammering for that sudden drop of information. She gave a light tap to the microphone. "Scuse me?" She called twice more before everyone was decently quiet. She didn't mind, though. She was watching the Doctor get hugged and hugged by Amy and Rory. He didn't seem to mind either because he kept taking each hug he got. "Well, there's five minutes left until Christmas—" She stopped abruptly when the crowd burst into cheers. She smiled and waited for things to die down so she could continue. "As usual, we will be opening karaoke again after we do our little Christmas song together." There was a bit more cheering that followed. "As usual, you're very welcomed to bring out a dancing partner."
"Can I take you out to dance, sweetheart?" A young man in one of the front tables called out, making the rest laugh.
From his spot, the Doctor glowered at the man. "I don't like him."
"Calm down," Amy rolled her eyes at him and rubbed his arm. "She gets that all the time."
"Oh, that's supposed to make me feel better?" The Doctor threw her a glare that had her wincing.
"Calm down, she always says no," Rory said, only for River to snort from across the table.
"You mean you scare them off before she says anything."
"Ah, you see that, Rory's my favorite," the Doctor grinned at him.
Avalon cleared her throat on stage. She had skipped over the guy and moved on. As soon as the song started, the Doctor and the Ponds recognized it. "Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, but the very next day you gave it away. This year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special…"
"You have no idea how much she sounds like Oliver," River sighed contentedly. She didn't even bat an eye with Rory's flashing camera. She, along with Amy and Avalon, had long ago gotten used to the idea that he wasn't going to let it go. He was a 'proud grandfather' and he had the albums to prove it!
"Once bitten and twice shy,
I keep my distance,
But you still catch my eye,
Tell me, baby,
Do you recognize me?"
People started getting up to dance just as Avalon had encouraged them to. Meanwhile, Mr. Golais continued passing around more Grinch muffins.
"Well, it's been a year,
It doesn't surprise me,
Merry Christmas, I wrapped it up and sent it,
With a note saying, 'I love you', I meant it,
Now, I know what a fool I've been,
But if you kissed me now,
I know you'd fool me again.
River ordered a whole batch of them to go, commenting to the Doctor how Stormcage actually liked them too. It bought her many 'free days' with the guards. Rory eventually asked Amy to dance and led her away.
It was a very hard thing for the Doctor to wait for Avalon to be free so he could dance with her too. She looked so lovely right now and knowing that there was some other guy wanting to dance with her too made it incredibly challenging to sit still. As soon as she finished singing, though, he was out of his chair zooming through the customers.
Avalon had only made it one step down from the stage when the Doctor pulled her off in a spinning hug. "You are a wonderful singer! The absolute best!"
"Okay, okay, put me down! I've eaten a lot of pastries!" She laughed and hit his shoulders until he obeyed and put her down.
"You're just amazing, do you know?" He was breathless from all the spinning.
Avalon smiled at him. "Yeah," she pulled him towards the wall with her father's portrait and pointed at it. "This is where he used to play all the time."
It suddenly clicked for the Doctor. The entire shop, the waitress gig, she'd come to this place to be close to her father. He should've known. "He'd be very proud of you." He kissed her. He suddenly forgot all about the dancing now that he had her in his arms, possibly against a wall, kissing her.
"Here you are, Dr. Song," Mr. Golais dropped by the Ponds' table with River's white box of Grinch muffins. "I threw in an extra one for you. Like Avalon, you're my special one!"
River laughed. "Thank you." She opened the box to dig into her first muffin.
"But I must ask, has anyone seen my only waitress?" He sighed and set his hands on his hips.
Neither Amy or Rory wanted to point out that his waitress, their granddaughter, was currently snogging her husband who had her up against a wall. They didn't even want to keep seeing it. They shuddered.
"I'm sure she's around here somewhere," Rory forced himself to answer with a smile on his face but as soon as Mr. Golais had left, he leaned to Amy, "I'm gonna have to wash my eyes out." She nodded.
~ 0 ~
"It's nearly the end of your shift…" the Doctor pointed out after taking Avalon's wrist bearing her watch. Avalon ran her fingers down his chest then pulled him closer. He was happy to oblige with her desire for another kiss but he really wanted to leave things clear about what they were going to do. "Ava, are you listening to me?"
"Listening, tuning out...whatever," she shrugged. "I'm interested in these…" She brushed her fingers over his lips. "And what I want them to do to me."
"W-well yeah that's a thing," he cleared his throat and knew that he had to step away if he really wanted to speak clearly. "But Avalon, your shift is ending. I asked you to come with me. What are you going to do?"
Her expression indicated that it should be obvious what she was going to do. "I want to leave with you."
"And what about this?" He gestured to the shop. "You love this place…"
Avalon cleared her throat and brought him back to her, though this time there was no kissing. "I came here because I wanted to be close to my Dad. I had no idea who he was and Mr. Golais was kind enough to give me a job here, right where my Dad once worked. I got what I came for. I learned so much about him, I've met people that used to know him. I'm good now. What I'd like to do now is to finally be with you," she caressed his face. "Take me home, Fairy Tale Man."
A deep smile crossed the Doctor's face with those words. "You mean that? Right now?"
She nodded and let her hands fall to his chest. "Plus, you owe me one wedding night and a honeymoon."
"Ah," he stiffened under her hands. There was a certainly good image in his head suddenly.
"Can you do that?"
"Oh, you just wait." Darkness flashed across his eyes, making it far too tempting for Avalon to run out with him in that moment.
"I've done my waiting," she said with a finality in her tone that left no room for further discussion. She had stated what she wanted and now he needed to follow through.
The Doctor stepped away from her and held his hand out, saying the words he always wanted to ever since he found out who she really was. "Come along, Pond." Avalon couldn't help the laugh that came through her mouth. She took his hand and gripped it tight.
It would only be twenty minutes when Mr. Golais returned to the Ponds with two notes in his hands, one addressed to him and the other bearing 'For the Ponds' on the front. "I believe my waitress just resigned," he announced, though not very surprised.
River took the last card for them and opened it up to read with her parents. "'Off with my husband...be back whenever'," she read with a laugh.
"She did not—" Amy grabbed the note to read for herself. "She did! She just left without telling us!"
"No, she told you right there," River tapped the note and grabbed her muffin again.
"So that's it then?" Rory took the card from Amy's hand and read Avalon's note. "They just...disappear on us?" River shrugged. "And you're okay with that?"
"She's 27 years old, she's an adult," River offered her parents some muffins. "You'll see her again."
"Yeah but when?" Amy gave her a pleading look. She didn't want to go years without seeing Avalon and the Doctor.
River seemed to smile like she knew the exact answer, and maybe she did. "It'll be a while for them, but they'll be back."
~ 0 ~
"Wait, wait," the Doctor had stopped Avalon right in front of the TARDIS. He grinned mischievously, something she worried for until he scooped her up into his arms like a proper bride. She laughed. "Tradition, right?"
"Right," she nodded. "But hey, you didn't meet anyone else in the meantime, right?"
The Doctor thought about it and got an idea that he was sure to get punched for but still decided it was worth it anyways, "Well, there was this one woman."
A frown came to Avalon's face. Was he that stupid to be honest like that? "A woman?"
"Yeah, she was incredible, adventurous and bold," the Doctor continued with a shrug, "She was absolutely amazing."
"And you know what?" The Doctor met her angry face with a near laugh.
"I totally married her at the top of a pyramid," he whispered with a smug smile.
Avalon's face fell flat. "I really hate you!"
The Doctor laughed as he brought them into the TARDIS. "I really think that you don't."
"I do! Now put me down! This marriage is over! Put me down!" She hit her fist against his chest.
The Doctor watched her with a warm smile. Instead of telling her to stop, he thought of a much more creative way of doing it. "I can show you the world. Shining, shimmering, splendid. Tell me, princess, now when did you last let your heart decide?"
Avalon's fist stopped just above his chest when he started singing. "You don't sing…" She whispered.
"I do for you," he said. He'd technically been singing to her since she was a newborn. He might not have the best singing voices - in fact he was sure that he was terrible at it - but Avalon watched him with such a soft expression, how could he ever tell her 'no'. "I can open your eyes. Take you wonder by wonder. Over, sideways and under. On a magic carpet ride…" Avalon laughed as he spun her around. She clung to him just in case his bad luck made its appearance and knocked him off his feet. "A whole new world. A new fantastic point of view. No one to tell us, "No". Or where to go, or say we're only dreaming…" The Doctor came to a stop and looked at her expectantly. He was making a fool of himself but it would be worth it if she joined in with his shenanigans.
When wouldn't she?
"A whole new world. A dazzling place I never knew," Avalon sang with her soft voice. "But when I'm way up here. It's crystal clear. That now I'm in a whole new world with you..." She ran her hand down the side of his face as they finished together.
"Now I'm in a whole new world with you…"
"Beautiful," the Doctor gave her a kiss. His eyes flickered to the Time Rotor. "Dear, how about you take us away, hm? I've got to show my wife to our new room."
Avalon lifted an eyebrow at him. "New room?"
"Well, I just thought, you know…" the Doctor cleared his throat, barely shifting when the TARDIS moved them. "It's a brand new room that the TARDIS created, pretty basic until we decide what to put in it. Would you like that?"
Avalon nodded her head. "I would love that."
The Doctor started for the corridors, promising her that he truly had not added nor taken anything from the new room. The TARDIS had only just created it when he set for the coffee shop. It would be entirely theirs as they filled it up with whatever they wanted.
Avalon instantly knew that he was right for when he brought her in, it was just a simple bedroom with a large bet and the essential nightstands and dressers. She did, however, spot a writing desk on the left and a working desk on the right. It was the basics, just waiting for them to make it their own...as a couple, a married couple.
"I'm going to want string lights," she started, making the Doctor chuckle. Of course she would already know what she wanted. He had to put her down as she started listing the things that would eventually fill the room. "Maybe a few stencils for the walls, don't worry my dear TARDIS, nothing tacky."
The TARDIS hummed and the Doctor was once again put out that she had completely allowed for the stencils to happen. He once drew on the walls and had sparks coming out of the console for weeks. The injustice!
Avalon flopped down on the foot of the bed, sliding her hands over the smooth red quilt. "I'm definitely going to want some bed curtains. And maybe a change of quilts. I'm thinking of blue. Like TARDIS blue." She met the Doctor's gaze and smiled. He was staring at her like she was the most fascinating thing in the world. She was certainly not. "What?"
"I really missed you," he whispered, his face falling despondent. "I spent days in your old bedroom, weeks. Actually, I never let it go."
Avalon's smile faded for a moment. "It's okay, I'm here. I'm never leaving you." She held his arms out for him. "Now come here, Fairy Tale Man. Let me show you how much I've missed you."
The Doctor obeyed and came forwards. He planted his hands on either side of her, gazing into her beautiful eyes. He couldn't wait to wake up to those eyes from now on. He closed the small gap between them with a kiss. She lifted her hands from the quilt to wrap around him. She had no intention of letting him go, at least not for the night, so when he abruptly pulled away she was mighty annoyed. It didn't last long when he knelt down in front of her.
"You must be so tired," he gingerly took her left leg that was crossed over her other and undid the latch of her shoes. "Can I do something for you?"
"Anything you want." Avalon watched him undo the latch of her other shoe. She felt a tingle as he started leaving kisses up her left leg, stopping at the hem of her skirt.
He lifted his gaze, smirking at her fascinated gaze. He rose further to meet her lips again. She pushed his jacket off and happily threw it to the side. She would love seeing that on the floor when she woke up the next day, as well as…
The Doctor had barely felt when she'd undone his bowtie, but he'd certainly loved watching her throw it to the side as well. They kissed again, harder and rougher. Even their hands were speeding up. Avalon had already unbuttoned his shirt but she had to slide his braces down his arms. She suddenly stopped everything to laugh. When the Doctor asked her what was so funny—because this was not something he wanted to hear tonight of all nights—all Avalon had to say was…
"I just never thought I'd marry someone who wears suspenders!"
"Oh, ha, ha," the Doctor mocked her laugh with his own. "Well, I never thought I'd marry a Pond! My Pond! Pond number 4!"
"Four? Why am I Pond number 4!?" Avalon's face warned him to answer that cautiously or else the entire night could be postponed.
"Amy and Rory are Ponds 1 and 2, River's Pond 3 and you are Pond 4!"
Avalon wasn't impressed. She grabbed him by the collars of his open shirt and pulled him closer. "I'm not number four. I'm number one," she declared, "I like being number one."
"Yes you do," the Doctor agreed, leaving it up to her on how she would like to convince him to change the order.
"I really hate you," she mumbled before kissing.
"You really don't," he murmured against her lips. He would show her just how much she actually didn't hate him. He slipped his hands under her shirt, smirking when she felt her stiffen. He pulled away to bring the shirt over her. He was mighty happy to chuck it behind him.
Avalon couldn't help blush under his admiring gaze. She supposed it was the same for her when she pulled his shirt off. Just the beginning. She met his lips again with a sweet kiss. The Doctor gently pushed her further onto the bed, his hands roaming down her body while she forced him to kick his shoes off. How else was she supposed to get the pants off? The Doctor blushed when she made that comment, especially because her fingers were already playing with the belt loop of his pants. She would always be bold and he would never want to change that.
He was fortunate enough to have an entire future with her from now on.
Author's Note:
Being completely blunt here, I fucking loved writing this story. Stars Dance is my baby but this one was just better in my mind. I hope you guys liked it too!
I hope this chapter was a cringe fluffy as possible because that's what I was going for honestly. After everything they'd gone through, my girl Ava and 11 needed some happy times!
Next up is the epilogue (you'll want to read that to get the answer to the unanswered mysterious question!).
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Noodles on 51st And 3rd
The noodles at the corner of 51st and 3rd were the best in the Lower City, even if they were frozen and off of a truck.  Hell, that was WHY they were the best.  Go to the larger eateries in the district, and you find the crap homemade stuff, where half the protein is probably made up of bugs and general filth.  The little kiosk where I was busy slurping down a bowl full, though… THAT was good.  And safe.
And it gave me a good view of the square.
Even at 2am and change, the square was alive with people, bathed in the ever present neon glow from a hundred signs, and the shifting shadows generated by no less than five mega-screens that were hawking everything from shaving cream to women ready to turn your night into a decadent dream of sheer pleasure.  All of it also held the unspoken promise of emptying your credcard.  I snorted to myself as I swallowed the last of the noodles; this joint was pricey enough.  The last thing I needed was a synthetic whore and a shave that smelled like cat piss.
The steady undercurrent of a thousand human voices thrummed at my ears, punctuated with traffic, both ground and sky-based.  The city never slept, never paused.  Only the crowds changed.  Gone were the daytime suits and drones, talking into their pads as they negotiated everything from multi-million dollar deals to home deliveries of groceries.  Now the streets belonged to an entirely different subset of the business world, the seedier subset, the subset that kept the city running while at the same time infusing it with a thousand different cancers.
Even the sky changed.  During the day you had the sun, of course, struggling to break free of the smog layer that seemed to perpetually hang just above the tops of the highest mega-scrapers.  At night, though, it was as if the world were finally letting go of a long held breath.  Clouds formed among the higher buildings and would, for an hour or two, let loose the weeping rains that scrubbed both sky and street of the accumulated filth.  It wasn’t raining now, but the streets were still slick with precipitation and oil, and the gutters were still clogged with miniature jams of garbage and things less savory.
I tipped back my head and drained the bowl of the last of the juices, chopsticks held between two fingers as I did so.  Letting out a long sigh, I dropped both on to the counter and took out a cig from my coat’s inner pocket.  It was bent, had been partially smoked already, and tasted wonderful when combined with the aftertaste of the noodles.  I looked up and from under the rim of my hat at the elderly man behind the counter, and tilted my head up at him.  He just looked back at me and snorted.
“That gǒu shǐ will kill you, Man,” he wheezed at me with a dry smirk.
“Your noodles will kill me first,” I countered gruffly, voice hoarse.  “Synthetic crap grown in a vat…”
Chuckling, he magically produced an old lighter and held it to my cig.  “You go to Kwon’sfor the real thing,” he quipped. “But my synthetic gǒu shǐ must be better than the gǒu shǐ he uses.”
I barked a short laugh; he was probably close to the truth.  But then, hell, everything in this world was set to kill a man.  Food, pollution, other men…. I took a long deep drag, reducing the length of the cig by another quarter, and let the smoke escape through my nostrils, into the still damp-smelling air.  This thing was probably my healthiest habit.
A sudden, discordant noise caught my attention, a rising in a group of voices, their tones turning angry, loud, contentious.  The old man nodded to me knowingly, and I turned my head just enough to peer back towards the other side of the square.  Five men were pushing their way through the crowds, going against the grain, heading into a small theater that had stood in the spot for a century at least.  No movies had played there for at least 25 years, but I knew that games aplenty were its hallmark.  I didn’t care about that, particularly.  It was the gamemaster that would be there tonight that I was interested in.  And those were his goons.
Slowly I stood, adjusting my my hat, drawing my coat around myself, and turned to go.
“Hey!” the old man snapped, a crooked and boney finger tapping on the plastic counter.  “You pay first.”
I stopped and looked back, cig still clenched in my teeth.  One hand went to my left side, under the coat, checking the pistol that was securely strapped there.  “Put it on my tab,” I remarked absently.
“Your tab is no good if you dead,” he muttered back.
“Ye of little faith,” I retorted, turned, and promptly walked into someone’s outstretched hand as it landed on my chest, fingers splayed.  I stopped on the spot and looked down with widening eyes.
“That shouldn’t be a surprise,” the woman with midnight hair drawled.  Her eyes never left mine as she used her free hand to throw a couple of silver coins on the old man’s counter.  One of them bounced into my abandoned bowl.  He looked down to them, frowning, then let his eyes widen in surprise, finally grinning a gap-toothed smile as he cackled, sweeping them up greedily.
Slowly she let her hand fall from my chest, but I didn’t move.  I was still too surprised to see her.  Here. Now.  Standing there like she had always belonged at my side.  Well, hoolies.  Once upon a time, she had.  Her mouth twisted into a sardonic grin, black lipstick and dark eyes both sparkling under the red neon lights.  “What’s the matter, noodles strangling you?” Her refined British accent still made me feel a warmth deep in my heart.  “Maybe they will be your death after all.”
“No, not them,” I responded in my hoarse voice, head tilting up enough so that the rough scar along my throat became visible, sliding up from beneath my shirt collar.  “But you sure as hell tried.”
Her grin turned into a full blown smile.  “Now, darling, you know that was just a bit of foreplay.  I wanted to make things look good.  Had to fool the mark and his boys.  It’s how the game is played.”
“You cut my goddamned throat,” I murmured.  Despite myself, my hand reached out and cupped her cheek.
“And I knew,” she responded slowly, eyes closing for a moment, “that your nanites would seal it up in less than a minute, helpful little blighters that they are.  Although,” she added, almost wonderingly, eyes opening again, her own hand reaching up, a single finger tracing that scar, “I didn’t think they would leave a mark.”
A snort was my initial response, and then I added, “You left the mark.  More than one.  And most of them can’t be seen.”
“Are you telling me that you’ve missed me?” she asked softly.
I stared down at her for a moment, then tilted her head up.  My lips came within a whisper’s breadth of her own.  “Want to go play?” I asked quietly, nodding towards the old theater.
Her grin, at the same time feral and eager like a child being offered a piece of candy, was answer enough.
“Hey!” the old man suddenly shouted.  He looked up from one of the coins that he was still admiring, clasped in his grimy fingers.  “Stop flirting!  Get to work so you can pay your tab!”
I looked back down to her, then began to laugh.  A real laugh.  The first I had had in a long while.  Throwing an arm around her shoulder, I drew my gun with the other.  She had already produced her own heavy-barreled pistol and held it at the ready.
“Yeah,” I said, puffing out more smoke, starting off with her across the street.  “Let’s get the game a-foot.”
Abruptly her delicate fingers snatched the cig from my mouth and tossed it into the scummy waters of the gutter, where it briefly hissed and was lost amongst the rest of the trash.  “That gǒu shǐ will kill you,” she remarked.
Behind me, all I heard was the old man cackling.
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Day 3: crossover
@selfshipweek s/iderverse fic s/iderverse fic s/iderverse fic!!!! I couldn’t really do the au, since this whole selfship is in an au already, and obviously I going to miss this opportunity. I decided to do a crossover with my s/i Janet and Captain Jack. It got a bit away from me, it’s quite long.
Me and Severus walked down the path, taking in the warm summer air. It was the summer holidays, all the students had gone home for the next few months, and Severus had convinced me to go for a drink at Hogsmeade, to my surprise. I enjoyed the quietness and stillness, in comparison to the usual chatter on Hogsmeade weekends, and despite the lateness the sun still glowed in the sky, down by the horizon, sending long shadows amidst the gold. A bright flash illuminated the cobbled road, coming from the alley behind honeydukes, and Severus looked at me, his free hand reaching for his wand. I reached for mine, and we made your way to the source of the light, hands still linked together but slightly tighter. 
As we approached, two figures stepped out from the alley, dusting themselves down. Severus looked at me, confusion and suspicion on his face. “That looks like you?” he said, and I nodded. One of the figures, the girl, looked very similar to me: same hair, same eyes, same posture. “Polyjuice potion.” he said, thinking out loud with a scowl. “It can’t be polyjuice potion.” I said, looking closer at the pair. “She looks a little younger, and her face is a bit slimmer. And her hair is shorter than mine, just a bit.” The two of us walked closer to my doppelganger and her friend, a tall, broad man wearing a military coat. He looked like he was checking his watch, and as we approached slowly the girl looked up and gasped. She said something to the man, who looked at you with suspicion. 
They walked over to us, and we met in the middle of the empty road. “Who are you?” the girl asked, eyeing you and Severus warily. “I’m Sorren.” I replied. “Who are you?” 
“Janet.” She looked uneasily at Severus, who glared at her, holding your hand tighter. “Who’s he?”
“He’s Severus. Who’s he?” I asked, pointing at the man. 
“Captain Jack Harkness.” He extended his hand, which I shook. Severus looked at him like he was trying to burn a hole through his skull. “D’you mind telling us where we are?”
Me and Severus looked at each other skeptically. “Hogsmeade.” I said. 
“Uh huh. And the year?”
Neither me nor Severus spoke.
“Just humor us.” said Janet impatiently, and I smiled a little apologeticly.
Jack laughed. “Oh, I love the 80’s. Great music, great fashion. Although I don’t remember capes being that popular.” he said, eyeing me. 
“You must be hot in that,” said Janet.
“It’s a summer cloak.” I said defensively. “And it’ll be colder later, summer lasts for about an hour up here.”
“Up here being?” Janet asked, and Severus looked at her bitterly.
“How do you accidentally travel to Scotland?” he asked, his voice biting.
“Has anyone ever done it on purpose?” laughed Jack, and Severus twitched an eyebrow. 
“We were traveling, we were meant to be going to Althrace, but we got dragged here instead.” said Janet. Her eyes widened, and she turned to Jack with excitement. “Ooh, you don’t reckon-”
Jack looked between me and her, understanding blooming on his face. “Sorren, was it?” 
I nodded. They turned to face each other and whispered frantically,glancing back at me every so often. Me and Severus just stood and waited, confused and slightly unnerved by the unusual pair. I caught snatches of their hushed conversation, something about dimensions, and finally the pair stood apart. Janet put a hand roughly through her hair.
“Oh-hoho!” she exclaimed. “She’s me! Captain, she’s me!” She turned to me. “How old are you?
“Nineteen.” I replied a little stiffly, confused as to what she was talking about. 
“Wow.” breathed Janet, peering at my face. “That’s what I would have looked like?”
“What do you mean, would have looked like? How old are you?”
Both she and Jack laughed. “Difficult question.” she replied.
“We’d be happy to tell you everything over a drink.” said Jack, looking around. “There a bar here or something?”
Me and Severus led them to the three broomsticks, to Severus’ irritation. We sat down at a table, me and Severus sitting opposite each other instinctually. Before we could correct it, Jack had sat down next to Severus, and I was sat with my doppelganger. The pub was filled with the hum of quiet chatter, and Madam Rosmerta came up to us. “Two butterbeers please.” I asked, and I looked at Jack and Janet. 
“Something strong.” Jack said, winking at Madam Rosmerta, who blushed a little. 
“Nothing for me thanks.” said Janet, and she kicked Jack under the table as Madam Rosmerta walked away.
“So who are you?” I asked, looking between Jack and Janet with interest. Janet waved her hand, and Jack spoke. “We’re time travellers. I think what’s happened is you and Janet are two different versions of the same person, scattered in different universes. And we got pulled through by mistake.”
“Are you gonna be able to get back?” I asked, and Jack nodded. “I can manage that, no problem.” Janet scoffed, but looked away innocently when Jack looked at her. 
“So what’s your universe like?” I asked, as Madam Rosmerta approached with your drinks. “Two butterbeers, and one firewiskey.” she said, setting them down on the table. 
“Thank’s Rosmerta.” I said, and as I was fishing out my purse from my cloak’s pockets I saw Severus handing some coins over the table.
“Severus, I was gonna get it.” I said, and Jack looked back and forth between us. “Ah, are you two an item?” he asked, and me and Severus nodded. “Cute couple.” he remarked, and he carried on talking. “As for my universe, we’ve got a lot of aliens, time travel, space travel, but not a lot of people on earth know about it in your time. What about you, what’s your universe?”
My mind was reeling with the information, and when I looked at Severus I saw his was too. He was working hard to look unimpressed, however, and he drew his wand out of his pocket. He levitated a stone from the floor and transfigured it into a frog, which promptly hopped off the table in panic. “Snazzy.” said Jack, and Janet gave a little round of applause. “But come on, I want to know more about you.” he said, looking at me. “Favourite colour?”
“Favorite fruit?”
“Favourite sweets?”
“Pear drops. Or gummy worms.”
“Ha!” Jack laughed. “Exactly the same as Janet.” He turned to Severus, who was sinking bitterly into the collar of cape like an irritated turtle. “And I bet she’s exactly as annoying as well, right Severus?” he joked, putting an arm round him and shaking him a little. Severus made a little noise in his throat and twitched away from him, shrugging his arm off. 
“So when were you born Janet?” I asked, trying to stop Severus and Jack having a falling out. Jack seemed lovely, and was very charismatic, but the sudden suspicious appearance combined with Severus’ regular coldness had the potential to cause a problem. 
“2004. How about you?”
“1961.” I laughed. “God that’s so weird. How old are you then, like 15 or something?”
Janet raised her eyebrows at me. “I’m actually immortal.” she said, and she grinned at my shocked expression. “It’s a long story, but I reckon I must be at least 500 by now, right?” Jack nodded in response. “Maybe more.” he said. “You were in that time loop for a while.”
“Oh god yeah.” She said, pushing her palms against her eyes. “That was so fucking miserable.”
Severus looked up from where he was, presumably, attempting to practice heat vision on wall. “Immortality is impossible.” He said scathingly, looking Janet in the eye. She glared right back. “In your universe.” she said, and Severus rolled his eyes. “Jack?” said Janet in a singsong voice, and Jack passed Janet a strange looking knife, with metal prongs sticking out in odd places. She balled up the collar of her jacket and pushed it into her mouth, and pushed the blade through her hand, making a thud on the wood of the table. With a grunt, she pulled the knife back out again, spitting her collar out as she did. “Why’d you choose that one, it’s got fucking barbs on it.” she spat at Jack, and me and Severus stared in horror as the skin of her hand healed without a scratch. “See.” she said to Severus. Severus didn’t say anything, just looked at her hand in shocked silence.
“So Jack,” I said, attempting to restore some normality. “I’m guessing you were born in the ‘60s? Same as us.”
Jack shook his head, and Janet laughed. “I was born in the 51st century.” he said, and I looked at him in awe. “Merlin’s beard, what’s that like?”
“Hold on, you think I look 40 years older?” Jack said, a little offended, and both Janet and me ignored him.
Janet laughed. “‘Merlin’s beard’?” she said, and Severus glared at her again.
“Problem?” he asked, and Janet raised her eyebrows. 
“None that I can see, do you have a problem?”
Severus just looked at her irritably. After a beat, he stood up and left the bar, his cloak flaring behind him. “Shit, back in a moment.” I said, and I hurried out after him. 
“Severus, are you okay?” I asked, linking your arm through his as I reached him. 
“I’m sorry.” he said, but his jaw was tight and his voice was still angry. “But I don’t trust them at all, there are plenty of ways to modify your appearance with polyjuice potion, and-”
I heard footsteps on the path behind me, and me and Severus spun around, Severus instinctively reaching for his wand. Jack and Janet walked towards us. “Woah there tiger.” he said, clapping Severus on the shoulder as he eyed his hand in his cloak. Severus scowled, and I slid my arm around his side. “Just came to tell you we’re off.” said Janet, leaning on Jack as he fiddled with a leather strap around his wrist. “Jack’s figured out how to get back, and it’s probably best to close any holes to our dimension pretty fast.” Jack and Janet shared an uneasy look, before swapping easily back to their carefree demeanors. “It’s been stellar meeting you.” said Janet, and she wrapped both her arms around Jack’s right one. Jack saluted to Severus, and gave me a wink, before pressing a button on the strap. The pair of them disappeared in a flash of blue light, and me and Severus were left alone on the road. 
“Okay, wow.”
Severus visibly relaxed a bit now the pair were gone. “Shall we go back inside?” I asked, and Severus started walking, pulling me with him by the arm I still had wrapped around him. 
“I didn’t think handsome and obnoxious was your type.” said Severus once we were sat down again, his voice low but his mouth twitching upwards. 
“No, I said Elliott wasn’t my type, and he just happens to be handsome and obnoxious.” I joked, but put my hand on Severus’ arm. “No, I’m kidding, I’m kidding. Handsome and obnoxious isn’t my type. Pale and jealous, that’s my type.” I leaned over the table and kissed Severus’ face, pressing my lips over his slightly offended expression. 
“I’m not pale and jealous.” he said quietly, his naturally low voice even lower.
“Oh, I didn’t mean it as a bad thing!” I cried apologetically. “You are pale, but you’re so pretty, and your hair and your eyes make you look so dramatic, it’s nice. And you are a bit jealous Sev, but I don’t mind.”
He smiled, but still looked a little offended. “I wasn’t jealous of him, I was just being cautious. There’s a war coming.”
My smile faded. “Yeah, I know.” I gripped his hand over the table. “Still, at least before it comes, we got to meet a time traveler.”
“Hm.” Severus made a small noise of agreement, and the two of us carried on our summer evening as if nothing had happened.
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justfandomwritings · 5 years
The American Revenge Plan
Phase One: Infiltrate the Royal Family
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Phase Two: American Citizen as Prime Minister of UK
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Phase Three: Brexit. Take the UK out of Europe so it has no choice but to turn to the US.
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In Progress.
Phase Four: Annex Scotland, Wales, England, and Northern Ireland as the 51st through 54th states
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Preparations To Begin Upon Completion of Phase Three.
Phase Five: Burn down Buckingham Palace
Revenge for the War of 1812.
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Revenge is a dish best served very, very cold. Two centuries cold.
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Seeing the Stars
Castiel X Reader
It was midnight and Dean, Sam and I had just arrived back at the motel. I look up to see the whole sky is blanketed in pure black without a star in the sky. Three months have passed since all angels fell from heaven and during that time I have joined the Winchesters on their hunting trips. I had to get used to human life fairly quickly once I fell and I still have many difficulties understanding the humans strange customs.
"Those vampires were a bitch…bar anyone?" Dean asks the two of us whilst already heading in the direction of the bar across the street from where we are currently standing. But suddenly, a metallic thrumming noise starts from the alley way to our left.
"Can you guys hear that or is it just me?" Sam, the younger Winchester, asks with a confused yet curious expression on his face.
"Never get a break around here…" Dean mutters quietly under his breath. The three of us start walking towards the alley where the noise appears to be coming from. At the end of the narrow aisle, a strange blue blur is appearing in and out of my vision. Is this some kind of demon trick?
The three of us inch our way to the strange sight ahead of us at the end of the alley, weapons in our hands. The blue blur takes a few seconds until it starts to materialize into an actual sight. A blue box with the words 'Police Phone Box' stand in front of me and it comes in and out of my view a few more times before it stops.
"Uh, Cas. Any idea here?" Dean asks me with wide eyes. I don't reply because honestly, I'm just as clueless right now. So instead I just shrug and the three of us start to move closer to the box ahead.
Out of nowhere though, the door is burst open by a man with a bow tie and shaggy brown hair who quickly takes in the sight of myself and the two Winchesters on either side of me as well as our, not so concealed, weapons.
"Uh, there's no need for weapons. I'm not here to hurt you." The man says with his hands slightly up as if in surrender. What is this blue box? I've never seen something like this. It just appeared... seemingly out of thin air.
"Who are you and what the hell is that?" Dean shouts at the man in apprehension and fear of the unknown.
"I'm the Doctor and this is the TARDIS. She's my ship. Who are you?" The Doctor asks.
"This is Dean and Sam Winchester," I say with glances at the two hunters. ", and my name is Castiel. I am an angel of the Lord." I say to the man in front of me.
"An angel? Well, I haven't seen an angel in centuries. Please come in. Let me show you around." The Doctor says, ushering us all into his TARDIS. Seen an angel? So he's met my kind before...
Who is this man? I have never heard of this Doctor, although he seems to know of my kind. Walking into the box, I look around and stop. I can vaguely hear Dean shouting how we won't all fit in here, but stepping into the box, I see that it is bigger on the inside. How? This technology is more advanced than humans possess. If only I was an angel… then maybe I could do something. But I do not believe this man wants to hurt us.
"Cas, man. Get out of there." I hear Dean shout from the outside. The Doctor leans against what looks like the control console of this contraption.
"Dean, Sam. It's fine. There's nothing to fear. We'll all easily fit." I shout back to the two brothers standing outside. "What is this?" I ask the Doctor who has gone to a screen behind me and is looking at it intently and focused.
Behind me, Sam and Dean slowly and anxiously walk into the Tardis, guns in hand. "Weapons away. You won't be hurt in here." The Doctor says with a glance at the two and a confused glance towards me. Why?
"Y/N, come in here. We have guests." The man with the bow tie exclaims out of nowhere.
"No need to shout. I'm here." A girl with (Y/H/C) hair comes bouncing down the glass stairs on my left. Wow. She's beautiful. I've never seen a girl like her. The way she walks with such confidence. "Who are these people Doctor?" She asks the man with a friendly smile.
"Y/N, this is Sam and Dean Winchester. They stopped the apocalypse." He says motioning to the two behind me. Wait, How does he know that? Both are still looking in awe at their surroundings when they finally notice the girl called Y/N. Their eyes are focused on the girl in front of us and both walk forwards to be closer. She is stunning.
"Hello." She says with a soft angelic voice."I'm (Y/N) (L/N). This is the TARDIS. It's bigger on the inside due to sciency things, but I'm sure the Doctor hasn't explained a thing to you, going by your expressions that is." She says with a laugh towards the Doctor. "I guess you've never been in a time machine before. Wait apocalypse?" She says with a shock at the end, changing the subject.
"Against Lucifer." I offer to her. Turning her head, her (E/C) eyes meet my ice blue ones and all over I feel a warm feeling.
"Lucifer. What like the devil?" She asks and I nod my head as an answer, not being able to keep my eyes off her. "Huh, I thought they were just old stories you know, hell, heaven. In the future, religion really isn't a big thing. Nearly non-existent. Oh and you are?" She finally asks for my name in a sweet voice. Religion isn't a big thing, the future?
"Did you say the future?" Sam asks the girl. Her head turns away from me before I can answer and she starts to talk to Sam. For some reason I feel disappointment and another strange feeling to her talking to another man.
"Yes. I'm not from this time. I'm from the 51st century and live in what you would call London. Doctor what's going on?" She asks confidently. Her eyes shine with hope and dreams... and even a bit of rebelliousness.
"I found them outside. I've been wanting to meet you three for a long time. The ones that stopped armaggedon and that fight between the two archangels." The Doctor says whilst rapidly turning to us. His eyes are blazing with curiosity. "You've never met an angel have you (Y/N)?" He asks the girl.
"No. I haven't. Why? One of you aren't angels are you?" She says with the same curiosity in her bright (E/C) eyes as the Doctor. Her eyes shift amongst the three of us.
"My name is Castiel, I'm an angel of the Lord... or was." I say,my eyes falling to the glass floor.
"I was wondering about that. Where is your grace Castiel?" The Doctor asks, looking between the screen and I. That must be why he keeps looking at me strangely.
"Heaven was closed up and the angels fell. My grace was stolen by another angel, thus making me human."
"All angels fell?" (Y/N) asks me, stepping forward slightly.
"The trials right?" The Doctor asks. I don't say anything but stand in silent shock. How could he know that? "I'll take your silence as a yes." He says before checking more equipment on the console.
"How the hell do you know so much?" Dean asks angrily, obviously getting annoyed at the man's vagueness about himself. "Who are you?"
"You haven't told them?" The girl asks with a shake of her head before leaning on the console.
"I'm getting to it." The doctor replies, waving his hands at her to stop leaning on the controls. "So I'm the Doctor. I'm a Timelord from the planet Gallifrey and I'm very old. I'm basically a madman with a box." He says quickly, seeming to be in a rush. Timelord? I've never heard of a Timelord or Gallifrey before. "Okay, you guys ready?"
"Ready? For what?" Sam asks the man.
"An adventure." The Doctor says with an excited glint in his eyes before pulling down a lever. Then the doors shut and the room lurches up slightly. The metallic thrumming noise is heard again from the centre console of the room and everyone immediately goes to hold onto something to stop themselves from falling down. Sam, Dean and I are still in shock whereas (Y/N) and the Doctor are just laughing giddily to themselves.
"What the hell is going on?" Dean shouts from beside me.
"Wait and see." (Y/N) says calmly. Once the room stops shaking, the Doctor and (Y/N), who seems to be a companion of sorts, walk out of the room and step out of the doors. "Come on guys." She calls to us. Looking at each other, we slowly walk out the TARDIS and are shocked to see that we've moved.
"What..." Sam says, not being able to think of a solution for our shift in space. Laughing, (Y/N) and the Doctor look at us all and just walk around the place, commenting on the different species of people around us. Apparently we are not on Earth anymore and are on a planet far away. The Doctor says he just wanted us to see something and felt random at the time. I get the feeling that this is a normal occurrence with him.
During the day, the three of us had become settled into the new enviroment, Sam asking the Doctor plenty of questions about the universe and Dean trying every food he came across. I went a separate way, following (Y/N) as she showed me plenty of different things from a variety of cultures.
"Hey Cas. You hungry?" She asked me as she pulled me towards a cafe of sorts. "This place has great food. You'll love it." For some reason, I felt a connection towards this human girl from the future. She was beautiful, but it was more than that. I felt like I'd known her my whole life.
"Yes. I am actually." I answered to which she just smiled a breathtaking smile and pulled me to a table near a water display of sorts.
"Any idea what you want?" She asked me and when I looked at the menu I had no idea. As an angel, I never required food, but now, as a human, it was needed to keep me alive. Shaking my head at her, she smiled and ended up ordering for the both of us. "You'll like it, I swear." She says to me before starting on her food once it had arrived. I copied her way of eating, with both hands, the strange yet delicious food. I hummed in delight at the food in my hands.
All day I had been getting to know (Y/N) better, both of us asking questions about the other. She was interested in the fact that I was once an angel as she said that she had never heard of my kind. "(Y/N), if you don't mind me asking, but why did you join the Doctor on his trips?" I anxiously asked, hoping I hadn't 'crossed a line' as Dean says.
"Why not?" She replies with a laugh. "I had nothing keeping me home and I saw an opportunity to see the stars. Plus, I couldn't not go. Who wouldn't want to see the whole of time and space?" Thankfully I hadn't upset her but I'm curious as to what she means by 'having nothing to keep her home'.
"Why wouldn't you have anything at home?" I ask quietly. Her face dropped and I immediately started to regret my question. "I... I'm sorry. Forget I asked." I hurriedly say before she cuts me off.
"No it's fine, Cas. Really..." She says before stopping for a second. "My parents gave me away when I was a child and I grew up in an orphanage with a bunch of other kids. I never had a real family and all I had when I was older was my job. I was a soldier in the army but I lost my friends and squad due to an attack and I couldn't carry on. So I left the army and met the Doctor. We've been travelling together ever since..." She says and my hand immediately finds hers. I don't know why, but her soft small delicate hand in mine feels right.
Smiling at her, I become lost in her eyes. Bright with happiness yet hurt from her past at the same time. A slap on my back brings me out of my thoughts, and I notice how I had unconsciously moved closer to her. Both of us jump away from the close proximity and I turn around to see the Doctor along with the Winchesters smiling at us knowingly.
"Well. As much fun as the day has been, you should probably get back. Come on. I'll take you three back home in the TARDIS now." The Doctor states before walking back to the blue box that brought (Y/N) to me.
Walking with Dean and Sam, the two ask me about (Y/N). "So what? You like her?" Dean asks with a grin.
"Maybe...I don't know." I answer but like isn't a strong enough word. There's just a connection between us two and I feel like she can see into my soul, if angels had one that is.
The two brothers laugh but quieten down by the time we arrive back at the TARDIS. All five of us enter the room and the Doctor immediately starts to set the controls to our time. The Winchesters and (Y/N) laugh about the differences between the present and the future as well as things they have seen today. The TARDIS starts making the same metallic thrumming noise and after a few seconds the Doctor opens the doors with a click of his fingers and I can see we are back where we started.
"Well. It was nice meeting you three. Today has been fun. If you ever have any alien trouble give me a call." The Doctor says before turning around to look at the screen once again.
"See ya Doc, Bye (Y/N)." Dean calls out with a wave before stepping out of the box.
"Yeah. Bye guys." Sam says before following his brother. Now I have to leave. I probably won't see her again.
"Goodbye Doctor. (Y/N)," I say, walking up to her where she is standing at the door saying goodbye to Sam and Dean. "I'll miss you. Goodbye." I reluctantly say before walking out of the box.
"Goodbye Castiel. I hope we meet again." She says with a smile and bright (E/C) eyes. She turns to close the door but I quickly grab her wrist.
"Stay with me." I ask her, wanting nothing more than to kiss her in that moment.
"I can't. I'm sorry. The Doctor... needs me. He can't be alone. It's not good for him." She answers, looking back at the Doctor worryingly. She told me how close the two were. Almost like brother and sister.
"Oh..." I say. Disappointment showing clearly on my face. "Well. Then I guess this is it." I reply, letting go of her wrist reluctantly. My hands already missing the contact.
She steps forward suddenly and grabs my face within her hands. She looms down at my lips before flitting her gaze to my ice blue eyes. I lean into her touch until I feel her soft lips brush against mine. I lose myself in the kiss, forgetting about the fact that I'll never see her again. My hands reach up to twist in her (H/L) (H/C) hair. After a minute we break apart.
She pulls away and steps backwards, back into the blue box behind her. "Goodbye Cas." She says with a sad smile that doesn't reach her eyes before closing the door between us. My shoulders visibly fall at that moment. Already missing the warmth I felt whenever she was near. After a few seconds the TARDIS starts humming that metallic noise and the wind around us starts to pick up slightly.
"Cas. You okay?" Dean asks me, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"No. But she'll be happy with the Doctor. Seeing the stars." And with that I walked away, never forgetting the girl that stole my heart within a day. Hopefully I'll see her again...
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Classics: Ten x Rose x Tentoo OT3
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fic rec list masterpost | docxrose fanfic 101 masterlist
See also: Multi-Doctor OT3
Most of these are adult; please carefully check authors' tags and summaries.
💘 = PWP
⭐ = slash elements
Teen or Below:
Law and Order in the 51st Century by @unfolded73​
Brown vs. Blue, The Eternal Debate by @abadplanwellexecuted​
💘⭐ Beautiful by silvain
💘 Helping Hands by @nonelvis​
💘⭐ Strange and Wonderful by @unfolded73​
💘⭐ With this Ring, I Thee Wed by JennyLD
       short story
Teen or Below:
Better with Four by Goldy
Counting Heartbeats by JennyLD
Four Hearts, Three Tongues, Two Brown Suits and One Love by Timeless-Iby
On the Vortex by @loremipsumfandom (the_tenzo)
The Pleasures of Jealousy by Rose_Nebula
Better With Two (squared) by @allegoricalrose​ (babyfic)
💘 Cliterference by @leftennant​
💘 Countdown by sinecure
⭐ Dream Sequencing by @loremipsumfandom​ (part of series)
💘 Fantasy by Nymirr
💘⭐ For Your Unconventional Shagging Needs by JennyLD
⭐ Hakuna Matata (Or The Art Of Time Lord Maintenance) by @keepcalm-callcoulson
Hanging Up by Weasy
💘⭐ An Integral Part of the Equation by JennyLD
juggling act by @lauraxxtennant​
⭐ Lithium by @leftennant​
💘⭐ Loving and Wanting You and Me Twice Over by Queen of the Castle
💘⭐ Next! by @leftennant​
⭐ Not the Only Fruit by @develish1​
💘 Operation Diversion (or Human-Time Lord Metacrisis and the Art of Burlesque) by @leftennant​ (crack)
⭐ Sexual Tension in Stasis by @allrightfine​
💘⭐ Spare Parts Verse / A Time Lord, his metacrisis, their Rose and problems that may arise by @fogsblue​ (crack, read the first one first ;))
💘⭐ The Start of Something by AmeliaPonders
The Start of Something New by thetimelady
⭐ The Tao of Rose by @loremipsumfandom​
💘⭐ Twenty Fingers by doctorsdiva
⭐ Watching by @loremipsumfandom​
⭐ We Could Have It So Much Better by @thegreenfairy13​
⭐ We Were Just Taking a Break by @fantastiqueolicity​
⭐ You That Way; We This Way by @nonelvis​
Adult/Contain Adult Chapters:
Better With Two, Brilliant With Three by @tenscupcake​
Entwined by @licieoic​ (au)
Jealousy is a Passion by Mayet
⭐ Paradise Lost by @unfolded73​ (part of series, angst)
The Road Not Taken by the_spin (written pre-JE)
⭐ To the Waters and the Wild by @loremipsumfandom​ and ladychi
Adult/Contains Adult Chapters:
Before it Breaks by Aeolist
Adult/Contains Adult Chapters:
Breaking Point by @thedoctormulder​
⭐ The Loved Verse by fid_gin and @unfolded73​
⭐ Plus One Verse by @wildwinterwitch
This category will be updated as recs come in! ♥  If you know of something that should be here but isn’t, or we have any category errors, feel free to tell us!
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distant-rose · 6 years
1, 10, 16, 22 FOR SALTY ASKS, BITCH! xo
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
I’m going to say it and people are going to possibly fight me but Rumbelle. As someone who specializes in family and human rights law, it’s hard for me to watch because I feel like I’m watching one of my cases, particularly cases regarding Battered Women’s Syndrome where women are put through a cycle of abuse and affection that eventually leads to them snapping and killing their partners due to the constant fear that they feel. Granted, that didn’t happen on the show and I don’t think Adam & Eddy even have a clue what BWS is but it was the cycle that got me - the manipulation, the gaslighting and sometimes even trespass against the person via false imprisonment. (And yes, false imprisonment is categorized as trespass against the person in tort.) I constantly cringed while watching them mainly because it became clear many times that Rumple just doesn’t respect Belle’s autonomy and views her more as a coveted object than a partner.
Another is honestly…Kataang. I don’t find it abusive for the record or anything. And just a PSA out there for you, you CAN dislike a ship and not find it abusive, just saying. It’s more that I felt there wasn’t much chemistry for Aang and Katara. There was a serious maturity gap between them. I felt to me that Aang was always trying to hold on to his childhood and really not face issues unless they were pressing and he felt compelled too while Katara honestly acted more like an adult, which isn’t surprising considering the fact her mother died when she was young and she and Sokka were often left on their own because of the war. Katara really faced things head on and I feel like her actions towards Aang were more maternal than anything. @justanotherwannabeclassic and I have discussed this before but it feels like Katara was just a prize for Aang for saving the world and kinda lost her autonomy as person. She just became his girlfriend when she was a master fucking waterbender and I don’t think she would have been satisfied with just being a wife and mother, not that there is anything wrong with that but she’s very much into helping people and being a revolutionary - she was the fucking Painted Lady, c’mon now.
I could write an entire essay on these two and other ships but honestly this answer is long enough as is.
I’m gonna put my other answers under the cut because I have a lot of salt
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
Alana. Seriously. If I could, I would rewrite the entire Once Upon a Time show post-season three. There’s so many things I have an issue with in regard to OUAT but if I had to chose one and this is hard, but the entire Killian killed David’s Dad/Killian’s Realm Tour 2017. That story arc was bullshit, in fact most of season six was bullshit. Season five was also bullshit but I digress. Anyway, I think the whole issue of Killian killing Robert was fucking dumb and was just drama for drama’s sake because Adam and Eddy got lazy and apparently wrote the majority of their plots high, and not the good kind of high. Like the kinda high you get when you buy cheap ass marijuana from a sketchy street vender in Switzerland kinda high. That’s the minor beef I have with this arc, the main bit is the Emma moping and thinking Killian abandoned her nonsense. Girl, we just went through THREE SEASONS of crazy ass insanity where it was confirmed MANY times that Killian wasn’t ever going to leave her, loved her and would die like five hundred times for her. The fact that she immediately thought that he left instead of, maybe I don’t know, being kidnapped or hurt is just absurd to me. It’s fucking absurd. 
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
Oh god, where to do I fucking begin. Number one, I would have had a fucking real overarching plot for OUAT and I would have totally reworked seasons four through seven with more original spins. One of the things that attracted me to the show in the first place was how they took characters like Snow White and Little Red Riding Hood and they turned them on their heads and made them bad ass and unique. That didn’t seem to happen much post-season three. I would have changed Elsa and Anna up a bit instead of making them carbon copies of their movie selves. It would be something making Elsa morally grey and a boss ass political bitch who gives Regina a run for her money and make Anna an absolute tomboy who have no interest in being a princess but would rather be a flower child and walk around in the woods all day bare foot and incredibly strong because all she does is climb trees. I love the idea of playing Elsa off as winter and Anna as a spring. Work with that. That would have been an interesting thing. 
Also, I actually did not enjoy the author arc at all. I get the idea of playing around with the characters as inverse/opposites of their true natures but I just rolled my eyes a lot. I would have done an entirely different arc, maybe looked more at realm traveling or you know actually address whether people want to return to the Enchanted Forrest. Hell, I would have maybe even done something about the town line and whether the citizens of Storybrooke wanted to explore the outside world. 
Dark Swan was a wasted opportunity in my opinion and they really missed a chance to make Emma actually do some really crazy shit and you know confront some of the issues that had been buried under the rug in the past few seasons but that’s not biggest issue actually. I had more issues with the Underworld as a Greek mythology buff than I did with Dark Swan but how they did the Dark Ones thing could have been so much better. But Underworld deserves more of my beef. *sigh* That, personally to me, was a wasted arc creatively. Don’t get me wrong, I cried like a bit at the elevator scene but I feel like they should have gone more Greek myth than Disney Hades. I think I’ve said before to @katie-dub that it would have been more interesting if Hades wasn’t so much of an antagonist but more of someone who misleads them into thinking that Killian is in the worst part of the Underworld while he really isn’t, he’s either on the Asphodel Meadows and doesn’t remember her or in Elysium where he’s completely at peace and taking him back would pose more of a moral question for Emma on whether or not she should. 
We can all agree that seasons six is a train wreck right? I was a little annoyed at the timelines and the issues brought up in regard to Captain Swan. It seemed like they were issues that had been addressed or should have been addressed in previous seasons. I found the whole wedding thing super rushed. I would have been content if Captain Swan had more of background role drama-wise and maybe they actually used the wedding to really build on Emma and Snow’s relationship more because it had been strongly ignored. The Black Fairy was a wasted villain and Gideon wasn’t really necessary. Let’s be real, that final battle was a massive letdown and the last time I checked a TLK doesn’t save you from normal mortal wounding. I kinda wished they played around with the Untold Stories Thing a bit more in S6. I would have totally nixed the Wish Realm and the Musical Episode even though I liked the music. I just found a lot of their plots confusing, unnecessary and tired.
Okay, I didn’t watch a lot of season seven but I do have an issue with the recycling of plots and characters. I don’t mind Jacinda or Tilly/Alice but I found the whole recycle of Alice in Wonderland and Cinderella a sign that the creative well had run dry. I wish they had work with new material and stories such as the Labyrinth, Black Cauldron, Treasure Island, Atlantis or even fucking Enchanted. They could have also worked in on some of the legends from 1,001 Arabian Nights, worked more with Greek mythology particularly the Odyssey or the Argonauts. There’s a lot of creative things they could have done and just didn’t do. You’re welcome to like season seven and the characters it introduced but it just felt more like a money grab with incredibly lazy writing.
22. Popular character you hate?
I have a feeling a lot of people might unfollow me for this one but David Tennant’s Tenth Doctor. Like I’m sure not a lot of people have noticed this but I do not reblog anything with Ten in it. I know he’s everyone’s favorite and people love him and think he’s attractive but I actually hate his treatment of Rose, Martha and Donna as well as his weird space casanova act. I actually don’t really like Ten/Rose that much mainly because Ten doesn’t seem to have the same love and denotation for her that Nine did and was totally cool with leaving her and Mickey alone in a murder robot infested space in the 51st century to chase after Madame Pompadour. I don’t think the Ninth “I could save the world but lose you” Doctor would have done the whole “does it need saying?” and would have left Rose in Pete’s World with his clone without giving her a say. I was really irked by that. He whined about how much he missed Rose for TWO. WHOLE. FUCKING. SEASONS and when she came back, he’s like “here, have my clone and fuck off.” It bothered me so much and I think a lot of Rose hate is honestly based off Ten’s melodramatic ass and how he whined about missing Rose and made Martha feel inferior. Martha Jones was a fucking boss and didn’t deserve the shit he gave her. And then, we have Donna, poor Donna who didn’t get a choice at all in her fate. He chose it for her and that will never not bother me. Rose, Martha and Donna deserved more. End of story.
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