every-tome · 2 years
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nosehair · 3 months
Day Five Thousand Four hundred Eleven 5411日目
Cloudy, 27.0 C Measured the length and poured water. Probably 1.1 cm long.
曇り 27.0℃ 長さをはかり、水をやる。おそらく全長1.1cm。
0 notes
corvianbard · 1 year
I am a slithering snake, And I shall make The paradise be taken And forever forbidden. I shall do so in glee To give us all liberty.
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damnfandomproblems · 2 months
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Fandom Problem #5411:
I. Do not. Understand. The South Park fandom. At all.
"What if the bois...holded hands? And kissed?"
"I just think...Kyle is a trans demiboy"
The show: Cartman murders a kids' parents, grinds them up into chili and feeds them to him
No i'm not whining about the show being "problematic", yeah no duh it's edgy dark humor but that's just IT. And I'm all for transformative fandom but I am just so confused. WHAT about this show could possibly attract the type of fanbase that it has? They would spotaneously combust of they ever actually watched an episode
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pesterloglog · 9 months
Dave Strider, Rose Lalonde, Kanaya Maryam
Act 6, page 5400-5420
DAVE: (pshh psh bumBUM)
DAVE: (pshh psh bumBUM BUM psh)
DAVE: (yeah)
DAVE: (uh huh)
DAVE: (no wait)
DAVE: (more like...)
DAVE: (uh)
DAVE: (pshh psh chch bumBUM)
DAVE: (pshh psh chch bumBUM BUM psh)
DAVE: (yeah thats right)
DAVE: (we are droppin it)
DAVE: (lets do this)
DAVE: (we are like)
DAVE: (in tha PROCESS)
DAVE: (right now)
DAVE: (droppin it like)
DAVE: (a thanksgiving turkey)
DAVE: (tripped over something and shit just got away from me)
DAVE: (my butterballs in freefall motherfuckers)
DAVE: (look out be GOD DAMN LOW)
DAVE: (yeah)
DAVE: (yeah)
DAVE: (droppin everything today)
DAVE: (making it rain)
DAVE: (precipitatin straight up mayhem)
DAVE: (HELLS of weather patterns closing in)
DAVE: (inanimate shit be slippin from my mitts)
DAVE: (my digits cant commit to a legitimate grip)
DAVE: (wait)
DAVE: (nah ima start over)
DAVE: (feel this flow out a lil more)
DAVE: (about how im droppin things today)
DAVE: (just left and right)
DAVE: (things of all shapes sizes and dubious metaphorical merit)
DAVE: (things aint even being held)
DAVE: (by chumps who cant be assed to show up)
DAVE: (droppin shit on yo BEHALF)
DAVE: (you name it)
DAVE: (ima let it go)
DAVE: (drop it like a frivolous lawsuit)
DAVE: (oh snap)
DAVE: (get out of my courtroom bitch)
DAVE: (drop it like the most expensive fucking christmas ornament)
DAVE: (step on that glass with your bare ass feet)
DAVE: (christmas is RUINED motherfucker)
DAVE: (drop it like the mug in usual suspects)
DAVE: (kobayashi was your cup you dumb fuck)
DAVE: (lmao)
DAVE: (drop it like unemployment figures under the obama administrations bold economic policies)
DAVE: (drop it like cargo on a space getaway)
DAVE: (just)
DAVE: (jettison that motherfucker)
DAVE: (this rap is blasting off)
DAVE: (drop it like a bunch of firewood i just gathered)
DAVE: (gonna rub a couple muthafuckin sticks together)
DAVE: (just sittin here whippin up sick lyrical friction)
DAVE: (if you start smellin smoke you caught a whiff of my diction)
DAVE: (shits gettin warm but i wont stop til its hot)
DAVE: (warm just dont cut it when shits gettin dropped)
DAVE: (tell me how you feel)
DAVE: (about shit getting dropped)
DAVE: (how hot do you want it)
DAVE: (when i let go of the fire)
DAVE: (just say when)
DAVE: (what)
DAVE: (i cant hear you)
DAVE: (eff it)
DAVE: (here we go)
DAVE: (just dropped that shit like a bad phone connection)
DAVE: (i put gravity in charge of its downward direction)
DAVE: (unfettered descents what it considers perfection)
DAVE: (shit thinks of the ground and it gets an erection)
DAVE: (best hope its carpet bound in its downward spiral)
DAVE: (cause linoleums frowned on, met with an eyeroll)
DAVE: (landin on grass is just the course that its par for)
DAVE: (but hardwood fuckin floors what its woods gettin hard for)
DAVE: (guess i should mention stead a motherfuckin hardons)
DAVE: (how my motherfuckin french could use a presidential pardon)
DAVE: (heres where obamas rap solo comes in)
DAVE: (no but how dope would that be!)
DAVE: (oh fuck me that would own)
DAVE: dammit
DAVE: rose dont drink so loud its messing up my raps
DAVE: i can actually hear your sips through my headphones
ROSE: Yea well,,
ROSE: I can her your rasps through your whipsers.
ROSE: *Whipspers...
ROSE: *Whip..
ROSE: ......
ROSE: Zers.
ROSE: ;)
DAVE: oh my god
DAVE: you are so fucking hammered
DAVE: how strong did you even make that stuff
ROSE: Iss,
ROSE: Prehhhhtay strong I geush?
ROSE: Whups. Guesh?
ROSE: *Guessss.
ROSE: Eheh.
DAVE: pretty strong
DAVE: rose you just bootlegged some fucking rubbing alcohol
ROSE: Pshf. ..
ROSE: Overaeact much?
ROSE: I'm yam completally in command of my faculities.
DAVE: faculity isnt a word check mate
DAVE: this kinda strikes me as a sort of misappropriation of alchemy
DAVE: like fucking with the mystical technology of creation to whip up some moonshine just seems
DAVE: i dunno man
DAVE: tell me you at least alchemized a bathtub first to stir this shit in
DAVE: at least that would be hilarious
ROSE: Iii,
ROSE: Omg, you're right, I messed a golden opportutiny for a puticularly humoroush approach to this endeavor... :(
DAVE: and where the FUCK is my applejuice rose
DAVE: gotta say
DAVE: you really let me down on the aj front
ROSE: I tried!!
ROSE: I tried making it...
ROSE: Is was HARD, Dave.
ROSE: (Sluuurp.)
DAVE: bullshit it was hard
DAVE: whats so hard about applejuice its like
DAVE: the most basic goddamn juice
DAVE: like the square one of juice
ROSE: Yes, tha's the POINT!
ROSE: Apples are stalartingly difficulf to reproduce.
ROSE: We take for granned our ability to take idealized intsances ofeven quie comlicated objects and conshure them from the void.
ROSE: But compalexity implies a heavilly recombinatife nature.. So.. so many things are synesthized from a series of mushh simpler ideas!
ROSE: To those ennities capable of, of conceshualization and absraction, an apple is as closed to being a noshushnally irredushible object as it gets....
ROSE: Ahem. *Notionally,
ROSE: **Irr, ed, ducible.
ROSE: Tell me, hoch shot, what ideas would you combide to make and apple?
DAVE: uh
ROSE: Exaaalley/.
ROSE: Thusis why apples are sush indivisible symbols, when it comes to thefield of ideas and their reducshunistHIC!!!!! reductionishtic essence from the perispective of humans in paticular.
ROSE: Both from a stantpoint of cultrulal and mytholurgical singificence,, and from a pratical one a swell, if you happen to fine yourself acshualy trying to ENGINEEEer one.
ROSE: Why do you thing, HIC!!! Why do you think Adam mand Eve were punished for biting in to one??
ROSE: They attemped to pentetrate an indivisible unit, uf fundamenetal knowledge. To consume the interior of a thought whish cantot be reduced any further.
ROSE: This knowleshe was for BIDDEN..! Hic. So humanity was forever bandished to live in sin, and, hass strive ever sinse to redeem isself from the hubrinse of this innallectual foily.
ROSE: Hahaha! , Foily.
ROSE: Or what about, the tale of Isaac Newdon under the tree?? He was BONKED on the head by an apple.
ROSE: Not reallyan apple though... an atomic idea. An emlemental unit of inspripation itself, id clocked him right on then noggin.
ROSE: And this indivisible notion colliding with hish awareness, much like.. . a high speed partical fired to create a nuculear chain reacation, jarred from the void a more profund unnerstand, HIC, ing of the intrinsic nature of nothiness. Thatis,. Gravivitation.
ROSE: Of course thess stories are acutually bullshit. They didn't happen in realaity. But thef act that they'rare bullshit makes them more inshresting.
ROSE: Men have crefted many stories that are bullshit out of symbols risen from the abyss of coinsciousness withou necesharily knowing whath e fuck they were doing or saying, as they flounered around for some truth.
ROSE: Bust in spite of themseleves they would for howefer briefly cross through a ray of light regarless. Becuss of the sbymbols. Dave.. The symbols hol dall the power.
DAVE: well shit
DAVE: looks like i wandered into a really weird uncharted side of town tonight
DAVE: its called the drunk rose district
DAVE: and i am scared out of my fucking mind
ROSE: For a guay whos's supposedly, an I quote, "so cool,"
ROSE: You relly are almost comically up tight.
ROSE: Here, why don't you have some...
DAVE: no!
ROSE: What a prune.
ROSE: *Prude.
ROSE: Hic.
DAVE: i told you i dont want any of your experimental fucking spacewizard booze
DAVE: id rather not go blind
DAVE: then terezi will have to teach me to lick shit to see
DAVE: is that what you want do you want me licking everything in sight
DAVE: like oh hey mayor SLURP oh fuck youre not the mayor youre my goddamn sister
DAVE: oh my god
DAVE: you laughed way too hard at that it wasnt anywhere close to that funny
DAVE: i think youve had enough
ROSE: *Siiip.*
ROSE: Whaa?
DAVE: good lord
DAVE: i still dont know why you were so bent on making this liquor
DAVE: i thought you werent really that down with the drinkin
DAVE: you never liked it when your mom drank what happened to that
ROSE: Meh. .
ROSE: Sheh was a lonelay single mom.
ROSE: I forgafe her.
DAVE: ok so why
DAVE: why tonight do you just decide to get completely wasted before you
DAVE: like
DAVE: are you nervous about your date with kanaya is that it
ROSE: I's a date??
DAVE: uh
DAVE: yes
ROSE: Howww do yoi figure,
ROSE: It' sa date.
DAVE: rose
DAVE: you are wearing a friggin prom dress
DAVE: and nervously drinking your ass off
DAVE: while you are waiting for kanaya to arrive
DAVE: for a goddamn DATE
ROSE: Can't a girl jush look her best once an awhile?
DAVE: this is infuriating
DAVE: why do you even bother with this stupid charade
DAVE: you could be at like a drive in movie making out with each other
DAVE: all exchanging class rings while giving birth to each others fucking children
DAVE: and you would still be all coy like IS IT A DATE OR ISNT IT HMMMM WHO CAN REALLY SAY FOR SURE???
ROSE: Ok....
ROSE: Mebey,
ROSE: I took a liltle sip totake the edge off?
DAVE: yeah
DAVE: that turned out to be one hell of a sip
DAVE: maybe you should just reschedule
ROSE: NoooooHIC!
ROSE: *No :(
DAVE: just sleep it off there are more hot dates where that came from
ROSE: It's cool I'm, cool.
ROSE: Really!
DAVE: im just not sure youre gonna make the best impression like this
DAVE: come on lets just find you a suitably soft pile of objects to sleep in before she
DAVE: aw shit
ROSE: Mmm?
DAVE: shes here
ROSE: !!
KANAYA: Good Evening
ROSE: HIC!!!!!!!
DAVE: omfg i cant even deal
ROSE: Whas is it?
KANAYA: Underdressed For The Occasion
ROSE: No!,
ROSE: You look sho great.
KANAYA: If Id Known You Wanted To Dress In More Elegant Attire I Would Have Happily Uh
ROSE: :)
KANAYA: You Think Im Fine Like This Then Okay
DAVE: (rose i think you started drinking way too early)
DAVE: (i think you just like)
DAVE: (completely fucking forgot to tell kanaya you were dressing up)
ROSE: Yeah, I.. ..Ha ha, wow.
ROSE: Yo'ure prolaby right.
ROSE: I sarted soooo...
ROSE: Sooooooooooo,
ROSE: Whennid I start?
ROSE: What even time isit.
DAVE: (man youre gonna make her so uncomfortable all dolled up like that not to mention three sheets to the fucking wind)
DAVE: (this date is going to be so awkward)
ROSE: (Its'snottaDATE!!)
DAVE: (yeah sure)
KANAYA: Are You Feeling Alright
ROSE: Whay do you ask?
ROSE: Becouse if,
ROSE: You want to kno, I relay fell,
ROSE: Quiiiiiiie fabuloush!
KANAYA: It Seems You May Have Imbibed One Of Your Experimental Human Soporifics
ROSE: HIC!!!!!!!!!!!!
KANAYA: Well Then
KANAYA: I Guess That Would Explain It
ROSE: Esplain what?
KANAYA: The Lethargy You Possibly Experienced When It Came To Completing Our Rendezvous In A Timely Manner
ROSE: Our,
ROSE: Wait..
ROSE: Waat.
KANAYA: I Was Waiting For You In The Common Area For A Couple Hours But You Did Not Show Up
KANAYA: I Came To Find You
ROSE: Ohhhhhh.,
ROSE: Oh mey god.....
ROSE: hic :c
KANAYA: Our Date
KANAYA: You Did Intend For The Plans We Made To Be A Date
KANAYA: Which Is To Say One That Was Romantically Oriented
DAVE: holy shit we got a room full of smooth operators here tonight
DAVE: yes kanaya it was going to be a romantically oriented date
ROSE: I'm so sorry aaaah..!
DAVE: but as you can see rose is hooched to the fucking max
DAVE: so i think youre better off going out another time
ROSE: I said I swas stilt up for it.
ROSE: I aready, HIC, fucked up, by loshing track of time.
ROSE: I'mnot going to blow it again!!
DAVE: ugh
DAVE: you seriously still wanna go through with this
KANAYA: Im Still Amenable To An Evening Of
KANAYA: Whatever
KANAYA: Is There Some Reason Why You Would Advise Otherwise Dave
KANAYA: I Will Have To Plead Ignorance On The Subject Of Human Courtship And Its Customs When It Involves One Or More Intoxicated Participants
KANAYA: Is There A Problem
DAVE: a problem
DAVE: uh
DAVE: i dunno if youre cool with your date slurring words and making no damn sense about apples then
DAVE: i guess not???
DAVE: why are you both looking at me
DAVE: stop that
DAVE: no dont
DAVE: hey i am not your fucking life coach here
DAVE: if you want to go on a drunkdate what do i care
DAVE: man what do i even know about "human courtship" anyway
DAVE: not like i ever dated a fuckin human
DAVE: so i guess have at it
KANAYA: Alright
DAVE: awesome
DAVE: datenite with drunky it is
DAVE: go apeshit i guess
DAVE: uh so
DAVE: what should i do here
DAVE: you want me to pack up my raps and leave you alone or
ROSE: Ohn no, you don't have to do than...
ROSE: We can leaf you tou your slam poems in peace.
ROSE: Kayaya, why don't we go for a walk?
KANAYA: After You
KANAYA: If You Can Actually
KANAYA: Manage To
KANAYA: Whoa There!
KANAYA: Maintain Your Balance
KANAYA: Are You Good
KANAYA: Okay Good
KANAYA: Since Its Now Clear That Your Premeditated Designs On This Evening Exceeded My Own By A Wide Margin
KANAYA: Insofar As You Intended This To Be A Date With Fancy Clothes Whereas I Showed Up Looking Like Something The Lusus Dragged In
KANAYA: Maybe You Can Tell Me Now Exactly What You Had In Mind
KANAYA: As Far As Specific Activities Are Concerned
ROSE: Noupe!
KANAYA: I Mean Nope
KANAYA: Nope What
ROSE: I honessly had not drafted blueprins for the evening.
ROSE: Assine from.,
ROSE: Gettin prettied up, aaand,
ROSE: Actually, you know... being puncutual abou my commiment.
ROSE: Wohoops.
KANAYA: Its Really Okay Though
KANAYA: I Admit I Was Irked For A Moment But Then Realized It Was So Unlike You That Extenuating Circumstances Were Most Likely In Play
KANAYA: So I Went To Find You And Lo And Behold
KANAYA: Extenuation Was What I Found To Be Taking Place
ROSE: Omg.
ROSE: Kangaya,.
ROSE: I 'm.
ROSE: Soooo extenuated righ now.
ROSE: Hic.
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ROSE: Dish you hear something?
KANAYA: No Hear What
ROSE: Hum.
ROSE: Maybe yoush ould turn the lighst on...
KANAYA: That Better
ROSE: Yes.
ROSE: Shhh!
ROSE: ..
ROSE: . .
ROSE: ...
ROSE: .,
ROSE: ,..
KANAYA: (what are we listening for)
ROSE: Erh, nothing I gues.
ROSE: Annyway.
ROSE: I just thouh that,
ROSE: Tonight...
ROSE: We could just walk a round for a while an talk.
ROSE: About relly anything. Like...
ROSE: Our worls, or, the fushure, or,
ROSE: How you'are going to save your speshies. :)
KANAYA: Yes That Sounds Nice
ROSE: Just have a casusal, spoptaneous evening. I don' .. hic, I don't ses why dates have to alayways be,
ROSE: A felderal fucking eschew. Dono't you agree?
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ROSE: !!
ROSE: Kaynaya.
ROSE: Can you kep a secret?
ROSE: I learned somethin earlier today.
ROSE: It was trobuling.
ROSE: Something about,
ROSE: Teresi.
ROSE: Aand,
ROSE: ...
KANAYA: And What
ROSE: And Gamshee.
ROSE: See...
ROSE: I bumped into him earliar.
KANAYA: Where??
ROSE: No no please, pleeasse don't get angry, and. ..
ROSE: Go on another vengeful clown hunting espedition, I...
ROSE: This is the point, this is was troubling me abou this.
ROSE: I don't want anyone to fight!
KANAYA: Actually
KANAYA: Theres No Need To Worry About That
KANAYA: I Think Im Done Trying To Kill Him
ROSE: You are?
KANAYA: He Has Achieved Victory Through The Gambit Of Cowards Default
KANAYA: Dont Get Me Wrong He Is Still Utterly Awful
KANAYA: But Sometimes You Just Have To Let A Thing Go
KANAYA: You Know
ROSE: Yeahhh,
KANAYA: What Were You Saying About Terezi And Gamzee
ROSE: Righ, well apparenly they..
ROSE: Are.
ROSE: An item?
ROSE: Blackways, I mean.
ROSE: The y'are spades dating. In theh shadowns... nobody knows. But me. An now,
ROSE: You.
KANAYA: Are You Serious
ROSE: Yesh!!
ROSE: And it's been troubling me, the more I thing about it.
ROSE: All lot.
ROSE: Because it presends a prickly prolitical sishuation.
ROSE: Terezi's relationship with Karkant is already somewhat tenuous, with their... well from, what I've gathered, about their hishtory.
ROSE: And Dave! His involovment makes in even more complicated, and,
ROSE: I think, with Karkat being moirails to Gamzee, if he finds out Gamzee iss spades with Tetreezi, then...
ROSE: Correct me if I'm wrong but isin't that whole arrangemen getting into territory of social taboob?
ROSE: * Tabob. Escuse me.
KANAYA: That Could Be Very Awkward Yes
ROSE: Right!!
ROSE: I don't no if it's my ser powers or what, but, HIC, I can see it unfolting all too clearly.
ROSE: Karkast finds out about it and flies inno a rage. It ruins hish moirlallegelleninance... I mean his moiraHIC!.. It ruins his diamonds with Gamzee, who thefore becomes less stable.
ROSE: And he villifies Trepezi as well, and who knows how she reacs. Or what happens with Dave for that matter.
ROSE: Would Dave actually be aright wich Terezi dating a psychotic clown on th side, even if its is a releationship centered around only enmity? I kinof doubt it.
ROSE: He could side with Korkat on the matter.. Not even tos peak of where your alignment is on the subjech of Gamzeen.
ROSE: Which is, what I fear. I'm afraid that,
ROSE: This could create a schisasm in our group, that we could all be torn apart.
ROSE: And I don't wand that!!!!!
ROSE: I want us all to stay friends, and jus be... peaceful togehter. :(
KANAYA: I Can See The Dilemma Here
KANAYA: Are You Actually Thinking About
KANAYA: Doing Something About This
ROSE: I dun't know!!!
ROSE: Maybe I shouldn't intrefere with their kishmeshishit... kshimimishimesh.. Aw fuck.
ROSE: Their hate dating.
ROSE: Maybe it's..
ROSE: Just a wonderful thing for them. An I would beh hoorible to inerfere, with their..
ROSE: Beaufiful hate?
ROSE: The problem is, it's still soo alien to me. The idea of blapck romance.
ROSE: I try to understand, sometimes, like, more than inteclectually. I try to, put myself in the shoes of FEELING that an...
ROSE: It still dosn't make sense to me.
ROSE: I don't want to project my human valuesh on to an alien relationship I dispapprove of.
KANAYA: I Understand
KANAYA: But What Youre Describing Is
KANAYA: Actually Im Hesitant To Even Mention It
ROSE: No, what!
KANAYA: This Is Probably Not A Good Idea
ROSE: Oh, puleashe. You KNOW you have to tall me now.
KANAYA: The Feelings You Are Having Are Actually Perfectly Normal Within The Framework Of Our Quadrant Based Romantic Tradition
KANAYA: I Dont Know If They Can Be Felt Naturally By Humans But The Way You Are Viewing Their Relationship Would Be Quite A Standard Response On Alternia
ROSE: Yeah??
KANAYA: It Is Sanctioned Within The Ashen Quadrant
KANAYA: Which Addresses Conciliatory Romantic Feelings Not Directed At A Single Person
KANAYA: But At Two People Who Are Presently In Such A Contentious Relationship
ROSE: Oh shitch... I forgot about that..
ROSE: You're right, :o
KANAYA: It Is Generally Not Regarded As One Of The More Emotionally Fulfilling Quadrants To Become Involved In
KANAYA: And Can Be Quite Laborious To Maintain
KANAYA: But It Served A Very Important Social Purpose For My People
KANAYA: Such As In Situations Very Similar To The One You Described
KANAYA: Where Two Parties Are Highly Drawn To Each Other Through Animosity
KANAYA: They May In Fact Be Perfect For Each Other In That Tumultuous Quadrant
KANAYA: But To Pursue The Relationship Would Be Chaos
KANAYA: Much Like The Scenario You Laid Out The Two Kismeses If Left Unchecked Would Devastate All Their Other Relationships
KANAYA: Those In Their Own Quadrants And Even Those In Other Peoples
KANAYA: So It Is The Job Of An Auspistice To Make Sure That Doesnt Happen
ROSE: Yes...
ROSE: hic.
ROSE: YES.....
KANAYA: Really
ROSE: Absoulutely.
ROSE: I haf never been so shure.. about, anything.
ROSE: Well maybe, almost anaything.. :), but yes.
KANAYA: I Dont Think I Would Advise It
KANAYA: Its Extremely Difficult And Can Often Feel Like A Thankless Undertaking
KANAYA: In Truth It Is Probably The Most Challenging Quadrant To Master
KANAYA: Trust Me
ROSE: I believe you.
ROSE: But I wants to know.
ROSE: Can you teach me?
ROSE: There's so mouch I just don't understand.
ROSE: About your romanse, but,
ROSE: I'm soi curious.
ROSE: I try to understand the concept of either contentatious or plastonic relationships as something that...
ROSE: Can be parshed through the emotions assoliated with romance but,,
ROSE: It still doesn't realay compute to me.
KANAYA: I Really
KANAYA: Dont Know If I Would Be A Good Teacher
KANAYA: Of Auspisticism
KANAYA: I Honestly Was Not Very Good At It Myself
ROSE: Tha's fine..
ROSE: Forget aushpipshit...
ROSE: Auspishtishimish..
ROSE: Good damn.
ROSE: Forget specificulty that right now,.
ROSE: I want...
ROSE: You to teach me evvverrreeything!
KANAYA: Everything
ROSE: Yez.
KANAYA: A Lot Of Things
ROSE: I want you... to,
ROSE: Teash me ALL the quadrans.
ROSE: I want you toot,
ROSE: Tell me about your spabes,
ROSE: Your didamounds,
ROSE: I wank you to,
ROSE: Share wish me yur clumbs...
ROSE: And your hearst.
ROSE: I want..
ROSE: Yuouo....
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scav-gifs-daily · 7 months
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He was scared of a vulture grub..
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ID : 5411
hey i mean those things can be kidna scary... they summon vultures!!
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moonlight-rider25 · 1 year
By the River
Word count: 5411 Warnings: RatedXish, smut, angst, Uhtred Smut, 
Previously chapter from Eadith’s lady... ...“I watched you slip into his tent last night…” she tells you with a look of drunken disapproval on her face.
You bite back your bottom lip unsure of what to say next.  She sighs and casts her look back out towards the group, you peel back the tent, flap a smidge and peer out with her.  Uhtred looks back towards the tent and smiles meeting your eye. Eadith, clearly seeing the interaction, no thanks to Uhtred, cranes her head towards you and allows the tent flap to shut.
“Alright you little Sinner… story time…”
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You sit on the ground propped up by a bunched up group of furs behind your head, while Eadith sits cross legged, bunching and un-bunching her skirts. 
“That's it, that's all there is to say..” You tell her, the ale bottle staggering to and from between your hands.
You decide there is no better time than now to let it all out, all the times you and Uhtred have spent in secret…though you weren't lying when you said you didn’t know what to make of it. It's not as though you had a definite word to tell Eadith as to what you and Uhtred were.  There was never any talk of the future and as you explained the situations to her you also began to wonder what it was exactly you and Uhtred were.
The words and stories still coursing through your mind, you sit up and face her.
“What…what do I do, Eadith?” you ask her plainly.
She stares blankly across from herself still fiddling with her skirts as her face makes little expressions.
“...I don’t know..” she says finally. “...But no more secret keeping!” she says with a giggle.
You join her in laughter and turn back on your stomach after slumping back down towards the furs. 
Suddenly,  the tent flap opens and Sihtric and Finans' faces appear; unpleasant looks painted across their faces.
“Aye, where's the bloody ale!” Finan asks.
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You struggle to get up, as does Eadith before you're both face to face with them. Behind Sihtric’s tall shoulder, you spy Uhtred and Osferths close in toe. 
“Where's the ale!?” Osferths asks with a smirk.
Eadith and yourself push through the men and prance back out towards the fire with a new bottle of ale ready to fill the men's cups (as you had finished off the prior one).  You sit yourself back in your spot between Uhtred and Eadith, this time not avoiding to keep space between yourself and Uhtred. You watch him place himself cautiously on the ground next you and bat your eyes a bit in his direction. He plucks his cup up off the ground and you pour him a new full cup, your hands brushing against each other for a moment and you smile staring down towards his cup. Once full, you retract the bottle and glance up towards his shimmering blue orbs that are staring madly back at you. Your smile widens and you hand the bottle to Eadith who runs around the circle filling the men's cups.
Whilst busy exchanging dangerous glances with Uhtred, you suddenly hear Eadiths wild giggle uproar over the group, and turn towards her.  Finan abruptly pulls her down into his lap as she squeals out in excitement trying to avoid his arms.  You watch as the two bicker playfully for a moment before she settles into a spot next to him. Eadith casts you a look, that you know all too well. You shoot her back a warning look before turning away and allowing her to enjoy the ale ridden moment she finally has with her one and only; Finan. She smiles towards you as you smile back and watch slightly sickened, at the two who are flirting with each other all too plainly. 
Finan passes the bottle to Sihtric and he pours himself a full cup. You spy Osferths face falling as she watches Finan and Eadith act like idiototic love birds before the rest of the group. You swallow hard understanding the poor baby monk's heart is inevitably breaking before the group. 
You look over to Uhtred who's leaning back comfortably against his palms eyeing you devilishly; and cast him a flirtatious eye roll.
You extend your arm out to Osferth, which he ignores before bringing his cup to his mouth and downing the cup. He looks apologetically towards you then places his cup at his feet and stands.
" I think it's time I retire for the night," he tells you with a stoic look. "See you all in the morning.." He says faintly while trailing off towards his empty tent. You turn your head back towards the fire where Sihtric and Uhtred meet you with understanding eyes.
Eadith and Finan are still deep in secret conversations with each other, snuggled up beside the fire and you look down away from them before something sparks your attention. 
We're all sitting here while they’re being…Eadith and Finan… your mind racing in a million directions.
If we can so easily dismiss our attention from them…surely noone would think anything of Uhtred and… your thought is cut off by Eadiths shriek. She rocks back in Finans arms and you cast your gaze away from the two, yet again. This time you spy Sihtric who has clearly had enough for the display of affection.
"Those two are far too involved with each other…" Sihtric says before finishing his cup of ale. 
"Y/N…care to join me in my empty tent?.."
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"Sweet dreams Sihtric!" You call to him, cheerfully with a giggle. 
Uhtred laughs quietly to himself as you wave Sihtric goodbye. Sihtric scoffs and makes his way towards his and Finans' tent; leaving you and Uhtred alone beside Finan and Eadith, who are far too busy with one another.
The darkness of night guards their privacy far too much as you look away from their faces across the fire. You stare down at the red orange flame dancing upon the logs and after a long moment look up towards Uhtred beside you.
"Think they'll notice?…"
"Nope…"  He answers before you can get the words completely out.
It would be far too easy to blame the ale for two mishappenings of the gang tonight, and you're sure you'll be busy, repairing Eadiths reputation and courage in the morning. You look to Uhtred then back down towards the fire again without a word. Unsure that Osferth or Sihtric could be spying from their tents. 
"Well…that's quite enough excitement for one night." You say plainly, planting your hands on your knees. 
"Goodnight, my Lord." You say quietly before raising to your knees to stand. Uhtred eyes you daringly as you rise from your spot.
"Sweet dreams…Uhtred…" you utter softly under your breath watching his eyes grow with want.
Eadith and Finan watch as you move from the fire and make your way towards yours and Eadiths tent.  Uhtred's eyes follow for a brief moment before staring blankly back towards the fire for a few moments. Finan and Eadith focused back on each other, as you hear another shrill giggle escape Eadith before dipping into the flap of your tent. You curl yourself down into your bed on the forest floor snuggling deep into your pile of furs.  Just before you roll over, you peer out to see Uhtred's head full of hair, bop back towards his own tent before drifting off to sleep under your furs.
The shuffling of Eadiths unsteady footsteps awaken you and you roll in your spot watching as she peels the furs from her spot then place them messing on top of herself. 
"Well, well, well…" you mumble in a groggy hushed voice.
"Shhhh…, go to sleep Y/N…" She utters in a mumble. "You're not the only one who can keep secrets…" She says with a giggle before tossing herself down into the pile of furs.
You smile to yourself before snuggling back up under your own pile of furs, trying desperately to find a small part that smells of Uhtred for you to drift off to sleep in…
Within a few hours the relentless sun is shining on your eyes through the faint slit in the tent. You roll over and hear Eadith snoring soundly while trying to fall back to sleep. You toss and turn in place trying to lull yourself back to sleep, with no use. Finally, you lay on your back staring up at the blank tent above you and sigh heavily. Eadith, snoring loudly adjacent to you in her furs; you roll again towards the small slit in the tent and stare out at the dim sunlight. The birds chirp in the distance and hear the horses; tethered to their trees in the distance begin to whinny. You rub your eyes and sit up looking over your shoulder at Eadith yet again; still sound asleep.  You take a quiet inhale in and look around the tent for your belongings before throwing them under your arm and making your way out of the tent into the dim sunlight. 
Pacing slowly, you follow the hushed sounds of the water through the morning birds calls. You spy an ale cup on the ground by the fire that died through the night and grab it to go along with you. Through the trees you creep slowly trying to trace the sounds of the water rushing downstream you assume. The further you pace the louder the sound of rushing water gets,  till you're out of sight from the tents. 
Good, at least it's a bit private you think to yourself as you walk further from the campsite. Soon, the morning bird’s calls are being washed out by the sound of running water and you press further into the woods before finally spying the fresh spring; flowing fast just a few yards from where you stand. You creep towards the water in the dim light, careful as to where you step and extend your hand towards the water's edge with the stray ale cup in hand.  You reach the shore line and begin to rinse the cup before filling it and bringing it to your lips before you hear a voice.
You drop the cup and your belongings, creeping back on all fours away from the edge while peering around through the dim sunlight.  Your head casts from side to side trying to locate where the voice came from but soon a faint splash against the dark water gathers your attention.
You hear him chuckle in his deep voice and sit perched on the side of the water clasping your chest still frightened. 
“Y/N!” he says again, still laughing.
You take a deep breath in, watching his shadowed figure approach the water line as you sit still grasping your chest.
“What are you doing!” you ask in a hushed voice, your breath slowly steadying.
“Same thing you appear to be doing..” he says with a chuckle still in his voice.
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You look towards him, his long hair slicked back with water and his glimmering chest sparkling against the reflection of the water with the early morning sun.  He stays put in the rushing water which drowns out most of your voices. Your mind still groggy from sleep, finally snaps to the realization, Uhtred had the same great idea you did… to run down and bathe uninterrupted in the spring while everyone else was asleep. You clear your throat and try to look in a different direction.  
“I didn’t mean to disturb you.” you say faintly also realizing your staring right towards his naked body, but inevitably unable to make out any details.
“...Come here…” he says slowly.
Your breath catches in your throat and you whip your head back towards him.  You hear him approach from the water and finally see more details as he steps towards you in the dim light. His shadow blocks most of his features but the moment his hand meets your waist you know for sure, this is real; not a dream, not your imagination, not a wish you’ve tried so hard to make come true..
You reach out and pull him against you, his hands gripping firmly at your waist, then his head moves slowly towards you, his brilliant blue eyes glimmering only inches from your face. 
“Uhtred!” You whine in a sigh before his lips meet yours finally crashing together as your body spirals out from your control.
His lips meet yours and you allow a hearty moan out from your lungs as you feel him against you. 
“”Y/N..” he moans against your mouth as you wrap your arms around his wet neck.
His tongue invades your mouth unapologetically, as his hands roam up the sides of your dress. You cling eagerly to him and press yourself against him hoping you’ll never separate. His mouth searches every crevice of yours as you pant against him, while his hands meet the ground behind you and you lay helpless under him.
Your clothes dampened by him pressed against you, you peer up at his raging blue eyes glimmering above you. His chest rising and falling with his breath as you stare madly back up at the blue orbs that haunt your dreams.  Breathless he smiles down at you. 
“Y/N.. Care to join me?” he asks in a ragged breath.
…”I thought you’d never ask!” you reply with a faint giggle.
You release him from your grip and sit up slowly.  You watch him descend back into the water where you're unable to see any details of his perfectly sculpted body. You lick your lips as you begin untying the laces behind your back. Uhtred splashes playfully and you giggle watching him in the sunlight that glistens off his toned chiseled chest and shoulders, as you reach down and begin removing your many skirts. You drop your outer layer and then your corset watching him as he dances impatiently in the water for you. Finally in your final thin layer you begin to wade into the water up to your calves. Uhtred goes under and then pops back up much closer to you now. 
He sits patiently watching you from the water, the sun against his back shines directly on the front of your body. You hold up the skirt of your last layer and wade a bit further into the water, closer towards him. Before the end of your shift gets wet, you take a deep breath and quickly pluck it up over your head and toss it behind you. You’re bare body presented before him, and your breath catches in your throat a bit.  You meet his eye for a second before sinking down into the cold water and resurface just out of reach of him. Uhtred slicks his hair back eyeing you and closes the gap in the water between you two. 
Your breath is still stuck in your lungs, you're unsure if it’s from the cold water, or being bare naked so close to him. He pulls you in and you clasp your hands around his neck as he hold onto you, pulling you off out towards the deeper water. Soon, you're unable to touch the bottom and cling around Uhtred's huge bulging neck and shoulders trying not to show how fearful you are in the deep waters.  He smiles down at you as you cling helplessly against him.
“I won’t let you go..” he tells you calmly through a smile.
You try your best to keep afloat only hanging on to his neck as he walks deeper still into the dark waters.
Maybe not right now… you think to yourself biting back your bottom lip.
He wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you towards him as he walks further into deep water. Soon, you're completely out of reach of anything around you, and your mind can no longer avoid the danger lurking beneath your feet.
You instinctively cling to him, wrapping your legs around his waist and pull yourself up onto him.
“Uhtred!” you gasp, panicking against him. 
He stares into your eyes, calm as ever with a smirk, and you try your best to match his energy. 
“Don’t be scared..” he tells you quietly, leaning in towards you closer.
Your core against him as you cling to him helplessly, panting a bit in panic as you cling to the huge strong man you're holding on to. 
By now, your fingernails must be cutting little half moons into the skin around his neck. You take a sharp breath in peering around at the open water. 
“Uhtred, I don’t like open water!” you tell him with a ragged breath.
He chuckles and you try to grip yourself closer to him, which at this point is virtually impossible. 
“I can tell!” he says with a laugh. 
You peer into his blue eyes and hold him tightly against you, as if he is the only life raft on the open sea. 
Although you try your hardest to understand him being able to find humor in this moment, you frantically peer around at the water, still panicking.
“Uhtred please!” you beg in a worried tone.
You’re sure he can feel you shaking against him, seeing as the whole front of your body down to your core is pressed up as tight as you can possibly be against him. 
“Uhtred!” You say again, unable to conceal your fear any longer.
“Y/N!” he says back with a laugh.
“Uhtred!” you say almost shouting now.
He stares you in the eyes and you shake against him.
“Put your feet down..” he tells you through a laugh.
“No! I’ll..” 
“Y/N!” he says again, almost irritated this time. “Put your feet down!”
You quake against him, blinking back the tears welling up in your eyes.
“Trust me, and put your feet down…” he says softer.
You close your eyes still clinging helplessly around his neck and place your feet down, feeling the water's floor beneath you, and rising a bit as you regain your feet and stand up.
Your eyes burst open and you see him laughing wholeheartedly at you as you stand a few inches above him. You exhale heavily and back up a few more steps away from him realizing you're on the shore again.  You watch as he gyrates with laughter, the water barely covering his waist and you instinctively sink down to cover your bare breasts exposed in the process. 
“Uhtred!’ You exclaim a final time, trying not to join him in his fit of laughter but inevitably joining. 
He tries to calm himself, still smiling as he creeps towards you on the water's edge. You sit watching him laugh as he creeps further up the edge of the water where you’re seated. He crawls up over your body and you once again cling around his neck. You peer up into his blue eyes sparking down on you and reach your neck up with your lips to meet his.
“I can't swim!” you blurt out against him.
He laughs, placing his forehead tenderly against yours.
“...I noticed,” he says with a smile.
He collides his lips back with yours. You suck in a deep inhale and press your mouth against his.  He moans against you, his hand slipping around your back and pulling your body closer to his.  You arch up against him, feeling his hard cock pressing against your thigh. You press yourself against him, trying to pull him down onto you but are abruptly stopped when he releases you and wades back towards the deeper water.
…”Do you trust me..?” He asks wiping water from his face.
You sit squirming a bit before slowly standing and allowing him to take in full view of your completely unclothed body. Your skin goosebumped in the cold air and you take deep meaningful breaths as you wade into the cool water towards him. He watches you as you slowly make your way to him, shivering but not from the cold of the water. 
You reach out and wrap your hands around his neck, while he reaches up and grasps you by your waist again. You take a final deep breath and feel your feet lift off the bottom of the deep water floor. He reaches down and meets your lips with his, while you wrap your legs around his huge toned waist. This time not being as afraid, as you cling against him. Your aching core brushing up against his chiseled abs as you moan against him. Your tongues intertwine as you comb your fingers through his wet hair devouring his taste and grinding against him.
“I trust you Uhtred..” You tell him through a ragged breath.
His lips eagerly meet yours again. You squirm against him, your body burning hot and warming all the water around you as he wades up again out of the deep waters. He places you carefully on your back, his body concealing yours from the sun shining through the trees above you. You graze your hands along his jawline, feeling his wet chin hair against your fair fingertips as you suck at his mouth relishing in his sweet taste. He reaches down between your legs and you spread them open for him, wrapping them around his waist and urging him towards you.
His head cranes down in the crook of your neck
“Do you want this?” he asks in a kind, breathless whisper.
You push him up enough to meet his lips again and pant against him.
“Yes! I want it, I want you!...  …I want you… now!’ You plead against his mouth.
His hand between your thighs trails down closer towards your core and you gasp as his blunt fingertips gently brush against your aching center. 
You feel him smile against your lips as he touches you and you moan out against him. His eyes peer down at you glimmering a new blue you've never seen before. You moan and arch yourself back, panting, as his fingers trace the sensitive outline of your center. You reach down trying to find his hard cock to stoke and make him need you as much as you need him. He moans against you when you finally grasp him. You shoot him a devilish look and try eagerly to line your core up with him, pressing your bare breasts out against him as he pants above you. 
You line him up and reach your neck up to his lips, feeling the ever slight touch of his huge beating member brushing up against your center. The cold water cascading at your feet as you pant against him and finally feel his huge round tip push through your quaking folds. You cling desperately against him and arch yourself up towards him as you try to fill yourself faster with his huge beating member.
“Uhtred!” you gasp, biting into his shoulder, digging your teeth deep into his sensitive skin as you moan. 
He groans out against you and pushes further into your slick aching folds. 
You dig your fingers into his huge wet back, below his neck as you thrust up against him. His head cranes up and you watch as his eyes blink open and closed, as he bites back his bottom lip. You crane your neck up and meet his mouth sucking at his swollen bottom lip and finally, he presses you flat against the waters edge. Your back digging into the sand and stones beneath you as you feel his huge ember fill you entirely. 
You pant against him loudly as he stares down at you. You suck at his mouth trying to taste his determination for not having plunged deep into you long before this. You dig your heels into his thighs as he pulls out and slams back in against you, sending your whole body jolting as you cling against him. You both moan out, and you dig your nails further into the skin on his back. 
“Uhtred!..” You moan against him.
He  thrusts deep back in and out again, sending your body cascading into spasms of ecstasy…
Hours later, deep in the woods you find yourself in an even more uncomfortable predicament than usual. 
"Come on ladies, what's with you today!? Put a little pep in those steps!"  Finan calls over his shoulder with more Sarcasm than you care to pay attention to.
Eadith rolls her eyes and scoffs before turning towards you. 
"Let's go.." She says with a sigh.
You grit your teeth and brace yourself yet again trying to hold yourself in the saddle from the gyrations that occur from the horse. 
Women having babies and riding back home hours later were a goddamn wonder to you at the moment. The truth was; you were sore. Really sore! And with every little bump and jostle of the ride on the horse, your core was not feeling any better. 
You tried your best to grin and bear it and couldn't help but allow a smile to grow across your face when you remembered the reason why you were sore to begin with…nonetheless, this ride was traitorous.
Hours later. You finally arrive between the gates of Corfe, eager to get off your house and take a seat on something much more forgiving…other than Uhtred… 
The group gathers outside the local tavern and you jump off all to eagerly adjusting your skirts as the men eye you suspiciously.  Uhtred has a faint smirk in his face as he sits on his horse still watching you. You play it off and begin unpacking your bedding before the rest of the group while they mount up and tether their horse securely nearby. You gather your belongings over your shoulder and wait patiently for the rest of the group before entering in towards the tavern nearby.
"You alright?" Eadith asks with a suspicious look.
You side eye her as you both pace on after the men waltzing up towards the entrance of the tavern. 
"Oh, I’m great!” You tell her through a slick smile. “...Details later…" you tell her hushed as you both watch the men insert themselves through the entrance. 
Inside, like much of the other ale house taverns you've stayed in, it is dimly lit, musty smelling and filled with local drunks. Nonetheless, you and Eadith smile politely, tipping your heads towards the ones that notice you, as you trail in after the men before you. Your arms, as well as Eadiths are very full and you accidentally stumble into her as she drops a bag from her filled arms. 
“Shoot!” she says bending over and trying to gather the bottles that have rolled out across the floor in front of her. You place your stuff on the dinghy floor and quickly try to gather the medical tonics.  A few gentlemen stir and laugh while you and Eadith rush to grab the items near their feet, while another younger looking man, quietly bends down and tries to gather some along with the two of you.
“Thank you so much” Eadith tells the man graciously as she gathers the bottles from him. 
The young man, seemingly not too intoxicated and clearly kindhearted,  smiles at Eadith with a blush on his face and brushes back his longer hair behind his ear. A heavy set man, one you recall pointing and laughing moments earlier, grips the young kind boy by his shoulder and roars with laughter in his ear towards Eadith. 
“Ahh, don’t pay any attention to these witch whores, my boy..” He belts out as the other men nearby roar in laughter.
The young boy's face turns solemn and concerned as the large and clearly very inebriated man turns to face him.  He shakes the young boy aggressively by the shoulders and stares deep into his helpless sorrowful face. 
“...They’ll suck your soul right out of your johnny and sell it to the devil himself…all while making you pay handsomely for it…” He adds with a loud fit of laughter.
“You watch your tongue!” Eadith spits towards the large man.
He eyes her precariously, up and down her fair dressed body.
“Eadith, don’t mind him, let's just go..” You tell her quietly while packing the bottles into her bag.
She shoots you a daring look, furry and anger built up behind her eyes.
“No, they have no right to speak to us that way!” She says, peering back towards the man.  
He casts the kind boy aside and steps closer towards you and Eadith.
“Oh, I don't, do I?” He says with alcohol thick on his breath. 
He reaches out and grabs Eadith by the arm in a tight grip, she winces at his touch, while a few other men back you against a table and grip you harshly as well. 
“Let us see what I’ll be calling you two she devils, when you’re under me!” He screams around the crowd.
The men around begin to chant and roar.
The ugly fat man is face to face with Eadith; spitting angrily against her face as he speaks, while you feel yourself being lifted up off the ground and drop the satchel of medical bottles again.  The men begin to trail down the hallway with you in hand when you hear a voice boom over the fit of evil laugher filling the air.
“Gentlemen!” His deep stoic voice booms over the crowd.
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Sihtric and Finan throw a few warning blows to the men who are holding you and they cower away quickly. 
“I do not believe King Edward would take kindly to how you’re addressing his own personal healers of Wessex!..” Uhtred speaks directly down to the fat man whose grip has now released Eadith.
You and Eadith gather your stuff from the floor again, quickly. You both peer around the crowd and scurry off towards Osferth who beckons you towards him, away from the gathering of men. You  both scurry away towards him, hearing Uhtred's voice address the crowd who have caused more of a commotion than you’re sure they wished. Sihtric and Finan, stand flipping their small hand daggers around in the air as Uhtred continues to scold the crowd of grown men. 
“...You and your friends are unwelcome here as long as we’re here..” he tells the fat man peering down into his round appalled face. “Now get out, before me and my men throw you out..” He tells him directly pointing towards the door.
The other men have already backed slowly towards the door, while the little fat leader peers up into Uhtred's eyes, wanting to make a show of his disgrace for the crowd. 
“This is my tavern, you and your men are going to have to throw me out if you don’t want to see the sight of me..” He says as bravely as he can. 
Uhtred stands above staring deeply down at the troublemaker and wipes a smirk from his face.
“...Very well…” He says turning back to face Sihtric and Finan with a knowing look.
Sihtric and Finan look at eachother and nod, before hesitantly approaching the fat little man, presumably pissing himself by now. 
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Over the crowd Uhtred's eye meets with yours as you stand beside Eadith and Osferth.  He casts you a look of sorrow and pity, with which you tilt your head a bit and bat your eyes towards him. He holds his gaze for a moment before turning back towards the clearly intimidated fat man and instantly pulls his huge arm up back behind his head and swiftly punches the fat man in the jaw; his round little body growing limp instantly as he falls to the floor.
Uhtred huffs a bit before spitting on the man while Finnan and Sihtric grab the limp round body and drag him out the doorway. Uhtred casts his gaze towards you again; as he paces huge strides towards you, straightening his shirt and clutching his sword in his belt. You roll your eyes a bit trying to bite back your smirk as he makes his way over to the three of you.
“Shall I show you ladies to your room?” he asks, a bit breathless as you and Eadith follow him down the dark hallway towards the inn's rooms.
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You shake your head a bit at Eadith, who is all too busy giggling herself to death; as you pace into the darkness with Osferth close in toe.
139 notes · View notes
sexylonestar · 9 months
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Nylon # 5411
26 notes · View notes
onewmin · 1 year
the perfume on the shelf. pt. 11 | bangchan
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Pairings: Bang Chan x Fem!reader, Kim Yugyeom x Fem!reader
Summary: Falling in love with your best friend was never a part of the plan. So you end it up. But does he want to put a stop to it, too?
Warnings: AU, mentions of verbal and physical abuse, descriptions of a toxic relationship, mentions of s*icidal thoughts, profanity, descritpion of a fire, the reader loves her cat very much, another day of the reader and Chan being annoying (the latter especially), jealousy, the reader is going through major changes (good for her), another bunch of Taylor Swift references, the reader has yet another traumatic experience; typos
In the parts with the cat it's very much self-inserted. Shout out to my cat and all other kitties and doggies <3
'Dal' stands for 'moon' :)
Word count: 5411
Author’s note: welp, there's a lot to read lol. Idk why this whole work lacks happy moments so much, I'm trying my best to make it more positive, but in the end... We get this lol. Still, hope you enjoy another part! I'll try posting part 12 in a couple of weeks, but, as my summer vacation is over, I'll have a lot of work to do, so I cannot promise you an exact date. Again, thank you fro reading and supporting 'the perfume on the shelf' and enjoy the ride! (put ya seatbelts on)
Disclaimer: the names and appearances of real people are used for inspiration and writing purposes only. I do not claim anything, everything belongs to its owners.
Part 10 | Part 12
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Another day to cry in the bathroom of your therapist’s office. 
Wiping your red cheeks, you took a deep breath in, trying to calm this sudden outburst of pain down. Talking about your unsuccessful attempt to go back together with Chan resurfaced in something deep, something that has affected you too much to even be able to handle it on your own. Your fear of rejection has finally become real - and instead of feeling calm after so many years of being scared of it, you found yourself utterly broken. 
As long as you could remember yourself, this fear of being rejected has pressured you into staying out of the picture, of never saying what you truly feel. You were shaking at the thought of confessing to Yugyeom, when you were a teenager; your breath was hitched in your throat when you decided to join that writing club at university; the idea of asking anybody out made you sick to your stomach. And finally, all the mess with Chan was partially launched by your inability to ask direct questions, to come clean eventually. However, your initial choice was to live a lie, to let yourself have dust thrown into your eyes, to rather have smoke and mirrors than an honest relationship. What does this say about you? 
“I don’t know”, you muttered, looking at the reflection in the mirror. “I don’t know”, you repeated, sniffing and exhaling once again. When you were nineteen, everything seemed so easy. When you were nineteen, you seemed to know everything. 
“What would nineteen-year old you say about this whole situation?” Your therapist’s question was left unanswered, rather as introspection for the next two weeks. What would she say, really? That’s a walk in the park for her.
“Dump his ass”, the advice you used to give all of your girlfriends popped up in your head. “Find a new hobby, work more, go out more - do anything to forget him. He’s not worth your tears and time”. Easier said than done. 
You sighed once again, before collecting your lip gloss back into your purse. It’s time to go home and prepare for going out; even though you try following your own advice, the thought of Chan is a lingering memory, a signature left right on your forever restless brain. 
Running up the stairs on your subway station, you checked your messages to find Yugyeom and Eunjoo discussing art in the chat. Two weeks ago, after the airport incident, when Yugyeom was dropping you off at your apartment complex (the conversation with your parents about your early departure from the countryside was guided by Gyeom perfectly), Eunjoo caught the sight of the two of you while she was waiting for her best friend on the bench. For some reason she decided it would be a great idea to start going on ‘double dates’ - although, you could barely call them dates at all. She was unsure about her relationship with Minho, so she needed you to check up on him. You didn’t want to be the third wheel, so… So she invited Yugyeom. And now the four of you had a group chat. Was it a nightmare? Absolutely. You found out what nerds Gyeom and Eunjoo were; discussing everything - even rocket science, are you kidding me? - while you and Minho intervened in their intellectual conversations with memes and ridiculous videos to watch. For instance, when you sent a Tarot reading video, just for shits and giggles, just to send a follow up message, “This woman said I’m gonna have a billionaire husband in a couple of months” - only to get bashed by two absolute smartasses for your silly little hobby, as they threw in their pieces of mind on how Tarot is a scam, and it doesn’t work, and people like that woman are a fraud - et cetera, et cetera, blah-blah-blah. Minho, on the other hand, was pretty supportive (and a pain in the ass for Eunjoo and Yugyeom) when he sent in ten more videos of that same creator, chiming in with his comments about toxicity. Yeah, this chat was a shit show; however, it was bringing you too much joy to hate it.
In your apartment your cat greeted you with irritated meows and sweet purrs when you took her in your arms as if she was a baby. “Mama’s sorry, Gaeul”, you said, kissing her in between ears, “but I promise I’ll be back sooner than later. Just a couple of hours, okay?” She started gently biting your hand as you tried to scratch her tummy. “And you get to be the boss of the house. Not just for a few hours”, you kissed her nose and she put her paw on your cheek, “but forever, Gaeul”. She jumped from your arms as soon as you heard a loud stomp and a screeching curse - ugh, your neighbours were fighting again. How could a family that looks picture perfect hate each other so much? Well, you knew the answer to the question, but still, it never failed to arise every time you heard these two fight.
“You’re a piece of shit, Hajoon!” You sighed as you heard the man’s voice. “A piece of shit wife and mother!” This was the unfortunate reality-TV-turned-real-life program you had to listen to; the walls were rather thin not to hear them constantly fight over stupidest things in front of their little girls. When you saw the two of them ride their bikes and laugh, you always wondered, how they managed not to lose their innocence yet - with parents like theirs, who trapped themselves in a toxic marriage, the innocence of a child being saved was a miracle. 
The drama continued as the woman cried out harsher curses, accusing her husband of cheating. Is that the life that awaits everyone in a marriage? Is that the life you’re going to have too? That’s what your parents have; constant fights, verbal abuse, toxic apologies with flowers and luxury candy, and no words uttered. No resolution of those conflicts, no rethinking of the life choices they’d made to get to this point of no return. Nothing. And this family, a family so similar to yours, was the same. Only the girls were lucky to have each other and not to be alone. However, calling the kids ‘lucky’ for lulling each other when their parents scream all types of insults, calling the children they created with ‘so much love and affection’, as the mother posted on her stories, ‘mistakes’ when they were in another room - calling them ‘lucky’ was a direct insult. 
Accompanied by curses coming from a wall away from your living room, Gaeul was circling around you the whole time you were collecting your things. When you looked at the wrist watch, it was already ten minutes past the time you should have left the house. “Shit”, you mumbled, rapidly taking the bag in your hands and giving Gaeul a couple of more scratches, while she was meowing and standing in front of the door. “I’ll see you in a couple of hours, sweetie”. 
You were supposed to be drinking as the four of you were going for some type of party one of Minho’s friends was throwing - so taking the car wasn’t an option; you didn’t know much about Changbin, but you were willing to get out of your shell and meet new people. “Maybe you’ll finally find a boyfriend there”, your mom told you over the phone, “you’ll be thirty soon - not really soon, though - and your father and I are waiting for grandkids. Your cousin is already a mother”. Ugh, yeah, whatever. Some nonsense that your mother confidently states is out of this world sometimes. 
Running up to a bus stop, you conveniently saw your bus pull up; jumping in it, you paid for the ticket and sat down on one of the many empty places, staring out of the window. As the music took you to another dimension, your thoughts flew by, pictures of your mother nagging you about the prospect of marriage, Chan putting his arm over Micha’s shoulder, Gyeom stuffing his mouth with a sandwich in one bite, Eunjoo and Minho holding hands ran in your mind with a uncontrollably rapid speed. You were thinking about Chan less each day, the images of him being replaced by your friends, new people you met and surprising revelations you made about this world and, first of all, yourself. 
Every bus ride that lasted more than twenty minutes - just like this one - got you hooked on rethinking and reflecting on every little thing that had ever happened to you. Sometimes it would be sappy, rainy autumn day like memories: Chan holding your hand while driving, bringing it to his lips to leave a small kiss on your knuckles every time the car stopped at the red light; you and him lying in bed, face to face, heart to heart, having those rare sincere conversations, filled with laughs and kisses. Whereas sometimes you’d lose yourself to cheerful moments, those July bright yellow afternoon days memories, with Yugyeom watching you chase after his golden retriever Dal; with you watching some happy kids fly kites while on a picnic with Eunjoo; with you writing your earliest stories in your old diary, sitting behind the desk in you sunlit childhood bedroom. The happiest that you were, in all of those memories you couldn’t even find the ghost of Chan; as if he had never existed in the most joyful moments of your life. As if - no, no ‘if’s’ - he had only brought you pain, and tears, and gut wrenching disgust towards your own self, towards the little girl, singing along the radio songs in her parents’ car, towards the fifteen year old girl, who wrote her stories on her old laptop and squealed after getting her first likes on the web, towards the woman you’d become. The woman who made stupid mistakes one after another, noticing but not seeing the pattern she had with every lover of hers, not seeing Chan being the same guy like the rest of them in her history. The woman you’d become, the woman you’re still thriving to be - she doesn’t deserve the slander you put her through. 
There might have been happiness during him - his jokes, warm hugs, car rides to his parents’ country house, him playing with Gaeul, his voice, his soft curls, his late love confessions. But there would certainly be more happiness after him, after this whole mess you yourself created. No acid rains burning your cheeks anymore, no scratching yourself so much you start bleeding anymore, no gray colors during the brightest sunny summer mornings. Is this what the phase of acceptance looks like? Is this where you stop blaming Chan for the pain he caused you? Nah, you’re not there yet. But close. Definitely close. 
Receiving another text in the group chat, your thoughts suddenly led you to the anxious search for your ID in the handbag of yours. “Shit, shit, shit”, you muttered under your breath, when you realized it was nowhere to be found. Did you lose it on your way to the bus stop? Or did you lose it here? Oh no. You rolled your eyes at the clear memory of seeing it on the kitchen counter before you rushed out of the apartment. How could you be so irresponsible? You’d never forgotten your ID, ever in your life, even taking it to the convenience store at 7AM to get a snack on your day off. And now, when you clearly needed it to get in the club, you’d left it at home? Super responsible, girl, just awesome. 
Having jumped off the bus at the nearest stop, you caught yourself feeling absolutely shameless about the fact of being late. After you moved almost to the outskirts of the city, not being on time has become your signature mark. Now you were texting your friends, explaining the whole situation, while getting in an Uber - just to shorten the forty minutes you’d already spent on the bus to twenty-five. And as the car started off, your friends couldn’t leave you alone. 
“Gyeom, I’m sorry”. The first words you said to him after picking up, annoyance recognizable in your voice. Yeah, you were the one being late, but Mr. Punctuality didn’t have to remind you about it as well. 
“I’m actually late too”, he let out a breathy chuckle. What? Kim Yugyeom coming late? 
“What happened?”
“Nothing”, he sighed, “I just spent too much time on the phone with my dad”. You hummed in response. “I can pick you up, by the way”, Yugyeom added. 
“You don’t have to”. 
“Ah, it’s not like I’m goin’ to be on time anyway”. The yippy notes in his voice made you reflect the smile he was probably wearing on his face. “So it’s not a problem, really”.
“Thanks, Gyeom”. 
“I’ll be at your place in, uh, around ten minutes”. As you ended the conversation, you heard the siren sounds in the distance. It wasn’t an unordinary occasion: the song of the sirens was playing almost an unstoppable tune every minute of the day, as the ambulances were rushing through the busy streets, or the firemen were driving to stop the fires. It was not unusual for a city like Seoul; however, the closer you were getting to your apartment complex, the more the clump of fear inside your chest grew. 
The first thing you saw when the car turned to your building was the blinding light of the fire truck. Then it was the group of firemen. After it was the crowd, surrounding the fire engine. The last thing was the smoke coming out of the apartment on the fifth floor. From the apartment right next to yours. 
Jumping off the car, you rushed through the crowd, forcibly pushing apart the nosy neighbors and bystanders, only to be stopped by a firefighter. You couldn’t think of anything else, of other people, of the party you were late to, of the things in your apartment - the only image in your head was of Gaeul. How scared she must be, how she’s probably sitting in the corner of your room, far away from the strange and dangerous smell. The clouded vision of yours, the tears in your eyes were invisible to you. The only thing you needed was to get your baby out of there. 
“Miss, you cannot go in there”, the voice of the firemen echoed in your ears. 
“My cat’s in there”, you mumbled, but he heard you, “I need to get her out. It’s an apartment right next to that that’s burning”. 
“We’ll get her out, no need to worry”. The calm notes in his voice had awoken some primal rage in you - how could he even say that? You couldn’t not worry, for fuck’s sake! 
You quickly disappeared in the crowd so that the firefighter wouldn't recognise you if something was about to happen. There was an emergency exit, but they were probably evacuating people through it, right? What should you do to get in? 
As the thoughts were rapidly running through your head, you saw smoke coming from another window. Your window now. Your heart sank; everything around started spinning slowly and you grabbed your chest in order to calm yourself down - at least, a little bit, at least, before you took Gaeul in your arms. 
Fuck it. You hastened your steps through the crowd, away from the main entrance, in hopes to get lost amidst those being evacuated, in hopes to get through the emergency exit without being caught. In the inner yard of your building your restless, teary eyes noticed one fireman guarding the entrance; and over there, on the bench was your neighbour from the fourth floor, a fourteen year old, holding her brown dog close to her heart. 
“Hello?” She picked up her phone, the shaky voice of hers bringing more blood to your already jolting heart. How smart it was to exchange numbers with her all those months ago.
“Could you distract that firefighter for me, please?” You uttered, while looking at her. She turned her head and found your eyes. “My cat’s still in there. I can’t… I can’t wait till they save her. Please”. The girl nodded and quickly rose up to her feet, probably coming up with an idea of taking the fireman’s attention. 
She ran up to the man, still holding the dog in her arms, and started rambling something loudly, the hysteric condition of hers being the direct result of this horrible evening. “What was she up to?” You thought to yourself as you moved from a tree to a tree as fast as you could. “Was she walking her dog when the fire started? Was she at home?” 
How convenient it was to have a bunch of trees to grow in the inner yard of the apartment building. “I should thank the managing lady after it”, you watched as the firefighter turned his back to the entrance - now. The adrenaline in your stomach felt like a fuel to the fire of anxiety and fear; as you leapt up the stairs, two, three steps missed, your heart was pumping somewhere in your throat, bringing the inevitable, horrible thoughts to your brain. You brushed them off before you reached your floor, running in the corridor, which was filled with smoke, with an empty head. The door to your apartment was being broken down as you ran up to it, right on time - maybe, the first time you were not late in the last couple of years. The firefighters weren’t pleased a resident was out in the dangerous area, but you quickly opened the door - having promised you’d let them in without getting inside yourself - breaking the recently made promise immediately when the lock was open, dropping the keys to the ground. If the building management had fixed the electronic locks on time, maybe the whole building wouldn’t have to use keys; maybe, the fire issue would have been resolved earlier, had the firemen had an easier access to the apartments. 
Gray. Choking color gray - that's what your apartment was. You could get suffocated in here just for breathing in the smoke, but was it even a priority? You would die but get Gaeul out of this place.
“Gaeul!” Your voice came out quaking, eyes getting watery with every step you took. “Gaeul, baby!” Almost flying into your bedroom, you noticed her scratching the window in hopeless attempts to get out. “Baby, you’re safe”, you whispered, swooping her in your arms. She let out a weak meow as you covered her chubby face with a palm of your hand. The firefighter was quick to escort you from the apartment, having thrown a blanket from the couch over your shoulders. You wrapped Gaeul in it when you got to the hall; she was meowing as you ran down the stairs, telling you how scared she was. “I know, honey, I know”, you kept on repeating, “you’re safe now”. 
The fresh air hit both of your faces abruptly, making you gasp and cough. Holding Gaeul as close to your heart as it was possible - perhaps, if you squeezed her tighter, she would be inserted in your heart directly - you sat down on the grass next to the girl with a dog sleeping on her lap. 
“Is she okay?” You nodded, leaving a kiss between Gaeul’s brown ears. She started purring, exuding that velvety purring of hers that signaled of her finally feeling safe. After finding her in a pouring rain, as her dirty little paws left marks on your white hoodie and her squeaky voice notified you she wasn’t pleased with being carried by some stranger, after washing her up and taking her to the vet, after making sure she felt comfortable in every corner of any of the places where you lived, after teaching her to use the litter box, after buying her the most expensive and delicious food she liked, after having her sleep in between your legs every night since the first one she spent with you, after building up your whole life around her when you needed someone to give your unconditional love to, after having no suicidal thoughts the moment she took a step in your apartment, after having her as the only living creature who loved you unlimitedly - how could you sit and wait till they save her? How could you leave her little figure in the hands of fate? 
“Mr. Choi set his apartment on fire”, the girl said while petting her dog. “That’s entirely his fault”. 
“Tell me about it”, you mumbled. 
“Why didn't the police do anything when they were called on them last week?” She questioned. “He literally threatened to burn the house down”. You shrugged your shoulders. No one really did anything when he threatened to jump off the window, no one took his threats seriously when he promised to burn the apartment if his wife got on his nerves again. Yeah, like it’s a reasonable excuse for a possible homicide. What a scumbag. 
“He ran away though”. She sighed. “But they’ll find him in no time, I guess. Mrs. Choi said he broke his wrist trying to hit her, so he won’t be far away”. You nodded absentmindedly, eyes still focused on Gaeul. She already seemed peaceful, only her yellowish eyes still being completely overtaken by the dilated pupils. She was lying on your legs, covered by that blanket. “Isn’t it your phone buzzing?”
Oh, that was the annoying feeling in the pocket of your jeans. “Hello”. You responded in a monotonous voice. 
“Where are you?” Yugyeom sounded panicked. “I’ve been calling you for the past ten minutes! Are you okay? Where are you?” He repeated. After muttering a few words you hung up, putting the phone on the grass. The autumn nights started to get chilly; but you were willing to stay seated on the cold ground as long as it took for Gaeul to fully calm down. 
In mere seconds Yugyeom appeared in the inner yard, dashing to you. “Are you okay?” He observed you carefully, and then the gaze of his fell to Gaeul, curled up on your lap. “Are you okay, sweetling?”
“She ran into the building to save her cat”, your neighbor proudly proclaimed. Yugyeom gave a look - not the ‘Are you crazy?’ or ‘You’re insane’ one, but the look, striking as… Worry? Pain? Hurt? Love? 
“I think the two of you need some warming up”. His soft voice impinged upon your indifference to everything but Gaeul; it seemed as if the part of you that was scared started to heal as soon as he helped you get on your feet. For the first time in the last half an hour you shivered under the cool wind, and Yugyeom took his zipper hoodie off to put it on your shoulders. 
“You’re wearing a T-shirt”. You stated, looking at him. He gave you a small smile and shrugged his shoulders. 
“I like the cold. I’m like Johnny Storm, y’know that”. You let out a breathy laugh - the first one after pulling up to the building. Your cat was already napping in your arms - the safest place for her, as it turned out - so you and Yugyeom slowly moved to his car. 
The windows of your neighbors had ruined the whole front of the building - now the gaze of any person would fall on black frames around them. “I wonder if my landlady is here”. You said, when getting on the passenger seat. 
“D’you want me to find her?”
“Gyeom, no”, you answered in a soft voice, ‘you’ve already done enough”. His brows knitted as he looked at you with utter confusion written all over his face. 
“I didn’t do anything except for panicking and calling Minho and Eunjoo”, he noted, “and not like it’s hard to help you. Especially now”. 
You gave in rather quickly. “Alright”. 
“Give me her number, so I-”
“Just take my phone”, you shoved the device in his hands, “she doesn’t pick up if she doesn’t know the number”. He nodded before getting out of the car. 
And as you were petting your sleepy cat, you felt the tears being finally let go from your eyes. Gaeul woke up when the salty drops fell on her side and, after staring at you for a couple seconds, started to licking herself up. You laughed through the choking tears and caressed her head and back, thinking how much your life had changed since the moment she magically appeared in it. It became… Brighter, funnier, sweeter. Even when she would wake you up at three AM ‘cause she was hungry; or when she would try to eat the yarn whenever you crocheted; or when she would sit on the kitchen counter while you were cooking. The thought of losing her made your heart hurt even more than it already was. 
“We’ll be fine, right, baby?” You murmured when she started snoring quietly; you turned your head to look out of the window and noticed Gyeom in the distance, still talking with someone over the phone. A strange feeling of being absolutely safe around him had arisen in your chest the moment you saw his worried face tonight; maybe you shouldn’t push him away too hard - he’s one of the few people you can trust, after all. 
Gyeom was right; he cannot certainly save you like he used to when you were kids. You can come up with a rescue plan yourself, like today, when you couldn’t wait for anyone else to save the most loved part of you. Anyone but you. Gyeom cannot save you; but he can give you  the sense of comfort after you help yourself get back to life. 
“Gaeul”, you muttered, “how long it’s been since we called him ‘Gyeom’?” A short version of his name, and he hated being called that. But when it came to you, his first love? He blushed whenever you said ‘Gyeom’. And why did you start calling him that again? Maybe that’s a sign, you thought to yourself, leaning your head back, maybe I do need him around.
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“So you mean to tell me”, Jisung was talking with his mouth full, “that you and Micha are not together? What’s the point of bringing her here then?”
Chan let out a deep sigh. It was only a matter of time when Han found out. “We are together. But we just don’t like labeling it as a ‘relationship’ Just give us some more time”. 
“ Are you kiddin’ me? It’s been two weeks, Chan!” He gnashed his teeth. “Every media outlet is calling me to confirm whether the two of you are together. What am I supposed to tell them?”
“That it’s none of their business”. 
“It doesn't work anymore. Is she your girlfriend or not?”
“She is, technically”, Chris leaned in his chair, “we’re in an open relationship”. Jisung set his palms down flat on the table, the heavy breathing of his sending shivers down Chan’s spine. He loved riling his friend up, but sometimes he seemed to forget Han was also his manager. A scary one at times. 
“I swear to God”, Jisung hissed, “I’m gonna kill you and replace you with another dude. No one will see a difference”. Chris chuckled and went back to his dinner, leaving Han’s question unanswered. 
Him and Micha had a lot of history; but when he showed up at her door, drunk to the bone, she was more than shocked. He kept on complaining, crying about you, cursing you, proclaiming his love for you. Micha was impressed only by him being that emotional - nothing like that ever happened when they were together. A couple of days later one thing led to another and… Some time after that she was already packing her bags to go to Melbourne with him. Was it a smart, calculated decision? Absolutely not. But Chan, for whatever reason, promised to support her financially before she’d find a job there; alright, to be honest? He wanted to hurt you. To hurt you the same way your reconciliation with Yugyeom made him feel. Chan wanted to see you suffer as much as he did, to see you try to beg for him to come back to you. Spoiler alert: you never did. 
Except for the airport incident. He almost caught the slightest glimpse of you, almost canceled his entire flight, almost called off all the business he had in Australia. If only he could delve into your features one more time, he would’ve put everyone aside. ‘Cause if you were there and he saw you, he wouldn’t need anything else. But he didn’t see you, so it was all settled as it was supposed to be. 
Han was grumbling something under his breath while Chan was scrolling down the latest news; some of his friends had a comeback coming up, the other was starring in a new drama, the third proposed to his girlfriend… Everyone seemed to have their life put together but him. When he laid in bed, staring at the ceiling, Micha’s head resting on his arm, Chan would only think about a life he gave away. He could’ve been lying in his bed now, with his head snuggled into your neck, inhaling that sweet scent of yours right into his system. He could’ve been waking up to your leg lapped across his. He could’ve been with the woman he’s in love with, not the one he pretends to love. Micha doesn’t deserve this; but something tells him that she knows - just pretends not to notice. 
‘Hey, doesn’t this house seem familiar to you?” Han shoved his phone right into Chan’s face; when his eyes could finally focus, he recognised the building immediately. “They report it’s been a fire, they’re still locating it”, Jisung continued, “and the guy who started it wanted to kill his family. What a piece of shit”. 
The only thing Chan could see was smoke coming out from the apartment scarily close to yours. He was unable to forget the window of yours, the window he would always look up to just to see your smiley face. “Can I borrow your phone?”
Jisung swallowed his food, looking confused. “What for?”
“I need to call her”. Han rolled his eyes but obliged, lending the phone to his friend. Chan practically jumped from his seat, running from the second floor of the restaurant they were in to the street. Chan was aware of you blocking him everywhere; so he hoped you’d pick up if Han called. What was that logic? Why would you even pick up?
If the fire was still being located, how big is it? Were you home when it started? Were you not? Is Gaeul okay? 
Long beeps only fueled his anxiety. Pick up, pick up, pick up. Please. 
“Hello?” The voice on the other side of the phone wasn’t the silky one Chan was hoping to hear. 
Chan asked for your name. Was it a cop? A firefighter? A doctor? “She’s okay, she wasn’t home when the fire broke out”.
“Who am I talkin’ to?”
“Kim Yugyeom. I’m a friend. You?”
Another tingling in his chest, every little blood cell of his running to his head, fueling his rage and pain, mixing them altogether. So, Yugyeom is there? After all of your claims he meant nothing to you? 
“Hello?” Yugyeom asked once again. “Say your name at least, so that she’d know whom to call back”.
“Don’t you see the name on the screen?” Chan’s words came out harsher than he planned. “Sorry, whatever. Don’t tell her anything”. Chris hung up the phone and let out an exasperated sigh. Rubbing his face with his hands, Chan couldn’t even comprehend what he was feeling. Why was the mere thought of you and Yugyeom in the same space bringing him the worst pain of it all? It was jealousy. It was all the love he couldn’t properly give you resulting in that horrendous feeling of envy. The feeling that Yugyeom might give this love to you. The love that you deserve. 
How long will he continue pining over you? Maybe he should just start paying more attention to his actual girlfriend rather than the dream woman of his?
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@heylookwhoitis @amaranth-writing @itstorimf @tenshimara @whyyougottadothatbro
The story's masterlist <3
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original url http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Towers/5411/ last modified 2006-06-18 22:51:29
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firstprince-ao3feed · 3 months
I Wanna Hold Your Hand So I Can Finally Be What I Know That I Am
by KissofaLinden “I mean for fucks sake Nora, he’s been nowhere to be found for 10 days, without as much as a text from him.” He grabs the nearest pillow and shoves his face against it. “Whatever I did, I want to fix it, but how can I if he won’t talk to me?” His words mumbled against the cushion. “Not to make things more spirally for you, but he texted Pez last night.” Alex’s neck nearly breaks because of the speed he snapped his head up with. “Excuse the Holy Mother Mary and Joseph out of me?!” Alex squeals. “I’ve been texting and calling him daily; damn near hourly, yet he doesn't have the decency to answer?” He pauses to take a breath “If he’s talking to y’all but not me, then it is my fault, I just don’t know what I did. How can I fix something that isn’t broken in my eyes?” Words: 5411, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Nora Holleran, Percy "Pez" Okonjo, June Claremont-Diaz Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Fluff, Feelings Realization, Light Angst, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Loves Alex Claremont-Diaz, Alex Claremont-Diaz Loves Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Alex Claremont-Diaz is a Mess via https://ift.tt/iPMgmIU
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todaysjewishholiday · 3 months
26 Sivan 5784 (1-2 July 2024)
From 5408 to 5417 an uprising of the Zaporozhian Cossacks led by Bogdan Khmelnitsky against the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth rocked the world of Litvak Jews. In addition to general violence and mayhem the eastern Christian Cossacks specifically targeted the Jewish communities of the Commonwealth with a series of horrific pogroms.
One of the towns effected was Olyka in what is now Ukraine. When the Khmelnitsky rebels drew near town on the 26th of Sivan 5411 the Jews of nearby villages gathered within the town’s walls and into a wooden synagogue, where they prayed for deliverance. The Cossacks were driven off and those in Olyka— Jew and Gentile alike— were spared from massacre. One of those who had sought shelter in Olyka was the rabbi David HaLevi Segal, the TaZ, who ruled that the 26th of Sivan should be celebrated with a half-day fast followed by a special prayer service and communal feast, as a special Purim in honor of the deliverance of the local Jewish community from destruction.
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nosehair · 3 months
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sterek-ao3feed · 3 months
Cherry Coke
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/57031681
by madsmeetsmisha
The first time Stiles accidentally confesses his feelings, he is sixteen. Of course, the werewolf doesn't take the whole thing seriously. And yeah, Stiles always knew that he never stood a chance. After the second time it happened, Derek left Beacon Hills with his new beautiful girlfriend Breaden. Now, eight years after he first met Derek, they meet again...
Words: 5411, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin, Erica Reyes, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Vernon Boyd
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: AU, Angst and Fluff and Smut, True Mates, Obvious Stiles Stilinski, stupid derek hale, Obvious Derek Hale, Jealous Derek Hale, Jealous Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale Deserves Nice Things, Stiles Stilinski is a Nice Thing, Knotting, Mating Bites, Mutual Pining
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damnfandomproblems · 2 months
5411 THANK YOU!! I just want more sp stuff and all i get is little boys making out 😭 if this fandom had a tagline it would be "He Would Not Fucking Say That"
Posting as a response to a previous problem.
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dhr-ao3 · 6 months
Up is Up and Down is Down
Up is Up and Down is Down https://ift.tt/x8ljMuU by allyseisfalling Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger proposition Theodore Nott to help them conceive a child.   “Theo.” Draco swallows, the sound thick. Desperate. “You’re the only one I trust.” “To fuck your wife?” Theo’s tone is incredulous. Fight or flight kicked in. Blue eyes lit on fire.   find me on instagram and tiktok! @allyseisfalling Words: 5411, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Theodore Nott, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger/Theodore Nott, Draco Malfoy/Theodore Nott Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Voldemort Wins, Forced Marriage, Marriage Contracts, Repopulation Act, Breeding Kink, dreomione, Threesome - F/M/M, Explicit Sexual Content, Smut, Dirty Talk, No Beta, POV Hermione Granger, Bisexual Draco Malfoy, Bisexual Theodore Nott, Inappropriate Use of Malfoy Signet Ring (Harry Potter), Inappropriate Use of Malfoy Signet Ring by Theo, Size Difference, Theodore Nott Has a Large Cock, Cunnilingus, Anal Sex, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, husbands best friend, Forced Pregnancy via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/kB56rK7 April 03, 2024 at 06:32AM
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