oldeazeroth · 7 days
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Bloodmyst Isle (55.63)
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jaguarmen99 · 1 year
5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2023/02/25(土) 21:54:37.64 ID:LsHPUtlG0 正論すぎるな コオロギ食わす前にフードロスどうにかしろや 4: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2023/02/25(土) 21:53:50.73 ID:HeFwwQS+0 きよし師匠Twitterやってるのか 268: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2023/02/25(土) 22:59:55.63 ID:DEB4tVXa0 >>4 これが1番のニュースだよな この記事は
痛いニュース(ノ∀`) : ビートきよし 食用コオロギに「要らねえよ俺は(笑)」「虫に補助金出すなら、酪農とか農業を応援すればいい」 - ライブドアブログ
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heartless-aro · 1 year
Where did the word aromantic come from?
In the early 2000s, the aro community resided mostly in asexual spaces. As I discussed in a previous post, the first use of the word “aromantic” (as it is used by the aro community) was on April 26, 2002 on the Yahoo group Haven for the Human Amoeba (HHA) by a user named maxnova100. This user said the following:
It’s quite disheartening to see friends of mine sacrifice what was once important to them (friends, pets, work, hobbies) for the sake of trasient “relationships.” Now, it’s understandable that people make such sacrifices for spouses and children, but those who throw aside things that once defined their lives to make time for a fling that they know won’t last more than a month, that to me is incomprehensible.
As such, I’d have to say that I’m not so much asexual (in that I have some sex drive, though probably much less than what’s “normal” for someone my age) as averse to having “romantic” relationships. They take up too much time and emotional energy (I’ve always felt emotionally drained and tired after what few “dates” I’ve been on) and subtract away from the things I really value in life. The concept of putting my hobbies, work, and avocational interests on the back burner for the sake of keeping a girlfriend entertained seems about as appealing to me as having a 100 pound ball and chain around my ankles.
Nor is this due to being a “loner,” as I enjoy the company of all types of people as friends and casual acquaintances. What would be an appropriate term for somebody who is not quite asexual but who dreads the concept of being in a “relationship?” Aromantic (LOL)?
The term aromantic didn’t really catch on for a while. In July of 2002 on AVEN, David Jay linked an article which drew distinctions between alloromantic and aromantic asexuals, who were referred to as “romantic asexuals” and “non-romantic asexuals,” respectively. The link to the article no longer works, so I cannot read the article itself. However, according to user AVENguy, “The distinction [between romantic asexual and non-romantic asexual] seems to be ‘those who wound up in relationships’ and ‘those who didn’t.’”
Following this, we begin to see the term “non-romantic asexual” used more often, sometimes as a self-descriptor, to describe those who are asexual and uninterested in romantic relationships. While this isn’t exactly the same as how the word aromantic is now used, we can consider this an early predecessor to the word aromantic.
Another predecessor to the term aromantic is seen in a 2003 orientation poll on AVEN, where users were asked to select whether they were “straight-asexual,” “gay-asexual,” “bi-asexual,” or “asexual-asexual.” According to many in the comments of the original poll, “asexual-asexual” referred to those who did not experience romantic or sexual attraction, i.e., those who we would now refer to as aromantic asexual. (16.84% of respondents, or 302 users, voted for this option.)
We see one of the earliest known uses of the word aromantic (other than the 2002 use on HHA) in 2004 in response to another AVEN poll. The poll asked whether users were non-romantic asexual (“I don’t do romance,” 55.63% or 84 respondents) or romantic asexual (“I voted in the ‘asexual romantics’ poll,” 44.37% or 67 respondents). While most commenters were describing themselves as either romantic asexual or non-romantic asexual, on October 11, 2004, one commenter by the name of pejoratist stated that they were “Very aromantic here.”
We see the word aromantic used again in 2005, in a comment on the 2003 orientation poll (the one which included “asexual-asexual” as an option). In reference to the term “asexual-asexual,” one user by the name of Live R Perfect replied “Surely aromantic asexual would be a better way of describing it?” Following this, we begin to see the word taking off. Over the next few years, more people comment on the orientation poll, describing themselves as aromantic asexual, and in a 2005 AVEN thread by MobiusX, we see several commenters during that same year describing themselves as aromantic.
According to AUREA, AVEN users began to use the word more frequently around 2008/2009, forming somewhat of an unofficial aromantic community within the existing asexual community. By 2010, we begin seeing specific forums and other online spaces meant for aromantics, outside of asexual spaces. This is when the aromantic community began to become its own entity, distinct from yet interconnected with the asexual community.
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plotcryptocharts · 2 years
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$BTC: 28762.62 (-3.3%) $BCH: 162.49 (-5.45%) $XRP: 0.3764 (-5.03%) $ETH: 1577.68 (-10.17%) $LTC: 55.63 (-4.82%) $ETC: 19.0521 (-8.37%) $EOS: 1.1709 (-4.0%) $DASH: 51.58 (-8.67%) $ZEC: 82.97 (-7.42%) $XMR: 171.3899 (-3.51%) $XLM: 0.1279 (-6.62%) $USDT: 0.9989 (-0.03%) (2022/06/11 21:33:11)
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shoppingtoys · 1 month
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Arceus Pokemon Plush Doll Soft ... Price 55.63$ CLICK TO BUY
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deantvgirls · 2 months
Hi and this is the 9th episode of Dean Tv girls the new generation, on the 26th of February 2024. The Tv girls are inside their apartment, Olivia used an app. Which is an A.I. story, Olivia used an A.I. app to tell the Tv girls a story. About them teaming up with the D girls, the app processed it. Olivia showed it to Melissa and Julia. “I wish it has pictures” said Melissa. “Good idea for the next issue for the Dean Tv love magazine” said Julia. Olivia agreed as she reads it to them. Anyway the D girls series takes place in the future, like in the early 2050’s. Even though the characters in the series (including Dean) do not age because of the suspended animation that makes them sleep. The story begins as the Tv girls were pulled into the Tv in an episode of the 13th season of the D girls. The girls meets the D girls, also meeting the recent member and fan favourite Georgina. Olivia likes Georgina, she has the action figure still. The Tv girls are at the D girls apartment. Seeing futuristic stuff. Then one day they heard Dean’s voice on their watches. The D girls and the Tv girls went out to fight the bad guys. The Tv girls are wearing their D girls gear with helmets for the first time. The bad guys are confused, thinking that the Dean Tv girls are new members of the D girls. The bad guys were gone and the Tv girls returned back to their apartment. Olivia finished reading the A.I. story. The next day the Tv girls send it to the editors of the Dean Tv love magazine series.
End of episode 9
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fashionshopping · 3 months
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RedDeadRedemption 2 Caps Hats ... Price 55.63$ CLICK TO BUY
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cyberpolicenacho · 5 months
जयपुर: राजस्थान की 200 विधानसभा सीटों में से 199 पर शनिवार को 74.96% मतद...
Rajasthan Election 2023: रिकॉर्ड वोटिंग के साथ राजस्थान विधानसभा चुनाव संपन्न, इस बार 0.25 फीसदी बढ़ा मत प्रतिशत
जयपुर: राजस्थान की 200 विधानसभा सीटों में से 199 पर शनिवार को मतदान हुआ. इस बार के चुनाव में 74.96% मतदान हुआ है. इस बीच यह साफ हो गया है कि इस बार पिछले साल से 0.25% ज्यादा मतदान हुआ है. आपको बता दें कि 2018 में राजस्थान में 74.71 प्रतिशत मतदान हुआ था.
प्रदेश में कल शाम 5 बजे बजे तक 68.24 प्रतिशत मतदान रहा:
अजमेर- 65.75%, अलवर- 69.71% मतदान
बांसवाड़ा- 72.49%, बारां- 73.12% मतदान
बाड़मेर- 69.58%, भरतपुर- 67.26% मतदान
भीलवाड़ा- 68.39%, बीकानेर- 66.56% मतदान
बूंदी- 70.40%, चित्तौड़गढ़- 69.68% मतदान
चूरू- 70.22%, दौसा- 67.29% मतदान
धौलपुर- 74.11%, डूंगरपुर- 65.86% मतदान
गंगानगर- 72.09%, हनुमानगढ़- 75.75% मतदान
जयपुर- 69.22%, जैसलमेर- 76.57% मतदान
जालोर- 64.10%, झालावाड़- 73.37% मतदान
झुंझुनूं- 68%, जोधपुर- 64.32% मतदान
करौली- 65.12%, कोटा- 70.02% मतदान
नागौर- 66.73%, पाली- 60.71% मतदान
प्रतापगढ़- 73.36%, राजसमंद- 66.75% मतदान
सवाईमाधोपुर- 65.33%, सीकर- 68.48% मतदान
सिरोही- 63.62%, टोंक- 68.78%, उदयपुर- 64.98% मतदान हुआ
राजस्थान में 3 बजे तक 55.63 प्रतिशत हुआ मतदान:
अजमेर- 52.62%, अलवर- 58.13% मतदान
बांसवाड़ा- 59.76%, बारां- 61.05% मतदान
बाड़मेर- 56.92%, भरतपुर- 54.85 % मतदान
भीलवाड़ा- 54.70%, बीकानेर- 54.26% मतदान
बूंदी- 57.03%, चित्तौड़गढ़- 55.49% मतदान
चूरू- 56.17%, दौसा- 53.52% मतदान
धौलपुर- 62.75%, डूंगरपुर- 54.18% मतदान
श्रीगंगानगर- 58.34%, हनुमानगढ़- 61.64% मतदान
जयपुर- 55.75%, जैसलमेर- 63.48% मतदान
जालोर- 52.23%, झालावाड़- 60.47% मतदान
झुंझुनूं- 55.73%, जोधपुर- 52.48% मतदान
करौली- 53.61%, कोटा- 56.35 % मतदान
नागौर- 54.25%, पाली- 49.79% मतदान
प्रतापगढ़- 60.11%, राजसमंद- 54.48% मतदान
सवाईमाधोपुर- 53.27%, सीक���- 55.98% मतदान
सिरोही- 53.55%, टोंक- 57.29%, उदयपुर- 53.28% मतदान हुआ
गौरतलब है कि करणपुर सीट को छोड़कर राजस्थान में 199 सीटों पर मतदान हुआ. छिटपुट घटनाओं को छोड़ मतदान शांतिपूर्वक संपन्न हुआ. मतदान सुबह 7 बजे से लेकर शाम 6 बजे तक हुआ. जिसमें बुजुर्ग, दिव्यांग, महिला और युवाओं ने बढ़-चढ़कर भाग लिया.
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informativehorizon · 5 months
Rajasthan Assembly Elections Polling LIVE Updates: Voter turnout 55.63% at 3 pm
Today marks a crucial juncture in the 2023 assembly elections across five states—Rajasthan, Telangana, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, and Mizoram. The focus is on Rajasthan, where voters are actively participating in the polling process scheduled from 7 am to 6 pm in 199 out of 200 constituencies. A substantial count of 5,26,90,146 voters will decide the fate of 1,875 candidates, including 183 female contenders, spread across 51,507 polling stations.
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Telangana gears up for single-phase voting on November 30, featuring a three-way contest among the Bharat Rashtriya Samithi (BRS) led by K Chandrashekar Rao, the Congress, and the BJP. In three states—Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and Mizoram—voting has already concluded, with all outcomes slated for revelation on December 3.
Manvendra Singh Votes: Former Congress MP Manvendra Singh, accompanied by his wife Chitra Singh, cast his vote in Mewa Nagar, Barmer district, during the ongoing Rajasthan assembly elections. He stands as a Congress candidate in the Siwana Assembly constituency, contesting against BJP's nominee, Hameer Singh Bhayal.
Voter Turnout Update: As of 3 pm, Rajasthan's voter turnout reached 55.63%. Notable district-wise participation includes Jaisalmer (63.48%), Dholpur (62.75%), and Hanumangarh (61.64%) showing higher turnout. Conversely, Jalore (52.23%), Jodhpur (52.48%), and Ajmer (52.62%) exhibited relatively lower participation. In constituencies, Tijara recorded a high turnout of 69.37%, while Bharatpur displayed a lower percentage at 45.74%.
The live updates continue to track the progress of these significant state elections, influencing the political landscape and governance in these regions. Stay tuned for further developments and insights shaping the electoral narratives.
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ailtrahq · 7 months
GALA price forecast indicates that the GALA crypto is in bears’ grip. However, the GALA price has risen by 17.29% over the past 7 days and according to the price action bulls are trying to breach the 50 EMA level. At present, the bears are in charge of the trend where they are maintaining firm command over the price action. Although the bulls attempted to take control. Despite the bullish optimism, the buyers were unable to break above key EMAs, and bears regained supremacy over the price action on the 1-day chart. GALA crypto is trading under the key exponential moving averages within the bear’s grasp. The price is facing resistance from the 50 EMA at present on the daily timeframe. The price is facing substantial selling pressure in the supply zone which indicates that bears may push its value down further in the near future. The technical indicators suggest that bears hold the edge over the price action. The price pattern, oscillators, EMAs, and volume are moving in tandem, giving similar signals. At the time of writing, GALAUSD is trading at $0.01569635 with an intraday gain of 2.18%, signaling bearishness. Moreover, the trading 24-hour volume is 11.819 Million and the last 10 days’ average trading volume is $14.617. Technical Analysis of GALA Crypto Price in 1-D Timeframe At the time of publishing, GALA crypto (GALAUSD) is trading below the 50 and 200-day SMAs (simple moving averages), which do not support the price trend.  However, if selling volume adds up, then the price might conquer supporting SMAs by making lower highs and lows. Hence, the GALAUSD price is expected to move downwards giving bearish views over the daily time frame chart. The current value of RSI is 55.63 points. The 14 SMA is below the median line at 39.49 points which indicates that the GALA crypto is bullish. The MACD line at -0.00034719 and the signal line at -0.00078016 are below the zero line. A bullish crossover is observed in the MACD indicator which signals bullishness for the GALAUSD crypto price. Summary GALA crypto technical oscillators also support the bearish trend. The MACD, RSI, and EMAs emphasize positive signs and imply that a mild uptrend could be seen in the GALAUSD crypto price. GALA price action suggests that the investors and traders are bearish on the 1-D time frame. The price action reflects a bearish perspective at the moment. The current scenario requires traders and investors to be patient and look for a clear break below or above the range before making any moves and avoid the fear of missing out to minimize losses. Technical Levels Support Levels: $0.01273814 Resistance Levels: $0.02614625. This article is for informational purposes only and does not provide any financial, investment, or other advice. The author or any people mentioned in this article are not responsible for any financial loss that may occur from investing in or trading. Please do your own research before making any financial decisions
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jaguarmen99 · 1 year
57: 新規スレ立て人募集 社説+の募集スレまで 2023/03/06(月) 18:26:07.33 ID:LkOxvybu0 僕も思考を読まれてる気がする!頭にアルミホイル巻かないと! 65: 新規スレ立て人募集 社説+の募集スレまで 2023/03/06(月) 18:29:55.63 ID:Esqq0hEZ0 大阪の日常 66: 新規スレ立て人募集 社説+の募集スレまで 2023/03/06(月) 18:30:03.21 ID:YKUCefYF0 さすが大阪人面白いな。
痛いニュース(ノ∀`) : 【大阪】「部屋が盗聴されている」と自ら110番 覚醒剤使用容疑で小��校教諭を逮捕 - ライブドアブログ
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atletasudando · 7 months
Belén Casetta, Gabriel Kehr y Tomás Mondino, figuras en el meeting de Buenos Aires
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Fuente: CADA La realización de los torneos internacionales Semana del Mar (el domingo pasado) y Juan Carlos Dyrzka (este martes 3 de agosto) permitió que varias de las figuras del atletismo de nuestro país, así como visitantes, tuvieran la oportunidad de competir en preparación hacia el último de los grandes compromisos de la temporada: los Juegos Panamericanos de Santiago de Chile. Una de las mejores producciones técnicas de este martes en el Cenard (Buenos Aires) la ofreció el lanzador chileno Gabriel Kehr, quien venía de alcanzar la final de martillo en el Mundial de Budapest. Kehr, quien además defenderá su cetro panamericano delante de su público, se lució ahora con 75.94 metros, quedando en segundo puesto el campeón argentino Joaquín Gómez con 71.45. Otro chileno, Miguel Andrés Castro, fue tercero con 70.59 y luego se ubicó el brasileño Allan da Silva Wolski con 67.10. Castro quedó muy cerca de la plusmarca sudamericana u20, que tiene su compatriota Humberto Mansilla con 71.01. Para el atletismo argentino, lo más saliente estuvo con el juvenil velocista Tomás Mondino, cuya marca de 20.85 en los 200 metros llanos (viento de 0.1ms) constituye el nuevo récord nacional u23 y u20, además de encumbrarlo al cuarto lugar del historial absoluto. Mondino fue escoltado por Bautista Diamante quien, en gran progresión personal, marcó 21.04. Los 400 metros con vallas reunieron nuevamente a tres de los mejores del historial argentino y allí el actual subcampeón sudamericano Bruno de Genaro lució con 50.93, delante de Gabriel Moretta (51.34) y el recordman nacional Guillermo Ruggeri (51.59). Otra de las figuras de nuestro atletismo que se mostró en buena forma fue Germán Chiaraviglio con 5.40 m. en salto con garrocha, prueba en la cual el ecuatoriano Dyander Pacho quedó segundo con 5.30. Otros ganadores fueron Estanislao Mendivil (48.44 en 400), el colombiano Carlos Andrés San Martín (3:48.11 en 1.500), Daniel Penta (14:38.17 en 5.000), el campeón sudamericano Carlos Layoy (2.05 en salto en alto), Brian López (7.08 m. en salto en largo), Nazareno Melgarejo (15.59/2.0 en salto triple) y Juan Ignacio Carballo (1.69 en bala). Entre las damas, una de las mejores actuaciones correspondió a la juvenil peruana y campeona sudamericana de su categoría Anita Yuceli Poma con 4:17.06 sobre 1.500 metros, escoltada por Carolina Lozano (4:27.68) y la menor Juana Zuberbuhler (4:33.59). Florencia Lamboglia volvió a liderar la velocidad (23.89 en 200, seguida por Camila Roffo con 24.48 y Melanie Rosalez con 24.62) y la colombiana Leidy Lorena Sinisterra encabezó los 400 llanos con 54.87, delante de las argentinas Noelia Martínez (55.36) y Marina Escudero (55.63). Continuando en la senda de su exitoso regreso, Belén Casetta (FOTO) corrió en los 2.000 metros con obstáculos y marcó 6:28.81. También ganaron Micaela Levaggi (16:43.52 en 5.000), la juvenil Victoria Zanolli (5.84 en en salto en largo) y Ailén Armada (53.91 en disco). Read the full article
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plotcryptocharts · 5 months
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$YFI: 14293.55 (30.86%) $YFII: 1071.15 (9.77%) $MKR: 1367.41 (-4.13%) $COMP: 55.63 (-3.9%) $AAVE: 93.82 (0.39%) $BAL: 3.86 (-2.13%) $DOT: 5.55 (2.63%) $BADGER: 3.97 (7.81%) $FTT: 3.51 (-1.42%) $UNI: 5.39 (2.89%) $AVAX: 23.42 (19.72%) (2023/11/17 00:05:10)
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kennak · 7 months
710 Ms.名無しさん sage 2023/09/19(火) 18:23:26.02 0 今って親の虐待もちゃんと調査してるみたいね きゃわ家族の人にされて嫌なことはないですか? 困ってることはないですか?って一人ずつ担任と面談あったらしいわ きゃわは ママがすぐリモコン取って~とかエアコンつけて~って お願いしてくるのが嫌で困ってる って答えたらしいわ 本当恥ずかしい 717 Ms.名無しさん sage 2023/09/19(火) 18:24:21.76 0 >>710 えーたわきゃわなんて答えるんだろう 720 Ms.名無しさん sage 2023/09/19(火) 18:24:55.63 0 >>710 おかずの数が少ないですって言ってたらどないしょ‥ 721 Ms.名無しさん sage 2023/09/19(火) 18:25:08.01 0 >>710 たわしのイビキとかディンのウザ絡みとか言われるのかしら 727 Ms.名無しさん sage 2023/09/19(火) 18:28:42.79 0 >>710 たわきゃわ盛りグセあるからとんでもないこと言いそうで柿 740 Ms.名無しさん sage 2023/09/19(火) 18:34:44.40 0 >>727 うちもこれあるわ… やべーわ 729 Ms.名無しさん sage 2023/09/19(火) 18:30:03.07 0 >>710 やり過ぎよねー 735 Ms.名無しさん sage 2023/09/19(火) 18:33:03.69 0 >>710 たわきゃわお母さんがごはん食べさせてくれない…とか言いそう 違うのよおかず食べずに白米ばっかりおかわりするから… 812 Ms.名無しさん sage 2023/09/19(火) 18:42:44.38 0 >>735 あるあるある
「家族の人にされて嫌なことはないですか?」って担任と面談があったらしい : 育児板拾い読み
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madhura78 · 8 months
US Semiconductor Assembly and Testing Services Market Forecast 2024 to 2032
Semiconductor assembly and testing services play a critical role in the semiconductor industry by providing the final stages of manufacturing for integrated circuits (ICs) or chips. These services involve the assembly of individual semiconductor components onto a package and the testing of the finished packaged chips to ensure functionality and quality. Semiconductor assembly and testing services are vital to ensure that semiconductor devices meet performance specifications and are ready for use in various electronic products.
The US Semiconductor Assembly and Testing Services Market was valued at USD 55.63 Billion in 2022 and is expected to register a CAGR of 5.27% by 2032.
The trend towards smaller and more compact electronic devices, such as smartphones, wearables, and IoT devices, drives the need for semiconductor assembly services that can accommodate miniaturized chip packages.
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Key Companies
ASE Group Unisem Group DPA Components International (DPACI) GlobalFoundries U.S. Inc. Golden Altos Corporation Grinding & Dicing Services, Inc. Micross Precision Test Solutions Promex Industries Inc. SkyWater Technology
By Service Assembly and packaging services Testing services By Application consumer electronics automotive medical industrial
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fashionshopping · 3 months
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RedDeadRedemption 2 Caps Hats ... Price 55.63$ CLICK TO BUY
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