#6 months cardio results
roseband · 2 years
#i don't know why but three days later i feel like.. .weird uneasy about my pulmonologist appointment#LIKE i felt so relieved after the appointment wednesday and now i'm second guessing it and being like.. .but am i ok doe???#bc he was like rlly lax about everything and after catscan he's certain that the increased artery pressure in my lungs is from my heart#being a little wonky and pumping back some blood the wrong way#and not from the artery itself which... it's not the /dangerous bad gonna kill you/ type#(which is what my cardio said too)#but with how both my cardiologist and gyno reacted to that echo result im like... uh hhh should i be seeing a different lung doctor#i mean i gotta go back to the lung doctor in 6 months for a repeat of the lung function and stress test to see if results are same#idk?????? like i saw my gyno in passing for a prescription refill and he had 0.0 face about that result#cuz my pulmonary pressure on my echo was 41.........and i was warned by my cardio that that's shanking borderline#and the pulmonary doctor didn't even mention SHANK like did i need to be shanked???#like id rather be shanked if it confirmed that my lungs won't make me throw a clot thank u very much multiple relatives of mine have#had strokes and they SUCK#i see him next wednesday for my 6 months checkup which... im planning to have a long discussion about my pills with him#bc he's SO weirdly protective of me bc he dealt with the fallout of my mom's stroke 30 years ago#and also was the one who sent her out for her cancer referrals (i love my family but holy shit we're cursed)#like i've been seeing him for a decade tho... so i trust him fully..... LOL#so i'll just mention this to him too... cuz also like... heart valve wonk also affects if i wanna have bio kids#(also doctor that deals with babies may know of a different gene place i can go to bc im on waitlists lol)#wow i lik....e.... kermit... this is not fair LOL...#i should just trust the lung doctor... but i will ask my hooha doctor about what the lung doctor said to be safe LOL#personal
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abibliophobiaa · 1 year
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beyond — chapter six preview
releasing on 6/30/2023, 12pm EST.
“Figured I’d get in a workout because Charlie is napping,” you explain, stepping further into the room, stopping in front of the endless rows of dumbbells your husband keeps on a rack against the fall wall of the room with wall to wall mirrors reflecting your nervous image back at you. “And also because it’s raining, so I couldn’t go outside.”
“Uh huh.” He takes a final gulp of his water and places it down onto the floor beside him, about to start more bicep curls when he catches your image in the mirror. “Looking for something?”
Maybe it’s your inability to figure out what weight dumbbells you should start with. Maybe it’s because you’re already forgetting the layout of the TikTok workout you watched earlier that evening you intended to try. Maybe it’s the fact you know you want to start lifting weights, if only to help with your running and dog walking business (some of those bigger dogs get a little rowdy). Maybe it’s the fact you have absolutely no idea what you’re doing. As a result of all of that, your teeth pinch against your bottom lip, skin taut between, meeting his stare in the mirror.
“I’ll probably just hop on the treadmill. Go for a walk,” you decide, cowering away from his curious stare to rush to the farther corner of the room where the cardio equipment is.
The present set up has a treadmill, elliptical, stairmaster, and spin bike. More than you’ll ever need, but you’ll never complain because one of the perks now in being married to Steve is that you were able to cancel your own membership and save a little extra cash every month. Hopping on, you tap on the large screen panel to set your leisurely walking pace, pop a pair of headphones in your ears, and drown out the sounds in the room.
The plan works.
For all of five minutes.
Because you’re minding your own business, bobbing along to “Bad Girls” by M.I.A. as you strut across your runway slash treadmill belt, when Steve decides to lift his weights once more. Uses his knees to help prop them up, going right into a set of overhead dumbbell presses.
And damn it, if the sight of him when you walked in hadn’t sent you into orbit, this certainly does.
From where you’re standing you can see his back. The constellation of moles you never really paid much attention to, but now want to mark the path of with your fingers. Want to trace them like the stars in the night sky. With every overhead arch, his sinewy back ripples, muscles in his arms straining, veins sparking to life beneath his skin. From where you’re standing you can see the lines of his abdomen, the sweat pooling across ridges, clinging to those perfectly sculpted divots. Can see the way his chest jumps with each movement, making your thighs clench.
Only—one's thighs shouldn’t clench on the treadmill.
Except yours do.
And promptly send you crashing onto the belt, skin ripping from your kneecap in one rapid swipe.
A giant, gaping black hole in the floor would be a good escape right now. That or a meteor falling from the sky, with its target directed at your head. Anything to rid yourself of the mortification of your current dose of reality.
Steve’s already dropping the dumbbells by the time you fall onto your rear, nearly crashing into the glass window in the process, your trembling hands clutching your scraped up knee.
It burns. A white hot heat that has your eyes prickling, embarrassment burning like a heated iron in your chest. And to make matters worse, Steve utters out a soft “baby” as he drops down in front of you, and that might as well signify the end of all life function. Because not only have you fallen off a treadmill ogling your increasingly “not-so-fake-husband,” but now he is calling you “baby” on top of it all.
“Baby, let me see,” you realize he’s saying as you come crashing back to reality, the hazel of his eyes growing darker as he crawls closer on the floor, trying to inspect your knee. With a reluctant sigh, your hands fall away, revealing the freshly torn skin. “That’s a mean looking burn. Come on, let's put something on that.”
“I’m fine right here,” you argue, back pressing against the mirrored wall.
His brows lift high on his forehead, left hand curling over the unbroken skin of your left knee. You can see he’s wearing a black silicone wedding band today, not his usual wedding ring, and yet you don’t miss that simple gesture. Always wearing that symbol of your union, while your own are presently sitting high enough in a ring holder so Charlie won’t be able to mistake them for very expensive doggy chew toys.
“It’s gonna hurt like a bitch.”
“It’s a little burn, and then you’ll feel better,” he promises, giving your knee a little squeeze. “I’ll be so gentle.”
see you friday! 💍
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aobkorea · 15 days
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Skin can become dry and dehydrated when it loses water too quickly—not unlike our bodies on a scorching summer day or after a grueling cardio workout. When our skin loses that water, it’s called transepidermal weather loss (TEWL). For those of us with dry skin, that means our skin cells have a hard time keeping water in. Add to that environmental aggressors like sun, wind, pollution, polar/cold climates and the skin barrier can also be compromised - making skin drier and more fragile and susceptible to cracking and irritation. A few common characteristics of dry skin include dullness, flakey-ness, tightness, itchiness, redness, and just (sigh) general discomfort. In short, dry skin is no fun. But it is common—and almost everyone will grapple with it at some point.
Some people are genetically predisposed to dryer skin and deal with it even as teenagers, when skin typically overproduces oil. Others battle parched complexions seasonally (particularly in the dry depths of winter) or situationally (e.g. long, hot showers, certain medications and even overly aggressive skincare can all cause excessive moisture loss). And of course, all skin becomes drier as we age, so even if you’ve never considered your skin on the dry side, it will be…eventually.
The good news is dry skin doesn’t have to stay dry. There are lots of simple, easy-to-adopt strategies that will soothe and soften almost instantly. Here are 7 dry skin tips to set you on the path to smoother, more supple skin.
1. Turn On A Humidifier
Dry skin can be caused—or exacerbated—by central heating, fireplaces and wood-burning stoves. If you live in a climate that dips below 50 degrees during the winter, you’re likely well aware of this. Turning on a humidifier overnight—or placing a small one near your work space during the day—will consistently mist and hydrate the air, helping to mitigate the moisture-zapping properties of all that exposure to indoor heat.
2. Ease Up On The Steamy Showers
Yes, it does feel so good—especially on a frigid day. But too much time in a long, hot shower or bath can remove natural oils from your skin, as well as disrupt your skin’s protective barrier function (which can cause you to lose moisture even outside the shower). So, as a general rule, try to suds and rinse in less than ten minutes and keep the water temperature closer to warm than hot.
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3. Choose A Gentle Cleanser
Using a harsh antibacterial soap, which is designed to remove sweat and oil, will also strip moisture from your skin, leaving it itchy and dry. This result is often worsened in the winter months when skin is most vulnerable. So, try to stick to body and face cleansers that are creamy and moisturizing, like Korean skincare , which effectively removes makeup and impurities, but does it without stripping moisture from the skin or disrupting the skin’s barrier function.
4. Slather On Moisture Asap
Layering on moisturizing serums and creams, immediately after cleansing will help seal water into the skin, as well as support the skin’s barrier function. Same goes for your body: Aim to always apply a hydrating cream right after showering or bathing—and massage in a nourishing hand lotion, Such as Korean skincare every time you wash up. Note: To maximize the hydrating potency of the aforementioned formulas, always blot, rather than rub, with a towel after showering or cleansing. Blotting gets rids of any dripping water but still leaves a light film of moisture for your serums and creams to seal inside the skin.
5. Slough With Care
Slathering on moisturizer is crucial in treating dry skin, but if the buildup of dead skin cells on your face has become nearly impenetrable, those formulas can’t permeate and nourish your skin. So, it’s also imperative that you use a gentle scrub or an exfoliating toner, such as K-Beauty to routinely remove dead surface skin cells. Do this step a few times a week after cleansing, but before moisturizing.
6. Take Cover
In bitter-cold climates, the skin can lose moisture at an accelerated rate—as much as 25 percent more than it does in a moderate climate. So, If your home state’s winter weather can become quite harsh, try to prioritize covering as much skin as possible whenever you head outdoors. Scarves, hats, knee socks and gloves should be considered as essential as shoes.
7. Drink Up
Keeping your skin hydrated starts with quenching your body’s thirst for water. So, try to down the expert-recommended 64 ounces of liquid each day (non-caffeinated beverages like tea or seltzer also count). And feel free to toss back more, if you're still thirsty. Also, try to limit both caffeinated and alcoholic drinks to no more than two per day, as both are diuretics and can accelerate water loss, undoing all the good-skin deeds, above.
Though we commonly discuss dry skin during the colder, drier winter months, it’s actually a year-round problem. The key to curbing your skin’s moisture loss is both making small lifestyle changes, and sticking to a soothing, hydrating skincare regimen.
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#womenshealth #lipstick #eyemakeup #vitaminc #hair #shorthair #dermatology #sephora #lashes #makeupinspo #makeuplooks #lipgloss #kbeauty #antiaging #hairstyle #healthyskin #skinhealth #eyeshadow #glowingskin #skintreatment #skin products #koreanskincare #bodycare #curly hair #fashion #beauty #redhair #beautyproducts #beautytips #haircare #beautyproducts #skinfood
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6: Burning Out
A/N: This chapter hints at alcoholism and depression. This is not factual about Noah.
It had been a few days since karaoke with the group, and I couldn't keep my mind off the way Liv smiled and laughed all night. Her smile had been so wide, dimples poking through at the top of her cheeks, making her eyes smaller and crease at the outer edges. It was such a relief seeing her happy—or happier I guess you could say—as opposed to the distressed state I've seen her in. I found myself really enjoying this side of Olivia and was looking forward to having her come hang out with me and the boys at some point again.
This morning I had decided to keep up with my fitness and go for a run before it got too hot out. I know that it wasn't much, but I packed on about 10 pounds in the last few months and I was proud of the way my body started to fill out. I had always been slim growing up, but when I hit rock bottom, I had become sickly skinny and was very insecure. It wasn't until Nicholas practically slapped me across the face and told me to get my shit together that I decided to take charge of my life again.
I started writing down the thoughts in my head instead of dwelling on them, dabbled in the guitar a bit and started to make music. When this lifted my spirits, I gained my hunger back and reclaimed my confidence, as little as it was. As that progressed, I started weight lifting here and there and kept up with cardio, and was super proud of myself when I started to see results.
I had been running for over half an hour, aimlessly trekking around the neighborhood. It was an ordinary suburban area, quiet this morning as most people were at their 9 to 5 jobs and kids in school. The sun was beginning to beat down a little warmer as the morning crept towards noon. I slowed my pace and took shelter under a tree for a moment, catching my breath and wiping my forehead and upper lip with the bottom of my shirt. Hearing the sound of an idling truck nearby, I glanced over in curiosity.
On the other side of the street sat a town pickup, a woman with a cap on, her dark hair pulled through the back of it. She had been hunched over, aggressively typing away on her phone. Never seeing Liv on the job before, I was feeling a bit nosey and decided to make my way over to her. "Hey you," I announce when I'm a few feet away from her open window. She looks up confused for a moment before a smile spreads across her face. "Oh, hi Noah. What are you doing here?" "Just out for a run, saw you parked over here and thought I'd say 'hi'." "Ah," she says with a slow nod, taking in my appearance. "Guess you're getting a good workout in, huh?" I look down at my shirt, soaked at the neckline and streaked at the bottom with my sweat. I let out a bashful chuckle, "Yeah, guess you could say that."
Her phone chimes in her hand, having her turn her attention back to it. She huffs, aggravated, and throws her head against the headrest with a groan. I cringe, hoping it wasn't anything too serious. "Sorry," she sighs and looks my way again. "I gotta go. These morons missed another trash stop and the woman whose house it is, is complaining about it." I gave her a sympathetic smile, "Gotcha. Duty calls." She puts the truck in gear, glancing at me briefly as if she was waiting for me to have something else to say. "Why don't you come by my place after you get out? You look a little..." I trailed off, shrugging. "Stressed?" She chuckles, "Yeah, you could say that." "Right," I say, tapping the top of the door. "Swing by, it'll be me and Nick Ruffilo. We'll order pizza and chill out." She gives me a forced smile. "Sure, thanks. I'll see you later."
I watched her drive away, noticing her face fall as she did so. I pursed my lips, concerned about the severity of her job—I hoped that it wasn't too much stress for her to handle. Sighing, I turned my focus back to my run and headed towards home.
Around 8 this evening, Liv finally arrives at my place, just as Nick was becoming impatient about what pizza to order. When I opened the door, she gives me an apologetic smile, accompanied by a small wave. I grin back at her, pulling her into a quick hug to tell her that it was alright she showed up a little late. She had just showered, her hair still damp and smelling of coconut. "Glad you could make it," I say as I break away from her. She sighs with relief, "Thanks for having me over." When I caught her breath, I noticed that it smelled heavily of alcohol. My stomach drops, concerned that she had already been drinking before making her way over. "Of course," I grin, waving my arm in a grand fashion to invite her in.
"Hey, Ruffles," Olivia greets Nick as she plops down next to him. He laughs at the new nickname he acquired from her, giving her a sideways hug on the couch. "Ruffles?" She shrugs with a playful smirk on her lips. "It gets confusing between you and Folio, and Nicholas sounds too formal." Nick ponders her statement, nodding with approval. I chuckle, shaking my head as I made my way towards them, a freshly opened beer in hand for Olivia. She takes it with a 'thank you', and settles into the couch after drinking about half of it in one gulp. Nick and I exchange a wary glance—he must've smelled the alcohol on her, too.
I pick up the menu that sat on the coffee table and open it up, "So what kind of pizza do y'all want?" "Hawaiian," Nick immediately blurts out. Liv gags, "Pineapple on pizza is a goddamn blasphemy." I rub the back of my head, and turn away, avoiding the conflict that was about to erupt. He gets way into the whole pineapple-on-pizza-is-superior thing and I wanted no part of it. They bickered for a minute or two before I butted in, telling them we'll order one that was half Hawaiian, half pepperoni and one just cheese, hoping they'd shut up. Thankfully, they agreed, and we called it in right away.
"Wait, wait, wait," Noah says in between laughs, holding his hands out to pause the conversation. "So, your last name is Foster? Like Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends?" Influenced by the shots of vodka and countless beers that was flowing through my veins, I couldn't stop myself from giggling at Noah's reaction to the discovery of my last name. "Yes, exactly!" Both of them started laughing. "We loved that show growing up," Ruffles announces, followed by a gasp. He frantically grabs the remote control, turning on Netflix and browsing to find the cartoon.
We watched the show for a long while, continuing to drink and indulge in the pizza in front of us. The pure joy that I felt seeing both of them with huge smiles plastered on their faces was impeccable. It mirrored the way that I wanted to feel everyday, and I smiled to myself sadly, wishing that were the case. Lately, I've been apprehensive about going to work to deal with the bullshit, but I knew I had a job to do, so I swallowed the dread and forced myself in everyday. On top of that, my dad's health was declining rapidly. I knew that I was burning out, but the thing that kept me going was knowing I could come home and reward myself to a bottle to suppress the feelings.
Feeling my eyes starting to get heavy as I watched the TV, I decided that it was time for me to go home before I fell asleep here. I stood and stretched, finishing off my last beer for the night. "It's getting to be that time," I say, catching their attention. "I'm exhausted." Noah sits up a little higher, looking my way. "Are you okay to drive home?" I nod. "You sure you don't want to stay the night?" I wave him off, "I'll be fine, promise." He purses his lips at me, not buying my statement. I couldn't bear to look at the disappointment in his eyes and headed out the door.
Making my way down the walkway, I hear the door open and click shut, turning to see Noah on his way out. He catches up to me and spins me around, planting his hands on my shoulders. His eyes trailed over my face, silently screaming concern. I close my eyes, turning my head away from him so I didn't have to see the crestfallen expression on his face. "Oliva," his velvety voice finally breaks the silence. "You don't have to look at me, but please promise me that you'll make it home alright." I felt a tear slip down my cheek as I nodded. "And please know that you can always talk to me about anything. I'm here to listen." I mustered the courage to look up at him, cracking when I see the worry etched into his face. "I'm okay," I croaked, my throat suddenly burning. He shakes his head at me. "I know you're not, but I'm not here to beat it out of you. When you're ready, I'll be here." He pulls me into a tight embrace when I let out a cry, knowing that he sees right through me. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing, and I wasn't sure if I was crying with relief or shame that he could sense it.
When I got home later in the night, I had a text from Noah. Noah: tomorrow. you, me, breakfast. my treat.
When Noah and I sat down in our booth at a local diner, I couldn't help the smile forming on my mouth; the slight uptilt of his lips making me feel welcome. He still seemed rather fatigued, his eyelids looking heavier than they normally do. I wasn't sure why he decided to take me out to breakfast if he had been so tired, but I wasn't complaining—I fucking love breakfast.
"Thanks for taking me out to breakfast," I say after taking an unsteady sip of my coffee, "what's the reason?" He shrugs politely, flashing a small smile. "Just felt like getting out, thought maybe you'd like to join, is all." "Well, thank you," I say, noting that his eyes were staring directly at my shaking hands. "You still seem like you wanted a few more hours of sleep," I mused, moving my hands to my lap. He trails his eyes back to mine. "Sure, who doesn't want more sleep?" He chuckles, "But what's the use of sleeping all day?" I mentally laugh; if I could, I would sleep my entire life away at this point.
I go for another sip of my coffee, this time having it dribble over the side of the mug some. Noah and I catch each other's eye—I could feel my heart jump into my throat with anxiety. "Liv," he says softly, concern laced in his voice. I put the coffee down and threw my hands in my lap again, trying to swallow my heart back to where it belonged. It was pounding, anticipating him calling me out. "I'm fine Noah, I'm a little unsteady in the morning until my brain finally wakes up," I force a chuckle. He shakes his head at me, his hair swaying from behind his shoulders, framing his face. "I know I said I wouldn't beat it out of you, but I'm starting to worry about you." Feeling my cheeks warm up with embarrassment, I advert my gaze to my trembling hands in my lap to avoid his stare. "Nick and I both knew you had been drinking before you came over last night. He got mad at me when I let you drive home, knowing you were way too drunk," he sighs harshly, banging his elbow on the table.
I look up, his forehead was in the palm of his hand, most likely in frustration. "I tossed and turned all night, worried if you were gonna make it home safely." I feel my stomach churn with guilt. "I know what the shakes from alcohol withdrawal looks like, Olivia." "W-was it that obvious?" I say under my breath, my eyes welling up with tears. He takes his head away from his hand to look at me. "Maybe not to the average Joe," he says softly, "but I can tell when your smile doesn't reach your eyes." My lips tremble as I try to force a smile, proving his point. I blinked, the tears rolling down my cheeks while I shook my head in shame. "I'm sorry. I'm just so scared, Noah," I whisper. "My dad is getting worse. I can't stop thinking about him dying and what I'm gonna do when he finally passes—it plagues me while I'm at work. That's why I looked so stressed yesterday. Drinking is the only thing that calms my nerves."
He reaches his right hand out across the table, nodding towards it. I place a trembling hand in his as he gives me a firm squeeze, "I've been there. I promise I'll help you through it, if you let me." I felt my heart swell at his words, the anxiety starting to whittle away as I gazed into his shimmering eyes. I take a deep breath and nod, focusing my eyes on my hand in his.
I pull my brows together as I scrutinize the ink on his hand. There was something peculiar about it, something I hadn't noticed the first time I shook his hand. There was a small patch that trailed into his wrist that was different from everything else, causing my breath to get caught in my throat. It was real, afterall.
I was beginning to see color.
|Chapter 7|
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pellaeas · 2 months
turns out i have hypreprivileged access to essentially portable tabletop molecular covid testing... because the basement i'm isolating in belongs to a guy who programmed it.
i'm molecular negative but antigen positive still, but it really does sound like the molecular results are the ones to go with at this point. i have been deeply distrustful of "ignore what the antigen test says after day 6" messaging, but it really seems like there is at least some merit to not trusting a positive antigen test at this point.
because the molecular test is looking for RNA that degrades much more quickly than the protein/lipid constructions the antigen test is seeking, so absence of RNA is more likely to equal absence of virus vs the viral "shell" chunks that I guess hang around for a while. i would still trust a symptomatic positive antigen test but I took paxlovid so i wasn't sure if i was expected to continue having symptoms or what. i stopped that a few days ago but have still been Potatoing since I was still 'testing positive' i was first symptomatic last wednesday night, i went on my first 20 minute walk on tuesday afternoon and a 20 minute jog wednesday afternoon with my heartrate watch on. otherwise, under 1k steps per day sedentary. i haven't felt or observed any cardio or breathing issues. i'll do a longer jog this afternoon and see if i can get a VO2 Max estimate. i'm glad I got the sports watch a couple months ago. the onboard HR monitor, sleep monitoring, and Pulse Ox have all been useful tools in measuring the effects of the disease state versus my baseline and will help me figure out if I do end up with long term sequelae because I have two months of zero-infection data to compare to.
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p-4-ris · 1 year
Hellooo, so I got a crush on this guy who's a gym rat literally and I think he's SOOO CUTE, and I don't want anything with him but for some reason it motivates me exercising, yes. Soooo let's make a blog ( :
So, my goal is a body like daisy keech's. As I'm short height I think I should embrace my features and look for volume (curves) but keeping a slim figureeee I'm in need.
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I'll be doing 2 workout routines (20min) from this queen in order to get the: snatched waist + bubble butt combo
1) quarantaine bubble butt workout (10m)
2) quarantaine abs (8min)
They're not the longest but I know they work (at least for me)
Whenever I can't or don't feel like doing the workouts, or when I feel like having a rest from them I can do some cardio (dance, running, walking) (20mins)
Fruits for dinner, fruits for breakfast.
I can eat whatever/whenever I want to but try avoiding between meals. I can only eat trash food once a week.
Fun exercising on weekends✨
Day 0:
Don't have measuring tape nor a scale but photosss
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Day 1: today I had to do social work and they got me carrying heavy boxes literally the whole day and walking for about 8hours straight so I'll count that as exercise, I ate really badly but that's okay, I needed energy and tomorrow I'll do better. Xoxo.
October 17th /2023
Hello! I know I haven't posted anything in a while but that doesn't mean I've stopped exercising (last week only, I was on holidays) so I'm gonna post this as my first month's body check
First month
I didn't do any calorie deficit, to be honest I ate very bad but I actually like the results, I feel better with myself. Yet I think I can do better therefore I'll go on a soft calorie deficit.
Second month's goal: calorie deficit <=1400
On other news, yesterday I went hangout with him and other people and It was a pool plan, and this guy kept looking at me with my pretty bathing suit☀️
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December 15th/2023
Hello, this are my results so far.
I've been on caloric deficit (1400-1300 a day) and I've kept doing the daisy keech's hourglass routine but I changed the butty one for a pilates routine for hip dips that I alternate with a hips thrust booty growth routine; I do each one (booty) 3 times a week and the abs one 6 times a week but apart from this I don't do anything else, not even hang out. I think I've been losing a lot of weight but I'm happy with my body for now (:
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I'm going to use my little tumblr blog to keep myself on track during the holiday season. So if this isn't for you...please just skip this post.
Trying to maintain my current weight/ previous weight loss during December is not easy. (if you don't know...I lost around 40 pounds almost 2 years ago and I've managed to maintain it -- which is the longest I've maintained such a weight loss) My goal is to lose 10 more pounds starting in Jan....but for now let's just try to maintain in December. It is not easy around the holidays....not easy at all. I like freshly baked bread, chips and chocolate. These food groups are my areas of downfall. Like croissants or bread right out the oven with butter....YUM....omg...stop. Soooo this is why I'm here writing this.
I bought a very not fancy pedometer on amazon so i can keep my daily steps up without having to use a phone or anything...I just want something simple...that i can reset daily. I write my total daily number on my notes app and then reset the pedometer before bed. lol Honestly it's been the best thing...this low tech pedometer that clips onto my shoe or can fit in my pocket. Who knew? No constant dings/wifi/bluetooth needed. Lovely.
I'm also trying to do my cardio workout 5x a week this month. Trying being the key word.
I'm going to give myself 7 days in December to take off from watching myself. Not all 7 in a row... cause I could easily gain 7 pounds in 7 days if I did that. I figure 2 around xmas and 1 for new years and then 3 the rest of this month. I already took one...so technically I'm at 6.
I'm also trying to intermittent fast 16:8. So YEAH let's see how that plays out. lmao I downloaded this app called Zero and am trying it out. It sets a timer for me...so I can visually see when my fast starts/is supposed to end. I normally don't eat until 11am most days anyways so this isn't a big stretch for me. Just adding an hour or two to my fast.
so yeah..... I'll let you all know how this turns out later this month. I figure by writing this all out here...it'll help kick my ass into motivation. I've struggled with weight loss/keeping weight off for most of my life -- so I'll check back in at the end of the month on my results from this plan.
If anyone else struggles with this during the holidays...I feel you. I really do.
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angesaurus · 2 years
Shout out to my hematologist who called me with my results @ 7:30am 😂 “hope this isn’t too early for you” ma’am I haven’t slept in 12 years. At least she doesn’t want me to do anything else and I can just do my follow up in 6 months (unless the rheumatologist makes me get blood work to let her know so she can add her stuff in “just to check” - yay.
I’m really NOT looking forward to that rheumatologist appt. I decided I didn’t want to take any meds (it’s me, hi, I’m the problem it’s me) but I am doing everything else he said (incorporating cardio) and I’m looking into CBD again (if you have a recommendation for a brand throw it at me).
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revivehealthh · 2 years
7 ways to lose weight with out dieting
Eliminating processed foods is a healthy step, but there is no evidence to suggest a gluten-free diet will help you lose weight. Many popular diets, such as intermittent fasting, juice cleanses, keto, paleo, and gluten-free diets, may promise quick, easy weight loss. People who do not have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity might try gluten-free diets hoping to lose weight.
Proponents of intermittent fasting claim intermittent fasting helps lose weight and body fat, as well as improving health in other ways. Instead of cutting back on food intake and dealing with the mental struggles that come with dieting, you can shed pounds by increasing your activity, changing when you eat, and even using specific tricks to increase metabolism. While the fastest, most effective way to lose weight is by pairing a healthy diet with a good workout routine, you may want to try these effective options that do not involve going on diet.
Providing many health benefits, exercise helps to burn excess calories you cannot lose with a diet alone. Dieting is a fast way to shed any excess body fat. Once you lose all of the excess weight that you are trying to shed, you can cut back on your cardio days and add in some weight-training days. Once you begin getting the sleep that your body needs, you should lose one to two pounds per month with no other work.
Interestingly, you can consume lots of calories every day and still be able to lose weight as long as you eat only one daily meal in a small window. You need a certain amount of calories in order to keep up with your current weight and perform your daily activities. Eating more helps you keep a lower caloric intake, resulting in weight loss. Eat foods high in lean protein, healthy fats, and fiber, and you will feel full all day long, rarely getting any cravings.
Consider including several servings of high-protein foods in your daily meals. Adding fresh vegetables to your diet is a great way to substitute for caloric, high-fat foods. In addition to including fresh vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and good fats in your diet, you should have 4-6 meals a day, smaller portions on smaller plates, and eat slowly. A high-protein diet may help you maintain lean muscle mass, reduce your appetite, and reduce calorie consumption.
Eat foods that are rich in fiber Foods that are rich in fiber may help you stay full, perfect for losing weight. Unsweetened drinks, such as water and black coffee, have been shown to help lower your caloric intake, which may result in weight loss over time. Unsweetened beverages are lower in calories and carbohydrates, making them a good option for people who are following the ketogenic diet or trying to lose weight. Research shows that a plant-based diet can not only help with weight loss, it is easier to stick with than low-calorie diets.
If you are looking for ways to cut your fat and keep your desired bodyweight off over an extended period, then choosing a more sustainable method for losing weight is a must.
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catchygetsfit-ter · 1 year
365 days later...
So... I have absolutely no idea how to start this.. but here we go.
Just over a year ago, my daughter likened me to a gorilla and Daddy Pig from Peppa Pig.
It killed me inside. She was absolutely right though. I was the biggest I had ever been. But.. it wasn't always like that.
I have always struggled with my weight. Ever since I was 11 years old. Always had the round bulbous tummy, ate a little too much, had the 'puppy' fat and didn't exercise enough.
I tried multiple times to lose weight over the years, the first real time I decided to try was age 20. I didn't have a clue what I was doing. I didn't join a gym, I didn't focus on my diet, I didn't have a plan and shock horror - I didn't lose the weight.
Age 25 I decided to join a gym. That's all I did though, I went regularly, hit the exercise bikes for an hour at a time, treadmill for an hour.. then guess what I did.. went home thinking, I've done 2 hours of exercise, where's the takeaway menu, I've earned that today. I didn't lose the weight.
Age 27 I joined a gym, bought a tub of protein powder and some expensive attire and got to it. Again, no plan, no research into routines, eating plans, but I knew I needed to lift weights this time so did that. I did the classic, tried to out train a bad diet. Do you know what though, I had some success. I lost some weight initially, I felt better. I was accidentally doing what I now know is a dirty bulk. I was building muscle, I was getting stronger, I was getting fatter though. Guess what I focused on? Yep, the number on the silver shiny thing on the floor of the bathroom. It was going up, and up. In my head I needed to stop everything, the gym was clearly not working. Fuck it. I might as well go back to before. Again, I didn't lose the weight.
New years eve, 2012. Age 28. My friend is getting married and I go to put my suit on ready.. (Why I didn't check earlier than day of I don't know) and I can't fit in it.. the trousers, the jacket wont fasten, the belt is too small. I Feel embarrassed, ashamed and frankly disgusted. I put together an outfit, swearing that my new years resolution will be to sort myself out.
I spend January 3rd 2013 sat on my laptop looking at fitness advice. I find it difficult to work out what's going to work for me, what's good advice, what's bad. I take three things away from my research.
1) I need to do 3 sets of 10 reps for every exercise
2) I need to track my food.
3) I need to work my abs every day to lose belly fat. 4) Record my progress, logs, photos, vlogs.
Back then I didn't know that a good chunk of that chose to take, wasn't actually correct, but the people on the internet looked in great shape - they clearly were right, look at them and then look at me.
However - I followed it and I got results.
I was 21 stone 3lbs / 297 lbs / 134kg at the start.
I tracked everything, how many reps I did, at what weight ( I wasn't training to failure at this stage, I wasn't aware of the premise) the calories I had (I set myself a limit of 1200 a day, again I know now this was far too low) I did a daily vlog about what I'd done that day, I took a progress photo each week and what cardio I did each day.
I did a 45 minute treadmill walk on a morning before work, I then went to the gym and did strength training after work. Rinse and repeat 6 days a week and then relax on Sundays. I had blips, but I never really had a full blown fall off the wagon, 6 months later I was down from XXXL T shirts to L or M depending on where they were from. I was very pleased. I'd lost a LOT of weight. 5 stone in total. 70 lbs or 31kg.
I started my 30th birthday the lightest I'd ever been, but things were about to fall apart again. I'll detail that in the next post. Thanks for reading.
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blkgrlchasingfit · 1 year
Had to Restart Keto...AGAIN!😖😤🙄
Ugh, I get so frustrated with myself. I allow stress from life and, especially from work, to drive me to binge eating. Last weekend was a hot mess!🤐😒
Anyway, I think I may have finally cracked the code on how to follow a diet and workout plan that will work for me. There are several components that had to come together for this. I am tentatively hopeful because this seems to be working for me (since I got back on the wagon around mid-last week.) So here's how my plan looks right now:
Eating & Diet:
Intermittent Fasting (18:6) - I currently eat between 12:30pm-6:30pm. I am using the Fasting Tracker App (the free version), but I am sure any Intermittent Fasting app will work for this. The app also allows me to keep track of my weight and water intake.
Low carb to Keto Diet - It will take me about 3 weeks to get down to 20 grams of net Carbs a day in any sustainable way. I'm about sustainability at this point in my life. I am starting with around 40-50 grams of net carbs to ease my body into it AND to figure out the foods I like that also fit this way of eating.
Phentermine 37.5g - I am not taking it as prescribed but instead am using the Dr. Childs Method (which I have found much more gentle on my body and nervous system with no disruption to my sleep so far!). The Gist: The gist of his method is to use episodic intermittent fasting (so as not to damage your metabolism) along with Phentermine, which means you will only take Phentermine a max of 3 times a week on the days that you are practicing your prolonged or episodic fasting. On those days, during your eating window, only eat about 500 calories. I am going to only take a 1/2 a pill, 3x per week, during my prolonged fasting days for the month of October. P.S. I am following his method but got the actual prescription through telemedicine, so I am not using the products Dr. Childs actually markets on his website.
Twice a Day Gentle & Skin Tightening & Muscle Tightening workouts - So I recognize that I can and will lose weight fast using the three things above in combination. However, I don't want to be left with a lot of loose skin. By the time I go home to see my family for Christmas (in about 3 months), I don't want to be the same fatty I was when they saw me last Christmas (I am not fat shaming, I am only speaking about myself when I use that term). Anywho, I have figured out that multiple, gentle workouts (that have proven effective for me) in the past is the way to go. At most, I will put in about 40 minutes per workout session.
A.M. Workout: 2, Oxycise! workouts, which are about 20 minutes each (I love this workout! It's no impact and is a perfect thing to start with if you don't want to go to the gym or have limited space). They have some university tested results on their website about the effectiveness of this workout, and about 90% of people involved in the test lost between 1/4 lb to 1/2 lb per 20 minute workout. I can attest to it being that effective. Like anything, you just have to be consistent. I highly suggest you doing the monthly subscription through the Oxycise! app (about $20 a month with access to a nice size workout library) if you are interested. Oxycise will serve as my cardio on this weight loss journey.
P.M. Workout: 2, Winsor Pilates workouts (the 20 minute ones), this is about 40 minutes total before bed. Since for me personally doing Pilates makes me very tired, I opt to do this workout in the evening. Pilates impacts everyone differently so try and see what works for you. Subscription through the Winsor Pilates app/website is about $30 a year and I do think it is worth it. Per it's advertising in it's heyday (back in the early 2000s), you can lose a dress size after 10 workouts. I tried this back in 2003 when I was home on Winter break from college visiting my family---y'all no cap, I went from a 16 dress size to a 10 dress size by doing one 20-minute Winsor Pilates workout every day!🥳 Like I had to get new clothes before going back to school. So yes this workout is very effective if you clean up your eating habits. Now I realize that was over 20 years ago when that happened but the fact remains this is an effective workout if you do it regularly. Winsor Pilates will serve as my resistance training on this weight loss journey.
For this next week, I will only do one of each workout in the morning and in the evening. I need to ease into what I am doing and get familiar with what I am asking my body to do, therefore I am ok starting slowly.
This is where I am at now and I will record how I am doing in a few days.
My Goal
So with all of these items combined above, I want to get my dress size down to around a 6-8 before I go home for Christmas to see my family. I am currently around a size 20, but I know my body and I can drop inches very consistently when I am on Keto and doing Pilates. Yes this is an ambitious goal but I am hopeful. Wish me luck y'all and feel free to reach out to ask questions or share your own journey.
P.S.: None of the links in this post are affiliate links. I just want to journal about my journey and maybe help, inspire, and put some other sistas on to things that I have learned throughout my years of battling my weight🙂
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altruisticenigma · 2 years
*** TW: losing weight, v*miting ment, dieting ***
I wanna document this journey, not just for me but for anyone else who may be starting this journey as well. I’ve been conflicted as I’ve been worried that people would say “I’m cheating,” “I’m getting a quick fix to losing weight,” etc- but as I clearly know myself, the journey my body has been on to lose weight, and that unfortunately this has become a health issue, I shouldn’t listen to naysayers- rather my journey should be something for those on a similar path to relate to.
Since August 2021, I’ve been trying to lose weight. Doing it for myself as well as I have a wedding on the horizon. I started with working out, then moved to combining with a calorie deficiency and kept building myself up. My workouts have progressed in frequency and difficulty, and I even became a roller skater- for fun and for cardio (if you want a high intensity, fun cardio- highly recommend!), and in general became very healthy.
The pros to this was I saw an increase in energy. I felt overall better. My mental health became better- historically, I always worked out because it improved my mental health, not for the bodily end result. In general I was doing better in life.
Lost 18 lbs in about 6 or so months… then I plateaued. And suddenly weight stubbornly wouldn’t come off. For a year I stayed the same, and then suddenly I started gaining the weight back, even if my routines and lifestyle were designed to work against this, and were improving.
I saw a nutritionist in July 2022. In general she improved my diet and I felt even more confident in my eating choices… but still wasn’t losing weight.
I realized then that this was some underlying health issue. I was doing everything by the book- calorie deficiency daily, working out, my sleep was good, diet was so much better… I felt better, but why wasn’t I losing weight?
In a last-ditch, end of the road effort, I saw a weight loss specialist referred by my PCP. If she couldn’t find what was happening, I’d just have to accept myself as is, I decided. But if this was something else entirely, I wanted to explore options.
Turns out, I have insulin-resistance. Makes sense as both sets of parents had diabetes in their lifetime. I’m not at the prediabetic stage, but it can lead to this if I don’t lose weight- something I was already working on. No matter how hard I worked out, or ate healthy, my body was designed to actively work against me. Which was both validating and frustrating. It’s not that I wasn’t working out hard enough. It’s not that I wasn’t doing enough. It’s just insulin resistance.
So she prescribed me Wegovy to get the weight off and stop the insulin resistance. Miraculously my insurance approved of it.
I took it last night after panicking over self-injection and having my wonderful partner inject for me- it was actually painless surprisingly. If y’all are worried about needles, I promise it was very easy to do lol. After my partner pushed and it began injecting, I audibly said “are you kidding me-“ it didn’t hurt one bit!
After day 1, I was just mostly tired with a migraine. Appetite is mostly gone. I did v*mit and have nausea when eating; I heard you have to be careful about how much you eat on the first two days after injection. But mostly so far so good.
Here’s to hoping it’ll help me out. I don’t even plan on losing an insane amount of weight- just enough to get my insulin resistance to a healthy amount ❤️‍🩹
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sweetwinnerrupa · 12 days
Fitness Hacks for Beginners........................
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1. Start Small and Stay Consistent
The body adapts to new routines slowly, so it’s crucial to avoid overwhelming yourself early on. Starting small reduces the risk of injury and helps you build a sustainable habit. Begin with light activities like brisk walking, beginner yoga, or bodyweight exercises. Gradually increasing your workout time and intensity helps your body adapt while keeping the workouts manageable. Consistency builds the foundation for long-term success, as it's often better to do less but do it regularly than to go hard and quit.
Tip: Schedule your workouts like appointments and stick to them. Consistency is key to progress.
2. Set Realistic Goals
When setting fitness goals, make them SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For example, instead of saying "I want to get fit," set a goal like "I want to be able to run a 5k in three months." This creates a clear direction and keeps you focused on a tangible result. Be flexible, though. If you reach a plateau, reassess and adjust your goals as needed. Keep both short-term and long-term goals in mind to maintain motivation.
Tip: Use a fitness journal to track progress and reassess your goals every 4-6 weeks.
3. Focus on Form
Good form is vital for avoiding injuries and getting the most out of your workouts. Whether you're doing squats, push-ups, or lifting weights, always prioritize technique over speed or the amount of weight you’re lifting. Poor form leads to strains, sprains, and other injuries, especially for beginners whose bodies are still adapting to new movements. Consider starting with light weights or bodyweight exercises until you master the technique.
Tip: Consider hiring a personal trainer or watching instructional videos to ensure you’re doing exercises correctly.
4. Mix It Up
Doing the same routine over and over can lead to boredom and workout plateaus, where your body stops improving. By varying your workout types—cardio, strength training, flexibility exercises—you keep things interesting and continuously challenge your body. This prevents adaptation, which can slow progress, and reduces the risk of overuse injuries.
Examples: Combine strength training (like weight lifting), aerobic exercises (like running or cycling), and flexibility-focused activities (like yoga or stretching).
Tip: Try new workouts, such as HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training), Pilates, or kickboxing, to keep yourself engaged.
5. Prioritize Rest and Recovery
Rest days are when your body repairs and strengthens itself. Skipping recovery can lead to overtraining, which increases the risk of injury and fatigue. Incorporate active recovery, like light stretching or walking, to help your muscles heal while staying active. Good sleep is equally important, as it's when muscle repair and growth predominantly happen.
Tip: Schedule at least 1-2 rest days per week, and make sure to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night for optimal recovery.
6. Hydrate and Fuel Your Body
Your body needs fuel to perform during workouts and to recover afterward. Drinking enough water helps maintain energy levels, lubricates joints, and regulates body temperature. For nutrition, prioritize lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and a variety of fruits and vegetables. Avoid sugary or highly processed foods that provide little nutritional value.
Tip: Drink water consistently throughout the day, not just during workouts. Eat a balanced meal with carbs and protein about 2 hours before working out.
7. Track Your Progress
Tracking helps you see how far you've come and can be a powerful motivator. It also highlights patterns, such as improvements in stamina, strength, or endurance, even if the scale isn’t moving. You can track anything from the number of steps you take daily to your heart rate, strength gains, or how long you can hold a plank. Seeing tangible results over time is highly encouraging and helps you stay focused on long-term goals.
Tip: Use fitness tracking apps like MyFitnessPal, Strava, or even a simple notebook to log your workouts, diet, and improvements.
8. Stay Positive and Patient
Your fitness journey is a marathon, not a sprint. Results, especially for beginners, may take time to become visible. Focus on the process, like how much better you feel mentally and physically, rather than immediate changes in your appearance. Be kind to yourself and celebrate small victories, such as lifting heavier weights or running longer distances, even if the scale doesn't move.
Tip: Practice self-compassion. Everyone has off days, but don’t let them derail your overall progress.
9. Find a Fitness Buddy
Working out with a friend or partner can make exercising more enjoyable and help you stay accountable. A fitness buddy can push you to work harder, provide encouragement, and turn workouts into a social event, which can be particularly helpful if you find it hard to motivate yourself. Sharing goals and celebrating achievements together adds another layer of motivation.
Tip: Join fitness groups, either in-person or online, for an added sense of community and support.
10. Have Fun
The most successful fitness routines are those that don't feel like a chore. If you enjoy the activities you do, you’re more likely to stick with them long-term. Experiment with different exercises until you find what excites you—dancing, rock climbing, hiking, or martial arts could be options that keep you engaged. Remember, fitness should be about improving your health and happiness, not punishment for your body.
Tip: Try different activities until you find something you love. Incorporating fun challenges or gamified workouts can help.
Final Thoughts:
Fitness is about more than just physical changes—it's about building a lifestyle that supports overall well-being. By starting small, staying consistent, and being patient with your progress, you'll develop habits that last a lifetime. Embrace the journey, and don’t forget to enjoy the ride!
You said:
marge two of these information and give me a final look
ChatGPT said:
Here’s a final version merging two key sections, Start Small and Stay Consistent and Hydrate and Fuel Your Body, to create a comprehensive guide for beginners:
Start Small, Stay Consistent, and Fuel Your Body Right
Starting your fitness journey can be both exciting and challenging. To ensure long-term success, it's important to build your routine on a foundation of consistency and proper nutrition. These two elements—starting small and fueling your body right—are the backbone of achieving sustainable fitness results.
Start Small and Stay Consistent
One of the most common mistakes beginners make is trying to do too much, too fast. While the enthusiasm is great, it’s crucial to start with manageable goals to avoid burnout or injury. Start with shorter, moderate-intensity workouts, like 20-30 minutes, and gradually increase their length or intensity as you grow stronger and more confident. Focus on consistency—working out 3-4 times a week on a regular basis will give you far better results than sporadic bursts of intense exercise.
Tip: Set a schedule and treat your workouts like important appointments. Consistency builds habits that last.
When you commit to being consistent, your body adapts, becoming stronger and more resilient over time. Even on days when motivation is low, remember that staying consistent, even with small efforts, will compound into bigger results.
Hydrate and Fuel Your Body Right
Along with a consistent workout routine, what you put into your body plays a huge role in your fitness progress. Hydration is key—your body needs water to regulate temperature, deliver nutrients to cells, and keep joints lubricated. Aim to drink water consistently throughout the day, not just during workouts. Proper hydration ensures you have the energy and focus to power through your exercises and recover well afterward.
When it comes to nutrition, your body needs the right fuel to perform at its best. Focus on nutrient-dense foods such as lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. Protein helps with muscle repair and growth, while carbohydrates provide the energy you need to power through your workouts.
Tip: Avoid processed foods and sugars, which can lead to energy crashes. Instead, opt for whole foods that support your fitness goals.
Combine consistent workouts with proper nutrition, and you'll not only see better physical results but also feel more energized and focused throughout the day.
By starting small, staying consistent, and fueling your body with the right nutrients, you're setting yourself up for a fitness journey that’s both sustainable and rewarding. Stick to these principles, and you'll see progress both in your physical strength and overall health.
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susantaylor01 · 14 days
How to Remove Fat from Under the Chin
Excess fat under the chin, often referred to as a “double chin,” can be a source of self-consciousness for many people. While it’s a common concern, addressing it requires a combination of strategies, including lifestyle changes, targeted exercises, and, in some cases, medical treatments. Here’s a guide on how to reduce and remove fat from under the chin effectively.
 1. Understand the Causes of Chin Fat
Before diving into methods of reduction, it’s important to understand the causes of fat under the chin. Some common factors include:
- Genetics: Your DNA plays a significant role in where your body stores fat. If double chins run in your family, you may be more predisposed to developing one.
- Aging: As we age, our skin loses elasticity, and muscle tone decreases, which can contribute to sagging under the chin.
- Weight Gain: Excess body fat can accumulate in various parts of the body, including under the chin, leading to a double chin.
- Poor Posture: Weak neck muscles from poor posture can cause the skin under the chin to sag.
2. Chin Exercises
One of the easiest and most accessible ways to reduce a double chin is through chin-targeting exercises. These exercises help to tone the muscles in your neck and jaw, which can contribute to a leaner appearance. Here are some simple exercises:
Chin Lifts: Tilt your head back, looking towards the ceiling. Pucker your lips tightly as if you’re trying to kiss the ceiling. Hold the position for 5 seconds, then relax. Repeat 10-15 times.
Neck Roll: Slowly roll your neck in circular motions, keeping your shoulders down. Perform this 5 times in each direction to stretch and tone the muscles.
Jaw Jut: Tilt your head back slightly and push your lower jaw forward to feel the stretch under your chin. Hold for 5-10 seconds, then relax. Repeat 10 times.
Consistency is key, so try incorporating these exercises into your daily routine to see gradual improvements.
 3. Adopt a Healthy Diet
Fat under the chin is often associated with overall body fat, so improving your diet can contribute to overall fat loss. Some key tips:
Reduce Caloric Intake: Aim for a calorie deficit by consuming fewer calories than your body needs, which can lead to gradual fat loss.
Eat Whole Foods: Focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Avoid processed foods and sugar-rich items that contribute to fat storage.
Hydrate: Drinking plenty of water helps with overall body fat reduction and can improve skin elasticity, which may reduce sagging under the chin.
 4. Cardiovascular and Strength Training
Exercise is a proven way to reduce body fat, including fat under the chin. Incorporating a combination of cardio and strength training can boost your metabolism and aid in fat burning.
Cardio Exercises: Engaging in aerobic activities such as walking, running, cycling, or swimming helps to burn calories and reduce fat. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio per week.
Strength Training: Building muscle through strength training helps boost metabolism and tone your body, contributing to fat loss in all areas, including the chin.
 5. Non-Surgical Medical Treatments
If lifestyle changes aren’t providing the desired results, or if you want faster improvements, there are several non-surgical treatments available that specifically target fat under the chin.
Kybella: This is an injectable treatment that uses deoxycholic acid to break down and absorb fat cells. It’s FDA-approved for use under the chin and typically requires multiple sessions.
CoolSculpting (Cryolipolysis): This treatment freezes and destroys fat cells under the skin. It’s non-invasive and effective but may take a few months to see full results.
Ultherapy: Ultherapy uses ultrasound technology to lift and tighten the skin under the chin, which can reduce the appearance of sagging and fat.
6. Surgical Options
For those looking for more dramatic results, surgical interventions may be an option:
Liposuction: A cosmetic surgeon can remove fat from under the chin through a small incision. This is a permanent solution, but it comes with the risks associated with any surgery.
Neck Lift: In cases where sagging skin is the primary concern, a neck lift can tighten the skin and muscles in the area, giving the jawline a more defined look.
 7. Improve Posture
Believe it or not, improving your posture can help reduce the appearance of a double chin. Slouching weakens the muscles in the neck, causing the skin to sag. Practice sitting up straight, pulling your shoulders back, and keeping your head aligned with your spine. Over time, this can help reduce the strain on the neck muscles and improve the appearance of your jawline.
 8. Patience and Consistency
Reducing chin fat, like any other body transformation, requires patience. It’s important to combine healthy habits with consistency to achieve and maintain results. Whether through exercise, diet, or medical intervention, stay committed to the process and avoid quick-fix solutions that may not offer long-term results.
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Newly Discovered ‘Mountain Tea’ awakens metabolism 
Reducing fat under the chin can be accomplished through a combination of targeted exercises, diet, and cardiovascular workouts. For those seeking faster or more dramatic results, medical treatments and surgical options are available. Regardless of the method you choose, the key to success is consistency and a commitment to a healthier lifestyle. Always consult with a healthcare provider before undergoing any medical treatments to ensure they are safe and appropriate for your specific needs.
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fitnessandmore88 · 24 days
What are the most common fitness and gym related questions?
When people are starting or continuing their fitness journey, they often have a lot of questions. Whether they’re new to working out or just looking to refine their routine, here are some of the most common fitness and gym-related questions:
1. How Often Should I Work Out?
One of the first questions people ask is how often they need to hit the gym to see results. The answer depends on your fitness goals. Generally, aiming for at least 3-5 days a week of exercise is a good start, with a mix of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises.
2. What Should I Eat Before and After a Workout?
Nutrition is key to getting the most out of your workouts. Before exercising, it’s important to fuel your body with a mix of carbohydrates and protein—think a banana with peanut butter or a smoothie. After working out, a protein-rich snack or meal helps repair muscles and replenish energy stores.
3. How Do I Stay Motivated to Go to the Gym?
Staying motivated can be challenging, especially when life gets busy. Setting clear, achievable goals, tracking your progress, and finding a workout buddy can help. Another way to stay motivated is by joining the best gym in Gurgaon, where you’ll find a supportive community and state-of-the-art facilities that make working out more enjoyable.
4. What’s the Best Way to Lose Weight?
Weight loss is a common fitness goal, and it usually involves a combination of regular exercise and a healthy diet. Cardio exercises like running, cycling, and swimming are great for burning calories, while strength training helps build muscle, which can increase your metabolism. For the best results, consider consulting a fitness expert at the best gym in Gurgaon, where you can get personalized advice tailored to your needs.
5. How Can I Avoid Injuries While Working Out?
Injury prevention is crucial for long-term fitness success. Always warm up before you exercise, use proper form, and don’t push yourself too hard too soon. If you’re unsure about your technique, it’s worth seeking guidance from a trainer at the best gym in Gurgaon. They can show you how to exercise safely and effectively.
6. How Long Does It Take to See Results?
Seeing results from your workouts depends on various factors, including your starting point, consistency, and the type of exercises you’re doing. Generally, you might start noticing changes in your strength, endurance, and overall fitness within a few weeks, but significant changes in your physique can take a few months.
7. Should I Do Cardio or Strength Training First?
This is a common question, and the answer depends on your fitness goals. If your main goal is to build muscle, strength training should come first when your energy levels are highest. If your primary goal is endurance or cardiovascular health, you might want to start with cardio. At the best gym in Gurgaon, you can find experts who can help you design a workout plan that best suits your goals.
8. How Can I Build Muscle?
Building muscle requires a combination of strength training and proper nutrition. Focus on exercises that target multiple muscle groups, like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses, and ensure you’re consuming enough protein to support muscle growth. For tailored advice and support, you can always consult with trainers at the best gym in Gurgaon.
9. Is It Better to Work Out in the Morning or Evening?
The best time to work out depends on your personal schedule and when you feel most energetic. Some people prefer morning workouts to start their day on a high note, while others find they have more energy in the evening. The key is consistency, so choose a time that works best for you and stick to it.
10. What Should I Look for When Choosing a Gym?
When choosing a gym, consider factors like location, equipment, cleanliness, and the availability of classes or personal trainers. It’s also important to find a gym with a positive atmosphere and supportive staff. The best gym in Gurgaon offers all these features, making it an excellent choice for anyone serious about their fitness journey
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veryphilosopheranchor · 3 months
Tips and Techniques for Optimizing Muscle Growth and Fat Loss
Achieving an ideal balance between muscle growth and fat loss is a common goal for many fitness enthusiasts. However, it requires a strategic exercise, nutrition like rohm anavar, and lifestyle approach. This guide will explore proven tips and techniques to help you optimize your muscle growth and fat loss effectively.
Understanding Muscle Growth and Fat Loss
Before delving into specific tips and techniques, it's crucial to understand the basic principles of muscle growth (hypertrophy) and fat loss. Muscle growth occurs when muscle fibers are subjected to stress through resistance training, leading to microscopic tears. The body repairs these tears, resulting in stronger and larger muscles. On the other hand, fat loss involves creating a caloric deficit, where the body burns more calories than it consumes, leading to the breakdown of stored fat for energy.
Setting Realistic Goals
Setting realistic and measurable goals is the first step toward successful muscle growth and fat loss. Understand that these processes take time and consistency. Aim to lose about 0.5 to 1 kilogram of fat per week and to gain 0.25 to 0.5 kilogram of muscle per month. These sustainable targets reduce the risk of muscle loss and other negative health effects.
Nutrition Strategies
1. Prioritise Protein Intake
Protein is vital for muscle repair and growth. Aim to consume 1.6 to 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily. Include a variety of protein sources such as lean meats, dairy, eggs, legumes,  pharmaqo anavar, and plant-based options like tofu and tempeh. Spacing out protein intake throughout the day can also maximize muscle protein synthesis.
2. Balance Macronutrients
While protein is essential, don't neglect carbohydrates and fats. Carbohydrates provide energy for intense workouts, while fats support hormone production and overall health. A balanced diet might include 40-50% of calories from carbohydrates, 25-35% from fats, and 25-30% from protein.
3. Create a Caloric Deficit
To lose fat, you need to be in a caloric deficit. However, an excessively large deficit can lead to muscle loss. Aim for a moderate deficit of 500-700 calories per day. This should enable steady fat loss while preserving muscle mass. Use online calculators to estimate your daily caloric needs based on your activity level, and adjust as needed.
4. Stay Hydrated
Water plays a crucial role in metabolic processes and muscle function. Dehydration can impair performance and recovery. Aim for at least 2-3 litres of water per day, more if you are engaging in intense exercise.
Exercise Techniques
1. Incorporate Resistance Training
Resistance training is the cornerstone of muscle growth. Focus on compound movements like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and pull-ups, which work for multiple muscle groups simultaneously and promote greater overall muscle development. Aim for 3-4 sessions per week, allowing for adequate recovery between workouts.
2. Progressive Overload
To continue gaining muscle, you need to gradually increase the stress placed on your muscles. This can be achieved by increasing the weight, volume (sets and reps), or intensity of your exercises over time. Keep track of your workouts and aim to improve consistently.
3. Mix Up Your Routine
Changing your workout routine every 6-8 weeks can prevent plateaus and keep your muscles adapting. Vary your exercises, rep ranges, and even the order of your workouts to continually challenge your body.
4. Don’t Neglect Cardio
Cardiovascular exercise is important for fat loss and overall health. Incorporate both steady-state cardio (like jogging or cycling) and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) into your routine. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio or 75 minutes of high-intensity cardio per week.
Recovery and Rest
1. Prioritise Sleep
Sleep is when your body repairs and grows muscle tissue. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night. Establish a regular sleep schedule, create a restful environment, and avoid stimulants like caffeine before bedtime.
2. Manage Stress
Chronic stress can lead to increased levels of cortisol, a hormone that can promote fat storage and muscle breakdown. Practice stress management techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, and hobbies that you enjoy.
3. Listen to Your Body
Overtraining can be counterproductive, leading to injuries and burnout. Pay attention to signs of fatigue, soreness, and lack of motivation. Incorporate rest days into your routine and consider active recovery activities like yoga or light stretching.
1. Protein Supplements
Whey or plant-based protein supplements pharmaqo dianabol can help you meet your daily protein goals, especially if you struggle to get enough from food alone. Use them as a convenient post-workout option or between meals.
2. Creatine
Creatine is one of the most researched and effective supplements for muscle growth. It can improve strength, increase lean muscle mass, and aid in recovery. A typical dose is 3-5 grams per day.
3. Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)
BCAAs can support muscle recovery and reduce muscle soreness. They can be particularly beneficial during periods of caloric deficit. Take them before or after workouts as needed.
4. Fat Burners
While not essential, some people find fat burners helpful for accelerating fat loss. Look for products with ingredients like caffeine, green tea extract, and L-carnitine. However, use them with caution and consult with a healthcare professional before starting any supplement regimen.
Monitoring Progress
1. Track Your Diet
Use apps or food diaries to keep track of your daily caloric and macronutrient intake. This can help you make necessary adjustments to stay on track with your goals.
2. Measure Body Composition
Instead of solely relying on the scale, measure your body composition using methods like skinfold calipers, bioelectrical impedance, or DEXA scans. These can provide a more accurate picture of muscle gain and fat loss.
3. Take Progress Photos
Photos can be a motivating way to visually track your progress. Take pictures every 4-6 weeks under consistent lighting and conditions to see changes in muscle definition and body fat levels.
4. Keep a Workout Log
Recording your workouts can help you monitor improvements in strength and endurance. Note the exercises, sets, reps, and weights used. Reviewing your log can highlight areas that need adjustment and celebrate your progress.
Optimizing muscle growth and fat loss require a holistic approach that includes balanced nutrition, strategic exercise, proper recovery, and consistent monitoring. By setting realistic goals and following the tips outlined above, you can achieve a leaner, stronger, and healthier body. Remember, patience and consistency are key – the results will come with time and dedication.
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