#6 oz glass bottles with cork
packagingskunkjars · 2 months
When it comes to practicality and versatility, our 6 oz glass jars with plastic lids are a top choice. These jars are perfect for storing spices, herbs, homemade beauty products, and more. The twist-on plastic lids provide a secure seal, ensuring your contents stay fresh and spill-free. 3 oz Hexagon Glass Jars: Add a touch of elegance to your packaging with our 3 oz hexagon glass jars. These unique jars are perfect for showcasing specialty products such as honey, jam, or bath salts. Their distinctive shape and crystal-clear glass construction make them a standout choice for artisanal goods.. For more details www.skunkjarspackaging.com
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Manhattan Special Espresso Coffee Soda
This was a really fun find! Manhattan Special looks to have been a staple of Brooklyn soda fountains and bottle vendors since long before our boys’ time.
The Williamsburg brand Manhattan Special’s Espresso Coffee Soda has been in production since 1895. This signature product is a coffee-based soda, made from just espresso beans, cane sugar, and seltzer. The unique drink is said to have an “acquired taste,” with various reviewers describing it as thick, quite sweet, bodied like a cream soda, smooth, mellow, dark, smoky French roast aroma, deep, tannic, and complex. Also noted by a number of commentators, the soda is very fizzy! So much so that it is not uncommon for the bottles to erupt and overflow upon first opening due to the carbonation. One suggested opening over a glass or sink to account for it.
The images above show the bottle design that would have been found in the years before WWII. The glass bottles were 6-oz, with yellow and maroon metal crown cork caps (pop-top, twist-off caps were not invented until the 1960s). The white and red label was printed directly onto the bottle and featured the company’s direct phone number (EVergreen 8). Raised lettering can also be seen on the upper portion of the glass. The last two images are of the modern versions of the packaging, which underwent a redesign in 2017. The older of the two (left) can still be found in some stockists, while the newer (right) is more commonly available post-2017.
The brand also produces other soda flavours, including black cherry, gassosa (Italian lemon-lime), orange, sasparilla, and vanilla cream.
I love the idea of the boys finding this drink still in production in the 21st century. From all accounts I’ve seen, the recipe does not appear to have changed over the course of its history. So the taste should then be the same if Steve and Bucky were to drink it again in the 21st century!
Images Sources
Label close-up, 1940s-1950s | Source Empty vs. Full bottle 1940s-1950s | Source Empty back, 1940s-1950s | Source Top with raised name, 1940s-1950s | Source Cap in bottle, 1940s-1950s | Source Cap, 1940s-1950s | Source Older modern variation, pre-2017| Source New modern variation, 2017| Source
The full research document for this topic is available on the Discord’s “Patreon Clubhouse” channel ($3+ donors)
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This post has been sponsored by my much loved and long-time Patreon supporter Joanna Daniels. She and I would like to dedicate the post to the loving memory of her mother Joan Daniels. She will be sorely missed.
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[ Support SRNY through Patreon and Ko-Fi ] And join us on Discord for fun conversation! I also have an Etsy with upcycled nerdy crafts
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baolinglass5 · 8 months
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Custom 6 oz empty reed diffuser bottle with lid for home decor
This 100 ml rectangular glass reed diffuser bottle with cork stopper is made of high-quality glass.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Saturday 26 September 1835
12 ¼
No kiss rain last night from between 11 and 12 to after one - rainy morning but not heavy rainy  till near 9 then fair and F55° - breakfast at 9 ¼ - A- getting off her speech for the first stone laying and I writing out mine put on my new pelisse and had my hair done - Marian was to have gone to the 1st stone laying, but got nervous and staid at home - A- and I off at 10 ¾ in my own carriage (with our 2 men behind) to Northgate hotel - not quite ready for us - began looking over the drawings of Northgate and by mistake kept the people waiting and did not begin the ceremony till about 11 ¾ which lasted about ¼ hour - A- did her part very well - the coins of the King’s reign (William IV) i.e. a sovereign, ½ ditto, ½ crown, shilling and sixpence (could not get at 7/. piece very scarce - Swanns the bankers in York had only seen two of William 14th 7/. pieces) were put into a large mouthed green glass bottle as also an inscription engraved on sheet-lead and rolled up tight - the cork was dripped in tar, then put into the neck of the bottle and covered over with course red wax - should have been hermetically sealed but Messrs. Harper and Husband could not get it done - had no blowpipe - I said I could have got it done at old Charles Howarth’s - no! because it was not plate glass - the green glass too difficult to fuse! the stone in which the hole was made that [A-] put the bottle into was a larger square piece of rough stone from one of Stock’s quarries, whence comes the rest of the stone wanted, and formed the footing of the front corner (nearest Halifax) of the casino - over this footing was put a very large mass of girt-stone quarried at Northgate in digging for the cellar, and which they called the foundation stone - there must have been a hundred people collected round the spot - 2 neatly dressed young ladies? some respectable looking men and the rest rabble - there was a little crowd to push thro’ to get into the wall-race - Mr Nelson junior and his men were in working costume - the bottle was held in hand by A- while she addressed Mr N- as follows ‘Mr Nelson, I have been requested to my friend Miss Lister, to lay the 1st tone of a casino, which will form a spacious and commodious saloon to be annexed to the Northgate hotel - I will only add that we hope and trust that the undertaking will prove an accommodation to the inhabitants of this town and neighbourhood, in whose prosperity we feel interested; that it will be an accommodation to the public at large, and that it will do credit to all the individuals concerned in its erection’ - This said A- deposited the bottle - 8 or 10 men lowered down and properly placed over it the foundation stone to which A- then gave 3 right earnest strokes with her mallet, and I spoke as follows looking now at Mr N- and now at the people assembled round -  ‘Mr Nelson - my friend Miss Walker has done us great honour, and I trust her good wishes will not be in vain - I am very anxious that this Casino with its annexed Hotel should be  an accommodation to the public at large, but more especially to this my native town in whose prosperity I ever have felt, and ever shall feel, deeply interested - I earnestly hope that the work we are now beginning, will do credit to us all - may the voice of Discord be never heard within its walls, may persons of every share of varying opinion meet together here in amity and in charity and my none ever go away dissatisfied but such, if such there be, whom good cheer and good humour cannot please!’ - I heard someone of the crown say ‘very well’ - A- and I hurried back into the carriage 3 cheers were given - Mr Harper gave us back the silver trowel, and we drove off to call on Mr and Mrs Musgrave at the vicarage - the inscription on the sheet-lead put into the bottle (written by Mr Gray on Tuesday) was as follows
‘The first stone of a spacious Casino, which will be annexed to a handsome public hotel, to be erected at Halifax was laid on the 26th day of September A.D. 1835. in the sixth year of the reign of King William IV by Miss Ann Walker the younger of Cliff Hill, Yorkshire in the name and at the request of her particular friend Miss Anne Lister of Shibden Hall, Yorkshire, owner of the property.’
Sat 3/4 hour from 12 5 to 12 50 at the vicarage with Mr and Mrs M- I mentioned A-‘s having been laying the 1st stone of the Casino - they, or rather Mrs M- let out their belief that the thing would not answer - said it was reported Mr Carr of the White Swan had taken it - of which I said I knew nothing - I see most people think the thing will be a losing concern and laugh at me for so throwing away my money - nous verrons - called at Mr Parker’s office (he came to the carriage door) to say the Sutherlands were to be in Halifax - we supposed at Mr P-‘s at 2 ½ - I ordered handbills to be put against holly stealers and wood and young tree damagers offering 10/ reward for each one taken, on conviction - home about 1 ½ - some while with my aunt - repeated our speeches and amused her - found A-‘s quondam Highlander servant James come to see her -
Mr Harper came at 2 - in and out with him till left him at the tail-goit at 4 ½ , I to go to meet A- at Cliff Hill, and he to go to Mawson’s Stump x Inn to see that the dinner at 5 for the Northgate workmen was all right - Mawson much obliged - thought it would have been at Carr’s - asked 1/3  head for eating and 2/6 a head for drink - Mr Harper gave him 1/6 a head for eating and his price for drink = 4/. a head - I thought to have given 5/ a head- with Mr Harper at the cascade bridge and at Adney bridge, and in the new farmyard - they had got wrong this morning with the buttress - the 2nd ramp above the wall instead of being a ft or 2 below it - approved Mr Harper’s consequent manner of finishing them - carrying them above the wall and capped chevron-wise - Gave him Washington plan of the engine wheel dam goit - he is to calculate the proper dimensions of the wheel - found that the Manns were driving the tail-goit dead level instead of giving it 2ft. of fall from the mouth to the wheel as Mr Harper had advised and I thought I had fully explained to Holt - Mr Harper told them to give 18inch of fall (supposing about ¼ of the length of goit to be done) from where they left off to the wheel - the fall of 4inch at the last 3 or 4 yards towards the mouth - foolish - asked Mr Harper why he gave back the trowel, I supposing Nelson ought to have had it - he said when the owner of the property laid the 1st stone, sometimes the architect got the trowel, and sometimes those kept it who could get hold of it - but when a stranger (not the owner) laid the 1st stone, he thought it customary to give the trowel to the stranger as a memorial of their building, and he thought therefore Miss W- should have it - thanked him for the hint - but said I, there ought to be an inscription - talked it over a little - said I would send him the trowel tonight with a copy of the inscription and an impression of my arms - he said Cattle and Barber would engrave it well, but were so dear - this, in this case, not to be minded - would perhaps charge 2 guineas for the engraving - asked 5 for the trowel, but he bound them down to price per oz. and got the trowel (well made and good) for 3 guineas - At Cliff hill at 5 5 - there about ½ hour -  Mrs AW in her best sorts - the Sutherlands gone to Mr Parker’s in Washington’s gig - A- and I walked back by Lower brea and the walk, and came in at 6 35 - A- wrote a handsome letter to Mr Gray speaking handsomely of Mr Watson - persuaded Mr G- could not have sent any one more likely to satisfy all parties - had great pleasure Mr Washington had [proved] right, and the deeds were quite correct - I wrote out the following inscription for the trowel                        
‘To Miss Walker the younger of Cliff Hill, Yorkshire, For laying the first stone of the Casino, to be annexed to the Northgate Hotel at Halifax. XXVI  VIIbr. [September] A.D. MDCCCXXXV.’  
Had just done as A- came to say the Sutherlands who had come a few minutes before had inquired about my block tin deed-box - told her to shew them upstairs into to the kitchen chamber where it has stood since A- came very civil to the S-s - opened the box for them and advised about it - then shewed the inscriptions - Mrs S- seemed pleased - in short, we are capital friends - they stood talking upstairs and down in the drawing room - captain S- wrote a note for George to take to Mr Parker (to countermand places in the coach for Tuesday morning to Manchester and say they would stay till Friday A- had persuaded them to stay - they were easily persuaded) - and Mrs S- took a glass of wine and a biscuit - in the midst about 7 ½ Mr Gray was announced - we all startled but A- remembered it must be Mr S. Gray - had him in the drawing room for the S-s escaped into the little north parlour on the 1st sound of his name, and went away - apologized to Mr SG- saying his room was not quite ready - he would be dull tomorrow and I thought he had better go to the Inn (Carr’s) till Monday morning - sent him in the hot roll of beef A- and I were to have had and potatoes etc etc and said the servant was going to the post in about an hour, and would take his (Mr SG’s) travelling bag - Came upstairs A- added a post scriptum to her letter to Mr Gray to say the S-s had just been here and Captain S- said there were some errors in the deeds but which she did not pretend to understand - I did up the trowel and inscription and sent them by George (at 8 ¾) to Mr Harper at the White Swan (Carr’s) and A- sent her letter and Mr SG went back to the Inn - dinner at 8 ¾ - coffee - my father going to bed as we sat down to dinner - it seems captain S- makes a great merit (as great as he can) of having found out errors in the deeds - humbug - Washington was right - pointed the required plantation (1ac.0r.14 perches at Windy End Golcar) in an instant - was at Crownest all the while and would have been at Cliff Hill in 2 or 3 minutes - was not the real fact that Captain S- wanted an excuse for conning over the deeds at his leisure again and with Mr Parker? what must Messrs. Gray and Watson think of him? with my aunt from 10 to 10 35 - then wrote the last 14 lines of yesterday and the first 7 of today - very fine day  F57 ½° now at 11 35 pm
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youremyplayground · 4 years
Beauty of the Shore - Chapter 6
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As soon as Hannah walked through the door, a ball of pure excitement slammed into her. Giggling, the little girl tightly hugged Hannah before letting go and running back to the spot on the floor where she was sprawled out, drawing.
“I didn’t know you were in town Lilly!” Hannah laughed, setting her stuff down on the couch.
 Lilly nodded vigorously, picking up a marker that she dropped when she ran to Hannah and continued scribbling on the page. She was humming some old school song.
 “Hannah, is that you?” Astra called from the kitchen.
 “Who else would it be, Mom?” Hannah sighed.
 Walking into the kitchen, Hannah saw two women sitting at the table. They both had mugs in their hands and a plate of cookies between them.
 Hannah walked over to Astra and kissed her on the cheek before doing the same to the other woman. The two of them were quite the sight to see. Astra was only 5’3 and had bronzed skin with very short hair, one side of her head bald with intricate tattoos coming up from her back intertwined around her ear. The other woman, on the other hand, was 6’ and was pale as can be. Long dark black hair that was braided came down to her hips. Watercolor tattoos covered every part of her skin aside from her face. They both had the most gorgeous brown eyes Hannah had ever seen though.
 “Lianne, I didn’t know you’d be back from your trip so soon!” Hannah exclaimed, walking over to the cupboard to grab a glass.
 “Oh, I didn’t either! Technically, it wasn’t supposed to be. I left. I just missed my girls too much.”
 “Plus George threatened to have her visitation rights taken away for ‘putting her job before their children.’ Horseshit.” Astra grumbled, taking a sip out of her mug.
 “He has a point. I realized after he said that, I don’t spend enough time with the girls. I couldn’t believe how big Lillith had gotten until I picked her up. I guess video chatting really doesn’t show you all you’re missing out.” Lianne sighed, looking towards the living room.
 “Not to mention Lillith almost drowning the other day,” Astra added, standing up and walking to the cupboard next to Hannah.
 “Wait, seriously? What happened?”
 “Oh we were standing on the dock down at Vincent Beach talking to my aunt and uncle and the clumsy little shit falls into the water. Luckily this cute kid around your age saved her.”
 “He was a mermaid!” Lilly exclaimed, running in from the living room carrying her drawing and shoving it into Hannah’s chest.
 Astra chuckled quietly as she popped the cork off the wine bottle. As much as she loved wine, she didn’t have actual wine glasses. So she just used regular coffee mugs.
 Hannah lifted up the drawing from the little girl’s hands as Lianne put her on her lap. Honestly all Hannah could make out was the black hair and greenish tail.
 “Very nice, Lilly!” Hannah exclaimed, walking over to the fridge and pinning it there with a magnet alongside the many other oceanic drawings Lilly had given her. “A mermaid, eh?”
 “Mmhmm! Mama saw him too!” She whipped her head around, smacking Lianne in the face with her hair.
 “I should’ve gotten his number for you. He was a cutie.” Lianne winked and wiggled her eyebrows.
 “Right. Mom barely likes Aaron being around, I’m sure she’d love a mermaid around.” Hannah laughed.
   Kun felt Taeyong’s eyes glaring into him as they swam back to the shore. He couldn’t think of an excuse as to why he was out there with him so he just said that he wanted to human watch some more. Maybe he’d see Hannah.
 “So your clan moved there? Really? We’ve always heard that it was dangerous. Like some old gods haunt there or something.” Taeyong said, nonchalantly.
 “Yeah. I haven’t noticed anything strange. I mean my sister gets really strong visions but we all assumed it’s just because she’s a youngling. I’ve heard the humans are terrified of it because of what the old kings did to sink their ships.” Kun said, turning his head to look at the redhead who still was swimming behind him despite being so much faster.
  “Hmm.” Was all Taeyong responded with.
 Kun kept swimming until he could see the dock before stopping and turning to look back at Taeyong.
   “Are you sure you don’t want us to come, Hannah?” Lianne asked, putting Lilly’s coat on.
 “No, I’m fine. Seriously.” Hannah laughed, “Besides I should leave you two lovebirds alone without Lilly.”
 Astra and Lianne laughed as Hannah attempted to wink at them but instead blinked. Astra wrapped her arms around Lianne’s waist as soon as Hannah picked up Lilly and waved bye to them. She started walking down the street towards the beach as the sun started to set.
 “Ana didn’t want to come because Daddy was being mean about Mama. He says she’s a witch.” Lilly muttered, playing with Hannah’s keys.
 “Does he now? Well, that’s not very nice.”
 “Ana believes him. I do too, but I think she’s a good witch. Like the gum one.” Lilly huffed, making Hannah laugh. She always thought the Good Witch from The Wizard of Oz flew around in a gum bubble.
 “Well, your mommy and daddy breaking up has been hard on her. Plus she’s a teenager so she’s probably not liking your mommy right now. Now, let’s go play!” Hannah said, setting Lilly down as they got to the beach.
 Lilly grabbed Hannah’s hand and they both ran towards the waterline. Hannah’s heart rate started to jump. The shore was fairly flat and the water was calm so she didn’t have to worry about the water but she was still terrified. Lilly was in love with the water so she went with her anyway and even if she couldn’t swim, she would definitely put her life on the line to save the little girl.
 Lilly stopped short of the water and crouched down to start playing with the wet sand. Hannah made sure to keep an eye on her while also looking around. The sky was slowly turning a warm pink color as the wind lightly blew their hair around. The familiar smell of the ocean calmed Hannah’s nerves a little, but she was still terrified. Lilly loved to sit on the dock and watch the waves or fish so it was only a matter of time before she’d have to suck it up and get back on the dock.
 “Hannah, why are you so scared of the ocean?” Lilly asked, holding up a sand dollar to her.
 “Well, I can’t swim and if you get in the ocean when you can’t swim, then you’ll be taken out into the really deep water,” Hannah answered, grabbing the sand dollar and walking over to a little freshwater creek leading to the ocean to wash it off before putting it in her pocket.
 “I know that. But why can’t you swim? I learned when I was like 2.”
 “I was just always too scared to learn I guess. My mom doesn’t like water either so that could be another reason.” Hannah shrugged and turned her head to cough into her elbow.
 “Are you getting sick?”
 “Maybe. I fell in the water the other day and almost drowned. Someone was swimming and saved me though.” Hannah crouched down next to Lilly at the same time she gasped and whipped her head to look at her, hitting the back of her head off Hannah’s chin.
 “Was it the mermaid?!” Lilly exclaimed.
 “I don’t think so.” Hannah laughed, rubbing her chin.
 “Let’s go to the dock! Maybe we can see him!” Lilly immediately grabbed Hannah’s hand with her tiny sand-covered ones and began to run to the dock.
 Hannah’s breath hitched in her throat as Lilly led her to the end of the dock. The water was now a deep orange color as it reflected the sky. Just as they got to the end of the dock and sat down, Hannah noticed a bright red head bobbing in the water about 15 feet away from him. Next to him was the same man he saw before she got on the boat. It was the guy that saved her.
 It looked like they were arguing about something, but Hannah couldn’t hear them. Just then, the redhead whipped his head around to look at her and glowered at her before diving under the water. The wind started to whip a little harder, making Hannah cough again, this time delving into a coughing fit. As she tried to catch her breath, she felt Lilly start to bounce excitedly.
 “It’s him! It’s the mermaid!”
 Hannah turned back to the water to see the other man swimming towards them. She didn’t know why, but her heart began to calm at the sight of him. Her hands stopped shaking and her breathing returned to normal.
 “Are you okay?” He asked.
 “Oh, yeah. I’m good. I think I’m just starting to get sick from falling in. You’re the one that saved me, right?”
 He cocked his head to the side, adorably. Looking between Hannah and Lilly, he smiled.
 “I believe I saved you both.”
 Hannah looked down at Lilly who was smiling super wide. Hannah extended her hand out to him.
 “I never got to thank you. I’m Hannah by the way.” He stared curiously at Hannah’s hand before bringing his out of the water and started to grab hers.
 “I’m Kun.”
  As soon as their hands touched, they both felt a shock go through their bodies. Their eyes locked and Kun heard the young mermaid scream from his vision once again.
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exquisitesip · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.buildthebottle.com/2020/11/03/honeyberry-wine-recipe/
Honeyberry Wine Recipe D.I.Y.
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Honeyberry Wine Recipe D.I.Y.
Hey Guys and Gals!
Are you looking for an awesome Honeyberry Wine Recipe. you will find it below! So look no further you have found what you have been looking for! Below is the most awesome tasting Honeyberry Wine Recipe in the world.
Step 1
6 cups or 2 lbs 10 oz frozen berries
3 1/2 cups of sugar
1 gallon of water
Step 2
1/2 tsp Lalvin 71B yeast
Primary fermenter (carboy)
stirring spoon
straining bag
siphon tubing kit
1 gallon carboy or jug
an airlock and bung
(A thermometer and brewing belt may be used to monitor and control temperature.)
Make sure all equipment (i.e. stirring spoon, etc..) is sterilized you can bleach it or use . Contaminated equipment can let a stray yeast enter the wine and ruin it’s taste.
Step 1
Crush the berries combined put in your carboy ad the rest of your ingredients top off with your water and let sit over night.
After 24 hours sift out the peels and put back into your carboy.
Step 2
Add yeast after 24 hours.
Yeast Hydration and primary fermentation: in a large cup add 4 ounces of warm chlorine free water.
Stir the yeast into the water then let mixture stand in cup for 15 minutes, make sure it is bubbling and then you will add it to your wine.
Take your hydrometer reading and calculate all the measurements.
Attach your airlock and wait for your fermentation to be complete, let ferment with the pulp for 5-7 days gently agitate daily.
After 5-7 days when the foaming calms down you will siphon your wine off of the sediment into your secondary container which is usually your glass carboy.
(The sediment is the stuff that accumulates at the bottom of your container.)
After you strained into your secondary carboy wait till the fermentation activity dies down (could be between several weeks to several months)
Final Step
Although yeast activity will decrease as the fermentation process proceeds, there will still be fermentation going on as long as you still see some foaming or bubbling.
Then rack into a clean carboy.
(For a sweet wine, rack at three weeks. Add 1/2 cup sugar or maple syrup dissolved in 1 cup wine. Stir gently, and place back into secondary Carboy.)
Repeat process every six weeks until fermentation does not restart with the addition of sugar. Rack every three months until one year old.
When the wine has cleared and is inactive – taste and bottle.
Stage 4: Aging / Bottling
You can repeat the racking process several times to get the maximum clarity though I would wait in-between each time a day or to, so the sediment can settle. I personally don’t like racking multiple times because of the risk of oxidation meaning the air touching it will give it a funny taste.
Bottle using the siphon cork and let wine sit for 6-12 months before drinking. Some would even prefer waiting 2 years!
What To Read
Bar Talk
Other Great Things To Know
Apple Wine Recipe D.I.Y.
Pomegranate Wine Recipe D.I.Y.
Mango Wine Recipe D.I.Y.
What Yeast To Use For Fruit Wine
Different Types Of Sugar You can Use In A Liqueur
Which Liqueur To Choose When Making A Party
From Our Sister Website Terebelo.com
Marketing With Optimism
The Marketing Of My Vodka Named Yello
Sales Pitch Listen Don’t Talk
What Is In A Handshake
Be Well Rested Before A Meeting
To spirits and cheers,
Binyomin Terebelo, Master Distiller and Drinkologist
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A recipe to share with you all this Thunder Moon Mead is a bit of a time investment because it takes several months to ferment and reach a point where it’s drinkable, but it tastes awesome and you can add a variety of herbs to flavour/enchant it.  Today, I made a Lavender-Lemon Balm Mead and am way excited to taste it in the fall.  Other flavoured Meads I’ve made and thoroughly enjoyed are Hibicus, Rose, and Lavender.
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What you’ll need: - 1 or 2  gallon jug(s) -  You can sometimes find cider for sale in these.   Alternately, you can cut this recipe in half and use a 1/2 gallon jug instead. - Bung and Airlock - A bit more specialized - local homebrew or winemaking shops will sell these.  Also available on the big bad amazon. - Sanitizer - No-rinse (eg: starsan) is a nice sanitizer, but bleach (rinsed reallllly well) or wicked-hot water will do, too. - 3-3.5 cups honey [~2.4-2.8 lbs]  (3 cups will yield ~9-11% alcohol) - A fist full of Raisins [~3.5 oz/85 g] chopped - Juice of 1/2 a Lemon [~1/8 cup] - Yeast - [Lalvin EC-1118 is pretty common and works well] - I also find a glass measuring cup helps a lot. - Plastic (food grade) tubing.  - About 5 empty wine bottles + corks or something equivalent.
- About 1.5 Grams (each) of the herbs you’d like to include** (see below) 
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What to do: - If you have herbs to add, boil some water and make a tea of them in about a cup of water. Let it steep for as long as is appropriate for the relevant herbs.  -Sanitize all your equipment - pot, airlock, bung, 1 gallon jug, and anything else that is going to come into contact with your mead. - Bring 3.25 quarts of water to a boil, add the raisins, and turn off the heat. (Bee pollen is a good alternate that I haven’t tried yet.) - Add the Lemon Juice and herb Tea if your adding herbs.   [The lemon and raisins help feed the yeast and add some complexity to the flavour of the mead.] - Let the raisin-lemon-water cool for 20 min. - Add the 3 cups of Honey, and stir to ensure it dissolves fully. Let it cool to at least 35 C/95 F. - Aside, activate the yeast as per the package instructions. - Get the must (raisin/lemon/[herb]/honey water) into the 1 gallon jug.  Remember you want to make sure everything that comes into contact with it has been sanitized. - Check the temperature, add the yeast, cover and shake it like the dickens. - Top off with the airlock and bung.
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That’s the hard work done. Fermentation Now you let it ferment. In the dark, or, at least out of the sunlight.   You want to keep it in a place with a cool-ish but, more important, stable temperature.  The must should start bubbling within 48 hours. The whole fermentation process should take a while. Maybe 2-3 months.  I find when the raisins have sunk, it’s about ready to rack [transfer.]   Racking Racking is done to leave the herbs, raisins, and yeast cake (white sediment) behind at the bottom of the jug to help clarify the mead.   This is where the tubing comes in.  I personally like smaller diameter tubing which moves the mead slowly, and disturbs the yeast cake less.  Siphon the mead from the first jug to the next, getting as much as possible without disturbing the yeast too much. Now, you don’t need two jugs for this - you can rack into the pot you brewed in, wash and sanitize the jug and rack back into it, but the key point is to prevent oxygenating the mead. A second jug is just easier... **At this point, you can add a second dense tea (about 1/2 a cup of water) to the mead to help the enhance the flavour.  If you do this, it’s best to strain the ‘tea’ before adding it to the mead. Once you’ve racked the mead, put the bung/airlock back on. Remember - No oxygen. Let this sit for another 2 weeks to a month - longer is better. Then. Bottle. Same rules for sanitizing apply. Use the tubing.  Swing-top bottles are good for the short-term.  (1 gallon needs about 6-8 standard 500 ml beer bottles) Wine bottles + corks are good for longer-term.   (1 gallon needs about 5 standard 750 wine bottles) 
Storage/drinking The longer you store a mead, the more the flavours will mellow and balance. However, If you open the mead and it tastes like something rotten or vinegar, don’t drink it.  I haven’t had this happen to me yet, but if it does happen, it’s like to-do with sanitizing. The best thing to do as you try your hand at this is to keep notes. I’m available and happy to act as a (bit of a)resource for you if you’d like to try this out. Happy July!
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Best Mead Making Kits
If you have been part of the mead-drinking universe for quite some time now, you may have already boasted that you could make better mead than the last batch you had. Now that you’re sobering up, you’re probably not as hyped-up to out-brew your drinking buddies and are looking for an easy way out.
  In a Hurry? Here are Our Top Choices
ImageTitleBuyShepherd Made Mead Making Kit (Mead-Kit), MulticoloredCheck Today's PriceMaster Vintner Fresh Harvest One Gallon Small Batch Fruit Wine Making KitCheck Today's PriceMaster Vintner Wine Making Equipment Starter Kit with Plastic Big Mouth Bubbler and Glass CarboyCheck Today's PriceMighty Mead Kit - The Everything You Need Honey Mead KitCheck Today's PriceBrewer's Best Deluxe 1002 Beer Home Equipment Kit w/Glass Carboy IncludedCheck Today's Price
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  Well, you’re on the right track because the best mead making kits can help you whip up a delicious batch in the comfort of your home. Be it syrupy Acerglyns or spicy Hippocras or fruity Omphacomels, these miraculous kits can help you a great deal by making mead according to your requirements and palates. What’s more, most of these kits also grant their users versatility in that they can alter whatever they want.
  The 5 Best Mead Making Kits
To make things easier for you, we have handpicked some of the best mead making kits in the industry and have reviewed them so you can match them with your preferences. If this is your first time around, you can also refer to our buyer’s guide to make a more informed purchase decision.
  1. Shepherd Made Mead Making Kit (Mead-Kit)
Shepherd Made Mead Making Kit (Mead-Kit), Multicolored
Country Of Origin: China
Model Number: Mead-Kit
Item Product Dimension: 10.0 L x 10.0 W x 10.0 H
Item Package Weight: 4.0 lb
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The Shepherd Made Mead Making Kit (Mead-Kit) is the perfect introductory kit for people who are curious about making mead at home but don’t really have a budget for a complete home brewing setup.
  The only additional thing you could need with this beginner kit is Ken Schramm’s ‘The Compleat Meadmaker’ and you’re ready for your own home experiments. What’s more, this whole kit will cost you less than the average cost of a dinner outing.
Plastic 2 gallon fermenters included with driller lids
A glass gallon jug included as the secondary fermenter
Also includesa 3-piece airlock
Extra nylon bag and drawstring included
A 5 feet and a mini ⅜ siphon hose included
May not be the best kit for experienced mead makers
  2. Master Vintner Fresh Harvest One Gallon Small Batch Fruit Wine Making Kit
Master Vintner Fresh Harvest One Gallon Small Batch Fruit Wine Making Kit
Everything you need to make remarkable wine from scratch in under an hour from your own fresh fruit
Enough supplies to make 15 1-gallon batches
Master Vintner quick tips make learning clear and fun
Kit Includes: Winemaker Recipe Handbook, 2 gallon plastic fermentor w/ lid, 1 gallon jug, tubing, airlock, screw cap and straining bag, Sanitizer and campden tablets, Pectic enzyme, acid blend, grape tannin, yeast nutrient, stabilizer, and all-purpose dry yeast. Racking cane and tubing, Hydrometer. (Not included: fruit, corker, corks, and bottles.)
Craft colorful additions to any wine rack
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The Master Vintner Fresh Harvest One Gallon Small Batch Fruit Wine Making Kit should be your second consideration when you have enough experience brewing your own beverages. Since you’re looking for an opportunity to mark-up your brewing experience, this kit includes additional equipment such as corkers and a hydrometer.
  If you must dive deeper into your favorite craft, then weigh this particular kit against other advanced levels kits in this post and others in the market.
Master Vintner offers great customer support via a toll-free number
A complete mead making guide included
Additional sanitizers and cleaners included to keep your workstation spotless
Very reliable and the results and very easy to predict
A triple scale hydrometer is included
Definitely too complex for beginners
  3. Master Vintner Wine Making Equipment Starter Kit
Master Vintner Wine Making Equipment Starter Kit with Plastic Big Mouth Bubbler and Glass Carboy
ULTIMATE WINE MAKING EQUIPMENT STARTER KIT. Compatible with any Wine Ingredient Recipe Kit (Not Included).
COMPLETE SET OF WINE MAKING TOOLS; START TO FINISH. The first starter kit that delivers finished wine faster
EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO MAKE WINE. Equipped with all the tools you need to make top-quality wine from a recipe kit or when you advance to using fresh juice.
WINE MAKING AUTHORITY AND THE BEST CUSTOMER SERVICE IN THE INDUSTRY. Unparalleled instruction from industry leader Tim Vandergrift
INNOVATIVE. Features our innovative Big Mouth Bubbler plastic wide mouth carboy fermentor.
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In third place, Master Vintner with yet another great offering for mead enthusiasts. However, the Master Vintner Wine Making Equipment Starter Kit, as the name suggests, is for beginners but, technically speaking, has enough equipment to promote you to expert level in no time.
  For instance, when we were reviewing this product, we came across the Big Mouth Bubbler. This particular piece of equipment allows users to clean their primary fermenters within a matter of seconds.
A great place to start for beginner mead makers
Has enough equipment to accompany newbies as they become experts
The additional Big Mouth Bubbler can hold 6.5 gallons during fermentation
The Big Mouth Bubbler is super easy to clean
Includes expert equipment such as triple scale hydrometers
A little more complex as opposed to the typical beginner mead making kits on the market
  4. Mighty Mead Kit – The Everything You Need Honey Mead Kit
Mighty Mead Kit – The Everything You Need Honey Mead Kit
-Complete 64 oz. Honey Mead kit
-Contains Easy-to-Use instructions
-Great for the first time or veteran brewer
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In 4th place, the Mighty Mead Kit – The Everything You Need Honey Mead Kit has made small adjustments to the entire mead making process as it consists of cappers for mead bottles as opposed to corkers for larger wine bottles. The major advantage of this kit is that the smaller bottles can be easily opened and judged on the basis of how well your mead has aged over time.
The kit consists of a ‘How to Make Mead’ instruction manual
Consists of expert equipment such as triple scale hydrometers and Fermentech Auto Siphons
Easy to judge mead with respect to how much it has aged
If your prefer smaller beverage bottles than this kit is the way to go
Consists of both liquid crystal and lab thermometers
Can whip up 6.5 gallons of mead in one go
A little pricier than the other best mead making kits on this list
  5. Brewer’s Best Deluxe 1002 Beer Home Equipment Kit
Brewer’s Best Deluxe 1002 Beer Home Equipment Kit w/Glass Carboy Included
Contains everything a beginning brewer needs
Perfect starter kit
Boiling pot, bottles and caps not included
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Finally, the Brewer’s Best Deluxe 1002 Beer Home Equipment Kit can be doubled up as a mead and beer making kit. In either case, you can easily follow the instruction manual provided for the fermentation process. Additionally, the instruction manual also consists of recipe guides such as how to create cherry mead.
A great kit for people who prefer to whip up both beer and mead
Consists of drilled rubber stopper and a 6.5 gallon spigot, bottling bucket and primary fermenter
A very durable shut-off clamp and twin lever capper
Perfect for both beginner and experienced mead makers
The included bottle brush makes it easy for users to clean the primary fermenter
Might be a little confusing for people who have never brewed beer at home
  What to Look for When Picking the Best Mead Making Kits
Your Expectations
Your first consideration before buying the best mead making kit in the market is to determine what kind of final product you are planning on producing. For instance, even if you don’t wish to produce fruity mead, you should think about the texture, palate, roundedness, richness and style you’re aiming for.
  One easy way of doing so is by giving some thought to the type of mead you usually enjoy. However, do consider that the best way of getting your preference right is to start small and simple. You shouldn’t go overboard on your first try and waste your money on products that are too complicated for beginners.
  Type of Mead Making Kit
Before choosing the one product, try to research more on the different types of mead making kits available on the market. The most widely used mead making kits typically consist of pure grape juice, unfiltered and concentrated grape juice and partially concentrated grape juice.
  Without getting into all the technical details, the latter type will require you to add water so you can make approximately 5 or 6 gallons of mead. This, in turn, can be used to fill up anywhere between 19 to 23 liter bottles.
  That being said, each of the kits listed in our review, apart from the juice, will include tannins, acids, yeasts and some other extra nutrients. The mead containers, corks and other equipment are usually provided but you should always check to make sure.
  Your Taste Requirements
All of the best mead making kits listed above differ in style, taste and amount of time required to make the beverage. For this reason, you should ask yourself what kind of mead you are looking forward to. Are you looking for the full-bodied and rich textures or do you fancy the dark reds?
  Whatever pleases your palate, do make sure that whatever you pick always takes your taste buds into consideration. After all, the gallons of mead you’ll be producing should bode well with your own preferences.
  Our Final Thoughts
While this post is supposed to make your job easier, we know that even if you’re equipped with mead making kits, the process could go horribly wrong. For this reason, the best mead making kits are designed to act as a fail safe for beginners and you wouldn’t have to rack your brain to come up with a fine selection as per your preferences.
ImageTitleBuyShepherd Made Mead Making Kit (Mead-Kit), MulticoloredCheck Today's PriceMaster Vintner Fresh Harvest One Gallon Small Batch Fruit Wine Making KitCheck Today's PriceMaster Vintner Wine Making Equipment Starter Kit with Plastic Big Mouth Bubbler and Glass CarboyCheck Today's PriceMighty Mead Kit - The Everything You Need Honey Mead KitCheck Today's PriceBrewer's Best Deluxe 1002 Beer Home Equipment Kit w/Glass Carboy IncludedCheck Today's Price
Prices and images pulled from the Amazon Product Advertising API on:
  from Beer Wine & Moonshine https://ift.tt/30nktFu via IFTTT https://ift.tt/eA8V8J
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recentanimenews · 5 years
How to Throw the Best Dr. STONE Finale Watch Party
  We can’t believe it’s already time for this season of Dr. STONE to come to a close, but that doesn’t mean we have to be sad: instead, we think it means we should try and close out this season with a bang! Personally, I love pairing foods with things I’m watching for themed get togethers (or even if it’s just me and my partner), and Dr. STONE has given us two great options: Senku Cola and ramen. The best part? Both of these things are fairly easy to make, and you could get both of them prepared just in time for the big finale, sipping and slurping your way through the final episode (or, if you’re like us, the entire season from start to finish). No matter what, we think you’ll love these Dr. STONE inspired recipes, and the best part is they’re fairly universal, meaning you can make yourself some cola or ramen any time you want with just a few simple ingredients!
    First, let’s start with the ramen. Ramen is a fairly “simple” dish to make, although don’t let that fool you: there are many, MANY ways to make ramen, and some of them are far more intricate and skill-based than others. Ramen benefits from being a dish that is easy to add and subtract things to, though, and this recipe here is one such dish.
    Ramen Ingredients You'll Need: 
1 tbsp. Sesame oil
2 to 3 Cloves of garlic, minced (Or about 2-3 teaspoons of bottled minced garlic)
1 tsp. Grated ginger 
4 cups Beef broth (You can absolutely use vegetable broth)
2 cups Water
2 tbsp. Soy sauce (Add to taste)
4 oz. Button, shiitake, or other mushrooms 
1 5 oz. Package of ramen noodles per serving 
1 Carrot, grated
1 cup Thinly sliced bok choy leaves or spinach
2 tablespoons Chives or scallions
1 Hard-boiled egg half 
Proteins of your choice (We suggest char-siu pork or thinly sliced pork loin, chicken, or tofu)
  The only ‘difficult’ ingredient we find is the availability of ramen noodles, depending on your location. If you can’t find Asian markets nearby, don’t fret! A single instant ramen package actually has exactly the amount of noodles you need for one person (5 oz.); this may even be an affordable option if you don’t think you’ll use a whole package of fresh ramen noodles! As for the seasoning packet, you don’t need it for this recipe, so you can toss it or keep it for whatever other food science experiment you have in mind.
  To match the Dr. STONE vibe, we suggest rough, stone hewn style bowls, but really any deep soup bowl will work really well. A key with ramen is making sure your bowl is deep enough; ramen doesn’t work as well in very shallow bowls!
    Once you have your ramen ingredients ready, follow these steps:
  1) Heat the sesame oil in a saucepan to medium heat. Add garlic and ginger, and cook until browned, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking and burning (burnt garlic and ginger taste pretty bad!).
  2) Pour in your selected broth, water, soy sauce, mushrooms, and then raise the heat until it starts to simmer. (If it looks like it is going to boil, or starts to boil, just turn the heat down low and stir it vigorously. Don’t let it boil too much, or the soup stock will evaporate!)
  3) After about 5 to 10 minutes (however long it takes for your mushrooms to get soft), add your noodles. Cook until the noodles are soft, add in the bok choy (or spinach) and carrots, then immediately transfer to bowls. 
  4) From there, top accordingly: we suggest a half a sliced hard boiled egg, and some protein. Tofu is a great choice, regardless of if you eat meat or not, and we suggest firm or very firm tofu; you can even grill it slightly before putting it in your ramen!
  And there you go! If you want to get things prepared ahead of time, you can even cook the soup base and chill it before you add the noodles, veggies, and proteins, then simply bring it back to a heated temperature, add the noodles, and serve, and you didn’t even have to make the noodles yourself out of millet! We’re sure Senku would be okay with some of our pre-stone era shortcuts. 
Feel free to get really creative with that recipe, too; you can add tons of flavors to your stock. While it doesn’t follow traditional dashi style soup bases in most Japanese ramen recipes, we find that this works really well for a quick ramen dish, and it can be fun to let your guests pick various toppings and add them at their own leisure! It’s also a very simple dish to make Vegan; simply replace the beef stock, and use a non-meat protein.
By now, though, I’m sure you’re all curious about the real star of the show here: Senku Cola! Were you one of the few who tried to make your own after episode 15 aired? If not, you might be surprised at just how easy Senku’s recipe is to follow, as long as you abide by the steps we’ll outline here for you. And Mecha Senku is right: you really only need honey, carbonated water, lime, and cilantro. 
However, this is far more involved than the ramen recipe, and we’ll say right here: you will likely need to buy a mortar and pestle to properly complete this recipe. Many supermarkets sell them, so those aren’t impossible to find. While there are many debates on which is the best type of mortar and pestle out there, we recommend either a stone or ceramic one; most stores sell these. If anything, consider avoiding wood/bamboo ones, as they can absorb oils. You can also use a food processor or even a blender, if you want to skip the manual labor (or just can’t find a mortar and pestle). Just be careful that the food processor/blender doesn’t render your mixture totally liquid! 
Cola Ingredients You'll Need: 
¼ cup of Honey
1-2 Limes (depending on size), enough to get ¼ cup of zest from 
¼ cup Squeezed lime juice  
3 tbsp. (roughly) of Cilantro (otherwise known as ‘pakuchi’ in Japanese, or coriander leaves)
Carbonated water (We recommend one 8 oz. bottle per serving)
There are a few wrinkles to this list of items and the recipe. If cilantro tastes like soap to you, we recommend that you avoid using the leaves, and only use the stems: most research suggests the leaves are what cause the soap taste, and since you aren’t going to be eating cilantro, the stems will work just as well! In our various attempts, we actually used a little less cilantro sometimes to try and nullify any negative tastes people associate with it, which seemed to work well; you really just want the oils from it.
Once you have everything ready for your cola, we suggest doing these steps in order:
1) Chop up the cilantro, and zest the lime. If you do not have a zester, you can use a peeler, and you will need to chop the peeled skin into smaller pieces. 
  2) Juice the lime(s) into a separate container.
  3) Using the mortar and pestle, muddle the cilantro and lime zest. Once you start to achieve a paste-like consistency, you’ll want to add some of the lime juice to help continue breaking it down. It should look like a somewhat chunky green mixture by the time you’re done.
  4) In a saucepan or small pot, add the honey and heat it until it caramelizes, over medium heat. This step is VERY EASY to get wrong; you’ll want to give it your full attention. Once your honey goes from golden to a darker brown, you’ll have achieved caramelization. Transfer it from the pan to a cool container to avoid it further burning.
  5) Mix the honey, lime, some lime juice, and cilantro mixtures together. At this point, you can add additional parts of lime juice or caramelized honey, depending on your tastes.
  6) Using a strainer, pour the honey/lime/cilantro mixture into the strainer, draining the syrupy liquid from it into your desired glass. (If you're going to attempt to bottle the cola, you'll need to do an extra step.) Then, pour the carbonated water over the strainer and into the glass, which will create your cola! You can always add less water or more syrup mixture, according to your tastes.
  7) If you’d like to use a bottle, make sure the bottle is clean, and then use a funnel to safely pour the cola mixture into the bottle. You can then use a cork to seal the bottle up (before drinking, give it a quick shake!).
If you happen to have a soda-making machine in your home, you can actually follow most of these steps, and then have the machine do the last few parts for you! You may want to just change the recipe accordingly depending on the size of the bottle your machine uses. Also, you should have enough honey and cilantro/lime mixture leftover to make a few more servings, but feel free to make more of whatever you need to serve as many people as you expect! Once you’ve caramelized the honey and created the muddled lime and cilantro, they’ll both stay for a little while in a refrigerator, meaning you can always make a fresh glass of Senku Cola at your leisure. If you happen to be of drinking age, we found that Senku Cola mixes quite well with alcohol, too, so feel free to (safely!) give that a try. 
We do feel the need to state that you will likely find this does not taste like Coca-Cola; there are various missing elements here, so if yours doesn’t taste like that, then you’re okay! Senku’s Cola is a bit more similar to Cola styled candies and snacks that you might see in Asian markets, and you can change the flavor profile of your own batch by changing how much honey, lime, or cilantro you use in the mixture. It’s quite adaptable, and if you want to get really crazy, feel free to try out different citrus mixtures, adding spices like cinnamon and nutmeg, and more!  
And there you have it, a perfect Dr. STONE finale meal: ramen and homemade cola! All you have to do is sit back, and sip and slurp your way through the Dr. STONE finale with your pals. And with both recipes being so easy, you can likely get them prepped well in advance of your viewing of the last episode. So don’t delay: hit up your local supermarket, get yourself some ingredients, and get yourself ready for an epic way to say goodbye (for now!) to Dr. STONE! 
Did you try either recipe? What did you think of them? Come back and let us know what you think in the comments! 
  ➡️ Catch up on Dr. STONE today! ⬅️
Nicole is a features writer and editor for Crunchyroll. Known for punching dudes in Yakuza games on her Twitch channel while professing her love for Majima. She also has a blog, Figuratively Speaking. Follow her on Twitter: @ellyberries
Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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wineanddinosaur · 5 years
36 Gifts and Gadgets For Anyone Who Loves Drinks
What do you get the drinks lover who has the tendency to buy themselves that special release beer or cult-favorite bottle of bourbon when you’re not looking? We recommend getting them things to amplify their favorite drinks. From specialty glassware to bottle thermometers, these are our top gifts and gadgets for people who love wine, beer, and spirits.
Bring Me Wine Socks:
These socks are cozy, cheeky, and practical. Good for a laugh, and for an occasional glass of wine being brought to you without you having to ask (because the socks asked for you).
See The Socks Now!
Geometric Crystal Wine Decanter
The specially crafted angles of this lead-free crystal decanter cause light to pass through your vino at multiple angles, causing the beams to refract onto your table creating a ruby-colored light show, especially with medium-bodied red wines and fuller-bodied white wines.
See The Decanter Now!
Italesse Red Wine Glasses (Set of 6)
Valentine’s Day is one of the most popular occasions of the year to enjoy a nice, high-end bottle of wine which calls for the perfect set of high end wine glasses. We fell in love with this stemware while on holiday in Italy. The luxuriously thin bowls and tall profile of these glasses exude elegance like no other. When paired with a vintage Barolo, you’re destined for a night to remember.
See The Glasses Now!
Heavyweight Champagne Stopper
Our Editor-in-Chief, Emily Saladino claims this Heavyweight Champagne Stopper has saved her life (and her unfinished bottles of bubbly) on multiple occasions. After testing multiple stoppers through our sparkling wine tastings, we’ve found that this stopper keeps the bubbles and freshness of your favorite Champagnes and Proseccos the longest.
See The Stopper Now!
The Ultimate Restaurant Style Corkscrew
When it comes to a corkscrew, at the end of the day the only things that matter are that it opens your bottle quickly, efficiently, and it’s always ready for action. That’s why we’ll always go up to bat for this restaurant style, double hinged corkscrew. Made with stainless steel and a sturdy handle, this corkscrew will become your new best friend opening bottles in five quick turns.
See The Corkscrew Now!
The Aficionado’s Wine Thermometer
To really taste a wine for all it can offer, it’s extremely important to serve it at the appropriate temperature. More often than not serving wine at room temperature is too warm and straight out of the fridge is way too cold. Thankfully, a wine thermometer is an easy and inexpensive way to keep track of your vino’s temperature. We love this thermometer specifically because it doesn’t use batteries like many others on the market and easily fits on regular 750mL bottles. Plus, you’ll always know what temperature your wine should be at with its handy guidelines.
See The Thermometer Now!
The Expert’s Wine Log
Sure, you can find wine journals many places. This wine journal, though, has beautiful raw construction, a handcrafted leather cover, and fields to document all the important information, including the label. The perfect gift for those hoping to do a deeper dive into wine, and possibly start a wine career.
See The Journal Now!
Handmade Ceramic Wine Bottle Coasters
These ceramic bottle coasters—which can hold the base of a standard Bordeaux-style, Burgundy-style or sparkling wine bottle—are a chic way to avoid stains on your table. They come in five gorgeous colors and are hand thrown in New York by one of our favorite potters.
See The Coasters Now!
Sterling Silver Corkscrew Necklace
Made entire from sterling silver, this necklace lets you keep your love for vino literally close to your heart. It’s the perfect accessory that can easily go with whatever is already in your closet. We love wearing it to wine tastings and family gatherings (AKA the times when the corkscrew is needed more than ever).
See The Necklace Now!
The Sommelier Watch (Three Colors)
Wine is all about craftsmanship, timeless elegance, and a bit of show-off-able beauty. So are these sleek, wine-inspired watches – the bands are made from cork and stained with wine. A gorgeous and unexpected gift for anyone who loves wine, or who just likes looking like they appreciate the finer things.
See The Watches Now!
The Wine Breather Decanter
Much like we need a hot coffee to fully be awake, wine needs a steady hit of oxygen in order to fully release its flavors and aromas. If you’re short on time, this decanter is the most beautiful and efficient way to present your wine at its peak in under two minutes.
See The Decanter Now!
Cooler Than Cool Wine Glasses (Set of 2)
There’s nothing worse than drinking warm wine. Look out for yourself/your wine-loving friends by grabbing a set or two of these chilled glasses, which feature a proprietary gel blend to keep the wine cold, and a silicone band so your hands aren’t chilled along with your wine.
See The Glasses Now!
Bring Me Beer Socks
These comfy socks are a beer-lover’s dream. They’ll keep your feet warm while you’re enjoying a sip of something special, and gently remind anyone around you to come refill your glass. Funny, cozy, AND practical.
See The Socks Now!
Cooler Than Cool Pint Glass
Using the same proprietary gel as the wine tumblers, these Cooler Than Cool Pint Glasses keeps 16 oz. of your favorite brew perfectly chilled without masking the aromas. Plus the dual-purpose silicone band on the glass is comfortable to hold and prevents the heat from your hands warming up your craft beer.
See The Pints Now!
The Expert’s Beer Log
Our Senior Staff Writer and Chief Beer Enjoyer Cat Wolinski has tried many a beer log in her day, and this is her favorite. With its handmade leather cover, and attention to technical details like a beer’s production date and how it was served, it will soon become your favorite as well!
See The Journal Now!
Drop Catch Bottle Opener
With the Drop Catch Bottle Opener, simply mount it to the wall or stick it to the fridge, and every time you open a bottle of brew, the powerful magnet inside the wood grabs hold of the cap and catches it before it can fall to the ground, causing it to stick to the opener.
See The Opener Now!
Ultimate Crystal Craft Beer Glasses
We love this glass because it captures and releases a beer’s unique aromas, allowing for an ideal drinking experience.
See The Glasses Now!
Beer Purity T-Shirt
Reinheitsgebot, the German Beer Purity Law of 1516, is extremely simple, stating that beer can only be made of barley, hops, and water. This soft and lightweight shirt is a must have for the ultimate beer geek.
See The Shirt Now!
Spiegelau Craft Beer Tasting Kit
Designed with the aid of an expert panel of master brewers, this set of glasses is the perfect gift for both craft beer lovers and beginners. The kit includes four distinctive glasses: The IPA glass, the Stout glass, the American Wheat glass and the Barrel Aged Beer glass.
See The Kit Now!
The Flavor & Aroma Profiles of Popular Hops Print
On this matte, museum-quality poster we mapped the most popular American, Australian, New Zealand, English, and German Noble Hops by flavor profile and aroma. These are the hops you are most likely to encounter in craft beer, so you can sip and savor your next brew with newfound expertise.
See The Poster Now!
The Gentleman’s Leather Koozie
If you’re the type of person who has conversations about hop varietals, but is drinking beer from free koozies you got in college, it may be time for an upgrade. This koozie is made of top-grain cowhide and evolves beautifully with age. Any of the three gorgeous colors will keep your brew of choice cold while saying “I like well-made beer and use well-made accessories to enjoy it.”
See The Koozie Now!
US Country & State Beer Cap Maps
These maps are the perfect way to keep track of your favorite beers from around the country—or even any given state! Hang it on your wall, and pop in any standard-sized cap that you’ve enjoyed. Voila, you have art (which doubles as subtle bragging rights for how many in-demand beers you’ve found!).
See The Map Now!
Hoppy I Met You T-Shirt
We love this shirt for its punny design but also for how it truly puts our love for beer into words.
See The Shirt Now!
The Spiegelau Crystal IPA Glass (Set of 4)
The rippled base and round bowl of this IPA beer glass help to preserve the frothy head and complex flavor profile of those hop-forward IPAs. The wide opening enhances the aromatic experience. And, let’s be honest, it just looks good.
See The Glasses Now!
The Essential Cocktail Set
Ask any professional bartender what tools they can always count on and it always comes back to this dependable bar set. Made with exact precision and high quality materials, this essential set gives your everything you need to whip up the classic cocktails everyone knows and loves.
See The Set Now!
The Mid Century Modern Bar Cart
We love this bar cart because it’s the perfect blend of fashion meets function — and above all it sells for a reasonable price compared to basically anything you can find for similar quality and style. The gold plated, stainless steel construction is very sturdy, but can easily be moved around with a convenient set of wheels.
See The Bar Cart Now!
The Geometric Spirits Decanter
This eye-catching decanter has twenty triangular sides, meaning it’s a low-tech light show in a bottle. Rest it upright or on its side and let it show off the hue of your favorite spirits.
See The Decanter Now!
Happy Hour Cocktail Pins (Set of 5)
Put the finishing touch on your outfit with these enamel pins inspired by classic cocktails. Whether you choose the martini, Aperol spritz, negroni, or margarita, your denim jacket or bag will thank you. Get them individually or as a complete set (with a bonus Tiki pin).
See The Now!
Arrow Swizzle Sticks (Set of 4)
Upgrade your next cocktail party with these statement-making stirring sticks. This retro mid-century modern design is sure to catch the eye of all your guests. It’s an easy way to class up any cocktail you serve.
See The Now!
Geometric Drinks Rocks (Set of 4)
We love whiskey rocks for their ability to cool your drink without watering it down, but we’re obsessed with these for their unique shapes. Made with soapstone and marble, these rocks are finished by hand and easily fit into a standard rocks glass.
See The Rocks Now!
The Hero / Rebel Double Rocks Glasses (Set of 4)
These double rocks glasses are a must have for the history buff in your life, because each one represents an iconic figure from America’s Revolutionary period. Hero = George Washington, Rebel = Thomas Jefferson, Philosopher = Benjamin Franklin, Diplomat = John Adams. They were manufactured and sand-etched in the US and the dishwasher safe glasses were even made in partnership with the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation.
See The Glasses Now!
The Scotsman Decanter
This timeless decanter is a must-have for whiskey or Scotch lovers. It allows you to have a “house” whiskey always at the ready for when guests come over or when you’re looking for a casual dram after work.
See The Decanter Now!
The Bracelet Flask
Most recently seen providing some needed relief on the wrist of Sofia Vergara at the Emmys as well as on “Ellen,” this bracelet flask is a must have for any fashionista.
See The Bracelets Now!
Mid Century Modern Martini Glasses
There’s something about when a cocktail is served martini glass that just makes you feel like you’re drinking liquid money. These Mid-Century Modern Martini Glasses are no exception, and are the perfect vessel for all of your martinis, Manhattans, and Cosmopolitans.
See The Glasses Now!
Cheers Leggings
These leggings are a must for the person ready to go to happy hour after an intense spin class. Also great for lounging around the house watching Netflix.
See The Leggings Now!
The Diamonds Are Forever Ice Cube Tray
While we might rather find an actual diamond at the bottom of our after dinner dram or cocktail, these diamond-shaped ice cubes are a good consolation prize. Because of their large size, they dilute your drink slower, keeping your pour of bourbon or scotch completely balanced. They also look beautiful in a vibrantly red Negroni.
See The Tray Now!
The post 36 Gifts and Gadgets For Anyone Who Loves Drinks appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/picks/best-gifts-gadgets-drinks-lovers-2019/
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
The Lion and The Wolf
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Body/Aura Mist
3 oz. rose water I teaspoon chamomile flowers 1 small pinch of pure amber resin 13 drops jasmine absolute 6 drops clary sage essential oil
Pour the rose water into a glass vessel that has a stopper or cork. Sprinkle in the chamomile flowers. Now add in the jasmine and clary sage, one at a time, and give the potion a clockwise swirl to combine. Feel yourself staying calm in the storm, allowing playfulness to take over. See yourself shining bright, effortlessly handling everything that comes your way. Crumble the amber resin and let it fall gently into the potion like faerie dust. Allow the potion to rest overnight in the light of the Full Moon, taking it down and using as needed. Carry it with you when you are out and about, and spritz liberally whenever you feel unsettling vibes hovering.
Rose Water is a beautiful, harmonious blessing of love and strength. Together with its skin-loving moisture and anti-ageing powers, this sacred water of Venus and Freya makes for an excellent potion base.
Chamomile soothes and provides tranquillity during an emotional storm, and helps to clear negativity. It softens and soothes your skin while attracting love and abundance.
Amber is an age-old stone of beauty known as “the happy stone.” It cleanses and circulates the blood, which imparts glow and youthfulness to the skin. Amber also drives away negative energy and has an intoxicating, irresistible scent.
Jasmine has long been known as an aphrodisiac that soothes the mind and body, but it is also rich in antioxidants and natural moisturisers that protect skin without clogging pores, making it a must for all skin types, particularly during the cold months.
Clary Sage is a wonderfully antidepressant, slightly sedative oil that produces feelings of euphoria. It is also antibacterial and highly protective from a magick standpoint.
***Do not use clary sage if you are pregnant.
Beauty Witch Tip: Add a small piece of both sunstone and moonstone to the potion bottle to represent the lion and the wolf, and the balance of celestial bodies.
By  Alise Marie
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exquisitesip · 4 years
Soursop Wine Recipe D.I.Y.
New Post has been published on https://www.buildthebottle.com/2020/10/26/soursop-wine-recipe/
Soursop Wine Recipe D.I.Y.
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Soursop Wine Recipe D.I.Y.
Hey Guys and Gals!
Are you looking for an awesome Soursop Wine Recipe. you will find it below! So look no further you have found what you have been looking for! Below is the most awesome tasting Soursop Wine Recipe in the world.
Step 1
168 oz of soursop nectar 13% juice
56 oz of frozen soursop pulp
4lb of sugar
Step 2
wine yeast
Primary fermenter (carboy)
stirring spoon
straining bag
siphon tubing kit
1 gallon carboy or jug
an airlock and bung
(A thermometer and brewing belt may be used to monitor and control temperature.)
Make sure all equipment (i.e. stirring spoon, etc..) is sterilized you can bleach it or use . Contaminated equipment can let a stray yeast enter the wine and ruin it’s taste.
Step 1
Combined all your ingredients and add water to bring to 3 gallons.
Step 2
Add yeast.
Yeast Hydration and primary fermentation: in a large cup add 4 ounces of warm chlorine free water.
Stir the yeast into the water then let mixture stand in cup for 15 minutes, make sure it is bubbling and then you will add it to your wine.
Take your hydrometer reading and calculate all the measurements.
Attach your airlock and wait for your fermentation to be complete, let ferment with the pulp for 5-7 days gently agitate daily.
After 2 weeks when the foaming calms down you will siphon your wine off of the sediment into your secondary container which is usually your glass carboy.
Step 3
After you strained into your secondary carboy wait till the fermentation activity dies down (could be between several weeks to several months)
Final Step
Although yeast activity will decrease as the fermentation process proceeds, there will still be fermentation going on as long as you still see some foaming or bubbling.
Then rack into a clean carboy.
(For a sweet wine, rack at three weeks. Add 1/2 cup sugar or maple syrup dissolved in 1 cup wine. Stir gently, and place back into secondary Carboy.)
Repeat process every six weeks until fermentation does not restart with the addition of sugar. Rack every three months until one year old.
When the wine has cleared and is inactive – taste and bottle.
Stage 4: Aging / Bottling
You can repeat the racking process several times to get the maximum clarity though I would wait in-between each time a day or to, so the sediment can settle. I personally don’t like racking multiple times because of the risk of oxidation meaning the air touching it will give it a funny taste.
Bottle using the siphon cork and let wine sit for 6-12 months before drinking. Some would even prefer waiting 2 years!
What To Read
Bar Talk
Other Great Things To Know
Apple Wine Recipe D.I.Y.
Pomegranate Wine Recipe D.I.Y.
Mango Wine Recipe D.I.Y.
What Yeast To Use For Fruit Wine
Different Types Of Sugar You can Use In A Liqueur
Which Liqueur To Choose When Making A Party
From Our Sister Website Terebelo.com
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The Marketing Of My Vodka Named Yello
Sales Pitch Listen Don’t Talk
What Is In A Handshake
Be Well Rested Before A Meeting
To spirits and cheers,
Binyomin Terebelo, Master Distiller and Drinkologist
Image by Yerson Retamal from Pixabay
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How to Make Vanilla Extract
5 Tips to Consume Smarter Today
(With what's currently in your refrigerator!)
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When I learned how to make vanilla extract a couple of years ago, I realized I had the ideal One Size Fits The Majority Of gift. It's suitable for anybody from 10 to 100, male or female, as long as they a)love baking, or b)like baked goods (and have someone who bakes for them) Now, vanilla extract is easily offered, and can be found in nearly everyone's cupboards already. BUT as soon as you find out how to make vanilla extract you can make a superior product for less money in your own kitchen at very little expense that will wow and bless all your friends this Christmas. At the danger of being tacky, I'm gon na address all your concerns about how to make vanilla extract-- those of you who will receive a bottle from me please dis-remember this post due to the fact that my mother taught me it was bad taste to inform somebody just how much you invested on a gift!Can you actually make your own vanilla extract? Yes! And it's insane simple. I believe the only reason more people do not do it is 'cause it can be a little challenging sourcing the active ingredients. That
's why I'm gon na inform you exactly where I got whatever. What do
you require to make vanilla extract? Three things: 1. vanilla beans 2. alcohol 3. a bottle to put it in What kind of vanilla beans do you purchase? To my understanding, there are three primary kinds of vanilla beans. I use
the Madagascar or Bourbon bean as it produces the same taste as you would typically get in the supermarket, and is in the middle price range. I acquire my beans in
bulk from Amazon-- if you purchase an entire pound at when, you have enough beans for several years (ask me how I understand )and they cost less than$1 each. The beans are fragrant and moist, and keep for several years(again, ask me how I understand!). Here's a link to vanilla beans on Amazon. What type of alcohol&do you utilize to make vanilla extract? I utilize vodka since it offers me the most direct vanilla taste. You can also use bourbon, but it's gon na taste a little various than shop bought extract. The key&word here is" cheap". Any brand name will do. I buy it in the biggest bottle my liquor store carries,when it's on sale(I watch the advertisements ). I got a 60 oz bottle for$
17.82. For those who've never ever been in an alcohol store or purchased booze before( like me)it's clear, like water, and my bottle looks like this ... Do not hesitate to notify the cashier what you're really going to finish with 3 liters of vodka while you inspect it if it makes you feel more upstanding. How do you bottle vanilla extract? If you're making the vanilla on your own, you can utilize any old glass container, or just throw the beans right into the vodka bottle! However if you're gifting, you'll desire some good little 4 oz. bottles. I purchased beautiful, blue, recycled glass jars with corks one year, but since I've been using amber containers with nice little caps-- by doing this we can use the containers over
and over. Once again, Amazon has great costs and selection
-- here's a 12-pack of the type of containers I utilize. How to make vanilla extract: Pay close attention 'cause this is truly simple. Cut one vanilla bean in half, then in half again lengthwise.(scissors work fantastic ) Put all 4 pieces into your 4 oz bottle.
Fill bottle with Vodka Cap bottle, label
, and cover ribbon or raffia around for gifting Is that it? Well
, the vanilla needs to high for 4-6 weeks, with a periodic shake. The first year I made
my extract in October so it was all prepared for my recipients to use in their
vacation baking. I have actually not been quite on top of things ever since, so I simply tell
individuals to wait till
January. They do not seem to mind and like feeling associated with the process ("S hake it once in a while!"I inform them. They think it's so cool ). I likewise inform my friends that when the bottle gets half empty, they can add more vodka and let it set for a few more weeks to get the most out of the beans. Just how much does it cost to make Vanilla Extract? Well, if you buy your beans in bulk, your vodka on sale, and the containers by the case, this is the breakdown of what you might end up spending per bottle ... Jars--$1.00 Beans-- $0.75 Booze--$1.15 _____________ Overall--$ 2.90 I know-- it's almost laughable. A similar product(pure, without any additives )chooses $10-13! The very best part about making and gifting
your own vanilla extract is the thanks you'll receive for the rest of the year, 'cause this things really is exceptional to your run-of-the-mill extract. Your good friends will adore it, relish it, save it for their favorite dishes, and thank you each time they see you for this little bottle of elixir. (If the raving seems to be over the top, it may be due to the fact that they consumed the entire thing ideal beffore they called you, however I have yet to have that occur.)If you wish to make a big batch of vanilla extract for your own use, you can simply put 12-15 beans, snipped lengthwise, directly into a 60 oz bottle of Vodka, or pour it into a quart container or 2. I've made the making and gifting of vanilla extract an annual tradition at our house for numerous factors, however my preferred thing about it is that it
's something my kids can do with me. My kids snipped the beans all by themselves this year while I poured the vodka in the bottles. We did this together with pals a while back and in between 3 kids (ages 5-7 )with scissors and 2 mommies we made 30
jars of vanilla in 20 min. And young boy, did all of us smell good when we were done! This post includes affiliate links. Using a bloggers affiliate links to amazon or in other places for your shopping is a terrific method to bless your blogging pals at Christmas time! What's your finest method for streamlining Christmas? Ya'll have been sharing some excellent concepts in the remarks-- I value all the feedback and I'm takin'notes! melanie says Can you recycle the vanilla beans
when bottle is empty and make another round of vanilla extract by just adding more vodka? Or is truly only excellent for one time only? Fantastic concept!!! Melanie
Joanie says For a variety of
years, I have actually selected Christmas presents
all through the year. In the past, if I found something that would be perfect for a certain person, I would wait till closer to Christmas to purchase it, however typically, I couldn't discover the item again. I started purchasing them when I initially saw them. Not just does that keep me out of the stores and shopping malls throughout the crazy holiday season, it likewise spreads the expense through out the year. And, considering that I typically purchase the presents when I see them "on sale,"I save loan, so I have the ability to give good gifts with less cash spent. I do stitch and craft some presents, but then I encounter time deadlines that I'm not always able to fulfill. I do a few of my gift shopping by means of catalog business, such as Avon and Regal. My 4 adult kids have simplified things by having a Secret Santa draw among themselves and their partners. That way, each individual purchases one present, or each couple buys two presents, instead of buying gifts for everyone. They email their'wish lists'in a'round robin'email at the end of November or starting in of December. Given that they live anywhere from BC to Quebec, there is mailing included when the gifts are ready.
Joanie says Have I posted this comment in the wrong place?
Stacy says How do I make my beans last for years? Brenda states I've been doing this for a few years ... started when I had a kid old adequate and in another town to buy the vodka. The last bottles she purchased a marine commissary. That part sort of offers me hives. ANYHOW, at the end of the bottle (second time through with each naturally) I still wasn't nervous to simply discard the beans. I dried them in the dehydrator and put them in the mixer container. I use the resulting small pieces in my coffee maker (with coffee) for a fantastic taste. I believe they would be good in homemade ice cream too though I haven't tried that. Thinking of using them in water kefir ... anyone else have concepts for the "invested" beans?
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packagingskunkjars · 2 months
At Skunk Jars Packaging, we're committed to sustainability. That's why all of our glass jars are reusable, recyclable, and eco-friendly. By choosing glass over plastic, you're making a positive impact on the environment and reducing waste.Explore Our Collection: Whether you're in need of the biggest glass jars, versatile 10 oz jars with lids, or any other size or style, Skunk Jars Packaging has you covered. Explore our collection today and discover the perfect packaging solution for your products. With our commitment to quality, versatility, and sustainability, you can trust that you're getting the best in glass packaging. For more details www.skunkjarspackaging.com
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bestofthenets · 6 years
Best Wooden Wine Rack
Visit: http://WineRack.Ninja
Wine Rack Ninja is A Place for Wine beverage Lovers
Unique, stylish cool wines racks. Wooden, metallic, wire, standing wine beverage furniture.All kind of wine beverage racks, holders, container furniture ? Storewide Sale 20% OFF!
Even dedicated connoisseurs with fully equipped wine beverages cellars or fridges still need a good way to keep a few choice containers within reach. This post makes it easy to find the perfect wine beverages rack to suit any style and budget - we've put together 40 of our favorite designs to match interiors ranging from professional to rustic, artsy to minimalistic. Once you have picked out your chosen rack, make sure you find an area away from sunlight and heat options to keep your containers as well conditioned as is feasible. Then, see our compilation of attractive cutting boards for your cheese and hors d'oeuvres pairings.Circulation Wall Mounted Wine Rack: Curvaceous, fun, and attractive - this modern wines rack balances your preferred containers on either area.
Minimalist Wall membrane Mounted Vertical Wine beverage Rack: Kitchen areas decked out with considerable stainless or industrial decor could definitely benefit from a handsome wines rack such as this one. It offers a more solid look than most decorative options available.
Stainless Steel Wall structure Wines Rack: This rack is suitable for any kind of bottle up to 3.5? in size. This model is available in 3- and 5-container sizes for individuals who need to save space in your kitchen or dining area.
Wrought Iron BOTTLE OF WINE Rack: Traditional wrought flat iron always looks fantastic within rustic and classic interiors. These wines racks are modular, linking collectively to flawlessly fit that clear space on your wall structure. Each rack comes separately which means you can truly add as you go.
Elle Wall Mounted BOTTLE OF WINE Rack: If you want to make a long lasting impression with your wine display, this uniquely shaped rack will accomplish just that. The tongue and groove dangling system ensures a snug fit and a clean look.
Contemporary Wall membrane Mounted Wine Rack: With angled wire holders, this rack is one of hardly any models that allow a selection between vertical or horizontal placement. The backing table is constructed of weathered oak for a good organic aesthetic suitable for a number of interiors.
Small Wine Bottle & Goblet Rack: Two in one! Continue to 18 wine eyeglasses and 6 standard wine bottles all at your fingertips of your offering area with this attractive design. The level shelf bottom level is simply perfect for displaying collectibles if you are down a few bottles.
Hexagonal Wine beverage Rack: Attractive weathered gold carry out provides this geometric wine rack elegant charm. The distinctive shape holds wine bottles of any size firmly and fashionably.
Contemporary BOTTLE OF WINE and Glass Holder: Combine fine art and function with this geometric wines rack with space for just two of your most flexible spectacles. The overlapping rounded frames have a subtly vintage flavor suitable for designers who love a strong aesthetic.
6 Bottle Stand Top Wine beverages Rack: Supplement your industrial or geometric design with this interesting part. At three pounds, this silver-finished wines rack is sturdy enough to hold your containers without worry.
Rooster Steel Wine beverage Holder: Every country kitchen needs at least one little bit of rooster interior decoration! Get that charming farmhouse look with this folksy hand crafted wine holder, built from recycled scrap steel to fulfill your eco-friendly area.
Dinosaur Wines Racks: Your guests will never be in a position to stop talking about these quirky dinosaur wines holders - the perfect focal point for your kitchen countertop or dining area. The artist also offers unfinished Wine-O-Saurs and that means you can color your own.
Horse Wine beverages Holder: With or without a delicious wine, this stunning equine sculpture stands as a masterpiece of design you can admire every day. Consider this part as a housewarming present for equine aficionado.
Lion Wine Holder: Accessorize your African style design with this handmade metallic lion finished to look like carved wood. The head and mane fit over the cover of the bottle, attached to your body by a string so you won't lose it. There's a windows in the lion's back again so you can still read the label with ease.
Deer Wine beverage Rack: Wouldn't this look lovely in a Scandinavian motivated interior? Each one arrives in flat pack and assembles like a puzzle - this piece could provide as a great DIY job with your wine beverage friends or even the complete family.
Antler Wines Rack: Think about this wines holder in your lodge-themed den, or consider buying a supplementary as a housewarming or wedding gift idea for one or two who relishes hunting or deer observing. Each one is hand-painted and crafted from durable resin.
Knight's Armour Wine Holder: Folks of Medieval times were no strangers to wine beverages. This single-bottle holder would make a good addition to a themed home club, or would make a pleasant gift for a friend who loves to sip while reading traditional fantasy novels.
Medieval Dragon Wine beverages Holder: Serve beverages for your next Game of Thrones party or simply communicate your love for dragons with this exceptionally detailed dragon-shaped wine bottle holder. It's manufactured from cast resin however the incredible car paint job helps it be look like pewter. If dragons are your thing, don't forget to check out our post on dragon interior decor.
Mythical Dragon Claw Container Holder: Are you buying wine beverage holder for your big Halloween party? This dragon claw is spooky and stylish, and hardcore Halloween followers might find it cool enough to display throughout the complete season.
Gothic Skeleton Wine beverages Holder: Perfect for Halloween or your preferred metalhead friend, this skeleton are certain to get your next party started right.
Skull Bike Container Holder: It's difficult to find a wine bottle holder just for bikers, but this part could suit you perfectly. It would make a fairly sweet adornment for Halloween too!
Antique Plane Wine beverages Holder: Aviation lovers are sure to love these next few wine holders! That one takes the shape of an antique biplane, a cool metal sculpture that could look just like lovely with no bottle.
Airplane Twin BOTTLE OF WINE Holder: Here's another vintage aircraft style, this time capable of holding two bottles of wine on either side. The nostril swings up to show you an area to tuck away another bottle, perhaps a cheap wine you do not want your oenophile friends to see or an expensive vintage that you don't want to share with just anybody.
Jet Airplane Wien Holder: This aircraft plane is constructed of recycled scrap metallic and crafted yourself in Germany.
Antique Tricycle Wine Holder Elegant and elegant, this bronze-tinted container holder comes to life with sensitive flourishes and interesting details. We can just imagine how lovely this would look as a centerpiece at a wedding reception or on the shelf of the classically embellished home.
Architect Wine beverages Holder: It's difficult to find a fitting gift idea for the architect who have everything. This wine holder (more of a wine cover, actually) would certainly lighten up your chosen architect's mood after a long day at the drafting desk.
Heel Wines Holder: Bachelorette get together goals, right? This bottle holder would add attitude and style to any sort of gathering of wine-lovers. Other appropriate party designs include Wizard of Oz, Halloween, or as an over-all present for a boot collector.
Chain Wine beverage Holder: Optical illusions are a quick way to create a focal point in virtually any room. After all, you can't really ignore something so unforeseen.
Lasso Wine Holder: Perhaps even more surprising is to see a piece of "common" string aiding a cantilever wine bottle with little work. This optical illusion is so sensible, it's bound to become a conversation starter.
Ribbon Wine beverage Holder: And here's yet another optical illusion bottle holder for many who want to include color to their wine and parmesan cheese propagate in addition to turning mind. This one is available in every color of the rainbow.
Balancing Wine beverage Holder: No, this one isn't an optical illusion. It's about balance. Getting the bottle and holder to keep up equilibrium requires a steady hand, but physics geeks will definitely enjoy the novelty.
Arc Balancing Wines Holder: Smooth lacquered lumber and careful development make this one of the sleekest wines holders around. This part is simply perfect for a minimalist interior. It will come in three colors, and look great prearranged in a row in the event you will need to keep multiple containers handy.
Literal Wine beverage Rack: You can find wine beverage likers, and there are wine beverages lovers. This combination wines rack and wine glass hanger is for folks who make a lifestyle of the oenophile tendencies.
Baroque Style Wine beverage Holder: Without investing in precious antiques, it could be hard to accessorize a baroque interior. This part would make a nice addition to Skill Deco themed homes as well.
Swirl 6 Bottle Wine beverages Rack: Modern, minimalist, and all-white interiors will surely benefit from a sleek wine rack such as this one. It supports six containers (with one on top) but looks neat no subject how many you have.
Curved STAINLESS Wines Rack: This stainless steel wine rack is sure to stand up to the age ranges. It holds no more than five containers but an especially enthusiastic connoisseur could probably fit more on the factors or in the middle.
Deco 79 Solid wood Wine Rack: Not merely will this rack produce a wonderfully rustic and traditional vibe, but it can store an incredible number of bottles of wine on the long-term - horizontal storage area ensures the corks won't dry and ruin your selected selections.
76 Bottle Curved Corner Wines Rack: If you are looking to fill a hard-to-fit spot in your wine beverage cellar, or have to work around a tiny wine cellar, this effective rack might just do the job. It's constructed from quality redwood and methods up at 25? of width and depth, standing 72? tall.
Vino Styx 1 Container Wall Mount: Turn your favorite wine into design with these stylish wall-mounted racks. Suspend one in a helpful place, like next to your comfy reading nook, or make a modular display by grouping several in any arrangement you'd like.
Wall membrane Mounted Wooden Wine Rack: Having a strip of metal against a durable pine shelf, this wine shelf and a glass rack combo would suit any style of interior. It is the ideal go-to solution for quality that can adjust to a changing 
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zillowcondo · 7 years
How to Do a Great Wine Tasting At Home
Wine is known as the nectar of the gods and the right wine can certainly taste heavenly. Wine tasting is a great way to learn more about the subject and most importantly, to help you decide what type of wine you prefer. There’s a certain mystique around wine tasting and the vocabulary used can be a little intimidating to the uninitiated. That’s why we have teamed up with Riedel, the luxury wine glass company, to bring you a quick and easy guide to wine tasting at home.
1 – Wine Tasting At Home Essentials
To recreate a wine tasting at home, you’ll first need a selection of wine. Whether it’s bottles that you’ve been meaning to drink or wine that you’ve purchased specially for the occasion, it’s a good idea to choose a theme such as Chardonnay wine from around the world or bottles dating from a particular vintage. Consider getting a group of friends together who each bring their favourite bottle. Grape varietal specific wine glasses will help you to get the most out of the experience. If you’re not intending on finishing each wine, then a jug or bowl to pour the remnants into will come in useful. Give each participant a pen and paper to record their impressions of each wine, and provide everyone with plenty of water and water biscuits as these help to cleanse the palate. It could also be fun to do a blind tasting. For this, someone who isn’t taking part in the tasting will need to cover each label with a tea towel.
2 – Why Wine Glass Shape Matters
The shape of a wine glass really impacts how the wine tastes and serving the same wine in different shaped glasses will give completely different tasting results. For example, champagne actually lends itself very well to a tulip shaped wine glass rather than a flute, as such a narrow vessel doesn’t allow the wine to oxygenate or the aromas to open up. The coupe or saucer shape that you often see at parties is similarly not ideal as the bubbles are likely to dissipate quickly (along with all the wonderful scents!). However that shape is a good option for cocktails such as Martinis. The shape of a wine glass impacts on a wine’s aroma, the texture or feel in the mouth, the flavour and finish or aftertaste, because of the way it guides the liquid onto your palate. These days you can find grape varietal-specific versions to get maximum enjoyment from your wine. Grape varietal-specific means that the bowl shape has been designed to enhance the taste of a wine made from a specific grape – for example, a special shape for Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Noir or Chardonnay.
Surprisingly, stemless wine tumblers work well for many wines as essentially they provide the same drinking experience with the same flow dynamics and wine delivery as a typical wine glass with a stem. What they do provide is a compact solution, as they are easy to stack and store if you’re limited on space at home. They’re also great for parties, where stemmed glasses might get knocked over, as well as for picnics and generally have the advantage of being dishwasher friendly. These days you can find specific grape varietal versions to get maximum enjoyment from your wine.
3 – Wine Serving Conditions
Contrary to popular belief, white wine should not be too cold as that could mask faults in the wine and will make it harder to distinguish the aromas. A good general rule is a serving temperature of 10-15° for white wine, with the lower temperature being reserved for lighter wines and the higher temperatures for more full-bodied, or oaked wines. If necessary, an ice bucket or wine cooler jacket will cool down wine quickly. As for reds, the fuller wines should be served between 16-19° whereas medium reds are generally best served under 16°.
For red wines of a certain vintage, a good decanter will prove invaluable. Many modern day decanters look like works of art, but most importantly their function is to allow the wine to aerate properly so that when you come to drink it you’ll notice a fuller flavour. You can even try a little experiment at home, by pouring one glass of wine into a decanter, leaving it for at least 30 minutes and comparing the taste of the wine with a glass from the same bottle that hasn’t been decanted.
4 – Appearance of Wine
The visual appearance of wine is an extremely important factor in wine tasting. Pour wine into your glass, but don’t overfill or it will be much harder to swirl around. The maximum serving recommended per glass is generally between 3 to 5 oz or 100 to 125 ml for a tasting. Take a sheet of white paper and tilt your wine glass in order to see the colour of the wine reflected on the paper. How would you describe the wine in question? Is it a ruby red or more of a russet shade? For white wine, is it a grassy green or a deep yellow? Does it look clear or hazy and is there any sediment floating in it? Now swirl the wine gently around your glass. Does it leave any traces on the side? Known as “legs”, some believe that these ripple effects indicate alcohol content or that that the wine is full-bodied and will have a more concentrated taste.
5 – Nose
Have you ever noticed how wine and food is much less enjoyable with a bad cold? That’s because smell is perhaps the most important of all our senses for wine tasting. Our nose has around 400 smell detectors and some scientists believe that smell accounts for more than 80% of taste. For our wine tasting, we suggest first picking up the glass and smelling it without swirling. Does it smell light or intense? Then swirl the wine and smell it as soon as it has settled. Is there a difference in aromas and quality? You could also try a technique called active inhalation where you use your mouth and nose to smell the wine. Simply tip your glass forward by around 40° whilst leaning your head forward. Open your mouth a bit and breathe gently in and out. The first thing that many people look for when smelling a wine is faults. Has the wine oxidized or is it corked? What fruit aromas are you picking up? Common fruit qualities for white wines are gooseberry, peach, pear, apple and lychee. For red wines, you might notice a hint of blackberry, raspberry or plum. In fact, the list of aromas associated with wine is almost endless, ranging from buttery to liquorice, biscuit and even pencil shavings!
6 – Tasting
Now you’re ready for the fun part, the tasting itself! Take a good sip and aim to swirl the wine inside the whole of your mouth by moving your tongue around so that it coats all your taste buds. What are your first impressions? There’s a lot of fancy terminology linked to wine but don’t be intimidated by that. Try to decide whether the wine tastes young or old and what flavours are present in the mouth. Does the wine appear to have been aged in oak barrels? A woody, full-bodied taste is a possible indication of this. Would you say that it’s a young, fresh wine or a vintage with earthy aromas?
7 – Wine Characteristics
The main wine characteristics are fruit, body, sweetness, tannin and acidity. Whilst some people prefer rich and smooth wines, some acidity is generally a good indicator of quality. That’s because the right balance of acidity gives wine longevity in the mouth. Tannin is the bitterness in a wine that originates from phenolic compounds in the seeds and skin. Whilst too much tannin can lead to a dry sensation in the mouth, a balance adds structure and helps a wine to last. If your taste buds tingle when sampling a wine, this can be an indicator of sweetness. A full bodied wine tends to be one with a higher alcohol level or ABV. You can count how long a wine remains on your taste buds after swallowing to get an idea of how full bodied it is.
8 – Food and Wine Pairing
Pairing wine with food is another great way to get involved in tasting. There are certain wine rules that are made to be broken like always pairing red wine with cheese. In fact, an aromatic white wine such as a Sancerre Sauvignon Blanc works well with goats cheese. Try to match the boldness of the wine with the vibrancy of the meal –  for example, a flavourful Shiraz will pair nicely with a curry. If you’re serving up a fruity dish, then opt for a fruity wine such as Viognier or Riesling.
We hope you’ve found our wine tasting guide helpful and that you’re keen to try new wines and different ways of drinking them. Have you ever tried a wine tasting at home?
In association with RIEDEL, the wine glass company 
The post How to Do a Great Wine Tasting At Home appeared first on Luxury Columnist.
How to Do a Great Wine Tasting At Home published first on http://ift.tt/2pewpEF
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