#6.11 spec
biboybuckley · 2 years
i need somebody to pull me out of this grave
Teen and Up Audiences | 2k | Evan “Buck” Buckley/Eddie Diaz
also on ao3
Five times Eddie yells for Buck and one time he whispers
Eddie flashes back to the events of the night before while sitting in the hospital chapel. Bobby finds him there after awhile and the two have an important discussion about handling their new circumstance and what it means for them individually
5 times Eddie yells 
He didn’t know yet. He didn’t know that Buck was already dead, that yelling wouldn’t do any good. The first shout cracked open something in his chest, spilling poison into his veins. It didn’t matter that he was injured too- he was moving. Buck wasn’t. Buck wasn’t moving . 
His world narrowed to one pinpoint- Buck hanging midair, not moving, not calling back to him. Nothing. Helpless, vulnerable. Bile rose in Eddie’s throat but he ignored it, starting to scramble up the ladder on shaking legs, gripping the sides with trembling hands as he tried to force himself to breathe.  
It didn’t matter that he was essentially climbing up a lightning rod in the middle of the storm. Let lightning strike twice, he thought, let it take him out too. Just let him reach Buck first. 
He went up the ladder as quickly as he could manage, shouting, begging for any sign that Buck could hear him. He had lost his breath, he could barely manage the one word shout. I’m coming, it said, I’m coming for you, I swear. 
His gaze didn’t stray even for a moment, desperate for any sign of life from the limp form of his best friend. His partner. His coparent. Chris’s second father. One of the two people in this world Eddie doesn’t think he can ever possibly live without. 
He was almost there, so close. Hang on, please, I’m almost there. I’m going to get you to safety. There was no response, still, as his voice broke and the plea tore its way from his throat, burning as it left and leaving an empty space inside him that was growing by the moment. Desperation clawed at his chest, tearing at his throat, flooding his veins with a burning chill that was worse than being hit by lightning. 
He was at the top now, looking over the edge at the lifeless body below him. He could see his face- barely. His expression was slack, not even a twitch. Nothing. He looked- 
No. No, he’s not dead, he cannot be dead. Eddie shook his head, his breaths gasping pants now as he grabbed the line, yanking on it with everything he had. It wasn’t logical- he knows that, now- but at the time all he could think was in my arms, I need him in my arms. I need him to know I have him .  
A sob ripped itself from him as he failed to pull his partner up, defeat beginning to cloud his brain, panic clawing at his throat, tears threatening to choke him. 
Can you hear me?!
A desperate plea, begging for any sign of life- anything to hold onto aside from the red line connecting him to the person that dragged him to safety when he was convinced he was drawing his last breath, who he reached for with the last of his strength, who saved his and his sons lives in more ways than Eddie can ever define. 
Eddie has experienced the worst of what he thought the world had to throw at him. But this- this is the worst pain he has ever felt.  
Need more slack!  
He finally gave in, accepting that if he couldn’t pull Buck to himself, he could deliver him to the only other people he could ever trust with his life. He felt the distance between them as a physical force as it grew, the invisible tether that has always connected them straining as the red line grew longer, taking Buck further and further from Eddie.  
He was choking on it, he couldn’t yell anymore. The further Buck got, the less he could breathe. Panic clouded his brain, blocking out anything that was not Buck’s lifeless form that kept getting smaller and smaller. 
Buck! Buck, talk to me! Please, c’mon, come on Buck!
He doesn’t remember getting down the ladder. He doesn’t remember running toward the ambulance. The next thing he knew, he was shoving Bobby- shoving his Captain- aside, desperate to lay eyes on Buck. To see his chest rise and fall, to watch the breaths leave his mouth, to feel his pulse fluttering beneath his fingertips. 
Bobby didn’t let him, holding him back and shoving him away. Eddie didn’t hear anything he said other than you’re driving! And Eddie- Eddie could do that. He could drive, he could get Buck to the hospital in time. Three minutes. That’s what Bobby said. 
Eddie pulled into the hospital two minutes later, slamming the ambulance into gear and leaping from the car. He bolted around to the back, reaching the doors just in time for them to be taking Buck on. He knows he shoved someone- he doesn’t remember who- but it didn’t matter because he was on top of Buck, beginning compressions. 
If Buck’s heart wasn’t going to beat on its own, Eddie would do it for him.  
Then he was being pulled off, and voices were shouting, and it all became a blur. Bobby yanked him away as a nurse swore they would do all they could. 
Not enough! Eddie wanted to shout, All you can isn’t enough unless you save him!
But his voice was raw and his throat burned and the words refused to come out as Bobby directed him away.  
The last several hours have been a blur. 
Eddie’s in the hospital’s chapel now. 
He doesn’t remember coming here.
He doesn’t know why he’s here. 
He hasn’t prayed in a long, long time. He decided- he’s not totally sure when- that if there was a God, He had nothing to offer Eddie but false hope and empty promises. He decided he would no longer beg someone who wasn’t listening for help, that he would never beg for help again. Not when he can help himself. 
But he can’t help Buck. 
So he’s here. His St. Christopher medal is clenched tightly in his fist, tears burn his eyes. His cheeks are wet and his throat is so raw from screaming and sobbing that even breathing hurts. He stares at his hand, at the St. Christopher medal resting in it. He doesn’t look up at the altar. He can’t. 
He doesn’t think he wants to pray. He doesn’t know. He needs- he needs to do something. But praying now… it feels false, like a ploy to convince himself he’s somehow helping. But is faith really faith if it’s only for the security of knowing you’ve tried everything? 
It all replays in his head, the shouts echoing in his mind on a continuous loop. If he closes his eyes, all he sees is Buck’s body- his corpse hanging from the line that Eddie clipped him to. The ladder Eddie let him go up. The rain falling all around them, beating down on Buck’s pale face. The flashing lights all around them. Everything a blur aside from the sharp focus on Buck.
He’s already thrown up at least once since they took Buck away, but nausea still twists in his stomach, acid rising in his throat. Clenching his jaw tightly, he closes his fist around the pendant, the edges biting into his skin. Saint of travelers, protective against sudden death. He and Chris were going to give Buck one for his next birthday. Eddie welcomes the pain, squeezing tighter as he clenches his jaw, silent tears dripping down his cheeks. 
“You saved his life, Eddie.” 
Eddie starts at the voice, jerking his head around just in time to see Bobby slide into the pew next to him. He looks like a wreck, his face exhausted and eyes bloodshot. Bobby doesn’t often look old, but right now he seems weighed down by his years, the lines in his face sharp and heavy. This is killing him, just as it’s killing Eddie.
“I failed him,” Eddie bites out, looking away again. “I fucking- he died, Bobby. I didn’t fucking save him.”  
“His heart is beating now.”
“But he may never open his eyes again,” Eddie chokes out, tears flowing faster now as he lifts his fist to his forehead, hitting it lightly over and over. “He might never wake up.”
Bobby’s fingers wrap around Eddie’s wrist, pulling his fist away gently. Eddie starts to fight, but finds he doesn’t even have the energy to do that. 
“You got to him in time, Eddie. That line saved him, gave him the chance he has now.”
“It should have been me.”
Bobby is silent for a moment and Eddie turns to look at him. He sighs deeply, then meets Eddie’s gaze. “That’s what Buck said. When you were shot. And before that, with the well. He begged me to let him go down after you when you cut your line.”
The breath is punched from Eddie’s lungs, escaping him in a sharp breath. “He-?”
“I told him no.” Bobby looks towards the altar. “I told him we didn’t need two cut lines. He was desperate, Eddie. We all- we thought you were dead. But we couldn’t tell him, not then. He was infuriated we would even imply you might not still be down there. You all think he’s dead. That’s what he said to me, when I told him we couldn’t dig our way to you. He looked- God, Eddie, he looked so betrayed that we might have lost even a bit of faith in finding you.”
“He never-” Eddie’s breathless, his head spinning. “He never- no one ever told me-”
“You found your way back to us, Eddie. To him. Now you have to trust he’s going to do the same.” 
Eddie hasn’t stopped crying and a fresh wave of tears burns as they track down his face. His voice is small, broken, when he begs, “And what if he doesn’t?” 
Bobby’s jaw ticks and his expression cracks and Eddie realizes how fucking unfair this is. Bobby has already lost two children, he can’t lose another. Eddie should be comforting him, not the other way around. 
“I’m sorry, I-”
“No,” Bobby cuts him off, raising a hand. “No, we aren’t doing that. Not now, not yet. We have to believe. I’m going to pray. And you…” Bobby looks at him and his expression softens. “You should go to him, Eddie. You need to. You and Chris, if you think he’ll be up for it.”
“Buck would never want Chris to see him like this,” Eddie whispers, the thought shattering his heart. 
“He needs to hear you, feel you. Both of you.” Bobby smiles a small, sad smile. “He needs to remember why he has to fight.”
Eddie draws in a sharp, shaky breath and nods. “Are you gonna be okay?”
Bobby turns his gaze back to the altar, his breath trembling as he inhales slowly. “I’m going to try. That’s all any of us can do right now, and we have to. For Buck.”
Eddie nods again, firmer this time. “For Buck.” 
+1 time he whispers
Eddie settles into the chair beside Buck’s bed shakily, his hands trembling as he studies Buck’s face. This is… it’s all wrong. The tube breathing for him. The slack expression on his face. The hospital gown. The beeping machines. All of it. It’s wrong. 
Usually, Buck looks peaceful when he sleeps. It’s one of Eddie’s favorite things, strange as that sounds. Watching the lines and anxiety disappear, fading into a sweet innocence and openness that Eddie can’t believe he’s allowed to witness. 
Shakily, Eddie takes Buck’s hand between both of his, pressing the St. Christopher pendant into his palm and squeezing lightly. He lifts one hand to Buck’s forehead, gently brushing aside the loose curls. They’re free of gel right now, washed away by the rain. Eddie loves Buck’s natural hair, but right now all it does is send a sharp lance of pain through Eddie’s chest. He clasps Buck’s hand with both of his again, lowering his head to press his forehead against their joined hands. 
“Please,” he whispers. “ Buck, please come back to me.” 
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911firefox · 2 years
Buck went up instead of Chimney. Chim wanted to go up and now, with what happened, how is he going to feel?
The guilt, the what ifs. The remembering Kevin suddenly gone in a flash in front of him, Albert nearly doing the same and now Buck. Buck who is his brother through the 118 AND through Maddie.
Chimney not being able to look Maddie in the eyes. They've both lost brothers, they've lost too much and now. And now Buck.
God, the wait til next Monday is gonna be painful.
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gayhoediaz · 2 years
my atlantis, we fall
G | 1.2k | 6.10 coda/6.11 spec | ao3
We were supposed to have more time.
The words echo through his brain, sharp with sadness. With loss. With grief.
But the words don’t echo in his head as he’s climbing up the ladder.
The words don’t echo as he lowers Buck down, nor as he - somehow - manages to bring his own feet back onto the ground.
The words don’t echo as he elbows his way to the gurney, or as Bobby grabs him and tells him with a sharp tone that he’s driving.
A tone that says; you can’t be in there with him. A tone that says; we all love him. Everyone is fighting for him.
A tone that says; It's different for you, though.
A tone that says; I see you.
A tone that says; I know.
The words don’t echo as the rain pours onto the windshield, and they don’t echo as he brings the engine to a stop in front of the hospital.
The words don’t echo in his head as he throws himself out and gets to Buck - they don’t echo in his head as they get his shirt open, and they don’t echo as he runs alongside the gurney, Buck’s ribs cracking and breaking beneath his hands as he fights heaven and earth, as he prays to someone beyond them both; prays - begs - for Buck to come back to him.
No. That’s all chaos.
Eddie is terrified, and frantic - but he’s not sad. There’s no time.
Even as he busts through the glass doors, and as he feels two different hands on him, one on either shoulder, keeping him back - keeping him steady - as Buck’s gurney disappears into the distance - he’s not sad.
Scared. Helpless.
Torn apart - yes.
Not sad.
Sad doesn’t even come hours later as he’s sinking down into the uncomfortable chair next to Buck’s hospital bed, nor as he allows his eyes to wander over his face.
So pale. So expressionless.
So dead.
He’s not.
He was, though. He was dead.
But he’s not.
Those are the words that do echo through Eddie’s head.
He’s not dead.
So Eddie is not sad because sad means grief and grieving means you lost something and Eddie hasn’t lost Buck.
Buck is not gone.
Buck is not dead.
Eddie is not sad.
Sad doesn’t come until about forty eight hours later.
Sad doesn’t come until Eddie is standing four and a half feet behind Christopher, his arms crossed over his chest to keep from reaching out for his son.
Not because he doesn’t want to - but because Christopher needs this. Needs to do this alone - even if Eddie is in the room.
Sad doesn’t come until he hears his son’s soft voice, his words far more mature and brave than any twelve year-old should ever be capable of.
‘You promised me, Buck. Remember? You promised me you’re not going anywhere. So you can’t. Because you’re not a liar. You have never lied to me, and I know you wouldn’t break a promise like that. So you’re coming back to us, I know you are.’
Chris has spent many of the past forty eight hours crying. Eddie has too. They have spent many hours crying. Together.
Chris is not crying now, though. At least not a lot.
And Eddie’s heart breaks over it. He wishes so badly that his son would scream and cry and thrash - that he wasn’t a veteran when it comes to losing people. No twelve year-old should know how to handle the pain of facing the possibility of having people torn away from them.
So sad finally arrives.
Eddie feels sad as he watches Chris’ small hand cup Buck’s, the contrast of the large, still fingers so incredibly kafkaesque in the cold, harsh light of the hospital room.
Eddie feels sad as he allows Chris’ voice to fade into a faint whisper, and Eddie feels sad as he watches the way in which Buck’s eyes move beneath his eyelids.
He’s trying. Fighting.
Eddie knows he is. Buck is fighting to come back to them. To Christopher. To Maddie. To Jee. To Chim, to Hen, to Bobby, to Athena, to Karen - probably even to Denny, and May, and Harry, and the unnamed fetus with his borrowed genetic material. To said fetus' biological grandparents who never deserved a fraction of Buck's beautiful heart (and never will - not that Eddie would ever necessarily steal himself the right to voice that thought out loud).
To people he hasn’t even met yet.
Buck is fighting to come home.
To all of them.
To him.
That's who he is.
Buck is never not going to fight.
Buck is not dead, and yet Eddie mourns.
Eddie mourns as he watches Buck’s chest move up and down, knowing full well that he’s not doing it on his own.
Eddie mourns as he watches Christopher squeeze Buck’s giant hand in his own.
Eddie mourns when Christopher turns to him, blonde hair covering half of his red-rimmed eyes as he looks up at him.
‘Dad, do you have your medal? My medal?’
Eddie does have it.
It’s been in his pocket for the past twenty four hours - since Bobby made him go home for a nap and a shower that never came to fruition.
He took it out of his nightstand, and he’s kept it in his fist.
He’s been clutching it with enough force that he thinks he can feel a permanent outline begin to form in the grasp of his palm.
He’s been clutching.
Eddie mourns as he takes it out, and pours the chain into Christopher’s open palm.
Eddie mourns as he watches his small, brave son take a step closer to the bed.
Eddie mourns as he watches Christopher fiddle with the clasp until he gets it open - as he watches him place it around Buck’s neck - close it, and adjust it slightly until the small charm rests in the hollow of his throat, the gold somehow stark against his pale skin.
So pale.
Not dead.
Not dead.
Buck is not dead, and Christopher is not seven anymore.
Christopher is not seven.
Eddie knows that his son does not believe in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny.
Eddie knows that his son doesn’t believe in ghosts, or psychics.
And as far as the one illusion that every child should be entitled to?
The illusion of immortality?
That was wiped away a long time ago.
The illusion of his own immortality.
The illusion of the immortality of the people who love him the most, the immortality of the people who make him feel safe.
The immortality of his heroes.
Gone before Eddie thinks he ever even really got to have it.
Yet -
‘Dad says this kept him safe so that he could come home. You need it now. So that you can come home to us.’
And Eddie mourns.
Eddie mourns, and mourns, and mourns.
We were supposed to have more time.
All of us.
We're supposed to have more time.
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bekkachaos · 2 years
I come to terms that I'm over my head
T | 1.8k | 6.11 spec
Eddie led Christopher to Buck’s room, watching the way he looked over at him as he lay in the bed. He hung back, standing by the door to give Christopher some space to do what he needed to. Christopher stood beside him for a few moments without saying anything. He just looked him over, and up to the machines. “Hi Buck,” he said finally. Eddie closed his eyes, it was like he could feel his heart breaking in his chest In, out. “You know, there’s almost forty million lightning strikes in the whole year in America,” he said. “Getting hit is nearly one in a million.” The machines made a steady heartbeat in the background as Eddie opened his eyes to watch him. “You probably know that,” he said, looking down at his feet. “You always know everything like that.”
read the rest on AO3
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karmamains · 2 years
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olicitytropes · 5 years
Olicity Tropetastic Awards: Season Six
We got a wedding. And domestic!Olicity. And a crossover that could’ve easily been called “Oliver and Felicity are Soulmates.” And 6x18. There may have been moments that were frustrating in season 6, but at least we can all agree that Oliver and Felicity were the silver lining. They remained a united, solid force to be reckoned with throughout the season. 
We also have these fics (and this badass gif!) to appreciate forever:
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@it-was-a-red-heeler’s recs:
Coming Home Again - @allimariexf
Felicity shimmied quickly out of her pajama bottoms, her eyes glued to the mesmerizing sight of Oliver’s hands unbuckling his belt, unbuttoning his fly, pulling down his zipper. As with everything, his movements were precise and graceful, and wow had she missed seeing him like this. She swallowed and wet her lips, finally looking up to see him watching her with dark eyes. “We’re really going to do this.”
He nodded slowly, watching her. “You okay with that?”
She stepped closer to him and slipped her hands under the waistband of his boxers, feeling the hard, smooth muscles underneath. “Very, very okay.”
~~~~~~~~ This is an immediate follow-up to the end of 6x03. AKA season 6 Olicity reunion smut (and fluff)!! ~~~~~~~~~~
**Award: Most Realistic Reunion Sex with Resolution and Sweet Moments (Loved it!)**
Dangling soons - @smkkbert
Three years ago, Oliver dangled maybes on Felicity. Now, they seem to be dangling soons on each other.
**Award: All the Clearing the Air and Making Plans for the Future Goodness**
Take Two - @yet-i-remain-quiet
A slight rewrite to the Olicity scene at the end of 6x19. When Felicity comes home after seeing the explosion and is looking for Oliver. What if the couple had had a real conversation.
**Award: Best Oliver Letting Felicity Vent and Really Listening Award**
@msbeccieboo’s recs:
Back to you (in your arms, I’m home) - drmrs
Oliver is done waiting. He asks Felicity out on their first date post-Lian Yu. 
**Award: Cutest S6/3x01 Parallel**
Dessert - minachandler
Set at the end of 6x04. What if Slade called later that night, and Oliver and Felicity's sexytimes weren't interrupted?
**Award: Best Dessert, Followed by Dessert**
The Price We Pay - @wrldtravler
Months have passed. The hope for Oliver's imminent release dwindles into nothing. Felicity makes a deal with the Devil to have the moment with her husband that she never got.
**Award: Most Bittersweet, Better-Late-Than-Never Honeymoon**
Zip. - Vixx2PointOh
Her dress has a zip.
A zip that goes all....the....way....down.
Set just before 6x01.
That purple dress is stunning, gorgeous and Oliver has seen it before....
**Award: Hottest Bunker Reunion Sex**
@tangled23works’ recs:
Above All Else - shesimperfect_butshetries
A different take on episode 6x14: When Rene is pointing his gun at Felicity he shoots, but Oliver jumps in front of her.
This story is an alternate ending for season 6, beginning part way through 6x14 in which Diaz is a more intimidating villain and Oliver doesn't make that stupid deal.
**Award: Best Season Six Rewrite/ I Wish This Was Canon**
@smoaking-greenarrow’s recs:
Before They Turn the Lights Out - MachaSWicket
Some late night conversations.
SPOILERS for 6x01.
**Award: The Emotional Punches We Needed From Season Six**
Finally - who_seeks_shall_find
Finally, William and Felicity let it all out. They had bottled up their feelings for a long time so there are some accusations and yelling. In addition, every secret is brought up and Oliver finds out that he isn't the only one who has hidden things.
**Award: Sweetest Queen Family Mending**
(if you must leave) leave as though fire burns under your feet - @emilyszuko
When Oliver gets home from saying goodbye to Thea and Roy, his entire body feels drained, bones dreary and tired in a way that differs from any of the other times he’s slugged through the apartment to get to his and Felicity’s bedroom. The exhaustion isn't like it normally feels after nights out fighting assassins. It’s also different from a day spent bent over his desk as he struggles to come up with ways to save his city.
**Award: The ‘Oliver Gets His Well Deserved Snuggles’ Award**
Fade to Black - @felicityollies
Late night visits, confessions, and a bean bag chair? (Post-Ep fic 6x03 spoilers)
**Award: Best Use of Bonus-Scene-Smut (and Felicity’s Bean Bag Chair)**
Miles to Go Before I Sleep - @jesileighs
6.11 Missing Scene
Oliver returns from wiring the ten million dollars to Cayden James defeated, out of control and broken. Luckily, Felicity knows how to put him back together again.
**Award: Best Felicity Doing Everything She Can to Make Oliver Feel Better**
@memcjo’s recs:
words can hurt - @alexiablackbriar13
Post-6x12, Felicity has to help Oliver deal with the emotional fallout caused by Rene's insensitive line about PTSD.
**Award: Best Use of Felicity Being There for Oliver**
All the Little Things - @it-was-a-red-heeler
Just some drabbles, one-offs, and missing scenes from Season 6.
**Award: Most Amazing Snippets of Olicity and Team Arrow**
The Importance of Trust - @hope-for-olicity
This is my spec fic on the upcoming Olicity fight in Arrow 6x18.
**Award: Best Use of Beautiful Angst**
Felicity’s Chip - @smoaking-greenarrow
anonymous asked: HI!!!! Can you maybe write I fic where instead of Curtis hacking and attacking dig’s chip. He hacks Felicity’s. And Oliver just LOOSES HIS SHIT on the new team
A/N: I had too many angry feelings to write this right after 6x14. Oliver would have ended up murdering all three of them. I still wouldn’t read if NTA being awful in a story would offend you, because they’re little shits in this fic :)
**Award: Best Use of Oliver Facing Off Against NotTA**
@blondeeoneexox’s recs:
Post its and Promises - @yet-i-remain-quiet
Felicity is feeling as if there is never time for her and Oliver to get married. Oliver comes up with a compromise.
Inspired by the Grey's Anatomy season where Derek and Meredith get married via post it note.
**Award: Most Precious Wedding That Wasn’t Technically Legal But Still Counts For Everything**
A Spark from the Fire in Your Heart - @smoaking-greenarrow
6x18 speculation fic. Oliver hallucinates, lashing out at Felicity and William in his frustration. Diaz and Black Siren make moves against Oliver, and John and Lyla come in to help.
**Award: Most Heartbreakingly Beautiful Supportive Felicity**
And I can’t bear losing you, not again - inlovewithimpossibility
Set directly after the flashbacks of Oliver finding Thea and Samantha during 6x01, Oliver sets out to find out if the others members of his team are okay and he's particularly worried about one of them
**Award: Funniest/Sappiest Felicity in the Most Dangerous of Situations**
Accepting Promises - @allimariexf
Oliver's promise to Felicity that he would always come back (episode 6x19, "The Dragon") didn't sit quite right with Felicity. When she wakes up after a vivid dream/memory, she decides to continue the conversation.
**Award: Most Beautiful Additional Scene That Absolutely Should Have Been Scripted**
Heartbreak - @felicityollies
Felicity is sent to prison instead of Oliver. While she’s there she discovers she’s pregnant.
**Award: Most Cry Worthy Pregnancy Reveal**
@allimariexf’s recs:
Everything Will Be Ok - @stephswims
After 6x13 something was missing. Obviously, William leaving to follow Oliver needs to be addressed between the Queens.
**Award: Best Queen Family Domesticity (that remembers William is a person and not a prop!)**
(Something) Just Like This - @by-mintsea
A collection of season 6 canon ficlics and silences we won't or didn’t get to see on screen. Prompts welcome.
**Award: Best Soft and Domestic Olicity Moments that Should Have Been**
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
i keep seeing people say they want dean to be death in the end and i am?? so?? CONFUSED?? like what part of that could possibly be satisfying for his story? that whole episode where he played death, he was a complete wreck.
Huh... I have seen zero people saying this. Don’t know where they’re getting that one from?
We have Death already. She’s awesome. 
I frequently point at 6.11 and remind people it’s probably still my favorite episode (or at least top 3). So. Yes. I don’t know if I’d describe Dean as a complete wreck, and he’s certainly been through a lot of Cosmic Consequences scenarios since then so those lessons learned back then have really had a chance to fully develop into a better mindset for him. But I don’t see the narrative point to it.
I mean, I remember in the past when there was speculation that Dean would be the new Death after 10.23 because he killed the old Death, but um... that was a really long time ago, and the sort of crack hellatus speculation that carries us through the long summer months and not based on anything in actual canon.
I have no idea where people are getting that idea going into s15, unless it’s the same level of crack spec it was four years ago.
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blakefreckles · 5 years
can you clarify your spec for 6.09 please? i’m realllyy hoping bellamy and jo!clarke go on a day trip and he comes back with the love of his life aka clarke. or how long do you think it will take for clarke to come back? past 6.11 (THAT episode)?
So, I wrote this?
TLDR; I think she will be back next episode.
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bellarkewrites · 5 years
we sow and we reap, again
by fruitwhirl
They’ve always used physical touch as a means of solace, with Bellamy usually taking the initiative, but there’s something new here. There’s something more. After Gabriel runs a myriad of what he calls “routine” tests, Bellamy holds her hand in his until she falls into a fitful sort of sleep. He finds himself unable to part from her for long, hovering near and offering a soft palm to her leather-clad leg as comfort or an anchor with which she can steady herself.
But it’s not just him.
Words: 1600, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The 100 (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Bellamy Blake, Clarke Griffin, Echo (The 100)
Relationships: Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin
Additional Tags: minor spec but more of a coda to 6.11, cause shit there was a lot of casual touches
Read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2YllsG7
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sometimesrosy · 6 years
I’m wondering whether the desire to be good guys and Clarke’s (current) isolation from the larger group will lead her to indulge in her more self-sacrificial tendencies...I don’t mean that she ultimately will sacrifice herself, but perhaps that she will go out of her way to “earn” redemption, even at great personal cost/risk. (ie. I could see a reversal of her sending B to the mountain in S2... sending herself, love for the group = strength.) I feel like that would also force the B/C/E issue.
Uhm. I think fandom is taking it as canon that Clarke will be isolated from the group because JR said not everyone will forgive her as easily as Bellamy, and Bob asked if we were sure that Bellamy forgave her, we’d have to watch.
I do not think that’s the story. I think that’s the STARTING place. They’ve said that the first episode is like the hangover to the s5 finale. It’s where they get to confront the betrayals that happened in season 5, and Clarke abandoning Bellamy is one of them, as well as her betrayal of Raven and their abandonment of CLARKE. Also Octavia and what she did. Abby’s drug addiction. Madi’s flame. Miller’s betrayal of the 100. Echo wanting to kill Shaw. Echo and Clarke trying to kill eachother. Emori and Murphy’s sorta getting back together. 
I think the story which STARTS with Clarke not forgiven and on the outside will end up being ABOUT her becoming part of the family… and that means MORE than just because of the 6 years, but ALSO because of all the things that got between them while she was on earth. She LEFT them before they left her. 
So what we have is an IMPORTANT narrative arc of Clarke becoming part of the 100 again, which never really happened after her 3 month walkabout. So we have another REDO. If s5 was about Bellamy getting Clarke back, I think s6 will be about Clarke getting Bellamy AND her family back.
So to me, that’s the opposite of what you’re saying. You’re implying that her being isolated from the group is the static situation, and I’M saying that it’s the starting position that is the active CHANGE we’ll see as Clarke moves through the season, and frankly it might be a A season storyline that is resolved, allowing Clarke and Bellamy to be the good guy and solve the bigger problems of the B season. WITH the team. Because that’s what the show is about.
One of the things we have to remember is that a story is a JOURNEY. If there is no change, there is no story. So when I get a set up from JR, that to me says it will go FROM this point, TO a transformation. So if Clarke being isolated and unforgiven is the story, that means we’ll see her forgiven and part of the family again. 
If the promo pics from nycc freaked you out, I’ll say the same thing.The story STARTS with b/e together and clarke on the outside. That’s set up. It will end with Bellarke together, because Clarke is our pov character, her soulmate is bellamy, Bellamy is in love with her, they are going to be good guys together. Their feelings have been defined as romantic in s5, so there is no other end to that love triangle. Sorry. The only way he can choose his non-soulmate over his soulmate is if they are platonic, which hey aren’t in canon. So if it starts with c/b/e and b/e together, that means the transformation will be towards Bellarke. There’s no doubt in my mind. This story is winding up.
I do think she is looking for redemption, but that doesn’t come from self sacrifice or death, I don’t think. She thought that in season 3, and Bellamy wouldn’t let her. She also did it in season 4, but she thought she was already dying. And she did it in season 5 for Madi. Does she STILL think that’s how redemption happens? Or is she starting to realize that it’s WORKING towards redemption not checking out? anyway, it won’t happen that way because it’s a thing they’ve been dealing with all along. Plus, we’ve got JR saying that Clarke and Bellamy will be working TOGETHER towards being the good guys so that means he’ll balance her self sacrificial tendencies and she’ll balance his. They don’t let the other sacrifice themselves if they can help it.
Do I think we’ll see a replay of the time she sent him into the mountain? I do. remember she didn’t send him in, that was his plan. She rescinded her objections. And her objections were that she cared too much to lose him, thus telling him that she did not care. It told US the opposite, but we know about the love is a weakness argument and he didn’t. I actually think that replay might be the key to fixing Bellarke, and finally allowing Bellamy to accept that Clarke loves him. Because that was when he decided for himself that she didn’t. Followed by her leaving him outside of Camp Jaha. And rejecting him in Polis. And using him in Hakeldama. And saying she loved Lxa in 5.01. And turning to Niylah when he turned her down after the list. etc etc. 
So I COULD see Clarke going on some mission into the unknown to save people because she won’t risk him. And I could see that leading to a serious separation of Bellarke…but there is ALWAYS a separation of Bellarke, and that could be how THIS one happens. But if it’s based on how much she cares for him rather than how it’s worth the risk to send him, he will allow himself to love her. For real. 
And let me be honest. I will say I think he STILL won’t believe that she loves him enough to CHOOSE him. He has too much evidence to the contrary. 
And I think it will lead to ANOTHER replay of ANOTHER break in the bellarke relationship, when she chose to stay in Polis with Lxa who would always prioritize her people, instead of “coming home to yours.” And in this replay, we might see Clarke being offered a chance to stay with the new people for the greater good, and Bellamy will believe she will, and he’ll lose her again, but Clarke NEEDS Bellamy and she’ll choose HIM. My spec has this happening at about 6.11. Yes Bob’s episode. Then last two episodes will have them as battle couple, saving the day, more like season 3 than season 5. 
Oh. I did not mention b/c/e. That’s because I think that will resolve in the A season. I think season B will be about making Bellarke real. And that means dealing with THEIR traumas including what you mention. 
What episode were they filming when we saw the castle set? Yeah, I think that’s when Bellarke are separated. And I think Echo will be with Clarke, but B/E won’t be a thing anymore. 
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ao3feed-bellarke · 5 years
And Now
by lizthefangirl
6.11 spec. Bellamy reckons with realizations after saving Clarke's life.
Words: 2042, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The 100 (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Bellamy Blake, Clarke Griffin
Relationships: Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin
Additional Tags: The 100 (TV) Season 6, Bellarke, Speculation, Canon Compliant, Josephine Lightbourne Possessing Clarke Griffin, POV Bellamy Blake, Canon Divergent, Spec, Angst, Pining, Confessions
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/19841953
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ao3feed-the100 · 5 years
And Now
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Soj3ov
by lizthefangirl
6.11 spec. Bellamy reckons with the truth of his actions upon returning to his Sanctum.
Words: 2042, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The 100 (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Bellamy Blake, Clarke Griffin
Relationships: Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin
Additional Tags: The 100 (TV) Season 6, Bellarke, Speculation, Canon Compliant, Josephine Lightbourne Possessing Clarke Griffin, POV Bellamy Blake, Canon Divergent, Spec, Angst, Pining, Confessions
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Soj3ov
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enter21st · 3 years
Xiaomi Mi 11i launched price specs specifications camera battery - Mi 11i launch with 108MP camera, snapdragon 888 processor and flat display
Xiaomi Mi 11i launched price specs specifications camera battery – Mi 11i launch with 108MP camera, snapdragon 888 processor and flat display
Mi 11i has been launched. This phone has a 108 megapixel camera, Snapdragon 888 processor and flat display. This phone has been launched with Mi 11 Lite, Mi 11 Lite 5G, and Mi 11 Ultra. Mi 11i has also been launched globally with some changes. It is a 5G smartphone. Also, it has a side mounted fingerprint scanner. This phone comes with dual Dolby Atmos speakers. Mi 11i specification The 6.11-inch…
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Hydrazine Market Analysis, Application, Development And Appendix Research By Hexa Report
Global Hydrazine Market 2017-2021, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.
About Hydrazine
Hydrazine is a secondary amines family member. It is an inorganic chemical compound with the formula N2H4. It is a colorless liquid with an ammonia-like odor and is manufactured by the same industrial process that produces ammonia. Hydrazine exhibits physical properties like that of water. It is highly unstable and toxic and is thus handled with care. It is used as a foaming agent in the preparation of polymer foams. Other applications include pharmaceutical and precursor to polymerization catalysts. Hydrazine can be produced by the Raschig process, Bayer process, and H2O2 process. Ammonia, urea, sodium hypochlorite, and hydrogen peroxide are the basic raw materials used in the production of hydrazine.
Request A Sample copy of This Report @        http://www.hexareports.com/report/global-hydrazine-market-2017-2021/request-sample
Analysts forecast the global hydrazine market to grow at a CAGR of 6.11% during the period 2017-2021.
Covered in this report
The report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global hydrazine market for 2017-2021. To calculate the market size, the report considers the revenue generated from the sales of the marine coating from various derivative types.
The market is divided into the following segments based on geography:
Key vendors
Arrow Fine Chemicals
Chemtex Speciality Limited
Japan Finechem
Lansdowne Chemicals
Palm Commodities International
Browse Detail Report With TOC @          http://www.hexareports.com/report/global-hydrazine-market-2017-2021
Other prominent vendors
BOC Sciences
Charkit Chemical Company
Chemicals Incorporated
GFS Chemicals
Laysan Bio
Mil-Spec Industries
Seidler Chemical
Spectrum Chemical Manufacturing Corporation
Market driver
Surge in demand for high quality agrochemicals
For a full, detailed list, view our report
Market challenge
Use of alternative solutions
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Market trend
Capacity expansion in APAC
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Key questions answered in this report
What will the market size be in 2021 and what will the growth rate be?
What are the key market trends?
What is driving this market?
What are the challenges to market growth?
Who are the key vendors in this market space?
You can request one free hour of our analyst's time when you purchase this market report. Details are provided within the report.
For More Details Visits @ Hexa Reports
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bellarkewrites · 5 years
by lizthefangirl
6.11 alternate scene. Bellamy is affected by the Anomaly's toxin.
Words: 3313, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The 100 (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Bellamy Blake, Clarke Griffin
Relationships: Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin
Additional Tags: The 100 (TV) Season 6, Canon Compliant, Speculation, Spec, Bellarke, Angst, Canon Divergent, Minor Violence, POV Bellamy Blake, Hallucinations
Read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2YimDlt
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bellarkewrites · 5 years
And Now
by lizthefangirl
6.11 spec. Bellamy reckons with the truth of his actions upon returning to his Sanctum.
Words: 2042, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The 100 (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Bellamy Blake, Clarke Griffin
Relationships: Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin
Additional Tags: The 100 (TV) Season 6, Bellarke, Speculation, Canon Compliant, Josephine Lightbourne Possessing Clarke Griffin, POV Bellamy Blake, Canon Divergent, Spec, Angst, Pining, Confessions
Read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Soj3ov
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