#600km Tour
techdriveplay · 5 months
Lamborghini Esperienza Giro Oceania 2024 roars into the Apple Isle for an unforgettable Tasmanian odyssey
Automobili Lamborghini welcomed over 40 passionate Lamborghini owners across the Oceania region for the highly-anticipated Esperienza Giro Oceania in Tasmania, marking its first venture beyond the mainland Australia. Set across five fascinating days, the convoy of more than 20 Lamborghini super sports cars and super SUVs embarked on an unforgettable journey, covering over 600km of Tasmania’s…
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theflyingfeeling · 11 months
hellooooooo 💖💘💗💕 since this morning (It's noon here) have been thinking about Allu in Oulu and I have so many questions that I need answered right now 😭 (c'mon Aleksi give us more crumbs I'm begging you)
Did he travel those 600km alone, or did he go with Joel and/or Niko? (it seems that Joonas is in Greece?) Is he staying at Olli's place? (please be true 🥺) or maybe at Tommi's or at an hotel? Is he there to celebrate Olli's birthday? Will they celebrate tonight at midnight or tomorrow??
And most importantly: will we get an ig story of the most specialest Birthday Boy ❤ like we did last year in London? 🥺💕💖💗💘
I need all the details and pics and videos and if they do a stream together (manifesting 🕯) I'm not siee what I'm gonna do other than scream for all eternity
I swear that if nothing happens I'm taking the next plane to Finland and travel 13000 km just to steal his phone and publish all the content myself (hahah just kidding....... unless 👀)
(and if nothing happens I'm taking the next plane to Finland and travel 13000km to steal his phone and publish the content myself (haha just kidding...... unless 👀))
hiiiiii!! 🥰💕 you came to the exact right blog with those questions, because here I am ready to provide you with gospel truth:
"Did he travel those 600km alone, or did he go with Joel and/or Niko?" -> if I recall correctly, Joel was supposed to have his surgery 'early November', so I doubt he travelled along, and since there's no sign of Niko as of yet, I have decided he stayed home with Rommi and Minna and will travel up north to see his family later (meanwhile Aleksi just couldn't wait to see Olli again 😭)
"Is he staying at Olli's place?" -> OF COURSE he is staying at Olli's, where else?! The street?!
"maybe at Tommi's" -> Tommi who? 🤔 Aleksi is in Oulu to hang out with his good buddy Olli; to him there's literally no other person in the entire city 🥰 (jk)
"Will they celebrate tonight at midnight or tomorrow??" -> well damn, now what you mention it I'm totally imagining them having some wild birthday sex starting their perfectly proper and innocent birthday celebrations the very second the clock strikes twelve tonight 🎉
and yeah, I really really really fucking hope there'll be another cute, boyfriend-ish picture of the birthday babe this year as well, I mean LOOK. AT. HIMMMMM 😭
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and aaaaaahhhggggghghhgghghhgg I would just lose it for good if they actually did a live stream for Aleksi's twitch together, which is why I'm trying soooooooo hard to not get my hopes up for that or anything at all, considering how little we got from them during the tour 😩 so for now just knowing they're together will have to do; maybe they're drinking some wine and having deep conversations and forget the world around them and get lost in each other's eyes a little... *siiiiiigh* 🥺💞
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tapnhan · 1 year
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Tour động vật hoang dã tại Ngọc Thụ, Thanh Hải chuẩn bị bắt đầu
IV. Khu tự trị Tạng Ngọc Thụ (1)
Tiếp tục đi về phía Tây mới là các điểm chính của hành trình cũng như là những nơi mà mình muốn đến nhất khi tới Thanh Hải: Ngọc Thụ, Tam Giang Nguyên và Khả Khả Tây Lý.
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Sáng sớm đổi sang 2 con xe việt dã xuất phát từ Cộng Hoà đi lại nhìn thấy ruộng cải và thanh khoa bên bờ sông Hoàng Hà
Từ Cộng Hoà tới Ngọc Thụ là hơn 600km đường đi mải miết từ 8h sáng tới 8h tối mới tới được nơi vì trên cao nguyên chênh lệch nhiệt độ ngày đêm cao đất đường đêm thì đóng băng lại do rét mướn sáng hôm sau mặt trời lên lại nở hết cả ra vì nóng. Cứ liên tiếp tuần hoàn như vậy nên mặt đường trồi thụt liên tục, uốn lượn như đồ thị hình sin nên xe chạy bập bềnh cứ như chơi thú nhún. Thế mà đoạn ko bị bắn tốc độ bác tài cứ mát ga hơn trăm cây số/h làm các cháu trong xe nín hết cả thở.
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TQ giờ lắp camera phạt nguội với theo dấu người dân rất chi là kinh. Lúc xe vừa trờ tới địa phận Quả Lặc, chụp camera thấy người lạ một phát là đồn công an lập tức gọi điện thoại tới cho bác tài hỏi mấy đứa ấm ớ đi cùng trên xe là 6 đứa ngoại quốc hôm trước mới xin permit đấy đúng ko. Ko biết nếu bảo ko thì có bị dẫn độ về sân bay ko nhỉ.
Để giải quyết cho vấn đề đường hỏng liên tục chả kịp sửa này là dựng các cây tán nhiệt chạy bằng năng lượng mặt trời ở 2 bên đường để tránh cho mặt đất bị đóng băng vào lúc thời tiết lạnh. Nhưng vì làm vậy khá là tốn kém nên chỉ làm nhiều ở đường cao tốc Thanh Tạng huyết mạch mấy ngàn cây số thôi còn mạn Ngọc Thụ này lưu lượng người sử dụng ít hơn nên thi thoảng mới thấy có một ít (hok có chụp ảnh).
Lên cao nguyên hơn 3000m rồi nên là người ít bò nhiều. 1 con bò yak giá khoảng 1 vạn tệ 1 chú (khoảng 35tr vnd). Nhà nào nuôi ít thì năm chục gần trăm con, đàn nào nhiều thì vài ngàn con có lẻ. Nghe nói người chăn thường đào một cái hố đâu đó nằm xuống dưới tránh gió tránh rét nên bình thường nhìn không có thấy. Cuộc sống cao nguyên của người Tạng chủ yếu phụ thuộc vào bò yak: thịt, sữa dùng để ăn, lông để may áo, may lều, còn dùng để thồ hàng, cày bữa, phân bò thì dùng để làm chất đốt ... nên nuôi được bò là có thể tự cung tự cấp đáp ứng được đầy đủ nhu cầu cơ bản rồi. Bò thuần hoá thì sống được khoảng hơn 20 năm, mua vài con làm giống rồi từ đó sinh sản thêm ra lời gấp mấy lần gửi tiết kiệm. Tuy nhiên tuy tài sản tích luỹ chạy bằng cỏ này chịu khổ giỏi nhưng gặp phải những năm dịch bệnh hoặc tuyết lớn quá có khi chết cả đàn là tay trắng nên là nào giờ chính phủ TQ vẫn vận động dân du mục định cư cố định ở làng xóm và ít chăn thả tản mát nay đây mai đó như trước giờ nữa.
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1 bức ảnh toàn tiền là tiền. Cỏ đầu hè vàng khè mà vẫn phải cạp.
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Dạo gần đây Thanh Hải làm công tác bảo tồn thiên nhiên rất tốt nên là lượng động vật hoang dã ở khu vực này cũng rất nhiều. Vd như là lừa Tạng hoang nè, kền kền nè ..
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Xingxing Hai tại Maduo (Biển sao - gọi vậy vì cả khu này là cả cụm hồ nước ngọt to nhỏ đủ kích cỡ lại bạt ngàn như sao trên trời vậy)
Từ Cộng Hoà đi miết gần 300 km tới huyện Maduo (Mã Đa) thuộc châu tự trị Guoluo (Quả Lặc) là tới địa phận đầu nguồn con sông mẹ của nền văn minh Trung Hoa - sông Hoàng Hà. Sông Hoàng Hà được sinh ra từ núi Ba Nhan Khách Lạp (Bayan Har) thuộc dãy Côn Lôn tại Maduo, tận nguồn nghe nói chảy có xíu xíu vậy thôi vậy mà cũng tích được 2 hồ chị em Erling và Zhaling (hồ nghe nói vừa to vừa đẹp nhưng người nước ngoài cũng đang bị cấm :/ ) rồi chảy ra được đến đây vỡ thành hàng trăm cái hồ nước ngọt nhỏ gọi là cụm hồ Xingxinghai rồi lại chảy tiếp xuống dưới mạn Cộng Hoà, Quý Đức như ở post dưới.
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Chuột ko đuôi - mồi khoái khẩu của các loại động vật cao nguyên và cá Hoàng hà tại hồ sao. Giống cá này cũng là động vật được quốc gia bảo vệ nên ko được bắt và người Tạng cũng có truyền thống thuỷ táng và ko ăn động vật bơi dưới nước nên mấy con cá này ko có thiên địch gì hết. Thấy có người là bu tới ào ào vì biết là người ta đến cho ăn.
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Có cờ lungta là biết là hồ thiêng nhé.
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Đèo Bayan Har (4824m)
Qua đến đèo Bayan Har là xem như chính thức đã đi vào đến địa phận Ngọc Thụ rồi. Trời vừa gió vừa lạnh, đèo thì cao gần 5000m không khí loãng ai nấy há mồm thở như cá mắc cạn nên ko xí xớn gì nhiều.
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Ng��i xe hơn chục giờ đồng hồ cuối cùng đã tới được Ngọc Thụ. Cảnh thành phố hơi bị anti-climax tý vì khoảng hơn chục năm trước đây là tâm chấn của vụ động đất lớn 7.1 độ richter thương vong rất nhiều, nhà cửa đổ nát hết sau đó được viện trợ từ cả nước xây mới lại rất nhiều trong thời gian ngắn nên ko còn được nhìn thấy bóng dáng xưa cũ của nó nữa.
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Thành đá Mani tại Ngọc Thụ
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dertaglichedan · 1 year
Titanic tourist submersible goes missing with search under way
A submersible craft used to take people to see the wreck of the Titanic has been missing in the Atlantic Ocean with its crew on board since Sunday, sparking a major search and rescue.
Contact with the submersible was lost about one hour and 45 minutes into the vessel's dive, the US coast guard said.
Tour firm OceanGate said it was exploring all options to get the crew back safely.
Government agencies and deep sea firms are helping the rescue operation.
OceanGate charges $250,000 (£195,612) a seat for expeditions to the Titanic, which lies some 3,800m (12,500ft) beneath the waves about 435 miles (700km) south of St John's, Newfoundland.
The missing craft is believed to be OceanGate's Titan submersible, a truck-sized sub that holds five people and usually dives with a four-day supply of oxygen.
Hamish Harding, a 58-year-old British billionaire businessman and explorer, is among those on the missing submarine, his family said.
On social media at the weekend, Mr Harding said he was "proud to finally announce" that he would be aboard the mission to the wreck of the Titanic - but added that due to the "worst winter in Newfoundland in 40 years, this mission is likely to be the first and only manned mission to the Titanic in 2023".
He later wrote: "A weather window has just opened up and we are going to attempt a dive tomorrow."
OceanGate said in a statement that its "entire focus is on the crewmembers in the submersible and their families".
"We are deeply thankful for the extensive assistance we have received from several government agencies and deep sea companies in our efforts to re-establish contact with the submersible," it added.
The company bills the eight-day trip on its carbon-fibre submersible as a "chance to step outside of everyday life and discover something truly extraordinary".
According to its website, one expedition is ongoing and two more have been planned for June 2024.
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The submersible usually carries a pilot, three paying guests, and what the company calls a "content expert".
The trip sets sail from St John's in Newfoundland, which is around 370 miles (600km) from the wreckage site. Each full dive to the wreck, including the descent and ascent, reportedly takes around eight hours.
The OceanGate website lists three submersibles it owns, and only the Titan is capable of diving deep enough to reach the Titanic wreckage.
The vessel weighs 10,432 kg (23,000 lbs) and, according to the website, can reach depths of up to 4,000m and has 96 hours of life support available for a crew of five.
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hellotravel01 · 8 months
Exhilarating Things to Do in Kerala in 2024
Kerala is a home of rich culture and enchanting beauty. The beaches, backwaters, wildlife, cuisines, and destinations promise an excellent and unforgettable experience. People can indeed satisfy their souls in the fresh air of Kerala. It is more like a dose of tropical paradise. If you are planning to travel to Kerala or revisit it to feel mesmerized, then here are some points that will help you. Below is the list of the top 10 things to do in Kerala that are a must. Check it out.
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1. Try Appetizing Food
Food is the most critical factor in any place. If the food is not good, then the travel experience will get spoiled. But in Kerala, you will get delectable food on every street corner. Kerala is famous for its exotic blend of flavors. You will get both veg and nonveg food. So the thing to do in Kerala is to try the famous food, which includes Puttu and Kadala Curry, Appam with Stew, Thalassery Biryani, and Palada Payasam ( dessert). 
2. Hop a Houseboat
Kerala's palm-fringed backwaters are no less than a famous scenery. Its green landscape comprises a winding network of lagoons and lakes. No doubt that it's a beautiful place to witness; it is also very calm. The most action you can see here is a fisherman pulling fish nets and dancing to elegant birds like Kingfishers and Eagles. So, you can hop on a Houseboat or a cruise to enjoy the scenery. It is readily available here. Moreover, it is also one of the famous tourist activities in Kerala. 
3. Visit Relaxing Beaches
Beaches are a significant tourist draw. Kerala is a host of almost 600km of shoreline. Kovalam, Varkala BeachBeach Kannur Beach are the famous and developed beaches in Kerala, which are a must to visit. These beaches are known for their lighthouse, restaurants, surfing, and many more.  
4. Explore Wildlife
Kerala is a hub of wildlife. People will find flora and fauna at every point. They preserve the beauty of nature. There are over 25 animal sanctuaries and national parks. Kerala is a heaven for animal lovers. The place is a home for protected and endangered species such as the Bengal tiger, Sloth Bear, and Indian Bison. So exploring the wildlife is a good option. 
5. Enjoy Festival Vibes
India is a diverse country, and the list of festivals is almost complete. If you are planning to visit Kerala, then make sure that you are spotting here during any famous festival. Onam is a festival in Kerala. It takes place during September and August. The streets are decorated with colors. Drum, elephant, trumpets, rituals, delicious Onasadya served on a banana leaf for feasting. Cultural dance performances are also quite popular here. So it is a must to participate in these festivals to enjoy the beauty of Kerala. 
So, above are some things to do in Kerala that are a must. Apart from this, if you are looking for a tourist guide or affordable travel packages in Kerala, then Hello Travel is a marketplace that helps its customers by providing affordable tour deals. You can explore their website and find a suitable package for yourself. There are many pocket-friendly packages which are available for every tourist destination. Kerala Beckons as India's Premier Winter Haven – Unwind in Idyllic Landscapes, Cultural Riches, and Tropical Serenity for an Enchanting Escape. Kerala is one of the best places to visit in February in India.
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sbknews · 1 year
Iván Cervantes Claims Guinness World Records Title
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Iván Cervantes claims Guinness World Records title for the greatest distance on a motorcycle in 24 hours with a Tiger 1200 GT Explorer. Iván Cervantes, 5x Enduro World Champion and Triumph Global Ambassador, has officially claimed the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ title for ‘The greatest distance on a motorcycle in 24 hours (individual)’. Riding a Tiger 1200 GT Explorer on the High-Speed Ring at the Nardò Technical Center in Italy, Iván travelled more than 4012km in a 24 hour period, beating the previous record of 3406km by a huge margin of more than 600km. The record attempt was witnessed and validated by a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS adjudicator on 30th April 2023, with a final confirmed distance of 4012.53km – a distance equivalent to travelling from London to the Great Pyramid of Giza in 24 hours! Watch the full story of Iván’s incredible challenge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9aCd9Zmwbg THE MAN Iván Cervantes is a 5 times Enduro World Champion, 21 times Spanish Enduro Champion, and 5 times Spanish Motocross Champion. In July 2021, Iván was announced as one of Triumph’s new Off-Road ambassadors, helping to develop the upcoming range of motocross and enduro bikes. Since joining the Triumph team, Iván has seen great success in riding and competing on Triumph adventure motorcycles, sealing wins at the Baja Aragón, 1000 Dunas Raid, and Basella Maxi-Trail Race. In preparation for the record attempt, in addition to intensive physical training on his own Tiger 1200 Rally Pro, Iván began carefully planning his nutrition and sleep strategy, in partnership with Professor Andrew Bagshaw at the University of Birmingham.
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THE MOTORCYCLE The motorcycle used for the attempt was a Tiger 1200 GT Explorer, chosen at random from the production line at Triumph’s factory in Hinckley, UK. No special modifications were made to the bike, other than completing the recommended running in and first service schedule before the attempt was undertaken. The Tiger 1200 family has been designed to deliver the ultimate in adventure bike touring capability, with exceptional comfort and unbeatable character. For the record attempt, features such as the 30 litre fuel tank and excellent wind protection were invaluable in ensuring Iván could continue riding, whatever challenges he encountered along the way. Heated grips and seats provided additional comfort during the cold early-morning hours and unexpected downpours of rain, while the powerful T-Plane triple engine and advanced electronics provided effortless power and control. High-intensity LED lights ensured Iván always had exceptional visibility when riding, even in the complete darkness of the remote testing facility at Nardò. Underlining the excellent performance and reliability of the Tiger 1200, the only maintenance required on the bike was a single, planned tyre change half way through the attempt, where the standard fit Metzeler TOURANCE™ Next tyres were refreshed as the rain started and night began to fall.
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THE RECORD The existing GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title of 3406.17km was achieved by American Carl Reese on 26th February 2017, recording an average speed over 24 hours of 141.9km/h. Riding consistently at speeds of over 200km/h at the Nardò Technical Center in Italy, Iván surpassed the existing record with an incredible 5 hours to spare in the 24 hour window. Not content to simply beat the record, he set his sights on defining a new benchmark for this challenge – 4000km. In the 5 hours that followed, he proceeded to ride a further 606km – essentially matching the existing record then continuing to ride the equivalent of the width of France in addition. The record attempt was witnessed by an official GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS adjudicator, who validated the final distance travelled in 24 hours as 4012.53km, with an average speed of 167.79km/h.
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KEY FACTS - Attempt duration: 24 hours - Total distance travelled: 53km - Location: High Speed Ring, Nardò Technical Center, Italy - Length of one lap: 649km - Number of laps: 317 - Riding speed: Over 200km/h - Average speed over 24 hours: 79km/h - Number of pitstops: 18 - Litres of fuel used: 520 - Number of tyre changes: 1 - Hours of sleep: 0
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QUOTES Iván Cervantes – ‘The Tiger 1200 GT Explorer was the perfect bike for this attempt. It’s very comfortable to ride for a long time. For sure, the hardest part was the weather, because it started to rain, but this bike has a very big screen and excellent protection, which helped me a lot. It is a very special bike for me. It’s not easy to ride for 24 hours in a row but, in the end, the record is mine with this amazing bike!’ Nick Bloor, CEO, Triumph Motorcycles – ‘Iván’s achievement in taking the Guinness World Records title on the Tiger 1200 is simply incredible! His determination and perseverance have led him not only to beat the existing record, but to add almost 20% to the distance travelled in 24 hours. An outstanding effort, and one that everyone at Triumph is incredibly proud to have supported.’ Victor Fenes, Official Adjudicator, Guinness World Records – ‘I am truly humbled to have witnessed Iván Cervantes's awe-inspiring achievement of setting the Guinness World Records title for the Greatest distance on a motorcycle in 24 hours (individual). Iván's unwavering dedication and Triumph's support embody the values we hold dear at Guinness World Records. It is a true testament to the indomitable spirit of human determination and the pursuit of greatness.’ Special thanks to our partners, without whom this attempt would not have been possible: Metzeler https://www.metzeler.com/en-gb/home Porsche Engineering https://www.porscheengineering.com/nardo/en/ BBC Studios https://www.bbcstudios.com/ Top Gear https://www.topgear.com/ Guinness World Records https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/ Checkout our dedicated Triumph Motorcycles News page Triumph Motorcycles News/ or head to the official Triumph Motorcycles website triumphmotorcycles.co.uk Read the full article
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grouptoursworld · 2 years
A Local's Guide To The Top Kimberley Attractions For Travellers
It's good you're planning for guided tours Kimberley. The Kimberley region is one of Australia's most remote and wild corners. It's also one of the few places where you can see a star-filled sky in all its glory, as well as animals from around the world. Here we'll tell you about the best destinations for nature lovers in this incredible corner of Australia
Gibb River Road
The Gibb River Road is a remote and unsealed road that runs through the Kimberley. It's a must-do for any visitor to the region if you're on guided tours Kimberley, as it takes you into some of Australia's most spectacular landscapes and offers a unique glimpse into Aboriginal culture.
The Gibb River Road begins in Derby, a small town approximately 5 hours north of Broome and ends at Kununurra on the northern edge of Lake Argyle – over 600km away from where you started!
Purnululu National Park (Bungle Bungles)
Location: The park is located in the Kimberley region of Western Australia, approximately 350km from Kununurra and 600km from Broome. It's also home to one of the largest inland waterfalls in Australia, known as Gregory Falls.
Accessibility: Accessible by road only; four-wheel drive is required for travel within the park.
Safety: Visitors should be mindful of their surroundings at all times, as this is an extremely remote area where wildlife can be unpredictable.
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Kimberley Wildlife Park
The Kimberley Wildlife Park is a wildlife park in Broome, Western Australia.
It is home to many Australian animals, including kangaroos and koalas.
The park has a large collection of native Australian birds as well as some other animals like dingoes and crocodiles.
Mirror perfection on Lake Argyle
Once you've had your fill of the botanical gardens, it's time to make your way to Lake Argyle. The Lake is home to many freshwater fish species that had adapted to freshwater environments after being trapped on higher ground when the area was flooded during construction.
You can take part in a range of activities at this beautiful natural wonderland, including fishing, swimming and boating (for which there are several rental companies). If you'd rather explore on foot, then why not try walking or cycling along one of the many scenic walking trails?
Another magic night at Manning Gorge
The Manning Gorge Reserve is situated on the outskirts of Kimberley and can be reached by car in about 10 minutes. There are several picnic spots for families or groups to enjoy a meal, as well as a swimming hole if you want to cool off on guided tours Kimberley after exploring the gorge. It's also possible to book campsites here.
A short walk from here takes visitors past the ruins of an old homestead called "Goldschmidt House", where German immigrant Carl Goldschmidt lived until his death during World War 1 (1914), after which his house fell into disrepair until it too was restored thanks recently largely due to grants from Australia's National Trust who helped fund its restoration back into its former glory when it opened its doors again for business during 2012/2013 seasons only!
The Kimberley region is a spectacular place to visit. The Botanical Gardens, Wildlife Park and Lake Argyle all make this region one of the most visited places in Australia.
Source : https://sites.google.com/view/kimberley-attraction-traveller
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a-7thdragon · 2 years
Wir hatten einen total tollen Samstagabend.
Es fing damit an, dass meine Herrin verlangte, dass ich unseren Besuch in den Mädchensachen zu begrüßen hatte.
Das war ziemlich erniedrigend und das Grinsen der beiden machte es nur noch schlimmer.
Etwas besser wurde es, als sich der andere Keuschling einen Netzbody mit rosa Slip anzuziehen hatte und die Herrinnen sich in ein heißes Outfit kleideten.
Zunächst hatten wir auf dem Boden vor unserer Herrin zu sitzen und ihre Füße zu küssen, während die beiden erst noch ein Glas Wein tranken.
Dann ging es ins Spielzimmer.
Ich kann gar nicht mehr jedes Detail wiedergeben, aber es war der Hammer.
Sie gingen an, erst mir, dann den anderen Keuschling die Hoden abzubinden und sie über ein Gestell nach oben zu ziehen.
Sie machten sich einen Spaß daraus zu schauen, wer mehr Gewicht daran aushalten konnte und während meine prallen Hoden von meiner Herrin mit dem Nadelrad bearbeitet wurden, durfte er ein paar Schläge auf den Hoden aushalten.
Als nächstes wurde ich an das Andreaskreuz und er über den Bock fixiert und die Herrinnen probierten sämtliche Schlagwerkzeuge aus, die sie fanden.
Während sie sich dabei abwechselten und beide bearbeiteten. Es war sehr erregend wie sie sich dabei über Vor- und Nachteile der einzelnen Instrumente unterhielten und sich amüsierten, welcher Keuschling welches Instrument besser Aushielt. Mein Po zwiebelte ordentlich und ich zuckte und stöhnte immer wieder auf.
Dann machten sie eine Pause und wir hatten erstmal wieder zu ihren Füßen zu sitzen.
Dann ging es auch schon weiter und nun wurden wir von den Damen mit Strap-on bearbeitet.
Während es für mich nur demütigend war und etwas unangenehm wurde, als sie meine Prostata intensiv bearbeiteten, wurde der andere Keuschling bis zum analen Orgasmus gebracht.
Zu sehen, wie meine Herrin ihn intensiv und hart mit den Strap-on fickte, erregte mich tierisch.
Nach der Session waren wir etwas geschafft und ließen den Abend gemütlich ausklingen.
Wir unterhielten uns über die Session und nachdem die Beiden gefahren waren, zog meine Herrin sich nochmal Halterlose an und spielte mit ihrem Fuß in meinen Schritt und ich durfte mich zum Orgasmus bringen.
Ich war froh, dass sie mir diesen Orgasmus erlaubte, da ich sonst kaum zur Ruhe gekommen wäre.
Da wir Mittlerweile 2Uhr morgens hatten, war es meiner Herrin aber Zuviel, sich selbst noch etwas mit ihrem Vibrator zu verwöhnen und richtig mit mir zu schlafen, dass wollte sie auf morgen oder Montag verschieben.
Sonntagmorgen brachten wir alles wieder in Ordnung und verließen früh das Apartment.
Meine Schwester war über das Wochenende leider krank geworden und so musste ich unsere Kinder bei meinen Eltern abholen.
Damit hatte ich eine Tour von 600km vor mir und war mit allem erst am Abend wieder zuhause.
Aufgrund der Zeit, Temperaturen und Erschöpfung meinte meine Herrin, dass sie morgen schauen will, dass sie sich etwas verwöhnt und dann mit mir schlafen will.
Sie hatte natürlich Recht, aber das mache es nicht besser, freute ich mich doch so sehr darauf.
Sie sagte auch, dass sie ab Morgen auch wieder ihre Entspannungsphase starten will, was für mich im Wesentlichen nur bedeutet, dass ich den Käfig nicht tragen muss und sie nicht so intensiv mit mir spielen wird.
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marquisjetset · 4 years
10 Places Where The Jetset Are Skiing This Season
#1 Courchevel, France
The highest of Courchevel’s five villages, officially simply called Courchevel, is the prestigious place to stay in this French resort in at one end of the 600km Trois Vallées ski area. Still often known by its erstwhile moniker, 1850, not only is it the main lift hub, with gondolas heading up in three different directions, it is home to huge numbers of four-star, five-star, and Palace status hotels, luxury chalets and some pricey shops.
#2 Cortina d’Ampezzo, Italy
Italy’s chicest destination is an ancient mountain town in the Dolomite mountains surrounded by soaring cathedrals of sandstone. In Cortina, the business of skiing and snowboarding plays second fiddle to the social sport of seeing and being seen outside and inside the elegant boutiques and antique shops lining the pedestrianized main street, Corso Italia.
The center of the village is dominated by a green and white bell tower and a glittering confection of grand 19th-century mansions. Encroaching twilight is the signal for Cortina to come out and play – a colony of voluminous fur coats and designer ski wear gathers noisily in the Piazza Venezia at the start of the evening passeggiata. Then, much later, the party atmosphere is transferred to intimate wine bars, expensive restaurants, and a smattering of softly-lit nightclubs
#3 Verbier, Switzerland
Some Swiss resorts may match Verbier for luxurious chalets and hotels and vibrant après, but none quite have its cool cachet – and that’s large because none can rival its challenging high-altitude terrain. Anyone who can handle Verbier’s itinerary routes, never mind the couloirs, can consider themselves pretty darn good.
Along with black runs and unmarked off-piste runs to explore with a mountain guide, the itineraries (which, though loosely marked, are not formally controlled or patrolled) are where many experts spend their time. From the top of the ski area, Mont Fort at 3,330m, there is only one black run and serious off-piste to be tackled with a guide – but everyone should ride to the top for the views.  
#4 Lech, Austria
Few resorts have a more exclusive image than Lech. Princess Diana was its most famous patron and other past visitors include the Jordanian royal family, the Dutch royal family, and Monaco’s Princess Caroline. But despite its blue-blooded guest list, Lech is far from showy.
The original cluster of inns has expanded in both quality and quantity, and there are three five-star superior hotels, along with some award-winning restaurants. The car-free satellite of Oberlech above the village, once the summer domain of shepherds and cowherds, has also grown almost into a resort in its own right, with huts replaced by expensive hotels. While many Austrian resorts are well known for lively après ski, Lech best suits more sophisticated, cocktail-sipping types.
#5 Megève, France
The epitome of aristo chic, Megève, a former farming village, was founded in 1916 by Baroness Noémie de Rothschild, who decided that France should have its own St Moritz. It succeeded in attracting the rich and famous – in the 1950s French singer, Sacha Distel was king, sharing bubbles with Yves Montand, Brigitte Bardot, and Jean Cocteau among others.
Today, it is home to nine five-star hotels and five Michelin-starred restaurants, as well as several of the world’s finest mountain spas. Glittering boutiques and galleries line the traffic-free medieval center and ancient cobbled streets, and mean, along with an outdoor ice rink, splendid church, and horse-drawn sleighs, that Megève suits those looking for an all-round winter holiday, not just pounding the slopes.
#6 St Moritz, Switzerland
Welcome to the world capital of winter glitz – walking the streets in high season, it would seem that Prada and Bogner are the sole manufacturers of ski wear and that mink fur coats are mandatory. St Moritz is divided into three villages, Dorf, Bad, and Celerina, around or near Lake St Moritz, with Dorf having the pick of shops, nightlife, and restaurants.
However, there’s more to St Moritz than bling. Its position close to the border with Italy and a ski area high point of 3,305m gives it a rare combination of both snow and sun reliability. It was also the first all-round winter-sports resort in the world and boasts a myriad of on and off-snow attractions from skating and bobsleigh to polo, horse racing, and cricket on the frozen lake.
#7 Aspen, USA
During the 1880s Aspen in Colorado enjoyed a brief silver-mining boom and then, after decades of neglect, its historic core was brought back to life thanks to the American skiing boom of the late 20th century. Glamorous and fashionable, it is delightful to stroll around in the evenings, window shopping in designer boutiques from Dior to Moncler, and enjoying the varied restaurants and bars, of which there are over 100.
Aspen has four separate ski areas – Buttermilk, Aspen Highlands, Snowmass, and Aspen Mountain. Aspen Mountain, with long cruising blue runs and short, steep blacks, is accessed from town by gondola, while the other three are reached by free shuttle buses. Buttermilk is the smallest and least challenging, Snowmass the most extensive with terrain for all, and Aspen Highlands has both easy intermediate slopes and the super steeps of Highlands Bowl.
#8 Kitzbühel, Austria
This medieval town with its heavily buttressed walls and delicately painted frescoes, set against the beautiful backdrop of the Wilder Kaiser mountains, is one of the most beautiful in Austria. Pretty, pedestrianized streets are lined with luxury hotels, smart fashion boutiques, and wickedly expensive cafés.
Judge by the fur-clad clientèle browsing shop windows, and Kitzbühel also might seem the ritziest resort in Austria. However, while there is a wonderful choice of four- and five-star hotels, even at the top end of the tree prices don’t reach stratospheric heights. It’s also one of those rare resorts that genuinely appeals to non-skiers, and has a buzzing nightlife scene.
#9 Courmayeur, Italy
This traditional mountaineering village sits at the foot of Mont Blanc at one end of the Mont Blanc tunnel, with Chamonix in France at the other end. The heart of Courmayeur is the pedestrianized Via Roma, lined with smart boutiques and enticing bars and restaurants, as well as delicatessens and shops selling antiques or homewares. Restaurants both in town and on the mountain are of a particularly high standard, and Courmayeur is one of the spiritual homes of the long, lazy lunch.
Courmayeur is less than two hours from both Geneva (116km) and Turin (150km), making it ideal for a short trip. Well‑heeled Italians from Milan and Turin arrive en masse on Friday evenings, thronging the designer boutiques and cocktail bars. Fortunately, since the ski area is a compact 36km, only a small number hit the slopes – they come for the party rather than the piste.
#10 Zermatt, Switzerland
There's a busy, prosperous feel to the center of Zermatt, with ambling fur-coated couples, designer shoppers, and Japanese or Chinese tour groups rubbing shoulders with purposeful mountaineering types. Switzerland’s most famous resort also brings together every scenic Alpine cliché, from the world’s most photogenic mountain, the Matterhorn, to streets lined with a jumble of blackened, weathered, wobbly-looking chalets.
Views from everywhere on Zermatt’s varied, extensive slopes are stunning, including from its outstanding mountain restaurants and spectacular gondola lift to the resort high point of Klein Matterhorn at almost 4,000m. Plentiful long, scenic red and blue runs will satisfy intermediates, while itinerary runs (avalanche controlled but not patrolled) and off‑piste challenges are the main attraction for experts, especially those willing to ski tour or heliski. For extra mileage, Zermatt is linked to the slopes of Cervinia in Italy.
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orientvacations · 4 years
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#keralagram #keralatourism #keralagodsowncountry #keralam #keraladiaries #kerala #keralaphotography #keralagallery
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Kerala , a state on India's tropical Malabar Coast, has nearly 600km of Arabian Sea shoreline. It's known for its palm-lined beaches and backwaters, a network of canals. Inland are the Western Ghats, mountains whose slopes support tea, coffee and spice plantations as well as wildlife. National parks like Eravikulam and Periyar, plus Wayanad and other sanctuaries, are home to elephants, langur monkeys and tigers.
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chaloindianet · 2 years
Kerala Tour Packages
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Welcome to Kerala Tour Packages, Kerala, a state on India's tropical Malabar Coast, has nearly 600km of Arabian Sea shoreline. It's known for its palm-lined beaches and backwaters, a network of canals. Inland are the Western Ghats, mountains whose slopes support tea, coffee and spice plantations as well as wildlife. National parks like Eravikulam and Periyar, plus Wayanad and other sanctuaries, are home to elephants, langur monkeys and tigers. We offer Kerala Tour Packages at affordable cost.
Company : Chalo India Phone : 06399372872 Address : Shop Number 23, Aasthan Mall, Lakhanpur Chungi, Ramnagar, Uttarakhand 244715
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carryonchile · 2 years
4 April - El Valle del Elqui
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It was an early start on Monday morning for Daniela and Sofia preparing for another week of work, while I was packing (relatively) light for my journey of around 600km north to the small town of Vicuña in the Elqui Valley, my final destination of this trip. I was initially in touch with the very friendly Adeline of the Elki Magic tour agency back in autumn 2021 to seek advice, ahead of the arrival of Omicron, on the current ease of travel and tourism in Chile. Over six months later, I was finally heading to Elqui Valley, known particularly for one of the clearest night skies in the world, and the production of pisco.
I head back to the coach Terminal San Borja; the area felt far less intimidating during Monday morning. The journey along the Ruta 5 Pan-American Highway passes through plenty of parched scrubby land, occasionally skirts the impressive breakers of the Pacific, and carves through a few mountain ranges. We were overtaken at one point by a coach proudly displaying to all drivers its speed on the rear, but showing that it was exceeding the 90kph limit for coaches. While writing this on the return trip to Santiago I see that we're traveling at 110kph: I'm not convinced that the speedometers on public display have any impact on safe driving!
We pulled into the La Serena coach terminal at around 4pm and I enquired about the next bus to Vicuña, around 60km away. I was to learn that due to a problem with a vehicle there were no more departures that day, and no other companies providing the service. Instead I was advised to walk into the city centre to take one of the colectivos (shared taxi). This seemed strange since I had understood from the hotel that there was a bus around every 30 mins and two companies operating. Judging by the number of buses we passed on the road to Vicuña, I guess the colectivos I was directed to are operated by the bus company I spoke to!
Arriving at the street I'd understood that I needed to wait on, a lad advised me that I needed to look out for a yellow colectivo. After 15 mins of several passing by (but to other destinations) I enquired again and was on the wrong street! I found the departure point on the parallel street, established the vague queuing system, and soon I was off. The elderly gentleman I was sat next to made me smile very much when the silence was broken by the Pet Shop Boys's Go West ringtone of his incoming call. 
An hour later, after skirting the depleted Embalse Puclaro reservoir, we pulled into pretty looking Vicuña, surrounded by sun parched mountains, which along with the sky, were of a spectacular colour as the sun was setting. 
I checked into Hotel Halley, just two blocks from the Plaza de Armas. The hotel was my bargain find (well, by Sofia) of my trip, £9 a night for an ensuite double room with breakfast! The hotel also came with a small pool! An Airbnb offer meant it was a third of the usual price, and nearly half of what I'd been regularly paying for a bed in a dorm room without breakfast. I would miss out on the social atmosphere of a hostel but happy for a little luxury to round off my trip.
After checking in I head to the office of Elki Magic and finally met Adeline in person. Adeline, originally from France, established over 10 years ago with her partner Lincoln (who she met when in the town on her travels), the first tour agency in Vicuña. As during my phone conversations, she was just as helpful and patient with my queries about how to spend my three days in the Elqui Valley, once I'd given her a rundown on my two months down south! While in the office, Adeline calmly noted that we were experiencing an earthquake, the first I had felt here. Later that evening I discovered that it was a 4.2 magnitude centred on the nearby coast. I later learnt that the locals are not concerned by anything under magnitude 6. I also awoke to a mild tremor in my room one night. While tremors are frequent here, they generally are never as powerful as those south of Santiago.
Vicuña is the birthplace of the (first Latin American) Nobel Prize winning (in 1945) poet, Gabriela Mistral. Along with astronomy and pisco, the town and surrounding area makes good use of her name for branding, and the street on which the museum devoted to her is located was renamed in her honour. She certainly deserves the accreditation though; a humanist and educator, she spent her years teaching in local towns and cities across the country, devoting her life to improving the education of children and women. She later lived in a number of overseas countries where she sought to improve the education system, and was a diplomat representing Latin American culture, before settling in New York, where she passed away in 1957. She was a close friend of the fellow poet Pablo Neruda.
I sampled a fascinating new (open two weeks!) addition to the town, the Universo Elqui exhibition. Developed by a keen astrologist with some local university funding, Rodrigo gave us a guided tour of several rooms detailing the history of observatories in the valley (some of which are owned by NASA, with a new one currently under construction), the Big Bang and creation of stars and the universe, and the process and impacts of climate change. It was rounded off with a complimentary bottle of beer brewed on the premises.
The first evening I walked up to the Cerro de la Virgen lookout to check out the changing colours of the surrounding landscape as the sun set for the day. At the lookout was a local who runs there every other day, and advised me that I had 30 mins more light. I took what I had understood to be a shorter and easier route back into town, but got a little lost as the darkness set in! My maps app and the torchlight came in very handy.
The following morning I head back to the Elki Magic office and met four fellow travelers joining me for a 55km (mainly) downhill cycle ride from Alcohuaz, nearly 2,000m above sea level in the Elqui Valley, back to Vicuña at 600m. Along the Circuito Gabriela Mistral on the Ruta de las Estrellas (Route of the Stars) we passed through Pisco Elqui (renamed to put it on the tourist trail) and Montegrande, where Gabriela spent her childhood, which is also now her resting place. During a sunny 30C day complemented with a gusty warm wind from the Andes, we passed alongside the arid mountains with patches of green in the valley bottoms where vegetation sits, including the grapes grown for pisco. There were also some avocado plantations clinging to a mountainside.
We stopped off at the small artesanal Dona Josefa pisquera for a free sample and tour, where I purchased a couple of small bottles to share with friends back in Santiago. Bottles for myself would have to wait until duty free since I'm traveling with hand luggage only. In spite of it mainly being a descent, the heat, lack of shade, and gusty headwind, did make it hard going. I did though manage to cool down a little by lying in the gentle and shallow waters of the Rio Claro (Clear River), in a zone of some natural pools. We all chose to bypass the vineyard tour and save ourselves for the Guayacán craft brewery towards the end of the ride, where we were relieved to take a break from the saddle, heat and wind, to enjoy a variety of samples, one of which included the ingredient 'Nottingham yeast' no less! The beers boosted the energy supply for the final 30 minutes along the direct (but busy) road back into Vicuña as the blindingly bright sun was setting behind the mountains beyond the town.
The third and final day, after some gentle breaststroke (I wasn't convinced by the pool water quality for submerging my head!), was a lazy one, returning to enjoy some good coffee I'd found on the plaza, returning to a top notch cheap veggie café, searching for the obligatory fridge magnets, failing to find postcards of the town/valley, and having a good conversation in English with Filipe, the guy working in the tourist office, who happens to also brew beer! I returned later in the day to buy a pack of his Jarropato variety to also enjoy back in Santiago with friends. 
Last, but certainly not least, I finished my stay with an evening visit to the Pangue Observatory, 17km out of town at 1,900m, and owned by a very eccentric French guy Eric, who's lived in the town for many years. With his website on which it's impossible to find the booking or contact details, and his old skool (or maybe hipster?) Nokia brick mobile, he's quite a character! His tour had been recommended as an alternative to the better known (and more mass tourism) Mamalluca or other options. 
There were just three of us for the tour; I was joined by a couple from Viña del Mar. With a second astronomer, our car climbed the sandy and stony roads surrounded by mountains with a stunning glow, as the sunlight disappeared. The moon (a few days after new moon) shone above Vicuña. Traveling through the cactus filled dusty arid landscape, it really did feel like we'd entered another planet. The most recent rainfall was last year, when a whole 6mm fell. During the past five years the area has received a total of around 50mm, less than 10% of the historic annual average of 150mm.
We passed through a couple of locked gates to access Eric's observatory, then admired the silhouette of surrounding mountains (some of which host NASA telescopes) as the final colours of sunset faded. The show itself was spectacular, including looking at the sky with the naked eye, where there is no Plough or equivalent of the North Star to be found. Sailors had a tougher job of negotiating the southern oceans! But we could clearly see the brightest star (Sirius) in the universe and the nebula cloud of the Large Magellanic Galaxy. Through the telescope, we got to see the various shades of the gas clouds according to density, different coloured stars according to age, the Acrux twin stars, the Eta Carinae star which is causing some excitement as a supernova is expected 'soon', and of course the detail of the moon, where the pin prick looking impact craters are at least 5km in diameter, increasing to up to over 200km. Being rather ignorant of the universe surrounding us, I got to learn plenty during the evening, and was probably asking too many silly questions! The evening was a very special way to end my second Chilean adventure, other than a half weekend back in Santiago.
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bertramellen · 3 years
They are always in a positive mood even during difficult times and their enthusiasm is contagious.
&c., “and all and every person or persons concerned in giving or attempting to give effect thereto, ... First, we wanted to know whether older people living in locations with higher levels of outdoor PM2.5 have an increased risk for cognitive impairment, especially dementia. They are always in a positive mood even during difficult times and their enthusiasm is contagious. With a claimed one charge range of between 400 and 600km, depending on which version you buy, the ID is a compact, hatchback electric car aimed right at every single family driveway on the continent and beyond. Bowling Green senior Will Taylor and eighth grader John Guthrie stood in the way of catalog cercei aur turcia a Greenwood sweep. The show has since toured the world, having been seen by more than 12 million people in the UK neve e sale amazon alone.The show is directed by David Gilmore (Daisy Pulls It Off, Happy Days, Song Dance, Footloose) and choreographed by Arlene Phillips (Starlight Express, Saturday Night Fever, Flashdance The Musical BBC's Strictly Come Dancing).Restaurants and bars near the Palace Theatre in ManchesterLike us on FacebookFollow us on TwitterWhat's On NewsletterSubscribe to our What's On newsletterEnter emailSubscribe. The other two dingii in this picture are a blowgun and a tire filling attachment. Aemon Targaryen is not so easily replaced, however.” This is not going as I had hoped. “What!” they say, “are not the slaves property? and is it likely that any man will impair the market value of his own property by not giving them sufficient food or clothing, or by over-working them?” This process of reasoning appears to have been less convincing to the legislators of Southern States than to gentlemen generally at the North; since, as Judge Taylor says, “the act of 1786 (Iredell’s Revisal, p. She never had a castle. A ragged skin had been hung across the narrow baby nike trainers window to keep the damp out, and a slab of peat smoldered in a brazier. Too rich, thought Tyrion, too beautiful. I suggest investin in a "step reebok reverse jam lowbit" or "Unicorn bit" soyou can drill out the necessary holes in the steel drawer. SBH Will Go As previously
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Thenn, clad in a leather hauberk sewn with bronze scales. “It will be as if you had never come to Pentos, my little friend,” promised Magister Illyrio, as he drew shut the litter’s purple velvet drapes. He's related to several prominent racehorses on his dam's side, including champion Johannesburg, top class filly Preach, and last year's Charles Town Classic winner Stanford. After checking in with a magazine representative who started running her stopwatch OK, she didn have an actual timer, just an iPhone she was looking at nonstop it was finally time to take in the scene. 21, 1820, says:. Its cause remains under investigation, and 1,800 structures are still threatened.Containment of the Chimney Fire remained at 35 percent Monday afternoon.Further north toward Big Sur, the Soberanes Fire has charred 86,294 acres.The Soberanes Fire is spreading mostly southeast into Los Padres National Forest, and is 60 percent contained. Four or five of the more experienced guys retired after last year's win.. 13, 2011, after police found what they believe to be the remains of Shannan Gilbert. Ahead was hope. I don’t sleep, it night, but stand and listen at your door. “Leave your weapons here,” he told the prisoners. This decree offered liberty to all who desired to embrace the monastic life. 18th and Parade Streets, says that while gun violence is certainly a big problem that needs to be remedied, crimes like frequent break ins and burglaries actually made it tougher from a business standpoint in the 80Most Popular StoriesMost Popular StoriesMore>>East Side Shooting Victim Dies in HospitalEast Side Shooting Victim Dies in HospitalUpdated: Tuesday, June 20 2017 9:13 PM EDT2017 06 21 01:13:57 GMTWe have new information on yesterday's east side Erie shooting that sent three people to the hospital.We have new information on yesterday's east side Erie shooting that sent three people to the hospital.Crews Quickly Extinguish GE FireCrews Quickly Extinguish GE FireUpdated: Tuesday, June 20 2017 11:21 PM EDT2017 06 21 03:21:04 GMTFire crews went out to battle a structure fire at General Electric.Fire crews went out to battle a structure fire at General Electric.Dog Fighting Defendant Breaks Down in TearsDog Fighting Defendant Breaks Down in TearsUpdated: Tuesday, June 20 2017 5:28 PM EDT2017 06 20 21:28:59 GMTDanny Swift, 41, is charged with several counts of animal cruelty. We came out of the break against Minnesota. Heller Office Threat CaseUpdated: Wednesday, July 19 2017 4:59 PM EDT2017 07 19 20:59:26 GMTLas Vegas Police released surveillance video of a person of interest in connection with a threatening note that was left at Senator Dean Heller's district office this past weekend.Las Vegas Police released surveillance video of a person of interest in connection with a threatening note that was left at Senator Dean Heller's district office this past weekend.Most Popular StoriesMost Popular StoriesMore>>Sparks Police Arrest Four Teens Involved In String of RobberiesSparks Police Arrest Four Teens Involved In String of RobberiesUpdated: Wednesday, July 19 2017 10:35 AM EDT2017 07 19 14:35:03 GMT. The great grey sailcloth pavilion that the Tattered Prince liked to call his canvas castle was crowded when the Dornishmen arrived.
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travelwithsana · 3 years
Kerala Holiday Packages
Kerala, a state on India’s tropical Malabar Coast, has 600kms of Arabian sea shoreline. Famous for palm-lined beaches and backwaters, Kerala also has mountains with tea, coffee, and spice plantations; surreal waterfalls; vibrant temples; houseboats; and wildlife sanctuaries- home to elephants, monkeys, and tigers. 
Also known as God’s own country, Kerala is the perfect destination for a honeymoon trip, or a trip with friends or family.
Make your Kerala tour plan with TravelTriangle. Follow the link to know more about Kerala tour packages.
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newscheckz · 3 years
State pursues land for Lokichar-Lamu oil pipeline
New Post has been published on https://newscheckz.com/state-pursues-land-for-lokichar-lamu-oil-pipeline/
State pursues land for Lokichar-Lamu oil pipeline
The process of land acquisition for the laying of the 824-km Lokichar-Lamu Oil Pipeline, also known as the Kenya Crude Oil Pipeline, is expected to be completed in December.
Petroleum and Mining CS John Munyes has said through the Lapsset and the National Land Commission, the government is engaging communities in six counties to give up their land.
“That is the condition. Until we get the land and then the private sector comes in and the government puts money to lay the pipeline. We will have to wait,” said the CS.
The pipeline will pass through Lamu, Meru, Isiolo, Garissa, Samburu and Turkana counties.
“We hope to finalise this process by end of this year,” he said.
Munyes spoke after touring the Lamu Port in the company his National Treasury counterpart Ukur Yatani and other stakeholders.
A dedicated jetty near Bert 3 of the Lamu port will be constructed for the reception of crude oil. The berth is 70 per cent complete.
The pipeline is a key component of the Sh2.5 trillion Lamu Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia-Transport (Lapsset) Corridor project whose construction is underway in Kililana, Lamu West.
Tullow Oil discovered about a billion barrels of crude oil in blocks 10BB and 13T in South Lokichar basin, Turkana County in 2012.
Exploration has since been ongoing with a pilot scheme sending out 200,000 barrels to the export markets in August 2019, at a price of $12 million (Sh1.27 billion).
Tullow Oil estimates that Kenya’s Turkana fields hold 560 million barrels of oil and expects them to produce up to 100,000 barrels per day from 2022.
Kenya intends to transport 80,000 barrels a day, up from the 2,000 barrels a day currently being transported by road from Turkana to Mombasa.
With another possible discovery of more oil offshore in Kwale county, the need for a well-developed and interconnect infrastructure is more pronounced.
CS Munyes said Kenya needs a minimum investment of Sh500 billion to develop an oil infrastructure that will enable the country to commercialize its oil.
To effectively commercialize the oil, Kenya will need a central processing facility, a pipeline, the Lamu Port, refineries, among others.
“Cabinet has approved to allow the Petroleum ministry to engage governments and private sector for us to get over Sh500 billion shillings required to develop an infrastructure that will enable the crude that we have discovered in Kenya to be commercialised,” said Munyes.
Meanwhile, Munyes said the deal recently signed between Kenya and Tanzania for the transportation of gas from Dar es Salaam to Mombasa will be a game-changer.
Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu made her first official visit to Kenya last Tuesday on Kenya’s President Uhuru’s invitation, during which the deal was announced.
“We will transport gas between the coastal towns of Mombasa in Kenya and Dar es Salaam in Tanzania,” Suluhu said.
The project will cost Sh121 billion and will cover 600km.
Munyes added that: “We have started the process of acquiring natural gas from Tanzania. The plan is to lay a pipeline from Dar es Salaam to Mombasa and then later laying another pipeline all they to Nairobi.”
Works on the pipeline are expected to begin early next year considering that the design work have already started.
“By the end of this year, we should have completed that (design works),” Munyes said, “Next year we now turn to construction.”
“This will be a game-changer. It is going to lower our gas prices and help us acquire cheaper and environmentally friendlier energy,” the CS said.
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