#70s male blonde
beautifulfaaces · 2 years
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Ebon Moss-Bachrach
March 19, 1977
American actor
Richie [The Bear: 2022]
John [The Dropout: 2022]
Trey [Interrogation: 2020]
David/ Mirco [Marvel's The Punisher: 2017]
Desi [Girls: 2014-2017]
Ethan [Upper East Side Love: 2007]
Steve [Winter Solstice: 2004]
Billy [Murder in a Small Town: 1999]
brunette/ dark blonde
blue eyes
playable: young adult, adult
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🦅Russell Adler Headcanons
{Author's Note} Since I'm literally obsessed with this man, I thought I'd post my headcanons for him. All of these are based off of his canon backstory and character with bits of my own speculation thrown in so nothing should be too out of left field here. I may end up posting more of my thoughts on him soon so we shall see. Hope y'all like it and I'd love to hear what you think, as well as any headcanons you guys might have! Tagging @littlemissclandestine for this since she's an Adler fan. Let me know if I did this man justice lol🤭
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‼️Content Warning: swearing, suggestive themes‼️
~ ~ ~
-Badass asshole
-Takes awhile for him to soften enough to really love someone
-Flirtatious jerk when he has a crush
-Shows he cares through small actions that can be hard to notice, as well as vague, rather backhanded compliments
-Shamelessly stares from behind those glasses of his
-Thinks it’s really cute when you wear his shades but would never admit it
-Stylish with heavy 70s influence
-Probably modeled for a male fashion magazine at some point LMAO
-Definitely knows how to dance
-Seems like the type to meme a bit on British people (specifically Park lol)
-Very sarcastic, sometimes to the point that you don’t realize he’s actually joking because he's always so monotone
-Secretly loves Belgian waffles (this is a reference to that one Bruce Thomas TikTok lol)
-Has a soft spot for the Beach Boys (I mean, look at that 🎶bushy, bushy blonde hairdo🎶 of his)
-Since so many people have asked and teased him about it (I see y'all in the fandom and I will not accept this slander lol) -> his hair isn’t fake, it’s actually pretty soft, very bouncy, he likes styling it
-Very particular about his appearance as it is one of the few things that he can truly control
-Prefers cats over dogs
-Can get obsessive about certain things and lose himself to them (i.e. his search for Perseus) -> Mason quote: “He spent so long searching for Perseus, he didn’t notice when he lost himself.”
-Still struggles with PTSD from his time in Vietnam, which, alongside his obsession with finding Perseus, is what led to his divorce
-Carries a lot of guilt and regret that he doesn’t like to acknowledge
-Started smoking to cope with the trauma of war, now has a nicotine addiction; when he’s really stressed, he chain smokes like a chimney
-Gets restless if he doesn’t have a cigarette
-Doesn’t sleep well and when he does, he usually wakes up every few hours
-Scars - Shrapnel? Abuse? Torture? Animal attack? No one knows and he’ll never tell
-Kiss or trace those scars and he WILL melt
-Difficult for him to let his guard down
-Has a tendency to isolate himself -> Mason quote: "You were never alone, Adler. Only in your own stubborn head."
-Always wearing those damn glasses cuz STYLE but also to hide his eyes to remain as a sort of blank, emotionless slate to other people
-Absent parents who never showed him real love or support as he grew up so he struggles to do the same for others -> they were the reason he joined the army as soon as he turned 18
-When it comes to cuddling, he loves holding you against his chest and running his fingers along your arm, cheek, or through your hair; small but intimate actions like that are his favorite
-Doesn’t like to show emotions at all, even during more intimate moments; he needs some coaxing to relax in that way, which takes time
NSFW Below👇🏻 (it's really not too bad tho)
-Sit on his lap👀
-Will pin your wrists during the sexy times🫣
-After his divorce, he's tended to view sex as more of a transaction where both parties are fulfilling needs for each other so he'd be selfish at first but as your relationship progresses, he'd become far more generous
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 11 months
Can we take a moment and talk about
Miguel, Hobie, and the Black!Reader
a.k.a Black Men aren't the only one who date black women so why are there only Black!Readers for black characters????
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Don't think anyone has said it but I would like to see Miguel with some Black readers/Black OCs.
Like, I wanna see Miguel with a Boujee black woman, a loud one, a meek one, a stallion, a petite one-
I just wanna see Miguel x Black!Readers and Miguel x Black!OCs.
Black people are everywhere, in every fandom.
So black readers should be giving rep everywhere - not just with radical black characters like Hobie
Black women and black people in general IRL have our features demonized or looked down upon. In media, in the beauty industry, the fashion industry, hair industry, you name it. Our skin tones are 'too dark' to match well with makeup, our bodies too curvy or different, or hair too thick and hard to manage.
I think having characters openly express interest in them is radical - whether the character themselves are black or not.
The reason the Black Representation within Hobie romance fics stands out so much because every other character LACKS that.
In almost every other x reader fandom, black people and our features are ignored and erased for 'sweeter' things like blushing or 'running their fingers through your hair'
Like... Why can't there be a fic where Miguel compliments his Black partners hair. Or tries soul food?
You don't have to be a radical leftist like Hobie to find black people attractive.
So there's no reason for black!Reader to be confined to Hobie - or black characters at all.
You can write Dean Winchester with a Black!Reader. Or Sherlock Holmes, or Hobie Brown, or Miguel O'Hara.
Attraction to black people is so often seen as a fetish - that most white people and white characters never openly exhibit admiration or love towards black features and culture. They'd rather push us and our differences aside because acknowledging them and their beauty makes people uncomfortable. But those same characters will always 100% be implied to find white women attractive.
And in the Superhero Movie Sphere it's even worse.
ie. It's VERY VERY rare you will find Tony Stark with a Black woman.
The large majority of the women you see with Tony Stark early in the movies are WHITE. The ones he's taking to at galas and playing roulette in front of and kicking out after one night stands - White and blonde. If he sleeps with them - white and blonde.
And that's fine in the general population - a nonblack man who 'loves women' and loves sex just... not being seen with black women at all.
But if Tony Stark went two movies sleeping with only women that aren't white - uh-oh!! That draws attention!!
It's completely okay and not a fetish to be super attracted to white features in isolation, but if you take interest in non-white features without validating white women in the same breath then you're nasty and a fetishist and a racist.
Another example - Batman.
Zoe Kravitz was the first time we've seen Batman openly go after a black woman since maybe Eartha Kitt in 1967 - OVER 50 years apart
In the Christian Bale movies - he never flirts with black women. This classy, smooth Bruce Wayne isn't seen interacting with them. I mean... Why? Does he not like them? Or are the all the black people in Gotham just too poor to be around him to begin with?
????????? That don't add up. But that's how most characters are.
If a nonblack male character is shown in a relationship with a woman - the chances of that woman being cast as a black woman hits the FLOOR.
Their first choice is almost always white.
And the saddest thing is
Spider-Man is the biggest example of black erasure in romance and the effects it causes.
That's why when Zendaya got cast as MJ - it was a problem.
Because before then, during the 70 semi years of Peter Parker's existence - he was never shown on screen being attracted to black women in any capacity.
Betty, Gwen, Felicia, MJ - all white. In the cartoons, white. In the remake, white. Silk is probably one of - if not the - first POC we see Peter with. And they don't date, they've never been shown on screen, and over the past years Cindy has had a better written relationship with Felicia than she ever had with Peter.
For half a century we were conditioned to believe that Peter Parker dated white women with no representation or deviation.
Back in 2016 when TASM series was coming out, if you were a black reader who wanted to see yourself represented in any way or capacity on screen or in Fandom - good luck.
We're use to seeing these very romantically forward guys never flirting or fucking or dating black women. We're conditioned to accept this as normal.
It takes a genuine toll.
That's why when I was younger, I use to feel so insecure. Wondering if my favorite characters or celebrities would even find me slightly attractive. The idea that my favorite character wouldn't find me attractive because they've never been seen with a Black partner or interest ever not even once in passing hurts.
As a teen I just accepted that these characters 'Don't like black people' and can't find them attractive in that capacity. Because I mean, I have no reason to think they do - when most nonblack characters won't even look at a black female character for longer than 5 seconds.
Growing up I just accepted that these characters and the fandom as a whole did not see anything beautiful about me because of my race.
That's why Black readers should be more widespread.
We should be telling people that non-black men finding black women attractive is NORMAL.
I read SO many fics of black characters and go 'okay but they wrote reader as white.'
I have NEVER read a fic of a non-black character and gone 'okay they wrote the reader as Black'
Y'all.... You can write interracial relationships with characters that aren't black.
Interracial Relationships are not a special magic tool you can use to pair black characters up with non-black readers. Interracial Relationships go both ways.
If you're down for writing Hobie x NonBlack!Reader and writing an interracial relationship there - why are y'all not down for Miguel x Black!Reader?
Why are interracial relationships good when the black man experiences attraction outside his race towards nonblack people - but bad/unlikely when the nonblack man experiences attraction outside his race towards black people?
'Hobie loves everyone' Okay, Miguel would too. But I don't see the 'Hobie Loves' people rushing and pushing for inclusion in the Miguel tag. They don't care if fanwriters show Miguel 'loving everyone'.
They don't go -
'Miguel loves latinas, Miguel loves black women' in Miguel's tag.
Even though nonblack men experience attraction towards black people and black women everyday across the world.
Some are even married to us - can you believe it??
In conclusion - More Miguel x Black!Reader. More Miguel x Black!OC.
Give Miguel AfroLatino Babies!!!!
Give Miguel O'Hara a Nigerian Wife so help me God
Anyway - Big up @hrhmimieucliffe and their AMAZING Black OC Giselle, who has a ~thing~ ;) with Miguel (they are v cute!!)
More Miguel x Black!Reader. More Miguel with Black! OCs. I want a Miguel that likes his women like he likes his milkshakes - tall, sweet, thicc as fuck, and FULL OF CHOCOLATE
And once again, that's on WHAT!!!!
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buckyarchives · 2 years
Just a Game | Bucky Barnes
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Pairings: Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary: if anything, you and Bucky’s relationship was just a game. Who will win and who will break?
W.c: 3.9k
Context: Bucky being a little toxic, reader being a little toxic. Rough sex, degradation, small amounts of praise, p in v
Author note: dude. I don’t even know where this came from just enjoy it. I also did plan for this ending to be fluffy, it took a mind of its own by 1k words
Read on AO3 | Masterlist
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It was known to everyone in the compound that Bucky's and your relationship was built on jealousy, hunger, spite, and possessiveness. None of it was inherently healthy, and sometimes whatever went on between the two of you felt more like a game than anything. And everyone knew not to interfere. Or at least… most people. 
The first time Bucky set sights on you it lit an intense fire in him, he actually felt something for the first time in 70 years. It didn’t take long for him to become addicted, everything about you drew him in. you were like a fucking drug, and Bucky was ready to destroy himself for you.
You were taunting and alluring, and Bucky was sucked in from the moment your dark eyes met his. you recognize the look in his eyes, you let yourself live in it and start to drown in those baby blues, it felt so good.
That’s when the game started.
Bucky was a possessive person at heart, you brought it out of him in a new way. It scared the fuck out of Steve. He would watch you with a shadow casing over his eyes, making him look dangerous and an aura some would only expect from the winter soldier. You’d spar with other male agents, and make a point to skillfully rub yourself against the other — knowing Bucky Barnes was lurking with his intense stare, like a wolf stalking its prey.
You would tease him in the hallway by swaying your hip a little too seductively, knowing he couldn’t do a thing about it. Brushing your hands against his elbow and looking at him through your lashes, before stepping out of the way before he could even lay a finger on you.
Once in a room together, the tension would be so thick it would choke any unsuspecting person. Challenging glances would blur your minds. And soon enough the line between just teasing and actually hurting each other was crossed. There was absolutely no going back.
You started tossing around fellow agents like playthings just to rile up Bucky, a foolproof way of getting his attention. Once the thought of another man on you got to be too much, he’d pound you into oblivion and fuck the thought of any man out of your brain. Or just any thoughts at all. you had him wrapped around your fingers.
But Bucky was adaptive, he was smart and figured your game out quickly. When he began to tear his gaze from you in the hallways, acting smug and like he didn't care you were feeling up agent Mason and giving him false hope in an attempt to get Bucky's attention.
He soon grew hungry to have you chasing after him, to be desired by you the same way he ached for you.
and it didn’t take long for him to achieve his goal.
Another one of Stark's stupid galas, he invited all the avengers and every in-combat and training agent under SHIELD. Bucky noticed you almost immediately, lingering in the corner was a drink in your hand. You wore a tight black dress that cut out on your chest and hips making you look stupidly hot. The exposed skin taunted him, he imagined grabbing you tightly there and bending you over the bed, and going at it like no tomorrow.
Bucky knew you saw him, you tried to hide the side eye, but Bucky always saw through your ploy. You were fucking ignoring him, inching closer to the short blonde across from you. Bucky clenched his fist so hard he might have drawn blood in the right. 
You would come to him, he didn’t care. it was his mission for the night, to get you begging for him.
Bucky murder strutted to Natasha, who was thankfully right in your line of sight. perfect.
“Do be a favor, Natalia, and flirt with me?'' Bucky asked and put out the most innocent smile he could muster up.
It surprised Bucky how perceptive Natasha could be at times, she’d already clocked him the moment she noticed the dark haze over his eyes — glaring at you.
“I’m not going to be put in the crosshairs of y/n just so she’ll fuck you later tonight.” She rolled her eyes.
“Nat.” Bucky pleaded. 
“No, but agent 201 has been staring you down all night.” Natasha mentioned, her eyes glancing over at the short brunette a few feet away. a little far from your eye line, but he trusted you to search him out. “Just don’t lead her on.”
“Whatever, Natalia.” Bucky scoffed, pulled away from the redhead, and straight to the brunette agent.
It didn’t take long for the game to start, Steve and Sam sat in the corner and watched you two play your cards like it was a fucking sitcom. Placing bets on who would break first and drag the other to an empty hallway.
You noticed Bucky's gaze softened on the girl, his stupid playboy smirk as he grazed his flesh hand against her arm. Bucky noticed you scowl through the corner of his eye, this would be exciting. You dragged some man to an area cleared for dancing, pressed your ass against this groan skillfully, and just waited for Bucky to pounce. 
Bucky was going to play it out, restrain himself until you cracked at the sight of his attention being on another girl. But as you pulled the blonde agent close to you, his lips grazed to the spot behind your ear. Your sweet spot, he knew it well. He was only allowed to tease you there, your knees would grow weak every time he kissed there.
“y/n is busy right now, so go fuck off, yeah?” The raspy, low voice from behind you, the harsh grasp on your wrist, and the utter fear in the blonde’s eyes in front of you had you knowing exactly who it was.
And before you could comprehend anything else, Bucky was dragging you from the crowd. The world felt slow for a moment. All you saw was broad shoulders in front of you, stealing you away to go somewhere more private. You knew you won and a small smirk graced your lips. 
A gasp left your mouth as your back hit the wall, Bucky punched the up button for the elevator. His large hands grasp around your shoulder and waist, leaning close to your ear.
Bucky’s hot breath sent a chill down your spine and pooled in your panties, “you fucking tease. How long were you planning on dragging your ass against his dick, huh?” 
“Did it turn you on?” you snarked. 
Bucky’s grip tightened around your waist, he wore his anger on his face rather than shoving it down. He bit his cheek and breathed hard. Your eyes landed on the dent in his pants, and with a shit-eating grin, you looked up at him through your lashes.
“Sure looks like it did.”
It is equally scary and fucking hot how quickly he pushed you inside the elevator. Bucky's lip attached to your neck, he had to get the scent of any other guy off of you. The man should have known not to get in between you two. Bucky drew out whines from you as he nipped and licked your skin. He wouldn’t give you the pleasure of planting his lips on yours, that sweet satisfaction.
“I'll kill anyone else for touching you like I do.” Bucky muttered against your skin, and he was serious. He was seeing red only a few moments ago. “you’re mine.”
You chucked coyly, his lips ghosted your lower neck. Bucky's head rose slowly, noses centimeters apart as he stares you down.
“You think I’m fucking joking?” Bucky growled, his metal hand gripping you right around your waist. no doubt there will be bruises tomorrow.
“I think you're being a little overdramatic, buck.” 
Bucky poked his tongue to the side of his cheek, looking you up and down slowly with lust-filled eyes. “I hope you don’t call me overdramatic when I’m fucking every coherent thought out of your pretty head, the only thing you should be thinking about is how good you feel with my cock inside of you.”
You shuttered. and Bucky sensed it, a small smirk on his lips before he hoisted you up on his waist harshly. You knew the route, the 6th floor and the 4th door to the right was Bucky's room. 
The door slammed open by Bucky's shoulders. He was growing impatient and you were slowly grinding yourself against his groin. For the third time that night, your back slams against the wall harshly, and you yelp when Bucky bites at your lip. Definitely drawing blood. 
“How do you wanna do this, princess?” Buckys spoke against your lips, noses touching and steady eye contact. You slowly unwrapped your legs from his waist and steadied yourself on the ground. Bucky followed your actions intently.
Your finger slid down his shirt, you always seem to forget just how solid he was under all the black and leather. Slowly unbuttoning his shirt, bucky's hand wrapped around your wrist before you could make it to his belly. 
“I hope you don’t think you're in charge here.”
“We’ll see.” You said and looked up at him through your lashes. 
“Fuck you, doll.” Bucky spits.
“Waiting for it.”
Teleportation is real – because you were against the wall a second ago and not being pushed and shoved on the bed. Bucky tore at your dress and tights, slowly undressing you and pushing your neckline down to show your chest. Two metal fingertips pinched your hard nipple, earning a loud yelp from you. His lips traveled farther down, across your collarbone, and down your sternum. Bucky was sucking hard on your exposed skin, he felt this possessive and almost primal urge to leave a mark. So you'd know the next day after looking into the mirror who was making you feel good, no one else would be able to touch you without seeing bucky's mark. He wished he could tattoo it into your skin if he could. 
“Bucky…” you whine as he ghosted his lips over your lower tummy. You felt him smirk against your skin and a soft blow as he chuckled. 
“Don’t get greedy now.” He met your back on your lips, bruises and swollen bright pink. “Show me what you want.” He growled, an order you obeyed happily. Your eyes stayed on his before you rolled on your stomach and slowly perched your ass high for him to see. He moaned, tugging your panties down by hooking them under his thumb. 
“Good girl.” You smiled at that, biting your lip as he pushed one, cold metal finger up and down your folds. Testing the waters, he scooted up further to press his groan up to you. Still wearing his dress pants and pressing his digits to your pussy. You bit back your moans, not wanting to give him that satisfaction yet. Simply toying with him until he was so desperate he just —
“Fuck.” He dragged out as his already wet tip poked at your hole, he was getting needy too. Perfect. “I don’t care who listens, I want you screaming or I won’t let you come. Want everyone to know who makes you feel good, yeah?”
You hummed, pressed against him as he still teased your cunt with his tip. You hear a low chuckle under his breath, grasping your hips and pressing his chest to your back. Bucky filled you to the brim with his cock until he bottomed out, you exhaled and felt his hot breath on your ear. 
“What’s in that pretty head, huh?” He started to make forceful and slow trust into you, his hips snapping as he spoke. “You thinking about that blonde’s dick in you? Do you think he’d fuck you like this?”
You don’t respond, only small dragged-out moans as he started to pound into your pussy. The sound of skin slapping filled the room. Pure ecstasy filled your body, as he filled you. You’d feel it with him deep inside you, squeezing around his cock as he found the most sensitive parts of you.
“Huh?!” He shouted, with an especially forceful snap of his hips. Right after, beginning to speed up and wrapping his flesh hand around your throat. “You thinking about his cock, honey? Be honest, baby, tell me.”
You whined, “no.” Already feeling your eyes start to lull back as you lost yourself in Bucky, he was fucking you like he couldn’t get any closer. Like he wanted to be one. 
“Who do you belong to you?”
“Mhmmm.” You drew out, “your. I’m all yours. No one can fuck me — ah! James — fuck me like you. No one.” 
“That my good girl.” He cooed, releasing his hand off your throat, and began to drill into you as if his life depended on it. Choked grunts and moans escaped his lips as you squeezed his cock, “now take it, let me fill you up and take it.”
“Oh! Fuck, James!” You shouted, his cock hitting the perfect spot. Filling you up until it felt like he was in your stomach, your eyes closed back as the world became a blur and all you felt was him, you and him. Nothing else matters. 
You feel your body grow limp, almost useless as your chest and face fall to the bed and you melt into him. His hand runs down your arch, sending a shiver down your spine as he moans out your name. Hissing as his cock continued to fill you. A dark chuckle left his lips, “they’re we go, baby. Just like that.”
“My sweet girl, you’re so tight around me, so fucking good.” He grunts, rambling on like a madman under his breath. Whines of filthy words and his name leave your throat, whimpers as you plead for more as pleasure shoots through you like a fucking lightning bolt.
Can’t even move against him anymore, you're paralyzed under his rough grasp. His fingers mark bruises on your hips. 
“Fuck Bucky! I’m - oh my god - ‘m gonna come. Baby, please.” 
It’s then you decide Bucky Barnes is the ultimate fucking asshole when he slowly slides his cock out of you, halting the hard and forceful snap of his hips and you feel empty. So goddamn empty. 
His hand goes to rub your pussy, making you ache and whine. “You’re not allowed to yet, baby girl.”
“Fuck you,” you spit. He just shows you a toothy grin and turns you around onto your back, smoothing his hands on your breast, stomach, and waist. You can feel the weight of him on your core, it’s intoxicating. 
This entire… relationship was rocky and built in mostly lust and jealous eyes. Late nights and short mornings. But sometimes, and it always took both of you by surprise, romantic gestures and sensual touches would leak through the cracks. So as Bucky leaned down close and took your lips against his, it wasn’t aggressive or dirty. A little passionate but it held an innocence that was unfamiliar to you, but by god - it lit you the fuck up. 
You breathed into his mouth, hot breaths and moans as Bucky slowly slid into you. The stretch was delicious, and Bucky was devouring you. Bit by bit. 
“Fuccckk.” You moaned, breaking the kiss to let your head lull back into his silk sheets. All you can feel is warmth and fullness as he begins to rock his hips again. Bucky’s pushing against you, his hands on your hips so he fuck you in just the way he likes.
“M’not a fuck toy, Buck.” You tease, and he doesn’t let up, still drilling into and taking pleasure from your body like a feast. 
“Aw, baby?” He teases, an almost condescending look on his face as he looks down on you. The metal of his dog tags brushed against your breast. You forgot how lovely that cold sensation was. “You don’t wanna be my little fuck toy?”
He snaps his hips so hard you cry out. 
“Let me use you until you’re all full of my cum?”
Another forceful, hard thrust. Your irises roll to the back of your head as your mouth stays wide open.
“So, I’ll fuck you how I please.” Snap. Bucky lets out a grunt before wrapping his mouth around your breast and sucking hard. Biting at your pebbled nipple until you're crying out his name so loud you're sure the party 6 floors down can hear you.
Bucky's tongue is hot and wet and is everything good on earth. You tighten around him and hear bucky wince and groan into your skin, you giggled - soon cut off by a harsh thrust as you choke. But his thrust begins to slow again, he knows you're close and he’s trying to keep you dancing over the edge as long as he can. Not letting you have the pleasure of relief. 
“Bucky, let me come, goddamnit!” You choke out, “please, please.”
You hear him chuckle, “begging? Good girl. I’m glad we figured out whos in control here.” One metal hand snakes around your waist and up your back. Pulling your flesh against his chest as he continues to drill into your cunt. Practically splitting you open and filling you with nothing except pleasure, warmth and him.
“Fuck, fuck. Bucky-“ it's so close, to the release. you squeeze around him and he feels it.
“That’s it, doll. I got you.” 
“Oh my-“ your legs shake and your body starts to lose all its strength, but Bucky holds you steady. The touch is almost sensual, but you can’t think about that right now. Not when you're slowly letting go.
He swallows your moans as you let go, his hips don’t let up and you feel him close behind you. You begin to think Bucky Barnes fucking you like this, filling you whole with his warmth is the closest thing you’ll get to a religious experience. 
Bucky begins to slow his thrust, a mixture of your juices filling you, coating both his and your thighs. 
“I got you, I got you, baby girl.” Bucky whispers into your ears, sounding breathless as his chest rises up and down. Similar to you, your head falls into the crook of his neck and stays there as you slowly ground yourself back to reality. His thumb smoothed over your back, still holding you close and inside you. 
“You’re okay,” his voice softened “where is my girl at?”
“M’tired.” You whine, Bucky smiles and slowly pulls out of you. The lack of fullness and warmth makes you chase after his touch, a really pathetic and weak attempt, too. But Bucky doesn't let go, slowly moving so he could hold you securely against his chest and lie down. 
It grows very quiet for a while, like most of the time. You’ve come down from your high, half expecting Bucky to up and leave once he knows you’re mentally okay. But he stays, his arms still wrapped securely around you and smoothing your skin. Just breathing together and in a bliss silence, naked and flush against each other. 
The pit in your stomach grows larger and larger, anticipating when he will leave the bed. And as he stays longer and longer, you know it will hurt more when he finally lets his side of the bed cold and leave you alone. You wished you could let go of these silly feelings, knowing they will never grow to be anything else besides some possessive little fuck every now and then. You wish you could be more to him than —
“Can we stop doing this?” 
Your thoughts come to halt, you can’t move, can’t speak. What does that even mean? Bucky's breathing heavily on your neck, not from the exercise of sex, no no- this is, he’s nervous. You're almost glad you can’t see his face.
“Doing what?” You ask.
Bucky gulps, “this game.” He sighs, sounding almost pained as he speaks, like some sacred confession that hurts him in the gut to say out loud. “The jealousy and the spite towards each other, only seeing each other when we want to fuck. I- I don’t like it anymore, it doesn’t feel good.”
Your eyebrows furrow, swiftly turning to face him. Bucky looks pained, and tortured. He bites his lip and you suddenly feel speechless. Trying to gauge a sense of his emotions, what he’s feeling, and trying to grasp your head around what he is saying. 
“What are you saying Bucky?”
His Atlantic blues tear holes into you, and for a second, it almost looks like he wants to cry. 
“I love you.” 
Your eyes blow wide open, a small gasp leaving your mouth. “I-“
“You don’t—“ Bucky sigh, closing in on himself as he begins to regret even opening his mouth. “You don’t have to say it back, or say anything. I just wanted you to know.”
I just wanted you to know.
You blink once, twice, maybe a third time before a small sigh leaves your lips. Looking down and away from Bucky's eyes that couldn’t let you think, you gulp.
Now or never?
Sweet lips slant against yours, swollen and pink as your hand wraps around bucky's neck, tugging at his brunette locks. You feel Bucky's signature Cheshire grin grow against yours. His hands never left your body, still rubbing at your soft skin. The kiss is so innocent and full of love that it’s almost uncomfortable for a second between you two, so unfamiliar. 
There’s a little slobber on Bucky's lips when you part, he’s smiling like a kid in a candy shop. His eyes practically twinkle and you realize he looks quite charming like this. 
“I love you, too. I think I have for a while now.”
Bucky pulls you back into a kiss, a sweet and loving kiss. 
After another much more loving round of sex, one you wouldn’t even call fucking because it was nothing close to that. No, you make love with Bucky for the first time and it was utterly liberating. His arms stayed wrapping around you as you fell asleep against his chest, as he whispered soft and sweet nothing into your ear. You fell asleep loved for the first time.
The next morning was even better, no rushing to get up and away from another. Bucky stayed with his hands around you and softly breathed, “you can sleep, doll. I’m gonna go get some breakfast.”
You hummed and let your head fall back onto the pillow, Bucky ran a hand through his tousled locks and threw his boxers and sweats on. Bare feet padded as he walked into the kitchen with sleep and love apparent on his face. 
A few avengers saw it too.
A loud and shrill whistle came from behind Bucky as he poured hot coffee into a black mug, “how’d the game end last night?”
Bucky turned to Sam, biting back a smile, and shaking his head slowly. “No more games.”
“Oh shit?” Natasha and Sam shared a look before Natasha could smirk and let the question dance off her lips. “Who confessed first?”
“I did.” Bucky smiled, god, has he ever smiled this much before?
Sam groaned loudly and slipped Natasha a 20-dollar bill from across the table, a defeated look as she quirked the end of her lip up. “Don’t hate the player, hate the game.”
“You guys are fucking assholes, you know that?”
Feedback and comments are highly recommended!
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@ivywasmaroon @ozwriterchick @slytherinambitious @wintermischief @silverfire475
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agust-june · 1 year
Take My Breath
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Johnny x black reader
Summary: Johnny knows how beautiful you are but he doesn't want to admit he wants to be more than fuck buddies.
Genre: fuck buddies to lovers late 70s early 80s
Warnings: rough sex, unprotected sex, cursing, arguing, Johnny grabbing you and slamming you against the wall. This is smut and it's nasty. This is not for minors.
A/n: This is based on a dream I had about being in the 80s at a disco club then making Johnny jealous and doing coke, but I didn't add it for obvious reasons. I wanna thank @neocitycollectives for helping me! As well as @multifandomslxt the both of you really inspired me and your words really helped me into posting this. I hope yall like this!
The year was unknown to you as the hot air filled the club, and the blue strobe lights glowed above you. You were happy as your male friend grabbed you, pulling you to dance with him. As your body moves in the dark club, you are being watched under the strobe light. Johnny looks at you in the middle of the floor, the smile you had on your face as you danced or grinded against his friend Jaehyun. He taps his glass of whiskey, thinking of ways for you to end up in his bed. Waiting for you to slip up to punish you later. You were already wearing his favorite dress, and your hair was in full thick curls. Meanwhile, your makeup was slightly smudged. But you didn't care. You were high on the feeling of the music running through your ears. The way your hips swayed and moved to the beat was mesmerizing to most of the men there. Not only that, but you were a beautiful black woman. To Johnny, it was unfortunate that trouble always finds beautiful women like you, even innocent ones.
You stop dancing as your head begins to spin. The man behind you kept moving as you stood there and locked eyes with Johnny who was coming onto you. You smirk and turn around continuing the dance as another man comes behind you completely trapping you into your arms. You looked at the man behind you. He was tall with blonde hair. He looked pretty hot. Eventually the guy behind you starts getting handsy touching your breasts and kissing your neck. Your eyes are trying to find Johnny, and when you isn't happy. His eyes glaring at you from the dark sent shivers down your spine, turning you on.
"My name is Jaehyun," the guy says. You moan as the man finds your weak spot on your neck. His grip on your neck was tight, but you liked it, closing your eyes as you let him do whatever he wanted.
"You like that baby?" He asks, making you nod, kissing you more. You can feel his bulge pressed against your ass, his hands running up and down your body. You moan as his hands go up your dress and into your panties.
"Do you want this baby? Am I turning you on?" He asks, but you have no answer as your thoughts go to one man and one man only. As you turn to look for Johnny, who was heading towards the exit. You move the guy's hand off you and push him away.
"Sorry, but I'm already spoken for," you say, walking away, going to the same exit. While in the halls, you see Johnny's tall figure turn the corner immediately and you run to catch up with him. You follow him outside as he goes to the hotel across the street. When you catch up to him, he goes into the elevator.
"Shut the fuck up" the tone in his voice made you go silent for a minute.
"Why? Did you not like my show?" You tease him walking around him almost pacing.
"You think you're hot shit huh?" Johnny pokes his tongue into his cheek trying to keep a cool head on. Jealousy was a pain in his ass as he remembered how you looked.
"Think? Oh honey I know I am. I mean you saw the way Jaehyun wanted to fuck me right?" Of course you'd bring it up to stir him up. The grin on your face said it all.
"Well congratulations! Go fuck him then."
"Is that what you want? Or are you mad it wasn't you?"
"What game are you playing?" Johnny asks knowing the answer he didn't want to admit.
"Same one as you"
"Y/n I'm warning you-
"Or what? Just admit it! You want me to be your girl. You wanna keep me to yourself right?" The words yes was screaming on the tip of his tongue. Johnny looked up at the elevator lights. Thinking to himself and to God trying not to think about hurting you in the worst of ways.
"We're just fucking and that's all it is"
"Okay then you don't get upset. In fact let me go back to see if Jaehyun can hit this" you try pressing the elevator doors to open but Johnny decides to speak.
"I don't see why? He's not gonna be better than me?"
"He sure felt bigger than you" you argue back making Johnny cackle.
"His fingers were good too, almost made me cum-" Johnny slams you against the wall, shaking you from your senses. The look in his eyes was pure rage. Tears well up into your eyes scared and you realize you went too far. You were about to apologize but Johnny cut the words from you before you could speak.
"Shut the fuck up. You wanna play games fine. You can screw any man you want but you're not gonna be satisfied. You're gonna end up in my bed being my good slut." His words gritting against his teeth like venom but not a moment after he shoves his lips against yours. You don't even fight it letting his tongue into your mouth roaming around it into your throat. Like a starved man on his last meal, he wasn't letting you breathe. You couldn't move you couldn't touch him. When he did let go he caught his breath before immediately going back to kiss you. He wouldn't let you touch him even when he went to pull your panties off he held both your wrists with one hand.
"You wanna be slut out fine. But don't act like my dick wasn't what you thought about while dancing with him. That's why you followed me right?" You let out a whimper as he shoved his fingers inside you, your hips immediately moving against his fingers. They were so thick filling you up but it wasn't enough you needed his dick.
"Wanted me to snap and manipulate me into whatever the hell you want. You think you can just come in here soaking wet for me and act like I'm not fucking you good?" Your mind was flooded with nothing but him. The moans you made was responding to his words. He unbuckled his pants made you get on your knees. He didn't even wait the moment you opened your mouth the way he wanted his dick was in your mouth. Johnny lets out a groan as you take his dick into your mouth. Talking dirty about how well you take his cock. His hand on the back of your head as he looks up at the lights getting lost into pleasure. His hips relentlessly fucking tour mouth making you gag on him. He stops as soon as he feels you push up looking down you. You immediately push back sending his eyes back calling you a slut. You liked it when he got rough you liked giving him head too. His hands gripping your hair feeling the coils forming once more. Sucking him off desperately wanting him to cum and he almost does. When his cock twitches in your mouth Johnny hisses before pulling you off. You don't hear him but you feel him picking, wrapping your legs around him and using the elevator for support. He's kissing you again this time it was more tender your lips
"Screw you. And screw this game you're fucking mine. You've been mine since I met you fucking slut" you sob loudly as Johnny enters inside you filling you up to the hilt. You were so wet Johnny slid right in. His hips were brutal fucking- no screwing you like he wanted to break you. He grunts in your ear as your body shakes every time. Your head resting on the wall watching him fall apart and you vise versa.
"So. Damn. Good." Johnny kisses your neck nipping and biting sucking the flesh. His thrusts slow down as he hears a whine from you.
"Don't stop!" You yell out, your voice going octaves higher.
"Shh, let me worship you. My pretty girl, " he kisses you, feeling your body. His hands touching your breasts, his thrusts still going, but this time they're more passionate. Johnny wasn't pent up anymore he just wanted to go slow. Wanting to savor the way your pussy feels around him. Savor how good he's making you feel. When he looks into your eyes all he can see is him. Just him and no one else. His heart fluttering as he looks at you all fucked out for him.
"So beautiful" Johnny stops for a minute taking in your face caressing your beautiful bronze skin. The specks of gold brushed upon your cheeks. You looked so good tonight and all for him. He was yours and you were his girl.
"Johnny please move" you beg your hips moving trying to get some relief with your walls throbbing around him.
"Shhh baby it's okay I'm gonna make you cum" Johnny then starts picking up the pace fucking you like there was no tomorrow.
"Ahh I'm gonna-
"Wait Baby let me cum with you" Johnny goes faster chasing his own climax while you try to hold off on yours. You whisper sweet nothings into his ear giving him a boost into his ego. Your hips moving against him matching his pace until you both cum together.
"F-fuck" you let out trying to catch your breath. Johnny collapses against your shoulder trying to keep holding onto you as he empties his cum inside you.
"I love you." You laugh, wiping the sweat off your forehead, then run your hands through Johnny's hair. He looks up at you as you smile.
"Took you long enough to say it.'' You tease as he slides out of you, helping you fix your clothes and your appearances.
"Hey, don't push your luck,' Johnny says, helping you down and standing up on your feet.
"So does this mean we're boyfriend and girlfriend?"
"Well damn let me take you on a date first,"
"I mean you already fucked me may as well give the title" you tell him reaching up to kiss him. Johnny smiles in the kiss before hitting the elevator doors to open. The two of you walk to his usual hotel room hand in hand.
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madam-kumo · 11 months
J-Street Fashion Banners/Moodboards
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Kogal Gyaru A street fashion very influenced by 80's - Y2k fashion in the west. This fashion involves bright tans, blonde hair, and doll-like eyes. This specific substyles of Gyaru is extremely common with teens in Japan as it allows them to wear Gyaru but still wear their uniforms. There are many more exaggerated form of Gyaru like Agejo, Tropical Gyaru, and Hime. This style is most commonly known for being the exact opposite to Japanese beauty standards at the time.
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Sweet Lollita
A Japanese street fashion most commonly associated with Rococo and Victorian clothing. Its most well known for its very lacy and ruffled trims and extremely ornate patterns (usually ranging from sweets to cute animals). Also, please note that the fashion has no association with the novel of the same name and the same name is merely a coincidence. Other substyles of Lollita includes, from goth to punk to the very ornate Hime Lollita. This fashion style is all about the desexualization of femininity and appealing to your inner fancy princess.
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Visual Kei Visual Kei or V-Kei is most well known for its music because of their association and similarities to western goth music. Visual Kei is actually referred to as a branch of the umbrella term "Goth" and its most popular influences are bands like Malice Mizer and Dadaroma. Visual Kei, like Gyaru, has seen a boom in popularity because of the comebacks of 2000's fashion and the acceptance of alternative styles. Visual Kei is most noticeable by the multiple black layers along side dramatic hairstyles and makeup. The most popular substyles of V-Kei are Eroguro-Kei, Tanbi Kei, and Angura Kei. This style is all about visual dramaticism, hence the name, and creative expression.
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Decora fashion is most well known for its visually bright and very colored style. This style involves kid-like fashion but times ten. Most Decora wear extremely bright or bold colors and eye catching clothing and multiple accessories. Many Decora's describe themselves as "Straight out of a Lisa Frank coloring book" and they show that influence in their extremely bold and flashy style. Decora's generally wear bright tennis shoes or platforms with multiple pieces of jewelry and hairpieces. Common themes are kid's shows, hello kitty, and rainbows. This style is meant to appeal to appeal to your inner child and be as eye catching as possible.
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Menhera (Trigger Warning for mentions of Self-harm, suicide, mental illness, and general gore themes.)
Menhera is mostly well known for its art work and media that slowly influenced into a fashion type. Menhera's are usually wear medical related things like bandages, pill themes, and paying a bit of homage to nurse or school girl uniforms. This style is usually colored with hot pinks, pastel colors, white, and lavender. The most noticeable part of this fashion is the implications of self-harm with bandages on the wrists and thighs and a boxcutter; this is seen a lot on a popular character named Menhera Chan. This style's purpose is to bring awareness to mental health and the importance of it because of Japan's high suicide rate.
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Mori Kei
Mori Kei is a street fashion centered around cottage living and as if living in a forest. Mori Kei consists of blouses, green ruffled skirts, and general "nature-like" fashion. This style is most commonly associated with "Cottage-Core", which is a western subtype of this fashion as Mori Kei really took off in 2009 while Cottage-Core became popular in mostly the 2020's. Mori Kei focuses on naturality, like a lack of overly expressive makeup and more toned down clothing that less visually eye-catching but no less beautiful. Mori Kei is also centered around hobbies from sewing, to reading, to even photography.
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A Japanese style that got incredibly popular in the 70's when a movement started to stop the overly strict school systems for women. Girls began to do the same as males, sitting "unladylike" and making ugly faces in pictures, and began to intimidate teachers. These women first began changing their uniforms, making them longer and wearing unauthorized accessories, as a form of protest. This style was very looked down upon and still is today because of its association with gangs and violence. However, this style has slowly but surely grown in popularity due to social media, manga, and a popular Japanese movie called Sukeban Deka. This style is centered around the empowerment of women and to fight back against social and gender norms.
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tuliptired · 5 months
Can you do one with Phoebe coming out to her family?
Cool Girl, Totally Untouchable (Ch 3/3!)
Pairing: Phoebe Spengler/ Melody
holy hell I loved writing this. Ty for your support!
read on Ao3 for better formatting and a better note!
The curtains were pulled in to block out any excess light, as per Melody’s request. Phoebe recoiled at the sight of fake blood, another innocent college student killed by the masked murderer in the mid-budget movie. They were huddled together on her bed, Melody on her stomach as she watched the film on the last laptop in New York that still had a DVD slot, let alone an attachment for cassettes.
Phoebe was comfortable, if not a little warm. She didn’t pay much attention to the sounds of death emanating from her computer, but rather the girl next to her. Melody had been to the firehouse at least twice a week for a while now- she had a few t-shirts and shorts to prove it. Phoebe’s eyes drifted over to the drawer they resided in, sectioned off so they didn’t get confused with her own. Her mom had suggested it offhandedly- Phoebe didn’t really care, standing over the open wardrobe wondering if she should wait for the dryer cycle to finish or just throw on Melody’s well loved concert memorabilia. She slept in her own pajamas that night, restlessly.
Her attention snaps back to the screen, as the scene changes for gore and guts to a room full of women changing. She can feel her blood pool in her cheeks as she rushes to turn the volume down, voice shaky.
“Sorry,” she mumbled, heart beat still fast at the sudden promiscuity, “these were in a stack from Ray’s basement.” Her voice grew quiet. Thankfully it wasn’t crazy explicit, her distaste for the now 70-something year old man left to a minimum. He was a geek in the 80’s, the gaudy nature of the sci-fi in the movie telling enough, but he was also a dude in the 80’s. She shuddered at the thought.
“I don’t mind.” Melody’s voice stopped her hovering finger from pressing down the “skip button”. She leaned back cautiously, letting the video play out. Melody really didn’t mind, expression intrigued as her head lay in her crossed arms.
Phoebe let out a breath, even more thankful that the scene was more dialogue than action. She followed the blonde in the pink top. Her hair was nice, that’s all. Cut short at her ears, eyes blue and eyelashes thoroughly curled. This must’ve been what they meant by “bombshell”.
“Think she’s cute?” Melody pointed to the woman, the question making Phoebe jump a little. Hm.
She didn’t really have an answer. She was definitely attractive, there was no denying that. If she was a boy, she’d date her.
“I dunno,” her voice was a little dumber than it usually was, to her at least. Not feeling like that was significant enough, she spoke up again. “If I was a boy, maybe.” Melody snorted.
She sat up on her arms then, examining the screen a little harder. “She’s nice. I like the brunette more, though.” It occurred to Phoebe that the blonde wasn’t the only woman on screen, and there in fact was a brunette, in the corner with a book in her lap, the only one with practical sleeping clothes on. It was weird, hearing a girl call another “nice” like a boy would.
She felt awkward, not responding. “She’s okay.” Phoebe hugged her knees closer to her chest.
“Okaaaay.” Melody suddenly leaned forward, rewinding the video, before stopping at a scene like the female-dominated one, except for it being a group of the male leads in a gym locker room. “What about them?”
Phoebe was thoroughly confused. Boys in a locker room. So what?
“What about them?”
“If you had to pick one. Which would you pick?”
She shrugged, brows creased slightly. They all looked the same. Guy with blond hair, guy with brown hair, guy with orange hair. “If I had to pick?”
“New question. If you had to pick between a girl and a boy.” Melody was invested in her experiment, as Phoebe grappled for a hold on the question. 
She was speechless. Melody posed a third question, fully sitting up like Phoebe was. “Do you like any of them?” There was a slight edge to her voice that she could see the girl cringe at.
“The blond guy is stupid, and his friends are dumber,” she confessed, not sure what it said about her. “The girl’s are smarter. Julie didn’t let Amy and Bethany go into the woods alone, because she knew they’d get caught by the killer.” Melody’s gaze and silence felt like a guillotine.
“Have you ever liked a boy?” The girl asked innocently as she messed with a loose thread on Phoebe’s comforter. 
She couldn’t remember a time in her recent memory where she liked anyone, not like she was supposed to. It was never that important to her, really. It was just the moments when her mom would call her a “late-bloomer” that it started to hurt. So, she resolved to run a test with Podcast while at a street fair before he went back to Summerville, as the weather cooled and the season transitioned to fall. She did all the cliche’s, complaining about the weather to get his jacket, sharing food. She didn’t feel anything, other than her friend’s coat around her shoulders and powdered sugar sticking to her fingers as he passed her a piece of funnel cake. 
She attempted holding his hand as they walked through the crowd. But, for the first time that evening, it felt worse than nothing, it felt wrong. She couldn’t pinpoint it- and she’s sure that on a regular day she would be fine with his hand in her’s, but she wasn’t right. She felt bad as she let it drop, but since then he’s never mentioned it. So they moved on, and she was eternally grateful that he’d played an unknowing, unprotesting participant in her study.
“I guess not.” Now it was her turn to mess with the loose fibers of her bedding. Jeez, this would need to be replaced soon. She turned her head, hesitantly but still curious. “Have you?”
Melody shrugged. “Sure. Alex Thompson.” Phoebe’s fist’s clench out their own conviction, jaw tightening a little. Fuck you, Alex. 
Melody hit her once on the shoulder, laughing prankishly. “Relax,” she teased, “we were in kindergarten.” Phoebe calmed a bit at that. Still, fuck you Alex. 
She remembered the laptop, the movie catching up to a part with only the female lead. “Have you? Liked…girls?”
Melody looked at her like the answer was obvious. “Of course.”
Oh. Phoebe nodded. “Both.” 
Phoebe felt the bed get lighter, as a loud thud hit the wooden flooring. Melody was on the ground, hands over her face.
“Oh my god, Phebes. You’re so gay.” The word felt like a projectile to the back of her head.
“I’m…” She didn’t have the words. “Plenty of…girls. Don’t like guys.”
“What do you think that’s called?” Stalemate. “Have you seriously never given it any thought?”
“I didn’t think it was important,” Phoebe’s voice raised, unintentionally, defensively. 
Melody sat up from the floor, eyes gentle and benevolent. “It’s not.” Her words soothed Phoebe’s bout of anxiousness. “It’s not.”
“Okay. Okay, I’m- I…like. Girls.” Melody applauded her from her spot on the ground. 
She shifted on the bed. It felt like there was a weight lifted off of her, which was quickly replaced with a new one. “This is so unceremonious.” Melody was next to her again. She moved fast, almost reminding Phoebe of a spirit. Almost.
“You’re not very ‘ceremonious’ yourself.”
“Ha. Ha.”
“How would you want it to happen? The realization?” Melody wiggled her fingers in the air, mystifying the hypothetical.
“I’m not sure.” In your arms, she so desperately wanted to say, against your lips. 
“But. Calling it. Gay. Feels so…official. I’d have to…come out? Right?” 
Melody shrugged, thinking about it. “Not if you don’t want to. You could surprise them like I did, call Jessica Rabbit hot.”
“I think I’d rather just tell them.”
The girl beside her rested her head against Phoebe’s. “Whatever you do, I’m proud of you. Be you, Phebes.” 
“Thanks.” I’m a better me when you’re around.
Her bedroom door opened, just mom. Still, both girls separated as the door opened a crack.
“Melody, your mom called. She wants you home.” 
“No fun. She never wants me home this early. Thanks for having me, Ms. Spengler.” She gives Phoebe’s hand a discreet squeeze before she rises, present to none but the two of them. “Bye, Phebes.”
“I can walk you home,” Phoebe starts, eager to see her go. Callie cuts her off.
“Gary’s got it, he’s in the car,” she held the door open. Phoebe deflated a little. “Goodnight, Melody.” As she went down the garage, the mother and daughter caught the beginning of a conversation about her Bikini Kill tote bag. The car doors shut, and they could hear the Ecto take off.
Her mom broke the silence. “You had fun?” She picks up the room a little, stealing a glimpse of the clunky computer as Phoebe moves to shut it. 
“SoCal Killer.” She instantly recognizes the movie. Great.
Phoebe liked girls. Okay, great. She went to bed earlier than usual, staring out her window as she tried sleeping above the sheets. Again, unceremonious. She’d wake up the next morning, brushing her teeth as she recalled her revelation. Cool. She’d make herself breakfast, shower, get dressed- nothing felt that different. She needed another variable.
“Trevor.” His head snapped up from whatever hunk of metal and gears he was messing with. He was catching up to her this summer. She’d get back into engineering at a later time.
“What’s up?” She was wrong- it was just a lego set. That he was doing in bed.
Phoebe stilled in the doorway. “You’re dating Lucky, right?” He looks around, mouth opening and closing like a fish.
“I mean, I wouldn’t say dating. Not unless she said we were. Boy friends and girl friends don’t have to da-”
“Cool, whatever. Was her being a girl an important factor for you?”
Pure silence. “That’s a loaded question.”
“Answer. Please.”
He put down the separator he had in his hands, pondering it. “I…noticed it. But if I felt the way I do now about her, and she was a guy, there’s not much I can do to change that? I’m not sure I have what you’re looking for.” Interesting. She thanked him as she shut the door.
“Did she say we were dating?” 
More data. She liked girls, and there wasn’t anything she could do about it. Just like Trevor couldn’t do anything about liking girls. Just like her mom couldn’t do anything about liking boys. She watched cars pass below, head against the cold glass of the window. What if she did want to come out? Trevor and Gary didn’t have hateful bones in their bodies. Dr. Stantz, Dr. Venkman, Dr. Zeddemore…she wouldn’t be surprised if they got a little experimental in the 70’s, so she puts them at the point of least concern. Her mom. She was reared Jewish, inherited from the father who didn’t raise her in addition to the mother who did. She was more agnostic, in her own way. She was mitzvah’d, and fulfilled Trevor’s request for one after casual Sunday schooling, but it never went farther than that. God lived in her, rather than out. Could she find God in her daughter, after being able to find it in a stack of old photographs? Could she find God in her daughter, after abandoning It in college?
Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts. Time passed, and she promised Podcast she’d hang out after returning Dr. Stantz’s collection. As she stepped into the kitchen to grab a water bottle, she ran into Gary, pulling a tray of colorful cookies out the oven. Rainbow cookies.
“Hi.” She watched on as he added them to a collection of dozens of other rainbow frosted pastries. 
“D’you want? They’re still warm.” He started to peel them off the baking pan with a spatula, not breaking eye contact with her.
“I figured. No, thank you.” She grabbed a water, slowly, retreating to the garage as she felt his eyes burn into the back of her head. Weird.
She enjoyed her time with her friend, but it was time to go home eventually. The only problem was, a random downpour kept her from being able to walk home. Thankfully, Trevor pulled up in front of Ray’s store, willing to drive her.
“Thanks,” she sighed as she sat down, rain clinging to her hair in the short time it took for her to run out to the Ecto.
Trevor nodded to her in the rear view. “Uh-huh.” They drove in relative silence, Trevor driving (obviously) as Phoebe started on a new book Ray had let her take home. A cough cleared the air.
“So.” Trevor glanced back at her. “Music?”
“It’s a 5 minute drive.” He connected his phone to the aux anyway. He fumbled with his playlists, already disobeying traffic laws when his guardians weren’t present.
He stopped his mix of driving and scrolling. “That one guy from the singing show mom likes- he made a new song.”
Phoebe turned a page. “That one guy.”
“Yeah. With nail polish.” A pause. “Isn't it cool that he brought his boyfriend to the awards?”
Her eyes stopped in the middle of a sentence. “Totally.” 
An even longer pause. “Want to listen?”
She cross referenced a subheading to something she read in the prologue. “I don’t think I’d like it, but you can if you want to.” In their long stint of being siblings, they both knew that it was code for “I don’t, but I’ll do it if it makes you happy.” Trevor’s previous attitude fell as he put his phone down, focusing on the road again. Weirder.
She reached home, a little tired and ready to sit in bed with her new literature. As she climbed the stairs, her mom was in their makeshift living area-laboratory, in front of their little box TV. There was a grainy, colorful video playing, as her mother stretched on the floor in a t-shirt and sweatpants.
“Hey, Phebes,” her voice was brighter than usual. “I was looking for an old movie in dad’s stuff, guess I found this instead.” She gestured to the TV as she pulled her arm across her body. A few women posed, stretching themselves in tight leotards, over tighter leggings. “Fonda. Fun to do on an ugly day like today- wanna join?”
Phoebe looked at the case on the couch, a happy woman on the front flexing her leg and hip muscles, dressed in 80’s workout attire. She looked back to her mom.
“Why did grandpa own Jane Fonda workout tapes?”
She took refuge in her room, finally. She tried calling Melody, but she didn’t get any response. That’s fine, it was around the time she was working, anyway. Still, the phone was kept by her pillow, just in case. She could make decisions on her own. If her family wants to be weird, she can be even weirder. It was time to tell them. It was admittedly a little scary, going into it with no coaching. It was terrifying, actually, no matter what she told herself. But, if she didn’t have to care about not liking girls before, she shouldn’t have to care about liking them now.
Her mom called her out for dinner. Paella. A very gay food. As they sat around the table and ate, Phoebe found her nerves ridiculous. Like a kid ready to drink their cough syrup, she dropped her fork.
“I have something to tell you.” Simple. To the point. All 6 eyes were on her, as she was given their undivided attention. Slightly scarier, now.
“I…” she could feel her breath and heart picking up on how scary it all was. She folded her hands, to keep herself grounded to what she had to say. “I like girls.”
No yelling. No hitting. No tears. No verses, from the Torah or otherwise. Not even a judgmental glance. But this felt worse.
“Oh, thank god.”
“Huh?” Phoebe never “huh’d”.
“We were scared you were homophobic.” Mom looked genuinely relieved.
“You wear combat boots. Everywhere. You go to the barber. If that’s not gay, it’s something.”
“That makes me feel a lot better, thank you,” she unfolded her hands to defend herself sarcastically.
“Congrats. On being gay.” Trevor added his two cents.
“No, we’re so proud of you,” Callie took Phoebe’s hands in her own. “Because you told us, and you’re not a little bigot.”
Phoebe slumped over, embracing her mother’s touch. “What made you think I was…’
Gary reached over to the counter, a tupperware full of cookies in his hands. He still looked disappointed at her refusal. “You didn’t want a single pride cookie.”
Trevor nodded exasperatedly. “Didn’t wanna hear indie pop.”
Phoebe couldn’t get a word out before her mom cut in. “You didn’t even look twice at Jane Fonda. I thought you were an extremist.”
Her head hit the table. “Okay, okay. I’m not.” She could feel a rainbow cookie being placed on her plate beside her. A chair scraped against the floor, then two, then three. She could feel the arms of her family being wrapped around her shoulders.
“We love you so much, Phoebe. And she does, too.”
That hit her like a truck. It made things more complicated. Again, she was in her room, at the foot of her bed. She had a song playing, an artist that Melody enthusiastically recommended to her. As the song climaxed, she could hear the glass in her mind shattering. If she liked this girl, she actually had to tell her. Phoebe knew she loved Melody, that wasn’t the issue. In fact, she knew she wanted to hold hands with her, to share clothes, to let herself be lazy with her. All the things they did before. Just with a meaning, a name.
But to tell her? Painstaking. An extra layer of clarity lost like skin on her metaphorical wound. She’d laugh, call her adorable. Phoebe would watch on as Melody ripped out her heart and ate it whole. 
Or. She’d give her the same smile she fell in love with some time ago. She’d take her hands, Phoebe’s damp ones in her perfect, soft ones. She’d say words that Phoebe’d be too nervous to listen to, she’ll tease her about it for years. And they’d kiss. Electricity, or ghost magic would envelope them. The rest of the world, physical and spiritual, would avert their eyes, and they’d kiss. 
“I’m going. Out.” She stood behind the threshold of their bedroom as her mom folded clothes, laying them over Gary as he sat up in bed. Her hand was still on the doorknob as she looked at them, once. She normally never asked to go out, these days. Callie eventually nodded.
She let the door shut, before hearing a “good luck!” while she descended the stairs. Stepping out and out the dark of the street, she pulls her phone out.
“Are you busy?”
They found themselves walking inside the walls of the Paranormal Research Center, all the way in Staten Island. Both were quiet. Phoebe clenched and unclenched her fists in her pockets.
Thankfully, they were alone, and these scientists didn’t bother to power down their equipment, blue glow illuminating their way. As Phoebe showed off the different ghosts, the blue lighting on Melody’s face made her breath hitch. She was ethereal. Phoebe ran out things to say as the question loomed over her, Melody across the room and peering into a machine.
“You really love this stuff, huh?” Phoebe stopped messing with the stuff on Lars’ desk. She hoped Melody couldn’t sense her anxiety.
“I love other stuff.”
“Enough to go all the way to Staten Island and break in?”
Phoebe stood behind her. It was a simple situation, but she found herself silently pleading. Please, turn around. I need to see you.
Melody turned, then. If she was psychic, she didn’t let on.
“Boo.” That same smile. Slightly shaky hands grabbing her’s. Phoebe could feel butterflies, moths, all flying insects fluttering around her stomach as the girl she loved gazed at her the way she’d dreamed of. She placed a tense hand on Melody’s cheek, afraid that she’d turn to mist before her eyes. They stayed like that for a few moments, just taking each other in. Fate. The universe. Finding God in another person. 
“Unceremonious,” Melody teased her quietly as she moved forward, closing the gap between the pair.
Phoebe got the closest she’d ever been to feeling like a ghost in that moment, the ghastly apparitions she fought and trapped. The beautiful souls she marveled at and studied. If this was the afterlife, she wouldn’t mind spending forever like this, soul merging with the girl she was in love with.
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dc-polls · 10 months
"That Really Happened?!" DC Comics Tournament Entry #34
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[ID: Cover of Legion of Super-Heroes #1 that says Young Romance. Shvaughn Erin cries into a handkerchief and says, "*choke* He spends so much time saving the world... When will he find time for me?" In the foreground Element Lad looks off into the distance. A narration box reads, "All my life, happiness eluded my grasp... and nothing I ever cared about lasted! Was this the way it had to be with Jan, too? The Elements of Heartbreak!" /END ID]
What Happened?
Shvaughn Erin was a member of the Science Police, the 30th-century cops who assisted (or hindered) the Legion of Super-Heroes. During the Paul Levitz/Keith Giffen run in the 1980s, she became romantically involved with Legionnaire Jan "Element Lad" Arrah. This upset some members of the Legion fan community who had a theory that Jan was gay. The character wasn't traditionally masculine, wore pink, and had curly blond hair (look, this just how gay coding worked in the 70s and 80s).
When Giffen and married couple Tom and Mary Bierbaum (who got their start in the Legion fan community) took over the title with 1989's vol. 4 (aka, the "Five Years Later" run), one of the things that Giffen wanted to do was kill off Shvaughn to establish Element Lad as gay. They were already using Jan's archenemy, the criminal Roxxas who years ago had genocided the rest of the his species, the matter-transmuting Trommites, as the villain for the first arc. Shvaughn was eventually spared this fate, but the writers still had to square the circle of why a "gay" character would be involved with a woman. Their solution? What if "she" was a "he?"
I'm going to try to explain the rest of this story in as sensitive a way as possible. This is a story that was written in 1992 by, as far as I know, three cishet people and your millage will vary (and as a cis person myself, I can't really speak to how well this holds up). I will generally be using she/her pronouns when the character is presenting as Shvaughn and he/him when presenting as Sean.
In Legion of Super-Heroes, vol. 4 #31, the Earth is recovering from the devastation of losing the moon due to the machinations of the alien Dominators who have infiltrated and subverted the planetary government (note also, the Dominators have an extremely problematic "yellow peril" design so there's a lot going on here). In the midst of this, Jan and Shvaughn meet for the first time in a while. Jan finds out that Shvaughn is going through withdrawal from not being able to obtain the drug Profem. She explains that she had been born male under the name Sean on a very conservative planet. While growing up, Sean developed a crush on Element Lad, who as a teenager was intergalactically famous as a member of the Legion. Thinking that the only way a boy like Jan would find him attractive, Sean started taking Profem, changed her name to Shvaughn, enrolled in the Science Police academy, and eventually became the liaison to the Legion. Now, without access to the drug, Shvaughn is reverting back to her more masculine appearance.
Jan takes all of this in, before telling his former lover that "anything we ever shared physically...it was in spite of the Profem, not because of it!" Shvaughn later runs into the teenage clone of Element Lad from the Dominator's Batch SW6 (we can't get into that right now), and in future appearances shows up fully presenting as masculine and going by Sean. The adult Element Lad goes into a coma and Sean is at his bedside.
Then the Legion gets rebooted in Zero Hour, all of the Legionnaires are teens again with new continuity, and Shvaughn (when she shows up at all) is back to presenting as female with no indication that she was ever Sean. Element Lad (unless I missed anything) is only given female love interests or sexual partners by later writers, or implied to be asexual with a spiritual bend.
While Shvaughn is far from the first female love interest who gets her storyline derailed to support a gay headcanon, it is surprising that it 1. happened in canon and 2. the solution was not to kill her off, but to reveal she is trans (ish?) so the character can detransition back to a man so that his love interest can be gay. What's really weird is that Giffen and the Bierbaums also made canon a romance between Light/Lightning Lass and Shrinking Violet, but never felt a need to invalidate their previous relationships with male partners, which maybe points towards the culture of the time's perceptions of male vs. female bisexuality.
Tournament polls will be posted after all entries are up. As always you can find all posts related to the tournament using #dc-polls-trh
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headfullofpresley · 1 year
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐃𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐈𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞
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Pairing: Elvis Presley x reader
Word count: 8,7K
Summary: They say opposites attract and you and Elvis are living proof of that. Your music tastes are as far apart as can be, but since you are always front row at all his shows to be the supportive girlfriend, he finally joins you for a night out in your world. Time to get funky.
Warnings: 70s!elvis, elvis being a disco hater, strong language, alcohol consumption, inaccurate timelines when it comes to songs etc, reader and elvis fighting people in the club 👀, mention of the colonel, the media being a bunch of asses, smut; dirty talk, handjob (f. receiving), oral (f. receiving & a lil of m. receiving if you squint), anilingus (f. receiving if you squint), kissing after oral, lil bit of choking and hair pulling, facial, swallowing, unprotected sex.
A/N: the girly in the pic is white and blonde but that has nothing to do with the fic- as readers' appearance other than her outfit isn't described :). anyways, this is just one of my delusional elvis fantasies turned into a fic. enjoy, babies! 🕺🏻
masterlist | suggested playlist
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You had been steadily dating Elvis Presley since 1968. The two of you met in Los Angeles at a dinner event thrown by some big name music producer and while Elvis usually didn’t like attending these things, he was glad he did four sweltering summers ago in ’68.
The two of you hit it off right away, talking about everything and nothing. As cheesy as it sounds, it was a match made in heaven.
You shared a lot of similarities with the man- sometimes you joked he was basically the male version of you and he always wholeheartedly agreed. But there was one thing the both of you simply could not agree on.
And that was music.
Disco was a part of your soul; it ran through your veins like blood. It was a way of life. Disco was you.
To Elvis, disco was something you maybe danced to a little when having too many drinks- it made him want to scratch his eyeballs out more often than he’d admit whenever you played it throughout the house or hotel rooms for most of the day, but he loved you and therefor, he was just going to have to deal with it.
You felt the same about most of his music. You didn’t exactly hate his taste nor the music he made himself, but it just.. missed something. He had a few songs here and there that you could move to, but you needed more than that- you needed beats to let loose to. Still, you were always the supporting girlfriend and there had never been a show you hadn’t been at the front row for.
Sure, discussions about music between the two of you was not a foreign concept but it usually happened whenever you had one too many of those colorful cocktails during his shows or a night out and he was high on adrenaline after performing, but it never turned nasty or whatsoever. Despite the differences, you could still acknowledge that your man was an amazing singer.
You nor Elvis were planning to let get something this silly come in between your relationship or let this become a serious problem and although you knew you could never persuade him to like the same music you did, it didn’t mean you’d give up trying.
Elvis didn’t mind to have you dance around the hotel suite at the International with your records playing in the background or you going out on the town with the girls after his dinner show, but he drew the line of joining you to one of those… discotheque’s.
Or so, he thought.
You and the Memphis Mafia’s ladies managed to persuade the rest of the guys to join you on one of Elvis’ nights off to a club and naturally, he wasn’t going to stay behind all alone. To be honest, he could use the rest but he knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep until you’d come back anyways.
Elvis simply wasn’t one for nightclubs or drowning himself in alcohol to have a good time, but something told him he was going to need a few drinks if he wanted to survive the night.
“Oh, come on, EP! You gotta let loose, get down and boogie, man!” Joe grinned teasingly at him as he sat at the dining table in the hotel suite, nursing a drink. The smaller Mafia member was dressed in a pair of baby blue well-fitted trousers and an equally as blue and flower printed shirt that had more buttons left open than necessary. According to Joe himself, the best part of the outfit were the boots with heels Joan put him in- making him look taller and a little slimmer.
“Zip it, Esposito- hippie lookin’ fool,” Elvis threw at his friend in good humor, putting on a gold belt he wore on stage a few times before as well.
You were lucky your boyfriend had a somewhat more flashy sense of fashion. He always stood out in a crowd but maybe that could also be because he was Elvis Presley- nonetheless, he always dressed amazingly.
You put your thumbs at him as he spread out his arms, waiting for your approval. He wore a pair of well fitted white trousers and a pink colored printed shirt on top of it, leaving the first few buttons open to show off the tan he was still sporting from your recent Hawaiian vacation, his white blazer matching with his pants. On his feet he wore heeled boots as well, though smaller ones than Joe did, as he didn’t exactly need the extra height.
“Do I pass your test, ma’am?” he questioned with a raised eyebrow and a grin tugging at the corner of his mouth, making you nod your head and stand on your toes to peck his lips.
“Definitely- looking like a true disco king,” you teased, twirling around in front of him before placing your hands on your hips. “How about me?”
His grin grew wider as if his body was on automatic pilot as his eyes drank you in completely, liking very much what he saw. You always dressed well- whether it were dresses, skirts or pants like tonight, it always made him want to rip the pieces of fabric right off your body.
The red pants you opted for tonight hugged your curves perfectly, having him resist the urge to sink his teeth in your thighs. The silver shimmering halter top that only held itself together by a string around your neck and your ribcage didn’t leave much to one’s imagination as it dipped into a loose v-neck in the front and left your back completely bare. The equally as silver heels you wore on your feet and your colorful make-up you usually wore on nights out really pulled it all together.
And all he could think about was seeing you fall apart underneath him in the sheets, hair a mess and make-up smudged.
“You,” he smirked, placing his hands on your hips to pull you up against his chest, keeping your there as his hands slipped down to your ass to shamelessly squeeze the flesh through your pants. “look fuckin’ perfect,”
You hummed playfully, kissing him before he could you, neither of you really caring about the others in the room. If it wasn’t for Joe speaking up, you could’ve eaten your boyfriend up right there and then.
“Get a room,” Joe shouted, getting up from his seat with a laugh as everyone seemed ready to leave. Elvis pulled away from the kiss and looked at his friend, giving your ass another extra squeeze for show.
“You’re standin' in it,”
Joe just laughed, not knowing what else to say to that before turning to Joan. You giggled and pecked Elvis’ lips one more time before he allowed you to step away from him and hand him a pair of sunglasses, which he put on his face. You put on a pair of your own, pink heart shaped ones, and shoved the pack of cigars he handed you in your clutch before you slipped your hand in his and walked downstairs to the cars in the garage with everyone else following behind.
Boney M. was blasting through the speakers the moment Elvis set foot inside the club with you. He hated how he recognized the song and the fact that he actually knew the lyrics to freaking Daddy Cool, but he wasn’t going to complain.
You already seemed in your element, tugging him through the crowd and to the VIP section that was reserved just for “Y/N and entourage”. Maybe Joe was right- he wasn’t about to get down and boogie, but perhaps he could let loose a little bit and have fun with his girlfriend and his friends.
Besides, this was a whole different crowd than the people who visited his shows or even listened to his music. Some people turned their heads and pointed him out, but they seemed more interested in you. He knew you were a well known name on this scene- you did back up vocals for musicians he barely knew, but who were obviously big names in disco music. People also knew and loved you because whenever you visited a new nightclub, it became a household name instantly.
Elvis felt like he had stepped into a completely different world and he wasn’t too far off. He was in your world now.
You were already buzzing in your shoes the second you came inside and you could barely sit still- the kind of energy that usually radiated off of Elvis was now coming from you. It was so intense that it made him a little nervous, laughing at you as you swayed in your seat while lighting a cigarette.
“You wanna dance, honey?” he asked the obvious, already knowing the answer. You looked at him with excitement in your eyes, but then raised your eyebrows in suspicion as you blew out some smoke from the corner of your mouth.
“With you?”
“Nuh-uh,” he laughed teasingly, taking the cigarette from your hand to take a drag from it. “I need at least five shots before you see me down there,” he nodded to the dancefloor outside of the VIP section and you laughed, rolling your eyes.
The Memphis Mafia had the drinks flowing before you could even ask for it and drinks were poured for you and Elvis, which you greedily downed in one go.
Unlike your man, you didn’t need the liquid courage to dance your little heart out.
“You go take those shots- I’ll see you when you’ve grown a pair,” you told him in his ear so he could hear you above the music, laughing as you kissed his cheek and abandoned your clutch in his care as you got up and ran onto the dancefloor with the girls, making Elvis laugh and shake his head a little at your antics. You were probably one of the few girls he allowed to talk to him like that.
With the Donna Summer’s dreamy I Feel Love blasting through the speakers and colored lights dancing from one person to another, it didn’t take you very long to get lost in the atmosphere.
The sunglasses you had been wearing were stolen by Joan who was messing around with the others. They were dancing and enjoying the music, but they weren’t as captivating as you were.
Because to you, this wasn’t a simple night out to break the dullness of your weekly routine. This is what you did nearly every day, this is what you lived for. Not only did the girls, your boyfriend and the Memphis Mafia know it, so did the people that you were a familiar face to- they loved watching you and joining you on the dancefloor to try and get equally as lost in the music as you.
Your hips were rotating to Donna’s high voice, hands up and running through your hair as your head was thrown back, eyes closed. You were brought to a completely different world, so much so that you hadn’t even noticed Jerry and Red joining you. This wasn’t their scene at all but as The Sweet Inspirations joined the party, they wanted in on the fun.
“Here comes Elvis,” Estelle shouted in your ear with a laugh, making you open your eyes and look for him in the sea of people.
Strobe lights illuminated on his face and in his hair as he made his way through the crowd, having left his white blazer behind in the VIP section with Joe. The people around him barely gave him the time of day- they were either high on the music or some kind of substance and although this was new to Elvis, he liked it.
Just for tonight, he felt like a normal person.
Just as he reached you, the song ended and shifted into How Deep Is Your Love by the Bee Gees. He pouted playfully, slipping his arms around your waist and placing a flat hand on your lower back, pushing you against his chest.
“Damnit, I wanted to watch you dance, honey,” he laughed in your ear as he leaned down to you, placing an open mouthed kiss on the curve of your neck. You giggled as you swung your arms around his neck, looking at him as you swayed to the music.
“The night is still young,” you grinned, making him sway with you. He was a little stiff, but due to the shots he indeed took back at the table, he moved along with you. “Do you got enough drinks in your system?”
“What’d you think?” he grinned as he playfully crossed his eyes, laughing along with you as he pecked your lips. You knew you could never get Elvis to perform a whole routine for everyone to see with you, but the way he was swaying you to one of your favorite songs right now was already enough for you.
And when he started singing along, gently pressing his forehead against yours as his fingertips tickled your bare back, your heart skipped a beat.
“Have you secretly been listening to the Bee Gees?” you questioned teasingly as you pressed yourself against him a little firmer, letting your fingertips play with the hair in the nape of his neck. He grinned as he leaned down to your neck again, his hands running up your back as he planted a kiss on the heated skin of your shoulder.
“No, baby, you just play it so goddamn much that it gets stuck in my head,” he chuckled, his hot breath against the shell of your ear making goosebumps crawl onto your flesh. Your excitement was slowly turning into arousal- an effect Elvis always had on you, and he knew it so damn well.
He knew that if he’d gently sink his teeth in your earlobe and flick the tip of his tongue against it that it would get you to tug on his hair a little. A mean, teasing grin spread across his face as you moaned softly in his ear, which even above the loud music, was crystal as clear to him.
Rick James’ Super Freak suddenly blasting through the speakers reminded you that you were in public and in the middle of the dancefloor. You couldn’t wait to get back to the hotel, but right now the excitement and adrenaline of the music was coming back to you- when you pulled back and grabbed his hands, he immediately widened his eyes as he realised what you were trying to do.
“Y/N- hell no,” he warned in a low rumble when you were already dancing to the beat of the music, trying to get him to move along.
You were laughing like crazy, already knowing this would freak him out- you allowed him to pull his hands back and when he pushed Jerry and Red toward you, you held your hands out to them.
Red looked at Elvis, raising an eyebrow as he shrugged and took your hand, Jerry following his example. You’d much rather see Elvis get down to Super Freak, but you took whatever you could get- the Mafia guys, who obviously had already more to drink than Elvis did, danced with you to the upbeat song. Elvis didn’t mind you getting all up close and personal with the guys because he trusted you and he was laughing his head off, making his way back to the VIP section to not look like the only fool on the dancefloor who was standing still.
It was like inside these four walls, you were a freaking robot. You barely came to the table for a drink- he noticed you trying to make your way over now and then, only for you to talk to someone you knew or run back because one of your favorites were being played.
You just didn’t stop dancing. Not for anything or anyone.
Even when Jerry and Red made their way back and Charlie lasted on the floor for a total of ten minutes with you, and even when all the Mafia ladies were catching their breaths, you were still going. He wasn’t worried though, since you were mostly dancing with The Sweet Inspirations who took a great liking to you- for obvious reasons.
Elvis recognized the tunes of Le Freak by CHIC and sipped from the Margerita you and Myrna had ordered for him in good humor. It was one of the few cocktails he liked and it got him tipsy pretty fast- which was your aim, because you wanted his ass back on the dancefloor.
You were about to get what you want, but not for the reason you were expecting.
Elvis could see everything and everyone clearly from where he was- he had a good laugh at the way some people danced and guys trying to shoot their shot with girls but failing. It seemed like a couple of guys had their sights set on you and the girls, dancing closer and closer to you and Cissy as you were playfully twirling her around.
He waited and sat back for a second- he knew you were perfectly fine standing up for yourself and grinned to himself as he saw you ignoring the guys completely, turning your back to them. They either couldn’t take the hint or were a bunch of asses, because they kept trying to squeeze themselves into your little dance circle.
At one point, Estelle literally told one of them to “fuck off”, and it was then that everything seemed to escalate. Just as he got up, he saw one of the guys pulling the string of your top that was neatly tied around your ribcage loose and putting his hands on your waist- you were grabbing onto your top to keep yourself decent and the fucker took this to his advantage, grabbing your hips and pulling you back into his chest roughly.
Elvis was flying out of the VIP area and onto the dancefloor so fast, the others were left behind in confusion. Sonny and Red realised he wasn’t going to dance with the way he was shoving people out of his way and storming over to you- they followed as quick as possible, but couldn’t stop Elvis from pulling the guy off of you and punching him right across the jaw. People who knew you were getting involved now as well as the guy’s friends and you quickly tied your top back together, grabbing onto Elvis’ shoulders as he was now in a screaming match with your assaulter- when the guy went in for a punch, you realised he made the biggest mistake he could.
Elvis, with great experience in karate and being faster, blocked him and landed a sharp slap on the side of his neck. This took the guy back, but as he noticed Red, Sonny and Jerry getting physical with his own friends, he decided he wasn’t done with Elvis yet. At this point, girls were getting involved as well and you let out a shriek as you were suddenly yanked back and off Elvis.
Now you weren’t an expert at fighting, but Elvis taught you a thing or two. Unlike him, you didn’t like carrying a weapon everywhere you went but he wanted you to be able to protect yourself and made you spar with him twice a week. It wasn’t your favorite thing to do, but you were glad about it now.
You avoided a slap in the face by ducking when you saw the girls' hand coming toward you and grabbed her arm, roughly pulling it behind her back. Grabbing a fistful of her hair, you pushed her into the crowd as hard as you could- the random girl didn’t seem like she had enough and came back for more, literally running toward you. You panicked for a second, stepping aside and sticking out your foot- she tripped and landed right on her face, but before you could walk away and go back to Elvis, she had pulled you down to the floor with her.
God, this bitch was crazy.
You didn’t know where anyone was, because quite literally half of the club was fighting by now, but what you did know was that you had to get this monster off of you. She seemed drunk and her movements were sloppy, a little slow even, making it easy for you to avoid her nails which she tried to scratch you in the face with. Grabbing her wrists, you pulled your leg up and kneed her in between her thighs harshly, rolling her onto the floor. You didn’t want to hurt this girl because aside from attacking you for no good reason, she didn’t do anything wrong- she was just drunk and caught up in the moment.
But as you were pinning her wrists to the floor and trying to keep her legs still by sitting on her thighs, she was screaming and writhing as hard as she could underneath you. She looked possessed with the way she was moving her head from left to right so fast her face was covered with her hair- you did the only thing you could think of to distract her and get away, landing a firm punch on her nose.
She stopped moving, grabbing onto her face as you let go of her hands and quickly got up. You yelled a quick “sorry!” but doubted she could hear it, running back to Elvis.
The guy he had punched before was nowhere to be seen, but he was in a new screaming match with two completely different guys now. Before any more fighting could take place, you got in between them and planted yourself in front of Elvis. You placed a hand on Elvis’ chest and looked at the guys, telling them to walk away and softly pushing their shoulders- your intention wasn’t to start something new entirely, but this could never go right whenever alcohol was involved.
One of the guys didn’t like the way you kept touching him and suddenly grabbed your wrist, shouting profanities in your face- at the same time, you were still trying to hold back Elvis, which was getting more difficult the angrier he got.
“Get outta here, you Presley whore,”
That’s it.
Elvis knew something like that would set you off and he wrapped his arms around your waist, lifting you off the colorful dancefloor. You thought he was going to drag you away, but when he didn’t, you took the opportunity to bend your knees and kick your heels against the guys’ chest so hard it made him fly back against the DJ booth.
“We should probably get outta here,” Elvis yelled in your ear, making you nod and take his hand as he put you back down. You grabbed Red’s arm as you were pulled past him and as he noticed you were making a run for it, he got everyone else to follow as well. Elvis snatched his blazer from the VIP section and draped it around your shoulders, using the chaotic atmosphere to his advantage as he took you out of the club.
“Shit! My sunglasses!” you pouted as you sat in the backseat of the car with Joan and Myrna, pouting at Elvis through the rearview mirror as he sat in the passenger’s seat, Joe’s boots in his lap because he couldn’t drive with them.
The entire car was silent as everyone looked at you until Elvis suddenly started laughing, throwing his head back as his shoulder shook with vibration and tears stung in his eyes. Everyone joined in and you couldn’t stay serious anymore too, pinking away some tears from the corner of your eyes.
“What?! I loved those sunglasses!” you hiccuped, laughing harder when Joan was gasping for air, slapping your thigh in the process.
“You broke a girl’s nose tonight- I d-don’t think you’ll g-get them back, Y/N,” Myrna wheezed, making you gasp through your laughter.
Elvis turned around in his seat, laughing even harder when he looked at you. It was partly the alcohol in his system that made him feel this way and partly the adrenaline of what just happened- despite it all, he was still having fun. Tonight he hadn’t been Elvis Presley the performer, but just Elvis.
Goofy friend, protective boyfriend and apparently, someone who did karate at a discotheque.
“Baby, you broke someone’s nose?!”
“I guess so!” you doubled over, holding onto the front seats as you giggled, looking back up at your boyfriend. “I just did what you taught me- the bitch look possessed, I didn’t know what else to do!”
“Damnit- can’t believe I had to miss that,” he joked, leaning forward to you to capture your lips in a kiss. He allowed it to turn a little heated, making everyone in the car protest as Joe managed to get you back to the International safely despite laughing so hard behind the wheel.
You and Elvis were still laughing as you said goodbye to everyone and were riding the elevator up to the top floor, but as soon as you got in the room and pushed him against the nearest wall while crashing your lips onto his, he knew the mood had completely turned around.
And he sure as hell wasn’t going to complain about it.
Slipping his hands under the blazer and up your shoulders, he pushed the fabric off and let it land on the floor. You moaned softly in his mouth as he caressed his fingertips up and down your back and he softly but teasingly bit your lower lip when your hands traveled down the silk fabric of his shirt and down to his growing erection.
Palming him through his pants, he grunted and pushed his hips forward a little as his fingers found the strings of your top. He pulled the one around your ribs loose and didn’t waste any time as he did the same to the one around your neck, letting the skimpy shimmering fabric fall to your feet.
“You know,” you told him in between kisses, making him hum in response. “That was kinda hot- how you fought off those guys,”
You had seen Elvis do karate before when he was messing around with the guys or practicing with his teacher at the dojo, but you’d never seen him truly in action. You hadn’t had the time to get turned on by it when it happened because you were rather… occupied… yourself, but now that you thought back on it, it was just so hot.
“Oh yeah?” he laughed softly, slipping his hands over your ribcage and softly squeezing your breasts in his large hands, his thumbs caressing over your perked nipples. “You did most of it for the second half,”
“Hmm yeah, I was pretty good, wasn’t I?” you playfully wiggled your eyebrows at him, squeezing his cock through the confinements of his pants a little firmer. He groaned, chasing your lips with his own to nibble on your lower lip before sweeping his tongue across it.
“The best. We make a great team, baby,” he grinned, wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you up. You let out a little shriek as he threw you on the soft king sized bed in the bedroom, blowing some hair out of your face.
Propping your elbows on the mattress, you watched your boyfriend take off his shirt and belt, dropping them to the floor. That belt was worth a shit ton of money and people would probably get a whiplash seeing how casually he treated it, but neither you or him gave a damn about it now. Kicking his shoes off, he grabbed your ankles and took your heels off one by one before crawling onto the bed, hovering on top of you.
You ran your hands through his hair as he placed sloppy open mouthed kisses on your lips and over your face, working his way down your neck and your chest- you wanted to reach down to take his pants off, but you were too late as he moved down lower, letting his tongue swirl around your nipple before taking it in his mouth and sucking on it softly. Combined with the feeling of his hand sliding down your stomach and easily flicking the button of your pants open, shoving his fingers underneath the fabric once your zipper was done, you couldn’t stay quiet and he hadn’t expected you to- you had never been a shy one.
Your eyes met his as he looked up at you with a small grin, lips still attached to your breasts as his fingers creeped in your panties and spread your slick around before rubbing your clit in a slow pace. The sight of you gasping and the sound of you letting out small whiney moans made his cock twitch in his pants and he quickly kissed and licked his way down to your lower abdomen, removing his hand out of your underwear so he could take your pants off.
Impatiently, you helped him by pulling it down your hips as fast as you could and he laughed as he pulled the fabric off your ankles, throwing it as far away from him as possible when he finally managed to get it off. Your panties followed quickly by your own doing and he decided to make himself comfortable by taking off his last pieces of clothing too, making sure he was back on the bed before you even had a chance to move.
Not that you were thinking of being anywhere else but here.
He grabbed your thighs, bending them backwards a bit more as you spread your legs for him- you didn’t have the strength to hold yourself up anymore, letting yourself fall back on the soft plushy pillows behind you when he kissed the insides of your thighs.
“Fuckin’ pretty pussy,” he mumbled to himself with a grin, your soft laugh turning into a gasped moan as he leaned in without warning and dragged his tongue through your folds, wrapping his lips around your clit. He sucked on it for only a few seconds before dipping his tongue down again and exploring every inch as if it was his first time down there.
Elvis liked to take his time with foreplay, so when he was pretty much making out with your pussy, you were definitely not complaining. Your hand found its way into his hair, nails scraping his scalp softly which made him moan right into your folds and sending vibrations right onto your clit- you moaned out his name, pushing his face firmly against your skin. With his hands still holding back your thighs, he allowed it and stopped moving as he held his tongue stuck out- you took the hint and held his head in place by grabbing a fistful of his hair, moaning as you shamelessly used his tongue the way you wanted to by twirling your hips. Most of his lower face and his nose were covered with your arousal and it only got him turned on more, thrusting his hips forward against the sheets underneath him.
Even when you let go, Elvis didn’t back away- instead, he went in more determinedly, pulling high pitched moans from you that came from your very core as he pushed two digits inside of you. With how turned on you were, it was an easy task.
“Oh my G-God, Elvis,” you groaned, your eyes rolling in the back of your head as he pulled his face out from between your thighs with a gasp for air, his fingers relentless as he pumped them in and out of you. He shot you a teasing smirk, wrapping an arm around your thigh and resting his arm on your lower abdomen to stop you from trying to get away.
You didn’t want to get away, but as his fingers rubbed fast, consistent circles on your clit, you were pretty sure the floor below you could hear you screaming your boyfriend’s name. He knew you were close to climax by the way you were clawing at the sheets and his arms, inhaling sharp breaths through your teeth as you groaned.
He knew he was a bit of an ass for laughing, but he just loved how out of your mind you already looked while he was far from being done with you. He braced for the impact of your foot that you planted against his shoulder, trying to break free from his grip, and just laughed as you couldn’t get him to move a muscle. You squeezed your eyes shut, accepting your faith as you felt your orgasm about to rear its head around the corner- before it could, he pulled his fingers out of you and let go of you completely.
“Elvis!” you protested breathlessly and a little annoyed, opening your eyes. You could see him grinning but then you were met with the pillows underneath you as he grabbed your hips and flipped you around, pulling your ass back.
“God, baby- you’re so fuckin’ impatient,” he taunted, landing a harsh slap against your ass that left your thighs shaking. “What’re you in such a rush for, hmm? We got all night,”
You giggled softly at his words, swaying your hips left to right impatiently- he responded to it by grabbing onto your ass cheeks with both hands, spreading them and letting a dribble of spit fall in between them. You gasped softly at the wetness slipping over your second hole and down the inside of your thigh. Elvis grinned at the sight, leaning in to drag his tongue over it a few times before he dipped the muscle down lower, shoving the tip of it inside your pussy.
“Fuck!” you let out a little shriek, grabbing onto the nearest pillow you could find and squeezing it in your hands so hard your knuckles were turning white. Laughing at your reaction, he sunk his teeth in one of your ass cheeks and pulled away- when you looked over your shoulder, you watched him straighten up on his knees and taking hold of his cock, pumping it a few times before rubbing his tip through your folds, teasingly slapping his cock against your clit.
“So eager tonight,” he laughed as you pushed your ass back a little, trying to get him to slip into you one way or another. He squeezed your ass before moving it to your hip, letting it rest there as he looked at you with teasing eyes. “I love it,”
You hummed as you grinned at him, not able to still your hips and still trying to get him where you wanted him most- he was still being a damn tease, covering his cock with your arousal by slipping it back and forth through your folds, making you more needy with his dirty talk.
You loved him and you loved whenever he took his time with you, but you needed to be fucked.
Right now.
“Good God, Elvis- do you ever stop talking?”
There wasn’t any malicious intent behind your words nor did you mean them, but you did make sure to sound extra bratty.
Elvis knew this, but it did light a whole new fire inside of him and it gave you exactly what you wanted. He didn’t go slow nor did he give you time to get used to the stretch like he usually did- he let out a deep, nearly animalistic, groan as he pushed himself inside of you and thrusted into you at a quick, steady pace. He grinned as you let out a “fuck yes”, seeing your eyes roll in the back of your head as you lowered your head back on the pillows, his fingertips digging into your hips as he held onto them.
The bed was used to the weight of the both of you going at it, but the headboard banged against the wall with every single one of his thrusts. As one of his hands traveled up your spine, it felt as if he was leaving behind a trail of fire, alerting all your senses- he twirled his hand around your hair, holding it in a messy makeshift ponytail as he pulled your head back in your neck, leaning forward to force his tongue in your mouth.
His thrusts never faltered once.
You greedily welcomed the wet muscle, moaning in his mouth- before you could teasingly bite his lip, he had already broken the kiss and pressed the side of his face against yours, letting go of your hair to let his hand rest around your neck, fingertips placed at your jaw. The feeling of the very light stubble breaking through rubbing against your cheek made your muscles contrast around his cock repeatedly. His breath was hot on your skin as he grunted and moaned, his hair messily framing his face- you could cum right there and then.
“Startin’ to believe those fuckers were right,” he grinned, lapping his tongue along the shell of your ear, biting your earlobe. “You are a whore,”
Roughly letting go of your jaw and leaning back again, he grabbed onto your hips once more and slowed down his thrusts. You looked over your shoulder, batting your eyelashes at him as you moaned when he allowed you to fuck yourself onto him when he stilled his hips altogether.
“Maybe I am,”
The way you were looking at him and giving him one of your little teasing smiles, he had to hold himself back from fucking you right through the bed. Rushing a hand through his hair to get some out of his face, he tilted his head and smirked.
“Not maybe- you are, baby. My whore,”
He bit his lip, cursing softly when your walls spasmed around his cock because of his words, pushing back onto him harder and faster.
“Y-Yes, only yours, El,” you whined softly as he grabbed onto your hips and pulled out of you- you took the chance to roll around, welcoming him back in between your thighs as he once more thrusted himself inside of you.
“That’s my girl,” he grinned, this time giving you the satisfaction of kissing him hungrily and making the headboard hit the wall even harder by placing his hands on either side of your head, fucking you as if it was his last day on Earth.
It were the little things that got you riled up when it came to Elvis. Things that might not be anything note worthy to some people, things that people might barely pay attention to when having sex with their partner.
But it was the way the cross on his necklace hung in your face and the feeling of his rings on your skin as his hand squeezed at your breast or was resting around your neck that got you moving one of your hands in between your connecting bodies to rub your clit in the same pace he was still thrusting into you.
You couldn’t look away from his face when he pulled back from the kiss to inhale a sharp breath of air, upper lip raised a little and hooded eyes boring into your soul. He looked absolutely stunning with pleasure written all over his features, some strands of hair sticking to the sides of his face and a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.
You were very aware that you weren’t the first one to see Elvis in a position like this one and perhaps you wouldn’t be the last, but all that mattered was that you had him now. And you’d be damned if you’d ever let him get away and allow someone else experience this force of a man.
Elvis knew you were close and he wasn’t going to deny you this time- he watched you arch your back a little, letting you cross your ankles behind his lower back to keep him trapped in between your legs. It was hard, but he managed to postpone his own orgasm as your muscles clenched around his cock frantically, his name rolling off your tongue in a mantra.
Just like he knew you, you knew him and you could see he wasn’t able to last very long anymore. His thrusts were getting sloppy, grunts louder and raspier- you didn’t hesitate when he told you to get on your knees as he pulled out of you and he stood up on the bed, rapidly jerking himself off in front of your face as he held onto the headboard of the bed with his other hand.
The way you sat there with your hands placed on his thighs, eyes closed and tongue stuck out, made him let out a shaky laugh. You knew it was coming, but the feeling of a few spurts of cum landing on your face still startled you- Elvis moaned as he watched you move a little closer, letting his cock rest on your tongue as he came, painting the back of your tongue white.
Your eyes fluttered open to look up at him as he tapped his cock against your tongue a few times before pulling back, closing your mouth and swallowing what he fed you. It wasn’t the first time you did it, but it was a sight he could never get enough of. As you grinned and showed him your tongue for proof that you swallowed it all, he laughed softly, catching his breath.
“If I knew we’d end the night like this, I would’a joined you to your little disco parties sooner,”
He got on his knees again and let himself fall back on the mattress, pulling you along with him and onto his chest. You smiled as you crawled on top of him, running both your hands through his hair while kissing him. You shivered as he caressed his fingertips up and down your back and ass, taking his lower lip in between your teeth to tug on it playfully.
“Disco makes me horny- why do you think I go dancing so much?”
He raised his eyebrows as he looked at you, not knowing if you were serious or not. While the music didn’t get you humping everything in sight like a damn fool, it was true that losing yourself in the music made you feel… some type of way.
Maybe that was a little secret you were going to keep to yourself, because you knew Elvis would never let you hear the end of it if he’d find out you were serious.
When you started laughing, he rolled his eyes and laughed along with you, giving your ass a playful squeeze. “You little slut,”
“I prefer the term whore,”
He looked at the finger you held in front of his face and grinned, sucking it in between his lips before he got you underneath him again and attacked your face and neck with kisses.
Thank God you hadn’t had too many drinks earlier, because something told you the night was far from over.
The next afternoon, a knock on the door woke you out of your slumber. Sitting up in the bed, you needed a few seconds to acclimate- you heard the shower running, which explained the empty spot in the bed next to you. With clothes scathered on the floor and one of Elvis’ sunglasses sitting crookedly on your face, memories of last night replayed in your mind, bringing a smile to your face.
You didn’t have much time to reminisce about your sexual adventures with your boyfriend as the person at the door knocked again, a little louder this time. You shot up from the bed, grasping your kimono like robe from the floor and putting it on while jogging to the front door.
You were glad to not be met with any of the guys, but with an employee of the hotel instead, bringing you the room service Elvis must’ve ordered before he went to take a shower. You gave the kid a generous tip after he rolled the cart with food in the room and closed the door behind him. Realising you were still wearing Elvis’ glasses, you laughed at yourself and pushed them up in your hair- stealing a croissant from one of the plates, you grabbed the newspaper and let yourself fall back on the couch in the living area.
As you noticed the front page of the paper, you nearly choked on your croissant- quickly sitting back up, you threw the croissant on the coffee table and ran into the bathroom.
Elvis nearly jumped out of his skin as the door swung open and you came running in, immediately stopping himself from humming a Donna Summer song.
You and that damned music- it was rubbing off on him.
“Have you seen this?!” you questioned although you doubted it, plastering the newspaper against the glass of the shower door. Elvis frowned and wiped away some fog, pushing his hair back as he squinted his eyes, looking at what you were showing him.
The King of Rock ’n Roll caught in Vegas brawl with his Disco Queen
“Read it to me,” he ordered, immediately turning the shower off. You looked at the picture of you and Elvis that were taken on a different day, sighing deeply as you looked at him, a bit doubtful to read it. “C’mon, read it!”
You sighed at the impatient tone in his voice and took a step back so he had enough space to step out of the shower and wrap a towel around his waist, opening the paper on the right page.
When you read the first few words, you looked at him again. “It’s just bullshit- let’s call Joe, he’ll know how to make this disappear,”
He sighed and shook his head, grasping the paper out of your hands and spreading it open in front of him. You grabbed onto his arm as you stood next to him, reading the words for yourself even though he was reading out loud.
“Elvis Presley and his hip-shaking lady Y/N L/N were spotted at Kaleido last night along with Presley’s entourage and back-up singers The Sweet Inspirations. They started off the night in one of Kaleido’s luxury VIP sections, enjoying drinks and conversation, but Presley and L/N didn’t seem to enjoy each other’s company like they did in the early years of their relationship – could there be trouble in paradise?” Elvis read faster and faster with every sentence and you gasped at the dumb things the media was writing, taking the newspaper out of his hands.
“Presley’s girlfriend of four years had no problems with leaving her man behind with his friends as she showed off her signature dance moves to the many on-lookers. Read: men. Not even Elvis’ friends were safe from her flirtatious behavior,” you continued as you paced around the bathroom, your fingertips crumbling the paper with how tight you were holding on to it. “Those fuckers!”
Elvis took advantage of your little outburst, stealing the newspaper from you once more to continue reading. His eyes traveled across the lies that were written about you enjoying male attention and continued at the part where they were writing about the fight that took place. They even had pictures that were taken by someone in the club printed on the page.
“Listen to this,” he told you, making you stop pacing and cross your arms in front of your chest as you looked at him. “Like his music, Elvis Presley is still stuck in old times. Just like back in 1956 during an unfortunate gas station accident with.. blablabla, he was the first one to throw a punch. He laid out three guys by showing off his expertise in karate, a sport he has been practicing since early on in his career, and according to one of our sources it was all done in a flash of jealousy after he saw his girlfriend getting a little too cozy with other party-goers. The same source told us that once everyone was too busy to notice, the couple got in a fight themselves too, screaming at each other and Presley dragging L/N out of the club like a rag doll. It would come to nobody’s surprise if after last night Elvis Presley has stopped diggin’ the Dancing Queen,”
Elvis barely read the newspapers anymore but he had no idea when they started putting polls with articles, 70% of the people having voted that his relationship with you wouldn’t last for another week. And since when were newspaper journalists so damn nosy about a celebrity relationship?
He tore his eyes off the photos covering half the page- photos of the moment he grabbed you and lifted you up, photos of him pulling you out of the club. To an unknowing eye, it did indeed seem a little like you and him were the ones arguing with each other. He knew everyone in his and your close circle knew better though, but this could damage both his and your reputation.
“What do we do now?” you questioned, letting out a deep sigh, letting your head fall against his chest as you stood in front of him. He kissed the top of your head, wrapping his arms around you.
“Let’s call Joe,”
For the rest of the day Joe and The Colonel worked hard to keep today’s newspaper out of everyone’s hands, talking on the phone to God knows who- they were doing anything to get this story to disappear, which was reassuring, but you knew people have seen it already.
The Colonel, who usually went by the motto of “bad publicity is publicity too”, even made a visit to the Vegas Sun office himself to set things straight. Some bullshit story was one thing, but he wasn’t about to let the public think Elvis laid a finger on you, a woman.
He also suggested that you and Elvis go out on the town again tonight and see a Tom Jones show at the Flamingo, so the public could see you were still together and in a healthy, happy relationship.
So, after Elvis’ midnight show, you were sitting in a booth in the showroom of the Flamingo Hotel with Elvis, Joe and Charlie. Elvis usually sent photographers away after they took a couple of shots but this time, he let them linger around.
“My cheeks are about to burst,” you whispered to him as you kept smiling brightly, not wanting to let the camera’s catch you looking “grumpy” or “uninterested” as the media would twist it into.
Elvis laughed as he sat close to you, one hand wrapped around his glas on the table and his other arm resting around your shoulders. He leaned in to you and kissed your cheek, moving down lower to talk in your ear.
“That’s what you get for draggin’ me to your silly little disco parties,”
You nearly rolled your eyes at his teasing, but stopped yourself just in time when a camera flashed in your face. “Oh shush, you loved it,”
“I loved the afterparty more,” he hummed in your ear, flicking his tongue against your earlobe before kissing your neck, making you giggle. Caressing your nails over his thigh, he moaned softly in your ear as his hand found its way in your hair, hoping you were about to feel him up under the table when he felt your hand creeping higher and higher.
Though, before your hand was where he wanted it most in this moment, you tapped his thigh teasingly and placed your hand innocently on his knee.
“You’re gonna have to wait a few more hours then,” you grinned, removing your hand altogether to raise your glass from the table and bring it to your lips, watching Tom Jones sing his heart out while engaging with the audience.
Elvis squinted his eyes at you, grinning from ear to ear. “You little minx- you’re gon’ get it once we get back,”
You didn’t look at him but laughed, swaying to the music a little. He put his chin on your shoulder, kissing your cheek and then signed for Joe to send the photographers away. Both you and Elvis visibly relaxed a bit more and you turned your head, pressing a kiss on his temple.
“Can’t wait, babe. Maybe we should make a video, let ‘em know we’re extra in love,”
He knew you were joking, but now that you suggested it, it was all he could think about. Obviously it would be for his own personal collection only.
He knew it would take a bit of convincing, but luckily for him, he could be very persuasive.
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taglist: @breadsquash @generoustreemystic @woundmetender @returntoelvis @prayerstopresley @ab4eva @marriedtopresley @steph-speaks @wonka-gifs @notstefaniepresley @ellie-24 @dollksj @webbedwebs @re3kin @wivette @eliseinmemphis @18lkpeters @rosepresley @septembersghost @ccab @angelborn-1998
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hurumhagelag · 2 years
Masterpost of playlists I've made. Arranging good songs or things with some shared nebulous personally meaningful quality into a new cohesive whole is a good thing.
bunch of tracks spanning classic early bossa nova up to 70s samba rock/funk/soul, possibly a few early 80s. appoaching 13 hrs all killer no filler
(what is balearic?) Balearic for me starts with trying to figure out the balearic section of the reviews pages in mixmag as a norwegian teenager in the late 90s. Not a genre, more of a feeling, and a history going back to the Balearic islands in the 80s. Anything with the right feeling could be balearic, but the evolution from early electronic dance/italo to newer house interacting with other types of mainly european music with a balearic feel is the concept here. Custom order.
This goes for the melodic vein found in late 60s to mid 70s giallo/genre Morricone soundtracks more often than not featuring Edda Dell'Orso singing. Morricone is legendary of course but somehow still feels underrated to me. Some compilations focus on this part of his music but this playlist does it better.
80s boogie mix. made for shuffling. playlist that had to be.
balearic virus. something going on with these songs. pop songs that don't pop. custom order.
Late 80s early 90s party rap music
Inner City Life by Goldie - the sound, the vibe and that point in time. The introduction of Goldie worldwide was pretty much "this is a new form of music". This playlist follows that train of thought for a little while.
Early 90's breakbeat rave. Think early Prodigy, Genaside II et.al. Too bad Spotify has so many holes with this kind of music.
short and sweet playlist with Tracey Thorn in various varied guises and collaborations.
Eurodance dominated the charts for a while in 90s Europe, where it was just "dance". Even if new manufactured "blonde female singer and black male rapper" duos seemingly popped up every other week from central Europe somewhere, the borders delineating it from more credible dance music weren't as rigid as it could seem.
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cam1lla · 2 months
She’s a covert conservative opp! No! She’s an overly-zealous cringe liberal feminist millenial! No! She’s a Barbie, a too-tall-too-thin-too-blonde arbiter of unfair beauty standards and male-gaze perfection! No! She’s an awkward, gawkish tall girl with thunder thighs and my favorite teenage sexy-baby pop star who is 5’3 and 70 pounds is WAYYY hotter and has a better body! No! She’s a nepo baby who was handed everything and never worked a day in her life! No! She’s a work-obsessed workaholic Girlboss overlord who does nothing but work and this is a bad thing because my favorite edgy cool girl artist who would rather smoke a bowl or party with the Red Scare girls than sit down and write an earnest song about her feelings is lagging behind her! No! She’s Miss Americana the straight man-dating symbol of everything oppressive and bad! No! She’s an evil closet lesbian lying to her fans, spread the truth! No! She’s an evil man-hating symbol of everything our country has lost, why isn’t she in the kitchen with babies! No! She’s apathetic to the nature of the world she hasn’t done enough she needs to fix every sociopolitical issue by herself overnight! No! She has a savior complex and it’s embarrassing she should stay in her lane! No! She’s evil for dating a clean-cut football player who encourages people to vote blue, respect women, get vaccinated, and support equality! No! She’s evil for having a two week long fling with a popular band guy but don’t worry we still like HIS music and we still will rush to buy his current girlfriend’s Mac cosmetics collab! We’re having a BRAT summer with the 1975! It’s only a problem when it’s Taylor don’t you know! No! She’s not a girl’s girl because she’s not making herself small so other people can co-opt her own accomplishments! No! She’s nobody just a pop fad and she’ll never be as good as late great legends of MALE MUSIC! No! Actually old man musician was RIGHT when he insulted her for no reason and discredited her hard work! No! Why are the swifties mad at old man musician for no reason! Why doesn’t she do this! Why does she do that! Why doesn’t she cater to me! Why doesn’t she give me what I want! When I want it! How I want it! Now! No! No! No! She’s Princess Diana! No! She’s Cersei Lannister! No! She’s Charlotte York! No! She’s the cast of HBO’s Girls! No! She’s Joni Mitchell! No! She’s Hannah Montana! No! She’s Lady Macbeth! No! She’s Ophelia! No! She’s Éponine! No! She’s Christine Daaé! No! She’s Barbie! No! She’s Oppenheimer! Slut! No! Prude! No! Whore! No! Virgin! No! Cunt! No! Goody-two-shoes! No! Witch! No! Nun! No! Girl! No! Woman! No! Person! No! Human being! No! Everything you need her to be and nothing you want! Everything you want her to be and nothing you need! It’s all too much and yet never enough! I think you’ve exhausted it all and should just let her live and make art and be Taylor!
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beautifulfaaces · 1 year
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Bill Heck
American actor
Rendell [Locke & Key: 2020-2022]
Young Dan [The Old Man: 2022]
Bruce [I Know What You Did Last Summer: 2021]
Remy [Wolverine: 2019]
Gregg [Taxi Brooklyn: 2014]
Wesley [The Closer: 2007]
Barista [Numb3rs: 2007]
Dark blonde
Blue eyes
Playable: young adult, adult
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hazeerror · 9 months
Okay, so I finally decided to share my Limbus Company oc's story. I'm a bit nervouse but lets start with the contant warrning (bc its project moon related so it's bound to be disturbing)
CW// mention of grooming, death, trauma, cronic illnesses, mentions of medical needles
Basic infos
Name: Nemecsek (Ernő)
Age: 20
Gender: Male (cis)
Nationality: Hungarian
Qualification: Grade 9 Fixer
EGO: Grund
Literature Ref.: The Paul Street Boys (A Pál utcai fiúk) by Ferenc Molnár
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Hair: Light blonde
Skin: Pale white,
Eyes: Light blue
Extra: He has heavy shadows under both of his eyes and a gape between his teeth.
Uniform: Normal LCB uniform with the long coat. Additional hat and a Red scarf replacing the tie.
Weapon: Spear with two head, has a green and red flag tied to it.
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Personality Traits:
Nemecsek is usually very quit however he has a sharp tounge. He often talks his mind without hiding any intention, unfiltered. When getting unconfortable he either respounds with avoiding and "running away" from the problem or get defenzive and going into denie. Even though he isn't easy to aproach, he can be really reliable, loyal and trustworthy.
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He used to live in the backsreet of District 13, the M Wing. He last his family due to a bombing incident it their neighborhood and as a result became an orphane at the age of 10. Not soon after he was found by a group of Fixers, investigating the incident and joined them. They where the Paul Street Office and their leader was Boka. First he just did them smaller jobs without any risks, but soon he took up regular fixer jobs as well. But since Nemecsek was a minor he was never registered as a fixer. The rival office, the Red Shirt Office didn't liked the way Boka have been grooming Nemecsek into such a dangerous work environment just so he can save some tax money, and so their leader Áts wasn't so found of Nemecsek's present and she made that very clear.
One day Nemecsek and a few lower ranked fixers were sent away to get an intel for the office, unknowing that this mission would save their life. While they were away, an abnormality attacked District 13 and it escalated to a point where a Color had to be called. The attack had a huge bloow on the area and 70% of the locals died, including the majority of Paul Street office and its leader, Boka. After the Office ended due to the aftermath of the incident. Nemecsek left the District. Later finally officialy registered as a fixer but even though he is a Grade 9 fixer, due to his ppast experience he is an the level of a Grade 7. Right after the registration he was hired at LCB. He never forgot himself and blames himself for not being at the attack and couldn't save his ideal. Áts tried to confort him in the past but her comments on Boka deeply hurt Nemecsek. In his eyes Boka saved his life and adopted him into a "family", unable to recognise that he was only used as cheap work force, yet.
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Nemecsek has been struggling with a cronic unknown illness that stained his whole life. There for he is very familiar with death and his mortality. He is estimated to live at best 30-40 years.
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ornii · 2 years
My Broken Little Sister
Eleven X Male Brother Reader
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The Long Road, Under the Moonlight and Darkness
Destitute from most things, and only trees as far as one can see and a lone road leading and wrapping around the world. a single car races by, rubble echoes as the run down vehicle drives along, a pair of aviator glasses hang on someone's face. He taps along the side as music bellows into his Buick GNS, Blinding Lights by this new Sound, The Weeknd. He drives along the road as the synthetic beats radiate though his ears.
I've been tryna call
I've been on my own for long enough
Maybe you can show me how to love, maybe
I'm going through withdrawals
You don't even have to do too much
You can turn me on with just a touch, baby
I look around and
Sin City's cold and empty (oh)
No one's around to judge me (oh)
I can't see clearly when you're gone
I said, ooh, I'm blinded by the lights
No, I can't sleep until I feel your touch
I said, ooh, I'm drowning in the night
Oh, when I'm like this, you're the one I trust
The driver peers into the mirror and then back to the road, he drives further down the endless span of road, and then sees a Sign.
"Hawkins" the sign says.
"Perfect" he utters and speeds up, he slows down and begins to drive more civically as he leads himself into the small quaint town, the radio booms on and begins to play a song from the Hawkins radio. He checks his watch, one PM. The man slowly pulls into an apartment complex not far off near its High school, he parks and exits it. Wearing a pair of Boots, Denim jeans and jacket with a button up Hawaii colored shirt. Grabbing a bag and a box from his backseat, he heads inside. He's lead to a room by a sleazy man.
"Rents due on the first." He says, the man turns and nods.
"I really appreciate this opportunity you—" the man turns and walks away, leaving the young blood standing there, looking dumb, he shakes his head and heads inside his apartment room, admittedly it's lackluster, a basic bed, beige walls and a small bathroom shower, a TV and small couch. He sits down and opens up the box, it was files and lists of things, old that dated back to the 70s, he pulled up a file and began to read. The information begins to sour his face, and it reminds him of a memory, a conversation of him and his mother.
"This.. this is what dads doing?" He asks.
"It's what he was always doing, (Y/n)." His mother said, lying in a hospital bed. "I refused to let your father turn you into, one of those things too.." She continued, (Y/n)'s brow furrowed.
"Things?.. there are more like me?" He said, and the woman sadly nodded.
"Hawkins.. the, that's where the base is.. I couldn't watch my baby be turned into one of those Psychic things... so I divorced him, never looked back." She continues. "I know I can't stop you from going to Hawkins, but please.. be careful." She says, and the memory ends. Sitting there, he puts the file away, and rubs his wrist. He stands up and checks into bed, preparing himself for the investigation next morning.
The Morning sun beamed though his blinds and catches him in the eye. He awakens and wipes his eyes, preparing for the next morning, and with his one lead. Outside the Hawkins school he waits, and leans against his Car, a Ace blue car peels in next to him, he doesn't say much and he turns to the driver, who exits as well, in all denim, long blonde hair with an attitude that could kill. He and (Y/n) share a nod and go back to their waiting, and (Y/n) sees four Kids dressed as the Ghost Busters walk by, he ignores the slightly our of place kids and to a young kid with black hair.
"Excuse me. Troy?" He says to the Kid. And the boy looks at him, with a cast.
"What do you want?" He says, and (Y/n) approaches him.
"I just wanna talk, that's all." He says, the boy looks around and steps back.
"What's in it for me?" He asks, (Y/n) reaches into his wallet and digs out a ten dollar bill.
"This. I just wanna ask a few questions." He says, the boy looks wary but takes the money.
"What do you wanna know?" He asks, and (Y/n) looks around.
"So what happened to your arm?" He asks, and He looks around.
"I got broke.."he says, and (Y/n) raises an eyebrow.
"By?" He says and the kid scoffs.
"By Mike and his little band of gay little fairies." He says, with a lot of Harboring hate.
"Mike beat you up?" He says and the kid shakes his head.
"No he got his crazy little girlfriend to do it." He says, and (Y/n) picks up on it.
"A girl did that?" He asks and Troy gets more upset.
"Yeah but she had these crazy ass powers." Troy says, and (Y/n)'s interest is on high.
"Powers?" He says and Troy nods.
"Yeah; nobody believes me though, not even the police chief." He says, and (Y/n) looks around.
"This girl, she got a name?" He asks and Troy shakes his head.
"No, I don't know it.." he replies.
"Okay, what does Mike look like?" He says and Troy laughs.
"Weirdo dresses up like the ghost hoppers or whatever." He says, and (Y/n) looks around to see if he could find the ones he saw, but they're already gone. (Y/n) curses to himself and gives the kid a nod. "Anything stand out about any of em?" he asks and Troy points to his teeth.
"Yeah, one of the Losers got no front teeth, Dustin Hederson, Weirdo." He begins, and (Y/n) nods.
"Appreciate it." He says and walks away now with new information. He gets in his car and drives off. Getting back to his apartment he walks in with the new information and begins to piece it All together.
"So... this girl must be one from Hawkins, and Mike is the key to get to her. Now it's just getting to this Mike will be the issue..." he says to himself and checks more files. A single word keeps coming up, Brenner. He slams the book shut and begins to reel though the phone book, searching and gets it! The Hederson household! He checks the address and writes it down and heads to bed, two days later, (Y/n) is pulling up to the Henderson home, he keeps a fair distance. He watches as a kid steps out in, what seems to be gear for hockey? He sees another car pull up and a young man steps out from it with a spiked baseball bat.
"Why does he have a... this town is fuckin weird." He says, the two get back into the vehicle and drive off, (Y/n) puts his in drive and follows, eventually they continue into a road near off the train tracks, five to ten minutes pass and the car abruptly stops. (Y/n) does as well and takes a deep sigh.
"Ah shit.. here we go." He says, the boy with the Bat steps out of the car and (Y/n) does as well, and he approaches. (Y/n) takes a deep breath and prepares.
"Hey, Weirdo. Want to explain to me why you're following me?" He says, and (Y/n) shrugs.
"I.. need to talk to the child in the car with you." He says and he raises an eyebrow.
"You want to talk to Henderson? Yeah I don't think so, you're weird compared to the shit I've seen." He says and (Y/n) shakes his head.
"Okay.. well, I'll just apologize in advance for this." He says, he puts his hand up and the guy looks confused, until a flash of lightning hits him, knocking the boy down and out. (Y/n) walks over to the down man who's sizzling a bit and his hair frizzled.
"I'm.. really sorry about that." He says and walks up to the car to a terrified kid.
"Did.. did you just kill Steve?" He says, with a lisp.
"No, didn't kill him... I just wanna talk." He says, and the guy attempts to radio help, (Y/n) concentrated and flashes a bolt of lightning that zaps the radio.
"Now, calm down... I'm just looking for a guy called Mike? Says he knows a girl with Powers, powers like mine." He says, and Dustin begins to piece it all together.
"You.. you know Eleven?" He says, and (Y/n) stops, (Y/n) leans into the car
"Eleven, is that her name? Where is she?!" He says, and Dustin shakes his head.
"W-we don't know, she disappeared after she killed the Demagorgon! After that she's gone." He said, and (Y/n) frowns.
"Demagorgon?..." He says, he thinks and looks back at Dustin.
"Did she have a number tattooed on her wrist?" He asks and Dustin nods. (Y/n) shakily sighs and then be pulls up his, showing a number, three Zeroes.
"You're one of them too... Zero." Dustin says with shock and (Y/n) nods, and he opens the door and looks dustin in the eye.
"Eleven.. she, I guess you could call her my sister." He says, and Dustin leans back a bit.
(Y/n) and Dustin stood across from each other as Steven awoke, he groggily opens his eyes as he quickly gets up and grabs his back.
"Get back dustin!" He screams and prepares to swing, (Y/n) just stands there as Dustin calms the situation.
"Calm down! He's not with the Government! He's Elevens Brother." He says and Steven slowly begins to lower the bat.
"The Girl with the super powers?" Steve says as he lowers the bat.
"Yeah. That's her." (Y/n) says, "And since she's gone.. I guess I don't have any business in Hawkins, sorry to waste your time and, electrocute you, I do feel sorry about that Mister Harrington." He says, and Steve looks at him.
"It's.. Just Steve." He says.
"Oh, Sorry," he replies and walks off, Dustin reaches out.
"Wait." He says, (Y/n) halts and turns to him.
"This might be dumb to ask you for help but, we're tracking something from the Upside Down, the door eleven Opened. You could find some answers if you help us." He says, and (Y/n) thinks, and shakes his head.
"It sounds like you just have a lizard problem.." he says and Dustin groans.
"It's not a normal lizard." He retorts back.
"And how do you know that?" (Y/n) says back and Dustin answers.
"When his face opened up and he ate my cat." Dustin replies, (Y/n) stares and nods to himself.
"Yeah that's Uh.. that's not normal.." He says, and looks at them.
"But Demon Aliens from another dimension sounds a bit, far fetched?" He says and Dustin and Steven frown.
"Coming from the guy who can shoot lightning from his hands." Steve says, and (Y/n) gives in.
"Okay, Fair point. Alright I'll help." He says and Dustin gets in between them.
"Good, Steve, this is (Y/n), (Y/n), this is Steve." Dustin says and (Y/n) and Steve look at each other, and have a, tiny bit of an understanding. They get in their vehicles and drive off, (Y/n) unaware of the situation he's getting himself into.
Chapter 2: Dart.
The trio walk down a railway inside a forest, (Y/n) watches as Dustin and Steve toss bits of meat out of a bucket. (Y/n) walks slightly behind, listening to them talk, and Dustin tries to use his radio.
"Guys, this is Dustin again. Does anyone copy? This is a code red. I repeat, a code red! I really need someone to pick up here. Hopper's MIA, and I've got a code red. Code red! ....All right, it's Dustin again.
Seriously, I have a code red." He says and a voice comes back.
"Could you please shut up?" The voice says and (Y/n) walks up next to Dustin.
"Erica? Erica, is Lucas there? Where is he?" Dustin asks and (Y/n) peers over.
"Erica?" He asks.
"Don't know. Don't care." She says, (Y/n) could taste the sass radiating from that comment.
"Is he with Mike?" Dustin asks, gripping the radio.
"Like I said, I don't know and I don't care." Erica replies again coldly.
"Please tell him it's super important. Please tell him that I have a code—" Dustin says and Erica cuts him off
"Code red?" She says and he nods.
"Yep, code red. Exactly."
"I got a code for you instead. It's called code shut-your-mouth." Erica cuts the radio and there's nothing but static. (Y/n) looks over at Dustin.
"That girl sounds like a terror." He says and the. To Dustin.
"I guess she was no hell?" He asks and Dustin turns to him.
"Son of a bitch. You're really
no help at all, you know that?" Dustin says and (Y/n) shoots back.
"Then why the hell did you ask for my help?" He says and the three continue tossing meat, but another voice comes on.
"This is Lucas. Do you copy? Dustin?" Lucas says, Probably Erica's sibling.
"Well, well, well, look who it is." Dustin said with a smirk.
"Sorry, man. My stupid sister turned it off." He explains.
"Well, when you were having sister problems, Dart grew again, he escaped, and I'm pretty sure he's a baby Demogorgon.
"Wait. What?" Lucas asks and (Y/n) also adds in.
"You never told me what this Demagorgon does." He adds in and Dustin shushes him.
"I'll explain later.Meet me, (Y/n), and Steve at the old junkyard.
"Steve? (Y/n)?" Lucas asks obviously confused,
"And bring your binoculars and wrist rocket." Dustin says and hangs up. They get a few yards from the junkyard and are almost out of meat as Bait.
"I don't know. I just feel like you're trying too hard." Steve says.
"Well, not everyone can have your perfect hair, all right?" Dustin shoots back as (Y/n) smells the meat.
"Yeah, You and you dumb perfect hair." He adds in, Steve glares at him for a moment.
"Look, It's not about the hair, man. The key with girls is just...just acting like you don't care. It drives them nuts." Steve says, (Y/n) frowns a bit at this advice. But he doesn't say anything and just keeps tossing the bait.
"Then what?" Dustin asks.
"You just wait until, uh...until you feel it." Steve explains, but keeps most of it fairly ambiguous.
"It's like before it's gonna storm, you know?
You can't see it, but you can feel it, like this, uh..." Steve attempts to explain it, but it comes off as nonsensical.
"electricity, you know?" Steven says, finding the right words after looking at (Y/n).
"Oh, like in the electromagnetic field when the clouds in the atmosphere—" Dustin says and (Y/n) comes in.
"No no, i think Steve means like a, Romantic energy... when a girl likes you and you like her too, this feeling it's like it, like it runs though your bones." He says, and (Y/n) and Steve turn to each other.
"Like a sexual electricity!" They say at The same time, Dustin watches their two brain cells rub against each other on that one. (Y/n) turns to Dustin
"You're not falling in love with this girl, are you?" He asks and Dustin shakes his head.
"Uh, no. No." He says.
"Okay, good. Don't. She's only gonna break your heart, and you're way too young for that shit." Steve says, there's silence between the three.
"Fabergé." He says, (Y/n) and Dustin look at Steve
"What?" They say.
"It's Fabergé Organics. Use the shampoo and conditioner, and when your hair's damp not wet, okay? When it's damp... You do four puffs of the
Farrah Fawcett spray. You tell anyone I just told you
that and your ass is grass. You're dead, Henderson.
Do you understand? Goes for you too mystery man." Steve says and Dustin nods.
"I'm not a mystery man, you just never asked anything about me." He says, Dustin and Steve get a bit quiet and Steve asks.
"Okay. So, where do you come from?" He asks.
"Ohio. Heard from a good source about a Lab here, ran through some leads and that lead me here." He says, the trio slowly come to the scent of rust and the burning sunlight, they reach the junkyard. Housing rusted vehicles and old busses.
"Oh, yeah. Yeah, this will do. This will do just fine.
Good call, dude." Steve says, they dump the rest of the meat and stand around.
"I said medium-well!" Lucas yells, they turn to see Lucas a Short African American kid, and a ginger girl standing next to him.
"Who's that?" Steve asks, Looking at the girl.
"Who's that?" Lucas asks, looking at (Y/n).
"You told her?" Dustin asks as they approach,
"So what?" He says and Dustin gets pretty upset.
"So what?" Is that all you have to say?" He says.
"You wanted to tell her, too." Lucas retorts.
(Y/n) and Max look at each other, he offers a handshake.
"(Y/n)" he says.
"Max" she says back, the two share a short hello and go back to listen to them argue.
"But I didn't, all right?" Lucas says, and then turns to (Y/n).
"You told this guy." He says and (Y/n) chimes in.
"For the record I kinda already knew some of this, I just didn't know about the Demagorgon and Upside down universe part." He says, and Dustin defends him.
"He wanted to know what happened to Eleven, she's His Sister." He explains, Lucas Turns to him a bit mesmerized.
"Can you move stuff with your mind too?" He asks and (Y/n) confidently shakes his head.
"No, watch this." He says, (Y/n) turns to face a old car and it's window, much like his younger sister, he raises his hand and focuses, blood pours form his nose but streaks of electricity form down his arm and to his palm, he focuses and looks straight at the window.
In a flash, a bolt of lightning bursts from his hand, it blasts a hole though one window of the car and then to the other. The others stare in amazement and shock, Dustin, Max and Lucas rush to the window to see the melting glass dripping off the window.
"Holy shit." Dustin says as they gaze at the hole.
"You really are a superhero." Lucas says and turns to (Y/n), who's taking a few deep breaths.
"Yeah.. I guess I .. guess I am.. Uh, you guys have like a car battery or something? I'm a little, little drained." He says, everyone looks a bit worried as he walks over to see a power pole. He extends his arm and lightning comes from the pole, hitting his palm it begins to transfer to him, almost revitalizing his body. He looks a bit more rejuvenated and he turns to the group.
"So, How's that for Superhero?" He asks, they look pretty surprised. Later, Dustin and Lucas are talking behind a car.
"And you haven't heard from Mike?"
"Or Will?"
"No! No one is around. Why do you think I'm
with Steve Harrington and (Y/n)... Uh, (Y/n)—"
"It's Walker!" (Y/n) yells.
"Right, Steve Harrington and (Y/n) Walker" Dustin Finishes his sentence.
"Something's...Wrong." Lucas says and Dustin nods.
"I agree. Which is why we need as much help as we can get." He says, the two turn to Max who's helping bait and trap the junkyard.
"She didn't believe me anyway." Lucas says sadly.
"You probably didn't tell it right, That must be it." Dustin says.
"So, we good?" Lucas asks, they nod and Steve shoves Himself into their conversation.
"Hey! Dickheads! How come the only ones helping
me out is this random guy and girl? We lose light in 40 minutes. Let's go. Let's go, I said!" Steve yells and the two sulk and follow.
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ultimatepinkgirl · 2 years
Elle woods propaganda time??!?!?
Aight listen. Barbie may be an Iconic Pink Girl, but she did not start out this way. Barbie started off as a black and white girl in 1959 with her striped swimsuit! Her primary color didn’t become pink until the 70’s.
Elle woods, however, was pink from the START! It’s also an essential representation of not only her character in the movie, but a symbol of female empowerment and what the movie stands for as a whole. While yes, Barbie has made moves in more recent years (and arguably some further in the past) to stand for female empowerment, Legally Blonde is THE iconic female empowerment movie and brings a whole new badass association to the color pink.
Imagine two girls in two pink themed outfits: to compare her to Barbie is to call her cute and fashionable, but to compare her to elle is to call her, cute, fashionable, and BADASS! (not to say Barbie is not also badass- but remember the aforementioned stronger themes of female empowerment). Elle also paved the way for many women to be inspired and empowered to either pursue or keep pursuing their law careers despite it being something of a “boys club”, including THIS iconic woman:
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She literally started an all-pink, all-female law firm of her own where she and her partners were free to be badass lawyers who were ALSO feminine- making waves in a traditionally male, conservatively dressing profession!
And she’s only one of many other female lawyers and professional women Elle inspired!
Tl;dr, Elle had a more profound and impactful effect on bringing empowerment to the color pink and femininity as a whole, something women are/were often thought lesser of for expressing. While Barbie has had some similar effects, her dolls have also had a good amount of negative effects on young girls/women as well (although that’s been turning around lately, woohoo!). Elle has been strictly KEEPING IT POSITIVE (oh yeah, did I mention she has an iconic and absolute BANGER of a musical? Stream Legally Blonde rn).
Anyways, ELLE SWEEP pls i need her to win i care her SO MUCH. GN.
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Pola Monola + Coca Cola
by Franek Kimono (Piotr Fronczewski)*
[Intro] Attention! What a sensation - female-male acrobation! In New Wave San Francisco style - we begin white disco!
I look around all pale - a beautiful blonde Aproaches my table rapidly With a smile worth of Raquel Welch** She asks - 'hey, cat, you wanna dance with me?' Oblivously, I can't deny her I have to put in effort because I don't like dancing Regretfully I weakfully stand up I admit I was drinking - apologies, pardon
Pola Monola*** plus Coca-Cola I scored a goal in the rythm of rock'n'roll Pola Monola plus Coca-Cola
My name is Franek, her name is Jola Mistress of disco, miss of rock'n'roll On the first step she threw me over her thigh And then started wrestling and judo Trow over the back - I fall in a zigzag I fall on the chest - I do a canonball astride Then step back, a spin, head down I hit my head on the ground and my legs - on the table
Pola Monola plus Coca-Cola I scored a goal in the rythm of rock'n'roll Pola Monola plus Coca-Cola
I sit down by the bar again, slightly breathless A bit sweaty and scretched Pola Monola plus Coca-Cola Whistles in my lungs in the rythm of rock'n'roll Finally music abruptly stops What a beautiful and happy moment it is! But wait a minute - I hear, someone breaks the silence: 'In New Wave San Francisco style - we begin white disco!'
Pola Monola plus Coca-Cola I return to the dance floor, and with me Jola Pola Monola plus Coca-Cola Pola Monola plus Coca-Cola I'll score another goal in the rythm of rock'n'roll Pola Monola plus Coca-Cola
Pola Monola plus Coca-Cola I leave the bar, and with me Jola Pola Monola plus Coca-Cola
*Polish actor Piotr Fronczewski's musical alter ego created in the 80s. He was originally a parody of disco fans but became very popular among them eventually. His name - Kimono - and karate refrences in the songs were a result of an inceased interest in easter fight styles at the time.
** American actress famous in 60s and 70s
*** at the time slang for Polish vodka
Uwaga sensacja rewelacja damsko-męska akrobacja "W stylu new wave z San Francisco - zaczynamy białe disco"
Już widzę blady - jak blondynka śliczna Zbliża sie szybko do mego stoliczka Z uśmiechem godnym Racheli Welch Pyta "Hej kocie - czy ze mną tańczyć chcesz?" Przecież wiadomo, że jej nie odmówie Musze sie sprężyć, bo tańczyć nie lubię Z trudem niestety łapię pion Przyznaje piłem - przepraszam pardon
Pola Monola plus Coca-Cola Strzeliłem gola pod rock and rolla Pola Monola plus Coca-Cola
My name is Franek her name is Jola Mistrzyni disko miss rock and rolla Przy pierwszym kroku majtnęła mnie przez udo A potem były zapasy i judo Przerzut przez plecy - lece zygzakiem Spadam na piersi - bomba okrakiem A potem w tył, obrót, głową w dół Łbem wale w ziemie - nogami w stół
Pola Monola plus Coca-Cola Strzeliłem gola w rytm rock and rolla Pola Monola plus Coca-Cola
Znów siedze w barze nieco zziajany Troche spocony i podrapany Pola Monola plus Coca-Cola Gwiżdże mi w płucach rytm rock and rolla Wreszcie muzyka nagle sie urywa Ależ to chwila piękna i szcześliwa Lecz co to - słysze, znów ktoś przerywa ciszę: "W stylu new wave z San Francisco zaczynamy białe disko"
Pola Monola plus Coca-Cola Wracam na parkiet, a ze mną Jola Pola Monola plus Coca-Cola Pola Monola plus Coca-Cola Strzele znów gola pod rock and rolla Pola Monola plus Coca-Cola
Pola Monola plus Coca-Cola Wychodze z baru a ze mną Jola Pola Monola plus Coca-Cola
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