#70th independence day
scarz-xo · 5 months
Veto Power in the UN: is the power of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) to veto any "substantive" resolution.
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Veto: an official power or right to refuse to accept or allow something.
Now the question is who holds that much power and right? And most importantly do they deserve those privileges?
Now let's dig deeper in China 🇨🇳:
Here's the most recent crime that for some reason nobody talks about (It's not "some reason" but they're Muslims so terrorists by default, huh?) :
Next we have France 🇫🇷:
One of the things I'll never forget is my Algerian coworker who told us about how some of her family members losing their lives in traumatising ways to those who lived to remember.
Next we have Russia 🇷🇺:
What I find funny is the "could be" in the headline cause the pictures in Kiev and the mass graves should be enough proof that it is an actual crime.
Next is the UK 🇬🇧:
And finally USA 🇺🇸:
And the list goes on,we can go through it not for days but for decades, going around each of the 5 countries histories to discover atrocities some made individually and some made with a bunch of them gathering together and of course that results in many inhumane Vetoes because how can we depend on those who hurt us, who hurt humanity throughout history to hold that much power? To have that right?
Veto is not outdated, it should have never been created.
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heavenboy09 · 9 months
Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To You
The Legendary & Iconic President Actor Who Saved The World 🌎 From An Alien 👽 Invasion In 1996
No Seriously I Mean That 😁
He was born December 17, 1953, in Hornell, New York, the son of Dr. James Pullman Jr. (1914–1992), a physician, and Johanna Wilamina Pullman (née Blaas; 1911–1993), a nurse.
After graduating from Hornell High School in 1971, he attended the State University of New York at Delhi (SUNY Delhi) and the State University of New York at Oneonta (SUNY Oneonta) in the 1970s, receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theater Studies from the latter in 1975. He eventually received his Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 1980. He taught theater at SUNY Delhi and was an adjunct professor at Montana State University's School of Film and Photography in Bozeman, Montana, where his students persuaded him to pursue film roles.
During the 1980s, Pullman worked primarily with theater companies around New York and Los Angeles. His first prominent film role was in Ruthless People, starring Danny DeVito and Bette Midler. Other notable films included the lead in Spaceballs (1987), The Serpent and the Rainbow (with Zakes Mokae), Casper and While You Were Sleeping (both 1995).
In 1996, He Played The Role Of A Lifetime
President of the United States In The 1# Sci-fi Film Of 1996 & Of The 21st Century
 Independence Day 🇺🇸🗽🎇🎆👽. 
Pullman has also had a long stage acting career. He has appeared on Broadway several times, including in Edward Albee's The Goat, or Who Is Sylvia? in 2002.
He is an American actor. After graduating with a Master of Fine Arts degree in theater, he was an adjunct professor at Montana State University before deciding to pursue acting. He made his film debut in Ruthless People (1986), and starred in Spaceballs (1987), The Accidental Tourist (1988), Sleepless in Seattle (1993), While You Were Sleeping (1995), Casper (1995), Independence Day (1996), Lost Highway (1997), and Lake Placid (1999). He has appeared frequently on television, usually in TV films. Starting in the 2000s he has also acted in miniseries and regular series, such as Torchwood (2011), starring roles in 1600 Penn (2012–13) and The Sinner (2017–2021). In 2021, he had a recurring role in the miniseries Halston.
OUR INDEPENDENCE DAY 🇺🇸🗽🎇🎆👽 #BillPullman #SpaceBalls #Casper #IndependenceDay #LakePlacid #TheSinner #DrJamesHarvey #PresidentThomasWhitmore
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bignaz8 · 2 years
Please take the time today to remember those that have given the ultimate sacrifice to protect and ensure the freedoms you enjoy today. World War I (the 'War to End All Wars') celebrated a cease fire on this day, November 11, 1918 at 11:11am, and yet still today active land mines from that horrific conflict lie in wait, still fighting that conflict.
I have been to the Verdun valley in France, where over 1.2 million died and to Fort Douaumont, which has now become a museum and a memorial to viewable remains of 350,000 unknown soldiers. Think about that for a minute. Once you've seen it, you will never forget it.
I have walked the remains of the trenches in the Argonne Forest where my great uncle Paul fought, and witnessed the eroded craters of artillery explosions and the bleached remains of soldiers that perished there and are still entombed there.
I have visited the American cemeteries in eastern France (which are actually US soil), visited Arizona hero Frank Luke's unassuming grave, and bowed my head in silent prayer.
I reflected on three patriots without whose efforts this nation may not have been forged. Abraham Woodhull (aka Samuel Culper), Anna Smith Strong and Caleb Brewster provided Washington with intelligence (the Culper Spy Ring) on British ship and British/Hessian troop movements that allowed decisive victories at Trenton (Crossing of the Delaware) and others. They did what was necessary and risked their lives to provide support to the concept of a new nation. I drove to Setauket, Long Island not long ago to visit their graves and pay my respects. I was honored in their presence. It made me ask the question: What would you risk to ensure freedom and liberty for yourself and your family?
I have been to the fortifications and ramparts of Fort Griswold in Groton, Connecticut where 88 militia volunteers, among them my children's great-great-great-great-great grandfather and his brothers and cousins, a Pequot Indian, and two free black men fought against British General Benedict Arnold's attack on Connecticut, September 6, 1781. During their surrender after hours of fighting against overwhelming odds, the British commander took American Colonel Ledyard's presentation sword of surrender and ran Ledyard through, then giving orders to execute everyone left alive. Their ancestor was badly wounded during the massacre and was carted off to a British prison ship of horrid condition.
During the decisive Battle of Yorktown and the surrender of the British and Lord Cornwallis on October 19, 1781, the battle cry was 'Remember Fort Griswold!'.
I have traveled to Dachau Concentration Camp, where those whose ideals, race or sexual preferences did not meet a ruling party's guidelines. My father was in the 20th Armored Division, 70th Armored Infantry as a medic, and was one of a handful of medics and soldiers that liberated Dachau. He personally witnessed the dead and dying, the buildings filled with heads, arms and legs. He saved hundreds there through medical attention without so much as a medal. It was the soldiers' duty. I still have the worn 48-star flag that he carried throughout Europe.
I've been to Anne Frank's house in Amsterdam. When your rights and freedoms are taken, it was horrible to witness the lengths taken and necessary to simply remain alive and preserve your humanity.
I have been to the Alamo, and stood at the spot where Davy Crockett fell on March 6, 1836 to help secure independence for Texas; and touched the mock-marked scars of bullets from that day in the limestone blocks of the old mission.
I have felt the sorrow on the battlefields at Gettysburg, grieved in silence at Arlington Cemetery, paid respects at Grant's home and Lee's grave, let the cool breeze wash over me at Little Big Horn, anguished at Wounded Knee, and paid my respects to the end of an era at Skeleton Canyon in Arizona where Geronimo surrendered. I have been to Geronimo's final resting place at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, surrounded by his family; far from their home in Arizona and New Mexico.
My grandfather was drafted for WWII and served in the Army as well on the home front. My uncle fought in Italy with the 10th Mountain and survived Anzio.
I stood at the Berlin Wall and felt the pain and anguish of a nation and people when I placed my hand on its graffiti surface. I wept for joy when I learned the news it was torn down November 9, 1989. There was nothing 'cold' about that war... except that long expanse of grey concrete.
I remember personally seeing the passion Pat Tillman had for the game of football when he was playing for Arizona State University. That passion carried over into a starting position with the Arizona Cardinals, and after September 11, 2001, his country. Even though his death was a tragedy, he decided to leave behind a multi-million dollar contract to defend this country and its ideals. Grit. Honor.
About eight years ago, I was at Costco and struck up a conversation at lunch with 88 and 93-year-old WWII veterans. The younger man served in Luzon, Philippines, and the other in the 20th Armored Division, 14th Artillery. They were both excited to know that I knew the history of the 20th Armored Division intimately from my father. After lunch was over, I made sure to thank them for their service and sacrifice. And in doing so, no less than 10 other strangers suddenly walked up to thank them as well. I ran into the 20th Armored Division gentleman another time the following year and bought him a hot dog and soda and ate with him. And thanked him once again.
Remember the Veterans... not just today, but every day, and say THANK YOU to them for ensuring your freedom to express your voice, your opinions, and your liberty. Freedom is never free, and there will always be those wanting to control and purge your unalienable rights.
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art-of-manliness · 4 months
Podcast #996: Remembering D-Day 80 Years Later
On D-Day, June 6, 1944, 160,000 troops participated in the invasion of Normandy. Today just a few thousand of these veterans are still alive, with the youngest in their late nineties. As their voices, and those of the million combatants and leaders who swept into motion across Europe 80 years ago, fall silent and pass from living history, Garrett Graff has captured and compiled them in a new book: When the Sea Came Alive: An Oral History of D-Day. Drawing on his project of sifting through and synthesizing 5,000 oral histories, today Garrett takes us back to what was arguably the most consequential day in modern history and helps unpack the truly epic sweep of the operation, which was hard to fathom even then, and has become even more difficult to grasp with the passage of time. We talk about how unbelievably involved the planning process for D-Day was, stories you may never have heard before, a couple of the myths around D-Day, and the sacrificial heroism born of this event that continues to live on. Resources Related to the Podcast * AoM Podcast Episode #1: We Who Are Alive and Remain * AoM Article: The 70th Anniversary of D-Day — Remembrances from the Brave Men Who Were There * AoM Podcast #514: Remembering D-Day 75 Years Later * The Bedford Boys: One American Town’s Ultimate D-Day Sacrifice by Alex Kershaw * AoM Article: How Eisenhwoer Made the D-Day Decision * The Only Plane in the Sky: An Oral History of 9/11 by Garrett M. Graff Connect With Garrett Graff * Garrett’s website Listen to the Podcast! (And don’t forget to leave us a review!)   Listen to the episode on a separate page. Download this episode. Subscribe to the podcast in the media player of your choice. Transcript Coming Soon Help support independent publishing. Make a donation to The Art of Manliness! Thanks for the support! http://dlvr.it/T7tBhz
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mediamonarchy · 4 months
https://mediamonarchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/20240603_MorningMonarchy.mp3 Download MP3 Signing bombs, we could be kings and moving 100 tonnes of gold + this day in history w/FBI bribery leaks and our song of the day by He Who Cannot Be Named on your #MorningMonarchy for June 3, 2024. Notes/Links: Robert De Niro stripped of prestigious award for his anti-Trump rant outside court https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13481933/Robert-niro-stripped-prestigious-award-anti-trump-rant.html WOW! 12-year-old Indian-American boy wins National Spelling Bee, takes home $50,000 https://www.indiatvnews.com/news/world/us-12-year-old-indian-american-boy-wins-national-spelling-bee-takes-home-50-000-video-2024-05-31-934378 Video: ‘Aposiopesis’: Watch 12-year-old win US Spelling Bee (Audio) https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cx77q33n4y8o Aposiopesis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aposiopesis Genocidal Word Games: ‘Limited’ vs ‘Major’ Military Operations in Rafah https://decensored.news/limited-vs-full-scale-major-operations-rafah/ Neocon Nikki Signs Israeli Bombs Urging Israel To Kill Palestinian Civilians https://www.lewrockwell.com/2024/05/daniel-mcadams/neocon-nikki-signs-israeli-bombs-urging-israel-to-kill-palestinian-civilians/ Video: Nikki Haley signs IDF shells | The West Asia Post (Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNVwMi58Ogo Image: Neocon Nikki signs IDF bombs like a true psychopath https://images.seattletimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/05292024_Nikki_Haley-Gaza_173450.jpg?d=780×1040 Spirit – “Dark Eyed Woman” (Vinyl // Audio) https://www.discogs.com/release/25826293-Various-The-Guitars-That-Destroyed-The-World // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPohmbnhM-U Video: Historian Assal Rad explains how the media’s use of passive voice to obscure Israel’s crimes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8sPJBqnOEE Joe Manchin Leaves Democratic Party, Registers as Independent https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/joe-manchin-leaves-democratic-party-5660311 Supreme Court Unanimously Rules for NRA in Free Speech Case; The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit had rejected the NRA’s First Amendment arguments. https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/supreme-court-unanimously-rules-for-nra-in-first-amendment-lawsuit-with-ny-5641423 Biden secretly gave Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia with US weapons; It’s a major reversal that will help Ukraine to better defend its second-largest city. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/30/biden-ukraine-weapons-strike-russia-00160731 Biden, Trump Test Executive Privilege With Claims; Trump and Biden ironically may need to rely on each other in order to maintain or assert privilege over communications they’d like to keep under wraps. https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/biden-trump-test-executive-privilege-with-claims-5660627 Video: How Donald Trump’s historic guilty verdict unfolded (Audio) https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cy00nn1jn89o ‘I’m OK With It’: Trump Addresses Possibility of Prison Sentence; Meanwhile, fundraising continues to skyrocket for the Trump campaign https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/im-ok-with-it-trump-addresses-possibility-of-prison-sentence-5661163 Trump Announces Nearly $53 Million Fund-Raising Haul After Guilty Verdict https://archive.is/e92iJ Video: Americans react to Trump’s guilty conviction (Audio) https://www.bbc.com/news/videos/c2llq79k9k8o Gene – “We Could Be Kings” (Vinyl // Audio) https://www.discogs.com/release/1213623-Gene-We-Could-Be-Kings // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U2FzrpQTcc 70th Bilderberg Meeting to take place 30 May – 2 June in Madrid, Spain https://archive.is/5pYbb Bilderberg 2024: CEOs, billionaires, and govt officials meet behind closed doors in Madrid https://decensored.news/bilderberg-meeting-2024/ No recent results (past month) on the websites of the @nytimes, @washingtonpost, @CNN, @BBCNews, or countless others for the word “Bilderberg” https://x.com/decensorednews/status/1797121107817820358 🛢️ Big oil gets bigger: ConocoPhillips is buying Marathon Oil as US ...
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thenewsart · 10 months
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to celebrate 70th birthday at California fundraiser gala on the eve of NH Primary
EXCLUSIVE: Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will celebrate his 70th birthday at a gala in California, just days after the Iowa Caucuses and one day before the New Hampshire primary, Fox News Digital has learned. Sources told Fox News Digital that the event, “A 70th Birthday Gala Celebration in honor of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,” will be hosted by “Fighting 4 One America PAC”…
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victoriaderegus · 1 year
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Competition «Ukrainian star of packaging» (series of packings), Kiev, UA; 
Poster action «ANTI-TERROR», gallery «Academy» (poster), Kharkov, UA; 
All-Ukrainian exhibition of posters «Ukraine», gallery «Academy» (poster), Kharkov, UA; 
«Photo-exhibition», Academy of Design and Arts (photos), Kharkov, UA; 
Poster action «Fur is cruel» (posters), Kharkov-London; 
Competition of logos on t-shirts «T-shirt design festival» (a series of icons), Novosibirsk, RU; 
International Poster Competition «Anti-AIDS» (poster), Kharkov, UA; 
The environmental action «Green Kharkov» (series of posters + the main poster for an exhibition), Kharkov, UA; 
Exhibition of posters «CH-Hour», gallery «Academy» (posters), Kharkov, UA;
International festival of design « COW - Center Of theWorld » (poster), Dnepropetrovsk, UA;
Ecological competition of logos on t-shirts «T-shirt design festival», Exhibition center «Siberian Fair» (a series of icons), Novosibirsk, RU;
VI Triennale of poster and graphics «4th Block», dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster (poster), Kharkov, UA; 
Exhibition of posters «VISUAL ENERGY», dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster (poster), Germany, Berlin; 
International Poster Competition «Anti-AIDS» (poster), Kharkov, UA;
The winner of the VII All-Ukrainian competition of scientific student's works on actual problems of the industry of packing behind the nomination «Design and packaging design» (series of packings), UA;
Regional art exhibition «Christmas Salon», house of the artist, picture «Rainy Day» (the main poster an exhibition, picture), Kharkov, UA; 
All-Ukrainian exhibition «The Christmas», picture «Breath of winter» (picture), Kiev, UA; 
Moscow international biennale of graphic design «Golden bee 8», «Futurism 100» (posters), Moscow, RU;
All-Ukrainian exhibition, dedicated to 70th anniversary of the National Union Artists of Ukraine, house of the artist (the main poster for an exhibition), Kharkov-Kiev, UA;
Festival of the modern art «GOGOL FEST 2009» (posters), Kiev, UA;
Regional art exhibition of the pictures «Christmas Salon», house of the artist, (the main poster for an exhibition, invitation), Kharkov, UA;
All-Ukrainian exhibition of the pictures, devoted to 165th anniversary of the birth of  I.U. Repina, house of the artist (the main poster for an exhibition, invitation), Kharkov, UA;
All-Ukrainian exhibition of the pictures, devoted to day of the artist, house of the artist (the main poster for an exhibition, invitation), Kharkov, UA;
Regional art exhibition of the pictures «The muse and the Creator», devoted on March 8, house of the artist (the main poster for an exhibition), Kharkov, UA;
Regional art exhibition of the pictures «The muse and the Creator», devoted on March 8, house of the artist (the main poster for an exhibition, invitation), Kharkov, UA;
All-Ukrainian exhibition of the pictures, devoted to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory, house of the artist (the main poster for an exhibition), Kharkov, UA;
All-Ukrainian exhibition of the pictures, devoted to day of the artist, house of the artist (the main poster for an exhibition), Kharkov, UA;
All-Ukrainian exhibition, devoted to the 20th anniversary of Independence Ukraine (the main poster for an exhibition), Kharkov, UA;
All-Ukrainian exhibition of the pictures, devoted to day of the artist, house of the artist (the main poster for an exhibition), Kharkov, UA;
All-Ukrainian exhibition of the pictures «The Christmas», house of the artist (the main poster for an exhibition), Kharkov, UA; 
All-Ukrainian exhibition «Ukraine and Sport», devoted to Euro 2012, house of the artist (the main poster for an exhibition), Kharkov, UA;
Competition Charitable Foundation of R. Akhmetov «Development of Ukraine» (the information booklet on tuberculosis), Donetsk, UA;
Competition on creation of a new logo for legendary collective «No Doubt» for placement on the sixth studio album «Push And Shove» in honor of release of the main single of «Settle Down», California, USA;
Competition on creation of graphic artwork hoodie for a series production of the company MOJO (Miley Cyrus Brand), USA;
All-Ukrainian exhibition of the pictures «The Christmas», house of the artist (the main poster for an exhibition), Kharkov, UA; 
Exhibition of a family artists Dmitry and Olga Tikhov «A family Vernissage» (the main poster for an exhibition, booklets), Kharkov, UA;
Competition «Design the kit» (jersey and cap) for Vodafone (design for a series of t-shirts), Nyyuberi, Great Britain;
Competition «Design of the new logo for Roth Management» (logo), London, England;
Competition on creation of design original Mexican shoes «guarachero» for David Guetta (design of shoes), Paris, France;
Competition of graphic artwork jeans «Denim» for «LEE JEANS» (graphic artwork of  jeans), Salina, the State of Kansas;
Competition for «LimoLand» on creation of a sign of the zodiac (author's graphics), Paris, France;
Ukraine's first exhibition «Kharkov Design Week 2013» (presentation of a portfolio), Kharkov, UA;
All-Ukrainian exhibition, devoted to 75 anniversary of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, house of the artist, posters «Portrait Of Neville Brody» (2 posters + the main poster for an exhibition), Kharkov-Kiev, UA;
All-Ukrainian exhibition «The Christmas», house of the artist (the main poster for an exhibition), Kharkov, UA; 
International competition of the poster «Rebranding the Russian Avant Garde», San Jose,California;
«Design Sphere poster campaign», Riverside Art Museum, Riverside, California;
All-Ukrainian exhibition of the pictures, devoted to 170th anniversary of the birth of  I.U. Repina, house of the artist (the main poster for an exhibition), Kharkov, UA;
All-Ukrainian exhibition, devoted to day of the artist, house of the artist (the main poster for an exhibition), Kharkov, UA;
Exhibition of paintings by artist Dmitry Tikhov «My Beautiful Land» (the main poster for an exhibition), Kharkov, UA;
International competition of type design «Modern Cyrillics 2014» (author's fonts), Moscow, Russia;
All-Ukrainian exhibition «The Christmas», house of the artist (the main poster for an exhibition), Kharkov, UA; 
Logo for celebrate five years of global cultural video channel «NOWNESS» (logo);
Development of official t-shirts 2015 for «STARLIGHT EXPRESS» (design on t-shirt), Bochum, Germany;
Design of Hip Hop art «Mission Underground» (MULA) «TeamBackpack» (posters);
Design stickers pack for «Viber» (author's graphics);
The fifth annual exhibition of photography (series of photo), Paris, Louvre Museum;
Design for cinematic release of «Paper Towns» (posters), 20th Century Fox, United States;
Art for Secrets Festival 2015 «Design piece that uses recycled objects as the dominant medium» (handmade souvenirs), Berlin, Germany;
Design a Limited Edition lithograph for «Alice In Chains» (posters), Nashville, Tennessee;
Design the new official logo for «Velvet Hammer» (redesign logo), Los Angeles, CA;
Аrtwork for «The Global Goals» (a series of posters), New York;
All-Ukrainian exhibition, devoted to day of the artist, house of the artist (the main poster for an exhibition), Kharkov, UA;
Exhibition «On a visit at the fairy tale» studio of decorative art «Palitra» and circle of sculpting / molding «Murzilka» (the main poster for an exhibition) Kharkov, UA;
Competition for the BFI Future Film Festival (a poster);
Competition for the Intel® RealSense™ optimized ooVoo app (a background);
Competition for Stewart Lindsey (Design the official album artwork);
Competition for Seafret (Design the official album cover); 
Competition «Create a 60's style advertisement inspired by the Mad Men Soundtrack» Style ad artwork for one of the songs on the album (a poster);
Competition for writer/director Luc Besson. Design a costume for the upcoming film «Valerian and The City of A Thousand Planets» from visionary (Design a costume); 
Competition for Klaas Heufer-Umlauf and his co-host Joko Winterscheidt Design an ugly Christmas sweater for «Circus Halligalli» (Design a sweater); 
Design a terrifying holiday card for Krampus (a series of holiday cards);
Competition for Milupa «Babys Bäuchlein (tummy health)» (Illustrations); 
Competition for Reboon (Design a smartphone, tablet and eBook cover); 
Competition for the Intel® RealSense™ optimized ooVoo app (an original avatar); 
Competition for Dell (digital wallpaper art); 
Competition for Coldplay to celebrate the release of Coldplay's brand new album «A Head Full Of Dreams» (design a T-shirt), Harveytown, US;
Competition for mobile phone provider Congstar to celebrate «The way I want it» and the colorful brand profile (design a fashion item), Germany; 
Competition for Viber inspired visual artwork «Good Vibes» (artwork);
Competition for Moxy Hotel New Orleans (visual artwork);
Competition for Cannes Lions (artwork postcards format, distributed at the Festival);
Competition for Serra da Estrela (idea of a new product and packing);
Competition for Desperados (idea of unusual way of supply of beer in house conditions);
Competition for Hijabi women: Beautiful hair communication (show Hijabi women that they can have the beautiful, fresh and healthy hair they desire);
Competition for Suicide Squad (visual art);
Competition for Knorr Cup-a-Soup (posters);
Competition for Anchor (posters);
Competition «The future in the sphere of beauty of lips» (idea of a new product and packing);
Competition for Ariel (design two new types of products);
Competition for Vidal Sassoon (sketches of tattoos);
Competition for P&G. «Gender equality» (posters);
Competition for Moxy Phoenix Tempe Hotel (visual artwork);
Competition for Harvey Nichols (a print design);
Competition for Post Malone and REBEL8 (design a T-shirt);
Competition for Primesight, Campaign and Future Dreams' Ultimate Canvas (artwork);
Competition: Video for the Institute of Global Affairs about the global challenge of migration. People as Ants. (videos);   
Competition for Xi-Design (design Mural Street Art);
Competition for Laura Mvula (visual artwork);
Competition for Brisk (design a Limited Edition label); 
Global promotional project by SeeMe, Chashama and Squarespace. Digital exhibition of photography (series of photo) Gala Event in New York City, 4 Times Square. Brooklyn, New York;  
Competition «Capture the greatness of fashion» (fashion design);
Competition «Capture the spirit of Halloween» (series of artwork);
Competition «Design By Humans & Talenthouse» (design a showstopping T-shirt);
Competition «Contest the painting styles to desktop version» for Telegram (visual design);
Competition for the creation of artwork capturing contrast (artwork);
Competition for World Wildlife Fund (WWF) (design a T-shirt);
Competition «Capture remarkable adventure and action sports moments for LifeProof’s Summer Unleashed campaign» (a series of photo «Adventure is a part of my life». Inspirational and are Living Proof of a life filled with adventure. Across the globe, remarkable people are doing remarkable things every day, they are LIVING PROOF. For seeks to inspire to get up, get out and go hard - with your device protected by the four proofs (Water / Dirt / Snow / Drop Proof);
Competition «Inspired by the taste of Summer» (a series of photo in support of healthy eating inspired by the taste of Summer);
Competition «Receive exposure for your illustration portfolio with Production Paradise» (a series of graphic illustrations);
Competition «Capture beauty and the environment for Unilever» (Handmade created authors Blossoming Circle of flowers / Handmade created Blossoming Author's congratulation to St. Easter / Handmade created Blossoming author's picture / Handmade created Author's congratulation to 8 th of March (Womens day). Make by Smooth molded fiber (from packings for eggs). Purpose. Appointment: Minimizing waste by either recycling, re-purposing or re-using materials);
THEMED CHALLENGES at Threadless: Season Spring (Spring Art by Victoria Deregus to t-Shirt / shoes / pillow);
THEMED CHALLENGES at Threadless: A zoo-inspired design (A zoo-inspired design by Victoria Deregus to t-Shirt / shoes / pillow / phone cases / drawstring bag);
THEMED CHALLENGES at Threadless: Design rad new leggings (Design rad new leggings by Victoria Deregus to leggings);
THEMED CHALLENGES at Threadless: a Design That Celebrates Diversity & Equality (Art by Victoria Deregus to Diversity & Equality to t-Shirt / phone cases / drawstring bag / mugs / shoes / pillow); 
THEMED CHALLENGES at Threadless: Design to original embroidered hat design (Design to original embroidered hat design by Victoria Deregus to hat design);
THEMED CHALLENGES at Threadless: a Stunning Typography Design (Art by Victoria Deregus to t-Shirt / shoes / drawstring bag);
DESIGN CHALLENGES at Threadless: Never-ending, no-themes, no-holds-barred, open-ended (Design by Victoria Deregus to t-Shirt / shoes / pillow / phone cases / mugs / drawstring bag / water bottle / etc); 
THEMED CHALLENGES at Threadless: Design for a skateboard deck (perfect design for a skateboard deck by Victoria Deregus);
Competition “Artwork for a Best Fiends Animation Baby Slug's Big Day Out”;
Competition “Design a magazine cover the Drum (to celebrate the best in advertising)”;
Philanthropic promotion by The Conservation Fund & Threadless (Artist Shops). 
Participate in Earth Day Promotion for supporting the Conservation Fund (Designs dedicated specifically for Earth Day. For the Earth Day Discover Collection. Donate for every blue Extra Soft Tee sold in celebration of sustainability). Charity whose purpose is to help planet Earth;
THEMED CHALLENGES at Threadless: Fresh Kicks  (Shoes Art by Victoria Deregus);
THEMED CHALLENGES at Threadless: Love is Love  (Art by Victoria Deregus to t-Shirt / phone cases / drawstring bag / mugs / shoes / pillow); 
THEMED CHALLENGES at Threadless: The Great Outdoors (T-Shirt Art by Victoria Deregus);
International Competition of Type design “Modern Cyrillic 2019” (author's fonts), Moscow, Russia;
THEMED CHALLENGES at Threadless: Lowbrow 2 (skateboard deck & hat design Art by Victoria Deregus);
THEMED CHALLENGES at Threadless: Feelings (hat design Art by Victoria Deregus);
Competition by PACT: Original and unique new t-shirt designs "Urban Nature" for Pact’s new brand vibe & Pact's upcoming Fall collection (a series of graphic illustrations Nature Art);
Competition «Society6 x TIME'S UP Collab for mission to create a world» (a series of graphic illustrations: Stop Racism / Gender Equality / Stop Hate LGBT);
Autumn Handmade-Expo “School Year” of HANDCRAFT & ART WORKS at SunMall (Ukraine / Kharkov);
Winter Handmade-Expo “Christmas Time” of HANDCRAFT & ART WORKS at SunMall (Ukraine / Kharkov);
Competition of illustrations by Pinkbus. Drawing Mouses (the series of art);
Spring Show for Ukrainian People “Ukrainian Creative Week” (main poster, the series of posters introduce my art, CV for particiants, co-organizer) work with South Ayrshire Goverment United Kingdom. Ayr, UK; Interview
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Charity Exhibition “Ukrainian Culture” ( 3 pictures acrylic paint at timber planks and 10 print graphic at coasters for cups) with support Ukrainian Community group. Belleisle Conservatory Group. South Ayrshire Council. Belleisle Park. Ayr. Scotland  
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Charity Exhibition “Summer Fun Day” ( 4 pictures acrylic paint at timber planks, 5 souvenir compositions, 2 wreath, print graphic at coasters for cups also) with support Ukrainian Community group (UCG). South Ayrshire Council. Kincaidston Community Centre. Bracken Park. Ayr. United Kingdom  
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Thank you for you time. I hope for a long and fruitful cooperation.
Now lets create a song of amazing vibes
With love, Victoria Deregus
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stocklivemarket · 2 years
Pyongyang is the capital and most populous city of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, more commonly known as North Korea. It is located on the Taedong River, 110 km upstream from where the river joins the West Korean Sea. The city was separated from the city of South Pyongan in 1946. It has been a city directly governed by its own administrative unit, just like the city of Seoul in South Korea... The name of the city means 'flat land' in Korean. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7MGz0xGrZI[/embed] As the capital of North Korea, which is governed by a totalitarian regime, the dominant ideology of the country is reflected in the entire architectural structure of the city. The city, where tasteless concrete buildings rise, actually shows these features as it was rebuilt after it was completely destroyed in the Korean War. You can visit this city, which is extremely mysterious but very difficult to access as the administration wants to control the flow of information about the country, through private tour companies authorized by the state, as in all North Korea. They are not even allowed to communicate with the public. However, during the small city tours, which have been designed to every detail and decorated to give the impression that you are in a magnificent land of abundance, you can catch a small moment and find the real information about the daily life of the stoic people living in this city. You can see the locals picnicking, listening to music and lazing around on a walk up Moran Hill. Where Is Pyongyang? It is located on the Taedong River, 110 km upstream from where the river joins the West Korean Sea. When To Go To Pyongyang? Pyongyang, which has a humid continental climate, is dominated by cold and dry winds over Siberia in winter. This causes the season to be harsh. Especially between November and March, the air temperatures are below 0 degrees. Summer months are hot and humid. From June to August, the temperature is between 21-25 degrees. Best Places To Visit In Pyongyang The biggest challenge you will experience while visiting the city is the great effort your tour guide will make to show you and appreciate the statues, buildings, buildings, parks, etc. Triumphal Arch The Triumphal Arch was erected to commemorate the Japanese Resistance that took place between 1925-45. It is the second largest triumphal arch in the world after the Monumento a la Revolución in Mexico, 60 meters high and 50 meters wide. In 1982, the arch was erected in Return of Victory Square at the foot of Moran Hill, with the aim of emphasizing and glorifying the role of president and general Kim Il-Sung in the Korean resistance. The 25,000 finely crafted white granite stones used in the construction of the monument, which was unveiled in honor of his 70th birthday, represent a day in Kim Il-sung's life up to that time. Modeled on the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, the arch is 10 meters higher than its predecessor. There are four vaulted entrances to the building, on which there are numerous stairs, chambers, elevators and observation platforms. Each of these is 27 meters high. The words of the lament named Song of General Kim Il-sung are written on the arch. The song tells the story of the general who liberated Korea from Japanese rule in 1925 and made it independent. This tower, which exalts Juche, the administrative ideology of North Korea and formulated by the first leader of the state, Kim Il-sung, was completed in 1982. It is located on the east bank of the Taedong River. To the west of the river is Kim Il-sung Square. The 170-meter-high structure was unveiled in honor of Kim Il-sung's 70th birthday, just like the Arc de Triomphe, and the 25,000 finely worked white granite stones used in its construction represent a day in Kim Il-sung's life up to that time. . The tower can be reached by elevator and a panoramic view of the entire city is visible from the observation platform at the top. On the ground
floor of the tower, a video show explaining the importance and principles of the Juche ideology is shown at certain times. The tower is thought to be modeled after the Washington Monument. However, it is about a meter longer than its counterpart. Juche Tower is the second largest monumental column on earth. The largest monumental column in the world is the San Jacinto Monument and is about 3 meters higher than the Juche Tower. One of the walls of the tower is decorated with 82 friendship plaques, which were gifted by the Juche Working Groups and foreign supporters of the regime. Kim Il-sung Square Kim Il-sung Square is a large city square named after the founding leader of the state. The square, which was designed according to the masterplan of the restructuring process that took place in 1954 after the destruction of the city after the Korean War, was opened in 1964. Located at the foot of Nmsan Hill, the square is on the west bank of the Taedong River. It overlooks the Juche Tower just across the river. It is the 37th largest square in the world. It covers an area of approximately 75,000 square meters. It is an area suitable for gathering 100 thousand people at once. The square has great cultural significance. It is the traditional gathering point used for performances, dances and military parades. The image of this square is used in all news about the country. The square is reminiscent of Tiananmen Square in Beijing in form and design. Since its establishment and opening, it has been celebrated with many different events; Numerous military demonstration marches were organized. In the architectural design of the square, it was aimed and succeeded to create an optical illusion that shows the Juche Tower, which is separated from it by a river but stands directly opposite, as if it were at the other end of the square rather than on the opposite side. Great Mansudae Monument Mansudae Monument located on Mansu Hill is a complex of monuments. At the center of the complex are two 22 meter high statues. These statues belonging to the heads of state Kim Il-sung v Kim Jong-il are made of bronze. Behind the statues is the Korean Revolution Museum building. Paektu Mountain, the sacred mountain where the revolution took place, is depicted in a mosaic on the front of the museum. As you pass by the statues and move away from the museum building, two different monuments are seen. These depict workers, soldiers, farmers, the Anti-Japanese Revolution and the Socialist Revolution. These monuments are 22.5 meters high and 50 meters long. Monuments began to be built in 1972. At first, a statue depicting the country's founding leader, Kim Il-sung, was erected. The statue, which was covered with gold leaf when it was first erected, was later turned into bronze. After the death of the leader and his son succeeded him, a statue of his son Kim Jong-il was also erected. Visitors who want to take pictures are obliged to take the two statues together and in their entirety. Other Must See Places In Pyongyang Zoo Film Studios Tan'gun Tomb Korean Revolution Museum Transportation In Pyongyang It is forbidden for tourists to travel alone in North Korea, except for the tour routes given to them and the journey carried out under the supervision of guides. Local people generally have no barriers to roam freely. However, they are prohibited from using buses. There is a working subway system. It has two lines and is open to foreigners. Trains, albeit old, operate effectively. There are taxis, but Koreans are very reluctant to take foreigners. Pyongyang Cuisine There are restaurants in North Korea where you can find options from world cuisine. However, restaurant prices are quite expensive and the people of the country cannot eat here due to their purchasing power. You can try Sungeoguk soup, which is a special recipe from North Korea, a transparent soup containing ginger, black pepper, garlic, green onions and fish.
There are also rumors that dog meat is eaten in North Korea. In rural areas, rice, soup and stir-fries are eaten for breakfast. In the city, milk and bread are consumed. They have very light lunches. They prefer rice pasta or fried rice. Popular restaurants Chongryu Dangogi Gukjib Okryu Pyongyang Ostrich Farm National Restaurant. Tip: Employees in North Korean restaurants do not expect tips from you. But if you like the service, you can tip 10-15 percent according to your own desire. Shopping In Pyongyang In North Korea, postcards with the purpose of state propaganda are sold in souvenir shops. Do not ignore the possibility that these postcards, which have visual details resembling the propaganda tools of Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, will become rare documents about the past in the future. You can also get stamps produced in the same style. The local drink, Insam Liqueur made from rice, can also be an original gift you can bring to your loved ones. However, the price is quite expensive. Pyongyang Nightlife Nightlife in North Korea is not very developed. A small number of bars and clubs are inside the hotels. Apart from these, you can go to places called Diplomatic Club, Random Access Club (RAC) or Friendship near Juche Tower. Pyongyang Festivals Kim Il Sung Birthday Celebrations (April) Dragon Boat Festival (June) Celebrations Of The Founding Of The Workers' Party Of Korea (October) Pyongyang Public Holidays North Korean New Year Kim Jong II's Birthday (February 16) Daeboreum Arbor Day (March 2) International Women's Day (8 March) Day Of The Sun (April 15) Kang Pan–Sok Birthday (April 21) Armed forces day (25 April) Labor Day (May 1) Victory Day (27 July) Freedom Day (August 15) Songun Day (25 August) National Day (9 September) Party Founding Day (October 10) Kim Jong Suk's Birthday (December 24) Constitution Day (27 December) Useful Information For Pyongyang Emergency Assistance: 119 Fire: 119 Police: 119
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xtruss · 2 years
NATO Biggest Threat to Turkey's Independence and Sovereignty, Turkish Observers Say
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Turkey celebrated the 70th anniversary of its NATO membership with much fanfare on February 18, 2022. Roughly a year later on January 19, Turkey’s Patriotic (Vatan) Party kicked off a nationwide campaign urging the national government to leave the bloc as soon as possible. What's behind the trend?
"After the nationwide 'Let's leave NATO' campaign was launched by our party, the number of collected signatures approached 100,000 in six days and is growing daily," Ozgur Bursali, general secretary of the Vatan Party, told Sputnik.
We see a great interest in the campaign. The Turkish people oppose NATO because they understand that the alliance and the United States are the main threat to our country. There are irresolvable contradictions between Turkey and NATO. These contradictions will further intensify in the near future, as a result of which Turkey will leave NATO and create an alliance with truly friendly countries — Ozgur Bursali, General Secretary of the Vatan Party
Earlier this week on January 25, Deputy Leader of the Vatan Party Ethem Sancak told the press that Turkey could leave the US-led military bloc in five to six months. He quoted US-Turkey differences in the Middle East and campaigns against the Quran in Sweden and the Netherlands. Sancak referred to recent polls apparently showing that roughly 80% of Turkish respondents believe that the US' policies towards their country are hostile and destructive.
However, spokesman for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party (AK Party) Omer Celik denied Sancak's statement the same day. "This is out of the question. We are one of the founding countries of NATO," stated Celik.
Still, it's hard to deny that clouds have been gathering on the horizon of Turkey-NATO relations for quite a while.
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Ankara Not Discussing Turkey’s Withdrawal From NATO: Ruling Party! Ankara View © Sputnik/Anton Denisov/Go to the mediabank
Turkey's NATO Membership in a Nutshell
Turkey’s membership protocol to NATO was signed on October 17, 1951, and the nation became a NATO member on February 18, 1952. The country has the second-largest army in the bloc and hosts the Allied Land Command Headquarters.
Even though Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of the Turkish Republic, maintained friendly ties with the USSR, his successors joined the western bloc at the beginning of the Cold War. Turkey benefitted from the Truman Doctrine (1947) and the Marshall Plan (1948) offered by the US. In 1950, Turkey even sent its troops to fight on the US side in the Korean War (1950-53).
With a foot both in Europe and Asia and control over the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus, Turkey offered utter geopolitical importance for the transatlantic military alliance. At the same time, however, NATO had to reconcile itself with the decades-long enmity between Turkey and Greece, both alliance members. In July 1974, Turkey militarily intervened into the Republic of Cyprus to thwart a coup d'etat by Greek Cypriots and shield Turkish Cypriot civilians.
On November 15, 1983, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) was proclaimed. The republic’s independence was recognized only by Turkey. The UN Security Council condemned the move, while NATO turned a blind eye to the fact that a territorial dispute over Northern Cyprus contradicted its founding principles.
Still, during the Cold War, Turkey largely followed NATO's major imperatives considering the Soviet Union an adversary like the rest of the military bloc. The situation drastically changed after the USSR's collapse.
Exactly on the day when the USSR ceased to exist, then-Russian President Boris Yeltsin wrote to NATO saying Russia hoped to join the alliance some time in the future. The letter was read at the alliance's headquarters by then-Ambassador to Belgium Nikolai N. Afanasyevsky. (Instead of permitting Russia to join, NATO opted to breach its non-expansion vow and opened the door to Moscow's allies from 1997.) In the aftermath of the USSR's collapse began the era of Russo-Turkish rapprochement.
Over the past several decades, Russia and Turkey have intensified economic, political and military cooperation which triggered sharp criticism from the US-led NATO bloc. In particular, Turkey's decision to acquire the Russian-made S-400 missile defense systems in December 2017 led to Ankara's expulsion from the US-led multinational fifth-generation F-35 fighter jet program in 2019 - even though Turkey invested $1.4 billion (TL 24.2 billion) in it. Washington also froze the sale of F-16 fighters to the republic.
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Russia Begins Supplies of Second S-400 Regiment to Turkey: Defense Cooperation Agency, 08.18.2022
In response, the Turkish Presidency of Defense Industries signaled in October 2021 that it could acquire Russia's Su-35 and Su-57 fighters instead. To cap it off, Turkey has not joined the anti-Russia sanctions regime spearheaded by the US and its NATO allies following the beginning of Moscow's special military operation to demilitarize and de-Nazify Ukraine.
Likewise, regardless of the displeasure from the US and its NATO allies, Turkey carried out three major operations in northern Syria against Kurdish militias and organizations backed by Washington between 2016 and 2019.
In 2018, Berlin expressed discontent with Ankara's use of the German-made Leopard 2A4 main battle tanks against Kurdish militants. European press wrote at the time that the tanks were sold to Turkey on the understanding that they were not used against the Kurds. For its part, Ankara drew attention to massive NATO weapons supplies to the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) outlawed in Turkey as terrorists along with the Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK).
Ankara has also repeatedly expressed concerns over NATO's growing closeness with Greece. The Turkish security expert drew attention to US plans to move main military assets from the Incirlik Air Base to Crete.
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Turkey Can Purchase Russia's Su-35, Su-57 Fighters If US Does Not Sell F-16, Official Says. "If the process [F-16 purchase and upgrade] does not bring results, then Turkey will not be left without alternatives. If necessary, the topic of Su-35s and Su-57s can be opened at any time. Our industry will do everything to ensure our security, and if something extra is needed, then we can always find a way out", Demir said on air of Kanal 7. © Sputnik/Evgeny Odinokov/Go to the mediabank. 10.24.2022
In July 2022, Greek Defense Minister Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos announced that he had discussed Greece's potential entry into the F-35 program with US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Sean Burke, the director of the Pentagon’s F-35 joint program office. Turkey is also dissatisfied with Greece's reported military deployments on the east Aegean islands, which were ceded to Greece by the Ottoman Empire on the specific and strict condition that they be kept demilitarized.
The most recent bone of contention between Turkey and the bloc is the accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO. Ankara agreed to green-light Helsinki and Stockholm's NATO membership under a set of conditions concerning the activities of Kurdish and Fethulla Gulen's organizations (FETO), banned by Turkey, in the two European states.
Nonetheless, these conditions have not been fully met so far, according to Ankara. To pour more gasoline on the flames, a copy of the Quran was burnt in front of the Turkish embassy in Stockholm on January 21. The police didn't intervene to stop the action. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned Sweden on January 23 that it should not expect his backing to join NATO following the incident - which was seen as insulting by Turkey and other Muslim countries.
US Politicians Issue Threats to Erdogan Ahead of Elections
Washington hawks have not concealed their irritation with Ankara's unwillingness to bow down.
Last week, former US National Security Advisor John Bolton called on the NATO military alliance to expel Turkey from the bloc. Furthermore, Bolton urged the alliance to support Turkey's opposition parties ahead of the general elections scheduled for May 14, 2023.
"With Recep Tayyip Erdoğan at the helm, Turkey is again 'the sick man of Europe'," Bolton claimed in his January 16 op-ed. "Yet there’s a chance he can be stopped, if the West takes bold action to help ensure his domestic opposition gets a fair shake in upcoming presidential elections (…) No country is entitled to participate in the alliance, and Mr. Erdogan hasn’t been behaving like an ally."
Bolton is well known as an ardent proponent of regime change operations in the countries not following Washington's dictat. To complicate matters further, some Turkish politicians already have deep suspicions that the US had a hand in the failed military coup d'etat attempt against Erdogan on July 15-16, 2016, along with Turkish scholar Fethullah Gulen's operatives.
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Turkey coup protestors in Taksim Square. © AP Photo/Emrah Gurel
"NATO is an occupation tool of US imperialism," Baris Doster, Turkish political scientist and international relations expert from the University of Marmara, columnist for the major socio-political newspaper Cumhuriyet, told Sputnik.
"This is an organization created in order to keep allied countries in the sphere of influence of the United States, to shape not only the foreign policy and national security of these countries but also their domestic policy in accordance with American interests."
Doster argued that the interests of the US-NATO and Turkey did not coincide and will never coincide.
"NATO is the biggest threat to Turkey's independence and sovereignty," the political scientist underscored. "When it comes to the activities of the terrorist organizations PKK, YPG and FETO, support for coups and other sensitive issues for Turkey, NATO always takes the side opposite to Ankara. Therefore, Turkey must definitely leave the alliance."
— Ekaterina Blinova | Friday January 27, 2023
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dfroza · 2 years
Today’s reading from the ancient books of Proverbs and Psalms
for november 30 of 2022 with Proverbs 30 and Psalm 30, accompanied by Psalm 70 for the 70th day of Astronomical Autumn, and Psalm 34 for day 334 of the year (with the consummate book of 150 Psalms in its 3rd revolution this year)
[Proverbs 30]
The Words of Agur Ben Yakeh
[God? Who Needs Him?]
The skeptic swore, “There is no God!
No God!—I can do anything I want!
I’m more animal than human;
so-called human intelligence escapes me.
“I flunked ‘wisdom.’
I see no evidence of a holy God.
Has anyone ever seen Anyone
climb into Heaven and take charge?
grab the winds and control them?
gather the rains in his bucket?
stake out the ends of the earth?
Just tell me his name, tell me the names of his sons.
Come on now—tell me!”
The believer replied, “Every promise of God proves true;
he protects everyone who runs to him for help.
So don’t second-guess him;
he might take you to task and show up your lies.”
And then he prayed, “God, I’m asking for two things
before I die; don’t refuse me—
Banish lies from my lips
and liars from my presence.
Give me enough food to live on,
neither too much nor too little.
If I’m too full, I might get independent,
saying, ‘God? Who needs him?’
If I’m poor, I might steal
and dishonor the name of my God.”
* * *
Don’t blow the whistle on your fellow workers
behind their backs;
They’ll accuse you of being underhanded,
and then you’ll be the guilty one!
Don’t curse your father
or fail to bless your mother.
Don’t imagine yourself to be quite presentable
when you haven’t had a bath in weeks.
Don’t be stuck-up
and think you’re better than everyone else.
Don’t be greedy,
merciless and cruel as wolves,
Tearing into the poor and feasting on them,
shredding the needy to pieces only to discard them.
A freeloader has twin daughters
named “Gimme” and “Gimme more.”
[Four Insatiables]
Three things are never satisfied,
no, there are four that never say, “That’s enough, thank you!”—
a barren womb,
a parched land,
a forest fire.
* * *
An eye that disdains a father
and despises a mother—
that eye will be plucked out by wild vultures
and consumed by young eagles.
[Four Mysteries]
Three things amaze me,
no, four things I’ll never understand—
how an eagle flies so high in the sky,
how a snake glides over a rock,
how a ship navigates the ocean,
why adolescents act the way they do.
* * *
Here’s how a prostitute operates:
she has sex with her client,
Takes a bath,
then asks, “Who’s next?”
[Four Intolerables]
Three things are too much for even the earth to bear,
yes, four things shake its foundations—
when the janitor becomes the boss,
when a fool gets rich,
when a prostitute is voted “woman of the year,”
when a “girlfriend” replaces a faithful wife.
[Four Small Wonders]
There are four small creatures,
wisest of the wise they are—
ants—frail as they are,
get plenty of food in for the winter;
marmots—vulnerable as they are,
manage to arrange for rock-solid homes;
locusts—leaderless insects,
yet they strip the field like an army regiment;
lizards—easy enough to catch,
but they sneak past vigilant palace guards.
[Four Dignitaries]
There are three solemn dignitaries,
four that are impressive in their bearing—
a lion, king of the beasts, deferring to none;
a rooster, proud and strutting;
a billy goat;
a head of state in stately procession.
* * *
If you’re dumb enough to call attention to yourself
by offending people and making rude gestures,
Don’t be surprised if someone bloodies your nose.
Churned milk turns into butter;
riled emotions turn into fist fights.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 30 (The Message)
[Psalm 30]
A song of David. For the dedication of the temple.
I praise You, Eternal One. You lifted me out of that deep, dark pit
and denied my opponents the pleasure of rubbing in their success.
Eternal One, my True God, I cried out to You for help;
You mended the shattered pieces of my life.
You lifted me from the grave with a mighty hand,
gave me another chance,
and saved me from joining those in that dreadful pit.
Sing, all you who remain faithful!
Pour out your hearts to the Eternal with praise and melodies;
let grateful music fill the air and bless His name.
His wrath, you see, is fleeting,
but His grace lasts a lifetime.
The deepest pains may linger through the night,
but joy greets the soul with the smile of morning.
When things were quiet and life was easy, I said in arrogance,
“Nothing can shake me.”
By Your grace, Eternal,
I thought I was as strong as a mountain;
But when You left my side and hid away,
I crumbled in fear.
O Eternal One, I called out to You;
I pleaded for Your compassion and forgiveness:
“I’m no good to You dead! What benefits come from my rotting corpse?
My body in the grave will not praise You.
No songs will rise up from the dust of my bones.
From dust comes no proclamation of Your faithfulness.
Hear me, Eternal Lord—please help me,
Eternal One—be merciful!”
You did it: You turned my deepest pains into joyful dancing;
You stripped off my dark clothing
and covered me with joyful light.
You have restored my honor. My heart is ready to explode, erupt in new songs!
It’s impossible to keep quiet!
Eternal One, my God, my Life-Giver, I will thank You forever.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 30 (The Voice)
[Psalm 70]
For the worship leader. A song of David for remembering.
O God, hurry to save me;
Eternal One, hurry to my side.
For those who seek to kill me,
God, may they burn in disgrace and humiliation!
Repulse the attacks; ridicule the efforts
of those taking pleasure in my pain.
I hear their taunts: “Nah, nah, nah . . . .”
Let those hecklers fall back upon their brays—ashamed and confused—
But let those who pursue You
celebrate and have joy because of You.
And let the song of those who love Your saving grace
never cease: “God is great!”
But I am poor and in serious need,
so hurry to my side, God,
Because You are my helper, my liberator.
Eternal One, please don’t wait.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 70 (The Voice)
[Psalm 34]
I bless God every chance I get;
my lungs expand with his praise.
I live and breathe God;
if things aren’t going well, hear this and be happy:
Join me in spreading the news;
together let’s get the word out.
God met me more than halfway,
he freed me from my anxious fears.
Look at him; give him your warmest smile.
Never hide your feelings from him.
When I was desperate, I called out,
and God got me out of a tight spot.
God’s angel sets up a circle
of protection around us while we pray.
Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see—
how good God is.
Blessed are you who run to him.
Worship God if you want the best;
worship opens doors to all his goodness.
Young lions on the prowl get hungry,
but God-seekers are full of God.
Come, children, listen closely;
I’ll give you a lesson in God worship.
Who out there has a lust for life?
Can’t wait each day to come upon beauty?
Guard your tongue from profanity,
and no more lying through your teeth.
Turn your back on sin; do something good.
Embrace peace—don’t let it get away!
God keeps an eye on his friends,
his ears pick up every moan and groan.
God won’t put up with rebels;
he’ll cull them from the pack.
Is anyone crying for help? God is listening,
ready to rescue you.
If your heart is broken, you’ll find God right there;
if you’re kicked in the gut, he’ll help you catch your breath.
Disciples so often get into trouble;
still, God is there every time.
He’s your bodyguard, shielding every bone;
not even a finger gets broken.
The wicked commit slow suicide;
they waste their lives hating the good.
God pays for each slave’s freedom;
no one who runs to him loses out.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 34 (The Message)
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globalvoices · 2 years
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masslong · 2 years
Sun records
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The label was launched amid a growing number of independent labels. Lookin for my baby / Homesick for my baby (June 1955) Little Milton later recorded two singles for Meteor Records. Red hot / No greater love (June 1955) SUN 220 Little Milton. I feel so worried / So long baby goodbye (April 1955) SUN 219 Billy The Kid Emerson. Sam rented a small space at 706 Union Avenue for his own all-purpose studio. SUN 218 Sammy Lewis with Willie Johnson Combo. He named it Sun Records as a sign of his perpetual optimism: a new day and a new beginning. For UK orders please allow up to 5 working days, up to 8 working days for European orders and up to 10 working days for international orders. The Sun sound began when Sam Phillips launched his record company in February of 1952. This item will be published on the 27th of November 2019 and any pre-orders will be despatched afterwards. Color Me Country (Sun Records 70th / Remastered 2022) View. Let Me Down Easy: Bettye LaVette In Memphis (Sun Records 70th / Remastered 2022) View. The Harmonica Boss And His Juke Box Boogie. The Vintage Rock Presents Sun Records special celebrates the music, the artists and the stories of a record label like no other. Sun Records’ 70th Anniversary Compilation, Vol. We'll also be looking at the label's most essential 45s, as well as a number of insightful interviews with some of Sun's famous band of session musicians. Over 132 pages we not only celebrate the artists who first put the label on the map, but we also discover the story behind the man who made it all possible, visionary producer and Sun Records owner Sam Phillips.Įlsewhere, we proudly profile the so-called Sun Sirens, the pioneering female artists who weren't afraid to pick up a guitar and rock'n'roll. Its impact on 20th century culture cannot be underestimated.Įarly artists included Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins and Jerry Lee Lewis - who together were known as the 'million dollar quartet' and we profile each one of them in meticulous detail. Official Instagram for the label where Rock & Roll was born Home of Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, Roy Orbison, Carl Perkins and. Hailing out of Memphis, Tennessee and founded way back in 1952, it's the place where rock'n'roll was born. Sun Records is arguably the most important and influential record label there has ever been in the history of popular music.
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usedjust · 2 years
Inspiration synonym
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Rice’s help in arranging this for me on somewhat short notice. We all agreed – all of us – that we will not accept a nuclear-armed North Korea.įrom Vancouver I made a quick swing down here to California. The United States and our allies are and continue to be united in continuing this campaign until North Korea takes meaningful steps toward denuclearization.
I’ve just come from a ministerial meeting in Vancouver, in which a number of nations discussed how to better implement our maximum pressure campaign against North Korea. And George and I have known each other a long time as well, and I’m a great admirer of his work as well. So she’s been a great source of help and inspiration to me.Īnd I also want to acknowledge the other co-host, one of our nation’s most dedicated and gifted public servants, certainly of the 20th century: former Secretary George Shultz.
When you arrive at the Secretary of State’s desk, I was looking for the how-to manual there wasn’t one there. And – but I appreciate Condi’s advice and counsel. Condoleezza Rice, who – I don’t know if she takes responsibility for this situation she got me into or not, but I – (laughter) – I hold her partially accountable anyway. I have familiarity with the Hoover Institution I’ve spoken at some of their events in the past in my prior life, and it has consistently produced great, principled scholarship that makes the calls for representative government, private enterprise, and protecting the American way of life right at the center of your activities, and very important topics that we spend our time on.Īnd in that regard, you certainly have a true advocate in your ranks: my friend, Dr. And I want to thank Stanford and the Hoover Institution and the international studies group for allowing me to speak to you this morning. And I really, really appreciate this opportunity to swing down to Stanford while I was out on the West Coast and particularly to address this group. Hoover Institute at Stanford University- Stanford, CA ECA Acting Assistant Secretary Matthew Lussenhop’s Remarks to the Fulbright Commission’s 70th Anniversary.Consulate Adana Official Instagram Photo Contest Rules Citizens – New Planned Direct Flights to the United States Flake for the 246th Independence Day Celebration in Ankara Readout of Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield’s Call with Turkish Deputy Foreign Minister Sedat Onal.Secretary Blinken’s Call with Turkish Foreign Minister Cavusoglu.Blinken on First Grain Ship Departing the Black Sea Southeast Businesswomen Summit Took Place in Mardin.Consulate General Istanbul Employee Metin Topuz Consul General Darnell’s Interview With Dünya Executive – TR Monitor.Flake for the 246th Independence Day Celebration in Istanbul Remarks by Consul General Daria Darnell for the 246th Independence Day Celebration in Istanbul.
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Hell March - Vietnam military parade in 2015 to celebrate 70th year of i...
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tollywoodprema · 7 years
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Happy 70th Independence Day India!
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fangirlhani · 7 years
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Google celebrating 70th Independence Day of Pakistan. @likingthistoomuch Happy 70th Independence Day in advance ;) Hope you have a great one.
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