#80 mm lens
neofelis----nebulosa · 11 months
When you suddenly realize your polarization filter for your camera lens is just straight up broken
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mustainegf · 6 days
HIII can you please write a reader making a sex tape with 1999 era load kirk🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽i loved the one with james now so much 😛😛😛
I love ur writing so much btw !
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We always joke that we're too pretty for porn, so we decided to shoot ourselves instead. In the bathroom, it's over before you can blink; but behind closed doors, we take all night. My boyfriend Kirk is sweet and shy, and when I asked him if he wanted to film us having sex, he was unsure... but eager to try.
"Smile for the camera," Kirk giggles, that dorky sound I always loved. I give a soft laugh and wiggle my fingers into the lens.
Both Kirk and I were naked, bare and warm as he slipped into bed with me, hands already taking what they desired.
It's just us and the camera, in our bedroom; a space where he knows I'm his and I'm secure enough to let myself be touched.
Kirk's hands glide up my bare stomach, reaching to cup and knead my breasts, just gently though.
He always knew how to take it slow, like he was reluctant to rush things and waste his time. It makes me grin with affection, and he laughs with relief that I appreciate his effort.
"I want you to see me looking at you, right now, baby,” Kirk murmurs, in such an adorable way. I nod, knowing he meant every word of it.
How else could I not, if he wasn't staring down into my eyes? His thumb gently grazes across one nipple, rubbing over its hardened flesh until it stiffens to attention beneath his touch.
The other hand reaches up, running down my cheek in such a sweet gesture. Kirk leans down towards me, catching my mouth with his own in an unyielding kiss, and my body naturally twists itself around his own.
I press closer against him as he holds onto my hips with both of his hands, lifting me from underneath and into the air as I wrap my legs around him without hesitation.
Kirk takes full advantage of this opportunity, as he slips himself inside of me in one swift motion.
My gasp at the sudden penetration echoes in our ears, along with a moan of approval from Kirk. I bite my lip in bliss, as he begins moving inside of me with ease, slowly pumping away. "Eyes on the camera..." he panted.
I obediently lifted my head upwards, smiling softly into the lens while still biting my lip with pleasure, and Kirk seemed to enjoy it as much as I did.
His movements are already making me wetter than ever, teasing me in the most delightful ways.
"That's right, show them how good my cock feels." Obviously, nobody else would get ahold of this video but us, though the fantasy was thrilling.
Kirk's hands gripped my ass, watching flesh spill between his fingers before kissing up my spine. I was melting at the warmth of his breath.
I gave a soft whimper, letting him know that I enjoyed this particular touch of his. Kirk groaned deeply, feeling himself harden further within me.
"Oh god..." he mumbled, under his breath. Kirk slid out completely from me, before pushing back in again with more force than before.
My knees shook as he continued to thrust, helping me support my weight as leaned, eyes stuck in the camera. "That's it... look at the camera, let me hear that pretty voice."
Kirk pulled out once more, spreading my legs apart before returning deep inside me. I shuddered and moaned loudly, as I felt myself clench around his thickness.
"Come on, my love... let me hear those pretty words," he mumbled into my ear, then kissing my bare shoulder.
"Oh, fuck! That's it... ohh.." I couldn't stop my hips grinding up into him, finding that rhythm which drove me wild. Kirk smirked proudly, nuzzling into my neck as his hands roamed freely across my body.
"Show them how good your pussy gets fucked." His dirty tone filled my mind, so dirty yet so genuine.
"Mm!" I nodded eagerly, lifting my chin upwards as he went deeper inside me. Our bodies pressed together as he began picking up speed, rocking his hips forward as far as possible.
"Make sure the camera can see your pretty face when you cum.." Kirk whispers.
"Yes..." I mumble, agreeing with anything he wants.
I close my eyes, blushing at the thought of him being proud of what we were doing. "Good girl..." Kirk smirked.
"Yes..." I mumble, agreeing with anything he wants.
I close my eyes, blushing at the thought of him being proud of what we were doing. "Good girl..." Kirk smirks.
He lifts his hips up and slams back inside me with a louder grunt than before. This time, it hit the spot, sending chills through my whole body.
The next thing I know, my back arches as I feel myself clench tightly around him, shivering in orgasm. Kirk doesn't even hesitate, pulling out and slipping his fingers in, still giving me some simulation while he jerked himself to finish.
His fingers curled and then suddenly froze, just as he gave his shaft a final squeeze, coaxing the creamy ropes of cum over my back and ass.
We sat for a few seconds, breathless and grasping into the edge of reality. It wasn't long before we started giggling, collapsing into the mattress and kissing. We didn't bother to turn the camera off yet.
I ran my fingers through Kirk's dark curls and he chuckled. It was just because I loved him so much, and I wanted him to know that.
Kirk groaned as he sat up, leaving me disappointed. "Baby?" I whine.
"Shh sh sh... it's alright, I'm just getting a rag to clean you up okay? Just relax," Kirk cooed, leaving a kiss on my temple before quickly going to retrieve the item.
A minute later, he returned to me with a warm washcloth. He cleansed me delicately, taking extra care around the area where he ejaculated on me. I moaned, arching my back slightly as he touched me.
I smiled weakly up at him, too tired to do anything else. Kirk kisses my lips softly before sitting down on the bed next to me. "Let's watch this later," he whispered, nodding toward the camera.
"I want to see myself fucking you."
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eatmangoesnekkid · 2 months
Accidental Post Deletion —4 Parts
Part 1
Ya’ll are asking incredible questions in my inbox which helps me to refine what I write and teach to support other women in the future. I am taking a week or two off these apps but please keep your questions coming mm. For now I leave you with a quote by Nicole Daedone. I just finished two books in her series “The Eros Sutras” —even if you are like me, and are non-hetero—it’s definitely a gate opener no matter your sexual desire. But if you are heterosexual, how lovely, because her books speaks more from that lens. FYI—This is a long post! 
“….This is the type of sex where it feels as if she and her partner are possessed by something deeper from the bowels of the earth, something from her own body and consciousness that comes through with voraciousness and a self-less benevolent agenda. Both parties can let go entirely without feeling like the other can’t fiend for or handle themselves. This is a very uncommon channel for a woman to open but when she can and does, it is a sign that she has built a high level of power.” —Nicole Daedone 
My God. I don’t read books that are similar in coding to my own forthcoming books but decided to pick up her work and read them in two days! Yes Nicole all of this —that’s it ! I highly recommend her books to you loved ones but not because I agree with everything she writes(nor do I need to in order to love it/something) but mmmm I do adore it alll —so good ! 
I speak about sexual desire often because it is the most valuable and powerful resource received from truly living connected to our body that affects our creativity (health and wealth) in clandestine ways that this world wouldn’t dare speak about. And because we live in a female body that contains an organ whose only purpose is to generate pleasure, we were divinely architected to feel arousal energy simply because we feel the warm sun on our face, taste yummy homemade food on our tongue or see our lover walking towards us in the distance. In addition, to live pleasurable everyday lives (which is not to same thing as being pleasure-seeking in a hedonistic way or addicted to peak states from plant medicines) has to include the ability to repair and regenerate our tissues through skillfully mastering the “darker” aspects like our ego, thoughts, beliefs, and unconscious fears, shadows, and triggers, and sexual creative life force energy we were taught to distrust, shun, and repress but actually permits our energy to flow better in brighter healthier thriving ways, from darkness into light. In other words, you will be 80 year olds and deeply self-regenerative and alive and thriving in your tissues, you see.
But I have to give it to you from behind in plain layman’s terms so that you can fully grok what I’m conveying. You should feel the desire to want to fuck for no reason at all even if celibate and going on your morning walk in the sun on a beautiful day and not only feel desire when your lover is sucking your breasts. “Feeling delicious in your female body” not because, but just cause— is the key to winning at this game we are playing. Feeling good, however, doesn’t bypass experiencing denser emotions like yearning, anger, loneliness, or sadness but welcomes them, whatever is true, without you needing to run away and push them down. Regeneration is only possible with the refined skills of alchemy and integration, where base metal turns into gold wings, you see.
Like me, I know many of you are creating your own new body and life narratives, even if they are as simple as waking up on Monday mornings slowly and rested without an alarm clock and doing what the fuck you want to do with your day, no longer pigeonholed into following the status quo outdated script that looks like …..
wake up with an alarm and rush off to work; sit in traffic with a compressed spine; eat crappy cafeteria food at lunch that messes up your digestion (which impacts your mental clarity and ability to merge with quantum information (divine energy) and procure and digest new narratives); come home exhausted because you felt you had to give all your life force in exchange for money to men at the head of a corporation who could care less about your wellness; and unbox a microwave meal because you are too tired to chop for real nutrition (or to make love with your Beloved). Then cap off the night by watching TV until it’s time for bed and do the same thing the next day.
This is the pimp-prostitute archetypal pattern of a typical Western household and as Sylvia Plath alluded to “you can’t feel reality, only a weariness and longing…” where the only solutions are addictions and coping mechanisms to numb your body from feeling and detecting its own lack of fulfillment and accompanying heartbreak. And I want you to know that I have been there before when I worked as a corporate accountant in my 20s —that’s why I can write about it so well. I had the same common, conditioned Westernized struggles. In some way, we all do, until we wake up in this game and get free.
I have lived in a state of constant and deliberate creation since I was in my late 20s and started studying/integrating the mind-biology connection and witnessed how the quality and impact of our future/creations are influenced from the inside out by the quality of our mind and health. It is also why I have lived a quality of life over the last 15 years that most people can’t fathom or believe is possible. If we are to be artists, teachers, dancers, mentors, athletes, entrepreneurs, etc. , we must amplify our sexual energy in order to create in epic ways because this is exactly what billion dollar corporations do when they extract nearly every drop of life force from its employees that not even a six-figure monthly salary could ever make up for. If you do work in a corporation, how lovely but you must also be so strategic and masterful in how you experience your job every single day like a martial artist in order to not get sucked in as a pawn in their system and as a result, too tired and drained to do the magical and miraculous with your own divine-given energy or LIFE or too fearful to consider other possibilities beyond working hard day in and day out for someone until you are 60 years old or become unwell. You must be strategic in not giving all your life force away to the company you work for every single day you log into their system.
What my first book “You Look Like Something Blooming” modeled is that we can create sustainably and live beautifully in atypical ways. We can create imperfectly and even have typos, yet our work/book still massively sells on its own 15 years later without advertisements. And no one really knows our secret sauce because it all happens so calmly, quietly, and humbly through word-of-mouth without our need to track it or shout in order for it to be seen. That’s the level of freedom, resourcefulness and deliberate creation we must stimulate passively in different ways in this new earth.
It is not enough to merely create something —you must create what has its own pulse and heartbeat and can drive and influence this world without you having to exhaust yourself by convincing others to purchase. That means that you have to 1. open up the congestion in your body with care, stretches, yoga, breath and consistency. 2. Hold, amplify, and channel your sexual desire. 2. Reconcile your fear programming around sex and have really passionate sex if you are not celibate or in a period of fasting and channel your sexual energy into higher frequencies as a way of life 3. Then boom —you create soulfully at astronomical levels.
Part 2
There is so much power hidden in the depths of the female body that wants to come through and heal and advance us all and this world. Being in Milano and drinking organic juices, eating fruit and reading The Eros Sutras on relationships and intimacy in warm sun on a balcony with very little blue light screen time has been uplifting and soul-opening. Healing, mental clarity and manifestation are simply the release of deep congestion in the body (often inherited ancestral imprints or religious, cultural, or social conditioning and programming and the accompanying ideas of who we “think” we are). 
Basically it is a ferocious ego death that happens over and over again in different ways and at different times. As the congestion releases in increments overtime, now you start to rebirth and truly feel, sense, intuit, move, inhale deeper and open your hips, back, etc., with a little more ease than before, experience miracles, and create at a higher level in other ways as a result, no matter what that creation looks like for you. As souls living in human bodies, the success we desire in life always begin in the liberation of the female body. Those are my words/sensations I write here that moved through me after reading.
I was a little down in the dumps before coming to Milano. I am spending part of my vacation alone in the quiet doing nothing but reading, feeling, stretching every few hours, and making my homemade purple sea moss and aloe soap topless in panties in 90 degree weather. Even though my preferred state is butt-nakedness, there is a large window the tenants across from me have a clear view to see inside and I refuse to close ‘not narry’ curtain or window. I am also unwinding some old stories I continue to grip hold of but need to let go of as my next step right action. All of this may feel strange and self-indulgent to some people. This says to me that western normative culture is not only difficult to be healthy in but also toxic to how we think, perceive, listen, and create from living in cultures whose neural and structural frameworks are “go go go…just do it…fuck your body and your feelings. ”
I read the other day how women are pulling back from the workforce on average 15 years earlier than men because of their debilitating moon time and menopausal symptoms effecting their hormones, libido, and quality of health. In other words, we either change or the earth forces us. 🫀🫀🫀🫀
part 3
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My main critique of Nicole’s work: if I could edit my comment I would say my eros is “not ONLY” about my attraction to same gender but about my embodied relationship to my divine energy.” Gender is so tricky and complicated to me because I have never felt that any of my female lovers have been the same gender as me—two females are far too vast in their frequencies to be the same—we are wholly multidimensional and diverse like our individual gut microbiology. I truly believe it is up to us to clear these kind of flaccid miscalculations and computations on what it means to be a sexually liberated woman and wake up to the erotic power in our hearts, hands/fingers, etc …but I digress 🥰🕯️🤲🏿
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Part 4 And lastly but most importantly —you must kill that archaic shame living within your body parts. This was my very first time practicing this choreo and the teacher called me up to be a lead and I accepted without hesitation. What I learned in this class is that I don’t have a lot of shame living within my body parts. I will high-tail myself right on up to the front of a dance class if I am called up there and smile every bit of the way even though I have no idea what I’m doing or what the steps are. This was a liberation dance for me. I hung in there like a prayer flag, smiled my ass off and even sucked my finger because I was feelin’ the light of love from shaking so much! 🕯️💡⚡️ 🤣 —India
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malavoie1 · 2 months
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The Twelve-spotted Skimmer
On a very overcast, hot and muggy day, I captured this image of a Twelve-spotted Skimmer (Libellula pulchella) dragonfly. Using an 18-135mm kit lens, I got close to the dragonfly perched on a thin reed by the edge of a small man-made pond. The background is the calm water of a man-made pond, adding a peaceful feel to the scene. The dragonfly’s wings have striking black and white spots, and its delicate details stand out beautifully against the soft, muted backdrop.
The Twelve-spotted Skimmer is a common North American dragonfly, found in southern Canada and across all 48 contiguous U.S. states. This large species measures about 50 mm (2.0 in) long. Each wing has three brown spots. In adult males, additional white spots form between the brown ones and at the bases of the hindwings, sometimes earning them the name "ten-spot skimmer." If given time to count, you can see a total of twelve black spots on all four wings of the male, with eight bright white spots in between. Females and immature males have the twelve brown-black spots but lack the white ones, making it still acceptable to call them all twelve-spotted. Males have a powdery blue abdomen or 'tail,' while females have a mostly black tail with a long yellow stripe on each side. Adults feed on small flying insects.
Twelve-spotted Skimmers are usually found near water. Females lay eggs in ponds, lakes, or slow-moving streams and rivers, where they hatch into naiads. The naiads look more like crustaceans than dragonflies and spend their early life stage underwater. After feeding and growing, they eventually crawl out of the water and molt into winged adults. This species is common across North America and is mostly active in the summer. Look for these large, robust skimmers near water's edge by lagoons, creeks, ponds, and lakes.
Processed with Affinity Photo v2 and Topaz Photo AI.
Camera: Pentax K-3
Lens: smc PENTAX-DA 18-135mm F3.5-5.6 ED AL [IF] DC WR
135mm / ƒ/11 / 1/80s / ISO 400
Taken: July 16, 2024
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ask-daves · 2 months
hey! for davesprite:
you mentioned photography! how’s that coming along? well, i hope. and also, do you take photos on your 3ds? i personally think it’s pretty fun!
( directed to mod: your stuff seems awesome so far! maybe expect a little art your way? either way, you’ll see me around. )
- ⚠️ anon (for recognisability purposes.)
the camera clicks on. “i’m not sure why dave wants us to do videos for pretty much all of these, but, i mean. here i am. so, you know.” he seems a little more relaxed now that the aforementioned dave isn't in the room with him, but the difference is so marginal that it doesn’t matter.
he pauses, and moves to grab something off screen. “photography’s going… alright?” then he sets multiple things on the table, lifting up a small, black point-and-shoot film camera. "it's kinda been too hot for me to want to go outside and take pictures, even if i want to." he looks out toward his window a little wistfully, and then he's back on task. "so i figured i'd just show you all of the cameras that i have. tools of the trade or whatever."
“i just got this film camera—i have a lot of cameras, but, this was two dollars. so i’d be retarded if i didn’t, you know. grab it. it's a minolta freedom-tele. it's got a 38 and--" he turns it over to look at the lens, squinting a bit behind his shades. "an 80 mm lens. and then i have, uh.." he sets down the first camera, and then picks up the second, a solid, digital point and shoot one, one that isn't exactly massive, but it still is rather hefty for what it is. "and then this is my nikon coolpix p100. it's pretty nice, uh. i like.. shooting wildlife with it. because it can zoom pretty far in, you know." he turns it on, takes off the lens cap, and demonstrates. he turns it off and the lens naturally retracts. "i kind of prefer point and shoots, considering you really don't have to bust your balls for lenses, or whatever." a shrug.
"and then the last of the point and shoots that i still have. i actually sold one recently, just because i didn't like it, so yeah, last one, a fujifilm finepix a205." he shows the camera the small, compact silver camera. "i'm not the biggest fan of fujifilm, if i'm honest. this one's pretty sick though. easy to bring around with me whenever i go out or whatever. even though i prefer the coolpix, it just, it's so bulky that i feel lame as shit bringing it around."
a shrug, and he's tapping his fingers on the desk. "they're pretty cool. one of these days i might post a few photos i take. maybe. i wouldn't count on it though."
"that's it. thanks for the asks. see ya."
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gardening-guy · 3 months
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intersection of cumberland st and s laurel st // richmond, va
photo taken by me with a sony dslr a-100, 45 mm lens. aperture of f/16 with a shutter speed of 1/80.
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jefkphotography · 20 days
What shutter speed to use when a car is driving 20 kilometers per hour. While you are standing at a certain distance and with the lens set at .. mm or ... mm.
What shutter speed to use when that car is driving 40 kilometers per hour.
What shutter speed to use when that car is driving 60 kilometers per hour.
What shutter speed to use when that car is driving 80 kilometers per hour.
What shutter speed to use when that car is driving 100 kilometers per hour.
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analoguemagic · 2 months
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Thank you for visiting my analogue photography blog. I am a photographic student, blogger, Lomographer and black and white film photographer based in East Lancashire, England, UK. I mainly shoot outdoors, often naked. It is natural and organic. I prefer life that way; old school and traditional.
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My home town lies amid a wild Pennine landscape which can seem grim and forbidding at times. The post-industrial nature of where I live lends itself to urban landscape photography but natural landscapes are there to be found too.
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I shoot on two Minolta SLR bodies: a 1990's Minolta Dynax 7xi with either a 35-105 lens or a 70-210 f4.5-5.6; also an SPxi with a 35-80 Power zoom (my carry around camera). I shoot Kentmere 35 mm film almost exclusively, mainly 400 ASA. I home develop in Ilford PQ Universal to give my shots the gritty graininess which suits the landscape around me. Lately I've begun to experiment with Caffenol - watch this space!
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My main gallery is on Lomography so if you like what you see here, check out my art by following this link.
My Lomography home is https://www.lomography.com/homes/pennine_girl
Please like, share and re-blog if you wish. All photos reproduced here are entirely my own work and my copyright. I do not routinely re-blog the work of others.
Thank you to my photographic tutor and husband; professional photographer Martin Williams for the (digital) images of me, on this, my analogue page.
Robyn Jane Williams
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govindhtech · 3 months
Xiaomi Redmi 13: Capture Every Detail with the 108MP Camera
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Xiaomi introduced the Redmi 13, a smartphone in the mid-range. There are two versions available: a 5G model and a 4G LTE device.
Record each priceless detail
Presenting the Redmi Series’ groundbreaking 108MP super-clear camera, the best instrument for recording life’s most priceless moments in breathtaking detail.
The Redmi Series is proud to provide the groundbreaking 108MP super-clear camera, the best instrument for recording life’s most treasured moments in breathtaking detail.
The is an excellent option for anyone interested in photography, whether you’re a hobbyist or just want a dependable camera to take beautiful pictures.
Three times lossless magnification
The Redmi 13’s potent 108MP camera can zoom three times with lossless image quality thanks to its in-sensor zoom feature. With the Redmi 13, you can elevate your photography by taking breathtaking, detailed pictures at a distance.
Nighttime photography
Redmi 13’s 1/1.67″ sensor is remarkably huge, which enhances light collection and makes night scenes appear incredibly bright and clear.
13 Megapixel Selfie Lens
Enhance your selfie game with the Redmi 13’s enhanced 13MP selfie camera and its unique soft-light ring, which produces natural, balanced lighting for consistently excellent selfies even in low light.
Fresh Design Perspective
Fashionable glass back style
The elegant glass back design of the Redmi 13 elevates both its look and the device’s feel in the hand.
Sleek 8.3 mm
You’ll be tempted to fall in love at first touch by the lovely, comfortable style.
A Fresh Screen Experience
Immersion 6.79″ 90 Hz screen
Whether you’re watching movies, browsing social media, or using the web, the 6.79″ immersive 90Hz AdaptiveSync display on the Wet Touch Redmi 13 offers an amazing viewing experience. The auto-adjusting refresh rate enhances your visual experience while prolonging battery life.
In order to reduce unintentional triggers from water droplets, Redmi 13 has been optimised for better touch detection and control.
Accredited eye care display
A top-notch LCD screen with DC dimming capabilities is used in the Redmi 13.
A Fresh Experience in Performance
Enables 33W rapid charging
Users may comfortably and swiftly top off their Redmi 13 with its 33W fast charging support.
Low battery quickly charged
When the screen is off, low battery standard charging acceleration occurs.
Up to 20% faster charging is possible when the phone is running on a low battery.
The battery’s capacity remains ≥80% even after 1,000 cycles
To enhance the charging experience, focused optimisation and fine-tuned segmentation were implemented based on user requirements for multiple charging circumstances.
Long-lasting 5030mAh (typ) battery
The Redmi 13’s large 5030mAh (typ) battery gives it unending stamina, easily lasting through an entire day of use. A safer and more dependable battery cell is also used in the Redmi 13, offering safer and more dependable battery safety protection.
Additionally, Redmi 13 employs a more dependable and safe battery cell, offering more dependable and safe protection for battery safety.
MediaTek Helio G91-Ultra
Using the potent octa-core Helio G91-Ultra processor, it is intended to improve performance and functionality for a hassle-free, enjoyable daily and gaming experience.
It is made to improve performance and functionality for a smooth and enjoyable daily and gaming experience by utilising the potent octa-core Helio G91-Ultra CPU.
16GB of RAM or more with memory extension
By adding more RAM to handle numerous apps and tasks at once, the Redmi 13’s capabilities can be further enhanced through memory extension.
Expandable  storage of up to 1TB
You have the ability to save as much as you desire when you mix large memory with vast  storage. Dispense with worries about storage and free up more room for “digital memories”.
36 months of brand-new software usage
Additionally, the Redmi 13 has been tested to maintain its flawless out-of-the-box user experience for up to 36 months of continuous use. This optimisation helps to minimise performance degradation over time.
Dependable Redmi performance
The IP53 dust and splash protection and Corning Gorilla Glass display of the Redmi 13 contribute to its enhanced build quality.
Robust, resilient, and able to face many difficulties
Redmi 13 goes through a rigorous quality testing process to make sure it can provide the dependable, worry-free experience that every user is entitled to.
Powered by HyperOS from Xiaomi
The Redmi 13 ships pre-installed with the brand-new Xiaomi HyperOS, which offers consumers a new degree of software optimisation and a flawless, uninterrupted experience. Fantastic convenience and user-friendly features like dynamic notifications, customisable lock screens, and a redesigned UI design are also brought by Xiaomi HyperOS.
Along with incredible ease and user-friendliness, Xiaomi HyperOS boasts modern UI design, customisable lock screens, and dynamic notifications.
Easily accessible Flash alerts
Sick of losing crucial calls? The Redmi 13’s ring flash will come up when you receive Flash alerts, informing you of incoming calls and alarms.
Xiaomi Redmi 13 Features
3X lossless zoom on a 108MP super-clear camera
Elegant glass back style
IP53-certified splash-resistant
Helio G91-Ultra MediaTek
With memory extension, up to 16GB of RAM
6.79″ immersive Full HD+ display
90Hz refresh rate that is fluid
33W rapid charging power
26 minutes at 50% power.
Large capacity 5030mAh (typ) battery
Video playback for up to 17 hours
Novel Imaging Perspective
108MP incredibly clear camera
Exceptionally sensitive and clear to capture any moment
Primary camera with 108MP
Big sensor, 1/1.67″
1.92μm pixels (using a 9-in-1 binning scheme)
6P lens with an f/1.75
f/2.4, 2MP macro lens
How much is Redmi 13
The Redmi 13’s cost varies according to the area and the  phone’s particular version.
NPR 18,999 for 6GB RAM and 128GB  storage. 256GB  storage with 8GB RAM costs NPR 21,999.
17.99 BDT for 6GB RAM and 128GB of storage.  Memory: 8GB; storage: 256GB Not stated, but usually greater than the 6GB version.
PKR 36,999 for 128GB storage and 8GB RAM. 256GB RAM / 8GB storage costs PKR 39,999.
These costs represent the typical range for the Redmi 13, which has a 6.79-inch IPS LCD display, a 5030mAh battery, a beautiful glass back design, and a 108MP primary camera, among other noteworthy features.
Xiaomi Redmi 13 Specs
MediaTek Helio G91-Ultra processor
12nm process, octa-core
CPU: Cortex-A55+Cortex-A75
Max CPU frequency: 2.0GHz
GPU: Mali-G52 MC2
Storage & RAM
LPDDR4X + eMMC 5.1RAM and ROM: 6GB + 128GB, 8GB + 128GB, 8GB + 256GB
Supports Expandable  storage: up to 1TB
Configurations available may differ between different regions. Available  storage and RAM are less than the total memory due to storage of the operating system and software pre-installed on the device.
Height: 168.6mm
Width: 76.28mm
Thickness: 8.3mm
Weight: 205g
Data obtained from Xiaomi Internal Labs. Industry measurement methods may vary, and therefore actual results may differ.
6.79″ FHD+ DotDisplay
Resolution & Pixel density: 2460×1080, 396 ppi
Refresh rate: Up to 90Hz
Brightness: 450 nits (typ) 550 nits HBM
Reading modeTÜV Rheinland Low Blue Light (Hardware Solution)
TÜV Rheinland Circadian Friendly
TÜV Rheinland Flicker Free
DC dimming
Rear camera
108MP super-clear main camera 6P lens, f/1.75
2MP macro camera f/2.4
filmCamera | Custom Frame | 108MP mode | HDR mode | Night mode Portrait mode | Time-lapse
Rear video recording
1080p (1920×1080) HD video recording at 30 fps
720p (1280×720) HD video recording at 30 fps
Front camera
13MP front camera
f/2.45filmCamera | HDR mode | Soft-light ring Portrait mode | Time-lapse
Front video recording
1080p (1920×1080) HD video recording at 30 fps
720p (1280×720) HD video recording at 30 fps
Battery & Charging
5030mAh (typ)
Supports 33W fast charging
*No power adapter included in box. Power Adapter and data cable sold separately. Using Xiaomi 33W Charging Combo (Type-A) is recommended.
USB Type-C
Side fingerprint sensor
 AI face unlock
*NFC availability may vary between markets
Network & Connectivity
SIM1 + Hybrid (SIM or microSD)
*Hybrid slot can be used either for a second SIM or a microSD card(up to 1TB expandable  storage)
Network bands:
2G: GSM:2/3/5/8
3G: WCDMA:1/5/8
4G: LTE FDD: 1/3/5/7/8/20/28
4G: LTE TDD: 38/40/41
Wireless Networks
Wi-Fi: 2.4GHz | 5GHz
Supports FM radio(with headphone jack)
Bluetooth 5.4
Navigation & Positioning
GPS | Glonass | Galileo | Beidou
3.5mm headphone jack
Audio playback
aac, m4a, mp4, amr, awb, mid, midi, smf, xmf, rtx, ota, imy, mp3, ogg, oga, wav, flac, m4a
Video playback
ts,mp4, 3gp, mkv, webm
Virtual proximity sensor | Ambient light sensor | Accelerometer | Electronic compass
Operating System
Xiaomi HyperOS
*Availability of Xiaomi HyperOS features, apps and services may vary depending on software version and  phone model.
Package Contents
Mobile Phone/USB Type-C Cable/SIM Eject Tool/Protective Case/Quick Start Guide and Warranty Card/Safety Information
*Contents in the package may differ across different regions.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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datainteg · 4 months
Check out this listing I just found on Poshmark: Carolina Herrera Heart Cut Out Shades, Round Rimless Stainless Steel Unique Y2K.
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shlomolevi · 5 months
New old Canon EOS 6D 20.2MP Body - C Grade with Battery Grip and Charger EO9495+80-200mm f/2.8 canon telephoto lens, ef mount
тест чисто технический, так сказать пальценажимание, без каких либо претензий на искусство. 3 дня пешей прогулки одна камера одна линза. НУУУУ ТАК СЕБЕ((( почти сразу отказался от интеллектуального авто режима После люмикса просто смех . Так же как на всех кэнонах главная задача открыть диафрагму пошире. В итоге даже на ярком солнце диафрагма закрывалась максимум 5.6. Поэтому поставил 8 и вперёд. фокус по всему полю имеет тенденцию как у олимпус убегать на самый неподходящий объект. С объективом довольно странно хорош на лицах и вблизи, хотя и мягкий для Л серии, а вот на 200 на максимальном удалении мылит так что автофокус не срабатывает ни в одном из 2х режимов, приходится переходить на мануал. Что вообщем то в очередной раз объясняет почему так называемые профессиональные фотографы с пеной у рта отстаивают применение только мануальных настроек и фокуса…ребята вы просто люмикс не пробовали)))) П.С. JPEG прямо из камеры не понравился, блекло для камеры такого уровня. P.s.s у меня сложилось впечатление что если есть возможность и дешевле надо выбрать просто 200 мм Л серии New old Canon EOS 6D 20.2MP Body - C Grade with Battery Grip and Charger EO9495 + 80-200mm f/2.8 Canon telephoto lens, ef mount test is purely technical, so call fingerpressing without any pretensions to art. 3 days of walking, one camera, one lens. WELL SO SO(((I almost immediately gave up on the intelligent auto mode. After Lumix, it’s just a laugh. Like on all Canons, the main task is to open the aperture wider. As a result, even in the bright sun, the aperture closed to a maximum of 5.6. Therefore, I set it to 8 and then focus across the entire field, which tends, like an Olympus, to run away to the most inappropriate object. With the lens, it is quite strangely good on faces and close-ups, although it is soft for the L series, but at 200 at maximum distance, it is soapy so autofocus does not work in any of the 2 modes, you have to switch. on the manual. or down to 135-150 Which, in general, once again explains why so-called professional photographers foam at the mouth and defend the use of only manual settings and focus… guys, you just haven't tried Lumix)))) P.S. I didn’t like JPEG straight from the camera; it was faded for a camera of this level. P.s.s I got the impression that if you have the opportunity and it’s cheaper, you should just choose the 200 mm L series
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travelnew · 9 months
19-day old Waning Gibbous Moon
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The photos below are clicked by my friend, JN with the following equipment: Nikor 80-400 mm lens mounted on Nikon D7500 DSLR & shot at manual setting of 1/1600 shutter speed, aperture f/8, spot metering and at full zoom 400 mm. The date & time of the click is 31 Dec 2023 at 8:53 am and the phase is 90.6% illuminated.
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beautytreats · 9 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Huge Cat Eye Mirror Lens Trendy Fashion Chunky Sunglasses.
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fammidea · 10 months
Photographic Camera comparisons
Nikon P7800 (Coolpix)
12MP - 1/1.7" Sensor
3" Fully Articulated Display
ISO 80 - 1600 (Boost to 6400)
Optical Image Stabilization
1920 x 1080 video
28-200mm (F2.0-4.0) lens
399g Weight
119 x 78 x 50mm Size
10.00 m Flash distance
SD/SDHC/SDXC (Type Storage)
40.5 mm (Filter size)
56.8 mm (Outer Ring for adapters)
Retail Price $550
Released 25.NOV.2013
Battery Life:
The battery power (EN-EL14) for the Nikon P7800 is designed to last for 350 clicks based on the CIPA standards which is above the usual in comparison to its category.
Add-on Wi-Fi and GPS. Wi-Fi sharing and transferring of image and video files is possible with the optional WU-1a Wireless Mobile Adapter. The P7800 must be paired with an iOS or Android smartphone or tablet using Nikon's free Wireless Mobile Utility app.
Selective Colour function is a nice feature.-
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tsverniel · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Trendy Classic Rectangle Design Fashion UV400 Women's Square Beige Sunglasses.
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paincorpsrarefinds · 1 year
Canon EOS Rebel 2000 35mm SLR Film Camera with 28-80 mm Lens Kit & Strap TESTED
CAMERA DEALS: Seller: hlssalesandauctions (100.0% positive feedback) Location: US Condition: Used Price: 59.99 USD Shipping cost: Free Buy It Now https://www.ebay.com/itm/354858180108?hash=item529f321e0c%3Ag%3A188AAOSw-C5kj0TI&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4J7RPuVOkDs04fUZPb%2By6sFuzxEuIh5D%2F4Lm3%2B0ddotj1uCet%2BXfeL07VXUBQeLrWoMMtwvF%2Bldsjwur66cHha0I4B1BaI1%2BFYg0WGe8%2Bv5E%2FNJiAOwqLtds2cVUMdGHKXQy7gjrCCQjYmv8p594w30Rr7VWRs1RHBicYyXd2QulRdkIEalNa1HZs%2F%2Bhh0TnEiKZ89H%2FMvDGiUWP1hgbxq46tUQCoyfGxxI5l5YUvfVfqAiEQfT9MykYXhtpFmhSLBtYlWzzDxpHU9rQX4U5vW4iOMD1wa4wfSdTCnxwbCEE&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&campid=5338779481&customid=&toolid=10049&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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