beigebox · 6 months
Looking for floppy disks meant pulling a bunch of things off shelves and in my house that meant a pile of retro tech. So I've dusted things off, taken some photos and written up posts. Those are queued for the next week or so but here's some extra bits and pieces for fun.
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To start, my very first keyboard, a Yamaha Portasound PSS-170 I've had almost my whole life. These came out in 1986, there's a good chance my parents bought it on sale a few years later.
It's been heavily used by three feral children (myself and my sisters), dragged all around Australia for almost forty years, I even played it in at least one band. It has taken more abuse than just about any piece of technology I've seen and still works flawlessly. Beautiful.
Funnily enough, this keyboard does fit my retro home computing theme. It uses a cutdown version of the OPL2, the FM synthesis sound chip found in the Sound Blaster and Ad Lib sound cards.
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Moving on, here's a weird calculator from 1977 with a VFD display. Its so chunky but I forgot to get a photo showing off how thick it is. Never found out much about this one, I just think it's pretty.
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Last for now, a portable TV from the '80s that may be broken. Unfortunately there's no VHF or UHF broadcasts near me so I don't know it's faulty or there's just no signal to display. It scans but never stops. I originally got this to act as a mini screen for my Commodore 64 but haven't had any luck yet.
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every-tome · 11 months
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everyscavever · 1 year
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Hi res scavs are my new favorite thing
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renee-writer · 10 months
NANO day 19
8003 words
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pesterloglog · 9 months
Davepetasprite^2, Jade Harley
Act 6, page 8003-8007
JADE: d-
JADE: davesprite???
JADE: youre alive!
JADE: and... very different :o
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < its davepeta actually
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < and yeah i am different!
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < got this whole other person mixed up in me
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < her name was nepeta
JADE: ohh...
JADE: wow!!!
JADE: im so happy to see you, even if you have gone through some uh... pretty big changes!
JADE: so what are you doing here?
JADE: are you asleep too?
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < nah im awake
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < and like "actually here" and stuff
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < guess i just decided to fly away up to the sun like a fucking piece of garbage after all
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < like i always said i would
JADE: haha
JADE: you did?
JADE: i dont remember that
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < yeah i said stuff like that sometimes
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < jade i used to be fairly depressed
JADE: yeah...
JADE: well i DO remember that
JADE: you seem to be in pretty high spirits now though :)
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < yes im doing fucking phenomeownal
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < but fur real im not actually here to visit this sun
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < i flew here as a point of reference to get my bearings
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < im actually on my way to go fight lord english
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < have you s33n him
JADE: no
JADE: ive spent the last... however long, hiding from him actually
JADE: with calliope
JADE: shes my new friend!
JADE: well, i guess one of two new friends by that name, technically
JADE: one of them is presumably back with our friends now
JADE: the other just... quite literally flew away up to the sun
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < like a fucking piece of garbage???
JADE: she is quite dignified and aloof as a matter of fact
JADE: i sincerely doubt she has ever done ANYTHING like a piece of garbage
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < ok heheheh
JADE: anyway if you want to find him
JADE: i would guess all you have to do is follow his trail of destruction
JADE: see the cracks?
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < oh yeah
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < good point
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < guess i could sniff him out
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < except i dont know what he smells like
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < but i guess i do know what some people who will be NEAR him smell like
JADE: like who?
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < vwiskers, for one!
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < also supposedly a staggering dick ton of ghosts
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < ill just smell around for where the ghosts are all at
JADE: sounds like a good plan!
JADE: jeez dave i...
JADE: or davepeta rather
JADE: i missed you so much :(
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < sorry harley
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < id say i missed you too but it was barely a day ago i last saw you
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < this version of me i mean
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < i made it all the way through the thr33 year voyage with you
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < guess the one who made the trip with you wasnt so lucky huh
JADE: no
JADE: he and john died not long after we departed
JADE: i was so lonely
JADE: but i dont feel too bad now that i know it all worked out, and their deaths were just part of something bigger going on
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < right johns absurd time hoppy mission
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < so fuckin glad some non dave dude could finally grab the reins on the time travel bs
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < and i guess im purrsonally so grateful to him because without his succession of handwavey dorkstunts i wouldnt have become davepeta which is literally the best thing either of us has ever b33n!
JADE: thats great!
JADE: its so nice to see youre happy now
JADE: even if technically i never got to be a part of that journey for you
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < but you did
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < ive got a lot of different dave memories in me and theyre all part of who i am now
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < including the memories you contributed to
JADE: oh...
JADE: cool!
JADE: so what were things like in the timeline youre from?
JADE: how was our trip together?
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < it was good mostly
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < kinda turbulent i guess
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < but that was mostly on account of me being a miserable bird douche
JADE: haha
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < oh also we dated for a while
JADE: omg
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < it was nice for a while but then i put a stop to that
JADE: why?
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < s33 again: bird douche
JADE: wow
JADE: i cant believe i missed this :(
JADE: even if it didnt go that well
JADE: its still something i would have gladly taken over the loneliness of that trip
JADE: i cant even say how much i thought about you both
JADE: and to hear that you and i actually...
JADE: *sniff*
JADE: im sorry dave...
JADE: davepeta...
JADE: i guess calliope is right, this must be part of my path
JADE: as a space player... someone who "falls back" as she said
JADE: maybe being pushed aside by fate, and like
JADE: being deprived of important people and experiences
JADE: no matter how painful it is, or how much you feel like you need them
JADE: i guess thats just how it goes for us
JADE: i think i never appreciated how much of a burden your aspect was to you
JADE: but i think im starting to get it now
JADE: it just took a long time to figure out what mine really meant
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < so THATS what space means?
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < bein lonely??
JADE: thats a bit of an oversimplification!
JADE: but i think that can be one of the results of gaining a deeper understanding of it
JADE: or becoming connected to it more...
JADE: i dunno, this stuff is all pretty mysterious :p
JADE: i dont have it all figured out yet obviously
JADE: i just feel pretty sad that as i get closer to understanding my abilities and true nature
JADE: it apparently means being deprived of some important experiences
JADE: like i get closer to my aspect, but further away from everyone i love, and further from...
JADE: feeling like a person?
JADE: its just a really empty feeling after a while
JADE: empty like...
JADE: space i guess
JADE: heh
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < but you werent actually deprived of important experiences
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < stuff like us dating and johns stupid birthday parties and playing shitty ghostbuster mmos
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < that stuff all happened to you, its just you dont have access to the memories
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < they didnt happen to shape this particular version of yourself
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < but they all played a role in helping like "greater jade" grow if that makes sense
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < everything that ever happens to every version of you is an important part of your ultimate self... like a superceding bodyless and timeless persona that crosses the boundaries of paradox space and unlike god tiers or bubble ghosts or whatever, it really IS immortal
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < but in your physical form there are all these partitions in your mind that prevent you from remembering any of that which makes your existence f33l totally linear
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < which is probably for the best!
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < in a regular body s33ing all that would be too overwhelming
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < in an advanced sprite form like mine tho its fine
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < i guess the same spritey magic that makes it possible to suddenly understand so much is also what makes it possible to make it bearable all at once
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < not even just bearable actually sorta liberating and cool
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < and after it sinks in for a while you start coming to this understanding of a greater self
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < maybe i "got it" quicker though because of the two people i was and their aspects
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < understanding heart is all about the nuances of a distributed self
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < nepeta never got to make much headway with her aspect but shes finally gettin the chance
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < the time aspect is all about running into different versions of yourself so you kinda get confronted with it in a really literal way that can be disturbing
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < obviously davesprite stuggled with that too, but now its fine
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < hes fr33 from worrying about it all and what it means for his place in reality
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < because he can s33 now all his selves have relevance in painting the full picture of who he truly is
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < im not COMPLETELY sure because im not like some sort of ASPECT MASTER but
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < my avian slash feline intuition tells me that all roads will lead you here eventually
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < gaining the d33pest possible understanding of any aspect will bring you to the same final conclusion about your ultimate self
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < so maybe thats starting to happen for you too
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < the space aspect sounds like a hard and lonely road to travel... i think they probably all are
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < but youre gettin there jade
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < you are doing great and im so proud of you!
JADE: :')
JADE: thanks davepeta
JADE: i really cant believe it
JADE: you sound so different... but youre still dave in a way
JADE: its hard to say how happy it makes me to see you doing well
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < yeah likewise!
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < i mean assuming you are doing well
JADE: i... think so
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < hey what are you doing out here anyway
JADE: im asleep
JADE: i want to go join our friends and help out
JADE: but im not supposed to wake up :\
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < why not
JADE: i dunno
JADE: im just not!
JADE: calliope said i was too strong or something
JADE: but she also said i should have "fun" so
JADE: i dunno
JADE: i guess im just waiting around for the right moment
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < nah thats dumb
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < you should be able to do whatever you want
JADE: really?
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < well at least she was right about the having fun part
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < maybe thats what she meant??
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < maybe she was leaving it up to you in a mysterious way
JADE: leaving what up to me?
JADE: the decision to wake up?
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < sure why not
JADE: but i dont know how!
JADE: .....
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quyhaiminh · 1 year
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lostfunzones · 1 year
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1970's Toaster model TT 8003 by Siemens - Germany.
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pandemic-info · 11 days
Novavax is here!
Good news! Many pharmacies across the U.S. received Novavax shipments yesterday, Sept. 9 2024.
Call your local and confirm with a human.
CVS Tips:
Use this with the automated system to find out if yours carries it: "Vaccine availability > COVID-19 > Details"
Or hit 8003 right away to talk to a human
See also:
All #Novavax info:
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sexylonestar · 2 months
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Sock # 8003
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scav-gifs-daily · 11 months
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ID : 8003
y'all know @everyscavever? cause look! its them! (also, these gifs are super old and were recorded using the beastiary, which makes animals way darker than normal)
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whywishesarehorses · 7 months
BLM Mustangs for Sale - Fallon Facility pt 7: Yearlings!
These horses are part of the March 2024 auction
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aryburn-trains · 2 months
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METRO-NORTH--8003 passing Scarsdale IB
A train of M3s passes Scarsdale during the morning rush hour. October 7, 2008. © 2009 Peter Ehrlich
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everyscavever · 1 year
SCAVENGER I.D #8003 "Vote here to help choose a name!"
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Hex codes
Eyes: #e777ff, #3c0d26 Head/hand: #3c0d26 Body: #2b202f Belly: #392d3e
Personality traits
Aggression: 0.00
Bravery: 0.94
Dominance: 0.38
Energy: 0.20
Nervousness: 0.02
Sympathy: 0.96
Other traits
Dodge: 0.16
Mid: 0.16
Melee: 0.76
Block: 0.00
Reaction time: 0.20
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stabbed me then started doing scared wiggles.
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gave em pearls as a peace offering.
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scared sploot
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gave them their spear back, just to get stabbed again
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Here You Come Again [Part Eleven]
Fandom: Elvis Presley, RPF, American Actor
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character
Characters: Elvis Presley, Addison Goodwin, Original Female Characters, Priscilla Presley, Colonel Tom Parker, Vernon Presley, Gladys Presley, Minnie Mae Presley, Marci Cunningham, Jerry Schilling, Red West, Sonny West, Marty Lacker, Joe Esposito, Charlie Hodge, Lamar Fike, Alan Fortas, George Klein, Memphis Mafia
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 8003
Summary: When Addison Goodwin was seventeen years old her life was turned inside out after a chance encounter with her past. Now, fifteen years later her life is the best it’s ever been. She has a home, a good job and a daughter she loves more than anything in the world but will all that remain when an old familiar face rolls into town.
Tags: Angst, Fluff, Graceland, Las Vegas, The International Hotel, Elvis In Vegas, 1970s, 1970s Elvis, Friends To Lovers, Rekindled Romance, Parenting, Time Line is Sketchy, Guilt, Betrayal, Teenage Pregnancy, Hawaii, Hidden Pregnancy, Jealousy, Sex, Absence of Parent, Single Motherhood, Trauma, Oral Sex, Tension
Notes: Jess should parent trap these idiots x
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‘Wait was that your last card?’ Jerry said looking at the pile of cards on the table in front of him and Jess’ now empty hands.
‘Yep,’ she beamed, ‘I win again.’
‘Aw hell,’ Charlie chuckled, throwing his dud deck on the pile.
‘You sure you ain’t cheating Vegas?’ Jerry said, narrowing his eyes as she beamed at him and shook her head.
‘Well if she is she does it better than her Daddy,’ Charlie smirked.
‘A whole lot less braggin’ too,’ Marty chuckled, throwing his hand down too.
‘It’s just pure talent,’ Jess smiled, gathering the pile of discarded cards so she could shuffle them.
‘Even so, don’t think I’m trustin’ ya to deal the next hand,’ Jerry said as his large hand came over hers so could pull the pile in his direction at which she rolled her eyes but allowed him to take over anyway.
Addison smiled to herself as she watched them, happy that Jess was enjoying herself especially since she wasn’t feeling quite as jovial. She was sitting across from the large table they were at, curled up on her seat with a book she had barely read two pages of as her mind kept wandering. Her nerves about going back to Memphis had grown over the week and though she knew being back in the place she had once called home would more than likely hurt she had been reassured because she had Elvis. She knew that even though he was excited for Jess to come home with him he would go slow for her benefit. Yet since he’d gotten on the plane he’d been different. He’d greeted them, but then he’d disappeared down to the back to what she had been informed was a bedroom and had yet to emerge even though they were beginning their descent over Tennessee. However as the Captain made an announcement that they were all required to take to their seats whilst they landed he reappeared, heading straight towards her until he was at the chair opposite.
‘Can I sit here?’ he asked tentatively. He had felt bad disappearing but after his talk with the Colonel he had had matters to discuss with his daddy and some of the boys. It had taken precedence but knowing how nervous she was about heading back home for the first time in years had been playing on his mind.
‘It’s your plane,’ she said with a smile. He smiled and took a seat opposite her, watching as she closed the book she was holding and slipped it into her bag. It was a small gesture but it was enough to make him realise he had her full attention which made his smile widen.
‘You doing okay?’ he asked watching her closely.
‘Fine,’ she said surprising herself at how true that was as she realised that her nerves had calmed the moment he appeared, ‘where’ve you been?’
‘Oh just dealing with some last-minute business stuff,’ Elvis said, it wasn’t technically a lie but given that the Colonel’s deal meant he wasn’t out of their lives just yet he didn’t want to tell her exactly what he had been up to.
‘Counting all your cash from Vegas huh?’ she teased.
‘Oh yeah,’ he chuckled, ‘it’s all out in ones in the back.’
‘I thought only strippers got paid in ones,’ she mused.
‘Maybe there are parts of my show you haven’t seen,’ Elvis smirked in a way that made an image flash through her mind and a throb to enter her lower belly. It was a thought she shook away immediately but as the conversation migrated to landing she couldn’t help but notice the distinct shuffle she had to do in her seat to get the feeling to leave.
On the way to Graceland she was quiet. Elvis took charge, pointing out places along the route home to Jess who seemed to have a question for everything he said. Addison nodded along as if she was listening but as they got closer and the scenery got all the more familiar she found she didn’t feel like laughing and joking along with them all that much. Eventually they pulled up outside those old familiar gates which were crowded by fans. The car didn’t stop though, instead Elvis offered a wave to his fans, then it rolled on in past the gate blocking them from view as they headed up the long and winding driveway.
‘Woah this place is huge,’ Jess said looking past him to the vast house as it grew closer, ‘I mean you could fit our house in it like five times.’
‘It’s not that big,’ Elvis said, suddenly feeling self-conscious as he felt Addison’s eyes on him.
‘It’s a literal mansion,’ Addison said. Though her words were teasing, the smile she offered him was one of reassurance, ‘I think you could probably fit our house in the stables let alone the house.’
‘There are stables?’ Jess asked looking at him excitedly.
‘Yeah, and a pool. Don’t worry I’ll show ya around,’ he said more relaxed. They’d stopped now and the door was being opened for them all to climb out.
‘Can we see them first?’ Jess asked as she stepped out following him up the garden path with Addison close behind.
‘Sure,’ he said as they entered, ‘they’re out back. We can head there first and then I’ll show you guys the rest of the house, okay?’
‘Okay,’ Jess said. He gestured for her to walk down the hall but as he went to follow her he noted Addison was still lingering by the front door, scanning each inch of the house in its entirety. It looked the same yet different. The neutral palette of the house she had left was replaced by darker, richer tones throughout the downstairs. Yet some pieces remained the same. The same hand-crafted grand piano still stood in the music room. The same China set Gladys had picked out on one of their errands was still standing proudly in the cabinet in the dining room. The staircase where she and Elvis had said goodbye still stood, unchanged as it was in her memories.
‘Addie?’ he asked pulling her from her thoughts. He was standing by the banister, Jess a step or two ahead of him, both of them watching as she lingered by the wide-open door.
‘Are you coming, Mom?’ Jess asked watching her mother’s face closely. She couldn’t read it. It was a mixture of happiness and sadness though she couldn’t tell which was winning.
‘No,’ Addison said, ‘you two go on. I’m good here.’
‘You sure?’ Elvis asked.
‘Positive,’ she smiled, ‘just don’t be outside too long, okay? It’s freezing.’
‘Okay,’ Jess said. Elvis watched her for a moment and then nodded directing his daughter to the back of the house. As they disappeared Addison glanced outside. Lamar and Marty had the bags stacked on the driveway threatening to come in at any moment so instead of lingering in the main part of the house she moseyed forward taking it all in as she went. It was different now and the memories in her mind scattered all over the place as she tried to account for what was still the same. Not much felt like it used to. There was a new room for one thing. It was ostentatiously kitsch with a jungle theme that struck her as mis-mashed in the scheme of things yet it was pretty in its own way. But as she wandered through the house she found that one thing felt entirely the same, her old room. It was bare of course, the only thing inside it was the stuff that had been there when she’d first arrived but other than that it was the same. The neutral walls remained the same colour they had been and though the bed wasn’t made when she looked in the wardrobe there was a folded-up bedding set she remembered every inch of.
‘Feels exactly the same, doesn’t it?’ she heard a voice say which startled her forcing her back from the wardrobe. When she looked towards the door she found Dodger standing in the doorway watching her with a kind smile.
‘You scared me,’ she said when Dodger didn’t say anything, awaiting a response to her first question she sighed, ‘yeah it does.’
The two women fell quiet for a moment and Addison shifted on her feet feeling Dodger’s motherly gaze on her. She didn’t know what to say. She didn’t know why out of all of them facing Dodger felt the hardest. Maybe it was because out of all of them she hadn’t done anything wrong. Though she hadn’t blamed Vernon he was still part of the Colonel’s scheme and no matter how she looked at that it hurt. But Dodger had been nothing but good to her which was probably why that guilty feeling was trickling in. The older woman seemed to sense her apprehension and not wanting to upset her she smiled and said, ‘what no hug?’
Addison looked at her, her arms open and waiting and sighed before she moved towards her and into her embrace. It was short and simple but the feeling it brought to Addison’s chest was one of comfort and warmth. When she pulled back Dodger put her hands on her face and smiled, ‘it’s good to see you.’
‘You too,’ Addison admitted, ‘Dodger about what happened-’
‘Oh no need to explain all of that,’ Dodger said, pulling back and waving her off.
‘It is what it is,’ she smiled, placing a reassuring hand on Addison’s shoulder. Maybe that was why Addison had anticipated this being the hardest one because she knew that no matter what Dodger would’ve understood, ‘now, where’s my grandbaby?’
‘Elvis is showing her the stables,’ Addison said.
‘I might’ve known,’ she said rolling her eyes as she moved away, ‘c’mon I’ll fix ya something to eat why you wait. Are you hungry?’
‘A little,’ Addison said. She wasn’t, in fact she had barely eaten anything all day as her stomach protested at the mere idea due to the nerves inside her but she knew better than to refuse a southern woman’s hospitality. As they entered the kitchen Dodger gestured for her to sit down at the table whilst she headed to the fridge and started pulling out random items.
‘Bet ya haven’t had some proper southern cookin’ in a while am I right?’ she said as she placed a container on the counter and then turned back to the fridge.
‘Not in a long time,’ Addison admitted.
‘Well I’m sure I’ll have you fifty pounds heavier by the time you leave,’ Dodger chuckled, moving around the kitchen as she turned the stove on. Addison didn’t even ask what she was making instead she just watched as she threw a knob of butter into the pan. Once several strips of bacon had been decanted out of the frying pan and onto a sandwich the older woman placed it down on the table in front of Addison and took a seat, wiping her hands on a towel that was over her shoulder.
‘So, how’s it feel to be back?’ she said as Addison took a bite of the meal in front of her and found it to be a BLT.
‘Weird,’ Addison said, covering her mouth as she spoke, ‘a lots changed.’
‘I’ll bet,’ Dodger said. Addison took another bite wondering if it was proper to ask what she wanted to. After all the way Dodger was treating her was as if she’d never left but there were things Addison didn’t know. Curiosities which sprung up that Elvis didn’t acknowledge probably as they had become commonplace for him. Eventually, curiosity got the better of her and she had to ask.
‘I noticed we dropped Vernon off down the road,’ she said, her eyes fixed on her plate though they darted to Dodger who was watching her closely.
‘Yeah, he lives down there now,’ Dodger said simply. Addison’s mind whirred. She had watched as Vernon had said goodbye, climbing out of the car with Dee in tow as they headed to their home. It was nice and of course only a stone’s throw away from Graceland but it had struck her as odd. Elvis had always said this home was for his parents; she wondered what could have made him change his mind.
‘What happened?’ she asked tentatively. Dodger sighed.
‘Dee,’ Dodger said earnestly.
‘Ah,’ Addison said.
‘Vernon and Dee met quite soon after Lovie passed. Now she’s a nice woman don’t get me wrong, but it just didn’t sit right with Elvis. So when he came back from the Army and saw that Dee had tried to make the house a home for her and Vernon he…let’s just say he wasn’t best pleased,’ Dodger said.
‘Oh,’ Addison said, her heart twinging at the idea of him rattling around this big old house all on his own. How empty it must’ve felt without his family. Without her.
‘Yeah, it was better for everyone that way,’ Dodger said.
‘And he still had you,’ she replied though she wasn’t sure who she was trying to reassure with that statement.
‘Oh I’ve told him the only way he’ll be getting me outta here is in a box,’ Dodger joked.
‘Well as long as that isn’t any time soon,’ Addison smiled.
‘Can’t be,’ Dodger said, ‘not when I’ve still got a grandbaby to meet.’
Addison smiled. She couldn’t believe she had been apprehensive about seeing Dodger. How she feared what the woman might say when she knew her well enough to know that this should’ve been the expected reception. Though in thinking about Dodger her mind drifted to another figure, one who had treated her just as well as she asked, ‘what about Mary?’
‘Oh she’s still here too,’ Dodger smiled, ‘only works a couple days a week nowadays on account of her back but we’ve got a new girl who picks up the slack.’
‘Bet she hates that,’ Addison giggled.
‘Eh she’s decent enough,’ Dodger said.
‘I bet it’s odd what without Gladys running things,’ Addison mused. She knew it probably wasn’t, given the number of changes she had walked past she was sure the good ship Graceland was still running as fine-tuned as ever and yet she couldn’t picture it. The house had been Gladys’ pride and joy, well besides Elvis, so seeing someone else at the helm felt odd.
‘Oh he’s had quite a few people running things,’ Dodger explained, making Addison’s brow furrow until she clicked on what the older woman meant. Of course there had been other people running it. With Vernon and Gladys gone Elvis was the head of the house, he always had been really, and of course he’d had his lady of the house. She cursed herself for being so obtuse as her suspicions were confirmed as Dodger continued, 'nice girls of course but never had that…spunk. Not like Lovie or you for that matter.’
The complement singed Addison’s cheeks not that Dodger seemed to notice though whether it was because of the casualness of which older people said things or the fact they could now hear Elvis and Jess coming in through the back door she didn’t know. Still she hid her face from the woman and turned to where she expected the pair to walk in at any minute.
‘That’s Lady,’ she heard Elvis say as they came into the room. Jess was behind him but he was looking back at her as he spoke, ‘she’s the perfect size for you but she’s Cilla’s and she can get real fussy about who rides her. Maybe you can try with her and if she’s not for agreein’ you could have a go on one of the others just until we can get you your own.’
‘Sounds good,’ Jess smiled.
‘Please tell me you aren’t talking about buying her a horse,’ Addison said as he turned around and noted the women sitting there.
‘I’m not buying her a horse,’ Elvis lied, ‘I’m buying a horse she may or may not have sole privileges in ridin’.’
‘Elvis she’s been here five minutes!’ Addison protested.
‘Exactly I’ve waited long enough don’t ya think,’ he teased watching as her eyes went wide. He was baiting her and she was falling for it and given he had been nervous about her stepping back into his world he was just happy she was relaxed enough to let him.
Dodger however wasn’t paying them any attention. She was looking at the young girl standing behind her grandson, watching her parents with a smirk on her face. She rose from her chair pushing past Elvis as she said, ‘forget about that! Let me look at her.’
‘Oh yeah,’ Elvis said, moving out of her way as she took Jess’ face in her hands, ‘Jess this is Dodger, uh your Grandma, Dodger this is Jessie.’
‘Nice to meet you,’ Jess said feeling her cheeks flame as the older woman eyed her closely.
‘Well aren’t you just as pretty as a picture,’ she said with a smile as her hands moved down to Jess’s shoulders ‘just like your Mama but there’s some of your Daddy in there too.’
‘It’s in the eyes,’ Addison said without thinking, dropping her gaze as Elvis smiled at her, ‘and the smile.’
‘You’re right,’ Dodger said, ‘she’ll be a heartbreaker that’s for sure.’
‘Not any time soon I hope,’ Elvis mumbled making Jess’ blush deepen. Dodger ignored him.
‘Question is do you have an appetite that rivals your Daddy’s?’ she said.
‘Why, are you cooking?’ Elvis asked as he took a seat next to Addison.
‘Did you think I was standing here for my health?’ Dodger asked as she moved back to the stove.
‘Well if you’re offering we won’t say no, right Jessie?’ he asked as Jess took a seat next to him.
‘If that’s okay,’ Jess said quietly.
‘Of course it is,’ Dodger said with the same easy-going nature she had offered to Addison, one that made Jess start to relax, ‘so, what do you want?’
Fortunately for Jess Dodger's easy-going nature was as infectious as Elvis' which meant she was able to relax so much so that when Elvis suggested he show them the rest of the house she felt dejected about having to leave her grandmother behind. Yet her curiosity was enough to make her agree. It was as huge as she suspected and though he explained a little about each room she still struggled to take it all in. It was surreal especially since they had gotten to know each other it had been what she had been thinking about. To be immersed in this world, his world. Now she was there it felt bizarre. Not to mention how strange it felt to see her mom in it, more comfortable in the surroundings that Jess had anticipated.
‘Now given the short notice I haven’t had a chance to sort everything out,’ Elvis said. They were on the stairs heading up to his floor something Addison noted now had a privacy wall installed at the top of separating the upstairs from everything else. He stepped through the door without thinking leading them to the old familiar landing she recognised, ‘now I thought you could either share the spare room or Jess you could bunk in Lisa’s room for the time being.’
‘Won’t she mind?’ Jess asked, glancing through the open door of the room he gestured at which was she assumed to be Lisa’s given the number of toys plonked inside.
‘She’s not gonna be here for another few weeks,’ Elvis said, ‘I just thought you might like it a bit more since there’s a TV in there.’
‘Oh yeah that’s fine,’ Jess said, peeking inside so she could see that large TV against the wall.
‘And when we’ve got some time maybe we could get the spare room set up properly… for you I mean,’ Elvis said nervously.
‘Like my own room?’ she asked glancing in the room next to Elvis’.
‘Yeah, I mean the boys normally stay in here but I’d rather have you up on this floor than somewhere else in the house so we can always move them elsewhere. If you’re alright with that,’ Elvis said.
‘Yeah, I’d like that,’ Jess smiled as she wandered towards Lisa’s room where her suitcases had already been put. Elvis looked at Addison who had been looking around taking everything in then he moved to the spare room door which grabbed her attention.
‘Are you okay sleepin’ in here?’ he asked watching as she peeked inside.
‘Yeah fine,’ she said as he pushed the door open further so she could enter ahead of him.
When she got inside she was surprised. It had never been a room she had spent much time in but even so she didn’t remember it being this way. It looked odd. There was of course a large bed in the middle but the rest of it seemed to have no cohesion as if things were flung in there without a second thought. She supposed it made sense, if the boys were using it as nothing more than a place to crash when Elvis needed them but still it felt impersonal. The rest of the house seemed to ooze his aura and personality out of every crevice and yet this felt stiff. It was only made more overt as she walked into the bathroom to find it was the one adjoining his room. It struck her as odd that the boy who had once wanted nothing more to be left alone would need someone so close by just in case. How he felt the need to have bodyguards and safety walls built within his own home.
‘What you thinking about?’ Elvis said. He was leaning on the door jamb, watching her as she surveyed the bathroom unable to process what might be going on in her brain. She looked up as he spoke, whatever it was flashing behind her eyes before she pushed it back and cracked a smile.
‘That we were idiots,’ she said coming towards him.
‘Huh?’ he asked puzzled.
‘You had a big ol’ room right next door to you and you put me at the other end of the house,’ she smirked.
‘Oh,’ he said catching her meaning, ‘I’ll have you know I was trying to resist temptation.’
‘Oh yeah? And how’d that work out for ya?’ she asked. She was close now, right in front of him, so much so he could smell the clean scent of her perfume – one he didn’t recognise off the bat but liked all the same.
‘If I remember rightly, it was you that wore me down,’ Elvis said in a velvet covered voice. She didn’t move away as he leaned in not even as that throb from earlier returned, instead she met him toe to toe.
‘Got us Jess didn’t it?’ she smiled.
‘That’s true,’ he conceded. They paused for a minute neither of them knowing where to turn now that the conversation had become a tad sentimental. Addison however leant into it and said, ‘thanks by the way for letting us stay here.’
‘It’s no problem,’ he said quietly.
‘I know I just really appreciate it,’ she said, ‘after this last week.’
‘I know,’ he said. And then without warning she leant in and hugged him. It took him off guard for a second but then his arms seemed to kick into gear and he wrapped them around her as she rested her head against his chest, the steady thump of his heartbeat against her ear. They stayed there for a moment each enjoying the sensation until they heard Jess call her.
‘Mom!’ Jess yelled from the other room. Addison paused, not wanting to pull back from the hug, not when she could tell that Jess’ call wasn’t one of distress, something that was proven as she called again.
‘Mom come and look at this!’ she heard her call again and with a sigh she pulled back. Elvis let her go cursing Jess’ timing as he did. She smiled at him and then moved past him without a word heading to wherever Jess needed her urgent attention. Elvis flopped against the door frame with a sigh. What a couple of weeks this was going to be.
‘Hello?’ Addison said as the phone finally clicked on.
‘Hello?! That’s all I get? Hello?’ Marci said frantically, making Addison roll her eyes as she took a seat on the bed.
‘Okay I know it’s been a few days,’ Addison said.
‘Four days to be precise,’ Marci said, ‘when you said you’d call at least the day after you got there. I’ve been freaking out.’
‘Sorry, sorry,’ Addison said, ‘it’s been a little hectic.’
‘Well…I suppose I understand but don’t you ever leave me without a shred of news for that long again. I’ve been going stir crazy here,’ Marci said dramatically.
‘You mean you’ve been left without any gossip,’ Addison chuckled as she swung her legs up onto the mattress and rested back against the headboard. It was true she had told her friend that she would call her as soon as she could once she was in Memphis; it was just that life in Memphis seemed to move at the pace it always did which meant that Addison had barely had time to think let alone call anyone.
‘Exactly,’ Marci giggled, ‘so come on lay it on me how’s it going?’
‘Good,’ Addison said.
‘Really?’ Marci pressed.
‘Yeah,’ Addison said, ‘I mean we haven’t tackled the whole outside world thing yet but Jess seems to be adjusting well.’
‘Yeah, like a duck to water,’ Addison said.
‘Well that’s good, isn’t it?’ Marci asked. It was good and Addison was happy that Jess had managed to thrive here given how miserable she had been over the last week. It was just that she worried that being tucked away in the Graceland bubble would under prepare her for going back to the real world. And it wasn’t even all the fun stuff either like no school, endless activities and spending time with her dad, it was the fact that lingering outside the walls were people who still wanted to torment her. People who wanted to stick cameras in her face and hurl abuse at her just to get a reaction. That was what she was worried about.
‘Yeah, it is,’ Addison said, ‘I just hope she can adjust back that’s all.’
‘I’m sure she’ll be fine. Besides the more fun you guys are having the less attention you’re paying to the news, right?’ Marci asked.
‘I guess…how is all that going?’ Addison asked. She hadn't been paying much attention. Elvis had told her that over the years he had learned there was little point in keeping up with the tabloids. There wasn’t much they could do about it and trawling through the endless drivel would only end up making her feel ill, so it was best just to leave it alone. She had agreed though she had asked Marci to keep her finger on the pulse just in case she got curious.
‘Fine,’ Marci lied, sensing she had put her foot in it.
‘Mar,’ Addison warned.
‘Well…they're not talking about Jess,’ Marci admitted.
‘Oh, it’s about me huh?’ Addison asked, biting her lip.
‘Yeah…I mean it’s all trash. They don’t have any clue what actually happened so it's easy to question it I guess. Why now? Why so long without contacting him? Stuff like that,’ Marci said quietly. Addison took a deep breath. She supposed Marci was right. So long as they didn’t know she supposed they'd always wonder why she did what she did. But that didn’t matter, not when Elvis and those who did matter knew the truth. And so long as they weren’t slandering Jess’ name she supposed she could deal with whatever they had to say about her.
‘Anyway,’ she said moving on, ‘enough about me. How are you?’
‘Fine,’ Marci said airily. So airily in fact it made Addison pause.
‘How’s Tom?’ she asked.
‘Busy as always,’ Marci replied.
‘What about you? Have you got the plans for the new shop through yet?’ Addison asked.
‘Not yet but it’ll be fine,’ she said though the way she brushed it off made Addison suspicious, but her friend didn’t give her time to comment on it as she continued, ‘you know I spoke to Jess the other day.’
‘Oh?’ Addison asked allowing her friend to change the subject.
‘Yeah, apparently she’s got an Uncle Jerry now,’ she said teasingly.
‘Oh, yeah,’ Addison said with a smile, ‘he’s a sweetheart.’
‘He is?’ Marci asked curiously.
‘Well yeah I mean he’s exactly the same as he’s always been,’ Addison chuckled though the change of subject had now sparked her curiosity, ‘why do you ask?’
‘Just wondering,’ Marci said quietly.
‘Wondering about?’ Addison pried feeling intrigued.
‘Nothing,’ Marci said quickly, ‘look Addie I gotta go. Call me soon, okay?’
‘Okay?’ Addison said, perplexed.
‘Bye love you!’
‘Love you too,’ Addison said and before she could say anything else the phone clicked off leaving her sitting there confused. Addison had been anticipating the call to be a marathon one. Marci had been waiting for her to call and she figured they’d get into the whole trip at some point. Not to mention Addison was just as intrigued to hear about the plans Marci had been making to open her new salon now that she was properly situated with Tom in California. Yet once the conversation had fell on her she’d run for the hills which Addison thought odd. In fact she thought about it all the way downstairs until she was in the kitchen where Jess and Elvis were sitting at the kitchen table eating lunch.
She was dressed in jeans and a thick blue sweater as well as a pair of cowboy boots Addison was sure she hadn’t seen before. She fought the urge to roll her eyes. Whilst she was sure she didn’t need them she had decided to become a little more lenient when it came to his purchasing especially given that they were on his turf. In fact Addison was glad in some respects that Elvis had the money to burn. Between horse-riding, guitar playing, and the couple games of touch football games Jess had been participating in her daughter was becoming a kid Addison didn’t even recognise and definitely one she couldn’t afford to fund the new hobbies of.
‘Good afternoon,’ she said as she moved to make herself a coffee. Though he didn’t say anything Elvis looked up from his chair and smiled as Jess said, ‘good afternoon.’
‘Did you two have fun out there?’ she asked.
‘Yeah, it was good,’ Jess said as her mother rested back waiting for the coffee machine.
‘She’s a real natural,’ Elvis said, ‘Lady even seems to have taken to her and she don’t like many people.’
‘Maybe she knows if she doesn’t cooperate you’ll buy another horse,’ Addison jested.
‘Maybe,’ Elvis smirked, turning his attention back to his meal as she poured herself a coffee. As she walked to her seat though she placed one down in front of him, a gesture she seemed to do without thinking.
‘What have you been up to?’ Jess asked as she sat down.
‘Oh not much. Had a shower, called Aunt Mar,’ she said, taking a sip.
‘Only just? Mom it’s been four days,’ Jess chastised.
‘Yeah, I know,’ Addison said, ‘believe it or not I’ve been a little busy.’
‘We haven’t even been anywhere,’ Jess giggled making Elvis smile wryly.
‘Well forgive me for not being on top of things,’ Addison said, eyeing her daughter as a thought came into her mind, ‘besides it’s not like she needed me to apparently you called her last week.’
‘Yeah so?’ Jess asked.
‘Told her all about your new Uncle Jerry she said,’ Addison said, raising an eyebrow. Jess’ face flooded crimson.
‘Oh that,’ Jess said, ‘well you told me about them dating…I was curious.’
‘You wouldn’t be trying to set them up now, would you?’ her mother asked making Elvis’ ears perk up as he watched Jess squirm.
‘No,’ she said though as Addison pressed with a look she sighed, ‘okay maybe. But you said she used to really like him! And he’s single.’
‘And Mar’s getting married,’ Addison reasoned.
‘To some weirdo,’ Jess said.
‘That’s none of our business,’ Addison said.
‘She’s our family of course it’s our business!’ Jess protested. Addison sighed and placed her cup down as she prepared to speak. She wondered why Marci had gotten all funny and hung up quicker than she should have. Now she wondered what nonsense Jess had been filling her head with. Before she could reply though Elvis jumped in feeling an argument mounting.
‘I think your mom means you’ve gotta let people figure out stuff on their own Jessie,’ Elvis said with a sympathetic smile. Jess looked between them both and then flopped back on her chair with a pout.
‘Okay fine,’ she said, ‘but I’m telling you he likes her too.’
‘Well if they end up together I’m sure your mom will agree you can say I told you so till the cows come home okay?’ Elvis chuckled.
‘Fine,’ Jess said though her face remained sour.
The trio fell silent with Jess pouting at her sandwich as she picked at it. Addison watched her daughter exasperatedly as she sipped her coffee. It wasn’t that she didn’t agree with her. Tom wasn’t her favourite boyfriend of Marci’s, but her friend did seem happy. And it wasn’t as though Marci tended to listen when it came to men. Addison had learned early doors that the best course of action was to let her friend do as she saw fit and then help her should she need it. Trying to push her back into the arms of someone she dated over a decade ago would surely only bring disaster. Elvis seemed to sense the animosity between the girls and decided to intervene. After all, the past few days had been going well. In their own little bubble they had been thriving and he didn’t want a couple of crossed words to start to ruin it.
‘So what are we doing today?’ he asked making the pair of them look at him.
‘I don’t know,’ Jess shrugged.
‘Maybe we could go out someplace,’ he suggested. Maybe that was for the best. Even in a house this large it didn’t always stop people from getting on top of one another.
‘Where?’ Jess asked.
‘Wherever you guys want,’ he shrugged.
‘Aren't you supposed to be our tour guide?’ Addison quipped deciding to let the small argument go hoping Jess wouldn’t feel too put out at her mother’s disagreements.
‘Hey you’re from here too y’know,’ Elvis replied.
‘Nah I’m a native Nevadan by now surely,’ she said, ‘just like Jess.’
‘There’s still a southern bell in there somewhere I’m sure of it. What do you think Jessie?’ Elvis said, making Jess giggle. She didn’t mean to, since she still felt chastised, but he had this aura about him she couldn’t resist.
‘I don’t know,’ Jess said smirking at her mom, ‘she doesn’t even have her twang anymore.’
‘I bet it’ll come back by the end of the week,’ Elvis said.
‘Oh you think?’ Addison asked. She was feeling a touch ganged up on as she did a lot of the time when it came to the pair of them, but she didn’t mind. Not when she could see Jess was pulling out of the funk her words had put her in.
‘Hundred percent right Jess?’ Elvis said. Jess nodded.
‘And here I was thinkin’ my own daughter would have some faith in me,’ Addison said, shaking her head, ‘but you’re on.’ 
‘Well in that case we better go somewhere ya don’t have to speak. You’ve already lost Jess’ faith can’t be losin’ anything else,’ Elvis said raising an eyebrow making her eyes narrow.
‘How about the Memphian?’ Addison said.
‘Sounds good to me.’
It was weird for Addison to be back at the Memphian though these days that weird feeling seemed to be permanently there. It, like Graceland, seemed to have this timeless quality though there were obvious changes not only to the building but to the set-up itself. As they walked in Elvis led them down to the front where a station had already been set up for him containing a little table with a bottle of Pepsi and a bottle of spring water on top of it. He sat down gesturing for them to take a seat on either side of them which they did, Vernon sitting on Jess’ other side. Addison took her seat and glanced around. Again it struck her as different. Where nights at the Memphian and been a group affair he was now isolated, save for them being there, watching a movie all on his own. As the film rolled on silence fell, though he did lean into Jess at different moments to explain or talk about something that had amused them both, Addison kept her gaze on the screen but every so often she couldn’t help but glance at him. 
He still seemed so much of the boy she knew and yet she knew he was so different. It was hard to notice especially when he was around her as he seemed to become her Elvis but there were subtleties. Things that made her realise how much he had changed. As if the innocence in him was gone. She supposed she couldn’t fault it. After all, whatever scrap of innocence she had was ripped away the moment she left Graceland yet still it made her sad. It made her think of the kids they used to be, to yearn for what they might have become given the chance. She didn’t know why she was thinking of that instead of the movie that was playing out on the screen, but she couldn’t think of much else. 
If they were together now, if they had been all along would it still feel the same? Would the love have lasted with this new man that stood before her or would Germany and the loss of Gladys ruined them either way? Would they have stayed together for Jess or any other kids that may have come along? She didn’t know, but she couldn’t help but wonder. Because for all the newness of him he was still that boy when he was with her. He was still that boy who made her smile over pancakes, still the boy that teased her something chronic but took it when she dished it back, still the same boy who held her when she cried immediately springing into action to fix it so that she would smile again. 
But it wasn’t that simple. Because he wasn’t just that boy and she wasn’t that girl, not anymore. They had to think of Jess. In fact, he had more than one daughter to think about and she couldn’t help but think of the fact he already had a marriage that had failed despite the love being there. Was that something she could picture for herself? She had already lost him once. To do so again would ruin her, she was sure of it. 
She stayed quiet through the movies, lost in her thoughts until she realised the credits were rolling on the second film and people were starting to shift. When Elvis looked at her waiting for her get out of her seat and walk ahead of him, that adorable lopsided grin on his face, that was when she knew. It would ruin her. All the ifs and the maybes she couldn’t think of them because she couldn’t let herself.
‘What did you think?’ Elvis asked the pair of them as they headed out towards the lobby.
‘It was good,’ Jess said, ‘didn’t see the end coming though.’
‘Yeah, it was a good twist,’ Vernon said from behind them.
‘What about you Addie?’ he asked, she looked up at him as though she had been listening and said, ‘oh yeah good.’
‘She was probably too busy ogling Paul Newman,’ Jess giggled.
‘He’s distracting what can I say,’ Addison joked, smiling at the pair of them thankful neither seemed to notice how far her mind had been wandering. Elvis smiled too  but then turned away trying to ignore the sudden ache in his gut at Jess' words. They were in the lobby now, the boys gathered around wondering what the next move of the night was going to be.
‘So you girls wanna get some dinner?’ he asked.
‘Ooh yes,’ Jess said with a smile looking at her mom who seemed to hesitate.
‘Sure,’ Addison said tentatively, ‘where?’
‘How about Lombardi’s?’ Elvis asked.
‘Sounds good,’ Addison agreed with a smile.
‘Great, wait here I’ll get Joe to call ahead,’ Elvis said returning one before he walked over to Joe and offered him instructions. As he walked away Addison watched him trying to ignore the flutter inside her chest as she did. She shouldn’t be feeling like that, she couldn’t be feeling like that. Yet it was hard not to. Not when he looked so good in his deep blue suit. Not when he looked over at her, throwing her a smile though they had been apart mere seconds.
Whilst watching him however she didn’t notice Jess’ blue eyes watching her as they had been all week. In fact she had been watching the pair of them like a hawk since they had come to stay with him and because of it she was sure they liked one another. That had been why she had been talking to Marci about Jerry. Not because she was trying to meddle in her aunt’s love life but because she was sure what she was watching unfold was love. She’d been trying to get some intel on what had been like the first time around, how they had acted around one another, but Marci had deviated off on a tangent and not wanting to be too obvious about what she was after Jess had let her. Yet she didn’t need Marci’s intel to see know that what she was watching was what she had suspected all along.
She didn’t need Marci to help her realise he only told jokes when he was sure she was listening. She didn’t need Marci to notice the way her mom put her hand over his as she pointed out something on the menu. She didn’t need Marci to notice how her dad’s arm ended up behind her on the restaurant booth, close enough she was practically flat up beside him. They were little nuances she didn't miss and though she tried to pay attention it was hard to as every action had her head spinning. She wasn't even listening to Billy properly who was telling her of a film he and Elvis had worked on a while ago. 
‘-Yeah wouldn’t let me go,’ Billy chuckled, ‘had my arms locked in his so I couldn’t run away.’
‘Yeah, and you deserved it,’ Elvis smirked taking a sip of his water, 'you're just lucky I didn't break your arm.'
'That's mean,' Addison chastised though her expression was one of bemusement. 
'He got out eventually, didn't he?' Elvis reasoned with a smirk that made her roll her eyes. Jess' gaze was glued on the pair of them not that they noticed as they continued talking with Billy who was now explaining how he had become a stunt double for Elvis' leading lady. Jess was trying to listen but her eyes glazed over as questions spun around in her head. In fact, she only really pulled back to reality as Vernon slipped back into his seat beside her finally returning from the phone call her had been pulled away for nearly ten minutes earlier.  
‘Everything alright Daddy?’ Elvis asked as Vernon slipped back into his seat.
‘Yeah fine,’ Vernon said, ‘that damn garbage disposal again. Tripped everything in the house.’
‘I’ve told you just get someone in to fix it,’ Elvis said.
‘I know, I know,’ Vernon grumbled, ‘I thought I’d managed it this time but must be a wire faulty somewhere in there. Left her sitting in the dark that’s why she called.’
‘Has she fixed it?’ Addison asked.
‘I told her what to do,’ Vernon shrugged.
‘What so she could be sitting in the dark?’ Addison said her brow furrowing as Vernon made no excuses to leave, ‘why don’t you go home and help?’
‘Oh uh I’m sure she’ll be fine,’ Vernon said glancing at Elvis which caused Addison’s gaze to land on him. He didn’t want to agree. After all Dee was a grown woman, she could figure a fuse box out for herself, but he could feel her watching him, wondering why Vernon was hesitating to go home.
‘Yeah, why don’t you,’ Elvis said after a moment, ‘I mean dinner’s over.’
‘Right, uh sure,’ Vernon said not expecting the leniency Elvis was giving him though he took it all the same, ‘I’ll see you all later?’
There was a murmur of agreement from the people situated up that end of the table as he slipped out from behind the table but before he could leave Jess spoke and said, ‘actually can I come?’
‘To fix a fuse box?’ Elvis asked looking at her sceptically.
‘No,’ she said rolling her eyes, ‘I mean can I go home?’
‘Why?’ Addison asked. They were both watching her suspiciously, something she knew was bound to happen, but she didn’t let it phase her. She had been thinking a lot over dinner and though she had realised she didn’t need Marci’s help to recognise what was happening between her parents that didn’t mean she didn’t want to understand what had happened. They were never going to tell her but they weren’t the only people who had been around then. And she figured no better time to pry than a twenty-minute-long car journey with her grandpa.
‘I said I’d call Elaine,’ she said.
‘Can't you call her after?’ Elvis asked. He had been enjoying himself and he knew if Jess wanted to go home Addison probably would too which was something he didn’t want to happen.
‘Her mom only lets her use the phone until seven. I don’t want to miss her. Please?’ Jess asked in her sweetest voice. Addison looked at her curiously, glancing at Elvis as she said, ‘if your dad doesn’t mind dropping her off I’m okay with it.’
‘Sure. Uh Daddy do you mind?’ Elvis asked heaving an internal sigh of relief.
‘Of course not,’ Vernon smiled, ‘come on kiddo.’
‘You guys are the best,’ Jess smiled as she stood up from her seat.
‘See you later,’ Elvis smiled.
‘Yeah, see you later,’ Addison said watching as her daughter and Vernon headed towards the exit before she looked at Elvis.
‘What?’ he asked.
‘I don’t know,’ she said doubtfully, ‘but I kinda feel like we just got played.’
‘Eh she’s a good kid. I’m sure whatever she’s up to is harmless,’ he chuckled. Addison chewed on the inside of her cheek for a moment watching as he waited for her to agree. He was right, Jess was a good kid and whatever she was up to probably was something innocent. She nodded and sat back, feeling his arm touch the back of her shoulders. As Billy threw the conversation back into gear she thought of Jess and hoped that their faith in her was right because not to trust her would mean leaving the fun she was having and she didn't want that. Even if they couldn't be more, having him back as her friend was good enough. 
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simonthebluechipmunk · 9 months
whats 8003 plus 5 bitch
are you trying to trick me?
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