#900s AD
funkle420 · 12 days
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no talk me i angy cant stop thinking about my girlfriend who's been kidnapped by a crazy powerful ancient magician
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suntails · 8 months
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blueiskewl · 2 years
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Byzantine Ceramic 'Greek Fire' Hand Grenade Ca. 900-1200 AD
A hefty, mold-formed pottery hand grenade with a piriform body, a rounded shoulder, and a narrow mouth. The exterior body is decorated with seven panels of closely spaced stamped circles. Grenades like this were meant to hold the famed and highly combustible substance known as "Greek fire," though its exact composition is unknown; scholars posit that the mixture was composed of pine resin, naphtha, quicklime, and sulphur.
L:125mm / W:80mm ; 550g.
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balthazar-sketti · 1 month
80s Boglins hotline ad
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deepfriedtrout · 8 months
Ahab’s wicked, frankly deranged smile falls off her face. It shouldn’t be possible for anything like this to happen, but even the winds silence its loud whistling, the storm slightly quieting down its deafening rumbling. Some of the sinners take note, Outis can feel Faust’s stare on her back, intrigued. Even Ishmael has started to notice, despite her tunnel-visioned, trauma-and-vengeance-fueled rage. Outis can feel herself become singled out with the searching stare from above, and she, with nowhere to look but up, does exactly that, meeting eye-to-eye with Ahab. The old captain’s mouth hangs open. Then morphs a name that can’t be heard through the waves, but Outis knows, knows in her head what she says. “Odysseus?”
In the words of one person who commented here, I think this fic can be summarized by:
Penelope is a woman in Limbus: good Ahab is a woman in Limbus: great Penelope and Ahab are the same woman in Limbus: divinely inspired
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bees-whump-blog · 2 months
@chrumblr-whumblr day 3! The prompt is "carrying".
Fandom: Epic (2013)
Ronin flew through the boggan base at speeds that would have impressed even Nod. Every so often he came across a boggan or two that spotted him quick enough to try and fight, but they posed no challenge. Or maybe they did. He was so focused on his mission, it was all a blur.
He hated Wrathwood.
He was heading for the lowest level of the enemy's stronghold, knowing that's where he'd find what he was looking for. It was a trap, he was certain, and he was walking right into it. He had to. Mandrake had gone too far this time.
Ronin finally jumped off his shimmering mount as he reached the lowermost level, not waiting for the bird to land before leaping to the ground.
“Nod,” he hissed, making his way down the long tunnel, peering into cells made of metal and rotting tree roots. “Nod, where are you?”
He was in such a hurry he almost missed the slight gleam of green armor in one corner of a cell, and a person-shaped lump in the other. He pulled out an arrow and used it to saw away at the weakest root he could find.
Crude, but effective.
He shoved the two pieces of root out of his way and rushed to the back of the cell, kneeling before a familiar figure.
“Nod,” he whispered, rolling him gently onto his back. “Nod, wake up. We have to go.”
The boy groaned softly, not opening his eyes.
“…Dad?” he mumbled, and Ronin almost smiled, brushing the boy's matted hair out of his eyes and wincing at the blue and purple bruises that marred his face.
“Not quite. Come on, we need to get out of here.”
Nod’s eyes cracked open, seemingly struggling to focus on the man before him.
“…Ronin? What are you doing here?”
“Saving your sorry self, what does it look like?”
Nod shook his head as he gained some clarity.
“No, you don't get it. You can't be here, Ronin, it's a trap. Mandrake doesn't care about me, he wants you!”
Ronin just looked at him.
“Are you done?”
“Ronin, I'm serious! You have to believe me, you-” he stopped as he understood Ronin's unfazed expression. “You knew.”
“I didn't earn the rank of Commander by being an idiot, Nod.”
“No, just by being cozy with the queen,” he retorted. “But then… why are you here?”
“See, that's why you quit the leafmen. You have no concept of anybody caring for anyone other than themselves. Well guess what kid, I lost your father in this hellhole and I'm not about to lose you.”
Nod was silent for a moment, then grinned slightly.
“Man, I knew you were getting old, but seriously? Ronin, what happened? You're getting emotional! I think it may be time you considered retirement.”
“You’re just asking to be left behind, aren't you?”
“Alright, sorry! Touchy subject, I see.”
Ronin shook his head.
“If you weren't as injured as you are, I'd smack you all the way to Moonhaven.”
“And if you weren't as old and weak as you are, I might actually bother to try and stop you.”
“Can you walk?” Ronin asked, electing to ignore that last comment.
“Hm? Yeah, yeah, I can walk. Just gimme a sec.” He tried to sit up and winced with a shout of pain.
“Oh, you can walk, can you?” Ronin couldn't resist asking.
Nod glared.
“I'll manage.”
“And waste time getting out of here? I don't think so.”
Ronin slid his arms under Nod’s back and knees and got to his feet, stumbling slightly.
“Hey, careful!” Nod exclaimed painfully. “I can do it, put me down!”
“No time,” Ronin said curtly, carrying him out. “What have you been eating, pebbles?” he asked when Nod turned out to be much heavier than he'd expected.
“You're hilarious, old man,” Nod said through gritted teeth, trying not to cry out in pain.
Ronin placed the boy on the back of his hummingbird, and he slumped forward as he climbed on behind him.
“Y’know… I didn't think you were coming,” Nod admitted as they took off.
“We're leafmen, Nod, we look out for each other. Not that you ever took that lesson to heart.”
“You don't get to use that anyway. I quit, remember?”
Ronin nodded.
“Fine, then how about you and me? We look out for each other.”
Nod was quiet, then nodded.
“I think I can work with that.”
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ok so i was gonna draw these but um. i got lazy. so i'm now just going to write up a tumblr post establishing this headcannon so when i eventually post my fic about it i can link to this as an explanation.
so hi gang. back when i first started cosplaying life series characters i wanted to make up a way that allowed me to more clearly distinguish my cosplays in between the seasons, even if it was just something small and for me, and this led me to here.
basically, what happened here is i decided to give each player a little mark/tattoo like thing representing themselves and each season they didn't win. this has now morphed into a headcannon, that all of the life series players have a physical reminder of every game that they don't win from the watchers, to remind them of what they're missing while they're gone, in an attempt to encourage them to come back. (they're not particularly effective, but oh well, the watchers like to commit to a bit). the winners don't get one because they accidentally set a precedent by not giving grian one (they didn't WANT him coming back), and while the same thing applied to scott, they don't quite feel the same way about pearl or martyn. however, it's also just a little bit of cruelty that there's not physical reminder of what you went through if you win. it only lives in your mind, as fickle as your mind can be, especially in these games. it's on brand for them.
i'm throwing everyone's marks below the cut, specifically what they look like post limited life. i will also explain why i chose each of them, because some of them are more obvious than others.
grian: three purple eyes on the back of his right hand. look the watchers are doing this, of course it's a reminder of what he's supposed to be doing instead of playing these games. for him, it's meant to serve less as encouragement to sign up again, but as encouragement to stop. if you hate us so much, why are you letting us give you more reminders of what you are to us?
scar: a (non painful, because it's not real) injury representing the way he died in each season. there's a bruise on his ribs that never goes away, covered by two scars from ren's arrowhead and grian's sword, tinged in a skulk-y blue.
scott: three flowers on the inside of his right elbow. a poppy for third life (duh), a lotus for double life (victorian flower language is "estranged love"), and hemlock for limited life (victorian flower language is "you will be the death of me").
jimmy: four canary feathers clumped together on his left shoulder. no explanation needed.
pearl: the first two phases of the moon (starting with the full moon) on the inside of her left elbow. obviously due to her name, but i think it's also important to note that last life began a few months into s8 and ended a month before the end of s8, so she would've had her first one show up a month before the moon… well...
martyn: three tally marks on his right eyebrow. this one is less representative of martyn and more of his relationship with the watchers. it's a small mark, it almost looks like a deliberate eyebrow slit or a scar if you're not paying much attention. but as time goes on, and martyn's understanding of/connection to the watchers increases, it's harder to mistake. it's harder to hide what's really happening.
ren: three crowns on the left sideburn. also very self explanitory.
bigb: an arrow, a diamond sword, a piece of dripstone, and another diamond sword on his clavicle. each represents the weapon that shows up around him the most in each season. he's killed by a bow and a crossbow across all three of his deaths in third life, he kills cleo with a diamond sword in last life and looses his first life to lizzie's sword, he is killed by mobs only in double life until grian and the dripstone, and bigb is killed by and kills with a diamond sword most often in limited life.
etho: four sticks of tnt behind his right ear. this is less related to his life series and more his general... everything. it's etho, of course it's tnt. the "behind the ear" thing is also very funny to me because it takes etho AGES to figure out where his is- he knows he should have one, everyone but grian has one, but someone else sees it first MONTHS after third life has ended.
impulse: four arrows on his neck, pointing down. his final deaths in third and last life are to bows, and his first (and arguably only, as bdubs looses the other two lives) death in double life is to a skeleton. the limited life connection is a little more sparse but 1. the watchers had already committed to the bit and 2. he killed quite a few people with bows this season, including bdubs and i am nothing if not annoying about those two.
skizz: three hearts on his wrists, one on the front and inside of his left wrist and one on the outside of his right wrist. hearts are the general symbol of the life series, but skizz is also the definition of "heart on his sleeve". in this case it's just on his wrist, cause i think it looks better than his shoulders/upper arms.
tango: lichtenberg scars along on his left ankle that spread farther every time he looses. these are the scars that you get from being struck by lightning. lightning strikes when you die, and tango's deaths continue to be the most frustrating part of every season for him, the part the watchers think he'd most want to rectify. i know the lightning strike on death wasn't a thing in third or double life, but shhhh don't worry about it. i'm retconing.
bdubs: numbers of a clock on his left side. limited life rounded out the 12, 3, 6, and 9. further seasons would fill in the rest of the numbers and the hands. this is also entirely self explanatory.
cleo: four red stitches around her right wrist. (the stitches existed prior to her playing in the life series, but they change colors one by one after every season. were she to run out of stitches, she would either start suddenly generating more on the same area or ones on other parts of her body would start changing color.) for her, it's just something small that she'd constantly be seeing, as she works with her hands often and the red stands out well against both green zombie skin and the more human colored parts. it makes the series stick in her mind, reminds her of what she still wants from it.
joel: four vertebrae outlined down the spine. the bones part comes at the start from his dogs in third life, and then it becomes more of an association with death as the seasons go on. it's specifically outlining his vertebrae because one thing about life series joel is that he has a spine. he is never a coward, even when it might serve him better to be one.
mumbo: one broken heart on his chest. as martyn discussed in his post limited life stream, last life messed mumbo up bad. like, so bad the watchers decided they couldn't put the guy back in. his is very literal- a broken heart over where his real heart is, where he took multiple injuries over the course of last life, for once, in a mostly non malicious way, a reminder that he shouldn't come back. (i say mostly because, hey, nice to give him time to recover, but it's less because they actually care about the guy and more because they know he'd be no fun like this)
lizzie: small fairy wings on her right shoulder. representative of the fairy fort, of course. were she to show up in another season, it would be something else to represent her alliances, because that's always where lizzie thrives in my opinion, with other people (even if fairy fort was a mess, lol).
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un-pearable · 1 year
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axgre23 · 8 months
Honestly the last few days have been so good- I'm afraid to eat 1000cal today (wish me luck)
Gonna be trying this plan out:
Sun: 700
Monday: 700
Tuesday: 400
Wednesday: 400
Thursday: fast
Friday: met day, 1000 - 1200
Saturday: met day, 1000 - 1200
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thedemonscrawler · 7 months
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I am not exaggerating when I say that I'd probably be done with Permission Slip by now if SAMS Eclipse hadn't taken up residence in my brain |'D
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mythical-lotus · 10 days
I was looking up some (definitely NOT unofficial) Kuroshitsuji bitter rabbit plushies and now Tumblr has given me FIVE ads for the website I was just on in a row
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blueiskewl · 2 years
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Byzantine Marble Reliquary with Pillars Ca. 300-900 AD
A drum-shaped marble chest in the form of a tholos surrounded by eight columns with simple capitals, arcades between the pillars with elegant openwork foliate tracery; each tiered capital with a vertical socket for the attachment of a lid; the interior showing tooling. Reliquaries were containers for storing and displaying relics, such as bones, pieces of clothing or an object associated with a saint or other religious figure, in a church from the early Christianity onwards. Starting from the simple forms of chests in late Antiquity, they developed to various types depending on the relics they contained. During the Reformation, a large number of reliquaries were destroyed by Calvinists and as a result the number of original, especially early specimens, is limited. Interestingly, our reliquary has a hole in its bottom, which can be related to the practice of pouring oil into a container of relics of a saint or saints, which was then collected into pilgrim flasks.
Size: L:250mm / W:375mm ; 25.35kg.
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balthazar-sketti · 1 month
New Kids on the Block hotline ad
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youredreamingofroo · 21 days
in similar news, my playlist hit 900 songs LMFAO 43 hours is crazy
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gummi-ships · 9 months
Are there any plans to get some gifs of some environments from Dream Drop Distance? I feel like Prankster's Paradise doesn't get enough love.
Absolutely! I'm just about ready to replay DDD so expect to see content of that in the upcoming weeks. Just gotta finish up a few more KH1 gifs first which will take a few days.
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hawkpartys · 2 months
do you mind tagging dungeon meshi posts please?
yep, i'll do my best to tag them "dunmeshi"
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