#911 lone star 4.06
doublel27 · 2 years
Owen strand really was like “He’s alive. And his son’s alive” and then immediately thought: I’m alive and my son’s alive and went straight to the Tarloft to annoy the boys.
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911lsbts · 2 years
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tkstrandreyes · 2 years
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911: Lone Star Season 4 Episode 6 "This Is Not A Drill" Stills Part 2
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trkstrnd · 2 years
carlos reyes in 4.06
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It’s almost Wedding Planning time ! #911LoneStar
Ronen Rubinstein via Instagram - March 1, 2023.
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shes-an-oddbird · 2 years
Laughing Gas
I have no idea how intense the effects of laughing gas would be and since they are in the open air they probably wouldn't have lasted long, I just thought it would be cute for Nancy and TK to try to wrangle up the giggly boys after that scene ended. Also TK is a very good paramedic, Nancy's just got him beat this time.
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Summary: When Rescue 126 pulls up to the scene to find the air saturated with laughing gas and their team victims of its mild and humorous side effects, Nancy and TK's sibling rivalry makes an appearance as they compete to see who can convince the unruly 126 firefighters to put their gas masks on. Spoilers for 4x06
From the ambulance they can see the water explode into the air. Nancy breaths a sigh of relief and exchanges a look with TK whose grip loosens on the stirring wheel. They got the bomb into the water just in time. It had taken Judd no more than a few seconds after Owen sped away to usher Mateo and Paul into the fire truck and follow behind their captain. Then a minute later Tommy is loading them up too, ignoring the protests of the police and bomb squad. There was no need for them to stay where there was no threat and currently half their team was racing a bomb to the river, Judd filled them in on the way, and Tommy certainly expected they would be of more use there.
“Cap it looks like they’re clear.” Nancy says to Tommy who she can hear moving around in the back of the ambulance. “Should we turn back?”
“No, we’re needed here.”
She glances at TK who shrugs and pulls the bus to a stop next to the engine. To her surprise the rest of the 126 is gathered around the edge of the water, perfectly safe, but laughing? Hysterically laughing. Doubled over, using each other for support kind of laughing.
“Gas masks, kids.” Tommy calls to them.
“Laughing gas.” Her chemistry classes come racing back to her. TK lowers his head to the steering wheel, sniggering as they wait for Tommy to circle around, passing them each a mask.
“There’s no telling how much was created and how long it will take to dissipate, even in the open air like this.” Tommy explains. “TK the engine’s got gas masks for everyone on board?”
“Yeah Cap, I’m on it.” TK jumps out, mask securely in place, and jogs over to the rig to unload supplies.
“Nancy, help me round them up.” Tommy says and her tone is something between concerned, amused and exasperated. Today was really turning out to be quite the day.  
Wrangling four grown men who are hyped up on adrenaline and laughing gas is no easy feat. Tommy has to focus her attention on Owen, who needs to be checked out after it becomes clear he had jumped from the fake ambulance and rolled down the hill. She and TK herd the rest of them to the truck, convincing them to sit or at least lean against it while they distributed masks.
They’re laughing to much too much to be of any help and the sedative effect of the gas is starting to take affect making their limbs slow and heavy. She kneels in front of Mateo, who blinks a few times before he realizes it’s her.
“I can’t see your face.” Mateo frowns, reaching for her mask. She leans back out of reach, and he pouts at her like a child. “But I like your face.” He whines and then laughs.
“I like your face too, but I have to wear this and so do you.” She tells him as she attempts to slip the mask over his head.
“That’ll make it even harder to see you.”
“Please, if you wear it, we’ll match.” Its stupid but it does the trick. He grins at her and willingly puts the mask on. It takes a minute or so but eventually the glossy look in his eyes starts to fade.
“Better?” She asks.
“Good.” She gives one of his hands a squeeze before turning her attention on TK. He’s handed off one mask to Judd who’s not got enough coordination at the moment to put the mask on himself. The other he’s holding out to Paul who is still laughing so hard that every attempt to take it fails.
“How’s it going?” She asks, trying not to laugh herself.
“Shut up, we can’t all flirt our way to cooperation right now.”
Nancy rolls her eyes and moves to help Judd who has started recounting, with joy, the feeling of speeding down the hill and slamming the engine into the ambulance and saving the day. “I have to tell Gracie.” He says the moment Nancy removes the mask from his hands. He goes for his phone which he miraculously pulls from his pocket on the first try. His slowed movements allow her to take the phone before he can dial.
“You can call her once you put this on.” She reasons, holding the phone away from him and the mask towards him. He looks between the two, his laughter settling into concentration. She could practically hear his mind working.
He wanted to talk to Grace, to talk to Grace he needed the mask, therefore, he needed the mask first. He takes it again and his desire to speak to his wife grants him the coordination to put it on. Nancy holds the phone hostage a moment longer. She has no doubt that the man could dial Grace’s number even in his sleep but she could save him the embarrassment of a misdial just in case by waiting for the effects to wear off.
“How are you doing that?” TK complains. Paul is still maskless and laughing. All of TK’s attempts to put the mask on him are intercepted by Paul, who even in his loopy state of mind is strong enough to stop him and has now made a game of it.
“As awful as it sounds you have to manipulate them.” Nancy takes the mask and holds its out to Paul. “Come on dude, imagine if we send Marjan a selfie of us all in gas masks.” She suggests. The team had taken to trying to outdo Marjan’s selfies that she sent from landmarks and picturesque views during her road trip and while their last attempt had maybe been in poor taste, Nancy can’t see anyone objecting to one after the day had been successfully saved.
“You’re right, can’t believe she’s missing out.” Paul exclaims, taking the mask eagerly and sliding it over his head.
Nancy shoots TK an I-told-you-so look. “See.”
“You suck.” He shakes his head, not mad but clearly irritated at being bested not once or twice but three times. “I’m going to check on my dad.”
“Sore loser.” She calls after him.
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guardian-angle22 · 2 years
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911 Lone Star | Paul Strickland in 4.06 • This Is Not a Drill
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spoilertv · 2 years
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rafael-silva · 4 years
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911: Lone Star 1.02 911 4.06
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bobendsneyder64 · 3 years
what's your favorite 9-1-1 scene?
what's your favorite 9-1-1: lone star scene?
what's your favorite film?
what's your favorite Disney film?
what's your favorite canon ship in any TV series or film?
what's your favorite non canon ship from any TV series or film?
Favorite 911 scene:
The first one is not specifically a scene but I loved the whole Jinx episode (4.06). It was so much fun! One of the scenes I liked is the one were Eddie, Buck and Carla build Chris a special skateboard and I also loved the one in season 4 where Bobby and Athena got a new vacuum cleaner from May that got stuck and Bobby totally losing his patience about it and asking Athena for her gun. I probably forgot a lot, but these are the one I thought of now.
Favorite 911 lone star scene:
I've only seen lone star one time, so this one was a bit harder. I found the Piñata call scene really good, how they put that woman in her place. Also, I loved all the scenes with Buttercup, the Bernese mountain dog, because he reminds me of our dog and Buttercup is a real sweetheart.
Favorite film:
All the Narnia movies, a lot of the Marvel movies, Pirates of the Caribbean, Mamma Mia and Treasure planet
Favorite Disney film:
The Princess and the frog, Raya and the last dragon, Brave, Coco, how to train your dragon and Moana
Favorite canon ship:
This one is a bit harder because I don't really have favorite couples, I mostly remember a certain actor or actress more than the couples in movies or series. But I like Jake and Amy from B99. I also like Hen and Karen and Maddie and Chimney from 9-1-1. Also Tiana and Naveen from the Princess and the frog. Those are the ones that come to my mind right now
Favorite non canon ship:
I'm always really careful with stuff like this, because I've seen how easy it is to get hate for the stuff you like, especially if it isn't canon and people see it differently. But at the moment I ship Buck and Eddie (from 9-1-1) and I don't really have any other ships.
Thank you for asking! <3
Ask me my favorites
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doublel27 · 2 years
That’s so valid about Owen. “I’m gonna go annoy my kids now”
And there was something so squishy about the 3 of them being a lil family unit now 🥹
I'm sure whoever you are, dear sweet nonny, you threw this in here knowing I would likely meta on about it.
And I've been thinking about the end scenes nearly all day.
I'm notoriously interested in Owen as a character. He's a facinating character who, like his son, has had his life scarred by loss. Owen's whole raison d'etre is saving his brother. It's why saving that one little girl from drowning sent him into a life focused on saving others. Then he lost his entire firehouse in 9/11, and slowly lost other survivors of 9/11 to cancer and mental health disorders.
Then, he has to bring his son back from the dead and moves him to Texas in an attempt to save his life and restart, all while diagnosed with cancer. We lose Tim Rosewater which sets Owen into deep levels of depression and guilt, because he'll never be able to keep the promise that everyone who starts a shift goes home at the end of it.
Gwyn is in town, and they're still in love and he's working on making it work. They're gonna have a baby and Owen has a redo. He's got a chance to do it RIGHT this time. Because Owen's fatal flaw is always believing if things had been different, if he had been better, if he'd beena moment sooner: maybe he could have fixed things. He had a whole speech to that effect in last night's episode, where he figured if he'd known about 9/11 ahead of time that he could have prevented his whole team from dying.
Then the baby's not his and Gwyn leaves and whatever Owen managed to cobble together of his mental health for Gwyn and teh baby disipates and there's a lot of very classic PTSD/depressive/anxiety things that come up in Owen.
And then we lose Gwyn which is devestating to everyone but Owen soldiers on for TK, but he's...not doing well, at all. He finally gets his ass to therapy and even though we see him make some progress he's still keeping TK at a distance. Mostly because TK's doing well and Owen CANT be Captain Save a Ho for TK in these moments. He does crop up (usually) when TK's struggling, but only when there's something TO DO.
This episode marked a change.
Owen, in talking with O'Brien, who is giving a speech pretty reminicent of Owen's own speeches, about how he made a promise and he didn't keep it because look at this awful thing that happened, and Owen manages to give solid reasoning to be like "Look, he's alive and his son's alive and that's something."
And then it's like the lightbulb goes off in Owen's brain as O'Brien takes off after his great nephew - that Owen is indeed alive, and his son is also alive, and that's something. He may not have saved everyone but he saved TK.
Then, Owen goes and picks up food (which is really one of Carlos and TK's main love langauges, is feeding people - TK does it with takeout because he shouldn't be in the kitchen) and brings it over. But he doesn't just pick up any take out, he picks up the chinese food that TK introduced Gwyn to that they used to eat as a family.
I take this to be significant in multiple ways:
One, the Gwyneth Morgan of it all. Owen picked something that was a family thing and brought it over. Which is a very significant thing to do.
Two, it's one of the few times that food is involved and Owen doesn't mention the healthy/unhealthy nature of the food. Look, I could probably write a whole disertation on why Owen Strand, who has survived 21 1/2 years post 9/11 is obsessed with his health, but nearly every interaction with food, Owen has a coment about it. He doesn't make a single comment about this round of chinese food. I lied, he doesn't mention it in 3.08 either. But that's in the wake of grief, and maybe here Owen's still living in it.
Three, ordering chinese is very clearly TK's comfort meal. Look, a lot of us who are neurospicy joke about TK being neurospicy. And when you are neurospicy, there are certain foods that are..."safe" or an instant "yes" all the time. And we default to them often. I know when I'm struggling when I'm like "It's a comfort food day." (I have a rotation) but it eliminates decision fatigue and the need to emotionally regulate if it's not exactly what you wanted. Chinese food has a connection to Gwyn, and comfort and it comes up a lot when TK's stressed. (Even in 3.03, when Carlos doesn't come home, TK ordered chinese for them)
And then Owen does something he hasn't done...at all...since TK moved out (maybe they did when they moved into Owen's house and I don't know where they had chinese in 3.08) but Owen shows up at their place to share a meal with them.
And it's significant because TK and Carlos have invited him over for many meals between seasons 2 and 3, and Owen never accepts. Or, in the case of 2.11, Owen accepts and then goes off to catch an arsonist instead, which could be his hero complex but could also be a general avoidance of things that are uncomfortable for Owen, like TK growing up and not needing Owen anymore.
For as much as Owen has been an absent father for various parts of TK's life, because of his PTSD and trauma and general *waves hands* Owenness, Owen is a loving dad who would do just about anything for his son. We know this, we've watched him do it. But Carlos is also a competent control freak who Owen trusts implicitly with TK's life on numerous occasions. I do believe there's a big part of Owen's psyche that doesn't know what to do if he's not NEEDED.
But at the end of 4.06, he shows up, with chinese food, which is not needed because TK and Carlos already made a beautiful dinner and are looking very handsome, but he comes in and tells TK that he's proud of him, again. And you know, not trying to blow people up is a very low bar, but you know, TK clears it. And then they stay and have dinner, and Owen inserts himself in his son's life, not because TK needs him, but because Owen WANTS to be there, and that's such a drastic change for these two.
I love that Carlos and TK bring him in. Look, we could punish Owen for his mistakes and transgressions, but that's never been who TK is and this is his last living biological parent (Enzo forever) and TK loves him. And Carlos loves TK and respects Owen and wants them to have a good relationship.
And I cannot wait for Owen to "do what he does best" (owen's words) and be a pain in their asses about this wedding.
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911lsbts · 2 years
Sneak Peek: 9-1-1: Lone Star | Captain Owen Strand Rescues FBI Agent
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911lsbts · 2 years
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Behind the scenes of 911: Lone Star 4x06 “This Is Not a Drill”
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911lsbts · 2 years
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Another behind the scenes photo of 911: Lone Star 4x06.
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911lsbts · 2 years
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RonenRubinstein: Episode 6 💗 #911LoneStar
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911lsbts · 2 years
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Behind the scenes of 911: Lone Star 4x06
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